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2023 Fall Semester

Introduction to Management

Class.01:Introduction (10/4)

Yasuhiro Karakawa

Introduction to Management 1

Your feeling?
Your expectation?

Introduction to Management
Get involved in developing
marketing and branding
strategy for international
brands at PwC, Interbrand,
Saatchi & Saatchi.

Majored in Sustainable Global

Business at Cornell University in
US. Worked as a practical
researcher designing and
implementing new market
creation projects with global
client organizations in emerging
Introduction to Management 3

Currently, running a small

consulting and coaching boutique
named EdgeBridge, helping
clients organizations grow
creative and playful
organizational cultures and
nurture next-generation leaders.

Also, sharing the idea of “The

Playful Ants” – the creative
entrepreneurial talents who
change the society in small and
playful ways.

Introduction to Management 4
My Personal Mission at APU

Introduction to Management 5
My Personal Mission at APU:
Torching Over Teaching

Introduction to Management 6
Where (what kind of works /
organizations) do you want
to work in the society?

Why working there

is important for you?

Introduction to Management
Introduction to Management 8
What kind of changes in
external environment have
happened / will happen?

Introduction to Management 9
Recent / Emerging Changes

Ultra-aging SDGs Covid-19

Global Population Labor shortage

warming explosion

Generative AI
Ocean Political
pollution instability
Threats of war /
Introduction to Management 10
It’s difficult to predict precisely how
the environments will change from
now on, especially in the age of VUCA.

What kind of mindsets

do we need to have for survival?

Introduction to Management 11
Mindset to Change

The strongest will

not the one who

The wisest will

not survive.

The only one who

survives is the one
who can change.

Introduction to Management 12
How can we keep changing?

Introduction to Management 13
In the era in which you can’t expect the
fixed answer to solve the issues…

You need to set up your own hypothesis,

take small experiments, learn from good
failures and keep changing yourself.

Introduction to Management 14
Transforming Input to Output

Your daily life Embed

by Routine

Try /
Class at APU Experi Understanding Output

Know Action

know Input

Introduction to Management
Finding A Big Meaning in Small Actions

Introduction to Management 16
Envisioning Your “Possible Self” Picture

Your “possible self” picture

3. Unique combination of electives

1. Wide range of knowledge in core course

Design Thinking
Org / Accounting / Strategy / Entrepre
Human Finance Marketing neurship

2. Qualification /
Intern / Part-time
My Message

Learning by doing is the requirement for you

to survive in the changing environment.

Only you can design your life creatively. You

are responsible for making your life creative.

Carpe Diem. Your new life / new self just

starts from this moment.

Introduction to Management 18
Course Schedule

Class 1. (10/4) Ch.1: Exploring the The World of Business and Economics
Class 2. (10/11) Ch.2: Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business
Class 3. (10/18) Ch.3: Global Business
Class 4. (10/25) Ch.4&5: Forms of Business Ownership
Class 5. (11/1) Ch.6: Understanding the Management Process
Class 6. (11/8) Ch.7: Creating Flexible Organization
Class 7. (11/15) Ch.9: Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees
(11/22) Mid-term Exam
Class 8. (11/29) Ch10: Motivating and Satisfying Employees
Class 9. (12/6) Ch.8: Producing Quality Goods and Services
Class 10. (12/13) Ch.11: Building Customer Relationships
Class 11. (12/20) Ch.12&13: Pricing, Distributing and Promoting Products
Class 12. (1/10) Ch. 15: Using Management and Accounting Information
Class 13. (1/17) Ch.16: Mastering Financial Management
Class 14. (1/24) Reflection

Introduction to Management 19
Evaluation Criteria

・Participation / Contribution to the class: 20%

・Lecture review mini-report (6 times) : 30%

・Mid-term exam: 15%

・Group-presentation: 15%

・Final individual (reflection) report: 20%

Introduction to Management 20
My Expectation

Be ready
• I pick up only important terminology and concepts

Be proactive
• I evaluate the attitudes in the class and your
contribution to the class

Be responsible
• I expect you to manage assignments / exams /
group works required in this course

Introduction to Management
Chapter 1

Exploring the World of

Business and Economics

Introduction to Management 22
What is a business?

Introduction to Management 23
Introduction to Management 24
Business: A Definition
Business*: The organized effort of individuals to
produce and sell, for a profit, the goods and
services that satisfy society’s needs

“The purpose of
business is to
create and keep a
(Dr. Peter Drucker)

Introduction to Management 25
Business: A Definition

What kind of people are the

customers of this business?

What kind of needs does

this business try to meet?

Introduction to Management 26
Business: A Definition

Profit*: What remains after all

business expenses have been
deducted from sales revenue

How are expenses different in these two businesses?

Introduction to Management 27
What resources should be
utilized for a business?

Introduction to Management 28
Business: A Definition
The people who furnish their Information that tells the managers of the
labor to the business in return business how effectively the other three
for wages resources are being combined and used

The raw materials used in The money required to pay

manufacturing processes, employees, purchase materials, and
as well as buildings and generally keep the business operating
Introduction to Management 29
Business: A Definition
Rivalry among businesses for sales to potential customers
Product differentiation*:
The process of developing and promoting differences
between a company’s products and all competitive products.

Who are the main competitors?

How does Starbucks try to
differentiate its product?
Who can be the potential
competitors (except for the
coffee business)?
Introduction to Management 30
Analyzing Environments Is Critical For Success

PEST Analysis
Change in the world / society • Political
(External Environment) • Economical
• Social
• Technological

Customer / Market
3C Analysis
(Business Environment) Customer:
• Needs
• Existent and Emerging
Competitors Company Company:
• Competitive edge
Analyzing Environments Is Critical For Success

Change in the world / society

(External Environment)

Customer / Market

(Business Environment)

Competitors Company
What are key business challenges
in the new era?

Introduction to Management 33
The ability to create and maintain conditions
under which present and future generations
can exist in productive harmony, and permit
fulfilling the social, economic, and other
requirements of future and present generations

Introduction to Management 34
Take Your Time For Class 2

1. Choose one of the key issues that will challenge

your interested business environment over the next

2. Identify possible ways in which business and

society could help to solve or eliminate the problem
in the future.

• 1 page of A 4 size (350-500 words), submit on

Moodle (Assignment) online after class 2.

Introduction to Management 35

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