Year 10 Summer Term Report 2023

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Year 10 Summer Term Report 2023

Name : Roudro Momen TG : 10D1 Reading Age : 16.06

Attendance to: July 18th 2023 : 90.8% Lates (shown in sessions) : 7

Authorised Absences : 29 Unauthorised Absences : 3

GCSE Current Achievement /

Attitude to
Subject Target Working Cause for Teacher
Grade Grade Concern
English Language 7 7 Good Mrs Evans
English Literature 7 5 Good A1 Mrs Evans
Maths 8- 7 Good Miss Shah
Biology 8- 7 Good Mr Waite
Chemistry 8 7 Good Ms Serego Allighieri
Physics 8 5 Good Mr Wells
Computer Science 8- 7 Good Mr O'Neill
Geography 8- 7- Good Ms Constable
History 8- 8 Excellent A1,A2,A3,A4 Mr Kos


Current Working Grade Attitude to Learning Achievement / Cause for Concern Codes

A teacher’s realistic, 1. Excellent: Always tries hard and perseveres and A1 Achievement – C1 Classwork
professional judgement – what seeks to achieve excellence in all that Classwork
a student is currently working they do. Always ready to learn, C2 Home Learning
at. participates fully in lessons, is A2 Achievement –
always well organised. Produces Home Learning C3 Concentration /
GCSE Target Grade: excellent quality classwork and home or Behaviour
learning. A3 Achievement –
A target grade for a student to
Concentration / C4 Organisation
aim for in each subject (based on
2. Good: Consistently works hard and often or Behaviour
the student’s prior attainment at
perseveres when experiencing
KS2) Because we are aspirational
challenges. Often produces good A4 Achievement -
for our students, our targets are
quality classwork and home learning. Organisation
set at top 5% of students in the
country, which is to say that if a
3. Inconsistent: Inconsistent attitude to learning,
student achieves their target
concentration and work produced
grade, they will have made
(lack of equipment, poor quality
progress commensurate with the
classwork and/or home learning).
top 5% of students nationally.
Does not always actively participate
in class or learning and at times is
Abs : Student Absence
uncooperative or needs to be given
X : No GCSE target grades
available as the School
4. Poor: Regularly does not engage with
does not have KS2
learning, does not produce/very poor
quality classwork and home learning.
Regularly not equipped correctly,
regularly does not participate with

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