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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, F/F
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationships: Katara/Zuko (Avatar), Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar)
Characters: Katara (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Anthology, Fluff
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-09-23 Completed: 2023-05-24 Words: 2,765 Chapters:
by roslynwrites


A collection for short, fluffy ATLA fic where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.

Pairings, rating, and more tags can be found in each individual chapter.

See the end of the work for notes
Table of Contents

Chapter Two: Swollen Feet, Zutara, Rated G

Chapter Three: Hatchlings, Zutara, Rated G

Chapter Four: Darts, Mailee, Rated G

Swollen Feet [Zutara]
Chapter Summary

Zuko takes care of a very pregnant Katara.

Chapter Notes

Pairing: Zutara
Rating: G
Tags: Domestic Fluff, Pregnancy, Established Relationship

Katara tried to get to her feet and failed, flopping back on the sandy towel with a little huff.

It was aggravating how simple movements were so difficult.

Things like bending over to pick up something she’d dropped. Sitting to go to the bathroom.
Getting to her feet. It didn’t help that her feet were so warm and swollen. Most of her shoes
didn’t even really fit her anymore. Katara sighed and tried again, and she was still struggling
to find an angle that allowed her to somehow navigate her incredibly round belly when two
warm hands settled on her shoulders. “Katara. You promised.”

“I just want to stand up!” Katara burst out, frustrated.

The gentle hands came to her hips and helped pull her to her feet before wrapping around her
from behind.

Warm lips pressed into her neck, and the hands slid up to her stomach and began to rub
reverent circles.

Katara eased back into the comforting familiarity of him and sighed.

“Do you want to go back to the house?” Zuko asked softly.

Katara nodded and started to turn. The way up the beach and to their getaway house on
Ember Island was objectively a short distance, but when one was eight months pregnant that
was another matter, and waddling on her puffy feet would take a lot longer than usual.

But Zuko suddenly came around to her side and scooped her up.
“Zuko!” Katara squeaked, clinging tightly around his neck.

“Yes, my love?” He began carrying her steadily toward the house, his steps slow and careful.

“You don’t need to carry me. It’s like hauling around a whale-shark.”

Zuko grinned down at her. The sun blazed overhead and the waves crashed behind them, and
Katara’s heart swelled as it often did when Zuko smiled, even now, even after all these years
together. “But you’re a very adorable little whale-shark,” he teased. “And this is much faster
anyway. At your pace it would have taken us an hour to get back to the house.” Katara
scowled and he chuckled, eyes bright.

He kicked the front door to the beach house open, turned into the bedroom, and deposited
Katara carefully on the bed.

Zuko eased her sandals off and frowned down at her feet before he began to lightly massage

“Oh,” Katara sighed, closing her eyes.

“You shouldn’t wear shoes if you don’t need to,” Zuko scolded. “Look at your poor feet.”

Katara cracked an eye open. Her husband was bowed over her, concentrating on massaging
each individual toe with the same intense, doting concentration he’d given her the entire
pregnancy. His long hair was half pulled back today, and he’d foregone his Fire Lord crown
for their little vacation. If she could have leaned forward she would have reached out and
cupped his cheek, traced the lines of his face, the edges of his scar, the precise angle of his

“Hey,” said Katara.

Zuko glanced up, brow still furrowed.

“I love you,” she said.

His face smoothed out and his golden eyes turned molten. He softly kissed each of her feet,
then up one shin and to her knee. “I love you more.”

“As if. Oh!” Katara placed a hand on her belly, which had begun to flutter.

“The baby is kicking?” Zuko’s expression turned eager, and he shifted up, holding out a
vaguely shaking hand.

“Here.” Katara guided his hand to the right spot.

It never grew old for Katara, seeing the expression on Zuko’s face when he felt the proof of
his child.

The awe and delight, the raw adoration.

“Wow,” he whispered, eyes a little glazed.

Katara giggled and, now that he was within reach, ran her fingers through his hair. “You say
that every single time, you know.”

“Sometimes I still can’t believe it.” Zuko leaned forward and began pressing kisses along
Katara’s face. He kissed her temple and along her hairline, then down the center of her face,
along her nose. Her eyes drooped, and he pressed a careful kiss on each of her eyelids. “Sleep
a little while,” he murmured, now kissing her on her cheeks and shifting to come curl up
beside her.

“Mmm,” Katara mumbled in vague acknowledgment, for she was very sleepy.

Half-awake, she fumbled for his bare chest, the spot with the scar, the one he’d received for
her. She pressed her hand to it, right on his heart.

She was already drifting away, too exhausted to actually speak, but she hoped he heard the
silent implication.


Zuko’s hand covered hers, keeping her there.

“It belongs to you,” he murmured, as if he’d heard, and his other hand caressed her swollen
belly again. “Both of you.”
Hatchlings [Zutara]
Chapter Summary

At first Druk isn't so sure about Zuko and Katara's first hatchling, but eventually he
comes around.

Chapter Notes

Pairing: Zutara
Rating: G
Tags: Domestic Fluff, Pregnancy, Established Relationship, Steambabies

Just a fluffy little sequel to A Dragon’s Guide to Mating.

This ficlet came about because of a comment from LolaBearWrites on the above fic,
saying how cute it would be to see Druk meeting steambabies. The idea of that (and him
calling them hatchlings) was so delightful that I just had to write a little bit about it.

Thank you for the inspiration :)

I had nine months to prepare for the occasion, and yet when it happens I am wholly out of my

While Katara was carrying the egg I dutifully guarded her. Master Zuko even took me aside
once and told me very seriously that I must give her special protection during this vulnerable
time. In all my years I don’t think I have ever been so proud as in that moment. Master Zuko
has entrusted me with many tasks in the past, but nothing so important or momentous as
guarding Katara and his hatchling.

I am not invited in the room when she lays the egg, but they allow me to squeeze in later,
after Katara has rested.

Katara looks weaker than I have ever seen her, but she is smiling. Propped against pillows in
their nest, she stares at the hatchling swaddled up in Master Zuko’s arms.

His expression matches hers, and it is easy to read. The hatchling is their world.

I feel a sudden and very powerful ripple of indignation.

Master Zuko looks up and smiles at me. “Come here, buddy.”

I obey, a little mollified by the attention, but I cannot help peering down at the hatchling with
disdain. I didn’t expect it to be quite so splotched, and it’s fussing in Master Zuko’s arms.
When I came out of the shell I was certainly not so noisy, and I was far more useful. The
hatchling can’t even walk or lift its head or open its eyes. It seems humans hatch in an even
more helpless state than dragons.

I let out a dignified puff of smoke.

“Don’t be jealous, buddy,” says Master Zuko. “Look, this is Kya. You two are going to be
best friends.”

Jealous! Oh!

I snort and toss my head.

As if I would be jealous of this little ball of fat and whining!

The hatchling, Kya, begins to squall. The sound is horrible and grating, and once again I’m
certain that I was never so frustrating.

Despite my misgivings I will take it upon me to guard this terrible little creature, though only
because Master Zuko and Katara love it so dearly. Their trust and approval is better than any

I stay for the first three months of the hatchling’s life, and I must admit that parts of it are
endearing, even if it is helpless and loud.

I miss my mate and the other dragons, however, so I return to my Sun Warriors for a time.
When I visit again Kya knows how to walk. She makes little babbling sounds that usually
don’t resemble language, except when she says ‘Dada’ or ‘Mama’ to her parents.

She seems to recognize me, for she toddles right over and stares with wide eyes. Kya’s eyes, I
realize, are exactly like Master Katara’s.

Blue like the ocean, and like my own mate.

I grudgingly admit to myself that she is quite adorable.

Master Zuko and Katara shower me with attention and praise and greetings. Kya watches the
entire exchange with an uncharacteristic silence. “Druk!” she coos finally, reaching up
toward my head. "Druk!"

I ruffle my wings and stoop low so she may actually touch me.

Kya has no fear when she touches my snout. Her hand isn’t even the size of one of my scales.
I know human hatchlings don’t always know to be gentle—I’d once seen her take vicious
hold of Master Zuko’s hair and pull until he yelped—but she pats me very carefully. And she
stares at me with such adoration that I let out a soft rumble of appreciation. At first she
stumbles back a little, frightened at the unexpected noise. But Katara squats down and
soothes her, nudging her toward me again. Then Kya shrieks with delight.

“Druk! Druk!” She reaches up again, petting me, and her smile is pure joy.

Although I long ago devoted myself to the protection of Kya for the sake of Master Zuko and
Katara, I decide right then that Kya is also mine.

She is mine just as they are, and if someone attempted to harm her I would burn them to a

One year later we are at a private beach on another island.

(Most humans, they tell me, would fear the sight of a dragon on their public beaches, no
matter how well-behaved I am).

Kya is more mobile than before, which of course means more opportunity for trouble. So as
she plays in the sand I curl up around her, watching carefully. Master Zuko and Katara lounge
on a towel; Katara leans on him while Master Zuko checks often on her, offering her water
and snacks and attention. His gaze always flits to her belly. Another hatchling is on the way,
and I glow with pride and excitement at the thought.

Clearly Master Zuko and Katara have enough trust in me that they feel secure having many
hatchlings. They know I will keep their human hatchlings from harm.

And my mate guards our own eggs as well, protecting them for us while I am away on my
visits. They will take years to hatch, but then there will be many dragons again.

“We’ll never have to worry about her,” I hear Master Zuko say to Katara. He is watching Kya
and I with fond amusement.

Katara’s head comes to rest on his shoulder. “What we will have to worry about is the trouble
they’ll all get into together.” She pauses. “And there’s also going to be baby dragons in the
mix.” She sighs, but it’s a blissful little sound. “It’s going to be utter chaos.”

Master Zuko chuckles. "A complete disaster," he agrees.

He takes one of her hands and kisses each one of her knuckles, and Katara smiles.
Darts [Mailee]
Chapter Summary

Mai wins Ty Lee a prize at the autumn festival.

Chapter Notes

Pairing: Mailee
Rating: G
Tags: Fluff, Crushes, Autumn, Festivals

Mai drums her fingers on the table.

It’s sticky. She quickly withdraws her hand, wrinkling her nose, and glances about the crowd.
She vaguely remembers liking the autumn festival as a girl. A very young girl, before she’d
started school, before her parents cracked down on her manners. They'd let her run off with
Ty Lee and Azula, and for a few hours Mai had experienced rare freedom; no warnings about
being a quiet, proper lady, or keeping her clothes intact, or how her behavior reflected on the

She could play, and fall in the mud, and pull devious pranks on unsuspecting people.

Mai is no longer that young, carefree girl. She came here tonight grudgingly, because Ty Lee

She's had difficulty saying no to Ty Lee lately.

Where is Ty Lee, anyway?

She pranced off some time ago, saying something about sweets. Mai is starting to wonder
whether she should look for her when Ty Lee appears, a flash of pink in the crowd of Fire
Nation reds and blacks. “Well?” Mai drawls, noting Ty Lee’s empty hands.

Ty Lee smiles guiltily. “I sort of got distracted...”

“Of course you did.”

Ty Lee only beams, hooking Mai’s arm with hers. “Come with me!”
They weave through the noisy, messy crowd, Ty Lee exuding happy energy and Mai
grouchily gliding along beside her. The wind lifts Ty Lee’s hair from her shoulders. She’s
wearing it down tonight, and the air is cool and crisp and smells faintly of smoke, of dried
fruit and roasting meat. A strange mix of nostalgia and happiness and sadness rushes over
Mai. Being out in the elements, with the glowing lanterns and the general aura of festivities
isn’t so bad. It’s less awful than some things, anyway, even if there are too many screaming
children. And then she remembers that she was one of those screaming children, and almost

“Is that an actual smile I see?” Ty Lee teases.

“Don’t get used to it.”

Ty Lee giggles and pulls her around a large cluster of chattering people, toward a stand.

It’s one of those game stands, the ones that are clearly rigged and where barely anyone wins.

“Please don’t tell me you spent all your money here, Ty Lee."

A pretty blush stains Ty Lee’s cheeks. “I kept thinking I just needed one more try,” she says.
“I was so close.”

“That’s how they get you.”

“I know, but...look at that!”

She points at the grand prize. It’s a stuffed dragon in purple, so massive it takes up an entire
shelf. Obviously, Mai thinks it’s hideous. A total waste of time and money. She wants to be
compensated just for the displeasure of looking at it.

But Ty Lee looks wistful. “I used to have one like that as a kid,” she says. “It was an ugly
yellow color. Not that nice purple.”

Mai heaves a long-suffering, dramatic sigh. She has a talent for long-suffering, dramatic
sighs. She considers them fabulous tools for a woman’s arsenal.

Along with knives, of course.

She’s really going to play this stupid game for that stupid dragon. What is wrong with her?

“I’ll win it, Ty Lee,” Mai says flatly.

“You will?” Ty Lee whirls to face her with a huge smile. She claps her hands together eagerly
and points at the dragon. The man smiles condescendingly at them. Mai doesn’t smile back.
She simply watches the man long enough, radiating displeasure, that he starts to look
unnerved. He turns away to gather the darts and Mai smirks. She really enjoys unnerving

Mai slides the darts over her palms. She threw darts plenty, back when she was learning to
throw knives, but it’s been a while since she’s thrown anything but a knife. She’ll have to
adjust for the weight difference...

Mai plants her feet. Takes a deep breath.

And then the darts start flying for the targets.

She loves this and always has. The way the focus hones and sharpens to empty her mind, the
satisfying thwack when she hits a mark, the way she feels deadly and competent and alive.
Just as she’s about to release her final dart, she sees the man’s hand move. But Mai expected
it. So quickly her hand blurs, she reaches inside her clothes for one of her knives.

Mai barely has to look at him in order to throw the knife with perfect precision and snag his
sleeve, pinning his arm back and out of the way. He cries out in shock.

Mai throws the final dart, and it hits the mark.

Ty Lee jumps up and down with a happy squeal.

The man yanks the knife from his shirt, enraged. “You could have stabbed my arm!”

“Oh, please. With my aim? The only way I’d have stabbed you is if I wanted to,” says Mai.
“Speaking of my aim, I’ll take my prize. Unless you want me to tell people you're cheating?”

It amuses her to see him obey with a dark glare.

Ty Lee throws her arms around Mai in a dragon-filled hug when they’re away from the stand.
The hug lasts longer than usual, and Ty Lee’s arms are tight. She smells like flowers, and she
tucks her face into Mai’s neck. “Thank you, Mai,” she says, and pulls back to look at her. Her
expression is soft. She reaches out—strangely hesitant, very unlike her—and tucks some hair
behind Mai’s ear. Mai’s stomach flutters, and despite the cool, autumn breeze, Mai is
suddenly very warm. Ty Lee blushes again. Her lashes are long, the slope of her nose so

That’s about the moment when Mai realizes exactly why she tried to win the dragon and why
she agreed to come here tonight at all.

Ty Lee shyly weaves her fingers through Mai’s.

They set off together, hand-in-hand. Mai doesn’t know where they’re going, and she doesn’t

It doesn’t matter so much, as long as Ty Lee is with her.

End Notes

Kudos and comments are writer fuel.❤

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