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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Multi
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationships: Azula/Mai/Ty Lee/Zuko (Avatar), Azula/Mai (Avatar), Azula/Ty Lee
(Avatar), Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar), Mai/Zuko (Avatar), Ty Lee/Zuko
(Avatar), Azula/Zuko (Avatar), Kyoshi Warriors & Ty Lee, Azula &
Kyoshi Warriors (Avatar), Mai & Michi (Avatar), Ty Lee & Ty Lee's
Mom, Azula & Ursa (Avatar), Ursa & Zuko (Avatar), Azula & Ozai &
Zuko, Azula & Mai & Ty Lee (Avatar)
Characters: Azula (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Michi
(Avatar), Ty Lee's Mom, Ursa (Avatar), Kyoshi Warriors (Avatar), Ozai
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Avatar & Benders Setting, Avatar Comics AU, The
Search AU, Smoke and Shadow AU, Azula (Avatar) Redemption, Zuko
(Avatar) Needs a Hug, Azula Needs a Hug (Avatar), Mai Needs a Hug
(Avatar), Ty Lee Needs a Hug (Avatar), Protective Zuko (Avatar),
Protective Azula (Avatar), Protective Mai (Avatar), Protective Ty Lee
(Avatar), Bisexual Azula (Avatar), Bisexual Mai (Avatar), Bisexual Ty
Lee (Avatar), Period-Typical Homophobia, de-Sozinification, Fire
Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Psychologically Damaged Fire Foursome Series, Part 12 of Fire
Foursome Collection
Stats: Published: 2023-06-17 Words: 6,421 Chapters: 1/1
by justanotherthrowaway1950


“After making sure Ty Lee was done crying, Mai said, “It sucks that we have mommy issues,
for if we had issues with just about anyone else, we would be able to ignore them and move

“It does.” Ty Lee said.

And so, the Dangerous Ladies sat in silence, stumped as to what they could do to help Mai
and Ty Lee get over their mommy issues, until Mai and Ty Lee gave each other a knowing
glance before looking at Azula, causing the princess to ask them, “Why are you girls looking
at me like that?”

“So Azula, how do you deal with your mommy issues?” Ty Lee innocently asked.”

Or how does the Fire Foursome deal with issues arising from having absent and/or neglectful
Zuko and Mai’s Room Late in the Day

As the Dangerous Ladies helped Mai unpack since Zuko was taking advantage of Aang and
Sokka being in town for a conference to hang out with them in Caldera City incognito, Mai
and Ty Lee were in an uncharacteristically bad mood, though they expressed it in different

For while Mai sported a barely visible frown and her voice had the same tone as usual, she
lacked her usual wit, as well as her usual sharpness when it came to her movements,
something only those close to her like Ty Lee and Azula would notice.

Meanwhile, Ty Lee was so visibly distressed that during her shift, not only did she not talk to
anyone during it, but also had several of her fellow Kyoshi Warriors ask her what was wrong,
with Suki even offering to give her a day off.

Though Ty Lee refused her commander’s offer since, in her opinion, working was better than
reflecting on what had made her aura uncharacteristically gray.

And yes, the Dangerous Ladies were in Zuko and Mai’s room, for not only had Zuko and Mai
publicly gotten back together, but also decided that Mai should move into the Palace.

Meanwhile, while they had officially gotten together and were a public couple, Ty Lee hadn’t
moved into Azula's room.

Initially, Ty Lee didn’t move in because she had caught a lot of flak from her fellow Kyoshi
Warriors for getting with her former abuser, and so she wanted to wait until they had several
months’ worth of evidence that Azula wasn’t the same person she was as a child.

And Azula wholeheartedly supported Ty Lee’s move since she knew the Kyoshi Warriors
were Ty Lee’s friends, yet, unlike Zuko and Mai, who had knowledge the Kyoshi Warriors
weren’t privy to and were biased towards her for obvious reasons, didn’t know her that well,
regardless of how many times they trained together or collaborated with each other.

Not to mention, their less than stellar past with each other and her abusive past with Ty Lee.

But despite Azula and Ty Lee having some tense public confrontations over stuff like Azula’s
workaholic tendencies, or Ty Lee’s tendency to flirt whenever she felt Azula wasn’t giving
her enough attention, the Kyoshi Warriors in time came to accept their relationship.

This was because, after Azula and Ty Lee had been publicly dating each other for six or so
months, the Kyoshi Warriors had separate conversations with them.

And they told Azula that, while they would be watching her, they approved of her
relationship with Ty Lee since she was good to her and made her happy.

Though they warned her that if she ever slipped up, they would drug her, take her to Kyoshi
Island, and feed her to the Unagi, regardless of how Zuko felt about it.
Meanwhile, they told Ty Lee that they had done their due diligence as her friends and
teammates and had concluded that, other than being a weirdo with little to no social skills,
there was nothing wrong with Azula anymore, and so they approved of her relationship with
the princess.

Though they warned her that if Azula hurt her again, they wouldn’t give her a shoulder to cry
on, or receive any sympathy from them in general.

So, with the Kyoshi Warriors out of their hair, Zuko and Mai thought Ty Lee would soon
move in with Azula just like Mai planned to move in with Zuko.

However, one night in Zuko’s bedroom after a lovemaking session, when they brought the
topic up, Ty Lee told them that, while she was happy with her relationship with Azula, she
wasn’t ready to move in just yet, with Azula quickly giving an approving nod, which
confused Zuko and Mai.

For weren’t Ty Lee and Azula in a committed relationship, and so wouldn’t the natural step
for them to take be Ty Lee moving in with Azula?

However, their confusion was quickly dispelled as Azula told them during their lunch break
the next day that she was more than understanding of her girlfriend’s decision since, while
they were officially a couple, the moment they started sharing living quarters was the
moment Ty Lee would start getting constantly heckled for being in a non-heterosexual
relationship with royalty.

This despite her reputation as a “scary, psycho bitch”, or the fact that people knew Zuko
would not tolerate such harassment.

This was because Ty Lee moving into her room meant that there was a serious chance that
she and Ty Lee would marry each other, and so, in the eyes of the still largely homophobic
Fire Nation, who only accepted homosexuals, or bisexuals acting on their attraction to the
same sex, because their Fire Lord forced them to, the venerated monarchy would be defiled.

Hence, why she was more than fine with Ty Lee waiting until their nation had become more
accepting of bisexuals like themselves and/or was mentally and emotionally ready to deal
with the harassment.

But going back to the current situation in Zuko and Mai’s bedroom, yes, the unflappable Mai
and the normally chipper Ty Lee had been in bad moods for the past day ever since they last
visited their parents’ homes, or more specifically in Mai’s case, Aunt Mura’s flower shop.

However, neither Azula or Zuko knew what specifically made their girlfriends so off kilter,
nor did they inquire since they thought their girlfriends’ bad moods were the result of bad
conversations with their parents.

This was because they often became angry and/or despondent after another failed
conversation with their father to get him to participate in Zuko’s rehabilitation program, and
so they decided to give them space since that is what Mai and Ty Lee did whenever the
situation was reversed.
(Yes, Zuko and Azula often visited their father in his cell to get him to participate in Zuko’s
rehabilitation program willingly not because they felt any duty towards him, or because they
thought it would lead to him getting anything other than house arrest at best, but because they
wanted Zuko’s rehabilitation program to be open to all prisoners.)

(That and it would be awfully hypocritical of them, at least in their opinion, to deny him the
chance to better himself considering how many chances they had been given to better

(Though unfortunately for the Royal Siblings, Ozai was steadfast in his refusal, believing that
it was better to die in prison than betray everything he and their ancestors ever stood for, no
matter how hard they tried explaining to him that his current path and ideology were
destructive, and that taking responsibility for the pain and harm he had caused and trying to
make amends would make him happier in the long run.)

But Azula had enough of seeing her girlfriends in pain.

And so, after they finished helping Mai unpack and were cuddling in the bed with Ty Lee in
the middle after she asked them to cuddle, Azula asked her girlfriends, “Mai. Ty Lee. What is
wrong with you girls?”

“I’ll go first if that is fine with you, Ty Lee.” Mai responded, before then saying after Ty Lee
nodded in approval, “Well, it began last night as I was packing up my belongings.”

“For just as I finished packing up, my mom came up to me and told me she was proud of me
for getting back with Zuko since it meant our family’s reputation would soon be restored
after Dad tarnished it with his treason.”

“Which upset me because I thought after Mom took Tom Tom and me to Mura’s place after
Dad decided power and prestige was more important than our family, she had finally stopped
viewing me as a political prop.”

“Especially since she then made an effort to interact with me outside of preparing me for
political events.”

“But I guess that was all in service of trying to get me to get back with Zuko.”

“And so, even though I should have known Mom’s change in behavior was due to our living
circumstances changing, and not because she actually changed, I’m really hurt by it.” Mai
said before giving a sad sigh.

After making sure Mai was done expressing herself, Azula asked Ty Lee, “Ty Lee, would you
like to share what has been bothering you?”

“No.” Ty Lee responded.

“But why?” Azula asked.

“Because we haven’t finished helping Mai sort out her issues.” Ty Lee responded.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Ty Lee, but I would like to hear what has been bothering you
since it might help me with my issues.” Mai told Ty Lee.

After taking a deep breath, Ty Lee then said, “You know how my mother has been ignoring
me, even though I have been wanting to do stuff with her and I’m the only one of my siblings
in town?”

“Well, last night, I confronted her, asking why she hasn’t had time for me even though her
schedule is less busy than mine.”

“And you what she said? That she hadn’t been doing stuff with me because she thought I had
my own life, and so she didn’t want to bother me.”

“That and she had her own life as well.”

“I then, after hyperventilating for a minute, asked her if that was what it has always been
about, not me being identical to my sisters, but instead my “independent” nature making her
think that I didn’t need as much attention as my sisters.”

“And while she denied my accusation, she only did so after taking a substantial pause and
stuttering as she did so, which told me everything I needed to know.”

“For I gave my parents a second chance after my sisters convinced me that they loved me the
same way they did.”

“Yet even though I went out of my way to try to hang out with my mom in order to rebuild
our relationship, she kept ignoring me like she did when I was a kid.”

Ty Lee, who was on the verge of tears at this point, then angrily told her girlfriends, “I was
such a fool for believing my sisters when they said our mom actually cared for me, even
though they only had good intentions and were trying to be good daughters and sisters.”

Mai and Azula at this point interrupted Ty Lee and told her to let it out, causing the master
chi-blocker to sob for two or so minutes as her girlfriends hugged her and told her it was not
her fault, only her mother’s.

After making sure Ty Lee was done crying, Mai said, “It sucks that we have mommy issues,
for if we had issues with just about anyone else, we would be able to ignore them and move

“It does.” Ty Lee said.

And so, the Dangerous Ladies sat in silence, stumped as to what they could do to help Mai
and Ty Lee get over their mommy issues, until Mai and Ty Lee gave each other a knowing
glance before looking at Azula, causing the princess to ask them, “Why are you girls looking
at me like that?”

“So Azula, how do you deal with your mommy issues?” Ty Lee innocently asked.
“Don’t be so ridiculous, Ty Lee, I have no mommy issues since I have long come to terms
with my mother mind wiping herself and changing her face before starting a new family.”

“In fact, Zuzu and I are so unbothered that, despite constantly keeping tabs on Noriko, Noren,
and Kiyi, making sure they live comfortable lives by sending discrete payments to Hira’a’s
Acting Troupe, as well making sure Kiyi gets proper firebender training by sending the finest
firebending masters to Hira’a to teach Hira’a’s youth firebending, we barely think about her.”

“For she has clearly moved on, and so we have moved on as well.” Azula finished.

However, instead of buying Azula’s story, Mai and Ty Lee instead glared at her, causing
Azula to respond, “Fine, maybe I do have some issues related to my mother.”

However, instead of leaving it at that, Mai and Ty Lee instead coughed before glaring at
Azula harder, causing Azula to respond, “Fine, I do have severe mommy issues, and there
isn’t a moment that goes by that I don’t think about her.”

“In fact, sometimes my thoughts about my mother make it hard to focus, let alone do
anything productive.” Azula excitedly added on before starting to breathe heavily.

“Sorry for pushing you like that, but now that you are being honest with us, whenever the
mommy issues get too much for you to bear, what do you do to alleviate the pain?” Ty Lee
asked Azula after letting her calm down.

“Well....” Azula tried responding before turning away from her girlfriends with an
uncharacteristic look of worry on her face, which prompted Mai to softly tell her, “Azula,
whatever your coping mechanism is, we promise to not judge you for it.”

“Really?” Azula softly asked.

“Yes, really.” Mai responded as Ty Lee nodded in agreement.

After taking a breath to center herself, Azula then told Mai and Ty Lee, “When it was just
Zuko and me, whenever our mommy issues were too much to bear for either of us, I would
adopt my mom’s hairstyle and pretend I was her as I fucked my son back to health.” causing
the room to become silent, and for Azula to start fretting she had ruined things with Mai and
Ty Lee not only for herself, but also her brother as well.

Especially after Mai asked Ty Lee, “Ty Lee, if I remember correctly, your mom wears a half-
up, half-down topknot, right?” with Ty Lee snidely responding, “She does, just like all other
noblewomen after their parents start fielding suitors for them.”

However, Azula’s fears were unfounded as Mai told her, “Azula, stop looking like we are
about to disown you again, for we totally game to engage in a mommy roleplay.” causing
Azula to blink her eyes in disbelief, thinking that she was actively hallucinating.

That is until Ty Lee told her, “No, you are not hallucinating, Azula, for Mai and I do want to
engage in a mommy roleplay since we want to take out frustrations on our “mothers”, even if
it is only indirectly.”
So, after taking a moment to regain her bearings, Azula then asked Mai, “Mai, when is Zuko
coming back?”

“After sunset.” Mai responded.

“Good.” Azula replied before hopping off the bed and telling Mai and Ty Lee, “We have
time, but we must get moving if we are to be ready before Zuko returns.” as she started
walking to the bathroom, with Mai and Ty Lee right behind her after they too hopped off the

Zuko and Mai’s Room at Night

After spending quality time with Sokka and Aang with no guards or adoring fans and/or
subjects, Zuko was eager to go to sleep, especially since it would be the first time Mai would
officially be staying in his room as his girlfriend.

However, when he tried opening the door to his and Mai’s room, he noticed it was locked,
which meant he had a long night in front of him.

So, as he used the secret tunnels to enter his room, Zuko wondered what Mai, Ty Lee, and
Azula were planning, especially after he noticed the blue light emanating from the room
disappearing as he opened the secret entrance to his and Mai’s room.

Zuko then silently walked to the bed, hoping tonight was the night he would finally catch
them off guard.

But he was the one caught off guard, for just as he reached the bed, Azula lit the room,
causing him to see Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula on laying on the bed naked, with all three of them
wearing half-up, half-down topknots and makeup similar to Azula’s.

The sight in front of the young Fire Lord was too much for him, causing him to gawk as he
instantly became hard, though not for long.

For after taking note of his fully erect member, Azula crooned, “My love, this is no dream,
for I knew my baby boy was pent up, and so I decided to relieve your stress with the help of
my friends, who are in need of punishment by a young, strapping man such as yourself after
they mistreated their daughters.”

Azula then beckoned Zuko to join them, with Zuko nodding his head and quickly taking off
his clothes before joining the “mothers.”

The “mothers” and Zuko then spent the next couple of minutes kissing each other until Ty
Lee took Zuko off to the right side of the bed while Mai took Azula off to the left side.

Ty Lee then told Zuko, “Young man, I can tell you are backed up, so I am going to fix that by
sucking you off.”

However, before she could start, Zuko told her, “Thanks, but no thanks.” causing Ty Lee to
respond, “But why?”
“Because we can save time by engaging in 69.” Zuko responded.

“What is 69? Is it some new thing the youth have created?” Ty Lee asked.

“Well, 69 is, ummm….” Zuko tried responding, only for Ty Lee to laugh before telling him,
“I was just messing with you, I know what 69 is and was only feigning ignorance in order to
rile you up.”

After muttering under his breath, “Women.”, Zuko lied down and Ty Lee got on top of him so
they could engage in 69, with Zuko and Ty Lee racing to see who could make the other
orgasm first, only to fail as they made each other simultaneously orgasm before cleaning up
after each other.

After rolling over, Ty Lee remarked, “Ah, I had forgotten what it was like to be with a young
man, so thanks for the experience young man.”

“There is nothing to thank me for, not when you haven’t seen anything yet.” Zuko responded
before attempting to fuck the “mother.”

However, just as he was about to make his move, Zuko realized he didn’t know who Ty Lee
was roleplaying as.

So, he whispered into her left ear and asked her who she was roleplaying as, and why.

And Ty Lee responded by whispering into his right ear and getting him up to speed not only
about the situation with her mother, but also how she wanted to act out her “scenes” with

Thus, after Ty Lee finished whispering to him, Zuko told her, “You are such a horrible
mother towards your daughter, who is everything you could ask for: smart, talented, loyal,
and gifted in several fields.”

“Stop exaggerating things, young man, for I may have neglected her, but only because she
had always been independent, and thus didn’t need my attention, especially as she grew older
and developed her own life apart from me.”

“So, -” Ty Lee tried adding on, only to be shushed by Zuko, who then told her, “What
rubbish! Your daughter might have been independent, but every child needs their parents,
regardless of how independent or old they are.”

Zuko then picked Ty Lee up, pushed her against the right-most wall in the room, and, after
making sure her legs were wrapped around his waist, started vigorously thrusting in and out
of her.

And as he thrusted, he told her, “Admit you were wrong to neglect your daughter!”

But Ty Lee’s daughter’s stubbornness didn’t come from nowhere, and so Ty Lee refused to
admit she did anything wrong, even as Zuko increased his pace to make admit her
In fact, all Zuko’s efforts did was make him lose control and orgasm before intending to, with
Ty Lee shortly orgasming due to getting off at the fact that she had made her young lover
cum like he was a virgin.

After taking a minute to recover, Zuko pulled out and carried Ty Lee to the bed before sitting
down and impaling her on his cock with her back facing him.

Zuko then told Ty Lee, “Ride me.” hoping that not seeing her face and breasts as they fucked
would enable him to last longer.

Ty Lee caught on to what her young lover was trying to do, and so she told him, “I’ll ride
you, but you won’t last any longer.” before starting to ride Zuko, who could do nothing but
hold onto Ty Lee’s waist as her hips almost made him prematurely cum again until she
orgasmed, allowing him to finally orgasm without sacrificing his dignity.

After getting up and cleaning herself, Ty Lee then laid against the pillows next to Zuko,
causing him to say, “Why couldn’t I get through to her?”

“You know, even if you failed to properly punish me, at least you got to fuck me and have
some of your stress relieved. So, hold your head up high, young man.” Ty Lee responded,
causing Zuko to smile in amusement.

Meanwhile, after they went off to the left side of the bed, but not before Mai took a detour so
she could put on her strap-on, Mai told Azula, “Why did you treat me like a political prop at
all times and emphasize that I act like a proper noblewoman at all times over my well-

“Why did you, my mom, neglect me, and what did I do to deserve such treatment?!”

“Stop making mountains out of badger-mole hills, Mai, for while I do admit with the benefit
of hindsight that I was a neglectful mother, my lessons and strict discipline made you the
woman you are today, a woman who is all but guaranteed to marry the Fire Lord and become
the mother of his heir.” Azula responded.

Enraged, Mai shouted, “You’ll never get it, won’t you?!” before shaking her head in

Mai then calmly said, “Well then, if I can never get through to you, at least I can ruin your
self-image as the perfect noblewoman.”

“So, start sucking.” Mai told Azula as she pointed at her strap-on.

“No, I won’t suck, for no proper noblewoman sucks anyone’s genitalia, let alone whatever
fake penis you have attached to your private parts.” Azula responded, disgusted by her
daughter’s command.

So, Mai did what any daughter would have done in her situation and “forced” Azula to suck
her double-sided dildo, only allowing Azula to stop so she could catch her breath before
making her resume until she orgasmed.
After letting herself and Azula recover, Mai took off her strap-on and told her shaken mom,
“I am not done defiling you.” before forcing Azula to lay down so she could eat her out.

Azula “tried” to overpower her daughter, but couldn’t, and so all she could do was scream as
Mai used her tongue to find her egregious spots and hammer them until she orgasmed before
then lingering on them as cleaned up after her.

After letting Azula recover and putting on her strap-on again, Mai told Azula, “Get on your
knees, now.”

“But sex is only supposed to be between a man and woman, not women.” Azula weakly

“Do you want me to stick it in your butt?” Mai asked, causing Azula to gasp before she
complied with her daughter’s command after weighing her options.

After Azula was in position, Mai started vigorously thrusting in and out of her as she pulled
her hair, though not for long.

This was because after Mai complimented Azula by telling her, “It’s so hot hearing a proper
noblewoman like yourself groan like a whore.” Azula instantly came, causing Mai to cum
shortly thereafter.

After letting the two of them catch their breath, Mai made her mom lie down before
spreading her legs and entering her.

And as she entered her, a desperate Azula begged Mai, “Please, Daughter! Any other position
but this one! For I don’t know if I can live with myself if I orgasm as I look into my
daughter’s eyes!”

“Good.” Mai nonchalantly responded before starting to thrust in and out of her.

Azula tried her best to keep a stoic face, but her daughter’s movements were too good, and so
she started groaning and moaning as she begged Mai to end it for her sake, only for Mai to
ignore her and draw it out until Azula screamed as she orgasmed, with Mai once again
orgasming shortly thereafter.

After leaving the bed so she could put away her strap-on, Mai returned and lied down next to
her sobbing mom, who asked herself after noticing Mai’s presence, “How can I live with

“You’ll manage.” Mai curtly responded before turning away from her.

And so, the Foursome lay down with their current partners for a couple of minutes before Ty
Lee crawled to Azula while Mai crawled to Zuko.

After she finished crawling to Zuko, Mai immediately whispered into his left ear the situation
with her mom, along with how she wanted to act out her “scenes” with him.
Zuko then, after Mai finished whispering and faced him, asked her, “Why did you, a
supposedly “proper noblewoman”, callously treat your only daughter as a political prop?”

“So she could secure our family’s position for generations.” Mai responded.

“Well then, I guess you are no proper noblewoman, but instead a nasty bitch who needs to be
shown what it is like to be treated like an inanimate prop who only exists for the benefit of
others.” Zuko responded, barely able to contain his disdain.

Mai responded to Zuko’s harsh words by coming up close to him and telling him, “Harsh
words, young man, but we both know you are too much of a momma’s boy to properly
punish a wayward lady like myself.” before then giving him a smirk.

Enraged, Zuko responded to Mai’ provocations by flipping her on her stomach and thrusting
in and out her as he pinned her arms to the bed.

And as the young man had his way with her, Mai begged him to be gentler with her.

But instead of heeding her pleas, Zuko instead ignored them and sped up his pace, which Mai
initially hated, but grew to love.

Thus, Mai started moaning, only to be muffled by a pillow as Zuko told her, “Why can’t you
be a good girl like your daughter and stay quiet?”, which caused her to instantly and violently
cum, which in turn caused Zuko to violently cum due to not expecting the older noblewoman
to cum like that.

After he pulled out and let the two of them recover, Zuko told Mai, “Lay down on your right
side, now.”

“I know what you are planning to do, so no, I won’t lay down on my right side, not when
missionary is the only proper way to have sex and we’ve already had improper sex once
tonight.” Mai responded.

“If you don’t listen to me right now, then I’ll stick it in a really indecent place.” Zuko
responded as he glared at the older woman, causing Mai to pout as she reluctantly laid down
on her right side, with Zuko then starting to thrust in and out of her.

And as Zuko fucked her, Mai asked him, “Why do you act like a beast and ignore all my
pleas? Why?!”

“Your daughter sent you signals over the years that she hated the way you treated her, yet,
instead of heeding them, you instead ignored them, just like I’ve been ignoring your pleas.”

“Also, even if your mouth protests, your body clearly loves what I am doing to it.” Zuko
responded, causing Mai to drop the issue.

And so Zuko silently fucked the older noblewoman until Mai, who was tired of dealing with
the young man and his nigh-unlimited stamina, broke the silence and told him, “Look, I am
sorry for neglecting my daughter and promise to do better.”
“So can you please stop being so rough with me?”

“Did you not hear what I told you earlier? That I don’t listen to old hags who don’t listen to
their daughters.” Zuko responded, causing Mai to violently cum on the spot, with Zuko
shortly cumming afterwards before pulling out and collapsing on the bed.

After she recovered and left the bed so she could clean herself, Mai asked Zuko as she laid
next to him, “I drained you, didn’t I?”

“You did, but at least I made you understand how it feels to be treated the way you treated
your daughter her entire life.” Zuko responded, causing the noblewoman to turn away, deep
in thought, as he recovered.

Meanwhile, after she finished crawling to Azula, but not before she took a detour so she
could put on her strap-on, Ty Lee asked Azula, “So Mom, did you learn your lesson from
when that young man put you through your paces?”

“He sure did teach me a lesson.” Azula wistfully remarked before telling her daughter after
she shook her head, “What I meant is that I learned nothing from my encounter with that
young man since I did nothing wrong.”

“In fact, that whole encounter made me realize I don’t want to spend time with you ever
again since I feel no bond with you whatsoever.”

Enraged by her mother’s words, Ty Lee angrily responded, “If you won’t willingly spend
time with me, then I’ll not only force you to spend time with me, but also forcibly build a
bond with me as well.” before picking her up, taking to the left-most wall in the room, and,
after making sure she was secure against the wall, using her strap-on to start thrusting into
her, all while looking her dead in the eyes the whole time.

Azula tried to complain, but Ty Lee shut her up by forcibly tongue kissing her until they both
orgasmed at the same time, causing Ty Lee to stop kissing her and put her on the ground so
they could catch their breath.

Ty Lee then, after they both recovered, picked up Azula and threw her stomach first on the
bed, causing an angry Azula to tell Ty Lee as she crawled behind her, “I didn’t know how far
my daughter would go to spend time with me. For if I did, I would have-”

“Of course, you didn’t know, Mom, for have you ever made an effort to get to know me?!”
Ty Lee interrupted Azula before starting to thrust into her from behind as she pinned her arms
to the bed.

And as her daughter thrusted into her, Azula begged her to stop, telling her, “Ty Lee, stop our
unnatural relations at once!” only for Ty Lee to respond, “I won’t, for I’ve never felt closer to

And so, Ty Lee silently fucked Azula until she caused her to cum, with Ty Lee cumming
shortly thereafter before giving the shell-shocked Azula a kiss on the cheek.
Ty Lee then, after getting up and putting her strap-on where she found it, laid down next to
Azula, with the shell-shocked mother asking her daughter, “Are you happy that we finally

“Yes.” an ecstatic Ty Lee responded, causing the distraught mother to turn away from her

And so, the Foursome laid next to their current partners for a couple minutes until Zuko
recovered, prompting Azula to crawl to him while also prompting Mai to crawl to Ty Lee.

After Mai finished crawling to her, Ty Lee laid down so Mai could pick up her right leg and
start tribbing.

And as she tribbed, Mai told Ty Lee, “Ty Lee, now that I have had time to think things over, I
want to apologize for my past behavior, and for making you think that you had to take
aggressive measures to get me to spend time with you.”

“Moreover, I don’t expect absolution, and I will try everything under the sun to make amends
to you, starting with a girl’s night at the Royal Spa tomorrow, provided that you want me
back in your life of course.”

Ty Lee, who was on the verge of tears and cumming, responded, “Of course I want you back
in my life, Mom, and what you just said is everything I ever wanted to hear from you.”
before then cumming, causing Mai to cum shortly thereafter before getting off Ty Lee and
hugging her as she shed tears.

After crying for a couple of minutes, Ty Lee motioned for Mai to lay down, with Mai quickly
doing so before Ty Lee picked up her left leg and started tribbing.

And as she tribbed, Ty Lee told Mai, “Mai, I’ve done a lot of soul searching and have come
to realize that I treated you the way I did not because I had you or the family’s best interests
at heart, but because I sought power and status at almost any cost.”

“So, even if it’s too late, I want to apologize for my actions, and tell you that I’ll leaving your
life for go-”

“You said enough Mom, and what I want from you is not for you to leave my life, but instead
to start treating me as your daughter.” Mai interrupted Ty Lee.

“I promise.” Ty Lee softly responded.

And so, Mai and Ty Lee spent the next couple of minutes tribbing in silence until Ty Lee
caused them to cum at the same time, with Ty Lee then rolling off the sobbing Mai so she
could comfort her by cuddling with her, which they did in silence until Mai stopped crying.

Meanwhile, after she finished crawling to him, Azula asked her turtleduck, “Zuko, did you
manage to get my friends to realize the error of their ways?”

“No, sorry Mom.” Zuko responded.

“It is ok, my love, you did your best, and that’s what matters.” Azula responded, causing
Zuko to smile.

Azula then asked Zuko, “Did my friends at least help relieve your stress by draining you?”

“They did, though they were a bit rough with me.” Zuko responded.

“Then I guess I’ll have to be extra gentle with you tonight.” Azula responded before laying
down and beckoning her son to enter her, with Zuko quickly doing as he was told and
entering her.

And so Zuko started rhythmically thrusting into Azula as she encouraged him, telling him
stuff like, “You’re doing great, my love.”, while Zuko praised her, telling her stuff like, “Your
warm and soft womb is the best.”, though not for long.

This was because after a couple minutes of tender lovemaking, Azula could tell her
turtleduck was at his limit, and so she told him, “It’s ok, Zuko, you can let go.” causing him
to cum, with Azula cumming shortly thereafter, happy that her baby boy was happy.

After letting the two of them catch their breath, Azula told Zuko, “Son, sit back and let
Mommy take care of you.” before then starting to ride him after he laid against the pillows.

The incestuous couple was silent for a couple of minutes as Azula focused on rocking her
hips and Zuko focused on enjoying the moment until Zuko broke by the silence by telling his
mom, “Mom, I know this is an awkward time to be telling you this, but I failed to be the man
you knew I could be for long time.”

“That is until I managed to find my own path with the help of my friends and Uncle and
become a truly honorable man guided by morality, and not by what I thought my father and
ancestors wanted me to do.”

“And even if it took her a while, my sister eventually found her honor as well, and so with
her help, I’m on the path to restoring the Fire Nation’s honor.”

Azula, who was on the verge of tears, responded, “I’m so proud of my turtleducks, and
nothing makes me happier than seeing the fine, honorable grown-ups they have become.”
before cumming, causing Zuko to cum as well.

Azula and Zuko then, after Azula hopped off Zuko and left the bed so she could clean herself,
started crying into each other’s shoulders as they comforted each other.

Zuko and Mai’s Room, 45 Minutes Later

After taking a bath and returning to the bed without any crowns or makeup and their hair
down, the Foursome sat in silence, trying to think of a way to express their feelings about
tonight’s experience, until Mai broke the silence by saying, “You know, even it is fucked up, I
feel much lighter after our depraved roleplay.”

“Yeah, me too.” Ty Lee added on.

“Well, that was the whole point, and we are glad you guys feel that way.” Zuko responded
after shooting a look at Azula.

“Yeah, if we had known earlier that you girls would have been receptive towards the mommy
roleplay, we would have introduced it to you sooner.” Azula added on.

“Well, you should have known we would enjoy the mommy roleplay scenario considering
how depraved some of our prior roleplays have been.” Ty Lee responded.

“That and us being more than ok with you two bonking each other.” Mai added on.


“Yes, Azula.”

“We were pretty dumb for thinking that Mai and Ty Lee didn’t have open minds, weren’t
we?” Azula asked.

“Yeah, very dumb.” Zuko responded.

“You guys were pretty dumb alright, but you guys are our dumbasses, so it’s fine.” Mai said
as Ty Lee nodded her head in agreement, though not for long.

For an uncharacteristically serious Ty Lee then asked her girlfriends, “Mai. Azula. Can you
guys promise to never repeat the mistakes our mothers made?”

“We promise.” Mai and Azula quickly and solemnly responded.

Zuko then told the Dangerous Ladies, “Sorry to interrupt a bonding moment, but I want to
tell you guys that if and when you become mothers, I know you’ll do great since the qualities
that make you guys’ good partners and friends will more than translate to motherhood.”

Zuko’s comment caused the Dangerous Ladies to stare at him, which in turn caused Zuko to
think he had fucked up, though not for long.

For after they stared at him for a couple of seconds, they pulled him into a group hug before
they all started crying due to their shared realization that, even if the holes left by their absent
and/or neglectful mothers may never be fixed, they could at least patch them up with the love
they had for each other.
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