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Common management and leadership definitions

Leadership is the ability to identify priorities, set a vision, and mobilize the actors and
resources needed to achieve them.

Organisational climate is “the shared meaning employees attach to the policies, practices
and procedures they experience and the behaviours they observe getting rewarded,
supported and expected

Organisational culture is defined as “the values and beliefs that characterise organisations as
transmitted by the socialisation experiences newcomers have, the decisions made by
management, and the stories and myths people tell and re-tell about their organisations”.

A leadership vacuum exists when many people agree a problem exists, it needs to be solved,
BUT there's no obvious person whose responsibility it is to solve the problem. In short, the
problem is everybody's problem and nobody's problem all at the same time

Interactive Leadership is a leadership style implying that leaders work to make their
interaction with subordinates positive for all. Interactive leaders encourage participation,
share power and information, enhance other people's self-worth and stimulate excitement
about work.

Clinical governance
Clinical governance is the system through which national health service
organisations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their
services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in
which clinical excellence will flourish (Department of Health).Clinical governance
encompasses quality assurance, quality improvement and risk and incident

‫الحوكمة السريرية هي النظام الذي من خالله تكون المنظمات الوطنية لخدمات الصحة مسؤولة عن التحسين‬
‫المستمر لجودة خدماتها وحماية معايير الرعاية العالية من خالل خلق بيئة يزدهر فيها التميز السريري (وزارة‬
‫ تشمل الحوكمة السريرية ضمان الجودة وتحسين الجودة وإدارة المخاطر والحوادث‬.)‫الصحة‬

culture is defined as the learned beliefs, values, rules, norms, symbols, and traditions
that are common to a group of people. It is these shared qualities of a group that
make them unique. Culture is dynamic and transmitted to others. In short, culhue is
the way of life, customs, and script of a group of people

Systems thinking is a holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a
system's constituent parts interrelate and how systems work over time and within
.the context of larger systems
systems thinking is a holistic way to investigate factors and interactions that could
.contribute to a possible outcome

A horizontal function refers to the interventions provided by a country's government

through a public health system, while vertical functions are typically donor driven,
disease specific and not always well integrated into the health system

Health services (curative and preventive) can be provided using two modes of
delivery: horizontal and vertical. By horizontal delivery, services are delivered
through public financed health systems and are commonly referred as
comprehensive primary care. Vertical delivery of health services implies a selective
targeting of specific interventions not fully integrated in health systems.

Universal health coverage : UHC is the aspiration that all people can obtain the
health services they need, of good quality, without suffering financial hardship when
paying for them. Health services cover promotion, prevention, treatment,
rehabilitation and palliative care,all levels of service delivery (from community health
workers to tertiary hospitals) and services across the life course. As such, they also
address communicable and noncommunicable diseases.

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