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The ordinates are calculated for various values of x measured from the _ (TIA )2 CI2
centre of the long chord. as shown in the table below. Offset 01 - arc AA I = 2R 2R . .. [5'14
30 4 50m where Cl is the length of the first sub-chord TIA.
10 2
x 0 0
~. ,82
1'812 O'Om
4'802 4'207 3'211 8


This method is generally used for setting out highway curves when a
theodolite is not available. It is suitable in plain areas where linear
measurements can be easily made. The method has the advantage that it can be
used even when the land between the tangent point TI and T2 and the curve is
not accessible. The method gives fairly accurate results when the length of the
normal chord is not greater than R/20. where R is the radius of the curve.
However. the method has a drawback that the error in locating a point is carried
forward to the other points.
The method is based on the premise that for small chords. the chord length
is small and approximately equal to the arc length.
Before starting the setting out pegs on the curve. the chainage of the point
TI is determined. as discussed in Sect. 5'6. Depending upon the full chain
stations. the length of the first sub-chord Cl and that the normal chords C2. C3.
etc. are determined. Let A, B. etc. be the positions of the pegs 1. 2. etc.
(FigS 8).
As the line TIV is the tangent to the arc at TIo
L.TIOA = 2 Y. L.AITA = 2 01
where 01 = deflection angle of the first sub-chord. (= AlrlA) .
Now.length TIA = 2R sin 01
For small angles. TIA = 2R 01
Alternatively. arc TIA = 2Rol ::: chord T1A
Therefore. 01 = 2R ., .

Now. arc AAI = TIA X 01

Substituting the value of 01 from Eq. (a).

arc Aa, =TIA x 2R = 2R

Let 01 be the offset from the tangent TIAI·

SURVEYING 7, Continue the above process till the last but one peg is fixed.
6 Cl 8. Fix the last peg by taking an offset equal to 2R (c + c ") from the
Arc = Cz X 2R
prolongation of the preceding chord.
Now total arc BzB = arc BzB +arcBIB I
The last peg so fixed must coincide with the point of tangency Tz already
o _.£.L£L cl fixed in Step (1),
or z- 2R +2R
If the discrepancy or the closing error is large, repeat the work,
Cz .. [5'14 (b))
or Oz = 2R'(cI + ciJ If the discrepancy is small, distribute the error to all points by moving the
pegs sideways in the desired direction by an amount proportional to the square
Likewise, the third offset, 03 = ~~(cz + C3) of their distances from the point Tl, assuming the location of Tz as correct.
' c \~lIustrative Example 5'4. Two tangents intersect at a chainage of 101
and the nth offset, 0" = 2~(C,,_I + c,.) .. ,[5'14 (c)) + 60 in terms of chain stations, The chain used is 20' m in lengtf!, with. 100,'
links, Calculate the necessary data for setting 'out a" curve of 25.0 m radius to
If the first sub-chord is of length c', normal chords are of length c and the connect the two tangents if the deflection angle is 46030', Take the peg interval
last sub-chord is of length c" , the above equations can be written as as 100 links (20 mJ, Use the method of offsets fromthechords produced, '
01 = 2R
c'z .. ,[5'15 (a)) Solution : '
T = R tan 1/2
1R .. ,[5' 15 (b))
Tangent length,
Oz = (c' +c) = 250 tan 23' 15' = 107'41 m
Cz .. ,[5'15 (c)) reRI re x 250 x 46' 5
03 = 04 = 0,,-1 = if Length of the curve,l = 180 180'
c" ., ,[5'15 (d)) = 202'89 m
and 0 = - (c + c")
" 2R Chainage of point of intersection (V)5'8= 101 x 20 + 60 x 0'2
Procedure for Selling out, 1. Locate the tangent points TI and T z , and find
, = 200-'-89-m ~ o-;;t ' o
Second offset O2 • To obtain the value of the second offset O2• draw a
out their.chainages,
2. Determine the lengths of the first sub-chord (c'), normal chords (c) and tangentChainage
A 'A B I toofthe
point of curvature
curve I) =
at A to cut(Tthe 2032'0
rear - 107'41
tangent at A'.
the last sub-chord (c") so that the pegs are at full chain stations, Join points TI and A, and prolong the chord TIA=to1924'59
a point m
B2 such that
3. Keep the zero mark of the chain or tape at T, and spread the chain iJ = 1924
(or tape) along the back tangent TI V and measure a distance T1Al = C' = length
(T of '59
AB2 = AB
of = C2 = length of the second chord
+ 202'89
= 2127'48
The offset BBI from the tangent AB I at A can m in terms of C2.
be written
of the first sub-chord, using Eq. 5'14 (a).
4, With T, as the centre and T1Al as radius, swing the chain such that Chainage of the first full station = 1940'00 m
Length of the first sub-chord,
c' = 1940'0 - 1924'59 = 15'41 m
~ BBI = 2R ... (b)
AlA = 2R and fix the first peg at A. c = 20'0 m.
Length of the normal chord,
5, Now spread the chain along the chord T1A, and pull it straight in that Now= the angles- A'ATI and B2ABI are equal. as they are opposite to each
direction to the point B z such that the distance ABz = c = length of the normal other. c" 2127'48
Length 2120'00
of the last sub-chord,
chord, With zero of the chain centred at A and with the length AB z as radius, As the tangents TIA' and A 'A are equal in length.
= 7'48 m
swing the chain to a point B such that BzB = Oz = 2~ (c + c'). Fix the second NumberLA'TIA
of full =
chords = 2120'0 - 1940:00 _ 9
L A'ATI = 01
20 -
( Therefore. L B2AB
Total number 1 = 01
of chords
peg at B, =1+9+1=11
6. Spread the chain along the chord AB to point Cz and fix the third peg at Arc B2B1 = AB2 X 01 = C2 X 01
C such that Substituting the value of 01 from Eq (a). taking T1A = Cl.
CzC = 03 = R' as in step (5)

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