Thesis Statement Amy Tans Mother Tongue

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Struggling with crafting a compelling thesis statement for Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue"?

You're not
alone. Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to analyzing complex literary
works like Tan's poignant essay.

Navigating through the layers of meaning, dissecting Tan's exploration of language and identity, and
formulating a thesis that captures the essence of her message requires a deep understanding of the
text and its implications.

Many students find themselves grappling with articulating a clear and concise thesis statement that
effectively encapsulates their interpretation of "Mother Tongue." It's not just about summarizing the
plot or themes; it's about delving into the nuances of Tan's narrative, unraveling the complexities of
bilingualism, cultural identity, and familial relationships.

Fortunately, there's a solution to this challenge: ⇒ ⇔. Our team of experienced

writers specializes in crafting customized thesis statements that meet your specific requirements.
Whether you need assistance in identifying key themes, analyzing literary devices, or refining your
argument, we're here to help.

By entrusting your thesis statement to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and alleviate the
stress of grappling with this critical component of your academic assignment. Our experts will work
closely with you to develop a thesis that not only reflects a deep understanding of "Mother Tongue"
but also showcases your unique insights and analysis.

Don't let the complexities of writing a thesis statement overwhelm you. Place your trust in ⇒ ⇔ and take the first step towards academic success. Order now and unlock the
expertise you need to excel in your academic endeavors.
This text is free, available online and used for guidance and inspiration. That was the language that
helped shape the way I saw things, expressed things, made sense of the world. Learning Objective.
Demonstrate an awareness of how language and meaning are shaped by culture and context Watch
this clip. This person would not lose their scholarly credentials just because they cannot
communicate their ideas effectively in the new language. Once I got older and was associating
myself with other people who spoke what is called “proper english” I actually matured and saw that
there were so many opportunities for those who spoke the language everyone found “acceptable” or
“correct”. Mother tongue-based multilingual education (MLE) is a formal or nonformal education, in
which the children’s mother tongue is used in the classroom as a bridge in learning Filipino and
English. She expresses her determination to prove people wrong ( tan 1). Arm with her proper
English, Tan helped talk her mom out of the situation and help her to achieve what she wanted. Each
paragraph in the body of the essay should contain. Later, the gangster became more powerful, far
richer than my mother's family, and one day showed up at my mother's wedding to pay his respects.
Overall, the essay adeptly navigates the intricacies of language and identity, leaving a lasting
impression. So you'll have some idea of what this family talk I heard sounds like, I'11 quote what my
mother said during a recent conversation which I videotaped and then transcribed. It is the reason
why amy tan confesses that she uses the same language as her mother when she communicates with
her. Both Looking Things Over by Zora Neale Hurston and Mother Tongue by Amy Tan are
autobiographical essays written from a first person point of view. Both Mother Tongue by Amy Tan
and The Misery of Silence by Maxine Kingston have used humor that comes through language.
English was a tool Tan acquired to help her mother but more importantly was a tool that helped her
gain success as a writer. This in itself proves Tans point of society's misconception and generalisation
of people with different language backgrounds. It is natural for most of us to let bias, racism, and
social segregation affect our point of view and attitude towards others. Tan recalls instances where
she has felt embarrassed or ashamed of her mother's English, particularly in situations where she has
had to interpret for her mother or where her mother's English has been viewed as a deficiency. Many
of my decisions growing up were influenced by my pish backgrounds to some its just a language but
when you speak a different language you see the world differently. What is the basic criterion to
judge broken English. She also addresses the issue of individualist culture as opposed to collective
culture. But the truth is that the majority of our school children come from homes where the mother
tongue is the predominant language. Tan uses an example of her mother going to New York to yell
at her stockbroker, after not receiving her check from cashing out her portfolio, to show us that even
though her language skills were sub par, she could still very effectively communicate her feelings and
ideas. Two authors explore how their attempt to compromise almost caused them to become detached
from their roots. Language has played a big role on many of my decisions in life. The point she was
trying to make in this essay was that although she is from Chinese background, she has succeeded in
learning English language thus proving many people wrong. In contrast, submersion programs
attempt to promote skills in a new language by eliminating them from a known language, which may
actually limit learner competence in both. It tells us how fascinated she has been by the language in
her daily life. Amy. If a person can speak a language fluently even though he or she have a strong
accent, then seriously we can judge them as having broken English.
I am a writer. I am someone who has always loved language”. She said they would not give her any
more information until the next time and she would have to make another appointment for that. I was
touched and captivated by the true to life context of Tan’s work. The essay would benefit from more
varied sentence structures for enhanced engagement. All throughout this article Tan uses personal
experience from her mom to show the readers the struggle while also using primary sources to back
up her claim. I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I had already given to half
a dozen other groups. Language and Power. Objective. Analyse how audience and purpose affect the
structure and content of texts. One major issue faced by immigrant families is that it may not be
possible for all members of the family to speak flawless English as indicated in the essay by Tan.
Tan's purpose in this essay is to show how her mother tongue affected her English and made her
improve her English. Due to the way I was used to talking to my friends affected making new
friends and the type of friends I looked forward to making. In Tan’s article she quotes “So easy to
read” (Tan 391) when she spoke about her mother’s verdict on her book. She emphasizes familial
languages should be protected, preserved. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our
terms of service and privacy policy. Tan wants us to recognize this fact because when we think about
it, we realize how true it really is. Mother tongue-based multilingual education (MLE) is a formal or
nonformal education, in which the children’s mother tongue is used in the classroom as a bridge in
learning Filipino and English. I respected my parents so I always honored the language they spoke,
most of the time I believe I spoke their language out of habit, it was our language as a family. Her
language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, full of observation and imagery. Rhetorical strategies based on
culture, sorrow and logos need to be kept in mind in order to comprehend the purpose of the
authoress. This is the phenomenon by which people change how they speak depending on the
situation they are in. I cannot give you much more than personal opinions on the english language
and its variations in this country or others. All of us undergo similar experiences, carrying hidden
treasures within us and sometimes being away or detached from our roots enables us to appreciate
the true worth of those treasures. Mother Tongue Summary 714 Words 3 Pages After reading Mother
Tongue by Amy Tan, my perspective changed about the struggles for people who are not as good at
English. The content logically progresses as Tan quotes real life illustrations to advocate her
arguments. It is a structured program of language learning and cognitive development which
provides learners with a strong educational foundation in the first language. The only way I would
have gotten that answer right would have been to imagine an associative situation, for example, my
being disobedient and staying out past sunset, catching a chill at night, which turns into feverish
pneumonia as punishment, which indeed did happen to me. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on
board with our. It is primarily directed at immigrant families and students who use English as a
second language for studying and the like. Hence, often times as individuals we feel the need to
compromise the way in which we communicate our ideas so that we can appeal to the views of the
majority. Essentially, Amy ending up changing her style of writing because of her mother, who
changed Amoy's perception of language. Even though others viewed them as weird, dysfunctional,
unfit people they understood each other, they spoke the same language.
I come from a Jewish Italian parent but it has not affected me or my language as I do have perfect
English. Learning Objective. Demonstrate an awareness of how language and meaning are shaped
by culture and context Watch this clip. The local people call putting, the river east side, he. Arm with
her proper English, Tan helped talk her mom out of the situation and help her to achieve what she
wanted. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. She was giving a talk to
a group of people about her book, Joy Luck Club, and she found herself using English that was
sophisticated and complex. She exerted herself by excelling at English throughout school.
Additionally, careful proofreading is essential to address grammatical errors and improve sentence
composition. For instance in her experience, she notices that Asian students actually do better in
math tests than in language tests, and she questions whether or not other Asian students are
discouraged from writing or directed in the direction of math and science. And I believe that it
affected my results on achievement tests, I. Q. tests, and the SAT. While my English skills were
never judged as poor, compared to math, English could not be considered my strong suit. Part 1:
GCSE English Language Course outline Exam dates PART 2: GCSE English Literature Course
outline Exam dates What can students do to prepare for the exams. Mother tongue-based
multilingual education (MLE) is a formal or nonformal education, in which the children’s mother
tongue is used in the classroom as a bridge in learning Filipino and English. She ultimately argues for
the value and beauty of diversity in language, and the importance of celebrating and embracing
linguistic differences rather than viewing them as deficiencies. Yet, her mother had better command
in English than all that was ostensibly showed in her story. Though a lover of language and an
erudite lover of language she is, she has never recognized this concept until she realized that she has
never appeared eloquent and rhetoric in front of her mother. She expresses her determination to prove
people wrong ( tan 1). Tan was so inspired from her mother’s heritage that she resolved that her
mother should be the first reader and critic. While the word mother tongue refers to the first
language someone learns, Tan's reference to this word is pegged to the English dialect her mother
uses. All of us undergo similar experiences, carrying hidden treasures within us and sometimes being
away or detached from our roots enables us to appreciate the true worth of those treasures. On the
other hand, her mother encouraged her to think distinctively. Similarly, she stresses how people take
advantage of her mother because of her broken English. NEW SPECIFICATION. ELLB1:
Introduction to Language and Literature Study. In tans essay she quotes her mothers speech to
demonstrate her mothers broken english it was a very trivial story but the thing that is worth looking
at was her mother s grammar. He is best known for his poems written in the Glaswegian dialect of
Scots, particularly his Six Glasgow Poems and The Six O'Clock News. GCSE Literature Exam 1
40% 20 th May Exam 2 35% 23 rd May Controlled Assessment (1 essay) 25%. If a person can speak
a language fluently even though he or she have a strong accent, then seriously we can judge them as
having broken English. Watch then share your thoughts. “When a man gives his opinion, he's a man.
You had agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn't arrived. It will be a non-literary text
i.e. not from a novel, short story or poem. The two stories also differ in their thematic concerns, with
Army tan giving her account of learning English and Hughes talking of having lied ( tan 1; Hughes
I respected my parents so I always honored the language they spoke, most of the time I believe I
spoke their language out of habit, it was our language as a family. Evidently, the language is simple
to comprehend; the sentences differed from short to long fluent ones. In the essay, Mother Tongue,
we see an article about Amy Tan contemplating how her background affected her life and her
education, held her between two worlds, and brought her shame, but ultimately, she learns to
embrace her background. Tan tells a story about her mother’s broken english and its impact on her
communication to those outside their culture. Two authors explore how their attempt to compromise
almost caused them to become detached from their roots. Our experts will write for you an essay on
any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch. And at first, I wrote using what I
thought to be wittily crafted sentences, sentences that would finally prove I had mastery over the
English language. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Since America is
fundamentally an individualist society, so it is particularly challenging yet imperative for immigrants
to merge in the native culture. Thus, we reject any assertion that a local language may be inferior,
inadequate and poses an obstacle to learning. Explicit teaching of the L2 beginning with oral skills
allows students to learn the new language through communication rather than memorization. See
eNotes Ad-Free Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and
more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Papua New Guinea, a poor
Asian country of more than 800 languages, has demonstrated that reliance on local initiatives and
resources for MLE is highly feasible and substantially saves on much costs of developing and
producing learning materials. She said they did not seem to have any sympathy when she told them
she was anxious to know the exact. Although Tan uses many different kinds of English in her life,
some may be called broken, fractured or simple, the messages being communicated all have equal
value. The story itself was trivial but the noteworthy point was her mother’s grammatical errors.
Recently, our own DepEd’s Agusan Pilot MLE Study corroborated the practicality and merits of
local self-reliance and initiatives. Both pieces leave the readers thinking about what they have just
read or listened to, which serves as a great sign of a successfully written work. Her mothers broken
english limited others’ perception of her intelligence, and even her own perception of her mother was
skewed. This is because she grew up in a home with her Chinese mother who spoke English that was,
at best, difficult for many people to understand. She maintains that the importance of a language
does not lie in its being broken or perfect. The more time I spent with those friends the more I
learned about the world and actually my choice of language improved as well as my vocabulary.
Compounded by chronic difficulties such as low levels of teacher education, poorly designed,
inappropriate curricula and lack of adequate school facilities, submersion makes both learning and
teaching extremely difficult, particularly when the language of instruction is also foreign to the
teacher. But I have noticed in surveys -- in fact, just last week -- that Asian students, as a whole,
always do significantly better on math achievement tests than in English. The author maintains that
the language assisted in influencing the way she perceived things, articulated ideas, and understood
occurrences across the globe. Additionally, careful proofreading is essential to address grammatical
errors and improve sentence composition. In this guise, I was forced to ask for information or even
to complain and yell at people who had been rude to her. In the Amy Tan's - Mother Tongue, she
states that “she is someone who has always loved language. There are several actions that could
trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed
data. This gives us, the readers, the task of deciphering exactly what message they are trying to
convey, or the imagery and passion being used.
When it is just Tan and her mother, she speaks in a more “broken” English that they both can
understand. Mother Tongue By Amy Tan Essay Example Topics And Well Written Mother tongue by
amy tan. Think of slang words that common to a distinct language group like Australia or Scotland.
There was diversity in sentence fluency, the tone was logical, and great thought went into the choice
of words. His work frequently deals with the relationship between language, class and culture. Our
experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch.
Tan elaborates this idea by scrutinizing her mother s language her own use of english and society s
response to different people s english usage. Undoubtedly, Tan is justified in her claims of how
language enables an individual to become a member of a culture and assists in structuring and
defining an identity. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. We need to communicate
to get new and innovative ideas across, to state opinions, to sort our arguments and most
importantly, to better understand those around us. However, because language cross-cuts race,
ethnicity, gender, and poverty, even minimally implemented bilingual programs have the potential to
reach those who have traditionally been left behind by L2 submersion schooling. The transition
between ideas and paragraphs could be smoother to enhance readability. My mother specifically
taught me to be intrepid in my choice of language. It's because over the twenty years we've been
together I've often used that same kind of English with him, and sometimes he even uses it with me.
The article reminds me of hardships I faced when I first came to the United States. She wrote using
the simple English, the one she used when she spoke to her mother. English was a tool Tan acquired
to help her mother but more importantly was a tool that helped her gain success as a writer. At the
beginning of the piece we are told about the different types of English she would speak with her
mother and with everyone else; we are then told how English wasn't Amy's strongest subject and
later on we are told about the difficulties her mother experienced because of the way she spoke
English and the prejudice she faced. Hughes and his mother lived most of their lives in poverty. The
point she was trying to make in this essay was that although she is from Chinese background, she has
succeeded in learning English language thus proving many people wrong. Since America is
fundamentally an individualist society, so it is particularly challenging yet imperative for immigrants
to merge in the native culture. Or when her mother was frustrated with the people at the hospital for
not giving her an apology for losing her CAT and she exacerbated the problem with her broken
English until Tan came. In the Amy Tan's - Mother Tongue, she states that “she is someone who has
always loved language. In a different point of view, the author could have wanted to learn perfect
English and write stories as a way of employing language as a tool that ensures others become open-
minded and obtain a broad perspective of the world around them. Part 1: GCSE English Language
Course outline Exam dates PART 2: GCSE English Literature Course outline Exam dates What can
students do to prepare for the exams. Well, these are broad sociological questions I can't begin to
answer. She felt a need to rebel against the stereotypical view that writing is not a strong suit for
people like her. Societies' ability to run smoothly, efficiently and benefit as many people as possible,
hinges greatly on communication and how effectively it is used. For instance, her mother did not
speak perfect English, but the way her mother pointed out some of the ideas across was really
important. She was giving a talk to a group of people about her book, Joy Luck Club, and she found
herself using English that was sophisticated and complex.
Even though mother tongue is a short story analyze its plot or progression. Math is precise; there is
only one correct answer. Whereas. The local people call putting, the river east side, he. Tan employs
satire as a means of exploring the rationale behind English acquired from school and books not being
appropriate to employ at home with people such as her mother who cannot effectively use the same.
Similarly, she stresses how people take advantage of her mother because of her broken English.
Children’s understanding of concepts is limited or confused if leaning is only L2. This was because
she never used proper English in her home or talking to her mother. Feedback gathered from the
pilot implementers revealed that teachers find the use of the MTB-MLE very useful. Otherwise,
education will just be a weak transformative power in our society. Hughes and his mother lived most
of their lives in poverty. She wrote using the simple English, the one she used when she spoke to her
mother. There are no connecting conjunctions but simply commas. The author maintains that the
language assisted in influencing the way she perceived things, articulated ideas, and understood
occurrences across the globe. To uphold this truth, even international law guarantees and directs
states’ educational system to develop respect for the child’s own cultural identity and language. Tan
writes, “Fortunately, I happen to be rebellious in nature and enjoy the. Code-switching and code-
mixing involve alternation between languages, and are common communication strategies in bi- and
multilingual contexts. Recently, I was made keenly aware of the different Englishes I do use. Just last
week, I was walking down the street with my mother, and I again found myself conscious of the
English I was using, the English I do use with her. Yet, she changed her mind and decided to write a
book about mothers using the language that she has been growing up with, her broken mother
tongue, in which she captured the language she and her mother used to talk to each other, the
English language that is a verbatim translation from Chinese, the essence and the color of her
mother's internal language. It was a very trivial story but the thing that worth looking at was her
mother's grammar. I respected my parents so I always honored the language they spoke, most of the
time I believe I spoke their language out of habit, it was our language as a family. She considered
that imperfection of speech, actually depicted imperfection of thoughts. The what why. The guiding
principles for teaching and learning mtb mle The guiding principles for teaching and learning mtb
mle Knowing About MTB-MLE Knowing About MTB-MLE Our mother tongue Our mother tongue
MOTHER TONGUE by Group 11 BSEd SSt. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our.
Additionally, careful proofreading is essential to address grammatical errors and improve sentence
composition. These variations affect the lives of immigrants and their children. Doesn’t quite matter
the language you speak, it is evident that it plays a large part in everyone’s lives. Finally, another
important message is that standardized tests only test for standardized thinking. This realism of
content appeals to emotions and makes the essay relatable. She felt a need to rebel against the
stereotypical view that writing is not a strong suit for people like her.

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