Martian Land

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Earth. It's hard to remember when the forests were green and the oceans blue. After
years of human abuse, she finally struck back in a series of catastrophic natural
disasters. The earth began what appeared to be a systematic campaign against
mankind. The skies clogged with ash. Crops withered and died. The power grids
failed. The food chain collapsed. Hungry and cold. The populace turned on itself.
Governments struggled to maintain order in this chaos. A global scientific effort
unmatched in the history of mankind devised an escape plan. The irony being that
if these Minds had come together years earlier. An escape plan may not have been
necessary as the pilgrimage began. Two questions arose: would they treat their
new home any better and how would their new home treat them?


Planeta Mars.

- Dust is getting pretty thick up here, director Weller. My girl kill me if I get
this shuttle stuck.
- Do we have clearance to be up here again?
- If you mention clearance for one more time, I'm gonna sacrifice you to the
- To better haven't been active in two million years. – rekao je mladić sa
šlemom na glavi koji ima vizir i uniformu na sebi ima, a stoji na vrhu
Dolazi oluja prema njima. Odlete čovek sa vrha planine zbog oluje.
- Move, move! – upozorava je na opasnost.
Devojka trči prema letelici, a ona nekakva oluja ide za njom. Oluja prelazi preko
planina. Devojka ide u svemirski brod i ide da sedne na svoje mesto.
- Doors clear. – rekla je ona. – Let's get out of here.
Crnac pali svemirski brod.
Svemirski brod se pali i uzleće gore visoko na nebo.
- You better get on the phone with Ryder. We need to get foster up here now.
- Come on. – rekao je ćelavi crnac.
Napustili su planetu Mars i pobegli su velikoj oluji. Crnac uzdahne od olakšanja.
Na planeti Mars. Šetaju parkom dve prijateljice.
- We have the whole park to ourselves.

- That's because most people have been evacuated already.
- The only people left on my security officers emergency personnel and us. I
said I was gonna be on the last shuttle if you don't want to stay.
- I'm not going anywhere without you. – rekla joj je plavokosa prijateljica
koja gore ima košulju, preko plavi top, dole pantalone. – Ali your mom is
director of scientific research for months. Now she's been a freaking out
about this storm and when she fix out everyone freaks out. If this is about
your whole preferential treatment thing, then you know it's not you have
nothing to prove. She said get on the first shuttle out of here and we got an
on the last. You do know they've evacuated like a thousand people from
colonies between here and the Tharsis region.
- Okay I'm not stained. A little point, I don't. I'm staying because I can help. –
rekla je Ali.
- We've nothing to worry about. The small colonies don't have domes.
Staju i gledaju gore u nebo visoko.
- If I freak out and run to the first shuttle, people are gonna think I have inside
info. – rekla je Ali.
- You do have inside anything. Are they meant to turn right? – upita ona i
gore ugleda veliku oluju koja dolazi.
- Very funny. – rekla je Ali.
Ali okrene glavu i ugleda tu veliku oluju koja dolazi. Videli su i drugi ljudi. Oluja
je probija stakleni štit. Svi ljudi trče i vrište.
- We must run away.
- We won't make it. – rekla je Ali.
Trče one i svi ljudi. Oluja ide za njima. Mladića je oduvala oluja. Nastavljaju da
trče i idu pravo u bunker utrčavši unutra. Crnac brzo zatvara teška vrata. Ostatak
marsovske oluje probija stakleni štit.
U svemiru. Dva mladića sede na sedištima i vežu se pojasevima.
- All right. The straps need to be super tight, doctor Foster.
- Break your fertile, Martian bones. – rekao je doctor Foster. – All the way
first and it's a surprise it. I'm not sucking you yet.
- And on that note, welcome to Mars.
Idu na planetu Mars. Ulaze u Marsovsku atmosferu.
Doctor Foster sedi i žmuri.
- You sure you don't wan't to look?
- Describe it to me. – rekao je doctor Foster i još uvek žmuri.
- Look at the store. And then why is completely covered. We're gonna have to
circle around. This might get a little rough.
Grad New York na Marsu.
- Director Weller, we've been combing through the chatter from the many
incident. We found there someone in the emergency begins. I thought you
should hear it. „This is Ally Weller. My mother is Miranda Weller, director
of scientific research at MLA. Mars New York has been hit by a sandstorm.
Somehow unaffected by the dome shielding myself and others have been
forced into emergency bunker. Zero to seven please send help someone.
Respond please. We can't stay here. Not. In three days we'll make for the
- I told her to get out of there. – rekla je Ally Weller.
Crnac se udalji od nje, a Ally stoji i ćuti.
- A hundred and eighty five days. That's how long you asked to wait while
you come up with a better solution. One that includes spending valuable
resources to pick up doctor Foster. You're putting a lot of faith in a man who
stayed behind on a dying planet, while the rest of his species moved on look.
- I know you don't approve of me bringing Foster here from Earth, but there
are my resources to spend. It's part of the job.
- Director of scientific research Weller, this is stretching it.
- I've seen this thing up close. I've been here for every evacuation leading up
to Edmond. Why? This is not an ordinary sandstorm that we're dealing with.
- You have Sun stones all the time. What makes this one so special?
- I don't know yet. That's why we need Foster. If we can't figure this out, at
least he can kill it.
- Captain, director. They're here. – rekao je crnac kada je došao kod njih i svi
Svemirski brod sleće na Mars.
- You okay, doc?
Doctor Foster je sišao niz stepenice.
- Just take me to your leader. – rekao je doctor Foster.
Mladić pođe napred, ugleda Ally Weller i zagrle se oni zajedno.
- Random. – zatim on clears throat, udalji se. – Um, status update.
- We've evacuated the smaller colonies. The storms already reached them and
why listen. I know that you guys just landed, but we need to get on this
right away.
- Hey wait a second. – rekao je Foster i prilazi im. – You mean you... you...
you... married? Months. I spend months with you in an inn. In a tin can and
you don't once think to tell me that you're married? To my ex-wife?
- It was my idea to keep you in the dark. I didn't want you to not get on the
shuttle. I mean you do have a history of being stubborn about leaving
- You mean abandoning planets. And yeah I might be a little stubborn, but I
would never miss the opportunity to see my... To save our daughter. Where
is she by the way?
- I'd like to with all due respect, doctor Foster, there's a lot more than that at
risk here. If we can't figure this out, we could be talking about the end of
mankind on Mars.
- Who's this? Space police? – upita doctor Foster.
- Commander Allison Riga. – rekla je ona i pruža mu ruku da se rukuju.
- Wait, wait. Just a second. Really? Really? You bring guns tomorrow? –
rekao je doctor Foster.
- Is the need for the security. We're not reinventing the wheel. – rekla je
Commander Allison Riga.
- May I have a word with you? – upita doctor Foster i ode u stranu da priča sa
bivšom ženom. – If I remember correctly, my exacts word were inhospitable
to life.
- A whole less. So every day thanks to you.
- You stole my tech and are using it for purposes who was never even
intended for. As far as I'm concerned that's the end of the conversation. –
rekao je doctor Foster.
- I was surprised.
- What she'll take? – upita Commander Allison Riga.
- He's bitter. Stubborn. A complete asshole. But he did bring some pretty
fancy high-tech gear with him. I don't think he'd come this far if he couldn't
- Look. I don't give a crap what happens here in the long term. The way I see
it is just a distraction until I finish cleaning up earth and everyone else can
come home. – rekao je doctor Foster.
- Listen, Foster...
- Only here for one reason and that's our daughter. Now, where is Ellie? –
upita doctor Foster.
Ona ćuti.
U bunkeru.
Čuvar se igra sa lopticom i plavokosa devojka mu uzme lopticu u ruke pa kaže:
- You can have it back when we come up with a plan.
- Plan? We wait for rescue.
- Class, there isn't gonna be a rescue. We said three days and would head for
the tunnel.
- She said three days not me. – rekao je on.
- This isn't just a field generator on the fritz klaus. The storm came right
through the dome like the field didn't even exist. We gotta get out of here
- Satellites populated blocking.
- Any burning through all that juice, it dies. Then what?
- The sandstorm is blocking through the satellite signal as it heads toward
MLA. We may not hear from them until this thing passes. I just right.
They're probably on their own. So you take them maintenance passages to
the MLA tunnel or we can take the two e VA suits to the command tower.
And if you get to the roof, we may be able to get a signal to MLA.
- Yeah, but there's only two... suits. – rekao je on.
- You said you'll climb. – rekla je plavokosa devojka. – Let's wait for rescue.
- Need some help. – rekla je druga devojka.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no. – rekao je on. – No one's going anywhere until we
know what's wrong with that dome. Listen. We go out there and there's any
danger we're coming back here and waiting for rescue.
- All right, the worst of the storm is over right now. Latest satellite telemetry
shows the eye of the storm hitting the MLA dome in a couple of hours. After
that the worst has passed. But they're not gonna be out of the woods yet. The
storm is gonna hit them in waves on the tail end of the rotation as it heads
towards us. This is not like the normal storms that form in Hellas Basin.
Okay. This was formed in Olympus Mons. I was there, okay? I watched it
boil over and it killed five of my team.
- But it's not an eruption. – rekao je Foster.
- The terraforming has raised the temperature on Mars enough to reactivate
the volcano.
- Volcanic sandstorm. – rekla je director Weller.
- Well, planets don't like it when you raise their temperature. No, this storm is
a symptom. Loks to me like Yellowstone all over again. – rekao je Foster.
- No, no, no. That was a natural disaster. – rekla je Miranda Weller.
- Can you honestly say it had nothing to do with manmade? Climate change. –
rekao je Foster.
- We're not here to debate what happened to Earth? We already had that
debate, doctor Foster. – rekla je Commander Allison Riga. – And as I recall,
you lost. We've wasted a considerable amount of resources to get you here.
Prove doctor Elam right and tell me how we're gonna kill this storm.
- I told you. This was going to happen. That coming here was a mistake.
Waste of resources being here is a waste of resources. When you left Earth
you took the brightest minds on our planet except for one. Mine. – rekao je
Foster. – This storm is just a side project to distract me from the real work
back on earth. Lucky for all you Martians. I think I can zap in.
- How do we kill it, doctor Foster?
- EMF emitters. We set up a series of them back on earth. We're building a
network of these things. They're pretty good and knocking volcanic ash out
of the air. You see the EMF emitters define an area of effect by broadcasting
a low-frequency electromagnetic field. – rekao je Foster. – Then a trigger
device uses that field as a broadcast medium and then it sends out a pulse of
charged particles. That'll counter the energy of the storm and by buying
that's why we need to go to mny first. We can use the data readings from the
dome there to calibrate the charge of the trigger. That just leaves where to
place the EMF emitters. Now, we should definitely have one here at MLA
and another one at mny and they should be high up you. Know, roof of the
tallest building. Yeah. And then... What... What's this here?
- That's a relay station. – rekao je doctor Elam. – There's a radio tower. Here.
– pokazao mu je na mapi i označio to.
- Perfect. – rekao je Foster. – That's the spot for the third emitter.
- Good. We can try and clean up the comm signal over there, too. – rekao je
- Lasty is the trigger device. We're gonna have to drop it directly in the path of
the eye of the storm. Then once it crosses this line, pull the trigger too early
we missed the eye and risk it forming up again. Pull it too late, and we're all
dead. – rekao je Foster.
Ućutali su se svi.
- It's too dangerous to fly the shuttle through the storm. So Neil will take
Foster and a security team through the mny tunnel. Okay, Neal you'll go to
the relay station and install the second emitter and from there you should be
able to head off the storm with the trigger. Riger and I will install the third
emitter on the roof and then we just wait for the center of the storm to cross
the area of effect.
- That keeps one egg head on each emitter. I'll have shuttles on standby for
liftoff as soon as sky clears. – rekla je Commander Allison Riga. – For ligh
sakes, I hope this works. Let's get to it. – okrene se i ode od njih.
- That'll take care of this storm. Now, what are we gonna do about Ellie? –
rekao je Foster.
- The best way to help her is to stop the storm. As soon as it's clear, we can fly
the shuttles back into mny. I'll pick her up myself. – rekao je Neil.
- Good. – rekao je Foster. – Because I'm not heading back to earth until I
know she's safe. Does it have a name yet? – upita kada je video nešto i oni
su svi to pogledali.
- A storm. – rekao je Neil.
- It's no I'm suggesting Ares. You know the hole that came down from Mount
Olympus to destroy you. – rekao je Foster. – God of war thing. I thought you
liked Greek mythology.
- Are you suggesting that I tell people they're at war with their planet? Yeah.
I'm not sure that's the message I want to send. – rekla je director Weller.
- That's exactly the message you should be sending. You know looking at that,
there's only one name that makes sense to me. Zeus. – rekao je Neil.
Ućutali su se svi.
Automobili idu preko mosta.
- We weren't prepared for this. – rekla je Commander Allison Riga i vozi
- We were in storms actors alone because I hadn't invented them until after
you. Know. – rekao je Neil.
- You all left home. – rekao je Foster.
- It would taken us longer to try and build their own. Than it did for me to
retrieve doctor Foster. – rekao je Neil.
- Settled down. All right? Ricker, I told you that we couldn't do this without
him. – rekla je director Weller.
Nastavljaju da idu i onda staju.
Ugledali su mnogo ljudi koji trče bežeći od oluje.
- Don't get this. You said people have been coming through the tunnel for
three days. Now right so, why does sudden panic? – upita Neil.
- Oh, it supossed to get through this monster. – rekao je Foster.
- I know, but Ellie said she would be in the tunnels. People look up. Okay?
- Of course. You remember how to work the EMF readers. – rekao je Foster.
- Don't worry about me. We went over it plenty of times on the shuttle. You
just focus on getting that data in finding a leak. – rekao je Neil.
- It's already in the tunnel. – rekao je Foster.
- All the way from M&Y the weights that strong. – rekao je Neil.
Ljudi nastavljaju da beže od oluje trčeći i vrište.
Videli su da je oluja probila tunel. Svi trče bežeći od oluje i vrište.
- Oh my god. – rekao je Neil.
I oni se priključili trčanju sa ostalima.
- Move, move! – rekla je Commander Allison Riga.
Trče prema kolima, ulaze u kola i zatvaraju vrata od kola kada su ušli unutra.
Crnac Andrew napolju brzo zatvara kapiju u tunelu nekim kodom. Uspelo mu je i
kapija se zatvorila. Oluja je prekrila ceo dome.
Došli su kod kraja reda gde piše 66 na zidu.
- Ah, finally. – rekao je on i otvara teška vrata. – Ever late tunnel number 66.
All right ladies. Here we go.
Pođe on napred, a dve devojke i dalje stoje držeći se za ruke.
- Com on let's go. – nastavi on.

I odjednom naiđe oluja i odnese ga dok on vrišti. Dve devojke su to videle i stoje.
Dve devojke se brzo uhvatile za ivice i paze da ih oluja ne odnese. Zatim je prva
devojka uspela da dođe do ulaznih vrata i brzo zaključa vrata rukom na crveni
taster. Bezbedne su sada i zadihane su.
- Climb into a metal coffin with my ex-wife's new husband and drive directly
into a monster storm? Yeah, sure whatever helps. – rekao je Foster.
- What's going on here? – upita Commander Allison Riga.
Svi stoje.
- We're talking. – rekla je director Weller.
- And how people have to die before you stop underestimate in this storm? –
upita Commander Allison Riga. – It's time to wish you a state of emergency.
Pull everyone into the shelters and wait this thing out.
- Even the regular dust storms on Mars are known to last for the weeks on
end. – rekao je Foster. – How long have your shelters hold up?
- Couple days. Max. – rekao je Neil.
- Great. Good luck with that. – rekao je Foster.
- It's not enough. – rekla je director Weller.
- Then we shut down the dome reroute power to the shelters. The damn dome
is gonna shut down itself anyway when storm hits. – rekla je Commander
Allison Riga.
- Not an option, Reiger. We need to kill it first. – rekla je director Weller.
- And how do we know you can? Because he said so? This is the words you
want to stake the lives of every person in MLA on? Not happening. Sends
our two best assets out to the die if you want, but when they do when this
mission fails we do things my way. Until then I'm moving people into the
shelter's. You've got three days to do whatever it is you're gonna do, then I'm
done listening to you. – rekla je Commander Allison Riga, okrene se i ode.
- She's fun. – rekao je Foster, okrene se i ode.
Neil se okrene i ode bez reči.
Dve prijateljice su otišle da sednu i sele su na krevet.
- We can't stay here. It could be weeks before they get to us. – rekla je prva.
- So, what then? – upita druga. - The times are fast and the domes
depressurized. What are we gonna do?
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Ućutale su se obe.
- We're all packed up and ready to go battery's charged. – rekao je Neil i hoda
sa director Weller i Fosterom. – And the solar cell shoud keep us pretty
steady until we hit the relay later.
- Today we'll be monitoring the storm for any changes in speed or direction
and we're gonna do our best to let you know. But short-range comms, he's
gonna lose you for a couple of hours. Just be careful and be fast. – rekla je
director Weller. - Oh, he had a radio a couple of days ago. Hopefully after
the next wave passes, she'll be able to get another signal out.
- And then we can go pick her up right. – rekao je Foster.
- Foster, nothing's more important to me than saving Ellie, but the way we're
gonna do that is by stopping the storm. – rekao je Neil. – The rover's only
kitted out for the two of us and even that pushing it just to make the round
trip. We can't take on any passengers. Even if we find out where we...
- No, no. Neil, I don't care. She's the only reason I'm here. She can have my
seat. – rekao je Foster. - If you mean she's safe.
- I've known her since she was five, Foster. I love Elllie, too. If there's a way,
we'll find it. But until Zeus is dead, you're the most important person on
Mars. After you doctor. – rekao mu je Neil i pokaže mu rukom na shuttle.
- We're getting him nothing. It's even smaller than the shuttle. – rekao je
Foster kada je pogledao.
- Come on. – rekao je Neil i pođe napred prema shuttle.
Pošli su svi napred.
Kasnije oni se nalaze u shuttle.
- These... These are the tariff farms. If it weren't for your hydrocarbon pumps.
– rekao je Neil. – None of this would even be possible.
- Yes, I'm in a hell of my own making. – rekao je Foster. – Thank you Neil.
- I thought you knew about Miranda. – rekao je Neil.
- Sure. – rekao je Foster i nasmešio se. – That's why you conveniently forgot
to mention her name for. How many months was it? I need to know I can
trust you, Neil.
- You know what Pete, doctor Foster. If you care so much I hate to break it to
you pal. – rekao je Neil. – You should had known and as far for trust can
you trust me. I'm not the one who walked away from all this from. From
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Miranda, from Ellie, from humanity. You don't get to do that and then get
upset when people move on. It's something me you should be worried.
About it's all the people in MLA, all the people on Mars. That's what you
should be concerned with right now. That's what's at stake here. The survival
of our species. That's the mission, doctor Foster. Can you trust me? The
question is can we trust you?
- All I've ever done is try to save earth. – rekao je doctor Foster sa naočarima
na očima.
- We left earth when it almost tore itself apart when Yellowstone erupted. –
rekao je Neil.
- Yeah, and you left for a planet with a volcano the size of Arizona. – rekao je
doctor Foster.
- A dormant volcano. – rekao je Neil.
- That you woke up. – rekao je doctor Foster.
- With your technology. – rekao je Neil.
- But you stole. – rekao je Foster i skine naočare sa očiju. – I invented that
technology to help earth.
- And the rest of Earth decided mankind's future was right here on Mars. –
rekao je Neil.
Foster vrati naočare na očima i kaže:
- Ellie was five. What decision did she make?
- Okay, what happened then is between Hugh and Miranda. Ellie's here now.
That's what matters. I think she's more concerned with the decision you
made. – rekao je Neil.
- It's not supossed to mean. – rekao je Foster.
- I've known her for a long time, Foster. She means the world to me, but her
whole life she's thought the world meant more to you. – rekao je Neil.
- I stayed behind on eart to clean it up so that she could come home. – rekao je
Foster. – And when we find her that's exactly what I'm gonna ask her to do.
Ućutali su se obojica.
Miranda Weller dolazi kod crnca Andrewa i kaže mu:
- Andrew.
- Director Weller? – ponovi crnac Andrew. – About the tunnels I just wanted
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- There's no need apologize. – rekla je director Weller.
- No. – rekao je crnac Andrew.
- We all colonies best interest at heart. They following orders. – rekla je
director Weller.
- I was doing what was right. If I hadn't closed those doors when I did, it
would have been a lot worse. – rekao je crnac Andrew. – We're friends. I
care about you and I hope that Ellie's okay. I believe and he's okay, but
Reiger was right. Even if Ellie was in there, I'd have made the same call. I
won't risk the colony for anyone.
- I understood. – rekla je director Weller i ode.
Andrew takođe ode ćuteći.
- Oh baby. So dry. So dry. Beaut... beautiful pillows. – rekla je žena i gleda u
saksiju sa nekom zelenom biljkom i svuda okolo nje su saksije sa zelenim
biljkama i cvećem.
Žena ima dugu braon kosu, cigaretu u ustima, braon majicu na bretele i crnu tuniku
gore preko, a dole pantalone. Okolo su ograde i ima visećih saksija takođe u
kojima ima zelenih biljaka i cveća.
Pa onda pogleda kroz prozor i kaže:
- But now... – ugleda shuttle da je stigao i da je stao napolju. Pa onda izvuče
cigaretu iz usta i stoji.
Hoda ista žena napred.
U shuttle.
- Whoa. What are you doing? – rekao je Foster.
- Well, we're not staying in here, are we? – rekao je Neil. – Have a mission to
complete. – ustao je Neil od mesta skinuvši dva pojaseva sa sebe.
- Well, can't we pull in? – upita Foster koji još uvek sedi. – You know maybe
back up the airlock.
- Afraid not, doctor. – rekao je Neil. – But you did know you'd be getting out
of this thing.
- I was hoping to avoid it for as long as possible. – rekao je Foster.
- Well, no time like the present. – rekao je Neil i Foster raskopčava dva
pojaseva sa sebe i na kraju ustaje od mesta.
Izlaze napolje i šetaju. Obučeni su u suits. Napolju vetar fijuče.
- Beautiful, isn't it? – upita Neil.
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- I'd like to go inside now, please. – rekao je Foster.
- Come on. – rekao je Neil i hodaju zajedno. – Don't know why you didn't
want to revert?
- Less talking, more air locking. – rekao je Foster.
- Ha, ha. You got it, doctor. – rekao je Neil.
Ulaze unutra i skidaju šlemove sa njihovih glava. Videla ih je unutra ona ista žena
kada je došla kod njih.
- First time? – upita ona kada je videla Fostera.
- Is that a cigarette? – upita Foster.
- Do you have my parts? – upita ona Neila.
- What parts? – upita Neil.
Ona izvuče cigaretu iz usta, otpuhne dim, okrene se i pođe nazad.
- I want to help you but suit is broken. I have no part to fix. – rekla je ona i
sedi na krevetu. – I cannot go far from here. Not for long.
- You know the path and you know the gear. I'd much rather have you out
there than doctor foster. No offense, doctor. – rekao je Neil.
- None taken. – rekao je Foster.
- So what do you say? Borrow doctor Foster suit and head up there with me. –
rekao je Neil.
- Hmm. He'll both. Doctor Pete Johnson Foster and the famous Neal Weller in
project of global importance. – rekla je ona.
- Yeah. – rekli su obojica.
- Okay. – rekla je ona i ustala od kreveta pa stoji. – First thing tomorrow 1:00.
- It's great. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, but we have to do this now. – rekao je
Neal Weller. – Tonight. There's no time to waste.
- The path is very dangerous at night. – rekla je ona sa rukama na kukovima.
- I know. – rekao je Neal Weller. – I know it's asking a lot, Ileana.
- Please. – rekao je Foster i prišao joj je.
Ileana sighs i kaže:
- I guess I could use getting out more.
- Doctor, suit out. – rekao je Neal Weller.
Foster počinje da skida sa sebe suit da bi ga dao Ileanai.

14 | P a g e
- Thank you. – rekla je Commander Allison Riga kada je pročitala neke
dokumente pa vratila nazad.
Director Weller dolazi i Commander Riga joj kaže:
- Where have you been?
- I was checking on the evacuations. – rekla je director Weller.
- Don't worry about the evacuations. They're in process and under control. It's
Neal and Foster you should be worried about. – rekla je Commander Riga. –
They've got a wayward storm heading right for them.
- I'll take over pumps. – rekla je director Weller.
- You may not hear anything from them. – rekla je Commander Riga.
- Don't worry. They will reestablish communication. – rekla je director
- I hope they do. – rekla je Commander Riga.
- Is everything okay down there, doctor? – upita Neal Weller.
- Everything's great. – rekao je doctor Foster. – Liliana, I'm enjoying your
Martian blend. – rekao to i pije šolju kafe iz šoljice pa proguta. – Ah, thank
you. – gleda okolo sebe.
Napolju šetaju obučeni u suits.
- Of course you couldn't have done it without my work. – rekao je Neal
- John don't drink all of it. – rekla mu je Liliana. – We're going up there. All
the way to go.
Napred je veliko neko marskovsko brdo.
- Okay. – rekao je Neal Weller.
Vetar fijuče.
- Foster, are you there? – upita Miranda.
- Aha. – rekao je Foster.
Video je preko kompjutera da počinju da postavljaju EMF emitter i spustio šoljicu
punu kafe pored kompjutera na isti taj sto.
- Guys, I think Miranda's trying to get in touch with us. – rekao je Foster.
- We should have the signal clean in a few minutes here. – rekao je Neal
Weller. – Can you make out what she's saying?
- Miranda... nothing yet. – rekao je Foster.
15 | P a g e
- Foster? – zove ga Miranda na mobilni telefon.
- Miranda, can you hear me? – pokušava da se čuje sa Mirandom.
- Foster? – zove ga Miranda.
- Do you hear me? – pokušava da je čuje Foster.
Ne čuje se ništa.
Foster pođe prema prozoru i gleda kroz prozor. Oluja dolazi.
- Neal you better get back down here. – rekao mu je Foster zabrinuto.
Napolju za to vreme postavljaju EMF emitter. Podiže pogled i video je da dolazi
marsovska peščana oluja.
- Foster put Liana's chute on... – započe nEal Weller.
- What? – upita Foster.
Za to vreme u skloništu puca staklo zbog oluje.
- I thought it was broken. – nastavi Foster.
Staklo puca sve više i više. Foster brzo beži dalje od prozora i oblači se u suit koji
je našao okačen o zid.
- Keeping sexual long. – rekla je Liana.
- It just needs to get to the rover. – rekao je Neal Weller. – You can do this.
- It's just a short walk. – rekao je Neal Weller.
U skloništu Foster se obukao u suits.
- What does that mean? – upita Foster.
- What did you say? – upita Neal Weller.
- Thank you. – rekao je Foster. – How much do I have?
- Foster put the damn suit on and get to the road now. – rekao je Neal Weller.
Oluja je probila sklonište i Foster obučen u suit beži od oluje.
Oluja je povukla Lilianu i Neala zajedno sa kanapom.
- Neal!
- Put the emitter! Put the emitter! – viče Neal Weller da nadjača oluju.
Liana se muči da namesti emitter i odnese je oluja.
Foster za to vreme se nalazi u shuttle. Sedi Foster i počne da pokreće shuttle ali
nije se vezao sa dva pojaseva. Neal Weller je ostao sam da namesti emitter. I uspeo
je u tome. Naiđe shuttle i Neal Weller ide unutra u shuttle. Pokrenuo je shuttle i
pošlo je. Oluja jura prema njima i u njoj je lightings.
- Where's Liana? – upita Foster.
16 | P a g e
- One problem at a time. – rekao je Neal Weller.
Dve devojke su same u skloništu. Jedna spava na krevetu, a druga pokušava da
uspostavi vezu.
- Shit. – rekla je Ellie.
- Hello? Neil, Foster? Come in. Please come in. Ah.
- Come in. – rekla je Ellie.
- Ellie? – upita Miranda.
Slaba je veza i ne čuje se.
- We've lost visual on the relay station. Have you heard from Neil or foster? –
upita Commander Riga.
- No, not yet. – rekla je director Weller. – But long-range comms are back up
which means they've finished and moved on.
- You except me to believe that? – upita Commander Allison Riga. – That a
major arm of that storm just swept through their area of operation.
- They still have two days left on their mission clock and they completed their
first objective. By all means we are on schedule. It's working trust me. –
rekla je director Weller.
- The last time you asked me to trust you. People died. – rekla je Commander
- And how many were saved because of the evacuations? – upita director
Weller. – We wouldn't even know this thing was coming had. We not been
up there. You know that.
- Just get in contact with them Weller and get me a report. – rekla je
Commander Riga, okrene se i ode od nje.
- Ellie? – kaže Miranda.
- We come in. – rekla je Ellie.
- Hey, you hear me? – rekla je Miranda.
- Mom? – rekla je Ellie.
- Yeah. – rekla je Miranda. – Listen to me. Are you safe?
- Yes. – rekla je Ellie. – We're in the bunker, mom. What's going on?
- Wait, wait. Who's in the bunker? – upita Miranda. – Are you with someone?
- Yeah. – rekla je Ellie. – I'm with Ida.
17 | P a g e
- Hey Derek do Ella. – rekla je Ida.
- I thought you were going to take the MLA time. – rekla je Miranda.
- Yeah, we tried. But the storm got in somehow and it depressurized. – rekla
je Ellie.
- We know. The tunnels a no-go. The maintenance passage... – rekla je
- Mom? – rekla je Ellie. – Is anyone coming for us?
- Your dad and Neal are on the way. – rekla je Miranda.
- Did you say Nailing? My dad? – upita Ellie. – My dad is coming here on
Mars from Earth?
- Ellie we don't have time for this. – rekla je Miranda. – In your bunker, are
there any Evie a suits?
- Yeah. – rekla je Ellie kada je ugledala na polici.
- Okay. You should to put them now. – rekla je Miranda. – And I'm gonna ask
you to go through a little bit more. The storm is gonna keep hitting you in
waves. You've got a nose and make your way to mny command before Neal
and Foster get there.
- You're asking me to risk a lot and his says-so. And I don't remember that
counting for much when we left Earth. – rekla je Ellie.
- He's all we've got right now. I trust him. – rekla je Miranda.
- I hope you're right. – rekla je Ellie.
- I don't know when they're gonna land. – rekla je Miranda. – I need you to get
to the command center and access the dome controls. You've got to be there
waiting with it when they land. Ida?
- Yes, madam? – rekla je Ida.
- Call me Miranda. – rekla je ona.
- Yes, madam. – rekla je Ida.
- Keep my daughter safe. – rekla je Miranda.
- You got it. – rekla je Ida.
- Try to keep in touch. Get to M&Y command. They'll be there. – rekla je
Miranda. – They are gonna be a little late.
Napolju besni oluja, a shuttle leti.
- Make sure those are tied down, doctor.
- Right. Done. – rekao je doctor Foster.
- Get up here. – rekao je Neal i Foster se penje gore na sedište. – Strap in.
18 | P a g e
- I hate when you say that. – rekao je Foster i veže se sa dva pojaseva.
- We're not gonna make up that gap, Neal. – nastavi Foster kada je ugledao.
- I know. – rekao je Neal.
- This rover will not survive that storm. – rekao je Foster.
- I know. – rekao je Neal.
- What are you doing? – upita Foster.
- Get it yourself, doctor. We won't survive that storm. – rekao je Neal i
nastavljaju da lete dok oluja jura prema njima.
- That's a cliff. – rekao je Foster.
- So we need to get out of its way. – rekao je Neal.
- But that's a cliff. – rekao je Foster.
- Me old headings no good. – rekao je Neal.
Idu prema velikoj litici.
- The trench will shield us from that storm. – nastavi Neal.
- And the Sun. – rekao je Foster.
- One problem at a time. – rekao je Neal. – Hold on.
Rover juriša prema velikoj litici, oluja ide za njima.
- Now what? – upita Foster.
- Just got a stick the landing. – rekao je Neal.
Odlete njihov rover, padne sa vrha litice dole na zemlju.
- This was your plan? – upita Foster.
Ućutali su se svi.
- One-size-fits-all. – rekla je Ellie obučena u suit kao i Ida.
- Yeah, right. I haven't been in one of these since I was in school. – rekla je
- Hmm. Help me out here. – rekla je Ellie. – So when we go to the bunkers
we'll pick up a few spare o2 canisters and there's a drop back. There back.
- Yeah. – rekla je Ida. – Your mom didn't say anything about a rescue.
- Well, if my mom called my dad and my dad actually came then the storms
get to be a lot bigger than anyone thought. – rekla je Ellie.
- So they must think everyone's dead, right? – rekla je Ida.
- Things have gotta be pretty hopeless if my dad's involved. – rekla je Ellie. –
But for 20 years my dad's been pulling atomic ash out of the Earth's
atmosphere. That's always ever cared about. Anything that could bring them
19 | P a g e
here it's gotta be pretty important. Listen, Ida, I know sadness but you don't
have to come. I undestand if you want to wait it out here.
- I'm... I'm not gonna leave you. – rekla je Ida. – I told your mom I would stay
to keep you safe and I meant it.
Ljube se one zajedno u usta i stoje.
- I just hope your dad said that when we show up. – rekla je Ida kada su se
udaljile jedna od druge.
- Neil was on the first trip here from Earth. – rekla je Ellie. – In the first trip
back, he's been on the surface of Mars more than any other person. If anyone
can bring them here, it's Neil Weller.
Stoje, ćute i gledaju se.
Rover je na marsovskoj zemlji.
- Eva vitals check on doctor Foster, please. – rekao je Neil i skida pojaseve sa
Foster se ne javlja.
- How long till we lose life-support? – upita Neil.
- Two hourse. – rekao je robot.
- How much o2 is left in the suit canisters? – upita Neil.
- Twelve hours.– rekao je robot.
- Each? Eva how much o2 for two people? – upita Neil.
- Twelve hours. – rekao je robot. – Total six hours. Each.
- I've been in tighter jams than this Eva. – rekao je Neil. – All right, doctor.
Time to wake up.
Foster ne reaguje.
Neil se sagne nad Fosterom i budi ga.
- Wake up, doctor Foster.
Foster se probudio.
- Okay, what's the plan? – upita Foster.
- I don't think we're gonna make it. – rekao je Neil.
- What are you talking about? – upita Foster i pogleda ga.
- Drove the rover too hard last night. We've got about two hours of juice left
and then we're stuck here waiting for the storm to clear before we get
moving again. – rekao je Neil.

20 | P a g e
- So we wait for this wave to pass and... and then what? – rekao je Foster. –
We're stuck in a trench.
- No, no. There's an outlet further up the trench where the basin slopes back
up to M&Y. – rekao je Neil.
- Great. – rekao je Foster.
- Two hours. Including life support. We're gonna have to back into the suits. –
rekao je Neil.
- And minds malfunctions is malfunctioning. – rekao je Foster. – Come on
Neal. As much as I hate to say it, you were probably smartest person on this
planet before I got here. So what do you think?
- Thank you. But I don't think we're gonna be able to science our way out of
this one. – rekao je Neil.
- But that's just the kind of talk that got us into this mess. And by a mess I
mean a million miles from Earth stuck in a trench and there's a giant raging
electrical sand storm bearing down on us trying to kill all of our loved onces.
– rekao je Foster. – I didn't give up. Then I'm not giving up now. – ustaje od
mesta i pođe prema koferu.
- Foster, what are you thinking? – upita Neil.
Šetaju Ellie i Ida. Gledaju okolo.
- My mom said to take the elevator down to the access tunnel. – rekla je Ellie.
- Okay. – rekla je Ida.
- Let's go. – rekla je Ellie i pošle su pravo.
Stale su.
- So we have to go down to the substation to get to the elevator. – rekla je
- What? Done that? – upita Ida.
- Are you scared? – upita Ellie.
- No. – rekla je Ida.
- Okay, let's go. – rekla je Ellie.
Spuštaju se one zajedno niz stepenice. Zatim hodaju pravo po ravnom. Zatim se
opet spuštaju niz stepenice. I opet se spuštaju niz stepenice. I opet se spuštaju niz
stepenice. Nailaze na zatvorena vrata. Otvaraju vrata i ulaze unutra u lift. Iza lifta
stoji crveni znak WARNING. Nisu videle taj znak.

21 | P a g e
- We'll take this halway there for. Then we have to walk the rest. – rekla je
- Okay. – rekla je Ida.
Lift se spušta i staje. Vrata lifta se otvaraju. Izlaze, skreću levo prema stepenicama
i silaze niz stepenice. I onda hodaju pravo u tunelu.
- So I guess this is a junction to the end on Y tunnel. – rekla je Ellie.
- Yeah, surely. – rekla je Ida. – What if this is the wrong way? Your mom
knows this place inside out, but what if I chose the wrong one?
- You didn't. – rekla je Ellie.
- If we find. Okay? – rekla je Ida.
- It would be fine. – rekla je Ellie. – Mom, I think we're nearly there.
Ida je pronašla dva para u tunelu i pomaže im. Ellie je pošla sama dalje.
- Okay, Ellie. That tunnel should be clear all to way to mny command. – rekla
je Miranda.
- Got it. Sounds simple. – rekla je Ellie. – I'll be there no time.
Ida dovodi dva para.
- Hi. All right. This is Carl and Dana. – rekla je Ida. – Guys le walla a big
Ućutali su se svi.
- Foster, I have to again. You sure this will work? I hate to cannibalize the
trigger we don't have to. Now it'll still work. – rekao je Neil.
- Once we use it as a lighting rod, my guess is it'll be fried. – rekao je Foster.
- That means that one of us is gonna have to activate the trigger manually. –
rekao je Neil. – And we're okay with that.
- We're gonna have to be. – rekao je Foster. – One problem at a time. Right?
- Okay. – rekao je Neil. – That should do it. – stoji Neil gore pa se onda vraća
unutra u shuttle.
- You sure about this? – upita Foster.
- Once we're moving that's it. We're committed, yes. – rekao je Neil.
- I'm sure. I'll floor until the incline. – rekao je Foster i vezuje sebe pomoću
dva pojaseva.
- It's not far but going up hills gonna kill us on power. – rekao je Neil i vezuje
se pomoću dva pojaseva.

22 | P a g e
- Well all we got to do is get close enough to Zeus to sreal a couple of his
lighting bolts. Just one ought to give us enough charge to make it all the way
to MN. – rekao je Foster. - Why?
- Well, I hope you're right. – rekao je Neil.
- That makes two of us. I'm gonna. – rekao je Foster.
- I'm gonna say one more time we should put you in my suit. – rekao je Neil.
- No. This doesn't work. We're both dead anyway. – rekao je Foster.
Stavljaju šlemove na glavama koje imaju vizire. Neil pali shuttle. Poleću.
Za to vreme svi polako hodaju u tunelu.
U tunelu i dalje idu. I onda Ida iza gleda oluju sa lighting rods kako juriša prema
njima. Ellie se okrenula i ugledala tu Zeus oluju. Beže svi, a devojka Dana je
uganula nogu pa joj pomažu. Uspeli su da se spasu samo Ellie i Ida. Ali Carl i
Dana se nisu spasili od Zeus oluje.
U shuttle se nalaze Neil i Foster. Električna Zeus oluja udari u shuttle. Obučeni su
u suits. Foster jedva diše, Neil ponovo pokreće shuttle. Foster se ponovo
onesvestio i Neil je to video.
- Oh, shit. Doctor, come on. – rekao je Neil ustajući od mesta i ide kod njega.
– Hang on doctor. Come on, Foster. – oslobađa ga tereta i Foster još ne
reaguje. – I thought you weren't gonna quit. Eva how are our defibrillator
- Rebounding power. – rekao je robot.
- Hang on, doctor. I'm coming. – rekao je Neil i uzima u ruke defibrillator
glove, ide kod Fostera i stavlja mu na gola prsa. – Eva, charge?
- Charge. – rekao je robot.
Foster se nije povratio pri svesti.
- Eva, charge again. – rekao je Neil.
- Charge. – rekao je robot i Foster se vratio pri svesti zinuvši pa kašlje.
- Who's quitting? – upita Foster.
- You've a power down the glove. – rekao je Neil i ode od Fostera da vrati na
mesto to što je uzeo.
- Rerouting power. – rekao je robot.
Neil se vraća na svoje mesto da sedne. Foster je zadihan.

23 | P a g e
Ellie i Ida zajedno hodaju. Naišle su na neke žice i ugledali su kameru koja ne radi.
Ellie pokušava da pošalje data njenom ocu Fosteru.
- Anything to report? – upita Commander Riga.
- Not, yet. – rekla je director Weller i pogleda je.
- Miranda, it's now or never. Zeus will be here today. Are they gonna make it
or not? – upita Commander Riga.
- They'll make it. – rekla je Miranda.
- Miranda, who are you talking to? – upita je Commander Riga.
- It's Elly. – rekla je Miranda.
- I will remove you from the command room. – rekla je Commander Riga.
- Elly has already the readings from the dome. Okay? That's time bought. Neil
and Foster... – rekla je Miranda.
- Enough. – rekla je Commander Riga.
- She could install the EMF emitter and that will buy them enough time to
catch up with Zeus. – rekla je Miranda.
- Are you suggesting we entrust this mission to your daughter? – upita
Commander Riga.
- Yes. – rekla je Miranda. – She can do it. I wouldn't want anyone else out
- Easy for you to say. – rekla je Commander Riga.
- Goddamnit Riker. – rekla je Miranda. – Don't you see that this is the only
way? You can't just go and hide underground. If we don't kill Zeus, Zeus
will kill us.
- Lambert, I need you to remove director Weller from the command room. –
rekla je Commander Riga.
- Are you kidding me? – upita Miranda. – Come on, don't do that.
- Now! – rekla je Commander Riga. – I'm sorry, Miranda. We tried it your
way. Time to say goodbye.
- Hello, hello, hello. Come in. – javio se Foster i čuli su ga svi. – Miranda,
anyone? I'll even take Reiger, someone.
- Flew sir? – rekla je Miranda.
- Miranda? – rekao je Foster. – Thank god.
- Foster, where are you? What happened? – upita Miranda.
24 | P a g e
- Well, we spent yesterday in the Valles Marineri's trench. Not my favorite
geological feature on Mars or... – započe Foster.
- Shut up! – rekla je Miranda.
- The point is we're here. – rekao je Foster.
- Head for the southeast airlock. It'll lead you right into the bottom of the
command center. Guys Ellie's there. She's alive. And she's already got the
readings from the dome. – rekla je Miranda.
- That's my girl. – rekao je Foster.
- You'll need to leave the EMF emitter with her and head straight for Zeus. It's
already entered Foster's triangle. – rekla je Miranda.
- Foster's triangle? – ponovi Foster.
- Just get there and hurry up. – rekla je Miranda.
- Roger that. – rekao je Neil.
Rover ponovo krene svojim putem.
- Well even you have to see that there's hope here. Listen, just work with me.
We get everyone to safety now. So that we're ready. We don't need to close
the tunnels until absolutely necessary. – rekla je Miranda.
- Make sense, Captain? – rekao je Lambert.
- Get on it. – rekla je Commander Riga i Lambert ode. – I'm staying right
- Elly, I need you to allow remote access to development airlock. – rekla je
- Mom, wait. I haven't seen him in a long time. – rekla je Elly. – I don't know
what to say. I don't even know anymore.
- Ellie he's the same stubborn asshole. He knows exactly what he's doing but
he needs our help. – rekla je Miranda.
Ellie i Ida se gledaju.
- Okay. – rekla je Ellie.
Nakon razgovora posle nekog vremena dolazi Neil kod njih. Ellie je srećna i grle
se oni. I Foster dolazi na kraju.
- Mom said that you needed. – rekla je Ellie i daje mu u ruke.
- I do. – rekao je Foster. – Thank you.
- So is this going to work? – upita Ellie.
- It has to. – rekao je Foster.
25 | P a g e
- I don't remember leaving earth without you, but I imagine you said
something similar then I. – rekla je Ellie.
- I was doing the right thing then and I'm doing the right thing now. – rekao je
- Okay. – rekla je Ellie. – Um... this is my girlfriend and these are my ads.
- Right. Ida. – rekla je Ida.
- Nice to finally meet you, Lida. – rekao je Neil.
- I'm doctor Foster. – rekao je Foster.
- Okay so as amazingly awkward as this is mom said that you needed for us to
do something. – rekla je Ellie.
- Oh, yes. Hayley we need you to get this... – započe Foster.
- EMF emitter to the roof and activate it. Once it's on I need you to get back
inside both of you and get to safety. – rekao je Neil.
- What good is that gonna do? – upita Ellie.
- I'm glad you asked. We have a triggering device. – rekao je Foster.
- That will use the field as a broadcast medium. I send out a wave of charged
particles. – rekao je Neil.
- I never have to be inside the eye for that. – rekla je Ellie. – Is this your plan?
- Ellie, I promise we'll be back. – rekao je Foster.
- Can we he was one of his plane? – upita Ellie.
- It's the only plan, Ellie. It'll work. – rekao je Neil. – If you help us.
Ellie uzdahne.
- Okay. – rekla je Ellie. – And I should point out too that we are low on
oxygen. So if we have to go back...
- Outside we have some spares. But listen Ellie, we need to get back on the
road or we're not gonna make it before the storm hits MLA. Alright, a lot of
people are counting on us all of us. I'm sorry I need to cut this reunion short.
– rekao je Neil i poljubi je u kosu pa ode od nje. – Let's go. – rekao je
Fosteru pre nego što je otišao.
- Um, Ellie, before I go... look I don't... I don't know how to apologize
before... everything. – rekao je Foster. – Letting you leave was the hardest
thing I've ever had to do. Hey back on earth we've got this spot that's all
cleaned up. I mean you hardly have to use a mask at all. Um... It's... It's...
great you list love it there and an Ida. Good. I don't know if you've ever been
to earth but she could come, too. You know, if... if you want them to...
26 | P a g e
lucky. This is not coming me how... how I planned. Uh, okay. Just... just
think about it. Okay?
- Okay. – rekla je Ellie.
- I love you. – rekao je Foster. – Be careful. Alright, bye. – okrene se i ode.
- Everyone's moving to the shelters. – rekao je Lambert. – But we're cutting in
- This is on you, Weller. – rekla je Commander Riga, okrene se i ode od nje.
Napolju rover ide. Vetar fijuče.
- What are you doing, doctor? – upita Neil koji sedi na mestu sa dva pojaseva
na sebi.
- Almost done. – rekao je Foster.
- Need you to tell me the moment you're done. – rekao je Neil.
- I'll set. – rekao je Foster kada je završio.
Neil zaustavlja rover, skida dva pojaseva sa sebe i ustaje od mesa.
Foster se tome začudi i upita ga.
- Hey, wait. Neil, why are we stopping?
- I need to make a repair. – rekao je Neil.
- What repair? – upita Foster.
- That lighting strike fried one of our battery cells. If I keep pushing it like
this, we're gonna lose the other one. – Neil se obukao u suit. - I'm going to
go out there bypass the bad cell and then we'll have enough power to make it
to the eye just in time.
- Neil the storms right on top of us. – rekao je Foster kada je pogledao kroz
staklo rovera.
Neil na glavu stavlja šlem koji ima vizir, na ruke ima rukavice, a na nogama crne
čizme. I sprema se da izađe.
Zatim Foster se odjednom zabrine i kaže:
- Wait, that's my suit. It's broken.
- I'll come back, doctor. – rekao je Neil i ide napolje.
- Wait, Neil. – rekao je Foster, ali Neil je otišao napolje.
- Doctor when I finished this bypass, you got to get out of here as fast as you
can. It's gonna be close, but you should have been sick beffore the storm

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overtakes us. – rekao je Neil i pravo hoda u Fosterovom suitu koji je
slomljen. – Oh, yeah. Miranda, you read me?
- Neal, why are you out of the roamer? – upita Miranda.
- Only way. There's a war, baby. I'm sorry. Foster, I did the math. There'll
only be enugh power for one of us to get to the Ellie in time. No life support.
You need to suit up. – rekao je Neil. – What I'm done all. Ass what about
you? Look at. Ellie's mission critical, your mission critical. I'm not. Not
anymore. When you're done, when you clear the storm, they'll come pick
you up. You're way more valuable to mankind here on Mars and you ever
will be back on your planet Earth. So for what it's worth, I hope you stick
- And how long had all this figured out? – upita Foster.
- Since the trench and then when I gave Ellie do too for sure. – rekao je Neil.
- You risked everything. The lives of everyone here on MLA and you didn't
consult me? – rekao je Foster.
- No, doctor. I risked mine. – rekao je Neil.
- Neal get back in the rover and figure it out. – rekla je Miranda preko
mobilnog telefona.
- This is me figuring it out. – rekao je Neil. – Isn't enough? Oh... for the both
of us and the Rovers running low on juice...
- Get in the rover, Neal. – rekla je Miranda.
- There's so much more going on here. Mars needs you. Mars needs Foster.
It's the only way. – rekao je Neil.
- Foster get out there in a lab. – rekla je Miranda.
- Come on in. – rekao je Foster. – The airlock controls aren't responding.
- Foster, you need a command authorization to open it now. – rekao je Neil.
- God damn it. – rekao je Foster.
- Neil, Foster. Get out there and get him. – rekla je Miranda.
- I'm working on it. – rekao je Foster i pokušava da uđe unutra. Nije mu
uspelo. – Dammit.
- Antennas fried battery so wouldn't survive another direction anyway. –
rekao je Neil. – Almost done here, doctor.
Vetar fijuče.
- Get ready to move out. – nastavi Neil.
- Neil, don't give up. – rekao je Foster.
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- Giving up. – rekao je Neil. – Oxygen?
- Oxygen at 100%. – rekao je robot.
- Miranda, he's last ten years best of my life. – Ellie je čula i plače i zajedno je
sa Idom. – Elly, I love her.
- Neil! – rekla je Ellie i plače.
- It's not your fault. Okay? You just get that EMF emitter installed. I will
proud of you. – rekao je Neil i Ellie plače. – Bye.
Marsovska Zeus oluja juri direktno prema njemu.
U roveru Foster i dalje pokušava da uđe ali ne može.
- Foster, put up your suit and get out of here fast. – rekao je Neil.
Oluja odnese Neila, a Miranda stoji i plače. Ellie isto plače i grli je Ida.
Zeus oluja prekrila stakleni dome.
- Foster? – rekla je Miranda.
- Miranda, he's gone. – rekao je Foster.
Miranda još uvek plače.
- I'm so sorry. – rekao je Foster. – Miranda, we're gonna lose signal. If you
can still hear me just make sure your EMF emitter is hot. And just watch
The Horizon. Listen. Neal was right. Mars is our future. I was gonna ask
Ellie to come back with me.
- Foster, are you stupid? Asshole, we were never gonna let you leave anyway.
– rekla je Miranda.
- Promise me just one thing, Miranda. Take Elly home. Just once. I guess I'm
not gonna be the one to say that. But I can still save Mars. – rekao je Foster i
tover odlete direktno u oluju.
- Foster? Foster?! – zove ga Miranda jer ga ne čuje više.
- It's time to get to safety. – rekla je Commander Riga kada je došla kod nje.
- Don't do this, Riker. – rekla je Miranda.
- The missions failed. Neal's dead, Foster's likely dead too. Zeus is here
whether you like it or not. Now I'm sorry Miranda, you've gambled with the
lives of this colony for far too long. This is Riga. Start the shutdown.
Reroute all powers to the emergency shelters. – gase se sva svetla. – Now
you can come with us or we can take you into custody.
- I've seen this thing up close, it's not a normal sandstorm. If we don't take the
opportunity to kill it that, everything from start we will lost. Everything. –
rekla je Miranda.
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- That's where we disagree. Lambert, take her into custody. We're leaving. –
rekla je Commander Riga i ode od nje.
- I'll at least give Foster's plan a chance to work. If you reroute the power, the
EMF emitters won't work. – rekla je Miranda i Riga stane pa je pogleda.
- Andrew now! – reče Riga.
Andrew dolazi kod Mirande i stavlja joj lisice na rukama.
- Alison, Ellie's out there. Ellie's out there trying to stop this thing. – rekla je
Miranda. – Are you gonna sacrifice her?
- I hope she finds shelter. – rekla je Alison Riga.
- I'm sorry. – rekao je Andrew i vodi je u custody.
Napolju nameštaju EMF emitters. Vetar fijuče. Obučene su u suits. Zeus oluja se
približava. Ellie i Ida su zajedno obučene u suits sa šlemovima na glavama koje
imaju vizire, rukavice na rukama i čizme na nogama.
Unutra Miranda je uspela da zatvori Alison unutra samu pošto se telom bacila na
crveno dugme, Andrew je oslobodio Mirandu i Miranda ode. Riga je ljuta, Andrew
pođe za Mirandom i trče zajedno. Zatim su stali i ugledali su Zeus.
- Andrew, meet Zeus. – rekla je Miranda.
- I wish we had suits. – rekao je Andrew.
- Hopefully we won't need them. Come on. – rekla je Miranda.
Trče oni zajedno ponovo.
Foster je u roveru i sedi povezan sa dva pojaseva.
- Alright, Zeus let's see what you've made of. – rekao je Foster. – I still have
to do...
Foster ustane da bi se obukao u suit i rover se prevrne. Padne Foster.
Za to vreme Ellie je namestila EMF emitter, a Ida je bez svesti.
- Ida? Ida, are you okay? Ida? – zove je Ellie i ona brzo uzme bočicu vazduha
pa napumpava unutra kao kada se guma pumpa. – Hang on. Hang on, Ida.
Miranda i Andrew žure niz stepenice, zatim skrenuli levo pa trče po ravnom. Naišli
su na jedan EMF emitter i on je mrtav. Miranda brzo nalazi način da to sredi, a
Zeus oluja ide prema njima. Miranda je uspela da uključi jedan EMF emitter pa
trče zajedno nazad. Uspeli su da prođu i onda im je oluja raznela taj njihov prolaz.
Zatim Miranda i Andrew dolaze unutra pa pokušavaju da uključe powers.

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U prevrnutom roveru, Foster izlazi napolje. Vetar fijuče. Foster hoda sa EMF
emitter u rukama. Foster spušta dole kofer u kome je EMF emitter. Otvara ga i
pesak ide stalno na njega. Foster prvo izvade nogare i postavi na pesak, pa podigne
pogled i gleda pravo. Zatim izvadi EMF emitter i postavi ga na nogare. Ellie
pokušava da spasi Idu uzimajući svoj vazduh iz suita pa u njoj suit. Jedva diše
Ellie, a Ida ne reaguje još uvek. A tamo dalje Foster je uključio EMF emitter i jako
svetlo je video Foster. Ida se povratila jedva u život. Kašlje Ida i ugledala je Ellie.
Ustale su Ellie i Ida. Rover dolazi kod njih i one idu prema roveru.
A tamo daleko Foster leži na zemlji malo podalje od EMF emittera. Jedva diše.
- You have one minute to do it. Return to your barber shop. – rekao je robot.
- Um, yeah. This is still recording. Ellie, you're safe. I did my job. I love you.
To Miranda. – rekao je Foster. – I'm sorry. He saved my life more than once.
Without him, nothing's of this will work. He was a good man. The rest of the
human race and I lie here... dying. I realize... Mars is going to keep trying to
kill you. So be smart. You already. Don't miss this one, too. I'm sorry for
this. – teško diše Foster i umre na kraju.
Rover dolazi na mesto gde je Foster namestio EMF emitter.
Foster leži na krevetu i žmuri. Uz njega su Miranda i Ellie. Foster se vratio u život,
otvara oči i ugleda Mirandu i svoju ćerku Ellie. Smeše se one sve.
- So, dad, you're gonna go back to earth. – rekla je Ellie.
- We sure could use you, Foster. – rekla je Miranda.
- I'm not going anywhere. – rekao je Foster.
Svo troje se smeše.

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