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Additional Review Questions on Chapter One of the Module

1. What does the term “history” mean?

A) An account of one’s inquiries C) The story of humans in the past

B) The study of the distant past D) The time before writing was developed

2. What is the main difference between prehistory and history?

A) Prehistory focuses on early human life, while history deals with the past.

B) Prehistory is the time before writing, and history begins with writing.

C) Prehistory involves archaeologists, while history involves anthropologists.

D) Prehistory is the study of the present, and history is the study of the past.

3. What is the main purpose of studying history?

A) To know about the past C) To foresee future developments

B) To understand the present D) All of the above

4. What critical skills can students develop by studying history?

A) Essential research skills C) Shaping the future

B) Analyzing information D) All of the above

5. Who is often considered the “father of history”?

A) Leopold Von Ranke C) Thucydides

B) Herodotus D) Ethiopia

6. What are primary sources in history?

A) Original materials with direct relations to the events they describe

B) Articles and textbooks

C) Biographies and oral traditions D) Monuments and maps

7. Which of the following is an example of a primary source?

A) A history textbook C) A handwritten letter from the past

B) A biography of a historical figure D) A movie about a historical event

8. What is the main difference between primary and secondary sources?

A) Primary sources are contemporary with the events, while secondary sources
are derived from primary sources.

B) Primary sources are more reliable than secondary sources.

C) Secondary sources are original materials, while primary sources are


D) Secondary sources are always written, while primary sources can be oral or

9. What does dating in history refer to?

A) Determining the exact time when events occurred

B) Writing about past events

C) Analyzing historical sources

D) Studying ancient civilizations

10. What is a decade in terms of time?

A) One hundred years C) Ten years

B) A thousand years D) A century

11. Which period does the twentieth century cover?

A) 1900 to 1909 C) 1000 to 1999

B) 1900 to 1999 D) 2000 to 2099

12. What is the Gregorian calendar based on?

A) The birth of Jesus Christ C) The creation of the universe

B) The flight of the prophet Mohammed D) The invention of writing

13. What does AD stand for in the Gregorian calendar?

A) After Death C) Ancient Days

B) Anno Domini D) After Decade

14. What is the Ethiopian Calendar based on?

A) The birth of Jesus Christ

B) The flight of the prophet Mohammed

C) The Hijra

D) The invention of writing

15. What was the major factor that made the emergence of ancient civilizations possible?

A) The Neolithic/Agricultural Revolution C) The Renaissance

B) The Industrial Revolution D) The Space Age

16. Which continents were centers of culture and civilization in the ancient world?

A) Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America C) Europe and Asia

B) North America and Australia D) Antarctica and Africa

17. What common features were shared by early civilizations?

A) Organized governments coordinating food production and overseeing different functions

B) Anarchy and chaos

C) Lack of specialization in work

D) Absence of social classes

18. What type of religion was prevalent in early civilizations?

A) Monotheistic B) Atheistic C) Mostly polytheistic D) Agnostic

19. What did arts and architecture in ancient civilizations express?

A) Modern values

B) Talents, beliefs, and values of the people who created them

C) Scientific principles

D) Political ideologies

6. What was the basis of the ancient Egyptian economy?

A) The Industrial Revolution C) Trade

B) Agriculture D) Livestock

20. Who unified Upper and Lower Egypt around 3200BC?

A) The Viziers C) The Pharaohs

B) Menes D) The Peasants

21. What role did Viziers play in ancient Egypt?

A) Mayors C) Mayors, tax collectors, and judges

B) Tax collectors D) Priests

22. What religious belief did ancient Egyptians hold regarding the pharaohs?

A) They were atheists C) They were regarded as kings and gods

B) They were monotheists D) They were ordinary humans

23. What process was used to preserve the body after death?

A) Embalming C) Cremation

B) Mummification D) Buria

10. What was an important basis for social differentiation and stratification in Nubia?

A) Agriculture C) Trade B) Pastoralism D) Metal technology

11. Which kingdom existed along the Nile River in northeastern Sudan and lasted until
about 350 AD?

A) Egypt C) Kush

B) Aksum D) Meroe

12. Who ruled the Nubian states as absolute leaders, similar to Egyptian pharaohs?

A) Priests C) Kings and queens

B) Merchants D) Nobles

13. What metal products were associated with Meroe, an important Nubian center?

A) Bronze and silver C) Gold, copper, silver, and iron

B) Copper and gold D) Platinum and tin

14. When did the Kushites conquer Egypt?

A) 2000 BC C) Eighth century BC

B) 350 AD D) 350 AD

15. What was the basis of the Sumerian economy?

A) The Industrial Revolution C) Trade

B) Agriculture D) Livestock

16. Which rivers were associated with the Sumerian civilization?

A) Nile and Amazon C) Ganges and Yangtze

B) Tigris and Euphrates D) Danube and Rhine

17. What were the large temples in Mesopotamia called?

A) Pyramids C) Ziggurats (stepped towers)

B) Temples of Ra D) Colosseums

18. What allowed large crops to be possible in southern Mesopotamia?

A) Fertile volcanic soil C) Advanced machinery

B) Flood control and irrigation D) Nomadic herding

19. What writing system did the Sumerians develop?

A) Hieroglyphics C) Cuneiform

B) Runes D) Alphabet

20. What did the Persians call their language?

A) Indo-European C) Aryan

B) Greek D) Latin

21. Who founded the first Persian Empire around 550 BC?

A) Darius the Great C) Xerxes I

B) Cyrus the Great D) Artaxerxes III

22. What was the geographical extent of the first Persian Empire?

A) From Greece to China C) From Europe’s Balkan Peninsula to India’s Indus Valley

B) From Rome to Byzantine D) From Ghana to Mesopotamia

23. What religion was practiced by the Persians?

A) Christianity C) Zoroastrianism

B) Islam D) Judaism

24. What significant achievement did the Persians make in terms of infrastructure?

A) Developing advanced weaponry

B) Constructing monumental statues

C) Building new roads and developing the world’s first postal service

D) Creating elaborate gardens

25. What were the people of the Indus Valley known for in terms of their systems?

A) Counting, measuring, weighing, and writing systems

B) Advanced agricultural techniques

C) Military strategies

D) Artistic creativity

26. What did the Indus artisans use to create tools, mirrors, pots, and pans?

A) Gold and silver C) Copper and bronze

B) Stone and clay D) Iron and steel

27. How ancient Indian society was hierarchically divided?

A) By wealth C. According to their work and birth

B) By age D) None

28. Which religion emerged from Hinduism as a reform movement?

A) Jainism C) Buddhism

B) Sikhism D) Zoroastrianism

29. Where did Buddhism spread outside of India?

A) Europe C) South East Asia, China, and Japan

B) Africa D) South America

30. What dynasty was the first in China?

A) Zhou C) Shang

B) Qin D) Han

31. What were some achievements of the Shang dynasty?

A) Invention of paper

B) Development of gunpowder

C) Creation of bronze vessels, war chariots, and a writing system

D) Introduction of silk production

32. Who was the influential philosopher associated with Confucianism?

A) Laozi C) Sun Tzu

B) Confucius D) Mencius

33. What does Confucianism emphasize in society?

A) Anarchy

B) A well-ordered society where parents rule their children, men lead women, and the
educated judge ordinary people

C) Individualism

D) Rebellion against authority

34. What purpose did the Great Wall of China serve?

A) A trade route C) To keep out invaders from central Asia

B) A religious pilgrimage D) A water supply system

35. What was the peak period of the Maya civilization?

A) 500-1000 AD C) 250-900 AD

B) 1000-1500 AD D) 1500-2000 AD

36. What remarkable achievements did the Maya make in mathematics and

A) Inventing the telescope C) Developing an accurate yearly calendar

B) Discovering the heliocentric model D) Creating the first computer

37. What material were the Maya pyramids primarily made of?

A) Sandstone C) Limestone

B) Granite D) Marble

38. What form of writing did the Maya develop?

A) Hieroglyphics C) An advanced form of writing

B) Runes D) Alphabet

39. When did Spanish domination of the entire Maya region occur?

A) 12th Century C) Late 17th Century

B) 14th Century D) 19th Century

40. What was the capital of the Inca Empire?

A) Lima C) Quito

B) Cusco D) Bogotá

41. Which South American countries were parts of the Inca Empire?

A) Brazil and Argentina

B) Ecuador and Chile

C) Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina

D) Venezuela and Paraguay

42. What skilled craftsmanship were the Inca known for?

A) Pottery

B) Fine artifacts from gold, silver, and other materials

C) Textiles D) Woodworking

43. What did the Inca build to connect their vast empire?

A) Canals C) A network of roads

B) Bridges D) Tunnels

44. Who ultimately conquered the Inca Empire?

A) The Aztecs C) Spanish forces

B) The Mayans D) The Portuguese

45. What was the capital of the Aztecs?

A) Ottumba C) Tenochtitlan

B) Tlaxacala D) Cholula

46. What was the basis of the Aztec economy?

A) Trade C) Mining

B) Agriculture D) Fishing

47. What form of writing did the Aztecs use?

A) Hieroglyphics C) Pictographic writing

B) Runes D) Alphabet

48. How did the Aztecs worship their gods and goddesses?

A) Through meditation

B) By building statues

C) By performing rituals and ceremonies

D) Through fasting

49. What led to the downfall of the Aztec empire ?

A) Natural disasters C) Conquest by the Spaniards in 1521

B) Internal conflicts D) Economic collapse

50. What were the best-known city-states in Ancient Greece?

A) Athens and Sparta C) Troy and Mycenae

B) Corinth and Thebes D) Delphi and Olympia

51. Which Greek temple is considered the finest example of architecture?

A) Temple of Zeus

B) Temple of Hera

C) Temple of Athena (the Parthenon) in Athens

D) Temple of Apollo

52. Who invented drama (theatre) in Ancient Greece?

A) Socrates C) Aristotle

B) The Greeks D) Herodotus

53. Which Greek historian wrote about countries and civilizations outside Greece?

A) Thucydides C) Hippocrates

B) Herodotus D) Plato

54. Who is considered the father of modern medicine in Europe?

A) Thales C )Hippocrates

B) Pythagoras D) Euclid

55. What was the basis of the Roman Republic’s government?

A) Elected officials called Consuls C) Military generals

B) Hereditary monarchy D) The Senate

56. How long did the Roman Republic last?

A) 100 years C) Nearly 500 years

B) 300 years D) Over 1,000 years

57. What was the most powerful government body of the Roman Republic?

A) The Assembly C) The Senate

B) The Tribunes D) The Consuls

58. Which wars were fought against Carthage and were the bloodiest in Roman

A) The Punic Wars C) The Gallic Wars

B) The Macedonian Wars D) The Civil Wars

59. What was the main difference between the Roman Republic and the Roman

A) The size of the territory

B) The form of government

C) The Roman Republic was democratic, while the Roman Empire was ruled by one

D) The level of military aggression

60. What did Latin develop into?

A) The language of science

B) The language of trade

C) The “Latin languages” of Europe and Latin America

D) The language of diplomacy

61. What legal system was revived in the European Middle Ages based on Roman

A) Common law C) Roman law

B) Canon law D) Feudal law

62. Who introduced the Julian calendar?

A) Augustus B) Nero C) Julius Caesar D) Trajan


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