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NBTC Test Series 2023

Test No. 13 (KEY)


Part-I: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Note: There are four options (A, B, C and D) corresponding to each MCQ. Choose one of
these options.

Each correct answer carries 1 mark. 1/3 mark will be DEDUCTED for each incorrect

Q.1 The hormone that stimulates the contraction of uterus walls in mothers for child
A) Somatotrophin B) TSH
C) Vasopressin D) Oxytocin
Q.2 Brain stem involves:
A) Medulla oblongata & Pons B) Cerebrum
C) Mid brain D) Medulla oblongata, Pons and Mid
Q.3 Which of the following best describes the electrical state of a neuron at rest?
A) The inside of a neuron is more B) The outside of a neuron is more
negatively charged than the negatively charged than the inside.
C) The inside and the outside of a D) Potassium ions leak into a neuron at rest
neuron have the same electrical
Q.4 Progesterone is secreted by:
A) Pancreas B) Adrenal glands
C) Testes D) Ovaries
Q.5 A fight-or-flight response in the body is controlled by the
A) Sympathetic division of the B) Parasympathetic division of the nervous
nervous system. system.
C) Release of acetylcholine from D) Somatic nervous system.
postganglionic neurons.
Q.6 The portion of the nervous system that is involuntary in action:
A) Somatic nervous system B) Dendrites
C) Autonomic nervous system D) Sensory nervous system
Q.7 White matter is ___________, and gray matter is ___________.
A) Composed of axons; composed of B) Found in the CNS; also found in the
cell bodies and dendrites CNS
C) Myelinated; unmyelinated D) All of the choices are correct
Q.8 The thread like projections of a neuron cell body which conduct nerve impulses
towards the cell body of neuron are called:

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A) Axons B) Dendrites
C) Synapses D) Myelin sheath
Q.9 During an action potential
A) The rising phase is due to an influx B) The falling phase is due to an influx of
of Na+. K+.
C) The falling phase is due to an efflux D) Both (A) and (C) are correct
of K+.
Q.10 Visual information is received and analyzed by:
A) Frontal B) Occipital
C) Temporal D) Parietal
Q.11 A functional reflex requires
A) Only a sensory neuron and a B) A sensory neuron, the thalamus, and a
motor neuron. motor neuron.
C) The cerebral cortex and a motor D) Only the cerebral cortex and the
neuron. thalamus.
Q.12 The sensory layer of eye is
A) Retina B) Cornea
C) Iris D) Sclera
Q.13 As you sit quietly reading this sentence, the part of the nervous system that is most
active is the
A) Somatic nervous system. B) Sympathetic nervous system.
C) Parasympathetic nervous system. D) None of the choices is correct
Q.14 Female secondary sex characters are controlled by:
A) Estrogen B) Progesterone
C) Testosterone D) Estrogen and Progesterone
Q.15 Your new research project is to design a pesticide that will disrupt the endocrine
systems of arthropods without harming humans and other mammals. Which of the
following substances should be the target of your investigations?
A) Insulin B) Juvenile hormone
C) ADH D) Cortisol
Q.16 Middle ear is separated from inner ear by
A) Oval window B) Stapes
C) Incus D) Eustachian tube
Q.17 You think one of your teammates is using anabolic steroids to build muscle. You
know that continued use of steroids can cause profound changes in cell function.
This is due in part to the fact that these hormones act
A) To regulate gene expression. B) By activating second messengers.
C) As protein kinases. D) Via G protein–coupled receptors
Q.18 Hormone increasing the level of calcium in the blood is:
A) Adrenaline B) Parathormone
C) Oxytocin D) Calcitonin
Q.19 Which of the following is used as weed killer?
A) NAA B) 2,4 D
C) Ethene D) Cytokinins
Q.20 Which hormone prepares body to overcome emergency situation?
A) Parathormone B) Vasopressin

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C) Thyroxine D) Adrenaline
Q.21 Which of the following best describes hormones?
A) Hormones are relatively unstable B) Hormones are long-lasting chemicals
and work only in the area adjacent released from glands.
to the gland that produced them.
C) All hormones are lipid-soluble. D) Hormones are chemical messengers that
are released into the environment
Q.22 It is sensitive to dim light
A) Rods B) Cones
C) Amacrine cell D) Horizontal cell
Q.23 An organ is classified as part of the endocrine system if it
A) Produces cholesterol. B) Is capable of converting amino acids into
C) Has intracellular receptors for D) Secretes hormones into the circulatory
hormones. system.
Q.24 Convex lens is used to rectify which problem?
A) Night blindness B) Hypermetropia
C) Short sightedness D) Myopia
Q.25 Which of the following hormones have antagonistic effects?
A) Oxytocin and prolactin B) Insulin and glucagon
C) Epinephrine and adrenaline D) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Q.26 Hyperthyroidism, typically characterized by a high metabolic rate and high blood
pressure, might be expected when __________.
A) Thyroid-stimulating hormone B) The pituitary secretes high
(TSH) concentration is high concentrations of thyroxine
C) A person has an iodine deficiency D) The production of TSH-releasing factor
is inhibited
Q.27 Which of the following is a neurohormone secreted by the posterior pituitary?
A) Oxytocin B) Insulin
C) Epinephrine D) ACTH
Q.28 As a young girl, Maria suffered a head injury that damaged her pituitary. An injury
to the pituitary is particularly serious because of all the functions controlled by this
gland. As Maria got older, she and her doctors found that all of the following
EXCEPT her __________ were affected.
A) Menstrual cycle B) Blood sugar level
C) Metabolic rate D) Growth
Q.29 The mammary glands of a pregnant female will begin to produce milk in response to
changes in the level of which of the following hormones?
A) Prolactin B) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
C) Luteinizing hormone (LH) D) Estrogen
Q.30 Which of the following endocrine glands releases steroid hormones?
A) Pineal gland B) Anterior pituitary
C) Adrenal cortex D) Adrenal medulla

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Note: You can calculate the marks of Part-I (MCQs) using this key.

Total 30 Skipped Correct Incorrect

Questions Questions Questions Questions

Marks Obtained

Marks Obtained = No. of Correct Questions – (No. of Incorrect Questions × 1/3)

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