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Applying renewables on offshore vessels: Challenges and solutions


 Limited space on vessels

 Harsh marine environment

 Operational demands


 Wind energy:

o VAWTs for better wind capture in turbulent environments

o Solid-state wind turbines for increased reliability

o Kite sails for additional power

 Solar energy:

o Flexible panels for curved surfaces

o Integrated panels for reduced space waste

o Solar-powered auxiliary systems for various uses

 Other renewables:

o Marine energy (tidal, wave, OTEC) depending on location and feasibility

o Hydrogen fuel cells for clean and efficient power

o Sustainable biofuels

Integration and storage:

 Microgrids: Combine renewables with storage for optimal energy use

 Battery storage: Backup power and efficient renewable energy usage

 Supercapacitors: Quick energy storage for peak demand

Additional considerations:

 Cost-effectiveness

 Regulatory compliance

 Infrastructure development

 Maersk using biofuels and wind power for cleaner ships

 Stena Line using hybrid ferries with diesel and battery power

 Seaway 7 using offshore wind to power jack-up vessels

By carefully tailoring these solutions to specific vessels and needs, renewable energy can contribute
to a cleaner and more sustainable maritime industry.

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