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When Lunar Wolves

Rule: Part 1
Teghan A.N. Green, Tatianna N.S. Satchell, Audrey K. Wells
The Last Lunar Wolf

I can remember the cold chill of winter air, the grunting of my mother as she speeds through

the forest with a wounded front leg. She stops in front of the tallest tree I'd ever seen, She morphs back

into her human form, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. “Stay safe my little shooting star,”

she says, her voice breaking “You are the last of our kind.” Then I hear shouting, and in a flash my

mother is gone. She howls at the people, and speeds in the opposite direction of me. Then silence. I am

alone. Everyone of my kind was wiped out of existence. I am now…The Last Lunar Wolf!

My Adopted Father

I fell asleep almost immediately, and that's when I heard a rustle in the bushes. I squirmed, still too

young to fend for myself or understand what was happening. Then a man appeared, his eyes were soft

and kind.

“So… what is such a small child doing out here all alone?” the man says, with a smile.

He scoops me up and a letter flutters out of my bearskin blanket.

“Lilac Princeton Amary, real pretty name. Well I suppose I can't just leave you here can I, I’ll take ya

home. Perhaps I could do you some good. How’s that sound luv?” He asked me with an accent I

hadn't noticed before.

I just giggled, not sure who this man was. When we got to his home, I took a moment to take

everything in, it was huge. The sitting area is as big as an entire regular house would be. There were

crystal lamps everywhere, and a big couch with a TV. There were books everywhere. But that was all I
could see. Then a little boy ran up to us and grabbed the man's leg. “Woah! Careful lad don’t want to

knock me over now do you?” He says bending down on his knees.

For the first time, I could see the boy's face. He had hair so black it was almost purple, green eyes, and

looked about 5 years old.

“What's that?” the boy asked with a curious look on his face.

“Not what, who. This is your new baby sister.” The man said.

The boy's face lit up. I could tell he was happy, for one he started smiling like crazy, and for another,

he started yelling stuff like


Then the man said

“If you go wash your hands and sit on the couch, I’ll let you hold Lilac. How does that sound Nico.”

In less than a minute he was at the sink then on the couch. His hands were warm. He didn’t say

anything but I could tell what he was thinking. He had been waiting for this, now here I was. The man

went into what I assumed was the kitchen and came out with a bottle, the boy fed me it carefully. Then

he jumped up and ran upstairs. The man followed knowing that his son would be careful with me. He

took me into a room where a very beautiful woman lay, when she saw me and Nico, she smiled and


“Now how did you and your father get such a child?” Nico just climbed next to her and handed me to

She rocked me slowly. “Well, this is surprising. Moonela warned me she had a child but… I never

thought she would survive.

The man walked over and sat next to Nico.

“Darling, you know if anything happens to her, the world will be in big trouble, and keeping her is the

best and only choice we have.” He said.

She nodded and soon enough they were all asleep. I lay there feeling sleepy, I looked at all these new

faces. Are these people my family now? Are they just using me? No. No, they care for me. I can sense

it. But why? I was too sleepy and too young to figure it out, but I would, sooner than I thought.

When Lunar Wolves

Rule: Part 2
Teghan A.N. Green, Tatianna N.S. Satchell, Audrey K. Wells
Who are you?

“Okay, Lilac are you ready?” Says Amy happily. “Coming. I am so excited to finally go hunting like

a real Lunar Wolf and when I graduate from the L.W.A. I will get revenge on the mortals that killed

my mother.” Lilac had only ever dreamed of transforming on her own; her mom had given her a

necklace to help her, but she would be ten soon. She thought about Kimmy and Juno. She just

couldn’t wait to show them, but that was not her goal; she wanted to get vengeance for her mother’s

death. She was always happy with Amy, but it still wasn’t the same. She racked her brain to

remember who had killed her mother and why, but she was far too young at the time to remember. “I

have something to tell you before you go. I think it’s time you know.” Said Amy. “Know about what?”

Lilac said. “You need to find your father soon… but not right now,” said Amy sadly. “But I thought

my dad died before my mother?”

“Your dad didn’t die, he ran away trying to keep you and your mother safe but it didn’t work. I’m

sorry, but are you ready to go hunting on your own today for the first time?”

Amy was sad but Lilac knew she was hiding something. But she couldn’t look around right now

because she had a hungry family to feed. Lilac sighed and turned from her mother, took a deep breath.

She dug her toes into the dirt, listened to everything around her. Before she knew it she was racing

through the forest, then she spotted a boar. She stalked it and when the time was right she pounced on

it. She spent two more hours doing so, when she was done she had about 30 boars, 5 chickens, and 9
roosters. She decides to keep hunting to burn out some extra energy she has. While pursuing a large

hen she knocks into a female wolf, but her eyes are just not a normal wolf’s eyes. There a stormy gray,

the color of an average Lunar wolf's eyes. But it can’t be, I am the last lunar wolf! Lilac thinks in

unison, the wolf morphs into a human with sandy colored hair, stormy gray eyes, and looks to be her


“Hey! Watch where you're going!”

Lilac just stared unbelievably. The girl rolled her eyes. Then got up and brushed the dirt off of her

leggings, and then finally Lilac asked “Ar- are you a Lunar wolf?” The question seemed to take the

girl by surprise, but she nodded slowly. When they finally looked each other directly in the eyes, the

girl asked “What’s your name?” “My name is Lilac, what’s your name?” “My name is Claw… Claw

Spite!” said the girl. Lilac looked at Claw thinking that she heard that name before. “Follow me,” said

Claw. Lilac was suspicious at first but then she followed Claw into a dark dark cave. “W-what is this

place?” asked Lilac a bit scared, “This is where I live, um where do you live?” Lilac didn’t answer, still

suspicious of this strange girl. “I just haven’t seen another Lunar Wolf like me since the Lunar Wolf

War.” said Claw.

“I live in a big house with a brother and an adopted mom and dad. They found me after my dad ran

away and my mother died. But I have a feeling they are hiding something.” said Lilac, a bit sad.

“Um I don’t mean to be a bother but do you mind me coming to meet your family please? I know we

just met and all but, I have no company here and I eat, sleep, and play all by myself.” asked Claw.

Lilac had always had someone to be there when she was sad or had a bad dream but Claw didn’t. “Of

course, and perhaps. . . you could, I don’t know, live with us. My parents are extremely kind so I’m

sure they won’t mind, plus you're a Lunar Wolf like me so I don’t think they would mind.” Lilac said

happily. “Yes! I would love that!” Said Claw with a tinge of hope in her voice. Lilac and Claw both
walked to the cottage and to their surprise the table and dining room was all ready and set up. Had

they known Claw was in the forest, because instead of just 4 plates there were 5. “Well, Lilac it seems

you found a friend, I predicted there was someone out there.” Said Amy. “So what did you guys find

while hunting?” said Dad. “I got 30 boars, 5 chickens, and 9 roosters, plus some berries and water.”

Lilac said excitedly, “And I got 100 cows, with some milk, but I only have 80 left because I was

starving and ate 20 of them, sorry.” said Claw. “That’s okay, Lilac and Claw, why don’t you two go

wash up for dinner?” said Amy,

Lilac wondered how her mom could know Claw’s name; she hadn’t told her, but she got distracted

before she could figure it out.“Okay!” said Claw and Lilac both at the same time. Claw followed Lilac

up the stairs and into the bathroom the both transformed to their wolveselves and washed their paws

and claws, but before they went back down to eat Claw had to talk to Lilac privately.

“I know this will sound crazy, and a bit sudden even though we just met… but I’m part Vampire.”

“WHAT? I never knew that there could be Vampires.” Lilac was surprised when Claw told her she

was part Vampire along with being part human, and part Lunar Wolf.She must be really powerful,

can I be that powerful. Or will I be powerless? Claw and I went down stairs into the dining room and

helped finish dinner and when they finished eating I had a feeling for the need for blood so I went to

my room and sat on my bed looking in the mirror that hung on the wall at the end of my bed. Just so

you know this was normal for me, I always got thirsty at night just not. .. not blood thirsty. Lilac was

still scared but excited more than she ever was. “Um mom, before I go to bed can me and Claw go for a

walk please?” Lilac was hoping her mom wouldn’t say no. “Sure but be back in an hour - hour and a

half, Okay?” “Okay. Come on Claw she said yes.” Lilac was super excited to go with Claw, her soon to

be sister and killer. “Coming, I just had to get a jacket for us because it’s almost winter and it is

always chilly at night.” Claw were always freezing back at the cave. She had no one to make her
warm like I do. Claw and Lilac walked through the forest when they came upon a pack of wolves just

normal not part human wolves. “Transform” Claw whispered as they both transformed and walked

past the pack without making a single noise one of them woke up. He looked at Claw and Lilac and

said, “Run before they wake up, they will not show any mercy!” He whispered so none of the other

wolves would hear just then Claw and Lilac noticed something. He was able to talk but normal wolves

aren’t. He can’t be….. Claw thought. “Are you a Lunar Wolf too?” Claw was surprised when he

nodded. “Then. . . um, i know you just met us but, please follow us.” Lilac said with a ting of excitement

“Why? Why do you need me? If you knew what I was…. I shouldn’t say.” He was sad but Claw knew

he felt lonely because she was one to relate. “You’re part vampire, yes. I can sense it on you, but no

need to worry. Please come with us. We need to keep all Lunar Wolves safe.” “My name is Claw and

this is Lilac , what’s your name?” Claw was happy to know there are more Lunar Wolves out there.

“My name is Aragorn. My family died in the war so I just try to blend in, but I don’t see why I can’t

come with you guys. You're my pack now, so who’s the leader?” Aragorn was a little bit shy but more

happy to see his kind. “Well before you there was no leader, but I suppose we could be the leader, the

three of us.” Claw sounded like she was boss but not too bossy. Claw, Lilac, and Aragorn ran through

the woods, when Lilac stopped. “What is it?” Claw asked, a bit worried by the look on Lilac’s face. “

D-do you guys smell that?” asked Lilac. “Smell what?” Aragorn asked. Lilac morphed back into her

human form, and started sniffing the air, Claw and Aragorn did the same. Lilac and claw were seeing

Aragorn in his human form for the first time, he was tall with black shaggy hair and red eyes. Lilac

would have been in awe at his look but the smell was so. . . familiar. Then as fast as the smell had

appeared, it disappeared. “Lilac, I don’t smell anything, are you sure you're okay?” Asked Aragorn.

“I-I swear… never mind, let’s just head home.” ‘Home?” Aragorn asked, dreamily. Claw giggled

“Yes, we get to stay with Lilac, if you don’t want to then …” “No, No! I do!” Lilac giggled, too. Then she
thought about how she would have to move schools, of course Aragorn and Claw would come with her,

wouldn’t they?

The Academy

It had only been two months since we moved to the Banther Tribe, since school had been out the day

we moved. Me, Juno, and Kimmy had just been hanging around town. It was now December 5th, 20

days before my birthday.


Kimmy had been pestering me non - stop about coming to stay over at her house for my

birthday, “I’d have t-to ask my m-mom and dad.” I say after waiting about ten minutes of her going

nuts. Juno just stared needles into Kimmy’s head, why, no idea. Then he said “Ugh, I already have to

deal with you, and now I have to deal with the shrimp too.” I roll my eyes and tell them goodbye, then

I ride my bike home. My parents bought a 4 story mansion. And I thought it wasn’t necessary for us

to have such a big house, but dad said that we’d use the very top floor for training. The one below that

has me and Nico’s room, and the one below that has mom and dad’s room. And the bottom floor is the

kitchen, dining room, living room, all the works.

I ran up to my room to get on my training gear. Shorts, tank top, sneakers, scrunchie, and

fighting poll. Then I ran up to the training room, no one there, “BOO!” Nico pops out of nowhere, and

instinctively I try to knock his head off with my poll. He counters it with his own poll, “You better be
glad dad is late, because he would be pretty peeved at how slow you reacted.” I just continue to try to

knock his head off. He goes for my legs, I fall on my butt. That’s it, I use my pole to propel me upward,

I kick him in the stomach, and when I land on my feet I use my left leg to knock him off his feet. He

lays on his back and says “Heh heh, ow.” I grin and hand out my hand, he grabs it and I yank him

back to his feet. “Ow, I think you broke my everything” But he obviously isn’t in that much pain cuz he

knocks me in the side with his leg, for the next two hours we train. I go to my bathroom to take a nice

hot bath, after that dad gets home. “Where in the world have you been!?” Mom asks furiously. Dad

just smiles and kisses her on the cheek, then he comes over to me and throws me into the air, when he

puts me back down he says “I found the perfect school, Lilac.” He shows me a picture of a fancy

looking academy, Banther Academy. I feel happy, mostly because Kimmy and Juno are going there.

The next day I rode my bike to Kimmy’s house. I know she’s gonna ask if my parents said yes,

they did. But I’m gonna let her ponder for a little longer. Juno already knows how chill my parents

are about me hanging with them, so he already knows the answer. All three of us ride to school,

considering the fact that this is an all year around academy we won’t see our parents till christmas.

Nico was a few grades ahead of me and insisted on going to the same school. A school attendant

showed us our dorms, one dorm held 2 girls and two boys, so I was rooming with Juno and Kimmy,

along with a brown haired kid, Blinnko, he was from the Assyrian family, and his mom owned a very

popular fashion company. He was kind of goofy, Kimmy thought he was charming. I guess opposites

really do attract.

Since this is only the first few weeks of school, we didn’t have enough time to get started with any real

assignments. So after school Kimmy, Juno and Blinnko, I call him Teddy, were exploring the school.

I ran to my tree. If I were in my human form it would take hours but in my wolf form it took minutes. I

layed down in front of it and fell asleep.

Now just so you know I have had the strangest dreams, but none like the one I had that day. It was

beautiful, flowers everywhere, bushes plentiful with wild berries, fruits of all kinds in trees. But the

most breathtaking thing was who were there, creatures of all kinds, humans, banthers, tigers, bunnies,

and more. But the most creatures I saw were . . . wolves. But they weren't just one type of wolf, there

were hundreds of kinds. Then the scene switched. I was in a big room filled with tigers, one stood out. I

held my breath. It was the former queen of the tiger tribe, Amiliana. She was known for being ruthless

and not ever showing mercy. I was not impressed nor was I scared. I held my breath because below

her stood someone I never thought I’d see again. My mother, Moonela. At the time my mother looked

to be 19 or 20 years old, before my mother could finish what she was saying the tiger queen boomed

“YOU DARE CALL ME HEARTLESS, YOU WRETCH!!!” My mother stands and yells “I WANT MY

BABY BACK YOU, HEARTLESS BEAST!” The tiger queen snarls a fighting snarl, then waves her

hand in the air. Guards advance on my mother, she easily takes them out. I am mesmerized. She

darts out of the throne room and to a room fit for a child, but I am not in the crib, I am in a man’s

arms. When he spots my mother he almost drops me

“You better not drop my baby, you thief!”

“Moonela, but how. . . what?”

After he gets over his shock he hands me to her and says “I’ll make some excuse to how you escaped”

He kisses her on the cheek and pushes her out the open window. What happens next wakes me up in a

cold sweat, I swear I could feel us hurling toward the ground.

The next day I’m far too distracted to pay attention to Kimmy’s rambling. She must notice this and

says “Something's wrong, you're usually quiet but you always answer me when. . .”

The last part is cut off because when I see him I just about have a heart attack, the man from my

dream. When I see him in person for the first time I know. . . Goldivan Princeton is my father. After
classes I have trouble going to sleep, so instead I try to find him. But I couldn’t do it alone. I climb

onto the roof of my place - still in my human form - and howl. In a matter of seconds Claw and

Aragorn are up there with me. I smile, there they are, my pack. “So. . . why are we way up here? I

hate heights.” Claw says, tilting her head up and closing her eyes. Aragorn just stares at me with

those red eyes that seem to be staring straight into my soul. I look away quickly, “I-I need your help. .

. finding someone.” Aragorn frowns and crosses his arms, but says nothing. “Okay can we do it

someplace else, I prefer not to become a lunar pancake.” I giggle and lead them into my room, let's

just hope the administrator doesn’t come check the dorms. Boys aren’t really allowed in the female

side of the dorm. I bite my lip so hard it starts to hurt, and notice Aragorn giving me that look that

says ‘stop doing that before I get mad’. Claw giggles at this and says, “Soooooo, who are we looking

for?” “My dad.” I say simply. Claw’s face goes pale, and Aragorn’s goes red with anger and he says,

“What!?” I tell them about my dream and I’m about to tell them that I saw him, but there’s a knock on

the door, rough but sort of timid, “Hey shrimp, it’s time to eat Kimmy made spaghetti, your favorite.”

It’s Juno, I walk to the door and open it, when he sees Claw and Aragorn his face goes numb. He

frowns and says “You do know boys aren’t allowed in the girls dorm right?” I roll my eyes and pull

him in and say “Well now you're in my dorm, so shut it snowflake.” Claw giggles. Juno just rolls his

eyes. “Well if they're here, they're here, so might as well let them eat with us.” He walks out of my

room. Once he shuts the door Claw and me break down laughing. Now we're at the table laughing

and eating, Kimmy is asking Aragorn a bunch of questions, while Juno glares at him. “Hey Claw,

you thirsty, come on.” Claw takes the hint and follows me into the kitchen area. “So, he’s cute,” Claw

says, smirking at me, I throw a napkin at her and whisper “Ew, he's just overprotective, like Nico.”

“Oh come on look at the way he’s looking at you, oh my god, and look at Aragorn.” I did and then

looked away. Both of them are staring at me, then I notice Teddy, and giggle “Well since we're doing
this, look at Teddy.” Claws eyes go wide and she starts blushing. I laugh, she does, too. Once we were

done I asked her what I wanted to ask her “So, um, what do you think of my dad, I mean about

finding him.” That’s when I hear Kimmy gasp “WHAT!” I quickly covered her mouth.


“OMG! OMG! OMG!” but my hand is still over her mouth so it sounds something like “HMF! HMF!

HMF!” Claw giggles, and once my hand is off Kimmy’s mouth I explain, and she tries really hard not

to scream, “I’m totally telling the guys!” I sigh, knowing I can’t stop her, she runs back to the table.

When me and Claw get back to the table Juno is staring at me like he wants to tell me something but

can’t find the right words, I ignore it, and say “Uh, guys I’m gonna go use the bathroom, I’ll be right

back.” I shuffle out of the room and into the restroom. I clench the sink, Dizzy, so dizzy. When I look

in the mirror Claw and Kimmy are behind me I jump, and spin around, they look worried. “Dizzy.” I

say straining to get the words out, Kimmy yells something and Claw is catching me, but the rest is

amiss, because everything is engulfed in black.

When Lunar Wolves
Rule: Part 3
Teghan A.N. Green, Tatianna N.S. Satchell, Audrey K. Wells

I Visit the Banther Tribe

“Lilac, sweetheart, come down stairs we need to speak with you!” My mother calls to me, from

the living room. I rush downstairs, skipping the bottom step. I ask mom and dad who are sitting on

the couch “What’s up mom…I-Is something wrong?” Now before I continue you must know that I’m

currently 9 years old, and for some reason I have developed a stutter. Dad darts his face to his phone,

and starts typing like a mad person. “Babe, would you please not rage type, you’ll cramp your fingers

again,” mom says worried, but annoyed at the same time. Dad nodes and eases up a bit on the rage

typing then he looks up and says “Pumpkin…you know the Banther Tribe right?” I nod slowly, where

is he going with this, “Well our, er, services are needed there, and well we can’t just leave you and Nico

here alone now can we now?” I just say “Daddy…you are doing that t-thing where y-you stall too

long and then i-it stretches out for hours.” He looks to mom for support, she says slowly. “We need to

go to the Banther Tribe and you and your brother are coming with us, so go pack ok.” I ran upstairs

to tell Nico, but he obviously knew because he was already packing. I decided not to bug him and go

to my room to pack. When I’m done I sit on my bed and sigh nervously, it’s not that I’m not excited

about it, I was…but since my mother I had never seen or even met another magical creature. Then

Nico popped his head in the door and said, “Mom and dad said they told you. You must be really

nervous, meeting other magical creatures and all.” I nodded and said with my dumb stutter, “Y-yeah

but It’ll be super fun t-too…and plus they have so many c-cakes to try!” He smiled then left, I jumped

up and went to the jewelry box mom had given me for my second birthday, there was a crescent

necklace. She designed it to help me go into my wolf and human form until I could control it. I put it

on and jumped off my balcony and ran through the forest. I could hear the wind whistling past my

ears, my paws in the dirt, and I could smell everything ten times better than in my human form. I

stopped at the big tree and rubbed up against it. It smelled like her, sweet and gentle. But at the same

time deadly and fearless, I loved going there even at such a young age. I didn’t tell you this before but
I still had a lot of memories of my past life, that's why I didn’t cry so easily and was smarter than

most kids my age. But I wanted to live my life to the fullest, mostly because I hadn’t gotten that

chance in my previous life. But we aren’t going into that yet. I just came here to get a whiff of my

mother's scent, when I was done I raced back to the house and hopped straight into bed.

It was a busy day in our small home town, we rushed past tourists coming off the airplanes,

and finally after what seemed like forever, we got to our plane. I fell asleep right away. When we got

to the Banther Tribe I was flabbergasted, it was huge. I’m pretty sure the buildings were as high as the

sky. It looked like there was a festival going on, when dad said “Banther Festival happens every year,

ain’t that amazin’ luv?” I giggled and ran up to a cotton candy stand and begged for dad to buy us

some, Nico chimed in “She isn’t gonna stop asking, plus I want some too.” He was trying really hard

not to smile. Mom and dad said as long as we stayed in town square we could explore on our own. I

separated from Nico pretty quickly, I was still nine in this life so don’t judge me. I was so happy and

curious by this big new place that I wasn’t watching were I was going, and bummed into a girl about

my age, she turned around she had blond hair and blue eyes, she held up her hand and said calmly

“Well you must be new, I’m Kimmy, you ok girly?” I nodded and told her my name. After about an

hour of hanging with her I realized how late it was getting, I called dad and asked him where he was.

Kimmy said “I should get going too, see you around new girl,” she smirked, and whispered

something in my ear that took me by surprise. Later that night I lay in the hotel bed thinking about

that girl. Your secret is safe with me. Who was she? Did she know what I was? I would soon find out

the next day that she did indeed know what I was, but how she knew is what was really shocking.

I Get Answers…and More Questions

It wasn’t hot, yet I was sweating like crazy. I was nervous, Kimmy had called me earlier this morning

to meet her in town square. She said, and I quote “I’ll explain how I knew you were a Lunar Wolf,

come to the square plaza at 10.” Then she just hung up. I sat on a bench near where we first met. I

hoped she knew where to find me, because she hadn’t exactly said where in town square. When she

spotted me she ran over with a man following her, he was completely out of breath, mumbling

something like “How. are you. so fast, you're the size of an ant!” Then once he caught his breath he

said proudly “Micheal, personal butler of Ms. Kimmy.” I just nodded, still a bit distracted then I

turned to a very excited Kimmy and said “W-well? You g-gonna explain?” She just nodded towards

Micheal, and ran off into the crowd, I followed. Once we had lost her butler she bought us some cotton

candy. “Ok you know how there’s fairies and magic and stuff,” I nodded. “Well a while back my

family made a truce with the fairy queen, and every 3 generations a female child is granted the ability

to see magic… AND YOU’RE COVERED IN IT!” I probably had a confused look on my face because

she said “Each type of creature has its own unique color, but only Luna Wolves have several different

colors, and you…there are so many colors I can’t even tell you which ones.”

“Well t-that clears that up, b-but why are you keeping it a s-secret, y-you c-could be r-rich if you

t-turned me in?” I said, my stutter got worse the more I talked about it. Kimmy shrugged and said

“Not that kind of person.” For the rest of the day we just went around playing games and eating

sweets, and every now and then running into a very upset butler. While we were getting root beers

some kid (ok he was the same age as us but he acted like he owned everything) walked up to us and

said “Well, well if it isn’t the Kimmy the Dumbo!” Kimmy just turned around and rolled her eyes.

When I turned to see the kids face it turned from taunting to shock, he had white hair, with emerald

eyes, he was maybe an inch taller than us but he acted like he was a giant. He quickly caught himself
and said “Well… who’s your dumb friend?” This kid was a total jerk, and he was making me angry

so I said “How am I the dumb one, Kimmy the Dumbo, what kind of mocking name is that?” “Shut it,

shrimp!” He said with anger in his voice, but there was something else. . .protectiveness? I just couldn’t

place it. Then Kimmy said “Beat it Juno!”

“Nah, I’ll stay… although I did run into dad and your butler, I’m sure they would love to know where

you are.” He said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Kimmy clenched her fists, “Fine! You can hang with us but you need to keep that dumb mouth shut!”

He made a zipping motion over his lips, and gestured for her to lead the way. For the next two hours

we just hung around, and every so often having to run from a mad butler. We were playing a ring-toss

game when a familiar voice said “LILAC! What did I say about hanging around strangers?!” I

jumped and spinned around to see Nico, he was frowning and staring at Kimmy and Juno like they

were gonna eat me “Th-there not strangers there my… fr-friends!” I said. He looked at Kimmy then his

eyes settled on Juno, “Fine but I don’t trust this white haired kid, so I’m gonna shadow you guys.” he

said, still giving Juno his best death stare.

Kimmy smirked at Juno and said “Serves you right, snowflake.”

“Hey! I didn’t do anything! So shut your yapper!”

They started bickering until Micheal and a man, who I assumed was Kimmy’s dad, came running up

to us. Kimmy shoved Juno in front of her, trying to hide. And her dad said in a calm but firm voice “I

said stay with Micheal! Do you have any idea how worried I was!?” I chimed in “W-well, sir she

wa-was just trying to help m-me.” He obviously hadn’t noticed me before because he seemed surprised

when I said something. “A new friend of Ms. Kimmy,” Micheal whispered in his ear. He nodded,
“Well I don’t have any other meetings for the afternoon, so I suppose I could stay with them. Also I

don’t like you being around boys.” But the last part he said so no one could hear him. The next couple

of hours were a blur. Nico stayed quiet, watching Juno very closely. I nudged him with my elbow, and

said, “Stop, I know wha-what y-you're doing!” He looked at me and said “What are you talking

about? I'm just, um, measuring the kid.” “For what!?” I said in a whisper-yell, then I paused “oh! No!

Stop being so overprotective!” He just grinned and said “Arrow game, Ima win you and Kimmy

something.” He went over to the arrow game and got every shot, the game attendant just stared wide

eyed. He got Kimmy a stuffed panda, and me a stuffed wolf, then Kimmy whispered to me and said “Is

he mocking you?”

It was now 11 and I was exhausted. Dad had called Nico to the hotel, I asked why but he wouldn’t tell

me. Kimmy, her dad, and butler had gone home as well because she had a test in the morning, so it

was just me and Juno. We stopped at a grass patch and Juno said “Lunar wolf, there something else,



“Yeah I know you're a Lunar, you radiate power,” he grinned at me, “But don’t worry shrimp, I’m not

gonna tell.”

Once I got back to the hotel Dad was sitting at the counter rage typing, I smirked and said

“Da-daddy, mom to-told you not t-to ra-rage type.” He just turned and smiled, “Where have you


“I made some new friends!” I said sleepily.

“Go get some rest.”

I didn’t argue, but just as I was about to close the door to my room I heard dad say ‘We need to stay

here, It’s safer.” Safe? Safe from what? I thought as I crept closer to the main area. “She’s growing

up she needs to be around more people like her “I heard mom sigh “I know…I just don’t want her to

get hurt, that's all.” I heard dad walk over to mom and say in a very soft voice “She won’t, she has us,

plus Nico…I’ll train her. She’ll be fine.” Mom and dad trudged off to their room. I went into my room,

and hopped into bed. What would hurt me? I thought as I layed there, then a memory from my past

life came to me.

I was being yelled at by my dads secretary, about not being ladylike, and having to not be so

childish. I darted up, then my phone rang, it was Kimmy's number. When I answered it Juno said

“Hope I didn’t wake ya up shrimp, just calling to check in on ya,” Then in the background I heard

Kimmy say “Gimme back my phone dummy or im telling mom!” I said “Wait, are y-you and kimmy


“Shocking, I know. STOP PUSHING ME DUMMY!” he said. After about thirty minutes of them

bickering and me laughing at them we ended our little talk. I layed on my back, when I heard a ding.

Juno had sent me a picture with Kimmy yelling at him, and him grinning like a doofus. I giggled and

thought Maybe this move won’t be so bad after all.

When Lunar Wolves
Rule: Part 4
Teghan A.N. Green, Tatianna N.S. Satchell, Audrey K. Wells

The Heir to the Throne.

My eyes hover open, everything is swirling, I faintly see my friends, they look worried sick,

Kimmy is adjusting pillows under my head, Claw is taking my shoes off, while Juno yells curses while

looking for my necklace. Necklace, why would I need that? Aragorn and Teddy, tend to my bruises

and wounds. Wait. . . bruises, wounds, how did those get there? Then I pass out and I’m in my

mothers arms hurling toward the ground, then boom my mother has wings and we're soaring through

the air. Then the scene shifts, I’m in a meadow, and there she lays, my mother, welts, bruises and cuts

all over her. Tears rolled down my face, I wanted to go to her but I couldn't move, then the scene shifts,

every kind of wolf slaughtered, and standing on a high platform with a torch in one hand and a sword

in the other is the tiger queen. STOP! Then I’m back in the dorm, panting, sweating and crying. Make

it stop, Make it stop! First it’s just in my head then it’s out loud “Make it stop!” Then nothing, no

dreams, no friends, just deafening silence and darkness.

When I awake Kimmy and Claw are reading me a story, Juno and Aragorn are tending to

my wounds still, while Teddy wipes my face with a warm towel. I blink, at first I can’t hear them, then,

ever so slowly my hearing comes back. Juno wipes a cut on my leg while Aragorn holds me still.
“Ow.” I say under my breath. Claw stops reading in the middle of a sentence, and looks up at my face,

everyone else does the same, I frown, “I feel like crap” Teddy smiles, Kimmy and Claw giggle,

Aragorn’s face softens, Juno smirks while he finishes cleaning up the cut on my leg. I close my eyes for

a minute, and sit straight up which startles Kimmy so much she almost falls off the bed. I rub my

head with the back of my hand. “Woah, take it easy, shrimp!” Juno says, then Aragorn askes “So

you gonna tell us what the heck happened or what?!” I blink and pull my legs up to my chest, “I- I

don’t know.” Claw frowns, “What do you mean ‘I don’t know’?!” I don’t answer, I lean on Juno and

frown, Why, Why Why, Why. “I . . . can’t talk about it”

“What do you mean?” Kimmy asks, frowning.

“I mean they don’t want me to talk about it, I- I can’t, I’m sorry.”

Then Claw asks “They? They who?”

She knows who, I can tell, our thoughts are connected, she knows what I’m thinking, and I

know what she’s thinking. Come on Lilac, I know but they don’t. Her tone makes me flinch. “The gods,

they did all of this, I can’t say more than that” I swallow and bury my face in Juno’s chest. His heart

starts beating faster, Why did they do this to me!? I don’t know, Lilac . I'm sorry. Claw only says it in

her head so only I can hear it. The next thing I know I’m asleep, and a dream comes, I block off Claw

so she can’t see the dream. “You not only killed the love of my life, but the QUEEN OF THE LUNAR

WOLVES” My dad yells at Amiliana. She smiles wickedly “Now, now. She was nothing, she was

powerful yes, but a barbarian! Me however,” she walks up to him and raps her arms around his neck,

“I’m both civilized and powerful.” My dad pushes her off, and says in a language so old I should’t be

able to understand it, but somehow I do “Yeeth trapeeth de cursay, till shey forgiven yeeth” “You are

cursed until she has forgiven you!” The tiger queen gasps, “NOOOOOOOO!!!” She yells and glowing
bars surround her. I wake up to see Claw and Kimmy by either of my sides, they both sigh and smile,

“You okay girl you scared us.” Kimmy says. “Yeah, and you blocked me off, we were getting

worried.” I sit up and say “Guys I don’t know how but, I think my mom just sent me a vision.” Claw

gasps and Kimmy falls off the bed with a thud, we look at each other and break down laughing. Once

were done I tell them about my dream vision thing. “OMG so you’re like a princess!” Kimmy says,

excitedly. “Well then I want to be your ‘Royal Adviser’!” Claw squeals. “Hey no fair! I want to be her

‘Royal adviser'! " “I called dibs first!”

“You both can be my ‘Royal Adviser’!” I giggle. So do they. Then there’s a knock on the door,

my brother’s knock, Claw gets up to unlock the door, and as soon as she does Nico bursts in. “Okay, so

you passed out and got wounded, AND DIDN’T THINK TO TELL ME!?” I just giggle, while Claw

shuffles past him and sits back in her spot. So he’s mad. Yep. Should I knock him out? WHAT NO! I

look at Claw like she’s insane. Kimmy looks at me then Claw, then me then Claw. This goes on forever

until all three of us start laughing like crazy, Nico rolls his eyes and says “You’re insane, FREAKING


I plop out of bed and ignore the pain in my leg and see Aragorn reading a very, very thick

book, he looks up and gives me a small smile, “Well look at that, you're not a zombie!” I giggle and sit

next to him “What’re you reading?” He just flips the book to the cover and it says The Bite, a book

that’s apparently too mature for me. I blink and then yawn “Where is everyone?” “Classes, don’t

worry I’m on break. We're taking turns watching you.” I roll my eyes because they act like I'm a

baby. He stares at me for a long minute, and then, finally, asks “So you’re a princess?” My face goes

red, “Uh yeah I guess, Kimmy and Claw are my ‘Royal Adviser’!” He laughs at this. I dozed off for the

millionth time today. I don’t have any dreams. I just think about my friends, and how they stood by
me when I was hurt and delusional. They’ll stand by me no matter what, right? Then my mind

wonders to Juno and Aragorn, how Claw pointed out how they were looking at me, then there’s

Teddy. I giggle thinking how he was looking at Claw, but then I think about how Kimmy was looking

at Teddy. Wait a minute, does Teddy like Kimmy or Claw? But I’m knocked out of my thoughts,

because someone is brushing my hair. Teddy! Great “Hey Teddy, um. . .” I struggle to find the words.

He pushes his brown hair out of his face “Yeah?” “Um do you, I know this is a weird thing to ask but,

do you like Kimmy or . . . Claw?” He seemed surprised by this question, but he answered without

hesitation “Kimmy, I mean Claw is cute but I just met her.” I smile at this. The next time I wake up it’s

Juno, Perfect, I can quiz him too. “So Juno, who do you like the most . . . romantically? Claw or. . .

me.” He looks at me from across the couch and says “Why the heck do you want to know, shrimp?” I

roll my eyes “It’s just a question!” He sighs, and when he says Claw me heart leaps, That’s so cute! I

giggle once I realize Juno is sort of like Nico, MEGA OVER PROTECTIVE!

Now here comes the hard part, Aragorn. What if he likes Kimmy or Claw? But that’ll have to

wait because I need to find my dad, so put all the lovey dovey stuff aside.

Once Juno is gone and I’m sure no one else is coming I put on a shirt, some jeans and

sneakers and head out. Last time I saw him he was by the magic lab. I sneak past the teachers lounge,

but then I stop short when I hear my brother's voice. “. . . Don’t care if that’s the case! If she ends up

like this it’ll be you unconscious!” I ignore the urge to go in there and see who he’s talking to, and

creep toward the magic lab or ML as we call it. There he is swirling various different colored liquids.

“Well, Lili, I know you're there.” says her dad. Lilac creeps away from the corner she was hiding

behind, “W-well.” Lilac says, her stutter coming back. When he turn around Lilac studies his features,
His eyes are the same color as hers, his hair is so black it looks purple, she clenches her fists and tries

not to cry. He puts down the beaker and walks over to Lilac, “ You look like our mother.” He says with

a small smile. Lilac takes a step back, and her father says “No need to worry I won’t hurt you.”

“How do you know I can trust you”

“Because I’m your father.” He says calmly.

Lilac’s ear twitches, Wait ear, I’m not in my wolf form??!! Lilac reaches up to her ears and almost falls

flat on her face, “OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!” Her father chuckles. Lilac rushes over to a mirror on the

wall and just about has a heart attack, where her human ears should be are two fuzzy wolf ears, and

just above her butt is a furry tail. She moves her tail back and forth. HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THIS

BEFORE!!! It only happened after the vision, she spins around to look at her dad. “WHAT IS

HAPPENING!?” Lilac booms. “Lili calm down. . . breathe, the more you refuse to trust me the longer

those will be there.

Lilac looks into his fiery orange eyes and swears they're actually on fire, then a memory comes back to

her. . . well more like a feeling, and then she hears a poof! She looks back at the mirror tail and ears

are gone. “See that wasn’t so hard.” Says Lilacs dad. She gives him a small smile, for the next few

hours Lilac romes around campus with him talking about her mother and the Queen of Jerks, as Lilac

had started calling Amilliana. Just then Aragorn comes running towards her and asks with just a bit

of a threatening tone, “Who the heck are you, and why is she out of bed.” Her father obviously doesn’t

approve of the way he just barged into their conversation. However he answers calmly, “I’m her father

young man, and may I ask who are you.” Aragorn frowns and grabs hold of Lilacs hand, “We should
be going, excuse me.” He’s practically dragging Lilac and when they get out of ear shot of her father

she says, “Wanna tell me what that was all about?” He stops but doesn’t turn around, and when he

does he looks absolutely furious. “You left and didn’t tell me where you were going, when I got back

you weren’t there, do you know how worried I was!?” I sigh, I didn’t think about how this would affect

him, I was too eager to get answers. “ I’m sorry, okay, I really am, I just. . . wasn’t thinking I

guess.” Aragorn's face softens and he pulls me in for a hug, “Don’t ever do ANYTHING like that


When Lunar Wolves

Rule: Part 5
Teghan A.N. Green, Tatianna N.S. Satchell, Audrey K. Wells
The Boom

After all my wounds had healed and I got Nico to calm down everything went back to normal, except
for the fact that I now talked to my dad on a daily basis, Juno and Nico looked at Aragorn like he
was a demon or something. Things were good for the next 6 years or so, and then there was ‘The
Boom’. Everyone was running around some people screaming their heads off, then I saw it, it looked
like a bear with a panther's tail, its fur was white as snow. Wait, Juno? There’s something on his
neck, he whips his head around like he’s at a rock concert. Juno pulls his paw back and then I see
Kimmy standing under him, I run at Kimmy and tackle her out of the way, “WHAT THE HECK IS
HAPPENING!?” I scream to be heard over the noise.

HE’S GOING NUTS!” I dodge another blow, and dash in front of him and call his name, his head
turns first then his body, I make a face, but quickly catch myself, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING,
STUPID?!” Juno roars at me. (Note to self: Don’t call the 5 foot, raging Banther stupid.) I morph
into my wolf form and run people out of the way. Kimmy ran after me as she tried to herd Juno away
from the academy. Kimmy morphed into her banther form to keep up with Lilac. Then she saw a
group of kids huddled together behind Juno, and he was falling backwards fast. Just then she saw a
blur and Aragorn and Claw appeared in front of her, she sighed and smiled and said,

“Your guy’s timing is impeccable!”

“You have no idea,” Says Kimmy.

Before we could finish our super important conversation Juno lets out a roar like he’s trying to blow
up our eardrums. Okay that’s the last freakin’ straw. I think I stay in my human form and leap onto
his neck, which he for sure does not like. I bring out my claws but before I can swipe at the thing on his
neck he lands on all four of his paws and started going wild like a bull, Kimmmy and Claw try to keep
him still, and Aragorn zips people out of the way, so Teddy can look at them for injuries.

Okay, so when you turn 15 they have you choose a topic that you're really interested in, Teddy chose
medicine and stuff, Kimmy chose fashion, obviously, Aragorn and Juno chose sword play, but I don’t
really know what to choose, so. . . I chose everything.

Anyway back to the fight that may or may not get us all killed.
I finally manage to straighten myself and I take a swipe at his neck, and in an instant he stops
moving entirely, I hop off. He morphed into his human form and faints. I took the thing that was on
his neck. I start to take it apart, then it starts beeping a high pitched sound that makes me wanna rip
my own ears off, I slash at it to shut it up. I leave it at my desk, and plop onto my bed, then I hear
Nico’s knock and say, “Come in,” but my face is in my pillow so it sounds more like, “CMF UM” Nico
sit’s down next to me and asks in a mocking tone “So, how was your day?” I sock him in his arm, and
he laughs, “Just wanted to check up on you, don’t do any more dumb things.” I turn my head away
and smirk. I fall asleep and hear someone shuffling around my room, I groan and look up to see
Aragorn messing with the collar of death(the thing that was in Juno’s neck), He starts banging it
with his fists, my eyes shoot open, and I jump out of bed, and smack him in the back of his head,
“OW!” I frown and say, “What do you think you're doing?”

“Seeing if I can turn it on.”

“ How would smacking it, turn it on Aragorn?”

He just shrugs and falls onto my bed, I roll my eyes. I look at it and tilt my head, something gold is
shining in the middle. I pull it out with my claws and examine it. Aragorn comes over and looks at it
too. “Maybe it’s gold?”he says. Two seconds ago I would have believed him but gold reflects heat and
this thing is as cold as an iceberg.

My claws start to freeze but I don’t pay any attention to it, then it reaches the tips of my fingers,
suddenly Aragorn smacks the thing out of my hand. I blink, It’s like I was in a trance. I shove my
index and thumb into my mouth to get the ice off. Aragorn stares at the thing and says, “Uh, nope I’m
taking this.” I take my fingers out of my mouth and say,

“What, why?!”
“Because it obviously did something to you, and you did not care one bit,” says Aragorn

I frown and plop into my chair, I feel a sharp pain in my hand, I look down and see that now half my
hand is frozen. I yelp, which startles Aragorn. He looks at my hand then at the gold thing then my
hand, then finally he smashes the gold thing and the ice stops freezing and starts to retreat. My heart
slows down and I shove the death device into a drawer. Aragorn studies my hand. My fingers are still
frozen but they feel like they're on fire. I try to pull my hand away but Aragorn won’t let me, he blows
on them to warm them up, not that his hands in general won’t do the trick.

I rest my head on his shoulder and fall asleep, then I have a dream, well more like a vision, I can’t
explain it.
A bunch of. . . blue dudes are in an old timey forge, then I see thousands, no billions of those gold
things, my heart starts beating faster. They’re putting them at the tip of swords, shields, even on top of
helmets. I gulp. Then the scene flashes, but I’m not in the past, but the present. I see Juno in the
infirmary and Kimmy sitting in a chair next to him. Then everything goes blank, nothing but
darkness, I clench my hand, then someone, no something appears. What it says sends a chill down
my spine, “GIVE ME YOUR POWER OR SHE’S NEXT” I wake up startled and realize I'm
clenching Aragorn's shirt, but I don’t let go, I use my free hand to rub my eyes. Then I say, “ We need
to go check on Kimmy and Juno.” Aragorn gives me a confused look and asks “How do you know
Kimmy is with Juno?” I shrug and Claw knocks on the open door and says “So, pack, what are we
doing today?” I smile and let go of Aragorn's shirt, and say to Claw, “I think you know, girl.”

When we got to the infirmary I just about screamed, so many people were hurt because of me. But this will
never happen again whoever or whatever is coming for me is in for a world of pain. I ignored the urge to run
and walk into Junos ``room” . How did I know which one he was in? No idea! Kimmy is showing Juno pictures
of guinea pigs, he just looks bored. I giggle and say “I don’t think Juno wants to spend his time looking at
guinea pigs Kim!” She just says “ Yes he does because I say he does.” Claw walks behind Kimmy so she can see
the pictures, and says cheerfully, “Who wouldn’t want to look at them, they're adorable.” Juno just rolls his
eyes. Aragorn leans against the wall, and twirls his knife in his hand. I sigh, and say, “So no biggie, but
ummm I think my dad’s ex-girlfriend is trying to kill me.” Juno chokes on his drink and Kimmy drops her
phone, and says “WHAT!?” “SHH! The whole academy can hear you!” Kimmy cringed when I said that.
Aragorn seemed to find all of this amusing, because he had a smirk on his face. Kimmy looks a bit scared as if
something is bothering her. “Kimmy are you okay?” Juno glances at her and walks over to give her a big hug.
“I’m fine it’s just that we have been in so many adventures together and now your dads ex-girlfriend is trying to
kill you, just what if we never stop the Lunar Wolf war and die?” I start to cry a little. “That will never happen.
We will stop the Lunar Wolf ware and kill whoever this ex-girlfriend of my dads is, who’s with me?” They all
nod, and that cheers me up a whole lot. But not Kimmy, she now has tears running down her face. She runs to
the bathroom and Claw runs after her, while I talk to Juno and Alagorn.

Claw’s P.O.V.

“Kimmy? Are you here?” ‘Sobs’ “Kimmy can I come in there to talk to you?” Kimmy opens the stall she is in
and she is on the floor with her hands on her face crying. “Kimmy what's wrong? We have been through so
much and now you're crying?” Kimmy sniffs and says “I- I just, I don’t know, I guess I’m worried.”

“Worried about what, we’ll get through this! You know we will,”

“At what cost?” Kimmy says her blue eyes looking pale. That question catches me off guard. “I mean what if. .
. what if Lilac gives up her power and it kills her, or-or that crazy lady does?!” Lilac comes walking in to check
on us. “I will never give up my power, but if we have to kill the crazy lady then I will take her power and spread
it to all of you so we can stop the Lunar Wolf war for good. Kimmy, look at me. It’s okay to be afraid but you
have to just stand up, and keep going whether you feel like you can’t do it or not, cause you can!” Kimmy sighs
and nods, “How are you always so optimistic about everything?” Kimmy asks. Lilac smiles and looks at me
then Kimmy “Because I have you guys, you’re what keeps me going!” Lilac says bending down and gives
Kimmy a big hug, she motions me over and soon we’re just three girls hugging in a bathroom stall floor. We
must look crazy. Aragorn is standing outside of the girls bathroom and asks, “Are you girls okay in there?”
We start to giggle, “Yes we are coming out, hold on.” We walk out of the bathroom stall and Juno runs up to
give Kimmy a hug, Alagorn and Lilac also hug. I am on my own. Juno and Kimmy finish hugging and he
walks over to give me a big hug. My face goes red, and I just about die. I turn to look at Aragorn and Lilac to
see that they are kissing. Lilac’s face is red, I guess she still isn’t used to kissing him in front of other people.
Juno runs into the boys bathroom, and so does Aragorn and Teddy. “We should scare them!” I whisper.
“Yeah, let's do that.” I stand inside the girls bathroom with Lilac and Kimmy is standing on the other side of
the wall that separates the girls from the boys bathroom. Alagorn and Juno come out. Juno just told Alagorn
that he doesn’t wash his hands after using the bathroom. Lilac, Kimmy, and I both run out from where we were
hiding and yell at Juno. “YOU WHAT!!!!????” I walk right up to Juno and smack him in the face. He runs
back into the bathroom and washes his hands. “Well, he will be washing his hands again or Imma give him the
mega punch next time.” Everybody starts laughing. Juno came out completely red faced, that makes me laugh.
Juno says “You could have just told me to go wash my hands!”

“Where's the fun in that?”

Lilac giggles and says “We should go to bed, it's almost 1 and the headmistress will be really mad if we're out
after curfew.” We all nod, and Juno, Aragor, and Teddy go to the guys' dorms while me, Kimmy, and Lilac go
to ours. We say goodnight and go to our rooms. I have a little bit of a hard time sleeping but finally I do, and
I never want to wake up again. Because if I do then all of this will be real, and so will the danger to my friends.

Lilac’s P.O.V.

I lay in bed thinking about Kimmy and Claw. I’m putting them in danger, but I also have a better chance of
surviving. I sit up and smack my pillow “Why does everything have to be so complicated?” I mutter to myself.
Then I hear a voice from behind me, next to the window, “Because that’s just the way it is.” I spin around to see
Aragorn leaning next to my window. I sigh and say “Don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack, plus
why are you in my room weirdo.” He makes a face and says “How am I weird?” I just shrug. I get out of bed
and close the window, why would he leave it open? It's freezing outside. I kissed my temple and said “Sorry.”
The next morning we all walk to the cafeteria to have breakfast. It's eggs, sausage, and jelly toast. I love
breakfast. “So are we gonna find this ex-girlfriend or not?” I ask hoping for an answer. Everyone looks at me. I
sit and eat my breakfast in embarrassment.
“Um, yeah, but where would we even start?” Kimmy asks, totally stumped.

Claw thought about this for a minute and then said “Maybe. . . you could ask your dad?”

I looked at her for a minute and said “Yeah but we need a back up plan, in case he doesn’t want to help.”

They all nodded in agreement, but what? Aragorn said finally, “Well we could go to the Tiger Palace, that’s
where we might find some clues.” I knew he didn’t like my dad, and my dad didn’t like him, so me going to ask
for his help was like asking to set my pants on fire.

“Okay, but the headmistress won’t let us leave yet, it’s not Christmas yet.” Teddy said as he shoved his face with
eggs. I think about a plan for a minute. “I can’t let Aragorn get hurt. I will go see my dad with Claw. Everyone
else will stay here.” Aragorn got out of his seat and sat right next to me. “I don’t want you to get hurt though.”
I talk to Claw through my head. He’s my dad, are you okay with coming with me, Claw? Well I can’t let the
princess get hurt can I? So is that a yes? Yes it is. I look at Aragorn. “I’m gonna be okay, don’t worry he's my
dad.” He still doesn’t seem to be okay with it but he sighs and nods “Okay, but don’t get your hopes up.” I
stand and so does Claw. We walk out of the cafeteria and are about to go to the ML byt Aragorn runs out after
me and says “Can I talk with Lilac, privately, please.” Claw looks at me and I nod.

“Aragorn you can’t change my mind, I’ll be fine.” He doesn’t respond, he just kisses me and goes back into the
cafeteria. I must be blushing because Claw says “ Ooooo, did he kiss you, OMG did he propose?!” I smacked
her in the arm and ran off towards the ML. Claw walks back into the cafeteria and asks “How long have you
guys been dating?” Aragorn looks at Claw and starts to blush. “Um, only for a year, maybe, I forgot.” Claw
gets a big jokey smile on her face and says, “You guys should get married. OMG I know let's get a Tux, and
Lilac a pretty light blue dress and you can propose to her. Oh that would be so good!” Aragorn almost punched
Claw in the face but she grabbed his fist and popped his knuckles. When I came back into the Cafeteria, I saw
Claw and Aragorn fighting. I hit Claw on the arm again, and smacked Aragorn in the face. I thought to
myself. I’m gonna be a great mom. If I am still alive by then. “Tonight me and Claw will sneak out and go find
my dad. You guys will stay here and practice your fighting, you'll need it.” I say, I feel scared and shaking on
the inside, and on the outside I’m a strong and mighty shield. But what if that wasn’t enough? If I’m not strong
enough I might get my friends killed! I would rather let her kill me than kill my friends. I should just give
myself up. NO! I scream at myself, I need to at least try! Claw walks over to me and can tell that I am thinking
about something bad. “What’s wrong?” I look at CLaw, I run over to her and give her a big bear hug. “We
better get ready, it's almost time.” Claw looks at me and gives me a big smile. Aragorn, Kimmy, Teddy, and
Juno walk over and we all have a group hug. “We got this. Together!” Everyone smiles big and then we start
giggling. I kiss Aragorn on the cheek and say, “I love you, and I always will.” He kisses me back and we smile.
“Claw and I will be gone for a while if there is danger we will morph into wolf form and howl, when you hear it
you need to come to where we are. Okay?” Everyone nods.
It’s past midnight and we’re jumping from roof to roof. When we get to the ML I hold the window open for
Claw, “Dad!” I whisper. He peeks out from around the corner and smiles, he kinda looks like a Bonds villain,
but whatever. “Um, hey, can-can we ask you something?” He walks over and says while wiping his hands with
a rag “Lili you can ask me anything that's wrong.”

I hesitantly say “I-it’s about. . . the Tiger Queen, she’s threatening me and my friends we need to find her and
stop her.” His silver eyes seem to be boring into my soul, and he looks really really mad. “Lilac! Under no
circumstances will you even engage that woman!”

“But Dad-”


He shakes his head and storms out of the ML.

“Lilac, I’m sorry, but we knew it was a long shot!”

I don’t respond, I just climb out the window and onto the roof. “Let’s go find the Tiger Queen.” Claw nods but I
can tell she worried about me.

Aragorn's P.O.V.

I really wish Lilac had let me come with her, I know that her dad won’t help and it’ll crush her. “Hey, she’ll be
fine dude,” Juno says, trying to assure me as well as himself.

“And What if she’s not fine. . .what if he hurts her mentally, there’s no medicine for that.” Teddy shakes his
head and says “Juno is right she’ll be fine.” I nod. Waiting for her is even more stressful than going with her.
Just then the window to our dorm flys open and the girls come in, “Well?” Juno asks. They shake their heads.
Lilac's face is stoic but I can tell she’s mad and hurt. She sighed and said “We should wait until break then we’ll
go find her, we should all rest, we have a LONG day of exams tomorrow. Kimmy groans and says “Don’t
remind me.” I walk over to Lilac and hug her. “I was so worried about you.” I kiss her on the cheek and she
smiles, and I walk to the boys dorm leaving the girls to sleep.
The Tiger Queen’s Revenge
It’s the middle of the night and I hear a loud crash coming from the girls' dorm. I get out of bed, put my shirt on
and run to see if everything is okay. I run into the room and see everyone is asleep except Claw and Kimmy. “He
took Lilac!” Aragorn jumps out the window and chases after the man that took Lilac. Claw runs after Aragorn
while Kimmy gets Teddy, and Juno. Aragorn grabs onto the man's jacket and pulls it off. He keeps running
then suddenly he disappears into a portal. “NO!” Aragorn falls to the ground in anger. “What happened?
Where'd he go?” Claw puts her hand on my back and starts rubbing it. “He disappeared into a portal
somehow, WITH LILAC!”

Lilacs P.O.V.

I wake up finding myself in a cage, with chains on my legs and feet. I don’t know where I am, all I know is that
I am in danger. I try to morph into wolf form to break the chains but I can't. I feel like my powers are weak. I
hear voices and footsteps coming my way. “I can’t believe he actually got his own daughter after everything
he’s been through with the Tiger Queen. I look around trying to find a close place to hide. But there is nowhere
to hide. “OMG it's a little little girl! This will be easy.” They grabbed me by the arm and put cuffs on me, and
they wrapped a cloth around my mouth so I couldn't talk. They put me in a chair and take my necklace that
has my powers away. I feel nauseous, and dizzy at the same time. They put me on a metal plate with glowing
tube things around it, and I immediately feel weaker. Before I know it I’ve passed out, I hear them muttering
about how I couldn’t even withstand one minute. They put me back in the cage and locked me up. I wait for
their footsteps to go away and sit bultright up. Where am I? I think looking around. I pull the cloth off of my
mouth, and howl, hoping that Claw or someone would hear me. (They cuffed me so my hands were in front of
me, not behind.) I even try mind linking with Aragorn or Claw. I sigh and bang my head against the bars a bit
too hard, I bring my hands up to my forehead and see blood. “AARGH!” I cry in frustration, and immediately
the bars with the blood burst into flames and melts. I walk over to the steaming hot melted bars and put my
chains on the melted bars and I am free. I run to the spot where my necklace is, grab it and run out a near
window. I see a portal and jump through it. I come out of the portal and see Aragorn crying and Claw asleep. I
walk over to them quietly and kiss him on the head. “Lilac?” I smile and he looks at me. “Well I have blood that
melts bars!” Aragorn slowly smiles and engulfs me in a hug that nearly crushes my ribs, he pulls away and
kisses me. “Who took you, I’ll kill him?!” I shake my head and say “You can’t kill everyone that makes you

“Well he didn’t just make me mad he TOOK YOU!” I giggle, he’s really cute when he’s mad.

He shakes his head and smiles again, “So what was that about blood that can melt metal bars?” Just then I
hear a gasp from behind us and Claw is squishing the life out of me, “Claw I’m happy to see you too, but, ack,
you're gonna kill me!” I grab Claw and smack her in the face, and she wakes up. “That hurt! What
happened?” Claw looks at me and sees that I have blood on my forehead, she grabs a cloth from her pocket. It
looks like. . . THE SAME ONE THAT MYSTERIOUS PERSON PUT ON ME! “”Claw? Where did you get that?”
Claw looks at me and gets nervous. She looks at me, hands me the cloth and runs away. “We need to follow
her!” Aragorn and I run after her and Aragorn grabs her and makes her sit. “Spill! We know you're hiding
something, Claw! We want to help.” Claw looks at us with tears running down her face and finally says.
“When I was little my mother and father were killed. I went out one day to find food and was attacked by a
bear, but luckily this guy found me and killed the bear and that's what we had for dinner. The guy saved me
that day. I looked up to him as my father, but now I have to obey him or I’ll be seeing my parents in heaven.”
Aragorn asks Claw an important question. “Did you help the guy kidnap Lilac?” Claw answers, “Yes. . . If I
didn't I would die and so will Lilac.” Aragorn’s jaw is clenched and he looks like he’s ready to set her on fire, at
last he says “So you're saying. . . you helped that guy take Lilac so he wouldn’t kill you, if you could do that
then you deserve to die” Claw scowls and says “How are you any better!? I mean do you really think you're
even on the same level as Lilac? As soon as she was gone you cried like a baby!”

“I’m going to kill you!” Claw looks at Lilac and says “I’m sorry, but tonight he will be coming back to get you
and I won’t help this time and I’ll let him kill me and he can take my necklace instead. I . . . I deserve to die.”
Aragorn lets go of Claw and she tries to run back into the portal but I somehow close it. Claw stops in her tracks
and Aragorn lunges at her, he looks down right murderous. Claw swiftly avoids his punch when finally I can’t
take it anymore “STOP!!!” They both look at each other than me. I never get mad like this but right now the
tiger queen is tearing us apart, just then Kimmy, Juno, and Teddy come running out. They all look surprised,
“This is all because of me! I know what I have to do and NO ONE is going to stop me. I leap into the forest and
I can hear my friends calling after me. I stop in the middle of the forest and I see Claw behind me looking mad.
“I have to go with you. The tiger queen is. . . my grandmother.” I look at Claw and punch her straight in the
face. I’m not trying to hurt her but I need to keep her back long enough. . .to do what I need to do. I continue to
run, and soon I’m in my wolf form. Before I know it I’m at the tiger palace. When I walk into the palace I see
the Tiger Queen and. . . . . Claw? “Claw? Is that you? How did you get here so fast?” Claw walks up to me and
punches me. I have blood on my lip, Claw has some on her fist and I am scared because I don’t want her to die.
She's my friend, BUT SHE BETRAYED ME! She looks at me and says, “I never betrayed you. They betrayed
me.” She whispers in my ear. I stubble too shocked to say anything, did she just read my mind? A wicked
smile appears on her face, “That’s right little one, I know everything about you and I know your thoughts.
When your father imprisoned me, I was heartbroken but then I realized I could use this to my advantage, your
powers are beyond your control!” I flinch trying not to lose control, “NO! Claw would never do this! EVER!”
Stop being a coward and fight me yourself!!!” Claw scowls which kind of looks goofy. A minute after Claw’s
eyes roll into the back of her head and she faints. I’m in there in a flash, but someone grabs me by the back of
my shirt and hurles me into a tree. All the sound immediately disappears, my vision is all fuzzy. Before I can
regain my senses I’m kicked in the gut. THAT”S IT! In my previous life I was bullied all the time and whoever
this person is, is basically a big bully! “STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!” I scream and let out a massive wave
of dark and light magic. I get to my feet and charge, but I stop short. I’ve seen the tiger queen in dream visions
but never in real life. She smiles at me and becomes fully solid. “Thank you, thank you for giving me the one
thing I needed to escape!” My magic! I'm furious! My breathing is uneven, every part of me is on fire. I bring
out my swords, I charge at the Tiger Queen and she yelps before I try to fight. It’s my father! He cut off her arm,
and got my necklace back! I drive both my swords into her stomach, this wouldn’t be a fatal blow but she dies
from the shock of pain and we all come out of Claws head, but I notice that Claw is still not herself. She gets to
her feet and is shaking, “We only killed her in Claw’s mind, she’s trying to gain back control, Claw is fighting it
off but not for long. . . I’ll kill her, you look after Claw!” I shake my head and say “This is my fight Dad,I’ll do
it myself. I’ll howl when I need help!”

Before he can argue I’m opening a portal to the Tiger Queen's palace and jumped through it. There she is, for
real this time. She stands and brings out a long sword, with metal as black as night. “Surrender your power
and I will make your death quick!” She says with an ice cold glare. “I’d rather marry a tree!”

“SO BE IT! YOU HAVE SEALED YOUR OWN DOOM!” Then she changes, and my extinct kick in, and it’s a
flash of metal. But she’s too powerful, soon enough she has her blade to my neck and is sucking out my power, I
use the last of my strength and let out a piercing howl! I grab the sword from her hands and the powers come
back to me and when I know all the power is in me, I cut my hand and the blood melts the sword and the Tiger
Queen steps back after she sees the sword melt. She looks at me and falls to the ground with a yelp of pain. I see
my dad standing behind her with blood on his hand. I take pity on her and let her soul become a flower, a lilac,
my namesake. Then I turn to my dad, “So you knew about the blood thing this whole time, and didn’t want to
tell me!?” Before he can say anything Claw runs over to me and says, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t fight with you or
tell you that this was happening. Oh and she’s definitely not my Grandmother!” We all start laughing. I open a
portal that will send us to the Academy where my friends are waiting. We all jump into the portal and in less
than a minute we are at the Academy. Aragorn sees Claw and pushes her to the ground. “STOP! She was being
controlled by the Tiger Queen!” Aragorn looks at me then my dad. My dad nods and Aragorn helps Claw up off
the floor. Juno runs up to Claw and gives her a hug that I’m pretty sure is killing her. I smirk at claw and tap
my lip with my finger, she blushes and kisses Juno. He’s in absolute heaven! Kimmy pokes me with her elbow
and whispers, “Totally called it.” I laugh and so does Teddy, who has his hand around Kimmy’s waist. That
reminds me of Aragorn, I look at him and smile. He sighs and says “Why is everything with you so
complicated.” I giggle, and kiss him. His face is as bright as an apple. “Life with me is never going to be easy.”
My dad looks at me with a surprised look and says, “YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT YOU HAVE A

“So that’s what happened, that's our story” I say.

May giggles and says “Daddy still had a short temper!” Claw laughs and said, “You have no idea.”

Claw and Juno had got married at 21 and had a son and daughter Emma and Alphy, Teddy and Kimmy did
as well but they had two sons Scare and Scratch. They’re probably not gonna make it. Me and Argagorn got
married too and we had three kids, May, our youngest, Wyatt, our middle, and Kya our oldest.

“Aunty Lilac, do you still have your powers?” Emma asks.

I laugh and nod. All of them do a big ‘WOW’ I snap and mini fireworks appear above their sleeping bags.

Soon they're all asleep, “Thank you guys!”

“For what?” Claw and Kimmy ask at the same time.

“For being here for me.”They all smile and we hug.

Tatianna Satchell(Author)

Tatianna has always loved to create fictional characters and stories. This was her
way of expressing herself and escaping all the worries of being a pre-teen. “This
took nearly an entire year to complete but it was totally worth it,” Tatianna said.

Audrey Kate Wells(Author)

Audrey loved adventurous stories. She also loves writing songs. Audrey is 12 years
old and is a pre - teen. Reading these books helps her relax when she is frustrated
or can’t sleep. “I thought I would not be able to make this book, but now I know that
I can do it!’ Audrey said. She worked with Tatianna for a year on this book. Audrey
will never give up and will keep on going till she knows she is done.

Demon Slayer: Akari Tuski - Mori’s Journey coming soon.

Teghan Arianna Nicole Green(Illustrator)

Teghan played a big role and helped illustrate these characters so that the
readers can have a visual representation of what they look like. “This took a bajillion
years,” Teghan said with a laugh. Teeg is a 12 year old pre - teen. She is an only child
but she looks up to her best friends like they’re her sisters. (Best Friends are the



Lilacs Dad(s):
Kimmy and Juno’s Dad:

Tiger Queen:

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