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Naked Gym

Javier might be known as an upstanding citizen. But when a cruising spot opens at a gym,
he’s no different than the others.
The Gym Rat Den wasn’t the place you’d expect to find in the little town of Oakridge.
Perhaps in grand cities, with extravagant desires, or tourist spots. Yet… It existed, sort of an
anomaly in that tiny but growing town.
Each night, a slew of men would come to get their bodies trained and their desires satisfied.
Such was what Javier Pérez desired. The old Tuna slipped through the main door, his sports
bag filled with spare clothes, a drink, and a towel. The perfect mix to appease his mind as he
approached the familiar front counter. Today, Charles manned it. The Albino Bat remained
seated, possibly enthralled by something he saw on his screen until Javier approached and
leaned on the counter while smiling.

Without a thought, he knocked at it, his purple bracer jumping up and down.
“Hey, Charles. He’s around today, or sulking?” asked the Fish, his blue eyes going all over
the lad suddenly reclining on his chair and thinking.
“Definitely both. He’s raging,” commented the Albino, sharing gossip without qualm.
“What happened? The Snake bit him for messing around?”
“No. He messed with Adam’s cards.”
“Ouch,” grimaced the Tuna, passing a hand over his black-dyed fins to appease the need to
scratch them before he knocked again on the counter. “I’ll try to fix that.”
“Thanks, Jav! And don’t forget about our party next Saturday!”

The Tuna left the counter behind and Charles with it, a rogue smile on his face while he
passed through the curtain door that separated the “public front” from the gym. As usual, the
smell of sweat and raunchy sex filled the air… Enjoining Javier to fill his nostrils and enjoy
the moment, hearing the grunts of men lifting weights or running.
Almost no one batted an eye about who he was as he strolled, his shorts fighting with his
erection the same way his shirt was fighting against his guts.

Javier wasn’t… Fit. Mostly due to his genes or his work in an office and never moving, the
old lawyer possessed a paunch gut that never disappeared. It appeared when young and
remained even during his younger years in college despite doing sports.
With his fifties passed, he was thinking of retiring, but what else could he do then except
vegetate or try to find another partner after years of celibacy? That wasn’t for him. Especially
since he merely had to take a trip to the Gym Rat Den to feast his eyes. Wherever his pince-
nez was turned at, there was a feast for his eyes: asses, pecs, abs. It was an endless fountain he
enjoyed as some people enjoyed his type: old, plump, and without inhibition.
Plus, his bank account helped him maintain good relationships with a few. Some would say
that was prostitution; Javier considered it to be an exchange in good faith.

He slapped his guts, massaging them as he glanced at today’s choices. As usual, there was the
Wolf and Bull couple, who weren’t into him; the good ol’ Walt, a panther who hogged the
treadmills so he could feel his junk flopping around; Adam, the ever-frowning Bald Eagle
who went around to help people. That guy could learn a thing or two about smiling and be
less gloomy, though he was a competent bunch. Too bad he had a green bracelet.

Without a second thought, Javier continued and passed between the machines, where he
would always see his favorite Coach; when he wasn’t busy helping a customer or watching
over. The squat stations were like his domain, that and any station that allowed him to show
that firm but majestic ass.
To the sight, Javier whistled, his fins stretching a bit, while he flashed the largest grin.
“Hola, señor nalgas! How’s it going?” asked the Tuna, shuffling forward.

Yet, the Komodo huffed and looked away. Oh, he was pissed. Sure, he was flushed. But he
was putting up that defiant front to drive people away. Too bad for him, Javier was here.
“What? Are you pouting?” continued the Tuna, leaning against the station to see the Komodo
Dragon do another squat, his dog tag clinging while he descended. “I have the perfect solution
for that, though.”
“Not in the mood for that, man,” retorted Vince with his typical spunk, huffing and grunting
from the weight. That man never ceased to impress Javier and make the big Fish enjoy his
“Too bad for you, I am. What happened? Charles said you touched Adam’s precious cards?”
commented the lawyer, glancing at where the Bald Eagle was. Today, that one was doing
double the effort.
“I fuck’n not! They been messed up with my cards! I ain’t gonna change something that’s his!
I’m not stupid!” retorted Vince, almost shouting, angry while lifting the weight.
“Vince,” said Javier, trying to make him listen. But the Komodo was spewing words now.
“They fuckin’ add those cards, make me do that stuff! I’m no moron who mess around! ‘Feels
like I’m one with ‘em! Can’t they see I be doing a lot to help?”

So, the issue was more complicated. So, Javier shrugged and stepped in. He had waited
enough and decided to slip into the station, forcing the Komodo Dragon to stop and nearly
bark. But when that jaw opened, the Tuna grabbed that muzzle to keep it firmly close.
“Chill, Vince. You’re angry, got it. But let’s do this: you talk with them tomorrow. But
tonight, you’re with me,” said the big Fish.
“Ain’t gonna do that,” finally said the Komodo Dragon, freeing his muzzle from the grip. “If I
fuck around, Imma find out.”

To this, Javier chuckled before patting Vince’s cheek.

“Sure you will do that. Private coaching session, impromptu plus the fees; What do you say?”
The Tuna grinned, sneered, when he saw the Komodo’s green eyes change and open wider.
There was even a hint of a smile!
“Hell yeah! ‘Gonna be great!”
“Then, go warn Charles to put it on my tab while I get ready. I want a moment with that ass!”
nodded Javier, reaching to get a firm grip of that firm right cheek while his “Coach” put back
the bar. Security be damned, they both needed it.

Javier’s workplace was a hellhole of stress, with many sharks and other bastards who made
him tread carefully day and night. Walk on eggshells for too long, and it becomes tedious or
even painful. For the Tuna, the Gym Rat Den was like a moment of peace. And Vince? He
was his mainline.
So, when the old man got away from the changing room with his bits out to be welcomed by
Vince’s just as naked form, he smiled.
“You handled it with Charles?”
“He good, all written. Let’s hit the treadmills, ‘time to warm up, Javier!”

With Vince’s private coaching, exercising was a whole different type of pleasure. As usual,
they were going for the treadmills as it was the perfect way for the two to warm up. Vince in
the front, Javier behind him, they were running one after another… Yet, naked as they were, it
gave both men the kick they desired.
Vince was… Well, a sexy guy. Muscular, treating his body like a temple with his cocky
attitude, he also had that exhibitionist streak. His ass, perfectly shaped with all the exercises
he made, was like steel, and his legs were just as well shaped. It all went along together while
he ran at a medium speed, with his boulder-like testicles swinging with each second.
That was perfect… That was beautiful.

Behind him, Javier enjoyed the view. He saw the sweat form on those black scales, saw the
drop follow the curling muscles in its descent. Some droplets would get caught by the
swaying tail, ruining the experience. But most would land on those cheeks, giving them that
perfect glimmer by the lamplights.
Those drops followed the curvature, descended, stuck to that ass, and released along that deep
musky perfume the scent diffusers couldn’t fight.
All that display was to make the end reward more tempting for Javier. But, it was difficult for
the Tuna not to daydream about that ass closing on his face and nearly choking him. That
sweaty hole had such a scent, it made his heart hasten.
“It ain’t too much, big Fish?” asked the Komodo Dragon, looking over his shoulder in the
Lawyer’s direction. Who huffed, sighed, and still managed to breathe.

He wasn’t dying, but the warm-up was rough.

“I’m hanging! Keep running, and let me enjoy the view!”
“sure thing, ‘boss!” chuckled the Komodo Dragon, raising his tail further. He made it swing
even faster so Javier could watch that sweaty crevice.
Vincent was a pervert, an exhibitionist, a man who loved to show off. But it worked well for
Javier as he was running amply despite his husky body, his hard-on pointed right in front of
The purple tip dripped and glimmered, the blue scales covering the foreskin almost peeled off
to expose the bulbous tip while his veiny base kept pumping more and more blood within it.
More… Even his testicles, apple-sized as they were, were rubbing against his thighs, but… It
felt good.
Javier felt good and appreciated the moment, feeling like he could run for more.
Up until the treadmills biped; at that instant, he was reminded of what was around. The other
clients who looked at them, some even using the nearest treadmills to enjoy the same view.
The scowling Bald Eagle seemingly judging Vince. And Vince, whose steps were slowing
before he stopped… And he turned to Javier.
“You good?”

With that, Vincent stepped off and went around the treadmills with his naked, sweaty body.
He wasn’t minding his own hard-on, his black shaft pointing forward likewise to Javier’s.
With a step, they were close together by the treadmills, their hands holding onto their shafts
getting closer… Closer. So close they touched. Their tips touched while they shared a kiss.
Usually, private coaching only meant some exhibitionism and teasing… But, well, Javier was
a regular, and they enjoyed each other. They could even be considered a couple.
“Hmm. Would you come tonight?” asked Javier, huffing as their breaths joined. Protein
powder and cheap coffee mixed while his partner extended a hand behind the Tuna's neck to
keep him still while the other went down to grab both shafts in a firm grasp to keep them
Of the two, Vincent was evidently the biggest. His dick was like a baseball bat, a fucking
beast of sex reeking with needs. In comparison, Javier was missing an inch or two, but it
didn’t matter as they were both pressed together.
“Maybe. But I ain’t staying for breakfast,” answered Vince, his voice low while another huff
stroked the Fish’s blue scales.
“Good,” nodded along Javier. “What’s next?”

With that, Vince released the shafts and licked the precum sticking to his fingers. He even
gave a tempting glace to Javier as they moved toward the stands with their hard-on still there
but declining. This exercise wouldn’t be as exciting as running this time; Vince would be by
his side and doing the set simultaneously, but not with the same intensity. Peeking was
allowed but no tease.
It was Vince’s way to force some change, going from a serious exercise to a kinky one.
When Javier first asked why Vince did this and wasn’t teasing men all the way, the Komodo
Dragon surprised the Tuna: he wasn’t a whore in a gym. He truly wanted people to improve.
People who joined the program just to get a sample also abandoned it when they noticed
Vincet wasn’t sharing their feelings.
It surprised Javier… But it made some sense, some logic he could mull about as he lifted the
weights once more before putting them aside. He took his break. Just one minute for breaks,
for chilling… For watching Vince continuing the set despite knowing it was time to breathe.

“You’re still angry?” asked Javier, stepping closer. By now, his erection had lowered, and he
was merely at half-chub. Yet, he made sure not to be touchy at that moment when talking with
the Komodo Dragon.
“Yeah. ‘Still can’t get that out of my head! He be an ass all day and it’s me who gets the
slap,” continued the Komodo Dragon.
Javier was about to answer when his watch rang, forcing him to return to the set and do it
silently. Speaking during such exercise would ruin his form and anger Vincent some more.
Therefore, lifted… Lifted… Until the set was done, and he got another break.
“Did you talk with him about it? Or Noah? Or even Charles, Federico, or Kyle?”
“ain’t no tattle or cunt. It’s between him and me. If he ain’t playing ball, he can get ‘nother
“It can be simpler for you to speak together outside of work. You tried it?”
“Hell no, I ain’t inviting him; the snake’s gonna bite me.”

Javier sighed, hearing his watch ring again. Still, he gave Vincent’s bicep a weak punch
before he returned to his reps. Lifting, again… Again… And again. Until that one was done.
“Next, Pulldowns,” said Vincent without looking, though his expression seemed to have
changed. He was back into the sexy coach persona, grinning and smiling despite not feeling
so well.
There was no reason for Javier to call him out and ruin the moment, though he could clearly
see it. Vincent was complex: former military, big mouth, anger issues… Javier had even
represented him in a nasty collision. Through sheer luck, the Komodo Dragon hadn’t been
injured, but his precious bike had been totaled. Should Vincent have gone alone during the
mediation, his hot-headed attitude would have made his life difficult.
But theTuna had been there to help him get some compensation. More than that, they went
together to a repair shop to get that stuff sorted.

With a sigh, Javier smiled and watched how Vincent finalized the station’s adjustment.
Usually, the seat was made so the legs wouldn’t move as much during pulldowns, hence only
one could sit on it. But that station could be modified on the fly, and another seat was added
right between the machine and Javier’s seat. One where the Komodo Dragon sat, with his
genitals presented due to his seat’s incline.
That cock was hard again, with those sweaty testicles rubbing against the towel.
Fuck… Javier would have loved to be that towel, heh.

“Get on, stop lollygagging,” snapped Vince, making the Tuna follow and sit before extending
his arms up to reach for the bar he had to pull down with his chest still.
Still. To remain so, the Komodo’s firm hands were all over him. Javier’s arms moved, his
shoulders, too… But worse, his dick was just as hard as Vince’s, and they were touching.
“You’re almost there, Javier. And… Good!”

With Vince’s encouragement, Javier pulled the bar down at shoulder level despite the slight
shudder in his arms. Sweat covered those blue scales, amplifying their natural reflection and
the salty scent emanating from him. But it didn’t seem to bother the Komodo as he leaned
forward to kiss the Tuna, to plunge that tongue within that month while they kept position.
For a moment, their tongue toyed and tied again, their saliva mixing. Then… The kiss broke,
and Javier lifted his arms.
“Nine more, and you get rep; you’ve got this, Javier,” encouraged Vince, his smile unfeigned
at the moment.
“It’s… Harder when I have my Coach’s dick rubbing against mine,” laughed the Tuna,
feeling the sticky precum all over his groin. Their shafts touched and pulsated close together
at a varying pace. Sometimes, the Lawyer hoped Vincent would do more than just groping.
But no.
Steadily, Javier pulled the bar down, and again, he was thrust into a loving kiss.

Up and down went his arms and shoulders, driven by the weight from the machine and the
invitation for more kisses from the Komodo Dragon. Although, by the end of that set and his
break, the Tuna had to catch his breath and pass a hand over his face.
“You alright?” asked the Komodo, his rough solicitude welcomed and appreciated through a
“Yes, just… Catching my breath,” he answered while he looked around.

As expected, people were giving them side glances. Even Adam… Or the Cobra, who entered
the building. Quickly, Javier returned to the Komodo Dragon, watching him fidget. Not much,
but being a lawyer made the Tuna quite astute in knowing what happened in people’s heads.
“What’s the next exercise?” he asked.
“You ain’t done with that one,” the Komodo pointed up. But Javier didn’t move.
“Noah entered the shop. That’s the perfect opportunity to talk with him,” said the Tuna,
pointing where the young Cobra had disappeared.
“Ah… ‘Am not doing that now. Don’t try me, Javier,” answered the Komodo Dragon.
But then, the Tuna extended his arms upwards to grab the bar, huffing and grunting while he
lowered it.
“I’m not. But if you prefer to have it tomorrow… Or later. You know it’ll be weighing on you
and making it worse for you. And you hate procrastinating.”

Finally, he lowered the bar at shoulder level. The Komodo Dragon still held onto his chest but
wasn’t moving forward. His muzzle was still, no kiss. Then he whispered.
“’Fine. Mountain climber twenty and leg raises 3 minutes for the next set,” said Vince.
“Good man,” nodded Javier, his smile genuine… And so was his flushed expression when the
Komodo Dragon kissed him and whispered in his ear.
“We ain’t done.”

Javier’s erection sprung even harder while he lifted his arms. Before him, Vince moved and
left, leaving his damp towel as he strutted with his testicles swinging with each step. Javier,
like many, enjoyed the sight but quickly returned to his reps. Reps he followed diligently as,
even without Vince, he wanted to… Feel good.

He had lived most of his life sitting on a chair or standing up… His body was a mess, but he
wanted to get better… Though he hated the core exercises; they were necessary for his belly
to go from flabby to big; but they were so painful. He couldn’t skip them since he was
naturally fat. Diet, changing his lifestyle, they couldn’t change that fact. But if he abandoned
them, his body would become a shitshow.
His arms up and down, he exhaled and grunted before he finally released the bar and
massaged his shoulders, taking along the two towels to go somewhere more isolated.

It was only a moment later, well into his third set and the legs raises, his eyes caught the
Komodo Dragon’s arrival. He wasn’t stomping or anything, just walking along just as naked
with the green eyes darting at the Tuna.
“Good form, you done?” he asked, his voice a little snarky.
“Almost. One minute,” mumbled Javier without checking his watch. His eyes went to the big
Komodo who kneeled and passed a hand on the Tuna’s belly without pressing on it.
“It’s hard. Good, you’re getting better.”

Javier wanted to laugh but didn’t. Instead, he huffed and then… When the watch rang, he
lowered his legs. Slowly, carefully, and… He dropped, his arms spreading while he caught his
“Huff. It’s less fun when you’re not here,” chuckled the Tuna, feeling the expert clawed hand
going over his belly to check his muscles.
“The reward gonna be tastier. I got one thing or two for you!”

One thing or two could rather be described as two things, as the Tuna was led to a bench
press. Something that wasn’t in the usual rotation. But still, he lay on it when ordered and
held his arms ready while Vincent prepared the bar.
At first, it seemed to be a regular exercise with the Komodo pointing to the bar and making
Javier lift… And lower the bar with the added weight while spotting.
But by the second lift, the surprise happened.

“Hrmph! Vince!” grunted Javier as he watched his spotter move forward with his dripping
cock erect again and pointing forward. But the reason he cried was the testicles landing on his
face, teabagging him.
One moment, the neon light blinded him above. The second, a sweaty and greasy sack, was
plopped onto his head. It blinded him but made each breath riddled with that strong reptile
“Deep breaths, Javier! Deep breaths!” encouraged the Komodo.

Sure, that man enjoyed that mockery as much as Javier. But so, the Tuna followed the
instruction and breathed. He opened his nostrils, breathing in until his gills started to open up.
The pungent stench of sweat and cheap deodorant mixed with Vince’s natural scent made
Javier’s head swirl and his cock point upward like a mast.
“Good! Deep breaths it’s all you gotta need! Now, lift!”

The only thing Javier desired was to lift those balls or to give himself a little wank while high
on musk. Yet, he didn’t… He lifted the weight and felt the weight of those balls diminish on
his face. But once he lowered the bar close to his chest, those orbs were hard-pressed on his
face, and the leathery scrotum spread over his nose.
Again, he breathed, feeling the damp air rush to his nose.
That was how the rep went and by the end of it… Javier huffed those balls more than he

His dick was hard as steel, his groin rigid, and his prostate burning. He wasn’t cumming,
wasn’t close to it by any means. But he wanted it, desired to stuff someone’s hole. And when
the last lift was completed, and he had to take a breather, Vince looked down at him with a
“Too much for you, Jav’?”
“Not at all,” answered the Tuna, presumptuous and puffing his cheeks.
“Good, because you’re not done!”
“I know… Two more reps and-”

Javier’s eyes opened wider. But yup, his spotter moved around and pointed at a nearby spot.
There was nobody around. Thankfully, the other members gave the duo a wide berth. Perhaps
they knew what was to happen, soon.
Without a care, the large Tuna threw the sweat-drenched towel on the ground before laying on
it. It wasn’t comfortable like lying on a sofa or a bed, especially with the rough mats the Gym
bought to deter people from “having fun” in public.
But it didn’t stop him nor the Komodo Dragon. On the back, with his dick pointing upward,
he could only admire Vince’s body as he squatted above.

“’Time for your reward, big Fish!” chuckled the Komodo Dragon as his outstretched legs
forced his asscheeks apart in his descent. Lower… Lower, until Javier’s wide cocktip poked
that ass. And slipped between the sweaty glutes.
Their size and firmness made the progress all the more enjoyable for Javier, feeling all the
pressure the Komodo Dragon could apply.
“Ohhhhh. That’s an excellent reward.”

Absentminded, the Tuna’s eyes rolled. His hands moved forward, approaching the Komodo’s
knees to hold him steady. Or was it to hold onto something as that hole brushed his erect cock
and… swallowed it.
“Don’t be dying on me! We ain’t done!” laughed Vince as he descended, his hole opening and
taking that dick further.
Javier considered himself done for when that hole clenched around his dick. It closed on it,
squeezed it. Vince’s inner walls worked superbly… And were milking dry in that slow

One more inch, two more, three. Without an absurd pace, Vince took Javier’s dick without
much lubricant. Though it wasn’t specifically needed when the big Fish’s dick was naturally
slippery and soft.
Plus… Why would the Komodo Dragon prepare himself when he was such a size queen?

So… Javier’s fingers dug into the scales while his eyes rolled. That monstrous ass had
descended and, with a wet slurp, took in the last free inch. He was entirely inside, and that ass
firmly tugged on every part of his precious anatomy: from the bulbous tip to the thick base.
“Oh… Madre de Dios,” mumbled Javier, his back arching when he felt the sphincter tighten
around the bulbous shape… And the Komodo Dragon raising his hips.
“It ain’t your last prayer, Javier!” snorted Vince, his tail pushing on the mat to support himself
while he raised.

Again, his thick was exposed to the gym’s warm air. But compared to the snug hole, the
sensation was akin to ice pressed against his skin. The Komodo Dragon had such a delicious
ass. One Javier could plunge into and fuck all day if the circumstances allowed it.
Not that his schedule didn’t allow it or anything similar. Rather, Vince called the shots.
Even with the hands on the Komodo’s legs, the big Tuna couldn’t push or force the Komodo
Dragon to lower those hips and take his dick back. Even if he tried, the stud had all the
strength to block such an attempt.
In fact, this kind of action was nothing unlike another rep for Vince as Javier’s bulbous tip
was about to be let go. But, with a wet suction, Vince descended once more.

He descended faster this time. Way faster. Way way faster. Javier moaned, his eyes rolled, his
toes curled, his legs tensed on the ground before he bent them… A slight change the expert
Komodo exploited by leaning back and clutching them, switching his balance.
“Hold the position, big Fish!” ordered Vince.

Javier locked his knees and didn’t move even when those scalie hands weighed on them. With
enough wit left, Javier looked down. Beyond his belly, he saw the Komodo Dragon recline
and impale onto that erect dick.
Vince lowered until, again, those powerful glutes were down against his balls and groin.
“Fuck… I won’t… Keep up,” mumbled Javier, already feeling his prostate about to burst deep
within that hole. He desperately needed to empty his balls in that tightening asshole.

Yet, it ascended again. Again, the pressure on his entire dick receded, and the cold air rushed
to his sensitive skin. He gritted his teeth, his hands leaving the knees instead for the mat while
his partner adjusted his posture: just a bit more, a few tremors, a few shakes.
“Keep on, big Fish! I ain’t done with you!” ordered Vince, pointing his index at Javier’s face.
“No more teabag if you cum in the next minute!”
Javier’s eyes widened at the threat. Missing on the teabags? On having those sweaty balls
rubbed all over his face. He grunted, ready to endure whatever Vince threw at him to get those
sweaty balls rubbed against his face some more. He was ready for all...
All except what Vince had prepared.

Leaning back as he was with his legs spread and his lower belly slightly lifted, Vince was in
the perfect position. He descended. Not slowly, but brutally. That was a brutal and quick
movement as he descended, stealing a quip from the big Fish, down until their hips slammed
together. And then, he lifted again, sucking along the shaft by clenching the orifice.
Below, Javier’s eyes widened…

His mouth even fell wide open when the movement started anew, faster than before. More
aggressive than before. So much so the sound of those balls slamming his round belly echoed
through his belly and spine.
He felt his gut utterly hit by the two black boulders before they were lifted… And slammed
again. It was deafening… Just as much as the drumming and pulsating sensation within his
groin. It was so much! Too much!
“HRMPHH!” groaned Javier, arching his back. His feet threatened to slip, his hands
desperately trying to clutch the ground… Anything to hold himself onto.
“Already done? Javier, you be disappointing me!” laughed Vince as their hips met again in a
wet clap.

Of course, Javier was at his limits. That ass expertly tugged on his dick, like someone’s firm
hand or silky mouth. It had its own movements, its own life. How could someone resist? How
could he resist that cocky Komodo Dragon?
The Tuna’s body trembled, feeling his pleasure spike again even as he bit his lips.
It felt so good. Vince was good at this, and he knew it; he knew how to handle a cock up his
ass without any worries.
And Javier, going in bare, was… Exposed to this assault.

The Tuna moaned, his fins rubbing and scrapping against the rough mat while his body
Another firm squeeze against the base and his testicles were tightening.
A move and his groin narrowly exploded.
The tip of his cock almost slipped and his heart skipped a beat.
His mind held onto the threat to keep himself from cumming. He had to; he had to resist….
And he tried. He tried so hard.

But failed.
It couldn’t be avoided. Not when Vince’s cocky grin faced him and those hips were pumped
like a machine. It was just a workout for the Komodo Dragon, a small exercise he did for a
favorite client. And Javier exhaled.
His head hit the mat. His breath relaxed. His groin relaxed and contracted. His breath went
silent. He lifted his head.
The Tuna’s expression had crumbled and turned into something else. His lips dropped, saliva
poured all over those silvery blue scales while huffs escaped his lips. Pained huffs as he tried
to resist the desire to heave like a beast… Then gave in, audibly gasping while his cock
spurted cum within that tense hole.
Yet, despite cumming, that man was still using his ass to firmly grasp the spurting cock. He
kept it steady… No, he rode it. Vince counted on that erection to last.
“One min and a half! We gonna be working on your cardio! That’s terrible!”

One minute and a half, enduring Vince’s riding and squeezing, didn’t seem too bad. And
without any way to resist, Javier dropped. His arms were outstretched, and his eyes darted at
the ceiling while he endured the everlasting ride. His dick was raw, but… He didn’t have the
strength to resist. He moaned again, feeling how Vince’s hips stopped, but the Komodo
Dragon’s huffs continued. A hand left the knee… And came the sound of a wet hand clasped
around a shaft.
Above, Vince kept stroking himself, but Javier couldn’t see it.
He glanced at the ceiling and tried to regain his composure despite the regular squeezing
around his dick.

And then…
Then something warm landed across his face, hitting his right eye. He had to close it.
“Fuck, not here!” mumbled Javier, feeling the cum dripping all over his body… He reached
for his hit eye, touching the tacky cum. He tried to wipe it off on his belly but found out his
partner had thoroughly coated his body.
Worse, it was far from the end. The Komodo Dragon still stroked himself and produced jet
after jet as if he were a worker from the Milk Bar.
But… it ended.

It ended with Javier slightly turning his head and lifting it, fighting against gravity and his
sore back to see Vince’s cocky attitude as he was back on his hands and left foot. But the right
foot? It pressed and circled on the Tuna’s belly.
“Jav’. When was the last time you fucked?” asked the Komodo Dragon, still drawing and
circling while cum dripped in all directions. As if they weren’t in the middle of the Gym and
people weren’t giving them excited glances. The Tuna knew well why they popped a boner.
“Three weeks ago… With you,” mumbled the Fish, about to drop again. The Komodo Dragon
lifted his ass and, without any warning, released Javier’s dick which flopped back between his
thighs along with all the semen pouring out.

“Three weeks… uh. ‘Guess I’ma need to step up my game!” chuckled Vince as his clawed
foot lifted and extended towards Javier’s face before the Tuna could drop it. The sole was
sweaty and dirty but mainly coated with Vincent’s cum: musky, heady, earthy. A perfume the
Tuna inhaled deeply as it approached his mouth and… He licked it.
He licked the bottom of it and nearly cried when Vince’s other foot landed on his ample belly.

It didn’t stop him from licking. Far from it as he continued, his tongue outstretched and
swirling against the skin. It explored the scalie folds, the ball of that foot, the instep. Then
moved up. He avoided the claw as his tongue slipped between the toes, coated and stuffed
with sweat but otherwise clean. He moved, using the large appendage to leave only a trail of
saliva in his path.
Cum and sweat, he easily gulped them down.

Then, the second foot was presented to him, and the first gone. Just like the first, his tongue
danced around the offered part: toes, in between, ball, instep, heel. The scales glistened, and
the fold had been stretched. But it wasn’t enough for Vince… Not when he used his two feet
and most of his core strength to press his soles against the Tuna’s face, almost covering it.
“What do you think? A new program, every five days? Would be great, huh?”

Javier would have nodded if he could, yet his face was soaked with fluid and held under those
feet. He didn’t want to move except to have that firm ass against swallowing his cock. It
sounded fucking great.
“Here… Towels,” said a close voice, familiar. Adam’s.

The Tuna’s eyes drifted away from Vince, his expression slightly soured, to his left. Towards
the Bald Eagle, handing Javier three towels. Three the Tuna received and mumbled.
“Thanks,” he said before a clipped little toe slipped into his mouth to silence him.
“Thanks, Adam. But we’re not done with Javier’s session,” chuckled Vince as Javier’s dick
sprung to life once more… And found itself ready to poke at Vince’s ass.
Javier didn’t think much of the distant groans and moans in the bedroom. Lazing around on
the couch with his sprawled arms, he watched the TV and the usual morning news show.
Today’s subject seemed to be about the incoming elections and how the democrats and
republicans were fighting each other and on another spicy topic.
Immigration, laws, economics; it was background noise Javier used to slowly evacuate all the
weird morning hangover while nursing on his mug of coffee. They could be speaking about
aliens abducting people or whatever; he wouldn’t care much. He had even left his glasses in
his bedroom when he tried to leave them without much sound.

He could make out the faces, but recognizing all the details? He shook his head at the idea
while hearing the shower turn on in the nearby bathroom… And off after a few minutes.
Then, he listened to the steps getting closer with the sound of dripping water.
He was already getting hard in his underwear, the sole thing he dared to wear so late this
morning… And without waiting, he peeled it off to reveal the purplish glans pointing upward
like a spear.

“Morning,” said Javier while listening to the poured coffee and the closing steps. At the same
time, his hand was on that hard cock, giving it a firm stroke, while setting the mug aside.
“Morning, big Fish,” answered Vince with his dog tag still clinging. He was just as exhausted,
with bags beneath his eyes. But the Komodo Dragon didn’t seem bothered to see the old Tuna
stroking himself. Quite the opposite as he approached from the front.
Naked, still dripping from the shower, and thoroughly clean, Vince didn’t have that strong
reptilian musk after a rough workout day. But he would as he sat on Javier’s dick, his trunk-
like thighs spread so he wouldn’t crush the Javier’s lap.
Legs spread, the testicles resting against Javier’s, and his dick hard again; the Komodo
Dragon was eager while impaling himself.

Although, Javier wasn’t seeing much of it… Except that strong back, that tail swinging, and
that ass using him like a seat. Already Vince used his ass to squeeze, tease, and milk that dick.
The Tuna’s thighs clenched, and so did his jaw while he extended his arms to hug the
Komodo Dragon’s chest and hold onto it, enjoying the crushing sensation.
“Could you…” started Javier, his voice low and muffled by the Komodo’s back… Until his
man looked above his shoulder and offered a grin.
“Milk my favorite Fish? Yeah,” chuckled Vince as his ass started to offer that thorough
massage. Only He seemed to know that trick. How? Javier didn’t care as he felt the clenching
around his cocktip, his base, and all over his length. Soon, he would be creaming himself deep
inside his lover.

He held onto that back tighter, barely listened to the TV blaring its usual bullshit, pressed his
head against that back, and heeded the deep breaths and casual sipping.
He held tighter as his balls clenched again. That ass was so tense around his dick, it could be a
hand. It stroked, caressed, massaged. And… Javier gasped, his balls emptying into Vince.
“Fhew…” the Tuna mouthed, ragged from that short and sudden orgasm.
“One done. Six more to go, big Fish. Or it’ll be at the Gym!”

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