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Avatar GFs Shorts: Goodbye for Now

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationships: Azula/Katara (Avatar), Azula/Mai (Avatar), Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar),
Katara/Mai (Avatar), Katara/Ty Lee (Avatar), Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar),
Azula/Katara/Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar)
Characters: Azula (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Everyone Is Gay, Lesbian Azula
(Avatar), Lesbian Katara (Avatar), Lesbian Mai (Avatar), Lesbian Ty Lee
(Avatar), Goodbyes, Girls Kissing, Kinda sad but mostly still fluffy,
Short & Sweet, Game: Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2, Garfield and April
and Korra are mentioned but don't actually show up, Azula (Avatar)
Redemption, Azula Is a Good Girlfriend (Avatar)
Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Avatar GFs
Stats: Published: 2023-11-11 Words: 544 Chapters: 1/1
Avatar GFs Shorts: Goodbye for Now
by MasterOfMemez96


Azula is leaving to participate in a big fighting tournament, and Katara, Mai and Ty Lee have
come to say goodbye to her.


Azula's in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2! I definitely didn't see that one coming, but I'm not
complaining. The game doesn't interest me much, but I got this idea in my head after seeing
her reveal, and I had to write it down. I hope everyone's enjoying the game, and I hope you
enjoy this little story!

See the end of the work for more notes

It had been a long time coming, but the day was finally here. Azula had gotten an invitation
to join one of the biggest fighting tournaments in the world, the “All-Star Brawl”, and now
she and her three girlfriends were standing on the curb, waiting for the bus to come get her.

“I still can’t believe you’re actually leaving,” said Ty Lee, blinking back a few tears.

“Ty Lee, you’re acting as if I’m going away forever,” Azula laughed, “I’ll only be away for a

“I know,” Ty Lee sniffled, “But I’m going to miss you so much!”

“We’re all going to miss her,” said Katara, gently resting her hand on Ty Lee’s shoulder,
“Right, Mai?”

“Yeah, of course,” Mai nodded, “Honestly Azula, I’m still surprised you got in over Kat or
your brother.”

“Zuzu?” Azula laughed even harder, “That idiot wouldn’t have made it past the qualifying

“I dunno, have you seen some of the other fighters who got in?” Mai asked, looking over the
tournament roster.

The other three peered at the list, looking over who else got in.

“What the hell kind of a cat is that?” Azula asked, staring in confusion at a picture of Garfield
holding a huge lasagna tray.

“Ooh, check out the pretty redheaded girl in the orange jumpsuit!” Ty Lee gasped, pointing at
a picture of April O’Neil.

“Hey Kat,” said Mai, “This Korra girl looks familiar. Have you seen her before?”

Katara looked over at the image of Korra doing a roundhouse kick.

“I’ve never seen her before,” she shrugged, “But you’re right, she does look strangely

Right at that moment, the bus finally arrived, pulling up to the curb right in front of the four
girlfriends. They all thought it looked more like a submarine with wheels than a bus,
complete with a propeller on the back.

“Well, this is it,” said Azula, turning to face her girlfriends, “You’ll be watching me fight,

“Of course we will,” said Katara, pulling Azula into a tight hug, “Every match.”
“Glad to hear it,” Azula grinned, placing her hands on Katara’s cheeks and giving her a
goodbye kiss.

“Yeah, we’re rooting for you,” Mai added, “So you’d better not lose even one match.”

“I don’t intend to,” Azula smirked, pulling Mai in for a kiss of her own.

“We love you so, so, so, sooooo much!” Ty Lee gushed as she tackled Azula to the ground
and started planting kisses all over her face.

“I love you too, Ty Lee,” Azula laughed, pressing one last kiss to Ty Lee’s lips.

“Hey, what about us, Azula?” said Katara as she and Mai gave her a teasing look.

“You two already got your goodbye kisses,” Azula snickered, “But of course I love you

She picked up her bags from the curb and climbed onto the bus.

“Don’t do anything cool until I get back!” Azula shouted.

“We won’t! We promise!” Ty Lee hollered back, waving furiously.

“See you in a week!” Katara yelled, waving more calmly.

“You’d better win, or we’re dumping you,” said Mai, holding back a giggle.

“Oh, I will,” Azula cackled, waving back to her girlfriends.

After that, the doors shut behind her, and the bus sped off into the distance.
End Notes

It's been a while since the last Avatar GFs, hasn't it? I actually have another one in the
pipeline, so you can look forward to that pretty soon!

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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