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Exercicios Simple present. 1. Complete com o verbo na forma cosreta, LL {to like) lemonade very much. 2. The girls always (to listen) to pop music, 3. Janet never (to wear) jeans 4. Me Smith (fo teach) Spanish and French. 5. You (to do) your homework after school. 2. Complete com o verbo dado. 1.We (to have) a nice gasden, 2. She (io be) six years old. 3. Simon (to have) two rabbits and five goldfish 40 [fo be) from Vienna, Austria 8. They (10 be) Sandy's parents. 3. Passe as frases para a forma negativa 1. My father makes breakfast. > 2. They are eleven. + 3. She writes a letter, > 4. Lspeak Italian. §. Danny phones his Paiher on Sundays. — . Faga perguntas no simple preseat - you / to speak | English > when /he | to go/ home — . where / she / to side / her bike —> 4 1 a 3. they /to-clean the bathroom — 4 : Billy /to work / in the supermasket —. 5. Faga perguntas seguindo o exemplo. a) Julia likes pop-music. - What does she like? b) Maria comes from Spain. ¢) They play in the garden. ) Rick rides his bike. - ©)! goto the cinema on Saturdays. — #) We go to Mallorca because it is warm there.. g) oe repairs his bike. - fh) Robin drives his car carefully. |) Peter runs with his dog every day. - |) Eric goes to Italy for a holiday. - 6. Desembaralhe ar palavras para formar perguntas come no exemplo. a) she / to collect / stickers - Does she collect stickers? ») they /to play / 2 game €) the cat / to sleep /in the cat's bed - 4) she / often / to dream - e) he /to play / streetball #) you / to be / from Paris, g) the pupils / to wear / school u Se h)you/togo/tothe cinema |) she J to have / friends j) he / to read / books EXERCICIOS SIMPLE PRESENT. 1. Responda as perguntas com respostas curtas © pescoais. (siga 0 exempl 8) Do you take aspirin? Yes Ido/No don’t 'b) Do you and your friends go to school on Saturdays? ) Do your parents call the doctor when you are feeling ek? 44) Do you goto the dentist every month? e]Doyounaveacar? 1) Do you drink orange juice every morning? ) Do your parents play sports? 1h) De you and other students play soccer school? 2. Faga pergunlas e depois responda: 9] they~teke a bus~ always. When do they take a bus? They always take a bus. ') you~ take an apirin— never. €) you and your family ~eat healthy food — often. d).im and Carel— go to the doctor ~ sometimes. ) carol and kitty drink orange julce — always. 3. Complete © quadro com o verbo na 38 pessoa do singular. (CLEAN ‘leans oo, MAKE, DO, SERVE. x WORK TEACH HURRY CARRY sTuby TRY 4.Complate as frases com a: verbos da quadro acima: 2) Poul the street. Hes @ sanitation worker. ») My stter with computers. she Is a computer programmer. ) That youg man cars, He is a mechanic. 4) My friend Steve people in a restaurant. He is a waiter. } Polly. English, she is an English teacher. 1) Mary Jn 2 public school. she ts a student g) Bob's uncle delicious dishes, He is # cook. 5. Numere 0 dialogo na orcem correta Catlos and allan are talking about S0b’s job. (He's guide. He takes people on tours ( } How interesting! (|) Where does Bob work? (_ ) Oh! Really! what doos he do there? (. ) He works for Pen Line Travel. 6. Complete as sentencas com 0 verbo correto no presente simplest 23] My parents never to the supermarket on sundays. btm ahvays junk food. ) My brothers sometimes ik. 4) Carol Tat night. {My school fiend) the new Lady Gaga CD. allan French on Mondays. i) My sister. the shopping for my mother. hy My father the newspapaer every dayl 7. Othe as figuras @ esereva frases no simple present. Name—Paul Job- veterinarian Place Pet Stop Hospital Name~ Ronaldo Job soccer player Place— international club Name Nancy Job— waitress lace ~simmy’s Restaurant ame - Nancy Job= waitress Place — simmy’s Restaurant 2] His name is Baul. He's a veterinarian. He works at the Pet Stop Hospital ) a. ab 8. Leia o texto © complete com do ou does. Barbara and Charles are math teachers. They live in Brazil Ccharles works at @ publie schoo! in the morning and Barbara works at a private schoo! in the afternoon. They teach elementary school students. They teach their students ‘about numbers, Charles and aerbara like what they de and thelr students too. 2) What Charles and Barbara They're math teachers, ) where ‘charles work? He works at a public school. ) Where Barbara work? She works ata private school. ° ‘Charles teach math in the morning? Yes, he does, *) Barbara teach math in the morning or in the afternoon? she teaches math in the afternoon. fh (Charles and Barbara like whet they do? Yes, they do. Py) [Charis ang garbara like their students? Yes, they co. 9, Reascreva as Frases usando 0s adverbios de frequéncia. (0s adverbios ver apos o sujeito.) 2) Ihelp my mother at home. (sometimes) ') Sayuri cleans her bedroom, (usually ©) Kitty and Toby make their bed. (always) 6) John and Liz have dinner in a restaurant. (rarely) €@) allan goes to schoo! on Sundays. (never) 110. Faa perguntas e responda com respostas completas. 2) Kitty ~ drink tea. itty, do you want to drink mak? No, I don't. want to drink tea. b) Leo — play baseball - play soccer. ©) Seyuri—eat pizza ~ eat hamburger. d) John —do homework — study.

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