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Extra Armor

Padded Corset: close-fitting boned supporting undergarment that is often hooked and
laced and that extends from above the bust to below the hips.

Name Def Qualities

Padded Corset 1 -

Extra Melee
Scythe: a tool with a long curved blade at the end of a long pole attached to which are
one or two short handles.
Hammer: a tool with a heavy metal head mounted at right angles at the end of a
Sickle: a short-handled farming tool with a semicircular blade.
Knuckle Dusters: metal bar fitted over the knuckles, often with holes for the fingers,
for inflicting injury by a blow with the fist.
Longbow: Long, curved elm wood, tied with strong flax.
Horse Bow: Short recurve made from dogwood, tied with strong flax.
Axe: tool typically used for chopping wood, usually a steel blade attached at a right
angle to a wooden handle.
Throwing Axe: A smaller axe specifically designed to be thrown.

Name Dmg Range Qualities

Scythe d10 - Bulky

Hammer d6 - -

Sickle d6 - -

Knuckle Dusters d6 - Concealed*

Longbow d10 Medium Bulky, Grassed*

Horse Bow d8 Medium Bulky

Axe d8 - -

Throwing Axe d6 Short dual

Extra Guns
Derringer: A small over-under double-barreled flintlock handgun.
Howdah Pistol: A large-caliber quad-barrel handgun.
Gatling: a rapid-firing hand cranked multiple-barrel firearm. (can’t be an artifact gun)

Name Dmg Shots Range Qualities

Derringer d6 2 Short Concealed

Twin Derringers d6 4 (2x2) Short Concealed, Dual

Howdah Pistol d8 1-4* Short Blast

Gatling d10 200 Long Mount*, Burst*,

*Howdah pistol can unload 1-4 shots at a time and must be declared before the damage roll.

Concealed: Easy to hide from prying eyes.
Grassed: Attacks from horseback are diminished.
Mount: Stuck to one spot, often mounted to the back of a cart or on a fence.
Burst: Shoots 10 shots each round, treat like a blast.
Jammable: Roll a DEX save every round shot consecutively. Failed DEX save causes a
jam, spend 1 lead to unjam.

Additional Lead Types

Additional lead types are a more rare type of lead that do additional things. (Counted as
lead, however should also be tracked separately)
Armor Piercing: Ignore 1 armor.
Hollow Point: +1 damage to targets not wearing any armor.
Dragons Breath: (Range Limit: Short) Damage of 6 or higher, the target is set on fire.
Target takes 1d4 STR damage at the start of their next turn. Rolling 1 extinguishes the
fire. Targets may also take an action to extinguish themself.
Flechette: (Gun Limit: Scattergun) Damage of 6 or higher, causes the target to bleed.
They take an extra 1d4 STR damage.₁
Slug: (Gun Limit: Scattergun) Ups the range of the Scattergun to medium for one shot,
however causes the shot to not be a blast.
₁: Could also force an enemy to make a morale save, however unsure personally how it would feel in play.
Lasso Rules
A set of possible rules for lassoing a target. Based off dueling
Each side rolls a contesting roll to decide the outcome of being lasso’d. The target rolls a
STR save, while the attacker rolls a DEX save.
● If one side fails, the winner … wins.
● If both fail, both fumble described by the Warden
● If both succeed, the lowest roll wins (highest stat wins in a tie)

Alternative Diminished/Enhancement
If the 1d4/1d12 modification is insufficient for your style of play, you can define a
diminished/enhancing level of attack calculated as the number of dice types by which
you reduce/increase the attack. The level of diminished/enhancing is determined by the
referee depending on the circumstances.

The available damage dice are: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12. In this case, the
diminished/enhancing level is a value between -4 and 4.

Example: Rachel takes cover behind a tree from bandits fire. The warden decides the
tree provides sufficient cover to diminish the attacks by 1. A bandit with a rifle who
had d10 damage rolls a d8. A bandit with a deringer with d6 damage rolls a d4.

Alternative Quick Draw (+1 fatigue) (two possible rulings)
1. An action to set off a combat, once declared character rolls on the shoot table.
2. An action to set off a combat, once declared character rolls a DEX save
● On a failure misses the target.
● On a success roll damage as usual.

Aim (two possible rulings)

1. Instead of moving, take aim at a target. Allows you to roll a damage with
advantage (roll 2 dice take the highest). Aiming only works on the turn it's
2. Instead of moving, take aim at a target. If using a artifact gun allows you to roll at
advantage on the shoot table

Take Cover
As an Action, hide behind available cover, diminished ranged attacks against you.
Dive Behind Cover (+1 Fatigue)
When under fire, After the attack is declared make a DEX save. You must roll under or
equal to your dex save minus the meters to your cover.
● On a Failure take damage as normal.
● On a success the damage is diminished.
● Regardless of outcome, characters can not move next round.

Example: Rachel is 3 meters from cover and has a DEX of 10. Therefore she rolls 1d20
aiming to be under or equal to 7. She rolls an 8, not making it to cover in time and gets
hit by the gunfire.

Extra Enemies
Animated Scarecrow
9 Grit, 1 DEF, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 5 HRT, Scythe (d10) or Fear (Save)
● Indistinguishable from the usual scarecrow, held aloft by a cross is a normal
looking humanoid made of straw and hay with a rotting pumpkin head dressed
like a farmer.
● Upon closer inspection the face glows as if a candle is inside.
● Waits for prey to get close to attack: Roll for a surprise round.
● Fear: Siphon hope and desire (short range, d8 HRT)

Cactus Ent
6 Grit, 7 STR, 7 DEX, 13 HRT, Cactus Spines (1d6) or Animate Cacti
● Large, roughly humanoid cactus-man. When motionless is nearly
indistinguishable from a cactus.
● Usually passive unless nearby flora is bothered
● Animate cacti within 80’ at will, Controlling up to two at a time. It takes 1 round
for a normal cactus to uproot itself and fight as Cactus ent’s and gain their stat
○ Animated Cacti lose their ability to move if the Cactus Ent that animated
them is incapacitated or moves out of range
● Critical damage: The cactus spines cause the muscles to tense (d6 DEX)
Corrupt Slip Crab
7 Grit, 2 Def, 8 STR, 14 DEX, 6 HRT, Claws (d6+d6) or Tendrils (d8)
● A corrupted slip crab, the shell has been broken and dark tendrils seep from its
● Aggressive, commonly attacking creatures on sight.
● Critical damage: Corrupts the target, target must make a daily HRT save
otherwise lose 1d4 HRT until purged by a ritual.

Flesh, The
4 Grit, 2 Def, 15 STR, 5 DEX, 3 HRT, Hit (1d4) or Grab
● A large mass of flesh, arms, and legs (some human some not) hang from the
● Moves across the land looking for bodies to add to itself.
● Grab: until target escapes (STR save) d4 STR damage every round
○ If the target dies while Grabbed, the mass gains d4 STR as the target is
consumed into the mass.
● Feels no pity, remorse, or fear. Morale never breaks

Night Mare
4 Grit, 12 STR, 16 DEX, 10 HRT, Charge (d6+d6 Blast)
● A large imposing horse with no rider. Black in color. The head is a horse skull.
● Small fires follow in its steps.
● Critical damage: DEX save vs trampling (d12)
○ On a 20 (1d4 fire damage)

Slip Crab
5 Grit, 1 DEF, 6 STR, 16 DEX, 9 HRT, Claw (1d6)
● Small crab-like creature has a slight glow to its eyes. Said to come through the
slip doors.
● Shy, runs from predators, only attacking when cornered and unable to escape.
● When it's hidden from a predator, it teleports itself from this plane to a different
drifted world.
● When killed people often find treasure within the crabs shell, rarely can also find
relics from other worlds.
8 Grit, 8 STR, 10 DEX, 7 HRT, Claw (1d4)
● An invisible humanoid.
● Can occasionally be seen by the distortion of looking through their body (HRT
○ If the Stalker has been attacked once advantage on HRT save
● If attacker hasn’t seen the distortion, attacks against it are diminished

14 Grit, 3 STR, 5 DEX, 3 HRT, Swarming (1d4)
● A large group of flying or crawling insects that move as a unit.
● Can freely occupy the same space as other creatures.
● Any living creature caught within the swarm is attacked relentlessly by the

6 Grit, 1 Def, 14 STR, 12 DEX, 12 HRT, Claw (d6+d6 blast), Bite (d8)
● Imposing bipedal bear-human hybrid
● Highly distrustful of newcomers, however a very protective ally if befriended.
● Critical damage: Werebear curse, target transforms unless purged by ritual before
letting their emotions get the best of them

6 Grit, 2 DEF, 12 STR, 14 DEX, 14 HRT, Charge (d6+d6 blast), Horns (d8)
● Protective bipedal bison-human hybrid
● Commonly found around a herd of bison, and protective of the herd.
● Critical damage: Werebison curse, target gets the urge to eat grass (Daily HRT
save) transforms unless purged by ritual before they give in.

Extra Relics
Adder Belt (3 Charges)
A one-size-fits-all belt made from snake skin.
● Can be taken off and turns into an adder snake.
● The snake follows the command of the wearer, has the stats of a Pit Snake
● Recharge: bury the unchanged belt overnight, in the morning the snake
willingly emerges and takes its place as the wearer's belt, if the snake feels the
gunslinger treats it wrong it leaves the area to be found by a new gunslinger.
A magic candle that never goes out, inside an unbreakable lantern.
The lantern can not be covered as the light shines just as bright through any covering.

Explorers Harrier, The (4 Charges)

A black harrier style hat (replaces hat), from the outside looks like any old hat. Peering
inside the hat reveals a magical map of the sky which always shows north. Changing
across any of the drifted lands.
● When exploring off road wearer is unable to get lost
● Recharge: Lay the hat so the inside faces the sky outside overnight.

Fog Pipe (3 Charges)

A mundane looking tobacco pipe
● When smoking from the pipe, it rapidly produces a thick fog centered on you.
Creatures within the fog cannot see beyond their reach. The fog disperses after 10
● Recharge: Relax, sit around a campfire and relax with friends while having a

Lavender Brooch (4 Charges)

A cameo brooch with the face of a woman, and a lavender flower sprouted over the
woman's eye.
● Wearer is able to try to charm (HRT save) a person into seeing the wearer as
attractive/or as a close friend. (based on the target and not on the player's choice.
Functionally works the same.)
● Recharge: The flower wilts with each charge gone. Tell the brooch a story, or a
poem of love.

Law, The (3 Charges)

An average looking sheriff's badge from a town that no one's heard of. Said to be created
by a forgotten god of justice
● Roll 1d4
● On a 1: Can give a person a three word command and they are compelled to do it
as long as it does not cause them harm
● On a 2: Creates a shield between the wearer and one target. The target is unable
to make an attack on the wearer for 1 minute.
● On a 3: Ricochets a ranged attack back at the attacker for 1 minute. Damage is
distributed evenly between wearer and attacker.
● On a 4: One target must make a morale save or flee
● Recharge: Arrest a high valuable bounty, dead (+2 charges) or alive (+3
Lovers Bane (Cursed)
A dagger with a ruby handle, once wielded by a jealous lover
● Gives a +2 on attacks to people charmed by the dagger.
● Curse: Attunes to the wielder once it is picked up, when unsheathed anyone who
sees it (excluding members of the same order) must make a HRT save or be
charmed by the dagger. Those charmed have a desire to wield the dagger
themself. Those charmed see the current wielder as their greatest enemy and will
pursue them at any cost. Charmed enemies do not fail morale saves when within
10 feet of the blade.

Messenger Quill (2 Charges)

The quill is made from the feather of a messenger pigeon.
● Can be used to write a message between two people from any length.
● The user pictures the person in their head while saying their name. The target
then will see a piece of paper and quill appear in front of them. The two can write
down on the paper for 30 minutes and the other will see what is written. When
time is up the duplicate quill disappears.
● Recharge: Befriend a pigeon, and hand them the depleted quill, The pigeon will
add the quill to their back before plucking another and giving it to the user.

Obsidian Key (once a day use)

An obsidian skeleton key that can fit inside any lock.
● Turning the key inside of a door lock opens a doorway to an exact replica of the
dwelling the door leads to in a shadow plane, no matter how large or small. Items
can not be taken from the dwelling, however can be moved and observed.

A golden coin, deemed useless by the hole cut through the center. Looking through the
coin you can see a large field of grass.
● If you die with the coin on your person, you wake up in the same field, none of
your gear on you except your clothes, and the coin in hand. A humanoid figure
approaches you and holds their hand out, upon placing toll in the figure's hand
you awaken back in your body (-2 fatigue) without the coin. If one does not give
toll to the figure, the figure disappears and leaves you stranded there alone.

We Deal in Lead is copyright By Odin’s Beard RPG.

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