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Part I: Ethos is one of the elements of rhetoric. It is an argument based on character.

It is about you, giving and arguing with credibility. You should present your argument based on you as the author/creator/designer. You must say your qualifications with respect to the argument and also be well prepared for rebuttle. For example, if I were to write an argumentative paper, to develop ethos I would cite sources of where I got all of my information. Now, to make THOSE sources credible, I would look at the publisher of the website and possibly do some research on the author to make sure he or she is credible. Pathos is another element of rhetoric. Pathos is an argument based on heart, it is giving an emotional appeal. I think this element of rhetoric is very useful because it builds a bridge to your audience, you make a connection with your audience. Also, emotions are very easily relatable. For example, if you watch a movie and the characters start crying, and on top of that there is sad music playing in the background, you will feel those emotions because you have most likely felt them before, you can identify with them. Emotions influence people! It is important to remember that certain topics are sensitive also. There are so many emotions people can identify with, happiness, sadness, humor, anger, etc. To use pathos effectively I would use a picture or music, I think those are the two that are most effective when arguing with pathos. Logos is another element of rhetoric. It is an argument based on fact, logic, and reason. To develop logos one must have evidence (a witness) and hard facts. There must be a reason behind the argument and it must promote common sense. There is no emotion or feeling or opinion when arguing with logos. You must have a claim with supporting evidence. There must be syllogism (all men are funny, he is a man, so he is funny,) facts or stats and an organized design. We see this used in arguments all the time, a organized structure, facts, stats. We just saw this is the breast cancer ad, sometimes hard facts and statistics with numbers of how many people die can be very effective when making an argument. The CRAP principles are a guide of how to design an argument. They are as follows: Contrast Repetitions Alignment Proximity o Contrast- Contrast creates opposing elements to get the readers

attention. This is mostly through color. It adds visual interest and catches the readers eye. It can also highlight ideas the writer/designer feels are most important. I think the most used form of contrast is simply with background colors. Usually, it is effective to use a lighter color for the background so your argument is highlighted with the contrast and easy to read, and is easily brought to attention. o Repetition- Repetition is important, it almost drills an argument and idea into the readers head. This is repeating some part of the design so it is all familiar and clear. This creates a sense of unity and consistency whether it is repeating a word, font, or image. I see this a lot on well-designed web pages, where the same font is repeated and used to make a clear argument. o Alignments- The rule of alignment is that nothing should be placed on a page arbitrarily. Everything is done specifically for a specific reason, that is what design is all about. Also, each image or paragraph should connect to other images on a page neatly, purposefully. This gives your argument and neat, sophisticated look. o Proximity This is the idea that items that relate to each other should be grouped together on the page in design. For example, when writing a paragraph your thoughts of the same idea are all grouped together, this goes the same for design. This will also unify your argument making a clean, neat, balanced argument. Rhetoric is how the author conveys knowledge to his/her audience. Forms of rhetoric can be public service announcements, digital writing, and posters. The way the author conveys knowledge can be based on the three rhetorical appealsethos, logos, pathos. It can also be based on prior knowledge of the context he or she is conveying. Part II: I believe that the names of the well-known actors are displayed at the bottom in order to appeal to ethos, the thought being, It is a credible movie, because these are credible actors. They would only star in a hit movie, thus this is a hit movie (syllogism). I believe this is an advertisement and marketing strategy in order to convince people to see the movie because these heavy-hitters will be acting in it. It is a very thin font, and gives me the feeling of tightness or constraint. I think there is ethos in the photo as well, because at the bottom is

says from the terrifying best seller. Well, we could also say there is pathos there by using the word terrifying, but what really speaks to me is best seller. The idea that this was a book that was a best seller gives this film some credit, it shows that the author is very well known and liked for that matter. So, this makes the movie more appealing, because it is popular in a way. Contrast- There is contrast with in the black and white elements of the photo and the colored elements. The womans face (Jodi Foster) has no color, her skin is almost a pale white. There is contrast wit the black background, the butterfly-type insect on her mouth, her eyes, and the title. The butterfly is what is the main focal point and my attention goes right to that image when I first look at it, then it moves to her eyes, which are red. This gives great contrast which really highlights some main ideas and arguments. The red in her eyes really stands out, and gives off the idea of death, that this film is a thriller. Also, the butterfly, or whatever that is is also very creepy because it has a skull in it. This gives the idea that something is forbidden, especially when dealing with the woman, because it is covering her mouth. Also, insects are not the most joyful creatures, so that can also give a creepy feeling, and the fact that there is contrast between the white skin and the color butterfly really brings that out. Also, the title The Silence of the Lambs is written in the color red, which can identity with blood, therefore death, thriller and so on. Also, the contrast is obvious, but there are not really hard lines, her face is sort of blurred into the black. It still gives contrast, but it also can give the idea that she is dark, that a human can be dark, or that something is dark within the film. It makes her look like she is being influenced or almost captured by the darkness (death) because she is pale, like a corpse would be, her face is blurred with the darkness in the background, and he eyes are red and her mouth is being covered, it looks like she is captured in a way. All of this, with just the idea of contrast. Because of the contrast of colors, all of these things stand out. Also, the skull on the butterfly is clear and visible, which gives the image a very ominous look. The color of the eyes are a blood red (as is the movie title at the bottom of the image), which also stand out against the greying face and black background and adds to the ominous feel. The poster for Silence of the Lambs uses a variety of stylistic choices to hint at the films message in an eerie manner that is ultimately effective. There is a startlingly well-done example of contrast which is the first thing one would notice about the poster. A female face is depicting in black-and-white, and this is contrasted with her eyes and a type of

butterfly and moth being the only subjects in color. The colors used are all the darker versions of primary colors. The contrast of the image helps to communicate a sense of dread by evoking the image of a lifeless female figure staring blankly forward, and the butterfly covering the womans mouth helps to create the image of an empty void. The image of a skull on the butterflys back hints at death and says yes, this is some type of horror-thriller. This helps detail helps to imply the message even further, as the image of the butterfly, agent of innocence, is warped into a bringer of death, and the fact that it is not just covering the womans mouth but obscuring it completely helps to enhance the sense of dread. With no mouth, she cannot scream. An atmosphere of helplessness is created.

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