30 Days of Mantras

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30 Days of Mantras

w/Brittany Taylor

1. I welcome each moment with gratitude. I love all beings exactly as we are.
2. I trust every moment aligns me with my purpose. I surrender, I let go, I flow.
3. My body is the perfect vessel. I am free. I choose love, joy and abundance.
4. I’m grateful for my body exactly as I am. From here I create the strong, lean powerhouse I
5. I am alive; the center of my universe. My power is always here and now.
6. I greet this moment with open arms. I know this is an opportunity to expand, play, and love.
7. I am the sun; my love lights up the world. I surrender and all beauty is revealed.
8. There is no they, there is only we. Loving all our beings brings us together!
9. Our love lights up the world. We are inspired and love having fun.
10. We are magically transforming. This is a time to celebrate!
11. I am an unlimited being. I create my ecstatic reality.
12. My truth is lightness of being. I love to laugh and have fun.
13. I love this life! I’m so grateful to be alive in love.
14. Every moment is perfect. I am present for the magical unfolding.
15. This moment is filled with infinite possibilities. We embrace peace, presence and love.
16. My presence is my superpower. Being finely attuned to this moment, I feel bliss.
17. Magic beyond anything we have imagined is here for us.
18. The universe has a divine flow for us that we surrender to.
19. I embody peace. I feel deep stillness amongst the waves.
20. Breathing, being, pure positive presence. I am in love. This is the way.
21. I am a vessel of divine love and magic. I dance upon this earth, flowing infinitely.
22. We live in the realm of truth and light. All is beautiful and welcome here.
23. I am full of flexibility and healing energy. I am strong in presence and love.
24. Flowing love feeds and strengthens me. I look inward for all I desire.
25. I am the awareness appreciating every unfolding. This is beauty. This is happiness.
26. We let go, relax, release, and open to the love always flowing through us.
27. I am open to the delightful surprises of the universe.
28. La energía infinita siempre fluye a través de mí.
29. When we ground into being, we embody peace, abundance and tingly bliss.
30. We breathe in and purify- fresh energy, a new cycle of inspired wellness.
31. (Bonus Day) I am perfect. You are perfect. Our diversity inspires universal expansion.

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