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United States Agricultural Marketing Service 1400 Independence Ave Rm 1529s

Department of Specialty Crops Program Washington, DC 20250
Agriculture Market News Division Phone: 202-720-9932
Fax: 202-720-0011

Volume XLIII – Number 11 Issued Monthly November 27, 2023

Prices paid to beekeepers for extracted, unprocessed honey in major producing states by packers, handlers & other large users, cents.
per pound, f.o.b. or delivered nearby, containers exchanged or returned, prompt delivery & payment unless otherwise stated.
- REPORT INCLUDES BOTH NEW AND OLD CROP HONEY - (# Some in Small Lot --- +Some delayed payments or previous commitment)

CALIFORNIA Canola White $1.98

Buckwheat Extra Light / Light $2.80 Clover Extra Light Amber $1.98
Cotton Light Amber $2.80 Spurge Light Amber $1.98
Mixed Flower White / Extra Light $2.80 NEW YORK
Mixed Flower Light Amber $2.80 Mixed Flower White $3.00
Orange Extra Light Amber $2.80 Mixed Flower Amber $1.00
Sage White / Light Amber $2.80 NEBRASKA
Valley Light Amber $2.60 - $2.80 Alfalfa Extra Light Amber $1.80
Canola or Clover White $3.00 Clover White $2.80
Mixed Flower White / Extra Light $3.00 Mixed Flower Light Amber / Amber $2.80
Alfalfa White $1.98 Clover White / Extra Light $2.00
Basswood White $1.98 UTAH
Buckwheat Light Amber $1.81 - $2.00 Alfalfa Extra Light / Light $3.00
Buckwheat Amber $1.80 - $1.81 Alfalfa Amber $3.00
Buckwheat Dark $1.80 Clover White $2.80
Canola White $1.81 - $1.98 Mixed Flower White $3.00
Clover White $1.81 - $2.00 Mixed Flower Extra Light / Light $2.80
Clover Extra Light Amber $1.80 - $2.00 WASHINGTON
Clover Light Amber $2.00 Alfalfa Dark $2.80
Knapweed White $1.81 Blueberry Light Amber $2.80
Knapweed Amber $1.80 Buckwheat Dark $2.80
Mixed Flower White $1.81 Canola White $2.80
Mixed Flower Extra Light Amber $1.81 - $1.98 Carrot Light Amber $2.80
Mixed Flower Light Amber $1.98 Clover White / Extra Light $2.80
Sunflower White / Extra Light $1.98 Knapweed Extra Light / Light $3.00
FLORDIA Mint Light Amber $2.80 - $3.00
Brazilian Pepper Light Amber $2.77 Mint Amber / Dark $3.00
Gallberry or Tallow Light Amber $2.77 Mixed Berry Extra Light / Amber $3.00
Mixed Flower Light Amber $2.77 - $3.10 Mixed Flower Extra Light Amber $2.80 - $3.00
GEORGIA Mixed Flower Light Amber $2.80
Cotton White $2.60 WISCONSIN
Cotton Extra Light Amber $2.60 - $2.70 Basswood White / Extra Light $2.20
Mixed Flower Amber $2.70 WYOMING
Tallow Light Amber $2.70 Alfalfa White $2.00
Canola White / Light Amber $1.81
Mint Amber $2.80
Mixed Flower Amber $2.80 Prices paid to Canadian Beekeepers for unprocessed, bulk honey by
MICHIGAN packers and importers in U. S. currency, f.o.b. shipping point, containers
Basswood White / Extra Light $2.80 included unless otherwise stated. Duty and crossing charges extra. Cents
MINNESOTA per pound.
Basswood White /Extra Light $2.20 Mixed Flower White $1.92 - $1.95
Buckwheat or Clover White $2.20
Mixed Flower White / Extra Light $2.20
Mixed Flower Light Amber $3.00
Prices paid to importers for bulk honey, duty paid, containers included
cents per pound, ex-dock or point of entry unless otherwise stated.

Clover Extra Light $1.35
Clover Light Amber $1.35 - $1.37
Honeydew Light Amber $1.03
Mixed Flower White $1.58 - $1.92
Mixed Flower Extra Light $1.12 - $1.92
Mixed Flower Light Amber $1.08 - $1.22
Mixed Flower Light Amber $1.23 - $1.73
Orange White $2.40
Mimosa Extra Light $1.67
Mimosa Light Amber $1.67
ORGANIC Light Amber $1.28 - $1.84
Mixed Flower White $1.00 - $1.27
Mixed Flower Extra Light $.98 - $.99
Mixed Flower Light Amber $.98 - $1.23
Mustard White $.94 - $1.31
Mustard Extra Light $.96 - $1.31
Mustard Light Amber $.96
Mixed Flower Amber $1.09
Mixed Flower White $1.60
Sunflower White $1.49 - $1.60
Sunflower Extra Light $1.49
ORGANIC Light Amber $1.28
Mixed Flower Light Amber $1.29


APPALACHIAN DISTRICT (MD, PA, VA, WV): Colonies were doing very well and the weather for October was outstanding. A few beekeepers
required new queens, but overall colony numbers were reported to be pretty good. Although the area is a little on the dry sid e, the fall colors were
excellent and bees were still fairly active. Daily temperature swings were once again the norm, but overall temperatures were a little above normal for the
month. There were some mornings where frost was present; however, no hard freeze occurred. Beekeepers were checking colonies after applied mite
treatments and were busy making final arrangements to tuck in their colonies for winter. Most were continuing to provide supp lemental food with the
nice weather. Although pollen sources were diminishing seasonally, there were scattered spots of aster, chrysanthemum, goldenrod, and other
wildflowers in bloom. The weather was so mild in some areas it resulted in some spring flowering plants to push out a little bloom.

ALABAMA: Extreme drought occurred throughout Alabama for the entire month of October, especially in southern regions. This no doubt affected
nectar flow – in southern areas the nectar flow ended earlier than usual. In northern areas the nectar flow likely started later. Like previous years during
this time of year, goldenrod likely provided the most nectar and pollen for honeybee colonies . Sunflowers and asters were also in bloom. Beekeepers
reported fewer honey stores in their colonies, yet still likely enough to get through winter. Beekeepers were therefore more vigilant with respect to
feeding. Some beekeepers finished varroa mite treatments, or at least prepared for winter treatments and other beekeeping man agement tasks. Some
beekeepers also reported a high level of small hive beetles.

ARIZONA: The month of October showed hotter than normal temperatures for this time of year. On three separate days the Phoenix area h ad record
breaking temperatures for the month-to-date period (October 16th -105°F; October 19 & 20th - 104°F). The higher elevations of Northern Arizona
provide some moisture and lower temperatures. However, this welcomed relief to dry conditions is limited. With these higher -than-normal temperatures
and limited rainfall statewide, the U.S. Drought Monitor and has moved parts of Arizona from a D1 (Moderate Drought) to a D2 (Severe Drought)
Extremely arid conditions have limited production of honey as well as limited the ability of beekeepers to get into hives for general inspections. As
of October 31, industry sources have reported that 100s of hives have been lost this year-to-date. This has significantly lessened the amount of honey
produced. Also of note is that many new beekeepers were forced out the industry because of these harsh conditions.
The demand for honey remains good throughout most of the state. Desert bloom and cotton are among the main sources of pollen . Certain
beekeepers have also resorted to using more concentrated pollen patties to supplement feeding. Many beekeepers have exp ressed concerns as drought
conditions persist.
National Honey Report Vol. XLIII - Number 11 Page 3 November 27, 2023

ARKANSAS: During the month of October temperatures were well above normal across most of the state. Precipitation was about normal acro ss most of
the same area. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor website, Arkansas had mostly normal soil moisture to abnormally dry conditions across most of
the state with an area of severe drought in Central and Southeastern Arkansas.

CALIFORNIA: California beekeepers continued to battle mites and a lack of forage this October. “Many colonies have enough feed for now, and we are
feeding only the colonies that we feel will survive the mite damage,” a beekeeper said. “It seems as if the higher mite damaged colonies were unable to
make enough food to survive and actually consume what feed they have.” “It seems as if someone has flipped a switch as all nectar and pollen collection
has ceased and robbing has ensued,” he continued. “We are begging to move all colonies to winter locations as the mite treatments allow.”
Early treatment of hives with Apivar strips had limited success, so beekeepers continued with other measures. “The damage caused by this failure
was at least 35 percent colony loss with many of the remaining colonies weakened,” a beekeeper said. “I hope that we can pull this colonies back in time
for almond pollination. We do not consolidate colonies until the mite treatments have concluded.”
Although temperatures cooled later in the month, daytime temperatures remained above seasonal averages. “The nights have been cooler,” he said.
“The bees will benefit from this somewhat, but we need to rebuild the weak colonies somehow.”
Some beekeepers fed pollen substitute heavily to hives to prepare for winter. “The big question is what the demand for bees will be for almonds,
since the price for nuts is so low,” a beekeeper said of pollination rates. “Almonds have been overplanted beyond demand.”

FLORIDA: Temperatures were about normal for the month with about normal precipitation in most areas except the Panhandle. The Panhandl e
experienced less precipitation than normal for the month. Bee health was considered to be fairly good. Sources of food for th e bees was generally
adequate with few hives needing supplemental feeding. Goldenrod, Spanish Needle and Brazilian Pepper were available in most a reas around the state.
Cotton was also available in the Panhandle areas. Brazilian Pepper bloom started later than normal this year but honey yield appears to be similar to past
years, except for 2022 which was severely affected by a hurricane. Due to an overall low honey production in Florida for the past few months, prices are
probably a little higher than average. The later than normal Pepper season has pushed back hive splitting and mite treatments more into November than
usual. November and December will see many beekeepers splitting and treating to build their hives for the upcoming California almond pollination
season early next year. Stored supplies of mainly Brazilian Pepper honey were probably the largest they have been in several months with good demand.
Pepper honey was still being produced and pulled at the end of the month resulting in the larger than norm al supplies.

IDAHO, COLORADO, UTAH: During the month of October temperatures were normal in Idaho. Precipitation in Idaho was normal for the whole state.
Utah had temperatures that were normal and precipitation that was a little above normal. Colorado had normal temperatures acr oss the whole state,
Precipitation for Colorado was below normal.
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor website, in October Idaho had no drought to an area of moderate to severe drought in No rthern Idaho. Utah
is currently under no drought to abnormally dry conditions. Colorado had normal soil moisture to moderate drough t in western Colorado.
Prices for the month of October were between $2.85 and $3.20 per pound with a mostly price of $3.00 for Idaho, Colorado price s are too few
producers reporting to determine a market. Prices for locally sourced honey in Utah are $2.80 -$3.30 per pound with mostly $3.00 to $3.30.

ILLINOIS: The weather for October started warm and then ended much colder. There was an above average amount of precipitation. Treatme nt for
mites has taken place. The bees are in good condition. Entrance reducers are in place for mice. Some foliage remains, such a s white and purple aster and
few goldenrods. Beekeepers are looking forward to upcoming meetings. Demand for honey is up at the retail level and fairly go od at wholesale level.
Prices are generally unchanged.

INDIANA: The weather for October alternated between warm and cold temperatures with very little rain. Beekeepers report their bees in good condition
and prepared for winter. Some beekeepers continued supplemental feeding of their bees. Beekeepers with mite problem s have begun treating their hives.
Demand for honey is fairly good at the retail level and demand was fairly good at the wholesale level. Prices are generally unchanged.


KENTUCKY: In October, Kentucky beekeepers enjoyed one last chance to treat their hives for varroa mites before the first winter blast a rrived on
Halloween to close the month. In terms of rainfall, October was a dry month, so many beekeepers were feeding as well as t reating their hives.
Beekeepers were also able to open hives to do a quick inspection and varroa mite count. As stationary beekeepers prepare their hives to overwinter in
Kentucky, commercial beekeepers are gearing up to take their hives on the road next month.

LOUISIANA: During the month of October temperatures were well above normal across most of the state. Precipitation was well below normal across
the state. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor website, most of the state is experiencing extreme to exceptional drought.

MICHIGAN: No report issued.

MINNESOTA: During the month of October temperatures were normal across the whole state. Precipitation for October was below normal for t he north
end of the state, the south end of the state saw above average precipitation.
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor website, in October the whole state had abnormally dry to severe dry soil moisture.
Prices per pound in Minnesota were $2.80-$3.00 with mostly price of $2.80-$3.00 for locally sourced honey for the month of October.

MISSISSIPPI: No report issued.

MONTANA: No report issued.

NEW ENGLAND: No report issued.

National Honey Report Vol. XLIII - Number 11 Page 4 November 27, 2023

NEW YORK: Frosts are later than normal, with most areas yet to have a killing frost. Western NY continues to experience dry or drought conditions.
Beekeepers are feeding bees before the winter sets in, especially those with reports of low honey stores in the colonies. Honey demand continues to be
high with slight price increases.

NORTH CAROLINA: No report issued.

NORTH & SOUTH DAKOTA: Harvest for most crops neared completion as growers worked to prepare hives for moving to their overwinter locations.
Water supplies were generally short to adequate, mostly adequate. Better than some of the droughts in earlier years.

OHIO: October rain fall was below normal, over the month Ohio had less than 1 inch until this last 4 days, then we had approximatel y 1.5 inches too late
for a fall nectar flow, bees are being fed in many areas of Ohio. Most beekeepers fed carbs but not protein w hich is a major mistake. Bees need protein to
feed the larvae stage bees, which at the present are Winter Fat Bees. I put out protein flour feeders at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base near Huffman Prairie. Within a few hours hundreds of foragers were loading up on the flour, both from nearby h ive colonies, also
foragers from Bee Trees within a mile radius. Ohio received 30,000 packages bees from the south, and about 4500 from Calif. Many queens from the
south were not mated properly, some queens not mated. Starting in late August many queens were being replaced by the colonies , which met with failure.
My network of experienced beekeepers are expecting a major winter lose over this winter in Ohio. Ohio has many beginning beekeepers again this year.
Honey Prices: $6.00 to $7.00 per pound wholesale, $11.00 to $13.00 retail. Near large cities retail as high at $18.00.
A warm and extended fall quickly ended the last week when temperatures dropped, and snow fell in some northern counties. Hon eybees were still
flying looking for any source of nectar or pollen, although most plants are well past flowering. Robbing has bee n intense as they searched for food.
Some colonies were found to be empty of stores as with warm temperatures, the bees have been active and eating their stored f ood. Examples of
plummeting temperatures include Columbus (Central Ohio) which had record warm temperatures of 87 F the first week, to 29 F October 31 with light
snow flurries in the evening. Rainfall was slightly above average at 3.11”. Cincinnati started with temperatures of 86 F an d ended below freezing at 25
F. Cleveland experienced warm temperatures until the last week when temperatures plummeted to 30 F. On October 27, it was still 78 F! Rainfall was
1.31” above normal at 4.91”. Reports of losses due to starvation and high levels of varroa mites have been reported.

OKLAHOMA: During the month of October temperatures were well above normal across most of the state. Precipitation was about normal acro ss the
state. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor website, Oklahoma had mostly normal soil moisture to abnormally dry conditions across most of the state.
There are areas of moderate to extreme drought scattered around the state.

OREGON: No report issued.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Prices for honey sold at the State Farmers Market in West Columbia, SC were reported as: 12/1 Pint $70.00-75.00, 12/1 Quart
$110.00-130.00, 12 count. Honey Bears $40.00-48.00, 4/1 Gallon $180.00 and 1 Gallon $50.00.
In the Midlands area beekeepers reported low incidence of mites.

TENNESSEE: No report issued.

TEXAS: During the month of October temperatures were about normal across the state. Things finally started to cool off. Precipitation during October
was about normal across most of the state. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor website, much of the state has mostly modera te drought to extreme
drought conditions. The area of exceptional drought has increased in size in Central Texas.

WASHINGTON: October started off wet limiting fieldwork in many areas. Temperatures began to cool seasonally. This was followed by some wa rmer,
drier days allowing fieldwork and harvest to continue in earnest. A few late field crops were still being harvested along wit h later apples and pears. By
mid-month the temperatures dropped with much colder temperatures. Rain late in the month fell as snow in higher elevations in the Cascades and central
part of the state. Bees were prepared for moving to overwinter locations.

WISCONSIN: Temperatures averaged higher than normal with greater than average precipitation. Beekeepers have treated for mites with oxal ic acid.
Bees are in good condition. Bees foraged on Goldenrod, Seven Sons tree, fall asters, some mints and white snakeroot until the first frost, then they were
given supplemental feeding. Very little honey was produced, with most taken in August and Septem ber. Beekeepers are preparing for winter by
insulating the hives and keeping animals away. Sales were good with no changes to wholesale or retail prices.

The export data is sourced from the Census Bureau.

U.S Exports of Honey By Country, Quantity, and Value

Year to Date SEPTEMBER 2023

Quantity Value Quantity Value
Kilograms Dollars Kilograms Dollars
Austria 13,596 33,002 3,684 8,942
Bahamas, The 17,675 54,572 0 0
National Honey Report Vol. XLIII - Number 11 Page 5 November 27, 2023
Bahrain 50,330 122,167 10,904 26,468
Barbados 99,981 319,419 2,448 16,986
Bermuda 3,854 27,627 0 0
Brazil 2,060 5,000 0 0
British Indian Ocean Territory 2,221 28,143 276 3,673
Cambodia 136 2,700 0 0
Cayman Islands 24,853 86,915 4,524 10,980
China 4,142 18,688 1,547 9,184
France(*) 1,918 4,655 0 0
Haiti 348 4,118 0 0
Hong Kong 59,997 145,632 15,192 36,875
India 21,632 70,219 0 0
Japan 110,533 250,877 0 0
Korea, South 23,652 66,144 10,010 33,032
Kuwait 223,818 549,049 1,587 7,626
Leeward-Windward Islands(*) 2,160 10,102 0 0
Mexico 8,100 37,486 0 0
Netherlands Antilles(*) 17,564 98,971 1,632 11,324
Pakistan 564 3,948 0 0
Panama 69,064 239,985 7,114 28,315
Philippines 296,828 743,257 26,484 64,270
Qatar 653 9,190 245 3,446
Saudi Arabia 2,548 33,430 543 7,123
Singapore 3,569 27,887 1,393 9,575
Taiwan 34,622 84,039 0 0
Trinidad and Tobago 1,500 7,786 1,500 7,786
Turkey 53,702 112,320 53,702 112,320
Turks and Caicos Islands 2,054 20,649 0 0
United Arab Emirates 63,034 194,645 5,182 12,578
Yemen(*) 179,824 493,870 0 0


Bahamas, The 105,338 387,330 7,377 27,562
Barbados 7,902 54,738 0 0
Bermuda 22,335 108,093 2,168 16,344
Canada 704,601 3,205,010 100,440 431,344
Cayman Islands 4,683 20,112 0 0
China 26,507 74,520 1,662 11,523
El Salvador 933 4,378 0 0
Greece 20,352 67,537 0 0
Guyana 5,208 18,824 0 0
Hong Kong 9,643 70,882 3,128 20,128
India 57,857 140,430 0 0
Japan 32,147 208,523 6,250 46,094
Korea, South 39,786 202,101 1,578 19,678
Leeward-Windward Islands(*) 9,514 48,780 0 0
Netherlands Antilles(*) 9,287 68,413 2,041 11,980
Oman 2,678 6,500 0 0
Panama 2,406 5,841 0 0
Philippines 11,286 74,845 0 0
Qatar 217 2,801 0 0
Saudi Arabia 8,740 21,213 0 0
Singapore 1,432 11,083 0 0
Sweden 25,848 62,739 0 0
Trinidad and Tobago 62,065 336,156 10,704 58,524
Turkey 21,490 52,649 0 0
United Kingdom 9,072 51,000 0 0
Vietnam 7,873 47,498 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 2,605,732 9,258,488 283,315 1,053,680

National Honey Report Vol. XLIII - Number 11 Page 6 November 27, 2023
The import data is sourced from the Customs and Border Protection’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE).


Natural Honey, Not Packaged for Retail Sale, Light Amber

(HTS Code 0409000056)
Month: Oct 2023 2023 TOTAL TO DATE
Country of Origin
Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3) Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3)
ARGENTINA 538,305 $ 1,150,726 $ 67,841 $ 1,218,567 8,589,154 $ 18,705,904 $ 1,164,410 $ 19,870,314
AUSTRALIA - $ - $ - $ - 22,854 $ 256,326 $ 12,620 $ 268,946
AUSTRIA 10,244 $ 90,035 $ 2,530 $ 92,565 79,323 $ 531,470 $ 32,135 $ 563,605
BRAZIL 38,340 $ 65,457 $ 6,750 $ 72,207 417,429 $ 1,203,919 $ 90,534 $ 1,294,453
CAMBODIA - $ - $ - $ - 452,400 $ 769,080 $ 226,560 $ 995,640
CHILE - $ - $ - $ - 9,568 $ 92,675 $ 2,000 $ 94,675
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - $ - $ - $ - 25,958 $ 86,230 $ 2,752 $ 88,982
EGYPT 17,286 $ 40,646 $ 3,616 $ 44,262 112,552 $ 237,172 $ 24,475 $ 261,647
ETHIOPIA 34 $ 1,421 $ 263 $ 1,684 34 $ 1,421 $ 263 $ 1,684
FRANCE 759 $ 11,882 $ 765 $ 12,647 3,886 $ 69,985 $ 13,682 $ 83,667
GERMANY, FED. REPUBLIC - $ - $ - $ - 178,138 $ 1,176,211 $ 60,732 $ 1,236,943
GHANA - $ - $ - $ - 22 $ 96 $ 59 $ 155
GREECE 2 $ 35 $ 55 $ 90 15,862 $ 78,591 $ 2,317 $ 80,908
GUATEMALA - $ - $ - $ - 8 $ 42 $ 1 $ 43
HAITI - $ - $ - $ - 1,733 $ 1,530 $ 653 $ 2,183
INDIA 3,188,598 $ 5,197,401 $ 370,294 $ 5,567,695 29,940,624 $ 61,814,260 $ 5,013,870 $ 66,828,130
ISRAEL - $ - $ - $ - 2,309 $ 13,401 $ 181 $ 13,582
ITALY 26,364 $ 124,751 $ 2,914 $ 127,665 56,274 $ 319,423 $ 102,845 $ 422,268
JORDAN - $ - $ - $ - 964 $ 84,090 $ 2,661 $ 86,751
KENYA 234 $ 54 $ 1 $ 55 234 $ 54 $ 1 $ 55
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 27 $ - $ 27
LITHUANIA - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 21 $ 3 $ 24
MALAYSIA - $ - $ - $ - 5 $ 64 $ - $ 64
MEXICO 100,522 $ 328,588 $ 2,043 $ 330,631 1,492,725 $ 5,713,914 $ 84,908 $ 5,798,822
MONACO - $ - $ - $ - 259 $ 5,022 $ 675 $ 5,697
NEW ZEALAND 3,218 $ 181,684 $ 20,050 $ 201,734 30,770 $ 1,343,802 $ 179,210 $ 1,523,012
NIGERIA - $ - $ - $ - 6 $ 6 $ 13 $ 19
PAKISTAN - $ - $ - $ - 5,595 $ 24,877 $ 2,062 $ 26,939
PERU - $ - $ - $ - 25 $ 114 $ 13 $ 127
POLAND - $ - $ - $ - 18,513 $ 81,952 $ 1,679 $ 83,631
PORTUGAL 291 $ 7,613 $ 8 $ 7,621 1,126 $ 27,147 $ 1,819 $ 28,966
SAUDI ARABIA - $ - $ - $ - 79,023 $ 574,356 $ 12,500 $ 586,856
SPAIN 286 $ 2,634 $ 135 $ 2,769 44,644 $ 250,096 $ 6,881 $ 256,977
SRI LANKA 3 $ 181 $ 379 $ 560 53 $ 1,931 $ 463 $ 2,394
ST. LUCIA - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 25 $ 1 $ 26
TAIWAN 3,360 $ 5,264 $ 176 $ 5,440 22,010 $ 38,806 $ 1,476 $ 40,282
THAILAND 191,800 $ 371,596 $ 32,925 $ 404,521 1,467,840 $ 2,805,989 $ 249,835 $ 3,055,824
TURKIYE 216,794 $ 455,888 $ 41,100 $ 496,988 3,343,820 $ 6,288,250 $ 1,181,252 $ 7,469,502
UKRAINE - $ - $ - $ - 489 $ 3,270 $ 73 $ 3,343
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - $ - $ - $ - 92,640 $ 316,909 $ 16,730 $ 333,639
UNITED KINGDOM 1,838 $ 8,275 $ 277 $ 8,552 1,882 $ 9,498 $ 282 $ 9,780
URUGUAY 93,829 $ 203,613 $ 10,403 $ 214,016 1,932,153 $ 5,228,417 $ 336,421 $ 5,564,838
VIETNAM 805,550 $ 1,001,734 $ 103,069 $ 1,104,803 5,301,738 $ 7,687,979 $ 736,721 $ 8,424,700
ZAMBIA - $ - $ - $ - 112,080 $ 365,700 $ 35,000 $ 400,700
Grand Total 5,237,657 $ 9,249,478 $ 665,594 $ 9,915,072 53,856,724 $ 116,210,052 $ 9,600,768 $ 125,810,820
1. Source: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
2. CIF Value: Cost, Insurance, and Freight
3. Total Value: Value + CIF Value
National Honey Report Vol. XLIII - Number 11 Page 7 November 27, 2023
Comb Honey and Honey Packaged for Retail Sale
(HTS Code 0409000010)
Month: Oct 2023 2023 TOTAL TO DATE
Country of Origin
Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3) Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3)
ALBERTA, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 1,387 $ 7,484 $ 3,053 $ 10,537
ARGENTINA - $ - $ - $ - 61,829 $ 230,504 $ 31,532 $ 262,036
ARMENIA 279 $ 3,024 $ 48 $ 3,072 28,110 $ 184,909 $ 3,477 $ 188,386
AUSTRALIA 48,767 $ 396,963 $ 38,080 $ 435,043 319,868 $ 3,012,785 $ 302,058 $ 3,314,843
AUSTRIA - $ - $ - $ - 10,562 $ 119,424 $ 4,407 $ 123,831
BELARUS - $ - $ - $ - 4,464 $ 23,868 $ 2 $ 23,870
BRAZIL - $ - $ - $ - 48,937 $ 298,794 $ 9,696 $ 308,490
BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 150 $ 3,900 $ 40 $ 3,940
BULGARIA - $ - $ - $ - 25,604 $ 394,280 $ 15,407 $ 409,687
BURKINA FASO 269 $ 160 $ 500 $ 660 269 $ 160 $ 500 $ 660
CAMEROON - $ - $ - $ - 715 $ 287 $ 199 $ 486
CHILE - $ - $ - $ - 3,338 $ 29,393 $ 2,666 $ 32,059
CHINA(MAINLAND) - $ - $ - $ - 34 $ 1,395 $ 1 $ 1,396
COLOMBIA 48 $ 164 $ 9 $ 173 959 $ 9,208 $ 192 $ 9,400
CROATIA - $ - $ - $ - 16 $ 485 $ 225 $ 710
CYPRUS - $ - $ - $ - 6 $ 86 $ 55 $ 141
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - $ - $ - $ - 9,502 $ 16,210 $ 266 $ 16,476
ECUADOR - $ - $ - $ - 137 $ 1,728 $ 142 $ 1,870
EGYPT - $ - $ - $ - 47,651 $ 130,482 $ 12,609 $ 143,091
FRANCE 11,454 $ 158,057 $ 8,310 $ 166,367 251,732 $ 3,047,302 $ 194,403 $ 3,241,705
GERMANY, FED. REPUBLIC 25,877 $ 134,037 $ 8,980 $ 143,017 158,736 $ 1,015,820 $ 62,311 $ 1,078,131
GHANA - $ - $ - $ - 2,322 $ 3,184 $ 884 $ 4,068
GREECE 5,027 $ 28,189 $ 1,978 $ 30,167 161,720 $ 1,064,351 $ 58,668 $ 1,123,019
GUATEMALA - $ - $ - $ - 5,713 $ 31,363 $ 4,206 $ 35,569
HAITI - $ - $ - $ - 91 $ 130 $ 122 $ 252
HONDURAS 99 $ 196 $ 40 $ 236 446 $ 1,261 $ 741 $ 2,002
HUNGARY 26,741 $ 351,586 $ 10,632 $ 362,218 251,505 $ 2,939,616 $ 183,270 $ 3,122,886
INDIA 236,765 $ 577,053 $ 41,506 $ 618,559 3,138,999 $ 8,623,882 $ 693,464 $ 9,317,346
IRELAND - $ - $ - $ - 22,157 $ 117,504 $ 4,001 $ 121,505
ISRAEL - $ - $ - $ - 1,119 $ 7,183 $ 9 $ 7,192
ITALY 5,328 $ 84,263 $ 3,667 $ 87,930 58,336 $ 508,488 $ 33,124 $ 541,612
JAPAN - $ - $ - $ - 71 $ 3,329 $ 364 $ 3,693
JORDAN - $ - $ - $ - 36 $ 2,628 $ 1 $ 2,629
KENYA - $ - $ - $ - 7 $ 121 $ - $ 121
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF - $ - $ - $ - 194 $ 3,175 $ 148 $ 3,323
KUWAIT - $ - $ - $ - 53 $ 7,939 $ 743 $ 8,682
KYRGYZSTAN 3,906 $ 27,776 $ 2,000 $ 29,776 23,644 $ 130,834 $ 6,208 $ 137,042
LEBANON - $ - $ - $ - 429 $ 6,270 $ 267 $ 6,537
LITHUANIA 1,753 $ 11,061 $ 2 $ 11,063 5,654 $ 45,793 $ 2,450 $ 48,243
MALAYSIA - $ - $ - $ - 39,740 $ 67,558 $ 5,000 $ 72,558
MANITOBA, CANADA 12,865 $ 98,746 $ 700 $ 99,446 62,319 $ 458,381 $ 3,650 $ 462,031
MEXICO 23,478 $ 71,893 $ 899 $ 72,792 199,563 $ 746,729 $ 7,471 $ 754,200
MOLDOVA 570 $ 3,892 $ 1 $ 3,893 9,994 $ 60,419 $ 11 $ 60,430
MONACO 24 $ 403 $ 18 $ 421 902 $ 17,943 $ 1,818 $ 19,761
NEPAL - $ - $ - $ - 12 $ 2,123 $ 116 $ 2,239
NEW ZEALAND 95,240 $ 2,112,119 $ 53,310 $ 2,165,429 621,037 $ 12,775,806 $ 387,309 $ 13,163,115
NICARAGUA - $ - $ - $ - 1,377 $ 9,000 $ 718 $ 9,718
NIGERIA 263 $ 48 $ 18 $ 66 582 $ 277 $ 315 $ 592
OMAN - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 1,120 $ 75 $ 1,195
ONTARIO, CANADA 1,347 $ 33,372 $ 550 $ 33,922 66,591 $ 685,000 $ 70,943 $ 755,943
PAKISTAN 2,724 $ 11,758 $ 381 $ 12,139 4,509 $ 25,243 $ 1,928 $ 27,171
PANAMA - $ - $ - $ - 13 $ 500 $ 1 $ 501
PARAGUAY - $ - $ - $ - 7 $ 35 $ 1 $ 36
PERU - $ - $ - $ - 2,356 $ 11,067 $ 619 $ 11,686
POLAND 21,543 $ 312,811 $ 2 $ 312,813 59,783 $ 1,332,352 $ 13,456 $ 1,345,808
PORTUGAL 6,433 $ 64,952 $ 2,058 $ 67,010 32,140 $ 302,683 $ 20,521 $ 323,204
QUEBEC, CANADA 3 $ 29 $ - $ 29 39 $ 125 $ 1 $ 126
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN - $ - $ - $ - 1,049 $ 1,914 $ 561 $ 2,475
ROMANIA - $ - $ - $ - 2,858 $ 24,475 $ 4 $ 24,479
RUSSIA 350 $ 1,446 $ 1 $ 1,447 54,950 $ 221,346 $ 19 $ 221,365
SAUDI ARABIA - $ - $ - $ - 7,632 $ 64,024 $ 5,490 $ 69,514
SIERRA LEONE - $ - $ - $ - 305 $ 834 $ 2 $ 836
SPAIN 3,168 $ 46,207 $ 1,681 $ 47,888 268,819 $ 1,685,370 $ 81,077 $ 1,766,447
SWITZERLAND 1,365 $ 29,137 $ 1,857 $ 30,994 2,734 $ 57,766 $ 5,087 $ 62,853
TAIWAN 145 $ 531 $ 15 $ 546 43,865 $ 81,858 $ 3,791 $ 85,649
TANZANIA - $ - $ - $ - 6,648 $ 18,388 $ 2,000 $ 20,388
THAILAND - $ - $ - $ - 1,939 $ 12,160 $ 303 $ 12,463
TOGO - $ - $ - $ - 525 $ 628 $ 193 $ 821
TURKIYE 80,093 $ 435,295 $ 13,101 $ 448,396 964,990 $ 5,821,845 $ 255,525 $ 6,077,370
UKRAINE - $ - $ - $ - 50,195 $ 217,046 $ 1,909 $ 218,955
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - $ - $ - $ - 660 $ 3,186 $ 402 $ 3,588
UNITED KINGDOM 1,466 $ 16,903 $ 691 $ 17,594 16,317 $ 175,064 $ 8,528 $ 183,592
UZBEKISTAN - $ - $ - $ - 15,445 $ 72,293 $ 1 $ 72,294
VIETNAM - $ - $ - $ - 3,280 $ 2,479 $ 609 $ 3,088
Grand Total 617,391 $ 5,012,071 $ 191,035 $ 5,203,106 7,189,675 $ 46,982,592 $ 2,511,365 $ 49,493,957
1. Source: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
2. CIF Value: Cost, Insurance, and Freight
3. Total Value: Value + CIF Value
National Honey Report Vol. XLIII - Number 11 Page 8 November 27, 2023
Natural Honey, Not For Retail Sale, Amber or Darker
(HTS Code 0409000065)
Month: Oct 2023 2023 TOTAL TO DATE
Country of Origin
Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3) Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3)
ALBANIA - $ - $ - $ - 300 $ 4,140 $ 411 $ 4,551
ARGENTINA - $ - $ - $ - 132,286 $ 298,499 $ 17,298 $ 315,797
ARMENIA 1,998 $ 16,104 $ 3,300 $ 19,404 29,731 $ 180,796 $ 37,947 $ 218,743
AUSTRALIA 13,924 $ 206,902 $ 6,224 $ 213,126 49,988 $ 1,110,318 $ 32,171 $ 1,142,489
BANGLADESH 1,400 $ 9,100 $ 695 $ 9,795 1,400 $ 9,100 $ 695 $ 9,795
BRAZIL 37,683 $ 124,548 $ 2,000 $ 126,548 308,446 $ 1,178,718 $ 74,501 $ 1,253,219
BULGARIA - $ - $ - $ - 4,050 $ 40,535 $ 2,688 $ 43,223
CAMBODIA 452,400 $ 769,080 $ 75,200 $ 844,280 1,451,450 $ 2,467,465 $ 326,600 $ 2,794,065
CAMEROON - $ - $ - $ - 495 $ 133 $ 215 $ 348
CHILE - $ - $ - $ - 12,555 $ 121,278 $ 6,000 $ 127,278
CHINA(MAINLAND) - $ - $ - $ - 159 $ 1,570 $ 195 $ 1,765
COLOMBIA - $ - $ - $ - 4 $ 69 $ 7 $ 76
COSTA RICA - $ - $ - $ - 142 $ 373 $ 70 $ 443
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 899 $ 7,190 $ 500 $ 7,690 46,609 $ 192,717 $ 8,726 $ 201,443
ECUADOR - $ - $ - $ - 170 $ 2,120 $ 569 $ 2,689
EGYPT - $ - $ - $ - 11,572 $ 34,684 $ 4,250 $ 38,934
ETHIOPIA - $ - $ - $ - 655 $ 6,129 $ 2,457 $ 8,586
FINLAND - $ - $ - $ - 12 $ 1,110 $ 2,500 $ 3,610
FRANCE 56 $ 1,070 $ 173 $ 1,243 67,502 $ 22,658 $ 1,540 $ 24,198
GEORGIA - $ - $ - $ - 2,376 $ 21,874 $ 2,000 $ 23,874
GERMANY, FED. REPUBLIC 864 $ 8,006 $ 1 $ 8,007 1,344 $ 12,883 $ 363 $ 13,246
GHANA - $ - $ - $ - 140 $ 155 $ 209 $ 364
GREECE 7,452 $ 56,167 $ 3,379 $ 59,546 118,665 $ 696,622 $ 56,202 $ 752,824
GUATEMALA - $ - $ - $ - 54,516 $ 150,012 $ 4,001 $ 154,013
HAITI 135 $ 135 $ 22 $ 157 308 $ 216 $ 69 $ 285
HONDURAS - $ - $ - $ - 39 $ 127 $ 40 $ 167
HUNGARY 200 $ 1,759 $ 103 $ 1,862 13,643 $ 39,916 $ 5,330 $ 45,246
INDIA 111,600 $ 180,965 $ 9,685 $ 190,650 143,476 $ 242,206 $ 14,048 $ 256,254
ITALY 709 $ 13,159 $ 991 $ 14,150 13,763 $ 126,742 $ 15,976 $ 142,718
JAPAN 18 $ 561 $ 1 $ 562 19 $ 697 $ 3 $ 700
JORDAN - $ - $ - $ - 82 $ 450 $ 102 $ 552
KENYA - $ - $ - $ - 278 $ 943 $ 89 $ 1,032
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF - $ - $ - $ - 2,561 $ 17,045 $ 3,013 $ 20,058
KYRGYZSTAN - $ - $ - $ - 14,245 $ 70,003 $ 10,000 $ 80,003
LEBANON - $ - $ - $ - 32 $ 735 $ 1 $ 736
LITHUANIA 18,560 $ 82,592 $ 2,500 $ 85,092 74,240 $ 515,888 $ 23,800 $ 539,688
MADAGASCAR (MALAGASY) - $ - $ - $ - 1,344 $ 9,793 $ 600 $ 10,393
MALAYSIA - $ - $ - $ - 3,048 $ 8,271 $ 1,500 $ 9,771
MANITOBA, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 360 $ 1,773 $ 150 $ 1,923
MEXICO 101,445 $ 314,044 $ 3,635 $ 317,679 315,455 $ 1,038,426 $ 26,825 $ 1,065,251
MONACO - $ - $ - $ - 855 $ 18,239 $ 424 $ 18,663
MONGOLIA - $ - $ - $ - 65 $ 20 $ 1 $ 21
MOROCCO - $ - $ - $ - 100 $ 5,215 $ 1,450 $ 6,665
NEPAL - $ - $ - $ - 10 $ 13,490 $ 109 $ 13,599
NETHERLANDS - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 4 $ 6 $ 10
NEW ZEALAND 73,478 $ 2,632,381 $ 38,895 $ 2,671,276 809,087 $ 25,451,217 $ 485,803 $ 25,937,020
NIGERIA 441 $ 399 $ 1,069 $ 1,468 2,860 $ 15,448 $ 3,461 $ 18,909
NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 23 $ 228 $ 33 $ 261
ONTARIO, CANADA 281 $ 3,218 $ 4 $ 3,222 4,230 $ 39,770 $ 188 $ 39,958
PAKISTAN 704 $ 3,106 $ 778 $ 3,884 2,111 $ 12,282 $ 1,419 $ 13,701
PARAGUAY - $ - $ - $ - 516 $ 4,966 $ 4,261 $ 9,227
PERU - $ - $ - $ - 191 $ 1,870 $ 37 $ 1,907
POLAND 17,592 $ 70,924 $ 3,292 $ 74,216 70,844 $ 381,112 $ 31,032 $ 412,144
PORTUGAL - $ - $ - $ - 980 $ 4,237 $ 520 $ 4,757
QUEBEC, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 100 $ 2,050 $ 298 $ 2,348
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN 2,000 $ 240,000 $ 4,507 $ 244,507 7,316 $ 736,965 $ 31,289 $ 768,254
RUSSIA 20,981 $ 115,500 $ 10,000 $ 125,500 23,630 $ 124,761 $ 12,693 $ 137,454
SAUDI ARABIA - $ - $ - $ - 89 $ 935 $ 75 $ 1,010
SENEGAL - $ - $ - $ - 806 $ 1,236 $ 378 $ 1,614
SERBIA - $ - $ - $ - 10,982 $ 87,250 $ 6,313 $ 93,563
SPAIN 11,593 $ 57,689 $ 1 $ 57,690 30,286 $ 147,867 $ 7,585 $ 155,452
SRI LANKA - $ - $ - $ - 128 $ 1,625 $ 278 $ 1,903
SWITZERLAND - $ - $ - $ - 73 $ 10,418 $ 124 $ 10,542
SYRIA - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 505 $ 7 $ 512
TAIWAN - $ - $ - $ - 489 $ 5,480 $ 335 $ 5,815
TANZANIA 25 $ 50 $ 50 $ 100 356 $ 2,168 $ 338 $ 2,506
THAILAND - $ - $ - $ - 103,053 $ 297,687 $ 12,800 $ 310,487
TURKIYE 28,844 $ 148,804 $ 7,421 $ 156,225 260,978 $ 1,278,186 $ 136,116 $ 1,414,302
UKRAINE - $ - $ - $ - 30,123 $ 101,847 $ 11,988 $ 113,835
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - $ - $ - $ - 42,480 $ 76,367 $ 6,000 $ 82,367
UNITED KINGDOM 5,406 $ 307,863 $ 1,073 $ 308,936 22,150 $ 657,577 $ 14,079 $ 671,656
VIETNAM 157,160 $ 250,760 $ 20,420 $ 271,180 3,995,370 $ 8,231,223 $ 988,478 $ 9,219,701
ZAMBIA - $ - $ - $ - 18,000 $ 36,000 $ 1 $ 36,001
Grand Total 1,067,848 $ 5,622,076 $ 195,919 $ 5,817,995 8,315,742 $ 46,375,434 $ 2,441,080 $ 48,816,514
1. Source: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
2. CIF Value: Cost, Insurance, and Freight
3. Total Value: Value + CIF Value
National Honey Report Vol. XLIII - Number 11 Page 9 November 27, 2023
Natural Honey, Not For Retail Sale, White
(HTS Code 0409000035)
Month: Oct 2023 2023 TOTAL TO DATE
Country of Origin
Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3) Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3)
ALBERTA, CANADA 57,495 $ 282,245 $ 450 $ 282,695 168,379 $ 886,054 $ 2,550 $ 888,604
ARGENTINA 613,632 $ 1,809,649 $ 78,845 $ 1,888,494 6,656,074 $ 21,336,971 $ 898,582 $ 22,235,553
BRAZIL - $ - $ - $ - 305,055 $ 1,709,008 $ 51,257 $ 1,760,265
BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA 32 $ 269 $ 1 $ 270 19,947 $ 103,853 $ 1,501 $ 105,354
CHILE - $ - $ - $ - 112,701 $ 339,785 $ 20,500 $ 360,285
CROATIA - $ - $ - $ - 9,720 $ 97,721 $ 487 $ 98,208
FRANCE 231 $ 3,548 $ 422 $ 3,970 4,947 $ 77,303 $ 3,646 $ 80,949
GHANA - $ - $ - $ - 350 $ 120 $ 30 $ 150
GREECE - $ - $ - $ - 565 $ 6,455 $ 533 $ 6,988
GUATEMALA 1,956 $ 8,625 $ 50 $ 8,675 1,956 $ 8,625 $ 50 $ 8,675
GUINEA - $ - $ - $ - 453 $ 272 $ 253 $ 525
HUNGARY - $ - $ - $ - 30,400 $ 201,464 $ 6,901 $ 208,365
INDIA 465,460 $ 844,254 $ 62,020 $ 906,274 4,801,336 $ 9,308,008 $ 642,527 $ 9,950,535
ISRAEL - $ - $ - $ - 48 $ 400 $ 30 $ 430
ITALY 2,196 $ 31,714 $ 4,456 $ 36,170 17,075 $ 200,393 $ 24,216 $ 224,609
JORDAN - $ - $ - $ - 45 $ 240 $ 1,494 $ 1,734
LITHUANIA - $ - $ - $ - 3,480 $ 25,266 $ 200 $ 25,466
MANITOBA, CANADA 189,472 $ 878,307 $ 5,616 $ 883,923 1,071,480 $ 5,377,649 $ 22,183 $ 5,399,832
MEXICO 242,596 $ 780,295 $ 3,151 $ 783,446 2,573,590 $ 9,122,652 $ 39,013 $ 9,161,665
MONACO 144 $ 1,717 $ 431 $ 2,148 465 $ 7,438 $ 1,093 $ 8,531
NEW ZEALAND 1,314 $ 16,725 $ 7,889 $ 24,614 4,277 $ 82,564 $ 12,416 $ 94,980
ONTARIO, CANADA 100,001 $ 461,635 $ 1,200 $ 462,835 514,283 $ 2,823,228 $ 5,600 $ 2,828,828
PARAGUAY - $ - $ - $ - 291 $ 1,770 $ 311 $ 2,081
PORTUGAL - $ - $ - $ - 8 $ 95 $ 1 $ 96
QUEBEC, CANADA 431 $ 6,423 $ 356 $ 6,779 119,707 $ 707,642 $ 3,319 $ 710,961
ROMANIA - $ - $ - $ - 8,664 $ 55,310 $ 2,700 $ 58,010
SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA 20,983 $ 90,877 $ 650 $ 91,527 324,898 $ 1,665,136 $ 4,360 $ 1,669,496
SIERRA LEONE - $ - $ - $ - 1,834 $ 1,500 $ 362 $ 1,862
SPAIN 22,079 $ 118,937 $ 924 $ 119,861 242,865 $ 1,260,104 $ 55,038 $ 1,315,142
SWEDEN - $ - $ - $ - 6 $ 94 $ 5 $ 99
TAIWAN - $ - $ - $ - 53,873 $ 121,339 $ 15 $ 121,354
TOGO - $ - $ - $ - 1,190 $ 720 $ 627 $ 1,347
TURKIYE 27,180 $ 105,711 $ 3,167 $ 108,878 184,748 $ 601,790 $ 34,767 $ 636,557
UKRAINE 264,867 $ 899,024 $ 77,917 $ 976,941 398,271 $ 1,357,487 $ 127,597 $ 1,485,084
UNITED KINGDOM - $ - $ - $ - 11,306 $ 105,691 $ 3,956 $ 109,647
URUGUAY 37,438 $ 103,026 $ 1,800 $ 104,826 605,468 $ 2,317,303 $ 158,190 $ 2,475,493
Grand Total 2,047,507 $ 6,442,981 $ 249,345 $ 6,692,326 18,249,754 $ 59,911,450 $ 2,126,310 $ 62,037,760

Natural Honey, Not For Retail Sale, Extra Light

(HTS Code 0409000045)
Month: Oct 2023 2023 TOTAL TO DATE
Country of Origin
Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3) Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3)
ARGENTINA 1,938,326 $ 5,331,417 $ 294,437 $ 5,625,854 20,833,230 $ 66,728,691 $ 3,205,338 $ 69,934,029
AUSTRALIA 158,558 $ 546,080 $ 39,000 $ 585,080 605,104 $ 3,288,515 $ 177,500 $ 3,466,015
BRAZIL 38,086 $ 132,896 $ 8,679 $ 141,575 655,776 $ 2,324,058 $ 136,023 $ 2,460,081
FRANCE 571 $ 8,354 $ 433 $ 8,787 2,547 $ 41,634 $ 2,763 $ 44,397
GREECE - $ - $ - $ - 6,056 $ 42,218 $ 1,978 $ 44,196
INDIA 2,392,488 $ 3,668,987 $ 257,098 $ 3,926,085 18,458,115 $ 33,957,490 $ 2,229,264 $ 36,186,754
ITALY 2,460 $ 17,600 $ 2,545 $ 20,145 3,830 $ 38,675 $ 6,772 $ 45,447
KENYA - $ - $ - $ - 47 $ 126 $ 32 $ 158
MANITOBA, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 25,453 $ 125,603 $ 209 $ 125,812
MEXICO 109,837 $ 316,958 $ 8,696 $ 325,654 1,205,357 $ 4,522,133 $ 106,363 $ 4,628,496
ONTARIO, CANADA 8,550 $ 58,066 $ 200 $ 58,266 53,660 $ 341,912 $ 1,000 $ 342,912
POLAND - $ - $ - $ - 18,560 $ 84,961 $ 6,169 $ 91,130
PORTUGAL - $ - $ - $ - 44 $ 1,627 $ 20 $ 1,647
QUEBEC, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 16,951 $ 95,336 $ 549 $ 95,885
SPAIN 18,850 $ 84,260 $ 100 $ 84,360 43,464 $ 197,831 $ 4,208 $ 202,039
TAIWAN 130,608 $ 241,100 $ 2,412 $ 243,512 1,748,388 $ 3,270,429 $ 7,012 $ 3,277,441
THAILAND - $ - $ - $ - 210,100 $ 833,597 $ 56,100 $ 889,697
TOGO - $ - $ - $ - 50 $ 109 $ 211 $ 320
TURKIYE - $ - $ - $ - 1,722 $ 8,030 $ 1,052 $ 9,082
UKRAINE - $ - $ - $ - 1,759,151 $ 7,963,093 $ 985,612 $ 8,948,705
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - $ - $ - $ - 90 $ 3,672 $ 398 $ 4,070
URUGUAY - $ - $ - $ - 422,101 $ 1,263,812 $ 83,323 $ 1,347,135
Grand Total 4,798,334 $ 10,405,718 $ 613,600 $ 11,019,318 46,069,796 $ 125,133,552 $ 7,011,896 $ 132,145,448
1. Source: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
2. CIF Value: Cost, Insurance, and Freight
3. Total Value: Value + CIF Value
National Honey Report Vol. XLIII - Number 11 Page 10 November 27, 2023

Natural Honey, Certified for Organic

(HTS Code 0409000005)
Month: Oct 2023 2023 TOTAL TO DATE
Country of Origin
Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3) Kilograms Value CIF Value (2) Total Value (3)
ALBERTA, CANADA 19,752 $ 132,738 $ 350 $ 133,088 79,484 $ 687,511 $ 4,249 $ 691,760
ARGENTINA - $ - $ - $ - 10,400 $ 33,315 $ 3,999 $ 37,314
ARMENIA 590 $ 8,628 $ 120 $ 8,748 50,046 $ 215,674 $ 8,542 $ 224,216
AUSTRALIA 1,092 $ 10,117 $ 810 $ 10,927 13,882 $ 141,230 $ 12,413 $ 153,643
AUSTRIA - $ - $ - $ - 45 $ 371 $ 226 $ 597
BRAZIL 1,507,992 $ 5,883,947 $ 237,151 $ 6,121,098 13,393,269 $ 52,454,451 $ 2,623,444 $ 55,077,895
BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 725 $ 8,791 $ 50 $ 8,841
BULGARIA - $ - $ - $ - 496 $ 6,396 $ 1,824 $ 8,220
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 7,222 $ 26,970 $ 1,541 $ 28,511 89,472 $ 327,432 $ 15,788 $ 343,220
FRANCE - $ - $ - $ - 86 $ 3,677 $ 400 $ 4,077
GERMANY, FED. REPUBLIC - $ - $ - $ - 10,001 $ 153,841 $ 9,759 $ 163,600
GREECE - $ - $ - $ - 125,143 $ 453,210 $ 51,652 $ 504,862
HAITI - $ - $ - $ - 6 $ 50 $ 1 $ 51
INDIA 321,794 $ 612,945 $ 69,387 $ 682,332 2,917,166 $ 7,191,741 $ 641,963 $ 7,833,704
ITALY 134 $ 1,924 $ 258 $ 2,182 819 $ 18,724 $ 2,381 $ 21,105
JAPAN - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 46 $ 1 $ 47
KENYA - $ - $ - $ - 25 $ 85 $ 65 $ 150
MANITOBA, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 17,340 $ 102,836 $ 300 $ 103,136
MEXICO - $ - $ - $ - 114,828 $ 571,066 $ 5,422 $ 576,488
MOLDOVA - $ - $ - $ - 3,600 $ 48,000 $ 7,500 $ 55,500
NEPAL - $ - $ - $ - 3 $ 1,440 $ 37 $ 1,477
NEW ZEALAND 3,302 $ 264,960 $ 1,000 $ 265,960 11,237 $ 825,943 $ 5,883 $ 831,826
NIGERIA - $ - $ - $ - 5,035 $ 34,350 $ 4,124 $ 38,474
ONTARIO, CANADA - $ - $ - $ - 1,337 $ 6,711 $ 996 $ 7,707
ROMANIA - $ - $ - $ - 675 $ 5,144 $ 697 $ 5,841
SPAIN - $ - $ - $ - 125 $ 2,510 $ 874 $ 3,384
SRI LANKA - $ - $ - $ - 402 $ 6,590 $ 1,666 $ 8,256
TANZANIA - $ - $ - $ - 12 $ 196 $ 4 $ 200
THAILAND - $ - $ - $ - 36,540 $ 224,722 $ 9,000 $ 233,722
TURKIYE 18,646 $ 66,692 $ 8,000 $ 74,692 18,707 $ 68,053 $ 8,000 $ 76,053
UNITED KINGDOM - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 15 $ - $ 15
URUGUAY 92,925 $ 208,894 $ 9,477 $ 218,371 2,362,565 $ 6,175,982 $ 392,143 $ 6,568,125
ZAMBIA - $ - $ - $ - 11,565 $ 80,399 $ 836 $ 81,235
Grand Total 1,973,449 $ 7,217,815 $ 328,094 $ 7,545,909 19,275,036 $ 69,850,502 $ 3,814,239 $ 73,664,741
1. Source: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
2. CIF Value: Cost, Insurance, and Freight
3. Total Value: Value + CIF Value

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