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Human Resources

• Every business use a variety of capital to generate
income for a business.
• No matter the industry, all companies have one thing in
common: they must have people to make their capital
work for them.
• HRM is about how a business generates revenue through
the use of people’s skills and abilities.
Human Resources (HR)

• Human resources are the people an organization

employs to carry out various jobs, tasks, and
functions in exchange for wages, salaries, and
other rewards.

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What Is Human Resource Management (HRM) ?

⚫ The comprehensive set of

managerial activities and
tasks concerned with
developing and
maintaining a qualified
workforce - human
resources – in ways
at contribute to

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Contemporary Human Resource
Management Perspectives
• In most organizations today, the role of human
resource management has become quite important.
This results partly from a growing realization of the
importance of people as a source of competitive
• Every manager has an HR function, even if they do not
have the HRM title

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Importance of HRM

HRM has a dual

supports the
organization’s strategy

represents and advocates

for the employees

HRM provides a clear connection between the

organization’s goals and the activities of employees.
The HRM Functions

HRM has four basic functions:


training and

In other words, hiring people, preparing them, stimulating

them, and keeping them.
Functions of HRM
Human Resource Management Processes


Fairness Training

Health and Safety (HRM) Appraisal

Labor Relations Compensation

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1 Line and Staff Aspects of HRM
• Line Manager
➢ Is authorized (has line authority) to direct the work of
subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing the
organization’s tasks.
• Staff Manager
➢ Assists and advises line managers.
➢ Has functional authority to coordinate personnel activities
and enforce organization policies.

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1 Human Resource Managers’ Duties

Functions of
HR Managers

Line Function Coordinative Staff Functions

Line Authority Function Staff Authority
Implied Authority Functional Authority Innovator/Advocacy

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– FIGURE 1–2 Human Resources Organization Chart for a Small Company

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1 Human Resource Specialties


Labor relations
specialist EEO coordinator
Training specialist Job analyst


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Workforce diversity and
regulatory challenges

At the end of the class you will…….

➢Understand the impact of diversification of the South African labour
force on the workplace
➢ Learn the value of a diversified workforce
➢ Understand what is mean by affirmative action (AA) and
employment equity(EE) ad the differences
➢Understand the similarities and differences between
affirmative action and employment equity
➢ Understand the role of HR professionals in enforcing these

➢Workplace diversity: is the recognition of the existence of different

groups of people who shares common traits
➢Dimensions of diversity in South Africa: ethnicity, gender, age, physical
abilities/qualities and sexual orientation
➢Stereotype: a fixed, distorted generalisation about the members of
a group
➢Valuing/managing diversity: No discrimination, emphasis on individual
performance, no forceful cultural or social assimilation; creation of
improved relationships, utilisation of individuals to the maximum
• Many of the issues that affect the workplace are part of larger
issues within society. This is because workers come to the
workplace with their experiences, cultures and identities etc.
which if not well managed can cause conflict. Some of the
diversity issues in the workplace include:
• Racism
• Ageism
• Sexism
• Ageism
• Ableism-discrimination
• Homophobia
Government response to diversity

➢Employment Equity: a legal approach to workplace

➢Affirmative action: a response to underuse of protected
groups in various in various job categories.
➢Affirmative action requires/encourages businesses to
attempt to attract and advance people from certain groups
because of their failure to do so in the past as a result of
• Is affirmative action a form of reverse discrimination?
• What's the difference between equal opportunity and
affirmative action policies?
Employment Equity act
The employment equity act is a South African law which:
➢ Aims to achieve equity in the workplace by promoting equal
opportunities and fair treatment.
➢ eliminates discrimination on any basis
➢Emphasise affirmative action measures to redress the disadvantages in
employment experienced by designated groups- Africans, coloured, Asians,
women and people with disabilities
➢ Emphasise training and development of designated groups
➢ Reasonable accommodation of designated groups e.g.
making provisions for people with disabilities
➢Requires every organisations of certain size to appoint someone to monitor the
implementation of the act

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