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Experiment Title: Bias Point Detail Analysis of DC Circuit with Dependent

Sources Using PSpice Schematics.

To analyze Bias Point Detail of DC circuit with Dependent Source using PSpice Schematics.

Circuit Diagram:

Figure:1 Circuit for lab

Answer to Post Lab Questions

1. Theoretically calculate all the currents and the voltages for the circuit.


From the figure1,

I s = i1
Vab = 8i2
KVL at Super-mesh,
-10 + 8i1 + 0.5Is + 20i2 + 8i2 = 0
-10 + 8i1 + 0.5I1 + 20i2 + 8i2 = 0 [∵ I s=i 1]
8.5i1 + 28i2 = 10 ------------------(1)
i2 - i1 = 0.5Vab
i2 - i1 = 0.5× 8i2 [∵ V ab=8 i 2]
i1 +3i2 = 0 ----------------- (2)
Solving equation (1) and (2), we get,
i1 = -12A, i2 = 4A
i0 = i2 – i1 = 4 – (-12) = 4 + 12 = 16A

Now, Voltage at Node 1,

V1 = 10V
Voltage at Node 2,
KCL at Node 2,
V 2−10 V 2−0.5 I s
- 16 + =0
8 28
V 2 10 V 2 0.5 ×(−12)
- - 16 + - =0 [∵ I s=i 1=−12 A ]
8 8 28 8
9 V 2 477
56 28
∴ V2 = 106V

Voltage at Node 3,
V3 = (4 × 28) = 112V [∵ i2=4 A∧R=(20+8)Ω]
Voltage at Node 4,

V4 = + (4 × 8) = 32V [∵ i2=4 A∧R=8 Ω]

Voltage at Node 5,

V5 = - (16 × 20) = -320V [∵ i0=16 A∧R=(16 +4)Ω]

Voltage at Node 6,

V6 = - (16 × 4) = -64V [∵ i0=16 A∧R=4 Ω]

2. Compare the theoretical solution of the circuit shown in the figure with
the solutions obtained from PSpice.

Comparing the theoretical solution of the circuit obtained from above with the solution
obtained from PSpice.

PSpice Calculated

i1 i1
= 12A = -12A
is is

Currents i2 = 4A i2 = 4A

i0 = 16A i0 = 16A

V1 = 10V V1 = 10V

V2=106V V2=106V

Voltages V3=112V V3=112V

V4=32V V4=32V

V5 = -320V V5 = -320V

V6 = -64V V6 = -64V

By doing this experiment we have been able to simulate our circuits via PSpice and test
the results. Previously we had tested our circuits practically, but this is more efficient.

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