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Advanced Daily Routine for School Days


- 4:00 AM: Wake up early, take a cold shower, perform ablution, and pray Fajr. Allocate 10 minutes

to read the Quran.

- 4:40 AM: Start a 40-minute workout session focusing on strength and endurance exercises to

support bulking.

- 5:20 AM: Have a nutritious breakfast including protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to

support energy throughout the day.

- 6:00 AM: Get ready for school and review the schedule for the day.

During the School Day:

- 6:30 AM - 2:00 PM: Follow the school schedule with an emphasis on eating a healthy snack

between classes.

- 2:30 PM: Have a balanced lunch after returning home, avoiding heavy foods that might cause


Afternoon and Evening:

- 3:30 PM: Perform the Asr prayer and take a short break.

- 4:00 PM: Time allocated for studying and completing homework.

- 5:30 PM: Free time for rest or pursuing a hobby.

- 6:30 PM: Have a healthy snack.

- 7:00 PM: Perform the Maghrib prayer and spend time with the family.

- 8:00 PM: Have dinner, focusing on protein-rich and low-fat foods.

- 8:30 PM: Time for light review or reading.

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Advanced Daily Routine for School Days

- 9:00 PM: Perform the Isha prayer and prepare for sleep.

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