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Journey Through the Mystery of Consciousness, Near-Death Experience, The Law
of Neutralisation of Cause and Effect and the Phenomenon of Metempsychosis.

- A Parapsychological Journey Through the Mystery of

Consciousness, Near-Death Experience, The Law of Neutralisation
of Cause and Effect and the Phenomenon of Metempsychosis.

ARYA VYSYA Publications
Mount joy Road
Bangalore -560001
No of Pages of Main Content (Chapter no 1 to Chapter no 20) -746 Pages.

COPIES:- Unlimited.

EDITION :- First Edition.

AUTHOR :- The Cosmo Conscious Team.



PRICE :- Free Distribution Only.

|| Copyright ⓒ2016 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS All Right Reserved || Website

Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram



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Helped for the Success of This Book.

Success of this Book.

▪ Thanks to Doctors of Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit

▪ Thanks to Doctors of International Association for Near-Death Studies.

▪ Thanks to Doctors of International Association of Reincarnation and Regression Research.

|| Copyright ⓒ2016 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS All Right Reserved || Website

Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram


▪ Book is Dedicated To Late Dr. Ian Stevenson.

▪ Ian Pretyman Stevenson (October 31, 1918 – February 8, 2007) was a Canadian-born U.S.
psychiatrist and Parapsychologist.

▪ He worked for the University of Virginia School of Medicine for fifty years, as chair of the
department of psychiatry from 1957 to 1967, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry from 1967 to
2001, and Research Professor of Psychiatry from 2002 until his death.

▪ You Are Not Wrong If you Call him as ‘FATHER OF REINCARNATION RESEARCH in the
Field of Parapsychology’, Who For the First time in Human History Medically Documented
More than 3000 Cases of Reincarnation Worldwide and Author of More than 30 Books
Regarding Reincarnation.
“There is something essential to some human personalities ... which we cannot plausibly
construe solely in terms of either brain states, or properties of brain states ... and, further, after
biological death this non-reducible essential trait sometimes persists for some time, in some
way, in some place, and for some reason or other, existing independently of the person's
former brain and body. Moreover, after some time, some of these irreducible essential traits of
human personality, for some reason or other, and by some mechanism or other, come to
reside in other human bodies either some time during the gestation period, at birth, or shortly
after birth”

- Dr. Ian Stevenson

▪ Book is Also Dedicated to Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Patanjali, Chaitanya Prabhu,

Bhakti vedanta Swami Prabhupada also to all western Philosophers, Scientists etc who
Gave Idea of Reincarnation Thousands of Year before Parapsychology Started
Studying the Phenomenon of Metempsychosis (Reincarnation).

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

1. If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its
choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on greatest problems of life, and has found solutions
of some of them which well deserve the attention of those who have studied Plato and Kant, -I
should point to India.

▪ And if I were to ask myself from what literature we, here in Europe, who have been nurtured
almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of one semitic race, may draw
that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more
comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human, a life, not for this life only, but a
transfigured and eternal life, again - I should point to India.

F. Max Muller
India, What Can It Teach US
Cambridge University Lectures, 1882

2. With a free and open mind I listen attentively to the Indian doctrine of rebirth and look
around in the world of my own experience to see whether somewhere and somehow there is
some authentic sign pointing towards Reincarnation.
C. G. Jung

3. Most of the human unhappiness in this world of Dark uncertainties is due to the profound
ignorance of the fact about the mind and its power.

4. If the blind leads the blind both shall fall into the ditch.

5. Some day people will learn that material things do not bring happiness and are of little use
in making men and women creative and powerful.

▪ When this day comes the world will see more advancement in one generation than it has
seen in the last four.

6. Spiritual power can change the world and the greatest discovery will be along spiritual
lines. ‘If there is not a drastic change in our thoughts and practices our race may die not of
natural catastrophe or dread disease, but of so called civilisation which is a compound of
human cupidity and scientific genius’ .

7. The greatest and noblest pleasure which man can have in this world is to discover new
truths and the next is to shake off old prejudices.

8. Even though our heart does not bleed and our eyes do not cry, yet our deeds are for those
whose heart bleeds and whose eyes cry.

9. When you see wrong try to write it; when you see suffering try to heal it; when you see war
try to stop it.

10. As long as men are free to think what they are, free to say what they think and free to
think what they will, freedom can never be lost; science can never regress.

11. He who knows not and knows not he knows not he is a fool - shun him. He who knows not
and knows he knows not he is simple—teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows he
is asleep—wake him. He who knows and knows he knows he is wise—follow him.

12. Happiness is the only good, reason the only torch, justice the only worship, love the only
priest and humanity the only religion. Now the torch of learning is burning brightest in the night
of human darkness. The knowledge of rebirth is the turning point in the history of
mankind .

By Friedrich Nietzsche.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

Watch Our Video Trailer Of this Book Without miss.

▪ Where Do we Come, From What are we, Where are we Going After Death?

▪ Questions That have Haunted Humanity From the Beginning of Time, Remained
UnExplained and Un Vanquished.

▪ Sounds Really Good Experiments and Theory Development and marry with that Mystical
Experience, will Develop a Whole new Civilization.

▪ From the Deepest Frontiers of Human Consciousness and the Remotest Corners Of
the the World We Bring you.

The Research on Near Death Experiences

▪ How Does Science Validates Near-Death experiences, How Does it Explain them?

▪ Is it Really possible For the Person to Remain Conscious When Medically Unconscious or
Even Proclaimed Dead?

▪ We Bring You Amazing Medically Documented Stories of Near Death Experiences.

Past Life Memories Which Are Recovered Spontaneously and Also

Through Regression Therapy.

▪ The Boy who Solved his Previous Life Murder Mystery.

▪ The Person Who Spoke the Language which hasn't been Spoken from 600 Years.

▪ The Person who pretend to be Blind From Birth, But Instantly Recovered After Past Life

▪ The Boy who told all Unbelievable Confidential Details of Person whom he claimed to be
▪ The Boy Whose Handwriting Exactly matched with the person person whom he claimed to
be Reborn.

▪ The Indian Girl who Created History.

▪ The Boy with Double Birthmark which Exactly Corresponds to the Fatal injuries of the
Person Whom he Claimed to be Reborn, And also his Memories Decoded An Unsolved
Mysterious Murder.

▪ Un Cured Diseases Cured by Past life Memories

▪ And Much More interesting Unbelievable Discoveries By Doctors, Psychiatrist, Psychologist,

Parapsychologists All over World.

The Phenomenon of Metempsychosis(Reincarnation)

▪ When we Talk About Reincarnation, The Essential Question is What Exactly that is

▪ What Exactly in the body that is Recycling?

▪ What is Its Mechanism?

▪ What Authentic Parapsychological Evidences that Can be Given?

Exploring the Amazing Discoveries in the Field of Consciousness Studies

▪ What is Mind Matter interaction?

▪ I am, I Exist and I am Aware Of my Existence, I am aware of the world Around me,But who
is that ‘I’?

▪ What Makes me Conscious ?

▪ Can Part of Consciousness Exist Independent from Brain? What Evidences can be Given?

▪ Are we Humans Nothing More than Machines?

▪ Are we Humans Nothing More than Animals?

▪ Could Our Essential Identity be Beyond the Body? Dows Entire Part Of Consciousness Arise
From Brain, Does Entire Memory Stored only in Brain?

▪ What is Source of Consciousness?

▪ Can Consciousness be Really Destroyed?

▪ What is Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious Mind? How they Interact Each other?

The Philosophical Explanation

▪ The Wisdom Traditions have lot to Say About Interiority.

▪ The Body may like, Die and Comes To be Back Again.

▪ What is that It is Coming Back.

▪ Vedic Literature Like Srimad Bhagavad Gita Represents the Soul As Eternal and Real

▪ What does Religious Scripts Like Bible and Quran Says About Soul And its Fate?

▪ Various Cultures of the World Say Example Buddhism Provides interesting insights on the
Concept of Soul.

▪ Does Really Belief System in west has Totally inhibited people from believing what's seeing
right in front of them?.

Historical Review

▪ Reincarnation has enjoyed Widespread Acceptance throughout the Known Human History.

▪ When the First time Concept Of Reincarnation Came into Existence.

▪ Who and why Invented Concept of Soul?

▪ Does Soul Really Exists, If so What it is, What Evidences Can be Given For its Existence?

▪ Who are all the Historians, Philosophers, Skeptics, Scientists, Western People, Religious
People, Doctors, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Parapsychologists who Actually Believes in

▪ When Reincarnation Came in Greek philosophy, it came in Crystallized Form.

▪ The Indian Doctrine of Of Reincarnation has Existed Many Many Centuries Before Even it
Came into Existence.

Other Research Topics

▪ What is Parapsychology, Does it Really Scientific or Pseudoscientific?Answering All your

Questions and Doubts on Parapsychology

▪ What is Past Life Regression Therapy? Does it Really works All time? If so what is its

▪ What is Split incarnation or Walk in Phenomenon? Does it Really Exist? If so what is its

▪ What is Law of Neutralisation of Cause and Effect? Does it Really Exists? What Evidence
Can be Given For it?

▪ What are the Questions That Physical Materialistic Science Cannot Provide Answer?

▪ Answering All your Doubts on Reincarnation with Evidence.





|| Copyright ⓒ2016 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS All Right Reserved || Website

Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram





▪ Totally Book Consist of 20 Chapters as Main Content also Reference Section To Inform you
That whichEver Books we Referred To write this Book And Also Additional Information
Section To Give you More Details Regarding References from Some of Chapters.

▪ And Some of Chapters in Main Content Also Contains Parts.

▪ At the End of Main Content That is on Chapter no 20

Let Me Describe you Summary Of Chapters

▪ Chapter No 1 - We Have Given You Brief Introduction Regarding Parapsychology,

Explained Almost All Important Information About Parapsychology. What is parapsychology?
Is parapsychology PseudoScience? Is Parapsychology Unscientific? What is not
parapsychology? What is a paradigm? What do parapsychologists study? Why is
parapsychology interesting? Some Implications of Parapsychology Practical applications of
psi What are the major research approaches? What are major psi experiments today?

▪ We have Also Given Introduction To Law of Neutralisation of Cause and Effect and
Phenomenon of Metempsychosis.

and much more Everything in Detail

▪ Chapter No 2:- We Have Given Only Some of Important Doctors and Their Research on

▪ Chapter No 3 [important Chapter] :- We Have Explained in Detail About WHAT IS

▪ Chapter No 4 :- Here we Have Explained About Some of Parapsychological Evidences for
Existence of Soul.

▪ Chapter no 5 :- Here We Have Mentioned Some of NATURAL AND INDUCED METHODS

OF RECOLLECTION OF PAST LIFE MEMORIES and Methods have been Explained in
Respective Chapters, also we have Explained METHODS OF INVESTIGATION IN

▪ Chapter no 6 [Very Very Important Chapter]:- Here we Have Given TOP FIVE MOST
AUTHENTIC CASES OF REINCARNATION which will really blow your mind.

▪ Chapter no 7 [Important and lengthy Chapter] - We have Explained you about SOME OF
DOCTORS (Memories which are Recollected Spontaneously.).

▪ This Chapter Contains 13 Parts, In Each part we have Given Some of Authentic
Reincarnation Case Studies with respect to Doctors.

▪ And in 13th Chapter We Have Given Our Cosmo Conscious Team Investigated Case

▪ Chapter No 8:- This is Small Chapter and we have Given you Information

▪ Chapter No:-9 [ Small and important Chapter] Here we have RULED OUT OUT ALL



▪ This Chapter Contains 17 Parts.



▪ If you Read this Chapter Correctly, Your Mind Gonna Blown

▪ We Have Explained About General Principles of Reincarnation regarding Change of
Nationality, Change of Religion, Change of Sex and its link to Homosexuality and
Transgenderism, Birthmarks and Birth Defects and its link to Previous life along with

▪ We Have also Explained About Timing of Rebirth, Suicidal Links of Previous life,
Handwriting, Geographical Memories, Child Prodigies and Talents, Personality Traits, Phobia,
Reunion of Love and Relationship, Our Desires According to Previous Birth, Advanced
Concepts Like Xenoglossy, Split incarnation, Reanimation or Walk in Phenomenon and Much
more Everything in Detail.

▪ CHAPTER NO:- 11 [ Lengthy and Very Very important Chapter ]

▪ This Chapter Contains 7 Parts

▪ This Chapter Explains you About MECHANISM OF REINCARNATION along with Research
on Human Consciousness

▪ Part 1 Explains you about:- What is Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious Mind? How
they Interact Each other?Mind Matter interaction?

▪ Part 2 Explains you About :- Mystery of Consciousness - Body-mind problem, Hard Problem
of Consciousness.

▪ Part 3 Explains you About :- Scientific approach and Srimad Bhagavad Gita Approach to
solve the Mystery of Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard problem of

▪ Part 4 Explains you About :- The Gautama Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant,
Huxley, Whitehead, Popper, Searle approach to solve the Mystery of Consciousness (Body-
Mind Problem and Hard problem of Consciousness).

▪ Part 5 Explains you About :- Dr. JIM.B. TUCKER HYPOTHESIS, THEORY OF



▪ Also All your Doubts And Question About Near-Death Experience Is Answered Here.


▪ Chapter No 12 here we have Explained You About :- WORLD LEADERS OPINION ON

▪ Chapter No 13 [Very Important Chapter]

▪ It has 4 Parts,

▪ In Chapter No:- 5 We Have just Mentioned Some of NATURAL AND INDUCED METHODS

▪ But here we have Explained in Detail About INDUCED METHODS OF RECOLLECTION OF




▪ CHAPTER NO:- 14 [important and Lengthy Chapter]

▪ In chapter no 7 We have Explained you about SOME OF AUTHENTIC MEDICAL CASES

Recollected Spontaneously But here in this Chapter We are Going to explain you About
CASE STUDIES BY FAMOUS DOCTORS [Memories Recovered through Induced

▪ We Also Explain you about Some of Supportive Evidence of Reincarnation, Also with
Some of Authentic Cases Of Reincarnation Where Memories are Recollected through
Past Life Regression Therapy.

▪ CHAPTER NO:- 15 [Important chapter] Here we have Explained you about A

▪ CHAPTER NO:- 16 [Important chapter] Here we have Explained you about QUESTIONS

▪ CHAPTER NO:- 17 [Smallest Chapter of Entire Book] SOME OF THE WORLD’S


▪ CHAPTER NO:- 18 [Very very very important Chapter]



▪ CHAPTER NO:-19 [Important Chapter] we have Explained you About DETAILS OF


▪ CHAPTER NO:- 20 [Important Chapter] we have Explained you About OUR FINAL

|| Copyright ⓒ2016 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS All Right Reserved || Website

Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

Table Of Contents

▪ It is Also Link Based Table of Content, If you Click

On the Particular Chapter It will Take you to website
through your Browser If You are Reading this Book
As Pdf in Your Mobile or Computer


Page No 1
Page No 22
Page No 26
Page No 42
Page No 57
Page No 66
(Memories which are Recollected Spontaneously.)
Page No 86
CHAPTER NO :- 7 》 PART:- 1 》Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr. Ian Stevenson
Page No 88
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:- 2 》Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr. Satwant Pasricha
Page No 116
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》 PART:- 3 》Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr. C.M. Rama Swamy
Page No 147
CHAPTER NO :- 7 》PART:- 4 》Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by H. N. Banerjee
Page No 167
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:- 5 》Investigations and Publications of
Reincarnation Case Studies by DR.Erlendur Haraldsson
Page No 170
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:- 6 》 Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr. Jim B. Tucker
Page No 172
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:- 7 》 Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr. Antonia Mills
Page No 173
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART 8 》 Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies Dr. Jurgen Keil
Page No 177
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》 PART 9 》 Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by Mr. Godwin Samararatne
Page No 178
CHAPTER NO:-7 》PART:- 10 》 Investigation and Publication of
ReincarnationCase Studies by Dr. Walter Semkiw
Page No 180
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:-11 》Investigation and Publication of
ReincarnationCase Studies by Dr. K.S. Rawat
Page No 182
CHAPTER NO:-7 》PART:-12》Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by Jenny Cockell
Page No 196
CHAPTER NO:-7 》PART:-13 》Investigation and Publication of
Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr.Nagashree Chaitanya, Dr. Nikhil
Ram and Other Members of The Cosmos Conscious Team
Page No 200
Page No 203
Page No 205
Page No 208
CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 1》Physical Resemblance from One
Lifetime to Another.
Page No 210
CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:-2 》Change of Religion from One Lifetime
to Another.

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:-2 》Change of Religion from One

Lifetime to Another.
Page No 217
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 3 》Change of Nationality, Race, Ethnic
or Political Affiliation from One Lifetime to Another.
Page No 223
Language) as a Principle and Evidence of Reincarnation.
Page No 228
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 5 》Birthmarks and Birth Defects
Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons in their past
Page No 236
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 6 》Change of Gender in Reincarnation
Cases with Insights on Homosexuality, Lesbianism,
Transsexualism, Transgenderism and Gender Identity Disorders.
Page No 242
CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 7 》Personality Traits, Phobias & Fears
which are linked to our past life.
Page No 248
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 8 》Love, Relationship and Family
Reunions through Reincarnation.
Page No 257
CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 9》 Rebirth according t o desires of
previous births
Page No 260
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability &
Talent Explained by Reincarnation
Page No 263
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 11 》Geographic Past Life Memory &
Deja Vu in Reincarnation Cases.
Page No 267
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 12 》Reincarnation and Suicide - What
will happen to the person who Commits suicide, What will they
suffer in their next life, Answering through critical Analysis of
Reincarnation Case Studies
Page No 273
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 13 》Timing of Rebirth
Page No 287
CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 14》Rebirth according to merits of
previous births.
Page No 288
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 15 》REANIMATION- case studies with
Raising of the Dead & Walk-In.
Page No 295
Lives, Twin Souls & Twin Flames) unbelievable Medical Mystery of
Page No 304
Page No 317

Page No 321
1》Research in the Field of Consciousness - What is
Consciousness, Subconscious, Unconscious Mind Everything in
Page No 323
》Mystery of Consciousness - Body-mind problem, Hard Problem
of Consciousness.
Page No 334
》Scientific approach and Srimad Bhagavad Gita Approach to solve
the Mystery of Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard
problem of Consciousness).
Page No 344
》The Gautama Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Huxley,
Whitehead, Popper, Searle approach to solve the Mystery of
Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard problem of Consciousness).
Page No 364
Page No 369
Page No 381
Page No 398
Page No 434
Page No 449
Page No 451
Page No 454
Page No 462
Page No 484
FAMOUS DOCTORS [Memories Recovered through Induced
Page No 490
Page No 491
Page No 496
Page No 509
Page No 518
Page No 528
Page No 546
Page No 566
Page No 568
Page No 594
Page No 605

Page No 607


Scientifically and Historically Accepted Timeline of World religion

Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge


▪ This is not Part of Our Book or Part of Our Research,
Additional Reading is only for More information from
some of References from our Chapters.



Amazing Medical Science Facts Suggesting the Mind Can Exist

Independent of the Brain

▪ ListThe
Our References to Write this Book
and Mystery of Consciousness


Famous Person, Scientists, Historians, Western Scholars
Comments on Srimad Bhagavad Gita



What Exactly is Parapsychology?

▪ Parapsychology is the scientific and scholarly study of kinds of unusual events such
as ESP, Vague Response, Near-Death Experience, Out Of Body Experience, Mind-matter
interaction, Consciousness Studies, Reincarnation, Precognition, Retrocognition, etc.

▪ The existence of these phenomena suggest that the strict subjective/objective dichotomy
proposed by the old paradigm (see below) may not be quite so clear-cut as once thought.

▪ Instead, these phenomena may be part of a spectrum of what is possible, with some events
and experiences occasionally falling between purely subjective and purely objective. We call
such phenomena "anomalous" because they are difficult to explain within current scientific

▪ Parapsychology only studies those anomalies that fall into one of three general categories:
ESP (terms are defined below), mind-matter interaction (previously known as psychokinesis),
and phenomena suggestive of survival after bodily death, including near-death
experiences, apparitions, and reincarnation.

▪ Most parapsychologists today expect that further research will eventually explain these
anomalies in scientific terms, although it is not clear whether they can be fully understood
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without significant (some might say revolutionary) expansions of the current state of scientific

▪ Other researchers take the stance that existing scientific models of perception and memory
are adequate to explain some or all parapsychological phenomena.

What is Psychokinesis?

▪ Psychokinesis is a Paranormal action; term coined by Henry Holt and adopted by J. B. Rhine
to refer to the direct influence of mind on a physical system that cannot be entirely accounted
for by the mediation of any known physical energy. See also Psi-Kappa under Psi; Retroactive
PK; Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis. [From the Greek psyche, “mind, soul,” +
kinesis, “a moving, disturbance,” derived from kinein, “to set in motion”.

What is a paradigm?

▪ When one speaks about a topic which is controversial to many, such as parapsychology, it is
crucial to understand the concept of a paradigm. A paradigm is an underlying worldview. It can
be thought of as a framework of beliefs which are so taken for granted that most folks are not
even aware they have made any assumptions.

▪ A paradigm helps us to make sense of the world around us. But perhaps more importantly,
in terms of science, it not only determines what is true, but how truth itself can be determined.

▪ There is an obvious catch to this. If one does not recognize the underlying assumptions one
makes with a paradigm, it has the potential to limit our perception of the world, what we can
discover, and how we can determine that knowledge.

▪ The old paradigm, which many have held since the days of Descartes, states that the
subjective and objective worlds are completely distinct, with no overlap. Subjective is "here, in
the head," and objective is "there, out in the world."

▪ The Cartesian paradigm presupposes that there are objective ways to define and measure
the fixed external world--which the proponents of this paradigm would say is the only world
that matters. The classical paradigm favors experimental research design, which presumes to
measure the world in an objective way.

▪ Quantum theory triggered a fundamental shift in how we understand the world. Physicists
suddenly realized that there is always some indeterminacy in our measurements. This is
because the act of measurement itself can define and change that which is being measured.

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▪ Because of this, the experimenter may always be part of the experiment, and all our
"objective" facts are, in fact, potentially flawed (with ESP making it impossible to ever have a
truly "blind" experiment). This insight led to the idea of a paradigm based on nonlocality. And
while not all physicists agree, the new paradigm that is emerging is one in which the universe
is a single whole, within which every part is connected on some level to every other part.

▪ This new paradigm does not "prove" psi exists. However, it is compatible with the possible
existence of psi, and may lead to a better understanding the phenomena.

▪ It should be noted that the conflict between these two paradigms is ongoing. Because these
belief systems are both widespread and deeply ingrained, topics that touch on these
fundamentally different worldviews may give rise to bitter and violent debate, with little or no
room for compromise.

▪ The lack of common ground between paradigms means that the question cannot be solved
by discussion. Ultimately, the answer will have to be determined by which paradigm does the
best job of answering the questions raised by research.

▪ Understanding the role that paradigms play makes it easier for advocates of competing
worldviews to agree to disagree with mutual respect. If you wish to read more about this topic,
you may wish to pick up a copy of Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

Is Parapsychology is Considered as Pseudoscience?

▪ No Parapsychology is not Pseudoscience.

▪ Pseudoscience, This is what Skeptics, Atheists and Agonists Coined it so For


▪ The Reason is Parapsychology Mainly Deals with Study of Phenomena Such asESP,
Vague Response, Near-Death Experience, Out Of Body Experience, Mind-matter
interaction, Consciousness Studies, Reincarnation, Precognition, Retrocognition
etc and These Phenomena Cannot be Completely Explained by Exact Scientific Mechanism
and Exact Physical Laws of Science, So Parapsychologist uses Terminologies such
as Consciousness, Xenoglossy, Split incarnation etc Which doesn't Exactly look like
Scientific Terms.

▪ But Skeptics, Atheists, Agonists etc Don't know that Parapsychology is of what the
media often imply, parapsychology is not the study of "anything paranormal" or bizarre. Nor is
parapsychology concerned with astrology, UFOs, searching for Bigfoot, the Loch Ness
monster, paganism, Satanism, vampires, alchemy, or witchcraft.

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▪ Many scientists have viewed parapsychology with great suspicion because the term has
come to be associated with a huge variety of mysterious phenomena, fringe topics, and
pseudoscience. Parapsychology is also often linked, again inappropriately, with a broad range
of "psychic" entertainers, magicians, and so-called "paranormal investigators" or
"paranormalists." In addition, some self-proclaimed "psychic practitioners" call themselves
parapsychologists, but that is not what we do.

What do parapsychologists study?

▪ Many feel that the strangest, and most interesting, aspect of parapsychological phenomena
is that they do not appear to be limited by the known boundaries of space or time. In addition,
they blur the sharp distinction usually made between mind and matter. In popular usage, the
basic parapsychological phenomena are categorized as follows:

▪ ESP: Extra-sensory perception; a general term for obtaining information about events
beyond the reach of the normal senses. This term subsumes telepathy, clairvoyance,
precognition, and presentiment.

▪ Clairvoyance: Sometimes called remote viewing; obtaining information about events at

remote locations, beyond the reach of the normal senses.

▪ Precognition: Also called premonition. Obtaining information about future events, where the
information could not be inferred through normal means. Many people report dreams that
appear to be precognitive.

▪ Presentiment: This is where physiological parameters may change prior to the application
of a stimulus, suggestive of the fact that on an unconscious level the person knew what was
coming before it occurred (and before it was even randomly chosen).

▪ Telepathy: Direct mind-to-mind communication.

▪ Mind-Matter Interaction: Previously known as psychokinesis or PK; direct mental

interaction with physical objects, animate or inanimate.

▪ Anpsi: Psi in animals.

▪ NDE: Near death experience; an experience ▪ reported by those who were revived from
nearly dying. Often refers to a core experience that includes feelings of peace, OBE, seeing
lights and other phenomena.

▪ OBE: Out-of-body experience; the experience of feeling separated from the body, often
accompanied by visual perceptions as though from above the body.

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▪ Reincarnation: The belief that we live successive lives, with primarily evidence coming from
the apparent recollections of previous lives by very normal children.

▪ Haunting: Recurrent phenomena reported to occur in particular locations that include

apparitions, sounds, movement of objects, and other effects.

▪ Place Memory: the apparent ability of a building or location to hold recorded impressions of
people and events that transpired in the past.

▪ Poltergeist: Large-scale PK phenomena often attributed to spirits, but which are now
thought to be due to a living person or group of people. Although reported in all age groups,
the agent is most frequently an adolescent.

▪ Psi: A neutral term for parapsychological phenomena, inclusive of both ESP and mind-
matter interaction. Psi, psychic, and psychical are synonyms.

Technical Note: Terms

▪ The above terms are representative of common usage, but parapsychologists usually
define psi phenomena in more neutral or operational terms. This is because labels often carry
strong but unstated connotations that can lead to misinterpretations.

▪ For example, telepathy is commonly thought of as mind-reading. However, in practice, and

certainly in laboratory research, experiences of telepathy rarely involve perception of actual
thoughts, and the experience itself often does not logically require communication between
two minds, but can also be "explained" as clairvoyance or precognition.

▪ Keep in mind that the names and concepts used to describe psi actually say more about the
situations in which the phenomena are observed, than about any fundamental properties of
the phenomena themselves.

▪ That two events are classified the same does not mean they are actually the same.

▪ In addition, in scientific practice many of the basic terms used above are accompanied by
qualifiers such as "apparent," "putative," and "ostensible."

▪ This is because many claims supposedly involving psi may not be due to psi, but to normal
psychological or misinterpreted physical reasons.

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Why is parapsychology Very interesting?

▪ Parapsychology is interesting mainly because of the implications. To list a few examples, psi
phenomena suggest

(a) that what science knows about the nature of universe is incomplete;

(b) that the presumed capabilities and limitations of human potential have been

(c) that fundamental assumptions and philosophical beliefs about the separation of
mind and body may be incorrect; and

(d) that religious assumptions about the divine nature of "miracles" may have been

▪ As an aside, we should note that many parapsychologists today, including most of the
authors of this FAQ, take an empirical, data-oriented approach to psi phenomena, and
specifically avoid discussing speculative implications that are not supported by data.

▪ However, some researchers regard the current findings of parapsychology as having a wide
variety of important implications, including implications about the spiritual nature of

▪ Thus, in deference to the broad readership expected of this document, we present in the
following Technical Note some of the possible implications of psi, acknowledging that this
section is, of course, speculative.

Some Implications of Parapsychology

▪ Physicists tend to be interested in parapsychology because of the implication that we have

a gross misunderstanding about space and time and the transmission of energy and

▪ Biologists are interested because psi implies the existence of additional, unexplained
methods of sensing the world.

▪ Psychologists are interested for what psi implies about the nature of perception and

▪ Philosophers are interested because psi phenomena specifically address many age-old
philosophical problems, including the role of the mind in the physical world, and the nature of

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the objective vs. the subjective.

▪ Theologians and the general public tend to be interested because personal psi experiences
are often accompanied by feelings of profound, ineffable meaning. As a result, psi is thought
by some to have "spiritual" implications.

▪ From the materialistic perspective, one of the foundations of the current scientific worldview,
human consciousness is nothing but an emergent product of the functioning of Brain, Body,
and Nervous System (BBNS).

▪ That is, no matter how different mind may seem from solid stuff like bodies, it is generated
solely by the electrochemical functioning of the BBNS, and so it is absolutely dependent on it.
When the BBNS dies, so does consciousness.

▪ From this perspective, claims of survival of bodily death, or ghosts, or apparitions, must be
due to wishful thinking. Furthermore, the limits of material functioning automatically determine
the ultimate limits of mental functioning, thus ESP and PK appear to be impossible, given our
current understanding about how the world works.

▪ And yet, psi phenomena have occurred in all cultures throughout history, they continue to
occur, and some of the reported phenomena have been persuasively verified using scientific

▪ Because psi seems to transcend the assumed limits of material functioning, and therefore
the BBNS, some interpret psi as supporting the idea that there is something more to mind
than just the BBNS, that there is some sort of "soul," or the like.

▪ This "non-physical" aspect, an aspect that does not seem to be as tightly bounded by space
or time as present scientific models require, might survive bodily death. If so, there may be
important truths contained in some spiritual ideas and practices. Of course, parapsychology is
a very long way from being able to say that "the data shows that X" (insert your favorite
religious group here) are specifically right about religious doctrines A, B, and C but dead
wrong about dogmas P, Q and R.

▪ We must emphasize that there is a big difference between simply noting that the findings of
parapsychology may have implications for spiritual concepts, versus the idea that
parapsychologists are driven by some hidden spiritual agenda. Some critics of
parapsychology seem to believe that all parapsychologists have hidden religious motives, and
that they are really out to prove the existence of the soul.

▪ This is no more true than claiming that all chemists really harbor secret ambitions about
alchemy, and thus their real agenda is to transmute mercury into gold. The reasons why
serious investigators are drawn to any discipline are as diverse as their backgrounds.
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Practical applications of psi

▪ Studies of direct mental interaction with living systems suggest that traditional mental healing
techniques, such as prayer, may be based on genuine psi-mediated effects. In the future it
may be possible to develop enhanced methods of healing based on these phenomena.

▪ Psi may be involved in Murphy's Law: "If anything can go wrong, it will." That is, modern
machines based upon sensitive electronic circuits, such as copiers and computers, may at
times directly interact with human intention, and as a result, inexplicably fail at inopportune

▪ Of course, the converse may also be true. That is, the possibility exists to repair, or to control
sensitive machines solely by mental means. Such technologies would significantly benefit
handicapped persons.

▪ Other potential applications include improved methods of making decisions, of locating

missing persons or valuables, and of describing events at locations we cannot go to because
of distance, time, or accessibility. This includes the possibility of psi-based historians and

▪ Highly developed psi abilities may benefit psychotherapy and other forms of counseling. Psi
may be used to provide a statistical edge in the financial markets and in locating
archaeological treasures.

What are the major research approaches?

▪ As in any multidisciplinary domain, there are many ways of conducting research. The five
main methods used in parapsychology are:

▪ Scholarly research, including discussion of philosophical issues and historical surveys.

Analytical research, including statistical analysis of large databases.

▪ Case studies, including in-depth studies of personal psi experiences, field investigations,
and comparisons of cross-cultural beliefs and practices related to psi.

▪ Theoretical research, including mathematical, descriptive and phenomenological models of

Experimental research, including laboratory studies of psi effects.

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▪ Although all five of these approaches contribute to the field, today the primary source of
"hard evidence" in parapsychology is controlled laboratory experiments. By applying the
exacting standards of scientific method, researchers over the past six decades have
developed an increasingly persuasive database for certain types of psi phenomena.

▪ Several major experimental designs have been developed during this time, and a select few
experiments have now been repeated hundreds of times by dozens of researchers,
worldwide. Sometimes these experiments are conducted as strict replications, but more often
they are conceptually similar experiments that add controls or extend the range of questions

▪ For a thorough review of how we know that psi experiments are replicable, see The
Conscious Universe or Entangled Minds, both books by Dr. Dean Radin.

What are the major psi experiments?

▪ Many people assume that psi experimenters today still use ESP cards. This is a deck of 25
cards, with five repetitions of five cards showing symbols of a square, circle, wavy line, cross,
or star. Such cards were developed and used extensively in early psi experiments primarily by
J.B. Rhine and his colleagues from the 1930s through the 1960s.

▪ ESP cards provided persuasive evidence for ESP, but today they are rarely used. Four of
the most prolific and persuasive of the current experiments are the following:
PK on Random Number Generators

▪ The advent of electronic and computer technologies has allowed researchers to develop
highly automated experiments studying the interaction between mind and matter. In one such
experiment, a Random Number Generator (RNG) based on electronic or radioactive noise
produces a data stream that is recorded and analysed by computer software.

▪ In the typical RNG experiment, a subject attempts mentally to affect the distribution of the
random numbers, usually in an experimental design that is functionally equivalent to getting
more heads than tails while flipping a coin.

▪ Of course the electronic, computerized experiment has many advantages over earlier
research using, e.g. tossed coins or dice. In the RNG experiment, great flexibility is combined
with careful scientific control and a high rate of data acquisition.

▪ A meta-analysis of the database, published in 1989, examined 800 experiments by more

than 60 researchers over the preceding 30 years. The effect size was found to be very
normal, but remarkably consistent, resulting in an overall statistical deviation of approximately
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15 standard errors from a chance effect.

▪ The probability that the observed effect was actually zero (i.e., no psi) was less than one
part in a trillion, verifying that human consciousness can indeed affect the behaviour of a
random physical system. Furthermore, while experimental quality had significantly increased
over time, this was uncorrelated with the effect size, in contradiction to a frequent, but
apparently unfounded sceptical criticism.

PK on living systems

▪ PK on living systems has also been called bio-Pk, and more recently some researchers refer
to it as Direct Mental Interactions with Living Systems (DMILS). The ability to monitor internal
functions of the body, including nervous system activity using EEG and biofeedback
technologies, has provided an opportunity to ask whether biological systems may also be
affected by intention in a manner similar to PK on RNGs.

▪ A DMILS experiment that has been particularly successful is one that looks at the commonly
reported feeling of being stared at. The starer and the staree are isolated in different
locations, and the starer is periodically asked to simply gaze at the staree via closed circuit
video links.

▪ Meanwhile the staree's nervous system activity is automatically and continuously monitored.
The cumulative database on this and similar DMILS experiments provides strong evidence
that one person's attention directed towards a remote, isolated person, can significantly
activate or calm that person's nervous system, according to the instructions given to the

ESP in the ganzfeld

▪ One theory about how perceptual psi works is that the psi signals are often present in the
brain, but they are difficult to attend to because of the noise of normal sensory input.

▪ The ganzfeld (whole field) technique was developed to quiet this external noise by providing
a mild, unpatterned sensory field to mask the noise of the outside world.

▪ In the typical ganzfeld experiment, the telepathic sender and receiver are isolated, the
receiver is put into the ganzfeld state, and the sender is shown a video clip or still picture and
asked to mentally send that image to the receiver.

▪ The receiver, while in the ganzfeld, is asked to report continuously aloud all mental
processes, including images, thoughts, feelings. At the end of the sending period, typically
about 20 to 40 minutes in length, the receiver is taken out of the ganzfeld, and shown four

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images or videos, one of which is the true target and three are non-target decoys.

▪ The receiver attempts to select the true target, using perceptions experienced during the
ganzfeld state as clues to what the mentally 'sent' image might have been. With no telepathy,
chance expectation allows us to predict that the correct target would be selected about I in 4
times, for a 25 percent hit rate.

▪ After scores of such experiments, presently totalling about 700 individual sessions
conducted by about two dozen investigators, world-wide, the results show that the target
image is selected on average 34 percent of the time. This is a highly significant result,
suggesting that telepathy, at least as operationally defined in this experiment, exists.

Remote viewing

▪ The ganzfeld technique indicates that information can be exchanged mentally after the
receiver is placed in an altered state of consciousness (the ganzfeld). The remote viewing
experiment, in one of its many forms, investigates whether information can be gained without
requiring a special altered state, and without a sender.

▪ For example, in one type of remote viewing experiment, a pool of several hundred
photographs is created. One of them is randomly selected by a third party to be the target,
and it is set aside in a remote location. The experimental participant then attempts to sketch
or otherwise describe that remote target photo. This is repeated for a total of say, seven
different targets. Many ways of evaluating the results of this test have been developed,
including some highly sophisticated methods.

▪ One common (and easy) method is to take the group of seven target photos and responses,
shuffle each of them, and then ask independent judges to rank order or match the correct
targets with the participants' actual responses. If there were real transfer of information, the
responses should correspond more closely to the correct targets than to the mismatched
Several thousand such trials have been conducted by dozens of investigators over the past 25
years, involving hundreds of participants.

▪ The cumulative database strongly indicates that information about remote photos, actual
scenes, and events can be perceived. Some of these experiments have also been used
successfully to study precognition by having a participant describe a photo that would be
randomly selected in the future.

What are common criticisms and responses about parapsychology?

▪ Constructive criticism is essential in science and is welcomed by the majority of active psi
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researchers. Strong scepticism is expected, and many parapsychologists are far more
sceptical about psi than most 'outside' scientists realize.

▪ However, it is not generally appreciated that some of the more vocal criticisms about psi are
actually 'pseudo-criticisms.' That is, the more barbed, belligerent criticisms occasionally
asserted by some sceptics are often issued from such strongly held, prejudicial positions that
the criticisms are not offered as constructive suggestions, but as authoritarian proofs of the
impossibility of psi.

▪ It is commonly supposed by non-scientists that sceptical debates over the merits of psi
research follow the standards of scholarly discussions. Unfortunately, this is not always the
case. Disparaging rhetoric and ad hominem attacks arise too often in debates about psi.

▪ The social science of parapsychology, and the way that science treats anomalies in general,
is a fascinating topic that starkly illuminates the very human side of how science really works.
A more complete description of this topic is beyond the scope of this document.

▪ Apparently successful experimental results are actually due to sloppy procedures, poorly
trained researchers, methodological flaws, selective reporting, and statistics problems. There
is therefore not a shred of scientific evidence for psi phenomena.

▪ These issues have been addressed in detail by meta-analytic reviews of the experimental
literature. The results unambiguously demonstrate that successful experiments cannot be
explained away by these criticisms. In fact, research by Harvard University specialists in
scientific methods showed that the best experimental psi research today is not only
conducted according to proper scientific standards, but usually adheres to more rigorous
protocols that are found in contemporary research in both the social and physical sciences.

▪ In addition, over the years there have been a number of very effective rebuttals of criticisms
of individual studies, and within the past decade, experimental procedures have been
developed that address virtually all methodological criticisms, even the possibility of fraud and
collusion, by including sceptics in the experimental procedures.

▪ Psi phenomena violate basic limiting principles of science, and are therefore impossible.

▪ Twenty years ago, this criticism was a fairly common retort to claims of psi phenomena.
Today, with advancements in many scientific disciplines, the scientific worldview is rapidly
changing, and the basic limiting principles are constantly being redefined.

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▪ In addition, the substantial empirical database in parapsychology now presents anomalies
that simply won't go away, thus this criticism is no longer persuasive and is slowly
disappearing. Given the rate of change in science today, assigning psi to the realm of the
impossible now seems imprudent at best, foolish at worst.

Parapsychology does not have a 'repeatable' experiment.

When many people talk about a repeatable psi experiment, they usually have in mind an
experiment like those conducted in elementary physics classes to demonstrate the
acceleration of gravity, or simple chemical reactions. In such experiments, where there are
relatively few, well-known and well-controllable variables, the experiments can be performed
by practically anyone, anytime, and they will work.

▪ But insisting on this level of repeatability is inappropriate for parapsychology, or for that
matter, for most social or behavioral science experiments. Psi experiments usually involve
many variables, some of which are poorly understood and difficult or impossible to control
directly. Under these circumstances, scientists use statistical arguments to demonstrate
'repeatability' instead of the common, but restrictive view that,' if it's real, I should be able to
do it whenever I want'.

▪ Under the assumption that there is no such thing as psi, we would expect that about 5
percent of well-conducted psi experiments would be declared 'successful' (i.e., statistically
significant) by pure chance. But suppose that in a series of 100 actual psi experiments we
consistently observed that 20 were successful.

▪ This is extremely unlikely to occur by chance, suggesting that psi was present in some of
those studies. However, it also means that in any particular experiment, there is an 80 percent
probability of 'failure'.

▪ Thus, if a critic set out to repeat a psi experiments to see if the phenomenon was 'real', and
the experiment failed, it would obviously be incorrect to claim on the basis of that single
experiment that psi is not real because it is not repeatable.

▪ A widely accepted method of assessing repeatability in experiments is called meta-analysis.

This quantitative technique is heavily used in the social, behavioural and medical sciences to
integrate research results of numerous independent experiments.

▪ Starting around 1985, meta-analyses have been conducted on numerous types of psi
experiments. In many of these analyses, results indicate that the outcomes were not due to
chance, or methodological flaws, or selective reporting practices, or any other plausible
'normal' explanations.
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▪ What remains is psi, and in several experimental realms, it has clearly been replicated by
independent investigators.

Why is parapsychology controversial?

▪ Parapsychology remains controversial today, even with substantial, persuasive, and

scientifically palatable results, for three main reasons:

▪ First, the media, and much of the public, confuse parapsychology with sensational,
unscientific beliefs and stories about 'the paranormal.' This widespread confusion has led
many scientists to dismiss the field instantly as being unworthy of serious study, and thus they
are unaware of the existing evidence.

▪ Second, even if someone wanted to study the evidence, much of the persuasive work is
published in limited circulation professional journals. These can be found in most large
university libraries, but in many cases, scholars must request reprints and technical reports
from authors.

▪ This document was produced partially to alleviate the problem, and to provide references
(within the Web FAQ) to various resources.

What is the state-of-the-evidence for psi?

▪ During the decade of the 1980s, four US government-sponsored scientific review boards
studied the experimental evidence for psi effects. These committees were the Congressional
Research Service, the Army Research Institute, the National Research Council, and the Office
of Technology Assessment.

▪ The four groups, composed of sceptics and proponents, differed on their final interpretations
and recommendations, but all four independently reached the same conclusion: that some
classes of parapsychological experiments have provided evidence for anomalous effects that
have no plausible normal explanations.

▪ Therefore, in this context, when we say that 'X exists', we mean that the presently available
cumulative statistical database for experiments studying, provides strong, scientifically
credible evidence for repeatable, anomalous, X-like effects.
Thus, ESP exists, precognition exists, telepathy exists, and PK exists.

▪ ESP is statistically robust, meaning it can be reliably demonstrated through repeated trials,
but it tends to be weak when simple geometric symbols are used as targets.

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▪ Photographic or video targets often produce effects many times larger, and there is some
evidence that ESP on natural locations (as opposed to photos of them), and in natural
contexts, may be stronger vet.
Some PK effects have also been shown to exist. When individuals focus their attention on
mechanical or electronic devices that fluctuate randomly, the statistics of the fluctuations
change in predictable ways.

What is the state-of-the-theory for psi?

▪ Opinions about mechanisms of psi are wide-ranging. Because the field is multidisciplinary,
there are physical theories, psychological theories, psychophysical theories, sociological
theories, and combinations of theories.

▪ On one end of the spectrum, the 'physicalists' tend to believe that the 'psi sensing capacity'
is like any other human sensory system, and as such it will most likely be explained by known
principles from biophysics, chemistry, and cognitive science. For these theorists, psi is
expected to be accommodated into the existing scientific structure, with perhaps some
modifications or extensions.

▪ On the other end of the spectrum, the 'mentalists' assert that reality would not exist if it were
not for human consciousness. For these theorists, the nature of the universe is much more
effervescent, thus accommodating psi into existing scientific models will require significant
modification of science as we know it.

▪ Strong theoretical debates are common in parapsychology in part because spirit, religion,
the meaning of life, and other philosophical conundrums commingle with quantum mechanics,
probability theory, and neurones.

▪ Some theorists have attempted to link psi phenomena with similar-sounding concepts from
quantum mechanics (QM), including non-locality, instantaneous correlations at a distance
(i.e., Bell's Theorem) and other anomalies. The QM-psi proposals have sparked long,
vigorous debates, so there remains little agreement about the feasibility of QM theories.

Where can I get more information?

▪ The major English-language peer-reviewed journals that publish scientific articles on

parapsychological topics include the following: Journal of Parapsychology, European Journal
of Parapsychology, Journal of the,American Society of Psychic Research, Journal of the
Society of Psychical Research, Journal of Scientific Exploration

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▪ Other English-language professional journals that have published parapsychological articles
include: Foundations of Physics, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Proceedings of the IEEE,
Psychological Bulletin, American Psychologist, Statistical Science, Subtle Energies, Science,

Are ghosts real?

▪ The prevailing view today is that many of the mysterious physical effects historically
attributed to ghosts (disembodied spirits), such as movement of objects, strange sounds,
enigmatic odors, and failure of electrical equipment, are actually poltergeist phenomena.

▪ Apparitions that occur without accompanying physical effects are thought to be either normal
psychological effects (i.e., hallucinations), or possibly genuine information mediated by psi.



Are poltergeists real?

▪ Poltergeists (from the German, "noisy ghosts") usually manifest as loud sounds, strange
electrical effects, and the unexplained movement of objects.

▪ At one time, these phenomena were thought to be due to ghosts, but after decades of
investigations by researchers, notably by William G. Roll, the evidence now suggests that
poltergeist effects are actually caused by the living.
▪ The MMI itself may be produced by one or more individuals, often (but not always) troubled

▪ The term "RSPK," meaning "Recurrent Spontaneous PK," was coined to describe this
concept. The events themselves--like all forms of spontaneous MMI--are intrinsically
meaningful and can be understood much in the same way as a dream metaphor to explain the
underlying psychological issues that triggered the phenomena.

▪ Investigations are therefore performed in the same manner as would a newspaper reporter,
looking at the who, what, when, where, and why. Some parapsychologists believe that
poltergeist activity are a way of relieving stress through the physical expression of
unconscious feelings.

Are there Psi Research Experiments accessible over the net?

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▪ Yes. Psi experiments on the World Wide Web are currently running at the Anomalous
Cognition Project, University of Amsterdam and the Consciousness Research Laboratory,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Where Are The Active Psi Research Facilities?

▪ Anomalous Cognition Program, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Cognitive

Sciences Laboratory, SAIC, Palo Alto, CA USA; Consciousness Research Laboratory, Harry
Reid Center, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA; Department of Psychology,
University of Hertfordshire, UK; Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest, Hungary; Institute for
Parapsychology, Rhine Research Center, Durham, NC, USA; Mind-Matter Unification Project,
Cambridge University, UK; Koestler Chair of Parapsychology, University of Edinburgh,
Scotland; Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ, USA.

 2. What is Law of Neutralisation of Cause and effect [Law of Karma]?

▪ Karma is a Sanskrit word whose literal meaning is A

' ction'. It refers to the law that states
“Every action has an equal reaction either immediately or at some point in the future”.

▪ Good or virtuous actions, actions in harmony with dharma, will have good reactions or
responses and bad actions, actions against dharma, will have the opposite effect.

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▪ Karma means Persons physical and mental actions.

▪ Law of karma is equivalent to Newton's third law of motion

“For every action there is equal and opposite reaction”.

▪ If you do good deeds to others it I'll come back to you as good.If you do bad deeds to others
it I'll come back to you as bad.

▪ Your Own deeds creates your destiny

Each and every deeds in your life have its own result.

▪ A person cannot escapes from the consequences of his own actions, but he can minimize
his consequences.

▪ The law of Karma applies to all Creatures irrespective of religion,age,Gender etc.


▪ “Believing as I do in the theory of rebirth, I live in the hope that if not in this birth, in
some other birth I shall be able to hug all humanity in friendly embrace.” – Mohandas K.

▪ We have heard a lot about ‘Karma’. ‘Karma’ is a Sanskrit word which means ‘action’. Karma
is the process of cause and effect, which is associated with our thoughts, emotions and
behaviors. Jesus said, “As you sow, so shall you reap”. This single statement contains the
essence of what Karma is.

The Dynamics of Karma

▪ We are all spiritual beings having a human experience and the dynamics of Karma help us
to keep learning and progressing through the actions done by us in each lifetime. Therefore,
Karma is neither good nor bad. Karma operates on universal laws, which create total justice.

▪ Karma is very impersonal and it applies to everyone without exception at all times. Karma
makes us realize that we are all one irrespective of our nationality, religion, race, creed, caste,
sex etc. and thereby teaches us oneness.

▪ Karma teaches us take self-responsibility as it makes us feel responsible for our actions in
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every situation. Karma makes us understand the cause and effect of our actions.
Understanding Karma is a major step in our Spiritual Evolution.

Different types of Karma

▪ SANCHITA KARMA :- This is the sum total of the Karma accumulated from all the lifetimes.

▪ PRARABDHA KARMA :- This is the Karma that is ripened. The effects of this type of Karma
will be felt in this lifetime and in current situations.

▪ AGAMI KARMA or KRIYAMANA KARMA :- This is the recently added Karma resulting
from present actions. This kind of Karma, which is added recently, affects the future.

Karma is not Punishment

▪ It is very important for us to understand that Karma is not a system of punishment put in
place by a higher authority. The common misconception is that the laws of Karma operate in
such a manner as to punish us for our so-called ‘wrong doings’.

▪ The punishment is always self-inflicted from the karmic point of view. Strong Identification
with patterns of guilt leads to a need to punish oneself, and therefore the punishment is
invariably self-inflicted punishment.

“13 important Postulates According to Law of Karma”.

▪ Read it From the Below Link

Refer Additional Reading Part 1 About Law of Neutralisation of
Cause and Effect.


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▪ Reincarnation or metempsychosis, is the transfer, or migration, of individual
Consciousness from one body to another body after Death.

▪ Reincarnation is the concept that Souls or Mind or Consciousness or Something else

continuously reborn in different bodies at different times and places.

▪ The word "Reincarnation" derives from Latin, literally meaning, "entering the flesh again".
The Greek equivalent metempsychosis (µετεµψύχωσις) derives from meta (change)
and empsykhoun (to put a soul into),a term attributed to Pythagoras.

▪ An alternate term is transmigration implying migration from one life (body) to another.

▪ Reincarnation refers to the belief that an aspect of every human being (or all living beings in
some cultures) continues to exist after death, this aspect may be the soul or mind or
consciousness or something transcendent which is reborn in an interconnected cycle of

Reincarnation and Karma

▪ Most of us believe that our individual characters are formed from birth in this present life. We
therefore assume that our psychological makeup is molded from parental and social
conditioning as well as our genetic inheritance.

▪ Factors like complexes, patterning, personal myths, scripts and family of origin etc. are
believed to influence our characters. These have been used to explain how our psyche has
been affected by our childhood experiences and/or our genetic inheritance. Modern
psychology is predominantly based on this model.

▪ What this model fails to provide suitable explanations for are the instances wherein many
people are found to possess special gifts and character traits that cannot be due to their family
history or genetic inheritance.

▪ It also cannot explain why two people with identical family history and genetic inheritance
often have vastly varying and sometimes diametrically opposite character traits and behavior.
This model is therefore incomplete in its understanding of the human psyche. This is the
reason why it has had an insignificant success rate when it comes to treating most
psychological disorders and ailments.

▪ Any search for a fully integrated model, which can provide the answers to all the questions
that remain unanswered using the present model, leads us to the study of reincarnation.

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▪ Reincarnation is the missing link, which helps us to complete our understanding. Once we
realize that we are eternal beings who have lived many lifetimes before this one, we can
easily understand that our psyche represents the sum total of all experiences of all our
lifetimes including the present one.

▪ This explains how our character, situations and conditions in the present life have their roots
in our past lives. Past life activities, past life habits, past life patterns, traumatic experiences in
the past lives, emotionally charged events from past lives and many more past life
experiences all together make up our present self and character structure.

▪ The main reason for reincarnating is to learn lessons. Reincarnation and Karma are thus
interrelated. However, this does not apply to those who choose to reincarnate to teach others
and help them to grow spiritually. Before we reincarnate, we choose the circumstances,
parents, social conditions and situations into which we are born so as to give us the ideal
conditions for learning the lessons that we have set out to learn in this lifetime. Hence current
family genetics and psychological environments are not mainly responsible for our
psychological makeup.

▪They are only the vehicles for the expression of the soul and serve to bring about the
interplay of factors required for the natural unfolding of the karmic drama.

▪ Does Soul Really exists, If so Then what is Soul? Where it is came from?
Where it will go after Death?

▪ Is Reincarnation (Rebirth) Real?Can it be Scientifically proved? if so what is its


▪ What does Parapsychology about Rebirth?

▪ These are the Questions which have haunted Humanity from Long time, Questions
that have Remained Unanswered.

▪ Let We Try to Find Answer to these Questions in a Scientific Way.



▪ This Research is Done by MBBS Students along with help of Psychologist,

Parapsychologists, Regression Specialists.


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First of all we want to Introduce you some of Doctors who had Done Research on

A. Dr. Ian Stevenson

▪ You are no Wrong If You call Him as Father of Reincarnation Research. Because He is
the First person in the world to give Medical Proof of Reincarnation.

▪ He is a Psychiatrist, Regression Specialist in University of Virginia, WHO SPENT 50


For More Details Please Visit Below Link

B. Dr Brian weiss

▪ American Psychiatrist, Regression Specialist.

▪ Head of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami.

For More Details Please Visit Below Link

B. Dr. Jim B Tucker

▪ Had Done One more Major Contribution in the field of Reincarnation Research.

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▪ Jim Tucker is the medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatry Clinic, and
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of
Virginia School of Medicine.

For More Details Please Visit Below Link

D. Walter Semkiw

▪ IISIS - (Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit) Reincarnation
Research President, Reincarnation Expert

For More Details Please Visit Below Link

E. Dr Antonia millis

▪ Antonia (Tonia) Mills is a professor in First Nations studies at the University of

Northern British Columbia, Canada.

For More Details Please Visit Below Link

F. Dr Carol Bowman

▪ Child Psychologist and Regression therapist

For More Details Please Visit Below Link

F. Dr Satwant Pasricha

▪ She has Done Another Major Contribution to the Field of Reincarnation Research by
investigating more than 1000 cases of Reincarnation in INDIA.

▪ She is Head of Department of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS Bangalore.

▪ And she even gave interview Regarding her Research to BBC British Broadcast

For More Details Please Visit Below Link

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G. Dr CM Ramaswamy

▪ Resident of Reincarnation Research Centre Bangalore.

For More Details Please Visit Below Link





▪ Also there are Famous Books of Reincarnation Written by Doctors You can get those
books in Amazon, One of the Famous book is “30 Most Convincing Cases of
Reincarnation by Dr. Ian Stevenson” it is a world wide Famous Book

You Can Get these Books in from below links
ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=1XMHTNX0PPKP7VA91Q54 (Very Famous Book by Child

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Psychologist Carol Bowman).

Other Famous Books





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▪ Soul is religious belief that there is a spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or
animal, regarded as immortal , emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as
revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance.

▪ Simply saying it is a belief that there is Something in the body which persist even after
biological death.

 2. History of Concept of Soul

▪ Concept of Soul began in Mind of Human beings as Earlier as the World First Religion

▪ All Human Religion is Due to ‘Cognitive Bias’

▪ A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in

judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situations may be drawn in an illogical
fashion, Individuals create their own "subjective social reality" from their perception of
the input.An individual's construction of social reality, not the objective input, may dictate
their behaviour in the social world. Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to
perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly
called irrationality. [For More Details on Cognitive Bias Refer Additional
Reading Part 8]
▪ We had Religion Even Before Anatomically Modern Human Beings Evolved (40,000 BCE),
Even before Homo Sapiens Evolved.

▪ World First Religion Came at the time of Our Ancestors likeHomo heidelbergensis, Homo

▪ Homo heidelbergensis deliberately disposing of deceased individuals, usually in funerary

caches. The graves, located throughout Eurasia (e.g. the Pontnewydd Cave (Wales),
Atapuerca Mountains (Spain), Qafzeh, Es Skhul, Krapina (Croatia), are believed to represent

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the beginnings of ceremonial rites, although there is some debate about this.

▪ Homo Neanderthals placed their deceased in simple graves with little or no concern for
grave goods or markers; however, their graves occasionally appeared with limestone blocks
in or on them, possibly an archaic form of grave marking.

▪ These practices were possibly the result of empathetic feelings towards fellow tribespeople,
for example: an infant buried in the Dederiyeh Cave after its joints had disarticulated was
placed with concern for the correct anatomical arrangement of its body parts.

98,000 BCE
▪ In the area of present-day France and Belgium, Neanderthals begin defleshing their dead,
possibly after a period of excarnation prior to burial.

40,000 BCE
▪ One of the earliest anatomically modern humans to be cremated is buried near Lake Mungo.

38,000 BCE
▪ The Aurignacian Löwenmensch figurine, the oldest known zoomorphic (animal-shaped)
sculpture in the world and one of the oldest known sculptures in general, is made. The
sculpture has also been interpreted as anthropomorphic, giving human characteristics to an
animal, although it may have represented a deity.

▪ All convincing evidence for Neanderthal burials ceases. Roughly coinciding with the time
period of the Homo sapiens introduction to Europe and decline of the Neanderthals, individual
skulls and/or long bones begin appearing heavily stained with red ochre and are separately
buried. This practice may be the origins of sacred relics.

▪ The oldest discovered "Venus figurines" appear in graves. Some are deliberately broken or
repeatedly stabbed. Possibly representing murders of the men they are buried with or some
other unknown social dynamic.

▪ For More information About History of Religion from >98,000 BCE to 2014 Please Visit
Link:- Details
[For More Refer Additional Reading Part 2》 Regarding Scientifically
and Historically Accepted Timeline of World Religion]

▪ So World Religion has History of More than 98,000 years. Regarding Concept of Soul We
Don't think so Concept of Soul Exist in our Ancestors like Homo heidelbergensis, Homo
Neanderthals. Concept of Soul Came only when Eastern Religion (Sanatana Dharma,
Jainism, Buddhism) and Western Religion (Christianity, Islam) Began.

▪ And Eastern Religion like Sanatana Dharma, Jainism, Buddhism is Much more Older than

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Western Religion like Christianity, Islam (VISIT ABOVE LINK FOR COMPLETE DETAILS).

▪ So Human Beings might have invented Concept of Soul around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago
( just when they began to settle ie when civilizations began which also corresponds to time of
beginning of First Agriculture).

▪ Now next question arises is Why Did Our Ancestors invented Concept of Soul?? What
proof they had for Soul??

▪ Well this is very Difficult question to Give Exact Answer, well we have possible Answers
continue reading below to find Answers.


▪ Our Ancestors Introduced the Concept of Soul, Doctrine of Reincarnation and Law of
Neutralization of Cause and Effect (Law of Karma) in order to Explain some of
Unanswered questions like


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A. Eastern religions - Santana Samskriti - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism etc

▪ All the above questions and still lots of lots of questions of Life which is Unanswered by
Science is Answered in a Holy Scripture which is Considered to be Bible of Hindus in a Book
by name SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA by using Concept of Soul, Doctrine of Reincarnation
and Law of Neutralization of Cause and Effect (Law of karma).

▪ Apx
It all About
began 5000 years ago in a battle Called Kurukshetra, Just before beginning of Battle
Pandava prince Arjuna undergoes severe p
Psychological Disturb and his mind gets filled up with questions that why i should fight this
battle, why i should kill? Doesn't it is sin? and lot of lot of questions.

▪ Krishna who was charioteer of Arjuna found that Arjuna had undergone severe
psychological disturb, So Entire Bhagavad Gita is a Counselling done by Krishna to Arjuna
to psychologically correct him by answering all the questions of arjuna regarding
questions of life, by telling him the truth of the universe, importance of duty,
importance of Knowledge etc in 18 Chapters in the form of 18 yogas.

▪ Krishna in Bhagavad Gita not only Answered all questions of Arjuna but he also Answered
all questions of Our life, Krishna made us to realize that Everybody life is kurukshetra in one
or other way, Everyone is psychologically disturbed in one or other way, Every Body
Struggles in life in one or other way and Everyone keep on finding path to outcome from
Struggles, The same happened to Arjuna in battle field.
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▪ Bhagavad Gita is not just Conversation Between Lord Krishna and Arjuna But It's a type of
Psychiatric Counselling Between Counselor (Krishna) and a patient (Arjuna).

▪ When we Read Bhagavad Gita through psychological point of View, It isnot at all talking
About Clash between Pandavas and kauravas but it is talking about clash that is happening
in our Day today Life in our Mind.

▪ Our Life is a Clash (kurukshetra), In our Life we find kauravas or Adharma (Things which
misleads us - Bad persons and friends, Bad Negative thoughts, Bad habits-smoking,
Drinking,women etc) and Pandavas (Good person, Confidence, Good habits,positive
thoughts in Mind etc)

▪ But in Our life Kauravas are More likely to win Than Pandavas (We are good at attracted
to Bad things in life Rather than Good things).

▪ In Our life also Pandavas must win, To Achieve that I must Give my life Chariot in the
hands of God who will bring us Victory [Meaning I must follow Good path, Doing Good
things to others, helping poor and sick etc in My life In order to achieve Success and
To do that I must Require Knowledge of Divinity, Can be done only by Understanding
Truth (God) and Self-Realization].



▪ Conversation Between Krishna and Arjuna is the First Psychological case ever recorded
you can read it complete details from below link
[For More Details Refer Additional Reading Part 7》 Regarding First
Psychology Case
bhagavad.html?m=1 Ever Recorded - Sigmund Freud Psychology in Bhagavad
▪ According to Sanatana Dharma God is not a creator of Universe but he is a manifestator he
himself manifested as universe in the form of Cosmos vibrations.
(Sarvam kalvidam idam bramhan)

▪ COSMOS means the pure vibrations of infinite energy ofcreative force of consciousness.

▪ Scientifically COSMOS meaning All energy of the universe [ENERGY IS CONVERTED OR

MANIFESTED TO MASS - Law of conservation of energy].

▪ God is an infinite Ocean of creative force of consciousness which forms invisible I[nvisible
Cosmos] background for the Visible Cosmos(Matter- Anything that occupies space and

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(The Cosmology of Rig veda).

▪ Reincarnation and Law of Cause and Effect (Law of Action or Karma)are the chief and
Central Belief of Eastern Religions.

▪ Bhagavad Gita is Considered as Bible for Hindus.

▪ Bhagavad gita Says that ‘Soul is indestructible,immortal, immaterial, immeasurable part of

individual. [Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 verse 18].

▪ Bhagavad gita also says that The soul is never born nor dies at any time. Soul has not
come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. Soul is
unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. Soul is not slain when the body is slain.
[Chapter no 2 verse 20].

▪ According to Bhagwat Gita, the Soul, or Atman has the properties that Weapons cannot
pierce it, fire cannot burn it, water cannot moisten it and wind cannot dry it [Bhagavad Gita
Chapter no 2 verse 23].

▪ Bhagavad gita Says that Soul is Formless, Genderless, and it is a kind of Energy which
persist After death and Soul is Nothing but individual Consciousness. Like How Sun
illuminates Entire Solar System in the Same way one within the body, illuminate the entire
body by individual consciousness. So the Symptom of Soul is “CONSCIOUSNESS”
Chapter no 13 read full chapter].

▪ Karma is a Sanskrit word whose literal meaning is a

' ction'. It refers to the law that states
“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction either immediately or at some point in
the future”.

▪ "As shall you sow, that shall you reap". -

Whatever you do to Universe is what comes back to you in the same form.Each and every
actions in your life has its own result whether it is good or bad actions, it has its own

▪ If you do good deeds to others it I'll come back to you as good.If you do bad deeds to
others it I'll come back to you as bad, Your Own deeds creates your destiny
Each and every deeds in your life have its own result, A person cannot escapes from the
consequences of his own actions, but he can minimize his consequences, The law of Karma
applies to all Creatures irrespective of religion,age, Gender etc.
MoreDetails on law
Details of karma
Refer Please visit
Additional below link
Reading Part 7》 Regarding The Law of
Neutralisation of Cause and Effect - Law of Karma or Law of Nature.
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▪ There is no Separate ETERNAL JUDGEMENT Day after Death but “EVERY DAY IS
YOUR JUDGEMENT DAY” and Every Actions of You Counts, Each and every deeds in
your life have its own result,Your own Actions Decides Your Destiny, No Reaction Occurs
in Life without our Actions, Pain and Suffering in Life is Due to Individual Own Bad Actions
and not curse from God.

▪ There is no Eternal Eternal Hell and Heaven. You Can see Heaven and Hell on this Earth
only, All your Happiness, Achievements, Good position in Society, Good Name,
Success, Prosperity etc are Heaven for you and it is Result of your Good actions in this
life (punya phala) and previous life (purva janma punya phala). All your Pain, Sufferings,
Failure, Bad Name, Accidents etc is hell for you and it is and it is Result of your Bad
actions in this life (papada phala) and previous life (purva janma papada phala).
FAILURES, SADNESS (HELL- papa phala). Depends Upon whichever you have more in
your Life either punya phala (good karma) or papa phala (Bad karma).





▪ Bhagavad Gita 2:22-27 says that After Death Individual souls are Reincarnated depending
upon its Good and Bad Actions (karma) in previous Birth. Thus there is cycle of Birth, Death
and Reincarnation (Samsara).

SALVATION Doesn't depends upon belief in God or any other thing, BUT SALVATION

▪ Bhagavad Gita explains Different methods of attaining Salvation or Moksha, like Karma
yoga, jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga etc to attain Salvation
One among them is Jnana yoga or Self Realization:- It is the Process of Merging
individual Consciousness with Cosmic Consciousness, LIKE HOW HEAT FIRE BURN
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▪ Unlike Holy Scripts of Western Religion like Quran and Bible , Eastern Religion Holy
Scripts Does Not Criticize any other Religion or Any other God of other Religion as Demonic,
Bhagavad Gita says God is one but with Different pathways, All religion are Different
Pathway to Almighty God. God is Omnisound ("ekam sat viprāḥ bahudhā vadanti") it doesn't
matter though what you call him Ram, Krishna, Ganesha, Shiva, Allah, Buddha, Jesus etc all
refers to almighty god only.

▪ God is one But with Different Pathway (Bhagavad Gita Chapter no 4 shloka 11 “All who in
whatever way surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. All mankind follows My path O
Arjuna, in all respects.”)

▪ It doesn't matter whether you worship animal (cow, snake etc) or water or stone etc,
(GOOD Karma), It Doesn’t matter Whether you are an atheist UNLESS YOU ARE IN
PATHWAY OF HUMANITY AND GOOD DEEDS, God always protects you whether you
believe in God or Not (Bhagavad Gita Chapter no 9 shloka 23 O Arjuna, those who worship
devotedly different demigods, although faithfully; they also worship I only; but in an
unauthorised manner.)

▪ There is No Eternal Satan Or Demon who Control us or Divert us from God, Rather
Than Satan or Demonic or Asura Qualities exist in individual’s own subconscious,
Human Beings are Made up of three types of qualities

1. Sattva is the quality of balance, harmony, goodness, purity, universalizing, holistic,

constructive, creative, building, positive, peaceful, virtuous.
2. Rajas is the quality of passion, activity, neither good nor bad and sometimes either, self-
centeredness, egoistic, individualizing, driven, moving, dynamic.
3. Tamas is the quality of imbalance, disorder, chaos, anxiety, impure, destructive, delusion,
negative, dull or inactive, apathy, inertia or lethargy, violent, vicious, ignorant.
All Human beings have all these three types of characters in their subconscious, But the
Amount of Expression is Different in Different Individuals. And Asuras (satan or demon) are
the person with more rajas and tamas qualities like terrorists, Corrupt people of society
or Any person who cruelly harms other people, society, nature etc.

▪ Bhagavad Gita says that these Asuras can be changed with the Knowledge of
Divinity, Subconscious training which can be obtained by reading Bhagavad Gita. Like
how a Robber, Murderer Valmiki changed himself and wrote Ramayana.

Bhagavad Gita also says that Some of Asuras Cannot be Changed it is because of their
own previous bad karma, They finally meet with their own Destruction. Like how
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Ravana, Kamsa, Kauravas meet into their Own Destruction.

▪ Bhagavad also says that “Whenever there is Decline of Good pathway, Whenever
Adharma predominates Dharma meaning whenever evil things predominates over good
things, and whenever there comes a situation where Good persons of Society faced
severe torture by evil persons and if these situation cannot be solved by human
beings, then God sends his Devatas (angels) as human beings to this Earth as Minor
Incarnation (Sai Baba, Guru Raghavendra Swamy etc are examples). And in very
severe worst Situation if these problems cannot be solved by Human Beings or devatas
(Minor Incarnations) then God Himself incarnate on this Earth as Human being (Major
incarnation :- Parashurama, Sri Rama,Sri Krishna,Buddha etc are examples) to destroy
Evil Pathway and to Re-Establish the Principles of Righteous Pathway.

▪ Bhagavad Gita also Says that Anything which has Consciousness has Soul Because
soul is nothing but Individual Consciousness, So even Animal have soul and Killing
animal is Sinful,
Every living creature that exist has its own purpose of existence and not to kill. We
don't have power to give life in the same way we don’t have rights to take life by killing,
killing innocence is sinful.
[For More Details Refer Additional Reading Part 1》 Regarding Law of
For more Details please
Neutralisation readand
of Cause below link and What's Wrong in killing Animal in the
same part]

▪ Also Bhagavad Gita Says that Food we eat has impact on Person Character and

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For More Details
Details Refer
please readAdditional
below link Reading Part 1》 Regarding Law of
Neutralisation of Cause and Effect and What's Wrong in killing Animal in the
same part]

This is in Brief Regarding Western Culture.



b. a.Western or Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islamic)

Ler we see what does Western Religion Answers to these questions


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▪ Father Jehovah and his one and only son Jesus lives in Heaven, Heaven is an Eternal
place of Joy.

▪ One day Some of Angels like Lucifer and some other Angels disobeyed God so they were
Pushed down from Heaven. So Angel Lucifer and some of Angels who were pushed from
heaven are satans (Devils) who created hell for satans (Devils) to live.

▪ It all began in 4004 BCE (According to James Ussher Chronology). Father Jehovah
(Yahweh, yohana) Created this Entire Universe in six successive days.

▪ Father Created heaven and Earth and Father Jehovah lives in heaven.

▪ Father created all Creatures of this earth and all stars of this universe.

▪ On 5th day Father Created First Male Adam (First man on the Earth) from soil and placed
him in Eden’s Garden when God saw that Adam was alone, he created firstFemale Eve
from Adam's rib.

▪ God filled Adam with spirit (Soul) and made him to name all animals on this Earth, He told
Adam that “All creatures (All plants and Animals) that Jehovah Created is given as food for
Human beings”.

▪ Animals Doesn't Have soul You can kill and Eat How much Animal you want there is no
sin, All Animals are given as food for you.

▪ The first sin Done by human being ‘Eve ate apple from Tree of knowledge which was
instructed by god not to eat fruit from that tree’ Because of this sin Adam and Eve lost glorious
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body and became human beings. The reason why Eve ate apple is it was a trick by satan who
came in form of snake which talked with eve and tricked eve to ate apple.

▪ The next sin was Cain Murdered Ebel (Children of Adam and Eve). This sin madeGod
very angry.

▪ People starts spreading all over world from Garden of Eden, After few years people started
populating every country but people of this world became unloyal, unfaithful to the Creator
Jehovah, They started worshipping idols, they start worshipping False Gods, They started
indulging in sinful activities. This made the creator Jehovah very angry

▪ So on 2344 BC ( ie 4360 years ago) God made Universal Flood to kill all Human beings and
animals who he created except Noah’s Family who were loyal to the god, So god ordered
Noah to build a boat and to fill boat with every kind of two animals on this earth, so Noah did
the same, God made flood for one year and killed all human beings and other creatures.

▪ After Flood God made Rainbow and Kept Rainbow as a Symbol so that whenever God see
Rainbow God Remembers that God should not kill anyone in future.

▪ So According to Bible, Now all people who are there on this Earth isDescendants from
Noah’s Family.

▪ Nearly 100 years After flood ie on 2244 BCE (ie 4260 years ago) There occurred an Event
called Tower of Babel where people started building a Highest tower to Reach God in
heaven, God God Scary So God came to Earth and Confused people who were building
tower, God Confused in such a way that the person who were building tower should not
understand Language of others. So from this Point Human got confused with Each other and
different languages began finally they started migrating from tower of babel to different
countries of world.

▪ Generations continued, and there came a good person called abraham, Then generations
continued and came another good person called Moses, Some peoples of some country
started forgetting Creator Jehovah and started worshipping False gods, Idols which are
actually tricks from Satan (Fallen angels from heaven) So God Again got angry, God gave
Moses Ten commandments in two tabs in that one of Commandment says you must not
worship any other god other than Jehovah (Jesus).

▪ Generations Continued Some people followed Ten commandments but Some people of
some countries Forgotten creator Jehovah and his Commandments, they indulged
themselves in worshipping false god and idols and also non believers of God like atheists
began which are actually tricks from satan (Devil, Fallen angels).

▪ Human being sins got increased, God got sad by seeing all these sins of worshipping false
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god and idols and also non believers of God like atheists

▪ So Father Jehovah on 7 BCE (2016 years ago) sent his one and only son Jesus Christ to
this Earth who carried all our sins in cross and died for our sins.

▪ And Jesus Said in gospels that He is the Only true God (true son of God) and he is the only
pathway to his father in heaven, He is the only Saviour of our soul after our death, so whoever
won't accept him as saviour will not go to heaven.

▪ BIBLE also Says that After Death Soul is Judged on Judgement day and All Believers of
JESUS CHRIST Will be Saved and put to Eternal Heaven and Whoever Doesn’t Accepted
JESUS CHRIST as Saviour will be put to Eternal Torture in Pit of Lake of Fire with
Burning sulphur Up to Infinite Period.

▪ BIBLE also says that JESUS CHRIST is the Only true God, Whoever Worships False God
will not be saved, All Idolaters and Non believers of Jesus Christ like Atheists, Skeptics
(they doubt Bible) Muslims, Hindus and Even Christian’s Like Roman Catholics (Because
they are idolaters) will be put to Hell (Pit of Lake of Fire with Burning sulphur) Up to
infinite period.

▪ According to BIBLE JESUS Died for all of our Sins Whoever won't accept him as
personal Saviour will be sent to hell and not believing Jesus Christ, Idol Worship,
Degrading Holy Spirit, Homosexuality are the Unforgivable sins.
Even in these sins Not Believing Jesus Christ is the Only top most unforgivable sin.

▪ Birth Defects (Congenital Defects) are due to Curse from God because of worshiping idols
by parents. And Parents sins are transferred to their children through Blood (Source of Life)
which causes Congenital Defects in Children's.

▪ Life on this Earth is a Test from God to check whether we believe in him or notin order
to qualify our soul for heaven it is just like passing competitive Exam to take seat in
Like how we have to Read Books in order to Pass Exam in the same way we have to follow
god's commandment in Bible in order to qualify for heaven. Jesus is the only Ticket for

▪ God Doesn’t Care Good deeds of people, In BIBLEGood Deeds of people is compared
to Dirty Cloth, Even you are a Murderer, Rapist etc If you Accept Christ as Saviour You will
be saved and sent to heaven and Even If you are a Very good person in Society, Even if you
have done Very Good deeds like Helping others, Serving sick, helping blind, helping
poor etc But if you doesn't accept Christ as saviour then You will be Sent to Eternal
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Torture up to infinite period in Lake of pit of Fire.

▪ So According to BIBLE Good peoples like Swami Vivekananda, APJ Abdul Kalam,
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Mother teresa must be in hell by now, Because they are
good people and are non Believers of Christ and Mother teresa is a Idol worshippers
(Roman Catholic).

▪ All Our Knowledge on this Earth (Loka Gnana) is Waste whether you are Doctor or
Engineer or Scientist or IAS Officer etc is waste Because Knowledge of this world (Loka
Gnana) is Considered as Mad in front of God and Only Knowledge of Heaven in BIBLE
(Paraloka Gnana) will save you and will take you to heaven After Death.

▪ BIble Also Says About Second Coming of Jesus when he came for second time, All
Believers of christ who previously died will come along with him, All Believers grave will be
opened, Dead bodies will be raised from grave, Whoever doesn't believe in christ will not be
saved and are put to hell in eternal torture up to infinite period.

Bible Geneology in Detail see from image below

▪ Even Quran Says Same But there JESUS CHRIST is Replaced by ALMIGHTY ALLAH.

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where jesus christ is considered as one of the prophet sent by allah






▪ Well Science Doesn't Say Anything About Soul, Science Explains about Consciousness in
detail, But Science doesn't say that Soul is Individual Consciousness.

▪ Science Explains Consciousness through Mechanism of NCC - Neural Correlates of

Consciousness. Which has its merits and lot of demerits which we have discussed in
Chapter No 11 in detail.

▪ We won't Study about soul in any of Sciene Field Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy,
Medical Science, Engineering etc.

▪ Science Doesn't talk about soul which means

a. Science Doesn't know yet about soul which will be decoded in future.
b. Science have totally rejected and disproved Concept of Soul.

▪ Science have rejected both Eastern Religion Concept of Law of Neutralization of

Cause and Effect ( Law of Karma) , Doctrine of Reincarnation as well as Western
Religion concept of Creation of Universe by God 6000 years ago, Concepts of hell and



▪ There is no Exact Scientific Evidence of Existence of Soul.

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▪ But we have to say you About a branch called Parapsychology.

▪ Parapsychology is a branch of Psychology which deals with the study concerned with the
investigation of paranormal and psychic phenomena which include telepathy,
precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation,
apparitional experiences, and other paranormal claims.

▪ It is often identified as pseudoscience by Atheists and Skeptics as some of phenomenon

is cannot be explained by science and concepts of parapsychology cannot be accepted
by science.

▪ So we are going to give the parapsychological Evidences for the Existence of Soul in
our Next part that is
CHAPTER NO 4 Read it without miss.







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▪ As we Have Discussed in the Previous Chapter ieChapter no:- 3 About Concept of soul,
Also How Concept of Soul First Came into Existence, Also about How Science has rejected
Concept of Soul as Consciousness and Explained Human Consciousness as Neural
Correlates of Consciousness Mechanism (NCC).

▪ But Neural Correlates of Consciousness Mechanism (NCC) has its own demerits which we
have discussed in Chapter no 11.

▪ Now let us see what Parapsychology Can Give Evidence for soul.

▪ Parapsychology is a branch of Psychology which deals with the study concerned with the
investigation of paranormal and psychic phenomena which include telepathy,
precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation,
apparitional experiences, and other paranormal claims.


▪ The idea of life after death has captivated human beings from the beginning of their history
when the most primitive forms of spirituality came into existence. Questions of the soul,
heaven, a light at the end of the tunnel, God, and our purpose on earth have never lessened
in abundance.

▪ Tens of major and minor religions have attempted to answer these questions to provide for
an explanation for the world’s mechanics and a meaning of humanity’s placement in the
world.Each has produced its own interpretation as to what will occur when our eyes close for
the final time. And while none of these beliefs have been universally proven or shared, each
has managed to acquire its own followers of believers.
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▪ Today, after the Scientific Revolution and the rationality to which it has given birth, many are
uncertain as to which “Universal Truth” holds the true set of rules governing the workings of
the universe.

▪ Several religions have been denounced, especially the major ones (Christianity, Islam, etc.),
for being monopolies on people’s minds and guiding them down a narrow tunnel-vision path.
Therefore, with the great variety of voices and the presence of doubt linked to anything
spiritual, it is difficult to form any assumption about what lies beyond the borders of life.

An Answer After All ?

▪ There are a series of fascinating occurrences which may finally provide an explanation to the
most popular question in human history. This phenomenon revolves around the idea that
human beings will live or have lived other lives after dying.

▪ Reincarnation or being incarnated into another body, is central to the religions of Hinduism
and Buddhism, but is a part of a number of other belief systems as well. Some think that there
are references to reincarnation in Christianity, although the majority of Christians do not

▪ But the evidence does not come from religious sources; ordinary people and events
serve as possible examples. Persons gifted with psychic ability are given to visions as well
asauditions. While these go into trance experiences, reports are made available as to the
dead speaking through the lips of the ones in a trance, claiming to have lived previously in the
midst of the loved ones.

▪ Of late, there has been increased interest in the theory of reincarnation; and research too
has gone far deeper to establish enough evidence infavor of life after death. Amongst
scientific circles, to mention in particular, mind-to-mind communication has not only gained the
status of a scientific possibility but common occurrence.

▪ Those who have left this world leave behind a big lot of their desires and longings. In order
to gratify those long-cherished things, they return to this world life after life - and this
assumption is not a whim or a fantasy but a certainty since soul is imperishable, otherwise the
law of creation remains forever a riddle beyond the reach of mankind.

▪ In sum, this approach to the survival of the soul also presumes that those who “die” retain
not only their affection, consanguinity as well as their interests in the loved ones and friends
still on earth.

 A Variety of Evidence in favor of Survival of Soul

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▪ Of late, a wide variety of data has been available in favor of survival of human personality.
The ‘prima facie’ evidences of survival which psychicalresearch has delved deep are no doubt
startling but sound true enough on verification. These occurrences usually take the form of the

1. Haunting situations and apparitions of the dead

2. Information emanating directly or indirectly from some person whose physical
existence came to an end long ago but the mind or personality still roaming about
3. out-of-body experience
4. Communications as received through mediums and sensitives
5. Electronic Communication through the dead.

Let us consider each one of these aspects for a detailed study, and exploration of the
possibilities of survival as follows :

1. Haunting situations and apparitions of the dead

▪ There are certain time-honored beliefs. The spirit of the dead survives after the death of
physical existence is one such. People believe in that kindof thing and it has been prevalent
through the ages and in all the countries.

▪ How it exists, and in what manner it makes itself known to others can be as varied as
movement of articles, such as things fallen off tables, lightbulbs drops from their fixtures,
stones fly through window and taps are left running, production of strange noises and unusual
sounds at odd times,like meaningless knocking at door at night and so on. Such a thing goes
by the name ‘poltergeist’.

▪ There are hundreds and thousands of such stories currently everywhere. As if these are not
orally enough, some writers take to the delineation of these characters in the form of devils
and uncanny spirits. Perhaps there is some belief thatsuch things exist. People die variously
and in divergent circumstances. Some die natural deaths and some die prematurely young or
because of the conspiracy of circumstances which sound unexpected and untimely, or
unnatural and unbelievable. When persons die on account
of extreme agony or because of torture or violence, it is believed that the spirit of the dead will
wreak vengeance upon the evil doer or mischief monger. Here are a few examples to highlight
the above statements:

(A) A case of haunting

▪ Once an English army officer happened to fall in love with a Canadian young lady. But he
was not serious about any matrimony.

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▪ The natural thing took place. This gullible but highly devoted woman was enticed as well as
seduced. After sometime she was abandoned.

▪ This cut her soul to bits. All expectations of marriage were shattered and the young army
officer quietly disappeared from the scene.

▪ Unfortunately the young lady took the matter so seriously that she died ultimately in despair.
Buther spirit would not leave the army officer in peace.

▪ It haunted him wherever he went. Especially, the spirit would constantly knock on the door or
onthe windows where he slept. The lights he put on during the nights were soon to be
extinguished; once or twice he kept birds in a cage - and to his utter dismay they were
discovered to be dead there. All this made his life a real hell on earth.

▪ A dog reared at the room was sure to leave the place sooner or later. It would never return
to the room. The spirit of the dead woman haunted him so much that he was finally haunted
down by it; and later chose to leave the army once for all.
( Reference : Footfalls on the boundary of another world )

(B) A case of apparition of the dead

▪ Spirits of the dead appear as weird creatures or as phantoms of in the next room, a
supernatural world. Arthur Hill furnishes an account offered by Driessen.

▪ After putting out the candle, he heard the footsteps This caused him bewilderment. To make
sure he struck a match and much to his consternation saw his father-in-law, who had died
about, nine days ago, in the form of a phantom. Evidently both the father-in-law and the son-
in-law were not on good terms for long and that was how the spirit had paid a visit to ask for
excuse from his son-in-law.

▪ However, the son-in-law mustered enough courage to utter these words: “Who do you want
here ?” To which the phantom promptly replied, “I have acted wrongly against you. Forgive
me. I do not feel at ease without your forgiveness.” Sayingthese words the spirit pointed
towards the ceiling with his left hand.

▪ Then Driessen answered calm of mind and slowly, “God is my witness that I have never had
anything against you.” Then the figure of phantom bowed and vanished!
(Reference: Accounts from Physical Research).

(C) Raps and Displacement of objects

▪ The Society for Psychical Research records several instances of the spirits. Barrett declares

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that he has seen how the table lifted itself off the ground repeatedly. Sir W. Crookes describes
in his book “Spiritualism” how he witnessed on five different occasions that a dining table rose
above the ground about a foot and a half where trickery was well-nigh impossible.

▪ It is said that some mediums are capable of producing sounds (raps) at their will and
pleasure. A good deal of psychical research has testifiedto this possibility. A report says that a
boy of 15 was sent to Durville for examination when violent knockings suggested clearly a
code language - one rap for ‘yes’ two for ‘no’.
Note: Interested readers will find many cases of apparition and spirit communication in the
following works, namely:

1) Human personality and its survival of bodily death by F.W.H. Myers,

2) The personality of Man by G.N.M. Tyrrell.
3) Science and future life by James H.Hyslop
4) Life-beyond, monthly journal published by H.L. Hingorani Pune, India

2. Information emanating directly or indirectly from some person whose

physical existence came to an end long ago but the mind or personality
still roaming about

▪ Let us here pay attention to True Ghost Stories as found in Cheiro: It is about the Gem in the
Crown of Prussia.

▪ This gem had reached thereafter a French soldier had stolen it from the golden statue of
Buddha in a monastery in Ceylon. An aged priest who had been the custodian of this gem for
several years cursed the one who stole it. Suddenly he was killed by the soldier.

▪ However, the spell of the curse worked for centuries. Wherever the gem went, it brought
about nothing but destruction. During the course of time, this Gem reached Dinnur, the Sultan
of Turkey. But tragically enough, his wife killed him for it; and then the Gem went to the next
Caliph. And when this Caliph was defeated in a battle, ittraversed across the continent,
reached Tibet, created all pandemonium there and came down to India causing havoc,
besides multiplyingmany blood feuds.

▪ Later on, it happened to reach Amsterdam whereit was sold to a Jew. When this came to the
knowledge of Frederick the. Great, he hanged the Jew; but the possession of the Gem meant
only doom to Frederick.

▪ There is yet another equally ominous incident of a Mummy of Egypt, which carried with it an
interminable curse, the occurrence of which runs as follows: Once Douglas Murray happened
to visit Egypt.

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▪ There he was fascinated by the Mummy. He could not resist the temptation of taking it with
him in spite of the vehement warnings by his dear friends.

▪ But soon after this episode, the possessor was met with an accident when he lost his right
hand - actually it was an explosion of a gun. Further as he was travelling back home, he lost
two trunks which contained many invaluable things. Now in turn a woman of some known
literary standing was rather curious to possess the Mummy.

▪ As she did so, and returned home she found to her great horror that her mother had fallen
off the staircase and died on the spot. Further she was gifted by her lover, which act of
betrayal cut her to the quick. Then her dear pet dog turned mad. As if to heighten the
calamity, she lay in bed seriously ill. Now she was very much terrorized by the omen as to
what the Mummy contained in the chain of events, and therefore hastened to return the
Mummy to the person from whom she had received. Of course, the previous owner carefully
transferred the Mummy To the British Museum in London. At the Museum, an artist attracted
bythe beauty of the Mummy, attempted to draw the sketches four times.

▪ Every time, it may sound mysterious, he was met with an accident. This was too much even
for the authorities; and that was how this Mummywas put in the cellar, ever permanently
shelved there. Some of these incidents may appear to be weird and incredible. But invisible
forces, in the face of facts, they cannot be dismissed as false. All this has happened because
of the mysteriousgenerated from human beings, which would work for a long time.

3. Out Of Body experiences– (OBEs)

▪ Are out-of-body experiences true or are they simply a trick of the mind? Throughout all
cultures individuals have experienced the strangeness of the OBE.

▪ These are so widespread, science has taken an interest in the topic and has done some
studies on it. Is there any proof the out-of-body experience is an objective reality? That
consciousness can actually exist outside the physical body? The many out-of-body stories
contain powerful evidence, except these stories are not subject to the scientific method and
thus can’t be replicated
through experimentation.

▪ Out‐of‐body experiences project themselves in vivid forms to those involved in religious and
spiritual way of living, as also those given to deep meditation,induced, or at-will OBEs.

▪ Actually it is a case of detachment of the mind from the body and the person undergoes
undreamt of things, as though standing and witnessing the whole phenomenon as a spectator
at a distance. The person no doubt notices that he still has a body but one made of a different
mould from the physical body he has left behind.
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▪ However, these out-of-the-body experiences vary considerably in quality and dimension
depending upon the nature of the religious and spiritual development.

▪ An example of such a story told by his son

An example of such a story was my father’s own out-of-body experience he had as a child. In
1943 my father was 12 years old.

His family was living in Europe during World War II. During these difficult times my
grandfather’sfamily, as war refugees, ended up moving to a small village. Soon after they
moved to this village my father got ill with the mumps and came down with a high fever.
During his high fever he lost consciousness for hours.

▪ Worried about their son, my grandparents called a doctor from another village for help.
During his unconsciousness, my young father had an out-of-body experience.

▪ He recalls hovering over his body. He saw his parents and a doctor he never saw before.
They were putting wet towels on him trying to lower hisfever. He said he watched from
overhead without any real thought to what was happening; he was just an observer.

▪ Next, his awareness rose much higher. Suddenly he was high above the village. He was
looking down as if he had an aerial view of the town. He saw the entire village, all the streets
and houses in detail. What was odd was this happened at night, and the village did not have
streetlights. I asked dad how did he see anything if it was dark. Dad said that was very

▪ He saw everything even in the dark. This is an interesting detail. What does that say about
the OBE?The participant does not view with world with the physical senses.

▪ The disembodied consciousness can seemingly see in the dark, so perhaps it is viewing
eventswith some “astral sight”. It does not need light striking the optic nerves.

▪ How long did this OBE last? Dad said he did not know. He recalls awakening and was back
in his body, but barely able to think straight. He drifted in and out of consciousness, but by the
morning his fever broke. Later the child began to recall the experience, and wondered about

▪ As a child my dad liked to draw pictures. The child decided to draw a map of the town from
what he remembered of his aerial view. My young father never saw a map of this small
village, and no maps seemed to have existed.

▪ These old villages did not have straight, logical streets but curving streets and confusing

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ways. Being curious about his experience, my young father decided to follow his hand drawn
map and see if it was accurate or not. To his amazement, he discovered his map was! He
found places on his map that he was did not know about but saw from “above”. What he was
able to recall from his overhead view of the village was real. He really wondered about this,
but World War II was going on and soon they were on the move again.

▪ A child had the curiosity to document what he saw during an out-of-body experience, and
discovered it was accurate. This suggests that the out-of-body experience is literally true.

▪ Thousands of such out- of- body experiences arereported throughout the world. it for real.

▪ Perhaps science will one day be able to recreate the actual event and study If one day we
have evidence of the reality of the OBE, it will change what we understand about the universe
and its laws of nature.

4. Communications as received through mediums and sensitives

▪ Modern spiritualism seems to be an interesting branch of investigation, which in turn has

opened up quite a few possibilities for those who are inspired, earnest and methodical
wherein theycould communicate with departed friends and relatives.

▪ Even skeptics and agnostics are now seriously rethinking about this phenomenon and have
greatly wondered how there seems to be some truth in all this types of discovery, especially
the truth about after life through the genuine communications of the disembodied spirits. Now
the matter has been begun to be understood rather differently in that they have learnt that the
death of the body is not the end.

▪ On the contrary, it is the threshold of that wonderland where the spirits of dead continue to
exist and enjoy new experiences. Spiritualists vouch for the fact that modern spiritualism
provides the window to the world of the dead friends and relatives who are ever anxious
tocommunicate with the living that they are comfortable after death and are ready to help the
living ones on the right path as also protect them from perils and dangers, mishaps and

▪ What the spiritualists try to say is that the communication is possible with the dead by
theprocess of developing mediumistic conditions.Impressions from the supra - mundane world
are passed on partially to the living ones, is one notable belief of the spiritualists, or it
could be messages too in a strange fashion lying outside the realm of normal understanding.

▪ Perhaps it is during this conscious impressionable medium ship that one could speak or
write about things which seem to be Research on Reincarnation and Survival of Soul

▪ Persons who come under this category are called inspirational speakers and writers.
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Sometimes there are some persons who establish medium ship without being at any time
ever conscious of it.

▪ There is still another category wherein the spiritualists become partially unconscious of their
existence and surroundings at the time of their speech or writing. Partial control of the
muscles and the nerve center’s lead to a variety of medium ship:

They are,
1. planchette writing
2. ouija Board
3. clairvoyance
4. Clairaudience
5. automatic writing - typical examples of some of the different phenomena of muscular and
neurotic medium ship.

▪ Persons possessing ‘Medium’ powers employ a type of experiment, touching with their
fingers a small cup put on a wooden board; and theboard is designed so as to cover the
letters of the English Alphabet from A to Z.

▪ The cup moves supplying answers to many of the questions asked. Anyone touching the
cup will be bewildered about the nature of the movement of the cup. All replies depend largely
on ‘experiences’. For example, a dead child speaks as if it were a dead child. Or when a dead
person speaks he could be one’s great grandfather, the voice stems as though coming out of
a deep cavern, steady and slow, ripe and remote. In this method - a question is asked to a
dead relatives or a dead friend.

▪ Before calling the name of that person along with other details about place, must also be
furnished If the spirit is around there communication is established.

▪ For instance, spirits have prayer time, moments of rest and relaxation and so on. At such
intervals they desire not to be disturbed.

▪ That is why the cup stops suddenly and could not get the signal clearly. When summoned
they could communicate with the living ones. It is the spirit that controls the muscles of the
arms. The optic nerves and the retina are controlled so that the images as presented by the
spirits reach the consciousness.

▪ So is the case of audition when auditory nerves are controlled by the spirit. Then mediums
can hear all such sounds. that their ‘controllers’ desire them to hear. Similarly, partial control
can be made over the sensory organs. Strangely.while some are conscious, others take place
quite unconsciously.
( Reference : “Life beyond Death" by Swami Abhedananda, Ramakrishna Vedanta Math
Calcutta 1971 )
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▪ Swami Abhedananda cites a number of instances to substantiate this point of view. Of all of
them Edgar Cayce has been considered to be one of best sensitive. Here is a case of
communication received through dreams and a medium by Alexandrina Samona.

▪ Alexandrine Samona, a five-year old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carmelo Samona of Palermo
Sicily died of meningitis on March 15, 1960.

▪ This caused great grief to the parents. Just after three days, Mrs. Samona had a dream
wherein the dead child appeared assuring her with a gesture that she would be reborn again
in the family: “Mother, do not cry any more.

▪ I have not left you for good. I shall come again.” The same dream recurred after three days
in séances through a medium to the communicators.

▪ They announced the forthcoming birth of twins. Strangely though, in about a year she gave
birth to twin-girls and one of the babies bore an extraordinary resemblance to Alexandrina, the
dead child.

▪ There was such a striking resemblance, likes and dislikes, as the child started growing
up. They named her Alexandrine II. Some of the features or virtues common to both of them
both, physical and functional could be listed here.

(a) Similarities of physical appearance and size

(b) left- handedness
(c) Slight facial asymmetry
(d) Hyperemia of the left eye
(e) Slight seborrhea of the right ear
(f) Indifference to toys and dolls
(g) Meticulous tidiness of hands and legs
(h) Resentment to cheese and not touching soup if it has the least taste
of cheese

(i) Pulling out the stockings from the drawers in the bedroom and to play, and so on There
was such perfect identification between the dead Alexandrine I and the newborn Alexandrine
II. All this was not a chance coincidence!

▪ Every bit of it tallied so perfectly well that it was impossible to discredit any aspect. It was not
a question of verification of certain details but thestriking parallel that went along with them for
such an identification.

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▪ There are certain other points of reference that deserve to be highlighted. For example both
Alexandrines shared a few characteristic
traits of behavior, as could be listed here:

(a) Both of them enjoyed altering people’s names for sheer playfulness and fun.

(b) When Alexandrine II was eight, her parents asked her to go with them to Monreale.

▪ On seeing this she declared that she had seen it earlier. (In fact, that was the first visit
that the parents had planned after her birth.) She
declared with such confidence that she had already seen that place.

▪ Vividly she recalled a great Church with a huge statue of a man whose arms were thrown
open. Above all she remembered how there was a ladywho had horns, besides some priests
being present there, wearing blue robes, with red ornamentation. The episode had taken
place long ago when Alexandrine I was alive.

▪ At that time they were accompanied by a lady

suffering from disfiguring excrescences (a lady with horns ) and they had come across the
priests with the said ornamentation.
(Reference: G. Delanne, Documents pour Servir a I Etude de la Réincarnation Editions
de la B.P.S. paris 1924 )

▪ Psychophysiological Studies of Altered States of Consciousness and Psi The term

"psi" as used here denotes various kinds of anomalous interactions, not presently explainable
in conventional scientific terms, between human individuals and their environments.

▪ Our ongoing research in this area emphasizes the intensive study of individuals who have
been carefully selected for possession of various extra-ordinary psychological skills, including
in particular advanced meditators, those who can voluntarily control their Out-of- Body
experiences, trance mediums, and gifted psi subjects who demonstrate such phenomena as
accurate remote viewing and the ability to voluntarily effect observable changes in the
physical environment via mental processes.

▪ Under the direction of Dr. Edward Kelly (psychologist and neuroscientist) and Dr. Ross
Dunseath (electrical engineer), DOPS has established a state-of- the-art EEG research

▪ This facility, known as The Ray Westphal

Neuroimaging Laboratory, includes an electromagnetically and acoustically shielded chamber,
a high-quality commercial EEG data-acquisition system, and extensive software resources for
analysis and modeling of multichannel physiological data.

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▪ These new resources available to DOPS will enable us to resume, at higher intensity, a
multifaceted program of research on ASCs and psithat was originally conceived and partially
implemented through the Department of Electrical Engineering at Duke University in North

5. Electronic communication through the dead

▪ What follows here may sound not only fantastic but weird, incredibly hard to give any
credence to it. But it will be unwise to dismiss a possibility in the face of factual situations.
Naturally those Who are acquainted with things of this frequency just say, “why don’t you see
and hear?” These are not concocted reports but faithfully recorded cassettes to put facts on a
sound footing so that the sceptical ones might as well examine whether such a phenomenon
could exist. Then what is this all about ?

▪ Mr. George W. Meek, President and Director of Research, Metascience Foundation Inc.
Franklin, USA has conducted a few experiments to carry out this idea into action.

▪ He has shown how communication with the dead is possible by employing certain electronic
devices. An equipment has been developed to achieve this by “Electromagnetic-etheric
system approach to communicate with other levels of human consciousness ”.

▪ A highly sophisticated gadget of high frequency was used for the purpose through which Mr.
William 0’ Neill was able to carry on conversation on quite a few occasions with Dr. G. J.
Mueller, an eminent physicist of Cornell University.

▪ Although this physicist had been dead 15 years ago, this instrument could record his
instructionsto the fellow scientists as he might offer them as on that day. What is remarkable is
the suggestion made about the mechanism of perfecting the gadget ! Mr. George W. Meek
has preserved all this material recorded conducted under controlled laboratory conditions.
(Reference: Mr. George. W Meek, “After we die, what then?” Met science Foundation
Inc, U.S.A.)

▪ Dr. Imants Barušs at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada,has

conducted two studies attempting to verify reports that deceased persons have communicated
to the living through electronic devices.

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▪ In the first study, he was able to reproduce this phenomenon in a weak sense, he said, but
not a strong one. This study was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 2001 and
detailed in the Epoch Times article “Fascinating Study of Purported ‘Phone Calls From the
Dead’ Phenomena: Some Confirmation.” He and his team recorded the static between radio
stations under controlled circumstances and while talking to any spirits that may be around;
they heard what could be construed as some words or phrases in the recordings. His results
hinted that the so-called “electronic voice phenomenon” (EVP) may exist, but the results were
not sufficiently anomalous to be considered a replication in a strong sense.

▪ His second study, published in 2007, attempted to address some weaknesses of the first.
Instead of using the static between stations, which was more open to interpretation by the
listener, he used computer programs that would randomly generate letters and whole words to
see if anomalous phrases would appear.

▪ If the researchers saw a pattern or bias that deviated too far from what could be expected to
appear by chance, it could indicate that a spirit was influencing the machine to convey a

▪ He simultaneously used an EVPmaker, a device that chops sound files and reassembles
them randomly. The idea was to see if there was any overlap between the random word
generator and the EVPmaker that could make a stronger case for spirits trying to
communicate a particular message.

▪ The results were mixed, with at least one significant string of words appearing, but not a
wealth of anomalous signals. The most significant result was found in the use of another
computer program, one that randomly generated either the word “yes” or the word “no.” The
researchers asked 11 verifiable yes-no questions, nine of which were answered correctly by
the random generator.

▪ The two questions it answered incorrectly were slightly open to interpretation. It answered
incorrectly the question, “Do we live in London?” It said “no,” when the team did live in
London, Ontario, Canada. Barušs noted, however, that the question could be misconstrued
to refer to the more famous London, England. It was also asked whether one of the research
assistants had five “kids.” It answered “yes.” In fact, the assistant had three children and two
dogs. Barušs noted that, if a being were influencing the random yes/no generator, it may have
considered the dogs somehow among the “kids.”

▪ Either way, the result of 9 correct answers out of 11 questions was considered by Barušs to
be a “statistically rare event.” The program had a 4.2 percent chance of obtaining this result.

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▪ ITC (instrumental transcommunication) refers to the random yes/no response generator. It
may be noted that the provincial election referred to in the questions was expected to be
called on the Wednesday mentioned, but it was actually called on the preceding Tuesday, so
the ITC was correct in answering “no.”

▪ Much of the recording and the output by the random generators did not otherwise show a
strong indication that spirits may have been trying to communicate. Barušs did, however,
highlight a few other events of interest.

▪ A woman who is considered to be a medium was used in the experiment. The idea was that
she might be able to detect any spirits trying to communicate through the devices, and she
might thus give the researchers advice on how to tweak the experiments for success.

▪ During one of the sessions, the researchers posed the question, “What do we need to know
that we don’t understand about this?” The medium immediately heard the EVPmaker produce
the word “opportunity.” The random word generator had been activated at the exact same
time and produced the phrase “on sharp opportunity are was yes name.” Barušs and another
research assistant present did not hear the word “opportunity” immediately, but they did hear
it upon playing back the tape.

▪ During another session, the researchers posed the question, “What would you have us do to
make this work better?” The answer produced by the random phrase generator was “We ITC
dimension fortunate when irreparable continue.” Baruss and the team wondered whether the
word “continue” indicated that they should continue. They activated the word generator again,
producing the phrase, “Feel acquire light figure logical people continue.” The word “continue”
was repeated.

▪ The random letter generator did not produce any results Barušs felt worth highlighting.

▪ The medium said she understood it to be an arduous feat for the dead to impact electronic
devices and that few would make the attempt. She said she received some messages from
deceased researchers, including Barušs’s late colleague who “discoursed about quantum
theoretic mind/matter interactions in what appeared to be much the same style as when he
had been alive,” Barušs wrote. Barušs and the medium tried meditating before the tests, as

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suggested by a spirit via the medium.

▪ “As we experimented with such speculative strategies, the medium and I felt that we entered
a zone of uncertainty that was contrary to the clarity required of scientific research,” Barušs
wrote. “However, we thought that such uncertainty may be necessary, at least for a while, if
these phenomena were to be given a chance to develop so as to be able to manifest in a
measurable form.”

▪ He continued: “For instance, during the eleventh session, we decided not to test the yes/no
generator since that would take us outside the realm of ambiguity. It was not until the 25th and
last session that we deliberately evaluated the output from the yes/no generator with a series
of questions to which we could know the answers.”

▪ This is why they had not conducted more of the solid yes/no verifiable line of questioning
that produced the strongest results.

▪ Barušs also noted that the computer programs may have been insufficiently random in their
word generation. This may have inhibited any beings trying to influence the programs.
Another possibility that must be considered, he said, is that the minds of the researchers may
have influenced the devices. Testing at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab
(PEAR) at Princeton University has shown the mind may physically affect electronic devices.





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1. Spontaneous recalling of rebirth memories in children

2. Information given by a person about himself or another person’s previous existence
through clairvoyance and trance readings
3. Information given by dead persons through dreams and visions
4. Astonishing innate talents and abilities ​ child prodigy cases
5. Phobias and Special preferences possibly related to previous births
6. Momentary revival of previous existence or Déjà vu
7. Revelation of previous existence through Meditation and Astrological methods and
yogic ways


a. Induced by drugs
▪ Details of previous existence induced by the use of certain drugs.

b. Induced by hypnosis
▪ Past Life Regression through hypnosis.


Spontaneous Recollections of rebirth memories

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(1) Recognition of places at first sight :
▪ Guilfoyle had a survey and found these percentages: 35% never had, 50% had once or
twice, and 15% more than twice a feeling that they had been there before. Muller (1970) found
that 6% of his subjects had intense feelings of recognition at the first visit. This must be
differentiated from déjà vu, which does not point to a past life. Deja vu is more like the
consciousness moving ahead of the body.

(2) Recognition of people at first sight :

▪ This is quite common, but one must not jump to conclusion too quickly. Liking or disliking
someone at first sight may not be past life experience. An intense affinity or mutual affection,
which developed spontaneously, may be a relationship from the past. Certainly love at first
sight is from the past.

▪ Uncommon familiarity and being totally comfortable with the other person are
good pointers. Intense hatred at the first meeting is also a good possibility of a disagreeable

(3) Recognition in Dreams :

▪ Dreams are not a common way in recalling past life. This is because we mostly forget our
dreams, which are also pretty unconvincing as evidence. Unless it is a recurring dream, which
should also be lucid (that means we know that we are dreaming) and vivid. The
accompanying emotions are also intense, and we can describe the details years later. When
one dreams of one's past life, the person is usually in the dream, but not when dreaming of
other people.

(4) Recollections triggered by objects, photos and books :

▪ Almost anything can trigger a recollection, and it may end up in a dream. Lenz found that 9
out of 127 cases had memories triggered by listening to some music, seeing a painting or an

(5) Recollections triggered by a similar situation :

▪ This is rare but it happens, as we are told that we repeat the same mistakes, life after life.

(6) Recollections under extraordinary circumstances :

The conditions from which a memory can arise are (a) during a life-threatening accident, (b)
under anesthesia or semiconscious (c) under great stress and strain as in war or other activity
that entails lack of sleep, (d) depression and despair due to a great loss.

(7) Spontaneous Recollection :

▪ Many well-known people do proclaim their past incarnations, but without proof they were
treated with little credibility.

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▪ Cases of children who claim to remember previous lives (cases of the reincarnation type)
have been investigated in various cultures. In recent years, nearly 6000 cases have been
reported to the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia. Nearly 2700 cases
have been investigated, and many of them have been published, by Stevenson and his
associates. Most of the reported cases (78%) have been investigated in Asian countries,
although a few cases have also been reported from Western cultures.

▪ The subjects of these cases generally start speaking about a previous life between the ages
of 2 and 4 years and stop making spontaneous references to that life between the ages of 5
and 8 years.

▪ Their statements often include the names of places and persons associated with the
deceased person whose life they claim to remember, lives which more than half of the
children state have been terminated violently. Examination of their claims revealed that the
frequency of a violent mode of death of the previous personality was far greater than that of
the general population in their respective countries.

▪ Four features, namely, the age at first mention of a previous life; the age at which the child
ceased to spontaneously talk about the previous life; the recall of the mode of death by the
subjects; and the higher frequency of violent modes of death in the previous personalities,
have been reported among cases from almost all cultures in which they have been

▪ In addition, most subjects show behavioral features that correspond with the actual or
expected behavior of the previous personality but that are incongruous with their present
circumstances. Some of the subjects also have birthmarks or birth defects that correspond
with primarily fatal and sometimes nonfatal injuries on the bodies of the concerned deceased

▪ An analysis of 856 cases in six cultures, namely Burma (now Myanmar), India, Sri Lanka,
Lebanon, Thailand, and the United States (non-tribal cases), revealed that persons
corresponding to the statements of subjects were identified in 576 (67%) cases. These cases
refer to are called as “solved.” ones. One third of the cases, however, remained unsolved,
including many in cultures where memories of a previous life are considered desirable or are
even encouraged.

▪ For example, only 32% of the cases in Sri Lanka are solved, even though most of the people
of Sri Lanka believe in rebirth. In India, where Stevenson first started his investigations in
1961, nearly 450 cases have been reported and investigated.

▪ Most of these cases came from North India; only seven cases came from South India. Dr.
Satwant Pasricha joined Stevenson in 1973 and have investigated or participated in the

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investigation of over 450 of the cases, either in collaboration with or independently of
Stevenson or his associates.

▪ During the course of her investigations, she learned about a few cases from different states
of South India and have investigated seven of these sufficiently to make a comparison with
cases in North India. Hinduism, a religion in which reincarnation is a principal tenet, is the
main religion of both North and South India.


▪ The methods of investigation essentially were interviews with several first hand informants
regarding both the subject as well as the previous personality’s sides of the case. Depending
upon availability and cooperation, on the subject’s side of the case, they interviewed the
subject, his or her parents, grandparents, siblings, and neighbors, or anyone who had heard
the subject make statements directly or who had witnessed certain unusual behavior in the
child at first hand.

▪ On the previous personality’s side of the case, they interviewed this personality’s relatives,
friends, neighbors, and other persons who qualified as firsthand informants. In addition, they
also examined written documents (horoscopes, birth certificates, etc.), whenever available, to
check the accuracy of dates of birth.

General Behavioural characteristics of cases of apparent recalling of rebirth

▪ The following are the general characteristic features noticed by the study of thousands of
reported and investigated cases of apparent recalling of previous births by various Centre’s in
different countries.

1. Children less than 5 years of age, normally experience recalling.

2. By and large, memories crowd in during the ordinary waking state. Of course, in some
cases it can be clearly seen how some extraordinary stress and strain, harsh treatment
sudden calamity, or an operation or chronic illness would precipitate the occurrence of
apparent recalling.

3. Characteristically though, these subjects desire to go back to their abode of previous birth,
express their longing to live in the midst of ‘kith and kin’ (who, now of course, are no better
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than strangers except for the fact of disclosure of verifiable details of blood relationships)
either for a short duration or permanently.

4. Identification as to the details of person, and place such as the nameof the former person,
town, site of residence, house number, and descriptions of the rooms, etc., is amazing.

5. In a number of instances the child is asked to reach the place of apparent recalling,
unaided, to recognize its blood relations and the child was able to recognize accurately.

6. In most cases, persons who suddenly remembered their previous existence lived in a
different town, In very few cases in a different country. While in just a few instances they lived
in the same town or village as recalled.

7. In a handful of instances the supposed reincarnation took place in the same family or
among close neighbours of the former family.

8. Besides recalling, there are recorded cases of individual’s Coming out accurately as to the
nature of their lives in their previous existence, their agonies and frustrations, particular
situations and trials, unnatural and premature
deaths, if any, Violent and ghastly occurrences, etc.

9. Usually memories of previous births: occur spontaneously irrespective

of the sex.

10. Normally memories begin to fade away when children attain the age of 8 or 10 years.

11. Tallying of details as regards the faithfulness of reports in all their certainty; and the
possible inference that such a recalling was not a phenomenon of ordinary means.

12. Invariably in all cases of investigation neither the parents nor the rememberer had visited
the home of the previous person or had any access to knowledge about him before
experiencing any recall.

13. Familiar response in matters of relationships depending upon the degree of intimacy and
the nature of training while addressing kith and kin, and persons of acquaintance.

14. Attitudes and approaches to the problems and people as befitting the placement while in
previous existence - for example in all experiences shared : of tears and joy, affection and
resentment, fear and feeling, - and so on.

15. Houses, places of visit and similar things identified as they existed at the time of
verification, that, is as they had been and were remembered by those who had seen.

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16. Behavioural patterns reproduced identically bringing of all mannerisms, habits, skills and
similar traits as acquired during the course of previous personality. In some instances this “
carry over ” or “ the residual traits ” being possessed by the individual over a period of time for
some years could be noticed.

17. Exhibition of a certain talent or prodigious virtue or skill in the life of the present period
despite the absolute absence of an environment of that nature; evidently the manifestation of
such special abilities could be clearly seen as the effects of previous existence whether it may
be the case of acquisition of several languages, the proficient learning and skill associated
with certain trade and profession.


▪ All available evidence springs from those whose recalling is spontaneous, and this has
invariably happened in the case of young children whose bearing on reincarnation makes the
claims associated with events of past lives - in close correspondence with people and places,
whose identification can’t be questioned.

▪ What is surprising is the mode of remembrance and the operative part of it in small children !
Sometimes, though rather rare, several lives get themselves related in a series !

▪ Reports of cases suggestive of rebirth started appearing only towards the latter half of the
19th Century, though of course, in a very inconspicuous manner. Sporadic reports as such
came to be known during the early part of the 20th Century.

▪ These were mostly single case reports and were never published anywhere in a systematic
manner. The reasons are not far to seek-such things had not yet taken root through printed
material although people by and large spoke about some of these things in their own way.
And there was still another strong reason for the lack of popular conviction-most of the reports
published between the 1890’s and 1960’s were published in books, written from the point of

▪ The ‘spiritualism’ connotes something which may frighten people, since it involves primarily
‘mediumship’, or employs exorcism, and so on. May be that must have been the real reason
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for the slow growth of literature on reincarnation. Hence such things fell outside the domain of
traditional psychical research.

▪ Eventually, on account of strong proofs, the theory of reincarnation developed itself as part
of modern parapsychology. Ever since William James first analytical attempt at some of the
intricate problems connected with the human mind, over a hundred books have been
published on Reincarnation as on today.

▪ Fielding Hall, an English civil servant who lived amongst the Burmese published 6 brief case
histories of Burmese children who recalled their previous lives in 1898. In 1924 another book
worth the name was published, containing a variety of cases of Asian and European origin.

▪ This was indeed a milestone in as far as the reproduction of the reincarnation type was
concerned. As such many original letters and papers and documents came to light with
greater vehemence. Shirley published an important book in 1932 which included many
interesting cases, often cited by Delaine.

▪ It was in this publication that the case of Nellie Forster was first reported in St. Louis. What
Delaine omitted was described in some detail by Globe-Democrat, India did not lag behind in
this area of exploration on reincarnation. Rao Bahadur Shyam Sunderlal made a systematic
investigation for the first time in the country during the year 1922-23, and furnished reliable
material on rebirths. Four cases were reported and published by him in 1924, in the reputed
French Journal “Revue Metapsychique”.

▪ K.K.N. Sahay, an advocate by profession at Bareilly, brought out a booklet covering seven
cases in favour of reincarnation. One of the cases was about the previous existence of his
own son, Jagadish Chandra by name. S.C. Bose published a book which included 14 cases in
1959 for which material he had studied in depth in the late 1930’s.

▪ Professor B. L. Atreya of Banaras Hindu University brought out a volume on Parapsychology

in 1957 wherein he devoted a section exclusively to reincarnation, offering in one instance a
complete and self-contained account of the reincarnation type which he had personally

▪ Ian Stevenson is a notable name in the history of reincarnation. A major turn took place after
his advent on the scene in the 1960’s. His investigations, so far published reveal a rich
treasure of material that needs to be grasped thoroughly about the possibilities of

▪ “The evidence for survival from claimed memories of former incarnations ” published by Ian
Stevenson in 1960 has attracted the attention of the parapsychologists of the world. In this
book he examines certain cases of children and adults given to recalling their past lives for a

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critical assessment.

▪ Herein he records 44 cases quite typical of the phenomenon of reincarnation along with the
allied features that accompany former lives. We find in this document 44 cases representative
of different nationalities. The study under investigation, as seen in the work, goes as follows:
18 cases are drawn from India, 5 from Burma, 6 from Italy, 3 from the United States of
America, 2 from
Belgium, 3 from England and 1 each from Greece, Cuba, Mauritius, Japan, France, Syria and
Canada. There is Splendid variety in the distribution wherein 38 of the rememberers recalled
life as persons belonging to the same sex as in the previous existence, 6 as those of ‘the
opposite sex in relation to their past lives.

▪ Further explanations offered in respect of Tatsugoro from Japan, the case of Laura Rayand
from Italy, the recalling of Shanti Devi from Delhi, Eduardo Espluguscobrera from Havana,
Prabhu Khairati from Bharatpur (India), Robert from Belgium, Alexandrine Samana from
Palermo Sicily, from the very core of Ian Stevenson's work.

▪ Part II of the book is specially devoted to the analytical treatment of the subject matter,
primarily correlated to the evidence, in order to find out whether there are other possibilities
for this recall (along with other possible explanations) such as fraud, racial memory, extra-
sensory perception, precognition, retrocognition, possession from a surviving personality.

▪ In another publication by Ian Stevenson in 1966, “Twenty cases suggestive of

Reincarnation”, he deals with what are called ‘on the spot investigations’ of reported cases,
analysed to their source, logical roots and findings. In detail he goes into the cases of
Prakash, Jasbir, Sukula, Swarnalata, Ravi Shankar, Mallik, Pramod Sharma – all from India.

▪ There are case studies of Gunatillake H.A. Wijeratne, Rajith Makalanda from Sri Lanka, and
cases of Martha, Paulo Lorenz from Brazil, Jimmy Stevenson, William George Jr, Charles
Porter, Norman Despers, Henry Elkin, Derek Pajitnov and Corliss Botkin Jr are taken from
South Eastern Alaska and quite a typical case of Imad Elawar from Lebanon.

▪ Ian Stevenson is of opinion that in evaluating memories of former incarnations, the problem
consists in judging whether someone clearly living once died. If pursued with sufficient zeal,
this may contribute decisively to the question of survival.

▪ Dr. Ian Stevenson has in his recent writings brought out a lot of further details about
reincarnation type in a set of three volumes wherein ten are taken from India (vol I), ten from
Srilanka (Ceylon) (vol II), and ten cases from Lebanon and Turkey, (vol III). By the middle of
the year 1982, he had come across as many as 1984 cases of actual instances of
reincarnation, from different parts of the World. As on to-day there are more than 6000 cases
in the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.

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▪ Now we will study the Investigation and Publication done on Reincarnation by researchers in
India and outside India on Spontaneous recalling of rebirth memories in children.

▪ Investigation and Publication done on Reincarnation by researchers in India &

outside India on Spontaneous recalling of rebirth memories in children through Natural Ways









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▪ Here in this Chapter we are going to Discuss Some of Most Authentic cases of
Reincarnation Cases which will Blow your Mind.



▪ To Read More and More Case Studies Please Refer Chapter No 7.

 Case No:- 1 Boy Who identified The Murderer From his Past Life Memory

▪ This Case Study is From Above Book You can buy this book from Amazon from below link

▪ Case investigation and witnessed by

Dr. Eli Lasch.


▪ 3 year old Boy by name Hardo who is Resident of place Gaza (border between syria and
israel), belongs to Druze ethnic Culture Group.

▪ As it is said by Dr. Eli Lasch that “Boy Said to be Remembered His Memories of Past life
Spontaneously at the age of 3”.

▪ Boy said that his name of previous life is Seamus and was killed by a person name
Mohammed, Also Boy told All details about village he lived.

▪ Parents initially thought it is just a Bad Dream but Child was so authentic with his claims,
Later he was Examined by Dr. Eli Lasch who said Child is Psychologically Normal, there was
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no Evidence (signs and symptoms) of Any psychological Disorder.

▪ Later Dr. Eli Lasch decided to Verify the place told by boy,Shockingly it was accurate as
boy told there was a person by name Seamus missing from past 5 years in the village
mentioned by boy, Later Dr. Eli Lasch was successfully able to trace murderer from details
told by that Boy.

▪ Murderer doesn't admitted the boy’s claim, Later Boy (Hardo) showed the place where
body was buried. Amazingly After Exhumation with legal permission they found man’s
Skeleton in the spot.

▪ On Post mortem Examination, it was said that there exist deep chop wound which caused
skull fracture leading to death and the weapon showed by boy exactly matches with
Fracture on skull, and Mode of Death found in Post mortem examination of skeleton
exactly matches with boy’s description of mode of death.

▪ One more thing that shocked Dr. Eli Lasch was Boy’s Birthmark, Yes Hardo Birthmark
exactly matches with wound found on Skeleton of Seamus.

▪ Later Case was lodged based on post mortem report and themurderer was proved guilt
and was punished with death.

▪ But in Seamus Family already was dead, Seamus was unmarried and Seamus lost his
father died in Seamus childhood, and lost his mother too even before he was killed by
Mohammed. So Villagers thought that seamus might have left village in depression that's why
there was no police case was lodged until hardo remembered his past life as Seamus.

CONCLUSION :- The above case is really so Authentic

▪ Because Boy is Psychologically Normal.

▪ You Cannot say Boy’s claim as Dream or Cryptomnesia or ESP or Hallucination or

imagination or Schizophrenia or or Vague Response Stories are told to by by his
parents or some other person etc.

▪ Because in all above cases (Dream or Cryptomnesia or ESP or Hallucination or

imagination or Schizophrenia or Vague Response) it is false memory, Boy's Claim
couldn't be verified such as his past life name, murderer details, place of murder, mode
of murder, boy’s birthmark etc could not be verified if really boy had Any of Above abnormal
condition and these stories are not told to by his parents or any of person because
remember that it is an UNSOLVED MURDER


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 Case no:- 2 Boy Who identified The Murderer From his Past Life Memory also
Successfully identified and accepted by his Past life Family

▪ This case is from the same book which we have mentioned in case no 1
but this case is investigated by Dr. Ian Stevenson.

▪ A little boy in Turkey insisted as soon as he could talk that he be calledSelim Fesli instead
of the name his parents gave him, Semih Tutusaus. He said he was the reincarnation of
Fesli, and he remembered the names of people from Fela's life as well as many details from
his life, which were later verified by Feli's widow.

▪ German therapist Trutz Hardo told this boy’s story in his book “Children Who Have Lived
Before: Reincarnation Today.” He recounts the story witnessed by the late Dr. Ian
Stevenson, who was a leading researcher for the University of Virginia School of
Medicine on the topic of reincarnation.

▪ On May 9, 1958, in the village of Hatun Köy, Turkey, Sesli was found dead in a field. He
had been shot in the face and right ear. His neighbor, Is Dibekli, admitted he shot and killed
Fesli, but he said it was by accident, that he was hunting at the time.

▪ In the neighboring village of Sarkonak, Mrs. Karanfil Tutusaus, was pregnant.Tutus Mus's
baby was born with a small and deformed right ear, corresponding to the wound that
killed Fesli.

▪ When the boy was 4 years old, he walked to Fela's home and told Feli's widow,“I am Selim,
you are my wife Katie.” He remembered intimate details of their life together and the names
of his children. He visited often, still treating Katibe as his wife and Feli's grown children
as his children.

▪ The boy said that Dibekli had intentionally killed him over a dispute about Feli's mule grazing
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in Disraeli's field. Dibekli maintained it was an accident. The boy would throw stones at
Gobekli when he saw him, but he was stopped from taking a more violent revenge.

▪ Resat Bayer, Dr. Stevenson’s Turkish partner, warned the boy that if he took revenge,
Dibekli could likewise reincarnate and take revenge, and a cycle of hate and revenge
may ensue.

CONCLUSION :- The above case is really so Authentic

▪ Because Boy is Psychologically Normal.

▪ You Cannot say Boy’s claim as Dream or Cryptomnesia or ESP or Hallucination or

imagination or Schizophrenia or or Vague Response Stories are told to by by his
parents or some other person etc.

▪ Because in all above cases (Dream or Cryptomnesia or ESP or Hallucination or

imagination or Schizophrenia or Vague Response) it is false memory, Boy's Claim
couldn't be verified such as his past life name, murderer details, place of murder, mode
of murder,Exact details of his wife and family boy’s birthmark etc could not be verified if
really boy had Any of Above abnormal condition and these stories are not told to by his
parents or any of person because remember that it is an UNSOLVED MURDER.



 Case No :- 3 Reincarnation Case of Titu Singh, in India

▪ This is One of the Most interesting Case of India investigated by Dr Ian Stevenson and
Professor N.K Chadha.


▪ Boy Claim that at Age of 4 Spontaneously recalled his memory of Past life,He said his

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name was Suresh Varma who had electronic shop in Agra and Even he told his wife
name and all peoples names and children of his family of past life, and Boy Even said
that He was died with bullet shot injury as a murder, even he was able to recollect
information about murderers and his memories again solved a murder case. For more
information Read Chapter no 7.

▪ Like in all cases parents thought it's just a dream, Later case was investigated byDr Ian
Stevenson and Professor N.K Chadha.

▪ Very interesting Fact was Boy had Double Birthmark one head, First Birth mark was
Round and Second birthmark was present just opposite to it and it was irregular and
large compared to First one.

▪ First Birth mark Exactly Coincides with wound of bullet entry and Second birth mark
Exactly matches with wound of Exit of Bullet shot injury responsible for death of
suresh varma.

▪ Boy was successfully identify his shop and his wife and childrens by himself even when
Doctors and his parents tried to confuse him lot in order to check Authenticity of his claims.

▪ Boy was Successfully able to answer all Confidential questions asked by her wife of
previous life, and Even Able to identify identify murderer of past life.

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▪ Boys Claim was accurate, he was able to identify place, name and even details of all
his family members of previous life, Aame and details of Murderers, Also Birthmark
exactly coincides with bullet shot injury of Suresh varma, Titu singh was even able to
Answer all Confidential questions of his wife of previous life and even Able to solve his
murder case.

 Case No:- 4. Case Study on a Boy by name Chatura




▪ Here is a Boy by name Chatura Aged About 4 years Said to his mother W.D. Karunaratne
that His Name is Dayanand Who lived in a place called Narammala of Srilanka.

CHATURA MOTHER :- W.D. Karunaratne

▪ Chatura also Claimed that His father Name is

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M.P Martin who works as Bricklayer in Narammala and his mother name isD.P Martin.

▪ Chatura also Claimed that he worked in Srilanka Military and In a war His Military van blown
up which thrown him out of van resulted in Fracture of Right Arm and later he was shot to
Neck by Enemies.

▪ Chatura Even told Entire Dayananda's Life story in Detail.

▪ Initially His mother W.D Karunaratne Doesn’t Believed him, But Details of Military told by
boy was Really Amazing which is Really impossible for the Normal 4 year uneducated old
boy to talk about Rifles, Missiles etc. Later His Mother Decided to Verify his claims.


▪ Chatura’s Mother W.D. Karunaratne Took help of Journalist by Name M.D. Banda.


▪ M.D. Banda Couldn’t Find his Parents of Past life in the Exact address told by Boy, As they
changed their home after death of Dayananda.

▪ Later Journalist Banda Published boy’s Claim onNewspaper and other Medias so that
Actual parents whom he was claiming might see the Paper.

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▪ Banda was Right about his thoughtDayanand's Parent M.P Martin and D.P. Martin saw the
Boy’s Claim in News Paper.


▪ D.P Martin and M.P Martin Decided Not to meet This boy Because they were from Western
Culture (Christianity) Who were non Believers of Reincarnation.

▪ But The Claim appeared so many times on the paper, So This made them Angry, They
contact journalist so that he would stop republishing boy’s claim.

▪ But Journalist Banda Convenience and Heartily Requested them to meet Chatura’s

▪ D.P Martin and M.P Martin Made Conditions with Journalist Banda and Told him that they
are from Christian Family who were Non Believers of Reincarnation.

▪ So D.P Martin and M.P Martin Decided to put series of Test on Chatura.

▪ First Test was:- Journalist Made Chatura to identify his Father and Mother of Previous
life (D.P Martin and M.P Martin) in a group of 100 Members, Boy Successfully Able to
identify them Easily.

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▪ Second Test :- D.P. Martin and M.P. Martin asked the boy Chatura to introduce himself as
Dayanand in Brief.
Chatura Successfully passes second Test.

▪ Third Test:- D.P.Martin and M.P. Martin Showed the very old Childhood Group photo of
Dayanand and asked them to identify Dayanand in the old childhood group photo
Again Chatura Easily identified Dayanand in that small old childhood group photo.

▪ Fourth Test :- D.P Martin and M.P Martin asked Chatura to Explain Mode of Death of
Dayanand in Detail, Chatura Explained Everything About that how Military Van blew up,
He also explained how he was thrown out from van and he also explained how he got
fracture of right arm and how the enemy shot gun to his neck.




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▪ FIFTH TEST:- This was Really Difficult Test,

D.P Martin and M.P Martin Started asking very Confidential Questions That only D.P Martin,
M.P Martin and Dayanand Know Answers.

▪ QUESTION:- What was the Thing You Accidently stole in Childhood Which we punished you
Chatura’s Answer :- It was Silver coloured Watch which i hide in order to play with my to
play with my friend Arvind, Which later became very serious thing. (Answer was so

▪ QUESTION:- Where Did we Burnt that watch?

Chatura’s Answer :- No You Didn't Burn watch but you thrown in dumpyard in Garden.
( This really Surprised M.P Martin and D.P Martin Because No one in the world knew
these information except them).

▪ QUESTION:- Show the Place by yourself that Before Going to military where you actually
Decided to open shop
Chatura’s Answer:- Chatura Exactly took them to the place where Dayanand Decided to
Open his shop, But he didn’t opened shop, He joined military


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( Even This Event also Shocked M.P Martin and D.P Martin Because these information
was not known by anyone in the world Except them as he just decided but didn’t
opened shop as he joined for military).


▪ SIXTH TEST:- M.P Martin and D.P Martin Called their Relatives and Made them to Ask
Confidential questions and His Uncle Made him Special Question
If you are really Dayanand then tell me In childhood When Dayanand was in my home what
made him to dislocate his shoulder and What I Lied to M.P Martin and D.P Martin?

Chatura’s Answer :- Chatura Answered all Confidential questions of Relatives and He

Replied to Dayananda's Uncle that
“Uncle Dislocation of shoulder happened because you beat me with Angry And you
lied to Our Parents that it was an Accident”.

▪ SEVENTH TEST:- This was the Final and very challenging test Done by D.P Martin and M.P
They took Chaturs to Srilanka Military Camp and Requested Dayanand Military Colleagues to
ask Chatura Challenging Questions Regarding his Military Service.

Dayanand Military Colleagues Asked Confidential Questions of Dayanand Regarding Hours of

Military Training, Mistakes Done by Dayanand while training, His Favourite Food, Places
where military camp was held, Dayananda's Locker Number etc.

Chatura’s Answer :- Chatura Answered Each and Every Questions Asked by Military
Colleagues which has shocked them Because How could just Four Year Child Could
Answer all those Questions, and also Boy is using military terminologies which
couldn't be used by normal 4 year uneducated child, How come this possible??


a. Birth Marks

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▪ Chatura had Three Birthmarks First Birth mark is located in Right side of the Neck was
Round and Second birthmark was present just opposite to it ( Left side of the Neck) and
it was irregular and large compared to First one.

▪ First Birth mark Exactly Coincides with wound of bullet entry and Second birth mark
Exactly matches with wound of Exit of Bullet shot injury responsible for death of
Dayanand As per as Post mortem Report.

▪ Boy has Third Birth Mark in his Right Arm Which Corresponds to the Fracture of
Dayanand Right arm before his Death.

b. Handwriting

▪ As Per as Handwriting Expert's opinion, Even at Age of six (present age) Chatura’s
Handwriting Had almost similar curves, height, twist, loop wtc with the Handwriting of


▪ Irrespective of their Religion Belief, Criticize from other people of Christianity,M.P MARTIN

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The above case is really so Authentic

▪ Because Boy is Psychologically Normal.

▪ You Cannot say Boy’s claim as Dream or Cryptomnesia or ESP or Hallucination or

imagination or Schizophrenia or Vague Response Stories are told to by by his parents
or some other person etc.

▪ Because in all above cases (Dream or Cryptomnesia or ESP or Hallucination or

imagination or Schizophrenia or Vague Response) it is false memory, Boy's Claim
couldn't be verified such as his past life name, Death details, place of Death, mode of
Death, boy’s birthmark etc could not be verified if really boy had Any of Above abnormal
condition and these stories are not told to by his parents or any of person because
remember that BOY WAS JUST 4 YEARS OLD.




▪ Surpassing all bounds of human comprehension, and yet so very credible, the amazingly
verifiable case of Rebirth of Shanti Devi was reported exactly 80 years ago.Though
sensational in its outward appearance, it was grounded in hard-core facts when the veracity of
experience was questioned. We are left with no doubt as to its authenticity, and Shanti Devi’s
experiences of pre-existence and rebirth confirm well in their basic, and essential
details.memories in children that is instances of recalling of previous births
of rebirth by Medical Science Research on Reincarnation.

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▪ This was investigated in 1936 by the International Aryan League of Delhi which consisted
of members known for their critical intelligence, competence and wide learning. And in 1937,
when this report first appeared, people at large were made to think seriously about instances
of rebirth and their validity to the present existence. Not only did the leading Indian
newspapers but also those abroad published this, as a spectacular event.

▪ This is one more interesting case by Dr. K.S.Rawat.

▪ This is also One of the Most Authentic Medical Case investigated by Mahatma Gandhi

▪ Shanti Devi is one of the best cases of children’s past life memories to ever be
recorded. It was investigated by a committee of prominent citizens appointed byMahatma
Gandhi, who accompanied Shanti Devi to the village of her past-life recollections and
recorded what they witnessed.

▪ This article is reprinted with permission from the March/April, 1997 issue of Venture Inward
Magazine, the magazine of the A.R.E., (the Edgar Cayce research organization). It was
written by Dr. K.S.Rawat, a Stevenson-style researcher based in India. Dr. Rawat is a
frequent contributor to the Past Life Forum, and welcomes comments.

▪ People hear of many cases of reincarnation these days, but in the early 30s, information
about a girl born in a little-known locality of Delhi, who claimed to remember a past life, was
considered great news indeed. The girl at first was known only to the local people, but
gradually news of her spread all over the country and finally all over the world. It was natural
that the world should wonder about the authenticity of her story.

▪ Shanti Devi, born in 1926, was the subject of speculation all of her life. In 1985 questions
were even raised about her existence in a special issue on reincarnation in a prominent
weekly English journal of India. This dismayed me that someone would raise such doubts
without conducting a proper study. In February 1986, I had gone to Delhi to meet Ian
Stevenson, the leading expert in reincarnation research from the University of Virginia. Dr.
Stevenson had already investigated her case, so I showed him the article. A few days later I
met Shanti Devi and spent about an hour and half with her. Later, I interviewed many people
connected with the case at Delhi, Mathura, and Jaipur And, including Shanti Devi’s relatives in
this life and from her past life as Lugdi Bai. I also examined the books and articles published
on Shanti Devi from time to time, besides several reports prepared on her by eminent
scholars. This is her story, perhaps the most famous reincarnation case on record.

▪ On January 18, 1902, Chaturbhuj, a resident of Mathura, was blessed with a daughter, who
was named Lugdi. When Lugdi reached the age of 10, she was married to Kedarnath

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Chaube, a shopkeeper of the same locality. It was the second marriage for Kedarnath, as his
earlier wife had died. Kedarnath Chaube owned a cloth shop in Mathura and also a branch
shop at Hardwar. Lugdi was very religious and had been to several pilgrimage places at a
very young age. While on one pilgrimage, she was injured in her leg for which she had to be
treated, both at Mathura and later at Agra.

▪ When Lugdi became pregnant for the first time, her child was stillborn following a Cesarean
section. For her second pregnancy, the worried husband took her to the government hospital
at Agra, where a son was born, again through a Cesarean on September 25, 1925. Nine days
later, however, on October 4, Luigi's condition deteriorated and she died.

▪ One year ten months and seven days after Luigi's death, on December 11, 1926, Babu
Rang Bahadur Mathur of Chirawala Mohalla, a small locality of Delhi, was blessed with a
daughter, whom they named Shanti Devi. She was just like any other girl except that until the
age of four she did not speak much. But when she started talking, she was a different girl–she
talked about her “husband” and her “children.”

▪ She said that her husband was in Mathura where he owned a cloth shop and they had a
son. She called herself Chaubin (Chaube wife). The parents considered it a child’s fantasy
and took no notice. They got worried, however, when she talked repeatedly about it and, over
time, narrated a number of incidents connected with her life in Mathura with her husband. On
occasions at meals, she would say, “In my house in Mathura, I ate different kinds of sweets.”
Sometimes when her mother was dressing her, she would tell what type of dresses she used
to wear. She mentioned three distinctive features about her husband: he was fair, had a big
wart on his left cheek, and wore reading glasses. She also mentioned that her husband’s
shop was located in front of Dwarkadhish temple.

▪ By this time Shanti Devi was six years old, and her parents were perplexed and worried by
such statements. The girl even gave a detailed account of her death following childbirth. They
consulted their family physician, who was amazed how a little girl narrated so many details of
the complicated surgical procedures. The mystery, thus, continued to deepen. The parents
started thinking that these memories might have been of a past life.
Shanti_Devi Shanti Devi as an adult

▪ As the girl grew older, she persisted in asking her parents to be taken to Mathura. She,
however, never mentioned her husband’s name up to the age of eight or nine. It is customary
in India that wives do not utter the name of their husbands. Even when specifically asked, she
would blush and say that she would recognize him, if taken there, but would not say his name.
One day a distant relation, Babu Bishan Chand, a teacher in Ramjas High School Daryaganj
in Delhi, told Shanti Devi that if she told him her husband’s name, he would take her to
Mathura. Lured by this offer, she whispered into his ear the name Pandit Kedarnath Chaube.
Bishan Chand then told her that he would arrange for the trip to Mathura after due inquiries.

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He wrote a letter to Pandit Kedarnath Chaube, detailing all the statements made by Shanti
Devi, and asked him to visit Delhi. Kedarnath replied confirming most of her statements and
suggested that one of his relatives, Pandit Kanjilal, who lived in Delhi, be allowed to meet this

▪ A meeting with Kanji Mal was arranged, during which Shanti Devi recognized him as her
husband’s cousin. She gave some details about her house in Mathura and informed him of
the location where she had buried some money. When asked whether she could go by herself
from the railway station to her house in Mathura, she replied in the affirmative, if they would
take her there.

▪ Kanji Mal was so impressed that he went to Mathura to persuade Kedarnath to visit Delhi.
Kedarnath came to Delhi on November 12, 1935, with Lugosi's son Navneet Lal and his
present wife. They went to Jang Bahadur’s house the next day. To mislead Shanti Devi,
Kanjilal introduced Kedarnath as the latter’s elder brother. Shanti Devi blushed and stood on
one side. Someone asked why she was blushing in front of her husband’s elder brother.
Shanti said in a low firm voice, “No, he is not my husband’s brother. He is my husband
himself.” Then she addressed her mother, “Didn’t I tell you that he is fair and he has a wart on
the left side cheek near his ear?”

▪ She then asked her mother to prepare meals for the guests. When the mother asked what
should she prepare, she said that he was fond of stuffed potato parathas and pumpkin
squash. Kedarnath was dumbfounded as these were his favorite dishes. Then Kedarnath
asked whether she could tell them anything unusual to establish full faith in her. Shanti
replied, “Yes, there is a well in the courtyard of our house, where I used to take my bath.”

▪ Shanti was emotionally overwhelmed on seeing Navneet, the son in her previous life. Tears
welled in her eyes when she hugged him. She asked her mother to bring all her toys and give
them to Navneet. But she was too excited to wait for her mother to act and ran to bring them.
Kedarnath asked her how she had recognized Navneet as her son, when she had seen him
only once as an infant before she died. Shanti explained that her son was a part of her soul
and the soul is able to easily recognize this fact.

▪ After dinner, Shanti asked Kedarnath, “Why did you marry her?” referring to his present wife.
“Had we not decided that you will not remarry?” Kedarnath had no reply.

▪ During his stay at Delhi, Kedarnath found Shanti Devi’s behavior similar to that of Lugdi in
many ways. Before retiring for the night, he asked to be allowed to talk with her alone and
later said that he was fully convinced that Shanti Devi was his wife Lugdi Bai because there
were many things she had mentioned which no one except Lugdi could have known.

▪ Shanti Devi became upset before Kedarnath’s return to Mathura on November 15. She

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begged to be allowed to go to Mathura with him but her parents refused.

▪ Her story spread all over the country through the media and many intellectuals got
interested in it. When Mahatma Gandhi heard about it, he called Shanti Devi, talked to her,
and then requested her to stay in his ashram. (When I interviewed Shanti Devi in 1986, she
still remembered the incident.)

▪ Gandhi appointed a committee of 15 prominent people, including parliamentarians, national

leaders, and members from the media, to study the case. The committee persuaded her
parents to allow her to accompany them to Mathura. They left by rail with Shanti Devi on
November 24, 1935. The committee’s report describes some of what happened:

▪ “As the train approached Mathura, she became flushed with joy and remarked that by the
time they reach Mathura the doors of the temple of Dwarkadhish would be closed. Her exact
language was,’Mandir ke pat band ho jayenge,’ so typically used in Mathura.

▪ “The first incident which attracted our attention on reaching Mathura happened on the
platform itself. The girl was in L. Deshbandhu arms. He had hardly gone 15 paces when an
older man, wearing a typical Mathura dress, whom she had never met before, came in front of
her, mixed in the small crowd, and paused for a while. She was asked whether she could
recognize him. His presence reacted so quickly on her that she at once came down from Mr.
Gupta’s lap and touched the stranger’s feet with deep veneration and stood aside. On
inquiring, she whispered in L. Deshbandhu ear that the person was her ‘Jeth’ (older brother of
her husband). All this was so spontaneous and natural that it left everybody stunned with
surprise. The man was Babu Ram Chaubey, who was really the elder brother of Kedarnath

▪ The committee members took her in a tonga, instructing the driver to follow her directions.
On the way she described the changes that had taken place since her time, which were all
correct. She recognized some of the important landmarks which she had mentioned earlier
without having been there.

▪ As they neared the house, she got down from the tonga and noticed an elderly person in the
crowd. She immediately bowed to him and told others that he was her father-in-law, and truly
it was so. When she reached the front of her house, she went in without any hesitation and
was able to locate her bedroom. She also recognized many items of hers. She was tested by
being asked where the “jajrood” (lavatory) was, and she told where it was. She was asked
what was meant by “katora.” She correctly said that it meant paratha (a type of fried
pancake). Both words are prevalent only in the Chaos of Mathura and no outsider would
normally know of them.

▪ Shanti then asked to be taken to her other house where she had lived with Kedarnath for

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several years. She guided the driver there without any difficulty. One of the committee
members, Pandit Neki Ram Sharma, asked her about the well of which she had talked in
Delhi. She ran in one direction; but, not finding a well there, she was confused. Even then she
said with some conviction that there was a well there. Kedarnath removed a stone at that spot
and, sure enough, they found a well. As for the buried money, Shanti Devi took the party to
the second floor and showed them a spot where they found a flower pot but no money. The
girl, however, insisted that the money was there. Kedarnath later confessed that he had taken
out the money after Luigi's death.

▪ When she was taken to her parents’ home, where at first she identified her aunt as her
mother, but soon corrected her mistake, she went to sit in her lap. She also recognized her
father. The mother and daughter wept openly at their meeting. It was a scene which moved
everybody there.

▪ Shanti Devi was then taken to Dwarkadhish temple and to other places she had talked of
earlier and almost all her statements were verified to be correct.

▪ The publication of the committee’s report attracted worldwide attention. Many learned
personalities, including saints, parapsychologists, and philosophers came to study the case,
some in support and some as critics trying to prove it a hoax.

▪ I met Shanti Devi, first in February 1986 and then in December 1987, and interviewed her in
detail about her past-life memories and her recollections at Mathura. I also interviewed her
younger brother, Viresh Narain Mathur, who had accompanied her to Mathura on her first
visit. Then I went to Mathura and asked her various relatives to describe when Shanti Devi
first visited them at the age of nine. I also interrogated a close friend of Kedarnath who gave
me some explicit information about the way Kedarnath became convinced that Shanti was
actually his wife in her past life.

▪ Luigi's brother told me that Shanti Devi, after seeing some women there, remembered her
old friends and inquired about them. Similarly, Lugdi sister informed me that Shanti Devi told a
number of womenfolk about Lugdi having lent them some money, which they accepted as
true. Shanti’s emotional reactions on meeting relatives from her previous life were very
significant. The manner in which she burst into tears on meeting the parents of her past life
moved everyone present there. The committee mentioned in their report that it was a blessing
that the past lives are forgotten. They felt that by bringing Shanti Devi to Mathura they had
taken a big responsibility, and we had to forcibly separate her from the parents she had in the
previous life.

▪ During my investigations, a friend of Kedarnath, 72-year-old Pandit Ramnath Chaube, told

me of a very significant event, which I confirmed from other sources. When Kedarnath was in
Delhi to meet Shanti Devi, he stayed at Pandit Ramnath Chaubey place for one night.

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Everyone had gone to retire, and only Kedarnath, his wife, his son Navneet, and Shanti were
in the room; Navneet was fast asleep. Kedarnath asked Shanti that when she was suffering
from arthritis and could not get up, how did she become pregnant. She described the whole
process of intercourse with him, which left Kedarnath in no doubt that Shanti was his wife
Lugdi in her previous life.

▪ When I mentioned this incident to Shanti Devi during my interview with her, she said, “Yes,
that is what fully convinced him.”

▪ Shanti Devi’s case is also significant for the fact that it is one of the most thoroughly
investigated cases, studied by hundreds of researchers, critics, scholars, saints, and eminent
public figures from all parts of India and abroad from the mid-1930s on.

▪ One critic, Sture Lonnerstrand, when he heard of this case, came all the way from Sweden
to expose the “fake,” as he thought it to be, but after investigation wrote, “This is the only fully
explained and proven case of reincarnation there has been.” I don’t agree completely with
Wennerstrand–there are many more cases just as amazing as this one.

▪ I close my story of Shanti Devi with the remarks of Dr. Ian Stevenson, leading authority on
reincarnation, who said: “I also interviewed Shanti Devi, her father, and other pertinent
witnesses, including Kedarnath, the husband claimed in her previous life. My research
indicates that she made at least 24 statements of her memories that matched the verified

 Summary of Some of Most Authentic cases of Reincarnation

▪ Memories are recalled Spontaneously in most of cases, in some of cases Memories are
recalled by Past life Regression Hypnotherapy by well trained Regression Specialist.

▪ And Not all memories of Regression therapy claims to be past life memories, Most of
cases will be just imagination or Hallucination or Cryptomnesia etc only in few cases it
would be True memory. So Specialists always checks the Authenticity by thorough
Medical, Psychological Examination and Circumstantial Evidences is very important in
all Claimed Cases.

▪ You can get thousands of Medically Documented cases in india and lakhs of Medically
Documented cases all over world.

▪ In one of the Documented cases there was aRussian lady who at the age of 12 can able
to speak Unknown Ancient language of 500 years old.

▪ In another case Through Regression therapy person able to walk and was able to
restore his vision who was pretending blind from his childhood.
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▪ In one of the rare case investigated by Satwant Pasricha (Psychiatrist NIMHANS,
Bangalore) There was a boy in gujarat who claimed that he remembered his past life,
Boy was born with defect hand who doesn’t have any fingers on his Right hand, in his
previous life his finger was amputated in a cutting machine, his congenital defect
exactly matches with Defect if previous life and his memories exactly matches with
memories of person whom he claimed.

▪ A five-year-old Indian boy, Parmod Sharma, remembered specific details about a man
named Parmanand, including street directions in Parmanand city and the man's "special
seat." The boy also visited the factory Parmanand owned and gave directions for repairing
complicated machinery in it.

▪ An Indian boy with an unusually patterned birthmark on his chest says he remembers the life
of a man, Maharam, who was killed with a shotgun fired at close range. An autopsy report of
Maharam showed the principal shotgun wounds, which appear to be in a similar pattern.

▪ In one famous but oft-disputed case, a Colorado woman was hypnotized and subsequently
remembered the life of Bridey Murphy, a 19th-century woman from Cork, Ireland. While under
hypnosis, she talked in an Irish brogue, sang Irish songs, and remembered being held
as she bent to kiss the Blarney Stone. Recordings of the hypnotic sessions were made
and translated into more than a dozen languages.

▪ In a more recent case, previously skeptical psychiatristDr. Brian Weiss had been treating a
young woman with traditional "talk therapy" for over a year. Failing to identify the source of
her chronic fears, he decided to use hypnotherapy. While under hypnosis, his patient
recalled her life in the year 1863 B.C.E., when she was a 25-year-old named Aronda.

▪ You will also get Medically Documented cases where peoples have cured their most of
Diseases through past life Memories.


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(Memories whichare
are Recollected
Spontaneously.) Spontaneously.)

▪ This is Littlebit Lengthy Chapter so we Have Divided it into Parts.

▪ In The previous chapter that is Chapter no 6 You have Read About Top 5 Reincarnation
Cases that would have Blown Your mind. In Chapter no 5 Case no:- 4 You have Read About
the Case study of Boy by name Chatura Which was Actually Further Investigated By Our
TheCosmoConscious Team in Further Detail.

▪ In this Chapter we Are Going to Discuss about Some of Other Authentic Medical Cases of

▪ As we said in Previous Chapter, not all memories would be Past life memory,in most of
cases it is just imagination or Hallucination or Cryptomnesia or ESP or Vague
Response or stories told by others or in media, Hence while Discussing the Reincarnation
Cases One must Check its Authenticity by Various Tests and Investigations.

▪ In these Authentic Cases Doctors Have Already Ruled Out all Possible Causes of Memories
like imagination or Hallucination or Cryptomnesia or ESP or Vague Response or stories
told by others or in media etc other than Reincarnation.

▪ Here are some of Authentic Reincarnation Case studies by Famous Doctors.

▪ You are Going to Study this Chapter Under Following Headings.

1. Part :- 1 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr. Ian


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2. Part :- 2 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr. Satwant

3. Part :- 3 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr. C.M.Rama


4. Part :- 4 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies bySri H. N. Banerjee.

5. Part :- 5 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr. Erlendur


6. Part :- 6 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr. Jim B. Tucker.

7. Part :- 7 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr. Antonia Mills.

8. Part :- 8 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr. Jurgen Keil.

9. Part :- 9 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byMr. Godwin


10. Part :- 10 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr.Walter


11. Part :- 11 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies byDr. K.S. Rawat.

12. Part :- 12 Investigation And Publication Of Reincarnation Case Studies ByJenny Cockell

We are Given Here only few of few Medical Documented Cases of Reincarnation, There
are Lakhs of Cases are Documented Across World.




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CHAPTER NO NO:- 7 :- 7 》1PART:-
》 PART:- 1 》Investigation
》Investigation and
and Publication of Reincarnation
Publication of Ian
Case Studies by Dr. Reincarnation
Stevenson Case Studies by Dr. Ian

▪ You are no Wrong If You call Him as Father of Reincarnation Research. Because He is
the First person in the world to give Medical Proof of Reincarnation.

▪ He is a Psychiatrist, Regression Specialist in University of Virginia, WHO SPENT 50


▪ Ian Stevenson, was the first psychiatric doctor and a professor, who brought the
phenomenon of reincarnation in the field of modern science.

▪ He studied numerous cases of reported reincarnation using “ the methods of historian,

lawyer and psychiatrist ”, as he himself wrote.
In his books “Twenty Cases suggestive of Reincarnation”, and others each case is
described in great details.

▪ He has written what methods he adopted, what investigations he made and what questioning
he resorted to. This was to show that the cases did provide reasonably convincing evidence
that the phenomenon of reincarnation does occur, and that no other alternative can explain

▪ Stevenson reports that out of 6000 cases reported to his Center, he has studied and
collected over 2,700 such cases, but has published only a small percentage of the cases

▪ He throws out most of the cases because they do not meet the highest criteria of credibility.
For example, he dismisses any cases where the family of the second personality has profited
in any way Research on Reincarnation and Survival of Soul from contact with the family of the
first personality, either financially or in social prestige or attention. (Stevenson himself never
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pays his sources.)

▪ He also throws out cases where the two families are linked by a person who might have
inadvertently transmitted information from one family to the other.

1. The sweet case of Swarnlata Story

▪ This case is extracted from charts and commentary on pages 67 to 91 in Dr. Ian Stevenson’s
classic book, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. This is the original long version we
wrote for Children’s Past Lives, but due to space constraints a shorter, edited version
appeared in the book. Yet, because we believe that the abundance of detail is what make this
(and similar Stevenson cases) so convincing, we offer here the full version.

▪ The story of Swarnlata is characteristic of Stevenson’s cases: the young girl’s memories
began when she was 3, she gave enough information to enable Stevenson to locate the family
of the deceased person she remembered (the case was “solved”), and she gave more than 50
specific facts that were verified. But Swarnlata case was also different from most because her
memories did not fade. And this is a sweet case, characterized by love and happy memories
rather than by violent death and struggles between castes and families, like in so many other

▪ Swarnlata Mishra was born to an intellectual and prosperous family in Pradesh in India in
1948. When she was just three years old and traveling with her father past the town of Katni
more than 100 miles from her home, she suddenly pointed and asked the driver to turn down
a road to “my house”, and suggested they could get a better cup of tea there than they could
on the road.

▪ Soon after, she related more details of her life in Katni, all of which were written down by her
father. She said her name was Biya Pathak, and that she had two sons. She gave details of
the house: it was white with black doors fitted with iron bars; four rooms were stuccoed, but
other parts were less finished; the front floor was of stone slabs. She located the house in
Zhur Kutia, a district of Katni; behind the house was a girl’s school, in front was a railway line,
and lime furnaces were visible from the house. She added that the family had a motor car (a
very rare item in India in the 1950’s, and especially before Swarnlata was born). Swarnlata
said Biya died of a “pain in her throat”, and was treated by Dr. S. C. Bharti in Jabalpur. She

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also remembered an incident at a wedding when she and a friend had difficulty finding a

▪ In the spring of 1959, when Swarnlata was 10 years old, news of the case reached
Professor Sri H. N. Banerjee, an Indian researcher of paranormal phenomenon and colleague
of Stevenson. Banerjee took the notes her father made and traveled to Katni to determine if
Swarnlata memories could be verified.

▪ Using nothing more than the description that Swarnlata had given, he found the house–
despite the house having been enlarged and improved since 1939 when Biya died. It
belonged to the Pathak’s (a common name in India), a wealthy, prominent family, with
extensive business interests. The lime furnaces were on land adjoining the property; the girls
school was 100 yards behind the Pathak’s property, but not visible from the front.

▪ He interviewed the family and verified everything Swarnlata had said. Biya Pathak had died
in 1939 leaving behind a grieving husband, two young sons, and many younger brothers.
These Pathaks had never heard of the Mishra family, who lived a hundred miles away; the
Mishra’s had no knowledge of the Pathak family.

▪ The next scene in this story sounds like a plot from Agatha Christie, but is all true, extracted
from the Stevenson’s tabulations in Swarnlata published case. In the summer of 1959, Biya’s
husband, son, and eldest brother journeyed to the town of Chhatarpur, the town where
Swarnlata now lived, to test Swarnlata memory. They did not reveal their identities or purpose
to others in the town, but enlisted nine townsmen to accompany them to the Mishar home,
where they arrived unannounced.

▪ Swarnlata immediately recognized her brother and called him “Babu”, Biya’s pet name for
him. Stevenson gives only the barest facts, but I can imagine the emotions ran high at this
point. Imagine how Babu felt to be recognized immediately by his dead sister reborn.

▪ Ten-year-old Swarnlata went around the room looking at each man in turn; some she
identified as men she knew from her town, some were strangers to her. Then she came to Sri
Chintamani Pandey, Biya’s husband. Swarnlata lowered her eyes, looked bashful–as Hindu
wives do in the presence of their husbands–and spoke his name. Stevenson says nothing of
Sri Pandey’s reaction at finding his wife after twenty years

▪ Swarnlata also correctly identified her son from her past life, Murli, who was 13 years old
when Biya died. But Murli schemed to mislead her, and “for almost twenty-four hours insisted
against her objections that he was not Murli, but someone else.” Murli had also brought along
a friend and tried to mislead Swarnlata once again by insisting he was Naresh, Biya’s other
son, who was about the same age as this friend. Swarnlata insisted just as strongly that he
was a stranger.

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▪ Finally, Swarnlata reminded Sri Pandey that he had purloined 1200 rupees Biya kept in a
box. Sri Pandey admitted to the truth of this private fact that only he and his wife had known.

Gold Fillings

▪ A few weeks later, Swarnlata father took her to Katni to visit the home and town where Biya
lived and died.

▪ Upon arriving she immediately noticed and remarked about the changes to the house. She
asked about the parapet at the back of the house, a verandah, and the neem tree that used to
grow in the compound; all had been removed since Biya’s death. She identified Biya’s room
and the room in which she had died. She recognized one of Biya’s brothers and correctly
identified him as her second brother. She did the same for her third and fourth brother, the
wife of the younger brother, the son of the second brother (calling him by his pet name
“Baboo”), a close friend of the family’s (correctly commenting that he was now wearing
spectacles, which he in fact had acquired since Biya had died) and his wife (calling her by her
pet name “Bhaujai”), Biya’s sister-in-law–all with appropriate emotions of weeping and
nervous laughter. She also correctly identified a former servant, an old betelnut seller, and the
family cowherd (despite her youngest brother’s attempt to test Swarnlata by insisting that the
cowherd had died).

▪ Later, Swarnlata was presented to a room full of strangers and asked whom she recognized.
She correctly picked out her husband’s cousin, the wife of Biya’s brother-in-law, and a
midwife–whom she identified not by her current name, but by a name she had used when
Biya was alive. Biya’s son Murli, in another test, introduced Swarnlata to a man he called a
new friend, Bhola. Swarnlata insisted correctly that this man was actually Biya’s second son,
Naresh. In another test, Biya’s youngest brother tried to trap Swarnlata by saying that Biya
had lost her teeth; Swarnlata did not fall for this, and went on to say that Biya had gold fillings
in her front teeth–a fact that the brothers had forgotten and were forced to confirm by
consulting with their wives, who reminded them that what Swarnlata said was true.

▪ This must have been a spectacle. Here was a ten-year-old stranger from far away–so far, in
terms of Indian culture, that her dialect was distinctly different than that of the Pathaks–who
acted confidently like an older sister of the household, was familiar with intimate names and
family secrets, and remembered even marriage relationships, old servants, and friends. Just
as amazing, her memory was frozen at the time of Biya’s death; Swarnlata knew nothing
about the Pathak family that had happened since 1939.

▪ In the following years, Swarnlata visited the Pathak family at regular intervals. Stevenson
investigated the case in 1961, witnessing one of these visits. He observed the loving
relationship between Swarnlata and the other members of the family. They all accepted her

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as Biya reborn.

▪ Swarnlata behaved appropriately reserved towards Biya’s elders, but when alone with Biya’s
sons, she was relaxed and playful as a mother would be–behavior that would otherwise be
totally inappropriate in India for a 10-year-old girl in the company of unrelated men in their

▪ The Pathak brothers and Swarnlata observed the Hindu custom of Rakhi, in which brothers
and sisters annually renew their devotion to each other by exchanging gifts. In fact the Pathak
brothers were distressed and angry one year when Swarnlata missed the ceremony; they felt
that because she had lived with them for 40 years and with the Mishra's for only 10 years that
they had a greater claim on her. As evidence of how strongly the Pathaks believed that
Swarnlata was their Biya, they admitted that they had changed their views of reincarnation
upon meeting Swarnlata and accepting her as Biya reborn (the Pathaks, because of their
status and wealth, emulated Western ideas and had not believed in reincarnation before this
happened). Swarnlata father, Sri Mishra, also accepted the truth of Swarnlata past identity:
years later, when it came time for Swarnlata to marry he consulted with the Pathaks about the
choice of a husband for her.

▪ How did Swarnlata feel about all of this? Was it confusing for her to remember so completely
the life of a grown woman? Stevenson visited her in later years and corresponded with her for
ten years after this case was investigated. He reports that she grew up normally, received an
advanced degree in botany, and got married. She said that sometimes, when she reminisced
about her happy life in Katni, her eyes brimmed with tears and, for a moment, she wished she
could return to the wealth and life of Biya. But her loyalty to the Mishra family was undivided
and, except for the regular visits to Katni, she went about the business of growing into a
beautiful young woman, accepting fully her station in this life.

▪ In some ways Swarnlata is typical of Stevenson’s cases: the amazing number of facts and
people she remembered; the positive identification of the previous personality, the exchange
of visits between the families, and the age at which she first had her memories. What is not
typical, however, is the persistence of clear memories into her adulthood, the lack of a
traumatic death, and the support and cooperation between the families (in most cases one or
both of the families are reluctant to encourage the child or to bring the case to the outside
world). This is a sweet case that illustrates what profoundly enriching human experience a
past life memory can bring about.

▪ But many of the cases in Stevenson’s books are stories where love and miraculous reunions
mix with conflict, violent death, and hostile emotions. The cases of Ravi Shankar [Chapter 6 in
Children’s Past Lives] and Titu Singh illustrate the darker side of life that is often brought to
the light when a child has a forceful past life memory.

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2. A Boy discovers the name of his murderer from the past life memory.

▪ In December 1983 a boy named Titu Singh was born in a village near Agra. At the age of
four he began to insist that his name was Suresh Verma, and that his wife Uma and his two
children lived in Agra and were owners of a radio shop. He begged his present parents to take
him back home and continued to reject them as his real parents. The entire family was tired
with the intense behaviour of the boy, who insisted on being called Suresh and continually
asked to go to Agra. He also talked about having been murdered by two men. He could
clearly remember what had happened to him:

▪ One day as he had arrived home in his car and had sounded his horn so that his wife would
open the gate, two men came running towards him and had shot him in the head. He knew
the names of the two men. The one that had fired the shot was a businessman called Sedick

▪ During a stay in Agra, Titus’s older brother went to find out whether there really was a radio
shop with the name his younger brother had mentioned. To his amazement he actually found
a radio shop with the name ‘Suresh radio shop’. He went in and asked to see Suresh Verma.
He was told that Suresh had been the owner of the shop but had died several years ago.
When he asked for more information about the owner’s cause of death, he was advised to go
and visit the deceased man’s widow Uma Verma.

▪ Uma Verma told him that her husband had been shot in front of their house after returning
home in his car. No one knew who had shot him and therefore the murder had been unsolved.

▪ Titus's brother then informed Uma that his little brother claims to be her deceased husband.
He told her everything that Titu had talked about at home. Suresh’s widow now insisted on
going to see the boy herself. She also told the rest of her family about this incident, so
Suresh’s parents and his three brothers all decided to join her.

▪ When Titu saw his parents and his wife he was so happy he ran up to them and hugged
them all. Then he drummed on a stool with his hands to vent his joy just like Suresh used to
do when he was a child. A decision was made with his parent’s permission to take Titu to

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Agra to confirm his past life memories.

▪ Once they had arrived there his brothers wanted him to show them the way to the radio
shop. They tried to mislead him on purpose, but the four-year-old was not fooled. Even when
they told the driver to drive faster as they were approaching the shop, the boy suddenly
shouted, “Stop! This is where my shop is!” After the boy had recognised several things from
his past, his family was completely convinced that Titu really was their previously murdered
son Suresh reborn. When Professor Chaddah from the University of Delhi heard of this
incident he immediately showed great interest in the case. He visited Suresh’s widow Uma
and asked her what it was that had finally convinced her that this boy really was her deceased
husband reborn. She said that when she described an incident that only she and her husband
knew anything about, Titu was able to remember it clearly. It had been about Titu having given
his wife a big bag of sweets when they were out on a picnic.

▪ Professor Chaddah must have told his colleague Professor Stevenson about this case, for
Stevenson sent his colleague Antonia Mills to Agra to continue the research with Professor
Chaddah. They wanted to clear their doubts regarding the authenticity of this case. All their
research confirmed that they were dealing with an authentic case of reincarnation. Naturally
they also inspected Titu’s head to see if he had any scars or birthmarks relating to the shot in
the head that had killed him in his previous life. To their amazement they found a dent on the
right side of his head which was precisely like the mark a bullet entering the skull would leave.
On the other side of his head where the bullet had left the skull in his previous life, they found
a star shaped scar. The wound would naturally have been bigger than the one on the other
side of Suresh’s head, since a bullet leaving the skull would have made a larger hole than the
one entering it.

3. The Case of Kumkum Verma

▪ Kumkum Verma was a girl in India who described a life in the city of Darbhanga 40 km from
her village. Her aunt made notes of her statements 6 months before anyone attempted to
identify the previous personality, and Stevenson was able to obtain extracts of her notebook
that contained 18 of them.

▪ They document details that all matched the life of a woman who died 5 years before
Kumkum was born, including the name of Urdu Bazar, the section of Darbhanga where she
lived; her son’s name and the fact that he worked with a hammer; her grandson’s name; the
name of the town where her father lived and the fact that his home was near mango orchards
and reaching it involved crossing water; the presence of a pond at her house; and the fact that
she had an iron safe at her house, a sword hanging near her cot, and a snake near the safe
that she fed milk to.

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▪ A man from Urdu Bazar who worked for a friend of Kumkum’s father was eventually able to
identify the previous personality. The previous family belonged to a relatively low artisan class
while Kumkum’s father was a landowner, homeopathic physician, and author, so even though
he went to Urdu Bazar once to meet the previous personality’s family, he never allowed
Kumkum to go.

4. The Case of Jagdish Chandra

▪ The case of Jagdish Chandra in India was quite old when Stevenson investigated it - in fact,
the subject was then in his late 30s - but the subject’s father, a prominent lawyer, had made a
written record of the boy’s statements and their verifications at the time that the case

▪ Jagdish was born in Bareilly, a large city in northern India, and when he was 3½ years old,
he began saying that he had lived in Benares, a city approximately 500 km away. His father
sent a letter to a newspaper asking for help in verifying the child’s statements.
▪ In the letter, he said that Jagdish stated that his father was named Babuji Pandey and had a
house in Benares with a big gate, a sitting room, and an underground room with an iron safe
fixed in one of the walls. (Ji added to the end of a name means respected, so Jagdish was
saying his father’s name had been Babu.)

▪ He said Jagdish described a courtyard where Babuji sat in the evenings and where people
gathered to drink bhang, an Indian drink. He said Babuji received massages and put powder
or clay on his face after washing it. He described two cars and a horse-drawn carriage and
said Babuji had two deceased sons and a deceased wife.

▪ The day after this was published, Jagdish’s father went to a magistrate to have Jagdish’s
statements officially recorded before they traveled to Benares. The recorded statements, in
addition to those listed in the paper, included the fact that his name had been Jaigopal and
that his brother, who was bigger than he was, had been named Jai Mangal and had died of

▪ He said the Ganges River was near the house, and the Dashashwamedh Ghat was there.
(Ghats are places where people go to bathe, and Babu Pandey was the supervisor of one.)

▪ He also said a prostitute named Bhagwati had sung for Babu. Jagdish was then taken to
Benares, where all of the above statements
about the previous personality were verified (except that Babu Pandey had used automobiles
but not actually owned them) and where he appeared to recognize people and places.

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5. I Will Return As Your Next Son
▪ Victor Vincent was a Tlingit fisherman. During the years before his death he visited his niece
Corliss Chvotkin Seen more and more frequently. She was the daughter of his sister,
Gertrude. He seemed to be very fond of his niece and especially their youngest daughter
whom he believed to be the reincarnation of his sister Gertrude. In other words, the daughter
was her own grandmother, who had been Victor Vincent’s sister.

▪ About a year before his death Victor told his niece the following, “I will return as your next
son. I hope I won’t be stuttering as much then as I do now. Your son will bear these scars. He
lifted his shirt to reveal a scar on his back, which had remained visible years after having had
an operation. There were also needle marks clearly visible around this scar. Then Victor
pointed to another scar from an operation, which he had on his nose. He said that this too
would identify him in his next life as her son. He also told his niece why he wants to be reborn
to her. “I know that with you I will be well looked after. You won’t go off getting drunk.” Sadly
there were many alcoholics among his relations for alcohol had become a curse among his
people. In many ways modern living had separated them from their traditions or brought them
into conflict with them. On my travels around the world I have experienced many such
examples of devastation where modern influences have had disastrous effects on indigenous

▪ Eighteen months after Victor’s death, Chvotkin Sen gave birth to a boy, who was given his
father’s name Corliss Chvotkin junior. His parents were convinced that their son was Uncle
Victor reborn, since he was born with exactly those scars he had shown them before his
death, namely on his nose and back.

▪ When he was 13 months old his mother tried to help him pronounce his name Corliss. The
boy suddenly pointed to himself saying, “Me Kahkody!” This had been the name of Vincent’s
tribe. Since he corrected every one who called him Corliss with the name Kahkody, this name
finally stuck. When an aunt visited his mother and was told about Corliss being Vincent
reborn, the woman said, “I knew it. After his death Victor appeared to me in a dream and said
that he was now incarnating in your body so that he could be your son.” The mother had
waited in vain for such a dream since it was very common among them for the souls seeking
to reincarnate to announce their arrival in a dream.

▪ When Corliss was two years old he travelled to the neighbouring seaside town with his
mother. Unexpectedly they met a young woman, and before any words were exchanged the
little boy called out her name. He was so happy he jumped with joy calling her by her Tlingit
name. For this woman had been his step daughter in his previous life. A little later the boy
caught sight of a man among the pedestrians, pointed at him and said to his mother, “There’s
my son William.”

▪ A year later Mrs. Kotkin took her son along to a big Tlingit gathering. Among the many

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people present he saw an elderly woman and said, “That’s the old dame. That’s my Rose.”
This woman had been his previous wife, whom he used to call ‘old dame’ when he was Victor.
In the years that followed Corliss recognised several of Victor’s relatives and friends, calling
them not only by their Christian names, but also by the name of the tribe they belonged to.

▪ Corliss once talked about something he had experienced as Victor. One day he had taken
his fishing boat far out into one of the wide coves when his motor suddenly failed. He was
tossed about in the waves having no control. When he saw a boat he put on a Salvation army
uniform which he had on board since he thought that no one would take any notice of a
waving Indian in a boat. To his amazement the boat came closer and took his boat in tow.
Uncle Victor had told the story in the presence of Mrs. Kotkin a long time ago, but she was
sure that no one could have told Corliss about it. Another time he said to his mother, “When
the ‘old dame’ and me used to visit you we always slept in this room.” Saying this he pointed
to a room which was now used for other purposes. This too was true.

▪ Many such memories would surface in him unexpectedly. When he was nine his memories
of his previous life began to disappear. When Stevenson interviewed Corliss at the age of 15,
the boy claimed not to be able to remember anything from his past life. All too often the
diligent investigator Stevenson has failed to meet children at an age when they still had direct
access to memories of their past lives. Therefore in many cases he has had to rely on other
people telling him things afterwards. Most of the children who remember past lives begin to
talk about these when they are about two years old. But after the age of six the memories
usually become less frequent, and by the age of nine are often completely gone.

▪ Mrs. jockey Chvotkin had always combed her son’s hair to the back. Corliss always combed
it to the front just like his deceased great-uncle used to do. He also had a stutter like him, just
as he had mentioned to his niece in his previous life. When he was ten years old he started
having speech therapy. This seemed to have cured him because when Stevenson spoke with
him he no longer stuttered. Victor had been a very religious man, which was why he had
joined the Salvation army. Corliss also developed similar views on life, which became
noticeable when he avidly started reading the Bible and later decided to look for a Bible
school. Victor had been a keen fisherman. He used to say that he would be happy to spend all
his life out at sea. He had also been very good at fixing boat engines and anything involving
the use of his hands. He could not have inherited this from his father since he apparently had
no such skills. Corliss was also left-handed just like Victor had been.

▪ Stevenson always inspected extremely carefully the birthmarks that babies were born with.
The mark on the base of Corliss’ nose was from a small operation that Victor had undergone
in hospital in 1938. This mark was still visible after the operation, during which they had
removed the right tear duct. But the larger mark on the back was not typical of a usual
birthmark. It was about 2.5 centimetres long, dark in colour, slightly raised and about 0.5
centimetres wide. Stevenson writes, 8 “Along the edges of the main scar I could see small

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round marks on both sides. Four of these were in a straight line along one side like needle
wounds received during surgery.” Corliss must have scratched the scar for it was often
inflamed. Stevenson had the hospital send him a detailed account of Victor Vincent’s
operation. Corliss’ scar on his back perfectly matched the one Victor had been left with after
his surgical operation. This case presents us with clear evidence in favour of reincarnation.

6. I Wish To Be Reborn As Your Daughter

▪ Maria Januaria Oliviero was the daughter of a wealthy Earl and landowner in south Brazil.
Her friends called her Sinha (pronounced Sinja). Her friend Ida lived in far simpler conditions
than she did. She was the wife of Mr. Lorenz, originally from Germany and now a
schoolteacher in this area. Their homes were approximately 20 kilometres apart. In 1918
when Sinha was 28, she fell ill with tuberculosis, which in those days was a practically
incurable disease. On her deathbed she told her friend Ida that she wished to be reborn as
her daughter and informed her that, “When I return as your daughter I will tell you about the
secret of rebirth. I will then tell you many things about my present life so that you will know the
truth of it for yourself.”

▪ Ten months later Ida Lorenz gave birth to a healthy daughter who was given the name
Marta. When she was still very young and could only speak a few words, the landowner Mr.
de Oliviero, accompanied by another man, came to visit the Lorenz family for a short while.
Even though the man, who accompanied Mr. de Oliviero addressed the child in a friendly
manner, she turned from him and immediately ran up to Mr. de Oliviero hugged him, lovingly
stroked his beard and called him Papa.

▪ When Marta was about two-and-a-half years old she asked her older sister Lola to carry her.
When she refused the little girl said, “When I was big and you were little I often carried you.”
“When were you big?” asked her sister in return. “I didn’t live here then. I lived far away from
here where there were cows, oxen, oranges and goats which weren’t really goat’s.” (She
meant sheep but didn’t know the right word.) When Lola told her parents about the things her
younger sister had told her they were surprised, but put these statements down to
imagination. They had not told their children anything about Sinha’s intention of being reborn
to them as their daughter.

▪ After this, Lorenz carried out his own investigation into his youngest daughter’s past. He told
her he had never lived anywhere where there were ‘goat’s which were not goat’s’, to which the
little girl replied, “Well, I had different parents in those days.” One of her sisters jokingly asked
whether she used to have a black servant girl like the one they now have. Marta then told her
that she used to have a male black servant, a female black cook and a black servant boy. One
day the boy was beaten by her father for forgetting to fetch water. Her father interrupted her
saying, “But I have never beaten a black boy.” “It was my other father who hit him,” the little
girl added quickly. “The black boy begged me saying, “Sinhazinha help me!” I begged my
father not to hit him. He let him go and the boy ran away to fetch water.” Her father inquired

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further, “Did he fetch the water from a stream?” “No, no,” explained the girl, “there was no
stream only a spring.” Her father who knew what the de Oliveros family was like, knew that
these statements were true. He then wanted to know who this Sinha or Sinhazinha was,
(pronounced Sinja Sinja, a shortened version of the first name, which means white cat.) “That
was me. I also had another name. I was called Maria. I even had another name which I’ve
forgotten now.”

▪ As you can see, we are not dealing with Marta mind reading, since Mr. Lorenz did not know
Maria’s full name. He also remembered nothing of the beatings that Mr. de Oliviero had dealt
the coloured boy, but Maria’s father later confirmed this fact. In the light of this evidence we
seem to be dealing with a genuine case of reincarnation.

▪ Mr. Lorenz now began to write down all statements and information relating to Marta’s past
life. It was only a matter of time before he had noted down 120 such pieces of information
using German shorthand. Sadly someone in his family decided they were worthless pieces of
paper and threw them away. Had this information been kept we would be dealing with one of
the most thoroughly documented cases of a child’s past life memories. Mr. Lorenz later tried
to write down some of these statements from memory. Much of what Marta talked about was
new to the Lorenz family, since they rarely got to hear much about the relationships and
events taking place at Sinha’s house.

▪ One day Mrs. Lorenz asked her youngest daughter how she had welcomed her when she
visited her as Sinha. Marta replied that she used to put the gramophone on just to please her.
Only Mrs. Lorenz could have known of this incident since she had not talked to anyone else in
the family about it. Another day when a woman belonging to her past family came to visit, the
girl recognised her immediately calling her by her name. When the woman was then told that
Marta was her recently deceased Aunt Maria she asked the girl, “If you were really Sinha, tell
me how we were related to each other.” Marta then told her that she had been her cousin and
also her Godchild.

▪ Marta begged her parents to take her to visit her father. When she was 12 years old she
was finally granted her wish. It was only on this occasion that Mr. De Oliviero discovered that
the Lorenz’s youngest daughter was in fact his daughter Maria reborn. Finally he was
completely convinced of this fact when he saw Marta going through the house making
comments about all the changes, and stopping in front of a wall clock saying, “This used to be
my clock. My name is engraved on the back in gold letters.” Later they took the clock down
and to their amazement they found the name Maria Januaria de Oliviero on the back in gold

▪ Even though Marta had been 12 years old when she remembered those details in Mr. de
Oliveira's house, her memories of her past life as Maria had gradually begun to dry up from
the age of seven onwards. When Professor Stevenson visited the now married Marta in Porto

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Alegre in 1962, she had apparently forgotten many things from her past life. Nonetheless she
was able to tell him the exact details of her last months as Maria, especially concerning the
events surrounding her illness. This was of particular interest to him since he was a doctor.

▪ When Marta had grown up, some of the older people who had known Maria noticed how
similar the two were, even their handwriting was almost identical. Maria had died of
tuberculosis as well as severe throat problems, and Marta seemed to have inherited these for
the pain in her larynx was often so bad that even as a child she sometimes spoke with a very
hoarse voice, or lost it altogether.

▪ When Stevenson looked her up once more in 1972, in order to collect more evidence for his
research, he was amazed how many details were still surfacing from her subconscious. For
example, Maria’s teacher, whom she had fallen in love with and had wanted to marry, had
taken his own life after Maria’s father had refused to consent to their marriage out of pure

▪ Even as a young girl Marta knew that one-day this beloved teacher named Florzinho would
be reborn to her as her child. She did in fact bear two sons, but they both died shortly after
birth. She is convinced that she gave birth to Florzinho twice in a row, because both babies
had the same birthmarks in exactly the same place on their heads as her beloved Florzinho
once had.

7. Born Again To The Same Parents - This Time As Twins

▪ On the 5th May 1957, while playing on the pavement, eleven-year-old Joanna and her six-
year-old sister Jacqueline Pollock were run down by a car. The woman driver had been semi-
conscious due to drug abuse. Although the parent’s sadness was great, they pardoned the
guilty driver and wrote a letter to her.

▪ When Mrs. Pollock was pregnant a year later, her husband revealed to her that he had a
vision. He saw that she would give birth to twin girls and that these two would be their two lost
daughters reborn. Even though Mrs. Pollock was reassured by a gynaecologist that there was
only one audible heartbeat present and not twins, Mr. Pollock was still convinced that his
knowing was correct. Later he was proven to be right. On the 4th October 1958, Mrs. Pollock
gave birth to identical girl twins. The first child was given the name Gillian; the second born
ten minutes later was named Jennifer.

▪ While their father was admiring his new daughters, he noticed a scar above the right
eyebrow of Jennifer, the younger of the two girls. His recently deceased daughter Jacqueline
had had the same scar in exactly the same place. She had fallen at about the age of three,
and a visible scar had remained on her forehead. To his amazement he also discovered a
brown birthmark the size of his thumb on Jennifer. His daughter Jacqueline had had exactly

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the same birthmark in the same place. All this proved to him that his earlier vision that he had
received was true. Gillian and Jennifer were truly his first daughters reborn. Mrs. Pollock,
being a strict Catholic, still rejected the idea of reincarnation until the following events

▪ When the twins were four months old the Pollocks moved to a different area, only to return
to Hexham on a visit two and-a-half years later. To the amazement of the parents, their two
daughters knew their way around this area extremely well. Without being able to see the
school, since it was hidden from sight by the church, one of the girls said, “The school is just
around the corner.” The other one pointed to a hill and said, “Our playground was behind
there. It had a slide and a swing.” When they approached their old house the two sisters
recognised it immediately. Even so, Mrs. Pollock, unlike her husband, still did not want to
believe that the twins were really her recently deceased daughters reborn.

▪ When the twins were four years old, Mr. Pollock opened a box, which had been closed for
over three years. In it had been kept the toys of his first children. He placed some of these
outside the twins’ bedroom door, as he wanted to see whether they would recognise their toys
from the past. When the girls came out of their room – where their mother stood as witness to
their reactions – Jennifer picked up the first doll and said, “Oh! That’s Mary. (And picking up
the second doll,) that’s my Suzanne! I haven’t seen them for ages.” She used the same
names, which Jacqueline had previously given her two dolls. “Father Christmas gave us these
a long time ago.” She turned to Gillian, and pointing to another toy she said, “And that’s your
washing machine.” Now Mrs. Pollock was finally convinced that her twins really were her first
daughters, and that her Church must be mistaken in refuting reincarnation.

▪ Both the children developed over-cautious responses when crossing roads and feared
speeding cars. The older daughter Gillian loved to comb people's’ hair, especially her father’s.
This interest had been the same in their fatally injured Joanna. Joanna had been five years
older than her sister Jacqueline, and the sisters had spent most of their time holding hands
and had seemed inseparable. Jacqueline always listened to her older sister; whatever she
said was right for her. The same behaviour surfaced once again in the twins. The one born
ten minutes later leaves all the decisions to her sister and does what she tells her. Once again
both of them loved walking around hand in hand, and as before one never seemed to want to
do anything different than the other

8. James Leininger 8 Year Old Boy Remembers His Past Life As A Fighter Pilot

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▪ If he wasn't born yet, how could a 6-year-old Lafayette boy possibly remember a plane crash
that occurred off the Japanese coast during World War II? By Wes Milligan

▪ "When a child speaks of a past life memory, the effects ripple far. At the center is the child,
who is directly healed and changed. The parents standing close by are rocked by the truth of
the experience - a truth powerful enough to dislodge deeply entrenched beliefs. For observers
removed from the actual event - even those just reading about it - reports of a child's past life
memory can jostle the soul toward new understanding. Children's past life memories have the
power to change lives."
- Carol Bowman, author of Children's Past Lives

▪ Parents are usually quite concerned when their children have nightmares. The tears alone
on the face of a child are enough to tug at the heart. Eventually, after the parents comfort
their children and allay their fears, the children close their eyes and fall back asleep. Things
return to normal, and the nightmares are forgotten.

▪ However, when the nightmares began four years ago for 6-year-old James Leininger of
Lafayette, his parents, Bruce and Andrea Leininger, were troubled. The nightmares were
coming as much as four times a week, and James would violently kick and scream with his
feet up in the air. It appeared as though he was fighting with something or buried in a box,
trying to get out. The only way he could escape the nightmares was for his parents to shake
him awake. The nightmares were out of control.

▪ James Leininger has been fascinated with airplanes since before he was 2 years old. Above,
left: James, at age 6, enjoys a moment at the controls of a plane. Above, right: James Huston
Jr., whose tragic death during World War II is remembered in detail by young James
Leininger, pauses for a picture sometime in 1944, the year before he was shot down. But it
was what James would utter during his thrashing nightmares that would make the hair on the
back of his mom's neck stand up.

▪ "He would say, 'Airplane crash on fire, little man can't get out,'" Andrea says.

▪ Bruce and Andrea began to rack their brains about the source of the disturbing information,
which they believed was fueling these nightmares. An educated couple, Bruce and Andrea
had always tried to create a "Mozart for the mind" atmosphere for their child and had
strenuously kept violence away from his sight. So they began to analyze their dinner
conversations, what James was watching on television, and other things that could influence
him. Bruce and Andrea weren't involved in aviation, and their 2-year-old boy couldn't read yet.

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There had to be a logical explanation.

▪ Looking for answers, Andrea began to seek help outside of their home. The nightmares
weren't going away, and the Leininger's didn't know what they could do to stop them. The
possible cures seemed few, and it even crossed Bruce's mind that an exorcism might be
necessary if the nightmares didn't end.

▪ Then Andrea's mother, Barbara Scoggin, suggested an explanation that later seemed to be
the right answer: James might be experiencing a past life memory.

▪ After reading about a counselor by the name of Carol Bowman from Pennsylvania, Ms.
Scoggin explained how Ms. Bowman was an expert on a child phenomenon that was similar
to what James was experiencing. Ms. Bowman had also authored a book, ldren's Past Lives:
How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child,er her own son had similar problems with
nightmares and strange recollections.

▪ Andrea called her immediately. Then after several discussions with Ms. Bowman, Andrea
took her advice and began to talk to James about his nightmares right after they happened.
As a result, Andrea says, the nightmares decreased drastically.

▪ "When we are dreaming, our conscious minds are not filtering material as when we are in a
waking state, so unconscious material, including past life memories, emerge," Ms. Bowman
explains. "It is not uncommon for young children to dream of their previous lives. We tend to
notice the nightmares, because they disturb the sleep and are often dramatic, realistic stories,
as in James' case. They are often recurring, as the child relives the same dramatic events
over and over. On some level, they are seeking resolution to these disturbing memories.
When Andrea acknowledged what James was remembering in his dreams - his plane
crashing - it helped him move through the trauma."

▪ But the side effect, which Ms. Bowman expected, was that James' statements about the
crashing airplane and the man who couldn't get out became more detailed, more real to him.

▪ Bruce and Andrea Leininger pose for a portrait with their son, James. The parents say they
believe their son has been touched by the spirit of a World War II pilot named James Huston
Jr. Now, during the day, James began to consciously mention how "his" plane took off from
the water and the Japanese shot down his plane. He even began to be more specific with
plane designations and the name of an aircraft carrier that was stationed near Japan during
World War II. The eerie and specific details caused Bruce to take up a research quest with
Andrea's help to disprove all of James' "facts."

▪ Through all of their research, spanning nearly five years with thousands of declassified
documents, personal interviews and military resources, Bruce and Andrea Leininger say they

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are now finally sure of one thing: Their son is linked with the spirit of a World War II Navy pilot
by the name of James M. Huston Jr., who died in 1945.

Uliar 'coincidences' observed from the beginning

▪ Bruce and Andrea say they began to see signs of a spirit linked with their son when James
was 20 months old. While moving from Richardson, Texas, to Lafayette in February of 2000,
Bruce took James to the Cavanaugh Flight Museum in Addison, Texas. Andrea says planes
had always been his fixation: He spent hours playing with toy planes and he would yell when
he saw a real plane in the air.

▪ Bruce recalls his son being mesmerized with the planes at the museum; the boy kept
wandering back to the World War II section of the museum. When he tried to take James
away from the exhibit, after being there for nearly three hours, James put up a fuss and
started to cry. To satisfy his curiosity and to calm him, Bruce bought him a Navy Blue Angels
flight demonstration videotape at the museum. James played it so much that he practically
wore it out.

▪ Mes Leininger signed his drawings "James 3" before his father knew about James Huston
Jr. In April of 2000, after getting settled in their new home in Lafayette, James' nightmares
began. Bruce and Andrea at first attributed their son's nightmares to being in a new home with
unfamiliar sounds. But when they didn't stop, the parents' interest went to a whole new level.

▪ Meanwhile, the furniture suffered from James' toy plane collection. James would crash his
toy planes into tables and chairs, Andrea recalls with laughter as she points to the numerous
nicks on the living room table. The table served as a landing strip for his planes. Crashing
became such an obsession to James that whenever someone mentioned flying, James would
blurt out, "Plane crash on fire," which Andrea says unnerved her.

▪ But still, Bruce and Andrea admitted, these actions were similar to those of any child growing
up - that is, until James became really specific with details of his nightmarish crash.

▪ From July to September of 2000, James began to tell his parents that the plane in his
nightmares was shot down by the Japanese after it had taken off from a ship on the water.
When James was asked if he knew who the pilot was, he simply replied "James."

▪ Andrea asked James what type of plane he was flying in his dreams, and he said it was a
"Corsair." Then, after repeated attempts to push for more information right after the
nightmares, Bruce and Andrea got the word "Natoma."

▪ On a whim to try and make sense of it all, Bruce did a simple Internet search for the word
Natoma. The result: there existed an aircraft carrier by the name of U.S.S. Natoma Bay,

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stationed in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. Bruce thought then it was just a

▪ James Huston Jr., a World War II fighter pilot, as he appeared on Feb. 7, 1945, about one
month before he was killed in action. In October of 2000, another piece of the puzzle came
clear. After another nightmare, James gave his parents the name of Jack Larsen, and he said
it was Larsen who flew with James.

▪ The next month, James relinquished another piece of information, which floored his already-
skeptical father. Bruce was thumbing through a book, Battle For Iwo Jima,Derrick Wright,
which he had recently received from a history book club. While Bruce was inspecting the
book, James jumped into his lap to watch cartoons. While waiting for the cartoons to come on,
James looked at the book with his dad. Suddenly, James pointed to a map of Iwo Jima near
Chichi Jima and said, "Daddy, that is where my plane was shot down." Bruce says he almost
keeled over. Weeks later, after several more Internet searches, Bruce stumbled upon a
website that referred to the Natoma Bay Association. He contacted a Leo Pyatt, who later said
he was a radioman on an Avenger fighter plane with the VC-81 squadron.

▪ Bruce couldn't hold in the questions. He asked Pyatt if there were any Corsairs flown on the
Natoma Bay. Pyatt said no - only Avengers and Wildcats. Bruce then asked if he had flown
any missions near Iwo Jima, and Pyatt said he had been a part of 36 missions there. Finally
came the real question, about the existence of Jack Larsen. Pyatt said he knew Larsen, but
he never knew what happened to him.

▪ After realizing so many details from a 2-year-old boy were somehow realistic in nature,
Bruce became a man possessed, trying to disprove all of these "coincidences." He began to
track down military records from across the nation. His ultimate goal was to disprove these
"coincidences" and to end the silly idea, once and for all, that a supposed spirit was affecting
his son.

▪ Consequently, he needed to find Jack Larsen.

Parts of the puzzle begin to come together

▪ Bruce couldn't find anything on a Jack Larsen - anywhere - in military records after his son
mentioned the name. He searched every list he could find from the U.S. National Archives on
the men who died who were stationed on the Natoma Bay and all carriers during World War II.
There were several Larsens and Larson's who had died, but no Jack Larsen of the Natoma
Bay. He searched for more than a year, with nothing to show for it. He almost gave up.

▪ The problem was Bruce was looking for a dead man. After attending a Natoma Bay
Association Reunion in September of 2002, Bruce found out that Jack Larsen was alive and

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well in Springdale, Ark.

▪ But the reunion unearthed something far more important to his son's puzzling nightmares.
After speaking with veterans from the carrier and their families, never mentioning the
motivation of his son's unexplainable behavior, Bruce learned there were 21 men who were
lost from the Natoma Bay.

▪ James Huston Jr. was a fighter pilot in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Above, left:
Huston poses with his Corsair plane - the same type of aircraft that James Leininger
mentioned by name during his earliest nightmares. Above, right: The U.S.S. Natoma Bay is
the carrier from which Huston flew for some five months before he was shot down. The carrier
lost 21 men during its campaign in the Pacific. One of those men was a Lt. James McCready
Huston Jr. from the VC-81 fighter squadron, who was shot down at the age of 21 on a special
strike mission against shipping in Futami Ko Harbor at Chichi Jima, according to declassified
aircraft action reports. Huston had volunteered for the mission, the last mission he would have
flown before returning to the United States. He was the only pilot from the Natoma Bay who
was shot down at Chichi Jima.

▪ The name stuck out even more in Bruce's mind because the Leininger's had noticed that
James had been signing his name as "James 3" on his crayon drawings of World War II
planes. He was even saying he was "James 3" - months before the reunion - implying that
perhaps since Houston was named after his father, James Leininger was the third.

▪ At this point, Bruce says he became frustrated because his quest to disprove the possibility
that his son was experiencing a past life was going in the wrong direction.

▪ "All he ever draws are planes fighting, and he knows the type of planes. I mean he even
draws the red sun for the Japanese," Bruce says. "But after he drew 'James 3' for the first
time, I asked him why he did that. James said, 'I'm the third. I'm James 3.' He's been calling
himself that ever since he was 3 years old. I think he is struggling with something unresolved
or he just wouldn't be still drawing those images, like a needle stuck on a record. "

▪ Determined to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle, Bruce visited Larsen in Arkansas in
September of 2002 and asked him about Huston. Larsen said he couldn't remember what
happened to Houston, but he was sure his plane had been hit by anti-aircraft fire on March 3,
1945 - the day Huston failed to return from his mission and was then pronounced missing in
action. Larsen had been Huston's wingman during the day's run to Chichi Jima.

▪ However, Bruce still had hope that all of this talk about spirits was wrong. After vigorously
checking into the squadron's aircraft action records, he found out that Huston was shot down
in a FM2 Wildcat fighter plane - not a Corsair - and no one at the reunion mentioned anything
about Corsairs taking off from the Natoma Bay. Bruce says this apparent inaccuracy gave him

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hope that all of this was just a series of coincidences.

▪ Just to make sure, Bruce tried to find members of Huston's family. In February of 2003 he
made contact with Anne Huston Barron, Huston's sister, who now lives in Los Gatos, Calif.
Through several phone conversations, the Leininger's and Ms. Barron became friends, and
she agreed to send Bruce photos of her brother during his military service. The packages of
photos arrived in February and March of 2003.

▪ In one of the packages was a photo of Huston standing in front of a Corsair fighter plane -
the same kind of plane James had mentioned over and over. According to Bruce, interviews
with past servicemen and declassified U.S. military records, before Huston joined up with the
Natoma Bay and VC-81, he was part of an elite special squadron, the VF-301 Devil's
Disciples, from January to August of 1944.

▪ The elite squadron test-flew Corsairs for carrier use, and only 20 pilots were selected for this
assignment. However, the VF-301 squadron was disbanded after eight months and Huston
was then transferred to VC-81 on Oct. 8, 1944.

▪ When he learned this, Bruce says, all of his skepticism vanished.

▪ "I don't have an answer for this, so I can't explain it either," Bruce says. "Through it all, there
has to be an element of faith. There could still be the coincidence of dreaming this all up, but
there are odd factors you have to calculate. Lightning can strike once, but when it strikes eight
or nine times, you can't say it's a coincidence."

▪ Bruce didn't tell Ms. Barron about his son's supernatural story until later that fall, in October
of 2003. When he finally told her about the possibility of her brother's spirit being a part of
James, she says she was stunned at first and had to let it all sink in. Then on Oct. 15, 2003,
Bruce and Andrea received a letter from her, along with several of Huston's personal effects,
that not only said she felt James should have the belongings, but that she truly believed the

▪ "This child couldn't know the things he does - he just couldn't - so I believe he is somehow a
part of my brother," Ms. Barron says. "These are the things you read about. There must be a
reason for it, but I have no hint of what it could be. It's some phenomenon that I don't
understand. It all happened nearly 60 years ago. There must be a reason."

▪ Despite not knowing the reason for these coincidences, Ms. Barron is convinced that James
Leininger is somehow linked to her lost brother. She now calls the 6-year-old boy "James 3."
In turn, he refers to Ms. Barron, who is 86 years old, as his sister.

▪ As Bruce would uncover more information about Huston, without telling James about any of

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it, the Leininger's would notice more about their son's actions. James had three G.I. Joe dolls
and named them Leon, Walter and Billie - names of three pilots who coincidently served with

▪ According to U.S. Pacific Fleet records, Lt. Leon Stevens Connor, Ensign Walter John
Devlin and Ensign Billie Rufus Peeler were among the 21 fatalities from the Natoma Bay. They
were also members of the VC-81 air squadron with Huston. When asked why he named the
dolls the way he did, Bruce says James answered, "Because they greeted me when I went to

▪ After James said that, Bruce could only leave the room in stunned silence.

▪ James also explained to his father how Corsairs would frequently have flat tires and would
always tend to turn to the left. After checking with military historians at the Lone Star Flight
Museum in Galveston, Texas, the statement was verified.

▪ Andrea recalls the first time she cooked meatloaf for James, who had never had the meal in
his life. After Andrea told him they were having meatloaf for dinner, James said he hadn't had
meatloaf since he was on the Natoma Bay. So, Bruce and Andrea contacted several veterans
from the carrier, and they learned that meatloaf was a regular meal for the crew.

▪ The day James Huston's plane went down

▪ After discovering the Corsair connection was real, there was one significant detail from
James' dreams that needed to be explained: exactly how the plane was shot down. After
another wave of nightmares, Bruce and Andrea recall how James would say his plane was
shot in the engine, and he would repeatedly check and make sure fire extinguishers were
available and marked wherever they went.

▪ However, none of Huston's wingmen - Jack Larsen, Bob Greenwalt or William Mathson Jr. -
from the VC-81 squadron saw his plane shot down on March 3, 1945, mostly because his
plane was the last to dive in the strafing run, according to VC-81 military war diaries.
Greenwalt, who also served with Huston as a Devil's Disciple, says when the squadron
realized that Huston's plane was no longer in the air, their planes took a second run to look
for debris. They found nothing. With no eyewitnesses, the Leininger's could only "believe" that
Huston had been shot down near Futami Ko Harbor at Chichi Jima.

▪ As luck would have it, in June of 2003, another veteran helped Bruce with his research. An
Internet posting left by him on the Natoma Bay Association website nearly a year earlier
caught the attention of a veteran by the name of Jack Durham. Durham turned out to be a
member of the VC-83 torpedo-bomber medium (TBM) squad from the U.S.S. Sargent Bay
that had run parallel to Huston's squadron on the day he was shot down. According to U.S.S.

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Natoma Bay aircraft action reports, the VC-81 squadron covered the TBMs during the Futami
Ko Harbor strike. Without a doubt, Durham says, he saw Huston's plane shot down by anti-
aircraft fire - a fact confirmed by VC-83 aircraft action reports.

▪ Pulling up more records on the bomber squad and reading their military war diaries, Bruce
then contacted other VC-83 crew members - John Richardson, Bob Skelton and Ralph
Clarbour - and they all confirmed that not only had Huston's plane been shot down, but they
saw it get hit in the engine, causing an explosion in the front of the plane. It then crashed into
Futami Ko Harbor, the same place James pointed to in the history book with his father in
November of 2000.

▪ Every detail of James' dreams have been verified to the Leininger's' satisfaction, whether
through eyewitness accounts, personal interviews or military records. Bruce and Andrea say
they are absolutely convinced that Huston's spirit has touched James. They just can't figure
out why or how exactly.

▪ "If a soul reincarnates with 'unfinished business,' or dies a traumatic death, these memories
are more likely to carry over into another life," says Ms. Bowman, the author and expert on
such metaphysical phenomena. "In James' case, he died a traumatic death as a young man.
There was still much emotion and energy that may have propelled these memories forward.
… As I see it, a part of James Huston's consciousness survived death and is a part of James
Leininger's soul consciousness. The present incarnation is not a carbon copy of the last, but
contains aspects of James Huston's personality and experience."

▪ James continues to recall his past life memories, even today. But Bowman says children
usually lose their abilities to remember past life memories by the age of 7. With time running
out, what could be the final piece to the puzzle is the crash site itself, and if the cockpit were
jammed shut, it would explain the first nightmares. But due to U.S. military regulations
concerning downed aircraft in foreign waters, Bruce says diving on the site and disturbing the
remains of the pilot would be prohibited.

9. Case Study of Taranjit Singh of Aluna Miana village

▪ IS rebirth possible? Are there any scientific bases for believing in rebirth? Since time
immemorial, man has been struggling to find a solution to this mystery but conclusive
evidence has thus far eluded him.
▪ Now, in probably the first-ever case of its kind, a Patiala-based forensic science expert has
sought to scientifically prove the phenomenon. Putting forward for debate his research in a
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case involving the rebirth of a child who lived in Chak Chela village of Jalandhar district in his
past life and now lives in Aluna Miana village of Ludhiana district, Vikram Raj Singh Chauhan
claims to prove on the basis of the comparison between the handwriting of the child in his
previous and present births, the theory that rebirth is possible. His findings have been hailed
at the recent National Conference of Forensic Scientists at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.

▪ A couple of months ago, a six-year-old boy Taranjit Singh of Aluna Miana village near Payal
in Ludhiana claimed to remember his previous life. In fact, according to his economically weak
parents, the boy had been claiming this since he was two years old and used to attempt to run
away from home. The boy said he was born in Chak Chela village in Jalandhar district in his
past birth and his real name was Satnam Singh and his father’s name was Jeet Singh. He
said he was a student of Class IX in a school in Nihaluwal village at the time of his death. On
September 10, 1992, he was returning home on a bicycle from his school along with his friend
Sukhwinder Singh when a scooter-rider named Joga Singh of Mirajwala village, Shahkot
tehsil, hit him. He received serious injuries on his head and died the following day.

▪ His present father Ranjit Singh said as the boy became more insistent, he and his wife took
him to Chak Chela village in Sangrur district. They could not find anyone resembling the
people their son had described as his parents. When someone told them that there was a
village called Chak Chela in Jalandhar district as well, they decided to go there.

▪ The boy’s father Ranjit Singh and his friend Rajinder Singh went to the government school in
Nihaluwal village in Jalandhar district where they met an old teacher who told that it was true
that a boy named Satnam Singh had died in an accident and he was the son of Jeet Singh of
Chak Chela village. Then the family reached the house of Jeet Singh and narrated the whole

▪ Ranjit Singh also said that his son claimed that the books he was carrying when the accident
occurred had been soaked in his blood. He also had Rs 30 in his purse. On hearing this, the
woman Taranjit claimed was his mother in his previous birth, started weeping and confirmed
his claim. She said she had preserved the blood-stained books and Rs 30 as the last memory
of her child.

▪ After few days Taranjit Singh’s brother in his previous life Kewal Singh, sister Lakhbir Kaur,
friend Buta Singh, father Jeet Singh and mother Mohinder Kaur came to Aluna Miana village
to meet Taranjit. Lakhbir Kaur showed the photographs of her marriage to Taranjit Singh and
asked him to recognise himself in his previous birth. Taranjit Singh immediately recognised
the same as also the photo of his parents in his previous birth.

▪ This story was carried in some newspapers. Vikram Chauhan told this writer that as a man of
science, he refused to believe such a story but driven by curiosity, he decided to investigate.
He visited the villages concerned a number of times. The boy and the parents of both the

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births repeated the same story. He spoke to a shopkeeper who told him that the boy had
taken a notebook on credit of Rs 3 from him a few days before his death. When the
shopkeeper went to the boy’s village, the boy immediately recognised him but said he owed
him Rs 2 only. The shopkeeper admitted the fact and said he had only wanted to test the
authenticity of the child’s claim.

▪ Thereafter to confirm the incident scientifically, Chauhan took samples of the writings of
Taranjit Singh both in Gurmukhi and English and also of Satnam Singh from the notebooks
kept by the family of Satnam Singh, in order to find out whether or not the handwritings of
Satnam Singh and Taranjit Singh were similar. A basic theory of forensic science that the
handwritings of two different individuals cannot be the same was the basis of his investigation.
If Taranjit Singh and Satnam Singh were the same person, then their handwritings also had to
be the same.

▪ The author explained that a person’s handwriting has specific characteristics, which are
determined by one’s personality and hence no two persons write in the same manner.

▪ It is an applied science combining the study of optics, physiology and psychology. A

person’s psychological makeup determines, to a large extent, his handwriting. Thus, the mind
plays an important role in shaping a person’s handwriting and the hand only translates into
action the dictates of the mind, which cannot be the same in two different writers.

▪ The author revealed he was amazed to find that the handwriting of Taranjit Singh
corresponded almost exactly with that of Satnam Singh. The only difference lay in the
muscular coordination of the two writers as Taranjit Singh was not accustomed to writing. This
was quite unusual and suggested that something in the two boys was same.

▪ The author argued that if it is presumed that the soul is transferred from one person to
another then it can be inferred that the mind will remain the same. Thus, if Satnam Singh’s
soul was believed to have been transferred into Taranjit Singh’s body, then it stood to reason
that the handwriting of Taranjit Singh would correspond with that of Satnam Singh.

▪ The scientist proved this in a conference. According to the minutes of the conference, a
number of forensic experts examined the handwriting samples and found that these were

10. The Boy Who Once Again Lives With His Wife From The Past
▪ There is a couple, the guy is a famous author, and he and his wife run seminars in the whole
of America.

▪ The couple in question had a son whom I shall call Michael. When he was a baby he
desperately wanted to hold his father’s Rolex watch in his hands. He kept reaching for it again

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and again. As soon as he could speak his first words, he pointed to the watch and said,
“Mine!” One day, when his parents called him by his name, he pointed to himself and said,
“Sunny.” He insisted so long and so forcefully on being called Sunny that his parents soon
gave in and agreed to his wishes. A few months later the young nipper said, “Me Sunny Ray.”

▪ His mother was immediately taken by this name, which after all meant sunray. So from now
on she called him My Little Sunray. One day he told them that he had a wife whose name was
Dawn, and that they had both lived in Texas. In his present parent’s house they mainly
listened to classical music. When the radio played a Country and Western song Michael
would sing along, and to their amazement he even seemed to know the words. One day
Michael was looking at a book about dogs with his mother. All of a sudden he pointed to a
white spaniel and called out excitedly, “That’s my dog Willie!” His parents never seemed to
seriously consider that their son could be talking about something from a previous life.

▪ Some time later when the boy was seven years old, the couple was running a seminar in
Texas. One of the people taking part was Dawn Ray. During a break Michael’s father started a
conversation with the woman, and asked her whether she was married. She told him, “I have
been a widow for eight years.” “What was your husband’s first name?” “Sunny”, she replied.
The couple then looked at each other in amazement. Then he asked the woman whether she
would please come to their hotel after the seminar because they had something important to
tell her. When she got there they told her that they have a son who claims to have been
married to someone called Dawn Ray from Texas in a previous life. “Did you own a white
spaniel?” asked Michael’s mother. “Oh yes, that was our Willie. He and Sunny were
inseparable!” Mrs. Ray now was determined to get to know Michael. Michael’s parents
phoned home to arrange a flight for him and two days later the seven-year-old was able to fly
out to be with them. They did not tell their son over the phone why it was so important for him
to come to Texas so suddenly. After collecting him from the airport they took him straight
away to Mrs. Ray’s house. When she opened the door, the boy recognised her immediately
and called out excitedly, “Dawn!” He stretched out his hands and ran into the arms of the
dazed Mrs. Ray, hugged her and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

▪ Finally everyone sat down in the living room. Mrs. Ray, who was still sceptical, asked
Michael whether he knew this house. He did not recognise it. On hearing that, she explained
that she only moved into this house two years after the death of Sunny. Then Michael asked
her whether she had kept his guitar. Mrs. Ray was highly amazed at this question. She went
to a cupboard and took out a guitar and placed it into the outstretched hands of the little man.
Michael held the instrument like a competent guitar player. After a couple of tries, even though
the fret board was not the right size for a seven-year-old, he began to play and sing a well-
known folk song. This especially amazed his parents, since to their knowledge their son had
never played the guitar. Then he asked Mrs. Ray, whom he now addressed as Dawn, whether
she also kept his watch for him. She fetched a box in which the watch was kept. It was a
Rolex identical to the one his father was wearing. Then he asked her for his camera. His

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parents first wanted to know exactly what it looked like. When he had described it, Dawn
fetched it and it perfectly matched his description. Also his pipe, which he wanted to see, had
first to be described by him.

▪ “Dawn sold her house and moved in with the family in California. She looked after Michael,
since his parents were often away travelling. When she moved to New York Michael missed
her so much that even though he was only fourteen-years-old his parents agreed to let him
live in New York with her. They have lived together ever since”

11. The Dutch Clock

▪ Bruce Whittier had reoccurring dreams of being a Jewish man hiding in a house with his
family. His name had been Steffan Horowitz, a Dutch Jew who was discovered in his hiding
place along with his family and taken to Auschwitz, where he died. During and after the
dreams, he felt panicked and restless. He began to record his dreams, and one night he
dreamed about a clock, which he was able to draw in great detail upon waking.

▪ Whittier dreamed about the location of the clock in an antiques shop and went to look. The
clock was visible in the shop window and looked exactly like the one in his dreams. Whittier
asked the dealer where it had come from. It transpired that the dealer had bought the clock
from among the property of a retired German major in The Netherlands. This convinced
Whittier that he really had led a past life.

12. Here Lies Austin

▪ When my brother was about 2 or 3 he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were
picnicking right along side a cemetery, when my brother took off running towards the
gravestones, my dad and I followed him and found him touching a large headstone that simply
read “Here Lies Austin” no name, no date. My brother did not learn to read until he was 6 and
this headstone wasn’t even right out visible from where we were, yet he ran right to it.

Dr. Ian Stevenson's Life Work and Publications

1. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation University of Virginia Press, 1966

▪ Download Book from below link

2. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, (second revised and enlarged edition),

University of Virginia Press, 1974. This book includes detailed reports of 20 cases of children
(from five different countries) who claimed to remember previous lives.

3. 30 Most Convincing Cases of Reincarnation

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▪ Download Book from below link

Cases of the Reincarnation Type

1. Cases of the Reincarnation Type Vol. I : Ten Cases in India, University of Virginia Press,
2. Cases of the Reincarnation Type Vol. II : Ten Cases in Sri Lanka, University of Virginia
Press, 1978.
3. Cases of the Reincarnation Type Vol. III : Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University
of Virginia Press,1980.
4. Cases of the Reincarnation Type
Vol. IV :Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma, University of Virginia Press, 1983.

Birthmarks and birth defects

1. Reincarnation and Biology: Volume 1: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth
2. Birthmarks and Reincarnation and Biology:
Volume 2: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects

Birth Defects and Other Anomalies.

1. Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect.
(A short and non‐technical version of Reincarnation and Biology, for the general
reader) Praeger Publishers, 1997.

Other books
1. Children Who Remember Previous Lives:
A Question of Reincarnation.
2. European Cases of the Reincarnation Type:
McFarland & Company.
3. Telepathic Impressions: A Review and Report of 35 New Cases, University Press of
Virginia, 1970.
4. Xenoglossy: A Review and Report of A Case, University of Virginia Press, 1974.
5. A World in a Grain of Sand: The Clairvoyance of Stefan Ossowiecki, McFarland Press,
6. Unlearned Language: New study in Xenoglossy
University of Virginia Press,1984 Selected articles
7. Stevenson, I (1983). "American children who claim to remember previous lives". The
Journal of nervous and mental disease
8. Stevenson, Ian (1985). "The Belief in Reincarnation Among the Igbo
of Nigeria". Journal of Asian and African Studies
9. Stevenson, I. (1986). "Characteristics of Cases of the Reincarnation Type among the Igbo

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of Nigeria". Journal of Asian and African Studies
10. Stevenson, Ian (1993). "Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding Wounds on
Deceased Persons". Journal of Scientific Exploration
11. Cook, Emily Williams; Grayson, Bruce; Stevenson, Ian (1998). "Do Any Near‐
Death Experiences Provide Evidence the Survival of Human Personality after Relevant
Features and Illustrative Case Reports". to Journal of Scientific Exploration
12. Stevenson, I (1999). "Past lives of twins".
13. Stevenson, I (2000). "The phenomenon of claimed memories of previous lives: possible
interpretations and importance". Medical Hypotheses
14. Stevenson, I (2001). "Ropelike birthmarks on children who claim to remember past lives".
Psychological reports
15. Pasricha, Satwant K.; Keil, Jürgen; Tucker, Jim B.; Stevenson, Ian (2005). "Some Bodily
Malformations Attributed to Previous Lives". Exploration Journal of Scientific







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NO:- 7 》PART:- 2 》Investigation and
Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr.
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:- 2 》Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case
Studies by Dr.Pasricha
Satwant Pasricha

▪ Dr. Satwant Pasricha Nearly 450 cases of children who claim to remember previous
life have been professionally investigated by a clinical psychologist Dr.Satwant
Pasricha in India.

▪ The cases were investigated primarily by means of interviews with first hand informants for
the subject’s side of a case and for that of the concerned deceased person, if such a person
has been identified.

▪ She has been awarded with a doctoral degree for her thesis on 45 cases of
reincarnation by Bangalore University.

▪ She has been on the staff of NIMHANS, Bangalore and is said to be a close associate of Ian

▪ The design of her thesis is interesting in that she has considered cases as belonging to
different religious groups, to different regions and to different linguist and also to different

▪ Essential Details of the thesis on 45 cases of reincarnation submitted to Bangalore

University for doctoral degree by Satwant Pasricha are as follows : Satwant Pasricha her
thesis presents in 76 investigated cases of spontaneous recalling of rebirth memories in
children all belong to India.

▪ Among them 43 from Uttar Pradesh, 18 from Rajasthan, 4 from Delhi and 11 from
Punjab. After getting news of their rebirth stories she met all of them within a period of 1to18

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▪ Out of 76 cases she got the details of only 60 cases. The 16 cases details were not
available for the following reasons.

▪ The people supposed to give the details of their memories were already dead or they had
forgotten details as they became too old to remember the details. Some persons were not just
interested to give details because of the fear that this news may adversely affect their
children's marriage prospects.

▪ Again out of 60 cases, only 45 cases were fit enough to give detailed information required for
an investigation. Out of them 24 from Uttar Pradesh, 15 from Rajasthan, 4 from Delhi and 2
from Punjab. The following are the general characteristic features noticed by the study of 45
cases investigated.

▪ Almost all Children remembered their past lives between the age of 2-4 years and their
remembrances faded when they reached the age of 6-8 years. They were all born in ordinary
cities and villages. Many of them had unnatural and premature deaths, or Violent and ghastly
deaths etc. They were able to tell their mode of death. In about 85% of the 45 cases
examined; the details of such person's, place of birth, name, town, residence, house number
and descriptions of the rooms, etc., were successfully identified and the results were amazing.

▪ In a number of instances,when the child was asked to reach the place of previous residence
unaided, to recognize blood relatives the child was able to recognize accurately. They were
able to demonstrate their habits, skills and similar traits as acquired in their previous

▪ One of them told that she was queen of Bhutan in her past life, the other another one told
she was a cat, one more told she was a dog. Some were having connection with divine
persons and few were also having connection with devils and they are taking their suggestion
while giving details of their past lives. In some cases their souls entered the bodies of dead
persons to live again, others after death they were reborn in a new body.

The change of religion

▪ Mridula was born a Vaishya woman in her previous birth, whereas during her present
existence, she is born of Brahmin parents.

▪ For example, a Hindu Thakur during the present life, it is reported, was a Muslim by birth
during his previous existence, whereas a Zoroastrian now had been born a Hindu in his
previous life.

▪ There is still another evidence of two Jains reincarnating as Hindus during this life. And yet

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another Muslim in the past, now born as a Hindu.

▪ Out of 45 cases 41 were Hindus, 2 were Muslims, 2 were Sikhs. 5 persons have changed
their religion in this life from past life.

▪ The change of religion is 11.1%. The point to be remembered here is just simple - that is the
possibility of change in respect of religion and caste.

The change of caste in religion

▪ Among 41 cases of rebirth as Hindus, some Brahmins of past have taken birth as
Kshatriyas, vaisyas and sudras. Some Sudras of past live now taken birth as Kshatriyas,
Vysyas and Brahmins.

▪ Some Kshatriyas, of past live now taken birth as Sudras, Vaisyas and Brahmins. Some
Vayas of past live now taken birth as Sudras, Kshatriyas, and Brahmins. Many of the past life
persons now taken birth in their own Hindu caste and sub-caste.

The change of Places ​ State and Nationality

▪ Out of 45 cases 40 were born in their own states, Five people are found to have been born
in different states in India, and one person in an altogether different country.

▪ Two persons born in Delhi during the current existence are discovered to have been born in
Punjab and the other in Bihar during their previous life; Two persons who had their past lives
in Rajasthan are now born in Madhya Pradesh.

▪ Another person born in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) in his past life is now born in Punjab (India).

The change of Language sub-castes.

▪ In 45 cases their language changed according to their religions, castes The change of sex
Among 45 cases of rebirth 30 were males and 15 were females, one female in the past life
now taken birth as male that is sex change.

The marital status

▪ Among 45 cases of rebirth 38 persons were married, 11 persons were died before marriage.
In the present life 5 are married 40 are unmarried.

The professional status

▪ Among 45 cases of rebirth 38 are children's and are studying. Out of other 7, one is a
carpenter, one is police constable, one is businessman, two are workers and other two are

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▪ Certain happenings occurring in family at present do have some influence on the
reborn person belonging to that family in the previous existence.

▪ This may appear rather strange. But facts as such substantiate the truth of such an
assertion. Here is an example, as investigated by Dr. Satwant. The story runs thus in her
thesis, “Investigated cases of claimed memories of former incarnation”

▪ A child was born on 11-12-1940. When it was hardly 8 days old, it uttered a pathetic cry of
‘Ma’, and groaned like that for a day. Both the parents were wonder struck at this inscrutable

▪ Again when the child was 4 years old, for no reason it started weeping and appeared
dejected as though a great calamity had befallen and started crying the whole day saying that
“ my wife has died”,“my wife has died”. Now the parents felt really helpless and did not know
what they should do with the child.

▪ After a few months the child got spontaneous recalling. It revealed that its previous birth had
taken place at Rawalpindi, in Pakistan. On verification many details tallied to be true and
authentic. When the child let go the cry repeatedly ‘Ma’ ( When it was hardly 8 days old ) that
very day the child’s mother of the previous birth had died; Again when it felt hopelessly
dejected on a certain day when the child was 4 years old as mentioned earlier - the wife of the
previous birth had passed away.

▪ This clearly shows the happenings in one’s previous family at present do have
influence on the behavior of an individual simultaneously.

Summary of Reincarnation Type Cases investigated in South India

▪ The sample consisted of seven cases; four subjects of the cases came from Karnataka, and
one each came from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu.

1. Anuradha from Karnataka

2. Hemant from Karnataka
3. Radhika from Karnataka
4. Sunil from Karnataka
5. Padmavathi from Andhra Pradesh
6. Santosh from Tamil Nadu
7. Suresh from Kerala
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▪ Four subjects were males and three were females. All the subjects were Hindus. With two
exceptions, all subjects claimed to remember having been Hindus in their previous lives; in
one case, the subject remembered the life of a Muslim; and in the other case, she was unable
to know the religion of the previous personality. Hence, there was one case of a difference of
religion between the previous and the present life. Ratio of solved and unsolved cases in
South Indian Reincarnation Type Cases.

▪ In two of the seven (29%) cases, a deceased person corresponding to the child’s statements
was identified; as she mentioned earlier, she call these cases “solved cases.” However, a
majority (71%) of the cases remained unsolved; Of the two solved cases in South India, one
subject (Radhika) was thought to be the reincarnation of her own paternal grandmother. The
other subject (Padmavathi) remembered a life in a place about 365 kilometers away from the
place in which she was born. The two families concerned in the latter case belonged to
different castes and did not know each other prior to the development of the case.

Unusual Behavioral Features of South Indian Cases

▪ In addition to the universal features displayed some of the subjects displayed more than one
of the types of unusual behaviors that are frequently seen in the North Indian cases also.
These included a precocious interest in sex; behavior appropriate for the opposite sex or
behavior appropriate for a subject of a different religion; unusual dietary habits; phobias;
special interests and talents.

Precocious Interest in Sex

▪ Two of the subjects showed a precocious interest in sex. Santosh, the subject of an
unsolved case in Tamil Nadu, remembered having died in a vehicular accident. His family
reported that from a very young age he used to get attracted to plump and fair-complexioned

▪ He would pinch them on the waist if the waist was bare. One of the subject’s aunt was fair,
and he preferred to sleep with her when she visited the family. When sent to school, Santosh
would sit with the girls and asked his teacher to bare her breasts. His parents were so
embarrassed about his behavior that they had to take him out of the school for a year, and
later they had to send him to another school. Furthermore, Santosh refused to wear
underwear at night, although none of his siblings ever refused to wear it. While lying down
with his grandmother, he would touch her private parts and showed a tendency to masturbate.
His mother was sure that Santosh did not have a chance to witness anyone in such sexual

▪ Since the corresponding previous personality could not be identified in his case, Dr. Satwant
Pasricha cannot say what connection, if any, Santos’s precocious sexual behavior had with
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the few statements he made about a previous life.

▪ It is certain, however, that it was unusual in his family and that he had had no obvious model.
Another subject, Sunil (a boy of Karnataka), used to become excited at the mention of word
“marriage” and became shy when he spoke about his wife of the previous life.

▪ While sleeping with his mother, his behavior suggested that he wanted to have sex with her.
This behavior compelled his mother to consult a clinical psychologist available at the place in
which she was working. She was sure that the subject had had no opportunity to watch
anyone engaged in sexual activity. Like many of the North Indian cases, in both of these
cases, the previous personalities were said to have died young in vehicular accidents. This
means that they were in the age group of maximal sexual vigour.

Behavior Appropriate for the Opposite Sex

▪ There was one case of a subject who had experienced a sex change. The subject of this
case, Suresh from Kerala, remembered having been a female in the previous life. As he
started speaking about a previous life, he insisted on wearing girls’ clothes and also
demanded earrings and other ornaments. He did this so often that his sister, who was 10
years older than he was, bought him a pair of earrings; he wore his sister’s frocks and skirts
for a few months. Dr. Satwant Pasricha met Suresh when he was 25 years old; he did not
have any imaged memories of the previous life (except for a few vague ones). He had
adjusted to his anatomical sex but still wished that he was a girl. The feature of sex change
has been reported in other investigated cases in North India.

Unusual Dietary Habits

▪ Three subjects had unusual preferences for food. One subject of a solved case, Padmavathi
of Andhra Pradesh, was a Vaisya by caste (third in the hierarchy of the Indian caste system).
She remembered having been a Brahmin (highest in the caste hierarchy) in the previous life.
From a very young age, even before she could speak, the subject displayed certain habits
expected of orthodox Brahmins.

▪ For example, she used to cry and resist eating meat when her mother tried to feed it to her;
she protested so much that her mother had to reduce the frequency of cooking meat, even for
herself, from once a month to once in 2 or 3 months. When she started to eat by herself,
Padmavathi used to clean the place and sprinkle water around her plate before eating her
meals. This was a Brahmin ritual that no one else observed in her family. Orthodox Brahmins
are vegetarians; they are also well known to be fastidious, compared with members of other
castes, about cleanliness.

▪ A second subject, Anuradha (of Karnataka), who was born into a Hindu family, remembered
the life of a Moslem who lived in Kashmir, where apples are grown in abundance.
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▪ She was fond of apples from a very young age and would pick up only apples out of the
many fruits offered to her. She also insisted on eating mutton every day, which her family
provided. As this case remained unsolved, Dr. Satwant Pasricha cannot say for sure that it
derived from her previous life, but it is congruous with her claimed life of a Muslim.

▪ Her parents, however, ate chicken, which Anuradha never liked. In a third case, the subject,
Radhika, like the previous personality, disliked rasam, which is a kind of soup, prepared and
served with meals at least once a day in every South Indian household. Radhika’s paternal
grandmother, with whom she was identified, also disliked rasam. All other family members ate
rasam every day.

Behavior Appropriate for a Different Religion

▪ As mentioned above, Anuradha, whose family members were Hindus, remembered having
been a Muslim in a previous life. Around the age of 2 years, she used to assume the posture
of saying Namaz (Muslim prayers), and if taken near the Hindu shrine at home, she would
blow out the lamp, showing her dislike for the Hindu way of worship. When Anuradha started
to write, she would write from right to left, as is the convention with the Arabic and Persian

▪ Anuradha also had a phobia of water from the age of 2 years on. She remembered having
drowned in her (unverified) previous life. Her mother had to force her to take a bath. The
phobia continued until Anuradha was 9 years old. Her mother wished her to learn to swim, but
she refused to do this.

▪ Phobia is another common feature among North Indian cases.Other Unusual Behavior.
Another subject, Hemant (of Karnataka), displayed unusual knowledge about a hookah and its
functioning. Once he had to present an item for an exhibition at his school. His parents bought
him a small pipe used for making bubbles with soap solution.

▪ He said, “I will make a ‘gurguri’ (small chimney of a hookah). I used to smoke a hookah.” He
then described where water is put in the hookah and how it is used for smoking. His mother
said that she did not know anything about a hookah or its operation. He also showed interest
in the type of clothing favored in Rajasthan, or Gujarat, two states in North India. Radhika,
mentioned earlier because of her unusual dislike of rasam, showed other behavior that
reminded her family of her grandmother. For example, both Radhika and her grandmother
seemed to be unusually strong-willed persons. Both had beautiful voices and a talent for vocal
music. Both were particular in their choices about good saris (Indian dress). All of the above
unusual behavioral features have been reported among the solved and/or unsolved North
Indian cases.

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Lesser Prevalence of Underreporting?
▪ A Conundrum The preceding sections of this article show that the cases in South India
resemble those in North India in their main features, such as statements about a previous life,
and in their subsidiary features, such as precocious interest in sex, behavior appropriate for
the opposite sex or for a different religion,
unusual dietary habits, phobias, special interests and talents, etc., behaviors that are unusual
in the families of the subjects.

▪ Nevertheless, a remarkable disparity exists between the large number of cases learned
about in North India and the few in South India. Does this disparity simply represent an
underreporting or an artifact in South India?

▪ In the late 1970s, Dr. Satwant Pasricha along with a colleague conducted a survey of cases
of the reincarnation type in a district of North India (near Agra, in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
During a systematic survey of near-death experience’s in Karnataka Dr. Satwant Pasricha
inquire about cases of reincarnation did not come across even one case.

▪ In contrast, Stevenson and Dr. Satwant Pasricha have had assistants engaged in scouting
for cases in different states of North India, and these assistants have easily learned about
numerous cases there. Thus, there is a suggestion that there may be significantly fewer cases
in South India.

▪ If the prevalence rate differs in the two regions, what could be the reason for this disparity?
Formal adherence to the dominant religion cannot be a factor. Hinduism is the religion of the
majority of the inhabitants in both regions. Beneath the recognized observances of religious
forms, however, some subtle differences of beliefs and practices may influence the
occurrence of the cases.

▪ For example Ram Leela,the play depicting characters from Ramayana (implying rebirth), is
played every year, during the festival of Dussehra, all over North India, whereas no such
practice is followed in South India. In addition, differences in education and literacy rate, child-
rearing practices, and rituals and ceremonies concerning birth and death might perhaps be
contributing to the underreporting of cases from South India.

▪ At present we have no understanding of the causes of the difference in the occurrence or

reporting of cases between the two regions. The problem may be solved by social
psychologists. I hope the publication of this report of the anomalous distribution of the cases
in India will attract the attention of other scholars and scientists with regard to this problem
and will stimulate further inquiries to resolve it.

Summary of Reincarnation Type Cases investigated in North India

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1. Case of Manju Sharma – tally with past Krishna’s Life and Death.
2. Case of Rajani Singh – tally with past Mithilesh Life and Death
3. Case of Naripender Singh ​ tally with past Ram Dayal’s Life and Death
4. Case of Deepak Babu Mishra Tally with past Chhote Lal’s Life and Death
5. Case of Krishan Chaudhri ​ tally with past Vinod’s Life and Death
6. Case of Yashvir Yadav ​ tally with past Durga Lal’s Life and Death
7. Case of Kuldip Singh ​ tally with past Ashok Kumar’s Life and Death
8. Case of Ramgiri Jatav ​ tally with past Radha’s Life and Death
9. Case of Ranbir ​ tally with past Idris's Life and Death
10. Case of Rambir Singh ​ tally with past Syria's Life and Death
11. Case of Giriraj Soni ​ tally with past Subhan Khan’s Life and Death
12. Case of Manju Sharma – tally with past Krishna’s Life and Death

1. Case of Manju Sharma – tally with past Krishna’s Life and Death

▪ The girl Manju Sharma was born in 1969 in a small village called Pasaulio in the state of
Uttar Pradesh. She was born to a poor Brahmin family.When she was about two years old she
began to talk about being from Chamula (a neighbouring village approximately 5-6 kilometres
away). Shementioned the names of both her father and brother from her previous life and said
that her father had a shop. She spoke in detail about the day she died.

▪ As a nine-year old girl she had just come home from school and had gone to the well to
wash a statue of God. She had lost her balance and had fallen into the well and drowned. She
gave her parents clear descriptions of her previous home, but her parents did not pursue the
matter, since they thought that their daughter was probably making it all up. Perhaps they
vaguely suspected that she could be telling the truth, and that she might be homesick for her
previous family and wanted to return to them. A few months later a man rode into their village
on a bicycle to do some business. Later on, as he was about to get back on his cycle, the little
girl Manju came running up to him, held onto his bicycle and said, “You are my uncle!” He
then answered, “I don’t know you. Whose daughter are you?” To which Manju replied, “You
don’t know me, but I know you. You are my father’s brother.

▪ My father’s name is Ladli Saran.” The man was baffled since this name was correct. He
assumed she was one of his brother’s children, but could not remember which one of them for
the moment. He asked her how she came to be in this village.

▪ To this the two-year old explained that she had fallen into the well when she was washing
the statue. Only now did Babu Ram (this was his name) realise that she must be talking about
a past life, for he remembered that one
of his brother’s daughter really had drowned in the well. When Manju begged him to take her
home with him, he promised her that he would do thissome other day. When he returned to
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Chamula he told his brother’s family all about this encounter in Pasauli.

▪ The first person to go and investigate this case was the drowned girl’s mother (her
daughter’s name had been Krishna). She was intent on finding out, whether this story really
had something to do with her sadly missed child. When she returned to her family, she
assured them that the girl really was her daughter reborn.

▪ Next Krishna’s brother went off to find out for himself whether the girl’s statements were true.
He soon returned utterly convinced. By now even the father was keen to find out whether or
not the girl really was his deceased daughter reborn. On meeting her he asked her many
questions about the life of his deceased daughter, all of which the girl was able to answer

▪ Krishna’s parents now begged Manju’s parents to allow them to take their daughter on a
visit to Chaumula. They agreed to this under one condition, that her brother could
accompanythem. When they arrived at her previous home Manju recognised many things,
especially those that had belonged to her. When the parapsychologist Dr. Pasricha visited the
now eight year old Manju, she was told that Manjustill visits her previous parents in their
village from time to time. The research scientist was able to establish for certain that neither of
the familieshad known each other before these events occurred.

▪ This fact brought her to the conclusion that no information could have been transferred to
Manju consciously or subconsciously. Dr. Pasricha was able to verify 19 out of 23 statements
that Manju had made. The remaining four could not be proved.

▪ Manju married in 1988 but still remained in contact with her previous family. By that time she
had forgotten most of the details from her past life apart from those relating to her tragic

▪ I would like to point out something of interest. Manju had always refused to go to the well.
Reincarnation therapy has made it clear to me that certain things, situations or people which
had something to do with the cause of our death in a previous life, seem to create inexplicable
aversions in our present lives.

▪ Our subconscious mind wants to protect us from getting into a similar potentially harmful
situation again. Think about it for a moment, what do youhave an aversion to? The more
acute these are, the more devastating the event must have been that imprinted itself on your

2. Case of Rajani Singh – tally with past Mithilesh Life and Death

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▪ Rajani Singh was born on November 16, 1991 in the village of in district Etah, U.P., to
Virender Singh and his wife, Bimla.

▪ Virender Singh had completed high school but his wife was illiterate. One of Virender
cousins, Mithilesh, came to stay with his family to study for a high school examination that
would be held at a college about 6 kilometers from Bhaulal.

▪ Mithilesh became involved with a boy of a different caste, and her family did not approve of
this. She became depressed about the situation and committed suicide on October 6, 1991 by
immolating herself. Rajani was born without any complications of pregnancy or delivery, about
one and a half months after Mithilesh death. She had red marks all over her body, but they
were most prominent on her head.

▪ Her mother and paternal grandmother noticed the marks on her head within a few days of
her birth. They noticed the marks on the rest of her body within a month after her birth, when
Mithilesh mother, Rajwati Devi, came to see her. (Rajwati Devi had dreamed within one month
of Mithilesh death that Mithilesh was coming back to their family.)

▪ At this time Rajani was thought to be Mithilesh reborn. As mentioned, the two families
concerned were related to each other; Dr. Satwant Pasricha describe their exact relationship
later. Pasricha investigated this case between December 1992 and December 1995.

▪ At Bhalwal, Pasricha interviewed Virender Singh’s older brother, Satyabir, Rajni's mother,
Bimla, Rajini's paternal grandmother, Shakuntala, Mithilesh maternal aunt, Ganga Devi, who
lived in Bhalwal, and another of Mithilesh cousins, Gajraj Singh.

▪ On the side of Mithilesh, Pasricha interviewed Mithilesh mother, Rajwati Devi, her father,
Navratan Singh, her brother, Awdhesh Singh, his wife, Kamlesh, and Mithilesh younger sister,
Meena. Pasricha also visited the health center in Jaithra (the nearest town to Bhaulal) where
Mithilesh had been taken for treatment of her burns; however, no records were available.

Mithilesh’s Life and Death

▪ Mithilesh was born in 1975. She was the third among four siblings. Her older brother was an
advocate (lawyer) and an older sister was a teacher; her younger sister, Meena, was studying
for B.A. when Dr. Satwant Pasricha interviewed her in 1992. Mithilesh was the only one
among her siblings who did not do well in school; therefore she was sent to her father’ s
younger brother’ s home in Bhalwal for completion of high school studies.

▪ One of her cousins was teaching in a college there and her family thought this person would
assist her in passing her examination. Mithilesh was considered to be generally stubborn and
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▪ As Dr.Satwant Pasricha mentioned, at Bhalwal she became involved with a boy of a different
caste. Her family did not approve of the alliance, and she became very upset about it. On
October 6, 1991, Mithilesh went out with her mother Rajwati Devi, who had come to visit her
in Bhalwal and an aunt, Ganga Devi who was living with Rajini's family.

▪ On the return journey by a pony cart, Mithilesh got off first and arrived home ahead of them.
She poured kerosene on her head and set herself ablaze. Then she ran to Bimla, who was
pregnant with Rajini, for rescue. Bimla became scared and pushed her aside. By then Rajwati
Devi and Ganga Devi had arrived home and they tried to extinguish the fire. She was rushed
to the primary health center at Jaithra and died there. She had sustained wounds all over her
body except on her waist and feet; however, her head was affected most, as that was where
she had poured the kerosene and set the fire.

Connections Between the Families Concerned ▪ The two families concerned were closely
related. Mithilesh was Virender Singh’s father’ s elder brother’ s daughter and was living with
his family at the time of her death. Mithilesh’s father, Navratan Singh, was employed in a
government job and was living in Agra with his family. Virender Singh’s mother, Shakuntala,
was very domineering; Mithilesh used to feel sorry for Bimla (Rajni's mother) and was quite
fond of her.

▪ Statements and Recognitions Made by Rajani Unlike many subjects, Rajani made fewer
statements about her previous life (as sometimes happens in cases where the two families
concerned are related).

▪ When Rajani could speak, she asked for Mithilesh younger sister, Meena. When Rajani
came to stay with Mithilesh family at Mathura in November 1995, she showed a familiarity with
the place and with persons there. Also, she addressed Mithilesh parents as `Papa’ and
`Mummy’ and insisted a few times that she be called Mithilesh.

▪ Rajini's Behavior Related to the Previous Life Even before she could speak, Rajani showed
more affection toward Mithilesh family than toward her own immediate family, and towards her
maternal aunt, Ganga Bai, to whom Mithilesh had been very much attached. Subsequently,
she used to ask for Mithilesh younger sister, Meena, with whom Mithilesh had also been
particularly close. In addition, Rajani displayed certain behavioral features that were
considered to be similar to Mithilesh’s.

▪ For example, like Mithilesh, Rajani was said to be quite stubborn and would sulk if her
demands were not met. Also like Mithilesh, Rajani was afraid of Shakuntala. Rajwati Devi
noticed some facial resemblance between the two; both had large eyes.
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Rajini's Birthmarks and Their Correspondence to Mithilesh Injuries

▪ Rajani had several birthmarks. Two of these were areas of erythema (increased redness) of
the skin on her back and shoulder that were still visible in 1992. In addition, she had a
prominent area on the right frontal region of her head that was hairless and hypopigmented.
This was clearly visible as late as 1995 (Figure 1). Other birthmarks had faded by then. Unlike
other cases, we cannot claim in this one any close correspondence between Rajini's
birthmarks and the burns.

▪ Birthmark on Rajani Singh’s head as it appeared in November 1995 when she was 4 years
old. The birthmark was a hairless and hypopigmented area on the right frontal region of her
head. on Mithilesh, whose skin must have been badly burned in many places, although
particularly on the head.

3. Case of Naripender Singh ​ tally with past Ram Dayal’s Life and Death

▪ Naripender Singh was born to Chander Pal Singh and his wife, Anar Devi, in October 1973
in the village of Nardulli in district Etah, U.P. They were Thakurs, a group of the second
highest caste, Kshatriyas. Narauli is a large village with a population of 8000 to 9000 persons,
situated on the banks of the river Ganges. Naripender’ s mother noticed a mark on his left
chest soon after his birth but did not connect it with anything until he himself started speaking
about a previous life between the ages of 21/2 and 3. He also pointed at another mark above
the right nipple, saying that he was speared there in that life. A man called Ram Dayal
Sharma, who had lived about 200 meters away from Chander Pal Singh’s house, had shot
himself accidentally while cleaning his gun.

▪ Naripender was born within a few days of Ram Dayal’s death and later, when Narinder made
statements about his previous life, he was identified by his family as Ram Dayal reborn.
Dr.Satwant Pasricha investigated this case between December 1980 and December 1992. On
the subject’s side of the case, Dr.Satwant Pasricha interviewed Naripender Singh, his older
brother, Ravi Bhan Singh, his cousin, Shaitan Singh, and his parents, Anar Devi and

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Chanderpal Singh. On Ram Dayal’s side, Dr.Satwant Pasricha interviewed his widow, Javitri,
his uncle, Niranjan Lal, one of his friends, Chhajju Singh, and a neighbor, Gyan Singh.

Ram Dayal’s Life and Death

▪ Ram Dayal was the son of Munshi Lal and his wife, Devika. He was born around 1923 in
Nardulli. Ram Dayal was a peasant farmer and married a woman named Javitri; they were

▪ I did not learn how many children they had but they had at least one son, Ramanand, who
was murdered sometime in 1990. As a youth, Ram Dayal was said to have been a miscreant
and to have engaged in robbery (called dacoity in India) with his friend, Chhajju Singh. Later,
he mended his ways and became quite religious. About a year before his death Ram Dayal
quarreled with a man called Bhanu Singh, and they fought with spears. In this fight Ram
Dayal was wounded on the chest; he received treatment at the local hospital in Nardulli and

▪ On October 28, 1973 he had loaded his gun after cleaning it; the trigger was accidentally
released and he was shot in the chest. He died at home within 15-20 minutes of the accident.

Connections Between the Families Concerned

▪ The two families concerned belonged to different castes. As mentioned, Narinder Singh’s
family belonged to the Kshatriya caste; this was a step lower than Ram Dayal’s family, who
were Brahmins. However, both families lived in the same village about 200 yards apart.

▪ They had known each other for several years, although they were not friends. Nevertheless,
one day before his death, Ram Dayal had stopped at Chanderpaul's residence on his way
back from the Ganges and rested there for a short while. On hearing about Ram Dayal’s
death, Chanderpal Singh went to see his body. Anar Devi stayed at home as she was
pregnant with Narinder.

Statements and Recognitions Made by Narinder

▪ Between the ages of 21/2 and 3, Narinder started speaking normally and at about the same
time began talking about a previous life. He said that he was Ram Dayal and that he had shot
himself accidentally while cleaning a gun. He was said to have recognized Ram Dayal’s
widow, Javitri, his uncle, Niranjan Lal, and a friend, Chhajju.

▪ As the house of Ram Dayal was not far away, Narinder used to go there by himself to visit
Javitri and Niranjan Lal. In addition, Narinder displayed correct knowledge of some private
events in the life of Ram Dayal. For example, he told Javitri about the buried treasure in their
house and mentioned to Chhajju the booty that they both had taken in a robbery, which they
had committed together some 40 years earlier.

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Naripender’s Behavior Related to the Previous Life
▪ Narinder used to address Ram Dayal’s friend, Chhajju Singh, by name or as a friend which
was appropriate for an elderly person but inappropriate for a child of Naripender’ s age. Ram
Dayal was described as a brave and daring person; Narinder was also considered to be a
bold boy who, unlike his siblings, would go out alone in the dark at night.

▪ When young, Narinder showed some habits characteristic of members of the Brahmin caste.
For example, he would not eat from a used plate or eat leftover food; he was interested in the
scriptures and observed fasts. He showed his dislike for Bhanu Singh, who had speared Ram
Dayal, and avoided him when Bhanu Singh visited their house. Javitri had moved out of the
village in 1989 or 1990 and was living with her son Ramanand.

▪ Naripender continued to visit them and went alone to the police station at Ganjdundwara
(about 25 kilometers away) to see the body of Ramanand, who was murdered in 1990.

Naripender’s Birthmarks and Their Correspondence to Ram Dayal’s Injuries

▪ On examination of Nari Pender's chest in December 1980, I saw a mark on the left side of
his chest, which was round in shape, slightly depressed and hyperpigmented in the center. It
was located below the left nipple, slightly toward the midline. At birth it had been red; it was
neither bleeding nor oozing. Its location corresponds well with a gunshot wound of entry, 2.5
centimeters by 1.2 centimeters on the left side of the chest, 8.9 centimeters below the nipple,
and 3.8 centimeters away from midline, that was described in the postmortem examination
report. The second mark on the right side above the nipple was small, scar-like and

▪ This mark does not seem to correspond to the side where Ram Dayal was wounded during
the spear fight. My only informant for this wound was Javitri who said that it was on the same
side where her husband had been shot. However, confusion between right and left often
occurs among informants and has been addressed at length by Stevenson (1997).

4. Case of Deepak Babu Misra ​ tally with past Chhote Lal’s Life and Death

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▪ Deepak Babu Misra was born in March 1989, in the village of Mohkampur in district Etah,
U.P., to Kanahiya Lal and his wife, Vinita Misra. Mohkampur is a small village with a
population between 1200 and 1500. Kanahiya Lal had completed high school and Vinita had
completed junior high school. Deepak was born with several bluish black marks on his back
and scar-like marks on his face.

▪ He was about 2 when he started making statements about a previous life. He stated the
name of the deceased person he claimed to have been, his place of residence, his
occupation, and how he had been killed. Chhote Lal Gupta, aged about 55 years, had been
murdered in February 1989, in the town of Jaithra, which is about 12 kilometers from
Mohkampur. Deepak’s statements and birthmarks corresponded to the life and death of
Chhote Lal Gupta. Dr.Satwant Pasricha investigated this case between February 1994 and
March 1997.

▪ At Mohkampur, Dr.Satwant Pasricha interviewed Kanahiya Lal, Vinita, and Deepak. At

Jaithra, Dr.Satwant Pasricha interviewed Gaya Prasad, the youngest brother of Chhote Lal,
Gaya Prasad’s wife, Vimla, and his mother. I was able to obtain a copy of the postmortem
examination report conducted on the body of Chhote Lal.

Chhote Lal’s Life and Death

▪ Chhote Lal was born around 1934 in a village in the Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh.
Subsequently, his family moved to Jaithra. Chhote Lal had a business of selling ghee (clarified
butter) and grains. He married a woman named Ram Beti, but they had no children.

▪ Chhote Lal was a religiously inclined person and contributed generously toward religious
activities. One of Rambert's nephews, Basant Kumar, came to stay with them to learn the
skills of business because he belonged to a poor family. It is alleged that Basant Kumar hired
some criminals to kill the couple in order to take possession of their property. On February 12,
1989, the criminals came to the house at night and murdered both Chhote Lal and Ram Beti.
No eyewitnesses were available. Gaya Prasad told me that knives, and a small staff used for
washing clothes were used to kill the couple.

Connections Between the Families Concerned ▪ The two families concerned lived about 12
kilometers apart and belonged to different castes and social classes. Deepak’s family was
Brahmin while Chhote Lal’s family belonged to the lower, Vaishya Caste.

▪ Deepak’s father, Kanahiya Lal, went to a school at Jaithra and had some friends in that area
but did not know Chhote Lal’s family personally. Although the news of Chhote Lal’s murder
reached Mohkampur, Kanahiya Lal and Vinita did not go to see his body.

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Statements and Recognitions Made by Deepak ▪ Between the ages of 2 and 3, Deepak
said that he was Chhote Lal of Jaithra and that he had been hit with the muzzle of a gun and
stabbed with knives. He pointed at the birthmarks and said that he was cut there with knives.

▪ His statements also included the name of the relative who had allegedly been responsible
for his murder. I was told that when the two families concerned met Deepak recognized
Chhote Lal’s mother, younger brothers, and their wives, and behaved toward them
appropriately. Once on a trip to Jaithra, Deepak recognized along the way a temple to which
Chhote Lal had contributed.

Deepak’s Behavior Related to the Previous Life

▪ Deepak was very affectionate toward Gaya Prasad, the brother of Chhote Lal, and his
mother; he held and kissed her hands. He was afraid of Basant Kumar and also angry with
him; he said that he would take revenge and shoot him when he grew older.

Deepak’s Birthmarks and Their Correspondence to Chhote Lal’s Injuries

▪ Deepak was born with several bluish black marks on his back. They were clearly visible for
one year and then gradually faded. They were completely gone by the time he was 3. In
addition, he had two scar-like marks: one longitudinal mark on the forehead, and another,
transverse, mark on the bridge of his nose between the eyes. The birthmarks corresponded in
location to two of the four injuries mentioned in the postmortem report of Lala Ram.

▪ The birthmark on the forehead was 2.5 centimeters long and 0.5 centimeters wide. It was
slightly to the right of the midline and corresponded to a lacerated wound (described in the
postmortem report) in the right frontoparietal region that was 11 centimeters by 2 centimeters.
The mark on the nose corresponded to a lacerated wound at the root of the nose on the right
side that was 4 centimeters by 1 centimeter.

5. Case of Krishan Chaudhri ​ tally with past Vinod’s Life and Death

▪ The subject of this case, Krishan Chaudhri, was born on November 16, 1985 in the village of
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Palawan in the district of Jind, Haryana, about 125 kilometers northwest of Delhi.

▪ His parents were Jai Singh and his wife, Parmeshwari. Jai Singh owned and cultivated land
and belonged to the upper middle socioeconomic class. Within a few hours of his birth,
Krishna's parents noticed a longish, purple red mark on his face near the right ear. They
thought perhaps he had scratched himself but when they saw it in the daylight, it looked like a
sutured wound and the stitches appeared to be filled with blood.

▪ The mark oozed during monsoons and was still doing this at the time of Dr.Satwant
Pasricha investigations of the case. At the age of about 15 months Krishan began referring to
a previous life. By the time he was 3, he had given details about the family of the previous life
and the vehicular accident, which ended that life.

▪ Krishna's statements were later found to correspond with events in the life of a young man,
Vinod Goyal, who had been involved in a vehicular accident on November 26, 1980 and died
almost instantly. Vinod had lived in a town named Narwana, which is 15 kilometers north of
Palawan. Dr.Satwant Pasricha investigated this case between February 1995 and March

▪ On Krishna's side of the case, she interviewed Jai Singh and Parmeshwari. On Vinod’s side
of the case, she interviewed his mother, Santosh, his father, Ram Prasad Goyal, his
employers, Raj Kumar Jain & Chander Bhan Jain, and a friend, Mihan Singh, who was riding
with Vinod at the time of the accident.

Vinod’s Life and Death

▪ Vinod was born on August 23, 1956. His father, Ram Prasad Goyal, was an employee in the
Revenue Department and his mother, Santosh, was a housewife. Vinod was the eldest and
only son of their five children.

▪ He was not married and was working as a salesman in a private company. The family
belonged to the middle socioeconomic class. On November 20, 1980, Vinod was driving a
motorcycle along with a friend, Mihan Singh, whenthey collided with a cart in front of them.
Vinod was struck in the face by a wooden beam loaded on the cart. He fell down and was
rushed to the hospital, where he was declared dead. The accident occurred about 17
kilometers awayfrom his home and about 2 kilometers from Palawan.

Connections Between the Two Families Concerned

▪ The two families concerned belonged to different social backgrounds and lived about 15-16
kilometers apart. Krishna's family was slightly better off economically than Vinod’s and lived in
a village; Vinod’s family on the other hand, was better educated than Krishnan's and lived in a
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▪ The families were total strangers. Although Jai Singh knew people in Narwana he did not
know about Vinod’s family; neither he nor any other member of his family had heard about the
accident. However, Mihan Singh, who had
been a close companion of Vinod and was on the pillion at the time of the accident, lived in
Palawan. His house was less than 10 meters from that ofKrishna's family.

Statements and Recognitions Made by Krishan

▪ When he was about 15 months old, Krishan used to sit on a suitcase and bang his feet on
the ground as if he were starting a motorcycle. He alsoprotested against being in his present
family. He said that his parents were different, that his mother and father used to dress
differently; his mother used to wear saris and his father used to wear trousers. (Jai Singh wore
the loosefitting Indian dhoti,not trousers; and Parmeshwari did not wear saris.)

▪ Around the age of 3, he gave more details about his previous life, including those of the fatal
accident. Krishna was said to have recognized (when the two families concerned met) Vinod’s
parents and his sisters among a large crowd.

▪ He was also said to have recognized the site of Vinod’s fatal accident.

▪ Krishna's Behavior Related to the Previous LifeKrishan behaved appropriately toward

Vinod's parents and sisters when he met them for the first time. Unlike his other siblings,
Krishan wasnoted to greet people in a manner that was interpreted by Ram Prasad Goyal as a
feature of urban people.

▪ Krishan visited Vinod’s sisters every year on the festival of Rakhi,(a festival wherein sisters
tie a symbolic thread on the wrist of their brothers, and brothers in turn assure their sisters of
security and

Krishna's Birthmark and Its Correspondence to Vinod’s Injury

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▪ On examining Krishna's face we saw a mark about 6 centimeters long, and 0.2 centimeters
wide, beginning about 2 centimeters behind the right ear, continuing upward (encircling the
upper half of the pinna) and then extending
about 4 centimeters along the front of the ear on the right cheek.

▪ It was somewhat irregular in shape, slightly raised, and dark brown in colour
Dr.Satwant Pasricha could not obtain a medical report in this case, and so she have had to
depend on the testimony of the informants to judge the correspondence of location of
Krishna's mark with the location of injury to Vinod.

▪ From the description of the informants, he did not suffer any major external injury. He was
bleeding on the face and according to Ram PrasadGoyal, he had a minor injury of his right
ear, which seems to correspond to the birthmark of Krishna.

▪ However, no medical treatment was given to Vinod, who died before arriving at a hospital.
No stitches were made on the injured parts. If the visible external injury of the ear was itself
insufficient to cause death, we have to conjecture that Vinod died of severe brain injury,
althoughthis remains unverified

▪ Birthmark on the right cheek of Krishan Chaudhri as it appeared in March 1997 when he was
13 years old. The mark was 0.2 centimeters wide irregular in shape, slightly raised, and dark
brown in color, beginning about 2 centimeters behind the right ear, continuing upward,
encircling its upper part and then extending downward about 4 centimeters along the front of
the ear on
the right cheek.

6. Case of Yashvir Yadav ​ tally with past Durga Lal’s Life and Death

▪ Yashbir Yadav was born in the village of Mastipur in the Etah District, U.P., in October 1987.
His parents were Rajinder Singh Yadav and his wife, Kusum Yadav. Rajinder Singh was a
college graduate and his wife was functionally literate. Yashbir’ s parents noticed two marks
on his neck within 3 or 4 days of his birth. However, they did not pay much attention to
theseuntil Yashbir spoke about a previous life and pointed to the marks, saying that he had
been shot there.

▪ During Dr. Satwant Pasricha investigations he also pointed at a mark on his abdomen.
Kusum told me that the marks were red in color and more prominent when Yashbir was born;
they had gradually faded.
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▪ Yashbir started talking about a previous life between the age of 1 and 2. His statements
mainly included the name of a sister in that life, names of the persons who had killed him, and
how they killed him.

▪ A man called Durga Lal had been murdered in the village of Ranipur Gaur on July 7, 1985, a
little over two years before the birth of Yashbir.

▪ Kusum’s parents also lived in Ranipur Gaur, which is about 50 kilometers away from
Mastipur. Dr. Satwant Pasricha investigated this case in February 1995 and March 1997.

▪ At Mastipur I interviewed Yashbir’ s parents, Rajinder Singh Yadav and Kusum Yadav, and
his paternal grandmother. All of Durga’s relatives hadeither died or moved out of Ranipur
Gaur. One of his distant cousins, Dr. Rajinder Singh Yadav, was available and I interviewed
him in his clinic in a nearby town. In addition, I obtained a report of the postmortem
examination conducted on the body of Durga Lal.

Durga Lal’s Life and Death

Durga Lal was born about 1950. His father was a small farmer and his grandfather was the
head of the village. Durga Lal had an older sister Moore Kali who was married. Moore Kali's
in-laws ill-treated her and she came to live in Ranipur Gaur. Durga Lal married and had a son.
His wife and son died, and he then lived alone in Ranipur Gaur. He was present during a
quarrel being settled by the then headman, Jamadar Singh. Durga Lal indulged in an
argument with Jamadar Singh which was taken as an insult by Jamadar Singh’s supporters;
consequently they had Durga Lal shot on July 7, 1985.

Connections Between the Families Concerned

▪ Both families concerned belonged to the same caste. Kusum’s parents lived in the same
village where Durga Lal lived and died. Durga Lal hadfriendly relations with Kusum’s parental
family. Kusum was visiting her parents when Durga Lal was murdered but she did not see his

Statements and Recognitions Made by Yashbir

▪ At the age of about 1½ Yashbir said that he had a sister Markali and that Naresh and Kalyan
had killed him with a gun. Yasbir also mentioned an uncle and aunt who were in Ranipur

▪ When Yashbir visited his maternal grandparents (who lived in Ranipur Gaur) he recognized
spoke with Moore Kali.
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Yashbir Behavior Related to the Previous Life
▪ Yashbir was afraid of revolvers and guns up to the age of about 5 years.

▪ He also feared a man called Kalyan Singh, who was one of the accused in Durga Lal’s
murder. Birthmark on the neck of Yashvir Yadav as it appeared in March 1997 when he was 9
½ years old. The arrow points to an area of approximately 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter which
corresponded in location to a gunshot wound of entry on the neck of Durga Lal.

Yashbir’ s Birthmarks and Their Correspondence to Durga Lal’s Injuries

▪ Figure shows a hyperpigmented area 6 centimeters below the left ear as it appeared in
March 1997. It was about 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter.

▪ It corresponds in location to a gunshot wound of entry on the left side of the Reincarnation
Research Centre, upper neck; the postmortem report gave its dimensions as 4 centimeters by

▪ A second mark on the lower abdomen was a round, slightly elevated hyperpigmented area
about 1 centimeter in diameter. It corresponds
in location to a gunshot wound of entry (also mentioned in the postmortem report) that was on
the right side of the abdomen 2 centimeters above the right iliac crest. Its dimensions were
given as 4.5 by 3 centimeters .

▪ There was a third hyperpigmented area 5 centimeters below the right ear. It was about
1 centimeter by 1 centimeter in area. No wound corresponding to this mark was mentioned in
the postmortem report.

7. Case of Kuldip Singh ​ tally with past Ashok Kumar’s Life and Death

▪ Kuldip Singh was born on September 12, 1986 in the village of Osiyan, district Unnao, U.P.,
which is situated about 56 kilometers south of the largecity of Kanpur. His parents were Kamal
Singh and his wife, Baby. The family belonged to the upper middle socioeconomic class.
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When Kuldip was born, he had several marks on his face and neck as if attacked with knives.
But the parents did not pay much attention to the marks until Kuldip himself pointed to them
and said that he was attacked there, meaning in a previous life. At the age of about 2½,
Kuldip started talking about a previous life.

▪ He complained about the poor quality of his present house and compared it with the house
in Chauthi Yayi, where he said he lived in his previous life. A man called Ashok Kumar, a
resident of the village of Chithiyai, had
been murdered on January 13, 1986 while returning home after shopping in Unnao. Kuldip, on
the basis of his statements, recognitions, and birthmarks, was thought to be Ashok Kumar

▪ Dr.Satwant Pasricha investigated this

case in December 1995 and March 1997. At Osiyan, she interviewed Kuldip, his father Kamal
Singh, his mother, Baby, and an informant named Guddi who came from a village near
Chauthi Yayi. At Chauth Iyayi,she interviewed Ashok
Kumar’ s parents, Bakhat Ali Singh and Kalawati, his widow, and a cousin’s wife, Uma Devi.
she also obtained a copy of the report of the postmortem examination conducted on the body
of Ashok Kumar.

Ashok Kumar’s Life and Death

▪ Ashok Kumar was born in July, 1955 in Chauth Iyayi to his parents, Bakhat Ali Singh and
Kalawati. Bakhat Ali was a jeep driver and also had land, which the family cultivated. Ashok
had completed high school. He was married and had a child who died at the age of 8 months,
six months after Ashok Kumar’ s death.

▪ The family belonged to the upper middle socioeconomic class. Sometime around 1980, there
was a village dance in Chauthi Yayi, which Ashok Kumar attended with his uncle Raghuraj

▪ A man called Patangi Singh and his friends from the same village, who were also attending
the dance, misbehaved with one of the dancers. Raghuraj Singh and Ashok Kumar objected
to their behavior; this led to a serious quarrel.

▪ The police came and arrested Raghuraj Singh and Ashok Kumar and kept them in the lock
up for interrogations. Bakhat Ali later bailed them out. Ashok Kumar was a sportsman and had
participated in hockey tournaments at the
state level.

▪ On January 13, 1986 he went by bus to buy some sports goods in Unnao, the nearest town.
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On the way back he was pulled out of the bus
by Patangi Singh, who killed him with the help of some hired ruffians (called goondas in

Connections Between the Families Concerned

▪ Both the families concerned belonged to the same caste, but they were not related. Baby
said that she had not even heard about the village of
Chauthiyayi or Ashok Kumar’ s death. The two villages, however, were about 5 kilometers
away by a path.

▪ People from each village had married

in the other one. Bakhat Ali Singh had known Kuldeep's grandfather and had told him about
Ashok Kumar’ s murder.

Statements and Recognitions Made by Kuldip

▪ Kuldip started talking normally around the age of 2 years and at about the same time began
referring to a previous life. He began by comparing his present house with the previous one
and treated his present parents as
if they were strangers. He said that his name was Ashok and that his parents lived in Chauth
Iyayi. He added that his father’ s name was Bakhat Ali and that Patangi Singh had him killed.
He also mentioned details about the circumstances that led to the murder.

▪ Some time in July or August 1993, Kuldip went with his mother to attend a wedding in their
village. The bride, Guddi, happened to belong to the village of Hilgi, near Chauthi Yayi. Kuldip
recognized her and told her who he was in the previous life. The news reached Chauth Iyayi
and the two families met. First Bakhat Ali came to visit Kuldip who was playing away from
home. Kuldip is said to have recognized him immediately and ran home with joy to announce
the arrival of his father (from the previous life). He told Bakhat Ali details about the quarrel
during the dance in the village that eventually led to his death.

▪ When Kuldip visited Ashok Kumar’ s family in Chauth Iyayi, he is said to have recognized all
the family members and persons known to Ashok Kumar and treated them appropriately.
Kuldip pointed to a change in the structure of the house and also dug out some weapons from
the garden that Ashok Kumar had buried.

Kuldeep's Behavior Related to the Previous Life

▪ Kuldip met Bakhat Ali Singh with great affection and behaved toward him as a son. He told
his mother, Baby, when she was preparing some
cold drink for Bakhat Ali, that cold drinks did not suit his father (Bakhat Ali); he tended to catch
cold. Kuldip was afraid of policemen when he was young. He also used to scream in his sleep
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as if he were being beaten up.

Kuldeep's Birthmarks and Their Correspondence to Ashok Kumar’s Injuries

▪ In December 1995 Baby Singh (Kuldip mother) showed me several sites where Kuldip had
marks when he was born. The most important of these were on the right side of the neck,
below the right ear, and on the left side of the front of the neck, near the midline. She did not
mention then any birthmarks at the top or back of the head. In 1997, however, she drew our
attention to two prominent hairless areas of diminished pigmentation, both in the
occipitoparietal area of the head and slightly to the right of the midline. She said these had
been present at Kuldeep's birth.

▪ The birthmark on the right side of the neck had entirely faded by 1996. Its location,
however, corresponded to an extensive incised wound described in the postmortem report on
Ashok Kumar. The birthmark on the front of the neck was still visible in 1996, but it was faint
and has not appeared adequately on photographs.

▪ It corresponds to another incised wound described in the postmortem report. The two scar-
like, slightly hyperpigmented hairless areas in the occipito-parietal region correspond in
location to two other wounds described in the postmortem report. (Figure 6 shows one of
these birthmarks on Kuldeep's head.)

▪Thus, if we include the faded birthmark on the right side of the neck, there was a
correspondence between four birthmarks and four wounds described in the postmortem

Fig. . Birthmark on head of Kuldip Singh as it appeared in March 1997 when he was 10 ½
years old. It was a 1 centimeter by 1 centimeter hairless, slightly hyperpigmented and scar-like
area in the occipito-parietal region.

8. Case of Ramgiri Jatav - tally with past Radha’s Life and Death

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▪ Ramgiri Jatav was born in the village of Rathaudiya, Rajasthan, in November 1986 to her
parents, Syria and Rampati. They belonged to the Sudra (chamar, untouchable) caste and
were in a distinctly low socioeconomic class. Rathaudiya is a medium size village with a
population of about 3000 persons; it is about 250 kilometers southeast of Jaipur (the capital of
Rajasthan) and 120 kilometers southwest of Agra. Ramgiri was born with a prominent mark on
her left foot and another on her back.

▪ She started speaking at around the age of 3 and first referred to a previous life when she
was 5. She gave more details when she was 9. She said that she lived in Hindaun (a town
about 40 kilometers south of Ratadiya), mentioned the names of her parents, and said that
she had been run over by a vehicle in that life. A small girl of about 4, called Radha, was run
over by a bus while crossing a road near her house in Hindaun.

▪ Both her legs were crushed under the wheels of the bus and she was taken to the hospital.
She died several days later. On her repeated
requests Ramgiri was taken to Hindaun and recognized Radha’s house as her own in the
previous life. Subsequently, the two families concerned met each other and Ramgiri was said
to have correctly recognized several members and neighbors of Radha’s family.

▪ Dr. Satwant Pasricha investigated this case

between June 1995 and March 1997. At Rathaudiya also Pasricha interviewed Ramirez's
parents, her paternal uncle, a maternal aunt and a schoolteacher, Ramesh. At Hindaun, Dr.
Satwant Pasricha interviewed Ramesh and Kamla Patwa, the parents of Radha, and Babu Lal
Dhakad, a friend of the family who accompanied Radha’s mother to the hospital following
Radha’s injury.

▪ In addition, Pasricha was able to obtain a copy of the available medical records from the
hospital in Hindaun where Radha was admitted following the accident. She also interviewed
and discussed the case with two medical doctors who had attended Radha in that hospital.

Radha’s Life and Death

▪ Radha was the fourth of five children born to Ramesh Patwa and his wife, Kamla. As I
mentioned, they lived in the city of Hindaun, about 40 kilometers away from Rathaudiya.
Radha’s parents described her as a very sensitiveand intelligent child.

▪ She was about 4 when, on April 4, 1986, she was run over by a bus while crossing the road
near her house. She died on April 7, 1986 on
the way to Jaipur where she was being taken for better treatment.

Connections Between the Families Concerned

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▪ The two families concerned in the case did not know each other and lived about 40
kilometers apart. Ramirez's parents did not seem to know about the accident before Ramgiri
spoke about it. However, Rampati parents lived in the village of Jharera, which is about 3
kilometers from Hindaun.

▪ She visited it occasionally and might have passed along a road which was also used by
Radha’s family.

Statements and Recognitions Made by Ramgiri

▪ Ramgiri started speaking clearly when she was 3, but gave indications of a previous life
around the age of 5 when she was being sent to schoolfor the first time.

▪ She pointed in the direction of Hindaun and said that she lived there with her parents.
Subsequently she gave more details around the age of 9. She was studying in the third grade.
Someone at school referred to her as
a Chamar, (low caste) and she resisted this.

▪ She said that she belonged to Patwa, a slightly higher caste, that her name was Radha, and
that her parents were Kamala and Ramesh. She also mentioned that she was run over by a
vehicle.Ramiro's Behavior Related to the Previous Life. From her early childhood Ramgiri was
observed to be particular about cleanliness; she did not like to eat from a plate used by others
or share her plate with others.

▪ She resisted helping with the household chores and kept some distance from her family
members, indicating her superiority. She did not like to be called a Chamarand said that she
was a Patwa.

▪ She was afraid of riding in buses, a fear that continued until she was about 3-4 years old.

Birthmark on the foot of Ramgiri Jatav as it appeared in 1995 when she was 9 years old. It
was a distinct hyperpigmented, 10 centimeters long and 1 centimeter wide area on the medial
surface of her left foot.

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Ramiro's Birthmarks and Their Correspondence to Radha’s Injuries.

▪ Dr. Satwant Pasricha examined Ramiro's birthmarks in 1995 and again in 1997. She had a
distinct hyperpigmented area that was 10 centimeters by 1 centimeter on the inner side of her
left foot (see Figure 7).

▪ This mark corresponded to the skin that had peeled off Radha’s left foot, mentioned in the
medical report of the hospital in Hindaun to which Radha was first taken. Dr. Satwant
Pasricha could obtain no information to explain the round, scar-like mark on Ramirez's back.

▪ If her mother had not insisted that it, like the prominent mark on Ramirez's foot, had been
present when she was born, Dr. Satwant Pasricha would have thought it the scar of a furuncle

9. Case of Ranbir ​ tally with past Idris's Life and Death

▪ Ranbir Singh was born on December 23, 1990 in the village of Basai, district Etah, U.P. His
parents were Shiv Singh and his wife, Mithilesh; theywere Hindus. Ranbir's father had
completed high school; his mother was functionally literate.

▪ Ranbir was born without his right hand and the distal fourth of his right forearm. His parents
thought that this defect was God’s will,
and they did not connect it to a previous life until Ranbir himself, at the age of about 2, began
to make statements about one. His statements included the names of persons related to a
deceased man named Idrish whose life he claimed to remember, as well as the name of the
village where Idrish had lived.

▪ Idrish was a Moslem who lived and died in the village of Gadka, about 2 kilometers from
Basai. He worked as a farmer and laborer. On an occasion when he was working with a
fodder-cutting machine, his right hand became caught in the machinery and was badly
mangled. As a result of his injury he lost a major part of that hand.

▪ He recovered, however, and later worked as a watchman in a brick kiln near Basai. He died
unrelated causes on June 15, 1983. Dr. Satwant Pasricha investigated this case between
February 1994 and November 1995. On Ranbir's side of the case, interviewed his father, Shiv
Singh, and his mother, Mithilesh.

▪ On Idris's side of the case, she also interviewed Idris's widow, Vakilan, one of his
daughters, Tehmin, and some other members of his family. At Gadka, she also interviewed
three more informants, including Idris's earlier employer who owned the fodder-cutting
machine involved in Idris's injury.
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Idrish’s Life and Death
▪ Idrish was born about 1923. He married a woman named Vakilan and had four sons and two
daughters. He was employed as a helper
to feed fodder into an electric chopping and grinding machine.

▪ In 1962 his right hand was caught in the fodder-cutting machine and his fingers were badly
mangled. He was sent to Fatehgarh, a large city where the medical facilities were better than
those in nearer towns.

▪ The injury was treated there but his hand was left severely deformed. He lost all his fingers
up to the palm. They were either torn off by the machinery or amputated during the repair.
(she did not obtain a medical report in this case.)

▪ Idrish did not, at least publicly, brood much over the loss of his fingers.Although he was able
to carry out essential activities using his deformed
hand, he apparently could not use it for heavy work.

▪ Therefore, he started working as a watchman at a brick-kiln near Basai. He died at the age
of about 60 of an unspecified gastrointestinal illness.

Connections Between the Families Concerned

▪ The families concerned in this case lived about 2 kilometers apart. Although himself a
Moslem, Idrish made friends with Shiv Singh’s parents when he started working as a
watchman near Basai.

▪ He used to visit them sometimes and deposit part of his savings with Shiv Singh’s mother.
His daughter, Tehmin, was also married in that village.

Statements and Recognitions Made by Ranbir

▪ Ranbir said that he was Idrish, and that he came from the village of Gadka.

▪ He added that he had a wife who was hard of hearing and that they had five sons and two
daughters. (Idrish’s family mentioned only 4 sons; it is possible that they had lost a son which
they did not mention; I did not check about this.)

▪ He said that he was a watchman at a brick kiln.All These statements were correct for the life
of Idrish. On Ranbir’s insistence,Shiv Singh informed Tehmin, Idris's daughter, about Ranbir’ s

▪ She came to see Ranbir and the two families concerned thus met. Ranbir was said to have

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correctly recognized members of Idris's family and behaved appropriately toward them.

Fig.Ranbir Singh at his home in February 1994. His right hand and distal fourth of his right
forearm was missing. His left hand was normal.

Ranbir's Behavior Related to the Previous Life

▪ Ranbir asked for meat whereas other members of the family did not eat meat; they ate eggs
only. Ranbir could recognize the Moslem prayers when they were started in the village and
also assumed the posture of saying Namaz.

▪ In addition, he did not mind eating leftover food from other persons’ plates or drinking tea left
over in a cup. His family considered this a Moslem characteristic. Ranbir was particularly
affectionate toward Tehmin. Idrish had been fond of Tehmin. Ranbir also asked his
grandmother to return money that he previous life). claimed to have deposited with her (as
Idrish in the Ranbir’s Birth

Defect and Its Correspondence to Idris's Injury

▪ Idrish’s right hand was mangled in the machine; only a part of his palm and thumb remained
intact. Although medical records were not studied, all informants agreed about the extent of
damage to Idris's hand.

▪ Ranbir was born without his right hand and the distal part of the right forearm . The extent of
damage was far greater than Idris's deformity.

▪ Dr. Satwant Pasricha believe that there is a satisfactory correspondence between the
birthmarks (and birth defects) on the subjects of these cases and wounds on the persons
whose lives the subjects claimed to remember.

▪ In 7 of the 10 cases presented here a medical document described the location of the
corresponding wounds. How are we to explain such correspondences?
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▪ Any complete interpretation of a case must account also for the subject’s cognitive and
behavioral memories. If we consider the features in totality, reincarnation seems to take
account of all features including congenital marks and defects.

▪ The reincarnation hypothesis offers a different, and perhaps better, perspective in

understanding congenital marks and defects along with cognitive and behavioral features.

▪ Dr. Satwant Pasricha wish to emphasize, however, that the purpose of this paper is not to
press any explanation for the cases on her
readers. Instead, her aim was to put on record additional instances of correspondences in
location between wounds on a deceased person and birthmarks (or birth defects) on a child
who will later say that he or she remembers that person’s life.

▪ The best explanation for these correspondences will emerge from further research.

▪ Prof. Ian Stevenson for his expert opinion on the birthmarks and birth defects; he personally
examined birthmarks and birth defects for all cases reported in this article and also
participated in the interviews of two of the cases. He made many useful suggestions for the
improvement of this paper.

Satwant Pasricha Publications

1. Satwant Pasricha, Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India, New

Delhi: Harman Publishing House, 1990.
2. Satwant Pasricha, Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death? In Pursuit of Scientific Evidence (2
Vol.), New Delhi: Harman Publishing House, 2008.
3. Satwant Pasricha, Near Death Experiences in South India: A Systematic Survey. Journal of
Scientific Exploration, 1995.
4. Ian Stevenson, Satwant Pasricha and Nicholas Mclean Rice, A Case of the Possession
Type in India With Evidence of Paranormal Knowledge. Journal of Scientific Exploration.


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CHAPTER NO:- 7 》 PART:- 3 》Investigation and
Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr. C.M.
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》 PART:- 3 》Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation
Rama Swamy
Case Studies by Dr. C.M. Rama Swamy


▪ An interesting case of age regression administered to Prakash, by Dr. C. Ramaswamy at

the All India Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in Bangalore is as follows.

▪ Dr. V. Venkataramaiah was a specialist in the Department of Hysteria in 1972 at the

Institute of Mental Health, Bangalore. His job was to fight against invisible mental disease
everyday as a psychiatrist. Many diseases were very challenging, evading all diagnosis. One
such was the case of Prakash, a boy of 17 years of age.

▪ Dr. Venkataramaiah tried in vain to come out with any conclusions about this boy. As an
alternative, he thought whether hypnotic treatment might throw some light on the case.
Prakash had been hit by a cricket ball about six months ago.

▪ The ball had hit him on the right ear. Since then he had lost his power of speech and
hearing. His parents had taken the boy to all experts: allopathy, ayurveda, unani and such
other treatment had no effect on him. Even tantrics and magicians had given up this case as
beyond their reach.

▪ Astrologers felt their calculations must have gone wrong somewhere. But all to this effect,
that nothing could cure Prakash. ENT Specialists said finally that it was a mental case, and
not one of organic. Dr. V. Venkataramaiah asked Dr. C. Ramaswamy, a hypnotist on the staff
of the Institute of Mental Health whether he can treat a deaf and mute Prakash by

▪ The hypnotist came forward to handle the case at this juncture. Dr. Venkataramaiah, before
entrusting Prakash to the care of this Medical hypnotist, asked a few questions: “May I know
how you proceed with your hypnotic cure? ” The hypnotist explained: I don't think I can try
hypnotism on this patient. Apparently there is no question of giving him any suggestions since
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he is stone-deaf. If at all, I should stick to ‘Mesmerism’, thereby induce deep sleep in the
patient for some analysis.

▪ Dr. Venkataramaiah was ready with another question: “By what mechanism can you find out
his malady while in sound sleep? How can you possibly affect the therapy? ” The hypnotist
said: “When I get complete control over his mind, you'll see how his memory turns
photographic in its nature. Thoughts in the form of waves come up from the sub-conscious
mind on to the conscious plane. As I start giving suggestions to the sub-conscious, about the
reasons of the ailment, he can't help revealing them. After finding out the actual cause, the
right suggestion can be sent back to the sub-conscious to remedy it. The moment that anxiety
is cleared, it is possible that the patient may get back his ‘hearing’ as well as ‘the faculty of
speech’. Rather doubtfully Dr. Venkataramaiah remarked: “If you succeed in this attempt, your
knowledge of hypnotism deserves special credit - my best wishes to you”. It was a full-moon
day. The atmosphere around was calm.

▪ The hypnotist was busy in his room. Prakash was there for the experiment. The hypnotist
beckoned to him to sit comfortably in an easy chair placed near the window. Then the doors
and windows were bolted. Prakash was now asked to look at the eyes of the hypnotist without
batting his eyelids. When the place is utterly peaceful it is easy to hypnotize and mesmerize
the patient. In this case it was ideal to conduct it. Now Prakash started staring at the eyes of
the hypnotist's steadfastly. He felt as though the hypnotist was drawing his very soul towards
him. Further he experienced that the hypnotist was dilating his eyes so much that Prakash felt

▪ He wanted to take his eyes off the hypnotist. However hard he tried, it was impossible. it
seemed as though some unknown magnetic force had attracted Prakash’s eyes; and, as if by
a spell, he did not move his eyes either. After some time, Prakash gradually closed his eyes.
Suddenly the hypnotist advanced towards Prakash, and moved his hand across Prakash’s
body, from head to foot, transmitting mental waves - in the form of ‘sprinkling’ them.

“Prakash....Prakash,” the hypnotist gently addressed the patient.

With eyelids half-open Prakash responded: “what?” it was like a word uttered in deep slumber.
“Can you tell me who I am?”
“You are a doctor”
“Do you answer my questions?”
“What is the cause of your being deaf and dumb?” Prakash grew silent
“Come on, speak out.”
“It is the result of my previous birth.”
“Then you believe in that kind of thing.”
“Yes, of course.”
“Tell me, what were you in your previous birth?”

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“I'll let you know next week. Now treat me for speech and hearing.”
“How? ”
“Sprinkle your mental waves over my ear and throat, - ten minutes on each, and then touch
me on the ear and throat.”

▪ The hypnotist performed accordingly, and said:“From today you regain your hearing. You
can also speak without any difficulty,” and repeated this suggestion somberly to Prakash.

▪ A few moments later, the hypnotist uttered these words calmly:

“Don't you now hear? Can't you speak, see? ”
“Yes, I can.”
“Get up, Prakash. Wake up please,” said the hypnotist and passed his palm over Prakash’s

▪ Nearly an hour or so Prakash had been laid there in that experimental trance. Later he was
restored to his original position.

▪ Next morning there was a pleasant surprise around and all people felt delighted to learn that
Prakash could speak and hear like others.

▪ Dr. Venkataramaiah was overwhelmed at what the hypnotist had done, and offered his
hearty congratulations: “You are really great. Hypnotism is a wonderful science.”

▪ Next week too the hypnotist sent the patient to the deep hypnotic sleep and succeeded in
making Prakash regain his power of speech and hearing by passing mental magnetic
vibrations over his body.

▪ In that trance Prakash disclosed that it would take another six months for him to be
existence. Prakash made completely cured of the right ear disablement; and appealed to the
hypnotist not to bother about it till then. He said specifically that the sin of his previous birth
would by then be redeemed, with regard to hearing.

▪ When questioned, about his previous bare certain details which appeared to be startling.
During the seventh birth of his previous reincarnation Prakash Was a Malayalam
Pundit, deeply conversant with astrology and extra-sensory perception. By great austerity and
practice he had acquired certain powers of the mind.
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▪ When once again he was subjected to the trance a few days later, he gave an identical
statement. Even by some slip, he did not commit any mistake as to the place he was born, his
home and parents, the occupation of the family and such other details that none could
suspect of any variation.

▪ At that stage an idea flashed to the hypnotist's mind, and he started rationalizing “Certain
things are buried deep down Prakash’s sub-conscious mind, with all the ‘rationale’ behind

▪ As the sub-conscious mind takes regression, it is possible to let out many hidden things,
about the previous existence. of experimentation, there was no evidence of any flaw in the

▪ Statements so released were identical, they did not change, when the experiment was
conducted after an elopement of time. Then the hypnotist resolved to carry on research on
these lines.

▪ The substance of his undertaking revolved round a single phenomenon: “ Is it not possible to
bring up all that is hidden in the sub conscious mind, on to the conscious plane ? ”

▪ One morning the hypnotist started off afresh with Prakash subjecting him to deep trance, by
sending ‘mental magnetic vibrations’ for an hour and made a strong suggestion to his mind in
the nature of a ‘resolution’. The intention behind this was to explore in full about the details
related to the Malayalam pundit, so that his experiences might get projected without a blemish
on Prakash’s conscious mind.

▪ 15 days hence there was a tremendous transformation in Prakash’s mind. It had absorbed
the personality of this about 900 years ago.

▪ Without any forewarning Prakash started playing the role of the Pundit - this was noticeable
in the behavioral metamorphosis as well as speech pattern. Now he began reading the palms
of those who approached him, predicting the major events of their past, present and future
life. At least things that had happened during their current existence
tallied so perfectly well that they were astonished at his abilities.

▪ Besides, he reeled off many cantos of the holy scriptures in Malayalam so fluently like a
scholar, although he did not know the ABC of Malayalam language.His done in flawless came
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in touch with him. His style of thought and meticulous pronunciation in that language were
indeed an extraordinary surprise to his parents and well-wishers.

▪ Moreover he was able to read the minds of other people easily at first sight, telepathy or
thought reading. Another facet of his personality was also revealed: clairvoyance. Hard cases,
almost given up, are now brought before him; where medicine had failed, he succeeded in
sprinkling water over their head chanting some hymn. Miraculously though, these patients
experienced remarkable improvement and were cured.

▪ Some knowledgeable ones wanted to test Prakash’s ability as a scholar; and he was found
to be competent in the field, on being tested completely. “No doubt, he is a genius” was the
verdict pronounced by those who met Prakash. On being asked how he mastered the several
arts and sciences, his answer was simple enough.

▪ He told them that he had mastered 48 spirits

in that existence. As such he commanded them to fulfill his behests. These spirits were
perfectly under his control, carrying out instructions faithfully. At his bidding they gave him the
nature of the future as desired.

▪ Pundit who had lived predictions, astronomical calculations, astrological forecasts,

Malayalam, stunned his parents and all others that Research on Reincarnation and Survival of
Soul Now the hypnotist realized that the awareness of previous birth or reincarnation offered
clues. For the first time he discovered the path that lay for any progress of the individual
existence, especially so, in the case of patients branded abnormal by psychologists and
psychiatrists. When he pointed out this truth to the professionals, they grew rather bewildered.

▪ After discharge from institute of mental health Prakash demonstrated the qualities of his
previous birth, talents, sensibility, capabilities and so on for a little over a year. Meanwhile the
hypnotist too made trips to his home village of Prakash for confirmation of the particulars.

▪ During this period Prakash had made himself the Centre of attraction. People used to throng
together for consultation. In turn he had cured many cases by performing his knowledge of
mystic sciences. Many mental patients had got the cure at his hands.

▪ In addition he showed the people feats of superhuman power. All this propaganda paid
Prakash rich dividend and it is said that he earned around Rs. 40,000 or so during that year of
his transmigration.

▪ This amount was earmarked for a definite purpose as was made known by Prakash.
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That is, his desire was to construct a Bhagavati Temple in Kerala, the land of his previous
birth. Often he had expressed this wish of a visit there. On request the hypnotist decided to
dehypnotize Prakash. He was successful in bringing Prakash back to the present life from the
experiences of his previous birth. In course of time, Prakash forgot all about the past and
accepted his present position. The address of Prakash is furnished hereunder for
convenience, if reference is necessary:

Prakash S/o Shivanna, Jaggery Merchant,

SantheSaragur, Heggada
Devana Kote Taluk, Mysore District, Karnataka, India.

▪ I have met with subjects who could reveal their knowledge of totally unknown to them during
the present life; and could see that they did not have any conscious knowledge of their

▪ Some have come out with vivid descriptions of places and countries far remote from their
present living, which on verification have been very true. It is possible to regress a subject to
as many lives as one wishes to delve into. Many of my subjects, like Prakash and others
could describe many past lives when I put them into regression.

▪ All said and done none could forget one great hurdle - and this seems to be the experience
or encounter that all hypnotherapists ought to face- and that is, most of the lives during
hypnotic regression are found to be related to either too remote in history to be traced or very
difficult to seek any access to the events that happened during the period of those lives.

▪ But in some cases they have been checked and found to be correct. Thus, after having
found success and satisfaction in many public hypnotic stage shows and past life regression
at various places, I decided to continue research on reincarnation and mental diseases as a
hobby and also continue my profession as a general medical practitioner for my livelihood.


▪ Srikanth Kathur is a native of Poona. He has set up his family at Bellary, since he happens
to work as Manager at Sandur Iron Ore Works, forty miles away from Bellary. A son was born
after a succession of three daughters on 11-9-1964. That was a jubilant day for Mr. Srikanth
and Mrs. Srikanth since a son was born to the family. The couple felt supremely happy about
this event and named their son Santhosh the symbol of their joy and fulfillment.

▪ No doubt the son brought his parents immense joy during the first two years of his
childhood. Then started a turn of experiences much to the startling fear and a near
disappointment to these loving parents. For Santhosh divulged certain things, as a child of
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about a year and a half, which sounded almost incredible, but true on verification.

▪ It all happened like this- Once the parents were travelling by bus with their son. During the
course of the journey, the boy began behaving in a strange manner. The whirring sound of the
engine, and whenever the bus stopped with a jerking sound, the boy seemed to suffer from a
great shock. When the engine was switched off, he felt relieved of the suffering. Quite
naturally, the parents grew not only a little worried but alarmed. It happened repeatedly, and
there was no doubt whatever that the boy was terribly upset by the whirring sound of the
engine at a halting point. The parents were unable to unearth the mystery surrounding the
boy's apprehension and sudden change in his reaction to the sound. Some months passed

▪ The boy was nearing 3 years of age. One day he called his father to come near him, and
raised the curiosity of the father saying that he would tell him a story. Santosh's father grew
anxious since his son, though hardly a kid, said so in earnest. With all eyes and ears the
Father sat down to listen.

▪ Santhosh said:
“Papa do you know where my home is? It is not this. Believe me, I have my home in Bombay.”
Though half-exasperated, Srikanth told Santosh: “No, my dear ! This is your home. You were
born here. Don't forget it.” To which the boy promptly argued: “It cannot be so. This is your
property. My house with several storeys is in Bombay city. There are two lifts to it. Besides,
we have a fine garden over there.” Srikanth found this explanation breath-taking and was
taken aback.

▪ Rather in a persuasive and coaxing voice, the father continued: “All right, my son. I hope you
will take me there !” Pat came the reply : “Why
not, Papa? Surely I'll take you to my place. You needn't worry about it. I know the road that
leads us to the bungalow. We have to pass through quite a few roads to reach it. Close by
there is a sweet-meat stall, you now. Yes !”. Santhosh said all this in a determined tone, and
he did not fumble in giving out these details. This was too much for Srikanth Kathur, and least
did he expect that a child of a boy like Santhosh would be able to speak in that manner so

▪ Now he started wondering whether his son was recalling the events of his past life. For him
there was nothing else but to speculate only about that possibility. Not containing himself any
further, Srikanth asked Santhosh coolly : “Well dear, let me know who live there.” The boy felt
very enthusiastic to narrate: “ Why, my wife lives there at home. I call her Rajani. She is
very beautiful. She has a mole on her forehead. Normally she covers it with the fringe of her
sari. She loves me so much and calls me Pankaj. We have four children. I had my own
business. It was a big establishment.

▪ Many people were working there. I used to speak in Hindi with my servants and there were
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several of them. Out of respect, they used to address me Sait Pankaj. In my safety locks I
have kept a big treasure. I had two cars, one green and the other bright cream. One morning I
was taking my children to school in my car. A vehicle was streaming along from the opposite
direction. It collided with my car. My arm was cut in two, and saw profuse bleeding....then
came here to your house. You understand !” On listening to this tale, Srikanth was
dumbfounded and asked the boy when all this happened. For a while, Santhosh started
counting with his fingers. But he was not able to say when exactly this incident took place.
Because the right answer did not flash to him. Possibly that part of the matter had grown dim
in his revival of past memory.
▪ Having been inspired by the son's narration Srikanth made a trip to Bombay to find out the
veracity of the details accompanied by Santhosh. The search was not fruitful although there
was some sort of residential address on hand. The kind of sweetmeat stall that the boy had
mentioned was not easily traceable. Not being able to locate the spot, they returned home. At
this time the boy was five years of age. Another two years rolled on. Somehow Santhosh lost
that power of recalling of past events. However much he tried, he could not clutch at even one
single situation of his previous birth. Gradually this act of reminiscence faded away

▪ Simultaneously the kind of phobia he had as a child too vanished without any medical
treatment. He was no longer morbid about the sound of the engine much less scared of travel.
This particularly gave Santhosh parents tremendous relief, and they felt happy.

▪ After looking up our insertion, about Reincarnation Research Centre, in the Indian Express,
Srikanth Kathur started corresponding for further details. Once he had come down with his
son Santhosh to visit our Centre. During the course of our talk, he said, as predicted by an
astrologer, that Santhosh would start reminiscing once again when he came of age.
(Santhosh photograph had been published in the Indian Express, Sunday edition 27-4-
69 covering all details about the boy’s past life.)


▪ The remarkable case of a 5-year-old boy who recalled detailed events from an Indian man’s
life, as documented by Ian Stevenson.

▪ Paramananda of Moradabad breathed his last on 9th May 1943. Nine months and six days
later, exactly on 15th March 1944, he was born again as Pramod at Basuli Patna. Moradabad
was a town about a ninety miles northeast of Bisauli.

▪ Moradabad was a town about a ninety miles northeast of Bisauli. Babu Bansilal Sharma
Sastri was working as Professor in Basuli Patna of Baden District during the year 1944. At
that time his wife gave birth to a second child in the family on October 11,1944, in Bisauli,
India. And that was Pramod Sharma.
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▪ When Pramod started babbling, one could notice certain words at regular frequency. That
was a strange language to the parents. However, the words that he uttered were: Mohan,
Moradabad, Mohan Brothers, and so on. When Parmod was about two and a half, he began
telling his mother not to cook his meals for him any longer because he had a wife in
Moradabad who could cook.

▪ Between the ages of three and four, he began to speak in detail of his life there. The child
could see some transactions of the business world, such as buying butter for household
purposes and biscuits for his delight. Whenever he happened to be there, he would enter into
a soliloquy saying that he possessed a big biscuit concern at Moradabad. And he often told
that his factory was far bigger than any other factory at Moradabad. Further he contradicted
his name too, and wondered why he was called Pramod.

▪ Because he disclosed that his name was Paramananda and that could be verified.
Parmod tended not to play with the other children in Bisauli but preferred to play by himself,
building models of shops complete with electrical wiring.

▪ He especially liked to make mud biscuits which he served his family with tea or soda water.
During this time he provided many details about his shop including its size and location in
Moradabad, what was sold there, and his activities connected to it, such as his business trips
to Delhi. He even complained to his parents about the less prosperous financial condition
of their home compared to what he was used to as a successful merchant. He described
several businesses he had owned and operated with other members of his family He
particularly spoke of a shop that manufactured and sold biscuits (cookies) and soda water,
calling it “Mohan Brothers.”

▪ He insisted that he was one of the “Mohan Brothers” and that he also had a business in
Saharanpur, a town about a hundred miles north of Moradabad. Parmod had a strong distaste
for curd, which is quite unusual for an Indian child, and on one occasion even advised his
father against eating it, saying that it was dangerous. Parmod said that in his other life he
had become seriously ill after eating too much curd one day. He had an equally strong dislike
for being submerged in water, which might relate to his report that he had previously “died in a

▪ Supplying a few details, he created an uneasy surprise to his parents at home for he
declared that he was a married man at Moradabad and father of sons and daughters, had
wife, brothers and sisters.

▪ Moreover, He was anxious to see his family again and frequently begged his parents to take
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him to meet his kith and kin who loved him greatly and who were worried bitterly without him.
His family always refused his request, though his mother did get him to begin school by
promising to take him to Moradabad when he had learned to read.

▪ Hardly at six years of age, he narrated that he was a chronic patient of brother gastritis in his
previous life and he died on 9th May 1943 at Saharanpur.

▪ To strengthen the facts of his antecedents, he revealed that his B. Mohanlal was a well-
known caterer, still flourishing there at Moradabad.
According to this information, it was this very Paramanand whose life came to an end on 9th
May 1943, and reincarnated now as Pramod in the family of Prof. Babu Bankilal Sharma
Sastri. Pramod's parents never investigated or
tried to verify their son’s claims, perhaps because of the Indian folk custom that children who
remembered a previous life were fated to die early.

▪ In course of time, all this of Pramod’s previous birth came to be known to many at Basuli
Patna, of whom Raghu Nandan Lal was one. Out of curiosity he inquired of his relative at
Saharanpur whether there was any truth behind this declaration. There was no shadow of
doubt about this background. News of Pramod's statements, however, eventually reached the
ears of a family in Moradabad named Mehra which fit many of the details of his story.

▪ The brothers of this family owned several businesses in Moradabad including a biscuit and
soda water shop named “Mohan Brothers.” The shop had been started and managed by
Parmanand Mehra until his untimely death on May 9,1943, eighteen months before Parmod
was born. Parmanand had gorged himself on curd, one of his favorite foods, at a wedding
feast, and had subsequently developed a chronic gastrointestinal illness followed later by
appendicitis and peritonitis from which he died. Two or three days before his death, he had
insisted, against his family’s advice, on eating more curd saying that he might not have
another chance to enjoy it. Parmanand had blamed his illness and impending death on
overeating curd. As part of his therapy during his appendicitis, Parmanand had tried a series
of naturopathic bath treatments. While he had not in fact died in a bathtub, he had been given
a bath immediately prior to his death. Parmanand left a widow and five children-
four sons and one daughter.

▪ Naturally this startling event reached the ears of Mohanlal. Being thrilled at this occurrence,
and without losing anytime whatever, in the summer of 1949, Mohanlal set out to Basuli Patna
to meet Parmod who was a little under five years old at the time and to meet his parents.
When they arrived, Well, Prof. Bankelal Sastri described all that had happened to the son
during the past two or three years, and his obsession with that chain of life at Moradabad.

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▪ At this stage, Mohanlal could not suppress any longer his deep desire to see the child, and
talk to him. However, Just then Parmod was away with his family relations in a far off village
and no contact was made. Nevertheless, Mohanlal extended a warm invitation to Prof.
Bankelal to visit Moradabad with his son Pramod as early as possible. It was just the case with
Prof. Bankelal too, for he strongly desired to verify every bit of detail furnished by his son

▪ So very responsively, he assured Mohanlal that he would make the visit on Independence
Day, 1949 accompanied by his son, since that day he would be free from work. On
Independence Day, 1949 Pramod's father responded to an invitation from the Mehra family
and took him to Moradabad to explore his son’s compelling remembrances first hand. As
agreed upon, Mohanlal was eagerly waiting for Prof. Bankelal and Pramod at Moradabad
Railway Station.

▪ No sooner did father and son get off the compartment than Pramod rushed to Mohanlal at
the sight of him. Then he hugged his elder brother Mohanlal deeply and tenderly, and shed
tears of joy. Among those who met Parmod at the railway station was Parmanand cousin, Shri
Karam Chand Mehra, who had been quite close to Parmanand.

▪ Parmod threw his arms around him weeping, calling him “older brother” and saying, “ I am
Parmanand.” (It is common for Indians to call a cousin “brother” if the relationship is a close
one, as was the case for Parmanand and Karam.) All of them started off towards Mohanlal’s
residence in a Tonga.

▪ Parmod then proceeded to find his way to the “Mohan Brothers” shop on his own, giving
instructions to the driver of the carriage which brought them from the station. On the way
home, Pramod noticed a big building and identified as the Town Hall, much to the amazement
of all around him.

▪ Curiously enough, that was the very first visit of Pramod to Moradabad. Besides, the boy
shouted with joy that his house was not far off from that point, which was quite true. As one of
the tests in the stride, Mohanlal had instructed the tongawala earlier to drive the carriage fast
at Mohanlal & Brothers, the business concern carried on jointly in the name of the brothers.

▪ The moment Pramod noticed that he passed by the shop, he cried aloud to the driver to take
him back to the shop. Yes, the tongawala did so. Entering the shop, he complained that “his”
special seat had been changed. (It is customary in India for the owner of a business to have
an enclosed seat-a gaddi-located near the front of the store where he can greet customers
and direct business.) The location of Parmanand gandhi had in fact been changed some time
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after his death. In the shop, Pramod looked at it for a while, and then started straight to the
house opposite to it.

▪ That was the house where he lived in his past existence. Before entering the threshold, he
bowed reverently. Right opposite to him too was the room where he worshipped his favourite
deity, decorated with flowers and chandan and other sandal-wood products. As he stood
there, he was overwhelmed.

▪ That again was the room where he kept his treasury and worshipped Goddess Lakshmi.
Later at Parmanand home, Parmod recognized the room where Parmanand had slept and
commented on a room screen that he correctly
observed had not been there in Parmanand day.

▪ He also identified a particular cupboard that Parmanand had kept his things in as well as a
special low table which had also been his. “This is the one I used to use for my meals,” he
Then what followed was too deep for words. He inquired of his wife and children and all the
dear ones of the family with such love and affection that they were not only touched by the
scene but speechless because of the close affinity that existed in the bond of relationships.

▪ Now was the time of excitement as well as of exasperation. When Parmanand mother
entered the room, he immediately recognized her and addressed her as “Mother” before
anyone else present was able to say anything.

▪ He also correctly identified Parmanand wife, acting somewhat embarrassed in front of her.
She was, after all, a full grown woman and he was only five, though apparently possessing at
least some of the feelings of an adult husband.

▪ When they were alone he said to her, “I have come but you have not fixed bindi,” referring to
the red dot worn on the forehead by Hindu wives.

▪ He also reproached her for wearing a white sari, the appropriate dress for a Hindu widow,
instead of the colored sari worn by wives. Parmod correctly recognized Parmanand daughter
and the one son who was at the house when he had arrived. When Parmanand youngest son
who had been at school showed up later, Parmod correctly identified him as well, using his
name, Gordhan.

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▪ In their conversation Parmod would not allow the older Gordhan to address him by his first
name but insisted that he call him “father.” “I have only become small,” he said. During this
visit Parmod also correctly identified one of Parmanand brothers and a nephew.

▪ Nothing that Pramod depicted could be discredited., They were compelled to acquiesce to all
those experiences of the past. Now pramod recalled, more or less, a recurrent incident at
home almost every day. And that was how he drank lemon juice sitting in the hall, sharing
several things with the members of the family especially, his elder This narration brought,
tears to all of them. Then Pramod expressed his desire to go to the shop. Once inside Parmod
asked, “Who is looking after the bakery and soda water factory?” This had been Parmanand
responsibility. As he entered there, he explained in a nutshell - how aerated water was
manufactured at the factory.

▪ In fact, this was the very first time that he had come across a machine used for the purpose.
In order to test his knowledge, and this was done on purpose, water supply had been cut off.
Seeing this, Pramod quickly pointed out this fact and instructed that the machine should not
be used when enough water did not flow into the pump. Without any assistance, he located
the disconnected nose and gave instructions in its repair.

▪ After this inspection, Pramod set off to meet his relation Karam Chand who was running a
leading restaurant there. What attracted Pramod all the more was the first floor raised on the
building. Suddenly he exclaimed : “During my previous life, there was just the ground floor.”
Needless to say again that this was also a fact.

▪ Parmod showed a striking knowledge for the details of Parmanand world. While touring the
hotel the Mehra brothers owned in Moradabad, the Victory Hotel, Parmod commented on the
new sheds that had been built on the property. The Mehra family confirmed that these had
indeed been added after Parmanand death.

▪ Entering the hotel Parmod pointed to some cupboards and said, “These are the almirahs I
had constructed in Churchill House.” Churchill House was the name of a second hotel the
Mehra brothers owned in Saharanpur, a town about a hundred miles north of Moradabad.
Parmanand had, in fact, had these cupboards constructed for Churchill house during his life.
Shortly after Parmanand death, however, the family had decided to move these cupboards to
the Victory Hotel.

▪ On a visit to Saharanpur later that fall, Parmod spontaneously identified a doctor known to
Parmanand in that city. “He is a doctor and an old friend of mine,” he said. During that visit he
also recognized a man named Yasmin whom he insisted owned him (Parmanand) money. “I
have to get some money back from you,” he said. At first Yasmin was reluctant to
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acknowledge the loan, but after being reassured that the Mehra family was not going to press
for repayment, he admitted that Parmod was quite right about the debt.

▪ News of Pramod’s reminiscences spread like wildfire. Many important people of Moradabad
gathered in no time. They took him to some places around the town, especially to those
places that Paramanand visited; and to their utter astonishment, Pramod not only identified
them but also gave out very relevant facts of his visits during the past existence - Banks,
Meston Park, Service Centres and so on. To top it all, he called on the customers and
recognised them individually. Then it was decided that Pramod should narrate his
reminiscences to an assembly at Arya Bhavan on 16th August, that is, the very next day.

▪ Prof, Bankelal disclosed how his son Pramod had started growing reflective even as a boy of
three. He gave many instances of his son's involuntary acts of reminiscing. In all this, the
father pointed out, Pramod did not falter in the least. Everything he said was sober, balanced
and self-confident. Crying a halt to further exploration, Prof. Bankelal took his son Pramod to
Basuli Patna, while asleep, on 17th August.

▪ It is true that most people find this kind of thing incredible. If they still disbelieve, in
the face of facts, God bless them !


▪ Giridhar Lal Jat, a resident of Rajhalpur village belonging to Musafar District in Uttar
Pradesh, had a son called Jasbir and he was 3 and a half years old in 1954.

▪ After an attack of smallpox, the boy died in May during the same year. Since it was very late
in the evening, the parents as well as relatives thought of burying the dead body the next
morning. Something supernatural happened during the night. To the utter amazement of one
and all, the dead boy started breathing. They made themselves absolutely certain that the boy
had come back to life. What a boon it must have been for the boy was restored to the parents,
as reborn It took some time for him to recuperate. But to the dismay of one and all, the boy
had lost his power of speech.

▪ Suddenly, as if by magic, he started speaking without the least difficulty. Though speech was
regained, the boy’s behavior was not as of before. His language, action and gestures were
strange to the core, which fact created a lot of uneasiness to parents.Every day the boy
displayed something or the other which did not become of a boy of that family. Naturally the
parents were driven to doubt, anxiety and desperation.
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▪ How could they ever divine such a possibility as the soul of a dead villager, a little away from
Rajapur, had entered the body of Jasbir. The
climax reached when Jasbir emphatically refused to eat anything served at Girdharlal
residence. The boy's parents were bewildered at this turn of events.

▪ Further he advanced an argument that as a Brahmin he could never bring himself to eat in
the house of a Jat. This caused great alarm and despair to the parents. For that matter, the
boy went on a fast for some time. Out of
compassion and concern for the boy, the parents got the food cooked by a Brahmin neighbor.
Then it became a regular arrangement, and Jasper's father paid the charges for the food so

▪ Now Jasbir narrated many incredible things: First, he denied that he was Jasbir, the son of
Girdharlal. Second, he declared that it was the soul of Shobharam, that had entered his body,
the son of Shankarlal Tyagi of Vahedi village, who was poisoned by a debtor while he
attended a wedding. Third, he expressed his deep inclination to get back to his home village.
All this past history made the boy's parents breathless with horror. Jasbir’s father deliberately
tried to suppress the narration for quite some time but to no avail.

▪ By now the people of the village had come to know that Jasbir ate only when the food was
being cooked by the neighboring Brahmin woman. This went on for about two years without a
break. Once Mrs. Salma Ravi Dutta Shukla of Vahedi visited her parents in Rajhalpur. The
moment Jasbir saw her, he rushed to her and affectionately called her auntie. In fact she was
her aunt in Jasbir previous birth, that is, during the lifespan of Shobharam. Being struck with
wonder, Mrs. Salma Shukla questioned the boy in several ways to get at the antecedents.
Shobharam, now in the body of Jasbir answered all her queries satisfactorily that there was
hardly anything left for Mrs. Shukla to interrogate him further. Add to this he reeled out the
addresses and incidents of all those friends and well-wishers and relations with such certainty
that the people around were quietened.

▪ As Mrs. Salma Shukla returned to Vahedi village, she reported all that had happened, to her
husband first and to the members of Tyagi's family. The details that Jasbir had furnished
relating to Shobharam, the way he was poisoned, and how he vomited in the cart while
returning home, and finally how he collapsed tallied in every bit. Yes, in May 1954,
Shobharam had breathed his last falling from the cart, halfway through his trip back to his
home, after having attended the wedding dinner. But that Shobharam had died of poison, put
in the sweets by the wretched debtor, was never known to anyone.

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▪ This information raised a series of doubts, and no doubt a great deal of curiosity to probe
into the incident skillfully.

▪ Once Ravi Dutt Shukla himself happened to come to Rajhalpur. Then he met Jasbir to test
certain things for his own curiosity. Undoubtedly it was Shobharam who was speaking in the
physical frame of Jasbir. He greatly wondered whether such things could ever happen at all.
Ravi Dutt Shukla returned home. Encouraged by all this information, Shobha's parents and
others made a journey to Rajhalpur.

▪ On seeing these people, Jasbir recognised

every one of them, as only a kinsman would do. Even the manner of speech was undeniably
of Shobharam. Now all of them felt convinced that Shobharam himself had taken to the body
of Jasbir.

▪ There was another test ahead, Jasbir was asked to travel by train from Rajhalpur to Vahedi
railway station. This had been arranged at the instance of the Manager of a sugar factory at
Vehedi. On sight of Vahedi railway station, the boy got off the compartment. Of course he
knew that he was proceeding to Tyagi's residence. Without the slightest difficulty he passed
through the roads
and finally reached the house to the wonderment of all the spectators. Then he rushed to
meet Mr. and Mrs, Ravi. Dutt Shukla. On his own he went to them, without anybody guiding
him. It looked as though that Jasbir (Shobharam) had known every nook and corner of Vahedi
village, and he stayed there a couple of days. People were taken by surprise when he started
mentioning some guarded secrets too, as only accessible to the inmates of the family. In brief
all those who met him at Vahedi were very sad when Jasbir returned to Rajhalpur. His
attachment to Vahedi was so great that he often went there with the permission of his

▪ Nothing gave him greater happiness than spending a couple of days in Tyagi's household,
Strangely enough, the man., alleged to have poisoned Shobharam, turned up and paid Rs.
600 to Jesbir to clear his criminal conscience. it is said that he never wished to pay this
amount to Shobharam

▪ According to Jesbir, the soul of Shobharam had entered his body. This was done at the
instance of a ‘divine vision’ that Shobharam experienced when he was about to breathe his
last because of poisoning. Further he often said that this vision appeared in his dreams too.
Jasbir regularly visited Vehedi. Of course, every time he stayed at Tyagi's house Shobharam
children, showed Jasbir the same kind of respect and affection as they would to their father.

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Marriages in the family were being celebrated in consultation with him; and his suggestions
were valued invariably.

▪ That was the status accorded to Jasbir Personally, Shobharam was a Brahmin of inner
discipline, quite conversant with Brahminical culture and practices. Now in Jasbir case, these
traits and virtues had continued. There was nothing in him which would betray that he was a
Jet, in speech, food habits and character. Many intelligent people have testified to this after
closely examining Jasbir case as has been studied not only by Indians but also by westerners.

▪ All this may sound funny, incredible and baseless, but there is sound proof of fact supporting
the truth. Nothing is concocted here as fantasy. Many western psychologists have recorded
Jasbir case as metempsychosis that is Shobharam journey into another body.


▪ What marvelous recalling is Mridula’s case ! Indeed there is abundant material available
about this lady since she is our contemporary and a resident of Bangalore City now. Such an
accomplished housewife, and she has a Master's Degree in Political Science to her credit
(She was doing M.A. in Hindi when she passed away in her previous birth.)

▪ A girl was born on 31st July 1949 at Nasik in a Brahmin family.She was christened
Mridula. As misfortune would have it, her father died just a few months after. The poor mother
had to move to Dehra Dun working as a teacher for livelihood. Now the baby girl was hardly 2
years and 3 months old, once the mother was playing with her child in front of their house.

▪ Then an unusual event happened. Someone came in a car, and that was a lady. She parked
the car opposite to this house. On seeing the lady who got off the car, Mridula rushed to meet
her and very affectionately addressed her as “Mummy ! Mummy !” whereas the lady did not
pay any attention to this. Perhaps she presumed that some child just approached her for
something, and nothing beyond. The child felt very sad since her loving call was not
responded to. She felt hurt and reported certain things to her mother which startled her as the
narration went on.

▪ She said decidedly thus : “I have parents over there, a younger sister and quite a few
friends. It is a big bungalow where I was born then. There are eight elephants and many
servants. A posh car and beautiful lawn and dogs. Oh, all so lovely ! Let me go there once and
meet all of them.” As the girl expressed her deep desire the mother was rather stunned at all
this. She started fearing whether the child had been affected mentally, by chance. Of and on
Mridula used to recall some of these things, and a few weeks passed by during the period. As
if by magic or as a god send a situation opened itself to the greater relief of the mother.
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▪ A Great ‘yagna’ was organised at Dehra Dun. Many brahmins had gathered there on the
occasion. Mridula's mother too attended it, accompanied by the daughter. When the
ceremony was drawing to a close, the sight of an elderly lady sitting with two of her daughters
caught the attention of Mridula. In haste the girl dashed to them, took out the garland from her
neck, and now put it round the necks of those who were in front of her. Pleased by this noble
sentiment, the lady spoke tenderly to the child: “How sweet of you, baby ! you are very good!”
Suddenly Mridula, with a glow of recognition in her eyes said, “How is it mummy that you don’t
seem to recognise me ? Am I not your daughter ?” Without waiting for any reply she now
turned to the young lady and addressed her thus : "Look ! you are my younger sister. I am
Munnu, your elder sister. Why don’t you talk to me? The other one (the one born
subsequently) I do not know."

▪ Further Mridula supplied other items of information relevant to placement and recognition.
She also disclosed that her other name in her previous life was Medha.

▪ All this fascinated the people around Mridula. Now she was taken in a car to the house of
her previous birth. The moment the car stopped in front of the gate, she exclaimed: “This is
our home. There, you see, Father is standing”. That was true, and this gentleman was taken
by a big surprise as Mridula started identifying many people and objects. She entered the
room where she breathed her last, and said many things connected with her disease then.

▪ The climax came when she said a few other things : “How is it a new fan has been fixed?
What a pity I could not take my M.A. Examination because of my horrible illness ! My books
are all here in the almirah. Oh, there are a few clothes of mine still in the wardrobe”.

▪ Now the parents could not but believe that this girl Mridula was their daughter in her
previous life who passed away about seven years ago. It was a very touching scene. They
shed tears of joy and felt also sad at the turn of strange events like this. There was no
question or disbelief in this.

▪ The girl, hugging the mother, further reported what she experienced as she left this world :
“Mummy, believe me, the moments of my death were very bad. Suddenly I started feeling that
a certain numbness enveloped my entire body. That was not for long. My limbs turned no
better than dead wood. Some excruciating pain gripped me so hard that I ceased to think any
more of my body. A spirit like thing shot up in my body like a great bird in flight. Actually I
hardly realised whither I was going. A floating feeling pervaded my ‘being’. As I went higher
and higher in the ethereal regions. I came across many beautiful and dazzling objects. There I
saw people living happily together and without any care whatever. For some time I thought
about you and wept bitterly. Then what happened next I do not remember.”

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▪ Coming to the down-to-the-earth matters Mridula inquired of her friends and Shuklaji, the
popular figure at D.A.V. College. It was an act of spontaneous reminiscence on the part of

▪ Medha had died of throat cancer in her previous birth. She was twenty then, in 1945, when
she could not take the final M.A. Examination. In her former existence, Mridula had been born
in an aristocratic Vysya family. Now during the present birth, as has already been pointed, out
she happened to be born as a daughter in a middle class Brahmin family.


▪ A little girl of 7 has left a very well-documented account of her previous existence. The story
of her past life was really a complex one. All details related to it have come off accurately on
verification; time, place and people - and this girl had been far removed from all of them during
her present birth.

▪ However, the story runs as follows :

In her previous incarnation H. Fielding Hall had been born as a man, running a marionette
doll.(well, for example, she could fit up strings and manipulate them quite correctly. Strangely
though, she had never known anything during her present life about a marionette doll, much
less seen it ! This girl clearly stated: “ I married four times. Out of four wives, two died early.
Then the other two were poles apart in their character. The one I divorced, and the other was
a dearly attached darling wife. Both of them are still alive. The wife whom I divorced was a
horrible woman, full of wickedness and criminality. Once she took up a chopper and cut me on
the shoulder." Surely the scar on that spot was very much there as birth-mark on the shoulder
of the girl on verification.

▪ Asked why the girl (he, in the past life) could not live with the first wife, the answer given by
her was rather naive : “Well, you know All this happened in my past life ! That's all gone
Besides this, the girl provided such accurate details as regards places and people of her
former existence that there was not even the slightest doubt as to their veracity.
( Source : “ The Soul of a People. ” )


▪ Now let us see how General George Patton's life had been spread over six earlier lives as
recalled. This famous U.S. Military General who fought during the world war II had been
credited for possessing tremendous subconscious memories", capable of recalling with
effortless ease six earlier incarnations.

▪ How varied are the lives could be seen as under

(i) He was an eminent prehistoric warrior who ever “battled for fresh mammoth and warred for
pastures new.”
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(ii) A Greek hoplite who fought bravely the Persians of King Cyrus
(iii) A soldier during the reign of Alexander the Great at the time of Siege of Tyre
(iv) A legionnaire known for his bravery and prowess with Julius Caesar in Northern Gaul
(v) An English knight at the famous battle of Crecy during the Hundred years' war
(vi) A Marshal during the Napoleonic wars “When one laughed at death and members, trusting
in the Emperor’s star.”

▪ This record might sound rather strange because in all six previous lives George Pattern had
lived the life of an army man.
( Reference : David Wallechinsky cites this example in his work : “ The Book of Lists ” )








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NO :- 7 》PART:- 4 》Investigation and
Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies by H. N.
CHAPTER NO :- 7 》PART:- 4 》Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case
Studies by H. N. Banerjee



▪ The Indian professor Dr. H. N. Banerjee, who apart from Professor Stevenson and Professor
Haraldsson is probably the most well-known research scientist on the subject of reincarnation,
became famous in the USA by bringing the case of Joe Wilke to the attention of the public.

▪ A three-year-old girl from Iowa suddenly told her parents that she used to be called Joe
Wilke. She was growing up in a strictly Catholic family in which any discussion on the subject
of reincarnation was forbidden.

▪ The girl also told her parents that her wife was called Sheila and that they had both been
fatally injured in a motorbike accident on the 20th July 1975 in Brookfield Illinois.

▪ Professor Banerjee had heard of the claims this girl had made and asked her to tell him
everything once more.

▪ He then wrote to Dr. Adrian Finkelstein, who was living in Chicago, asking him to find out
whether there was any truth in what the girl was saying. Dr. Adrian Finkelstein wrote back

▪ The police investigation stated that a Joseph Wilke and his wife from Brookfield had died on
the 20th July 1975 at 5:33pm in an accident involving his Honda motorbike. A sceptic could
well say that someone was playing games with Dr. Banerjee by telling a three-year-old girl
about an accident he had heard about, and then telling the girl to recount the story to the
research scientist as if it was her own from a past life.

▪ A little girl would not fool Professor Banerjee, an experienced research scientist. I will now

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tell you about another case that this Professor investigated, and which in my eyes is even
stronger proof of reincarnation.

▪ In Adana, on the southern coast of Turkey, lived Mehemet Altinklish and his family. One-day
his two-year-old son said to him, “I don’t want to live here any more.

▪ I want to go back to my home and children.” His father said, “What did you just say Ismail?”
“Don’t call me Ismail, my name is Albeit,” the child replied. His father then wanted to know
from where he got these ideas. His son explained that his real name was Albeit Suz Ulmus
and that he had been the owner of a large garden nursery until three men had broken in and
killed him.

▪ His father clearly remembered that several months before the birth of his son, a man named
Albeit Suzumushi, the owner of a large garden centre who lived just over a kilometre away
from Mr. Altinklish had been killed with an iron bar by three men. There had been many
newspaper reports about this incident, which had happened on the 31st January 1956. Mr.
Suzulmus had employed three men who applied for a job in one of his garden centres.

▪ These three men had locked him into a shed and had murdered him. After that they had
broken into the house and had killed his second wife and her two children.

▪ The three murderers were caught. After a sensational trial two of them were hanged, while
the third died in prison. Ismail continued to insist that he is A Bit and repeatedly begged his
father to take him to his previous home. He often cried out in his sleep, “Gulseren! Gulseren!”
and woke up crying. His parents knew that this person he
was calling in his sleep was his daughter from his past life, since he had told his parents about

▪ When Ismail was three years old his father finally agreed for him to be taken to the house of
the murdered gardener. Eleven people accompanied him.

▪ Ismail insisted that no one should show him where the house is, for he claimed he could find
his way there. Even though his companions tried to mislead him several times Ismail
continued on his way knowing exactly where he was going.

▪ The boy had never walked this way before. When they had entered the house there were
about 30 people waiting for them. They wanted to put the boy to the test to see whether he
would recognise members of his former family.

▪ He immediately went up to one of the women, called her by name and told the others that
this was his first wife. Then he saw his former daughter whom he had called out by name with
such longing in his sleep. The same happened with his second daughter and his son who
were also present.
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▪ Finally he said, “Now I want to show you where I was murdered.” He led them to the shed in
which the brutal crime had been committed. There he pointed out certain things that had since
changed. All these events occurred in a Moslem country in which the Islamic Church forbids
the belief in reincarnation and has certainly never taught

▪ There are smaller sects such as the Alawites and the Sufis, who do believe in reincarnation.
The newspapers published two articles about this family reunion. One story read as follows:

▪ The boy Ismail had recognised an ice cream vendor and had called him by name asking him,
“Do you remember me?” The man said no,
and Ismail continued, “I am Albeit. In the past you used to sell watermelons and vegetables
instead of ice-cream.” The salesman agreed that this was so. The boy also told him that he
had been the one who had circumcised him long ago.

▪ By now the ice-cream salesman was also convinced that this boy had really been
the nursery owner he had once known.

▪ One day Ismail met a man and reminded him that he had lent him some money when he
was About, and that he still owed this money to the Suzulmus family.

▪ The man agreed that this was true. Another

time he saw a man who was leading a cow on a rope. Ismail talked to him and asked whether
that was the ‘yellow one’ that used to belong to Mr. Suzulmus. The man told him it was.

▪ Professor Banerjee is absolutely convinced that none of these stories were invented. The
two families had nothing to gain by telling lies, since that could well bring them into conflict
with their religious leaders.

▪ When Professor Banerjee was investigating this case and was interviewing the families, he
was asked to keep quiet about the things he was told. Besides those families avoided each
other. The murder victim’s family was probably accusing Ismail’s family of having started all
this talk. As you can see from this story, children’s memories of past lives are not restricted to
countries in which the belief in reincarnation is common, but are also found in those where
such a belief is frowned upon

“Americans Who Have Been Reincarnated: Ten Case Histories.” (CPLF)the work of
H.N. Banerjee.

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NO:- 7 》PART:- 5 》Investigations and
CHAPTER NO:- 7 of Reincarnation
》PART:- Case
5 》Investigations and Studies
Publications by DR.
of Reincarnation
Erlendur Haraldsson
Case Studies by DR.Erlendur Haraldsson

▪ Erlendur Haraldsson is a professor of psychology at the University of Iceland. He studied

philosophy at the universities of Iceland, Edinburg and Freiburg, Writer and journalist. Studied
psychology at the University of Freiburg and University of Munich where he obtained the Dip.
Psych. in 1969.

▪ Research fellow at the Institute of Parapsychology in Durham, internship in clinical

psychology at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Ph.D. in
psychology from the University of Freiburg, Research associate at the American Society for
Psychical Research. After that in the Department of Psychology at the University of Iceland.
Visiting professor at the University of Virginia, and at the Institute for Grenzgebiete der
Psychologie und Psychohygiene in Freiburg. Dr. Haraldsson has published numerous
scientific articles and book chapters, and is the author of four books, two of which have
appeared in English.

Psychological and cultural characteristics

▪ Erlendur Haraldsson and his colleagues conducted several studies of the personality,
abilities and psychological characteristics of children who claim memories of a previous life,
comparing them with paired children who did not. The objective of these studies was to
determine the role certain psychological characteristics the children might have as possible
explanations for their past-life memories, such as, fantasy, suggestibility, social isolation,
dissociation and attention seeking.

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▪ In a study of 23 children pairs in Sri Lanka, those claiming memories of a previous life had
greater verbal skills and better memory than their peers, performed much better in school, and
were more socially active, but were not more suggestible.

▪ In a further study of 27 children pairs in Sri Lanka, one evaluation checklist revealed that the
target children exhibited more behavioral problems, including oppositional traits, and
obsessional and perfectionistic characteristics, and a dissociation instrument showed them to
have dissociative tendencies such as rapid changes in personality and frequent daydreaming.
In a later study of 30 children pairs from Lebanon, children claiming memories of a previous
life tested higher for daydreaming, attention seeking and dissociation but not for suggestibility
and social isolation.

▪ The level of dissociation was much lower than cases of multiple personality and was not
clinically relevant. There was some evidence of post-traumatic stress disorder - like
symptoms; eighty percent of the children spoke of memories of a violent death, mostly from
accidents but also war-related deaths and murders. It is possible the repeated appearance of
this imagery serves as a stressor.

Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson Life Work and Publications

1. Children claiming past‐life memories: Four cases in Sri Lanka. Journal of Scientific
2. Psychological comparison between ordinary children and those who claim previous‐life
memories. Journal of Scientific Exploration,
3. Children who speak of memories of a previous life as a Buddhist monk: Three new cases.
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research,
4. Birthmarks and claims of previous life memories I. The case of Purnima Ekanayake.
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research,
5. Birthmarks and claims of previous life memories II. The case of Chatura Karunaratne.
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research.
6. Psychological Characteristics of Children Who Speak of a Previous Life: A Further Field
Study in Sri Lanka Transcultural Psychiatry,
7. Development of Certainty about the Correct Deceased Person in a Case of the
Reincarnation Type: The Case of Nazih Al‐Danaf. Journal of Scientific Exploration.


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CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:- 6 》 Investigation and
CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:- 6 》 Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case
Publication ofB. Reincarnation
Studies by Dr. Jim Tucker Case Studies by Dr. Jim
B. Tucker

▪ Child psychiatrist Dr. Jim Tucker continues Stevenson's work. Stevenson stepped down as
director of the Division of Perceptual Studies in 2002, though he continued to work as
Research Professor of Psychiatry. Jim Tucker, M.D., is the medical director of the Child and
Family Psychiatry Clinic and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences
at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. He continued Stevenson's research with
children, examined in his book, Life Before Life : A Scientific Investigation of Children's
Memories of Previous Lives (2005).

▪ Dr. Jim B. Tucker’s Life Work and Publications

1. An unusual birthmark case thought to be linked to a person who had previously died.
2. Tucker JB. Review of "Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul
Groups Reunited."
3. Children who claim to remember previous lives: Cases with written records made before
the previous personality was identified.
4. Cases of the reincarnation type with memories from the intermission between lives.
5. Some bodily malformations attributed to previous lives.
6. Experimental birthmarks: New cases of an Asian practice.
7. Children who claim to remember previous lives: Past, present, and future research.



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CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:- 7 》 Investigation and
CHAPTER NO:- of Reincarnation
7 》PART:- 7 》 Investigation Case Studies
and Publication by Dr. Case
of Reincarnation
Studies by Dr. Antonia Mills
Antonia Mills

▪ Dr. Antonia Mills was previously a Research Assistant Professor and Lecturer at the
University of Virginia, USA. She earned her BA and her PhD from Harvard. First Nations land
claims, religion and law, and reincarnation beliefs and cases are her current research

▪ Amerindian Rebirth : Reincarnation Belief Among North American Indians. She has been
awarded a Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Fellowship for “A Longitudinal Study of Young
Adults who were said to Remember a Previous Life.” She teaches undergraduate and
graduate courses and one on “Indigenous Perspectives on Reincarnation and Rebirth”.
Antonia Mills has also published a variety of journals such as Culture, B.C. Studies, and the
Journal of Anthropological Research, and chapters in books.

▪ Antonia Mills reported an ongoing longitudinal study of Hindu and Muslim children who
reported memories of a previous life, both with and without a shift in religion, from Hindu to
Muslim or vice versa.

▪ The objective is to evaluate the later effect of the children’s experience as young adults,
how it impacts their attitude toward efforts at Hindu-Muslim reconciliation, their integration in
their communities, and whether they score higher on dissociative and psychic experience
scales than those who have no such memories.

▪ These cases of a shift in religion are very rare. Reincarnation is accepted as a reality by
Hindus, yet most of the reported cases entail someone who died violently and came back

▪ Muslims do not formally accept reincarnation as a possibility, yet they report about as many
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cases of children remembering a life in the “other” religion as do the Hindus.

▪ In a summary of her work, Mills concluded that the numerous cases of the reincarnation type
require an explanation for which reincarnation appears to be the most compelling.

▪ However, it is impossible to eliminate other possible sources of the child’s knowledge.

▪ Cryptomnesia or amnesia as the source of the information may be present in some cases
but are unlikely to account for most of them. Other paranormal means of communication such
as extrasensory perception (ESP) may account for some elements of some cases, but the
evidence for telepathic or other types of ESP indicate that they alone could not account for
the level of knowledge and the personal characteristics shown in these cases.

▪ Mills suggested three criteria be used as guidelines to evaluate whether reported cases of
reincarnation are indicative of more than cultural construction and wishful thinking: Statements
made by the child based on knowledge the child could not have learned through normal
means such as the name of the previous personality and the mode of death, and speaking
from the point of view of the previous personality including recognition of people, objects and

▪ The presence of skills and interests in the child which it cannot be expected to have acquired
in the current life such as speaking a language unknown to the current family and community,
the ability to play a musical instrument, or abnormal Phillies or phobias.

▪ Specific birthmarks or birth defects which correspond to wounds or marks on the previous
personality, comparing them to photographs, medical records or autopsies of the previous
personality. In cases where the mother witnessed the marks or wounds on the previous
personality, one cannot eliminate the possibility that the mother’s awareness had an impact
on the creation of the birthmark.

▪ The author describes the features of 26 Moslem cases of the reincarnation type in India. In
eight of these cases a Muslim child is said to have recalled the life of a Moslem. In seven
cases a Muslim child is said to have recalled a life as a Hindu, and in 11 cases a Hindu child is
said to have recalled the life of a Moslem.

▪ Most Moslems in India do not officially endorse the concept of human earthly reincarnation.
In some instances the absence of the doctrine in Islam made Moslems hostile to investigation
of the cases.

▪ However, the cases are generally very similar to the more common Hindu cases, except that
in solved Moslem a higher proportion of previous personalities died violently, and the subjects
in the half-Moslem cases showed behaviour and (in two instances) birthmarks appropriate for

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the other religious community.

▪ Both Hindu and Moslem parents found it troubling to have a child recall a past life in a
different religion. Such cases are unlikely to be the result of subtle clues given the child to
adopt an envied identity.

▪ The Characteristics of Moslem and Half-Moslem Cases The Sample of Cases The 34
Moslem or half-Moslem cases among the 356 cases from India in the files of the Division of
Personality Studies of the University of Virginia comprise nine percent of the Indian sample.

▪ Antonia Mills have not included in the analysis the brief synopses of eight Moslem or half-
Moslem cases because the information is incomplete and has not been verified by Stevenson
or his associates.

▪ The 26 cases she have included were at least cursorily investigated by Stevenson or his
associate. With the exception of one case reported by K. K. N. Sahay in the 1920s the cases
were all investigated between 1960 and 1989, that is, after partition.

▪ Even for the cases I have included, information is missing in some instances, due to
incomplete questioning, absence of documents, or gaps in the memories of the informants.
Therefore the sample size is less than 26 for some of the features discussed below.

▪ Location of the Cases Like most of the cases on file at the University of Virginia, the 26
Moslem and half-Moslem cases are all from northern India. Fourteen of the subjects lived in
Uttar Pradesh, seven in Rajasthan, three in Madhya Pradesh, and one each in Gujarat and in
India's most northern state, Jammu and Kashmir. Most of these cases were identified in the
course of studying the other cases of the reincarnation type in India.

▪ Religion of the Subject and Previous Personality Of the 26 Moslem and half-Moslem cases,
in 7 (27%) a Muslim child remembered being a Hindu in a previous life, in another (42%) a
Hindu child recalled being a Moslem in a previous life, and in 8 (31%) a Muslim child was
identified as the reincarnation of a Muslim

▪ The majority of the Moslem subjects or previous personalities considered themselves Sunni
Moslems. One subject from Rajasthan said he was Sunni but really more Sufi than either
Sunni or Shi'ite. Three of the Rajasthan cases came from a special Merhat group described as
a Moslem merchant caste. In one case, described further below, a Sunni Moslem girl claimed
to have been a Muslim Bohora in a previous life. Although some Bohras in India are Hindu,
the Muslim Bohras are members of the Isma'ili Shi'ite branch of Islam.

▪ The Case of Doohi Khan The case of Doohi Khan rests on the affidavit K. N. Sahay had
signedby the relatives of the subject and the previous personality in this Muslim to Muslim

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case. On October 17, 1926, Mr. Sahay wrote up the following affidavit, quoted in Bose (1960,
p. 94).

▪ My daughter Robin died at the age of five. One year after her death the daughter of
Mohammed Madari Khan of this village gave birth to a girl child. When the girl was five years
old, I chanced one day to go on some business to the house in which she was living. She
recognized me and called me "Father." I brought her to my house with me and she
recognized my wife as her mother and my two sons are her brothers. She also knew my
parents, grandparents, two brothers, and near relatives of this village; namely, Mordan Khan,
Pir Khan, Alisher Khan, Sahib Khan, Tej Khan, etc.

▪ She even told which things of the house she had used as her own. She is now with her
husband, Mohammad Khandan Khan in Sarolly Village of [District] Bareilly. (Signed)
Mohammed Jehan Khan Hafiz (Dated) October 17, 1926.

Antonia Mills’s Life Work and Publications

1. Rebirth and Identity: Three Cases of Pierced-Ear Birthmarks
2. Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect.
3. Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma.
4. American Children who Claim to Remember Previous Lives.
5. Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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NO:- 7 》PART 8 》 Investigation and
CHAPTER NO:- of Reincarnation
7 》PART Case
8 》 Investigation and Studies
Publication Dr. Jurgen
of Reincarnation Case
Studies Dr. Jurgen Keil

▪ UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA Dr. Jurgen Keil studies reincarnation cases

through scientific methods and has studied numerous reincarnation cases in Turkey and other
countries with well-known reincarnation researcher, Prof. Ian Stevenson.

▪ He has published his findings in leading journals such as the Australian Journal of
Psychology, the Medical Journal of Australia, the Journal of the American Society for
Psychical Research, and Lexikon der Psychologie.

▪ He also explores the phenomena related with medium ship. Reincarnation and
Parapsychology Dr. Keil says, “ I have researched hundreds of cases in Turkey, Thailand and
Myanmar. I have also studied a few cases in Syria and Nepal.

▪ This is my conclusion: Some children, usually after they start talking, give details that point
to connections with people who are dead - these are called previous personalities - before
these children were born. For example, a child can give the name of a previous personality,
claiming that he/she was that person. From time to time a child may talk about events that
occurred during the lifetime of this previous personality with significant emotional interest or
display birthmarks or birth defects that imply a connection to the previous personality.”

▪ Dr. Keil will also emphasize the paranormal factors that may play a role in explaining the
reincarnation cases.

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NO:- 7 》 PART 9 》 Investigation and
CHAPTER NO:- 7of Reincarnation
》 PART Case
9 》 Investigation and Studies
Publication by Mr. Case
of Reincarnation
Godwin Samararatne
Studies by Mr. Godwin Samararatne

▪ “Review and analysis of ‘unsolved’ cases of the reincarnation type. I. Introduction and
illustrative case reports.”

▪ “Review and analysis of ‘unsolved’ cases of the reincarnation type. II. Comparison of
features of solved and unsolved cases.”

▪ “Three new cases of the reincarnation type in Sri Lanka with written records made before

▪ “Three new cases of the reincarnation type in Sri Lanka with written records made before

▪ “Deception and self-deception in cases of the reincarnation type. Seven illustrative cases in

▪ “Children who speak of memories of a previous life as a Buddhist monk. Three new cases.”

▪ Godwin Samararatne have always been fascinated about the myth on rebirth. As a Buddhist,
rebirth is part of his religious faith. He is not going to stress out on religion, but he is going to
present you to some of the most controversy real life stories and they are not related to
Buddhism. They are just real events that had happened. Read some extraordinary and
unbelievable cases in Asia describing child Prodigies and provide some insight into the
subject ‘Rebirth’ you will have to judge for yourself.

The Case of Gnanatilaka

▪ Gnanatilaka is her name. She was born on 14th February 1956 in Kotmale in Sri Lanka

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▪ The case started in 1960 when she was 4 ½ years old. Then she told her parents, “I want to
see my father and mother.” Gnanatilaka insisted that she know where her ‘real’ parents are
and she will direct her parents to them. Her parents ignore her at first but as day passes, she
would constantly pester her parents to bring her to her ‘real’ parents. As a result she led her
parents to a tea estate near Talawakele, about 30 miles from where she lives now.

▪ This story soon began to spread. A few professors from the University of Ceylon and
Venerable Piyadassi Maha Thera came to know of this story. He decided to investigate. They
listen to Gnanatilaka tell her story about the time when she was a boy whose name was

▪ They recorded everything in details and went with Gnanatilaka to visit the house where she
described. In the present life of Gnanatilaka, she had never visited the house or any particular
area near this house. The two families also do not have any relation with each other and did
not know of each other existences. When Gnanatilaka enter the house, she pointed to her
parents and introduces them to the professors.

▪ She gives the correct nicknames of each family member in the house. The former life
parents were interviewed; they described the character and habits of their son who had
passed away on 9th November 1954.

▪ Gnanatilaka refuse to talk with her former younger brother. The former parents explained
that the two brothers is always fighting and quarrelling with each other. Perhaps Gnanatilaka
was still holding the grudges from her previous life when she was a boy.

▪ When the local school head master heard of the story, he went to visit the house to see for
himself. Gnanatilaka immediately recognized the headmaster. She was even able to describe
the homework in detail given to her former life by the headmaster.

▪ The story soon spread far across the world. A researcher who specified in rebirth cases, Dr.
Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia, flew from America to Ceylon to investigate the
case. After the investigation, he said that this case was one of the best in the subject rebirth,
both in evidential detail and in psychological aspects.

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NO:-7 》PART:- 10 》 Investigation and
Publication of ReincarnationCase Studies by Dr.
CHAPTER NO:-7 》PART:- 10 》 Investigation and Publication of
Walter Semkiw
ReincarnationCase Studies by Dr. Walter Semkiw

▪ The President of IISIS is Dr. Walter Semkiw, a physician working in occupational medicine
who started researching reincarnation in 1995. He isthe author of Return of the
Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited(2003),and Born
Again: Reincarnation Cases Celebrities(2006).

▪ Involving International A Psychiatrist Dr. Finkelstein is the author of Your Past Lives and the
Healing Process : at Reincarnation and Spiritual Healing(1985)and Marilyn Looks

▪ Monroe Returns : The Healing of a Soul(2006).The primary focus of IISIS is to compile and
present compelling reincarnation cases that demonstrate objective evidence of reincarnation.

▪ “Not only are these cases important in understanding human existence,”

says Dr. Semkiw, “these cases can also help create a more peaceful world, as they show that
we can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from one lifetime to another.”

▪ In recent years, numerous cases of reincarnation have come to light which have shown that
we tend to maintain the same facial features, talents and other characteristics from one life to
the next while our religion, nationality and ethnicity can change.

▪ I have discussed a few possible cases myself; for example John Lennon / Branwell Brontë,
Michael Jackson /Mozart and Yoo Ye Eun / William Kapell.

▪ Walter Semkiw has researched dozens of cases showing physical resemblance among other
things, and these are now being collated on the IISIS website.

▪ In addition to educating people around the world on reincarnation cases that already exist,
IISIS will also review, archive and post new reincarnation cases. So if you have or know of a
reincarnation case that has been ‘factually verified’, you can submit it to IISIS.

▪ Another intriguing feature under consideration is a ‘Future Life Registry’, which is meant to
assist individuals in future incarnations to find their own past lives. In this registry, IISIS would
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store your current-life image, biography, psychological profile, creative works and other

▪ In future incarnations, this information as well as facial recognition software and computer
scans could (in theory) be used to help identify your possible past incarnations.

▪ IISIS will also be giving an annual IISIS Award to “individuals who have made significant
contributions to reincarnation research, particularly in the areas of objective evidence of
reincarnation and the positive social transformation that evidence of reincarnation can bring.”

▪ Dr. Semkiw strongly believes that greater knowledge and acceptance of reincarnation could
reduce the level of conflict in the world: Most wars and conflicts are based on differences in
these cultural markers of identity.

▪ When people realize that they can be born Jewish in one lifetime and Muslim in another,
Sunni in one incarnation and Shiite in another, Palestinian in one lifetime and Israeli in
another, then these groups will stop fighting one another.

▪ A case that dramatically demonstrates how religion, ethnic affiliation and nationality can
change across incarnations is that of Anne Frank (1929-1945), the Jewish girl in Nazi-
occupied Amsterdam who wrote a now-famous diary while in hiding.

▪ Although Ms. Frank died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, this soul was apparently
reborn nine years later to a Christian family in Sweden.

▪ Her name is Barbro Karlén, she has a passion for horses, and she now lives in England. As
a child, even before her third birthday, Barbro kept telling her parents that she her real name
was “Anne Frank”. (Anne Frank and her diary were virtually unknown at the time, especially in
Sweden.) She also had repeated nightmares in which men ran up some stairs and then
kicked in the door to her hiding place in an attic.
You can read more about this fascinating case on the IISIS website. (IISIS-Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit).

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CHAPTER NO:- 7 》PART:-11 》Investigation and
CHAPTER NO:- of ReincarnationCase
7 》PART:-11 Studies
》Investigation and Publication by Dr. K.S.
of ReincarnationCase
Studies by Dr. K.S. Rawat

▪ Dr. Kirti Swaroop Rawat in an Eminent Parapsychologist, Director of International Centre for
Survival and Reincarnation Researches.

▪ The idea of reincarnation fascinated Kirti Swaroop when he was just a kid. And why not ?
His grandfather, Ganesh Kumar Rawat, told him mysterious tales of his own past life instead
of the usual bedtime stories. Later in life, Kirti Swaroop’s query about life and its mysteries
didn’t let him sleep in the nights. That is why he started to pursue the question about
reincarnation scientifically.

▪ Dr. K S Rawat was at Osho Tapoban, Nagarjun Hills on February 28, conducting a seminar
on the scientific evidence of reincarnation. Here he was sharing the astounding findings he
had gathered over a research period of 42 years. Dr.Rawat shared a few of the 500 cases of
reincarnation for which he says he has proper scientific proof.

▪ Many of the subjects he shared had memories of their past lives. Dr. Rawat had taken the
time to go in person to verify whether his subjects were just bluffing or were really part of a
paranormal phenomenon that beats Most scientific-minded people.

▪ Apart from memories of a different life, some of Dr. Rawat’s subjects also had birthmarks
that they could trace to a previous life. A girl called Laxmi born with a birthmark on her head
remembers dying by being hit in the head by a stone.

▪ One of Dr. Rawat’s cases included a Hindu boy born with a circumcised penis. “Not only did
they boy know exactly how to perform the Muslim ritual of Nawaz, but also remembers the
exact process of circumcision,” shared Dr. Rawat.

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▪ With a paranormal topic as his topic of research, Dr. Rawat says he gets a lot of hoaxes as
well. But for someone who has done his Ph.D. in Reincarnation, Dr. Rawat says it’s easy to
spot a hoax in a matter of minutes. “There were nine kids claiming they were Gandhi in their
past life, but all were making it up,” he said. Also speaking at the program, Swami Anand
Arun, coordinator of Osho Tapoban said scientific information on reincarnation exists, but
many Christian Research on Reincarnation and Survival of Soul society's try to suppress this
information as it goes against their religion.

▪ “It is the same as Galileo’s case. He proved that the earth revolves around the sun in the
17th century, but the Catholic Church officially accepted this fact only in 1960,” said Swami

1. An Amazing Case Study of Shanti Devi

▪ Surpassing all bounds of human comprehension, and yet so very credible, the amazingly
verifiable case of Rebirth of Shanti Devi was reported exactly 80 years ago.Though
sensational in its outward appearance, it was grounded in hard-core facts when the veracity of
experience was questioned. We are left with no doubt as to its authenticity, and Shanti Devi’s
experiences of pre-existence and rebirth confirm well in their basic, and essential
details.memories in children that is instances of recalling of previous births
of rebirth by Medical Science Research on Reincarnation.

▪ This was investigated in 1936 by the International Aryan League of Delhi which consisted
of members known for their critical intelligence, competence and wide learning.
And in 1937, when this report first appeared, people at large were made to think seriously
about instances of rebirth and their validity to the present existence. Not only did the leading
Indian newspapers but also those abroad published this, as a spectacular event.

▪ This is one more interesting case by Dr. K.S.Rawat

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▪ This is also One of the Most Authentic Medical Case investigated by Mahatma Gandhi

▪ Shanti Devi is one of the best cases of children’s past life memories to ever be
recorded. It was investigated by a committee of prominent citizens appointed byMahatma
Gandhi, who accompanied Shanti Devi to the village of her past-life recollections and
recorded what they witnessed.

▪ This article is reprinted with permission from the March/April, 1997 issue of Venture Inward
Magazine, the magazine of the A.R.E., (the Edgar Cayce research organization). It was
written by Dr. K.S.Rawat, a Stevenson-style researcher based in India. Dr. Rawat is a
frequent contributor to the Past Life Forum, and welcomes comments.

▪ People hear of many cases of reincarnation these days, but in the early 30s, information
about a girl born in a little-known locality of Delhi, who claimed to remember a past life, was
considered great news indeed. The girl at first was known only to the local people, but
gradually news of her spread all over the country and finally all over the world. It was natural
that the world should wonder about the authenticity of her story.

▪ Shanti Devi, born in 1926, was the subject of speculation all of her life. In 1985 questions
were even raised about her existence in a special issue on reincarnation in a prominent
weekly English journal of India. This dismayed me that someone would raise such doubts
without conducting a proper study. In February 1986, I had gone to Delhi to meet Ian
Stevenson, the leading expert in reincarnation research from the University of Virginia. Dr.
Stevenson had already investigated her case, so I showed him the article. A few days later I
met Shanti Devi and spent about an hour and half with her. Later, I interviewed many people
connected with the case at Delhi, Mathura, and Jaipur And, including Shanti Devi’s relatives in
this life and from her past life as Lugdi Bai. I also examined the books and articles published
on Shanti Devi from time to time, besides several reports prepared on her by eminent
scholars. This is her story, perhaps the most famous reincarnation case on record.

▪ On January 18, 1902, Chaturbhuj, a resident of Mathura, was blessed with a daughter, who
was named Lugdi. When Lugdi reached the age of 10, she was married to Kedarnath
Chaube, a shopkeeper of the same locality. It was the second marriage for Kedarnath, as his
earlier wife had died. Kedarnath Chaube owned a cloth shop in Mathura and also a branch
shop at Hardwar. Lugdi was very religious and had been to several pilgrimage places at a
very young age. While on one pilgrimage, she was injured in her leg for which she had to be

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treated, both at Mathura and later at Agra.

▪ When Lugdi became pregnant for the first time, her child was stillborn following a Cesarean
section. For her second pregnancy, the worried husband took her to the government hospital
at Agra, where a son was born, again through a Cesarean on September 25, 1925. Nine days
later, however, on October 4, Luigi's condition deteriorated and she died.

▪ One year ten months and seven days after Luigi's death, on December 11, 1926, Babu
Rang Bahadur Mathur of Chirawala Mohalla, a small locality of Delhi, was blessed with a
daughter, whom they named Shanti Devi. She was just like any other girl except that until the
age of four she did not speak much. But when she started talking, she was a different girl–she
talked about her “husband” and her “children.”

▪ She said that her husband was in Mathura where he owned a cloth shop and they had a
son. She called herself Chaubin (Chaube wife). The parents considered it a child’s fantasy
and took no notice. They got worried, however, when she talked repeatedly about it and, over
time, narrated a number of incidents connected with her life in Mathura with her husband. On
occasions at meals, she would say, “In my house in Mathura, I ate different kinds of sweets.”
Sometimes when her mother was dressing her, she would tell what type of dresses she used
to wear. She mentioned three distinctive features about her husband: he was fair, had a big
wart on his left cheek, and wore reading glasses. She also mentioned that her husband’s
shop was located in front of Dwarkadhish temple.

▪ By this time Shanti Devi was six years old, and her parents were perplexed and worried by
such statements. The girl even gave a detailed account of her death following childbirth. They
consulted their family physician, who was amazed how a little girl narrated so many details of
the complicated surgical procedures. The mystery, thus, continued to deepen. The parents
started thinking that these memories might have been of a past life.

▪ As the girl grew older, she persisted in asking her parents to be taken to Mathura. She,
however, never mentioned her husband’s name up to the age of eight or nine. It is customary
in India that wives do not utter the name of their husbands. Even when specifically asked, she
would blush and say that she would recognize him, if taken there, but would not say his name.
One day a distant relation, Babu Bishan Chand, a teacher in Ramjas High School Daryaganj
in Delhi, told Shanti Devi that if she told him her husband’s name, he would take her to
Mathura. Lured by this offer, she whispered into his ear the name Pandit Kedarnath Chaube.
Bishan Chand then told her that he would arrange for the trip to Mathura after due inquiries.
He wrote a letter to Pandit Kedarnath Chaube, detailing all the statements made by Shanti

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Devi, and asked him to visit Delhi. Kedarnath replied confirming most of her statements and
suggested that one of his relatives, Pandit Kanjilal, who lived in Delhi, be allowed to meet this

▪ A meeting with Kanji Mal was arranged, during which Shanti Devi recognized him as her
husband’s cousin. She gave some details about her house in Mathura and informed him of
the location where she had buried some money. When asked whether she could go by herself
from the railway station to her house in Mathura, she replied in the affirmative, if they would
take her there.

▪ Kanji Mal was so impressed that he went to Mathura to persuade Kedarnath to visit Delhi.
Kedarnath came to Delhi on November 12, 1935, with Lugosi's son Navneet Lal and his
present wife. They went to Jang Bahadur’s house the next day. To mislead Shanti Devi,
Kanjilal introduced Kedarnath as the latter’s elder brother. Shanti Devi blushed and stood on
one side. Someone asked why she was blushing in front of her husband’s elder brother.
Shanti said in a low firm voice, “No, he is not my husband’s brother. He is my husband
himself.” Then she addressed her mother, “Didn’t I tell you that he is fair and he has a wart on
the left side cheek near his ear?”

▪ She then asked her mother to prepare meals for the guests. When the mother asked what
should she prepare, she said that he was fond of stuffed potato parathas and pumpkin
squash. Kedarnath was dumbfounded as these were his favorite dishes. Then Kedarnath
asked whether she could tell them anything unusual to establish full faith in her. Shanti
replied, “Yes, there is a well in the courtyard of our house, where I used to take my bath.”

▪ Shanti was emotionally overwhelmed on seeing Navneet, the son in her previous life. Tears
welled in her eyes when she hugged him. She asked her mother to bring all her toys and give
them to Navneet. But she was too excited to wait for her mother to act and ran to bring them.
Kedarnath asked her how she had recognized Navneet as her son, when she had seen him
only once as an infant before she died. Shanti explained that her son was a part of her soul
and the soul is able to easily recognize this fact.

▪ After dinner, Shanti asked Kedarnath, “Why did you marry her?” referring to his present wife.
“Had we not decided that you will not remarry?” Kedarnath had no reply.

▪ During his stay at Delhi, Kedarnath found Shanti Devi’s behavior similar to that of Lugdi in
many ways. Before retiring for the night, he asked to be allowed to talk with her alone and
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later said that he was fully convinced that Shanti Devi was his wife Lugdi Bai because there
were many things she had mentioned which no one except Lugdi could have known.

▪ Shanti Devi became upset before Kedarnath’s return to Mathura on November 15. She
begged to be allowed to go to Mathura with him but her parents refused.

▪ Her story spread all over the country through the media and many intellectuals got
interested in it. When Mahatma Gandhi heard about it, he called Shanti Devi, talked to her,
and then requested her to stay in his ashram. (When I interviewed Shanti Devi in 1986, she
still remembered the incident.)

▪ Gandhi appointed a committee of 15 prominent people, including parliamentarians, national

leaders, and members from the media, to study the case. The committee persuaded her
parents to allow her to accompany them to Mathura. They left by rail with Shanti Devi on
November 24, 1935. The committee’s report describes some of what happened

▪ “As the train approached Mathura, she became flushed with joy and remarked that by the
time they reach Mathura the doors of the temple of Dwarkadhish would be closed. Her exact
language was,’Mandir ke pat band ho jayenge,’ so typically used in Mathura.

▪ “The first incident which attracted our attention on reaching Mathura happened on the
platform itself. The girl was in L. Deshbandhu arms. He had hardly gone 15 paces when an
older man, wearing a typical Mathura dress, whom she had never met before, came in front of
her, mixed in the small crowd, and paused for a while. She was asked whether she could
recognize him. His presence reacted so quickly on her that she at once came down from Mr.
Gupta’s lap and touched the stranger’s feet with deep veneration and stood aside. On
inquiring, she whispered in L. Deshbandhu ear that the person was her ‘Jeth’ (older brother of
her husband). All this was so spontaneous and natural that it left everybody stunned with
surprise. The man was Babu Ram Chaubey, who was really the elder brother of Kedarnath

▪ The committee members took her in a tonga, instructing the driver to follow her directions.
On the way she described the changes that had taken place since her time, which were all
correct. She recognized some of the important landmarks which she had mentioned earlier
without having been there.

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▪ As they neared the house, she got down from the tonga and noticed an elderly person in the
crowd. She immediately bowed to him and told others that he was her father-in-law, and truly
it was so. When she reached the front of her house, she went in without any hesitation and
was able to locate her bedroom. She also recognized many items of hers. She was tested by
being asked where the “jajrood” (lavatory) was, and she told where it was. She was asked
what was meant by “katora.” She correctly said that it meant paratha (a type of fried
pancake). Both words are prevalent only in the Chaos of Mathura and no outsider would
normally know of them.

▪ Shanti then asked to be taken to her other house where she had lived with Kedarnath for
several years. She guided the driver there without any difficulty. One of the committee
members, Pandit Neki Ram Sharma, asked her about the well of which she had talked in
Delhi. She ran in one direction; but, not finding a well there, she was confused. Even then she
said with some conviction that there was a well there. Kedarnath removed a stone at that spot
and, sure enough, they found a well. As for the buried money, Shanti Devi took the party to
the second floor and showed them a spot where they found a flower pot but no money. The
girl, however, insisted that the money was there. Kedarnath later confessed that he had taken
out the money after Luigi's death.
▪ When she was taken to her parents’ home, where at first she identified her aunt as her
mother, but soon corrected her mistake, she went to sit in her lap. She also recognized her
father. The mother and daughter wept openly at their meeting. It was a scene which moved
everybody there.

▪ Shanti Devi was then taken to Dwarkadhish temple and to other places she had talked of
earlier and almost all her statements were verified to be correct.

▪ The publication of the committee’s report attracted worldwide attention. Many learned
personalities, including saints, parapsychologists, and philosophers came to study the case,
some in support and some as critics trying to prove it a hoax.

▪ I met Shanti Devi, first in February 1986 and then in December 1987, and interviewed her in
detail about her past-life memories and her recollections at Mathura. I also interviewed her
younger brother, Viresh Narain Mathur, who had accompanied her to Mathura on her first
visit. Then I went to Mathura and asked her various relatives to describe when Shanti Devi
first visited them at the age of nine. I also interrogated a close friend of Kedarnath who gave
me some explicit information about the way Kedarnath became convinced that Shanti was
actually his wife in her past life.

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▪ Luigi's brother told me that Shanti Devi, after seeing some women there, remembered her
old friends and inquired about them. Similarly, Lugdi sister informed me that Shanti Devi told a
number of womenfolk about Lugdi having lent them some money, which they accepted as
true. Shanti’s emotional reactions on meeting relatives from her previous life were very
significant. The manner in which she burst into tears on meeting the parents of her past life
moved everyone present there. The committee mentioned in their report that it was a blessing
that the past lives are forgotten. They felt that by bringing Shanti Devi to Mathura they had
taken a big responsibility, and we had to forcibly separate her from the parents she had in the
previous life.

▪ During my investigations, a friend of Kedarnath, 72-year-old Pandit Ramnath Chaube, told

me of a very significant event, which I confirmed from other sources. When Kedarnath was in
Delhi to meet Shanti Devi, he stayed at Pandit Ramnath Chaubey place for one night.
Everyone had gone to retire, and only Kedarnath, his wife, his son Navneet, and Shanti were
in the room; Navneet was fast asleep. Kedarnath asked Shanti that when she was suffering
from arthritis and could not get up, how did she become pregnant. She described the whole
process of intercourse with him, which left Kedarnath in no doubt that Shanti was his wife
Lugdi in her previous life.

▪ When I mentioned this incident to Shanti Devi during my interview with her, she said, “Yes,
that is what fully convinced him.”

▪ Shanti Devi’s case is also significant for the fact that it is one of the most thoroughly
investigated cases, studied by hundreds of researchers, critics, scholars, saints, and eminent
public figures from all parts of India and abroad from the mid-1930s on.

▪ One critic, Sture Lonnerstrand, when he heard of this case, came all the way from Sweden
to expose the “fake,” as he thought it to be, but after investigation wrote, “This is the only fully
explained and proven case of reincarnation there has been.” I don’t agree completely with
Wennerstrand–there are many more cases just as amazing as this one.

▪ I close my story of Shanti Devi with the remarks of Dr. Ian Stevenson, leading authority on
reincarnation, who said: “I also interviewed Shanti Devi, her father, and other pertinent
witnesses, including Kedarnath, the husband claimed in her previous life. My research
indicates that she made at least 24 statements of her memories that matched the verified

2. The story of Raghunath claims that

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he was Manphool in his past life is a fascinating one.

▪ One nice day of July 1976, a woman, Mrs. Chitra Manphool, went to the local market
accompanied by her husband’s second wife, and noticed a man who was carrying a child
coming up the road in her direction, As he came close, the child suddenly leaped towards the
two women when his father restrained his son, the boy shouted "Let me go. They are my

▪ Stunned, the women started at him unblinkingly. The boy’s father, That Mithu Singh, was
taken by surprise, but less so because for several months the boy, Raghunath, had been
behaving in a peculiar manner. The child, about three-and-a-half years of age, had claimed
that he remembered a past life. And one after another, incidents recalled by the boy had been

▪ The story that unfolded as a result of Raghunath claims was a fascinating one, which I

▪ Here is what I learnt:

In the early hours of January 14,1973, the boy of a 40-year-old man, Chita Ahmed, was found
badly mutilated along the road near Sendra, a village on the road between Beawar and
Jodhpur. Ahamad was drunkard, and it was assumed that he had died in a brawl with a truck
driver, the night before. About nine months later, Raghunath was born in sendra. On one
occasion, when the boy was- two- and –a- half, he became angry with his mother and cried, "I
am going to my house," and ran towards the nearby Koshi River. When this happened several
times, the mother grew curious and asked, "where is your house?"
"There, that side," said the child, pointing at the river."
Which village?’ she was asked.
"Kesarpura," the boy replied, referring to a village on the other side of the river."
"How can your house be over there?" his mother asked.
"Yes, I have, I do have (a house there)," the child said.

▪ His mother dismissed Raghu Nath's remarks, as childish musing. But a few days later, while
going somewhere with his mother, the boy pointed at an old lady coming towards them and
suddenly remarked, "Oh loom, my mother is coming." Raghunath mother looked at the old

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"She is my mother," the child repeated.

"What? I am your mother."

"No, she is," he insisted. "She is my mother, too."

"How is that?"

Previously she was my mother."

Previously she was my mother."

"Previously? When?"

"Before my death."

By this time the old lady had come close to them. "Mother, I am your Ahmadiyya!" he called to

▪ The elderly woman stopped and looked at the child, and then said she had a son named
Ahmed who had died in an accident over three years before, She said they lived in the village
of Kesarpura, where Ahamad had a house.

▪ Returning home with Raghunath, his mother told her husband, and he asked bye mob:
"What was the name of your Father?"

"Naib Subedar."

"Who else lived with you?"

My mother, two wives, and three children.

▪ The father subsequently took the boy to kesarpura and asked him to find the house.
Threading through a number of streets and lanes, He led Mr. Mithu Singh to a section of the
town in which he said he had lived and finally pointed toward a house. A man who had
accompanied them pointed to a different house and said, "Is that the house you mean?"

"No no, not that, That is the house of Mr. Kalyan Singh. My house is that one," the child

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▪ His father was told that the information was correct in every respect. Entering the house, the
child is reported to have recognized the places where Ahamed liked to sit, lie down, and do
other things.

▪ On another occasion, Mr. Mithu Singh was serving wine to guests at his own house. Every
one but the boy was handed a glass of wine- Raghunath resented not being served.
"It’s not for you," someone said. "It’s very bitter."
"No, I shall also take it, I have been taking it," the boy insisted.
"O.k., give him a sip," his father said. Taking the tumbler, the child raised his hand high and
shouted, "Jai Mataji ki" and emptied the contents without stopping.

▪ Those who knew Ahamad remarked that he also used to take wine in the same manner.
On another visit to Kesarpura, he is said to have correctly recognized the grave of Ahmad's
brother Suwa.
"When Raghunath repeatedly recalled correctly, incidents and persons related to the
deceased Ahmad, Mr. Mithu Singh curiosity subsided, but he gradually felt more and more
uncomfortable within. He felt as though the son born to him after four daughters was being
lost in the recesses of some past life in another family. Consequently, he tried to dissuade the
child from further talk of a previous incarnation by showing cold indifference, by bitter
scolding, even thrashing the boy when he talked about being someone else.

▪ But that day on the road, when the boy suddenly claimed that the women were his wives,
Mr. Mithu Singh could not contain his curiosity. At first, startled by the boy’s claim, the women
became eager to interrogate him when they were told that he had been talking a lot about a
past life,
"All right, tell us which one of us is your married wife?" he was asked.

▪ The child immediately leaped toward on of the women named Manphool.

▪ "No, not this one, it was that one." His father said.
But the child insisted, and leaped into Manphool arms and embraced her tightly with tears in
his eyes. When he refused to let go the woman, his father took hold of the boy, who caught
hold of a silver ornament around the woman’s neck and cried bitterly.

▪ Manphool was impressed but uncertain, so she later met Raghunath in order to talk with him
alone. One of her questions had to do with the death of her husband, Ahamad. The boy told a
different story from the one everyone had accepted. He said that on that fateful night, five
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thieves had overpowered him to steal his money. He fought back and was killed in the

▪ I contacted the officer-in-charge, of the local Thana (Police Station) But could get no
information bearing on this question.

▪ After talking with the boy, Manphool put a garland around Raghunath neck and offered him a
coconut, convinced that he was the reincarnation of her dead husband. "I am completely
confident that is my master," she declared.

▪ The other woman, whom the boy claimed to have been his wife, had been taken in
exchange, which is a type of marriage in which two men exchange their sisters who become
their wives. When I asked whether they both thought Raghunath to have been their husband,
they replied emphatically " Of course, yes."
Are there any doubts about Raghunath claim?

▪ The close proximity of the villages made communication about Ahmad's life quite probable.
Yet the manner in which the child is reported to have spotted different people and recalled
past events makes it improbable that this was a prearranged drama.

▪ What benefit would anyone receive from such an elaborate enactment? Moreover, the
parents of the boy in this case were very apprehensive and worried. No responsible parent
would put an only son into such a hazardous drama deliberately, and it is unlikely that a child
that young could be trained so as to act with the appropriate dialogue and emotions.

▪ Also, there is a superstitious belief prevalent in the villages of India that those who
remember a past life do not live long. Parents deliberately tried in 12 cases we know of to
make child forget such memories by threats or even beatings. Sometimes the child is put on a
revolving wheel of a pot maker, that goes around counterclockwise. How many cases are thus
hushed up, no one can say.

▪ Finally, no lady would ever take a person as her husband unless completely satisfied about
the truth of his claim. Although Raghunath was a stranger to her before they met that day on
the road, Manphool now says emphatically and unambiguously, "I am absolutely confident, he
is my master."

▪ This case illustrates two factors that are repeated in many cases suggestive of reincarnation.
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Firstly, 88 percent of the subjects in our cases started talking about a past life at a very early
age. In only 3 percent of the cases did the subject, after reaching the age of 10, first mention
a past life, such memories tend to fade within three to four years, and they rarely persist into
adolescence or adulthood. On woman (Mrs. Swarna Lata Tiwari) who was over 35 told me
that she had only vague memories of a past life, but when in the presence of the personalities
related to her in a previous incarnation, she still experienced emotional attachment.

▪ Secondly, in 78 cases in which the cause of death or the age at death or the age at death of
the previous personality was reported, all about two had died prematurely, 31 percent by
murder, 28 percent by accident, 5 percent by suicide. In about 60 percent of these cases the
interval between the death of the previous personality and the birth of the subject was less
than two years. Only about 19 percent were "reborn" within nine months. In one case the
interval was only a few days, in another only a few hours.

▪ In two cases the subject was born prior to the death of the previous personality, yet the
subsequent features of these cases relate more closely to the rebirth narration than to the
possession syndrome. In these cases the subjects fell seriously ill or even were dead but
regained consciousness.

▪ Six subject accounted for a long interval between incarnations by describing some other
world or by claiming to have lived as a ‘profit". Obviously, such claims are beyond the realm of
scientific investigation.

▪ In my opinion, the two most important features lending credibility to cases suggestive of
rebirth are:

▪ The intense emotional reaction shown by some subject toward relatives of previous
personality; Raghunath was one such subject but we had 14 other cases in which strong
emotional reactions were visible.

▪ Some physical or psychological characteristics that seem related to incidents in the past life,
such as inordinate dread of water in a child who had been drowned in his previous life. We
had 22 such cases including one of a girl born to a Punjabi family, who spoke only Marathi
when she began talking. One object who recalled having a hand chopped off in an attempt on
his life in a previous incarnation had a stabbed hand in his present life. We have a dozen such
cases of birthmarks or physical deformities which seem related to experiences in a past life.

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▪ While most subjects recall one life, several recalled two or three or even four previous lives.
In at least 13 cases, the subject who recalled a past life remembered hiding money or
ornaments that were actually found, and thus enriched the survivors of the previous

▪ While each case has different special features, these are some of the salient features that
are highly suggestive of reincarnation. We have not yet found a foolproof case that proves
reincarnation beyond any shadow of doubt. But Raghunath and Manphool undeniably offer
strong testimonials in its behalf.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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CHAPTER NO:-7 》PART:-12》Investigation and
CHAPTER NO:-7of Reincarnationand
》PART:-12》Investigation Case Studies
Publication by Jenny
of Reincarnation Case
Studies by Jenny Cockell

▪ Jenny Cockell (born in 1953) is an English writer who in the mid-1990s came to fame for
her claims of reincarnation.

▪ In her book Across Time and Death, Cockell discusses her past life memories of life as Mary
Sutton in early-20th century Ireland. The book chronicles Cockell's research into Sutton's life
and Cockell's subsequent reunion with Sutton's children, some of whom accepted Cockell as
the reincarnation of their mother and all of whom accepted her memories as being those of
their mother.

▪ In 2000, CBS aired Yesterday's Children, which was a made-for-TV movie adaptation of
Cockell's book, with Jane Seymour in the title role. For the TV movie, however, Jenny Cockell
was referred to as "Jenny Cole," and the story was slightly rewritten with Jenny Cole being an
American as opposed to British citizen.

▪ Cockell is also the author of 'Past Lives, Future Lives', in which she discussed her visions of
what she believes could be her future lives, among these a girl, Nadja in Nepal around 2050.
Also 'Journey's Through Time' researching a past life in Japan, also from early childhood
recall, where the Japanese family accepted her memory as evidence of reincarnation.

▪ Cockell also claims to possess psychic abilities such as psychometry (object reading) and
precognitive dreams.


▪ Jenny Cockell was just an ordinary Northamptonshire housewife. She was also a mother of
two children, But there was nothing ordinary about her. Over the next few years, she not only
believed that she had lived before, as an Irish woman called Mary Sutton who was born in
1897, but she 'found' her children still living in Ireland.
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▪ Her story starts just before her fourth birthday. She began to remember her past life in small
snatches and pictures, and for a long time she never mentioned it to anybody because she
believed that everybody had the same feelings and experiences. The most vivid of the
memories was a very disturbing one. She dreamt of her own death. Or should I say Mary's
death. She was also aware that Mary had been 35 years old and had just given birth to her
eighth child. She could 'see' the hospital where it was happening, and she felt very strong
feelings of guild and sorrow that she was leaving her children.

▪ The feelings never left her, and, after experiencing these memories for some time, she
suddenly decided to draw a map where she believed these strange things had happened. She
just knew that it was in Ireland, she was quoted as saying, ' I just felt so sad that I had left
them, I realised then that I had to go back, so I got out a map, and I instinctively kept pointing
to Ireland. After a while I was drawn to a place called Malahide. I just knew this was my home

▪ But life got in the way, and she was still only a child. It was a few years later when Jenny got
married and had her own children, that the feelings and memories surfaced again. Only this
time they were stronger.So she started to think about tracking down Mary's family in Ireland.
Beginning to Believe

▪ Jenny stated that if she were to trace the family, she wanted to make sure she did it right. No
mistakes and not the smallest doubt. It had to be the right house, the right family, and even
more importantly, get the names dates and children's names correct. So she consulted a
hypnotist who dealt with regression therapy. The funny thing was, that Jenny was very much a
sceptic, she didn't really believe iin anything like reincarnation or any other type of psychic
phenomena. That I think, Is what makes this story so incredible. She felt uncomfortable with
the whole story, and was afraid she was going to make a fool of herself. So after undergoing
regression, and realising that this was not going to go away, she decided to make the trip to

▪ Still consulting her maps that she had drawn, she took out a map of Ireland and studied in
detail a real map of Malahide. To her surprise, she realised that it was very similar to the one
she had drawn from memory. This gave her the final push to undertake the journey back in
time, to see if she could understand, and find, the home and family that she had 'left' many
years before.

▪ She arrived in Malahide, which is north of Dublin, and decided the best course of action
would be to check out any records she could find in the church records.

▪ The records showed that there had been a Mary Sutton who had lived and died in Malahide,
and her eight children had been left to various relatives, and some had been placed in

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orphanages. She decided that if she was going to do this properly she would get in touch with
the local newspapers, and also write letters to all the churches, to find out as much as she
could. By this time, any sort of embarrassment or doubt was quickly beginning to disappear.
She knew in a way that nobody else could understand, that this was real.

▪ With the help of letters to foster homes and the historical societies, she realised that if this
didn't work, nothing would.

▪ Much to her surprise and relief, she located the surviving children. Before she met the
children, she subjected herself to questioning by a BBC researcher to make sure that the
dreams and memories that she had been having, would match up to the facts by the surviving
members of the Irish family.

▪ Jenny told the researcher facts about the family home, the kind of sewing thread that Mary
had used, even small things like when the children had caught a live hare in a trap.

▪ Eventually after her interview, she came face to face with Sonny, Mary's son, for the first

▪ In 1990, Sonny Sutton picked up the phone, and listened to the most amazing story he had
ever heard, and when he at last put the phone down, his wife said, 'You look like you have
seen a ghost', Sonny turned to her, and as white as a sheet said, 'I've been talking to my

▪ The rest of Mary's family were not so easily convinced. Who was this Jenny? What was her
purpose in doing this to the family? They just could not believe such a thing. The family had
been brought up as Catholics, and in complete bewilderment, Phyllis Clinton, Mary's
daughter, consulted her priest, who told her that, after hearing the evidence, the only thing he
could think of was that somehow, Mary was speaking through Jenny, as a way to get the
family back together. Christy, 72, Frank, 70, Phyllis who was 71, Betty Keogh, 62, and their
brother Jeffrey James, who died in 1992 aged 66, were very unsettled by all of this.

▪ 'She knew the pictures on the wall, what was in the house, how it was built, it is unbelievable'
said Phyllis. 'I still find it hard to believe, even though I know she is telling the truth' she goes
on to say,' mammy passed her soul over to this unborn person'.

▪ There was a 21 year gap between the year Mary died and Jenny was born. And this is very
unusual in the fact that the children could be found and the story corroborated.

▪ Jenny is a member of Mensa and is a very down to earth person. She insisted that anything
that she could not remember, should not be added to the story. It had to be only the things

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she could prove.

▪ This is a very fascinating story in the fact that an average everyday woman, born into a
normal household grew up with the knowledge that, to her, it was normal to remember past
lives. And even more important isn't whether you believe her or not, the fact is that, after
Mary's death, her children were separated and lost contact with each other for nearly 60
years. Jenny Cockell did a remarkable thing. She reunited a lost family, and on that day in a
Dublin home belonging to Betty, they came together and shared tears and memories, vowing
never to be apart again.

Jenny Cockell Life Work and Publications

▪ Yesterday’s Children: The Extraordinary Search for my Past Life Family, Piatkus, 1993 UK

▪ Across Time and Death: A Mother's Search for Her Past Life Children, Fireside 1994 USA
▪ Past Lives, Future Lives: One Woman's Extraordinary Experiences of Other Lifetimes,
Piatkus, 1996
▪ Journeys Through Time: Uncovering My Past Lives, Piatkus, 2008

|| Copyright ⓒ2016 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS All Right Reserved || Website

Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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CHAPTER NO:-7 》PART:-13 》Investigation and
Publication of Reincarnation Case Studies by Dr.
CHAPTER NO:-7 》PART:-13 》Investigation and Publication of Reincarnation Case
Nagashree Chaitanya, Dr. Nikhil Ram and Other Members
Studies by Dr.Nagashree Chaitanya, Dr. Nikhil Ram and Other Members of The
of The Conscious
Cosmos Cosmos Conscious
Team Team (thecosmoconscious.

▪ Dr. Nagashree Chaitanya is a Medical MBBS Doctor and Researcher in Field of


▪ Dr. Nikhil Ram is Upcoming Medical Doctor.


1. The Case of Chatura

▪ The Chatura Case was investigated by our Cismo Conscious Team

( That Case was Even investigated by BBC But in
their video they have presented it for just 3 min and Skipped Lot of Details like Birth
mark, Tests Done by Parents and Military on Chatura etc.

For Case Study


2. Case of Sahana

▪ 8 year old girl by name sahana came with a history of spontaneous recall of memory of
previous birth

▪ Her parents were little bit anxious because she is telling some story of Manu, She told her
name is manu she also told her parents name her place and address.

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▪ She even told she had white puppy in her home
Manu burnt his hand when he was child
She even told manu died at age of 12 due to some brain related disease (it was encephalitis).

▪ Psychiatrist who examined her couldn't find anything other than her recall of memory , He
told it she might be hallucinating (Becz psychiatrist was a muslim and was non believer of

▪ But she contine to torture her parents by saying that she is manu

▪ Sahana father decided to visit the address actually it was a village Near Bhopal, what she
said it was as exactly she told there was a manu who died due to encephalitis at age of 12.

▪ He also met Manu parents it was as exactly as she told.

▪ Sahana father Shocked, But He did not Documented this Case as he was fear of Media and
he was Even Fear of Losing her Child Sahana.

▪ The Question that have Remained Unanswered was How Can Sahana tell life story of
Manu as Sahana is from Karnataka, Manu is from Bhopal, As far as Parents information
there is no way that No one in world would have told Sahana about story of Manu not even in
media or News?

3. Case of Dr. Nikhil Ram

▪ The Upcoming Doctor Nikhil Ram Himself an Example of Case.

▪ Nikhil Ram is Basically from Protestants , He was suffering from Idiopathic mild headache
which occurs Spontaneously at irregular intervals From Childhood, His headache was not
cured by any of Analgesics, and any of Treatments All his MRI CT was Normal. Nikhil Ram
Even Complained History of Vivid Dreaming from childhood and Fear of Bus.

▪ When He searched in internet Regarding his vivid Dream, Phobias he came to know about
Past Life Regression Therapy and also one of our Member of The Cosmo Conscious team
also advised him to Go For PLRT.

▪ Initially an Untrained Psychologist Regressed him which was no useful, Later He Practised
Some of Meditation Techniques (prati prasav) for 3 months and again went for PLRT with
well trained, Professional Parapsychologist, Psychiatrist and Hypnotherapist (name hidden for
confidential reason if you want then mail me on )
who used induced method of PLRT by use of Drug.

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▪ During Therapy Nikhil Ram Got Clear Visions (got clear picture of his Visions which was
occurring in his dreams) Initially Nikhil Ram Though it is just Hallucination or memories are
the result of cryptomnesia, narratives created by the subconscious mind using imagination,
forgotten information and suggestions from the therapist.

▪ But it was Nothing like That anymore as the visions he got in PLRT was the vision of
Randhikpur village of Agra, he got vision of entire place of Randhikpur (vision of old 30 year
Randhikpur) along with the vision of his parents and secret of his problem that when he was
in childhood a bus hit him on left side of his head, he and his father died on spot.

▪ Nikhil Ram visited the place which he got vision in PLRT, the place was Exactly as Same,
All his visions was Correct, Even he traced very old Church which he got in vision, The place
or church or anything he got in vision was he never visited or heard or saw those places in his

▪ One more thing After PLRT all his phobias, vivid dream, unexplained headache got
miraculous Cured.

▪ The Question Remained Unanswered Scientifically is How Can a Person get vision of
Place or Vision of life of another person which he never heard or never visited and got
cured with disease or any problem after getting clear picture of visions?.

If the Vision of Place or Person or Anything Doesn't had Reality We might have agreed
that visions of PLRT are memories are the result of cryptomnesia, narratives created by
the subconscious mind using imagination, forgotten information and suggestions from
the therapist.


1. Parapsychology Research On Reincarnation - A Parapsychological journey in the field

of Mystery of Consciousness, Law of Neutralisation of Cause and Effect, Phenomenon of
(The Book which you are Reading Now).

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▪ Atheists Don’t Believe in Soul, Devil, God, Reincarnation or Eternal hell and heaven

▪ Skeptics such as Paul Edwards have analyzed many of these accounts, and called them
anecdotal, while also suggesting that claims of evidence for reincarnation originate from
selective thinking and from the false memories that often result from one's own belief system
and basic fears, and thus cannot be counted as empirical evidence.

▪ Carl Sagan referred to examples apparently from Stevenson's investigations in his book The
Demon-Haunted World as an example of carefully collected empirical data, though he rejected
reincarnation as a parsimonious explanation for the stories.

▪ Sam Harris cited Stevenson's works in his book The End of Faith as part of a body of data
that seems to attest to the reality of psychic phenomena.

▪ Stevenson claimed there were a handful of cases that suggested evidence of xenoglossy.
These included two where a subject under hypnosis could allegedly converse with people
speaking the foreign language, instead of merely being able to recite foreign words.

▪ Sarah Thomason, a linguist at the University of Michigan, reanalyzed these cases,

concluding that "the linguistic evidence is too weak to provide support for the claims of

▪ Ian Wilson argued that a large number of Stevenson’s cases consisted of poor children
remembering wealthy lives or belonging to a higher caste. He speculated that such cases may
represent a scheme to obtain money from the family of the alleged former incarnation.

▪ The philosopher Keith Augustine has written "the vast majority of Stevenson's cases come
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from countries where a religious belief in reincarnation is strong, and rarely elsewhere, seems
to indicate that cultural conditioning (rather than reincarnation) generates claims of
spontaneous past-life memories."

▪ According to the research of Robert Baker many of the alleged past-life experiences
investigated by Stevenson and other parapsychologists can be explained in terms of known
psychological factors. Baker has written the recalling of past lives is a mixture of cryptomnesia
and confabulation.

▪ The philosopher Paul Edwards noted that reincarnation invokes assumptions and is
inconsistent with modern science.

▪ Objections to claims of reincarnation include the facts that the vast majority of people do not
remember previous lives and there is no mechanism known to modern science that would
enable a personality to survive death and travel to another body, barring the idea of
biocentrism. Researchers such as Stevenson have acknowledged these limitations.

▪ Skeptic Carl Sagan asked the Dalai Lama what he would do if a fundamental tenet of his
religion (reincarnation) were definitively disproved by science.

▪ The Dalai Lama answered, "If science can disprove reincarnation, Tibetan Buddhism would
abandon reincarnation… but it's going to be mighty hard to disprove reincarnation.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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▪ Let we Rule Out All Possible Causes Of Memories (In Reincarnation Case Studies)
Other Than Reincarnation.

1. Precognition,
2. Retro cognition
3. Extrasensory perception,
4. Cryptomnesia,
5. Communication from a surviving personality.
6. Possibly the possession.
7. Genetic Memory.

Let us study one by one as follows :


▪ This is a case of anticipatory vision. The percipient experiences certain strange sights, well
in advance. Verifications so made subsequently will be found to be correct. One special
feature about precognition is that it does not fall under memories of past. On the part of the
recalling subject there is no intention of predicting experiences related to future To sum up,
they flash just like that in the form of a visionary glimpse.

▪ Like the Almighty who is the spectator of all that happens in the Universe, there exists a
record of all time in ‘Cosmic Reservoir’ or more appropriately called ‘Akashic Records’.

▪ Gifted people are capable of visualising what is contained in these records and could recall.
But this hypothesis too does not hold good for the simple reason that cognition is possible
only in an altered state of consciousness such as
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trance or during the period of intense concentration on some objects like crystal
spot, etc.

▪ However, these conditions are not normally attainable. As such they cannot be applied to
the bulk of reported cases. This fact should be borne in mind while we notice the spontaneous
recalling of rebirth.


▪ Another possibility is that the child may have received information about the deceased
person’s life through extrasensory perception. Relatives still mourning the deceased might
unconsciously be sending thoughts, which are picked telepathically by the youngsters.

▪ The observation that these children do not show any unusual paranormal ability in other
situations is a counter- argument. against the telepathic hypothesis.

▪ Extra-sensory perception in an individual enables him to get a glimpse of the unknown, and
many a time those who are gifted with this ability
possess such things as clairvoyance, telepathy and other allied mystic information which can
never be comprehended by other people.

▪ Children given to telepathy and clairvoyance among reported cases usually never exhibit
these faculties on all occasions.

▪ ESP cannot be accounted for since the individual has not had any of these skills acquired or
abilities sharpened during this life, by some
means or the other. ESP as a process of intuition is there, but it may or may not persist in all
children for a long time. At the same time the children can’t identify the dead person’s
personality for long.


▪ It is an instance by which knowledge acquired through a span of time is consequently

forgotten. Well, judged by the yardstick of cryptomnesia, recalling by cryptomnesia cannot be
answered since the behavioral patterns of the past lives are wholly different from and alien to
the present referential study.

▪ There is also the possibility of unconscious fraud. The child may be referring to someone he
read or heard about, identifying himself with this person. The parents may have unconsciously
added more to the tale as they retold it.

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▪ This is not Actually Related to Medical Science But it is a Claim from Philosophers.
▪ This again poses an interesting situation that communication from a surviving personality by
telepathy is a possibility. But it does not explain the chain of statements claimed as memories
of former incarnations and reappearance of deformities, birthmarks, extraordinary skills and

▪ This is not Actually Related to Medical Science But it is a Claim from Philosophers.

▪ A spiritist interpretation to explain previous life memories. This postulates that discarnate
spirits from the non-physical realm are influencing these children by transmitting their
terrestrial memories to the children. If that was the case, the children would have been
influenced by several deceased personalities and the subjects would not have been able to
stick to one previous life narration alone. It can also be argued that if previous life memories
were spiritist in origin, more than one child would be claiming the identity of a single
discarnate personality and this has not happened.
▪ It also does not explain the chain of statements claimed as memories of former incarnations
and reappearance of deformities, birthmarks, extraordinary skills and habits.
▪ Children have not claimed the lives of more than one deceased personality living in the
same period of time. Nor have they claimed the memories of living ones.
▪ On Subconscious Hypnotherapy, Children's can still able to remember their Memories Even
in more Detail.

So all these Rule Out Demonic Possession.


▪ This is an Assumption that Memories of Ancestors are carried by Genes.

▪ This might be true in cases where children claim the Memories of their own Grandfather, but
what about other children who claimed memories of person who were not even genetically as
well as geographically not related to Each Other.

▪ So this Rule out Genetic Memory.

▪ So This Rule Out All Possible Causes Of Memories Other Than Reincarnation.

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You are Going to Read this Chapter Under Following parts

PART:-1》Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to Another.

PART:-2 》Change of Religion from One Lifetime to Another.

PART:- 3 》Change of Nationality, Race, Ethnic or Political Affiliation from One Lifetime
to Another.

PART:-4 》XENOGLOSSY (Change of Language) as a Principle and Evidence of


PART:- 5 》Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased

Persons in their past lives

PART:- 6 》Change of Gender in Reincarnation Cases with Insights on Homosexuality,

Lesbianism, Transsexualism, Transgenderism and Gender Identity Disorders.

PART:- 7 》Personality Traits, Phobias & Fears which are linked to our past life.

PART:- 8 》Love, Relationship and Family Reunions through Reincarnation.

PART:- 9 》Rebirth according to desires of previous births.

PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent Explained by Reincarnation.

PART:- 11 》Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu in Reincarnation Cases.

PART:- 12 》Reincarnation and Suicide - What happened to the person who Committed
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suicide, What he/she suffered in next life, through critical Analysis of Reincarnation
Case Studies.

PART:- 13 》Timing of Rebirth

PART:- 14》Rebirth according to merits of previous births.

PART:- 15 》Reincarnation Case with Raising of the Dead & Walk-In

PART:- 16 》SPLIT INCARNATION (Parallel Lives, Twin Souls & Twin Flames)
unbelievable Medical Mystery of Soul.


CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 9》 Rebirth According To Desires Of Previous Births

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent Explained
By Reincarnation

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 11 》Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu In

Reincarnation Cases.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 12 》Reincarnation And Suicide - What Will Happen To

The Person Who Commits Suicide, What Will They Suffer In Their Next Life,
Answering Through Critical Analysis Of Reincarnation Case Studies

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 13 》Timing Of Rebirth

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 14》Rebirth According To Merits Of Previous Births.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 15 》REANIMATION- Case Studies With Raising Of The

Dead & Walk-In.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 PART:- 16 》SPLIT INCARNATION (Parallel Lives, Twin Souls & Twin
Flames) Unbelievable Medical Mystery Of Soul.



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CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 1》Physical Resemblance
from One Lifetime to Another.
CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 1》Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to

▪ Facial architecture, the shape and proportions of the face, can be consistent from lifetime
to lifetime. For men, facial hair, such as beards and mustaches, can be maintained from
one incarnation to another.

▪ Physical habits, such as postures and hand gestures, can also be consistent from
lifetime to lifetime. Even poses struck in portraits and photographs are often uncannily
similar from one lifetime to another.

▪ Ian Stevenson, M.D., who died in 2007, was a psychiatrist at the University of Virginia. Over
his career, Stevenson compiled and studied approximately 3000 cases involving children
who spontaneously remembered past lives in detail. Dr. Stevenson traveled to the scenes of
the contemporary and past lifetimes to interview witnesses to assess details provided in these
past-life accounts. In about 1200 of these cases, the past lives of these children could be
factually validated.

▪ Two key Ian Stevenson cases with image comparisons, which show that facial features
can remain the same from one lifetime to another, are those of Suzanne Ghanem and Daniel

▪ Consistent facial features across lifetimes are also observed in many other Ian Stevenson
cases, as well as in other independently researched reincarnation cases.

▪ For example, the powerful reincarnation case ofJames Huston, Jr. | James Leininger, as
well as the John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene reincarnation case, also dramatically demonstrate
how facial features can remain the same across incarnations.

▪ Body types can be consistent from lifetime to lifetime, though the size of the body can vary.
An individual can have a slight physique in one lifetime and a powerful one in the next. One
can be short in one incarnation and tall in another, though facial features, postures and
gestures, appear to remain the same.

The Consciousness (soul) Template or Hologram

▪ How can physical appearance remain the same from one lifetime to another? The answer to
this question is unknown, but we hypothesize that the consciousness projects an energy

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template or hologram into the developing fetus, which tissue is shaped around.

▪ The principle is similar to how orthopedic surgeons use electrical current to shape bone in
severe fractures. This energy structure not only helps create physical appearance, but it
also can be used to download information and talent into the developing body and mind,
which can explain child prodigies.

▪ Of course genetics does play a part and it is the interaction of the Consciousness (soul)
energy template with one's genetic inheritance which results in appearance.

▪ An individual who incarnates into a different race will have physical features that are
consistent with that race, though proportions of the face, the bone structure, will still be
consistent from one incarnation to another. Family resemblances also occur due to genetics.
The soul's energy template interacts with racial and genetic factors to produce one's

Spirit Being Photos

▪ A piece of evidence that supports the existence of an energy body which appears similar to
the physical body involves photographs of an apparent spirit body caught above an
automobile involved in a fatal accident.

▪ In this photograph the face of the spirit body is identical to the face of the deceased
teenager inside the car. Further, the face of the spirit body is caught in a very dynamic pose
with the mouth wide open, which would be impossible for the physical body to maintain, as the
boy inside the car is slumped forward on the front passenger seat. In addition, it appears that
there is side to side movement of the face caught in the photograph.

▪ The dynamic facial pose and side to side motion argues against the photograph being the
result of a double exposure or other malfunction of the camera.

▪ The existence of an energy or spirit body that reflects our physical appearance is also
supported by observations made in the field of Instrumental Trans-Communication, in which
spirit beings communicate to human beings through electronic devices, such a televisions,
telephones, etc.. When spirit beings have transmitted images of themselves from the spirit
world, they are observed to have spirit bodies that resemble their physical bodies when they
were alive.

On Beauty

▪ On the subject of beauty, it appears that any particular facial architecture can be perceived
as beautiful or handsome. The perception of beauty largely depends on factors such as
complexion and physique.

▪ For example, a woman in one incarnation may be tall, thin, have wonderful skin, a perfect
smile and a toned body. Due to these factors and their effect on her appearance, this woman
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may become a celebrated fashion model or beauty queen. In another incarnation, this same
woman, with identical facial architecture, may be born with a coarse complexion, a stout body
and crooked teeth.

▪ This woman would now be considered ordinary appearing, by observers.The point is that
any facial architecture may be perceived as beautiful or unattractive, based on these
variables. I believe that we can alternate being attractive and ordinary, from lifetime to lifetime,
based on the lessons we are to learn in a particular incarnation.


▪ Perhaps the greatest Circumstantial evidence supporting the reality of reincarnation without
using hypnotic regression, is the account of Jeffrey Keene, an Assistant Fire Chief in
Westport, Connecticut. After a series of synchronistic events and subsequent research,
Keene discovered many uncanny parallels between his life and the life of a Civil War
general named John B. Gordon. The photos below shows a comparison between the
facial appearance of Jeffrey Keene and General John Gordon. The similarities between the
two go far beyond mere coincidence.

▪ What makes Keene’s story unique from most accounts of reincarnation is that Keene’s story
contains evidence that did not involve hypnotic regression. Instead, Keene’s evidence of a
past-life came from his own life experience involving a series of unusual synchronistic
events. The account of Jeffrey Keene is documented in his book, Someone Else’s
Yesterday. This book details Keene’s amazing journey of accepting the fact that he was being
guided to discover his past life as General Gordon.

▪ Long before Keene became convinced of his past life, unusual events kept reinforcing its
reality. Through subsequent years of research and travel, Keene has amassed compelling
evidence of his former life. Keene and his past life evidence were profiled in the A&E
documentary entitled, Beyond Death. An independent film documentary entitled, In Another
Life, also profiles Keene’s story.

▪ His story and photos can also be found on Keene’s website and the website of Dr. Walter

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Semkiw. Dr. Semkiw is the author of the book, Return of the Revolutionaries which contains
observations of Keene’s case. Keene had never given reincarnation much thought until
the extraordinary become ordinary and strange occurrences throughout his life started to
make sense. Read an interesting interview of Jeffrey Keene on the Spirit Keep website.

▪ Keene’s story began on May, 1991, while on vacation with his wife looking for antiques. They
stopped in Sharpsburg, Maryland, where the Civil War battle of Antietam was fought. Though
Keene had never read a book on the Civil War before or had any affinity for that era, he felt
compelled to visit the battlefield. While walking through a field called “Sunken Road,” Keene
had the following strange reaction:

▪ A wave of grief, sadness and anger washed over me. Without warning, I was suddenly being
consumed by sensations. Burning tears ran down my cheeks. It became difficult to breathe. I
gasped for air, as I stood transfixed in the old roadbed. To this day I could not tell you how
much time transpired, but as these feelings, this emotional overload passed, I found myself
exhausted as if I had run a marathon. Crawling up the steep embankment to get out of the
road, I turned and looked back. I was a bit shaken to say the least and wondered at what had
just taken place. It was difficult getting back to the car because I felt so weak. I did not have
any answers, just questions. I would one day receive my answers, but not until more than a
year later and then from a most unusual source”.

▪ Before leaving Sharpsburg, Keene and his wife visited a gift shop where a Civil War
magazine on the Battle of Antietam caught his eye and which he purchased. When they
returned home, Keene filed the magazine away and did not look at it until a year and a half
later. At that time, when he finally decided to look at the magazine, he once again
experienced a strong wave of emotions. When he turned to a page that featured a picture of
General John Gordon, Keene was shocked to see himself in General Gordon’s visage. Keene
learned that General Gordon nearly died after incurring multiple gunshot wounds at Sunken
Road during the battle of Antietam. Keene recalled that it was at Sunken Road that he had the
profound experience of grief, anger and sadness a year before.

▪ After his Sunken Road experience, Keene had no idea of the series of events that was
about to be put into motion. In a few short steps on an old Civil War road, the line between
past and present began to become blurred. As information on General Gordon’s life was
uncovered, Keene discovered many parallels to himself and General Gordon. Besides the
past life memories, Keene and General Gordon shared a similar physical appearance (looks,
height, eye color, birthmarks, and more), personality traits, common lifetime events, writing
styles, habits and traits. Both men preferred to stand with their arms crossed. Both had similar
tastes in clothing.

▪ Fifteen years before Keene became aware of his connection with General Gordon, an
interesting event happened. Keene began having a severe pain in his jaw which grew steadily
worse; so much so that he had to be driven to the emergency room where they ran some
tests but could not find a cause. Eventually, the pain slowly subsided and then vanished

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altogether. This painful event occurred on September 9, 1977, his 30th birthday. Fifteen
years later, Keene discovered that General Gordon was wounded in the face at the Sunken
Road on September 17, 1862 during the Battle of Antietam. General Gordon was 30 years old
at the time.

▪ Keene has three markings on his face in the same locations where General Gordon was
wounded: under the left eye, on the forehead, and across the right cheek.

▪ As you can see in the photos above, both men also have a star-shaped mark on their
foreheads above the left eye. This can be borne out by photographs in the collections
of the United States Library of Congress and the National Archives.

▪ Keene was not only receiving confirmation of a past life; he was being beaten over the
head with it. Keene’s facial birthmarks support Dr. Ian Stevenson's research on the
apparent correspondence between birth marks and past-life physical traumas.

▪ Another synchronistic event involves a written order by General Robert E. Lee on September
9, 1862, which led to the Battle of Antietam where General Gordon was severely wounded.
This event occurred on the same day as Jeff Keen's birthday, September 9, 1947. Such
synchronistic events have been reported in other cases of reincarnation where a major event
in a person’s life corresponds to a major event in a past-life.

▪ There also exist similarities between Keene’s writing style and General Gordon’s. In his
later years, General Gordon wrote a book entitled Reminiscences of the Civil War which
provided material for such analysis. Comparing a passage of Keene’s writing with a passage
from Gordon’s book reveals very similar linguistic styles. For example, Keene once wrote a
letter to the Fire Chief regarding his fire department’s response to an emergency incident:
“With my radio restored, manpower and apparatus were brought in and put under the
guidance of Acting Lieutenant Christopher Ackley.

▪ While setting up a plan of action, Lieutenant Ackley displayed good common sense,
knowledge, training and a deep concern for the safety of firefighters under his command. A
large amount of gas entered the structure by way of an open window. Though we tried to
remove all possible sources of ignition, we were able to remove all but two. The owner
informed us that the house contained an oil-fired furnace and a hot water heater. There was
no way to shut them off from the inside or outside. Using metering devices, a positive
pressure fan and opening and closing windows, the hazard was removed.”

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▪ In General Gordon’s book, he describes the efforts of his men to put out a fire in
Wrightsville, Pennsylvania : “With great energy my men labored to save the bridge. I called on
the citizens of Wrightsville for buckets and pails, but none were to be found. There was no
lack of buckets and pails a little while later, when the town was on fire...My men labored as
earnestly and bravely to save the town as they did to save the bridge. In the absence of fire-
engines or other appliances, the only chance to arrest the progress of the flames was to form
my men around the burning district, with the flank resting on the river’s edge, and pass rapidly
from hand to hand the pails of water. Thus, and thus only, was the advancing, raging fire met,
and at a late hour of the night checked and conquered.”

▪ The comparison between Keene’s and Gordon’s writing style suggests they come from the
same “voice”. Keene has demonstrated spontaneous awareness of details of General
Gordon’s life without having learned them. As an example, Keene toured a visitor center
where artifacts of a Confederate surrender ceremony were housed which General Gordon had
participated in. A print in the visitor center depicted the event complete with the flag used to
surrender. Keene knew innately that this was not the flag actually used. He recognized the
correct flag from an assortment displayed at the visitor’s center. Upon questioning the center
staff, it was verified that the flag in the print was indeed from a later era and that Keene had
identified the authentic flag used in the ceremony.

▪ Group cases have emerged that demonstrates a common pattern in how reincarnation
occurs. These cases show that facial architecture, personality traits, aptitudes, interests and
writing style, stay consistent from lifetime to lifetime. Synchronistic events related to past-
lives have been observed. Reincarnation research suggests that people reincarnate in
groups based on shared karma, emotional attachments and joint missions. Keene’s case is
one which demonstrates all of these principles of reincarnation.

▪ Though Keene has not found pictures of General Gordon’s troops, one can only imagine that
the same men who served under Gordon as troops now serve under Keene as firefighters.
These firefighters have confirmed that Keene certainly displays the personality of a general.

▪ Besides being an Assistant Fire Chief, Jeffrey Keene is now an accomplished Civil
War researcher and speaker (having visited most of the major battle sites in the North and
South). He is also now a lecturer on Civil War topics.

▪ Daniel's Phobia of Fast Cars:Daniel has a phobia of racing cars, which apparently reflects
the psychological trauma incurred by Rashid in the crash at Military Beach.

▪ In the image provided, Daniel Jurdi is holding a photograph of his own past life person, of
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Rashid Khaddage. Like in the case of Suzanne Ghanem, which was also researched by
Ian Stevenson, MD, a strong physical resemblance is evident. These Stevenson cases
support the premise that facial features remain consistent from one incarnation to another.

▪ The Swedish Poet Who Claims to be the Reincarnation of Anne Frank

▪ From a very early age, Swedish poet and author Barbro Karlen had recurring nightmares
with Holocaust themes. Many years passed until she became convinced that she was the
reincarnation of Anne Frank, so she publicly announced it during a television interview that
was broadcast from Amsterdam in 1995. This startling news, coming out of the very city where
the Franks had once lived, left Dutch viewers both amazed and shocked. She later published
a book, And the Wolves Howled, which caused angry protests, as well as attempts to stop its
publication, from a small section of the Jewish population


CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 9》 Rebirth According To Desires Of Previous Births

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent Explained
By Reincarnation

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 11 》Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu In

Reincarnation Cases.

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CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:-2 》Change of Religion
from OneNO:-10
CHAPTER Lifetime to》Change
》PART:-2 Another.
of Religion from One Lifetime to Another.

▪ A very important observation made in reincarnation research is that individuals canchange

religion, nationality, ethnic affiliation, race and gender from one lifetime to another.
Most wars are based in differences in these cultural markers of identity.

▪ One of the most powerful reincarnation cases that demonstrates change of religion,
nationality and ethnic affiliation from one incarnation to another is the Anne Frank | Barbro
Karlen reincarnation case.

▪ Anne Frank was persecuted and died in a concentration camp as a Jew, while Barbro was
born into a Christian family in Sweden.

▪ If the German people at the time of WW II knew that one could be born Jewish in one
lifetime and Christian in another, then the Holocaust could never have happened.

▪ Similarly, when Jewish Israelis realize they can reincarnate as Muslim Palestinians and
vice versa,

▪ Protestants can reincarnate as Catholics, Islamic terrorists know that they can reincarnate
as Christian Westerners and Shiites know they can return as Sunnis, then violence based on
these different affiliations will be mitigated.

▪ These cases demonstrates that a person can change Religion from one incarnation to

▪ Cross-Religious Behaviour of the Subjects. By Dr. Antonia Mills

▪ In the majority of half-Muslim cases the child exhibited traits characteristic of the
religious group of the previous personality. Muslim children said to recall a Hindu life
refused foods eaten by Muslims; Hindu children said to recall a Muslim life frequently
requested Muslim dishes and performed Muslim rites.

▪ Among the Hindu to Muslim cases, four out of seven children refused to conform to the diet
of the parents. Umar Khan refused to eat meat, saying he was Hindu. Mohammed Hanif

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Khan initially refused to eat fish (the previous personality did not eat fish).

▪ Noor Bano refused to eat meat; in fact, Noor’s mother indulged her in her vegetarian
desires, although her father had been unaware that his wife cooked food for her separately.

▪ Naseeruddin Shah refused to eat beef or fish, although he would eat mutton. Conversely, in
four cases in which a Hindu subject apparently recalled a previous life as a Muslim, the child
asked his vegetarian parents to serve him meat.

▪ Giriraj Soni asked for mutton and eggs although his parents were vegetarian.

▪ Naresh Kumar asked for semia (a noodle dish favored by Muslims in northern India), eggs,
and tea; his family drank tea, but did not eat eggs or serve semia.

▪ Subhash Singhal asked for Muslim food on a Muslim holiday.

▪ Kailash Narain Mishra wanted meat and special dishes for Muslim festivals, about which he
used to talk.

▪ Muslim habits of religious practice were noted among the Muslim to Hindu subjects more
often than Hindu worship among the Hindu-to-Muslim subjects.

▪ In 2 of 7 (29%) Hindu-to-Muslim cases, the child resisted Muslim religion, or desired Hindu

▪ Naseeruddin Shah resisted the Muslim religion and would not say Muslim prayers or go to
the mosque.

▪ Mohammed Hanif Khan wanted a Rakhi thread tied on him when he observed the practice of
this Hindu ceremony which celebrates the brother-sister bond.

▪ However, in 8 out of 11 (73%) Muslim to Hindu cases the child exhibited Muslim traits, such
as practicing namaz (the Muslim form of prayer said facing towards Mecca, in which one
kneels and bows the head to the ground repeatedly, while reciting Arabic prayers).

▪ For example, Mukul B Hauser was observed bowing to perform namaz even before he
could speak.

▪ Kailash Narain Mishra also performed namaz.Archana Shastri when two and a half years old
was observed to say namaz for her father’s health when he was ill. Thereafter, and for some
time, she practiced namazat 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

▪ Hirdesh K. Saxena said namaz until he was five years old, and he wanted to go to Muslim

▪ Giriraj Soni began to practice namaz before his parents suspected he might be having
memories of a previous life. He was continuing to do so up to the age of seven and a half (his
age when I last met him); he was also attending the services at the local mosque each Friday.

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▪ Naresh Kumar quietly practiced namaz from an early age, even before he first visited the
previous personality’s home. After going there, he insisted on wearing the Muslim cap which
had belonged to the previous personality, despite considerable teasing from his Hindu

▪ Subhash Singhal practiced namaz when about three years old, and felt very attracted to
ladies wearing the black outer covering worn by Muslim women in public in India.

▪ When we last interviewed this subject, he was thirty-five years old. He was continuing to go
to a Muslim shrine to pray whenever he was troubled or wanted special divine assistance. He
had introduced his wife to this shrine, but had never mentioned to his father that he was
following this non-Hindu custom, suspecting parental disapproval.

▪ Manoj Nigam did not perform namaz but recalled that when falling to his (the previous
personality’s) death he had called “Allah.”

▪ In most of these cases in which the subject performed namaz,the parents noted the
characteristic genuflection and that the child was quietly making a vocal prayer. Since the
prayer was usually not audible, however, this makes it difficult to assess whether the child was
repeating a prayer in Arabic, thus perhaps showing evidence of xenoglossy, or
paranormal knowledge of a language not acquired since birth (cf. Stevenson, 1984).

Attitudes of the Adults Concerned in the Cases Resistance to the

Investigation and Solving of Cases.

▪ In four cases the Muslim relatives showed considerable hostility to the investigation of the
case because reincarnation is against their doctrine. In three of these cases the child came
from a Muslim family and recalled a life as a Hindu.

▪ In one Hindu to Muslim case studied by Stevenson, the Muslim community expressed
opposition to the inquiries: the investigation took place under the protection of and in the
quarters of the local Hindu patron of the area.

▪ In yet another case, the great-uncle of the subject belligerently said that reincarnation was
not part of Muslim belief and therefore investigators had no business investigating it.

▪ Investigators were able to pursue questioning only because his view was not shared by his
nephew or his nephew's wife and sons.

▪ Opposition from the Muslims involved blocked further investigation in only two of the twenty-
six cases in this study.

▪ In one Hindu to Muslim case which Stevenson hoped to study, he was told by a Muslim man
that he should not look for such information about reincarnation among the Muslim community
but only among the Hindus. This was despite the fact that this man’s own sister had
suggested Stevenson contact this man’s wife, who had told her about the case.
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▪ In one Muslim to Hindu case (in which the boy recalled throwing himself in the well) studied
by myself and previously by Pasricha, the Muslim relatives of the previous personality refused
to have anything further to do with an investigation and told us with considerable hostility that
they knew nothing about the case, even though several people had witnessed their initial
meeting with the child and acceptance of him as their family member returned.

▪ Hindus in the area explained the reversal of the attitude of the previous personality’s
relatives as the result of the recent pronouncement of the Muslim leader that the Muslim
parties concerned should have nothing to do with such an issue because it was contrary to
Muslim doctrine. However, Muslims do not resist acknowledging cases in all instances.

▪ K.K.N.Sahay persuaded the Muslim relatives of the subject and previous personality in a
Muslim to Muslim case to sign or affix their mark to an affidavit endorsing the case (Sahay,

▪ In three other instances the case was accepted by the Muslim relatives as a valid instance of

▪ In one of these the Muslim daughter of the previous personality would come to visit the
Hindu subject whenever the child became ill. However, acceptance of a case does not
necessarily imply a change in Muslim reincarnation in India: religious conviction.

▪ In one unsolved case, the Muslim mother of the subject suspected that her son’s birthmark
related to a past life, but when asked if she believed in reincarnation, said, “No.”

▪ The father of another Muslim subject said, “ The teachings of our Koran say that we should
not believe in it.”

▪ His brother said, “According to my religious conviction, no. But it may be possible.”

▪ Although only one of the Hindus, whether related to the child or the previous personality in
half-Muslim cases, were reluctant to give information,

▪ Dr. Antonia Mills found that Hindus were apprehensive about and even feared Muslim
opposition to the topic of reincarnation while they were trying to solve two (unsolved) Muslim
to Hindu cases.

▪ One Hindu we questioned showed great reluctance to become involved in giving information
about a Muslim reputed to have lived in his neighborhood who was said to have been reborn
as a Hindu.

▪ A sense of uneasiness between the two religious communities seemed to result in more
resistance and reluctance to solve the case than when the cases were within the same
religious community.

▪ Thus one Hindu boy, Manoj Nigam, who recalled a life as a Muslim mason, was not allowed
to go to the previous personality’s house, even though it was in the same town and the child
and parents passed by it. The child was observed greeting a woman as his wife, but his family
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had not even sought to learn the name of this woman.

▪ Another Hindu boy, Mukul B Hauser, whose congenital circumcision was mentioned above,
was merely ignored when he spoke of a previous life, but when he and his parents happened
to pass through a town which he identified as the site of his (the previous personality’s) death
by drowning, his parents hid his face as they passed through the town. They had made no
effort to trace the existence of the person their son claimed to have been, although they did
not doubt the veracity of what he said, and they provided us with information about another
half-Muslim case.

▪ In another case, when the Hindu father of a boy asked in the Muslim community if anyone
corresponding to his son’s statements had existed, he was told that someone did, but he did
not seek out the previous personality’s relatives in which the Muslim parents of a child had
made no effort to solve the case.

Suppression of the Child's Speech and Behavior.

▪ Information about suppression is absent for many of the Muslim and half-Muslim cases.

▪ Of the 15 cases for which we have the relevant information, some form of suppression was
practiced on all the cases in which children claimed to remember a previous life in the other
religious community, and in three out of four of the Muslim-to-Muslim cases.

▪ The measures used to suppress the child were no more severe for the Hindu to Muslim
cases for which we have the relevant information than among the Muslim-to-Hindu cases, in
which the cases posed no threat to religious doctrine.

▪ One Muslim family tried a combination of rotating the child counterclockwise on a millstone
(to “undo” his past-life memories), tapping him on the head,and beating him.

▪ In the only other Hindu-to-Muslim case for which we have any information about
suppression, the parents deny the allegation made by a fellow Muslim that they beat their
daughter for remembering a past life as a Hindu, but they said they forbade her to speak
about her previous life and feared that she was possessed by a demon. However, the mother
went so far as to cook vegetarian food for her daughter because she refused to eat meat,
saying she was a member of a Hindu vegetarian caste. Hindu parents of a child who claimed
to be a Muslim generally tried to take measures which they hoped would erase the child’s
previous-life memories.

▪ The techniques used included simply ignoring the child’s claims, teasing, piercing the child’s
ear, turning the child on a potter’s wheel, and taking the child to an exorcist out of fear that the
child would go mad. The fear that their child’s attachment to a previous life would cause him
or her to run away to the family of the previous life occurred in both some Muslim and some
Hindu cases.

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▪ The grandfather of one Muslim girl (who apparently recalled a previous life as a Muslim)
recited a prayer or spell to make her forget, lest she run away to the previous personality’s

▪ One Hindu girl who recalled a past life as a Muslim indeed tried to run away to her Muslim
family, and a Muslim child was suppressed because the parents feared the child might run
away to the village of the Hindu previous personality.

Summary and Discussion

▪ Although small, the proportion of Muslim and half-Muslim cases in the collection of the
University of Virginia is approximately equal to the proportion of Muslims in the general
population in contemporary India.

▪ In most respects the 26 Muslim and half-Muslim cases are very similar to the more prevalent
Hindu-to-Hindu cases. However, the cases differ in several regards. First, the cases include
numerous instances of a young child showing behavior appropriate for a religious community
other than that of the parents.

▪ Secondly, the incidence of a violent mode of death was higher in the solved Muslim and
half-Muslim sample than in the Hindu cases from India. The similarity of the Muslim and
half-Muslim cases to Hindu cases is unlikely to be the result of Muslim familiarity with
specific Hindu cases.

▪ In only two cases did Muslim parents say that they had heard of a case of the reincarnation
type among the Hindu population before the case developed in their family. In all but one
instance, the Muslim relatives had not believed that reincarnation took place before they were
presented with a specific case.

▪ When confronted with the evidence of a case, even if the Muslim relatives had privately
acknowledged a case, in some instances they publicly disavowed the case or any knowledge
of it, because it was contrary to their religious doctrine.

▪ Hindu parents who thought their child was remembering a life as a Muslim showed
almost as much opposition to the development of the case as did Muslim relatives, even
though the Hindu parents found no threat to their religion.

▪ In either situation the families of the child who claimed to remember a past life in the other
religious community were displeased sufficiently often so that they cannot be universally
credited with fostering the child’s identification with someone of a different religious

▪ Dr. Antonia Mills found no indication that the subject perceived the other religious community
as dominant and, therefore, more desirable than the natal religion. The status-envy
hypothesis would predict that more Muslim children would adopt Hindu behavior than vice

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versa, since Hindus greatly outnumber Muslims in India.

▪ However, more Hindu children adopted Muslim religious behavior than vice versa. In short,
the status-envy hypothesis, which suggests that a child adopts an admired identity, does not
seem to be applicable to these cases. In the cases Dr. Antonia Mills have studied she found
no evidence that the subjects were treated as scapegoats by the parents, or abused in any
way that might cause the child to adopt an alternate identity as appears to happen in some
cases of multiple personality disorder (Bliss, 1986; Coons, Bowman, & Milstein, 1988).

▪ In the solved cases the statements and recognitions were accurate, on the whole, and the
child’s behavior appeared to be appropriate for the previous personality even when that
person was a member of another religious community.


▪ Children in cases of the reincarnation type often adopt behavior appropriate to the
previous personality, which may contrast strikingly with the behavior of the child’s family. The
half-Muslim cases differ in that the behavior is appropriate to a different religious group with
which the parents do not identify. The eight cases not included in the analysis were reported
in the Indian press. Three of these are reprinted by Sant Ram (1974), and one by Dklanne

▪ All but 4 of the 26 cases included in the analysis were investigated by Stevenson, Pasricha,
McClean-Rice, or Dr. Antonia Mills. Of the other four, one was investigated by K. K. N.
Sahay, one by K. S. Rawat, one by L. P. Mehrotra with the assistance of M. Khare, whereas
one rests on the description given to Stevenson by Swami Krishnanand and a letter from the
boy’s father.

▪ Dr. Antonia Mills has included these four cases not investigated by Stevenson or his
principal associates for the following reasons. K. K. N. Sahay was a lawyer of Bareilly, U.P.,
who during the 1920s investigated and published (Sahay, 1927) seven cases, including that
of his own son.

▪ Pasricha and Stevenson (Pasricha, 1990; Stevenson, 1987) followed up most of these cases
and judged them to be authentic. K. S. Rawat worked with Stevenson on field trips in India, as
did L.P. Mehrotra. Manjula Khare was at one time Stevenson’s research assistant. Swami
Krishnanand has also assisted Stevenson, who judged the report and letter from the subject’s
father acceptable for inclusion in an analysis.

Independently Derived Cases with Change in Religion

▪ Turkish Reincarnation Cases with Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen: Anne Frank was born in
Germany, where she was persecuted as a Jew during the Holocaust. Barbro was born into a

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Christian family in Sweden.

▪ Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp:A Catholic Painter is Reborn to a Jewish Mother Margaret
Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon: A Roman Catholic Converts to Reincarnation

▪ Sharada | Uttara Huddar: A Bengali Reincarnates in India Among Marathi Looters.

▪ Karakas | Kemal Atasoy: A Muslim Boy Remembers a Christian Incarnation European

Reincarnation Cases with Change in Religion

▪ Peter Avery Experiences a Flood of Emotions in Isfahan, Iran from an Islamic Past
Lifetime.From Past Life Experiences in Iran and Pakistan to a Lifetime in England.

▪ Teuvo Koivisto: A Jewish Concentration Camp Victim Reincarnates to Christian


▪ David Llewelyn: A Jewish Boy Who Died in the Holocaust Reincarnates into a Christian
Family in England. It demonstrates a change in religion, as well as prominent nightmares,
involves David Llewelyn.

▪ Jenson Jacoby | TE: A Swedish Man Christian Man Reincarnates as a Jewish Woman In

▪ Gretchen Gottlieb | Dolores Jay:A German Girl Reincarnates in Ohio Catholic Becomes a

▪ Irma Lopes, a Devout Roman Catholic, Accepts the Reincarnation of her Daughter

▪ Laure Raynaud Finds her Past Life Tomb in a Christian Church but Converts to

▪ The Carl Edon Reincarnation Case: A Nazi Bomber Pilot Reincarnated as a British Boy

▪ Rosario Weiss Cares for Goya in France, then Reincarnates in Holland A German Woman
with Bad Karma Speaks French.


CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:-2 》Change Of Religion From One Lifetime To Another.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 3 》Change Of Nationality, Race, Ethnic Or Political

Affiliation From One Lifetime To Another.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:-4 》XENOGLOSSY (Change Of Language) As A Principle

And Evidence Of Reincarnation.

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COSMIC NO:- 10 》PART:- 3 》Change of
Nationality, Race, Ethnic or Political Affiliation from
Lifetime to》PART:-
NO:- 10 Another.
3 》Change of Nationality, Race, Ethnic or Political
Affiliation from One Lifetime to Another.

▪ A very important observation made in reincarnation research is that individuals can change
religion, nationality, ethnic affiliation, race and gender from one lifetime to another.
Most wars are based in differences in these cultural markers of identity. One of the most
powerful reincarnation cases that demonstrates change of religion, nationality and ethnic
affiliation from one incarnation to another is the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation

▪ If the German people during World War II knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime
and Christian in another, the Holocaust could never have happened.

▪ Similarly, when Muslim Palestinians realize that they can be reborn as Israeli Jews, when
Sunnis know they can reincarnate as Shiites, Christians understand they can be reborn into
an Islamic culture and vice versa, then conflict based on these cultural differences will be

▪ Barbro Karlen case dramatically demonstrates how reincarnation research and evidence
of reincarnation can transform the world in a positive way.

▪ This case, as well as other reincarnation cases, demonstrates that one can change
nationality, ethnic affiliation, as well as religion, from one lifetime to another.

▪ This observation illustrates how in the end, war is senseless and self-defeating from a
karmic point of view.

▪ As a small boy, James Leininger remembered a past lifetime as an American fighter pilot
who died in combat in World War II.

▪ This case has similarities to the case of Robert, a German Bomber Pilot | Carl Edon, as in
the Edon reincarnation case, a small boy in England remembered being a German
bomber pilot who died on a bombing run in Britain.

▪ In both cases, small children had innate knowledge of World War II aircraft and it was their
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Christian, sceptical fathers who served as the primary researchers.

▪ The Robert​Nazi Pilot | Carl Edon reincarnation caseis instructive in that it shows that a soul
can change nationality and ethnic affiliation from one incarnation to another. Robert, a
German air force pilot who died in England, reincarnated as a British citizen.

▪ Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen:Anne Frank was born in Germany, where she was persecuted
as a Jew during the Holocaust the Nazi Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp. Barbro was born
into a Christian family in Sweden.

▪ John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene: A Civil War Confederate Reincarnates as a Yankee

▪ Francesco Foscari: An Italian Doge Reincarnates in Wisconsin

▪ Claude Ledoux: A French Architect and Painter Reincarnates to Create a Palace in Las

▪ Paul Gauguin: From St. Cloud, France to St. Cloud, Minnesota

▪ John Elliotson: A British Physician Reincarnates in Missouri to Make a House Call

▪ Peter Avery appears to have had a past lifetime as a Muslim in Iran. In contemporary times,
he was born in England and was presumably a Christian.

▪ A stir began in 1956, when, The Search for Bridey Murphy, was published. The book, written
by Dr. Morey Bernstein, is an account of past life memories under hypnosis, of his patient,
Virginia, who claimed that she was an Irish woman named Bridget Murphy, who went by the
nickname of Bridey.▪ If the German people during World War II knew that one could be born
Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, the Holocaust could never have happened.

▪ Similarly, when Muslim Palestinians realize that they can be reborn as Israeli Jews, when
Sunnis know they can reincarnate as Shiites, Christians understand they can be reborn into
an Islamic culture and vice versa, then conflict based on these cultural differences will be

▪ Barbro Karlen case dramatically demonstrates how reincarnation research and evidence
of reincarnation can transform the world in a positive way.

▪ This case, as well as other reincarnation cases, demonstrates that one can change
nationality, ethnic affiliation, as well as religion, from one lifetime to another.

▪ This observation illustrates how in the end, war is senseless and self-defeating from a
karmic point of view.

▪ As a small boy, James Leininger remembered a past lifetime as an American fighter pilot
who died in combat in World War II.

▪ This case has similarities to the case of Robert, a German Bomber Pilot | Carl Edon, as in
the Edon reincarnation case, a small boy in England remembered being a German

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bomber pilot who died on a bombing run in Britain.

▪ In both cases, small children had innate knowledge of World War II aircraft and it was their
Christian, sceptical fathers who served as the primary researchers.

▪ The Robert​Nazi Pilot | Carl Edon reincarnation caseis instructive in that it shows that a soul
can change nationality and ethnic affiliation from one incarnation to another. Robert, a
German air force pilot who died in England, reincarnated as a British citizen.

▪ Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen:Anne Frank was born in Germany, where she was persecuted
as a Jew during the Holocaust the Nazi Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp. Barbro was born
into a Christian family in Sweden.

▪ John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene: A Civil War Confederate Reincarnates as a Yankee

▪ Francesco Foscari: An Italian Doge Reincarnates in Wisconsin

▪ Claude Ledoux: A French Architect and Painter Reincarnates to Create a Palace in Las

▪ Paul Gauguin: From St. Cloud, France to St. Cloud, Minnesota

▪ John Elliotson: A British Physician Reincarnates in Missouri to Make a House Call

▪ Peter Avery appears to have had a past lifetime as a Muslim in Iran. In contemporary times,
he was born in England and was presumably a Christian.

▪ A stir began in 1956, when, The Search for Bridey Murphy, was published. The book, written
by Dr. Morey Bernstein, is an account of past life memories under hypnosis, of his patient,
Virginia, who claimed that she was an Irish woman named Bridget Murphy, who went by the
nickname of Bridey.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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(Change of Language) as a Principle and Evidence of
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:-4 》XENOGLOSSY (Change of Language) as a Principle
and Evidence of Reincarnation.

What is Xenoglossy?

▪ Xenoglossy is the phenomenon in which a person is able to speak a language he or she

has never learned.

▪ For example, a fluent German speaker who has had no contact with the German language
either at home or has never been to Germany displays xenoglossy.

▪ Although quite rare, this has been scientifically observed and is another possible piece of
evidence supporting reincarnation.

▪ Skeptics and Atheists claim that young children, whose brains are sponges for
information, can learn words and phrases of foreign languages through exposure from
sources outside the home environment.

▪ However, a child’s intonation, the characteristic pitch and tone associated with a language or
dialect, when speaking the language, is more difficult to explain.

▪ Unlearned Language: New Studies in Xenoglossy Is a book entirely dedicated to the

scientific study of xenoglossy.

1. Nawal Daw an Arabic, Muslim Girl Speaks an Indian Language

▪ Nawal Daw was born in Lebanon on April 25, 1960 to an Arabic, Muslim family. As a child,
she would speak in a language unknown to her parents and she refused to learn Arabic until
the age of five. As a child, she showed a preference for Indian food, music and dress.

▪ When still a young girl, her parents took Nawal to a tourist spot in Lebanon. There, she saw
people in Indian dress and she ran to them in an excited state. Nawal started to speak to
them in their language and they responded to her in their language.

▪ A person that Nawal spoke to was wearing a turban and beard that was rolled up, consistent
with the Sikh culture. As such, the language was likely the Hindi or Punjabi.
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▪ In this case, Nawal as a child spoke a language that she never learned by normal means.
Her Arabic family couldn’t understand what language she was speaking, but Indian tourists in
Lebanon could understand her and they responded to her in their language, which was most
probably the Indian languages of Hindi or Punjabi. As Nawal was able to converse with the
Indian tourists, this represents a case of responsive xenoglossy.

▪ Nawal not only could speak an Indian language, she had a preference for Indian food, music
and dress. As such, it is likely that Nawal had a past lifetime in India. Nawal was born into a
Muslim family, but in her apparent Indian past lifetime, she would have likely been Hindu or
Sikh. As such, nationality, ethnic affiliation and religion have changed from one lifetime to

2. Swarnlata Mishra

▪ Swarnlata Mishra -A girl in India who lived entirely among Hindi speaking people but was
able to sing songs in Bengali, as identified by Professor P. Pal of Itachuna College in West
Bengal, who studied the case after Professor Stevenson and transcribed some of the songs.

3. Sharada Uttara Huddar

▪ Sharada Uttara Huddar was a woman in India who normally spoke Marathi. While in
the hospital undergoing psychiatric treatment, she began manifesting a personality
called Sharada, who spoke in Bengali. Stevenson had recordings analysed by Bengali

4. Jensen An American woman who presented the character of a Swedish farmer

▪ American woman Jensen who presented the character of a Swedish farmer while under
hypnosis conducted by her physician husband.

▪ Stevenson reported that the subject was able to converse in Swedish, albeit not fluently.
However Thomason's reanalysis concluded that Jensen could not convincingly be claimed to
speak Swedish; in the interview Stevenson studied in depth, though Jensen had a total
vocabulary of about 100 words, only about 60 were used before interlocutors used them, and,
as one of Stevenson’s consultants pointed out, this reduced to 31 after eliminating cognates.

▪ Jensen also gave no complex sentences, mostly gave one or two word answers, and - as
acknowledged by Stevenson - the subject’s poor pronunciation was covered by correct
spelling in the transcripts. Thomason mentions, however, that two of Stevenson’s consultants
praised Jensen's Swedish accent, and one claimed that only a native speaker would
pronounce the word ‘seven’ correctly as Jensen does. Furthermore, she says that
Stevenson's efforts to rule out fraud are convincing.

5. Rosemary case in 1931

▪ Rosemary case in 1931 a young girl from Blackpool, England began to speak in an ancient
Egyptian dialect.

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▪ She claimed to be under the influence of the personality of Babylonian princess and
Pharaoh Amenhotep III's wife Telika-Ventiu, who supposedly lived about 3300 years ago.

▪ Rosemary stated that she “hears” the Egyptian words clairaudient and repeated them aloud.
During more than a thousand language tests, the girl had spoken some 5000 phrases and
short sentences in the old Egyptian language.

▪ They were recorded phonetically and the first 800 of them were later identified and
translated by an Egyptologist Mr. Hulme. He claimed that Rosemary’s speech substantially
and consistently conformed to what Egyptologists know today of the ancient Egyptian

▪ Three books on the Rosemary case have been published and two gramophone discs
of xenoglossy have been recorded.

6. A Poor German Woman Speaks French

▪ This case dates back to 1862, when a hypnotist in Hamburg, Germany, named Rice
Galician, hypnotized a poverty stricken German woman who began speaking French.

▪ The German woman didn’t know French, yet she described events of a previous life in very
good, conversational French. In her usual state of consciousness, she could only speak

▪ In a French Past Lifetime, the Woman Pushed her Husband off a Cliff. The woman
described the events of a previous lifetime in which she got rid of her husband by pushing him
over a cliff. She attributed her poverty as karma related to this act.

▪ Though this German woman’s past life memories could not be verified, the report of her
xenoglossy is notable, as it is one of the earliest accounts of this phenomenon.

Researched by Ian Stevenson and other researchers

▪ Xenoglossy is a Greek term that means “foreign tongue” or “foreign language.” In

reincarnation research, xenoglossy refers to the ability of a person to speak a language that
hasn’t been learned by normal means. The ability to Speak a Language from a Past Lifetime
& Retention of Personalities within the Soul

▪ Xenoglossy is thought to provide evidence of reincarnation, as a language must be learned

at some point in time. If an individual did not learn the foreign language in a contemporary
incarnation, then that language must have been learned in a past lifetime.

Ian Stevenson, MD, a pioneer reincarnation researcher, described two categories of


▪ Recitative Xenoglossy -In this condition, an individual can speak a language that hasn’t
been learned, but the individual cannot respond, or converse, in that language.
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▪ Responsive Xenoglossy ​ In this situation, an individual can also speak in a foreign
language that hasn’t been learned. In addition, this individual can understand other
people speaking the language and can respond, can participate in conversation, in that

▪ Ian Stevenson makes the assertion that in responsive xenoglossy, the individual must
have learned and practiced the language at some point in time. Stevenson points out that to
converse in a language, practice is required.

▪ If this practice was not done in the contemporary incarnation, then the language must have
been learned and practiced in a past incarnation.

▪ Key Points and Principles of Reincarnation This Xenoglossy case, if accepted, it

demonstrates the following principles.

▪ Responsive Xenoglossy : Dolores Jay under hypnosis could speak and respond in
German, a language she did not understand in her waking consciousness. The German
woman in this case, who was poor and uneducated, could speak French when she was
hypnotized, but in her waking consciousness, she would only speak German. Dolores J can
speak only German and also wrote 40 words in German during a manifestation as Gretchen
during past life regression.

▪ Retention of the Personality with the Soul: When Gretchen emerged, she acted like a
well-behaved young girl. Indeed, like in the Saradha Uttara Huddar case, at times Gretchen
did not seem to realize that she was dead. In some sessions, Gretchen thought that she was
speaking to interviewers on the street near her home.

▪ Change of Nationality and Religion: Gretchen was German, while Dolores was a citizen of
the United States. Religious affiliation has also changed, as Gretchen was very much aligned
with the Catholic Church and against the Protestant Reformation. In contrast, the Jays were
Methodist, which grew out of the reformation movement in England.

▪ Carroll Jay was a Methodist Christian minister who started to practice hypnosis to help
people to get relief from chronic pain. Dolores, his wife, was having back pain and on May 10,
1970, Carroll conducted a hypnosis session with the aim of relieving his wife's pain.When, in
hypnosis, Carroll asked Dolores, “Does your back hurt ?” she replied in German, “Nein,” which
means "No."On May 13, 1970, in another hypnosis session, Dolores said in German,
“Ich Bin Gretchen,” which means “I am Gretchen.”

▪ In hypnosis sessions conducted over the next few months, Gretchen appeared repeatedly
and spoke only German. After 10 such sessions, a native German speaker was invited to
participate in a session, who had a conversation with Gretchen in German.

▪ On April 23, 1971, Dolores wrote 40 words in German during a manifestation of Gretchen.
Of interest, the handwriting of Gretchen was different than the handwriting of Dolores Jay.

▪ This infers that handwriting does not necessarily stay the same from one incarnation to
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▪ Dolores had never learned German and she could not understand or speak German in her
normal state of consciousness. As such, this represents a case of xenoglossy, where a
person can speak a language that was not learned through normal means.

▪ As discussed below, xenoglossy is considered to be strong evidence of reincarnation.

▪ When Ian Stevenson, heard about this xenoglossy case, he travelled to Mt. Orab, Ohio,
where the Jays lived, to research the case. On September 2, 1971, Stevenson, who knew
German, participated in a session and had a conversation with Dolores in German.
Stevenson enlisted several other

▪ German speaking individuals to participate in the hypnosis sessions where Gretchen

emerged and they also had conversations with her in German. On March 25, 1974, Dolores
came to Ian Stevenson’s laboratory at the University of Virginia.

▪ Dr. Stevenson and a colleague, Ms. Elisabeth Day, had conversations with Gretchen in
German. Ian Stevenson and Ms. Day transcribed conversations they had with
Gretchen spanning 19 sessions. Stevenson found that Gretchen spoke 237 different German
words in these transcripts. She used 120 specific words before anyone else had said them,
which indicates that she was not just mimicking conversation.

▪ In one session that was taped, Gretchen introduced 96 German words that were not
previously spoken by interviewers, 21 of which neither Gretchen, nor interviewers, had ever
spoken before. Stevenson had three different German speakers sign statements that
Gretchen was truly speaking German. Ian Stevenson went to great lengths to rule out that
Dolores may have learned German by normal means.

▪ Stevenson even had Dolores undergo a polygraph, or lie detector test, on February 5, 1974.
She passed the lie detector test, vouching that she had not learned or known German prior to
Gretchen emerging. Stevenson also interviewed Dolores’s parents, Boyd and Laura
Skidmore, as well as her sister, Mary. All three signed statements that no one they knew
spoke German and that there were no German speaking individuals in the area where they

▪ Further, Gretchen could converse in German in an interactive way; she could both
understand and respond in German. Ian Stevenson terms this form of xenoglossy as
“responsive xenoglossy,” which indicates a firm comprehension of the language. In
conversations, Gretchen could understand German and English, but she only would speak in

Who was Gretchen ?

▪ In sessions, Gretchen rarely spoke spontaneously, rather, she replied politely to questions,
like a well-behaved girl. She said her name was Gretchen Gottlieb and that she lived with her
father, whose name was Herman. She described him as old, with white hair. Gretchen would
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chuckle when describing her father riding a horse.

▪ She said her mother, Erika, had died when Gretchen was 8 years old. She had no
brothers or sisters. Gretchen said her father was the Mayor of Eberswalde, Germany,
where they lived. She said that they resided on a street called Birkenstrasse. Gretchen
described Eberswalde as a small town with a bakery, butcher shop, church and a college.
There was a forest and river outside the town.

▪ Gretchen related that a housekeeper named Frau Schilder would come to their home to cook
and clean. Gretchen stated that Frau Schilder would bring her own four children to the
Gottlieb’s home and that she, Gretchen, would play with the children.

In fact, she said she spent most of her time in their kitchen, caring for the children. She gave
names for the four of them and stated the youngest was three years old. Gretchen said that
she never went to school, which was normal for girls at that time, and that she could not read
or write.

Gretchen was Roman Catholic and she knew that the Pope was the head of the church. She
was opposed to the Protestant Reformation and she referred to Martin Luther several times as
a troublemaker. She repeated the phrase, “ Martin Luther, betrayer of the people,” several

Gretchen repeatedly showed fear and even paranoia when she talked about the Bundesrat.
Ian Stevenson noted that the Bundesrat was a cabinet in Germany that was active from 1875-
1900, which was powerful in that it had to approve all bills before they became law. Due to her
statement regarding the Bundesrat, Stevenson assumed that Gretchen lived in the late
nineteenth century in Germany, when the Bundesrat was in existence.

Gretchen said that she was dead by the age of 16. She said she had a serious illness with
the primary symptom of headache. She would put her hand to her head and made a facial
expression which conveyed suffering.

Like in the Saradha | Uttara Huddar case, at times Gretchen did not seem to realize that she
was dead. In some sessions, Gretchen thought that she was speaking to interviewers on the
street near her home.

She would plead to the interviewers, such as Stevenson, that she had to go home, as her
father would be upset if he found she was talking to strangers. As such, this represents
another case in which it appears that a soul has retained a past life personality intact.

Ian Stevenson tried to confirm Gretchen’s statements.

As noted, she did discuss the Bundesrat, which was indeed a cabinet in Germany that was
active from 1875-1900. The town of Eberswalde did exist, but there was no mayor by the
name of Gottlieb on record.

▪ Stevenson reasoned that her father may have been a lesser official or that Gretchen may

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have been an illegitimate daughter of a Mayor of Eberswalde, who was given the name
Gottlieb after her birth. It is also possible that Gretchen was speaking of a different town
called Eberswalde, which eventually was incorporated into a larger city.

Reincarnation versus Possession

▪ Ian Stevenson raised the issue that the Gretchen Gottlieb | Dolores J case may represent a
case of possession, where Gretchen was a discarnate spirit who temporarily took over the
body of Dolores Jay. Two incidents support reincarnation as the explanation for the
xenoglossy of Dolores Jay.

▪ First, in 1968, Dolores had a dream which occurred a year before Gretchen emerged. In this
dream, Dolores saw a young girl sitting in a saddle on a horse, with an older man on foot. A
crowd had gathered consisting of angry people with sticks and stones. A man burst through
the crowd and grabbed the bridle of her horse. At that point, Dolores awoke.

▪ This dream is reminiscent of scenes Gretchen later described regarding her life. Gretchen
described her father as an elderly man with white hair and she chuckled when she described
him riding a horse. She also called Martin Luther a troublemaker and a “betrayer of the
people.” The crowd’s anger in the dream could reflect conflict related to the Protestant
Reformation in Germany, which Martin Luther led. An image of Martin Luther is provided to
the right.

▪ Memories of past lives often occur in the dream state and as such, this dream would
support reincarnation as the explanation for the non glossy that Dolores later would

▪ Secondly, during a hypnosis session, Carroll Jay instructed Gretchen to have a vision that
Dolores could describe in English. Dolores then said, in English, that she saw herself being
taken away to a city far away. There, she saw a man speaking at a church. Mounted
policemen then dispersed the crowd. A young girl and an older man, presumably Gretchen
and her father, became frightened and ran away. When her husband asked Dolores who the
young girl in the vision was, Dolores said, “It was me.”


▪ Having worked with Carroll and Dolores Jay for several years on this non glossy case, Ian
Stevenson was able to get to know them very well and he became convinced that they were
being honest and forthright in their statements. He noted that for Dolores, as a Christian,
reincarnation conflicted with her belief system. Her husband, Carroll, observed that Dolores
was “bewildered and a little scared,” by her ability to speak German.

▪ Carroll Jay also struggled with his wife’s non glossy, as it make life difficult for him as a

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Methodist Christian minister. On January 20, 1975, the Washington Post published a
newspaper article on the non glossy demonstrated by Dolores. When their community
members read the article, some of them accused the Jays with dealing with the devil.
Overall, Ian Stevenson, saw no reason for the Jays or their family to make false statements
and he believed this to be a legitimate non glossy case.

▪ If reincarnation is indeed accepted as the explanation, we see how talents, including the
ability to speak a language, can be conveyed from one incarnation to another.

▪ Further, as Gretchen emerged with her personality intact, along with the observation that at
times she didn’t realize that she was dead, this case demonstrates how the soul can retain its
personalities. This phenomenon was also observed in the Shared | Uttar Chuddar.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 5 》Birthmarks and
Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased
CHAPTERin their
NO:- past
10 》PART:- lives and Birth Defects Corresponding to
5 》Birthmarks
Wounds on Deceased Persons in their past lives

▪ Almost nothing is known about why pigmented birthmarks (moles or nevi) occur in particular
locations of the skin. The causes of most birth defects are also unknown.

▪ About 35% of children who claim to remember previous lives have birthmarks and/or birth
defects that they (or adult informants) attribute to wounds on a person whose life the child

▪ The cases of 210 such children have been investigated. The birthmarks were usually areas
of hairless, puckered skin; some were areas of little or no pigmentation (hypopigmented
macules); others were areas of increased pigmentation (hyperpigmented nevi).

▪ The birth defects were nearly always of rare types. In cases in which a deceased person
was identified the details of whose life unmistakably matched the child’s statements, a close
correspondence was nearly always found between the birthmarks and/or birth defects on the
child and the wounds on the deceased person.

▪ In 43 of 49 cases in which a medical document (usually a postmortem report) was obtained,

it confirmed the correspondence between wounds and birthmarks (or birth defects).

▪ There is little evidence that parents and other informants imposed a false identity on the child
in order to explain the child's birthmark or birth defect. Some paranormal process seems
required to account for at least some of the details of these cases, including the birthmarks
and birth defects.

▪ In his recent publication, Dr. Stevenson has opened his bulky file of cases where
reincarnated persons have birthmarks and birth defects corresponding to the wounds of the
deceased person.9 About 35% of children who claim to remember previous lives have
birthmarks and birth defects that they attribute to wounds on a person whose life the child

▪ Dr. Stevenson’s research team has investigated the cases of 210 such children.
Photographs of birthmarks and illustrations of the weapons form part of the evidence in this
explorative research.

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▪ The birth marks were usually areas of hairless, puckered skin, some were areas of
increased pigmentation and some were areas of little or no pigmentation. The birth
defects were nearly always of rare types.

▪ In cases in which a deceased person was identified, the details of whose life unmistakably
matched the child’s statements, a close correspondence was nearly always found between
the birthmarks and birth defects on the child and wounds on the deceased person.

▪ In 43 of 49 cases in which a medical document was obtained, it confirmed the

correspondence between wounds and birthmarks or birth defects. Dr. Stevenson argues in
favor of a paranormal origin for these birth manifestations, excluding reasons for maternal
impressions as causative factors. Currently, the objective evidence in favor of the hypothesis
of reincarnation is the presence of birthmarks and birth defects corresponding to the wounds
of the deceased persons.

▪ Pasricha in her report of ten such cases, after discussing the alternative explanations of
chance, maternal impressions, super-psi and possession, proposes that the hypothesis of
reincarnation may best explain these cases.

▪ The simplest normal explanation for this phenomenon might appear to be chance. But the
multiplicity of the birthmarks corresponding to the wounds of the deceased person whose life
the subject remembers, and the unusual nature of the birthmarks cannot be explained away
as a mere coincidence.

▪ The skin of a normal sized adult would comprise 160 squares each ten centimeters sq.
Locating the skin marks within such a grid, the odds against chance of a single birthmark
corresponding in location with a single wound is 1/160. But the chance explanation becomes
much weaker in which more than one wound and birthmark correspond.

▪ For example Stevenson has eighteen cases in which a child claims to remember being shot
by a bullet, and has two birth marks which are found to correspond to bullet wounds of entry
(small) and exit wound (larger). Here again a pattern of birthmarks matches the pattern of
wounding of the deceased.

▪ These cases constitute the strongest evidence. When two birthmarks thus correspond with
two wounds, the odds against chance increase to 1/60 into 1/160 or 1/25000.

▪ An extreme case is Necip of Turkey who had seven birthMarks, six of which correspond to
wounds described in a medical document.8 In this case the odds against chance coincidence
are truly astronomical.

Matching Scars and Birthmarks

▪ One of the most astounding pieces of physical evidence for reincarnation lies in scars and
birthmarks on children that correspond to wounds on a deceased person’s body. They are

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oftentimes in the same shape as the wound occurring in a child’s past life memory of an

▪ The wounds are also verified by medical records, such as photographs and documents
created for autopsy reports.

▪ According to Dr. Ian Stevenson, the leading authority on reincarnation research at the
University of Virginia School of Medicine, some of the children have scar tissue too
abnormally shaped and closely matching to be labelled purely coincidental. Examples of such
marks include:

1. Scattered markings on a child’s chest that match with a shotgun blast to the victim’s

2. Scars on the exact area on the back of the head where the victim was knifed

3. A boy born almost absent of fingers on one hand matching the described person’s
amputated fingers

▪ More examples of these findings along with photographs can be found in Dr. Stevenson’s
book “Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect”

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Stevenson found that in cases of violent death the child may show a
birthmark where he was knifed, shot or whatever caused his death.

1. An example of one of Dr Stevenson’s birthmark cases is that of Ravi Shankar. He recalled

being horrifically decapitated as a child by a relative who was hoping that he would inherit the
child’s father's wealth. The reborn child was found to have a birthmark encircling his neck.
When his claim was investigated it was found that the person he claimed to have been, did in
fact die by decapitation.

2. A second case involves a child in Turkey who recalled being a robber who was about to be
captured by the police had committed suicide, shooting himself with a rifle by placing the
muzzle against his right underside of the chin. The child who claimed to remember his life
was born with a very distinct mark under his chin. On further investigation, he was found to
have another birthmark on top of his head exactly where the bullet would have exited. When
Dr Stevenson was investigating this particular case in Turkey, an old man informed Stevenson
that he remembered the incident and testified as to the condition of the shot body.

3. A Thai woman had three separate linear hypopigmented scar like birthmarks near the

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midline of her back; as a child she had remembered the life of a woman who was killed when
struck three times in the back with an axe.(Informants verified this mode of death, but no
medical record was obtainable.)

4. A woman of Burma was born with two perfectly round birthmarks in her left chest; they
slightly overlapped, and one was about half the size of the other. As a child she said she
remembered the life of a woman who was accidentally shot and killed with a shotgun. A
responsible informant said the shotgun cartridge had contained shot of two different sizes.

5. Another Burmese child said that she remembered the life of her deceased aunt, who
had died during surgery for congenital heart disease. This child had a long, vertical
linear hypo pigmented birthmark close to the midline of her lower chest and upper abdomen;
this birthmark corresponded to the surgical incision for the repair of the aunt’s heart.

6. In contrast, a child of Turkey had a horizontal linear birthmark across the right upper
quadrant of his abdomen. It resembled the scar of a surgeon’s transverse abdominal
incision. The child said that he remembered the life of his paternal grandfather, who had
become jaundiced and was operated on before he died.

7. Two Burmese subjects remembered as children the lives of persons who had died after
being bitten by venomous snakes, and the birthmarks of each corresponded to therapeutic
incisions made at the sites of the snakebites on the persons whose lives they remembered.

8. Another Burmese subject also said as a child that she remembered the life of a child who
had been bitten on the foot by a snake and died. In this case, however, the child’s uncle had
applied a burning cheroot to the site of the bite - a folk remedy for snakebite in parts of
Burma; and the subject’s birthmark was round and located at the site on the foot where the
bitten child’s uncle had applied the cheroot.

▪ Among 895 cases of children who claimed to remember a previous life (or were thought by
adults to have had a previous life), birthmarks and/or birth defects attributed to the previous
life were reported in 309 (35%) of the subjects.

▪ The birthmark or birth defect of the child was said to correspond to a wound (usually fatal) or
other mark on the deceased person whose life the child said it remembered.

Why Reincarnation and Biology Intersect

▪ This is dramatic evidence of how past life traumas become so embedded in an individual’s
cellular memory that they are carried from one life to the next. In 43 of 49 cases in which a
medical document (usually a post-mortem report) was obtained, it confirmed the
correspondence between wounds: and birthmarks or birth defects.

▪ The work suggests surprising answers to such questions as the following : Writing as a
scientist and a Western medical professional, Stevenson realizes that the idea that

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wounds on a deceased person can influence the embryo of a later-born baby is
subversive to many assumptions of modern biology.

▪ Photographs of birthmarks and illustrations of weapons form part of the evidence in this
daring and explorative research. This work will be of particular interest to physicians,
psychiatrists, biologists, and anthropologists

▪ In addition, those concerned with paranormal phenomena and the mind-brain problem
will find this work challenging. Ian Stevenson examined reports of people in different parts of
the world who claimed to remember past lives, mostly young children.

▪ Why does someone born with a birth defect have the one he or she has, instead of another
one ? Why do some children show phobias in early infancy when they have had no traumatic
experiences and no model for the phobia in their family ? Why are some monozygotic (one-
egg) twins markedly different from each other ?

▪ Why do many boys who later become homosexual show effeminate behavior in infancy
before their parents can have influenced them to do so ?

▪ He explored the idea that “ birthmarks and other skin lesions and abnormalities may provide
evidence of cutaneous injuries sustained in a previous life, thus supporting the notion of
reincarnation ”.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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NO:- 10 》PART:- 6 》Change of Gender in
Reincarnation Cases with Insights on Homosexuality,
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 6 》Change of Gender in Reincarnation Cases with
Lesbianism, Transsexualism,
Insights on Homosexuality, Transgenderism
Lesbianism, Transsexualism, and
Transgenderism and
Gender Identity Disorders.
Gender Identity Disorders.

Some of Examples For Change of Sex in Reincarnation Case Studies

1. Louise Vanderbilt Reincarnates as a Man, Wayne Peterson.

2. Charles Pankhurst Reincarnates as a Woman, Penney Peirce.

3. Jake Vuorilehto Reincarnates as his Wife's Daughter, Terri Jarvi.

4.Lionel Reincarnates as His Sister's Daughter and Still Makes the Tortoise Face.

5. Jenson Jacoby | TE: A Swedish Man Reincarnates as an American Woman.

6. Poldi Holzmuller Says She Will Reincarnate as a Boy and Does

7. Angelina Lopes Says She Would Rather be a Boy and Reincarnates as One.

8. An African Tribesman Reincarnates as an Author's Son in Hungary.

Reincarnation Insights on Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Transsexualism,

Transgenderism and Gender Identity Disorders.

▪ In addition, reincarnation research shows that in approximately10 percent of cases, a

(consciousness) soul changes gender. This percentage was reported by Ian Stevenson, MD,
in his series of 1200 reincarnation cases in which children had spontaneous past life
memories that were objectively validated.

▪ This observation can give us insight on why some people arehomosexual or have gender
identity issues. As noted, Ian Stevenson’s reincarnation studies show that souls change
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gender in only 10 percent of cases.

▪ If a soul is accustomed to incarnating in one gender and thenhas a lifetime as the

opposite sex, that soul (individual consciousness) may still identify with the previous,
usual gender. This may lead to homosexuality, transsexualism, transgender issues and
gender identity disorder.

▪ Important Ian Stevenson cases that demonstrated change in gender with homosexuality or
gender identity issues include:

▪ A Male Japanese Soldier Reincarnates as a Woman and becomes a Lesbian

▪ Chuey, a Boy, Drowns & Reincarnates as a Girl, but Retains Male Traits.

▪ Even in these cases where gender changes, facial architecture still can remain the same, as
demonstrated in the Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson and Charles Parkhurst | Penney
Peirce reincarnation cases.

▪ In sum, most people maintain the same gender from one lifetime to another, and it seems
that our soul as an innate masculine or feminine quality.

▪ Those who are innately masculine tend to reincarnate as males. Those who are innately
feminine prefer to return in a female body. We all switch gender periodically, to learn what it is
like to be a different gender.

▪ If a soul (individual consciousness) changes gender, it is possible that homosexuality or

gender disorders, such as transsexualism, may occur.

Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner Transgender Reincarnation Case

▪ In April 2015, Bruce Jenner publicly acknowledged that he is transitioning from being a man
to being a woman. In the approximately 1200 validated reincarnation cases studied by Ian
Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, Dr. Stevenson found that souls (consciousness)
change gender in only 10 percent of cases.

▪ In cases derived through my work withKevin Ryerson, there is also the same proportion of
cases with gender change, approximately 10 percent. These observations suggest that
one’s soul has a preferred gender to incarnate in.
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Gender Change in Reincarnation Cases & Transsexualism

▪ Dr. Stevenson's research also shows that in cases where gender change occurs, the
reincarnated individual can have gender identity issues. In other words, when a man
reincarnates as a woman, the incarnated personality may still retain a male mindset.
Conversely, if a woman reincarnates as a man, female traits may persist.

▪ In some cases, this may lead the reincarnated individual to behomosexual, lesbian or

▪ Bruce Jenner's Past Life as Babe Didrikson Zaharias, These observations made me wonder
about Bruce Jenner’s past incarnations.

▪ In a session with Kevin Ryerson, the spirit guide Ahtun Re revealed that Bruce’s most
recent past life was as a female athlete who was one of the first women to compete in the

▪ Further, Ahtun Re said this woman won events that are part of today’s Olympic decathlon.
With some research, I found a possible candidate in Babe Didrikson Zaharias, who lived from
1911 to 1956. In a subsequent session with Kevin, Ahtun Re affirmed that Bruce Jenner is the
reincarnation of Babe Didrikson Zaharias.

Past Life Talent: Decathlon Event Medals

▪ Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner Transgender Reincarnation Case The decathlon is made up of 10 track

and field events: 100, 400 and 1500 meter runs, the 110 meter hurdles, the long and high
jumps, pole vault, shot put, discus throw and javelin throw. Traditionally, winners of the
Olympic decathlon, such as Bruce Jenner, are given the title of “World's Greatest Athlete.”

▪ Babe Didrikson Zaharias competed in the 1932 Olympics held in Los Angeles. In that year
women were allowed to compete in only a limited number of events and a women’s decathlon
did not exist.

▪ At the 1932 Olympics, Babe won medals in the 80 meter hurdles, the high jump and the
javelin throw, reflecting skills needed to win a decathlon, namely, running, jumping and

▪ Babe was also a championship golfer, which reflects Bruce Jenner’s love for the game of
golf. She also excelled at other sports. Babe was known as a fierce competitor who gave it
her all, much like Bruce Jenner. For her achievements the Associated Press named her the
"Ninth Greatest Athlete in the Twentieth Century."

Bruce Jenner's Female Past Lives

▪ Ahtun Re also revealed that in most of Bruce Jenner’s incarnations, Jenner was a woman. In
these female past lives, Jenner demonstrated the same tendency to be a very competitive
athlete, though this trait could be expressed in various ways, such as being a female warrior.
Jenner's soul's preference for female incarnations explains why Jenner has stated that he has
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soul of a woman and why he is transgender.

Reincarnation and Gender Identity

▪ In response to inquiries we made regarding gender identity issues, Ahtun Re stated that
there is variability in the reasons for these states of being. The simplest category to
understand is transgender individuals, as these people almost always result from a soul who
incarnates into a gender they are not used to, such as in the case of Babe Didrikson
Zaharias | Bruce Jenner.

▪ In contrast, the reasons for why an individual is gay or lesbian can vary. Ahtun Re stated
that a small proportion of gay and lesbian individuals are so because they incarnated into a
gender they are not used to.

The Reincarnation Case of Japanese Soldier | Ma Tin Aung Myo

▪ The Ian Stevenson case of the Japanese Soldier | Ma Tin Aung Myo is such an example,
in which a male soldier reincarnated as a female but retained a male mindset. Though a
woman, Ma Tin Aung Myo retained a physical attraction to women and she became a

▪ Ahtun Re said that in contrast, for the vast majority of peoplewho are gay or lesbian, this is
simply the nature of their souls. These people tend to reincarnate across incarnations with the
same predispositions, that of being male or female homosexuals.

▪ Change in Gender: The Japanese soldier was male, but reincarnated as Ma, a female. Ian
Stevenson's past life research indicates that in 90 percent of cases, souls reincarnate in the
same gender, inferring that souls have a prefered sex or gender. In this case Ma retained the
masculine orientation of the Japanese soldier, including an attraction to women, which led to
Ma becoming a lesbian. It appears that this soul was accustomed to incarnating as a man and
though a woman in the incarnation of Ma, retained the mindset of a male.

Reincarnation case study of Chuey Puang Pei

▪ Chuey Puang Pei was born in 1946 in Thailand. His father’s name was Tai Puang Pei and
his mother was Tong Bai Puang Pei. Chuey had a brother, Chuan, and a sister, Khao.

▪ The family lived along one of the many canals or waterways that are found in the central
plain of Thailand, which are called klongs. These canals stem from major rivers in the area.
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Through the use of boats, klongs serve as routes of transportation, much like the canals of
Venice, Italy. Chuey lived in the village of Bang Chan, which was on a waterway of the same
name, Klong Bang Chan.

▪ Change in gender:- Ampan, when young, had definite masculine traits, which seem to
reflect her past lifetime as Chuey, a male. Ampan’s mother said that she liked to dress like a
boy, including wearing pants instead of a skirt. Ampan also engaged in boy’s sports, such as
boxing. In 1968, when Ampan was 14, she told Ian Stevenson that she would prefer to be a
boy as men have freer lives. Stevenson noted that Ampan walked with a masculine gait. A
year later, in 1969, Ampan still did boxing, still wished she was a boy and had little romantic
interest in boys, which is unusual for a teenage girl.

Reincarnation & Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Transexualism & Gender Identity Issues

▪ Ampan’s wish to be a man, which appears to be related to her past incarnation as a male,
has prominent similarities to: The Reincarnation Case of A Japanese Soldier | Ma Tin Aung

▪ In this Ian Stevenson reincarnation study, a male Japanese soldier serving in Burma during
World War II died, reincarnated as a Burmese woman named Ma, but maintained masculine
traits and was attracted to women.

▪ Ma became a lesbian. This case shows how reincarnation can bring insight in
understanding homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transsexualism, transgender and
gender identity issues.

▪ In Ian Stevenson’s series of approximately 1200 validated reincarnation cases in which

small children spontaneously remembered their past lives, in only 10 percent of cases did the
soul change gender. It may be that if a soul is accustomed to incarnating into a particular
gender and then reincarnates into the opposite sex, gender identity issues may arise.

▪ In contrast to the Japanese Soldier | Ma reincarnation case, Ampan eventually married a US

male soldier who was stationed in Thailand. The couple later moved to California.

Reincarnation case study of Jaako Vuorenlehto | Taru Jarvi

▪ Jaako Vuorenlehto was born on November 15, 1929 in Helsinki, Finland, to a Lutheran
Christian family. His nickname was Jaska.

▪ Gender Change: Jaako, a male, reincarnated as a Taru, a female. Of interest, in the two
lifetimes, traits typical of both genders were demonstrated.

▪ Jaako demonstrated feminine hobbies, such as playing with dolls, sewing and a fondness for
women’s clothes.

▪ On the other hand, Taru behaved like a boy in playing with soldiers, helmets and guns.

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While Jaako liked women’s clothes, Taru dressed like a man.

▪ Gender confusion based on past life experiences may be the basis of gender disorders,
such as transsexualism.

▪ An individual may also be homosexual for karmic reasons. For example, if an individual
is very conservative and condemns or persecutes homosexuals, that person may need
to experience a homosexual lifetime as a learning experience.

▪ The important thing is not to judge others for their sexual preferences or gender
identities if these qualities are not the same as ours. We all can experience lifetimes inwhich
we are gay, lesbian, transsexual or other variant of gender identity.

Reincarnation case study of Poldi Holzmuller | Wolfgang Neurath

▪ Poldi Holzmuller and her Lack of Attraction for Boys: Past Lives as a Man?

▪ Poldi Holzmuller was born in 1913 in Feldkirch, Austria to a Roman Catholic family. Her
mother’s name was Elizabeth and her father’s Ernst. Poldi was a quiet child whose favorite
hobby was cutting pictures from newspapers and saving them. Her favorite foods were puffed
rice and noodle soup. As a teenage girl, she was independent and had no interest in boys.

▪ In fact, she even stated that she would have nothing to do with men, as if she was not
attracted to them.

▪ Ian Stevenson's past life research indicates that souls reincarnate in the same gender 90
percent of the time. Poldi's lack of attraction to men may be due to this soul having a majority
of lifetimes in the male gender and as such, a male mindset, in which an attraction to women
is the norm.

▪ Gender Change: Poldi, a female, reincarnated as Wolfgang, a boy. We have noted that
gender change occurs in only 5-10 percent of reincarnation cases. This may be due to a soul
having a natural male or female predisposition. It may be that the soul of Poldi | Wolfgang
has a preference for male incarnations. Recall that Poldi seemed to have no interest in men.
An attraction to men is a trait typical of women or souls with a preference for female
incarnations. Poldi told her mother, Elizabeth, that she would be reincarnate as a boy. This
appears to be her soul’s preferred gender.

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CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 7 》Personality Traits,
Phobias & Fears which are linked to our past life.
CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 7 》Personality Traits, Phobias & Fears which are
linked to our past life.

Phobias and Special preferences possibly related to previous births

▪ Many of us come across certain unaccountable situations that defy any kind of analysis.
Take for example, people and places, objects and circumstances. There are moments that we
experience sometime or the other a sense of faint acquaintance or familiarity.

▪ But strangely enough, that will be the very first meeting with a situation of that kind. Or
another day-to-day experience: Don’t we get terribly attracted towards some people, whereas
equally repelled whenever other acquaintances or friends are made ? How do we get those
instinctive likes and dislikes on the spur
of the moment ? The pulls and rebuffs could only be traceable to many antecedents (certainly
not during this life) that must have taken place in our
previous existence..

▪ In matters of food and clothes, in the choice of company and sports, in the selection of
books and reading materials, in regard to fears and loves and preferences, in brief, in all that
we do, enjoy and suffer there are forces that determine the course and conduct of our actions.

▪ Not all of them could be related to earlier life because there are certain things which find no
Correspondence at any point of time.

▪ The most satisfying explanation that could emerge out of such observation of (accumulated
experiences) individuals is that the inner
strings get propelled because of the deep promptings of the soul memories of past life

▪ Otherwise we cannot account for either support or rejection that gets established in the
minds of individuals as far as personal relationships are concerned. This is quite true of the
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affinity that exists between individuals belonging to different nationalities.

▪ In this case we should make ourselves bold to say that there are transatlantic bonds or
memories of past lives that bring together. That is how citizens of one country would
sometime migrate to another; or interracial marriages take place without any possible earlier

▪ Sometimes persons who enjoy themselves or suffer from a special liking or fear forget
actually its origin. When this happens memories
of the original experiences could be revived or recovered by the use of special techniques, -
for example, by administering certain drugs or
employing hypnosis. It is curious to note how the recall of the original experiences brings
about, under certain conditions, marked but therapeutic modifications, of such predilections
and preferences and fears that could be related to apparent memories of former incarnations.

▪ It must be emphatically stated here that psychiatric research has failed miserably in this area
in not finding out reasons why some of these experiences last long in some people and fade
away sooner than they flash across in

Reincarnation & Personality Traits

▪ Personality traits appear to persist from lifetime to lifetime. One’s way of approaching life and
the way that others perceive you remains consistent. Some of our personality traits are
positive and we carry them with us to our benefit. Other personality traits can be detrimental
and can cause suffering from one lifetime to another. It appears that part of our evolution is to
smooth out the rough spots in our dispositions.

▪ As an example, consider a person who is an extremely aggressive by nature. A benefit of

being aggressive is that the person accomplishes his goals. A negative aspect is that other
people may be hurt by an aggressive approach. The goal for an aggressive person over the
period of one lifetime or more would be to take in consideration the feelings of others.

Behavior of the Subjects Related to the Previous Personality Phobias

▪ Five of the 26 subjects (19%) had a phobia related to the mode of death. This is less than
the 27% reported for the entire sample from India. In three cases in which the mode of death
involved drowning (two in floods and one suicide in a well) the subject had a phobia of
drowning. In one case, the phobia was manifested as a fear of expanses of water such as
ponds or rivers, in another of thunderstorms (which produced the fatal flash flood), and in the
third, of wells.

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▪ Two other phobias related to death by murder. In one such case the child had a phobia of
pulse fields, which was said to be related to the location of an apparently remembered
murder. This subject also had a phobia of the previous
personality's brother, reportedly one of the murderers. In another case involving murder, the
subject had a phobia of going out at night, which related to his apparent memories of being
beset by murderers under cover of darkness.

▪ In another case, the child who recalled jumping in a well had an aversion if not a phobia of
the previous personality's wife, with whom the child said he had quarreled just before
committing suicide. Some aspects of phobias and aversions related to the previous
personality are discussed next.

Reincarnation Cases with Phobias from Past Lifetime

▪ People can have phobias that stem from traumas incurred in past incarnations.

Independently Derived Reincarnation Cases with Phobias are compiled :

1. Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen: A Reincarnated Holocaust Victim has a Phobia of Uniforms
& Dislikes of Showers and Beans.

2. Charles Parkhurst | Penney Peirce: After Charles Parkhurst Sleepwalks off a Roof,
Penney Peirce has Nightmares of Falling Stevenson Reincarnation Cases Phobias.

3. Rashid Khaddage | Daniel Jurdi: A Phobia of Fast Moving Cars after a Past Life Crash.

4. Alessandrina 1 & 2: both have Phobias of Barbers & Loud Noises Stevenson Xenoglossy
Cases with Phobias.

5. Sharada | Uttara:After Sharada Dies from a King Cobra Bite, Uttara has a Phobia of Snakes
Stevenson Turkish Reincarnation Cases with Phobias

6. Ahmet Delibalta Dies in a Turkish Airline Crash and Reincarnates with a Phobia of Planes

7. Abdulkerim Haydaroglu Dies at a Bridge in Turkey and Reincarnates with a Phobia of the
Same Bridge.

8. Nasir Alev Dies after a Fall in Turkey and Reincarnates with a Fear of Heights.

9. Sehide Suzulmus has a Phobia of the Dark after being Murdered at Night in a Past Lifetime.

10. An Islamic Farmer, Mehmet Cosmen, Drowns and Reincarnates with a Phobia of Water

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Stevenson European Reincarnation Cases with Phobias.

11. Teuvo Koivisto : A Reincarnated Concentration Camp Victim has Phobias of German
Uniforms and Swastikas

12. Margaret Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon: A Fear of Falling After a Deadly Injury.

13. General Werner Seehofer Reincarnates with a Phobia of Gunfire.

14. Alfonso Lopes has a Phobia of Vehicles After Being Run Over in a Past Life.

15. Gideon Haigh An African Tribesman Afraid of Crocodiles Reincarnates as Gideon Haigh
and Fears Hungarian Lakes.

16. Samuel Helander | Pertti Haikio Has a Fear of Bathing After Almost Drowning in a Past

17. Chuey, a Boy, Drowns After Being Bitten by a Water Snake & Reincarnates as a Girl with
a Fear of Snakes

18. A Male Japanese Soldier is Shot to Death by Warplane Strafing & Reincarnates as a Girl
with a Phobia of Airplanes

19. Indian Reincarnation Cases with Past Life Phobias Mandeep, a Sikh, is Stabbed to Death
and Reincarnates as a Hindu Girl with a Phobia of Knives (Satwant Pasricha, PhD Case) -
New Case

The Reincarnation Case of Petri Haikio | Samuel Helande

The Multiple Injuries & Accidents of Pertti Haikio

▪ Pertti Haikio was born on June 3, 1957, in Helsinki Finland. His father had a confusingly
similar first name, Pentti, and his mother’s name was Anneli. He had a sister named Marja.
He had a number of injuries in childhood which, we shall see, led to memories or phobias in
his next incarnation.

They are as follows:

▪ Age 3: Pertti slipped out of Anneli’s arms into a bathtub full of water. Pertti almost drowned.

▪ Age 4: While standing next to a construction site, Pertti was struck by a heavy object from
the construction site which injured both legs. He was hospitalized for 5 months and had to
wear casts on both legs for several months.

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▪ Age 5: A dog severely bit Pertti.

▪ Age 15: Pertti fell off a wharf in Helsinki and landed on ice, which broke. He almost drowned
in the icy water, but was able to take off his shoes and clothes and pull himself out. He went
home in his underwear.

▪ After this incident, Pertti had a fear of being immersed in water.

Perrti is Affectionate & Plays the Guitar

▪ Despite these traumas, Pertti grew up to be a normal and very affectionate person. He
acquired a guitar, which he loved to play, and he displayed musical talent.

▪ In 1969, his mother, Anneli, and his father, Pennti, divorced. Anneli later remarried to a man
named Reiner.

A Spirit Being & Spiritual Communication of Peretti's Sudden Death

▪ At the age of 18, in 1975, Pertti unexpectedly died. On the day of his death, his mother,
Anneli, who was on a cruise at the time, had a premonition that someone in the family had
passed away.

▪ Anneli was lying down in her cabin bunk when she suddenly saw her deceased father, who
stood silently, then nodded. Anneli told her husband that this meant that someone in the
family had passed into the spirit world.

▪ It was Pertti who had left the physical world for the spirit world.

A Spirit Being & Soul Plan: Marja has an Announcing Dream and an Abortion is Prevented
Marja, Prieto's, sister was married to a man with the same first name as their father, Pentti.
Her husband's full name was Pentti Helander.

▪ The couple belonged to the Lutheran church.

One or two months after Pertti had died, he appeared in a dream to his sister, Marja.

▪ Marja had become pregnant and she was thinking about having an abortion. That is when
Pentti appeared to her in a dream and said:
“Keep that child.” (1)

▪ As a result of this dream, Marja allowed the pregnancy to continue. She had a boy, who
they named Samuel Helander.

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Past Life Memory: Samuel Recognizes Himself as Pertti with Leg Casts

▪ Samuel began to speak around the age of one. When he was 1 and a half, someone asked
him what his name was. Samuel replied: “Poletti.”

▪ (2) Marja noted that Samuel could not pronounce “r’s,” so she thought he was trying to say
“Pertti.” Samuel told Marja that she was not his mother. Rather, he used “mother” to refer to
Anneli, his grandmother and mother of Pertti.

▪ At the age of 2, Samuel saw a photo of Pertii when he was hospitalized for his leg injuries.
Samuel said: “This is me when my legs were ill.”

▪ (3) Later, Samuel said that both his legs were in plaster, which did occur in the life of Pertii.
Continuing this pattern, up to the age of 10, whenever Samuel would be shown photos of
Pertii, he would say: “That’s me.”

▪ (4) Samuel Remembers a Past Life Dog Bite

Another time when looking through photos, Samuel said: “I remember when the dog bit my

▪ (5) He brought up this subject several times, noting how painful it was when he was bitten,
even though Samuel, in his contemporary lifetime, was never bitten by a dog. It was Pertti
who was severely bitten by a dog when he was about 5 years old.
Samuel Visits his Past Life Grave & Says that it is His

▪ When Anneli took Samuel to the cemetery where Pertti was buried, when gazing at Peretti's
grave, Samuel repeatedly said, “That is my grave.” (6) When Marja was taking him to the
same cemetery, Samuel reiterated, “Now we are going to my grave.”
▪ (7)Key Past Life Memory: Samuel Remembers a Party from a Past Incarnation In the
memories that are described above, a skeptic would propose that in seeing photos of Pertti,
Samuel, for some reason, simply identified with Pertti. The following memory represents a
very important one, as it is extremely unlikely that Samuel could have known about the
following incident through normal means.

▪ When he was about 3 years old, Samuel told his parents about a time when he and his
father went to a house near a kiosk. He said that they wore different colored hats and that
they had brought a guitar.

▪ Samuel said that this house near the kiosk caught on fire and they had to go home.
This did not correspond with any events in the life of Samuel, but Marja remembered that
Samuel’s description matched an event in Peretti's life.

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▪ In 1975, about a year before Pertti had died, a friend had put on a party at a house near a
railroad kiosk. Samuel and his father went to the party, but a fire broke out in the attic of this
house and the party goers had to disperse.

▪ No one had told Samuel, whose age at this time was only 3, of this obscure incident in Petri
Haikio life.

▪ Of all of Samuel’s statements, this is the most convincing as being a past life memory, a
memory from his lifetime as Pertti Haikio.

Samuel Identifies his Past Life Father

▪ One day, Samuel saw a photo of Pennti and Anneli Haikio, the parents of Pertti Haikio.
Recall that Anneli was also Marja’s mother and thus Samuel’s grandmother.

▪ Photos of Pennti and Anneli were rarely shown in the household, as Anneli’s second
husband, Reiner, was a jealous type and he didn’t like pictures of Pennti, his wife’s first
husband, on display.

▪ When looking at a picture of Pennti Haikio, Samuel said, “This is my father.”

▪ (8) Pennti, of course, was the father of Pertii, not Samuel. On another occasion, when
looking at a photo of Pennti Haikio and Anneli, Samuel said, “There is Daddy and Grandma

▪ (9) Again, Pennti Haikio was Perri's daddy, not Samuel’s. Anneli was Petrie's mother and
Samuel’s grandmother.

Samuel Finds his Past Life Guitar, Corduroy Jacket and Watch

▪ Recall that Perrti Hai Kio was fond of playing the guitar. After he died, his guitar was placed
in a box and put in a closet. No one in the family had told Samuel about this guitar.
Nonetheless, Ian Stevenson writes, regarding Samuel and the guitar:
“He looked for it, found it, and said that it was his.”
▪ (10) After Pertti Haikio had died, all his clothes were disposed of except for a corduroy
jacket, which was kept in a closet. One day, Marja, his mother, and Anneli, his grandmother
and Preeti's mother, brought it out and were discussing what to do with it. One of them
suggested that it should be given away.

▪ Samuel, who was only 3 years at this time, became agitated and shouted at his mother and
grandmother, stating that the corduroy jacket was his and that it should not be given away.

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Pertti had a watch that was broken and that was without hands.

▪ After he died Anneli put it in a drawer filled with other discarded items. Anneli once opened
this drawer in Peretti's presence. He saw the broken watch and claimed it, saying it was his.
Samuel subsequently kept the watch either under his pillow or in a drawer under his bed,
apparently so that no one could ever take if from him again.
Samuel’s Past LIfe Phobia of Water

▪ Samuel had a great fear of being bathed, to that point that is mother, Marja, described him
as being “panic stricken” when being bathed. Samuel even feared showers. Samuel’s fear of
water persisted until he was at least until he was 23 years of age.

▪ Even as an adult, Samuel would not go swimming due to his phobia. Recall that when Pertti
was 3 years old, he slipped out of Anneli’s arms into a bathtub full of water and almost

▪ At age 15, Pertti fell off a wharf in Helsinki and landed on ice, which broke. He also almost
drowned in the icy water.

▪ Samuel’s fear of water appears to be related to Peretti's experiences of almost drowning,

once when he fell into a bathtub when he was 3 years old and again at the age of 15, when
he fell into icy water.

Past Life Behavior: Samuel Replicates Peretti's Ritual of Kissing Each Family Member at

▪ Pertti was a very affectionate person and he created a tradition at Christmas where he would
go around the room, hold each family member arm and kiss them on the cheek.

▪ At the age of 2 1/2, Samuel spontaneously demonstrated the same behavior at Christmas,
taking each family member by the arm and kissing them on the cheek.

Reincarnation & Physical Resemblance: Pertti and Samuel have the Same Appearance &

▪ Marja, Patti's sister and Samuel’s mother, noted that Pertti and Samuel had the same smile
and that they had the same physique. Pertti had the tendency of standing with one foot in
front of the other with his hand on his hip. Samuel had the same habitual posture. Both Pertti
and Samuel had a habit of walking with their hands behind their backs. Marja did not have
these physical habits.

Marja Believes Samuel is the Reincarnation of Pertti

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▪ Based on her experiences and observations, Marja came to believe that her son Samuel is
her deceased brother, Pertti reborn.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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NO:- 10 》PART:- 8 》Love, Relationship
and Family Reunions through Reincarnation.
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 8 》Love, Relationship and Family Reunions through

▪ In this section, cases are featured in which individuals are reunited through reincarnation.

▪ In some cases, this is accomplished by souls reincarnating within thesame family, which
will be called "Same Family" reincarnation cases.

▪ Souls may also reincarnate geographically close to their past life family, which allows a
reunion to take place. We will call these "Proximity" reincarnation cases. In other cases,
individuals reincarnate separately, but are eventually brought together by destiny, which we
will call "Destiny" cases. Please note that all these types of reincarnation cases involve
planning of a future lifetime by the soul. Reincarnation cases with specific future life plans are
also provided in this section.

▪ Future parents can learn that a particular soul that will become their child through dreams, in
which the incarnating soul communicates with the future parents. Ian Stevenson, MD, called
these types of events: Announcing Dreams.

▪ Ian Stevenson, MD Twin Study Supports Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation

Same Family & Destiny Reincarnation Cases, Independently Researched Past Life
Relationship Stories with Physical Resemblance

▪ Sisters Reunited through Reincarnation: Alice & Phoebe Cary and Penney & Paula Pierce

▪ Belle Starr Reunites with her Children and Lost Love through Reincarnation

▪ Ian Stevenson Case: Bootlegger Sammy Reincarnates Near his Past Life Home and is
Reunited with his Past Life Wife & Family

▪ After Being Sexually Abused, Elsa Gene asks Ruth to be her Mother, then is Strangled and

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Reborn to Ruth as Tikvah -New Case

Proximity Past Life Relationship Reincarnation Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson &

▪ Hanan Monsour Reincarnates and Lovingly Sits on her Past Life Husband's Lap-Physical

▪ Daniel Jordi's Past Life Family Keeps a Cot for Him-Physical Resemblance

▪ After Committing Suicide, Helmut Kohler Reincarnates and is Reunited with his Surviving
Son, Ludwig

▪ After Dying in a Turkish Plane Crash, Ahmet Delibalta Reincarnates and Finds his Past Life

▪ After Dying from Tetanus, Nasir Alev Reincarnates in Turkey 300 Meters from his Past Life

▪ After A Minibus Crash following Ramadan, Abdulkerim Haydaroglu Reincarnates and is

Reunited with his Past Life Family

▪ After Being Murdered, Abit Suzulmus Reincarnates and Finds his Past Life Wife

▪ Cevriye Baryi Remembers being Murdered and is Reunited with her Past Life Husband
Felix Fresnel Plans His Return from the Spirit World.

▪ Poldi Holzmuller Says She Will Reincarnate as a Boy Nearby and Does

▪ A Boy with Sudden Past Life Recall Finds his Wife from a Prior Lifetime

▪ Mithelish Commits Suicide & Reincarnates with Past Life Birthmarks & Similar Facial
Features (Satwant Pasricha, PhD Research) -New Case

▪ Suresh Verma is Shot in the Head and Reincarnates as Titu Singh, with Similar Facial
Features & Birthmarks Corresponding with Suresh's Wounds -New Case

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation, Walter Semkiw Articles Same Family

Past Life Relationship Reincarnation Stories Researched by Ian Stevenson, MD

▪ Nai Leng Reincarnates as his Favorite Sister's Son, Choate

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▪ Pertti Haikio Prevents an Abortion so He Can Reincarnate as His Sister's Son, Samuel

▪ Blanche Bautista: A Lullaby from a Past Lifetime

▪ Alessandrina Samona 1 and 2: When Spirit Descends into a Fetus

▪ Bessie Gordon Chooses Her Favorite Granddaughter as her Future Mother

▪ After a Motorcycle Crash, Lionel Ennuyer Reincarnates as His Sister's Daughter

▪ Angelina Lopes Reincarnates as her Brother, Alfonso

▪ Eeva-Maija Kaartinen Reincarnates in Finland as her Sister, Maria-Liisa

▪ Jaako Vuorenlehto Reincarnates as his Wife's Daughter, Taru Jarvi

▪ After Being Murdered, Kalevi Paasio Reincarnates to Protect his Battered Mother

Independently Researched Reincarnation Cases-Physical Resemblance & Life Plan

▪ James Huston | James Leininger Chooses his Future Parents at the Royal Hawaiian

▪ Karen Pigott tells her Mother She Picked her Parents

Ian Stevenson, MD: Children Remembering Past Lives with Lifetime Planning

▪ Felix Fresnel Plans his Next Lifetime, Including Date & Place of Birth, in France

▪ As She is Dying from TB, Poldi Holzmuller Plans to Reincarnate Nearby & Ride in Marie
Neurath's Carriage and Does

▪ Jaakko Plans his Next Incarnation, Including Date of Birth, as his Wife's Daughter.

▪ Margaret Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon: Both Born on January 25

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CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 9》 Rebirth according to
desires ofNO:-10
CHAPTER previous
》PART:- 9》births
Rebirth according to desires of previous births

▪ Planning Future Lifetimes and Announcing Dreams Independently Researched

Reincarnation Cases

▪ Reincarnation cases reveal that individuals can plan their future incarnations from the
spirit realm. To reunite with lost loved ones, souls can plan to incarnate within, or near, a
family that they belonged to in a past lifetime. All same family, proximity & destiny
reincarnation cases involve planning by the soul. Children can have memories of choosing
their parents before they are born.

▪ Future parents can also learn of a soul that will become their child through dreams, in which
the incarnating soul communicates with the future parents.

▪ Ian Stevenson, called these types of dreams “ Future parents can alsoAnnouncing
Dreams.” become aware of the soul that will become their child through extrasensory
means, such as through the use of a medium, who can channel messages from the spirit
world to human beings.

▪ Cases that feature souls specifically planning incarnations are compiled in this section.
Insights, such as when a spirit becomes attached to foetus, can be gained from such cases.

Cases which supports above claims are

▪ In particular, in the Felix Fresnel | Christophe Albert reincarnation case, information is

provided that suggests that the soul becomes deeply attached to the foetus at about 3 months
of pregnancy.

▪ Twin Study Supports that Souls can Plan Lifetimes Ian Stevenson, MD

▪ Announcing Dreams-See Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation Cases

▪ James Huston | James Leininger Chooses his Future Parents at the Royal Hawaiian Karen
Pigott tells her Mother She Picked her Parents Felix Fresnel Plans his Next Lifetime, Including

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Date & Place of Birth, in France

▪ As She is Dying from TB, Poldi Holzmuller Plans to Reincarnate Nearby & Ride in Marie
Neurath’s Carriage

▪ Jaakko Plans his Next Incarnation, Including Date of Birth, as his Wife's Daughter

▪ Margaret Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon: Both Born on January 25

▪ After Dying following Heart Surgery, Hanan Monsour Announces her Reincarnation in a

▪ Jaakko Vuorilehto Correctly Telepathically Predicts the Date of his Reincarnation

▪ Ibleto di Challant | Giuseppe Costa: A Spirit Lover's Clue Leads to a Past Lifetime

▪ Alessandrina Samona Correctly Predicts her Reincarnation with a Twin Gladys Deacon is
Led to her Past Life Portrait by a Flat Tire

▪ Sharada Announces her Reincarnation with a Cobra Bite Dream

▪ Blanche Bautista Appears in a Vision and Predicts her Reincarnation

▪ Turkish Reincarnation Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson, MD

▪ After Dying in a Turkish Plane Crash, Ahmet Delibalta Observes the Recovery of his Body
from the Spirit World

▪ Abdulkerim Haydaroglu Dies in a Car Crash in Turkey and from the Spirit World Watches his
Wife Deliver a Healthy Child

▪ After Dying from Tetanus in Turkey, Nasir Alev Announces his Reincarnation in a Dream

▪ After Being Murdered, Turkish Farmer Abit Suzulmus Announces his Reincarnation in a

▪ Sehide Suzulmus Observes What Happened after her Death and her Reincarnation is
Announced in a Dream.

▪ Same Family Reincarnation Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson.

▪ From the Spirit World, Pertti Haikio Prevents an Abortion so He Can Reincarnate as His
Sister's Son, Samuel Helander.

▪ Alessandrina Samona 1 and 2: When Spirit Descends into a Foetus Bessie Gordon Chooses
Her Favourite Granddaughter as her Future Mother

▪ After a Motorcycle Crash, Lionel Ennuyer Reincarnates as His Sister’s Daughter

Angelina Lopes Reincarnates as her Brother, Alfonso

▪ Eeva-Maija Kaartinen Reincarnates in Finland as her Sister, Maria-Liisa Jaako Vuorenlehto

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Reincarnation as his Wife's Daughter, Terri Jarvi

▪ After Being Murdered, Kalevi Paasio Reincarnates to Protect his Battered Mother

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies,
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent
Past Life
Explained by Ability & Talent Explained by Reincarnation

Astonishing innate talents and abilities

that is child prodigy cases explained by Reincarnation

▪ Some children display an uncommon ability or proficiency in some study or the other. They
possess rare powers of intelligence and imagination, creativity and assimilation of
experiences to a degree that is beyond the
reach of ordinary ones.

▪ Some authors on reincarnation have quoted the rare occurrences of childhood geniuses
such as Mozart, Sir William Hamilton and Thomas Young as evidence of Reincarnation with
so much of authenticity.
▪ The capacity of these children far surpassed the instruction they had received at the hands
of their teachers. Skills and performances by these could alone be traceable to previous

▪ Because the ‘present’ as such never provided any solid clue as to their achievement. Here
theory of reincarnation provides the base for inferring many hidden truths.

▪ Genetic environment or the law of inheritance or any other possible influence has shown us
little to explain the mystery of persons possessing prodigious talents. And all this has
happened without any reference to parental influence many times.

▪ Instances of genius are not wanting. Think of artists, musicians and painters-most of them
have exhibited their prodigious abilities while in teens.

1. Mozart, the world-renowned musician, was able to compose his ‘sonata’ when he was
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hardly 5 years of age. Even before he was 8, he had constructed his ‘opera’.

2. Teressamilnolli, a girl in teens, played on the violin like a skilled expert devoted to music
for a lifetime. Listeners, amazed at this precocious
performance, convinced themselves that the girl must have got this gift from her previous

3. Sri Adi Sankaracharya, as one legend would have it, had written his erudite commentaries
on religious scriptures when he had not yet attained the age of 12.

4. Hamilton started learning Hebrew at- the age of 3 years. At 6 he could answer a difficult
mathematical problem. At 13 he could speak 13 languages 'particularly Sanskrit, Hindustani,
Malay, Arabic and Persian in addition to Classical and European languages.

5. Manziamilo, a boy of the shepherd stock, was a human computer in solving mathematical
puzzles. Without the aid of paper and pencil, he would give out the square root of six-digital

▪ Once when _he....was asked to work out .the total .number of minutes contained in 48
years, pat came the answer 2,52,46,080 minutes.

6. Pascal is a case of another child prodigy - this founder of plane geometry had propounded
his theories when he was hardly a boy.

7. Tom, though born blind and a slave boy, played on the piano ‘par excellence’, at the
instance of his Master. He gave Many concerts at different places to several audiences.
Curiously though, his parents had never seen such a musical instrument called ‘piano’ and
much less heard about it.

▪ And besides, this blind boy knew nothing about music lessons. None had taught him.
Whatever he performed were his own original compositions. Like an exponent of art he used
to describe the style, nuances and novelty related to music..

8. Raymond, son of an American writer Frank De Fe.11 ita, at the age of six was able to play
piano brilliantly without learn

9. Ferruccio Burgo, hardly eight years of age, proved his mettle eminently as conductor of an
Italian orchestral music. It was a remarkable performance at the Carnegie Hall on a Saturday.
What great symphony was it ! Highly confident of his aft, masterly skill and competence, he
conducted an eighty-piece orchestra in five operatic fine overtures and Beethoven's first

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▪ Tnera 1/10 tremendous acclamation all round. Seasoned critics praised his sense of style,
balance in the complicated sequence, and especially so, his fineness of grasp of melody and
rhythm. What is further amazing was his extraordinary debut, when he was just 4 years
old, that he could publicly conduct a musical program me at Fiume like a mature performer. -
(source : New Zealand Herald March 1948).

10. Carol Gallacher, hardly a child of 2 years of age, could sing resonantly in French with
consistent attention. on the musical rhythm and melody.

▪ How incredible it sounds when we learn that she could digest World Classics like Plato's
"Republic", Sir Thomas More's "Utopia" Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" and Jonathan Swift's
',Gulliver's Travels" when she was just 4 years old !

11. Beethoven has been hailed as a prodigy in musical compositions. Even at the age of 8,
he had established his name as a great musician.

▪ His compositions that have been acknowledged to be masterpieces were published when he
was just 10 years old. No less striking are the examples that follow here.

12. Hummel performed a concert at 9.

13. Schubert composed his magnificent works at age of 11.

14. Chopin gave a public demonstration even before he was 9 years old.

15. Richard Straus constructed a polka and a great song when he was less than 7.

16. Samuel Wesley, fancy how that could be achieved—played the organ and composed an
oratorio of the rare order by the time he was 8 years old. To this memorable list could be
added two more, namely,

17. Mendelssohn Brahms and

18. Dvorak, who exhibited not only extraordinary abilities at an early age but highly
exceptional talents whose interpretation demands an excursion into the realm of the unknown
and the phenomenon of reincarnation. Source : New Zealand Herald, Jan 1948.

19. Incredible but true when we hear of a child of 3 years of age,reciting accurately many
slokas of the Ramayana and the Bhagavad Gita. Even When it was barely 5 months old, it
had started lisping certain sounds though incoherent. This wonderful incident has been
reported from Jhansi.

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20. Mrs. Curran’s personality reveals an amazing capacity in her understanding of Early
English or Old English as far as diction and speed go, as can be seen in “The case of
patience worth” by W. F. Prince.

Ref :- W. F. Prince, The case of patience worth. B.S.P,R, Boston. 1927.

21. A seven year old girl student of Sri Lanka won every prize for Indian Dancing. She
displayed all the qualities of a professional dancer. When ask on her success, she describe
that she learned the skills from her elder sister in India. She even gives vivid details on the
place she lives in India.

Independently Derived Cases with Innate Talent

▪ John Elliotson : A Medical Innovator Reincarnates as Norm Shealy, MD to Invent Again
▪ Paul Gauguin : Replicates his Artistic Development in the Life of Peter Teekamp
▪ Wayne Peterson : Draws on a Past Lifetime to Paint Scenes of Venice like a Master
▪ Louise Vanderbilt's :Interest in Theosophy Grows into Wayne Peterson's book,
“Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings”
▪ Penney Peirce : Demonstrates Natural Talent for Latin her Charles Parkhurst from a Past
Lifetime Has Natural Writing Ability from her Alice Cary Past Lifetime
▪ Francesco Goya : From the Spirit World, Francesco Goya Paints through Henrietta Roos &
Creates the Image of the Woman Picture.
▪ Bessie Gordon : Can Still Sing a Tune and Do a Past Life Highland Dance.
▪ Gideon Haigh : A Hungarian Boy Climbs Trees like a Monkey and Drums Like an African
▪ Erkan Kilic : As a Young Boy, Erkan Kilic manages a Nightclub, replicating a Past Life
▪ Helmut Kohler : After Committing Suicide, Helmut Kohler Reincarnates with the Same
Business Skills but Deals with the Same Dilemma

The following persons, who exhibited special skill but had no opportunity for acquiring
this in the present life, are quoted by Dr. Ian Stevenson in his book “Twenty cases Suggestive
of Reincarnation”
1. Paulo Lorenz—skill for sewing
2. William George—skill with fishing nets.
3. Croliss Chotkin. Jr—skill in Engineering.
4. Precocious learning of French—by Imad

A definite occurrence of such skills, before learning them in the present life, offer
sufficient scope for survival and reincarnation.

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CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 11 》Geographic Past
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 11 》Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu in
Life Memory & Deja Vu in Reincarnation Cases.
Reincarnation Cases.

Momentary revival of previous existence or Déjà vu Geographic Memory

Introduction and Definitions

▪ Déjà vu, the experience that one feels like they have been at a place before, even though
the individual has never previously been at that
location in the current lifetime, can be considered a subtle form of geographic memory.

▪ An individual may have lived in or visited that location or some type of significant event in a
past lifetime may have occurred at that geographic site.

▪ There are a number of cases of momentary revival of previous existence (paranormal

knowledge of a place or event) usually that occurs.

▪ when a person visits some foreign lands. Such revival can be categorized as,

1. Momentary revival of places

2. Momentary revival of events or persons
3. Geographic Memory in Reincarnation Cases


▪ Peter Avery appears to have had a past lifetime as a Muslim in Iran. In contemporary times,
he was born in England and was presumably a Christian. The subject of this case, Peter
Avery, was born in Derby, England, on May 15, 1923.

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▪ In World War II, he served in the Royal Indian Navy. After the war, he attended the
University of London, where he graduated in 1949 with
a degree in Arabic and Persian languages.

▪ With these skills, Peter took a job as the Training Manager for Arabic and Persian languages
for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. He was stationed in the city of Abadan in the southwest
region of Iran. For the first six months of his assignment, he was confined to Abadan and the
surrounding oil fields.

▪ In the winter of 1949-1950, a manager from the company’s London office, Mr. John Evans,
was planning to tour facilities in Iran and he needed an interpreter to travel with him. Peter
was assigned to escort Mr. Evans on a trip to Isfahan, in central Iran.

▪ Peter was delighted to be given his assignment, as he would finally get to see more of Iran.
As noted, Peter had never been out of the area surrounding Abadan.

▪ Peter had one other experience which seemed to stem from a past lifetime or lifetimes in
Iran and India. It was in 1944, when he was serving in the Royal Indian Navy during World
War II.

▪ Peter was 21 years of age at the time. An Indian officer on his ship had befriended him and
invited Peter to visit his family, who lived in Lahore, which is now part of Pakistan.

▪ The friend knew of Peter’s great interest in Islamic literature and culture and he wanted
Peter to meet his father, Khan Bahadur Muhammad Shafi, who was a principle of a school for
Asian studies and a scholar of Islamic history.

▪ In Lahore, they visited the Shalimar Bagh, a garden complex which was built by the Islamic
Mughal emperors. Peter was accompanied by his friend’s father, the scholar Bahadur
Muhammad Shafi. Peter had never been to Shalimar Bagh before, nor had he read about its
layout. Peter Identifies the Original Door at Shalimar Bagh

▪ Peter and Mr. Shafi entered Shalimar Bagh through a doorway in a surrounding wall. Peter
innately knew that this was not the original entrance. He told Shafi that the original doorway
was in the wall opposite them, on the other side of the enclosure. Mr. Shafi told Peter that he
was indeed correct.

▪ Later, Peter commented that the pavilion, or small building, in the center of the garden was
not part of the original design. Mr. Shafi also confirmed Peter’s statement, noting that the
pavilion was originally part of an emperor’s tomb complex and that it was moved to Shalimar
Burg by Ranjit Singh, a Sikh who ruled Lahore from 1799 to 1839.

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▪ As such, Peter’s proposed past lifetime, in which he became familiar with Shalimar Burg,
must have occurred before 1799, prior to the pavilion’s move from the tomb complex to
Shalimar Burg.Déjà vu, in the Shalimar Bagh, Lahore

▪ Peter wrote about his experience at Shalimar Burg: “Although not as shatteringly moved as I
was to be in Isfahan, by my sense of déjà vu, in the Shalimar Bagh in Lahore I certainly had a
similar feeling of having been there before: of knowing the place intimately; of returning, as it
were, home, to somewhere where I had once been ‘at home,’ but this feeling in the Madrasah
in Isfahan was more penetrating than that in Lahore, where it was confined to the garden and
did not extend to the whole environment.”


Dickens case

▪ Dickens in his book “ Pictures from Italy ” narrates an episode in support of revival of former

▪ The person in question arrived upon a secluded scene in his coach. Allowing his horses to
rest for a while, he walked along the quiet path alone in the evening. Then he happened to
come across a spot which looked like a mournful sheet of water, reflecting the colour of blood.

▪ The trees around seemed to present a very despicable picture. In the foreground he could
see a couple of peasant girls leaning over the parapet of a little bridge.

▪ It looked as though that they had two things in view One, look up the sky; two, look below on
the side into the water, blood red in colour. At the distance there was a deep dell, and the
night was fast enveloping.

▪ The haunting scene and the grim surroundings were so powerfully overwhelms that nothing
but the author’s own expression would do justice to the reality: “If I had been murdered there
in some former life, I could not have seemed to remember the place more thoroughly or with
more emphatic chilling of the mood, and the real remembrance of it acquired in that minute is
so strengthened by the imaginary reflection that I hardly think I could forget it.” ( Reference:-C.
Dickens, Pictures from Italy, Chapman and Hall, London. n.d. ).

E. D. Walker case

▪ E.D.Walker in his publication on “Reincarnation” provides an interesting case of recalling so

very characteristic of pictorial art as far as the details of the description go.

▪ It is a case of a visit to the ruined Heidelberg Castle. Here the person got into a frame of
mind when he could draw the picture of a room as belonging to the inaccessible portion of

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the building.

▪ On verification it was discovered to be an exact reproduction of the interior design, with all
the grim associations.

▪ Still another impression caught hold of the subject in that he was involuntarily ruminating on
the name of a German Professor, as written out on one of the leaves of an old book
preserved in the library. No doubt a search was made to get at the volume to find out whether
a name of that sort had been written there. Well, the first time it proved in vain.

▪ Since the impression was so deep-rooted, a second search was resumed, and this time it
was rewarding in that the name of an old German Professor was seen on the margin of one of
the leaves of a very old volume in the library.
( Reference:- C.D. Walker, Reincarnation, The Theosophical publishing Co. New york,


▪ This particular instance provides an illuminating discovery how the narrator displayed an
ability of mind and mercurial imagination in the reproduction of historical details as though he
were there actually at that time-and this is shown in “ The Soul of Nyria ” by Campbell-Praed,
wherein certain events “were not only unknown to herself in her ordinary consciousness also
to all but a few scholars of Roman History,”
(Reference:- R.C.Campbell-Praed, The Soul of Nyria Rider & co, London 1951.).

Past Life Emotions & Memories Stimulated by Past Life Locations

▪ Geographic memory will be defined as past life memories or emotions that are stimulated by
visiting a physical location known from a past incarnation.

▪ The reincarnation case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene involves a dramatic example of
geographic memory, as Jeff experienced an intense flood of emotions when he visited the
Civil War battlefield where he was shot and almost killed in a prior incarnation.

Ability to Spontaneously find Past Life Homes & Locations

▪ In addition, knowledge of a geographic area based on past life experiences, such as being
able to find a specific building without prior knowledge of the area in the contemporary
lifetime, will also be included as examples of geographic memory.

▪ In many cases in this section, individuals, once in the vicinity of a past life location, were
able to find the path back to their past life home.

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▪ A dramatic example is found in the reincarnation case ofAnne Frank | Barbro Karlen, as
Barbro, at the age of ten and on her first visit to Amsterdam, was able to lead her parents
from their hotel to the Anne Frank House without directions.

▪ Many reincarnation cases researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, demonstrate this type of
geographic memory, where individuals are able to find past life homes, even in very remote

Reincarnation, Past Lives & Déjà Vu

▪ Déjà vu, the experience that one feels like they have been at a place before, even though
the individual has never previously been at that location in the current lifetime, can be
considered a subtle form of geographic memory.

▪ An individual may have lived in or visited that location, or some type of significant event in a
past lifetime may have occurred at that geographic site.

Reincarnation Cases which supports above claims

Independently Researched Reincarnation Cases with Physical Resemblance &

Geographic Memory or Deja Vu

▪ Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen: Barbro Finds her way Home to the Anne Frank House

▪ Neurosurgeon Norm Shealy is Intuitively Guided to his Past Life Medical Office.

▪ John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene: An Emotional Flood at the Civil War Battlefield of Antietam

▪ Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson: A Past Life Epiphany on Fifth Avenue

▪ Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson: Wayne Finds his Tomb in Venice

▪ Penney Peirce Retraces her Steps from her Past LIfetime as Charles Parkhurst

▪ Karen Pigott feels Sick on the Road where She was Murdered in a Past Lifetime

▪ Ian Stevenson Turkish Children's Past Life Stories with Geographic Memory or Deja Vu

▪ After Dying in a Plane Crash, Ahmet Delibalta Reincarnates and Finds his Way Home

▪ Nasir Alev Dies of Tetanus, Reincarnates and finds his Past Life Daughter and Leads her

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▪ After being Murdered, Abit Suzulmus Finds his Way to his Past Life Home and his Murdered
Past Life Wife

▪ Mehmet Cosman Drowns, Reincarnates Next Door to his Past Life Family and as Toddler,
Walks Home

Ian Stevenson European Children's Past Life Stories with Geographic Memory or Deja

▪ Peter Avery Experiences a Flood of Emotions in Isfahan, Iran

▪ Ibleto di Challant | Giuseppe Costa: Emotions Relived in Italian Castles and a Church

▪ Giovanna Spontini | Laure Raynaud: Laure Remembers Where She is Buried

▪ Blanche Curtain: A Little Girl Finds her Past Life Pharmacy

▪ Margaret Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon: A Girl Remembers a Past Life Fall

▪ Ruprecht Schultz Remembers his Past Lifetime as Helmut Kohler in a Dark Hallway

Ian Stevenson Thai Children's Past Life Stories with Geographic Memory or Deja Vu

▪ Choate Stumbles upon the Site where a Woman Gave Birth on a Past Life Road

Other Ian Stevenson, MD Reincarnation Cases with Geographic Memory or Deja Vu

▪ Mushir Ali, A Muslim, Reincarnates into a Hindu Family and Finds his Past Life Home and
Family -New Case

▪ A Boy has Sudden Past Life Recall and Finds his Way to his Past Life Home and Buried

▪ Gamini, Born into a Buddhist family, find his Christian Past Life Home & Boarding House at
St. Mary's College

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NO:- 10 》PART:- 12 》Reincarnation
and Suicide - What will happen to the person who
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 12 》Reincarnation and Suicide - What will happen to
the person whosuicide, What
Commits suicide, Whatwill
willthey suffer
they suffer innext
in their their
life, next
life, Answering
Answering through
through critical Analysis ofcritical Analysis
Reincarnation of
Case Studies

Reincarnation Case Studies.

What is Suicide?

▪ Suicide is the act of intentional killing of one's own life triggered by severe Depression.

▪ Positively destroying his own life, as by inflicting on himself a mortal wound or injury.

▪ Omitting to do what is necessary to escape death, as in avoiding the obligation incumbent

on man to preserve his life.

According to Our Research on Reincarnation Case Studies We have came

with the Following Conclusions.

▪ Those who have committed suicide reincarnate into a broken body-mind in their next
life depending upon how they left their last one.

▪ Post suicide reincarnations prove the ultimate connection between cause and effect.
The birth defects inherited by the returning suicide match the suicide method used...

Please Read the image below

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 Reincarnation case Studies of Suicide

Ian Stevenson, MD, of the University of Virginia, & Associates Past Life
Stories involving Suicide

1. The Suicide of Helmut Kohler and his Rebirth as Ruprecht Schultz-Must


Helmut Kohler's Successful Business as a Timber Merchant & Broker

▪ Helmut Kohler was born on January 7, 1834, to a Christian family in Wilhelmshaven,

Germany, a seaport on the North Sea. He married and had several children, including a son
named Ludwig, who was born in 1873.

▪ Helmut was a timber merchant, ship-broker and sawmill operator in his home town of
Wilhelmshaven. He purchased timber from various countries, including Norway, Sweden,
Russia and America, which was transported by ship. He processed the timber in his sawmill
and sold it as lumber.

Helmet Speculates on Timber, Loses his Fortune & Commits Suicide

▪ In 1887, Helmut anticipated that the price of imported lumber would go up due to a proposed
tax and he paid a premium price on a large amount of timber from overseas. The tax was
never enacted and the price of timber actually fell. This miscalculation resulted in the loss of a
great deal of money.

▪ In an effort to survive financially, he enlisted his accountant in a scheme to falsify the

company’s financial records. Unfortunately, the accountant panicked and fled with all the
company’s cash.
Helmut was devastated by his financial losses. On November 16, 1887, after attending a
celebration for the festival day called the Day of Repentance and Prayer, Helmut went back to
his office. He put a revolver to his temple and shot himself in the head. He died on November
23, 1887.

Helmut Reincarnates as Ruprecht Schultz with Suicide Behavior

▪ Ruprecht Schultz was born on October 19, 1887 [If you have doubt that how come
Ruprecht Schultz can be Reincarnation of Helmut even before Helmut died then please
to Christian parents, five weeks before Helmut Kohler died. As such, if this reincarnation case
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is accepted, it represents a case of split incarnation, where a soul can inhabit more than one
human body at a time. Consider that Ruprecht was in the womb for 8 months while Helmut
was still alive.

▪ As a child, whenever Ruprecht became depressed, he would shape his hand into a gun, with
the index finger representing the barrel of the gun. He would put his index finger to his temple
and say, “I shoot myself.” (1)

▪ Ruprecht pretended to shoot himself in the temple so often that his mother became
concerned and ordered him to stop this behavior.

▪ As a child, Ruprecht was fascinated with revolvers. In addition, he also had a great interest
in ships and shipping. He built a collection of model ships and pictures of ships. Ian Stevenson
noted this was unusual for a boy who was born and raised in Berlin, which is an inland city
without a port.

Past Life Ability: Ruprecht Demonstrates Innate Talent for Business

▪ As he grew up, Ruprecht had little interest in education; rather, he was driven to start a
business. He left school at 18 years of age and started a laundry business with a delivery
service, which became very popular with young mothers, whose babies created a great deal
of dirty laundry. By the age of 20, he had more than twenty employees and his company
would grow to employee 200 people.

▪ Ruprecht became rich and enjoyed participating in community affairs. He becamE

Stevenson Suicide & Reincarnation Case, Walter Semkiw Article a member of his local
Chamber of Commerce and a representative in the Berlin municipal council.

Reincarnation & Deja Vu in a Dark Hallway

▪ World War II began in 1939, when Ruprecht was 51 years old. The war would significantly
affect Ruprecht’s life and financial holdings. It was during Allied bombings of Berlin that past
life memories began to surface.

▪ Ruprecht was assigned duty watch by city authorities to observe for fires that could arise
from the bombings. Ruprecht took a regular shift from Reincarnation Suicide Past Life Story of
Ruprecht Schultz, Walter Semkiw Article Saturday evening to Monday morning, during which
he would stay at his business office to get work done during quiet hours. His office was in an
old building that was designated as a historical landmark. He had a safe located in a dimly lit
hallway. Ruprecht would to go the safe, get his account books and reflect on how the
business was going.

▪ Whenever Ruprecht went to the safe to get the account books, he would have the repetitive
thought: “You were in this situation once before.” (2).

Past Life Memory: While Fully Awake, Ruprecht Sees Himself Commit Suicide on a

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Ceremonial Day

▪ While reviewing his account books and while fully awake, Ruprecht would see himself in a
past lifetime. In a tape recorded statement, Ruprecht explained:

▪ “I could see how I looked then. I was wearing a high collar and formal clothing. I had come
from a ceremony on a special day. My business was finished.

▪ An employee had run off with the money—embezzled it and absconded. So I sat down with
the account books and could see that there was no future. It was all over. Then I was in a
room by myself and put a bullet into my head at the right temple.

▪ You would call these images clairvoyance, but for me, they are memories.” (3)Suicide &
Reincarnation, Ian Stevenson Reincarnation Research, Walter Semkiw Article

▪ In another statement, Ruprecht noted how similar the settings were in the past lifetime and
his current incarnation during World War II, when the memories emerged:

▪ “The setting of the previous time was similar to the one I was in then. The safe was in a
similar location and the account books were also similar.” (4) Ian Stevenson noted that
Ruprecht’s memories were vague at first, but over time, they became clearer and clearer. The
memories only occurred when Ruprecht was fully awake and they only occurred when he was
in his office during his watch duty.

▪ The office setting in Berlin replicated the office setting in his previous lifetime. This similarity
appears to have triggered his past life memories.

Past Life Memories: Ruprecht Remembers a Lifetime Involving Shipping & Lumbar in

▪ In a written statement, Ruprecht elaborated on his memories: “Since my earliest years, I

have had a distinct impression, with various details that I was in a previous life somehow
connected with shipbuilding or shipping and that I shot myself.

▪ I was in the prime of life. For the place of this life I knew that it occurred in an old small or
middle sized seaport; and is seemed to me later and more clearly that this seaport was
Further, the man I was seemed to be in an ancient house.

▪ In this there was a small room with a chest or kind of safe or filing cabinet in which important
papers, account books and probably also some cash were kept. The person I was wore dark
clothes of the style of that period, as if he had come from some important session or unusually
important event. As for the date of these events—the suicide of the person I was—it has
seemed to me that it would have been around 1885.” (5)

▪ Ruprecht also recalled that in this past lifetime, he was involved in a business dealing with
wood. Ruprecht started to keep a diary, writing down memories as they surfaced. He was not
able to verify his memories until after World War II had ended.
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Validation of Ruprecht’s Past Life Memories

▪ Ruprecht remembered that his past lifetime was spent in a small seaport town in Northern
Germany. He felt that Wilhelmshaven was the correct place, but he also considered several
other towns in Germany on the North Sea.

▪ Ruprecht wrote to municipal authorities of Wilhelmshaven and nine other seaside towns,
inquiring whether they knew of a businessman who was involved with shipping of timber, the
lumber business and who had shot himself and died in the 1880’s.

▪ Of the ten cities he wrote to, all responded indicating that they knew of no such man, except
for Wilhelmshaven. An official from Wilhelmshaven wrote to Ruprecht and stated that a man
from that town did fit the description. The man was a ship broker and timber merchant, who
had committed suicide.

▪ In the first letter from Wilhelmshaven, the official wrote that the family name of timber
merchant was “Kohl.” Ruprecht knew that this name was slightly off. In a second letter from
the official, the family name was corrected to “Kohler” and Ruprecht was provided with the
address of the man’s surviving son, Ludwig Kohler. (6)

Relationship Renewed through Reincarnation Ruprecht Gets a Letter from his Past Life
Son, Who Confirms Helmut's Past Life Memories

▪ On September 17, 1952, Ruprecht wrote to Ludwig Kohler who responded and confirmed
that Ruprecht’s past life memories corresponded closely to the life of his father, Helmut

▪ Ludwig, in a letter to Ruprecht, gave the following testimony:

▪ “My father, Helmut Kohler, had a substantial business in Wilhelmshaven that included
trading in timber and also a sawmill. Our residence was in 25 Friedrichstrasse, and right next
to it was a one-story building that was used for the offices. This building faced north, and it
had only small windows, so that it was always dark in there. In a corner of one of the rooms
there was a somewhat antiquated safe, which you have mentioned. In it money, account
books, and also a cash box and important papers were kept. My father ordinarily wore dark
clothing, and whenever he went out he wore a top hat on his head.

▪ He imported wood by ship from Danzig, Konigsberg, and Mermel, but in particularly from
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and America. In 1888 he mistakenly believed that a
customs duty would increase, and he purchased from abroad an unusually large amount of
timber. Unfortunately, this was a faulty speculation, because the price of timber fell and much
more than the customs duty rose.

▪ He then had difficulty in paying the invoices.

In order to get through the crisis he had arranged for his accountant, who had been his ‘right
hand’ and enjoyed his complete trust, to falsify the records of their foreign exchange
transactions. The two of them thought that they would extricate themselves when the
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exchange rate fell. This did not happen. The accountant became afraid that he would be
arrested, and he fled to America taking with him a substantial amount of the company’s
available funds.

▪ My father now got into a complete panic and shot himself on the Day of Prayer and
Repentance. The company had to declare bankruptcy, although this was in fact unnecessary.
Even though the buildings, the sawmill, and the lumber on hand were all sold in a forced
auction, all the creditors were paid off.” (7)

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation : Ruprecht Meets Ludwig and

Recognizes Other Past Life Sons in Photographs

▪ In October 1956, Ruprecht traveled to Wilhelmshaven for the first time, where he met Ludwig
Kohler. Wilhelmshaven is 370 kilometer or 230 miles from Berlin. As noted, Ruprecht had
never been to Wilhelmshaven before. Ludwig was 12 years old when his father, Helmut,
committed suicide. Now, as an adult, Ludwig would meet the proposed reincarnation of his

▪ Ruprecht said that he recognized certain buildings, such as the Town Hall, in
Wilhelmshaven. He stated that when Ludwig showed him photos of the Kohler children, who
were pictured among a large group of schoolchildren, he was able to recognize Helmut’s other
sons from the crowd, though he was not able to recognize his past life daughters.

Ian Stevenson, MD on the Strength of the Helmut Koehler | Ruprecht Schultz

Reincarnation Case

▪ In sum, Ruprecht was able to validate his past life memories by contacting his past life son,
Ludwig Kohler. Ian Stevenson considered the case of Helmut Koehler | Ruprecht Schultz as
one of the strongest reincarnation cases he had studied.

▪ Stevenson was particularly impressed with Ruprecht’s validated memories involving a past
life involving a shipping and timber business in the remote town of Wilhelmshaven, which
ended in suicide. Stevenson felt this combination of memories was far too unusual to occur by
chance or coincidence.

The Karma of Suicide

▪ Is there a penalty for committing suicide? In the section entitled Soul Evolution, the karma of
suicide will be discussed in more depth. In sum, the proposed consequence of suicide is that
one will have to reincarnate and face the same type of situation that led to the suicide. In
other words, one cannot escape a difficult situation through suicide, for one will have to face
the same situation in a future lifetime.

Past Life Karma: Ruprecht Loses his Fortune, Replicating the Circumstances of
Helmut's Suicide

▪ The case of Helmut Koehler | Ruprecht Schultz provides a dramatic example of this

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principle. Reflect that Helmut became wealthy in dealing with timber imports and the
processing of lumber. When his financial situation took a downturn and he faced bankruptcy,
he committed suicide to escape the consequences of his loss of fortune.
Helmut then reincarnated as Ruprecht Schultz, who as a youth demonstrated natural skill as
an entrepreneur.

▪ As such, Ruprecht appears to have retained business talent from his past lifetime as Helmut.
Ruprecht, like Helmut, became very wealthy. He also became involved in civic duties. Helmet
appears to have been an city official who dressed in formal attire for the Day of Repentance
and Prayer. Ruprecht became a member of his local Chamber of Commerce and a
representative to the Berlin municipal council. Life patterns are observed to repeat.

▪ Like Helmut, Ruprecht also lost all his wealth, though for Ruprecht, it was not due to bad
business decisions. Quite the opposite, Ruprecht noted that in his contemporary lifetime, he
had been a very conservative investor who avoided risk, which he attributed to the losses
incurred in his lifetime as Helmut. Instead, the cause of Ruprecht’s lost fortune was the
destruction of Berlin during World War II. The division of Berlin into East and West sides after
the war caused him further financial loss

▪ Ruprecht retired from business when he was 68 years old and moved with his wife from
Berlin to Frankfurt, where he died at the age of 80 in 1967.

If Evidence Indicates Reincarnation is Real, is Suicide a Viable Option?

▪ Though everyone has to make their own decisions, it is recommended that suicide not be
considered an option for those in difficult circumstances for several reasons:

1. First of all, one never knows when life circumstances will change. Recall that Ludwig,
Helmut’s son, noted that his father’s suicide was unnecessary, as when Helmut’s business
assets were sold in the forced auction, all creditors were paid. Helmut, it appears,
underestimated the worth of his assets. Helmut could have lived out his life and enjoyed
seeing his children grow, though his lifestyle would have been less luxurious.

In my medical career, I have witnessed several cases in which people were acutely suicidal
due to adverse life events. Within a few years, though, their situations had changed
considerably and they found themselves living very happy lives. Anyone with suicidal thoughts
should seek psychiatric help. Psychotherapy and antidepressant medication can be very
effective and help people make it through periods of depression.

2. Suicide is not an escape, as one will need to return to deal with the same situation, as
demonstrated in the reincarnation case of Helmut Koehler | Ruprecht Schultz. Suicide does
not lead to eternal damnation, as some religions teach. Rather, suicide will make the soul
face the same lesson so that a more adaptive and positive decisions can be made.

3. Suicide causes emotional trauma to loved ones who are left behind. In addition to
experiencing grief due to the loss of their loved one, other emotions that can be felt are guilt

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and confusion, as the surviving loved ones wonder if they could have done more to prevent
the suicide. There are karmic consequences to causing emotional pain to others. Pain
caused in others may need to be experienced by the suicide victim in a future incarnation.

2. Oma Deva, a Hindu, Commits Suicide & Reincarnates as a Sunni Muslim.

Reincarnation & Suicide: Oma Devi committed suicide but reincarnated a little over 3 years
after her death, demonstrating that suicide does not end the evolution of the soul.

▪ Oma Devi likely generated karma from the pain she caused others, which she may have to
experience herself in the course of time. Also, Nagina may face similar circumstances as
Oma Devi did, but she will need to react in more productive ways.

3. Mithilesh Commits Suicide & Reincarnates with Past Life Birthmarks and
Similar Physical Appearance

▪ Reincarnation and Suicide: Mithilesh committed suicide, but reincarnated into the same
family, indicating that suicide does not end the progression of the soul. It is likely that
Mithilesh incurred karma from the grief she caused others due to her suicide, which will need
to be worked out in subsequent incarnations. In addition, Rajani will need to face similar
situations as Mithilesh did, but hopefully Rajani will not act out in the same way

4. Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Case of Will Rogers | Robin Williams

Robin Williams as the Reincarnation of Will Rogers Robin Williams Reincarnation What
Dreams May Come

▪ Robin Williams committed suicide during the evening of Sunday, August 10 or the early
morning of Monday, August 11, 20 14. A few days after this tragic event, and The Cosmo
Conscious supporter sent me a message with the hypothesis that in the past lifetime, Robin
Williams was the great American humorist and movie star, Will Rogers. Will Rogers was one
of the most famous celebrities of the 1920s and 1930s.

▪ In looking at images of the Rogers, I was very impressed by the physical resemblance

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between the two. In fact, one can almost see Robin Williams in the eyes and smile of Will
Rogers. Also, in reading some of Will Rogers’ most famous quotations, one can almost hear
Robin Williams saying the same things. Place your cursor over images to enlarge and use
arrow keys to scroll up and down on the image.

▪ In a session with Kevin Ryerson which took place on August 16, 2014, Ahtun Re, the spirit
guide channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated the ability to make accurate past life
matches, affirmed that Robin Williams is the reincarnation of Will Rogers. To review
reincarnation cases derived through Kevin and Ahtun Re, go to: Ryerson-Semkiw
Reincarnation Research

Robin Williams’ Interest in Reincarnation Research & What Dreams May Come

▪ Robin Williams Reincarnation Movie, Suicide & Past Life, Walter Semkiw Article I happen to
know that Robin Williams was very interested in reincarnation. The way this knowledge came
about is that I met an individual in August 2013 who had created one of the early Internet E-
mail providers, such as Hotmail or Yahoo. His company was then purchased by a venture
capital group, which allowed this hi tech entrepreneur to retire at an early age.

▪ Hoping that this person may be interested in financially supporting translation of key
reincarnation cases on the The Cosmo Conscious website into other languages, I showed him
the The Cosmo Conscious website.

▪ I explained that independently researched reincarnation cases, including cases studied by

Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia, demonstrate that individuals can change
religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from one incarnation to another. I pointed out that
understanding of this observation can help create a more peaceful world, as most conflicts are
based on differences in these cultural markers of identity.

▪ I then showed this hi tech entrepreneur the Evidence of Reincarnation video, which I had put
up on Youtube on May 21, 2013. This video centers on the reincarnation research of Dr. Ian
Stevenson at the University of Virginia. Over a period of 40 years, Dr. Stevenson studied
young children who had spontaneous memories of past lifetimes.

▪ In approximately 1200 Stevenson cases, the children's past life memories could be
objectively validated. In my opinion these cases, in aggregate, provide proof of reincarnation.

▪ After watching the Evidence of Reincarnation video, which has now surpassed 2 million
views, the hi tech entrepreneur became quite excited and stated that a person who he lives
next to is very interested in reincarnation research and has spoken of Ian Stevenson.

▪ Robin Williams Suicide, Sea Cliff & Past Life, Walter Semkiw Article The hi tech
entrepreneur explained that he lives in the Sea Cliff neighborhood of San Francisco and that
once a month, he and this neighbor would get together, smokes cigars and discuss life. The hi
tech entrepreneur said that he would tell his friend about the work that I was doing in
reincarnation research and he stated that he was sure that his neighbor would contact me due

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to our mutual interest in reincarnation research.

▪ I asked the hi tech entrepreneur who his neighbor is and he replied, “Robin Williams.” Robin
Williams did indeed live in Sea Cliff at that point in time in 2013, but he subsequently moved to
Tiburon, where he committed suicide in August 2014.

▪ As we parted, this individual reiterated that he was sure that Robin Williams would contact
me. I gave the hi tech entrepreneur my Born Again and Origin of the Soul books to forward to
Robin, along with my contact information. Much to my disappointment, Robin Williams never
did get in touch with me.

▪ Of interest, Robin Williams starred in a movie, What Dreams May Come, which deals with
suicide and reincarnation.

Reincarnation and Suicide

▪ Robin Williams Reincarnation Movie What Dreams May Come, Past Life, Walter Semkiw
Article If reincarnation is real, which reincarnation research does support, what are the
ramifications of suicide on the progression of the soul? Ian Stevenson did publish a
reincarnation case involving suicide, which he considered one of the strongest cases he had
ever studied. In addition, two other reincarnation cases involving suicide were published by
Stevenson’s colleague, Satwant Pasricha, PhD.

Is Mental Illness Continued from One Lifetime to Another through Reincarnation?

Robin Williams suffered from biochemical depression and he may have also had bipolar
disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness. Both of these conditions are caused by an
imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Will Rogers, on the other hand, does not appear
to have had a history of depression or bipolar disorder. As such, if this reincarnation case is
accepted, it appears that mental illness is not a quality of the soul and is not continued from
one lifetime to another. Rather, these conditions appear to be related to an individual’s genetic

Criticism regarding Robin Williams’ & Kurt Cobain's Suicides

▪ The media has reported that family members of Robin Williams, including his children, have
received hostile messages regarding Robin’s suicide. Hostility is generated by the point of
view that Robin had everything one could want, such as a loving family, worldwide fame and

▪ With so many riches, how could he commit suicide? A similar reaction occurred with the
suicide death of Kurt Cobain, the late lead singer of the rock group Nirvana.

▪ Kurt Cobain Suicide, Walter Semkiw Article This hostility and lack of empathy for suicide
deaths stems from the inability of those who have not experienced depression to imagine how
somebody could possibly feel so bad to commit suicide. Very simply, when an individual has

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severe biochemical depression, that person can experience a total lack of enjoyment in life, as
well as profound despair. Only somebody who has experienced severe depression can fully
understand it.

▪ The psychological term for the feeling one experiences in depression is “anhedonia,” in
which an individual does not experience any joy or pleasure in life. It should be noted that in
the vast majority of depression cases, anhedonia can be successfully treated with
antidepressant medications. For individuals who do not respond to medications, ECT
(Electroconvulsive Therapy), also known as electroshock therapy, can be of benefit.

▪ Unfortunately, whether appropriate treatment is not taken advantage of or if treatment does

not succeed in controlling anhedonia, people commit suicide as they can no longer tolerate
feeling the way that they do. They perceive suicide as being a method to relieve themselves
of depression and despair.

▪ Individuals who experience depression must be open to taking medications that will modify
the neurochemistry of the brain to relieve anhedonia. Rather than criticize those who
succumb to suicide, we must have empathy for the person who feels so bad that they feel
they cannot continue living.

Robbins Williams’ Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease

▪ Robin Williams Reincarnation Movie, Suicide & Past Life, Walter Semkiw Article It was
revealed that Robin Williams was afflicted with the early stages of Parkinson’s disease, a
neurological condition that affects an individual’s ability to move and walk.

▪ Robin Williams reportedly was an avid bicyclist who used exercise to help deal with his
symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is possible that having Parkinson’s disease made
Robin even more depressed as he anticipated that he would no longer be able to ride a
bicycle. In addition, Parkinson’s disease as itself associated with biochemical depression.

Is Suicide Justified in Light of Evidence of Reincarnation?

▪ Though I do urge empathy and understanding for those who do commit suicide, I do not
believe that suicide is a wise choice and that suicide does have karmic implications.

▪ In sum, based on reincarnation research, Robin Williams will not be eternally damned or go
to hell. Rather, he will reincarnate and be the same comic genius as he was in his lifetimes as
Will Rogers and Robin Williams. He will likely have to deal with karma related to committing
suicide, including the grief he caused loved ones, but the progress of Robin's soul will

▪ Hopefully, he will not be born with similar biochemical afflictions in the future. One should
keep in mind that Robin had a big heart and did much good for people in need, so he does
have positive karma, which will help balance the negative karma incurred by committing

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Reincarnation Stories Involving a Pattern of Suicide Attempts

1. Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp Reincarnation Case

Essays on Reincarnation & Suicide

1. A Minister's Husband Commits Suicide-the Aftermath

Going From Being into Nothingness & Finding There is No Exit

"As much as the suicidal personality feels able to escape the world by getting rid of the body,
reincarnation's revolving door ensures that all hope (of escape) is short lived. Those who learn
that they have killed themselves in past lives are quickly brought to the realization that
suicide, far from being an answer to life's problems is (instead) the violent breaking of the
lifeline. If the (suicide) could only realize the resulting intensification of difficulty which must
enter the life to come, (suicide) would never be (attempted)."
- Joe Fisher ("The Case for Reincarnation")

"In cases in which the related previous personality had committed suicide, the subject has
shown an inclination to contemplate and threaten suicide."
- Ian Stevenson ("Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation")

"Once a person has taken their life, in the inner realms, the "suicide will repeat automatically
the feelings of despair and fear which preceded his self murder, and go through the act and
the death struggle time after time with ghastly persistence... They remain conscious - often
entangled in the final scene of the earth life for a very long time, unaware that they have lost
the physical body."
- Annie Besant ("Ancient Wisdom")

"Every disgruntled person in this world has played with the idea of suicide, self destruction, at
some time or other. The law of God does not allow self-destruction in any form. When a
person destroys himself to escape the problems of life, he must return to life almost at once in
a new bodily incarnation in order to work out the karma which he refused to confront in the life
he just left."
- Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad (Eckankar: Book 2)

"Woe to the suicides! I believe that there can be none more miserable than they. Oh, there
are some who remain proud and fierce even in hell, in spite of their certain knowledge and
contemplation of the absolute truth; there are some fearful ones who have given themselves
over to Satan and his proud spirit entirely. For such, hell is voluntary and ever consuming;
they are tortured by their own choice. For they have cursed themselves, cursing God and life.
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And they will burn in the fire of their own wrath forever and yearn for death and annihilation.
But they will not attain to death."
- Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Suicide thwarts the plan of the entity which sends out the personality. Fortunately, the entity
is far beyond the reach of man's destructive tendencies." - Manly P. Hall

Welcome to Your Nightmare: Understand What You Are Getting Into

" is only death which is hopeless."

- Maria McIntosh

From a patient of Brain Weiss MD: "''I'm going to shoot myself and end this misery! I've shot
myself in the mouth, and now I can see my body. I'm still so sad. I'm so tired. But I can't rest.
Someone is here for me. He has something to tell me. I should not have ended my life!' And
so Brian Weiss reflects on his patient's story: "Themes of separation and loss plagued his
lifetime. This time they had led him to suicide. He had been warned about not ending a life
prematurely. But losses were occurring anew, and grief had returned. Would he remember or
would hopeless despair overtake him once again?"
- Brian Weiss MD ("Only Love is Real")

Ian Stevenson began investigating the case of the Brazilian Paulo Lorenz: The "personality of
reincarnating as Paulo was that of his deceased sister, Emilia. She made several suicidal
attempts. Finally she took cyanide and died very quickly on October, 12, 1921." Joe Fisher
continued the research: Emilia died "fourteen months before Paulo's birth. He took on Emilia's
self destructive instincts. Paulo made several attempts to kill himself before committing
suicide on September 5, 1966 by setting himself on fire."
- Ian Stevenson ("20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation")
......and Joe Fisher ("Case for Reincarnation")

"Not only is suicide a sin, it is the sin. It is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an
interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life. The man who kills a man,
kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out
the world... The suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it. He defiles every flower
by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is
not a sneer. When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the
birds fly away in fury: for each has received a personal affront... There is a meaning in burying
the suicide apart. The man's crime is different from other crimes - for it makes even crimes
- Gilbert K Chesterton

" soon as we examine suicide from the standpoint of religion we immediately see it in its

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true light. We have been placed in this world under certain conditions and for specific
purposes. But a suicide opposes the purpose of his creator; he arrives in the other world as
one who has deserted his post; he must be looked upon as a rebel against God. God is our
owner; we are his property; his providence works for our good."
- Immanuel Kant

Breaking the Law... And You Will Have to Pay for It... Next Life

▪ "As my body lay dead on that stretcher (he later recovered from being struck by lightning
attracted by his cell phone), I was reliving every moment of my life, including my emotions,
attitudes, and motivations. The depth of emotion I experienced during this life review was
astonishing. Not only could I feel the way both I and the other person had felt when an
incident took place, I could also feel the feelings of the next person they reacted to. I was in a
chain reaction of emotion, one that showed how deeply we affect one another."
- Dannion Brinkley ("Saved by the Light")

"Yama, The Judge of the Dead, will say, 'I will look into the mirror of evolution! When he looks
into the mirror of evolution, all your sins and virtues will clearly and distinctly appear therein.
You lies will not help. But since you cannot die, even though your body is cut to pieces, you
revive again."
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead

"The law does not expressly permit suicide, and what it does not permit it forbids."
- Aristotle

"And what shall he suffer who slays him who of all men, as they say, is his own best friend? I
mean the suicide, who deprives himself by violence of his appointed share of life. Not
because the law of the state requires him. Nor yet under the compulsion of some painful and
inevitable misfortune which has come upon him. Nor because he has had to suffer from
irremediable and intolerable shame, but who from sloth or want of manliness imposes upon
himself an unjust penalty."
- Plato ("Laws")

"For if it is not lawful to take the law into our own hands and slay even a guilty person, whose
death no public sentence has warranted. Then certainly he who kills himself is a homicide,
and so much the guiltier of his own death as he was more innocent of that offence for which
he doomed himself to die."
- Augustine

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NO:- 10 》PART:- 13 》Timing of Rebirth
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 13 》Timing of Rebirth

▪ This is very Short Chapter.

▪ This chapter is about Different timings of Death and Rebirth in different case studies.

▪ Here we have given only few examples.

Ian Stevenson Turkish Reincarnation Cases and European Reincarnation Cases with
Split Incarnation

▪ Nasir Ali Dies from Tetanus and Reincarnates on the Same Morning as his Death

▪ Ahmet Delibalta Reincarnates Within a Week after Dying in a Turkish Plane Crash,

▪ Mehmet Cosmen:A Muslim Farmer Drowns and Reincarnates within a Few Days

▪ Abdulkerim HaddurogluDies in a Minibus Crash and Reincarnates a Month Later

▪ Poldi Holtzmuller Plans Her Incarnation As Wolfgang's Fetes is Already in the Womb

▪ Eeva​Maija Kaartinen Reincarnates as Her Sister, Maria-Liisa, Who is Already in the Womb.

▪ Ruprecht Schultz Is Born Just Before Helmut Kohler's Suicide.[If you have doubt that how
come Ruprecht Schultz can be Reincarnation of Helmut even before Helmut died then

▪ For case study of Ruprecht Schultz Refer Chapter no 10 part 12



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CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 14》Rebirth according to
merits of NO:-10
CHAPTER previous
14》Rebirth according to merits of previous births.

▪ The law of karma says that every time an individual acts, whether his action is on the
physical, mental, or psychic level, he creates an effect that will be returned to him either in his
current lifetime or in a future lifetime.

▪ Once he has absorbed the effect of his previous action, he is freed from that action; he does
not have to experience the results of his good or bad actions indefinitely.

▪ The law further states that every, person, object, and non physical form is bound by karma
until it achieves liberation from karma.

▪ Until someone is liberated from his past, present and future karma, he must continue to be
reborn on earth.

▪ The karma a person amasses in each of his lifetimes determines the circumstances
under which he will be born, the major incidents and occurrences that will happen during his
lifetime, and the opportunities and obstacles that will help or hinder him as he walks down the
pathway of life.

▪ There is an overall karma that binds all things, but when an individual soul enters its first
human incarnation, a direct karma begins to be amassed. In an individual’s first human
incarnation he will perform both good and bad actions.

▪ The law of karma states that for every positive action he performs, a positive action will be
returned to him; and for every negative action he performs, a negative action will be returned
to him.

▪ But the results of these actions will not necessarily return to an individual in one lifetime. The
karmic results of both good and bad actions are usually received over a number of lifetimes.

▪ It will be easier to understand how the law of karma works if we can imagine that when an
individual enters his first human incarnation he is given two karmic “ bank accounts.”

▪ All of his positive action from that lifetime are recorded in one account and all of his

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negative ones are recorded in the other.

▪ Each time he performs an action, he receives a deposit in one of his accounts depending on
the nature of his action. These karmic “deposits” will be returned to him in the forms of
opportunities or obstacles that he will encounter in his present and future lifetimes.

▪ Each human being on earth is constantly creating new karma, and unless he is in his first
human incarnation, he is also experiencing the results of his actions from his previous lives.

▪ Freedom from activity is never achieved by abstaining from action. Nobody can become
perfect by merely ceasing to act. In fact, nobody can ever rest from his activity even for a
second. All are mercilessly forced to act.

- Bhagavad Gita

▪ The law of karma explains that many of the so called injustices of our world are not really
unjust but only appear to be so because we do not see that karmic justice is at work.

▪ If, for example, we observe a person who is always harming others and doing wrong things
and who seems to be succeeding in spite of his wrong actions, it would indicate that in a
previous lifetime he performed good actions and is now reaping the reward for those good
actions. But in the future, in this lifetime or in a distant lifetime, he must pay the penalty for the
bad karma he is now creating.

▪ If, on the other hand, we see a person who performs only good actions, who is always giving
of himself and seeking no reward for his actions, but who constantly experiences problems
and difficulties in his life in spite of the fact that he is being good, we must understand that
although this person is being good in this lifetime, he has committed some wrong actions in a
past lifetime and is now paying the penalty.

▪ Once he has worked through his bad karma and learns not to make the same mistakes
again, he will not have to experience his bad karma. If from that point onwards he will create
only good karma, in the future he will experience only the positive results of his actions.

▪ According to the law of karma, karma is not only created by a person’s physical actions but
also by his mental and psychic activities.

▪ If someone is constantly projecting negative or harmful thoughts, others will project negative
thoughts toward him. This is the karmic result of his thoughts.

▪ If a person hates, he will in turn be hated. But if he has positive thoughts and emotions,
positive thoughts and emotions will be returned to him.

▪ If he loves, love will be returned to him. The karma that an individual reaps on the mental
plane need not be returned to him in his present lifetime.

▪ Although he may sincerely love others in this life, he may be greeted with hate. But in a
future lifetime the love that has been given to other people will be returned to him.

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▪ Mental karma does not have to be returned by another individual. It can also be directly
returned to the person who created it in his own mental and emotional state of mind.

▪ If an individual projects hates, doubts, and jealousies, his mental karma can return to
him in the forms of frustration, despair and depression. But if someone projects love, peace,
and joy then his mental karma can be returned to him in the forms of happiness, inspiration
and clarity of mind.

▪ Neither the Hindus nor the Buddhists believe in the conception of sin. Instead they believe
that God exists in all things, both the good and the bad.

▪ From the Christian point of view, sin is a result of evil. Christians believe that evil is an
absolute force that will always remain such.

▪ In the Judeo-Christian tradition, when a person commits a sin he is punished. If his sin
remains unresolved by God, he will be punished eternally.

▪ But the Hindus and Buddhists believe that there is no such thing as evil; there is only Light
and less Light. Since God exists in all things, they reason that all things must therefore be

▪ According to this view, God exists in different degrees in all things. He exists in both the light
of wisdom and the darkness of ignorance.

▪ The purpose of karma is to teach a person to prefer the light of wisdom to the darkness of
ignorance, to lead him to perfection by showing him where he has left the path that leads to
truth and to encourage him to return to that path.

▪ Another way of looking at the contrasting Eastern and Western points of view is to imagine
that there are two different schools in the same town. In one school, children are encouraged
to be good. If they are good they are given a reward. But if they fail to be good, they are
severely punished or thrown out of school.

▪ In the other school they also encourage the children to be good. But when the children fail to
be good, they don’t punish them; instead they give them special lessons that will teach them
to do the right thing. When they do something positive they are encouraged; they are given a
kind of reward.

▪ If they give someone a present, they will get a present in return. When they hurt someone,
they get hurt in return.

▪ The hurt that is inflicted on them is not a punishment; it is a means of showing them what the
hurt feels like.

▪ Knowing this, they will not hurt anyone again. In this school the children are never thrown
out; they keep coming to classes until they become perfect.

Karmic Remembrances

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▪ A large percentage of the people who have had remembrances expressed the idea that their
actions in past lives affected their succeeding lives. They observed that when they did positive
things in a past lifetime, they later reaped the reward for these actions; and when they
performed harmful actions, they later had to pay the penalty.

▪ One of the questions people frequently ask regarding the law of karma is: What determines
which actions are considered to be good karma, and what actions are bad karma? As we
know, in one culture certain activities are accepted as natural, whereas in another they would
be viewed as abnormal.

▪ For example, in one country it may be considered immoral to work on a Sunday, but in
another country Sunday is treated like any other working day. Therefore, would it be bad or
good karma to work on a Sunday?

▪ According to the Buddhist view, it is not the culture that determines what is good or bad
karma; it is the nature of the action and the intent of the person who performs that action.

▪ Any action that harms another individual becomes bad karma. But just as our own legal
system recognizes the importance of a person’s intentions when committing a crime, so too
the law of karma appears to make similar allowances.

▪ If a person commits a premeditated murder, his punishment in our legal system is much
more severe than if he killed someone in a quarrel or in self-defense. Even though in all three
cases one person has killed another, a judge would render three different verdicts and
prescribe three different sentences. In the same way the law of karma takes into
consideration not only the person’s intentions, but also his stage of development. If a child
commits a crime we do not punish him so severely as we do an adult who more fully
understands the consequences of his action.

▪ In the same sense, the law of karma will not apply the same justice to each individual who
commits a particular offense. The more aware a person is of wrongdoing, the greater the
karmic penalty will be. The chain of actions and reactions that extends from lifetime to lifetime
applies not only to actions that help or hurt others but also to actions that a person performs
that help or hurt himself.

▪ According to Far Eastern doctrines, although the law of karma is binding for all people, it is
possible, through the grace of God, for a person to skip over much of his bad karma. If God
observes that an individual is truly sorry he has done wrong and will not repeat his mistake,
He can nullify that person’s bad karma. Since the purpose of karmic retribution is not to make
the individual suffer but to teach him, if he has already learned his lesson it would be pointless
for him to be subjected to the same experience again. His situation in this instance is
analogous to that of an individual who has committed a crime, has been caught and sent to
jail, but is released early because he mended his ways and will no longer commit wrong

▪ Within the past few years the word karma has become a part of our own language. Often in
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a conversation we hear someone refer to something bad that happened to him as his “karma.”
When he refers to karma in this way, he is in effect saying that what occurred to him (his
karma) was fated and that there was no possible way of avoiding it. But this attitude is not a
clear representation of the Far Eastern theory of karma.

▪ According to the Hindu and Buddhist texts, one should never linger over or worry about
one’s past karma. This only binds him more firmly to his karma. The Hindus feel that even the
worst karma can be negated when a person sincerely tries to lead a higher and better life. All
karma can be nullified when an individual sincerely aspires only to Higher Truth.

▪ Edgar Cayce was one of the best-known psychics of the twentieth century. He was one of
the first to explore other dimensions of reality of karma. He would go into a hypnotic trance
state and describe the past lives of individuals.

▪ The essence of this understanding gained by him can be found in his work entitled ‘Scars of
the Soul’. In ‘Born Again and Again’ Cayce deals with topics such as deep-seated fears,
physical ailments, mental blocks, vocational talents, innate urges and abilities, marriage
difficulties, child training, etc. These were examined in the light of what Cayce called the
“karmic patterns” resulting from previous incarnations that an individual has had on the earth

▪ Edgar Cayce brought about an increased awareness of past lives by channeling the past life
information of people. Closely akin to the theory of karma, Edgar Cayce’s research work
discovers this fact in the light of karma and reincarnation, offering compelling but convincing
proof that every soul has been ordained not to live once but many times He has given
a large number of the so - called life reading of people (about 2500) as manifested during
their previous existence.

Now follow, for purposes of illustration, a few examples that Edgar Cayce narrated by
way of past lives :

1. Here is a typical case of a Bank Manager. By temperament and training he was a

great lover of sports. During the present life he played basketball regularly. Even on
Sundays he never found himself in a mood to go to Church. Well, this was considered a
heresy. Hence he was socially ostracised by the traditionalists. It was in this context
that the Bank Manager approached Edgar Cayce for consultation. Now came up all
facts related to his previous lives: This Bank Manager, in his first birth, was a great
philanthropist. During his second birth, he grew himself famous as an excellent sports-
man in Rome. In his third life he lived prosperously as a merchant in Persia. Coming
to his fourth existence, he happened to be the treasurer in Egypt. Now was his fifth birth
as an extraordinary player of basketball. The accumulated trends and tendencies anti-
traits of all the five lives had combined so well, and as a natural corollary he would rather forgo
church prayer than a game of basketball. Besides this, because of earlier virtues, he loved
people, helped the poor and granted loans to the needy ones as Bank Manager.

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2. Quite an interesting case of a boy of 11 years of age who was given to urinate in the bed
while asleep! All treatment proved in vain. As a last resort the boy’s patients approached
Edgar Cayce for consultation. In his trance he could see that this boy had been born a
Puritan in his previous life. And besides, he was a Minister to the King of France. Nothing was
so dear to him as torture inflicted on criminals, and he also loved the sight of drowning those
criminals alive. The greater their suffering, the merrier he ever turned. It was because of this
wicked act and evil thought that he was urinating in the bed while asleep. Then he suggested
to the parents a suitable remedy by way of psychological suggestion. He told them to
whisper in the boy’s ears, while in bed, that he was a refined being, very human in
his love of fellow people. And further that he was extremely sorry for his past cruelty to
people, and so on by way of repentance. Needless to say that the parents paid heed to his
advice and in just a few days the boy got himself completely relieved of his agony.

3. Another beautiful lady ! But hopelessly fat ! She could not even move about
comfortably. Often she thought to herself that her size was quite repugnant not only
in the eyes of other people but in her esteem also. This brought her great misery. Now
she approached Edgar Cayce for consultation. in his vision Cayce could see how this lady, in
the earlier two births was an ace athlete, ever joyous of her getting laurels. Whenever
others lagged behind she made fun of them ; and in particular she was highly sarcastic
of those who were fat. There was no end to her jollity whenever such people were in sight ;
and she always looked down upon them. Edgar Cayce pointed out how during the present life
this lady had to suffer all that agony of ridicule, others suffered, being a fat lady herself now.
He told her that she was paying the penalty very dearly during the present life.

▪ ‘Past life’ can be used as an excuse for many other things. For example, one can always
justify the caste system under the excuse that the ‘lower’ castes are born so as to atone for
the sins of their previous births. Those who enjoy all the best things of life at the cost of others
can always have the excuse that this is due to the good deeds performed in their past life.

▪ It could also keep the exploited from protesting, under the reassurance that their exploiters
will be punished in their next life for what they are doing now! Though it is difficult for us to
understand why we should be punished or rewarded for having done something in a past
existence that we are not even aware of, one could explain that that awareness could be
brought by the right combinations of suggestions.

▪ And where do these come from? Naturally from the past life regression therapist or from
some holy scripture which is unquestionable! So, here we have the judge, jury and the
prosecutor all rolled into one and whatever they say will be be irrefutable.

▪ I am well aware of how scientific theories come and go and how these theories are accepted
by many members of the general public as fact - mostly because that is how educational
systems and the media tends to portray them. Science actually knows very little about the
nature of the Universe; there is much to learn - a lot is Unknown.

▪ There are so-called 'skeptics' who pretend to be scientific in their dismissal of PLR as
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bogus. Their idea of the scientific method is to decide what they want the Universe to
be like and then decree that anything that contradicts their belief is unscientific
and therefore bogus. Rather like the people who condemned Galileo for saying that, with
his telescope, he could see moons orbiting Jupiter, when it was known that the Earth
was the centre of the Universe. Or those people that maintained that the world was flat and
you would sail over the edge if you went too far from land. Closing one's mind to evidence that
contradicts a belief system is not being scientific, it is just being ignorant.

▪ In any case, science is not restricted to proven facts. It is mostly based on theories, which
hold until someone manages to disprove them. For example: The Theory of Evolution by
Natural Selection, The Theory of Relativity, The Big Bang Theory. The general public may
regard the above as fact but they are only theory.

▪ Scientists have not proved Darwin's theories. They have not proved relativity or the
Big Bang. They have not proved that reincarnation does not happen. Scientists like to
guess about things that cannot be proven one way or the other. It's either that or throw up
their hands and say they don't have a clue, and people would turn to religion...

▪ Science actually knows very little about the nature of the Universe and our place in it.

▪ That's fair enough, it's a big Universe. But, we don't have to wait for a guy in a white lab coat
to rubber stamp reincarnation before we can consider that it may be valid. In order to
scientifically prove that some people had immortal souls I daresay scientists would have to
dissect a soul and preserve it in a glass jar. I'd sooner scientists steered well clear of this
subject. Science and morality don't sit well together.

▪ So, I think we can keep an open mind on the possibility of reincarnation, and not worry about
whether it's scientifically possible. In any case, science is often proven wrong when it decrees
what is possible eg. bees can't fly, bacteria can't survive at extreme temperatures, life cannot
exist deep in the ocean.

▪ These episodes of rebirth, along with the hoopla surrounding them, and the claims of the
whole thing being ‘scientific’, require that discussion be had on many specific issues are
connected to them, both ethical and scientific. If we take up the biological questions what
passes from one to another during reincarnation pops up.

▪ One has to query as to whether it is a molecule, an atom or a cell that travels from one to the
other during this process. Or is it something subatomic, like rays or particles? How is it that
only some people reincarnate and not all? If reincarnation is only for humans then what can
explain the huge population growth? If it is claimed that the reincarnation is across species
then at what stage does the capacity to be so arise? Do bacteria and viruses also

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case studies with Raising of the Dead & Walk-In.
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 15 》REANIMATION- case studies with Raising of the
Dead & Walk-In.


▪ UNLIKE Xenoglossy (Change of Language) as a Principle and Evidence of

Reincarnation.Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to Another, Change of Religion from
One Lifetime to Another, Change of Nationality, Race, Ethnic or Political Affiliation from One
Lifetime to Another, Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased
Persons in their past lives, Change of Gender in Reincarnation Cases with Insights on
Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Transsexualism, Transgenderism and Gender Identity
Disorders,Personality Traits, Phobias & Fears which are linked to our past life,Love,
Relationship and Family Reunions through Reincarnation, Rebirth according to desires of
previous births, Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent Explained by Reincarnation. ,
Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu in Reincarnation Cases, Reincarnation and Suicide -
What happened to the person who Committed suicide, What he/she suffered in next life,
through critical Analysis of Reincarnation Case Studies, Timing of Rebirth, Rebirth according
to merits of previous births, Split incarnation ALL ABOVE HAVE THOUSANDS OF
REINCARNATION CASE STUDY SUPPORT, BUT Walk-In has only single case study
support in the world which is completely medically documented.

What is Walk-in?

▪ Walk-ins refer to the situation where one soul leaves the body and another soul takes
over the Dead body.

▪ Though this is thought to occur extremely rarely, one caseresearched by Ian Stevenson,
MD at the University of Virginia does demonstrate the walk-in phenomenon.

▪ In this reincarnation case involving a child remembering a past life,a young boy, Jasbir
Jay, had apparently died. He then appeared to come back to life,but with the personality
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of a grown man named Sobha Ram. As such, this case also seems to demonstrate that a
soul can reanimate a dead body.

▪ This is one of the Supernatural, Paranormal and Parapsychological phenomenon

Documented me Dr. Ian Stevenson.

Walk-In Incarnation Case of Sobha Ram | Jasbir Jat

▪ This is a very unusual case in that it involves bringing to life an apparently dead body, that
belonging to Jasbir Jay, and the assumption of that body by a different soul, whose name in a
prior incarnation was Sobha Ram.

▪ As such, this is not really a reincarnation case, but areanimation case where a separate
soul “walks in” to take over a body that had previously been inhabited by a different soul.

▪ In past life regression therapy literature, “walk-ins” are reported, though generally these
cases do not involve the death of an individual. Instead, in regression literature, it is described
that a soul inhabiting a body volunteers to leave that body so that another soul can incarnate
by using that same body.

▪ The concept of walk-ins has been a controversial one, as there can be debate whether walk-
ins truly occur or whether the phenomenon represents a psychiatric disorder, such as
multiple personality syndrome.

▪ The case of Sobha Ram | Jasvir Jat provides strong evidence that walk-ins are a valid
phenomenon. Ian Stevenson, MD researched this case in great detail and published it in
his seminal book, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Ian Stevenson chose to
use a different term, “exchange incarnations,” to describe this type of case, where one soul
gives up a body so that another soul can take it over.

▪ This story is just like the stories which we would have heard by our grand parents
▪ As this case involves the apparent reanimation of a dead body, it leads one to look at
saying that aghoris can rise dead body by reanimating it with new soul, this story is
miracles reportedly
also similar to the performed byin
story found Jesus,
about theraising
risingofofthe deadLazarus
Dead Lazarus,
well asalso
own resurrection,
rising of poisonedin and
a new perspective.
dead person by Apparently
Krishna asother
we spiritually advanced
found stories is Sribeings
Mad can also
cause the reanimation of a dead body.

The Life of Sobha Ram

▪ Walk-in reincarnation case, Ian Stevenson research, Walter Semkiw article Sobha Ram lived
in the farming village of Vahedi in the far northeast section of India, which borders Nepal.
Vahedi at the time had a population of 2000 people and was eight miles north of the city of
Muzaffarnagar, which has over 3 million inhabitants.

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▪ Shobha's father was Shankar Lal Tyagi. Sobha was married and had a son named
Baleshwar. The family was Brahmin and they observed the customs of this caste, including
eating food only prepared by other Brahmins, cooking only with metal vessels, not
earthenware, and wearing a sacred thread around the neck.

▪ The family owned fields in the village, which were partitioned from fields belonging to other
villagers. Sobha owned a ceremonial chariot, which was used for weddings. In May 1954, he
drove his chariot to the town of Nirmana, where the family had relatives, to pick up the bride
for a wedding ceremony, which was taking place in Muzaffarnagar.

▪ On the route from Neemrana to Muzaffarnagar, Sobha fell from the chariot and suffered a
head injury. He was well enough to continue to the scene of the wedding and afterwards, was
able to make it back with to his village. A few hours after Sobha returned to Vahedi, he died.
Birth and death records with were not maintained in the village, but based on the date of the
marriage ceremony, Dr. Stevenson was able to establish the date of death as May 22nd or
23rd in 1954.

The Life and Apparent Death of Jasbir Jat

▪ Jasbir Jay, son of Girdhari Lal Jat, was born in 1950. The family lived in the village of
Rasulpur, which at the time had a population of 1500 people and was located about 8 miles
southwest of Muzaffarnagar. The family belonged to the Jat ethnic group and they were
Hindu, thought of a lesser caste than Brahmins.

▪ In the spring of 1954, when Jasbir was 3 1/2 years old, he was thought to have contracted
smallpox and it appeared that he had died. As Jasbir body appeared to be lifeless, his father,
Girdhari, enlisted the help of his brother and other villagers to help bury his “dead” son. (1)

Raising of Jasbir S Dead Body

▪ Since it was already late in the evening, it was decided to postpone burial until the morning.
A few hours later, Girdhari noticed stirring of the body and Jasbir gradually revived. It took
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several days before Jasbir could speak and several weeks before he could communicate

▪ The family did not record the exact date of Jasbir S apparent death and revival. Based on
available information, Ian Stevenson estimated that this event occurred in April or May 1954.

Reincarnation Walk-In: Sobha Ram Emerges in the Body of Jasbir Jat

▪ Walk-in Ian Stevenson Reincarnation, Walter Semkiw Article When Jasbir was finally able to
converse, he demonstrated a dramatic change in personality and behavior. He said that he
was the son of Shankar of the village of Vahedi and he wanted to go to that village. Further,
he made these statements in the present tense, such as “I am the son of Shanker of Vahedi.”

▪ He eventually told his father, Girdhari, that his name was Sobha Ram. Jasbir said that he
had a wife and that she was from the town of Molna, which was true for the wife of Sobha

▪ Though he was less than 4 years old, Jasbir suddenly referred to himself as an adult and he
talked of having children, in addition to a wife.

▪ Prior to his transformation, Jasbir acted like a normal child and enjoyed playing with toys.
Afterwards, he did not like to play with toys or other children.

▪ Jasper told his family that he was a Brahmin, not a Jat, and he took on the habits of
someone from the Brahmin caste. He demanded that only another individual who was of the
Brahmin caste cook his meals. He would not eat food cooked in earthenware, but only food
cooked in metal pots and pans. He began wearing a sacred thread around his neck, typical of
a Brahmin.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir States He Fell from a Chariot & Died

▪ Walk-in Reincarnation Case, Ian Stevenson Research, Walter Semkiw Article Jasbir stated
that he had died when he fell off a chariot when returning from a wedding and that he hit his
head against the ground. Further, Jasbir said that the reason that he fell from the chariot was

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that a man who had owed him money gave him poisoned sweets.

▪ The poison made him dizzy, which led to his fall. Jasbir stated that he clearly remembered
falling off the chariot and that the exact place of his injury was called Double Phatak, which
was on the road from Nirmana back to his home.

▪ Jasbir gave a description of the town and property that he had previously lived in. He said
that there was a culvert in his town, which was significant, as a culvert did not exist in
Rasulpur. He stated that on his property, there was a well for water, which was partially inside
the house and partially outside of the house, which Ian Stevenson noted was very unusual for
a well in India. Jasbir stated that outside their property, there grew a peepal tree, as well as a
tamarind tree.

▪ All these statements were true for Vahedi and the property where Sobha Ram lived.
Jasbir’s vocabulary changed after his transformation, in that he began using Brahmin words
instead of words typically used by Jats. As an example, for the term house he would use the
Brahmin term “haveli,” rather than the Jat word “hilli;” for the word clothes he would use the
term “kapra” instead of “latta.” (3)

▪ Fortunately, the family found a Brahmin woman who would cook for Jasbir. This continued
for the next year and a half, until Jasbir acquiesced to his family’s pressure to eat food
prepared by them. Jasbir’s father tried to keep his son’s unusual behavior quiet, but Jasbir
requirement to eat like a Brahmin leaked out to the Brahmin community in Rasulpur.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Recognizes his Aunt from his Lifetime as Sobha Ram

▪ About three years after Jasbir S apparent death and reemergence as the “son of Shankar of
Vahedi” (4), a woman visiting from Vahedi heard about Jasbir sudden Brahmin behavior. She
was Srimati Shyamo, a Brahmin originally from Rasulpur who had married a man, Ravi Dutt
Shukla, who lived in Vehedi. Srimati was visiting her family in Rasulpur and was told about
Jasbir, who now claimed to be from Vehedi.

▪ When Srimati went to meet this unusual boy, Jasbir immediately recognized her as his
“aunt.” In fact, Srimati had married a relative of Shankar Lal Tyagi, the father of Sobha Ram,
so familial relationship did exist between Sobha and Srimati. When Srimati returned to
Vahedi, she informed her husband and the Tyagi family of this boy who claimed to be Sobha
Ram, who stated that he died as a result of a chariot accident.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Identifies Relatives of Sobha Ram on their Visits to
Rasulpur and Reveals the Location of a Small Hidden Treasure

▪ Ian Stevenson Walk-in Reincarnation Case, Walter Semkiw Article Members of the Tyagi
family then traveled to Rasulpur to meet Jasbir. When Jasbir saw Shankar Lal Tyagi
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approaching, he stated, “My father has come. He is from Vahedi.” (5) Jasbir then ran into the
house and requested that a Brahmin meal be prepared for his father. Recall that Shankar was
indeed the father of Sobha.

▪ Jasbir related the story of dying after he fell from a chariot when returning from a wedding.
He added that on this trip, when he went into a house to borrow a cot for the wedding party, a
dog bit him. Shankar, Shobha's father, confirmed that this was true; Sobha was indeed bitten
by a dog on the wedding trip, as described by Jasbir. When he saw Ravi Dutt Shukla, the
husband of Srimati Shyamo, Jasbir correctly identified Ravi’s relationship to Sobha. When
Santoshi Tyagi approached, Jasbir identified him as his uncle, which was the correct
relationship between Santoshi and Sobha.

▪ When Shobha's Uncle Prithvi came unannounced to Rasulpur and Jasbir saw him, Jasbir
spontaneously ran up to him and called him “Mama,” which was correct, as this is an Indian
term for maternal uncle. (6)

▪ Jasbir then revealed that he (as Sobha) had borrowed from Uncle Prithvi a sum of money
and he wanted that money to be returned to Uncle Prithvi. Jasbir disclosed the location where
he had hid the money on the Tyagi property. Later on, the Tyagi family found the money
exactly where Jasbir said it would be located.

▪ In the presence of the Tyagi family, Jasbir continued by accurately reciting names of family
members from his lifetime of Sobha. Jasbir stated that his mother’s name was Sona, he had a
sister named Keala, his wife was called Sumantra, he had a son named Baleshwar, an aunt
named Ram Kali and that his mother-in-law was Kirpi. All these statements were correct for
the life of Sobha Ram.
Geographic Past Life Memories: Jasbir Finds his Past Life Home in Vehedi

▪ A few weeks after the Tyagi family met Jasbir in Rasulpur, he was brought to Vehedi. Jasbir
had never been to Vahedi before. At the railway station, he was asked to lead the way to the
Tyagi home. Without hesitation, Jasbir walked from the railroad station directly to the Tyagi
property, which was about 200 yards away from the station.Later he was taken to the home of
Ravi Dutt Shukla in Vahedi and from there, Jasbir led the way to the Tyagi home by a different

▪ When shown the agricultural fields in Vahedi, Jasbir was able to correctly identify which
fields belonged to the Tyagi family.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Recognizes and Identifies Shobha's Relatives in Vehedi

▪ In Vahedi, Jasbir correctly recognized Surajmal and Mahendra Singh Tyagi as Shobha's
younger brothers, and Swaroop Tyagi as Shobha's brother-in-law. He recognized Birbal Singh
as the younger cousin of Sobha and when Birbal walked into the room, Jasbir ran up to him
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and said, “Come in, Gandhiji.” (7) Gandhiji was Birbal’s pet name, as he had large ears that
made him look like Mahatma Gandhi.

▪ When Jasbir was asked to identify another individual, Jasbir said, “This is my grandfather
Rai Sahib,” who was indeed Shobha's grandfather.Jasbir spent several days in Vahedi and
demonstrated detailed knowledge of the Tyagi family and its affairs. He very much enjoyed
himself and was reluctant to go home. He would return to visit periodically, usually for several
weeks, and he wanted to live there. Jasbir felt isolated and lonely in Rasulpur, whereas in
Vahedi, he felt at home.

▪ Jasbir developed a very strong attachment to the Tyagi family and in particular to
Baleshwar, Shobha's son. In his visits to Vahedi, Jasbir would sleep with Baleshwar in the
same cot, which Ian Stevenson noted was appropriate for a father and son to do, but was
inappropriate for strangers. At times, Jasbir threatened to run away from home so that he
could live in Vehedi.

▪Jasbir S family was so concerned about his attachment to his past life family that they would
not allow him to meet Shobha's wife, Sumantra, who after his death moved back to her home
village of Molana.

▪ As time went on, the Tyagi family accepted that Sobha had come back to life through Jasbir
and they regarded Jasbir as a full member of their family. When Baleshwar was considering
marriage, Jasbir was consulted like a father normally would be. Jasbir later attended
Baleshwar wedding ceremony.

Past Life Karma Repaid: The Man who Poisoned Sobha makes Restitution

▪ Walk-in reincarnation case, Ian Stevenson Research, Walter Semkiw Article Jasbir insisted
that the reason that he fell from the chariot was because a man who owed him money gave
him poisoned sweets. Jasbir remembered specifically who this man was, though the name
was not given in Ian Stevenson’s report of this case.

▪ Jasbir stated that this man owed him, as Sobha, 600 rupees, and that the man poisoned him
with the intention to kill him so that the debt would not have to be repaid. Of interest, Shobha's
family did not know anything about the poisoned sweets before Jasbir revealed this
information following his transformation.

▪ Jasbir eventually found this man who allegedly gave Sobha the poison. In an apparent act of
restitution, this man gave Jasbir 600 rupees.

Ian Stevenson, MD excludes Fraud in this Reincarnation Case

▪ Dr. Stevenson noted that though the villages of Rasulpur and Vahedi are only 20 miles apart
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as the crow flies, they were very isolated at the time due to the condition of the roads and
transportation systems. Further, the two families were of different ethnic groups and castes.
Given these factors, Stevenson could not see any way that Jasbir, at less than 4 years of
age, could know of the life of Sobha Ram by any normal means.

▪ Further, members of both families testified that they had no knowledge of each other prior to
Jasbir S apparent death and transformation.

▪ Stevenson noted that Jasbir family was not at all happy regarding his sudden Brahmin
behavior and they initially disbelieved his statements regarding another life. They scolded him
and tried to suppress information about his transformation to fellow villagers.

▪ Later on, Jasper's family had concerns that he would leave them for the Tyagi family and
even forbade him from meeting Shobha's widow apparently for fear that they would lose him
to her.

Spirit Being: A Holy Man Facilitates Shobha's Reemergence in Jasper's Body

▪ Hindu Holy Man Raising Body from Dead, Ian Stevenson Walk-in Reincarnation Case,
Walter Semkiw Article In 1961, Ian Stevenson asked Jasbir what happened between the
death of Sobha Ram in Vahedi and his reemergence in Rasulpur, through the revived body of
Jasbir. Jasbir stated that after his death as Sobha, he met a sadhu or holy man, apparently in
the spirit world. This holy man told him to “take cover” in the body of Jasbir, son of Girdhari
Lal Jat. (8)

▪ When Stevenson asked Jasbir what had happened to the original personality that inhabited
Jasbir body prior to Sobha taking it over, Jasbir said that he didn’t know. Stevenson
speculated that this prior personality may have reincarnated somewhere nearby.

▪ He made inquiries in the area regarding any children that may remember a past lifetime in
which they died of smallpox between the ages of 3 and 4, but he found no such case. Jasbir
related to Dr. Stevenson that he continued to have dreams in which he still saw and interacted
with this same discarnate holy man, who would make accurate predictions regarding the
future. As an example, Jabir's father had taken the initiative to set up an arranged marriage for
Jasbir, which neither the future bride or Jasbir were interested in. Jasbir said that in a dream,
the holy man appeared and reassured him not to worry, as the marriage plans would fall
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through. Indeed, this came to pass.

▪ In reflecting on why he, Sobha, a Brahmin, had reemerged in the body of Jasbir, who
belonged to a Jat family of lower caste, who were considerably less well-off than the Tyagi
family, Jasbir replied that he saw this as a type of a demotion. He knew of no incident, though,
in the life of Sobha, that would warrant such a punishment.


by Dr. Ian Stevenson).

▪ This case is still remained as an unsolved Mystery.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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NO:- 10 》 PART:- 16 》SPLIT
INCARNATION (Parallel Lives, Twin Souls & Twin
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》 PART:- 16 》SPLIT INCARNATION (Parallel Lives, Twin Souls &
Flames) Unbelievable
Twin Flames) Parapsychological
unbelievable Medical Mystery of Soul. Mystery of

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives Defined

▪ Parallel lives, twin souls, twin flames or split incarnation in past life stories Independently
researched reincarnation cases, including many studied by Ian Stevenson, MD, demonstrate
that a soul may animate more than one physical body at a time. Ian Stevenson called
reincarnation cases in whIch lifetimes overlap as "cases with anomalous dates."

▪ We term this phenomenon as "split incarnation." we refer to two people who derive from
the same soul, who are incarnate at the same time, as "splits". "Parallel lives" is an
older term that has been used to describe the phenomenon of splits incarnated at the same

▪ A dramatic and compelling set of cases that illustrate split incarnation involve Penney
Peirce.How does split incarnation work? Though we don't know for sure,we can imagine
split incarnation as similar to how a mirror can split a beam of light into two or more
beams of light. Similarly, the soul can project more than one beam of light or energy
template into physical incarnation at a time.

▪ We can imagine two splits as two arms of a human being. Each arm has its separate
existence, yet both arms are controlled by one brain or mind. In split incarnation, we can see
two splits as two appendages of the soul. How many splits can a soul project onto the
physical world at a time? As is discussed in the section, Soul

▪ Soul Evolution, it is believed that the maximum number is aboutseven, though having this
number of splits at the same time is rare.

Preservation of Past Life Personalities Within the Soul & Split Incarnation

▪ In the The Cosmo Conscious web site section entitled Xenoglossy, it is described how the

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soul appears to be able to retain past life personalities intact.

▪ Xenoglossy is the ability to understand a foreign language that has not been learned in the
contemporary lifetime. In addition to the recovery of a language from a past lifetime, in some
xenoglossy cases, the entire past life personality emerges and essentially takes over the body
of the contemporary personality.

▪ The Ian Stevenson xenoglossy case of Sharada | Uttara Huddar dramatically demonstrates
this phenomenon.

▪ One way to image how the personality can be preserved within the soul is to see ourselves
as a bubble that is a miniature version of our soul.

▪ When we incarnate, our bubble is expressed from our soul. Our bubble contains our soul's
energies, qualities and experience. After our incarnation is completed, the soul resorbs the
bubble that is us and retains our bubble within itself forever.

▪ In the case of Sharada | Uttara Huddar, the Sharada bubble, which has resided in the soul
since its incarnation ended, emerged from within the soul to express itself through Uttara, a
soul bubble that has incarnated.

▪ This bubble analogy can also be used to better comprehend split incarnation. We can
imagine split incarnation as the ability of the soul to express more than one bubble at a time
into physical incarnation.

Case Studies Which supports above claim

Independently Researched Reincarnation Cases with Physical Resemblance & Split


▪ Penney Peirce Split Incarnation Cases: The Lives of Alice Cary and Charles Parkhurst
Overlap by 29 Years

Ian Stevenson, MD & Associates Reincarnation Research: Children Remembering Past

Lives with Split Incarnation

▪ Ian Stevenson Children's Past Life Stories with Physical Resemblance & Split Incarnation

▪ Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem: Hanan is Alive While Suzanne is in the Womb

▪ Alessandria Savona 1 and 2: When Spirit Becomes Attached to the Fetus z

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▪ Mithilesh Commits Suicide & Reincarnates into the Same Family 5 Weeks after Her Death
(Satwant Pasricha, PhD Research) -New Case

Ian Stevenson Thai Children Past Life Stories with Split Incarnation

▪ Nai Leng Consciously Experiences Death and Rebirth as Choate, who was Born a Day
Before Nailing Died

▪ Ian Stevenson Turkish Children Past Life Stories with Split Incarnation

▪ Nasir Alev Dies from Tetanus and Reincarnates on the Same Morning as his Death

▪ After Dying in a Turkish Plane Crash, Ahmet Delibalta Reincarnates Within a Week

▪ Mehmet Cosmen: A Muslim Farmer Drowns and Reincarnates within a Few Days

▪ Haydaroglu Dies in a Minibus Crash and Reincarnates a Month Later

Ian Stevenson European Past Life Stories with Split Incarnation

▪ Poldi Holtzmuller Plans Her Incarnation As Wolfgang's Fetus (Her Next Incarnation) is
Already in the Womb.

▪ Eeva-Maija Kaartinen Reincarnates as Her Sister, Maria-Liisa, Who is Already in the Womb
Ruprecht Schultz is Born 5 Weeks Before Helmut Kohler's Suicide.

Reincarnation Case of Penney Peirce

▪ The reincarnation cases of Penney Peirce are very compelling and crucial ones, as they
demonstrate that split incarnation exists, which I define as one soul animating more than one

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human body at a time. Other terms for this phenomenon are twin souls, twin flames or parallel

▪ It is very significant that the pioneer of reincarnation research, Ian Stevenson, MD, also
documented cases of split incarnation. Stevenson called these reincarnation cases with
"anomalous dates," meaning that the incarnated personality was born before the past life
personality died. The phenomenon of split incarnation is explained in the The Cosmo
Conscious sections:

▪ We will see that two past lives of Penney Peirce, those of Charles Parkhurst and Alice Cary,
overlapped by 29 years. In other words, Penney's soul inhabited both the physical body of
Parkhurst and the physical body of Cary at the same time, for a period of 29 years.

▪ These cases are also fascinating as they involve a spirit being or spirit guide, channeled
through a medium or psychic, who made what appears to be accurate past life identifications.
Penney's reincarnation cases are provided below, as is a discussion of split incarnation as it
applies to her past lives.

Child Reincarnation Story of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem

Planning Lifetimes: Hanan Predicts She Will Die & Be Reborn with Memories of her
Past Life

▪ Hanan was born in Lebanon, in the mid-1930s. When she was twenty, she married Farouk
Mansour, a member of a well to do Lebanese family. The couple had two daughters, named
Leila and Gelareh. Hanan had a brother named Nabih, who became prominent in Lebanese
society, but died as a young man in a plane crash.

▪ After having her second daughter, Hanan developed a heart problem and her doctors
advised her not to have any more children. Not heeding the warning, she had a third child, a
son, in 1962. In 1963, shortly after the death of her brother Nabih, Hanan’s health started to
deteriorate. She then started to talk about dying. Farouk, Hanan’s husband, said that Hanan
told him that “she was going to be reincarnated and have lots to say about her previous life.”
(1) This was two years before her death.

Before her Death, Hanan Tries to Telephone Leila

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▪ At age of thirty-six, Hanan traveled to Richmond, Virginia, to have heart surgery. She tried to
telephone her daughter Leila before the operation, but couldn’t get through. Hanan died of
complications the day after surgery.

Spirit Communication: An Announcing Dream from the Spirit Realm

▪ Ten days after Hanan died, Suzanne Ghanem was born. Suzanne’s mother told Ian
Stevenson that shortly before Suzanne’s birth, “I dreamed I was going to have a baby girl. I
met a woman and I kissed and hugged her. She said, 'I am going to come to you.' The
woman was about forty. Later, when I saw Hanan's picture, I thought it looked like the woman
in my dream." (2).

▪ In other words, Suzanne Ghanem’s mother had a dream that she would have a child that
had the appearance of Hanan Monsour, and this dream became a reality.

Hanan is Reborn as Suzanne Mansour & Tries to Telephone Leila

▪ At 16 months of age, Suzanne pulled the phone off the hook as if she was trying to talk into
it and said, over and over, “Hello, Leila?” The family didn’t know who Leila was. When she got
older, Suzanne explained that Leila was one of her children and that she was not Suzanne,
but Hanan.

▪ The family asked, “Hanan what?” Suzanne replied, “My head is still small. Wait until it is
bigger, and I might tell you.” (3)

Past Life Memories: Suzanne Identifies & Names 13 Past Life Family Members

▪ By the time she was two, she had mentioned the names of her other children, her husband,
Farouk, and the names of her parents and her brothers from the previous lifetime—thirteen
names in all. In trying to locate Suzanne’s past life family, acquaintances of the Ghanem's
made inquiries in the town where the Monsour's lived.

▪ When they heard about the case, the Monsour's visited Suzanne. The Monsour's were
initially skeptical about the girl’s claims. They became believers when Suzanne identified all of
Hanan’s relatives, picking them out and naming them accurately.

▪ Suzanne also knew that Hanan had given her jewels to her brother Hercule in Virginia, prior
to her heart surgery, and that Hanan instructed her brother to divide the jewelry among her
daughters. No one outside of the Monsour family knew about the jewels.

▪ Before she could read or write, Suzanne scribbled a phone number on a piece of paper.
Later, when the family went to the Monsour’s home, they found that the phone number
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matched the Monsour’s number, except that the last two digits were transposed. As a child,
Suzanne could recite the oration spoken at the funeral of Hanan’s brother, Nabih. Suzanne’s
family taped the recitation, though the tape was eventually lost.

Suzanne Still Loves Farouk, her Past Life Husband

▪ At five years of age, Suzanne would call Farouk three times a day. When Suzanne visited
Farouk, she would sit on his lap and rest her head against his chest. At 25 years of age,
Suzanne would still telephone Farouk.

▪ Suzanne Identifies Past Life Friends from Photos Farouk, a career policeman, has accepted
Suzanne as the reincarnation of his deceased wife, Hanan. To support this conclusion, Farouk
points out that from photographs, Suzanne accurately picked out scores of people they had
been acquainted with, and knew other information that only Hanan would have known.

▪ In this image comparison, Hanan Monsour is on the left side and Suzanne Ghanem is on
the right. A striking physical resemblance is noted, which supports the premise that facial
features remain consistent from one incarnation to another.

▪ Another Ian Stevenson, MD, reincarnation case which dramatically demonstrates how facial
features can remain consistent from one lifetime to another is the case of Rashid Khaddage |
Daniel Jurdi.

Reincarnation case of Poldi Holzmüller | Wolfgang Neurath

Poldi Holzmuller and her Lack of Attraction for Boys: Past Lives as a Man?

▪ Poldi Holzmüller was born in 1913 in Feldkirch, Austria to a Roman Catholic family. Her
mother’s name was Elizabeth and her father’s Ernst. Poldi was a quiet child whose favorite
hobby was cutting pictures from newspapers and saving them. Her favorite foods were puffed
rice and noodle soup. As a teenage girl, she was independent and had no interest in boys.

▪ In fact, she even stated that she would have nothing to do with men, as if she was not
attracted to them.

▪ Ian Stevenson's past life research indicates that souls reincarnate in the same gender 90
percent of the time. Poldi lack of attraction to men may be due to this soul having a majority of
lifetimes in the male gender and as such, a male mindset, in which an attraction to women is
the norm.

Poldi Aunt Tante

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▪ Poldi was especially attached to her Aunt Anna, who lived in South Tyrol. Aunt Anna came
to visit Poldi and her family occasionally. During her visits, Poldi and Aunt Anna were very
affectionate. They would hug and kiss and they had pet names for each other. Poldi was
“Podile” and Anna was “Tantele,” which in German is a variant of tante, which means aunt. As
such, Anna’s nickname was the equivalent of “Auntie.”

Poldi Contracts Tuberculosis

▪ When Poldi was 19 years old, she developed pulmonary tuberculosis. Though the
Holzmueller were Roman Catholic, Poldi and her mother Elizabeth has some interest in
reincarnation. Poldi father, Ernst, did not believe in reincarnation.

Soul Plan: Poldi Says She Will Reincarnate Nearby as a Boy

▪ Throughout the year 1933, Poldi was bedridden. As tuberculosis was often fatal, Poldi
started to think about her death. She told her mother that if she reincarnated, she would be a
boy and she would be reborn in the same neighborhood, so that she could be with her family
again. Further, Poldi said if she reincarnated nearby, she would give them a sign, so that the
Holzmueller would know that it was her.

Soul Plan: Poldi wants to Reincarnate & Ride in Marie Neurath's Carriage

▪ The Holzmuller had a neighbor, Marie Neurath, who visited Poldi often during her illness.
Marie became pregnant in the summer of 1933. On one visit, Marie told Poldi about a baby
carriage she had bought in anticipation of having her new child. Poldi asked if she could
accompany Marie on strolls with the new baby. She then added, “But you know, what I really
would like would be to be in the baby carriage myself.” (1) Poldi died 16 months after she
developed tuberculosis on January 13, 1934, at the age of 20.

Announcing Dream from Spirit Realm: Poldi Appears as a Swallow

▪ After Poldi’s death, her mother, Elizabeth, had a dream in which she was in their garden
watching swallows perched on a power line overhead. One of the swallows said:
“Mama, don’t you see me?”
Elizabeth replied: “Yes, but which swallow are you?”
Then she heard Poldi say: “I am here.” With that statement, one of the swallows flew into a
room of Marie Neurath’s home. (2)

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Poldi

Reincarnates as Wolfgang & Fulfills Carriage Soul Plan

▪ Marie Neurath had a son she named Wolfgang, who was born on March 3, 1934, less than
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three months after Pilot's death. When Wolfgang was only 8 days old, Elizabeth, Poldi’s
mother, visited the Neurath’s home to see the infant, who happened to be sleeping in the new
baby carriage Marie had bought.

▪ Wolfgang awoke and when he saw Elizabeth, he stretched out his hands and smiled, as if to
greet her. Perhaps this was the sign that Poldi promised to give if she reincarnated nearby.

Past Life Recognition of Tantele & Fondness for Puff Rice & Clipping Newspapers

▪ As a young boy, Wolfgang was observed to be effeminate, which he grew out of over time.
His favorite foods were puffed rice and noodle soup, which we recall, were Poldi favorite
foods. Also like Poldi, Wolfgang enjoyed cutting pictures out of newspapers and he was a
quiet child, as was Poldi.

▪ When Wolfgang was three, Aunt Anna came to visit the Holzmueller for the first time
following Poldi’s death. Anna was in the family’s garden and Marie went over to chat with her.
At that time, Wolfgang came out of the Neurath’s house and when he saw Anna, he ran
joyfully to her, tried to climb the fence that separated them and cried out, “Tante, Tante,” the
pet name that Poldi had given Anna. In contrast, Wolfgang did not call his contemporary
aunts by this pet name; rather, he used the proper term “Tante.” (3)
Wolfgang Asks his Past Life Mother to Buy Him Puffed Rice

▪ When Wolfgang was four years old, he ran into Elizabeth at the local grocery store. When
she started to leave, Wolfgang said: “Wait for me until I have done my shopping. Then I will
go back with you. We belong together, you now.” (4) Wolfgang walked Elizabeth back to her
home, passing up the Neurath home along the way. He then said, “I have to go back home
over there. You know I live there now.” (5)

▪ In another incident at the same grocery store, Wolfgang and his mother, Marie, met
Elizabeth, Poldi’s mother. Wolfgang said to Elizabeth: “Mama, please buy some puffed rice
for me. My mother over there won’t buy me any.” (6)
With this statement, if was as if Poldi was asking her mother, Elizabeth, to purchase her
favorite food, puffed rice, which was not a staple at her new family’s home.

Wolfgang Knows his Way Around his Past Life Home

▪ When Wolfgang was about 12 years old, he was running errands for Ernst Holzmuller, the
husband of Elizabeth and the father of Poldi. Ernst asked Wolfgang to go back to the
Holzmuller home to get something that he needed that was stored in the attic. Wolfgang ran
over to the Holzmuller home and at the door, Elizabeth offered to get the needed article.

▪ Wolfgang replied: “I already know where it is. I know this house well.” (7) In reality,
Wolfgang had never been to the second floor of the Holzmuller house before, nor had he
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been to their attic. Ian Stevenson noted that on the second floor, there are 6 nearly identical
doors along a central corridor. There was no way to know by looking at the doors which one
led to the attic.

▪ Nonetheless, Wolfgang ran up the stairs to the second floor, picked the correct door for the
attic and scampered back with the article that Ernst needed.

▪ This is reminiscent of how in the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation case, Barbro
knew where pictures should have been found on a wall on her first visit to the Anne Frank
Acceptance of Wolfgang as the Reincarnation of Poldi

▪ Elizabeth and Ernst Holzmuller both believed that Poldi reincarnated as Wolfgang, due to the
announcing dream, Wolfgang's recognition of Tantele Anna, the common behavior of clipping
photographs out of newspapers, his familiarity with the Holly Muller's home and attic, and his
fondness for noodle soup and puffed rice. Note that the Neurath family did not eat puffed rice,
as evidenced by Wolfgang having to implore Elizabeth to buy it for him.

▪ The Holly Muller's also noted that Poldi, prior to her death, told Marie Neurath that she would
like to be the baby that would occupy her new baby carriage. It appears that Poldi wish did
come true.

Child Reincarnation Story of Alessandrina Samona 1 and 2

Alessandrina Dies of Meningitis

▪ Camelo Samona was a medical physician in Palermo, Italy, who in 1911 published a report
regarding a reincarnation case involving his daughter, Alessandrina. Carmelo’s wife’s name
was Adele and in addition to their daughter, they had three sons.

▪ Alessandrina contracted meningitis at the age of about 5 and she died on March 15, 1910.

From the Spirit Realm, Alessandrina

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Communicates through a Dream

▪ Three days after Alessandrina death, her mother, Adele, had a dream of her dead daughter
who said.

▪ “Mother, do not cry, I have not left you, only withdrawn. Look! I am going to become small
like this.” In the dream, Alessandria then made a gesture to indicate the size of a baby. She
then said, “You will have to suffer again for me.” (1)

Alessandrina Knocks on the Door

▪ Three days later, Adele had the same dream. A few days after these dreams, Camelo and
Adele both heard three loud knocks at their door. Their three sons also heard the knocks.

▪ The family opened the door, but no one was there. On April 10, 1910, less than a month
after Alessandrina had died, Adele realized she was pregnant. Due to the dreams and the
knocks on the door, Camelo and Adele decided to participate in séances, hoping to better
understand what was going on.

Alessandrina Communicates from the Spirit World

▪ On May 4, 1910, Camelo and Adele participated in a mediumistic séance. In these

sessions, a medium would pass on information from deceased individuals, souls in the spirit
world, to the human beings who participated in the séance. Often times, deceased relatives
of participants would communicate through the medium. In a séance, Alessandrina came
through and said that she had caused the there knocks on the door to draw attention to

▪ She told her parents that she was coming back and that she would be born before
Christmas. She said she would be very similar to before. She repeatedly said that she
wanted all her family and friends to know that she was returning. Alessandrina said this so
many times that Carmelo found it annoying.

▪ In the séances, Adele and Carmelo were also told that a second soul was around them and
that this soul would be born with Alessandrina. In other words, Adele would have twins.

▪ Through the medium, Alessandrina also told Adele and Camelo that after the third month of
pregnancy, Alessandrina would not be able to communicate through the séances as she
would be more attached to matter and as a result, would be sleeping.

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Prophecies Come True & Reincarnation with Same Appearance

▪ In August 1910, an obstetrician determined that Adele was indeed pregnant with twins. On
November 22, 1910, twin girls were born. Adele and Camelo immediately realized that one of
the girls bore an uncanny resemblance to Alessandrina.

▪ Due to the physical resemblance, they also called this girl Alessandrina, who we will refer to
as Alessandrina 2. They named the other fraternal twin girl Maria. We will refer to the
deceased daughter as Alessandrina 1.

▪ Adele and Camelo noted marked similarities in appearance and behavior between
Alessandrina 1 and 2, which contrasted with the appearance and behavior of Maria. When
the girls where two and a half years old, Camelo published a report outlining these similarities
and differences. They include the following.

Alessandrina 1 & 2 Have the Same Personality Traits & Reincarnation Phobias of Loud
Noises & Barbers

▪ At birth, Alessandrina 1 and 2 both had redness in the left eye, a rash called seborrhea
behind the right ear and slight facial asymmetry. Maria did not have these features.

▪ As toddlers, Alessandrina 1 and 2 were both quiet and liked to sit quietly in their mother’s
lap. They didn’t like to play with toys, but they did like to play with other children. Maria, in
contrast, was restless and liked to be on her own, playing with toys.

▪ Alessandrina 1 and 2 had phobias of loud noises and of barbers, and they both disliked any
cheese. They liked to fold and smooth clothing and cloth, such as sheets and towels. They
both liked to play with shoes and put adult shoes on. Maria didn’t have phobias of noise or
barbers and she liked cheese. She didn’t like to fold cloth or play with shoes. Same Family
Reincarnation, Ian Stevenson Children's Past Life Research, Walter Semkiw Article

▪ Alessandrina 1 and 2 tended to speak in the third person. When fearful, they would say,
“Alessandrina is afraid. (2) They also like to create pet names. For example, Aunt Caterina
became Caterina. (3). They were both left handed, became interested in spiritual matters, but
avoided housework.

▪ Maria, in contrast, did not speak in the third person, didn’t modify names, was right handed
(like all the other family members) and wasn’t interested in spiritual affairs, but she did like

Photographs Confirm Alessandrina 1 & 2 Reincarnation Resemblance

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▪ In his report, Camelo published photos comparing Alessandrina 1 when she was almost 4
years old to Alessandrina 2 and Maria when the twins were 2 years old. The images showed
that indeed, Alessandrina 1 and 2 both had the same facial asymmetry, in that the left eye
was significantly closer to the midline than the right.

▪ The folds of the eyelids were similarly asymmetric. Adele thought that in physical
appearance, Alessandrina 2 matched Alessandrina 1 “perfectly,” except that 1 was darker in
complexion. (4)

Alessandrina 2 Remembers the Visit of Alessandrina 1 to the Church in Monreale & the
Priests Who Wore Red

▪ Camelo also reported a past life memory that Alessandrina 2 had when she was 8 or 9 years
old. Camelo and Adele proposed to their children that they take a vacation trip to the city of
Monreale, where they would tour the great Norman church in that city. Adele said to their

▪ “When you go to Monreale, you will see some sights you have never seen before.”

▪ Alessandrina 2 then responded:

▪ “But Mama, I know Monreale. I have already seen it.” (5)

▪ Adele then told her daughter that she had never been to Monreale. Alessandriana 2 then

▪ “Yes I have. I have been there. Don’t you remember that there is a great church there with
a huge man on the roof with his arms spread out? And do you not remember how we went
there with a lady who had horns, and we met some small priests who wore red?” (6)

▪ Adele and Carmelo were stunned by their daughter’s response. They did not recall ever
speaking to her about Monreale and they were puzzled by her reference to a woman who had

▪ Adele then remembered that a few months before Alessandrina 1’s death, they had taken to
her to Monreale to see the church there. On this trip, they had taken a female friend who had
a skin condition that involved prominent, protruding lesions or bumps on the forehead, which
could be interpreted by a child as horns.

▪ Adele also recalled that just as they were entering the church, they met Orthodox priests
who were wearing blue robes decorated with red. Adele and Camelo also remembered that
Alessandrina 1 took great notice of the woman with the skin condition on her forehead and by

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the priests they had met at the church.

Is This a Reincarnation Case?

▪ The similarities in physical appearance and behavior between Alessandrina 1 and 2 could be
explained by genetics, as they were born from the same parents.

▪ A factor that supports that the similarities are related to the reincarnation includes
observations of spirit being guidance. Adele had dreams in which Alessandrina1 said she
would be reborn to Adele. In addition, Adele participated in seances in which Alessandrina1
said that she would be reborn with a twin, which came true.

▪ The shared phobias of barbers and of loud noises support Alessandrina 2 being the
reincarnation of Alessandrina 1.

▪ Most importantly, Alessandrina 2 had memories of the visit to the church in Monreale, of the
woman with horns on her forehead and the monks in robes with red, which all correspond to
events that occurred in the life of Alessandrina 1.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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Fact Of Reincarnation).
(Forensic Supportive Fact Of Reincarnation).

▪ Handwriting Similarities is one more Principle we found in Critical Analysis of Reincarnation

Case Studies.

▪ As far as we know None of two person in the world have similar handwritings, But case of
Taranjit Singh and case of Chatura made an Amazing Unbelievable fact.

▪ In Taranjit Singh and Chatura Claim, Both of them have similar handwriting of the person
whom they claimed as their previous life.

▪ We can consider this as even Forensic evidence or Forensic supportive fact of


▪ There are only few Documented cases of Handwriting Similarities in Reincarnation cases,
Among them we have given two cases here.

 1. Handwriting similar Case of Taranjit singh

▪ Now, in probably the first-ever case of its kind, a Patiala-based forensic science expert has
sought to scientifically prove the phenomenon. Putting forward for debate his research in a
case involving the rebirth of a child who lived in Chak Chela village of Jalandhar district in his
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past life and now lives in Aluna Miana village of Ludhiana district, Vikram Raj Singh Chauhan
claims to prove on the basis of the comparison between the handwriting of the child in his
previous and present births, the theory that rebirth is possible. His findings have been hailed
at the recent National Conference of Forensic Scientists at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.

▪ A couple of months ago, a six-year-old boy Taranjit Singh of Aluna Miana village near Payal
in Ludhiana claimed to remember his previous life. In fact, according to his economically weak
parents, the boy had been claiming this since he was two years old and used to attempt to run
away from home.

▪ The boy said he was born in Chak Chela village in Jalandhar district in his past birth and his
real name was Satnam Singh and his father’s name was Jeet Singh. He said he was a
student of Class IX in a school in Nihaluwal village at the time of his death.

▪ On September 10, 1992, he was returning home on a bicycle from his school along with his
friend Sukhwinder Singh when a scooter-rider named Joga Singh of Mirajwala village,
Shahkot tehsil, hit him. He received serious injuries on his head and died the following day.

▪ His present father Ranjit Singh said as the boy became more insistent, he and his wife took
him to Chak Chela village in Sangrur district. They could not find anyone resembling the
people their son had described as his parents. When someone told them that there was a
village called Chak Chela in Jalandhar district as well, they decided to go there.

▪ The boy’s father Ranjit Singh and his friend Rajinder Singh went to the government school in
Nihaluwal village in Jalandhar district where they met an old teacher who told that it was true
that a boy named Satnam Singh had died in an accident and he was the son of Jeet Singh of
Chak Chela village.

▪ Then the family reached the house of Jeet Singh and narrated the whole story.

▪ Ranjit Singh also said that his son claimed that the books he was carrying when the accident
occurred had been soaked in his blood. He also had Rs 30 in his purse.

▪ On hearing this, the woman Taranjit claimed was his mother in his previous birth, started
weeping and confirmed his claim. She said she had preserved the blood-stained books and
Rs 30 as the last memory of her child.

▪ After few days Taranjit Singh’s brother in his previous life Kewal Singh, sister Lakhbir Kaur,
friend Buta Singh, father Jeet Singh and mother Mohinder Kaur came to Aluna Miana village
to meet Taranjit.

▪ Lakhbir Kaur showed the photographs of her marriage to Taranjit Singh and asked him to
recognise himself in his previous birth. Taranjit Singh immediately recognised the same as

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also the photo of his parents in his previous birth.
This story was carried in some newspapers. Vikram Chauhan told this writer that as a man of
science, he refused to believe such a story but driven by curiosity, he decided to investigate.

▪ He visited the villages concerned a number of times. The boy and the parents of both the
births repeated the same story. He spoke to a shopkeeper who told him that the boy had
taken a notebook on credit of Rs 3 from him a few days before his death. When the
shopkeeper went to the boy’s village, the boy immediately recognised him but said he owed
him Rs 2 only. The shopkeeper admitted the fact and said he had only wanted to test the
authenticity of the child’s claim.

▪ Thereafter to confirm the incident scientifically, Chauhan took samples of the writings of
Taranjit Singh both in Gurmukhi and English and also of Satnam Singh from the notebooks
kept by the family of Satnam Singh, in order to find out whether or not the handwritings of
Satnam Singh and Taranjit Singh were similar.

▪ A basic theory of forensic science that the handwritings of two different individuals cannot be
the same was the basis of his investigation. If Taranjit Singh and Satnam Singh were the
same person, then their handwritings also had to be the same.

▪ The author explained that a person’s handwriting has specific characteristics, which are
determined by one’s personality and hence no two persons write in the same manner.

▪ It is an applied science combining the study of optics, physiology and psychology. A

person’s psychological makeup determines, to a large extent, his handwriting. Thus, the mind
plays an important role in shaping a person’s handwriting and the hand only translates into
action the dictates of the mind, which cannot be the same in two different writers.

▪ The author revealed he was amazed to find that the handwriting of Taranjit Singh
corresponded almost exactly with that of Satnam Singh. The only difference lay in the
muscular coordination of the two writers as Taranjit Singh was not accustomed to writing. This
was quite unusual and suggested that something in the two boys was same.

▪ The author argued that if it is presumed that the soul is transferred from one person to
another then it can be inferred that the mind will remain the same. Thus, if Satnam Singh’s
soul was believed to have been transferred into Taranjit Singh’s body, then it stood to reason
that the handwriting of Taranjit Singh would correspond with that of Satnam Singh.

▪ The scientist proved this in a conference. According to the minutes of the conference, a
number of forensic experts examined the handwriting samples and found that these were

▪ "I have some scientific basis to claim rebirth is possible", says Chauhan, "but I wish to
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research further on the subject and am closely monitoring the development of the child."
According to Chauhan, another factor bolstered his conclusions. "In his present birth, Taranjit
has never gone to school as he belongs to a poor family, but yet when I told him to write the
English and Punjabi alphabet, he wrote them correctly."

▪ Taranjit is living with the parents of his present birth as they refuse to give him to his former
parents, even though they are poorer than them. The parents of his previous birth have also
not pressed their claim saying they understand the feelings of their counterparts.

 2. Reincarnation Case Study of Boy by name Chatura


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▪ Well, This is the Most the most waiting part for Skeptics, Atheists and Other non Believers of

▪ One True thing we have to say About Medical Science That,Medical Science is purely
based on Clinical Case studies and not on Mechanism, Of course Mechanism is important
But what I am Meaning to say is there are So many Unknown Mechanisms Exists in Modern
Medical Science Where we Don’t know Exact Mechanism But still we Treat Patients it is just
based on patient’s Response to certain Drugs in Clinical Case Studies, They commonly
termed as ‘Idiopathic Conditions’.

▪ One more True thing Regarding Medical Science is Identification of New Disease is Again
begins with case study First, Example say No One knew what is HIV Untill so millions of
People's died with HIV, No One knew What is H1N1 until millions of people died.
In case of New Diseases or A Condition Clinical Case study is very important, What are signs
and symptoms patients have, Brief History taking, General Physical Examination, Systemic
Examination, Then Laboratory Diagnosis like Blood test, Urine test, X-Ray, MRI etc to identify
cause whether Disease is caused by Bacteria or parasite or virus or fungus or
Autoimmune or a Physiological or psychological condition etc, Then last is Mechanism
of the Disease.

▪ One More True thing About Science is

Science is based on
a. Assumption:- It is just imagination which does not have any supportive Evidence.

b. Hypothesis:- When Assumption is supported by little evidence it becomes Hypothesis

Eg:- Tucker Hypothesis, Response to injury Hypothesis, Monoclonal Hypothesis etc.

c. Theory:- When Assumption got more and more Evidence then it becomes theory, Theories
have highest Priority than Assumptions and Hypothesis. eg:- The Big Bang Theory, Modern
Theory of Evolution etc.
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d. Law:- Which is 100% Proved through Scientific Analysis, Experimental, Theoretical,
Mathematical study etc. Eg:- Law of Gravity, Gas Law, Boyle’s Law etc.

You Need all these Basics to Understand Next Concepts.



PART:-1》Research in the Field of Consciousness - What is Consciousness,

Subconscious, Unconscious Mind Everything in Detail.

PART:-2 》Mystery of Consciousness - Body-mind problem, Hard Problem of


PART:-3 》Scientific approach and Srimad Bhagavad Gita Approach to solve the
Mystery of Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard problem of Consciousness).

PART:-4 》The Gautama Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Huxley, Whitehead,
Popper, Searle approach to solve the Mystery of Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem
and Hard problem of Consciousness).







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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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REINCARNATION PART:-1》Research in the Field of
Field of Consciousness - What is Consciousness, Subconscious, Unconscious Mind
Everything in Detail.
Consciousness - What is Consciousness,
Subconscious, Unconscious Mind Everything in Detail
▪ Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object
or something within oneself.

▪ It has been defined as: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, the ability to experience or
to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood, and the executive control system of
the mind.

▪ What Makes me Conscious is I have this distinct feeling that I am Separate from you
and objects of My Experience.

▪ Are we Human Nothing more than machines (Robots), Well Answer is No, Robots Do
not have subjective Experience.

▪ What makes me, the me is itself Consciousness.

▪ Despite the difficulty in definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly shared
underlying intuition about what consciousness is. As Max Velmans and Susan Schneider
wrote in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness: "Anything that we are aware of at a
given moment forms part of our consciousness, making conscious experience at once
the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives."

▪ Western philosophers, since the time of Descartes and Locke, have struggled to
comprehend the nature of consciousness and identify its essential properties. Issues of
concern in the philosophy of consciousness include whether the concept is fundamentally
coherent; whether consciousness can ever be explained mechanistically; whether non-human
consciousness exists and if so how can it be recognized; how consciousness relates to
language; whether consciousness can be understood in a way that does not require a dualistic
distinction between mental and physical states or properties; and whether it may ever be
possible for computing machines like computers or robots to be conscious, a topic studied in
the field of artificial intelligence.

▪ Thanks to recent developments in technology, consciousness has become a significant

topic of research in psychology, neuropsychology and neuroscience within the past few
decades. The primary focus is on understanding what it means biologically and
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psychologically for information to be present in consciousness—that is, on determining the
neural and psychological correlates of consciousness. The majority of experimental studies
assess consciousness by asking human subjects for a verbal report of their experiences (e.g.,
"tell me if you notice anything when I do this"). Issues of interest include phenomena such
as subliminal perception, blindsight, denial of impairment, and altered states of consciousness
produced by alcohol and other drugs, or spiritual or meditative techniques.

▪ In Medical Science, Consciousness is assessed by observing a patient's arousal and

responsiveness, and can be seen as a continuum of states ranging from full alertness and
comprehension, through disorientation, delirium, loss of meaningful communication, and
finally loss of movement in response to painful stimuli. Issues of practical concern include how
the presence of consciousness can be assessed in severely ill, comatose, or anesthetized
people, and how to treat conditions in which consciousness is impaired or disrupted.

A Journey through Human Mind - What is Consciousness, Subconscious,
Unconscious Mind?

▪ The concept of three levels of mind is nothing new.Sigmund Freud, the famous Austrian
psychologist was probably the first to popularize it into mainstream society as we know it

▪ Even though his theories have subsequently been widely disputed in Psychology circles
because they are very hard to scientifically prove, Freud nonetheless created a useful model
of the mind, which he separated into 3 tiers or sections – the conscious mind or ego, the
preconscious, and the unconscious mind.

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▪ The best way I have found to illustrate the concept of the three minds is by using a triangle.
If you imagine at the very tip of the triangle is your conscious mind. It occupies only a small
portion of space at the top, a bit like an iceberg where only a fraction of it is showing
above the water. It probably represents about 10% of your brain capacity.

▪ Below this is a slightly larger section that Freud called the preconscious, or what some
refer to as the subconscious. It is much larger than the conscious mind and accounts for
around 50-60% of your brain capabilities.

▪ The section below this is the unconscious mind. It occupies the whole width of the base of
the triangle and fills out the other 30-40% of the triangle. It is vast and deep and largely
inaccessible to conscious thought, a bit like the dark depths of the ocean.

How They Work Together

▪ Your conscious mind is what most people associate with who you are, because that is where
most people live day to day. But it’s by no means where all the action takes place.

▪ Your conscious mind is a bit like the captain of a ship standing on the bridge giving out
orders. In reality it’s the crew in the engine room below deck (the subconscious and the
deeper unconscious) that carry out the orders. The captain may be in charge of the ship and
give the orders but its the crew that actually guides the ship, all according to what training
they had been given over the years to best do so.

▪ The conscious mind communicates to the outside world and the inner self through
speech, pictures, writing, physical movement, and thought.

▪ The subconscious mind, on the other hand, is in charge of our recent memories, and is in
continuous contact with the resources of the unconscious mind.

▪ The unconscious mind is the storehouse of all memories and past experiences, both those
that have been repressed through trauma and those that have simply been consciously
forgotten and no longer important to us. It’s from these memories and experiences that our
beliefs, habits, and behaviors are formed.

▪ The unconscious constantly communicates with the conscious mind via our
subconscious, and is what provides us with the meaning to all our interactions with the
world, as filtered through your beliefs and habits. It communicates through feelings,
emotions, imagination, sensations, and dreams.

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The Mind in Action

▪ The following analogy may help to clarify the concept of how the three minds work a little

▪ If you imagine you mind is like a computer …

▪ Your conscious mind is best represented by the keyboard and monitor. Data is inputted on
the keyboard and the results are thrown up on the monitor screen. That is how your
conscious mind works – information is taken in via some outside (or internal) stimulus from
your environment and the results are thrown up instantaneously into your consciousness.

▪ Your subconscious is like the RAM in your computer. For those who don’t know, RAM is
the place in a computer where programs and data that are currently in use are kept so
they can easily be reached quickly by the computer processor. It is much faster than
other types of memory, such as the hard disk or CD-ROM.

▪ Your subconscious works in the same way. Any recent memories are stored there for
quick recall when needed, such as what your telephone number is or the name of a person
you just met. It also holds your current programs that you run every day, such as your current
recurring thoughts, behavior patterns, habits, and feelings.

▪ Your unconscious is like the hard disk drive in your computer.It is the long term storage
place for all your memories and programs that have been installed since birth.

▪ Your unconscious mind (and ultimately your subconscious mind) then uses these
programs to make sense of all the data you receive from the world and to keep you safe and
ensure your survival. The logic of these two minds is that if it worked in the past and you
survived, then it will help you get through similar situations by the same means, no matter
how misguided, painful, and unhelpful the results may be to you personally in the outside

The Journey Begins

▪ As mentioned, these sections and their functions have been hotly debated over the years by
many other psychologists, philosophers, and scientists, because it’s very hard to empirically
prove they exist.
▪ Despite all this, I still find it a great analogy to use, and at the end of the day if it works for

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you and makes sense, then that’s all that matters.

The Conscious Mind

▪ If you ask most people to define what the conscious mind does you’ll get varying answers.
Some say what distinguishes it from the subconscious (or even the unconscious) is

▪ But to say the subconscious is unaware is plain wrong. It has been well documented that you
can be influenced by your surroundings or what people say even when your conscious mind is
totally out of it, such as when you’re under anesthetic or asleep. And what about when you
drive to some destination but when you get there you have no memory of the trip. In those
situations it’s your subconscious that stays aware and performs the necessary functions.

▪ Another argument people put forth is that the conscious mind is where you do all your
thinking and logical reasoning. But that too doesn’t entirely distinguish it from your
subconscious or unconscious. Your unconscious minds are the storage place of all your
memories, emotions and habits and are in fact very good at reasoning and logic.

▪ Take, for example, when you were a baby. Your conscious mind had not yet developed
enough to test and measure all the information from your environment, so at this age it sits in
the background and it’s your subconscious and unconscious that does all the data
gathering and reasoning – identifying that the bottle or nipple is a source of food, that crying
gets you attention, that cuddles from mum means you are safe. In this stage it’s your other
two minds hard at work forming logical patterns of association (habits, beliefs, and emotions)
that help you to survive.

▪ By far the best explanation that I have found for the two most powerful functions your fully
developed conscious mind can do that the other two can’t is …

▪ Its ability to direct your focus.

Its ability to imagine that which is not real
It’s these two very important abilities that can change your life. Let's take a quick look at each

Directing Your Focus

▪ While your subconscious mind has a much stronger sense of awareness of your
surroundings than your conscious mind (some suggest it’s where your “sixth sense”

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comes from) and is always switched on, even when asleep, it really does just obey orders
from your conscious mind.

▪ If all you do is focus your conscious thoughts continually on negative things, then your
subconscious will obediently deliver the feelings, emotions, and memories that you have
associated with that type of thinking. And because those feelings will become your reality, you
can then be caught up in a never ending loop of negativity, fear, and anxiety, constantly
looking for the bad in every situation.

▪ Take, for example, when you are laying in bed late at night and hear something go “bump” in
the night. If you let your thoughts and imagination wander to all the horrible things that might
happen, then your subconscious will throw up the feelings, emotions, and memories of past
events that you’ve associated with those thoughts. It's your subconscious way of
protecting you and preparing you for fight or flight in those situations.

▪ On the other hand, if you consciously tell yourself and direct your focus to more rational,
calming thoughts, then the feelings will subside or disappear.

▪ Some people find it quite easy and natural to direct their thoughts towards a more positive
outlook on life and every situation. It really depends on the type of programming your
subconscious and unconscious has had since birth. For example – do you sway towards
pessimism or optimism, negative thinking or positive thinking, happiness or anger, or
somewhere in between? Identifying which way you sway is the start to improving it.

▪ This ability of your conscious mind to direct your attention and awareness is one of the most
important powers you have, and to create change in your life you must learn to control what
you consciously focus on.

▪ But how do you do that? The actual skill of directing your focus is quite simple … all it comes
down to is making a choice. Deciding how you will think and what thoughts you will allow into
your mind will determine your destiny. It can literally be used for good or evil, for constructive
or destructive means.

▪ Our mental thoughts are probably the only one true freedom we have in this world that we
can actually control. A man can be physically trapped in prison in absolute inhumane
conditions and yet still be free in his own mind – Victor Frankl and Nelson Mandela (among
many others) are testament to that fact. We alone can choose how we are going to respond
to our experiences in life.

Using Your Imagination

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▪ The other important ability of the conscious mind is the use of visualization. Your mind can
literally imagine something that is totally new and unique – something you’ve never physically
experienced before. By contrast, your subconscious can only offer versions of what memories
it has stored of your past experiences.

▪ But the really neat trick is that the subconscious can’t distinguish between that which the
conscious mind imagines and that which is real, so whatever is brought up by conscious
imagination and intently focused on, also brings up all the emotions and feelings that are
associated with that image in your mind for you to experience.

▪ For example, if you’ve ever day dreamed before about winning lotto, or perhaps looked
forward to being with that someone special you love, then you would have felt the joy that
those thoughts had conjured up in your head, even though you knew intellectually it wasn’t
physically happening at that very moment.

▪ But your subconscious thought it was happening to you, and that’s why it offered those
feelings and emotions it associated with those thoughts. It truly is a marvelous gift we have!

▪ Visualization can be used to create some amazing results. In one sporting study three
groups of people were tested on their ability to improve their free throw accuracy in basketball.
They were tested at the start of the experiment and at the end.

▪ One group was instructed to physically practicefree throws for 20 days in a row. The
second group was not allowed to train at all. The third group spent 20 minutes a day getting
into a relaxed state and only imagining themselves performing the free throws. They were
also taught that if they missed in their minds, to adjust slightly and see themselves getting it
the next time.

▪ At the end of the experiment the results were incredible. The group that physically practiced
each day improved their score by 24%. The second group who didn’t practice understandably
didn’t improve at all. But the third group, who had only visualized doing it, actually improved
their score by an amazing 23% – nearly as much as group one! Don’t underestimate the
power of the conscious mind.

The Subconscious Mind

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▪ Your subconscious is the work desk of your mind. Controlling and directing it is the key to
personal change.

▪ As I said earlier, your subconscious is a bit like the RAM in your computer. (For those who
don’t know – RAM is the term used for the short term memory in a computer, and its job is to
hold the programs and data that are currently in use so they can be reached quickly and
easily by the computer processor. It’s a lot faster than the other types of memory, such as the
hard disk or CD-ROM.)

▪ Your subconscious works in a similar way to computer RAM. It holds short term memory and
current daily used programs.

The Role of the Subconscious

▪ Apart from short term memory, the subconscious also plays an important role in our day to
day functioning.

▪ It works hard at ensuring you have everything you need for quick recall and access to when
you need it. Things like –

▪ Memories – such as what your telephone number is, how to drive a car without having to
consciously think about it, what you need to get from the shop on the way home etc.
Current programs you run daily, such as behaviors, habits, mood

▪ Filters (such as beliefs and values) to run information through to test their validity according
to your perception of the world

▪ Sensations taken in via your 5 senses and what it means to you

▪ If it doesn’t happen to have a filter or reference point in its RAM for some bits of information
that come in, then it has a direct line to the storage place of the mind – the unconscious. It will
ask the unconscious to pull out the programs that it best associates with the incoming data to
help make sense of it all.

▪ The subconscious is also constantly at work, staying a lot more aware of your surroundings
than you realize. In fact, according to the NLP communication model we are assaulted with
over 2 million bits if data every second. If your conscious mind had to deal with all that you
would very quickly become overwhelmed and not be able to get anything done.

▪ Instead, your subconscious filters out all the unnecessary information and delivers only that

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which is needed at the time, around 7 chunks of information. It does all this behind the scenes
so you can perform your daily work uninhibited. And it does this as logically as it can, based on
the programs it has access to in your unconscious.

▪ And as discussed earlier in the article, it then communicates all the results into
consciousness via emotions, feelings, sensations and reflexes, images and dreams. It doesn’t
communicate in words.

The link into the Subconscious

▪ One of the truly great things about the subconscious (and one which we need to take
advantage of to affect change) is … it obeys orders!

▪ People often erroneously think that the subconscious is in charge and you are merely at its
mercy. In fact it’s the complete opposite. Your conscious mind gives it the direction, the
environment if you like, for which it operates in. The subconscious will only deliver the
emotions and feelings of what you continuously think about.

▪ Now I’m not saying it’s as easy as changing what you think of in one moment and your entire
life will be changed. In most cases your default programs have too much energy attached to
them to change instantaneously. It can be done though – such as after a massive life altering
event or if enough pain is associated with the old behavior – but without a major shift like that
it is likely the old programs will reemerge.

The Unconscious Mind

▪ The unconscious mind is very similar to the subconscious mind in that it also deals with
memories. But there is a difference between the two.

▪ If you remember the symbol of the triangle I used to describe the levels of the human mind,
then you’ll remember that the unconscious sits a layer deeper in the mind under the
subconscious. Although the subconscious and unconscious have direct links to each other
and deal with similar things, the unconscious mind is really the cellar, the underground library
if you like, of all your memories, habits, and behaviors. It is the storehouse of all your deep
seated emotions that have been programmed since birth.

▪ If you want significant change at a core level, then this is the place to work on … but it’s not
easy to get to!

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Unconscious versus Subconscious – What’s the difference?

▪ There’s been plenty of debate over what is the correct term – subconscious or unconscious.

▪ Unconscious is the term usually preferred by Psychologists and Psychiatrists to refer to the
thoughts we have that are “out of reach” of our consciousness. It shouldn’t be confused with
the medical term for unconscious, which basically means knocked out or anesthetized,
although both definitions do have similar qualities.

▪ In simple terms, the unconscious is the storage place for all our memories that have been
repressed or which we don’t wish to recall. A traumatic event in our childhood that has been
blocked out is an example, but it doesn’t have to be so serious as this. It could be something
very distant like what you had for lunch on your first day of school or what the name was of
the childhood friend you played with a couple of times.

▪ It’s a memory that we can’t pull out at our choosing. It’s there, but we can’t remember it no
matter how hard we try. Certain psychoanalytical methods can bring back these memories
(such as hypnosis) or it can be triggered by a particular event (a scent, a familiar place etc).

▪ The important point to remember here, is that we cannot, by choice, remember anything in
our unconscious without some special event or technique. This is the unconscious.

▪ The subconscious, on the other hand, is almost the same, but the major difference is we can
choose to remember. The memories are closer to the surface and more easily accessible with
a little focus.

▪ For example, if I were to ask you to remember what your phone number is, then you could
easily bring that into conscious thought. The interesting thing is that before I asked you to
recall it, you had no conscious thought of it at all. It was stored in your subconscious available
for ready recall when needed, a bit like RAM in a computer because it’s something that you
require quite regularly to remember.

▪ If, however, it wasn’t important to you to recall your phone number that often then it may be
stored a bit deeper, and as a result when you’re asked for your phone number on the spot you
might struggle to remember it.

The Role of the Unconscious

▪ In many respects the unconscious deals with all the same tasks as the subconscious –
memory, habits, feelings, emotions, and behaviors. The difference between the two minds,
however, is that the unconscious is the source of all these programs that your subconscious

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▪ It is the place where all your memories and experiences since birth have been stored. It's
from these memories that your beliefs, habits, and behaviors are formed and reinforced over

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Consciousness - Body-mindPART:-2 》Mystery
problem, Hard of
Problem of Consciousness.
Consciousness - Body-mind problem, Hard Problem
of Consciousness.
▪ In the previous part that is Chapter no 11 part 1 you have read about in detail about
Consciousness, Types of Mind like Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious Mind,

▪ Now in this chapter you are going to read aboutNeural correlates of consciousness as an
approach to the Mechanism of Consciousness and its problems Body-mind problem, Hard
Problem of Consciousness.

 1. What is the mechanism of Consciousness

▪ NCC - Neural Correlates of Consciousness is the Currently Scientifically Accepted theory

of Mechanism of Consciousness.

▪ The neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) constitute the minimal set of neuronal
events and mechanisms sufficient for a specific conscious percept. Neuroscientists use
empirical approaches to discover neural correlates of subjective phenomena. The set should
be minimal because, under the assumption that the brain is sufficient to give rise to any given
conscious experience, the question is which of its components is necessary to produce it.

Medical Science Evidence to this NCC Approach is

▪ The view in Neuroscience is that consciousness as we know it is entirely generated by the

brain and does not exist separately from or independent of the brain.

▪ The Evidences for believing this are straightforward: Chemically and electrically
interacting with the brain can modify or extinguish consciousness (dreamless sleep,
general anesthesia, drugs, brain death); and there have been no reproducible
experiments that have been able to show causal interaction with consciousness
without interfacing with the brain first.

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Problems with Neural Correlates of Consciousness Approach to the
Mechanism of Consciousness

▪ A science of consciousness must explain the exact relationship between subjective mental
states and brain states, the nature of the relationship between the conscious mind and the
electro-chemical interactions in the body (mind–body problem).

▪ Progress in neuropsychology and neurophilosophy has come from focusing on the body
rather than the mind. In this context the neuronal correlates of consciousness may be viewed
as its causes, not as mechanism and consciousness may be thought of as a state-dependent
property of some undefined complex, adaptive, and highly interconnected biological

▪ Discovering and characterizing neural correlates does not offer a theory of

consciousness that can explain how particular systems experience anything at all, or how
and why they are associated with consciousness, the so-called hard problem of
consciousness, but understanding the NCC may be a step toward such a theory.

▪ Most neurobiologists assume that the variables giving rise to consciousness are to be found
at the neuronal level, governed by classical physics, though a few scholars have proposed
theories of quantum consciousness based on quantum mechanics.

▪ There is great apparent redundancy and parallelism in neural networks so, while activity in
one group of neurons may correlate with a percept in one case, a different population might
mediate a related percept if the former population is lost or inactivated. It may be that every
phenomenal, subjective state has a neural correlate.

▪ Where the NCC can be induced artificially the subject will experience the associated
percept, while perturbing or inactivating the region of correlation for a specific percept will
affect the percept or cause it to disappear, giving a cause-effect relationship from the neural
region to the nature of the percept.

▪ What characterizes the NCC? What are the commonalities between the NCC for seeing
and for hearing? Will the NCC involve all the pyramidal neurons in the cortex at any
given point in time? Or only a subset of long-range projection cells in the frontal lobes
that project to the sensory cortices in the back? Neurons that fire in a rhythmic
manner? Neurons that fire in a synchronous manner? These are some of the problems
that have been advanced over the years.

▪ The growing ability of neuroscientists to manipulate neurons using methods from molecular
biology in combination with optical tools (e.g., Adamantidis et al. 2007) depends on the
simultaneous development of appropriate behavioral assays and model organisms amenable
to large-scale genomic analysis and manipulation.
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▪ It is the combination of such fine-grained neuronal analysis in animals with ever more
sensitive psychophysical and brain imaging techniques in humans, complemented by the
development of a robust theoretical predictive framework, that will hopefully lead to a
rational understanding of consciousness, one of the central mysteries of life.




▪ The mind–body problem is the problem of explaining how mental states, events and
processes—like beliefs, actions and thinking—are related to the physical states, events and
processes, given that the human body is a physical entity and the mind is non-physical.

▪ The problem was addressed by René Descartes in the 17th century, resulting inCartesian
dualism, and by pre-Aristotelian philosophers, in Avicennian philosophy, and in earlier
Asian traditions.

▪ A variety of approaches have been proposed. Most are either dualist or monist.

▪ Dualism maintains a rigid distinction between the realms of mind and matter. Monism
maintains that there is only one unifying reality, substance or essence in terms of
which everything can be explained.

▪ Each of these categories contain numerous variants.

▪ The two main forms of dualism are Substance dualism, which holds that the mind is
formed of a distinct type of substance not governed by the laws of physics, and property
dualism, which holds that mental properties involving conscious experience are fundamental

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properties, alongside the fundamental properties identified by a completed physics.

▪ The three main forms of monism are physicalism, which holds that the mind consists of
matter organized in a particular way; idealism, which holds that only thought truly exists and
matter is merely an illusion; and neutral monism, which holds that both mind and matter are
aspects of a distinct essence that is itself identical to neither of them.

▪ Several philosophical perspectives have been developed which reject the mind–body
dichotomy. The historical materialism of Karl Marx and subsequent writers, itself a form of
physicalism, held that consciousness was engendered by the material contingencies of one's
environment. An explicit rejection of the dichotomy is found in French structuralism, and is a
position that generally characterized post-war French philosophy.

▪ The absence of an empirically identifiable meeting point between the non-physical mind and
its physical extension has proven problematic to dualism and many modern philosophers of
mind maintain that the mind is not something separate from the body.

▪ These approaches have been particularly influential in the sciences, particularly in the fields
of sociobiology, computer science, evolutionary psychology, and the neurosciences.

▪ An ancient model of the mind known as the Five-Aggregate Model explains the mind as
continuously changing sense impressions and mental phenomena.

▪ Considering this model, it is possible to understand that it is the constantly changing sense
impressions and mental phenomena (i.e., the mind) that experiences/analyzes all external
phenomena in the world as well as all internal phenomena including the body anatomy, the
nervous system as well as the organ brain.

▪ This conceptualization leads to two levels of analyses:

(i) analyses conducted from a third-person perspective on how the brain works, and

(ii) analyzing the moment-to-moment manifestation of an individual’s mind-stream (analyses

conducted from a first-person perspective).

▪ Considering the latter, the manifestation of the mind-stream is described as happening in

every person all the time, even in a scientist who analyses various phenomena in the world,
including analyzing and hypothesizing about the organ brain.

Mind–body interaction and mental causation

▪ Philosophers David L. Robb and John H. Heil introduce mental causation in terms of the
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mind–body problem of interaction:

“Mind–body interaction has a central place in our pre theoretic conception of agency... Indeed,
mental causation often figures explicitly in formulations of the mind–body problem.... Some
philosophers... insist that the very notion of psychological explanation turns on the intelligibility
of mental causation. If your mind and its states, such as your beliefs and desires, were
causally isolated from your bodily behavior, then what goes on in your mind could not explain
what you do... If psychological explanation goes, so do the closely related notions of agency
and moral responsibility...Clearly, a good deal rides on a satisfactory solution to the problem
of mental causation [and] there is more than one way in which puzzles about the mind's
"causal relevance" to behavior (and to the physical world more generally) can arise”.

▪ “[René Descartes] set the agenda for subsequent discussions of the mind–body relation.

▪ According to Descartes, minds and bodies are distinct kinds of substance. Bodies, he
held, are spatially extended substances, incapable of feeling or thought; minds, in contrast,
are unextended, thinking, feeling substances.

▪ If minds and bodies are radically different kinds of substance, however, it is not easy to see
how they could causally interact... Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia puts it forcefully to him in a
1643 letter.

“how the human soul can determine the movement of the animal spirits in the body so as to
perform voluntary acts—being as it is merely a conscious substance. For the determination of
movement seems always to come about from the moving body's being propelled—to depend
on the kind of impulse it gets from what sets it in motion, or again, on the nature and shape of
this latter thing's surface. Now the first two conditions involve contact, and the third involves
that the impelling thing has extension; but you utterly exclude extension from your notion of
soul, and contact seems to me incompatible with a thing's being immaterial”.

▪ Elizabeth is expressing the prevailing mechanistic view as to how causation of bodies

works... Causal relations countenanced by contemporary physics can take several forms, not
all of which are of the push–pull variety.

▪ David Robb and John Heil, "Mental Causation" in The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy Contemporary neurophilosopher, Georg Northoff suggests that mental causation is
compatible with classical formal and final causality.

▪ Biologist, theoretical neuroscientist and philosopher, Walter J. Freeman, suggests that

explaining mind–body interaction in terms of "circular causation" is more relevant than
linear causation.

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▪ In neuroscience, much has been learned about correlations between brain activity and
subjective, conscious experiences. Many suggest that neuroscience will ultimately explain
consciousness: "...consciousness is a biological process that will eventually be explained in
terms of molecular signaling pathways used by interacting populations of nerve cells..."

▪ However, this view has been criticized because consciousness has yet to be shown to be a
process, and the "hard problem" of relating consciousness directly to brain activity remains

▪ Cognitive science today gets increasingly interested in the embodiment of human

perception, thinking, and action. Abstract information processing models are no longer
accepted as satisfactory accounts of the human mind. Interest has shifted to interactions
between the material human body and its surroundings and to the way in which such
interactions shape the mind. Proponents of this approach have expressed the hope that it will
ultimately dissolve the Cartesian divide between the immaterial mind and the material
existence of human beings (Damasio, 1994; Gallagher, 2005).

▪ A topic that seems particularly promising for providing a bridge across the mind–body
cleavage is the study of bodily actions, which are neither reflexive reactions to external stimuli
nor indications of mental states, which have only arbitrary relationships to the motor features
of the action (e.g., pressing a button for making a choice response).

▪ The shape, timing, and effects of such actions are inseparable from their meaning. One
might say that they are loaded with mental content, which cannot be appreciated other than by
studying their material features. Imitation, communicative gesturing, and tool use are
examples of these kinds of actions.
— Georg Goldenberg, "How the Mind Moves the Body: Lessons From Apraxia" in
Oxford Handbook of Human Action

 3. Hard Problem of Consciousness

▪ The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining how and why we have
qualia or phenomenal experiences, how sensations acquire characteristics, such as colors
and tastes.

▪ The philosopher David Chalmers, who introduced the term "hard problem" of
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consciousness, contrasts this with the "easy problems" of explaining the ability to
discriminate, integrate information, report mental states, focus attention, etc.

▪ Easy problems are easy because all that is required for their solution is to specify a
mechanism that can perform the function.

▪ That is, their proposed solutions, regardless of how complex or poorly understood they may
be, can be entirely consistent with the modern materialistic conception of natural phenomena.

▪ Chalmers claims that the problem of experience is distinct from this set, and he argues that
the problem of experience will "persist even when the performance of all the relevant functions
is explained".

▪ The existence of a "hard problem" is controversial and has been disputed by philosophers
such as Daniel Dennett and cognitive neuroscientists such as Stanislas Dehaene.Clinical
neurologist and skeptic Steven Novella has dismissed it as "the hard non-problem".

Formulation of the problem

Chalmers' formulation
▪ In Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness (1995),Chalmers wrote:

It is undeniable that some organisms are subjects of experience. But the question of how it is
that these systems are subjects of experience is perplexing. Why is it that when our cognitive
systems engage in visual and auditory information-processing, we have visual or auditory
experience: the quality of deep blue, the sensation of middle C? How can we explain why
there is something it is like to entertain a mental image, or to experience an emotion? It is
widely agreed that experience arises from a physical basis, but we have no good explanation
of why and how it so arises. Why should physical processing give rise to a rich inner life at all?
It seems objectively unreasonable that it should, and yet it does.

In the same paper, he also wrote:

The really hard problem of consciousness is the problem of experience. When we think and
perceive there is a whir of information processing, but there is also a subjective aspect.

The philosopher Raamy Majeed noted in 2016 that the hard problem is, in fact,
associated with two "explanatory targets"

▪ [PQ] Physical processing gives rise to experiences with a phenomenal character.

▪ [Q] Our phenomenal qualities are thus-and-so.

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The first fact concerns the relationship between the physical and the phenomenal, whereas
the second concerns the very nature of the phenomenal itself. Most responses to the hard
problem are aimed at explaining either one of these facts or both.

Easy problems

▪ Chalmers contrasts the hard problem with a number of (relatively) easy problems that
consciousness presents. He emphasizes that what the easy problems have in common is that
they all represent some ability, or the performance of some function or behavior.

▪ Examples of easy problems include

the ability to discriminate, categorize, and react to environmental stimuli;
the integration of information by a cognitive system; the reportability of mental states;
the ability of a system to access its own internal states;the focus of attention; the deliberate
control of behavior; the difference between wakefulness and sleep.

Other formulations

Other formulations of the "hard problem" include:

"How is it that some organisms are subjects of experience?"

"Why does awareness of sensory information exist at all?"
"Why do qualia exist?"
"Why is there a subjective component to experience?"
"Why aren't we philosophical zombies?"

Historical predecessors

▪ The hard problem has scholarly antecedents considerably earlier than Chalmers, as
Chalmers himself has pointed out.

▪ The physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton wrote in a 1672 letter to Henry Oldenburg:

to determine by what modes or actions light produced in our minds the phantasm of colour is
not so easie.

▪ In An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), the philosopher and physician

John Locke argued:

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Divide matter into as minute parts as you will (which we are apt to imagine a sort of
spiritualizing or making a thinking thing of it) vary the figure and motion of it as much as you
please—a globe, cube, cone, prism, cylinder, etc., whose diameters are but 1,000,000th part
of a gry, will operate not otherwise upon other bodies of proportionable bulk than those of an
inch or foot diameter—and you may as rationally expect to produce sense, thought, and
knowledge, by putting together, in a certain figure and motion, gross particles of matter, as by
those that are the very minutest that do anywhere exist. They knock, impel, and resist one
another, just as the greater do; and that is all they can do... [I]t is impossible to conceive that
matter, either with or without motion, could have originally in and from itself sense, perception,
and knowledge; as is evident from hence that then sense, perception, and knowledge must be
a property eternally inseparable from matter and every particle of it.

▪ The polymath and philosopher Gottfried Leibniz wrote in 1714, as an example also known as
Leibniz's gap:

Moreover, it must be confessed that perception and that which depends upon it are
inexplicable on mechanical grounds, that is to say, by means of figures and motions. And
supposing there were a machine, so constructed as to think, feel, and have perception, it
might be conceived as increased in size, while keeping the same proportions, so that one
might go into it as into a mill. That being so, we should, on examining its interior, find only
parts which work one upon another, and never anything by which to explain a perception.

▪ The philosopher and political economist J.S. Mill wrote in A System of Logic (1843), Book
V, Chapter V, section 3

Now I am far from pretending that it may not be capable of proof, or that it is not an important
addition to our knowledge if proved, that certain motions in the particles of bodies are the
conditions of the production of heat or light; that certain assignable physical modifications of
the nerves may be the conditions not only of our sensations or emotions, but even of our
thoughts; that certain mechanical and chemical conditions may, in the order of nature, be
sufficient to determine to action the physiological laws of life. All I insist upon, in common with
every thinker who entertains any clear idea of the logic of science, is, that it shall not be
supposed that by proving these things one step would be made towards a real explanation of
heat, light, or sensation; or that the generic peculiarity of those phenomena can be in the least
degree evaded by any such discoveries, however well established. Let it be shown, for
instance, that the most complex series of physical causes and effects succeed one another in
the eye and in the brain to produce a sensation of colour; rays falling on the eye, refracted,
converging, crossing one another, making an inverted image on the retina, and after this a
motion—let it be a vibration, or a rush of nervous fluid, or whatever else you are pleased to
suppose, along the optic nerve—a propagation of this motion to the brain itself, and as many
more different motions as you choose; still, at the end of these motions, there is something
which is not motion, there is a feeling or sensation of colour. Whatever number of motions we

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may be able to interpolate, and whether they be real or imaginary, we shall still find, at the
end of the series, a motion antecedent and a colour consequent. The mode in which any one
of the motions produces the next, may possibly be susceptible of explanation by some general
law of motion: but the mode in which the last motion produces the sensation of colour, cannot
be explained by any law of motion; it is the law of colour: which is, and must always remain, a
peculiar thing. Where our consciousness recognises between two phenomena an inherent
distinction; where we are sensible of a difference which is not merely of degree, and feel that
no adding one of the phenomena to itself would produce the other; any theory which attempts
to bring either under the laws of the other must be false; though a theory which merely treats
the one as a cause or condition of the other, may possibly be true.

The biologist T.H. Huxley wrote in 1868:

But what consciousness is, we know not; and how it is that anything so remarkable as a state
of consciousness comes about as the result of irritating nervous tissue, is just as
unaccountable as the appearance of the Djin when Aladdin rubbed his lamp in the story, or as
any other ultimate fact of nature.

The philosopher Thomas Nagel argued in 1974:

If physicalism is to be defended, the phenomenological features must themselves be given a

physical account. But when we examine their subjective character it seems that such a result
is impossible. The reason is that every subjective phenomenon is essentially connected with a
single point of view, and it seems inevitable that an objective, physical theory will abandon
that point of view.

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REINCARNATION PART:-3 》Scientific approach and
CHAPTERBhagavad Gita Approach
NO:- 11 》MECHANISM to solve
approach and Srimad Bhagavad Gita Approach to solve the Mystery of
of Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard
Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard problem of Consciousness).
problem of Consciousness).
 1. Scientific Approach to Solve Mystery of Consciousness

Modern science may delve into therecesses of the brain, but can it
explainthe phenomenon of consciousness?

▪ Since the time of Descartes, science has tried to reduce reality to mathematical form. Yet
the conscious experience of form, color, and emotion remains stubbornly in a cate​gory of its

▪ “Scientific psychology,” as the well known saying goes, “having first lost its soul, later its
consciousness, seems finally to lose its mind altogether,” wrote philosopher Herbert Feigl,
director of the Minnesota Center for the Philosophy of Science. He thus summarizes one of
the most fundamental trends in modern thought—the reduction of all spiritual and mental
phenomena exclusively to biochemical brain functions.

▪ Some philosophers have enthusiastically assisted in this task. Gilbert Ryle, re​nowned
professor of metaphysical philoso​phy at Oxford University, says about the idea that the mind
is something nonphysical, “I shall speak of it with deliberate abusiveness, as the dogma of the
‘Ghost in the Machine.’ I hope to prove that it is entirely false, and false not in detail, but in

▪ One philosophical school, the eliminative materialists, goes so far as to advocate

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com​pletely dropping words such as conscious​ness, feeling, seeing, or pain from the
vocabulary of scientific discussion. They claim that these words are purely subjec​tive and
thus have no real meaning, even though this is contrary to all practical expe​rience. Describing
this approach, philoso​pher Richard Rorty of Princeton states that a representative of this view
would say to someone, “It would make life simpler for us if you would in the future say, ‘My C-
fibers are firing’ instead of saying I’m in pain.”

▪ The philosophers, however, are merely following the lead of modern science, which from its
very beginnings has been mecha​nistic. In 1750 the French physician de La Mettrie wrote, “Let
us conclude boldly then, that man is a machine.” And in more recent times we find Oxford
zoologist Ri​chard Dawkins proclaiming, “We are sur​vival machines—robot vehicles blindly
programmed to preserve the selfish mol​ecules known as genes.”

▪ Scientist Herbert L. Melzer writes in The Chemistry of Human Behavior: “The full range of
those emotional and intellectual capabilities which we regard as uniquely human originates in
an incredibly complex overlay of neurochemical organization upon highly specialized
morphological structures…. We do not need to mean anything more by the term mind than the
total organization of functions, memories, and capabilities that characterize any par​ticular
brain.” Many scientists are not trou​bled by the profoundly depersonalizing social and
psychological effects of this view. Professor John Taylor of King’s College, London, states:
“The mind appears now to be a near-powerless ‘epiphenomenon’ of the physical brain.” He
adds that realiza​tion of this fact “will cause a complete de​struction of people’s understanding
of their place in the world, as well as undermining the traditional institutions of society.” What
solution does he propose? He simply urges that we “start to prepare people to live in a
deterministic world. “

▪ Major movements in modern psychology have also taken a strictly mechanistic ap​proach to
mental phenomena. John B. Wat​son, a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University,
was the founder of the behaviorist school. About consciousness, he wrote, “It has never been
seen, touched, smelled, tasted, or moved. It is a plain as​sumption just as unprovable as the
old con​cept of the soul.” Carrying this further, the most famous behavioral psychologist, B. F.
Skinner, once declared that he would abo​lish what he calls “the inner man… the man
defended by the literatures of freedom and dignity.” He further stated, “His aboli​tion has been
long overdue… he has been constructed from our ignorance, and as our understanding
increases, the very stuff of which he is composed vanishes.”

▪ Sigmund Freud’s psychology was also based upon an essentially materialistic view of
human nature. Early in his career, Freud, then a neuroanatomist, embarked upon an
ambitious project to demonstrate that mental phenomena were directly pro​duced by an
organic mechanism. Although he eventually gave up the attempt, he re​mained convinced
about his hypothesis. “I… have no desire at all,” he wrote to a colleague, “to leave the
psychology hang​ing in the air with no organic basis. But be​yond the feeling of conviction (that

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there must be such a basis), I have nothing, either theoretical or therapeutic, to work on, and
so I must behave as if I were confronted by psychological factors only. I have no idea why I
cannot yet fit it together. “

▪ In recent times, some scientists have de​cided that if man is no more than a sophisti​cated
thinking machine it might be possible for them to build such machines themselves. A leader in
computer research, Marvin Minsky of M.I.T., believes that a ma​chine will soon be created with
“the general intelligence of an average human being…. The machine will be able to educate
itself… In a few months it will be at genius level… A few months after that its power will be
incalculable.” Then Minsky adds, “If we are lucky, they might decide to keep us as pets.”

▪ Convinced that the new technology of ar​tificial intelligence will enable man to re​place almost
everything, Professor Arthur Harkins, director of the Graduate Futures Program at the
University of Minnesota, says that by the year 2000, people will be getting married to robots
and society will begin to ponder the definition of “hu​man.” This vision of a future adorned with
humanoid computers may appear tit​illating to science-fiction buffs, but how well does it tally
with what it really means to be human? Our thoughts, feelings, and desires lie at the very
heart of what we all call the human experience. In their hasty dash to equate sophisticated
machines with human beings, many philosophers, psychologists, and scientists have
tram​pled upon some fundamental distinctions between the two.

▪ The reason for their confusion can be traced to the basic strategy of modern sci​ence, which
holds that everything can be explained according to relatively simple physical laws. Armed
with this mechanistic assumption scientists can embark upon a study of the brain with the
reasonable hope of eventually being able to account for, control, and duplicate all of its
functions, including what we call consciousness.

▪ But what if a nonphysical vital principle or force were involved? Then the investigative task
be​comes hopelessly complicated. So most scientists stick to the strategy of insisting that the
brain can be explained by simple physical laws and proceed with their theories and
experiments. As B. F. Skinner says in Beyond Freedom and Dignity, “Only then can we turn
from the infrared to the observed, from the miraculous to the natural, from the inaccessible to
the manipulable.”

▪ There is, however, more to the human mind than information processing. It is consciousness
itself that is the foundation of all experience, but no one can describe it by numerical
expressions in the same way as chemical reactions, the force of gravity, and other physical
phenomena. Yet just because it cannot be measured by quantita​tive means in no way denies
its existence - consciousness can clearly be known by experience.

▪ This suggests a serious limitation of the mechanistic approach, namely, that it can only
describe behavior connected with con​sciousness but not consciousness itself. Faced with this

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difficulty, many scientists, rather than admit that consciousness is be​yond physical
description, choose to char​acterize it as nothing more than a complex pattern of behavior.
This misconception al​lows them to suppose that machines and computers of sufficient
sophistication can become conscious.

▪ But there are many clear and direct examples showing how conscious awareness is entirely
different from the physical be​havior associated with it. For instance, what happens when a
person accidentally strikes his thumb with a hammer? Certain characteristic patterns of
behavior result— the person may shout, wave his hand, grimace, etc.

▪ An examination of the body’s reaction will reveal chemical changes in the blood, patterns of
electrochemical impulses in the brain, and so forth. While these measurable effects are part of
the event, they are distinct from the experience of pain itself. Although everyone readily
understands the sensa​tion of pain because it is a common con​scious experience, it cannot be
defined in physical terms. Therefore science prefers to confine itself to what can by physically
described—namely, patterns of electro​chemical impulses. But if the brain is no more than an
information processing de​vice for these impulses, then what makes it any different from the
machines the scien​tists themselves use to record experimental data from the brain?

▪ The answer is clear—in describing the functioning of the machine we have no need to bring
in any concept of pain. That is, we have no need to suppose that the ma​chine feels pain. The
same thing is true of a description of the brain. Yet we know from experience that a person
feels pain. There​fore, the concept “experience of pain” is something independent and distinct
from all our ideas and statements about the func​tioning of machines and of brains.

▪ Let us imagine a second instance - a ma​chine that when exposed to a red light would say.
“I see a red light.” Such a ma​chine could be built by connecting a photo​cell with a red filter to
an amplifier. When triggered, the amplifier would turn on a tape recorder that plays back the
message. “I see a red light.”

▪ Although the machine declares that it “sees” a red light, no one in his right mind would
imagine that it is actually “seeing” anything. Similarly, a tape recorder re​ceives sound
impulses but does not hear, and an automobile moves but does not itself experience motion.

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While machines per​form certain activities that could duplicate those of a human being, all the
actions of the machine are reducible to a mechanistic explanation. But in the case of a human
be​ing endowed with conscious awareness, physical description is inadequate to de​scribe his
personal experience. The human body behaves somewhat like a complex ma​chine, and its
actions can be described in physical, measurable terms to some extent. But beyond these
physically quantifiable descriptions, which deal exclusively with the mechanics of behavior
and perception, is the non-quantifiable realm of conscious​ness. Admittedly, science has
succeeded in accounting for certain observable phe​nomena in strictly physical terms, but we
should not extrapolate and conclude that everything—including consciousness–can be
explained mechanistically. Other possibilities not only exist, but are fre​quently more
reasonable and comprehen​sive, and we should remain open to consider them.

▪ Even Thomas Huxley pointed out the ir​reducible nature of consciousness. He stated, “I
understand the main tenet of ma​terialism to be that there is nothing in the universe but matter
and force: and that all the phenomena of nature arc explicable by deduction from the
properties assignable to these two primitive factors… It seems to me pretty plain that there is
a third thing in the universe, to wit, consciousness, which… I cannot see to be matter or force,
or any conceivable modification of either.”

▪ Nevertheless, many scientists reject the idea that consciousness has any reality and remain
determined to account for it in mechanistic terms.

▪ A popular current theory known as functionalism, which provides a framework for research in
artificial intelligence, relegates the activities of the mind to computer like responses to external
stimuli. The concept of consciousness is dismissed, and all hu​man feelings and sensations
are reduced to mathematical constructs.

▪ For example, in the case of a headache, the experience of pain (which we naturally consider
to be the headache) is not referred to at all. What then is a headache? Hard as this may be to
believe, MIT artificial intelli​gence researcher Jerry A. Fodor, one of functionalism’s main
proponents, states, “To have a headache is to be disposed to ex​hibit a certain pattern of
relations between the stimuli one encounters and the re​sponses one exhibits.” In other words,
what he calls a headache is defined to be some brain software that makes us behave as if we
have a headache. But pain itself is left out of the picture, because pain cannot be written into
a computer program.

▪ Due to this obvious failure to explain per​sonal experiences, even Fodor, who is fully
committed to a physical explanation of con​sciousness, admits that mechanistic theo​ries such
as functionalism are incomplete. He states, “Many psychologists who are in​clined to accept
the functionalistic frame​work are nonetheless worried about the failure of functionalism to
reveal much about the nature of consciousness. Func​tionalists have made a few ingenious
at​tempts to talk themselves and their colleagues out of this worry, but they have not, in my

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view, done so with much suc​cess. As matters stand, the problem of qualitative content [of
consciousness] poses a serious threat to the assertion that functionalism can provide a
general theory of the mental.”

▪ Because the issue of consciousness has raised a fundamental impasse in all mecha​nistic
attempts to explain human exis​tence, some scientists have rejected the widely accepted
mechanistic viewpoint. Among the dissenters is renowned Nobel-laureate physicist Eugene
Wigner. “There are two kinds of reality or existence: the ex​istence of my consciousness and
the reality or existence of everything else.” states Wigner, “The latter reality is not absolute but
only relative.” Wigner observed that external, measurable phenomena are known to him only
by virtue of his con​sciousness, and thus consciousness is, if anything, more real than these
phenom​ena. After extensive research in this area, Alan Gevins of EEC Systems Laboratory in
San Francisco concluded that the mind may have transcendent qualities. Gevins says, “When
it comes to creativity, inspira​tion, the more ethereal aspects of the mind—well, they might
ultimately be mys​terious. I’m not as firm as some of my col​leagues in the belief that the mind
can be reduced to a flow of electrons.”

Historical Overview of the Mind-Body Problem

▪ Throughout history, many scientists and philosophers have contemplated how to de​fine the
subtle and remarkable mind. The analysis of the relationship between con​sciousness and the
brain is known in West​ern thought as the “mind-body problem.”

▪ Thomas Huxley Quote We have seen that consciousness cannot be accounted for in
physical terms, but that still leaves open many questions. What ex​actly is consciousness, and
how is it related to the brain? If it is simply a product of the brain’s higher neural centers it may
be pos​sible to account for it by a non quantitative description of the brain. Or could it be that
consciousness is associated with a separate entity connected with the brain? In West​ern
thought, the words mind and self have been used interchangeably to name this en​tity. For the
time being, therefore, we shall also use the words mind and self in this spe​cific sense. But we
shall later point out a fundamental distinction between the mind and the conscious self.

▪ Traditionally, Western thinkers have re​garded consciousness or mind as nonphysical and

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distinct from the brain. One well known mind-body theory of this type was presented by
seventeenth-century French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes. His dualistic
conception postu​lated two kinds of substances—mental and corporal. The essence of a
mental sub​stance is that it has thoughts and is con​scious of them, and the essence of a
corporeal substance is that it has position in space. Mind and matter can and do interact and
influence one another: matter influencing mind is called sensation, and mind in​fluencing
matter is called the exertion of will. Thus his theory became known as interactionism.

▪ Descartes reasoned that mind, as a non-physical substance, would not occupy position in
space. But his opponents insisted that a mind without position in space would be unable to
influence the material body, which has a position in space. This was a criticism that Descartes
never effec​tively countered.

▪ One reason for Descartes’ failure was the way he conceived of the mental substance. He
assumed that if something has certain fundamental characteristics that cannot be described in
physical terms, then all of its properties must be beyond physical de​scription. But it is within
the realm of possi​bility that a nonmaterial substance could also possess some properties that
can be placed within the framework of material measurement.

▪ For instance, there is no logical reason to exclude the possibility of a nonmaterial mental
substance having position and being able to interact with the brain. But op​ponents of
Descartes’ theory, among whom may be numbered most physicists, strongly reject such
interactionism be​cause it would violate the laws of conserva​tion of energy and momentum. If a
nonphysical entity, the mind, influences the brain, it would tend to alter the brain’s energy
states, a phenomenon physicists would find unacceptable because it clashes with their
equations defining the laws of physics. These equations specify that mat​ter moves solely
according to causes gov​erned by physical laws. If nonphysical causes and laws were
involved, the equa​tions of physics would no longer suffice to describe the movements of

▪ Here we might point out that as of yet no one has proved that all matter obeys only the
physical laws. In particular, no one has ever offered a complete mathematical de​scription of
the brain and its functions. Within the human brain there are one hun​dred billion nerve cells.
No one can possibly trace out or monitor all the energy transfers in the brain. Therefore the
physicists’ ob​jection to interactionism is simply not valid, and is fostered by a desire to impose
a particular, restrictive view of the mind’s re​lationship with the brain.

▪ Before Descartes practically all thinkers accepted that the mind or self was different from the
body or brain. Descartes at​tempted to formulate this dualism in such a way as to overcome
the objections of those who were being influenced by the rise of mechanistic science, which
had no room for nonphysical substances. But his expla​nation left so many questions
unresolved that most thinkers approaching the mind-body question after Descartes gave up

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▪ Others made cautious efforts to formu​late dualistic models that did not interfere with the
known laws of physics. One such idea is epiphenomenalism. the proponents of which include
Darwin’s champion, Thomas Huxley. Epiphenomenalism pre​sents what seems to be dualism
of the mind and brain, but is really an attempt to maintain the superiority of mechanistic views
by employing a highly unusual model. Epi​phenomenalism states that matter gives rise to a
nonphysical consciousness, but theses tales of consciousness have no influence on matter.
This model has two major shortcomings. First, it doesn’t explain how consciousness could
arise from matter. Second. the idea that consciousness doesn’t act upon matter is extremely
awk​ward. In physics, all aspects of a physical system have some effect on the behavior of the
total system. Why should conscious​ness be an exception?

A Non Dualistic Approach

▪ Another school of thought, monism, pro​poses that the mind and the brain are one and the
same. There are a num​ber of monistic models—some deny consciousness and others identify
it with the physical structures of the brain.

▪ One such school of monistic thought holds that matter inher​ently possesses the attribute of
consciousness. This view, which can be termed panpsychism, is historically identified with the
seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza, who slated, “Omnia quamvis diversis
gradibus. animation”—that everything in ex​istence is to one degree or another animate, or
conscious. Spinoza believed in one uni​versal substance, each part of which has both physical
and psychic properties. Ac​cording to this view, even an atom would have some dim atomic
awareness, and as more complex organizations of matter de​veloped, then correspondingly
more com​plex forms of consciousness would emerge.

▪ Such ideas are useful for biologists, who almost without exception believe that life has
evolved from matter by physical laws. Given this mechanistic assumption, there arises the

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problem of explaining the origin of consciousness. Panpsychism, which at​tributes some
degree of consciousness to even disorganized matter, provides a possi​ble evolutionary
explanation. One propo​nent of this approach is German zoologist Bernhard Rensch. He
posits, in addition to the physical properties of matter, what he calls “parallel psychic
components,” such as consciousness. “Molecules and atoms should also be credited with
basic parallel components of some kind,” he slates. These parallel processes can be
recog​nized as such only after the respective molecules have become part of Ihe
psy​chophysical substance (nerve and sense cells) of an organism, so that the parallel
components form a complex of conscious phenomena that can be ‘experienced’.

▪ A major difficulty with this approach to panpsychism involves the unity of con​sciousness. If
every atom is separately con​scious, then what mechanism integrates their awareness? Why
should a carbon atom in a human brain, for instance, feel any different than when it is in a
piece of wood? And since the brain is merely a com​bination of various atoms, why is the
brain’s consciousness unified and not just a mere sum total of all these atomic
con​sciousnesses? This difficulty has been rec​ognized by Nobel-laureate neurobiologist John
C. Eccles, who wrote, “Hitherto it has been impossible lo develop any neurophysiological
theory that explains how a diver​sity of brain events comes to be synthesized so that there is a
unified conscious experi​ence of a global or gestalt character. The brain events remain
disparate, being essentially the individual actions of countless neurones that are built into
complex circuits.”

▪ Scientists such as Rensch, attempting to overcome this problem, have offered the
ex​planation that patterns of matter also have consciousness, and that we are merely one set
of these patterns. But if this is so, then two conclusions follow. First, there must ex​ist complex
metaphysical laws governing the production of consciousness in re​sponse to the presence of
certain patterns. Second, the consciousness of the pattern must be—in comparison with the

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indivi​dual consciousness of each element of the pattern—an entirely new metaphysical entity,
a “higher” consciousness capable of accounting for our unified human experi​ence. At this
point we would have within the human body a rather complicated metaphysical apparatus
consisting of varie​ties of conscious entities (trillions of semi​conscious atoms, patterns
possessing higher unifying consciousness) and laws governing their appearance. It would be
simpler, however, to revive the concept of the soul—a single irreducible unit of
con​sciousness capable of functioning as the in​tegrator of experience with the body.

▪ John C. Eccles and philosopher Karl R. Popper propose something like this in their book The
Self and Its Brain. Recognizing the shortcomings of monistic theories, they formulate a
version of interactionism be​tween the mind and brain. Eccles states, “The experienced unity
[of consciousness] comes, not from a neurophysiological syn​thesis, but from the proposed
integrating character of the self-conscious mind.”

▪ Popper gives several strong arguments for the nonphysical nature of the mind, pointing out
that conscious awareness is real and directly experienced by the con​scious self, yet
inexplicable by our concepts of matter. He points to the difficulty in all at​tempts to attribute
sophisticated behavior, such as elaborately purposeful action, to intermolecular forces, and
explains how such behavior can easily be understood in rela​tion to a mind endowed with
purpose and desire.

The majority of scientists insist that all mental phenomena are functions of the physical
brain and nothing more.

▪ Although entertaining dualistic ideas concerning the mind and body. Popper and Eccles still
cling to the notion that the mind has a material origin, suggesting that it somehow emerges
from matter and then in​teracts with it. But as we have previously observed, such a totally
unpredictable appearance of a distinct, nonphysical mind from matter raises, to say the least,
severe difficulties—most specifically, how could it happen? Popper and Eccles don’t know.

▪ Popper himself admits. “From an evolu​tionary point of view, I regard the self-conscious mind
as an emergent product of the brain… Now I want to emphasize how little is said by saying
that the mind is an emergent product of the brain. It has practically no explanatory value, and
it hardly amounts to more than putting a question mark in a certain place in human evolution.”
Those who advocate the emer​gence of consciousness thus find them​selves in the same
position as the cosmologists who propose that the uni​verse pops out of nothingness. In each
case something qualitatively new unpredictably pops up.

▪ The great majority of scientists, however, continue to insist that all mental phenom​ena are
functions of the physical brain and nothing more. One of their most common objections to the
idea that the mind could be fundamentally different from the brain is that if you alter the brain
the mind is also altered. It has been observed that when the speech center of the brain is

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damaged, a person may become unable to speak, and that by injecting drugs into the body,
mood changes and hallucinations may result, etc. People therefore frequently conclude that
the mind must be manifested from the physical brain, for otherwise brain states would not
affect mental states.

▪ This is not the only possible interpretation. Such a correlation could be due to a nonphysical
mind using the brain to carry out various functions, in a manner similar to an operator using a
computer. This view was held by renowned neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield, whose extensive
investiga​tion of brain functions led him to conclude that “It is, in a sense, the mind with its
mechanisms that programs the brain.” The mind may become seemingly depen​dent upon the
brain, just as a businessman engaging a computer for inventory calcula​tion may rely on the
computer for his work. Should the computer become damaged, the businessman would
certainly become impaired in his ability to function; and if the section of the computer memory
dealing with inventory reports is wiped out, he would be entirely unable to review his stock. If
the brain is such a computer like instrument, then in cases of brain damage or chemical
disturbance we would expect to see an impairment of the mind’s functional capacity even
though the mind is an en​tirely separate entity.

Empirical Evidence for a Conscious Self

▪ Thus far we have analyzed the drawbacks of the mechanistic understanding of

con​sciousness and have touched on the history of the mind-body question. In our discus​sion
we have introduced the concept of how the mind interacts with the brain, much like a
programmer with his computer. A skeptic might ask if there exists any direct empirical
evidence in support of this. There is indeed, although like all empirical evi​dence it is subject to
varying interpretation. Examples of findings showing that the mind is independent of the
material brain and body are supplied by research into near death experiences (NDEs) and
reincarnation memories.

▪ NDEs include out-of-body experiences— in which people report observing their physical

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body and events relating to it from a perspective outside of the body during se​vere illness or
physical trauma resulting in unconsciousness. A typical case might in​volve a person who is
resuscitated from a heart attack and reports that he observed, from a point outside his body,
the medical personnel endeavoring to revive him. At such times, according to standard
medical opinion, the normal functioning of the brain, as indicated by certain brain waves, is
impaired, and the patient should be un​conscious, if indeed consciousness is just a
manifestation of the brain.

▪ Although a percentage of the research on NDEs is unreliable, other work has been
presented by individuals with impeccable scientific credentials. For example. Dr. Mi​chael B.
Sabom, a cardiologist and profes​sor at the Emory University Medical School, was openly
skeptical of NDEs but changed his mind after investigating them.

▪ He formed a control group of 25 sea​soned’ cardiac patients who had survived heart attacks
but who had never had an out-of-body experience. Sabom asked them to describe their
resuscitation from heart attacks. Of these, 20 made a major error in their description of in-
hospital cardiopul​monary resuscitation (CPK), three gave a limited but correct description, and
two claimed to know nothing of CPR.

▪ Another group consisted of 32 patients who had reported out-of-body experiences. Of these,
26 gave general visual descrip​tions of their near-death crises, 6 described details
corresponding to the medical re​cords of their particular resuscitation, and one man’s account
was “extremely accu​rate in portraying the appearance, technique. and sequence of the CPR.”

▪ Out of body experience in operating room

During crises such as heart failure, some people, who clinically should have been
unconscious, have observed events from a perspective outside their bodies and re​ported

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verifiable details later.

▪ In the control group, not one person gave a detailed account of the medical proce​dures
involved in their resuscitations, whereas in the group with out-of-body ex​periences 6 were
able to do so, even though they should have been unconscious at the time.

▪ This and other studies led Sabom to accept that the patients’ NDE experiences were real.
Some physicians who doubt the reality of NDEs have suggested that per​haps the subjects
were semiconscious and are therefore able to recall their experi​ences. But Sabom notes that
while occasional patients remain semiconscious during surgery, their reports lack visual
awareness and tend to be nightmarish in quality, in contrast with the highly visual and
pleasant quality of the NDEs.

▪ Others also put forward the possibility that NDEs are the product of a particular cultural or
religious background that some​how induce the patient to imagine an NDE. Examining this
possibility, Sabom inter​viewed numerous subjects and found that NDEs occur in 40 percent of
randomly in​terviewed near-death survivors, with no correlation to age, sex, race, area of
residence, size of home community, years of ed​ucation, occupation, religious background,
church attendance, or prior knowledge of the existence of NDEs.

▪ Dr. Russell Noyes and Dr. Richard Blacher have suggested that NDEs are a psychologi​cal
reaction to one’s perception of imminent death, an attempt by the ego to preserve itself by
taking refuge in a flight of fantasy. Sabom shows, however, that NDEs have been reported in
cases of unanticipated near-death crises.

▪ For example, one man described. “I was walking across the park​ing lot to get into my car… I
passed out. I don’t recall hitting the ground. The next thing I do recall was that I was above
the cars, floating. I had a real funny sensation, a floating sensation. I was actually looking
down on my own body, with four or five men running toward me. I could hear and under​stand
what these men were saying.”

▪ Based on his extensive research and his thorough analysis of various alternative
ex​planations, Sabom arrived at the following conclusion concerning the mind-brain question:
“If the human brain is actually composed of two fundamental elements— the ‘mind’ and the
‘brain’—then could the near death crisis event somehow trigger a transient splitting of the
mind from the brain in many individuals?… My own beliefs on this matter are leaning in this

▪ The out-of-body hypothesis simply seems to fit best with the data at hand. … Could the
mind which splits apart from the physical brain be, in es​sence, the soul, which continues to
exist af​ter final bodily death, according to some religious doctrines? As I see it, this is the
ultimate question that has been raised by re​ports of the NDE.”

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Indian Girl's past life recall

▪ Accounts of memories of past lives have been frequently plagued with inaccuracies and
fraud, but at the same time, rigorous, unbiased studies have been carried out by serious
researchers, such as Ian Stevenson, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry at the University of
Accounts of memories of past lives have also been frequently plagued with inaccu​racies and
fraud, but at the same time, rig​orous, unbiased studies have been carried out by serious
researchers. One such investigator is Ian Stevenson, Carlson Professor of Psychiatry at the
University of Virginia. Stevenson has extensively investigated spontaneous reincarnation
memories re​counted by children. In some cases he has been able to positively corroborate
what the child has claimed by thoroughly investigat​ing details of the place and people they
de​scribe, including the dead person they claim to have been. Stevenson has assembled
numerous ac​counts and verified them, always taking great care to screen out fabrications.

▪ An example is the case of Sukla, the daughter of a Bengali railway worker. When she was
very young, she would cradle a pil​low in her arms like a doll and call it by the name Minu. She
behaved as if Minu were her daughter, and also spoke of Mine's fa​ther and his two brothers.
According to Sukla, they all lived in Bhatpara, and she in​sisted her parents take her there.
Sukla’s fa​ther investigated and learned that there had lived in Bhatpara a woman named
Mana who had died a few years before, leav​ing behind a baby daughter named Minu. Sukla’s
father became convinced his daughter had previously lived as Mana. When Sukla was
brought by her family to Bhatpara, she led them to the house where Mana had lived. Then,
from a group of over thirty strangers, she picked out Mana’s husband, mother-in-law, and
brother-in-law as well as the girl Minu. These details and many others were extensively
re​searched and corroborated.

▪ Stevenson is skeptical of the well-known hypnotic age-regression technique, recog​nizing

that the material cannot be properly confirmed and that the mind tends to fabri​cate illusions,

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especially under hypnosis. He therefore does not generally accept statements made under
hypnosis as evi​dence. In some cases, however, the state​ments can be researched and
verified, such as the case he titles “A Case of Xenoglossy.” In this instance, an American
woman living in Philadelphia was regressed hypnotically and manifested the personality of a
Swedish peasant farmer. She spoke flu​ent Swedish, although she had no prior contact with
Swedish in her life: native Swedes confirmed her pro​nunciation to be fluent, even though
many Swedish vowel sounds are extremely difficult for Americans to enunciate. Stevenson’s
studies give convincing evidence that the conscious self can travel from one physical body to
the next. Clearly, when one body dies, the contents of its brain are destroyed, and there is no
known physical process by which they can influence the contents of another brain. The
simplest interpretation is that the conscious self must be an entity distinct from the brain.

 2. Srimad Bhagavad Gita Approach to solve the Mystery of Consciousness

(Body-Mind Problem and Hard problem of Consciousness). A Non Mechanistic
Description of Consciousness.

▪ At this point we would like to introduce an alternative solution to the mind-body problem.
Rather than cling to the inade​quate and overly restrictive confines of models that conform to
mechanistic views, we propose a clean break.

▪ Let’s examine a new paradigm based on the non mechanistic description of consciousness
in the Bhagavad-gita, a rich source of informa​tion on the mind-body question from the ancient
Vedic tradition of India. It is a view that is at once simple, comprehensive, and logically
consistent. In our previous review of the theory of panpsychism the concept of individual
atoms possessing a minute de​gree of consciousness was presented: we noted the many
difficulties accompanying this particular theory of consciousness.

▪ But what if there were one special atom that was conscious of the entire body? The
Bhagavad-gita affirms the presence within the body of a distinct entity, the conscious self, and
establishes it as an irreducible, individual quantum or atom of conscious​ness.

▪ The conscious self is superior to the brain and its functions. It is not a hypotheti​cal entity.
The existence and nature of the conscious self can be investigated through direct and
reproducible experience, which can be obtained by the practice of yoga techniques. The

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conscious self can be asso​ciated with various material bodies, human and nonhuman, and
can transmigrate not only within one species but between spe​cies. It is also capable of
functioning apart from any material body whatsoever.

▪ Its pri​mary characteristics are nonphysical, i.e., they cannot be adequately described in
quantitative terms: yet it occupies a definite position in space, and acts to integrate nu​merous
sensations, thoughts, and emo​tions into one unified state of awareness.

▪ The conscious self does not interact with matter according to the known laws of physics,
such as the law of gravity or the laws of electromagnetism. Instead, it obeys a different set of
laws, which can be called higher-order psychological laws. These in​clude the law of karma. In
the final chapter we will discuss the characteristics of the conscious self in greater detail.

Wolfgang Mozart
▪ Creative personalities such as Mozart often depend on the phenomenon of inspiration, in
which ideas inaccessible by conscious effort spring unbidden into the mind as though from a
higher source.

Mozart and Inspiration

▪ The linking mechanism between the con​scious self and matter was one of major stumbling
blocks in Descartes’ dualistic theory. This difficulty is surmounted by the idea of the
Supersoul, which according to Bhagavad-gita serves as the interface be​tween the conscious
self and the brain.
▪ The Supersoul is also said to be the source of memory, knowledge, and forgetfulness.
Evidence for the Supcr Soul's existence may be found in the experience of inspiration, in
which ideas extremely difficult to conceive by normal mental endeavor enter one’s
con​sciousness fully formed, as if from some external source.

▪ Inspiration plays a central role in the so​lution of difficult problems in all creative human
endeavors. From the field of music we will give a striking example in which ideas for musical

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compositions appeared fully formed in the mind without apparent conscious effort.

The Supersoul

▪ The Supersoul is expanded within the hearts of all living entities as one undivided being.

▪ Wolfgang Mozart once described how he created his works: “When I feel well and in good
humor, or when I am taking a drive or walk… thoughts crowd into my mind as easily as you
could wish. Whence and how do they come? I do not know and have nothing to do with it…
Once I have a theme, another melody comes, linking itself with the first one, in accordance
with the needs of the composition as a whole. It does not come to me successively, with its
various parts worked out in detail, as they will be later on, but it is in its entirety that my
imagination lets me hear it.”

▪ Inspiration also plays a central role in the solution of difficult problems in science and
mathematics. Generally, investigators can successfully tackle only routine problems by
conscious endeavor alone. Significant advances in science often involve sudden inspiration,
which in many instances occurs unexpectedly after a lull in a long pe​riod of intense but
unsuccessful conscious endeavor.

▪ A typical example is the experience of mathematician Karl Gauss. After trying unsuccessfully
for years to prove a certain theorem about whole numbers. Gauss sud​denly became aware of
the solution. He de​scribed this experience as follows: “Finally, two days ago I succeeded…
Like a sud​den flash of lightning the riddle happened to be solved. I myself cannot say what
was the conducting thread which connected what I previously knew with what made my
success possible.”

▪ From these incidents we discover that the phenomena of inspiration has two signifi​cant
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features. First, its source lies beyond the subject’s conscious perception: and second, it
provides a subject with informa​tion unobtainable by any conscious effort. The famous French
mathematician Henri Poincare, after deeply considering the phe​nomenon of inspiration in his
own work, was led to contemplate an idea reminiscent of the idea of Supersoul. Poincare
called this the subliminal self and described it in this way: “[lt] is in no way inferior to the
conscious self; it is not purely automatic; it is capable of discernment; it has tact, deli​cacy; it
knows how to choose, to divine. What can I say? It knows better how to di​vine than the
conscious self, since it suc​ceeds where that has failed. In a word, is not the subliminal self
superior to the con​scious sell?”

▪ Having approached this idea. Poincare then backs away from it, saying, “I confess that for
my part, I should hate to accept it.” He then offers a mechanical explana​tion of how the
subliminal self, viewed as a machine, could account for the observed phenomena of
inspiration. Poincare pro​posed that the “subliminal self must mechanically put together many
combina​tions of mathematical symbols at random until at last it finds a combination satisfy​ing
the desire of the conscious mind for a certain kind of mathematical result.”

▪ Yet Poincare well knew that the number of combinations involved in such a brute-force
approach to problem solving could easily exceed the number of operations that the brain
could reasonably be expected to perform in a short period of time. Further​more, Poincare’s
proposed mechanism did not account for the qualitatively new fea​tures occurring, for
example, in the compo​sitions of Mozart—features that seemed to appear as an unexpected
gift and were not obviously solutions to any fixed problem.

▪ Since we know so little about the work​ings of the brain, it is not possible, of course, to
completely rule out the possibi​lity that inspiration might be produced by some brain
mechanism—a mechanism whose origin would also need to be explained. However, it is also
not possible at present to prove that inspiration does origi​nate from such a mechanism, and
therefore the possibility that the all-pervading super-consciousness may be responsible
should not be hastily rejected.

▪ If we pursue this idea, we will find that it yields insight even into the affairs of our daily lives.
While most cases of inspiration deal with unusual mental accomplish​ment, the superior nature
of the connecting link between the self and matter can also be appreciated in these ordinary
affairs. When we desire to perform physical actions, we generally find that the body acts
immedi​ately. We have no clear understanding how our will gives rise to actions. They simply
seem to occur automatically, and thus we normally take them for granted and as​sume “I am
doing this.” But careful thought reveals that many of these actions appear to be happening
under the guidance and con​trol of a power other than our own.

▪ In daily life we constantly make decisions and rely on the power of our intelligence. But what
is that intelligence? Like inspira​tion, intelligence gives direction like a higher authority: the

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living being cannot act without the use of intelligence. If one fails to take advantage of
intelligence and acts without consulting it, he becomes a deranged man and is lost to the

▪ Thus a living being is dependent on the superior direction of intelligence, and it guides him
just as a father gives direction to his son. Ac​cording to the Bhagavad-gita, this higher source
of inspiration and intelligence, which is present and residing within every individual being, is
known as the Super​soul, the universal consciousness.

▪ The Su​persoul, which is always distinct from and superior to the individual soul, is the link
between the conscious self and the brain. Without directly contacting the individual conscious
self, the Supersoul perceives its desires (much as wc detect the fragrance of a flower without
touching it) and translates them into action.

▪ This coordination be​tween subtle conscious desires and ma​terial actions takes place within
the framework of higher natural laws, known collectively as the law of karma. The Super​soul,
acting freely in accordance with these laws, which are His own conventions, gen​erates
actions in the world of matter. When scientists observe these actions they may appear to be
following the known laws of physics. But if we could analyze these actions thoroughly enough,
we would find that the Supersoul is above the physical laws as the controller of them.

Supersoul as the link between consciousness and matter

▪ As shown in this symbolic illustration, the Supersoul provides the link between the conscious
self and the subtle and gross material bodies.

▪ Thus far, in line with the traditional West​ern approach, we have considered the conscious
self and the mind to be synonymous and have distinguished between them and the body.
Here we would like to briefly men​tion that in Bhagavad-gita a further dis​tinction is made
between the conscious self and the mind. According to the Gita, the mind is composed of
subtle material ele​ments that are capable of interacting with the brain. In this conception, the
mind is really a part of the material body, and in​deed can be referred to loosely as the subtle

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▪ The Bhagavad-gita explains that the conscious self is higher than both the mind and the
body because it possesses an im​perishable, nonphysical nature. When we say that the
Supersoul is the link between the conscious self and the body, what we really mean is that the
Supersoul is the link between the conscious self and both the subtle and gross material

▪ The inter​action between the Supersoul and the con​scious self is, undoubtedly, difficult to
evaluate experimentally, but the two are so intimately connected there is full potential within
each person for direct awareness of the Supersoul.

▪ This potential can be posi​tively developed through the process of yoga

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REINCARNATION PART:-4 》The Gautama Buddha,
Plato, Aristotle,
CHAPTER Descartes,
NO:- 11 》MECHANISM Kant, Huxley,
》The Gautama
Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Huxley, Whitehead, Popper, Searle
Popper, Searle approach to solve the Mystery of
approach to solve the Mystery of Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard
Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard
problem of Consciousness).

problem of Consciousness).
The Gautama Buddha

▪ The Buddha (480–400 B.C.E), founder of Buddhism, described the mind and the body as
depending on each other in a way that two sheaves of reeds were to stand leaning against
one another and taught that the world consists of mind and matter which work together,

▪ Buddhist teachings describe the mind as manifesting from moment to moment, one thought
moment at a time as a fast flowing stream. The components that make up the mind are known
as the five aggregates (i.e., material form, feelings, perception, volition, and sensory
consciousness), which arise and pass away continuously.

▪ The arising and passing of these aggregates in the present moment is described as being
influenced by five causal laws: biological laws, psychological laws, physical laws, volitional
laws, and universal laws. The Buddhist practice of mindfulness involves attending to this
constantly changing mind-stream.

▪ Ultimately, the Buddha's philosophy is that both mind and forms are conditionally arising
qualities of an ever-changing universe in which, when nirvāna is attained, all phenomenal
experience ceases to exist.

▪ According to the anattā doctrine of the Buddha, the conceptual self is a mere mental
construct of an individual entity and is basically an impermanent illusion, sustained by form,
sensation, perception, thought and consciousness.

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▪ The Buddha argued that mentally clinging to any views will result in delusion and stress,
since, according to the Buddha, a real self (conceptual self, being the basis of standpoints
and views) cannot be found when the mind has clarity.


▪ Plato (429–347 B.C.E.) believed that the material world is a shadow of a higher reality that
consists of concepts he called Forms. According to Plato, objects in our everyday world
"participate in" these Forms, which confer identity and meaning to material objects. For
example, a circle drawn in the sand would be a circle only because it participates in the
concept of an ideal circle that exists somewhere in the world of Forms. He argued that, as the
body is from the material world, the soul is from the world of Forms and is thus immortal. He
believed the soul was temporarily united with the body and would only be separated at death,
when it would return to the world of Forms. Since the soul does not exist in time and space, as
the body does, it can access universal truths. For Plato, ideas (or Forms) are the true reality,
and are experienced by the soul. The body is for Plato empty in that it can not access the
abstract reality of the world; it can only experience shadows. This is determined by Plato's
essentially rationalistic epistemology.[citation needed]


▪ For Aristotle (384–322 BC) mind is a faculty of the soul. Regarding the soul, he said:

It is not necessary to ask whether soul and body are one, just as it is not necessary to ask
whether the wax and its shape are one, nor generally whether the matter of each thing and
that of which it is the matter are one. For even if one and being are spoken of in several ways,
what is properly so spoken of is the actuality.

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— De Anima ii 1, 412b6–9

In the end, Aristotle saw the relation between soul and body as uncomplicated, in the same
way that it is uncomplicated that a cubical shape is a property of a toy building block. The soul
is a property exhibited by the body, one among many. Moreover, Aristotle proposed that when
the body perishes, so does the soul, just as the shape of a building block disappears with
destruction of the block.


▪ René Descartes (1596–1650) believed that mind exerted control over the brain via the
pineal gland:

My view is that this gland is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all our
thoughts are formed.
— René Descartes, Treatise of Man
The mechanism of our body is so constructed that simply by this gland's being moved in any
way by the soul or by any other cause, it drives the surrounding spirits towards the pores of
the brain, which direct them through the nerves to the muscles; and in this way the gland
makes the spirits move the limbs.
— René Descartes, Passions of the Soul
His posited relation between mind and body is called Cartesian dualism or substance
dualism. He held that mind was distinct from matter, but could influence matter. How such an
interaction could be exerted remains a contentious issue.


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▪ For Kant (1724–1804) beyond mind and matter there exists a world of a priori forms, which
are seen as necessary preconditions for understanding. Some of these forms, space and time
being examples, today seem to be pre-programmed in the brain.

...whatever it is that impinges on us from the mind-independent world does not come located
in a spatial or a temporal matrix,...The mind has two pure forms of intuition built into it to allow
it to... organize this 'manifold of raw intuition'.
— Andrew Brook, Kant's view of the mind and consciousness of self: Transcendental
▪ Kant views the mind–body interaction as taking place through forces that may be of different
kinds for mind and body.


▪ For Huxley (1825–1895) the conscious mind was a by-product of the brain that has no
influence upon the brain, a so-called epiphenomenon.

On the epiphenomenalist view, mental events play no causal role. Huxley, who held the view,
compared mental events to a steam whistle that contributes nothing to the work of a
— William Robinson, Epiphenomenalism


▪ A. N. Whitehead advocated a sophisticated form of panpsychism that has been called by

David Ray Griffin panexperientialism.


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▪ For Popper (1902–1994) there are three aspects of the mind–body problem: the worlds of
mind, matter, and of the creations of the mind, such as mathematics. In his view, the third-
world creations of the mind could be interpreted by the second-world mind and used to affect
the first-world of matter. An example might be radio, an example of the interpretation of the
third-world (Maxwell's electromagnetic theory) by the second-world mind to suggest
modifications of the external first world.

The body–mind problem is the question of whether and how our thought processes in World 2
are bound up with brain events in World 1. ...I would argue that the first and oldest of these
attempted solutions is the only one that deserves to be taken seriously [namely]: World 2 and
World 1 interact, so that when someone reads a book or listens to a lecture, brain events
occur that act upon the World 2 of the reader's or listener's thoughts; and conversely, when a
mathematician follows a proof, his World 2 acts upon his brain and thus upon World 1. This,
then, is the thesis of body–mind interaction.
— Karl Popper, Notes of a realist on the body–mind problem


▪ For Searle (b. 1932) the mind–body problem is a false dichotomy; that is, mind is a perfectly
ordinary aspect of the brain. In some sense this is also the point of view of Aristotle[dubious ]
[citation needed], outlined above.

According to Searle then, there is no more a mind–body problem than there is a macro–micro
economics problem. They are different levels of description of the same set of phenomena.
[...] But Searle is careful to maintain that the mental – the domain of qualitative experience
and understanding – is autonomous and has no counterpart on the microlevel; any
redescription of these macroscopic features amounts to a kind of evisceration.
— Joshua Rust, John Searle

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▪ Just I Remembered My forgotten Memories doesn't mean i have Disease it's just
Psychological phenomenon.

▪ Currently Reincarnation is Classified under as Paranormal idiopathic Condition and Studied

in separate field called Parapsychology .

Jim Tucker Hypothesis of Mechanism of Reincarnation

▪ This is One of the Most Accepted Theory inParapsychology.

▪ Parapsychology is a field of study concerned with the investigation ofparanormal and

psychic phenomena which include telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance,
psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation, apparitional experiences, and
other paranormal claims.

▪ Tucker Hypothesis is Purely based on Case Studies.

▪ Jim B Tucker is a Children Psychiatrist, For nearly 15 years, Tucker has been investigating
claims made by children, usually between the ages of 2 and 6 years old, who say they’ve
had past lives.

▪ Based on Case Studies Tucker Made Following Observations

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▪ Not all memories claims to be past life memories, Most of cases will be just
imagination or Hallucination or Cryptomnesia etc only in few cases it would be True
memory. So Specialists always checks the Authenticity by thorough Medical,
Psychological Examination and Circumstantial Evidences is very important in all
Claimed Cases.

▪ 60% of Children Who Claim Past Life Memories are Males and 40% are Females.

▪ 70% of Children Who Claim Past Life Memories had violent death in their Previous Life.

▪ 90% of Children who Claim Past Life were the Same Sex in a Previous Life as they are Now.

▪ The Median Time Between Death and Rebirth was 16 Months and in very Rare cases it
was up to Years.

▪ 20% of Children Claim Memories of the time between Death and Rebirth.

▪ Almost 99% of Children who Claims Past Life Memories had Birth Marks which Exactly
Corresponds to the Fatal injuries of Person whom they Claim.

▪ 60% of Children who Claims Past Life Memories had almost similar handwriting features
of the person whom they claim as their past life.

▪ 60% of Children who claim Past Life Memories had allConfidential Knowledge of the
person whom they claim as their past life.

▪ 90% of Cases of Children who claim Past Life Memories arePsychologically Normal and
There was No Familial History of Similar Complaints.

▪ In almost 99% of Cases of Children who claim Past Life Memories belongs toAge between
2 years to 6 Years.

▪ In all 100% of Cases of Children who claim Past Life Memories,On Hypnotherapy they
were able to remember their Memories Even in more Detail.





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▪ Medical Science has Evidence to show that Individual Memory is Stored in Brain and
Consciousness is Arising from Brain.

Medical Science Evidence was

▪ The view in Neuroscience is that consciousness as we know it is entirely generated by the

brain and does not exist separately from or independent of the brain.

▪ The Evidences for believing this are straightforward: Chemically and electrically
interacting with the brain can modify or extinguish consciousness (dreamless sleep,
general anesthesia, drugs, brain death); and there have been no reproducible
experiments that have been able to show causal interaction with consciousness
without interfacing with the brain first.
ul UK

▪ Thus Dr. Jim Tucker Claim was considered to be just Assumption Supported by Little
Evidence of Case Studies

▪ But Latest Research Study in the Field of Consciousness and Near Death Experience
Supported the Jim Tucker Hypothesis.

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 Facts that Supports Jim Tucker Hypothesis

 1.Amazing Medical Science Facts Suggesting the Mind Can Exist

Independent of the Brain

You can Also watch This video from below link:-

▪ Are you just a physical entity, ultimately reducible to the physical entity known as your brain?
Is that organ—a bundle of neurons weighing about three pounds—the source of all your
thoughts, feelings, and any illusion you may have of a “soul” or a “spirit”?

▪ I recently finished reading a 600-plus-page book by a group of academic psychiatrists,

psychologists, and philosophers, called Irreducible Mind, that argues exactly the opposite.

▪ The book presents a huge body of evidence from scientific studies of psychokinesis, split
personalities, psychic healing, near-death experiences, and other phenomena that seems to
constitute powerful proof that, while the mind and the brain obviously interact, the former is
not reducible to the latter and there are circumstances where consciousness clearly exists
and functions independently of the brain.

▪ Irreducible Mind is a subversive endeavor, swimming against the tide of about a century of
scientific reductionism (though not, it should be stressed, in quantum physics) that says all
phenomena, including your most delicate or exalted sentiments, are ultimately physical. The
book has definitely had some impact; googling the title gets almost two million results, and
though published back in 2007 it keeps selling well on Amazon.

▪ One of the coauthors is Bruce Grayson, a professor of psychiatry at the University of

Virginia and leading researcher of near-death experiences. A few months ago a video
surfaced of a lecture Greyson gave in India in 2011. It’s about an hour long, fascinating,
and seems to point to even more dramatic findings since Irreducible Mind was published
seven years ago.

▪ Greyson presents four lines of evidence for the mind as an independent entity, which I’ve
taken the trouble to summarize, and they could be an eye-opener. First he gives this caveat:
The evidence that I’m going to discuss…is derived entirely from scientific research. But I do
not want to give you the impression that this evidence is…accepted by Western scientists. In
fact, most Western scientists are completely unaware that this evidence even exists.

a. Lucidity in the last moments

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▪ A person has a disorder such as a brain tumor or Alzheimer’s. Mental functioning declines
severely, and the person eventually dies. Isn’t that proof that the brain determines

▪ It might be, except that there have been numerous cases over the past 250 years in which
people with such disorders regained full, lucid mental functioning in the last minutes, hours, or
even days before death, including full awareness of their own and others’ identity. It has
happened, Greyson says, in cases where the person’s brain had “deteriorated to an
irreversible degree” according to evidence from brain scans and autopsies.

▪ Greyson says that, while such cases are rare, 83 of them have been mentioned in the
Western medical literature. He cites examples of the phenomenon, including one reported by
a psychologist in Iceland about an 81-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s. The woman had been
demented for a long time and was living in a nursing home. Her family took turns visiting her
even though she didn’t recognize them and hadn’t spoken to them for a year. On one
occasion, her son Leiter was sitting at her bedside, working on a crossword puzzle. Suddenly
she looked up at him. She looked at him directly in the face and said, “My son Leiter, I’m
going to recite a verse for you.” She then recited a poem clearly and loudly. She then lay back
on her pillow and remained quiet until she died.

▪ Greyson goes on to say that there is no known physiological mechanism for this
phenomenon. It is indeed rare, but the fact that it happens at all has no explanation in terms of
how the brain functions. …. It is as if the damaged brain prevents the person from thinking
and communicating, but then as the brain finally begins to die, consciousness is released from
[its] grasp….

b. Advanced mind, minimal brain

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▪ Stranger still, there are people walking around who have full, normal mental functioning—
sometimes even on a high intellectual level—while not having much of a brain.

▪ Greyson starts with a case published in 2007 where a young girl underwent surgery after
she was injured and knocked unconscious in an automobile accident. An X-ray of her head
just before surgery revealed that she had no cerebral cortex at all; she had just a brain stem
inside her skull. And when the surgeon opened up her skull to operate, that is exactly what he
found: just a brain stem with no cerebral cortex.

▪ Greyson goes on to explain that the brain stem cannot perform “higher cognitive functions
like thinking, perceiving, making decisions, and so on.” That can only be done in the cerebral
cortex—which this young girl now lacked. And yet, even though she “should have been
completely unable to formulate any thought of any kind,” she was actually a high school
honors student and was accepted by Smith College.

▪ John Lorber was a British neurologist who specialized in children with hydrocephalus, known
as water on the brain. The condition, Greyson says, usually lead to blindness, seizures,
mental retardation, paralysis, and if it’s not treated, to death. However, Lorber described
dozens of children, and eventually some adults, who had severe hydrocephalus but seemed
to lead normal lives. In fact, in a sample of children in whom the cerebral spinal fluid filled up
95% of their skull, leaving virtually no space for any brain tissue, half of them had IQs greater
than 100.

▪ Thirty years ago an article on Lorber’s work was published in the prestigious journal Science
with the title—hyperbolic, but not completely—“Is Your Brain Really Necessary?”

▪ Starting at 27:20 in the video, [Video Link :-] Greyson

shows two brain scans—one of a normal brain, one of a brain with severe hydrocephalus. It’s
a striking difference. But it turns out the latter scan is the brain of a graduate student in
mathematics at Cambridge University with an IQ of 126.

C. NDEs: Rich consciousness when there shouldn’t be any

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▪ Greyson then turns to his specialty, near-death experiences (NDEs). He notes that he’s
investigated almost a thousand cases, many of which occurred during clinical death or deep
anesthesia when there should be no brain functioning. Yet people who return from these
states report vivid, unforgettable, transcendent, life-changing experiences.

▪ But how do we know these aren’t just subjective experiences that occur while the person is
losing or regaining consciousness? One way we know, says Greyson, is through the OBE
(out-of-body experience) phenomenon. In many NDE cases the person reports leaving the
body, hovering (incorporeally) in the operating room, and seeing what’s going on (often before
entering a more mystical realm). If some of these people were to give accurate observations
—even though in a state of clinical death or deep anesthesia at the time—wouldn’t it mean
that their consciousness, their mind, had been functioning independently of their inanimate

▪ Well, they do give such observations, and they’ve been giving them for decades. Greyson
offers an example from 1982 where: the American cardiologist Michael Sabom published a
study in which he asked near-death experiencers who had reported leaving their bodies
during cardiopulmonary resuscitation to describe in detail what they had seen.

▪ He also asked a matched group of seasoned cardiac patients to imagine watching their
resuscitations and to try to describe it from a third-person perspective. Eighty percent of the
matched group who did not have near-death experiences made major errors in their
descriptions. None of the near-death experiencers made any errors, and 19 percent of them
described specific idiosyncratic and unexpected events that happened during their

▪ And what about bringing back accurate information from the mystical realm itself? There are
many of those cases, too. Greyson cites one reported by an American pediatrician, Dr. K. M.
Dale, in which a nine-year-old boy with meningitis who hovered near death for 36 hours
reported seeing deceased relatives, including his sister Teresa. His parents were upset
because Teresa—as far as they knew—was perfectly healthy and going to college in another
state. The father called—and found out Teresa had died that night in a car accident.

▪ In another case Greyson mentions, renowned Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-

Ross reported about a girl who had a near-death experience during heart surgery and later
said she had met her brother, although as far as she knew she never had a brother. Her
father, moved by this vivid account, acknowledged that her parents had in fact had a son who
had died before she had been born, and they never mentioned him to her.

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D. Remembrance of lives past

▪ A child starts talking about a past life, giving very specific details about a place, people, and
events that were part of it. Researchers go to the place, often a remote village, and find that
the child’s account completely matches the reality. Or the researchers may take the child with
them, who accurately identifies people and locations he or she could not possibly have known

▪ If this were to happen, it would indicate that minds can journey from one bodily frame to
another, and are not yoked to, or produced by, a particular brain. Well, this too happens a lot.
Greyson’s group at the University of Virginia has studied over 2500 such cases.
▪ Most of the cases—not all—occur in societies that believe in rebirth, particularly India. In 60
percent of the cases, the past life ended (at the average age of 33) in an accident or a violent
▪ The findings Greyson cites, starting at 49:30, are remarkable, and this is only a sampling:
these children often exhibit unusual personality traits, likes and dislikes, that are incompatible
with their present lives.

▪ For example, some of these children recall a past life of the opposite gender, and they want
to dress and play like someone of the opposite gender. A child born to a Hindu family may
recall a past life as a Muslim, and he will reject the food his mother cooks because it was not
prepared in the Muslim manner….

▪ Some of these children exhibit unusual skills that they have not been taught, and indeed that
no one in their village knows. For example, a child may be able to play a musical instrument
without being taught…. We have studied children in Sri Lanka in villages where only the Tamil
language is spoken, and yet the child can converse in Sinhalese.

▪ Closer to home, in a Christian context where there was no belief in reincarnation, Greyson
(58:50) describes the case of a boy born in Louisiana, James Leininger, who recalled being
shot down as a pilot 60 years earlier in World War II. The boy eventually remembered the
name of his aircraft carrier, the make of his plane, the fact that he was shot down over Iwo
Jima, and the name of his best friend and fellow pilot, Jack Larson. In brief, his father

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investigated, and it all checked out—including locating the sister of the boy’s previous
incarnation, a pilot named James Huston.

▪ “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your
philosophy.” So Hamlet tells his friend in Shakespeare’s play. He could have been one of
today’s cutting-edge researchers addressing a colleague still stuck in the old physicalist







2.Theory of Biocentrism, Theory of Neo-BioCentrism Supports That

Consciousness is independent of Brain

This is From above Book you can buy this book in Amazon

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▪ Theory of Biocentrism was Proposed by Dr.Robert Lanza who is an expert inregenerative
medicine and scientific director at Advanced Cell Technology Company. While he is
known for his extensive research on stem cells, he was also famous for several successful
experiments on cloning endangered animal species, He is also scientist in the field of
physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to
the new theory of biocentrism.

▪ In the Above Book Using basic postulates of quantum mechanics Dr. Robert Lanza has
Explained How consciousness is independent from brain and exists outside of
constraints of time and space.

▪ This Theory of Biocentrism is Further supported by Theory of Neo-BioCentrism Proposed

by Professor Stuart Hameroff from the University of Arizona he announced that he has
found evidence that consciousness does not perish after death.

[[Search For Stuart Hameroff Books in Amazon]]

▪ According to Hameroff, the human brain is the perfect quantum computer, and the
consciousness, is simply information stored at the quantum level.

▪ It can be transferred, following the death of the body; quantum information carried by
consciousness merges with our universe,exists infinitely and can carry quantum
information into Another Body.

▪ Sir Roger Penrose, a well-known British physicist and expert in mathematics fromOxford,
supports this theory.

▪ Together, the scientists are developing a quantum theory to explain the phenomenon of

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▪ They believe that they have found carriers of consciousness, the elements that
accumulate information during life and “drain” consciousness somewhere else after

▪ These elements are located inside protein-based microtubules (neuronal microtubules),

which previously have been attributed a simple role of reinforcement and transport
channeling inside a living cell.

▪ Based on their structure, microtubules are best suited to function as carriers of quantum
properties inside the brain. That is mainly because they are able toRetain quantum states
for a long time, meaning they can function as elements of a quantum computer.



▪ Consciousness is independent From Brain

▪ Individual Memories are Actually Stored in Consciousness and not in Brain cells

▪ After Death Consciousness along with its stored Memories Transfers to other Person.

To Prove above Three Claims we have the Following Evidences (Not exactly Evidences
it's just Support for claims)

1. Most Authentic Medical Case Studies of Children who Claim to Remember Past life.

2. Children Also Remembering the Confidential information of Person whom they claim
as past life.

3. Children Birthmarks, Birth Defects ( some of cases even Handwriting) Exactly

Corresponds to Fatal injuries of person whom they claim as Their past life.

4. In all 100% of Cases of Children who claim Past Life Memories,On Hypnotherapy they
were able to remember their Memories Even in more Detail.

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5. Support from Various studies such as Lucidity in the last moments, Research on
Near Death Experiences, Research on Out of Body Experiences, Study on Advanced
Brain, Minimal Mind which shows that Consciousness is independent from Brain.

6. Support from theory of Biocentrism, theory of Neo-BioCentrism which uses the basic
postulates of Quantum Mechanics.

7. Also 52 Parapsychological Evidences to show that Consciousness Can exist

independent from Brain (Consciousness can exist even after death) FOR MORE

▪ Currently Reincarnation studies are included in separate branch called

Only Parapsychologists will Study Reincarnation. Also there is also separate Medical
Course called DIPLOMA IN PLRT - Past Life Regression Therapy. (2-3 Years Course).

▪ Reincarnation is not yet Completely Medically Proved but it has Major

Parapsychological Evidences Which we have mentioned above Also Remember that
Reincarnation is not Disproved Also.

|| Copyright ⓒ2016 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS All Right Reserved || Website

Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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▪ Consistent Near-Death Experiences would also be The greatest scientific discovery of

all time.

What is a near-death experience?

▪ A Near-Death Experience (NDE) refers to personal experiences associated with impending

death, encompassing multiple possible sensations including detachment from the body,
feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution,
and the presence of a light.

▪ These phenomena are usually reported after an individual has been pronounced clinically
dead or very close to death. Many NDE reports, however, originate from events that are not
life-threatening. With recent developments in cardiac resuscitation techniques, the number of
reported NDEs has increased.

▪ Although most people who have come close to death say they remember nothing, a third or
more may later report that "something happened" such as an NDE. There are also many
factors that can trigger an NDE.

▪ No two NDEs are exactly identical, but within a number of experiences a pattern becomes
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evident. Researchers have identified the common elements that define near-death

▪ Dr. Bruce Greyson argues that the general features of the experience include impressions
of being outside one's physical body, visions of deceased relatives and religious figures, and
transcendence of egotic and spatiotemporal boundaries.

▪ Dr. Kenneth Ring subdivided the NDE on a five-stage continuum. The subdivisions were:

(Stage 1) feelings of peace and contentment, (Stage 2) body separation,

(Stage 3) entering a profound darkness,
(Stage 4) seeing an unearthly light, and
(Stage 5) entering the light.

▪ Ring stated that 60% experienced Stage 1, but only 10% experienced stage 5 of entering
the light.

▪ Many different elements have been reported, though the exact elements tend to correspond
with the cultural, philosophical, or religious beliefs of the person experiencing it. The traits of a
classic NDE are as follows

a. Feeling that the "self" has left the body and is hovering overhead. Sometimes a "silver cord"
is seen connected to the body. Sometimes the person may later be able to describe who was
where and what happened, sometimes in detail. Some people who were born blind can see
while out of their body.

b. Moving through a dark space or tunnel and having a sense of timelessness. Sometimes the
Earth can be seen from outer space.

c. Experiencing intensely powerful emotions, ranging from bliss to terror. Sometimes heavenly
music is heard.

d. Encountering a light. It is usually described as golden, or white, and as being magnetic and
loving; occasionally it is perceived as a reflection of the fires of hell.

e. Receiving some variant of the message, "It is not yet your time" from a heavenly being by
means of mental telepathy.

f. Meeting others; may be deceased loved ones, recognized from life or not; sacred beings;
pets; guides; angels; orbs; unidentified entities and/or "Beings of Light"; sometimes symbols
from one's own or other religious traditions.

g. A life review, seeing and re-experiencing major and trivial events of one's life, sometimes

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from the perspective of the other people involved, and coming to some conclusion about the
adequacy of that life and what changes are needed.

h. Having a sense of understanding everything, of knowing how the universe works.

i. Reaching a boundary – a cliff, fence, water, some kind of barrier that may not be crossed if
one is to return to life.

j. In some cases, entering a city or library or receiving station.

k. Rarely, receiving previously unknown information about one's life – i.e., adoption or hidden
parentage, deceased siblings. Some bring back scientific discoveries. Some bring back
knowledge concerning the future. Some bring back knowledge of past lives. Some bring back
information concerning astrology.

l. Decision to return may be voluntary or involuntary. If voluntary, it usually associated with

unfinished responsibilities.

m. Returning to life and to the body. Afterward, an increase in spirituality may be found. Often,
dramatic changes within the person are discovered.

n. Some interesting facts concerning NDEs are: A group of people can die together and share
the same NDE. Some NDEs have occurred when the brain is verified to be dead. NDEs have
been occurring for thousands of years. They happen to people of all backgrounds: atheists,
apostles, children, suicides, Buddhists, gays, Hollywood stars, Muslims, drug users, Jews,
fighter pilots, psychics, alien abductees, epileptics, Christians, meditators, people having
orgasms, and dreamers.

o. Most near-death experiences are pleasant, but others are deeply frightening. For additional
information about frightening near-death experiences, contact IANDS (International
Association for Near-Death Studies) for a special publication.

International Association for Near Death Studies

▪ Dr. Raymond Moody, a psychiatrist and founding member of the International Association for
Near-Death Studies, recorded and compared the experiences of 150 persons who died, or
almost dead, and then recovered. He outlined nine elements, that generally occur, during
near death experiences:

(1) Hearing a strange sound: A buzzing, or ringing noise.

(2) Peace and painlessness: As soon as they leave the body the pain. vanishes and they
experience peace.

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(3) Out Of Body experience: The sensation of rising up and floating above their own body
while it [the body] is surrounded by a medical team, and watching it down below, while feeling
comfortable. They experience the feeling of being in a spiritual body that appears to be a sort
of living energy field.

(4) The tunnel experience:The next experience is that of being drawn into darkness through
a tunnel, at an extremely high speed, until reaching a realm of radiant golden-white light.

(5) Rising rapidly into the heavens: Instead of a tunnel, some people report rising suddenly
into the heavens and seeing the earth and the celestial sphere as they would be seen by
astronauts in space.

(6) People of light: Once on the other side of the tunnel, or after they have risen into the
heavens, the dying meet people who glow with an inner light. Often they find that friends and
relatives who have already dead are there to greet them.

(7) The Being of Light: After meeting the people of light, the dying often meet a powerful
spiritual being whom some have identified as God, Krishna, Jesus, Allah or some religious

(8) The life review: The Being of Light presents the dying with a panoramic view of everything
they have ever done. That is, they relive every act they have ever done to other people and
come away feeling that love is the most important thing in life.

(9) Reluctance to return: The Being of Light sometimes tells the dying that they must return
to life. Other times, they are given a choice of staying or returning. In either case, they are
reluctant to return. The people who choose to return do so only because of loved ones they
do not wish to leave behind.

How many people have had this experience?

▪ Popular interest in NDEs became widespread by Raymond Moody's 1975 book Life After
Life and the founding of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) in 1981.

▪ The Gallup Organization and near-death research studies have estimated some 13 million
adult near-death experiences in the U.S. Add children's NDEs, and all experiences worldwide,
and the figure would be much larger. Near-death experiences are uncommon, but not rare.

▪ Some commentators claim the number of near-death experiencers may be underestimated.

People who have had a near-death experience may not be comfortable discussing the
experience with others, especially when the NDE is understood as a paranormal incident or
an experience of hell. NDEs are among the phenomena studied in the fields of psychology,
psychiatry, and hospital medicine.

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Why doesn't everybody close to death have one?

▪ No one knows why some people do and others do not report a near-death experience under
similar circumstances. Near-death experiences occur to sane and ordinary people all over the
world, people of all religions, races, backgrounds, and ages.

What causes a near-death experience?

▪ More than a dozen theories have been put forward to explain the near-death experience and
its physical causes, but none of them singly or together fits all cases. NDEs have been
described by some medical professionals in medical journals as brain anomalies such as (a)
neurotransmitters flooding the dying brain, (b) hallucinations,
(c) anoxia, (d) cortical disinhibition, (e) right temporal lobe stimulation, (f) depersonalization,
(g) memory of birth, (h) endorphins, (i) disassociation, (j) REM state intrusion, and even (k)
Darwin's theory of evolution.

▪ But NDE experts in the field of NDE studies have ruled out all such brain anomalies as
being the cause of NDEs; even though the cause(s) of NDEs have nothing to do with
the question of whether they are real afterlife experiences or not.

▪ Thus, the Afterlife Hypothesis may be the simplest explanation accounting for NDEs.
Developments in quantum physics have made some brain anomaly theories of the NDE
outmoded as the new physics can account for elements found in NDEs such as
(a) quantum superposition,
(b) non-locality,
(c) a holographic universal interconnectedness, (d) the many-worlds and
(e) many-minds interpretations,
(f) the zero-point field, and the concept of subjectivity just to name a few.

▪ Clinical circumstances associated with NDEs include cardiac arrest in myocardial infarction
(clinical death); shock in postpartum loss of blood or in perioperative complications; septic or
anaphylactic shock; electrocution; coma resulting from traumatic brain damage; intracerebral
hemorrhage or cerebral infarction; attempted suicide; near-drowning or asphyxia; apnea; and
serious depression. In contrast to common belief, Kenneth Ring argues that attempted
suicides do not lead more often to unpleasant NDEs than unintended near-death situations.

▪ The distressing aspects of some NDEs are discussed more closely by Bruce Greyson and
Nancy Bush. Karlis Osis and his colleague Erlendur Haraldsson argued that the content of
near death experiences does not vary by culture, except for the identity of the figures seen
during the experiences.

This is the nuttiest thing I ever heard.

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▪ Like other things which have no rational explanation at the present time, near-death
experiences may at first seem "nutty." A near-death experience is a genuine experience – an
event which one individual experiences and remembers – and it has consequences, but it
cannot yet be explained in terms of what we usually think of as "normal."

This sure doesn't sound very scientific.

▪ Individual cases of NDEs in literature have been identified into ancient times including
Plato's account of Er. In the 19th century a few efforts moved beyond studying individual
cases - one privately done by Mormon pioneers and one in Switzerland. Up to 2005, 95% of
world cultures have been documented making some mention of NDEs.

▪ Modern research of NDEs have recently involved the academic discipline of neuroscience
as reported from the NDEs of Dr. Eben Alexander M.D. (neurosurgeon), Dr. David Eagleman
(neuroscientist), Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (neuroanatomist), and the research of Dr. Mario
Beauregard (neuroscientist). But in the past, neuroscience in general tended to ignore NDE
research because brain activity scans are not typically performed when a patient is
undergoing attempts at emergency resuscitation.

▪ Existing research is mainly in the disciplines of medicine, psychology and psychiatry.

Interest in this field of study was originally spurred by the writings of Jess E. Weiss (combat
veteran who collected near-death testimony from soldiers in World War II), Dr. Elisabeth
Kübler-Ross (psychiatrist), Dr. George Ritchie (psychiatrist), and Dr. Raymond Moody Jr.
(psychologist and MD). Moody's book Life After Life, which was released in 1975, brought
much public attention to the topic of NDEs. This was soon to be followed by the establishment
of the International Association for Near-death Studies (IANDS ) in 1981. IANDS is an
international organization that encourages scientific research and education on the physical,
psychological, social, and spiritual nature and ramifications of near-death experiences. Among
its publications are the peer-reviewed Journal of Near-Death Studies and the quarterly
newsletter Vital Signs.

▪ Dr. Bruce Greyson (psychiatrist), Dr. Kenneth Ring (psychologist), and Dr. Michael
Sabom (cardiologist), helped to launch the field of Near-Death Studies and introduced the
study of near-death experiences to the academic setting. From 1975 to 2005, some 2500 self
reported individuals in the US had been reviewed in retrospective studies of the phenomena
with an additional 600 outside the US in the West, and 70 in Asia. Prospective studies,
reviewing groups of individuals and then finding who had an NDE after some time and costing
more to do, had identified 270 individuals. In all, close to 3500 individual cases between 1975
and 2005 had been reviewed in one or another study. And all these studies were carried out
by some 55 researchers or teams of researchers.

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▪ Greyson and Ring developed statistical tools usable in clinical studies of NDEs. Major
contributions to the field include Ring's construction of a "Weighted Core Experience Index" to
measure the depth of the near-death experience, and Greyson's construction of the "Near-
death experience scale" to differentiate between subjects that are more or less likely to have
experienced an NDE. The latter scale is also, according to its author, clinically useful in
differentiating NDEs from organic brain syndromes and nonspecific stress responses.

▪ The NDE-scale was later found to fit the Rasch rating scale model. Greyson has also
brought attention to the near-death experience as a focus of clinical attention, while Melvin
Morse, head of the Institute for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, and colleagues have
investigated near-death experiences in a pediatric population.

▪ Neurobiological factors in the experience have been investigated by researchers in the field
of medical science and psychiatry. Among the researchers and commentators who tend to
emphasize a naturalistic and neurological base for the experience are the British psychologist
Susan Blackmore (1993), with her "dying brain hypothesis" and the founding publisher of
Skeptic magazine, Michael Shermer (1998).

▪ More recently, cognitive neuroscientists Jason Braithwaite (2008) from the University of
Birmingham and Sebastian Dieguez (2008) and Olaf Blanke (2009) from the Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland have published accounts presenting
evidence for the brain-based nature of near death experiences.

▪ In September 2008, it was announced that 25 U.K. and U.S. hospitals would examine near-
death studies in 1,500 heart attack patient-survivors. The three-year study, coordinated by
Sam Parnia at Southampton University, hopes to determine if people without heartbeat or
brain activity can have an out-of-body experience with veridical visual perceptions.

▪ This study follows on from an earlier 18-month pilot project. On a July 28, 2010 interview
about a recent lecture at Goldsmiths, Parnia (internal medicine physician by training with
specialty in pulmonology, critical care, and sleep medicine) asserts that "evidence is now
suggesting that mental and cognitive processes may continue for a period of time after a
death has started" and describes the process of death as "essentially a global stroke of the

▪ Therefore like any stroke process one would not expect the entity of mind / consciousness to
be lost immediately". He also expresses his disagreement with the term 'near death
experiences' because "the patients that we study are not near death, they have actually died
and moreover it conjures up a lot of imprecise scientific notions, due to the fact that [death]
itself is a very imprecise term".

▪ The top peer-reviewed journals in neuroscience, such as Nature Reviews Neuroscience,

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Brain Research Reviews, Biological Psychiatry, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience are
generally not publishing research on NDEs. Among the scientific and academic journals that
have published, or are regularly publishing, new research on the subject of NDEs are Journal
of Near-Death Studies, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, British Journal of Psychology,
American Journal of Disease of Children, Resuscitation, The Lancet, Death Studies, and the
Journal of Advanced Nursing.

▪ Some researchers have complained about the resistance of the scientific establishment to
the implications of NDEs.

▪ The first clinical study of NDEs in cardiac arrest patients was conducted by Pim van Lommel,
a cardiologist from the Netherlands, and his team ( The Lancet, 2001). Of 344 patients who
were successfully resuscitated after suffering cardiac arrest, 62 (18%) expressed an
intraoperative memory and among these, 41 (12%) experienced core NDEs, which included
out-of-body experiences.

▪ The patients remembered details of their conditions during their cardiac arrest despite being
clinically dead with flatlined brain stem activity. Van Lommel concluded his findings supports
the theory of consciousness continuing despite lack of neuronal activity in the brain. Van
Lommel hypothesized how continuity of consciousness may be achievable if the brain acts as
a receiver filtering the cosmic information bombarding it in a process where memories and
other conscious information are stored just as radio, television and internet information existed
independently of the instruments receiving it.

▪ Van Lommel et al., reported that 62 of the 344 patients with cardiac arrest reported some
recollection. Of these 62, 50% reported an awareness or sense of being dead, 24% said that
they had had an out-of-body experience, 31% recalled moving through a tunnel, whilst 32%
described meeting with deceased people. Moreover, while near-death experiencers commonly
report feelings of peace and bliss, only 56% associated the experience with such positive
emotions. No patients reported a distressing or frightening NDE.

Don't near-death experiences prove that there is life after death?

▪ Certainly this is a very popular interpretation, although there is no "proof" in a statistical

sense and no consensus on what this may mean. A more cautious expression is that near-
death experiences suggest that some aspect of human consciousness may continue after
physical death.

▪ At this time, no one can demonstrate whether this is true. However, there is a "mountain" of
scientific evidence suggestive of consciousness surviving bodily death include:
(a) verified out-of-body perception suggestive of mind-body dualism,
(b) NDE perception of people born blind,

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(c) the vivid retaining of NDE memories which are not possible with brain anomalies,
(d) the dramatic after-effects resulting from NDEs which do not occur with brain
(e) unbiased young children having the same experience as adults,
(f) scientific discoveries resulting from NDEs,
(g) verified visions of the future given to experiencers,
(h) their absolute conviction of their NDE being a real afterlife experience, plus the
many supporting scientific fields of discovery such as
(i) consciousness research,
(j) deathbed visions,
(k) dream research,
(l) out-of-body research,
(m) after-death communications research,
(n) reincarnation research,
(o) hypnotic regression, and
(p) remote viewing etc.

Are the people who have near-death experiences very religious?

▪ People who report near-death experiences are no better or worse – and no more or less
religious – than in any other cross-section of the population.

▪ They come from many religious backgrounds and from the ranks of agnostics and even
atheists. The experience seems more closely related to a person's life afterwards than to what
it was before.

How do people react when they come back?

▪ A person who has just had a near-death experience probably has very mixed feelings. One
person may express anger or grief at being resuscitated; another struggles to stay awake.
Other typical reactions:

a. Fear that the near-death experience was a psychotic episode.

b. Disorientation because reality has shifted.
c. Euphoria, feeling special or "chosen."
d. Withdraw to ponder the experience.

Does a near-death experience really change a person's life?

▪ Almost every near-death experiencer reports a changed understanding of what life is all
about. The changes may be numerous and almost impossible to describe or explain.
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▪ Besides losing the fear of death, a person may also lose interest in financial or career
success. "Getting ahead" may seem like an odd game that the person chooses not to play
any more, even if it means giving up friendships. This can be hard on some families.

▪ Becoming more loving is important to most near-death experiencers, though they may have
difficulty explaining what they mean by that. They may seem to love everyone
indiscriminately, with no personal favorites.

▪ Religious observance may increase or lessen, but a deepened belief in God, or a "Higher
Power," is almost certain. People say, "Before, I believed; now I know."

▪ Some people find they have an increase in intuitive or psychic abilities. This is a common
stage in Christian, Jewish, and other major religious traditions when an individual spends
much time in deep prayer and meditation. If this becomes a problem, the IANDS office can
suggest a source of information.

I had one of these experiences, but no one told me I was in danger. Was my
doctor lying to me?

▪ Probably not. The "near-death experience" was named in 1975 by Dr. Raymond Moody to
describe the clinical death experiences of the people in his book, Life After Life. However,
although being close to death is a reliable "trigger", identical experiences happen under very
different circumstances, even to people who are in no way ill.

▪ The best known are the experiences of saints and religious mystics. Deep prayer,
meditation, and even mirror-gazing can produce events like near-death experiences, as can
other kinds of altered states of consciousness.

When some one mother was dying, we thought she was hallucinating, but
what she described sounds like a near-death experience. Could this be

▪ People who are dying often mention seeing a wonderful light or a landscape they want to
enter. They may talk with people who are invisible to everyone else, or they may look radiant
and at peace. Read the book by Maggie Callahan, Final Gifts, for more about "Deathbed

What if I have had a near-death experience?

▪ You are not alone, and you have not lost your mind. A near-death experience is an
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extraordinary experience, but it happens to normal people.

▪ You may want to tell the world about your near-death experience, or you may want to think
about it, possibly for a long time, before trying to say anything. You will probably feel
frustrated trying to find words to describe it, and fearful that no one else will understand. If you
have difficulty with aftereffects, try reading P.M.H. Atwater's books, Coming Back to Life, or
Beyond the Light.

▪ When you first decide to talk about the experience, choose a person who is a good listener,
someone with whom you are comfortable. Should they have difficulty with the idea, reading
Dr. Raymond Moody's book, Life After Life, may help them feel more comfortable with near-
death experiences. If you want to talk with another near-death experiencer, or someone who
will not need too many explanations, contact IANDS for the name of someone reliable.

What if someone I know has had a near-death experience?

▪ It is as if the other person has returned from a country you have never visited and cannot
even imagine. The best thing you can do is listen. Simply being with the person and letting
him talk will be more helpful than you may think; you are not expected to have answers or
opinions. There are many interpretations of near-death experiences, and only the individual
can decide the meaning of his/her particular experience.

▪ A near-death experience is not a psychotic episode, but its effects are often powerful. Some
people adjust easily afterwards, while others find the experience deeply troubling or are
unable to get on with daily life. In these cases, professional help may be needed for the
person to get back on track. If you need help finding a qualified therapist, IANDS may be able
to suggest ways of finding someone trustworthy.

Where can I get more information?

▪ Read the testimonies of the many near-death experiences and visit the IANDS website. A
listing of books available on the subject is also available here. Check your local library, or
bookstore, for the title of autobiographical accounts of near-death experiences as well as for
other book titles. Also, look for magazine articles.

▪ There are IANDS-affiliated groups all over the world that meet regularly to offer information
and support about near-death experiences, with more groups forming. Some are open to
near-death experiencers only; others welcome the public. Ask the IANDS office whether there
is a group near you. For members living where there is no group, IANDS networking service
connects near-death experiencers and people with similar interests.

Some of Examples of Deathbed Visions

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▪ Deathbed visions are those visions or other experiences that a dying person may have in
the minutes, hours, or days before his or her death.

▪ Family members or hospital personnel may report that a dying person, previously weak or
even comatose, suddenly revived, sat up, stared at a corner of the room and called out the
name of a deceased loved one.

▪ In other instances dying persons have described seeing or hearing other persons not
physically present (and usually deceased), or other beings, at their bedside. In rare cases, a
bystander has had such a vision, either alone
or simultaneously with the dying person.

▪ There has been very little systematic research on this phenomenon, but conversations with
hospital nurses and other persons suggest to us that such deathbed visions may be more
common than we now recognize.

▪ Furthermore, the little research that has been done suggests that such visions may not be
related to the hallucinations due to drugs, fever, and certain illnesses can produce.

(1) Kenchamma

▪ Kenchamma, 28, was quite happy when four female agents of the dead who were carrying
her off to another world were stopped by an unknown man, who advised them to take her
back because she was the mother of young children.

▪ “ Why are you carrying her? ” he apparently demanded of the women who had picked her up
after she bled profusely for four hours following a spontaneous abortion. The man then
touched her on the knee with a hot
rod and pushed her back to earth.

(2) Chhajju Bania

▪ “ Don’t send me back, just give me some work to do right here,” cried Chhajju Bania, 34,
crouching before Yamaraj, the god of death who sported a flowing white beard and sat on a
high chair.

▪ He looked around and saw a little old lady, apparently a clerk, wielding a pen; several clerks
leafed through books.

▪ “ You have brought the wrong Chhajju,” said a clerk. “ Push him back and bring the right
one.” So a reluctant Chhajju Bania was returned to his delighted family in Uttar Pradesh.


▪ Muttakka of Karnataka, for example, cannot recollect exactly how she came back from the
other world, but knows she was sent back by a 'fat man' who looked at her 'papers,' and said,
"Why have you brought her? She has
not yet completed her time (on earth!)."

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▪ "I was taken by messengers in a jeep to Yama Patna," says Gowramma, who fell
unconscious for no particular reason when she was about 22.

▪"Yamaraj looked into his list of names in a book and said: "Send her back. She has still not
completed her time."

▪ Gowramma reports that she saw her own body lying motionless. People sometimes report
having seen their own lifeless bodies from outside. This is known as an out of body

(5) Mangal Singh

▪ Mangal Singh even developed a boil on his left arm, which he claimed happened when a
man from another realm touched him.

▪ "I was lying down on a cot when two people came, lifted me up and took me along," he told
Pasricha. "We came to a gate, beyond which there was grass and the ground seemed to be
sloping. A man there reprimanded the men who had brought me.

▪ "Why have you brought the wrong person?"

He picked up a lathi with which he intended to beat the two men, who promptly ran away.

▪ Then the senior man said, 'You go back.'

"Suddenly I saw two big pots of boiling water, although there was no fire, no firewood, and no
fireplace. Then, the man pushed me with his hand and said, "You'd better hurry up and go
back." When he touched me, I suddenly became aware of how hot his hand was.

▪ Then I realised why the pots were boiling. The heat was coming from his hands! When
I regained consciousness, I had a severe burning sensation in my left arm." Mangal still had a
mark on his left arm that he claims was a result of the burning.

▪ These are some of the near-death experiences studied by Dr. Satwant

Pasricha, additional professor of clinical psychology at the National Institute of
Mental Health and Neurosciences in Bangalore.

▪ Dr. Pasricha hopes to chart this twilight zone dividing the living from the dead. And she gets
material from those who walked the line and came back.

▪ Many of those who almost died of cardiac arrest, shock, coma, surgery or accidents have
reported strange other-world experiences that were fleeting but clear. Dr. Pasricha, the first
and only Indian researcher to have been studying this phenomenon, recorded these cases in
the course of her
investigation of reincarnation, an area of research that she is now famous.

▪ Almost every person she interviewed here said she had met either Yamaraj or his
emissaries. And those who had such experiences usually show a marked reduction in their

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fear of death and gained belief in life after death.

▪ But are NDEs fact or figments of the imagination? Dr. Pasricha draws no hard conclusions.

▪ Although many reports of such cases have been published, she says these are derived
mainly from hospital attendents, self-selected volunteers and other non-random samples.
Little is known of the actual prevalence of such experiences in the general population.

I Have Lived Before Shanthi Devi

▪ Dr. K.S. Rawat has in a more general context given me permission to quote from an
unpublished manuscript of his about similarities between Pre-Birth Memories and Near Death

▪ K.S. Rawat writes about this case: “Shanti Devi was born in a middle class family of Delhi on
11th December 1926. She was just like any other ordinary girl, expect that till the age of four
she did not speak much. But, since four, when she started speaking, she ceased to be an
ordinary girl.

▪ She changed and changed forever. She started talking about her ‘husband’ and ‘children’.

▪ She would repeatedly describe her home and her husband’s shop at Mathura.
She said was a Chouban of Mathura And her name was Lugdi Devi.

▪ She would talk of the food and dress in the former life. For five years her parents tried to
distract her mind but they could not. At
last a sympathetic grand uncle came to her aid. He asked her to give him the name and
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address of her husband at Mathura.”

▪ Thus it was possible to verify most of her statements.

▪ The case is among the strongest evidence for reincarnation. It was studied by many scholars
and skeptics, most of which seem convinced that there is no normal explanation of her

▪ Apart from her vivid memories of her previous lives, Shanti also possessed
some pre birth memories. These are the main details.

▪ “Mr. Nahata interrogated Shanti Devi on 22nd February 1936.

The relevant portions (translated from Hindi) are as follows:

Question. Tell us, what did you experience at the time of death?
Answer. Smoke. Three men wearing yellow clothes. I went with them till the third
plane. To the fourth plane, I went alone.

Question. What did you see there?

Answer. There were saints at all three places.

Question. What did you see at the fourth place?

Answer. Krishnaji was sitting on a throne.

Question. What else was there?

Answer. In front, there was a saint.

Question. Did he have any beard or long plaits of hair?

Answer. He had a white beard. There were many saints.

Question. What else was there?

Answer. Krishnaji had a paper in his hand and was reading from it.

Question. What was he reading?

Answer. I don’t know about other things, but I know he read out House number 565.
(The number of the house which Shanti Devi is residing these days is 565)

Question. What happened then?

Answer. I returned to a black cell.

Question. Were those three persons with you while returning?

Answer. No.

Question. What was there on your way?

Answer. Staircases of gold and silver.

Question. Did you remain hungry in the dark cell?

Answer. No, I didn’t feel hunger or thirst.”

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▪ There was a hypnotic test, conducted on April 13th 1936 by Mr. Jagadish Mitra which
confirmed some of the items maintained above.

▪ “Mr. Sushil Bose interrogated Shanti Devi on 25th and 26th July 1936. His monograph,
entitled “A case of reincarnation”, was published in 1952 in English. Mr. Sushil Bose does not
mention the language in which the interview was originally taken”

▪ “The relevant portions from his monograph are as follows:

Question. Do you remember how you felt at the time of death?

Answer. Yes, just before death I felt a profound darkness and after death I saw a dazzling
light. Then and there I knew I had come out of my body in a vaporous form and that I was
moving upwards….

▪ I saw that four men in saffron robes had come to me… all the four seemed to be in their
teens and their appearance and dress were very bright. They put me in a cup and carried
me… It was about nine or ten inches broad and rectangular in shape.

Question. What did you see as they carried you up?

Answer. After going up for sometime I saw a very beautiful garden, the like of which
I have never seen in this world. It is beyond description. And I saw a river also.

Question. Did you not ask them anything about the river?
Answer. When asked they said that those who aspired for higher life sincerely, but who had
committed fleshly wrong in this life, were dipped in the river before moving any higher…
Arriving on the fourth plane I saw that there are still more saints, brighter in appearance than
those on the third plane.

▪ And in the midst of them, seated on a huge dazzling throne was Lord Krishna. He was
showing each person a record of his activities on earth, good or bad, and accordingly what
would be his condition in the future.

Question. What happened then?

Answer. Then those persons who carried me, took me to a place like a staircase where it was
very bright. I was seated there.

Question. Is there anything like darkness or light there?

Answer. No, nothing like light or darkness. It was all full of light. It was very soothing.
Something like the light of a full moon. It was all day and night; very mild, and soothing and
enlivening light.

Question. Did you have a sense of time? Can you say how long you stayed there?
Answer. No, I can’t say how long I remained there. I had no feeling of time.

Question. Did you feel there was a higher plane above the one where you were?
Answer. Yes, I observed and felt that there was a higher plane but I can’t say anything
about it… On the fourth plane, near the throne of Krishna, I saw someone with a long

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Question. What happened finally?

Answer. After remaining on the staircase for a long time, I was taken to dark room, from all
sides of which a very bad smell was coming out. I was made to lie down in a clean place

Question. Did you feel any pain at the time of death?

Answer. I did not feel any pain, I simply passed into a state of unconsciousness, and
at that very moment I saw a very brilliant light.”
▪ Dr. K.S. Rawat, along with Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Satwant Pasricha interrogated Shanti
Devi at her residence in Delhi On 3rd February, 1986.

▪ The interview was in English. The relevant portions are as follows:

▪ “ Shanti Devi: …. Before my death, I saw a dazzling light… very dazzling. Four persons,
very handsome boys, with large yellow garments. They came with a square shaped vessel
and a sort of roomal (handkerchief) or whatever you call it. All of a sudden light came out from
the body that I was. Then they
put this light into the vessel and took me up, up, and up… I saw a very extraordinary and very
good light, dazzling. First plane, second plane and third plane.

▪ I saw Lord Krishna sitting on a golden seat -Singhasan. At his feet people (were) calling
names. Then he called my name also and told me, “This is your last Birth”…. Then again
these four persons came and put me in the vessel.

▪ Then they descended me a very bright staircase and then I came in a cell, a dark

▪ Later, on 30th October, 1987, when Dr. Rawat again interviewed Shanti Devi (this time,
alone), she mentioned something about a river and the appearances of the souls present on
the fourth plane, in addition to the various details she had given previously. This interview was
recorded on video cassette:

▪ “Shanti Devi. They took me up. There was a river. It was quite clean and pure like milk.
(About the appearance of the soul she said:)
“They were like flames in lamps”.”

This is a case studied by Dr. K.S. Rawat (Contact Email:-

Refer Next Part, Chapter no:- 11 》 Part:- 7
6》To Read More Than 50
Parapsychological Evidences to Show that Part of Consciousness Can
Exist Independent From Brain.

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CHAPTER NO :- 11 》PART :- 7


Here are the some of Medical Evidences by Some of Famous Doctors for Survival of
Consciousness after Death and Phenomenon of Reincarnation.

(1) People have Near Death Experiences while they are certified to be brain dead

(2) People hear and observe events while outside of their physical body during an Near
Death Experience which are later proven to be true and real.

(3) People who are born blind can see while outside of their physical body during a
Near Death Experience.

(4) Many Near Death Experiences clearly show that there is a return of consciousness
to the brain at the point of death.

(5) Dr. Kenneth Ring replicated Dr. Raymond Moody's groundbreaking Near Death
Experience study.

(6) Experimental evidence proves that Near Death Experiences are real.

(7) Near Death Experiences can be considered an objective experience.

(8) The Near Death Experience has been validated to be a real phenomenon in
scientific studies.

(9) The out-of-body experience has been validated to be a real phenomenon in

scientific studies.

(10) Scientific studies support the out-of-body aspect of Near Death Experiences.

(11) Scientific studies into Near Death Experiences supports theory of a "sixth sense"
and the theory that the human mind may exist outside the body like an invisible
magnetic field.

(12) Near Death Experience concepts are supported by a prominent theory of


(13) The expansion of consciousness reported during Near Death Experiences

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accounts supports a theory of consciousness.

(14) The brain's connection to a higher power can be validated by indisputable

scientific facts.

(15) Near Death Experiences can be reproduced using hallucinogenic drugs such as
ketamine which satisfies criteria of the scientific method

(16) Near-death experiences are different from hallucinations.

(17) Near Death Experiences can be induced by such triggers as psychedelic drugs,
extreme stress, electrical stimulation of the brain, trance meditation, epileptic seizures,
and even sexual orgasms.

(18) Apparitions of the deceased can be induced in the laboratory.

(19) Scientific knowledge and new scientific discoveries are brought back from Near
Death Experiences.

(20) Near Death Experience studies have advanced biological and medical research.

(21) Carl G. Jung, M.D. founded analytical psychology based on concepts learned from
his own Near Death Experience.

(22) Many aspects of quantum physics supports the reality of Near Death Experience

(23) Quantum physics supports the transcendental nature of consciousness.

(24) Near Death Experiences have influenced some of humanity's greatest philosophies
and religions.

(25) Near Death Experiences can be viewed to be archetypal initiatory journeys.

(26) Some people have been clinically dead for several days and have reported
profound Near Death Experiences.

(27) Some people having Near Death Experiences see profound visions of the future
which later prove to be true.

(28) Groups of people have experienced clinical death at the same time and proximity
and report sharing the same Near Death Experience.

(29) People who have Near Death Experiences cannot be convinced that it was
anything other than an afterlife experience.

(30) Unbiased children report having Near Death Experiences that are similar to adult
Near Death Experiences.

(31) People who have Near Death Experiences are drastically changed by them in ways

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that hallucinations or dreams cannot.

(32) There are common elements found in multitudes of Near Death Experiences which
cannot be explained by brain chemistry alone.

(33) Near Death Experiences have been reported since the dawn of recorded history.

(34) There are serious flaws with the reductionist skeptical theory of the Dying Brain

(35) Skeptical arguments against the survival theory of Near Death Experiences are
often not valid.

(36) The burden of proof has shifted to skeptics of the survival theory of Near Death

(37) Other paranormal phenomena supports Near Death Experiences to be experiences

of the survival of consciousness.

(38) Near Death Experiences support the reality of reincarnation.

(39) Scientific evidence exists which supports the reality of reincarnation which
incorporates the Afterlife Hypothesis as a major tenet.

(40) Xenoglossy supports the reality of reincarnation.

(41) Past-life regression supports the reality of reincarnation.

(42) Psychic mediums have successfully contacted deceased people under scientific

(43) Apparitions of the deceased and after-death communications have been reported
by credible people.

(44) Scientific evidence from dream research assumes the transcendental nature of
consciousness to be true.

(45) The phenomenon of deathbed visions provides evidence of a reality which

corresponds with the Afterlife Hypothesis.

(46) Scientific evidence exists which supports the reality of remote viewing which
assumes the transcendental nature of consciousness to be true.

(47) Scientific evidence exists which supports the efficacy of prayer which assumes the
transcendental nature of consciousness to be true.

(48) Near Death Experiences support the reality of astrology.

(49) Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) suggests the survival of consciousness after
death is a reality.

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(50) Leading atheists have Near Death Experiences and/or other experiences which
lead them to abandon atheism.

(51) Some people have psychometric abilities and can relate details about an object
merely by being in close contact with it.

(52) Memories of NDEs are More Real Than Normal Memories.


▪ Dr. Ken Ring published a paper in the Journal ofNear-Death Studies (1993) concerning
near-death experiencers (NDErs) who, while out of their bodies, observe detailed events
occurring far away from their dead body - sometimes hundreds of miles away.

▪ But the most profound aspect of such near-death experiencers is how many of these distant
out-of-body observations are later verified by third-parties to have actually occurred - a
phenomenon called "veridical perception."

▪ Near-death Experiencers have also been able to hear and recall detailed conversations
between people while out of their bodies from great distances away which are later proven by
third-parties to be true. An even more profound aspect of this phenomenon occurs when the
experiencer actually appears in spirit to someone, usually a loved one, while out of their body
and is later verified by that loved one.

▪ However, if near-death experiencers veridical perception could someday be duplicated,

studied and verified under strict
scientific controls, it would provide absolute scientific proof that consciousness can exist
outside the body after death. It would also be the greatest scientific discovery of all time.

▪ As a matter of fact, a scientific study such as this is currently underway (the AWARE Study)
to determine if near-death experiencers veridical perception is a scientific reality. Many near-
death experiencers experts believe it is only a matter of time – may be soon - for this
phenomenon to be proven a
scientific fact.

▪ However, such evidence is by no means the only possible evidence supporting life after
death. On this Article you will discover even more evidence supporting the Afterlife

(1) Near Death experiencers occur while patients are brain dead.

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▪ Cardiologist Michael Sabom described a near-death experience that occurred while its
experiencer - a woman who was having an unusual surgical procedure for the safe excision
and repair of a large basilar artery aneurysm - met all of the accepted criteria for brain death.

▪ The unusual medical procedure involved the induction of hypothermic cardiac arrest, in
order to insure that the aneurysm at the base of the brain would not rupture during the
operation. The patient's body temperature was lowered to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, her
heartbeat and breathing ceased, her brain waves flattened, and the blood was completely
drained from her head. Her electroencephalogram was totally flat.

(2) Out Of Body perception during near death experiencers have been verified.

▪ Dr. Bruce Greyson documented perhaps one of the most compelling examples of a person
who had a near-death experiencers and observed events while outside of his body which
were later verified by others.

▪ The only way that these events could have been observed by the experiencer was if in fact
he was outside of his body. Al Sullivan was a 55 year old truck driver who was
undergoing triple bypass surgery when he had a powerful near-death experiencers that
included an encounter with his deceased mother and brother-in-law, who told Al to go back to
his to tell one of his neighbors
that their son with lymphoma will be OK. Furthermore, during the near-death
experiencers, Al accurately noticed that the surgeon operating on him was flapping his arms in
an unusual fashion, with his hands in his armpits. When he came back to his body after the
surgery was over, the surgeon was startled that Al could describe his own arm flapping, which
was his idiosyncratic
method of keeping his hands sterile.

(3) People born blind can see during a near death experience.

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▪Dr. Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper completed a two-year study into the near-death
experiencers of the blind. They published their findings in a book entitled "Mindsight" in which
they documented the solid evidence of 31 cases in which blind people report visually accurate
information obtained during an near-death experience.

▪ Perhaps the best example in his study is that of a forty-five year old blind woman by the
name of Vicki Umipeg. Vicki was born blind, her optic nerve having been completely
destroyed at birth because of an excess of oxygen she received in the incubator. Yet, she
appears to have been able to see during her near-death experience. Her story is a particularly
clear instance of how near-death experiencers of the congenitally blind can unfold in precisely
the same way as do those of sighted persons.

(4) Near Death experiencers demonstrate the return of consciousness from death.

▪ An anecdotal example of evidence that a person's consciousness leaves and returns to their
body during an near-death experience comes from the research of Dr. Melvin Morse. Olga
Gearhardt was a 63 year old woman who underwent a heart transplant because of a severe
virus that attacked her heart tissue.

▪ Her entire family awaited at the hospital during the surgery, except for her son-in-law, who
stayed home. The transplant was a success, but at exactly 2:15 am, her new heart stopped
beating. It took the frantic transplant team three more hours to revive her. Her family was only
told in the morning that her operation was a success, without other details. When they called
her son-in-law with the good news, he had his own news to tell.

▪ He had already learned about the successful surgery. At exactly 2:15 am, while he was
sleeping, he awoke to see his Olga, his mother-in-law, at the foot of his bed. She told
him not to worry, that she was going to be alright. She asked him to tell her daughter (his
wife). He wrote down the message, and the time of day and then fell asleep. Later on at the
hospital, Olga regained consciousness. Her first words were "did you get the message?" She
was able to confirm that she left her body during her near-death experience and was able to
travel to her son-in-law to communicate to him the message.

▪ This anecdotal evidence demonstrates that the near-death experience is a return to

consciousness at the point of death, when the brain is dying. Dr. Melvin Morse thoroughly
researched Olga's testimony and every detail had objective verification including the scribbled
note by the son-in-law.

(5) The Near Death experience study by Raymond Moody has been replicated.

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▪ In 1975, Dr. Raymond Moody published a book entitled "Life After Life" which described his
findings from his study on near-death experiences. Moody's book became a bestseller and
focused public attention on the near-death experience like never before. Moody recorded and
compared the experiences of 150 persons who died, or almost died, and then recovered.

▪ Moody outlined nine elements that generally occur during near-death experiencers : (1)
hearing strange sounds, (2)feelings of peace, (3) feelings of painlessness, (4)out-of-body
experiences, (5)experiencing a tunnel, (6) rising rapidly into the heavens, (7)seeing beings of
light, (8) experiencing a life
review, (9)a reluctance to return to the body.

▪ Dr. Ken Ring's replicated this near-death experience study by Dr. Raymond Moody.

Ring's research conclusions include:

1. Dr. Moody's research findings are confirmed.
2. Near-death experiences happen to people of all races, genders, ages,
education, marital status, and social class.
3. Religious orientation is not a factor.
4. People are convinced of the reality of their near-death experiences experience.
5. Drugs do not appear to be a factor.
6. Near-death experiences are not hallucinations.
7. near-death experiences often involve unparalleled feelings.
8. People lose their fear of death and appreciate life more after having an
near-death experience
9. People's lives are transformed after having a near-death experience.

(6) Experimental evidence suggests that near death experiences are real.

▪ Science demands verifiable evidence which can be reproduced again and again under
experimental situations. Dr. Jim Whinnery, of the National Warfare Institute, thought he was
simply studying the effects of G forces on fighter pilots.

▪ He had no idea he would revolutionize the field of consciousness studies by providing

experimental proof that near-death experiencers are real.

▪ The pilots were placed in huge centrifuges and spun at tremendous speeds. After they lost
consciousness, after they went into seizures, after they lost all muscle tone, when the blood

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stopped flowing in their brains, only then would they suddenly have a return to conscious
awareness. They had "dreamlets" as Dr. Whinnery calls them.

▪ These dreamlets are similar to near-death experiences and they often involved a sense of
separation from the physical body. A typical dreamlet involved a pilot leaving his physical body
and traveling to a sandy beach, where he looked directly up at the sun. The pilots would
remark that death is very pleasant.

(7) Near Death experiencers can be considered to be an objective experience.

▪ Carl Becker, Ph.D. received his Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii in 1981. He has
researched NDEs in Japanese hospitals and literature for 30 years. Dr. Becker has published
numerous books on bioethics, death and dying, and NDEs in both Japan and the United

▪ Currently, Dr. Becker is a Professor of Bioethics and Comparative Religion at Kyoto

University, Kyoto, Japan. Carl Becker examined four ways in which NDEs may be
considered objective:

1. Paranormal knowledge that is later verified

2. The similarity of deathbed events in different cultures
3. Differences between religious expectations and visionary experiences
4. Third-party observations of visionary figures, indicating that they
were not merely subjective hallucinations (Becker, 1984).

(8) Near Death experiencers have been validated in scientific studies.

▪ On Oct. 23, 2000, The BBC reported:"Evidence of Life After Death" about a study in the UK
conducted by Dr. Sam Parnia and others at the University of Southampton which provided
scientific evidence suggesting the survival of consciousness after clinical and brain death.
Then on June 29, 2001, ABC News reported: "Study Suggests Life After Death: Brains of
Dead Heart Attack Patients Still Function" concerning the same study. These findings support
other NDE evidence suggestive of life after death.

(9) Out Of Body experiences have been validated in scientific studies.

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▪ In 1968, a paper by Dr. Charles Tart was published entitled P
" sychophysiological Study of
Out of the Body Experiences in a Selected Subject" concerning a woman who
successfully read a 5-digit number while having had an out-of-body experience. This is
verifiable evidence of out-of-body perception and supports veridical perception in near-death

(10) Autoscopy during Near Death experiencers have been validated in scientific

▪ Pim van Lommel led a study concerning the near-death experiencers of research subjects
who had cardiac arrest. The findings of the study suggests that research subjects can
experience consciousness, with self-identity,
cognitive function and memories, including the possibility of perception outside their body
(autoscopy), during a flat EEG. Those research subjects who had near-death experiencers
report that their near-death experience was a bonafide preview of the afterlife.

(11) A transcendental "sixth sense" of the human mind has been found.

▪ On September 11, 2003, new research by the Institute of Psychiatry caused British scientists
to announce that there is convincing evidence that people are capable of paranormal feats,
such as premonitions, telepathy, and out-of-body experiences.

▪ The British Association for the Advancement of Science was told an increasing number of
experiments support the theory of a human "sixth sense" - an ability which may have its roots
in our past, when the ability to sense the presence of a predator was a matter of life or death.

▪ The view that people are capable of paranormal feats, such as premonitions,
telepathy, and out-of-body experiences, is supported by new research by the Institute of
Psychiatry, which suggests the human mind may exist outside the body like an invisible
magnetic field. The research is being led by Dr. Peter Fenwick, a neuropsychiatrist at London
University, who has just completed

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a survey of heart patients claiming to have had "near-death experiences" after their hearts had
stopped beating.

(12) Near Death experiencers support the "holonomic" theory of consciousness.

▪ One particular theory of consciousness which is supported by NDE research involves the
concept of consciousness expansion after death. Stanislav Grof, a leading consciousness
researcher, explained this theory in the documentary entitled "Life After Death" by Tom
Harpur: "My first idea was that it [consciousness] has to be hard-wired in the brain. I spent
quite a bit of time trying to figure out how something like that is possible. Today, I came to the
conclusion that it is not coming from the brain. In that sense, it supports what Aldous Huxley
believed after he had some powerful psychedelic experiences and was trying to link them to
the brain. He came to the conclusion that maybe the brain acts as a kind of reducing valve
that actually protects us from too much cosmic input ... I don't think you can locate the source
of consciousness. I am quite sure it is not in the brain – not inside of the skull ... It actually,
according to my experience, would lie beyond time and space, so it is not localizable.

▪ You actually come to the source of consciousness when you dissolve any categories that
imply separation, individuality, time, space and so on. You just experience it as a presence."

(13) The expansion of consciousness reported in Near Death experiencers supports

consciousness theories.

▪ The following near-death experience descriptions of consciousness expansion supports the

theory of consciousness described above by Stanislav Grof. It theorizes that the brain acts as
a reducing valve of cosmic input to produce consciousness.

▪ At death, this reducing-valve function ceases and consciousness is then free to expand. The
following near-death experiencers support this:

1. "I realized that, as the stream was expanding, my own consciousness was also expanding
to take in everything in the Universe!" (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)

2. "My mind felt like a sponge, growing and expanding in size with each addition ... I could feel
my mind expanding and absorbing and each new piece of information somehow seemed to
belong." (Virginia Rivers)

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3. "In your life review you'll be the universe." (Thomas Sawyer)

4. "This white light began to infiltrate my consciousness. It came into me..It seemed I went out
into it. I expanded into it as it came into my field of consciousness." (Jayne Smith)

5. "My presence fills the room. And now I feel my presence in every room in the hospital.
Even the tiniest space in the hospital is filled with this presence that is me. I sense myself
beyond the hospital, above the city, even encompassing Earth. I am melting into the universe.
I am everywhere at once." (Josiane Antonette)

6. "I felt myself expanding and expanding until I thought, "I'm going to burst! “The moment I
thought, "I'm going to burst!", I suddenly found myself alone, back where this being had met
me, and he had gone."(Margaret Tweddelll)

7. Susan had an out-of-body experience where she left her body and grew very big, as big as
a planet at first, and then she filled the solar system and finally she became as large as the
universe. (Susan Blackmore).

(14) The brain's connection to a greater power has been validated by indisputable
scientific facts.

▪ Dr. Melvin Morse was an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of

Washington. He has studied near-death experiences in children for over 15 years and is the
author of several outstanding books on the subject.

1. Memories can exist outside of the brain (Holonomic Brain Theory).

2. Scientific evidence exists supporting reincarnation (Dr. Ian Stevenson's research).

3. Anecdotal evidence supports the theory that people exist after death in some form of
energy (near-death experience of Pam Reynolds).

4. People can exhibit supernatural powers (Joseph McMonagle and Remote


5. Right temporal lobe activity verifies the reality of the brain's connection to a higher power
(Melvin Morse).

6. The mind/brain can be induced to have paranormal experiences (Trigger of Brain


7. Consciousness research is able to support the reality of an unseen power (Dr. Gary
Schwartz HBO Study and Dr. Dean Radin and the Global Consciousness Project).

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(15) The replication of Near Death experiencers using hallucinogenic drugs satisfies the
scientific method.

▪ Dr. Karl Jansen is a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and is the world's leading
expert on ketamine. He has studied ketamine at every level. While earning his doctorate in
clinical pharmacology at the University of Oxford, he photographed the receptors to which
ketamine binds in the human brain.

▪ He has published papers on his discovery of the similarities between ketamine's

psychoactive effects and the near-death experience during his study of medicine in New
Zealand. Because there exists a biological basis for NDEs and a method to replicate near-
death experiencers, this satisfies the scientific criteria for being a real, scientific phenomenon.
Dr. Karl Jansen's ketamine research findings include:

1. near-death experiencers and ketamine produce identical visions. -

2. near-death experiencers and ketamine both induce real visions of a real god.-

3. Ketamine affects the right temporal lobe, the hippocampus and associated structures in the
brain (the "God" spot).

(16) Near Death experiencers are different from hallucinations.

▪ Near-death experiencers are not a denial of reality, as is often seen in drug or oxygen
deprivation induced hallucinations. There are not the distortions of time, place, body image
and disorientations seen in drug induced

▪ They instead typically involve the perception of another reality superimposed over this one.
For example, one young boy told Dr. Melvin Morse that the "god took me in his hands and
kept me safe" while medicos were frantically trying to revive his body after a near drowning.
He said and understood everything that happened to him, but simply perceived something we
usually don't perceive at other times in our lives. German psychiatrist Michael Schroeter-
Kunhardt in his extensive review of all published near death research states there is no
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reason to believe that NDEs are the result of psychiatric pathology or brain dysfunction.

(17) The replication of Near Death experiencers using a variety of

triggers satisfies the scientific method.

▪ In 2002, Neurologist Professor Olaf Blanke and colleagues at Geneva University Hospital in
Switzerland were using electrodes to stimulate the brain of a female patient suffering from
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. They found that stimulating one spot - the "God spot" - the angular
gyrus in the right cortex - repeatedly caused out-of-body experiences.

▪ The doctors did not set out to achieve this out-of-body effect - they were simply treating the
women for epilepsy. Apparently the increased electrical activity in the brain resulting from
seizure activity (abnormal electrical activity in the brain), makes sufferers more susceptible to
having near-death experiences.

▪ The doctors believe the angular gyrus plays an important role in matching up visual
information and the brain's touch and balance representation of the body. When the
two become dissociated, an out-body-experience may result. Writing in the journal Nature, the
Swiss team said out-of-body experiences tended to be short-lived, and to disappear when a
person attempts to inspect parts of their body (autoscopy).

▪ Professor Blanke told BBC News Online that "OBEs have been reported in neurological
patients with epilepsy, migraine and after cerebral strokes, but they also appear in healthy
subjects. Awareness of a biological basis of OBEs might allow some patients who suffer
frequently from OBEs to talk about them more openly. In addition, physicians might take the
phenomenon more seriously and carry out necessary investigations such as an EEG, MRI,
and neurological examinations."

(18) Apparitions of the deceased have been induced under scientific controls.

▪ Dr. Raymond Moody, who became famous for his pioneering studies of near-death
experiencers, has been working on ways of inducing facilitated apparitions in a controlled
setting. He took as his model classic works from ancient Greece which suggested that when

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people wished to contact a deceased loved one they consulted with an 'oracle' at a

▪ A psychomanteum is a specially built laboratory using mirrors to help facilitate the psychic
process. Part of the actual psychic process includes the sending of telepathic messages,
sending vibrations - to the selected recipient in the afterlife.

▪ Moody has reconstructed the process with astonishing results — 85% of his clients who go
through a full day of preparation do make contact with a deceased loved one — but not
necessarily the one that they are seeking to meet. In most cases this occurs in his specially
build psychomanteum but in 25% of cases it happens later in their own homes — the client
wakes up and sees the apparition at the foot of the bed (Moody 1993:97).

▪ According to Dianne Arcangel, an associate of Dr. Moody, in some cases when contact is
made with intelligences from the afterlife information is transmitted to reveal something that
the person seeking contact does not know (1997). Moody gives full instructions on how to
create your own psychomanteum in his book Reunions: Visionary Encounters with Departed
Loved Ones and on his Psychomanteum page.

(19) People having Near Death experiencers have brought back scientific discoveries.

▪ One example of this phenomenon is documented in Tom Harpur's documentary, Life After
Death. Harpur interviews a doctor whose name is Dr. Yvonne Kason who was almost killed in
a plane crash into a lake which resulted in a NDE.

▪ After she recovered, she began to have strange visions in her mind that she couldn't explain.
One of these visions concerned a friend of hers. When Dr. Kason thought of her friend, she
would see a vision in her mind of a "brain covered with pus." Dr. Kason knew that this was an
excellent symbolic vision referring to the deadly disease meningitis.

▪ The problem was that her friend was perfectly healthy at the time, exhibited absolutely no
signs of meningitis, and there was no reason to suspect she had it. Dr. Kason begged her
friend to get tested for meningitis anyway. After an amount of reluctance, her friend got tested.

▪ Surprisingly, the test was positive for meningitis. As a result of Dr. Kason's NDE, her friend
was able to get treated for meningitis at its early stage before it had time to become deadly.
Dr. Kason continues to have such visions. She now realizes that, as a result of her near-death
experience, that is now psychic. Her story affirms that useful things are indeed brought back
near-death experiencers. There are many other examples of the near-death experience

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providing scientific discoveries.

(20) Near Death experiencers have advanced the field of medical science.

▪ One of the best examples of bringing back scientific discoveries resulting from an near-death
experience is a wonderful man by the name of Mellen- Thomas Benedict. After his near-death
experience, Mellen-Thomas Benedict brought back a great deal of scientific information
concerning biophotonics, cellular communication, quantum biology, and DNA research.
Mellen-Thomas Benedict currently holds eight U.S. patents and is always working on more. In
an interview with Guy Spiro of, discusses this phenomenon: Mellen-
"One of the things I did that got me a lot of attention was working with the University of Texas.
I was brought in with Dr. Ken Ring and not told what it was going to be or any details
whatsoever and I didn’t know anything
until we entered the room.

▪ By the way, this was videotaped and recorded. At that time, I could do almost a self
hypnosis and get to the light. "So, the University of Texas sat me down and they said, 'Today,
we are going to be working on something call CNT.' That was all the information that they
gave me, that it was a medical problem, and then I did my technique. In those days, the only
tools that I brought with me were a big pad of paper and large Crayola crayons. I could sit
there, go to the light and still speak to you and draw pictures while seeing.

▪ "With this experiment, I went to the light and asked 'What information can we bring back?' I
almost immediately started drawing and I drew something that to me looked like two horse
shoes. A big horse shoe facing down on the bottom and a smaller horse shoe facing up on
top. I said, 'The answer is in this
upper horseshoe and it’s these three segments.' I numbered them exactly and I said, 'That’s
where the problem is and the real problem is in this third piecing which is this thing.' I was
pointing out a gene, but I didn’t know any of that.

▪ And then I drew picture and I said, 'There are two heads on it and one head is normal and
the one that isn’t right is overriding the head that is. If we can figure out a way to cleave that
head off, I think we can cure
this.' "It turns out that I was exactly right. I helped decode a genetic disease and the
information was very accurate. Everybody thanked me and I went away.

▪ Then about three months later, I started getting letters and calls saying, 'My God, you hit it
right on the head! This is astounding.
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There is no way you could have had this information in advance.' I did a fair number of
projects like that and a fair number of think tanks, all of which you have to sign non
disclosures and promise to never talk about. I worked in a lot of think tanks with some very
impressive world class scientists over the next ten years until I retired from all that in 1995."

(21) Near-death experiencers have advanced the field of psychology.

▪ In a hospital in Switzerland in 1944,

the world-renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, had a heart attack and then a near-death
experience. His vivid encounter with the light, plus the intensely meaningful insights led
Jung to conclude that his experience came from something real and eternal.

▪ Jung's experience is unique in that he saw the Earth from a vantage point of about a
thousand miles above it. His incredibly accurate view of the Earth from outer space was
described about two decades before astronauts in space first described it. Subsequently, as
he reflected on life after death, Jung recalled the meditating Hindu from his near-death
experience and read it as a parable of the archetypal Higher Self, the God-image within.

▪ Carl Jung, who founded analytical psychology, centered on the archetypes of the collective

(22) Near Death experiencers correspond to the "quirky" principles found in quantum

▪ Principles of quantum physics supports NDE concepts include:

(a) the properties of light,
(b) a multi-dimensional reality,
(c)zero point field,
(d)quantum interconnectivity,
(e)quantum consciousness,
(f)quantum synchronicity,
(g)space and time interconnectivity,
(h)time travel,
(k) singularities and the concept of (l)subjectivity.
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(23) The transcendental nature of human consciousness during near-death
experiencers corresponds to principles found in quantum physics.

▪ New developments in quantum physics shows that we cannot know apart from the observer.
Arlice Davenport challenges
the hallucination theory of near-death experiencers as outmoded because the field
theories of physics now suggest new paradigm options available to explain
near-death experiencers.

▪ Mark Woodhouse argues that the traditional

materialism / dualism battle over near-death experiencers may be solved by Einstein. Since
matter is now seen as a form of energy, an energy body alternative to the material body could
explain the near-death experience.

▪ This is supported by Melvin Morse who describes how near-death experiencers

are able to realign the charges in the electromagnetic field of the human body
so that somehow the brain's wiring is renewed.

▪ He reports on patients who have near-death experiencers and who recover from such
diseases as pneumonia, cardiac arrest, and cancer (1992, 153-54). Perhaps the brain is like a
kind of receiver (such as a television,
radio, or cell phone). What is received
(i.e., signals, music, voice) is not produced by the receiver, but exists separately as
electromagnetic waves that are processed by the receiver to make them visible or audible to
the senses.

(24) Near-death experiencers have advanced the fields of philosophy and religion.

▪ The famed Greek philosopher, Plato, described in his legendary work entitled Republic, the
NDE account of a soldier named Er. Plato integrated at least three elements of this NDE into
his philosophy:

(a) The departure of the soul from the cave of shadows to see the light of truth,

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(b) The flight of the soul to a vision of pure celestial being,

(c) Its subsequent recollection of the vision of light, which is the very purpose of philosophy.

▪ The man responsible for making Christianity a world religion, the Apostle Paul, described his
own NDE as follows: "I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up the
third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know - God knows. And I
know that this person - whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God
knows - was caught up to paradise.

▪ He heard inexpressible things, things that people are not permitted to tell.(2 Corinthians
12:2-4). In this letter, Paul based his authority as an Apostle on this near-death experience.
Some or all of his revelations of Jesus certainly came from this near-death experience. The
inspiration of much of the New Testament can be attributed in some way to Paul's near-death

▪ The Tibetan Book of the Dead, whose actual title is "The Great Liberation upon Hearing in
the Intermediate State" or "Bardo Thodol", has striking parallels with the near-death
experiencers of people who have died,
experienced themselves floating out of their bodies, having what appears to be real afterlife
events, and then being revived.

▪ It is traditionally believed to be the work of the legendary Padma Sambhava in the 8th
century A.D. The book acts as a guide for the dead during the state that intervenes death and
the next rebirth. He is considered to be one of the first persons to bring Buddhism to

▪ The Bardo Thodol is a guide that is read aloud to the dead while they are in the state
between death and reincarnation in order for them to recognize the nature of their mind and
attain liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

▪ The Bardo Thodol teaches that once awareness is freed from the body, it creates its own
reality as one would experience in a dream. This dream occurs phases (bardos) in ways both
wonderful and terrifying. Overwhelming peaceful and wrathful visions and deities appear.
Since the deceased's awareness is in confusion of no longer being connected to a physical
body, it needs help and guidance in order that enlightenment and liberation occurs.

▪ The Bardo Thodol teaches how we can attain Nirvana by recognizing the heavenly realms
instead of entering into the lower realms where the cycle of birth and rebirth continue.

(25) Near Death experiencers have the nature of an archetypal initiatory journey.

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▪ Dr. Ken Ring believes near-death experiencers can be viewed psychologically as archetypal
initiatory journeys involving a death of one's old ego and a rebirth of a new self. An adequate
interpretation must incorporate the spiritual realm of kundalini experiences, the imaginable
realm, and the mind at large.

▪ As Ring envisions in an essay in this book, this paradigm can deconstruct our traditional
Western worldview. It may lead to a dramatic next step in the evolution of a more ecological
and more compassionate consciousness.

(26) People have been clinically dead for several days and report the most profound
near death experiencers.

▪ Rev. George Rodonaia underwent one of the most extended cases of a near-death
experience ever recorded. Pronounced dead immediately after he was hit by a car in 1976, he
was left for three days in the morgue. He did not "return to life" until a doctor began to make
an incision in his abdomen as part
of an autopsy procedure. Prior to his NDE he worked as a neuropathologist.

▪ He was also an avowed atheist. Yet after the experience, he devoted himself exclusively to
the study of spirituality, taking a second doctorate in the psychology of religion. He then
became an ordained priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church.

▪ He served as a pastor at St. Paul United Methodist Church in Baytown, Texas. Rodonaia
held an M.D. and a Ph.D. in neuropathology, and a Ph.D. in the psychology of religion. He
delivered a keynote address to the United Nations on the "Emerging Global Spirituality."
Before emigrating to the United States from the Soviet Union in 1989, he worked as a
research psychiatrist at the University of Moscow.

▪ In June 2005, scientists at the University of Pittsburgh announced that they succeeded in
reviving dogs after three hours of clinical death.

▪ The procedure involved draining all the blood from the dogs' bodies and filled
them with an ice-cold salt solution. These dogs were scientifically dead, as their
breathing and heart rate were stopped and they registered no brain activity.

▪ But three hours later, their blood was replaced and they were brought back to life with an
electric shock with no brain damage. A spokesman said the technique could be tried on
humans within a year.

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(27) Near Death experiencers have produced visions of the future which later prove to
be true.

▪ Many people were given visions of the future during their near-death experience. Generally,
these visions foretell a future of catastrophic natural disasters and social upheaval followed by
a new era of peace and have actually already come to pass.

▪ Some of them did not happen as foretold. Many of these apocalyptic visions are to happen
within the next few decades.

▪ Examples of events which have been foretold by the near-death experience visions of the
future by Edgar Cayce include World War I & II, the 1929 Stock Market Crash,
the fall of the Soviet Union and communism, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the
Desert Storm war against Iraq in 1990, and the 9/11 terrorist attack.

(28) Groups of dying people can share the same Near Death experience.

▪ A rare type of near-death experiencer called the "group near-death experience" is a

phenomenon where a whole group of people have a near-death experience at the same time
and location. They see each other outside of their bodies and have a shared or similar
experience. In 1996, near-death experience researcher Arvin Gibson interviewed a firefighter
named Jake who had a most unusual near-death experience while working with other fire-
fighters in a forest.

▪ What makes it unique is that it happened at the same time as several co-workers were also
having a near-death experience. During their near-death experiencers, they actually met each
other and saw each other above their lifeless bodies.

▪ All survived and they verified with each other afterwards that the experience actually
happened. Jake's near-death experience was so interesting that Gibson's local chapter of
IANDS invited him to tell his story at one of their meetings. Another example of a group NDE
is described in the IANDS publication
Vital Signs (Volume XIX, No. 3, 2000) and is described in a greater way in Dr. Stephan Hoyer
and May Eulitt book entitled "Fireweaver: The Story of a Life, a Near-Death, and Beyond."

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(29) Experiencers are convinced the Near Death experience is an afterlife experience.

▪ In 1977, Dr. Kenneth Ring was a brilliant young professor of psychology at the University of
Connecticut who read Dr. Raymond Moody's book, Life After Life, and was inspired by it.
However, he felt
that a more scientifically structured study would strengthen Moody's findings. He soughtout
102 near-death survivors for his research. He concluded: "Regardless of their prior attitudes -
whether skeptical or deeply religious - and regardless of the many variations in religious
beliefs and degrees of skepticism from tolerant disbelief to outspoken atheism - most of these
people were convinced that they had been in the presence of some supreme and loving
power and had a glimpse of a life yet to come." (Dr. Kenneth Ring)

▪ For the multitude of near-death experiencers who know they have left their bodies and
received a glimpse of life after death, there is no amount of clinical explanation that will ever
convince them otherwise.

(30) The near death experiencers of children are remarkably similar to adult near death

▪ The near-death experience researcher P.M.H. Atwater has pointed out the fascinating
anomaly that an amazing number of people important to the evolution of humankind may well
have had such an episode during their childhood. She discusses this at length in both of her
books, Future Memory and Children of the New Millennium.

▪ Some of the notable child near-death experiencers she came across were Abraham Lincoln,
Mozart, Albert Einstein, Queen Elizabeth I, Edward de Vere/the 17th Earl of Oxford (who most
likely is the real Shakespeare), Winston Churchill, Black Elk, Walter Russell, plus several

(31) Experiencers of Near Death experiencers are profoundly changed in ways that
cannot occur from hallucinations and dreams.

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▪ No matter what the nature of the near-death experience, it alters lives. Alcoholics find
themselves unable to imbibe. Hardened criminals opt for a life of helping others. Atheists
embrace the existence of a deity, while dogmatic members of a particular religion report
"feeling welcome in any church or temple or mosque." Nancy Evans Bush, president emeritus
of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, says the experience is revelatory.
"Most near-death
survivors say they don't think there is a God," she says. "They know."

▪ In 1975, when Raymond Moody published Life After Life, a book that coined the term "near-
death experience" (near-death experience) to describe this hard-to-define phenomenon.
Moody interviewed 150 near-death patients who reported vivid experiences (flashing back to
childhood, coming face to face with Christ).

▪ He found that those who had undergone near-death experiencers became more altruistic,
less materialistic, and more loving.
Bruce Greyson and Ian Stevenson have been instrumental in gathering evidence indicating
that religious backgrounds do not affect who is most likely to have a near-death experience.

▪ They have mapped out the conversion-like

effects of near-death experiencers that can sometimes lead to hardship. "They can see the
good in all people," Greyson says of people who have experienced the phenomenon. "They
act fairly naive, and they often allow themselves to be opened up to con men who abuse their

▪ They have gathered reports of high divorce rates and problems in the workplace
following near-death experiencers. "The values you get from a near-death experience are not
the ones you need to function in everyday life," says Greyson. Having started eternity in the
face, he observes, those who return often lose their taste for ego-boosting achievement. Not
even the diehard skeptics doubt the powerful personal effects of near-death experiencers.

▪ "This is a profound emotional experience," explains Nuland. "People are convinced that
they've seen heaven."

(32) Near Death experiencers merely by brain chemistry alone. cannot be explained.

Dr. Jeffrey Long is a physician practicing the specialty of radiation oncology in Houma,
Louisiana. Dr. Long served on the Board of Directors of IANDS, and is actively involved in

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NDE research. In his book, "Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death
Experiences," Dr. Long documents a study he conducted - the largest scientific study of NDEs
ever. It is based on his research of over 1,300 NDEs shared with Using his
treasure trove of data, Dr. Long explains how NDEs cannot be explained by brain chemistry
alone, how medical evidence fails to explain them away and why there is only one plausible
explanation - that people have survived death and traveled to another dimension. Dr. Long
makes his case using nine lines of evidence and they are the following:

1. Crystal-Clear Consciousness. The level of conscious alertness during NDEs is usually

greater than that experienced in everyday life - even though NDEs generally occur when a
person is unconscious or clinically dead. This high level of consciousness while physically
unconscious is medically unexplained. Additionally, the elements in NDEs generally follow the
same consistent and logical order in all age groups and around the world, which refutes the
possibility that NDEs have any relation to dreams or hallucinations.

2.Realistic Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs): OBEs are one of the most common elements
of NDEs. Events witnessed and heard by NDErs while in an out-of-body state are almost
always realistic. When the NDEr or others later seek to verify what was witnessed or heard
during the NDE, their OBE observations are almost always confirmed as completely accurate.
Even if the OBE observations include events occurring far away from the physical body, and
far from any possible sensory awareness of the NDEr, the OBE observations are still almost
always confirmed as completely accurate. This fact alone rules out the possibility that NDEs
are related to any known brain functioning or sensory awareness. This also refutes the
possibility that NDEs are unrealistic fragments of memory from the brain.

3. Heightened Senses. Not only are heightened senses reported by most who have NDEs,
normal or supernormal vision has occurred in those with significantly impaired vision, and
even legal blindness. Several people who have been totally blind since birth have reported
highly visual NDEs. This is medically unexplainable.

4. Consciousness During Anesthesia. Many NDEs occur while the NDEr is under general
anesthesia - at a time when any conscious experience should be impossible. While some
skeptics claim these NDEs may be the result of too little anesthesia, this ignores the fact that
some NDEs result from anesthesia overdose. Additionally, descriptions of a NDEs differ
greatly from those people who experiences "anesthetic awareness." The content of NDEs
occurring under general anesthesia is essentially indistinguishable from NDEs that do not
occur under general anesthesia. This is more strong evidence that NDEs occur independent
from the functioning of the material brain.

5. Perfect Playback. Life reviews in NDEs include real events which previously occurred in
the lives of the NDEr - even if the events were forgotten or happened before they were old
enough to remember.

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6. Family Reunions. During an NDE, the experiencer may encounter people who are virtually
always deceased and are usually relatives of the NDEr. Sometimes they include relatives who
died before the NDEr was even born. If NDEs are merely the product of memory fragments,
they would almost certainly include far more living people, including those with whom they
had more recently interacted.

7. Children’s Experiences. The NDEs of children, including very young children who are too
young to have developed concepts of death, religion, or NDEs, are essentially identical to
those of older children and adults. This refutes the possibility that the content of NDEs is
produced by preexisting beliefs or cultural conditioning.

8. Worldwide Consistency. NDEs appear remarkably consistent around the world, and
across many different religions and cultures. NDEs from non-Western countries are incredibly
similar to those occurring in people in Western countries.

9. Aftereffects. It is common for people to experience major life changes after having NDEs.
These aftereffects are often powerful, lasting, life-enhancing, and the changes generally follow
a consistent pattern. NDErs themselves are practically universal in their belief that their
experience of the afterlife was real.

(33) Near Death experiencers have been reported by people since the dawn of recorded

▪ Reports of near-death experiences are not a new phenomenon. A great number of them
have been recorded over a period of thousands of years. The ancient religious texts such as
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Christian Bible, and the Koran describe experiences of life
after death which remarkably resembles modern near-death experiencers.

▪ The oldest surviving explicit report of a near-death experiencers in Western literature comes
from the famed Greek philosopher, Plato, who describes an event in his tenth book of his
legendary book entitled Republic. Plato discusses the story of Er, a soldier who awoke on his
funeral pyre and described his journey into the afterlife. But this story is not just a random
anecdote for Plato.

▪ He integrated at least three elements of the near-death experience into his philosophy: the
departure of the soul from the cave of shadows to see the light of truth, the flight of the soul to
a vision of pure celestial being and its subsequent recollection of the vision of light, which is
the very purpose of philosophy.

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(34) The skeptical "dying brain" theory of Near Death experiencers has serious flaws.

▪ Two competing hypotheses are advanced in a book by skeptic Susan Blackmore entitled
Dying to Live and they are

(1)The Afterlife Hypothesis and

(2) Susan Blackmore's The Dying Brain Hypothesis.

▪ The Afterlife Hypothesis states spirit survives body death. The near-death experience is the
result of spirit separating from the body. The Dying Brain Hypothesis states the near-death
experience is an artifact of brain chemistry. According to the dying brain hypothesis, there is
no spirit which survives body death. Skeptics who claim the author of Dying to Live is non
biased are proven wrong; skeptics who claim she provides scientific proof are shown, by her
own words, to be in error.

▪ Because NDEs have many common core elements, this suggests that they are spiritual
voyages outside of the body. Also, if the dying brain creates NDE illusions, what is the
purpose for doing it ? If our brains are only a high-tech computer-like lump of tissue which
produces our mind and personality, why does it bother to create illusions at the time of death?

▪ If everything, including the mind and personality, are about to disintegrate,

why would the brain produce a last wonderful Grand Finale vision? Even if near-death
experience elements can be reduced to only a series of brain reactions, this does not negate
the idea that near-death experiencers are more than a brain thing.

(35) Skeptical arguments against the Near Death experience "survival theory" are not

▪ Sociologist Dr. Allan Kellehear states that some scientific theories are often presented as
the most logical, factual, objective, credible, and progressive possibilities, as opposed to the
allegedly subjective, superstitious, abnormal, or dysfunctional views of mystics. The rhetorical
opinions of some near-death experience theories are presented as if they were scientific
(Kellehear, 1996, 120).

▪ Many skeptical arguments against the survival theory are actually arguments from pseudo-

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skeptics who often think they have no burden of proof.

▪ Such arguments often based on scientism with assumptions that survival is impossible even
though survival has not been ruled out.

▪ Faulty conclusions are often made such as, "Because near-death experiencers have a brain
chemical connection then survival is impossible." Pseudo-skeptical arguments are
sometimes made that do not consider the entire body of circumstantial evidence supporting
the possibility of survival or do not consider the possibility of new paradigms. Such pseudo-
skeptical claims are often made without any scientific evidence.

(36) The burden of proof has shifted to the skeptics of the survival theory.

▪ All neurological theories concluding near-death experiencers to be only a brain anomaly,

must show how the core elements of the near-death experience occur subjectively because
of specific neurological events triggered by the approach of death.

▪ These core elements include: the out-of-body state, paranormal knowledge, the tunnel, the
golden light, the voice or presence, the appearance of deceased relatives, and beautiful
vistas. Perhaps the final word should go to Nancy Evans Bush, a near-death experiencers
with the International Association for Near-Death Studies, who said: "There is no human
experience of any description that can't simply be reduced to a biological process, but that in
no way offsets the meaning those experiences have for us - whether it's falling in love, or
grieving, or
having a baby."

(37) Other anomalous phenomena supports the survival theory.

▪ Anomalous phenomena supporting the survival theory includes: out-of- body experiences
such as researched by
Jerry Gross, (1)deathbed visions,(2)quantum physics, (3)dream research, (4)after-death
communications research, (5)reincarnation research, (6)hypnosis, (7) synchronicity, (8)remote
viewing, and (9)consciousness research.

(38) Near Death experiencers support the existence of reincarnation.

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▪ Amber Wells was a student at the University of Connecticut and wrote a research paper
based on her study of the near-death experience for her senior honors thesis under the
direction of Dr. Ken Ring. Her paper was published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies in
the fall of 1993. In her study, 70 percent of the group of near-death experiencers
demonstrated belief in reincarnation.

▪ Claims have been documented by other researchers of direct knowledge of reincarnation

which became available during the near-death experience itself.

▪ An example of this type out-of-body research of knowledge can be seen in a letter written to
Dr. Ken Ring by John Robinson: "It is a matter of personal knowledge from what the being
with whom I spoke during my near-death experience told me about my older son, that he had
had 14 incarnations in female physical bodies previous to the life he has just had."

(39) The scientific evidence supporting reincarnation also supports the survival theory.

▪ On June 11, 1992, at Princeton University, Dr. Ian Stevenson presented a paper entitled:
"Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons" providing
scientific evidence suggestive of reincarnation which was published in the Journal of Scientific

▪ These findings support reincarnation in near-death experience research findings as

well. Reincarnation has been called by some to be the greatest unknown scientific discovery
today. In the last chapter of Dr. Ian Stevenson's book entitled Twenty Cases Suggestive of
Reincarnation (1967), he provides rigorous scientific reasoning to show how reincarnation is
the only viable explanation that fits the facts of his study.

▪ He considers every possible alternative explanation for his twenty cases of young children
who were spontaneously able to describe a previous lifetime as soon as they learned to talk.
He was able to rule out each
alternative explanation using one or more aspects of these cases. Later research
has even bolstered his case in favor of the existence of reincarnation.

▪ His study is also completely reproducible which means that anybody who doubts the
validity of this study is perfectly welcome to repeat it for themselves. I believe it is only a short
matter of time before his discovery of the existence of reincarnation is finally realized by the
scientific community and the world to be accepted as one of the greatest scientific discoveries
of all time.
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(40) Xenoglossy supports reincarnation and the survival theory.

▪ One of the most amazing psychic phenomena, which religionists, skeptics and atheists have
continuously and deliberately ignored is xenoglossy - the ability to speak or write a foreign
language a person never learned. After all other explanations have been investigated - such
as fraud, genetic memory, telepathy and cryptomnesia (the remembering of a foreign
language learned
earlier), xenoglossy is taken as evidence of either memories of a language learned in a past
life or of communication with a discarnate entity - a spirit person.

▪ There are many cases on record of adults and children speaking and writing languages
which they have never learned. Sometimes this happens spontaneously but more often it
occurs while the person is under hypnosis or in an altered state of consciousness. In some
cases it is only a few words remembered but in other cases the person becomes totally fluent
and able to converse with native speakers sometimes in obscure dialects
which have not been in use for centuries

▪ There are literally thousands of xenoglossy cases, many hundreds of which have been
documented. They involve modern and ancient languages from all over the world.

▪ Psychic investigators, such the highly credible Dr. Ian Stevenson, used scientific method to
illustrate xenoglossy and claim that there are only two possible explanations - either spirit
contact or past life memory both of which are evidence for the afterlife.

(41) Past Life regression supports reincarnation and the survival theory.
Reincarnation Research Centre.

▪ Past life regression such as that practiced by Dr. Michael Newton, simply involves placing a
person under hypnosis and asking them to go back through their childhood to a time before
they were born. In many cases the person begins talking about his or her life or lives before
the present lifetime, about their previous death and about the time between lives including the
planning of the present lifetime.

▪ The main reason why at least some of these claims must be considered as evidence

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1. The regression frequently leads to a cure of a physical illness.
2. In some cases the person regressed begins to speak an unlearned foreign
3. In some cases the person being regressed remembers details of astonishing accuracy
which when checked out are verified by the top historians.
4. The emotional intensity of the experience is such that it convinces many formerly skeptical
psychiatrists who are used to dealing with
fantasy and imagined regressions.
5. In some cases the alleged cause of death in an immediate past life is reflected by a
birthmark in the present life.

(42) Contact with "the deceased" has occurred under scientific controls.

▪ On Oct. 4, 1999, the University of Arizona announced a study conducted by Dr. Gary
Schwartz: "UA Researchers Look Beyond the Grave" concerning scientific evidence
supporting a theory of the existence of a Universal Living Memory. This was achieved by
testing highly qualified psychic mediums
to see if they could contact the dead. The success of this study is important in that it supports
NDE research in providing a scientific foundation toward investigating the survival of
consciousness after death.

(43) After Death communications have been reported by credible people.

▪ An after-death communication (ADC) is a spiritual experience that occurs when a person is

contacted directly and spontaneously by a family member or
friend who has died. During their seven years of research, Bill and Judy Guggenheim
[] collected more than 3,300 firsthand reports from people who believe
they have been contacted by a deceased loved one. Their book, Hello From Heaven,
documents many such experiences.

(44) Dream research supports the NDE and survival theory.

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▪ One of the strangest cases in the history of dream research is described in the
documentary, The Secret World of Dreams. It describes the amazing story of a woman named
Claire Sylvia. She was a professional dancer with several modern dance companies.

▪ As the years passed, Claire's health began

to deteriorate. Claire Sylvia had to undergo a heart and lung transplant. Soon after the
transplant, she began having strange and incredibly vivid dreams about a young man she
didn't recognize. Eventually, Claire realized that the young man in her dreams was the
eighteen-year-old organ donor whose heart and lungs resided in her chest.

▪ Through her continuing dream contacts with her donor, she learned a lot about him including
his name. She then decided to do
the research to find out if this "heavenly" information was correct. Yale University Pediatric
Cancer specialist Dr. Diane Komp reported that many dying children have NDEs which often
occurred during dreams.

▪ One boy, for example, told Dr. Komp that Jesus had visited him in a big yellow
school bus and told him he would die soon. The boy died as he predicted.

▪ According to the celebrated psychiatrist and dream analyst, Marie Louise Von Franz, and
based on her analysis of over 10,000 dreams of the dying, the meaning being communicated
is that the light of the individual, one of the common metaphors for life that we've heard so
often, goes out at death but is miraculously renewed on the other side. In other words, the
spirit seems
to live on.

▪ This dream then illustrates perfectly a profound insight of the great psychoanalyst and
mentor of Dr. Von Franz, Carl Jung, MD, who has said: "The unconscious psyche believes in
a life after death." According to Jung, dream symbols which exist in the very depths of the
soul behave as if the psychic life of the individual will continue. In Dr. Von Franz' words:
"These symbols depict the end of bodily life and the explicit continuation
of psychic life after death. In other words, our last dreams prepare us for death."

(45) Deathbed visions support the NDE and survival theory.

▪ Dr. Carla Wills-Brandon has researched, in depth, the universal phenomenon of the Death
bed Vision (DBV) and has included her findings in her book, One Last Hug Before I Go.

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Complete with her own personal encounters, and those of numerous other DBV experiencers,
this revolutionary work explores DBVs throughout history, from ancient Egypt to modern-day

▪ Through the visions and experiences common to all dying people, one can learn more about
the spiritual journey that begins with death. According to recent studies, only about 10% of
people are conscious shortly before their death. Of this group, 50% to 67% have DBVs.

(46) Remote viewing supports the near death experience and survival theory.

▪ On April 23, 1984, the Washington Post reported: "The Race for Inner Space" about the
CIA's remote viewing program. On August 12, 1985, the Deseret News reported: "The United
States is Still Involved in ESPionage." Other media attention followed.

▪ One theory about how remote viewing works is that gifted or trained people can tap into a
"Universal Mind." near-death experience research also suggests the reality of a Universal or
Collective Consciousness.

▪ Some of the any credible remote reviewers, such as Joseph McMoneagle, received their
remote viewing powers from a near-death experience.

(47) The efficacy of prayer has been demonstrated under scientific controls.

▪ On Oct. 25, 1999, BBC News reported: "Healing Power of Prayer Revealed" about a study at
a university hospital in Kansas City, U.S. about scientific evidence of healing through the
power of prayer. Then on June 5, 2000, BBC News reported: "Prayer Works as a Cure" about
a different study conducted at the University of Maryland providing more evidence of healing
through prayer.

▪ These findings support near-death experience research findings which demonstrates the
reality of a transcendent consciousness. Dr. Larry Dossey has done extensive research on
the efficacy of prayer and has written several excellent books on the subject.

(48) The "Scole Experiments" during the 1990s support the NDE and survival theory.

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▪ Victor Zammit is a lawyer who has collected a large body of evidence as the greatest afterlife
experiment in the world.

▪ supporting the reality of an afterlife. Zammit has an excellent article concerning

what many regard The evidence collected over a period of more than four years and with
more than 500 sittings by the Scole Experiments and the afterlife team is absolute, definitive
and irrefutable.

▪ Scole is a village in Norfolk, England. Using it as a base, mediums Robin and Sandra Foy
and Alan and Diana Bennett and other
experimenters produced brilliant evidence of the afterlife in England, the U.S. Ireland and in
Spain. Their results are being repeated by other groups around the world and will convince
even the toughest open-minded skeptic.

▪ The group began with two mediums delivering messages from a non-physical group. Many
of these messages contained personal information that nobody else could know about. Soon
the messages came in the form of voices which could be heard by all in the room.

▪ Then came the actual materialization of people and objects from the non-physical side.

(49) Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) supports the Near Death experiencers and
survival theory.

▪ For more than 50 years, experimenters all over the world have been tape recording
"paranormal voices" - voices which cannot be heard when a tape recorder is playing but which
can be heard when the tape is played back. Many of these messages have been reported to
be from loved ones who have passed on.

▪ Such messages would include the experimenter's name and also answers to the
experimenter's questions. It is a phenomenon known as "EVP" or "electronic voice
phenomenon" and there are thousands of researchers around the world researching this
fascinating psychic phenomenon.

▪ This phenomenon is particularly relevant to evidence supporting the survival hypothesis

because it follows strict scientific procedures and have been duplicated under
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laboratory conditions by various of researchers in many different countries.

▪ Friedrich Jürgenson (pictured above) is considered to be the "The father of EVP" because
he was the first to capture EVP successfully on a recording device. One particular recording
changed his life forever. After playing back on of his recordings, he was shocked to hear his
mother’s voice say “Friedel can you hear me. It’s mammy.” Friedrich's mother had long ago
passed away and the endearment he heard was used exclusively by her. Jürgenson was now
convinced these unusual audio transmissions were voices from the afterlife.

▪ In 1964, Jürgenson published a book on his EVP research entitled "The Voices From
Space." After reading Friedrich Jürgenson's book, Dr. Konstantins Raudive (1909–1974,
pictured on the right), a Latvian psychologist who was a student of Carl Jung, meet with
Jürgenson and conducted EVP experiments with him.

▪ As a result, in 1965, Raudive began to conduct his own EVP research and with
the help of various electronics experts, Raudive recorded over 100,000 audiotapes, most of
which were conducted using strict laboratory conditions.

▪ Raudive would confirm the accuracy of his recordings by inviting listeners to hear and
interpret them. Over 400 people were involved in his EVP research and all heard the voices.
This culminated in his 1968 book entitled "Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in
Electronic Communication with the Dead." Raudice's research into EVP gave experimenters
various methods for recording EVP’s including the EVP classification scale that is used by
researchers today.

▪ The popular paranormal TV series called "Ghost Adventures" features an overwhelmingly

number of convincing EVP recordings as they occur.

(50) Prominent atheists have had Near Death experiencers which caused them to
believe in the afterlife.

▪ Atheists have deathbed experiences and near-death experiences just like everyone else
does. The philosophy of Positivism, founded by the famous atheist named A. J. Ayer, is the
philosophy that anything not verifiable by the senses is nonsense. Because near-death
experiencers mark the end of the senses, Positivists believe the survival of the senses after
death is nonsense.

▪ But this philosophy has been challenged by its founder A. J. Ayer himself. Later in life,
Ayer had a near-death experience where he saw a red light. Ayer's near-death experience
made him a changed man: "My recent experiences, have slightly weakened my conviction that
my genuine death ... will be the end of me, though I continue to hope that it will be." (Ayer,
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1988 a,b) (Read more about it from an article in the National Post and an article by Gerry
Loughran: Can there be life
after life? Ask the atheist! (by Gerry Loughran, Letter From London, March 18, 2001.)

▪ A non- near-death experiencer example comes from Antony Flew, a champion of atheist
beliefs for more than 50 years. In a news article titled "Atheist Discovers 'The Science of God'
": "One of Britain's most prominent atheists has decided that God might exist after all.
Professor Antony Flew now believes there is scientific evidence supporting the theory of some
sort of
intelligence behind the creation the universe. Professor Flew, 81, a professor emeritus of
philosophy at the University of Reading, said that this was the only explanation for the origin
of life ... "I'm thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away
from the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots - cosmic
Saddam Hussein's," he said
in his new video, "Has Science Discovered God?"

(51) Psychometry supports the Near Death experiencers and survival theory.

▪ According to, "psychometry" is a psychic ability in which the user is able to

relate details about the past condition of an object or area, usually by being in close contact
with it.

▪ The user could allegedly, for example, give police precise details about a murder or other
violent crime if they were at the crime scene or were holding the weapon used.'s
Paranormal Phenomena website lists information about several of the most convincing

▪ Stefan Ossowiecki, a Russian-born psychic, is one of the most famous psychometrists.

Ossowiecki claimed to be able to see people's auras and to move objects through

▪ His psychic gifts enabled this chemical engineer to locate lost objects and missing people,
and he assisted in several criminal investigations. In 1935, he participated in a test of his
psychometric powers - a test devised by a wealthy Hungarian named Dionizy Jonky that
involved a sealed package. Jonky stipulated that this test was to be conducted eight years
after his death. (Jonky and Ossowiecki did not know each other.) First, 14 photographs of
men were placed in front of Ossowiecki, one of which was of Jonky.

▪ Ossowiecki picked out the correct photo. Next, Ossowiecki accurately described many
details of Jockey's life and correctly identified the man who held the package for the past eight

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years. Finally, Ossowiecki was presented with the sealed package Jonky had prepared before
his death. Ossowiecki touched the package and concentrated.

▪ "Volcanic minerals," he said. "There is something here that pulls me to other worlds, to
another planet." Oddly, he also sensed sugar. Inside the package was a meteorite encased in
a candy wrapper.

▪ In later experiments, Ossowiecki performed remarkable psychometric feats with

archeological objects - a kind of psychic archeology. These tests were conducted by
Stanislaw Poniatowski, a professor of ethnology at the University of Warsaw who could verify
the accuracy of what Ossowiecki "saw." While holding a 10,000-year-old piece of flint,
Ossowiecki was able to describe in amazing detail the lives of the prehistoric people who
made it.

▪ In other tests he provided similar descriptions of people who lived as long ago as 300,000
years. Some of the information he provided was not even known by experts at the time, but
confirmed by discoveries years later! "In the light of the near-death experience, death is
nothing more than the illusion of separateness and finality, and those who can believe in this
vision of death, like near-death experiencers themselves, lose all fear of it, for how can you
fear that which does not exist?" - Dr. Ken Ring.

(52) Memories of NDEs are More Real Than Normal Memories.

▪ Researchers at the Coma Science Group, directed by Steven Laureys, and the University of
Liege's Cognitive Psychology Research, headed by Professor Serge Bredart and Hedwige
Dehon, have demonstrated that the physiological mechanisms triggered during NDEs lead to
a more vivid perception not only of imagined events in the history of an individual but also of
real events which have taken place in their lives.

▪ These surprising results - obtained using an original method which now requires further
investigation - were published in PLOS ONE. The researchers looked into the memories of
NDEs with the hypothesis that if the memories of NDEs were pure products of the
imagination, their phenomenological characteristics (e.g., sensorial, self referential, emotional,
etc. details) should be closer to those of imagined memories. Conversely, if the NDE are
experienced in a way similar to that of reality, their characteristics would be closer to the
memories of real events.

▪ Their results were surprising. From the perspective being studied, not only were the NDEs
not similar to the memories of imagined events, but the phenomenological characteristics

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inherent to the memories of real events (e.g. memories of sensorial details) are even more
numerous in the memories of NDE than in the memories of real events.

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 1. World Leaders Opinion On Reincarnation

1. Gautama Buddha On Reincarnation

▪ Samsara - the Wheel of Existence, literally, the “Perpetual Wandering”- is the name by which
is designated the sea of life ever restlessly heaving up and down, the symbol of this
continuous process of ever again and again being born, growing old, suffering, and dying. (It)
is constantly changing from moment to moment, (as lives) follow continuously one upon the
other through inconceivable periods of time. Of this Samsara, a single lifetime constitutes only
a vanishingly tiny fraction.

2. Mahatma Gandhi On Reincarnation

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▪ Having flung aside the sword, there is nothing except the cup of love which I can offer to
those who oppose me. It is by offering that cup that I expect to draw them close to me. I
cannot think of permanent enmity between man and man, and believing as I do in the theory
of Rebirth, I live in the hope that if not in this birth, in some other birth I shall be able to hug all
humanity in friendly embrace. - Young India, April 2, 1931

▪ If for mastering the Physical Sciences you have to devote a whole lifetime, how many
lifetimes may be needed for mastering the greatest spiritual force that mankind has known ?
(Ahimsa) For if this is the only permanent thing in life, if this is the only thing that counts, then
whatever effort you bestow on mastering it is well spent. - Harijan, March 1936.

▪ What your say about rebirth is sound. It is Nature’s kindness that we do not remember past
births. Where is the good either of knowing in detail the numberless births we have gone
through? Life would be a burden if we carried such a tremendous load of memories. A wise
man deliberately forgets many things, even a lawyer forgets the cases and their details as
soon as they are disposed of. Yes “ death is but a sleep and a forgetting....”

▪ There is a survival of the Soul after the dissolution of the body. The form ever changes, ever
perishes, the informing Spirit neither changes nor perishes. True love consists in transferring
itself from the body to the dweller within and then necessarily realizing the oneness of life
inhabiting numberless bodies.

▪ Gandhi’s letters to a disciple, The disciple being Madeleine Slade, A British Admiral’s
daughter, who renounced position and comfort to follow Gandhi New York, Harper & Row.

3. The philosopher David Hume : On Reincarnation

▪ The philosopher David Hume said, in his essay of the Immortality of the Soul :
‘Metempsychosis [reincarnation] is…. the only [survival] system of this kind that philosophy
can hearken to.’ Some philosophers, psychologists and thinkers admit that reincarnation is a
very sensible idea because it would answer so many questions and problems about human

4. Dr. Bruce Goldberg : On Reincarnation

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“ If you don't believe in Karma and reincarnation, don't worry, probably you will believe in your
next life.”

5. Buddhist monk Nyanaponika Thera : On Reincarnation

▪ “ if we would approach the research of reincarnation with the same importance as given to
the research in other fields of modern science, the potential and credibility given to
reincarnation would not be regarded so much as a ‘religion’ but Scientific fact.”Of course it is
natural that in order for Western science to accept the proof of reincarnation we have to base
our project on the experimental and statistical methods native to this science.

6. Gina Cerminara : On Reincarnation

▪ American born Gina Cerminara is a leading psychologist. She is an authoress of great

repute in the realm of reincarnation. The books by her “ Many Mansions ” and “ The world
within ” supply abundant material about the wheel of life, and its cycle through many lives.
“Many Mansions” is a work specially attempted on Edgar Cayce, and it has evoked
considerable interest in reincarnation in the west, and has seen several reprints.

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▪ Gina Cerminara views on reincarnation are illuminating “Acceptance of the reincarnation
principle throws a floodlight of illumination on the unnoticed background. The landscape so
illumined has a strange and beautiful fascination of its own, but its principal importance is that
within it can be discerned the slow, winding paths by which traits and capacities and attitudes
of the present were achieved. Or to change the analogy, it is as if reincarnation revealed the
submerged eight ninths of an iceberg of which psychiatrists had been painstakingly examining
the visible ninth.

▪ Psychiatrists concur in the view that the major life attitudes of the psyche arise from the
unconscious. The reincarnation principle merely expands the scope of the unconscious to
include the dynamics of past-life experience,”
-Many Mansions

▪ “Countless men and women of many religious faiths have lived great and even saintly lives,
in complete ignorance of, or disbelief in reincarnation. And yet it seems likely, to present writer
at least, that at a certain stage of evolution a knowledge of reincarnation is indispensable for
full comprehension of oneself and of life in general. The final redemption of self could hardly
be made without a conscious dredging of the past and conscious transmutation of it. Perhaps
we have reached a stage of our history where this knowledge is necessary to us otherwise it
would not be appearing in many places.
-Many Mansions Past life recall is one of the most fascinating areas of unexplained
human phenomena. As yet,science has been unable to prove or disprove its

 2.Review of Historical knowledge on Reincarnation

▪ Many belief systems around the world embrace reincarnation, including Hinduism,
Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, and a variety of New Age religions.

▪ Each religion professes different beliefs about the cause and purpose of reincarnation, but
some facts remain consistent.

▪ In most cases, reincarnation is a natural and very important part of the development of a
soul; it is the process of struggling against some negative force, such as desire or karma,
toward a higher state of being; and it applies to all human beings, if not all living creatures.

What do metempsychosis, the cycle of rebirth and transmigration of the

soul mean? Where do they come from?

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▪ Metempsychosis, also known as the transmigration of the soul, is a concept from ancient
Greek philosophy. It refers to the journey of the soul from one incarnation (fleshly host) to the

▪ The soul is released from the body by death and exists briefly in a pure spiritual state before
returning to a new body. The cycle of rebirth refers to the continuous process of
transmigration and rebirth that attends the history of every soul.

▪ Plato is considered the “father” of these beliefs in Western thought; however, they are
prominent in many Eastern religious systems.

▪ People have believed in reincarnation since ancient times. Since prehistoric times, there
have been numerous techniques used to explore past lives.

▪ Every religion has an ‘inner teaching’, and within that inner teaching, reincarnation and its
evolutionary implications have been accepted as the universal truth. There is sufficient
evidence to show that the Hindus, Ancient Celts, the Egyptians, the Tibetans, and the Hebrew
Cabalists etc. used past-life remembrance.

Sri Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita

▪ Sri Krishna said in ‘The Bhagavad Gita’, “As a man, casting off worn-out garments, takes
new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out bodies, enters into others that are
new”. He has also said “The misdeeds of our past lives torment us in the form of illnesses or

▪ From this we understand how all our ailments have their root cause in past-life actions. This
is the fundamental principle on which the entire concept of Past-Life-Regression is based.
‘Past-Life-Regression’ is based on the universal law of cause and effect, which is also
known as the Law of Karma.

▪ A person’s past actions affect his or her present conditions. The effect could be on physical
health, emotional condition, mental state or spiritual well-being. A few examples of root
causes are unfulfilled desires, thoughts, feelings, emotions, vows, promises,decisions,
evasions or traumatic experiences. The root causes are invariably in the past.

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▪ The famous encouragement of Arjuna by Krishna, given in the Bhagavad-Gita is as follows :
“ These bodies of the embodied One, who is eternal, indestructible and boundless, are
known as finite. . .He who regardeth this as a slayer, and he who thinketh he is slain,
both of them are ignorant. He slayeth not nor is he slain. He is not born, nor doth he
die; nor having been, ceaseth he any more to be; unborn, perpetual, eternal and
ancient, he is not slain when the body is slaughtered. Who knoweth him indestructible,
unborn,undiminishing, how can that man slay, O Partha, or cause to be slain ? As a
man, casting off worn-out garments, taketh new ones, so the dweller in the body,
casting off worn-out bodies, entereth into others that are new. Weapons cleave him not,
nor fire burneth him,nor waters wet him, nor wind driveth him away. Indivisible he
incombustible, and indeed neither to be wetted nor dried away; perpetual, all-
pervasive, stable, immovable, ancient, unmanifest, unthinkable, immutable, he is
called; therefore knowing him as such thou shouldst not grieve ”.

Patanjali Maharishi

▪ The ancient Indian sage Patanjali Maharishi, has done extensive work on Past-Life-
Regression. In his yoga sutras Patanjali Maharishi called this process of past-life-regression
as ‘Prati-Prasav’.

▪ It is the process of reabsorbing back to the cause. This means bringing effect back to the
cause or the process of involution.

▪ When a child is born it is Prasav. Prati-Prasav means you are born again in the memory;
you go back to the very birth, the trauma when you were born, and you live it again.

▪ If there is something, some trouble, some problem, then we go back to the original source
from where it started. Because we can go on trying to solve the problem, but unless we go to
the roots it cannot be solved.

▪ Effects cannot be solved unless they are forced back to the cause. For example, if there is
an unwanted weed and we go on cutting the branches and the leaves in an attempt to remove
the weed, we find that more and more branches and leaves take the place of the ones we cut

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▪ To remove the weed once and for all, we have to actually remove the weed from the roots.


▪ Theosophy has an elaborate doctrine, which has been greatly modified since its inception. It
has a wide spectrum of esoteric teaching which involves involution of the monad (soul) and
the evolution of the physical vehicle (body) simultaneously in one individual.

▪ It uses a language quite different from other esoteric disciplines. Theosophical viewpoints
after much modification are now left vague and contradictory. However, these inconsistencies
do not alter the theme of moralist karma, intermission and reincarnation.

▪ The three tenets of Theosophical thought on karma and reincarnation are

(a) these are natural laws that cannot be redeemed;
(b) they are for reward and punishment;
(c) they are also for guidance, evolution and healing.

▪ Memories of past life recalls are extraordinary

according to them, because in their view the physical brain and astral brain decompose after
death, and therefore these memories are not available except in the higher causal body. So
only highly developed people can access their past.


▪ The first Hindu view is that all souls arose from the Source or Godhead. After many
incarnations, they forget that they are divine and that they originated from the Source.

▪ But after many incarnations, they learn that they have to realise who they really are (i.e. self
realisation), and from thence onwards the journey is towards returning to the Source.

▪ The second view is that we started as being minerals, going through vegetables and
animals and finally to humans. It is only the human that can attain self-awareness and with it
freedom of choice and responsibility.

▪ From then onwards, the law of karma comes into play. After many incarnations (840,000
of them) and after liberation (moksha,) the human
soul does not need to come back to earth or other planet for growth. It will now carry on as an
angel in the spirit world. These earthly incarnations and intermissions which, are totally guided
by karma is called Samsara.

▪ During Samsara, the human soul progresses through four stages :

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(1) Lust (kama) - pursuit of pleasure. The sin here is anger.
(2) Materialism (Artha) - The sin here is greed and avarice.
(3) Morality, integrity and religiosity (Dharma).
(4) Enlightenment ( Moksha ) - release from Samsara and no more earthly incarnations.

▪ So one can see that the basic laws of karma and reincarnation are essential for human
spiritual growth to return to the Source or Godhead.

▪ The soul before birth possesses a general karmic pool or mass S

( anchita karma) the sum
total of karma earned from past lives.

▪ He brings a portion of ripe karma (Prarabdha karma) down to earth in this life.

▪ It is from this ripe karma that he constructs his plan. Then while living this life he incurs more
new karma (Kriyamana karma).

▪ A small amount of new karma is resolved in this very life, but the remainder is carried over
and added to the main pool (Sanchita karma) for the future.

▪ In Hinduism, there is no place for predestination, luck or fate. However, these views on
Hindu karma and reincarnation closely influence their attitude towards the caste system (the
untouchables must have behaved pretty badly in their past lives).

▪ Metempsychosis or transmigration of souls to animals is part of this philosophy.


▪ Buddha is said to have recounted thousands of his past-lives, of which around550 have
been narrated in the ‘Jataka’ Tales.

▪ Buddha asked his disciples to explore their own past lives to gain a complete understanding
of the cycle of birth and death.

▪ According to the teachings of Buddha, one attains ‘Nirvana’ or Salvation when one becomes
free from the cycle of birth and death.

▪ This religion is another eastern teaching that solidly supports karma and reincarnation. Its
doctrine is very similar to Hinduism except on the question of the soul.

▪ In Theravada Buddhism, the anatta doctrine is the tenet of its teachings. There is no soul
or Atman in man's spirit (Jiva). What is carried over to the next life is not an entity or
personality, but a collection of habits, tendencies and characteristics. This lack of Atman is
translated into an-atman and finally to the anatta doctrine. This transference is like “ an almost

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burnt out candle which lights up a new candle.”

▪ That is why in Buddhism it is called rebirth rather reincarnation. Intermission between lives is
not elaborated here. On the other hand it is said that Buddha himself was able to remember
all his previous lives, meaning that he was able to recognise an ongoing personality through
all his lives! In the Jataka stories, metempsychosis is also taught, but there is no surety that
was the source of these stories.

▪ In fact, Buddha never wrote a word, and

other people wrote everything in the Buddhist literature.

▪ Another small point in Tibetan Buddhism: it is said that a developed lama, called a sprul-sku
(tulku), can preserve its personality. This is because he is so developed that his will and
power can work against the disintegration of his personality He can even predict his future

▪ He writes down and describes the whereabouts of the place and house in which he is going
to be reborn. The expert detectives who will be looking for this boy were his former associates.

▪ After some divination procedures, these lamas will venture out to look for the boy. The two
to three year-old boy will have to recognise possessions and relics of the deceased sprul-sku

▪ Lastly, Mahayana Buddhism has an added feature of a Bodhisattva ideal. This plan says
that a person who has reached the height of enlightenment has a choice to be reborn in order
to help his fellow sentient beings towards enlightenment. Therefore the Bodhisattva has the
freedom to choose not to reincarnate or incarnate.

▪ That means he can postpone his entrance

into nirvana to a day when " every blade of grass is enlightened ".


▪ Mahavira called ‘Remembering past-lives’ as ‘Jati-Smaran’. Remembering of past lives is an

integral part of ancient Jain Practices. Jain teachings call the attaining of freedom from rebirth
as ‘Kaivalya’.

Tibetan Wisdom

▪ Early Tibetan history contains a wealth of literature on the subject of reincarnation and
afterlife states. One of the most important sources of ancient Tibetan wisdom about
reincarnation and the afterlife states is the ‘Tibetan Book of The Dead’.
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▪ This book was read to those who were dying when their souls were about to vacate their
bodies. Also read during funeral ceremonies, the wisdom imparted was supposed to prepare
the dying person to make the transition from life to the afterlife state in a smooth manner.

▪ It also taught the near and dear of the deceased person that they should not hold back the
dying person by mourning, but that they should graciously send them on their journey with
positive thoughts and emotions.

▪ Compiled in the eighth century A.D., this book is a masterpiece that contains the wisdom
gathered over a period spanning many centuries from different Tibetan Masters.

▪ A lot of cases of Near Death Experiences are reported even in modern times where people
are found to return to life after being pronounced dead.

▪ These experiences are very similar to early stages of death as described by the Tibetan

▪ As the spirits move toward a realm of light, they slough off emotional attachments to their
earlier earthly existence. In the process, they may face spiritual beings who guide them, and
who present them with a kind of mirror reflecting their life and actions.

▪ Filled at last with peace and contentment, the deceased prepare either to abandon the world
altogether or to reenter the cycle of birth and death with higher awareness of the illusory
nature of life.

Christian Mystics

▪ Many Christian mystics have stated that after death, the soul separates from the body and
leaves. There are instances of people with Christian upbringing who had ‘near death

▪ They tell us that their spirits entered a ‘ realm of light ’ where they were received by ‘beings
of light’.

▪ They were then shown a complete review (somewhat like a movie except that it took no
time) of their all the events of their life and their actions were weighed. This description is very
similar to the description given by the Tibetans.

Egyptian Civilization

▪ Ancient Egyptians believed in reincarnation. They believed that it took 3000 years to
complete all lives that one had to live. All this goes to prove that the ancient Egyptians strongly
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believed in life after death and reincarnation.

Ancient Greeks

▪ Reincarnation was not an unknown concept to the ancient Greeks. Noted Greek
philosophers like Pythagoras and Plato believed in reincarnation and they have also explained
about it in their teachings.

▪ Pythagoras is believed to have remembered and described many of his past lives. Some of
the lives that he recounted were as : a Trojan warrior, a prophet, a peasant, a prostitute, and a

Evidence from prehistoric times

▪ Though reincarnation has been studied scientifically only during recent times, the possibility
that we live many lives has been accepted on faith since ancient times.

▪ If one studies the ancient indigenous cultures of Africa, Asia, North America, South America
and Australia, one would find ample evidence that reincarnation was one of their core beliefs.

▪ It can be seen that evidence of the belief in reincarnation can be found in people of diverse
cultures, from different parts of the world and even people from vastly different time periods -
modern, medieval, ancient, prehistoric etc.

▪ There is enough anthropological evidence on survival of human personality and the theory of
reincarnation. During the primitive period it must have gripped the minds of the people in
some form or the other, as obtainable through excavations.

▪ Since the dawn of civilisation, the idea of survival and reincarnation has taken root, as
clearly manifested in religious and theological doctrines.

▪ Today there is ample material about the subject-offering rich material for further investigation
and research.

▪ World Religions mostly provide the base for belief in survival and in reincarnation; curiously
though, it is through myths, legends and fables that we get certain fascinating things related to
the subject, innumerable instances are available in sacerdotal interpretations, sufficient
enough for evolving the framework.

▪ References to survival and reincarnation occur in the Vedas and Upanishads of

Hinduism. In Oriental countries, it is Ancient India that occupies a relevant position in this
respect. Especially survival and reincarnation form the core of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist
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▪ Survival of the human personality after mortality has been one of the important questions
that psychical research too, of late, concerns itself with.

▪ If it should survive, would it discarnate itself for some time, and then reincarnate or what
becomes after that is an absorbing inquiry?

▪ This aspect has attracted the attention of all great thinkers through the ages. For that matter
we could include all philosophers of every clime and country through the historical period.

▪ Certain postulates and assumptions were attempted by Pythagoras, Plato, Empedocles,

Julian, Leonardo da Vinci Paracelsus, Giordano Bruno, Wilhelm Von Leibniz, Benjamin
Franklin, Wolfgang Von Goethe, Shelley, Victor Hugo, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Giuseppe
Mazzini, Richard Wagner Henry David Thoreau, Louisa May Alcott, Walt Whitman, Friedrich
Nietzsche, Thomas Edison, Paul Gauguin, August Strindberg, Luther Burbank, Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle, Henry Ford, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Lessing, Fichte, Piet Mondrian, Carl
Jung, Charles Lindbergh who could either endorse the idea of reincarnation or speculate such
a possibility.

▪ Transmigration of souls has been accepted as a plausible theory in order to support the rank
inequality and chaos that surround human existence in matters of morality and gross injustice
- besides the multi-faceted evil that combats with the good, thus giving a seeming explanation
to the diversity of the creative processes in the life cycle, as applicable, especially to the
human existence.

▪ Turning to the contemporary philosophers Mctaggart, Broad and Ducasse discern in the
theory of reincarnation, the necessary formulation for substantiating the idea of survival.

▪ That is to say, the character and virtues of the individuals, their innate traits and tendencies
of behaviour, and all those things that make them would pass on to the next lives after death.

 4. Rebirth of Civilisations

▪ Irving Cooper’s “Reincarnation” has been considered as a classic of the Modern era in its
unfoldment of the mysteries related to the eternal principle of reincarnation.

▪ The most significant contribution made by the author lies in his ability to interpret and
substantiate the civilisations through the historical ages by the application of the concept of

▪ He endeavours to see the upheavals in the tidal waves of civilisations, the flourish and the
decay, the new growth and form as an eternal cycle.

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▪ According to the author, the British Empire is a synonym of Ancient Rome in its colonial
expansion, in its tendency to make its power felt everywhere in the realm of politics,
socialisation and governance of the affairs including legal administration and massive
architectural designs.

▪ France, for that matter, is a variation of Ancient Greece in its imaginative glow, love of
beauty and Nature, intellectual alertness and alacrity.

▪ Isn’t the Romantic poet John Keats a possible reincarnation in England ever trying to
appreciate the glory and grandeur of Ancient Greece.

▪ English statesmen like Macaulay, David Hume and Gibbon could be looked upon as the
Great Senators of Ancient Rome.

▪ Isn’t it likely that the spirit of Vedantic philosophy gets its lease of life on the Continent of
Europe through the works of Hegel, Fichte and Kant, with all the essential gems intact.

▪ In the same breath we could cite the example of Schopenhauer as a case of recalling of

 5. Scientific Survey on Reincarnation

▪ There have been quite a few theoretical assumptions about the concept of reincarnation.
Sometimes logical thinking too goes to add to strengthen the belief.

▪ A few people look upon reincarnation as primitive magical thinking, or as an expression of

man’s faith in the permanence through the cycle of births and deaths. Perhaps this could be
seen as a genuine attempt to overcome man’s fears of death and the unknown.

▪ Not till recently the memories of previous life were considered seriously. At such times the
strong tendency was to attribute some blind beliefs, mental abnormalities and above all
culture-bound-conditioned values to such situations.

▪ Those who had been brought up in an environment of such ideas and beliefs
took strong interest in digging out many hidden things related to previous life.

▪ Thus opinions and views have been sharply divided, and it is very difficult to get people
accept this like a scientific statement, demonstrably verifiable in a laboratory.

▪ However, reports of cases of rebirth started attracting the attention of the people sometime
in the late 19th century. Invariably it was children less than 5 years of age that spontaneously

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remembered details of previous life.

▪ Sometimes two or three lives were also recalled, though rather rare. A few of these reports
made their appearance sporadically and it was only after 1890 that these were considered fit
enough to be included in books for general consumption.

▪ Curiously though, they were also interpreted purely from the point of view of

▪ Research in reincarnation through hypnotic regression was quite an accidental development.

De Rochas hit upon the clue of regression about earlier life in 1893. Again in 1904 he was
quite successful in regressing a young lady of 18 years of age to her birth.

▪ Feeling confident about this, he suddenly decided to take her back to a possible previous
life. This enabled the hypnotist to try out this technique on other subjects to establish the fact
of reincarnation. (De Rochas 1911, mentioned by Ducasse 1961)

▪ Many hypnotists have succeeded in matters of regression. The kind of investigation made by
them offers illuminating information. For that matter we do find an excellent variety. But it
required the genius of Professor Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia to give the
concept of reincarnation a major turn.

▪ His objective analysis of spontaneous recalling makes the study of reincarnation enjoy the
reputation that there is truth in all the findings. It is not mere episodes and anecdotes that
matter here but things that deserve scrutiny and the faithfulness of the reports.

▪ Even though no scientific proofs that meet laboratory standards of repeatable exactitude in
favour of Reincarnation are offered at present, Reincarnation Research Centre at Bangalore is
conducting a research to give scientific validity to Reincarnation by trying to photograph one’s
previous existence in detail such as friends and relatives, building and places, events and
experiences from person claiming remembrance and also from others through

▪ The only type of evidence available at present to show that we were living some days,
months or years or decades before is that of our remembrance (memories) having lived at
that earlier time. This recalling is coherent, and related to the facts that stand the test of

▪ Further the remembered gets all these details in a mood for having lived at that earlier time,
in such and such a place. Add to this there is the reproduction of circumstances in such
a regression for having done certain things then also for undergoing some experience rather
unique in nature, quality and sequence.

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▪ Similarly, there are hundreds of persons who now claim to remember having lived on earth a
life earlier than the present one. Fascinatingly though, on verification of such instance many
persons were able to remember events and identify their kith and kin and others from their
previous lives and tendencies, physical features or scars similar to those of the claimed
previous personality.

▪ Such instances are not only convincing as evidence but offer us, broadly speaking, diverse
varieties of manifestation wherein we may identify the primary ones elucidating the doctrine of
previous existence.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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▪ In the Previous Chapters we have Discussed Natural Method of Recollection of Past Life
Memories that is through Spontaneous Recollections in Children and Adults During Sleep.

▪ Now in this Chapter we are Going to Discuss about Induced Methods of Recollection of Past
life Memories








You are Going to Study this Chapter Under Following Parts

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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▪ Memories of previous existence have some-times occurred as vivid images during

intoxication with certain drugs and herbs. e.g. L S D (Lysergic acid diethylamide) and other

▪ Systematic clinical research with LSD by Jung (1963) Huxley (1954) Grof and Grof
(1976) has brought ample evidence about the various aspects of death and rebirth.

▪ In the 50’s Stanislav Grof worked with altered states of awareness. He performed clinical
trials with the drug LSD and found that, under the influence of LSD, many of the participants
experienced previously inaccessible childhood memories and pre-birth & past-life memories.
He later found that these states could be achieved using deep breathing sessions rather than

▪ Roberto Assagioli, the founder of the therapy calledPsychosynthesis and contributor to

the branch of psychology called Transpersonal Psychology, found that altered states could
be achieved through meditation.








▪ Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), is an Entheogenic , Recreational and Psychedelic


▪ Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is used mainly as a recreational drug and for spiritual

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reasons. LSD is typically either swallowed or held under the tongue. It is often sold on blotter
paper, a sugar cube, or gelatin. It can also be injected.

▪ Entheogens (" meaning- generating the divine within") are group chemical substances used
in a religious, shamanic, or spiritual context that often induces psychological or
physiological changes.

▪ Entheogens have been used to supplement many diverse practices geared towards
achieving transcendence, including meditation, yoga, prayer, psychedelic art, chanting,
and multiple forms of music. They have also been historically employed in traditional
medicine via psychedelic therapy.

▪ Entheogens have been used in a ritualized context for thousands of years; their religious
significance is well established in anthropological and modern contexts. Examples of
traditional entheogens include traditional psychedelics like peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, and
ayahuasca, psychedelic-dissociatives like Tabernanthe iboga, atypical psychedelics like
Salvia divinorum, quasi-psychedelics like cannabis, and deliriants like Amanita muscaria.
Traditionally a tea, admixture, or potion like bhang is the preferred mode of ingestion.

▪ With the advent of organic chemistry, there now exist many synthetic drugs with similar
psychoactive properties, many derived from the aforementioned plants. Many pure active
compounds with psychoactive properties have been isolated from these respective organisms
and chemically synthesized, including mescaline, psilocybin, DMT, salvinorin A, ibogaine,
ergine, and muscimol. Semi-synthetic (e.g., LSD used by the Neo-American Church) and
synthetic drugs (e.g., DPT used by the Temple of the True Inner Light and 2C-B used by the
Sangoma) have also been developed.[6] Cannabis is the world's most widely used
psychedelic drug, though it is more accurately referred to as a quasi-psychedelic drug, since
its effect profile lacks the hallucinogenic and cognitive effects of traditional psychedelics.

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▪ More broadly, the term entheogen is used to refer to any psychoactive drugs when used for
their religious or spiritual effects, whether or not in a formal religious or traditional structure.
This terminology is often chosen to contrast with recreational use of the same drugs. Studies
such as Timothy Leary's Marsh Chapel Experiment and Roland Griffiths' psilocybin studies at
Johns Hopkins have documented reports of mystical/spiritual/religious experiences from
participants who were administered psychoactive drugs in controlled trials. Ongoing research
is limited due to widespread drug prohibition; however, some countries have legislation that
allows for traditional entheogen use.


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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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▪ Hypnosis (hypnotic trance) is an altered state of consciousness which makes

communication with the unconscious mind easier.

▪ You may be surprised to know that we all automatically drift in an out of different degrees of
trance, or hypnosis, from time to time.

▪ You know how it is when you get thoroughly lost in a beautiful piece of music, or a good
book, or a daydream. Your attention is captured and everyday reality fades into the
background as your mind carries you into the world of the imagination.

▪ You are still conscious, but your consciousness is temporarily altered. Believe it or not, that
is a form of trance. And in fact we all go through a similar phase just before we go to sleep.

▪ When you are being hypnotised, you are guided by the hypnotist into this same kind of
trance state somewhere between being asleep and being awake, and this is called a hypnotic
trance. It is a pleasant feeling of calmness and deep relaxation.

▪ Contrary to popular belief, when you are ▪ hypnotised you are not asleep or unconscious.
You will normally have your eyes closed, but you can still hear and feel and even speak.
Indeed, your concentration and awareness actually become heightened.

▪ Different people can experience hypnosis in slightly different ways. Some people may notice
that they feel rather heavy, whilst others may feel light and ‘floaty.’ Often the closed eyelids
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can flutter a little here and there, or there may be a slight tingling sensation in various parts of
the body. However some people experience nothing at all, other than a feeling of deep
relaxation. The experience of hypnosis is a very personal thing, but basically, it is just a very
calm and pleasant feeling – rather like being in a daydream.

▪ The main requirement to enter hypnotic trance is relaxation, and for most people this is a
gradual process.

▪ For some people, entering hypnosis can be rather disappointing because they expect to
suddenly ‘go under’ some strange spell and feel extremely weird – but it isn’t like that at all.
For most people, there is no sudden feeling of ‘going under’ hypnosis.

▪ Sometimes individuals may doubt that they are actually being hypnotised at all because they
do not experience the sudden loss of consciousness they expected.

▪ It is quite important that your expectations of hypnosis are realistic, and you understand that
it is a gradual, drifting process. It is important you should understand this because during the
induction into hypnosis, if you are mentally interfering all the time by constantly thinking that
you are not ‘going under’, this in itself can disrupt the whole process of gradual relaxation.

▪ All you need to do, is to let yourself go, and concentrate on your hypnotherapist voice so that
he or she can help you to relax.

▪ When the body and the conscious mind have been sufficiently relaxed, the normal barriers
to the subconscious part of the mind also become relaxed, and the subconscious becomes
receptive to positive suggestion.








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▪ A positive suggestion is a positively worded statement or command, which is given (or

suggested) to the subconscious mind

▪ In the relaxed state of hypnosis, the subconscious mind becomes receptive and can accept
and store the positive suggestion, and subsequently act upon it. For instance, a smoker can
have it suggested to him that he is now a non-smoker, and that suggestion is then left in the
subconscious mind, so that the person no longer wishes to smoke. However, for the
suggestion to be properly accepted into the subconscious mind, it is important that the smoker
really wants to give up the habit.

▪ In brief, positive suggestions can reprogram the mind to bring about beneficial changes.



▪ That is a big question –and this is a very brief answer.

▪ Your mind consists of two parts; the conscious and the subconscious (literally, ‘below

▪ The conscious mind exists at the surface level. This part of the mind is where you do all your
everyday conscious thinking.

▪ At a deeper level, we have the subconscious mind, and this part of the mind deals with your
unconscious actions – the things you do automatically.

▪ In the subconscious you keep your habits, and also your habitual fears – and from here all
your automatic responses are triggered.

▪ The subconscious also stores your memories – and all the things that have had a hand in
making you what you are today.


▪ There are several ways to induce hypnosis, and different hypnotists will use their own
favourite methods.

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▪ Some hypnotherapists like to start with some form of fascination. They may ask you to
concentrate on a revolving spiral, or some other object. But don’t be disappointed if this
technique is not used, as it is just a variation, not a necessity.

▪ Honestly, not many people ask you to gaze into their ‘piercing eyes,’ or stare at a swinging
watch these days. That sort of thing has more to do with old fashioned Hollywood movies than
modern hypnotherapy.

▪ Most hypnotherapists use relaxation techniques, and you are also likely to be asked to
concentrate on certain things. For instance you may be asked to focus your attention on your
breathing, or to imagine various things.

▪ During the induction, the therapist is likely to speak to you in a particular way, and at a
particular tempo, which is designed to gently slow down the brainwaves. This will help you to
gradually drift into the pleasant state of hypnotic trance, in which you will experience feelings
of relaxation and well-being.

▪ Words like “relax,” “deeper,” and “sleep” or “sleepy” are often used in the induction.
However, these words are not intended to send you to sleep. They are merely calming words
which send special messages to the brain to help you to become very relaxed and tranquil.

▪ Hypnosis is not a state of being unconscious, but merely of having your consciousness
altered – indeed your mind remains clear and focused, and you are likely to remember most of
what was said to you.

▪ Some people are very easy to hypnotise, whilst others take longer. Most people remain in a
fairly light state of hypnotic trance, whilst a very small percentage naturally go to much deeper
levels. Sometimes people drift in and out of lighter and deeper states. All this is perfectly
normal. Deep states of hypnosis are not required for successful therapy.

▪ If you contact a Hypnotherapist listed on this register, please mention that you obtained their
details from the Hypnotherapist Register.


▪ No, your cooperation is required.



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▪ On the contrary, you need a reasonable amount of intelligence in order to be hypnotised.
The people who respond best to hypnosis are those who are capable of concentration,
imagination and mental dexterity.

▪ Most people can be hypnotised. If somebody cannot understand what is required if them, or if
they are resisting for some reason, they will have difficulty entering into hypnosis.



▪ No. You will know what is going on and you will retain your intelligence and your self-control.

▪ Hypnotherapy requires the client and the therapist to work together in a spirit of cooperation,
in order to help you to control your own mind.

▪ For hypnotherapy to be successful, you need to be comfortable with what is going on in the
session. If any suggestion was given to you with which you did not agree, you could reject it. If
anything was suggested to you that went against your beliefs or moral code you would be
shocked out of hypnosis.



▪ Successful stage hypnosis requires willing volunteers. These people obviously have a desire
to join in the show and perform, or they wouldn’t volunteer to go on stage in the first place.
Hypnosis merely helps them to lift the inhibitions which they may ordinarily have against

▪ Please do not confuse stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy. The aims are very different.


▪ Hypnotherapy is not dangerous. In skilled hands hypnotherapy is a proven therapeutic aid.

No drugs should ever be used, and there are no unwanted side effects.


Types of Hypnosis:
(A) Commonest method of Hypnosis:

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▪ This is the commonest method used at the present. There are different levels of hypnosis.
The deeper one goes the less one is aware of the present, until one is completely transported
to the past. At this deepest stage, one is totally in the
past and the present is not in his consciousness at all.

▪ The stages as graded by Hans Tendam are memory, recollection, relieving, regression and
identification. Memory is like normal memory. Recollection means you see images, hear
noises and voices and smell the food from the past.

▪ In reliving, one in addition will have emotional feelings as well as thoughts. The next deeper
stage is that of real regression, in which you are totally in the past, but there is no
consciousness of the present. This is the stage when past life regression takes place.

▪ In identification, which is even deeper, the past becomes your present. There is now only
one personality, which is totally in the past, and the patient takes the past as the present.

▪ An excellent proof of real regression is the occurrence of xenoglossy, i.e. speaking of a

language that is never learnt in this life.

(B) Trance :
▪ A trance without the classic hypnosis is now fairly commonly used.

▪ A deep trance may be required at the first sitting, but a lighter one will do the trick in
subsequent sittings. There may be some self-hypnosis involved here.

(C) Imagination and Visualisation

▪ Imagination and Visualisation : Therapists use methods of relaxation together with a mild
hypnosis to induce the patient to the level of recall. From here he slowly brings the patient into
reliving and then to regression.

▪ A garden scenery is imagined and then the patient will be walking in this garden. It can be
any other scene and in one of them an emotional problem may arise. The physical symptom
may be associated with this scenario, and when the whole story is told, the symptom may

▪ This is the technique of the waking dream. The feelings in these cases must be intense to
be of value.

(D) Magnetism: The therapist touches the patient with one hand and sweeps down the body
with the other. This is called making passes.

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▪ The patient goes through deeper and deeper levels. At deep levels past lives may be
recalled. This method is seldom used nowadays.

(E) Concentration by Yoga Siddhi

▪ The therapist concentration on the patient by Yoga Siddhi. The therapist goes through
deeper and deeper levels of consciousness of the patient. At deep levels patient past lives
may be recalled. This is called as Tele –Hypnosis.


▪ Practicing Hypnotherapists should be properly trained and qualified by a professional
Hypnotherapy association or Hypnotherapy training school.

▪ All professional Hypnotherapy associations should have an ethical code of conduct, and
keep lists of their qualified members.

▪ If you wish to check out the credentials of a particular Hypnotherapist you should contact the
Hypnotherapy Organization he or she belongs to. Practicing Hypnotherapists should carry
Professional Indemnity Insurance.

▪ You check the credentials of any Hypnotherapist you decide to visit with the Professional
Association he or she belongs to like Association of Ethical & Professional Hypnotherapists.

▪ Like British Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy, American Board of Hypnotherapy, British

Association of Therapeutical Hypnotists, Association of Complete Mind Therapists,
Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, Association Of Registered Clinical
Hypnotherapists, The World Federation of Hypnotherapists, United Fellowship of
Hypnotherapists, British Society of Clinical Hypnosis, The Hypnotherapy Association, London
College of Clinical Hypnosis, The World Federation of Hypnotherapists, and many more
thousands of association of Hypnotherapists are there throughout the World now.





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▪ From my own practice, for the hypnotized medium to “relive” an authentic past life
experience it is necessary to reach a deep hypnotic state as much as it is important to use for
the right technique when invoking it.

▪ The recent trend in some sections of the Indian visual media is the topic of rebirth and
associated quackery. In one of the channels the show started with sessions of ‘hypnotism’,
taking people back to their past births, and ‘treatment’ for many of their problems of the
present birth which are allegedly caused by deeds in the past life!

▪ There is a ‘Dr.’ Trupti Jain, along with a moderator, putting the person who had volunteered
into what is called as a ‘hypnotic trance’.

▪ That is followed by question-answer sessions along with re-enactment of events which are
supposed to have happened in past births. This is followed by ‘counseling’ and ‘therapy’, with
the subject admitting at the end of the session that he or she is feeling better.

▪ There have been many famous cases, like the reincarnate Bridey Murphy, reincarnations of
famous doctors like Cayce, Arigo and many others.

▪ They have been sensationalized in the print media even by very conservative publications
like the Readers Digest.

▪ Shambhavi and the Dalai Lama: We also have celebrities who supposedly are reborn again
and again as famous people, like the Dalai Lama and his coterie who are all supposed to be
reincarnations of famous religious leaders and are worshipped as the living Buddha by his
gullible devotees.

▪ More recently there is the case of reincarnation in Andhra Pradesh of a little girl called
Shambhavi, whose rebirth claims have been certified by no less a person that the most
famous reincarnation of them all - the Dalai Lama himself.

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▪ The practice of Past-Life-Regression Therapy has a history that goes back to ancient times.
Examples of regression practice during ancient times are the Greek dream incubation centers,
Greek and Egyptian Mystery schools, Prati-Prasav (references to which can be found in
the Vedic literature of ancient India), Jati Smaran (the name given to past-life recall in
Jain scriptures) etc.

▪ References of past-life recall also exist in Sanatana Samskruti Scriptures like Ramayana,
Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Buddhist Scriptures. In spite of its ancient
history, past-life regression is a continuously evolving field with a wide range of techniques
that have been developed till date and continue to be developed even now.

▪ Freud can be considered as the grandfather of present day regression work. He came up

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with the idea that by making the unconscious conscious, one could restore choice and bring
about healing. He discovered the link between past trauma and present symptoms and called
it Psychic Determinism.

▪ He established that our past experiences determine our present behavior. This changed the
face of psychotherapy forever and is the basis of regression work. Later, Jung postulated the
concept of a Collective Unconscious and Archetypes (universal patterns).

▪ In the 20′s and 30′s, Edgar Cayce brought about an increased awareness of past lives by
channeling the past life information of people. In 1927, Paul Brunton wrote about a technique
that the yogis developed to tune into past-lives. Wilhelm Reich made a great contribution by
his classification of “Character Structures”.

▪ Rank, who was the first to focus on birth memories, was clearly ahead of his time. In the
50′s Stanislav Grof worked with altered states of awareness. He performed clinical trials with
the drug LSD and found that, under the influence of LSD, many of the participants
experienced previously inaccessible childhood memories and pre-birth & past-life memories.

▪ He later found that these states could be achieved using deep breathing sessions rather
than LSD. Roberto Assagioli, the founder of the therapy called Psycho-synthesis and
contributor to the branch of psychology called Transpersonal Psychology, found that altered
states could be achieved through meditation.

▪ Awareness of past lives reached much higher levels in the 60′s after the book “The Search
for Bridey Murphey” which contains the detailed account of a Colorado housewife’s previous
life as an Irish woman named Bridey Murphey.

▪ The book created a sensation at that time. Later, Morris Netherton established the affect
bridge as a form of induction. In the late 60′s and early 70′s, age regression (moving
backwards in time to tap early childhood memories) gained wide acceptance.

▪ Denys Kelsey and Joan Grant reported that people were able to remember the time of their
conception and concluded that we all have the capability to function and record events even in
the absence of a physical body. This was a turning point in past-life therapy.

▪ 1978 was a highpoint in past-life therapy work with four innovative books published in the
same year. These were “Reliving Past Lives” by Helen Wambach, “You have been here
before” by Edith Fiore, “Past Lives Therapy” by Morris Netherton and “Voices from other lives”
by Thorwald Dethelfsen. Some of the major contributors to the field of Past-Life Therapy are
Hazel Denning, Ronald Wong Jue, Ernest Pecci, Helen Wambach, Chet. B Snow, Roger
Woolger and Hans TenDam.

▪ Ian Stevenson pioneered the research related to spontaneous recall of past-lives,

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particularly in children. Special mention needs to be made of the immense contribution made
by Dr. Brian Weiss. His book “Many Lives, Many Masters” has become a modern day classic
and is the most widely read book about past-life regression therapy. His other books are “Only
Love Is real”, “Through Time into Healing”, “Messages from Masters” and “Same Soul, Many

▪ Although we could mention only a few pioneers, there are many other stalwarts who have
made significant contributions to the field of Past-Life-Regression Therapy.

“Samsara-the Wheel of Existence, literally, the “Perpetual Wandering”-is the name by which is
designated the sea of life ever restlessly heaving up and down, the symbol of this continuous
process of ever again and again being born, growing old, suffering, and dying. (It) is
constantly changing from moment to moment, (as lives) follow continuously one upon the
other through inconceivable periods of time. Of this Samsara, a single lifetime constitutes only
a vanishingly tiny fraction.” - The Gautama Buddha.



▪ During Past-Life-Regression the subject is regressed to another lifetime. In other words,

the subject is helped to experience or relive past lives. The ‘regressor’ is the one who does
this process of regression. In the process of regression the subject is first guided into deep
states by giving constant suggestions.

▪ After reaching a ‘satisfactory’ level of altered state of consciousness, the subject is first
regressed gradually down to the in-utero state (the time when subject was in the mother’s
womb). During the in-utero state, the soul does not completely associate with the fetus.

▪ It keeps moving in and out of the fetus and spends most of the time in the astral realms.
Hence, the subject when regressed to the in-utero state can relive glimpses of the souls
experiences of inter-life states and memories of past lives. The subject is able to describe the
experiences verbally.

▪ Even in this New Age, Past-Life-Regression remains one of the best techniques to energize
the spirit of individuals by making them to journey into their past lives. By exploring our past
lives we can find the solutions for all present life problems.

Past-Life-Regression Therapy

▪ Past-life-regression-therapy is a holistic therapy because it works on the body, mind,

emotions, and spirit. It transports one back to those times before one’s birth and regresses

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one to previous lifetimes. This is done to sort out problems that a person may be experiencing
in the present.

▪ The reason for undertaking past-life-therapy is to improve the spiritual quality of our life, right
now. Its chief objective is to make our life easier, better and more fulfilling, in this present
moment. Past-life-regression therapy is a root cause therapy as it enables extremely deep
change to take place at the very source of the problem. It does not deal with external
symptoms. It directly addresses the internal cause.

Cause and Effect

▪ Past-life-regression-therapy is based on the principles of cause and effect (also known as

law of karma). Something that has been set in motion at some time in the past results in
a corresponding effect on a person’s present physical, emotional, mental or spiritual
well being, at this moment.

▪ This cause may be a past desire, a past thought, past feeling, a past emotion, a past vow, a
past promise, a past decision, a past evasion or a past traumatic experience.

Benefits of Past-Life-Regression

▪ Past-Life-Regression helps to heal chronic diseases.This is done in the following manner:

Past-Life-Regression helps individuals to understand the karmic patterns involved and the
resultant energy blockages.

▪ It is these energy blockages that manifest as diseases, which are sometimes chronic. The
understanding that flows clears the energy blockages and thereby the disease is healed.

▪ Take the example of a person who has had a past life wherein he/she was never allowed to
express his/her views or who had to pay a heavy price for having expressed them. In this

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lifetime, such a person may have a disease of the throat, which constantly hinders the
person’s ability to talk normally.

▪ After reliving the past life and emerging with an understanding of the root cause, the energy
blockages get cleared and the person gets healed of his/her throat disease.

Past-Life-Regression helps overcome Fears and Phobias

▪ Past-Life-Regression releases individuals from all kinds of fears and phobias by bringing
about an understanding of the specific causes of these fears and phobias.

▪ The causes are mostly present in the previous lives. They could also be present in the
earlier part of the current life. For example a person who had this fear of closed spaces
(claustrophobia) had experienced a past life where he was buried alive in an earthquake.
Once he relived this trauma, he was able to overcome his claustrophobia immediately.

Past-Life-Regression improves one’s interpersonal relationships

▪ Interpersonal relationships by causing the person to understand the past life relationships
with those individuals. Till this is understood, clashes and friction with one’s present lifetime’s
relations is inevitable. Once the understanding flows, the person is able to see the larger
perspective and therefore the relationships are improved or ‘healed’.

Past-Life-Regression frees us from the fear of death once and for all

▪ Past-Life- Regression frees us from the fear of death once and for all. The fear of death is
the biggest of all fears plaguing mankind. Past-Life-Regression helps us to explore our past
lives and through this exploration we realize that we are eternal beings.

▪ We understand that death is a mere transition from one state to another and that the
essence of our being continues into eternity as we have lived before and are going to live
again after ‘death’. Moreover, once an individual has relived his/her past lives, he/she
validates this understanding in the light of the personal experiences had. This removes the
fear of death once and for all.

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“…Explain the River of the soul; whence or in what order you have come.”- Zoroaster

▪ “Only the present life is relevant and past lives are not relevant to the present life.”​This belief
is far from the truth about past lives and their impact on the present life.

▪ Anyone would agree that we are the products of all our experiences from birth till the
present time. This is true not only for the present life experiences. In reality, we are the
products of all our experiences carried with us from all our past lives in addition to the
experiences of the present life. We contain all the energies of memory and experience of our

▪ We carry our soul energy with us and it is inseparable from us. It defines who we are. The
purpose of past life therapy is to get rid of the negative patterns of the past which continue to
affect the person’s present life.

▪ “Past is past and does not affect the present.” Scientific research in the field of past lives
indicates that past life memories are stored in the mind field and higher (finer) vibrational
subtle energies.

▪ Past life memories are not in the past. They are here and now because we carry the
memories and the effects of those lives in our energy field today and unconsciously act out of
those stored beliefs and experiences.

▪ “We cannot change anything through Past-Life- Regression-Therapy.” Past-Life-Regression-

Therapy helps people to discover the root cause of an issue.

▪ When a person discovers the root cause of an issue, understanding flows. He or she can
then begin to take steps to change a pattern or behavior that has been blocking his/her life
and preventing him/her from finding true peace, happiness, and joy.

▪ “The past life memories that are experienced during regression are due to the suggestions
of the therapist.”​Experienced and qualified past-life-regression-therapists do not give
suggestions during regression.

▪ They only direct the client to seek the root cause of an issue, or the memory of the client’s
present problems and situations.

▪ “Everyone who has seen a past life thinks that they were a very well known personality in
that life.” This is the kind of statement made by people with insignificant knowledge about

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▪ In my experience of over 14 years in the field, the large majority of people recall very
ordinary lives, and remember highlights such as work, relationships, loves, marriages, births,
separations, and deaths. Just as these events stand out in one’s current life, it is true that
these or similar highlights are memories of one’s past life.

▪ If the experiences were the result of their own thinking, they would see mostly glamorous
lifetimes but this is not the case as most lives recalled are very ordinary. Also, though it may
surprise many, the happiest lifetimes reported were those of a beggar or tramp!

▪ “A Therapist does not need to believe in past lives and reincarnation to do past-life-
regression work or past-life-counseling work.”A therapist’s attitude, experience, understanding
of metaphysical concepts and truths, and abilities with concepts of the soul’s journey can have
a positive, negative, or limited influence in counseling and past-life-regression therapy.
Scientific research into the nature of consciousness shows us that the therapist affects the
energy field of the subject.

▪ This is in addition to the effect of the subject’s own thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. Only
an experienced practitioner whose belief system is compatible with the concept of past lives
should conduct past-life-regression work.Though the subject of past lives is not a religious
belief, it nevertheless involves a belief system that affects the therapist's energy field. If a
subject recalls what may be a past life memory, the therapist must at least be open minded to
this concept.

▪ If the therapist has unresolved programming, or strict religious beliefs that are not open to
the possibility of past lives, he or she could affect the success of a subject’s regression.

▪ Not only a therapist’s religious and other beliefs, but also the therapist’s fears can affect a
regression. For example, if the therapist is uncomfortable with the idea of the subject reaching
a painful emotional experience, he or she may avoid that experience by guiding the subject to
move beyond the memory or to view the experience only from an objective viewpoint. By
doing so, the therapist would be losing a wonderful opportunity to make the subject actually
relive the experience. “To relive is to relieve”.

▪ This is a great universal truth, which explains the therapeutic benefits of past-life-regression.
That is why it is very important that the therapist should have a belief system, which is
compatible with reincarnation and the immortality of the soul as this will result in the best
possible benefits to the subject.

▪ “Past-Life-Regression-Therapy can be done by anyone.” So can surgery, but you wouldn’t

want to take that chance! It is important to go to someone who is trained and experienced in
the field.

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▪ One should thoroughly check the credentials and experience of the practitioner. The trust
level and comfort of the client with his or her practitioner is very essential for one to be able to
reach the deep levels to access the information contained in the subconscious mind.
“If we really had past lives,we would then remember them.”

▪ In reality there are many an occasion when we ‘remember’ our past lives. At times, these
remembrances occur spontaneously.

▪ On many other occasions, certain external events or stimulus can act as a trigger and the
memory of our past life/lives surfaces. This could happen for instance:

▪ When you meet someone for the first time but you get the uncanny feeling that you know
that person extremely well.

▪ While visiting a foreign country for the first time and knowing where a building or road is.

▪ When you are in a situation and get a feeling that you have been in exactly the same
situation in the past though you have no evidence of such a situation in this lifetime.

▪ When you meet a person for the first time and have an immediate feeling of lack of trust for
the person.

▪ When you meet a person for the first time and you get the feeling of immense love for and
emotional attachment to that person (this is commonly known as love at first sight).

▪ When as child you used to have (you may still have them) memories of having lived in a
different place in a different family and in different life circumstances. The narration of such
experiences usually fell on deaf ears and you were gradually conditioned to believe that those
past-life experiences and memories of those past-life experiences were not valid.

▪ There are many other ways in which situations in this lifetime trigger our past-life memories.
Most of us, however, are conditioned to ignore those subtle intuitive messages.



Age Regression

▪ During Age Regression, one is taken backwards step-by-step through the present lifetime;
first to events that occurred a few years ago, then to college days, to school days, to early
childhood and finally to the stage when the person was in the mother’s womb.

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▪ Though most problems have their roots in past lives, the majority of these problems are
repeated during early childhood. This happens because problems, which have their origins in
past-lives, repeatedly get presented till they are solved. A look at the events which happened
in the early years of the present lifetime will therefore give us an idea about the past life
patterns and problems that the person has brought into this life.

▪ The minds of children from birth to early teens, particularly during the preschool years, can
easily form lasting impressions and hence are susceptible to conditioning and programming.
Due to this, a child’s mind is open and vulnerable to suggestion.

▪ Any information that is presented to the child, particularly if it is repeated several times, will
be accepted as a fact without any questioning on the part of the child. Recent research even
indicates that music; voices and other outside sounds and conditions during the last few
months of pregnancy affect a baby’s mind.

▪ Many of the problems involving poor self-image and lack of sense of self-worth have their
root cause in events that occurred during one's early childhood. Various problems like health
problems, eating disorders, certain kinds of learning problems, failure patterns, phobias and
behavior problems can be traced back to thoughtless words and actions directed towards
young children.

▪ In a similar manner, success, positive attitudes and self-confidence can result from positive
attitudes expressed to young children. An example will make this clearer.

▪ There once was a little girl who was dancing all by herself at home when her mother
returned from a very stress-filled days work. The mother was not in a position to appreciate
the beauty of her child’s dance, as she was feeling very exhausted and drained. In this low
state she told her child “the way you dance is horrible”.

▪ She did not actually mean it, as she loved her child dearly. Ever since that day, the child
never danced again. This was the beginning of a downward spiral for the child.

▪ She started becoming more and more aloof and withdrawn. Her performance at school
started deteriorating. Fortunately, as she was approaching the end of her schooling, her
condition was noticed by one of the teachers who took her to a past-life-regression therapist.

▪ The therapist worked with the girl and, with the help of regression, was able to identify this
childhood block in her. He then helped her to remove this childhood block. The girl then went
on to become a very good dancer!

▪ In the above case, had not the block been removed, the world would have lost an
exceptionally talented and gifted dancer, not to speak of the tremendous suffering that such a
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block would continue to cause the person till the end of her life.

▪ The story shows us in no uncertain terms the damage that we are capable of causing to
young children through our thoughtless words and actions. The unfortunate part is that most
of the time we are not even aware that our words and actions are creating blocks in them
resulting in unseen and untold damage.

Womb Regression

▪ Based on the report of our clients and in our experience while regressing them, we have
concluded that the fetus can recall the events even before the development of its body and
the brain because they are recorded in the consciousness of the soul (the subconscious

▪ The consciousness of the soul records all the experiences of the fetus whilst in the mother’s
womb. The fetus also feels and records all the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of the
mother as its own. In addition to this, the fetus also perceives the external environment just as
we do.The memories, experiences, and traumas from conception till birth can also trigger
memories of traumatic experiences in past lives.

▪ These are often the problems that we need to resolve in this life. As a result of this, many of
our personality traits and physical and emotional problems can be traced to experiences that
we had while in the mother’s womb and also during the process of giving birth.

▪ Many emotional and physical problems, such as feelings of loss, alienation, rejection,
loneliness, grief, relationship problems, separation anxiety, panic attacks, depression,
claustrophobia, paranoia, asthma, headaches, and sinus problems, can be traced back to the
traumas surrounding birth.

▪ Birth trauma need not be only of this life. Birth traumas are carried from all the previous lives
stretching back the very beginning of the soul when it started its journey of incarnation cycles.
Thomas Verney, M.D. is a psychiatrist who has recognized the influence of prenatal and birth
experience in his own work.

▪ He has also reported on the research of other investigators in his book, ‘The Secret Life of
the unborn Child’. His conclusions are:

▪ The fetus can see, hear, experience, taste, learn and feel while in the mother’s womb.

▪ The fetus not only feels but also responds to the mother’s thoughts, to her feelings, and to
music. Some of Verney’s observations are:

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▪ “An unborn child grows emotionally agitated (as measured by the quickening of his
heartbeat) each time his mother thinks of having a cigarette.”

▪ “The unborn also has differential responses to music. In one experiment, music by
Vivaldi and Mozart quieted the unborn; Brahms, Beethoven, and rock provoked violent

▪ “The mother’s emotional states of ambivalence, acceptance of responsibility, or

anxiety apparently influenced the health of the fetus and the newborn.”.

▪ Once we know that the fetus in the womb feels and records all the feelings, thoughts, and
experiences of the mother as its own, we will all look differently at the way parenting should
be done. Parents can now communicate with their babies even before they are born and
welcome them with messages of love.

▪ They can provide the spiritual education while their babies are still in the womb and also can
continue to educate the babies about the spiritual reality, even after the birth as they grow into

▪ In ancient Hindu literature, we have examples of Prahlada and Abhimanyu. Both of them had
received spiritual education while they were still in their mothers’ wombs. This shows us that
pre-birth communication was practiced since ancient times.

▪ A young lady once came to us with a complaint of chronic Migraine. The Migraine attacks
had started immediately after she conceived her first child. Before she came to us, she had
tried all types of treatments but to no avail.

▪ When she was regressed to the mother’s womb state, she relived the state and was able to
tap the feelings of her mother at that time. Her mother wanted to abort the fetus. These
thoughts were perceived by the fetus and created an emotional block, which resulted in the
migraine. After the session, her migraine disappeared.

▪ In the above case study, the lady had no previous knowledge about the fact that her mother
had wanted to abort her before she was born. When she asked her mother to confirm this, her
mother initially told her that it was not true.

▪ Later, she broke down and accepted that it was indeed true that she had wanted to abort
her. Because she was carrying a lot of guilt, she had kept this a secret from her daughter. But
as it can be seen, nothing can be hidden from the fetus, which is capable of perceiving

▪ Another interesting point is that her own pregnancy triggered those old memories, which had
been buried in her subconscious mind. As a result, she started having the attacks of migraine
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as soon as she conceived.

▪ Using past-life-regression, we are able to help the individual to recall, relive, release, and
resolve the prenatal and birth traumas which are the root causes of his or her emotional,
physical, and personality problems.

Future Life Progression

▪ The basic human tendency is to repeat over again and again the same past experiences
unconsciously. By exploring our own past lives we become aware of these repetitive,
unconscious patterns and we erase our past by resolving those patterns. Only then, are we
free from our past and the whole past is dropped.

▪ Future progression is going forward in time, and experiencing the future events. It is only
the probable future we see during this progression. We become aware of whatever blue print
or life design we carry from inter-life states during this process. Future progression gives a
direction, clarity of mind and even some healing.

We are creators of our own reality and we can always shape or re-frame or re-program
or re-design our own lives.


Criticism of PLRT From Atheists and Skeptics

▪ Skeptics and Atheists Claims that the "memories" recovered by techniques like past-life
regression are the result of cryptomnesia: narratives created by the subconscious mind
using imagination, forgotten information and suggestions from the therapist.

▪ Memories created under hypnosis are indistinguishable from actual memories and can be
more vivid than factual memories.

▪ The greatest predictor of individuals reporting memories of past lives appears to be their
beliefs about the existence in reincarnation—individuals who believe in reincarnation are more
likely to report such memories, while skeptics or disbelievers are less so.

▪ Examinations of three cases of apparent past life regression B

( ridey Murphy, Jane Evans,
and an unnamed English woman) revealed memories that were superficially convincing.

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However, investigation by experts in the languages used and historical periods described
revealed flaws in all three patients' recall.

▪ The evidence included speech patterns that were "...used by movie makers and writers to
convey the flavour of 16th century English speech" rather than actual Renaissance English, a
date that was inaccurate but was the same as a recognized printing error in historical
pamphlets, and a subject that reported historically accurate information from the Roman era
that was identical to information found in a 1947 novel set in the same time as the individual's
memories, with the same name reported by the person regressed.

▪ Other details cited are common knowledge and not evidence of the factual nature of the
memories; subjects asked to provide historical information that would allow checking provided
only vague responses that did not allow for verification, and sometimes were unable to
provide critical details that would have been common knowledge (e.g. a subject described the
life of a Japanese fighter pilot during World War II but was unable to identify Hirohito as the
Emperor of Japan during the 1940s).








Answering to Criticism From Skeptics and Atheists by Parapsychologists

Answer by Dr. Cal Banyan

▪ Hypnotherapy enjoys greater public acceptance today than ever before. Yet even as we
move forward into the new millennium, people still debate over various techniques.

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▪ One of the most controversial techniques can be summarized in three words: past life
It is a known fact that clients in hypnosis may be intentionally guided into a past life regression
(often referred to simply as a "PLR"). Stranger yet is the fact that some clients who do not
believe in former lives may also, on rare occasions, trip out spontaneously into an alleged
past life during what was intended to be a regression back to childhood.

▪ Why does this happen? Skeptics often claim that a PLR is the result of false memories,
while believers claim that past life regressions provide evidence of reincarnation.

▪ Some highly educated people believe that the concept of living more than once is totally
unscientific; yet others with medical degrees and other advanced degrees do believe that we
live more than once. Also, while most theologians argue vehemently against the concept on
Biblical grounds, there are ordained Christian ministers who believe in reincarnation!

▪ Most available information regarding the PLR phenomenon either attempts to promote the
theory of reincarnation, or attempts to discredit PLR's altogether. Believe it or not, there are
enough possible explanations available to justify being undecided on this issue. This article is
written to provide some food for thought, regardless of your own views on this controversial

Possible Explanations

▪ There are several popular theories to explain what may be taking place during a past life
regression. You are free to choose the theory (or theories) which fit comfortably into your own
personal and/or professional beliefs. Let us consider some possible explanations of the
phenomenon, beginning with the two most common ones.

Fantasy or metaphor

▪ Any competent hypnotherapist knows that hypnosis enhances one's own ability to imagine
or fantasize; and this most certainly is a logical explanation for many of the supposed past life
regressions. Such fantasy could result from a number of causes: curiosity, fascination for a
particular period in history, and/or identifying with a certain historical person, or it could be the
result of inappropriate leading. In the best-case scenario, such fantasy could easily be a
subconscious metaphor that may facilitate change in your client.

▪ There could be other reasons for the fantasy, such as a movie, a TV program, or a dream or
event that made a subconscious impact during one's present life even if forgotten consciously.
Actual soul memories (reincarnation).

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▪ There are people from all walks of life who believe that past life regressions prove
reincarnation, as is evidenced by the many books written on the subject. Even some
Christians claim that the family of Jesus belonged to the Essenes, who believed in

▪ A Methodist minister of many years, the late Arthur Winkler, PhD, was once a past life
skeptic. After a Jewish client had a spontaneous past life regression into a former life as a
Christian, Dr. Winkler decided to conduct his own research. He facilitated thousands of past
life regressions and eventually came to believe that many of them were valid. (Of course,
there are millions of Christians who believe that reincarnation is in total conflict with
Christianity; and this is not the place to debate it.)

Soul tapping or channeling

▪ One theory believed by many proposes that the person in hypnosis may "tap into" the actual
memories of another soul who lived in the past, finding those memories from the Universal
Book of Life or the Akashic records, or even directly from the soul of the person who actually
lived that life.

▪ The subconscious and/or super conscious finds something relevant for the client at the time
for the person's soul growth, and we "play" the memories much like a VCR playing a
videocassette, or by telepathically reading or "channeling" thought patterns from the departed
soul of another who is in spirit form. Some who object to the idea of reincarnation on religious
grounds may find this a very acceptable explanation for past life regressions.

Universal consciousness

▪ This theory is similar to the one above. The belief is that we are all interconnected through
the spirit of God or Universal consciousness, and therefore all memories of all lives ever lived,
both past and present, are instantly available through hypnosis if needed for one's own
personal or spiritual growth.

▪ This theory differs slightly from the first in that it proposes that past lives, present lives, and
future lives are all happening simultaneously in another plane of existence. (If you think this
theory is difficult to understand, try explaining it to someone!)

Genetic memory

▪ Some people believe that memories may be passed on through heredity, through the genes
and chromosomes. This theory does not hold water with regressions where one remembers
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his/her death, as those memories for a particular life would seemingly expire after one's last
child was conceived, nor would it explain a Japanese client of mine regressing into an
apparent former life as an American Indian.

▪ Nonetheless, I have discussed this theory with at least one scientist who firmly believes it,
and can explain the two concerns mentioned above.You are free to consider still other
possible explanations besides these; but perhaps this gives you a starting point for opening
your mind to possible explanations for those regressions that seem to be more than just

▪ However, even if you do not wish to choose an explanation, there remains the mystery of the
occasional spontaneous past life regression.

Spontaneous Past Life Regression

▪ Whether or not you believe in past lives, on rare occasions a client who is regressed may
spontaneously "trip out" into a real or imagined past life even when that was not the intention
of the hypnotherapist. The spontaneous PLR is more common with the "affect bridge"
technique than with any other regression technique. One of my former students, a licensed
physician, witnessed this while facilitating her very first regression, even though both she and
her patient expected the cause to originate during childhood of the current life.

▪ If this happens to one of your clients, stay calm. Take a deep breath and say "relax" to
yourself (and to your client) if you need to calm any of your own anxiety, since this can be
picked up by the client's subconscious. If you are comfortable dealing with what emerges,
guide the client through the experience.

▪ Remember to ask open-ended questions and avoid inappropriate leading. Handle the
spontaneous PLR much the same as a present life regression, making sure to suggest a total
return to the present day before awakening. Remember to allow (but not force) abreactions,
and know how to deal with them! That last phrase is important, because anyone who is not
prepared to help a client handle abreactions should never initiate a regression in the first
place-whether to a present life or a past life.

▪ If you are not comfortable handling the situation, bring your client back to the present life
quickly but gently, but do NOT awaken from hypnosis just yet. You might take him/her to a
safe place and use the verbalizing technique to discover possible relevancy to the present life,
etc.; or you could just give some soothing post hypnotic suggestions for peace and well being
if you do not know what else to do. Then, after awakening, ask the client to tell you how
he/she feels about what happened during hypnosis.

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What do we tell the client?

▪ After a spontaneous PLR, it is best to keep quiet about your own opinions regarding PLR's.
Under absolutely no circumstances should you criticize any client for regressing back too far
in time. If he or she believes in former lives and you are a PLR skeptic, then you would serve
him/her better with a referral to an ethical hypnotherapist who is comfortable working with past
life therapy.

▪ Also, you have no obligation to accommodate a client's request for past life therapy, as long
as you decline with courtesy and sensitivity to the client; however, with a little experience, you
just might find yourself able to facilitate a PLR upon request.

▪ A devout Lutheran who saw me to deal with the fear of flying regressed back to a former
alleged death experience. She did not believe in past lives, yet she vividly described
suffocating to death. With the verbalizing technique, she said that it was not being in the sky
that she feared while flying, it was the fear of running out of oxygen and dying again like
before! When I awakened her, she exclaimed, "That seemed pretty real! Did I really live before
this life?

▪ My response was that it was not my place to say whether her experience was real. I briefly
summarized the possible explanations. She could have seen a movie or heard a story as a
small child, or her subconscious could simply have produced this story as a metaphor to help
her. I finished by saying, "Whether or not you really lived that life isn't nearly as important as
your release from the phobia, is it?"

▪ To invalidate her experience might have neutralized the therapy. To validate it might have
caused anxiety over her religious convictions. The most considerate response from me was to
offer several possible explanations and allow her to explore her own conclusions! By the way,
her release from the phobia was permanent.
Now let us explore ethical considerations...


▪ I always encourage my students to do for the client what you would want done if the roles
(and beliefs) were reversed. Let us explore the ethics of three possible situations…

If you are a PLR believer

▪ In my professional opinion it is unethical to initiate a past life regression intentionally unless

your client requests it. Even if you believe his/her problem originated in a real or imagined
"former lifetime," you risk the credibility of hypnotherapy by taking it upon yourself to force the
person back into some real or imagined past life unless that is what the client, of his or her
own free will, desires.

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▪ Furthermore, some people may feel it is an infringement on their own beliefs even if you
solicit their consent prior to the hypnotic session. The client should bring up the topic of past
lives rather than the therapist. To do otherwise could be construed as bordering on

If you are a PLR skeptic

▪ The flip side of the coin is that you may appear as being cold and insensitive if you try to
convince a client that it is stupid or unethical to believe in past life therapy just because of
your scientific or religious views, etc.

▪ All of us are entitled to our own belief systems, and that includes our clients! In my
professional opinion, our job is to assist, not to meddle. We as hypnotherapists have a
responsibility to do our best to work with our clients as much as possible within the framework
of their own spiritual beliefs. Yet I have heard complaints from several clients who
experienced criticism from a psychotherapist or a hypnotherapist after expressing a belief in
reincarnation and/or requesting a PLR.

▪ Worse yet, several clients have complained to me over the years about another therapist
claiming it is unethical for any hypnotist to do past life regressions. This is easy for me to
believe, because I personally heard a well known figure in the hypnosis profession publicly
denounce past life therapy as unethical in 1990! This type of criticism hurts our profession and
creates more division.

▪ The ethical thing for the past life skeptic to do is to give the clients who request past life
regressions the courtesy of tactfully referring them elsewhere without putting them or their
beliefs down! Remember that we are here to serve the client, NOT to convert clients to our
own spiritual, mental, medical, philosophical or other beliefs.

▪ The client's need is more important than our own religious beliefs or ego.

▪ We want the public to be open minded about hypnosis; so we owe it to our clients,
ourselves, and our entire profession to keep an open mind about ideas some of us choose to
use in our own practice! Asking others to be open minded about hypnosis while remaining
close-minded about the benefits of past life therapy has a rather strange ring of hypocrisy in
the ears of many of us.

If you are undecided

▪ The late Charles Tebbetts sometimes facilitated past life regressions in his class, but
avoided saying whether or not he believed in them. He did not feel that a past life regression
would harm a client who requested it, as long as the therapist avoided projecting his or her
opinions into the client; but whenever a student asked him about his personal beliefs
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regarding past lives, Charlie kept us guessing.

▪ If you are in this group, it is easy and relatively safe to be honest about your undecided
opinions with some of your clients. It would be totally acceptable and professional to admit to
a client that you do not know whether the experience was real or metaphoric, and the client
will most likely respect your honesty, especially if you provide brief summaries of the possible
explanations. Perhaps both the believer and the skeptic might consider a similar statement as
well, because when everything is said and done, do you REALLY know with ABSOLUTELY
CERTAINTY whether or not we live only once?

▪ My goal is to empower my clients to achieve their desired goals, and that can be
accomplished without the client knowing my own spiritual beliefs.

What Next?

▪ To sum it up, honoring a client's request to facilitate a PLR can sometimes be profoundly
interesting. Before doing so, you must first be competently trained in hypnotic regressions,
and understand the importance difference between guiding and leading. In addition, it is
important to know how to facilitate abreactions, otherwise avoid facilitating any type of
regression until you receive competent training in hypnotic regression therapy (HRT).



Aims and Objectives:

▪ To promote interaction amongst members and to serve as a link between the members of
the Association for Regression and Reincarnation Research (IARRR).

▪ To initiate research, conduct academic activities, and to present awards for excellent work
done in the field of Reincarnation Research, Past Life Regression and/or related fields.

▪ To publish or assist in the publication of the association newsletter, books and/or journals by
members of the Association for Regression and Reincarnation Research.

▪ To work towards increasing awareness and acceptance of Past Life Regression as a valid
form of therapy among people in India and all over the world.

▪ To promote scientific research in Past Life Regression Therapy aimed at gathering a vast
body of empirical evidence required to be presented to the medical fraternity which will enable
its recognition as a therapy that is based on tested scientific principles.

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▪ To mobilize and generate resources and funds to carry out the objectives of the Association,
accept donations and gifts of both movable and immovable assets.

▪ To encourage new members to join the association from the cities/states of India and from
other countries.


▪ Bringing out a monthly e-newsletter carrying updates on Past Life Regression, Future Life
Progression, Reincarnation Research, and activities of the IARRR.

▪ Publishing a quarterly magazine 'Eternal LIFE TIMES' featuring Articles, Case Studies,
Research Papers, and updates about the latest happenings in the field of Regression and
Reincarnation Research.

▪ Conducting Annual Conventions wherein the members can meet and interact with each
other as well as with experts in the field from all over the world.

▪ Maintaining the website named to spread awareness about

Regression and Reincarnation Research in the world and also to provide updates, useful
information, and resources to its members.

▪ Conducting certification exams for professionals and amateurs practicing Past Life
Regression on a regular basis.

▪ Organizing periodic camps in different parts of the country to provide free counseling and aid
to the suffering poor and the down trodden without distinction of caste, creed and religion.

▪ Striving ceaselessly towards increasing awareness and acceptance of Past Life Regression
as a valid form of therapy among people in India and all over the world.

Let us all work together to see that Past Life Regression Therapy gets its due as one of
the most powerful therapies and ensure its integration into mainstream Healing and

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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 1. Revelation of Previous Existence through meditation

▪ Meditation, when undertaken with a high purpose in life, may work out miracles. A person
given to deep meditative mood, by a certain
specialised and intuitive technique, could awaken the memories of his previous life.

▪ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras provide the necessary hints for such a realisation. According to
Patanjali, the memory of past life can be revived by intense
concentration on the object of pursuit. This is called ‘samyama’.

▪ By directing the mental energy to the object or an experience, one could get all the
impressions of the present as well as the past in the form
of thought waves by concentration.

▪ The method involved here is a kind of analytical reasoning, “of going backwards from
present thoughts and resulting actions to past thoughts and actions responsible for them,
step by step,
to previous lives”.

▪ Paul Brunton wrote about a technique that the yogis developed to tune into past-lives. By
adopting a similar method, one could get into the womb of the future and obtain in advance
many important things that are contained about the unborn life also.

▪ It is said that Buddha was able to remember more than 550 of his past lives as human
being, animal and so on through the cycle of births
and deaths, as could be seen in the Jataka tales.
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▪ Lord Sri Krishna has been considered as an Avatar, For all orthodox Hindus, He is the
veritable God. His sayings in the Bhagavad-Gita, about
the eternal cycle of Creation, Preservation and Destruction are memorable.

▪ He says, “Whenever evil flourishes, good is rejected, He takes on the reincarnation to save
mankind perpetually”. Further he says “O Arjuna,
many lives have I passed through, and I have known them all”.

▪ There are other instances of personalities who have been reported to claim a new sense of
hope, with all the rejuvenation of a new reincarnation,
as emerging from certain profound and sombre alterations of consciousness.

▪ In this regard psychedelic experiences, religious conversions, abreactions, spiritualistic

possession, fits, primitive puberty rites and rituals transcendental and mystical divinations and
states of consciousness could be cited to highlight the principle mentioned above.








 2. Life reading by astrological and yogic methods

▪ Indian astrology and Western Astrology depicts the nature of previous birth according to
particular planetary positions. It also denotes particular karmic actions done in previous births
as the result of which a specific planetary position
is maintained in this life.

▪ As such the entire astrology is based on the principle of karma and reincarnation.

▪ Yogic powers are deemed to be infinite. Great yogis could recall not only their previous lives

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but also could distinctly see those of others, whenever they desired.

▪ It is true that no evidence is available to support this statement. There is a real reason for
this. A yogi worth the name does not, at any cost, disclose the glory and grandeur of his

 3. Clinical hypnosis and Patanjali yoga sutras

▪ The trance states in yoga and hypnosis are associated with similar phenomena like
relaxation, disinclination to talk, unreality, misrepresentation, alterations in perception,
increased concentration, suspension of normal reality testing, and the temporary nature of the
phenomena. While some researchers consider yoga to be a form of hypnosis, others note that
there are many similarities between the trance in yoga and the hypnotic trance.

▪ The present study aimed to find similarities between the trance states of hypnosis and
Patanjali's yoga sutras. The trance states were compared with the understanding of the
phenomena of trance, and the therapeutic techniques and benefits of both.

▪ An understanding of the concept of trance in Patanjali's yoga sutras was gained through a
thematic analysis of the book Four Chapters on Freedom by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
This led to an understanding of the concept of trance in the yoga sutras.

▪ The obtained concepts were compared to the concepts of trance in hypnosis (obtained
through the literature on hypnosis) to investigate whether or not there exist similarities.

▪ The findings of the study show that there are similarities between the trance in hypnosis and
the trance in Patanjali's yoga sutras in the induction and deepening of the trance states in
hypnosis and that of Samadhi, the phenomena present in hypnosis and the kinds of siddhis
that are obtained through Samadhi, and the therapeutic techniques and the therapeutic
process in Patanjali's yoga sutra and hypnosis.

 “Prati Prasav" Of Patanjali Yoga Sutra and Past Life Regression Therapy

▪ The concept of rebirth is one of the basic ideologies of Sanatan dharma. It is strongly
believed that one's present life is based on his past life karma. Today's topic is closely
connected with rebirth, particularly a technique called "Prati Prasav" which talks about
retrieving the past life memories. It is believed that one can enjoy happiness by shedding the
burden of emotions incurred in past lives.


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Prati Prasav and Past Life Regression

▪ "Past life regression" is a technique used in modern science, especially in the field of
psychotherapy where hypnosis is used to retrieve the past life memories of a person.

▪ This process of retrieving past life memories is what is meant by the sanskrit term p" rati
prasav" which literally means reverse birthing. Though there is a mention of this process in
upanishads, it is in the yoga sutras of patanjali where this concept is referred as "Prati
prasav" and discussed in detail.

Prati prasav - The procedure of retrieving memories of past lives

▪ Now let us go back to Prati prasav sadhana according to Patanjali. The term "Prati" means
again and "Prasav" means birth.

▪ As such, the term denotes being born again in terms of memory. In detailed terms, it means,
bringing the effect back to the cause by going back in time and living that past life again in
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▪ Problem of any kind cannot be solved completely unless the root cause is known. Since
rebirth is the result of past life karma, the cause and effect theory, the problems faced in this
life are definitely attributed to past lives. Hence the effects cannot be solved unless they are
forced back to the cause.

▪ In one of the sutras, Patanjali says. "The sources of the five afflictions (pancha klesha)
can be abolished by resolving them backwards to their origin".

▪ The five afflictions are "Avidya" - lack of awareness , "Asmita" - The feeling of ego,
""Raga" - desire, attachment and addictions, "Dvesha" - repulsion, aversion and
"Abhinivesha" - fear of death or lust for life.

▪ In short, the root cause is "lack of awareness" and effect is "fear or death or lust for life".
Hence by going back to the root cause, by being aware of the real nature of self, including
the past births, all problems can be addressed and solved.

▪ Prati prasav sadhana is an intensive meditation technique which aids in retrieving the past
life memories. Once retrieved, the next step is to shed the emotions by reliving again in the
past life.

▪ The process is quite complicating but with intense practice, it is said that it can be achieved.
Please take a look how our brain functions and reacts during meditation. It is also worthy to
note that most of us are only in the Beta level during our entire lifetime. This shows the
intensity of practice needed, to reach the higher levels in meditation.

Past life regression - Modern hypnosis therapy

▪ In the modern era, this therapy has been developed since 1950's by psychiatrists and
psychologists and even mediums. This belief slowly gained credibility due to the legitimate
credentials encountered during the research.

▪ A study conducted in the year 1976 showed that 40% of hypnotizable subjects described
new identities and used different names when given a suggestion to regress past their birth.
In 1990s a series of experiments undertaken by Nicholas Spanos examined the nature of past
life memories. Descriptions of alleged past lives were found to be extremely elaborate, with
vivid, detailed descriptions.

▪ In 1988, Brian weiss, an american psychiatrist, deployed this past life regression therapy
using hypnosis on his patient. Later, he published the best selling "Many lives, Many masters
based on his experiences in this process.
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▪ This therapy is now widely used and many discoveries are being made. It is an important
step in science as it paves the way to get clear views about birth, death and what life is all

▪ Both religion and science are in constant search for ultimate truth. Though the paths are
different, the goal is the same. But life always holds many mysteries for which normal human
brain is not able to find answers.

▪ The enlightened masters in the spiritual field usually do not reveal their experience, as it is
not advisable and each person is destined to get that enlightenment on his own. On the other
hand, science is ready to reveal the facts based on evidences but unfortunately, certain
mystical aspects cannot be measured and some mysteries are beyond the purview of

▪ Will science be able to decode all the mysteries some time in the future? Only time can
answer....... But our ancient Rishis never fail to fascinate us by their advanced
multidimensional wisdom.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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Recovered through Induced STUDIES BY FAMOUS DOCTORS
[Memories Recovered through Induced Methods]

▪ In Chapter no 7 We have Discussed some of Authentic Reincarnation Case studies by

Famous Doctors where Memories are Recovered Spontaneously, But here in this chapter
we are going to discuss some of Authentic Reincarnation Case studies by Famous Doctors
where Memories are Recovered by Induced Methods Like Past Life Regression

▪ You are going to Study this Chapter Under Following Parts.









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 1. Introduction
▪ Using the method of hypnotic regress it is a known fact that an individual susceptible to
hypnosis can whilst in this state access past lives experiences.

▪ Hypnosis can be ranked among classical medicine for its therapeutical effects, even though
reincarnational hypnosis is considered as alternative form but more because of its
philosophical and spiritual dimension. Reincarnational hypnosis is in one way a non-
judgmental reflection of oneself, showing all the aspects of the human mind - the negative as
well as the positive.

▪ We believe it is good and can be very helpful to be able to find the courage to look at
ourselves in this way. Hypnotizability is considered by many experts an inborn quality. It is
however, the hypnotist skills, which determines the efficiency and accessibility of this quality
in the process.

▪ And rather a little skeptical outlook is needed in taking into consideration the reliability of the
experiences from the less deep hypnotic states. When kept at the right conditions, the
hypnotised subjects can recall various detailed memories from past lives, such as dates,
names of family and loved ones, which can obviously be traced.

▪ They can clearly remember even provable historical facts, mostly though they access
themselves in more personal experiences of common people. All of their regress experiences
have convincing karmic connections to the widest circumstances of their present lives.
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▪ Each experience encountered, be it social or personal areas of their past life, ensues an
instant recognition, identifying themselves not so much as with, but as the person of the
experience seen. It appears so truthful that they feel as though they have moved in time and
fully have become their regress self, expressing every intense emotional or critical moment
experienced in the regress with authentic mimic.

▪ This indicates fully active consciousness from the past life and it would not be any more
accurate to relate to this phenomena other than past life memories. An adoption of a past life
consciousness, hence their habits, talents or language manifests in phenomena like
Nonglossy. It means an ability to actively communicate in the past life language while in the

▪ The particular habits, talents, and languages spoken in the past lives are also potentially
accessible on an acceleratory level in the present.

▪ For all the regressive experiences and detailed memories it is natural to appear very
spontaneously and the hypnotist, when working with this information should follow their
natural flow. Applying hypnotic pressure in order to induce their further specification wouldn't
bring any reliable results, more likely it will only confuse the clarity of the experience.

▪ Unresolved unconscious karmic issues are one of utter importance in hypnotherapy, as

these very problems have strong pathogenic effects on the individual's present life. However,
while reliable authentic past life experiences are conditioned by a deep hypnotic state, the
therapeutic process is fully effective to an individual who are already in middle of hypnotic

▪ The psychosomatic cotorsion, which is an actual healing effect of the hypnotherapy, can be
successfully induced using hypnotic pressure, thus bringing in this case dramatic
improvement of the subjects issues.

 2. There Exist Supportive Facts for for the Reincarnation theory.

▪ One of the most interesting and extraordinary phenomenon is that of children with very
precise and real memories of their past life family, as well as other past life details, these
were traced and proven by the research of Professor of Psychology Ian Stevenson. Most of
these children are born in India, what could be assigned to the common spiritual
consciousness in this land, that reincarnation is a part of ancient religious tradition.

▪ Another example is the ability of highly spiritually developed persons to access their past
lives when in meditation (a kind of autohypnosis) or the phenomenon of flashbacks or deja-vu
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in a normal state of consciousness.

▪ We personally believe that reincarnation hypnosis, despite the controversial public attitude
can provide sufficient proof of the existence of reincarnation.

 3. If Reincarnation is real - it can eventually be proven

▪ We call reincarnation, a process where the core substance of an individual is reborn in a
future lifetime, has existed in all major historical cultures.

▪ It has largely been rooted in dreams, hypnosis and psychic clues. Recently, more objective
evidence has included memories of events or knowledge apparently based in the lives of
deceased individuals. New research suggests that physical and personality traits may be
inherited from the past.

▪ Reincarnation Research Centre seeks to evaluate areas of empirical evidence suggesting

reincarnation and determine its reliability for identifying past-life connections in individual

▪ Truth in this area is an illusion, but it can be approached through use of 21st-century
scientific concepts and tools.

 4. Typical potential cases analyzed by the experiment.

▪ Dreams with historical images or information, recognizing people or places never seen
before. Unexplained emotions related to new places or people, knowing an untaught foreign
language or fact, Precocious abilities in any field, parallel physical features drawn to strange
people and places.

II. Several types of possible past lives :

1. World War-II service in Germany, UK, Italy, and Japan or Civil Wars as in America or

2. Past-lives ended by violent accidents, shipwrecks, murders, or drugs.

3. Well-known musicians or other artists and writers.

4. Past lives from other races or cultures.

5. Famous figures or ordinary citizens - previous incarnations from early or ancient times.

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 5. The Art and Science of Reincarnation

▪ The philosopher David Hume said, in his essay Of the Immortality of the Soul :-
Metempsychosis [reincarnation] is…. the only [survival] system of this kind that philosophy
can hearken to.

▪ Some philosophers, psychologists and thinkers admit that reincarnation is a very sensible
idea because it would answer so many questions and problems about human existence.

▪ The idea of reincarnation has existed for thousands of years. Hinduism, Buddhism and New
Age beliefs adhere to forms of reincarnation, but all hold somewhat differing ideas to its
purpose and its methods. Hinduism, in short, believes in an eternal soul that accumulates
karma during its lifetime that eventually attracts the soul to another body, which may or may
not be human.

▪ Buddhism is similar, except there is no eternal personal soul that is reincarnated, but instead
the energy force created by karma is that which is reincarnated. The goal of Buddhism is to
become free of the illusion of self, which is part of the desire for life that creates karma and
therefore causes reincarnation. Nirvana is total annihilation of the self to become the One at
which point there is an end to reincarnation and an extinction of personal self.

▪ New Age beliefs are less dogmatic, but still have certain ideas associated with reincarnation;
sometimes much to do, it seems, with personal taste.

▪ If we look carefully we can find scientific evidence of the structures that allow reincarnation
to exist. And if we study these structures we should be able to find exactly how reincarnation
works and to therefore know what will happen to us after we die.

▪ In the personal soul the soul can only go to a body without a soul, that is, to an unborn
human child. As we saw in a human being has a bioplasma body, which the evidence tells us
must contain a structure of consciousness - the soul. The soul has structured the bio-plasma
by recording the essence of a person's life experience. Because bio-plasma is a property of
living matter an unborn child would also have a bio-plasma, but would not yet have had any
concrete experiences that would form a soul structure in the bio-plasma.

▪ At a certain stage the unborn human child, in short, does not yet have a soul. Therefore,
when a person dies, their soul must be transmitted to an unborn child, which then structures
the bio-plasma of the child with the bio-plasmic pattern of the dying person's soul.

▪ The death and transfer are part of the method of the evolution of consciousness. Many
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mystics, such as Eileen Garrett, a well-known clairvoyant, have seen spirals of energy leaving
the dead body. However, although a transfer of energy may also accompany reincarnation,
we know that the pattern of the soul has to be transmitted.

▪ In August 1986, Sydney University's scientific research team discovered a 'low level' energy
field. The field was described as being possibly the Universal or Unified Field, and was able to
transmit energy patterns from one natural source to another and produce a physical formation
of those patterns. The Science/Art Research Centre in Berri, South Australia confirmed this
when researchers there successfully replicated the experiment conducted at Sydney
University [Ref: Mark Balfour. Simply Living. Vol. 3, No. 10. P.86.].

▪ The soul, to transmit from one bio-plasma to another, needs to transmit its pattern, so the
discovery of this energy field reveals a fundamental structure for reincarnation.

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1. Joe Keeton

▪ Joe Keeton, a well-known hypnotist from Hoylake on the Wirral Peninsula, is credited to have
conducted about 8000 hypnotic regressions.

▪ Peter Moss's book -Encounters with the Past brings up how Joe Keeton's experiments
reveal that - under hypnotic regression most people come under the cloak of another
personality not their own. They behave and talk in a manner far different from their usual way.
By some mysterious process they gain access to material about which are not consciously
aware of.

▪ Thus they present themselves as a strange phenomenon. This is an interesting book in

which Peter Moss cites quite a few case histories of regression conducted by Joe Keeton.

( Peter Moss, “Encounters with the Past” Penguin Books 1981)

2. Varvara ivanova

▪ Here is a very interesting case of a psychiatrist himself being subject to regression wherein
he comes out with tangible evidence for reincarnation. Varvara ivanova, a noted Russian
hypnotherapist, once met a very famous Soviet psychiatrist who told her that learning Arabic
language was child's play.

▪ The Russian lady was curious about the statement so made. In turn she tried regression on
this psychiatrist. Facts came up revealing truth associated with the previous life. This Soviet
psychiatrist had been born an Arab in his previous life. That was how he found the study of
Arabic absolutely easy. In the state of regression he furnished many things about his family

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and environment, occupation and social life, actions and fights.

▪ Further he was able to see all that as in a cinematography, in a sequence. He could read
and write Arabic with such felicity of expression that baffled Varvara Ivanova. The wonder was
: - How could he achieve that facility in Arabic language? Although the person was a well-
known psychiatrist himself, never before did he give any credence to the possibility of a
regression. Now, of course, he does with all the spirit of conviction.

▪ Induced by this experimentation, ivanova tried regression on herself, and was dumbfounded
to realise that she had not only been a Brazilian but also a German in her previous lives.

3. Professor Theodore Flournoy

▪ Once Professor Theodore Flournoy of Geneva University hypnotised a Swiss girl when she
answered several questions satisfactorily, all related to her past life in broad details.

▪ And then she was suggested to recall her earliest point of time that had registered upon her
consciousness as living then with all identity. She declared, no sooner than it was suggested,
that she had been born as a very loving and dear daughter to an Arab Chief.

▪ That was not all, she remembered her name too as Simandan. Then how fluently she could
speak Arabic! Other details too followed as though projected on a celluloid screen. She was
given in marriage to a Hindu Raj called Sivrikaya.

▪ To demonstrate her association with the Indian way of life, she was able to show her
firsthand knowledge about Indian dancing. Suddenly she remembered how her husband was
busy constructing an excellent fortress called Chandragiri. Professor Flournoy has written a
book about this case after having testified as to the veracity of the details from very old
documents. This very interesting case study
4. J. V. Rao

▪ A curious case of regression when a Catholic girl of 18, in a Hypnotic Show in Bombay,
started speaking Italian language ! She revealed in that state that she had been born a man in
her previous life in Italy, during the period of Mussolini. She said how her life came to an end
because of a road accident. Some of these were revealed while under hypnotic state.

▪ She could not remember a single thing she uttered after returning to conscious experience.

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Further she frankly confessed that she had never stirred outside India, and had not the
slightest notion how Italian language might sound when spoken.

▪ Still another instance of regression in the case of a Gujarati boy of 13 years of age in
Jamshedpur is known to have claimed that he was born in Bombay, and he gave the address
of a bungalow situated in Juhu for purposes of verification. He said that he was drowned when
he was hardly 9 years of age in the sea of Juhu beach. Whatever he disclosed was found to
tally as regards the nature of the incident and the location he recalled.

5. Arnall Bloxham

▪ Another fascinating case of past life regression took place in Wales where Graham
Huxtable, a mild-mannered swimming instructor, was placed under hypnosis by hypnotist
Arnall Bloxham. In a trance, Huxtable not just recalled a past life, he seemed to actually
become a man named Ben, a boisterous gunner on an 18th century British frigate called

▪ While inhabited by the personality of Ben, Huxtable would call out orders to the men on the
ship in a heavy accent and use obscure nautical terminology. He even relived every moment
of a battle in which he eventually suffered an injury to his leg.

▪ Bloxham had difficulty bringing Huxtable out of trance, but when he did, the man complained
of a pain in his leg. And when Bloxham replayed a recording of the session, Huxtable was
astonished at what he heard, recalling nothing of his experience under the trance. Although
experts could verify the terms and language that "Ben" used, they could not find records of a
ship named Aggie nor of the ship's captain he had named. Past life recall... or a case of
multiple personality?

▪ Arnall Bloxham, a Welsh hypnotherapist who taped over 400 examples of past life
regressions. In the 1970s journalist Jeffrey Iverson undertook a thorough investigation of
Bloxham's cases. He found enough historical validation to conclude that reincarnation is real.
In 1976 he published his seminal book about this, 'More Lives Than One'. Of Bloxham's work
he remarked - that single famous case of regression, Bridey Murphy, was just a tune on an
Irish fiddle compared to (Bloxham's) symphony of voices. Arnall Bloxham tried regression on
Jan Evans a married woman of about 43, in 1939.

She was able to recall her six previous lives :

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1. This lady led the life of a nun in Maryland, USA, and died around 1920

2. As a London sewing girl (1665-1714) during the reign of Queen Anne

3. Attender to Catherine of Aragon, who lived between 1485-1536 4 Servant to Jacques, died
in 1451

5. Life of a Jewess in York, died in 1190

6. Wife of a tutor in Roman Britain, 286 A.D.

There are a few more instances of a very startling nature:

(i) A Welsh housewife was able to describe graphically the massacre of Jews in the 12th
Century York.

(ii) A Press Photographer is said to have watched the execution of Charles I at Whitehall in

(iii) A Swansea man narrates his life aboard a frigate, as a pressed man in Nelson's Navy.

▪ More than 400 ordinary people were examined under Bloxham's hypnosis and all that
material has been preserved and analysed so well that the details related to past lives turn
very convincing as to throw up a lot of evidence in favor of reincarnation, not only as a
possibility but as a certainty.

▪ Reference : Jeffrey Iverson - More lives than one, Pan Books 1977 In recent years, Dr.
Brian Weiss, Dr. Eugene Jussek, Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Michael Newton have opened
up new frontiers by investigating the inter-life period - where people's spirits go and what they
do between their earthly lives. These researches are now confirming what Plato said all those
centuries ago - that we live again and again;

▪ we choose our own lives; and we have a spirit guide to assist us through every life. With the
help of the scientific method, however, this may be the first time in recorded history that these
things have been so close to final proof.

6. Dr. Ian Stevenson.

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▪ Dr. Ian Stevenson also conducted Hypnotic regression. But he is of the opinion that the
personality evoked during regression seemed to comprise a mixture of the subject's
personality, and the likely conjecturing of what he could possibly reconstruct about his past
life and in addition, other elements that might add themselves paranormally. It is unfortunate
that he is not able to arrive at proper conclusions.

▪ Skeptics and agnostics scoff not only at the theory of reincarnation but argue emphatically
that a hypnotised subject under hypnosis would tend to construct stories, fabricate all such
things that his imagination might allow. Contention is, all that is achieved on the part of the
subject is done either to please the hypnotist or give a big boost to his sense of individuality.
Mostly that this acts as a sort of a psychological compensatory mechanism is the stand
adopted by that class of non believers.

▪ But the facts that are available could establish enough proof that such a conviction is ill-
grounded. Now let us turn to the case of a famous American lawyer, who professed himself to
be an iconoclast and a non-believer; but when subject to hypnosis gave out alarming details
of his former life as a prostitute.

▪ There is yet another example of a respectable French lady who declared during hypnotic
state that she was beheaded in her previous life since she was detected to have been
carrying on a clandestine affair with a British lover.

7. Trutz Hardo

▪ Here you'll find extracts from Trutz Hardo recent work Children Who Have Lived Before, as
well as various translated extracts from other books, such as The Great Handbook of
Reincarnation and The Great Handbook of Karma, both of which are possibly the most
comprehensive and practical books on healing through regression written to date.

▪ Trutz Hardo is a member of the International Association for Regression Research and
Therapies, Inc. (IARRT), Riverside, California and is available around the world as a speaker
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and workshop facilitator in English.

▪ Of particular interest is the comprehensive introduction to regression therapy as well as a

fascinating case study involving the healing of an extreme case of arachnophobia in just
ninety minutes.

The 30 Most Convincing Cases of Reincarnation By TRUTZ HARDO


1) The boy who once again lives with his wife from the past.
2) Born again to the same parents, this time as twins.
3) A mother hugs her son, who is older than she is.
4) I wish to be reborn as your daughter.
5) I will return as your next son.
6) I drowned in a well when I was a young girl.
7) The boy who cried out for his daughter in his sleep.
8) The girl who completed a drawing from her previous life.
9) A boy discovers the name of his murderer from the past.


1) The man who rediscovered a clock from his past life.

2) Reunited with a brother from a past life.
3) Memories awakened on the battlefield.
4) Reunited with a lover from a past life.
5) Love in the present, balances unfulfilled love from a past life.
6) Reunited with her children from a past life.
7) The channeled past life information received through a medium is confirmed.
8) Reunited with his wife from a past life.
9) The déjà-vu experience in Salisbury Cathedral (England)


1. The dentist who had cold shivers run down his spine.
2. Proof of reincarnation through group regressions.
3. A psychologist's evidence of reincarnation.
4. Bridey Murphy stirs America's emotions.
5. The massacre of Jews in York.
6. The return of a much-loved mother.
7. Evidence of reincarnation revealed through regression therapy.
8. Search for Grace.

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1. Ian Stevenson, the Copernicus of a New World Vision.

2. The book that will change our way of thinking
3. The girl who was murdered when she was a man in her past life.
4. Lost a leg in a train accident, later reborn without a leg.
5. Shot accidentally by his neighbour.
6. Shot down over Burma as an American during the war, later reborn in the same place.

8. Carol Bowman

▪ Carol Bowman, who has conducted much research, on children's past life memory, found
that children before the age of 3, can easily recall previous lives.

▪ Memories begin to fade by age 5, and by age 7, their busy little minds, have pushed that
part of their history, deep within, accessing it as adults do, in dreams, as intuition, or when in

▪ Carol Bowman has done some wonderful work on the past life memories of children which is
represented in her works Children's Past Lives.

How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child and Return From Heaven: Beloved Relatives
Reincarnated Within Your Family.

▪ During hypnosis, Virginia spoke with a pronounced Irish brogue, of her life in 19th century
Ireland, revealing many details about Bride's life, including her birth date in 1798, her
childhood amid a Protestant family in the city of Cork, her marriage to Sean Brian Joseph
McCarthy, names, dates, places, events, shops, songs, and her death in 1858. Since then, an
influx of memories from past lives, documented in books, journals and movies, have surfaced.

Past Life as a Nun

▪ Carol Bowman relates the story of a little girl named Elspeth who, before she was even two
years old, spontaneously recalled becoming a nun.
▪ I'm going to take my vows, she suddenly told her mother while bathing, in one of the first full

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sentences she had ever uttered. - I'm not Elspeth now.

▪ I'm Rose, but I'm going to be Sister Teresa Gregory. This small child even described some
of her convent duties, including milking the goats, making cheese and saying prayers. She
even described her own death.

9. Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D.

▪ Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D. : The contribution of Dr. Brian Weiss to the field of Past-Life-
Regression is unparalleled in modern times and he can rightly be called as the - Father of
modern Past-Life-Regression. A Columbia and Yale trained M.D. Psychiatrist Dr. Weiss,
proved reincarnation with his excellent research on past-life regressions. In the process of
treating one of his patients named Catherine using conventional psychotherapy, Dr. Weiss
rediscovered past-life-regression. Though he was initially skeptical, he continued to use past-
life-regression in her treatment and the results were miraculous.

▪ During one of the sessions, his patient reached a between lives state and communicated
with the departed souls of Weiss's father and son and relayed secret information about
Weiss's family. As a result, his skepticism turned into solid belief.

▪ He published his experiences in great detail in his first and epoch making bookMany
' Lives,
Many Masters' After the stupendous success of his first book, he wrote some more
masterpieces like 'Messages from Masters', 'Through Time into Healing', 'Only Love is
Real' and 'Same Soul, Many Bodies'.

▪ Dr. Brian Weiss expound on his research into reincarnation through hypnosis. Dr. Weiss is a
Yale-trained psychotherapist, and Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai
Medical Center in Miami. His research is published in peer reviewed journals. One can
reasonably disagree with his conclusions, but one cannot ignore his credentials or body of

▪ Dr. Weiss has personally regressed over 4,000 patients including some very well-known
persons such as famous scientists. He has also trained over 1,000 therapists to do this work.
He did not start out with any interest or belief in reincarnation. Rather, he was using
regressive hypnosis as a tool to help people deal with buried traumas in this life.

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▪ He was amazed when a patient spontaneously leapt to a - life experience not of this life and
pinpointed it as the source of her trauma.

▪ Not only did she experience a quick and spontaneous healing, she went on to tell him
information about his own father that she could not possibly have known.

▪ Intrigued, he began the research process into which he has now invested 26 years of his life.
Dr. Weiss has documented numerous such cases of spontaneous healing associated with
these seemingly recovered memories. These include both psychological and physical
conditions, even including cancers.

▪ Further, he has many documented instances in which people regressed one or two
generations to remember specific details about faraway places or deceased people, details
which were later corroborated to the amazement of both the subject and the people whose
lives were actually involved.

10. Dr. Michael Newton

▪ Dr. Michael Newton has done excellent work on the in-between-lives state. His books
include 'Journey of Souls', 'Destiny of Souls' and 'Life Between Lives'& 'Hypnotherapy
for Spiritual Regression'.

11. Roger J. Woolger, PhD

▪ Roger Woolger, a psychoanalyst in the Jungian Tradition, has done a lot of research in past-
life-regression and his works include 'Other Lives Other Selves' and 'Healing your Past

12. Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia

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▪ Dr. Yuvraj Kapadia studied microbiology at the University of Mumbai, where he won a Gold
Medal, which meant that he was the top student in microbiology at the university.

▪ After attaining his degree, he worked for a period of time in the financial services industry
before he turned to past life regression therapy and clinical hypnosis as his life's work. In
addition, he also teaches meditation and yoga.

▪ Dr. Kapadia founded the International Academy of Life and he and his wife, Neeta, operate
the California Hypnosis Institute in Mumbai, India.

▪ Dr. Kapadia has held the office of Vice President of the International Association of Clinical
Hypnotherapists (IACH-Asian Division).

13. Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy

▪ Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy have undertaken this new field of research with the fond hope of
helping those that require understanding rather than imposing my views on them for the sake
of a fancy or a whimsicality, Today man needs solace from different sources. Our life in the
modern world has given us little sustenance. Perhaps all our tensions and worries are
traceable to the conflicting situations that arise in our consciousness.

▪ Human progress should be aimed at by all means. There are different spheres of
investigation. On my part Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy have investigated an area of the human mind
to find out why a few men and women behave abnormally.

▪ So far no satisfactory solution has been found as far as mental disorders are concerned.

▪ Mental Diseases as Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy intuitively realise, arise out of the net-work of
cause-effect relationship which could be dug into the past existence.

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▪ This is an indigenous approach and Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy have attempted in unraveling
many hidden truths. It is precisely these traits and tendencies of the previous existence that
govern and dictate the present action and future destiny.

▪ As such treatment of mental disorders at the Institutes of Mental Health, He understand, is

found to be of little help, except drugging the patients heavily.

▪ The purpose of this publication is not so much to impress upon people the theory of
reincarnation - although there is enough proof to substantiate it - as to dispel the dogmas that
fill the minds of psychologists and psychiatrists. And besides it has been my endeavor to
show how seriously limited is our understanding of the human mind and its functions.

▪ At the very outset he should say that whatever he have tried is, in some measure or part,
autobiographical in character. It is likely that some people may say that my claims in the book
sound incredible.

▪ There may be a few people who dismiss my work outright. Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy do not
intend offering long explanations for either category of readers.

▪ The contents presented here speak for themselves. All that Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy ask for is
nothing but patient and careful reading, keeping an open mind.

▪ If that is accomplished; half the battle is won.

▪ Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy have published a Kannada novel called - SARTHAKATHE (

Fulfillment ) which embraces the mystery surrounding the cycle of life and death through
extra-sensory perceptions of mental patients, besides narrating the story as expected of
creative fiction. Yes, Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy have woven into the texture of my plot, the
Principle of Reincarnation.

▪ Many readers have written to me commending my work in glowing terms. In particular Dr.
C.M. Ramaswamy take great pride in mentioning a few psychologists and psychiatrists who
have the following remarks to make about my novel.

a) A healthy and plausible challenge to dogmatic assertions of scientific methodology;

b) An altogether humane but all-inclusive vision to human predicament offering heart-warming


c) Perhaps the first of its kind in expounding a philosophy, through art, to build up the theory
of Reincarnation;

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d) A bold stand which can remain unshaken in the face of any reputation, if any;

▪ Dr. C.M. Ramaswamy also started a Kannada monthly journal -SARTHAKATHE, in May
1981. Greatly encouraged by the response of the readers, I thought it was quite appropriate
and befitting to bring out Reincarnation Research Journal -PUNARJANMA too in English with
the sole aim of reconstructing the life-cycle based upon authentic records and thorough

▪ Often I questioned the very foundations of psychology and psychiatry but alas never did I
get any satisfying and convincing answers. In particular I raised the fundamental issue
whether the mental hospitals are the curative centres or creative agencies of mental
disorders. My chief objection has been whether the people admitted there as patients are
insane after all?

▪ Mental illness, during the 19th century might have been considered as a useful concept. But
today we discover that it is not only scientifically worthless but socially injurious. It is
universally believed that mental illness is a type of disease and psychiatry a branch of
medicine. But neither of them seems to be true.

▪ The reasons are not far to seek. Medical diagnoses are the names of genuine diseases,
whereas psychiatric diseases are nothing better than stigmatised labels.

▪ It is my deep conviction that -mental illness is just a myth, and psychiatric interventions
serve no other purpose than injecting dejection to despairing souls.Or they may at best be
directed to moral, and not medical problems. Psychiatric therapy now a days, in the guise of
treatment, has only aggravated torture to the patients. This book deals with such a fallacious
approach adopted by practitioners of psychology and psychiatry.

▪ It is high time that we possessed courage of a new order to break away from the beaten
track. That alone could open doors to vistas of progress and prosperity. At the moment mere
scientific tools alone won't answer most of the problems that surround human existence. Then
what is the question?

▪ I have grown up with a religion not as a set of dogmas and a package of rituals but as a
living force that concerns itself with the spiritual uplift and religious healing - of course,
uncovering through doctrines, teachings and questions.

▪ Before I close it is my bounden duty to make my stand perfectly clear. My first task here is to
present an essentially 'destructive' analysis of the concept of mental illness, and expose the
so-called the discipline of psychiatry as a pseudo - medical enterprise. Let it be borne in mind
that unless demolition takes place there is no question of a new creation or construction.

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What I have tried here is the latter upon a strong foundation as the pages of the book that
follow will bear out Now please read further on….

14. Dr. Bruce Goldberg.

▪ Dr. Bruce Goldberg: Another stalwart in the field of past-life regression, Dr. Goldberg's
books include 'Past Lives – Future Lives' and 'Dream Your Problems Away'.

15. Morris Netherton, PhD

▪ Morris Netherton, PhD: One of the pioneers of past-life-regression, his book 'Past Lives
Therapy' is one of the earliest books on the subject.

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1. The True Story of a Detective's Search for His Past Life Looking for
Carroll Beckwith, after hypnotic regression by Robert L. Snow

▪ What do a nineteenth - century painter and a twentieth-century police commander have in

common ? Perhaps their very souls.

▪ Captain Robert L. Snow, commander of the homicide branch at the Indianapolis Police
Department, is about to embark on a startling journey one that will take him far away from the
orderly and controlled life he has known. Captain Snow is about to go back in time and meet
who he was in a previous life.

▪ In Looking for Carroll Beckwith, Robert Snow tells the true story of his search for his past,
hints of which he discovers while under hypnosis. Haunted by the images he recounted,
Robert L. Snow sets out to prove them wrong, using the rational, just the facts techniques of a
veteran police investigator.

▪ Instead, in an enthralling and surprising journey, he proves not only to himself but also to the
entire world the amazing truth: that almost every recollection he had while hypnotized actually
happened nearly 100 years earlier !

▪ But every word is true. Read it, and you too will believe that Robert Snow was indeed Carroll

▪ Robert Snow avoided using psychics in his police work. The idea was totally lame to him and

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after 35 years on the force he wouldn't even talk seriously to anyone about it.

▪ But a buddy dared him to go to a past life regression therapist and explore the unknown.At
first he agreed but then put it off for as long as he could. He was quite sure that his mind was
too strong and would never allow him to be hypnotized. But he was wrong. Soon after sitting
on the couch of Dr. Mariellen Griffith, a psychotherapist with 15 years of experience, Snow
was experiencing visions of his former lives.

▪ Yes, Snow had many lives, but one in particular impressed him so much that he couldn't
stop thinking about it. It was so vivid - so real - that he began to doubt his sanity. Surely the
images he saw were from a movie he'd seen, something he had read about or imagined... but
even then, they were so strange.

▪ Where did they come from? He had to know. So he used his investigational skills to find the

The strong vision that he had was of a 19th Century artist‟s studio.

▪ I have a small display case and a file cabinet... I am so lonely... I think I am an artist -- the
whole place is filled with paintings... I'm painting a portrait of someone. I don't like doing
portraits... I need the money. -- from tape recording of Snow's regression. had seen it in a
book or museum. That was something he could rationalize… anything but from a past life. He
searched hundreds of books in libraries but had no luck.

▪ After a year, and quite by accident, his wife convinced him to take a vacation in New
Orleans. One afternoon he happened to walk into a gallery in the French Quarter where there
was an exhibit of old paintings from a private collection. There, he viewed the portrait of the
hunchbacked woman, which was identical to the one he vividly saw in his past life regression.
-Whirling around, I stared open-mouthed at the portrait, reliving an experience I'd had once
when I grabbed onto a live wire without knowing it, the current freezing me in my tracks as
huge voltage surged up and down my arms and legs…

▪ For the next several minutes, I didn't move from the front of the portrait, but instead
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continued closing my eyes to see again and again the scene of me painting this very portrait
in my studio, and then opening my eyes to see the actual finished portrait. The situation
began to feel surreal, more like a very vivid dream that you wake up sweating from, a dream
that you have to keep telling yourself over and over again was only a dream. It wasn't real.

▪ Finally, even though I knew with absolute certainty that this was the same painting I had
seen while under hypnosis, I convinced myself that stumbling onto it by accident like this was
simply too bizarre to be true. I toyed with the idea for a few moments that perhaps I'd had
some kind of stroke and just thought I stood in front of this portrait, when in actuality I was in a
hospital bed somewhere or maybe even in a nursing home. After giving this possibility a few
moment's consideration, I realized how very desperate I had become to find a rational answer
for what was happening. But desperate or not, things like this just didn't happen in real life.
What were the chances, after all the months of systematic searching, that I would just happen
onto the painting like this?

▪ What were the chances that Melanie would just happen to want to go to New Orleans, and
that we would just happen to visit this gallery, just when they happened to have this painting
for sale?" Captain Snow would later learn that the man who painted the portrait was Carroll
Beckwith who walked with a cane and had a small studio. He pursued this lead and finally
discovered that Beckwith had a personal, hand written diary which was kept by the National
Academy of Design. Inside were details from the artist's life, from age 19 to the day before he
died at 65 years old.

▪ Everything was in the texts... how Beckwith [pictured above, left] loved wine, how his wife
was unable to have children, his loneliness, how his mother had died from a blood clot,
reference to his cane or walking stick, how he hated painting portraits, and the final note -- the
day before he died -- about the portrait he was painting of the hunchbacked woman. In fact 28
specific facts which were revealed in Snow's past life regression session were validated in the
17,000 pages of Beckwith's diary.

▪ After the initial realization, Captain Snow had to adjust his entire way of looking at the world.
It all had new meaning and purpose. While he tried to cope with this new knowledge he also
had to hide his investigations of reincarnation because his position might be seriously
jeopardized. He finally revealed everything when he retired and his case is one of the most
thoroughly researched and convincing cases of reincarnation.

1. Robert Snow's memories of his most recent past life were entirely obtained from several
regression sessions, without any spontaneous memory.

2. He was particularly obsessed with two paintings seen in his past life.

By an amazing coincidence, he encountered one of them in a small art gallery while on

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3. He identified some 28 separate facts relating to his past life visions which he attempted to
verify. A very unusual data source turned out to be more than 15,000 pages in a daily diary
kept by Mr. Beckwith during the last 46 years of his life. The only significant variance between
the facts resulting from Snow's regression and the facts uncovered in the extensive
investigation was a mistake in remembrance of his wife's name, about which he felt somewhat
uncertain when he first related it.

2. The Reincarnation of James, the Submarine Man, by Rick Brown, The

Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol. V, Number 1, 1991.

▪ Summary This paper concerns an investigation of the life of a claimed past personality,
James Johnston, who died early in World War II aboard a U.S. submarine. This past life was
described in 1987 during hypnotic regression of a patient being treated for claustrophobia and
fear of water.

▪ As James, the patient told the story of serving aboard the USS Shark (SS-174), stationed in
Manila Bay at the outbreak of hostilities with Japan.

▪ He described his life before going into the Navy as well as pre-war operations of Shark. He
identified other crew members, and the nature of at sea operations.

▪ On February 11, 1942 the Shark was sunk by an enemy depth charge. James described the
immediate sequence of activities and individuals perceived during a Japanese destroyer
attack and the progressive flooding which took place during Shark's sinking. The detachment
of the spirit from James body was reported. The patient was born in 1953.

▪ Rick Brown, the hypnotherapist who conducted the therapy and subsequent investigation,
obtained documents from the Civilian Conservation Corps and the U.S. Navy, as well as high
school and birth records. Brown conducted research on the naval operations described by
James at the U.S.

▪ Naval Historical Center and Operational Archives. He visited James hometown in Alabama
and interviewed several friends and relatives. Most of the recollections of James obtained
during hypnotic regression were able to be verified through these sources.
▪ This paper is strong evidence for reincarnation where the past life has been uncovered
during hypnotic regression

3. A Mother's Search for Her Past Life Children Across Time and Death By
Jenny Cockell, Simon & Schuster, 1994.
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Summary from book cover

▪ For as long as she could remember, Jenny Cockell had known that she had lived before as
Mary Sutton, a young Irish woman who had died over twenty years before Jenny was born.
Her constant dream memory was of Mary dying, alone and desperately worried about what
would happen to the eight young children she was leaving behind. When at last her own
children were born, Jenny finally acknowledged that she needed to find out what had
happened to her lost family.

▪ Across Time and Death is the compelling story of a mother's love that reached from one life
to another to reclaim her children. In a voice so honest, plain, and sincere that you know her
story must be true, Jenny Cockell writes of the dreams that haunted her childhood, the
painstaking search for facts and details that confirmed the existence of her past life, the
discovery of the fate of her family, and their emotional reunion.

1. Memories of a past life as Mary Sutton began early in childhood, both while awake and
during dreams.

2. Maps and sketches of where Mary lived in Ireland were drawn very early, and later were
found to be accurate.

3. Jenny demonstrated considerable psychic ability since childhood.

4. A series of hypnotic regression sessions resulted in much more detail becoming available
concerning Jenny's past life, which was subsequently verified.

5. In these sessions, the period between lives was found to be blackness.

6. During Jenny's first meeting with Mary's oldest son, she was able to produce a wealth of
detail about the earlier life, memories of their cottage, its surroundings, meeting her son at a
jetty, a pet, and Mary's husband and parents. This information was corroborated by the son.

7. She was able to locate all of her eight children from a past life that were still living. Some of
these became comfortable with the claimed reincarnation of their mother and participated in a
video documentary with Jenny which showed them exploring the ruins of their old cottage and
exchanging memories of their life there.

8. The narrative contained in the book gives the reader a sense of honesty about the
recollections that are described.

▪ To provide additional evidence of the reality of reincarnation and the nature of past life
memories. To provide a demonstration that hypnotic regression can be used to bring forward

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accurate details about a past life.

4. Under the Inquisition, An Experience Relived by Linda Tarazi,Hampton

Roads Publishing Co., 1997.

Summary from book cover

▪ Regression Therapy has uncovered numerous cases suggestive of reincarnation. In most,

the details of the past life are either too vague and unverifiable or too widely known. In the
mid-70's, therapist Linda Tarazi was introduced to L.D., who gave a detailed description of her
life in Spain during the Inquisition. What impressed Tarazi was the vast amount of specific
details in the woman's account. Tarazi spent three years researching L.D.'s case, including a
year in Spain combing through archives of the day.

▪ She was able to verify with over 130 endnotes countless details of daily life and obscure
references that in some cases corrected the official history of the period. Casting the account
in narrative form, replete with details from over 1,000 taped transcriptions, Tarazi here
presents the most convincing recreation of a past-life recall since the Search for Bridey

Key results and summary of evidential findings

▪ This summary is taken from a paper written by Wade Bettis: Researching Past Lives, Facts
or Subjective Experience? in the December 1998 Journal of Regression Therapy, published
by the Association for Past-Life Research and Therapies. -Tarazi, together with a Dutch
therapist, carried out 36 formal regressions numbering over a thousand pages of taped
transcripts with her client, L.D.

▪ L.D. was an American woman who gave a detailed description of the life of -Antonia.
Antonia was a woman who lived in Germany, England, Spain and Peru during the sixteenth
century. This was during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, the Spanish Inquisition, and the build-
up of the Spanish Armada.

▪ Tarazi….considers her study an example of a rigorous quantitative in-depth case study

using a single subject who is regressed to a previous life over a large number of sessions with
follow-up research to check the accuracy of the information given…L.D. was a teacher,
married and with two children, at the time Tarazi worked with her. She was troubled by
headaches and felt she needed help in controlling her weight. She had no Spanish ancestry,
did not speak Spanish, had no familiarity with the language, had never been to Spain, and
was not knowledgeable about Dutch, English, or Spanish history.

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▪ Yet some of the historical information L.D., as Antonia, gave was so accurate that upon
closer inspection of official records and archives historians had to correct their previous and
erroneous historical concepts. Some of the information L.D. gave was verifiable only in
antiquated Spanish books, and some of the facts were to be found only in the old Municipal
records of the city of Cuenca, Spain, to which Antonia moved in 1584.

▪ The first hypnotherapist to work with L.D. was from Holland. As he began to question her on
the details of Dutch history in the 1580's she would respond with answers that most
Americans would not be expected to know unless they were historians or had a love of 16 th
century Dutch history;

▪ these things were not true of L.D. L.D., as Antonia, would sometimes correct the
hypnotherapist with what turned out to be accurate historical information but of which the
hypnotherapist was unaware. For example, in one session Antonia reported that the Spanish
Governor of Holland at the time she lived there was don Fernando de Toledo. The Dutch
hypnotherapist attempted to correct her, saying that the Spanish Governor was the Duke of

▪ Antonia replied: - Of course. That is the title. I gave his name. She was right.

▪ The Duke's title is historically better known and is most often given when he is referenced in
history books. But the name she gave for the Duke was accurate, known to Antonia and not
L.D. (and not the Dutch hypnotherapist, either). This bit of information was relatively obscure
but verifiable.

▪ Antonia's information regarding her trip to and stay in Lima, Peru is important and is found in
the Table Tarazi includes in her book. This information was finally verified only in a centuries
old volume found at Northwestern University that had never been checked out of the library it
mainly quoted from sixteenth century sources and was difficult reading even for a Spanish
teacher who acted as a translator.

▪ Tarazi notes that -most significantly, the pages had never been cut apart. They were still
connected at their outer margins so that the book could never have been read. This volume
also helped to confirm the information Antonia reported regarding the life and conflict that
arose between Inquisitor Juan Ruiz de Prado and the Viceroy of Peru at the time Antonia
travelled to Lima, Peru.

▪ Antonia died by drowning in the Caribbean while attempting to escape from English pirates
as she was returning from visiting her Inquisitor uncle, Juan Ruiz de Prado, who she had
learned was her biological father, a man who had become an important Spanish official in
Lima, Peru. -During these sessions Antonia revealed that a dispute had arisen between
Inquisitor Ulla and Viceroy Villar; de Prado supported Ulloa.

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▪ The name Villar was found with some difficulty in an English source, but Ulloa and de Prado
were not found until many years later in a very obscure old Spanish book. Antonia gave the
names of several friends in the late sixteenth century town of Cuenca.

▪ Because nobody believed the names could be verified, at first nobody attempted to verify
their existence. Tarazi, when she later visited Cuenca in an attempt to verify information, was
able to find eight of the friends named by Antonia in the Inquisition records and/or in the
Municipal and Diocesan Archives.

▪ Two of the facts Antonia reported contradicted the present authorities in Spain. In both
cases, further research proved Antonia to be correct and the authorities to be in error. One of
these was the description of the building that had housed the Tribunal of the Inquisition. The
Government Tourist Office in Cuenca reported it had been at 58 Calle de San Pedro. This
building did not even slightly resemble the one Antonia had described.

▪ Later, in an obscure Spanish book on Cuenca, I found that the Tribunal had been moved in
December 1583 from the given address to an old castle overlooking the town, which fits
Antonia's description perfectly. In 1989, more was found on this in the Episcopal Archives of
Cuenca. Antonia claimed to have arrived in Cuenca in May 1584, five months after the move.

▪ The other recondite fact was L.D.'s reference to a college being founded in Cuenca, Spain.
Tarazi believed that this would be easy to check, but ran into immediate difficulties, as did
some history professors whom she consulted to assist her in this search for information.
Neither Tarazi nor the historians could find any reference to a college being founded in
Cuenca in the mid-1500's.

▪ Even the archivist at the Municipal Archives in Cuenca had never heard of a college in that
town. But Antonio had been firm in her declaration that a college had existed and that the
students and faculty of this college had met regularly at Antonia's inn. Finally, Tarazi was
directed to Loyola University to check an old seven-volume work in Spanish.

▪ I checked and found that Vol II mentioned the founding of a college in Cuenca in the mid-
sixteenth century. Even a person who reads Spanish is not likely to wade through this tome
unless involved in historical research.

▪ Another apparent contradiction from the regressions with L.D. was Antonia's insistence that
there were only two Inquisitors at the time she was in Cuenca Spain, which was from 1584 to
1587…..The records revealed that -during the entire period that Antonia lived in Cuenca there
were only the two Inquisitors whom she had named…

▪ Another twenty-five to thirty facts reported by -Antonia were located with a great deal of
difficulty and verified as accurate. Even though some of the information was found in
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published Englishtexts, even finding those required the searching of numerous libraries:

▪ Examples of some of the information that was verified from these sources include: -The date
of the first publication of the Edict of Faith on the Island of Hispaniola; Spanish laws governing
shipping to the Indies; types of ships used in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, and details
about them; dates and contents of the Spanish Indices of prohibited books and how they
differed from the Roman Index; and names of priests executed in England in 1581 and 1582,
and the method of execution. Over a dozen facts did not seem to be published in English at
all, but only in Spanish. As noted, a few could be found only in the Municipal Archives or the
Diocesan Archives in Cuenca, Spain. Importance of this Work: Nearly all of this book tells the
story of the heroine, Antonia, and reads like a historical novel.

▪ The evidential basis for reincarnation contained in the book is summarized above and it is
not recommended that the book be purchased unless

(1) the novel-like aspects of the book are appealing or

(2) the reader would like to examine in more depth the historical information presented. This
work provides one of the most important examples of hypnotic regression used to uncover a
mass of detail concerning a past life, nearly all of which was verified by exhaustive research.

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 1. Information Given by a person about himself or another person's previous

existence through clairvoyance and trance readings.

▪ Edgar Cayce is the best known person who gave information about himself and also other
person's previous existence through clairvoyance and trance readings. He gave details of
patients' past lives to explain away the symptoms of current lives with a moral lesson

▪ Edgar Cayce was one of the best-known psychics of the twentieth century. He was one of
the first to explore other dimensions of reality. From 1925 through 1944, he conducted some
2500 readings. He would go into a hypnotic trance state and describe the past lives of
individuals as casually as if everybody understood and accepted that reincarnation was a fact.

▪ Mr. Cayce was brought up in a fundamentalist Christian family and initially, he himself had a
hard time accepting what he was saying during these trance states. Later, as he came to trust
in the accuracy of the readings, he gradually understood the basis of reincarnation and karma
and how they help us comprehend the seemingly incomprehensible aspects of human life.

▪ The essence of this understanding gained by him can be found in his work entitled 'Scars of
the Soul'. In 'Born Again and Again' Cayce deals with topics such as deep-seated fears,
physical ailments, mental blocks, vocational talents, innate urges and abilities, marriage
difficulties, child training, etc. These were examined in the light of what Cayce called the -
karmic patterns resulting from previous incarnations that an individual has had on the earth
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▪ These personalities have a lot to reveal on the subject of reincarnation. They provide
meaningful type of communication through medium which deserves attention. In the 20's and
30's, Edgar Cayce brought about an increased awareness of past lives by channeling the past
life information of people. In 1927. During the process of mediums or sensitive, the earlier
lives of persons when questioned became quite apparent. In some cases the statements
made by sensitive show a wonderful congruence with apparent memories of the person
consulting the sensitive.

▪ None in the 20th Century has had the several experiences on Reincarnation as Edgar
Cayce's. He may be looked upon as the greatest exponent and prophet of our age in throwing
light on the problems of the cycle of life and death. Gifted with the powers of clairvoyance and
extraordinary intuition he has made bare the subtle phenomenon underlying the eternal law of
reincarnation. By going deep into the lives through trance, he uncovers all tangles associated
with the dilemmas and conflicts and agonies that the people undergo through their journey in

▪ Edgar Cayce's greatness lay, while he was alive, in prescribing cures for people he had
never seen by astounding accuracy of details related to their suffering. A suggestion of his
had many a time brought up many buried memories by way of psychological therapy. It was a
breath-taking exercise for any professional in mental sciences to collaborate with the
paranormal findings of Cayce. Closely akin to the theory of karma, Edgar Cayce's research
work discovers this fact in the light of karma and reincarnation, offering compelling but
convincing proof that every soul has been ordained not to live once but many times He has
given a large number of the so - called life reading of people (about 2500) as manifested
during their previous existence.

▪ Many Mansions (The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation) by Dr. Gina Cerminara has been
hailed as a classic in the realm of reincarnation.

▪ The riddles of human existence and the attendant predicament as can be seen in individual
lives is the very stuff of this work, built in and around what Edgar Cayce saw, said, found and

▪ While Edgar Cayce was in deep trance, he was asked to narrate what he was in his previous
life. He started as follows : - I was a religious preacher in Egypt. On account of my intense
concentration, I had acquired certain powers. But these powers came to naught since I
indulged in self-conceit and haughtiness, immodesty and licentiousness. In some other life
that I reincarnated I was born in Persia and was proficient in healing diseases as a doctor.
Once a war broke out. Then I was wounded, and lay in the desert alone without any help or
assistance. I died a miserable death without food or drink. Of course, there was fierce

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determination on my part to die then.

▪ If at all I am given to extra-sensory perception, I should think it has been the result of the
powers of mind that I have retained through my past lives.

▪ Whatever good or bad that has taken place during my lifetime here, let me unhesitatingly
say that all this has come out of my past traits and tendencies (Samskara, as it is called in
Sanskrit). My mission during my present existence is nothing but rendering service to
mankind. To that end and objective I have directed my energies and powers. Nothing could be
more rewarding or gratifying than this noble ideal as long as I live in this world.

▪ Hundreds of people used to meet Edgar Cayce to get from him details as regards their
previous lives. There was such accuracy as well as authenticity about the events that he
narrated. As Edgar Cayce possessed remarkable powers of extrasensory perception that he
was able to read out things so well. In all, it is said that he has divined the lives of 2500 people
who consulted him.

Edgar Cayce often highlighted a certain important factor

▪ Experiences acquired through the Gateway of Senses get sunk deep into the subconscious
mind with the passage of time (as though they have completely faded out) and remain there in
their basic essence so subtly that psychoanalysts would never possibly dream of getting even
a glimpse of them.

Now follow, for purposes of illustration, a few examples that Edgar Cayce
narrated by way of past lives

1. Here is a typical case of a Bank Manager. By temperament and training he was a great
lover of sports. During the present life he played basketball regularly. Even on Sundays he
never found himself in a mood to go to Church. Well, this was considered a heresy. Hence he
was socially ostracized by the traditionalists. It was in this context that the Bank Manager
approached Edgar Cayce for consultation. Now came up all facts related to his previous lives :
This Bank Manager, in his first birth, was a great philanthropist.

▪ During his second birth, he grew himself famous as an excellent sports-man in Rome. In his
third life he lived prosperously as a merchant in Persia. Coming to his fourth existence, he
happened to be the treasurer in Egypt. Now was his fifth birth as an extraordinary player of
basketball. The accumulated trends and tendencies anti-traits of all the five lives had
combined so well, and as a natural corollary he would rather forgo church prayer than a game
of basketball. Besides this, because of earlier virtues, he loved people, helped the poor and
granted loans to the needy ones as Bank Manager.
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2. Quite an interesting case of a boy of 11 years of age who was given to urinate in the bed
while asleep ! All treatment proved in vain.

▪ As the last resort the boy's patients approached Edgar Cayce for consultation. In his trance
he could see that this boy had been born a Puritan in his previous life. And besides, he was a
Minister to the King of France. Nothing was so dear to him as torture inflicted on criminals,
and he also loved the sight of drowning those criminals alive. The greater their suffering, the
merrier he ever turned. It was because of this wicked act and evil thought that he was
urinating in the bed while asleep.

▪ Then he suggested to the parents a suitable remedy by way of psychological suggestion. He

told them to whisper in the boy's ears, while in bed, that he was a refined being, very human
in his love of fellow people. And further that he was extremely sorry for his past cruelty to
people, and so on by way of repentance. Needless to say that the parents paid heed to his
advice and in just a few days the boy got himself completely relieved of his agony.

3. Another beautiful lady ! But hopelessly fat ! She could not even move about comfortably.
Often she thought to herself that her size was quite repugnant not only in the eyes of other
people but in her esteem also. This brought her great misery. Now she approached Edgar
Cayce for consultation. in his vision Cayce could see how this lady, in the earlier two births
was an ace athlete, ever joyous of her getting laurels. Whenever others lagged behind she
made fun of them ; and in particular she was highly sarcastic of those who were fat.

▪ There was no end to her jollity whenever such people were in sight ; and she always looked
down upon them. Edgar Cayce pointed out how during the present life this lady had to suffer
all that agony of ridicule, others suffered, being a fat lady herself now. He told her that she
was paying the penalty very dearly during the present life.

▪ A synopsis of Edgar Cayce's remarkable capacity for clairvoyance could be summed up

thus; as so many intimations of individuals while in clairvoyant hypnosis to substantiate
reincarnation as a stable fact in nature:

1. Analyses of characters, and meticulous descriptions of circumstances were valid as related

to totally unknown persons, at far off places, and in innumerable instances.

2. Whatever predictions made with reference to individuals about their vocational abilities and
innate tendencies were found to tally so accurately not only for adults but also for newborn

3. Behavioral patterns of persons were seen in consonance with presumable past life

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4. Relevant data preserved in support of the theory of reincarnation agreed so perfectly well,
spread over a period of time, in basic principle and in minute detail.

5. Abstruse facts have been interpreted in the light of historical situations, and invariably they
have proved to be correct on verification of recorded historical information.

6. Readings or predictions offered by Edgar Cayce, when followed in spirit, afforded all those
that heeded him to mound and shape their career suitably - psychologically, educationally and

7. The base and structure of Edgar Cayce's philosophical and psychological system bear a
striking resemblance to the Oriental teachings, especially Ancient Indian Culture that erected
an edifice on Reincarnation.

▪ Dr. Ian Stevenson came across a person, apparently recalled, as child of Ancient Greece.
Later in life two separate readings related to this child came up to highlight by two sensitise.
These faithful accounts furnished about the girl matched perfectly well with the subject's own
apparent memories.

▪ As night follows the day, so the law of reincarnation must follow the law of karma. One
cannot commit karma and expect it to finish with it in one life.

▪ So there must be many lives to resolve one's karma. Once karma is initiated, it must
(1) continue until it is spent. In this process, karma must have its repercussion in the forms of
(2) consequence and
(3) compensation. So we have 3 laws here.

Akashic Records and Past Life Memory.

▪ The Akashic records our every thought speech and action since our first incarnation. In fact
everybody's records are thus registered, and therefore we are all interlinked and
interconnected. Our memories do not fade and they remain clear and brilliant as ever, even if
the events are tens of thousands of years ago. The Akashic registers our emotional feelings
and thoughts and senses whether we are conscious or not. This is remarkable.

▪ There is limitless capacity, unlike the memory in our computers. We can access this memory
at any point in time, be it thousands of years ago.

▪ There is no rewinding of the tape. These memories are also structured around associative
points. We can see the events without any feelings.

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▪ We can look at ourselves in the past as impartial observers. We can go through the same
scene and feel the emotional reactions as well as others feelings. We can also look at the
situation from a different angle and perspectives.

▪ In a trance or with a shift of consciousness, we can go to our past lives in the whole of the
Akashic: a recent life is just as vivid as a one from the far past. Emotionally charged events
come sooner than ordinary ones.

▪ Traumatic death experiences usually come out first. Clairvoyants usually can see a past
situation similar to the present one. Some blockages to the entry to a specific past situation
are encountered: traumatic death experiences and acts related to secrecy.

▪ There is probably no such thing as a 'reincarnation wave' in which a whole country of souls is
reincarnated at the same time to one country.

▪ We come back life after life with our friends, loved ones and relatives. They come in different
combinations, but it is the intense relationship that we have developed with each other that
make us reincarnate together time and again.

▪ In some lives, we are friendly, but in the others we are hostile with one another. On the
whole it is love and compassion that bring us back to earth again. This is the reason for the
phenomenon of 'love at first sight'. The older souls with more awareness in population II and
III are the ones that return with their small groups of acquaintances.

▪ In conclusion, there is enough evidence as enumerated above to state categorically that

reincarnation is a fact and not a superstition.

To recapitulate there is evidence in

(a) Near Death Experiences.

(b) Out of Body Experiences.
(c) Clairvoyants and paranormal sensitives who are able to see their own as well as others'
past lives.
(d) Spontaneous recall.
(e) Induction by therapists using hypnosis, magnetism, imagination or visualisation and
( f) A past life regression heals the patient.

▪ Then in summary, after scouring through the historical records and properly conducted
research in a scientific manner we arrive at these parameters:

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(1) We most probably reincarnate hundreds or thousands of times.

(2) Our intermissions are between a few months to several centuries. The older the soul, the
longer the intermission.

(3) Almost all of us change sex, but the frequency varies a great deal.

▪ There is no set rules for this. Some authors state categorically that at least 80% of their
subjects change sex.

(4) The more mature souls with awareness do have a G-plan, but this is not hundred percent
adhered to.

(5) When regressed to a past life, this process may heal the person, especially if the
symptoms have no discernible cause.


1. Exploring Reincarnation by Hans TenDam Published by Arkana.

2. Edgar Cayce On Reincarnation By Noel Langley. Published by Warner Books.

3. Many Lives, Many Loves By Gina Cerminara. Devorss Publications.

 2. Information Given by dead person through dreams and visions.

Subbaraya Sharma How authentic it sounds when a contemporary could vouch for certain
events of his past life, the places and people, experiences and circumstances, and the sins
that he had committed then.

1. Subbaraya Sharma

▪ Once Subbaraya Sharma, (familiarly known as Yadathore Subbaraya Sharma) a. resident of

Bangalore city, went on a pilgrimage to the Theertha Rameshwara Temple at
Chikkanayakana Halli in Karnataka State, India.

▪ After performing the pooja there, he spent overnight in the temple.

▪ During the sleep he experienced a transcendental vision, in which he saw a beautiful young
lady sitting close to him and gently whispering thus:

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▪ My dear child, you are mine. Don't you know that ! In some remote previous existence you
were the Pellegara (Ruler) of this place. Next morning Sharma reported this dream to the
Guru Ramananda Swamy, eagerly awaiting his interpretation. To which the Guru said, -That's
- true.

▪ Yes, that's your third daughter, Mahalakshmi. I have had a dream like this on two earlier
occasions in which she made her appearance. in addition, while performing the pooja to the
temple deity, I have seen her in the image of the Goddess too. All this sounds mysterious.
Who could possibly account for all the hidden truths engulfed in the past ? Few days after
Subbaraya Sharma return to Bangalore, his children fell ill. That very night the Holy Mother
appeared in his dream in a dreadful form and said : -I am compelled to take this form today for
reasons that I do not wish to explain... Then he woke up from the dream. Sharma's children
was were taken ill were his six-year old son, and the other a fourteen-year old daughter. In the
evening their condition turned worse. A doctor was sent for around 8-00 p.m.

▪ When doctor came the girl started shouting rather loudly, - Oh father ! why do you make me
lie down in the temple ? Take me home, please ! Meanwhile the boy too began feeling
extremely uneasy and quite unexpectedly breathed his last on that very night around 10 p.m.

▪ And the condition of the daughter grew from bad to worse. She continued her appeal in the
same way : -Please do take me home. Why have you laid me in the temple. I can't bear all
this,- and her agony was intensifying every moment till about 11-45 p.m. and then she
stopped talking thereafter. During this period Sharma felt a vague sense of past sin and
suffering. In his trance like vision he saw his own daughter wearing a yellow sari, with a
vertical red mark on her forehead, prostrating before the Holy Mother at the temple mentioned

▪ Further he saw to his horror that the priest came forward and cut off the daughter's head as
an offering to Goddess Durga-and all this blood-chilling vision vanished no sooner than it
flashed across Sharma's consciousness. Now he sat ruminating on the significance of this
experience of the vision.

▪ About the same time too this ill-starred daughter passed away. The bereaved father sat
dazed, and after a while burst out weeping so loudly that he finally went into a deep slumber
by the side of the corpse. At that time the past Acharya of Sringeri Mutt, Sri Satchidananda
Narasimha Bharati, appeared in his dream and consoled him: Grieve not. What sin you are
experiencing now has been the remnant of your past Karma.

▪ Your own evil has recoiled on you. Remember, in your remote previous existence, you were
Pellagra of great jurisdiction and power, with all affluence and prosperity at your command at
Hagalwadi near Chikkanayakana Halli where you lived. Though you were devoted and pious
by nature, by some misfortune you associated yourself with a Tantric Guru.

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▪ At his instance you constructed a temple to worship Shri Durga, and got her image
consecrated by that Guru. All this you did to further your power and influence by gaining her
favor. As suggested by your Guru, you started offering human sacrifice. Know this, I am Sri
Vidyaranya of Vijayanagar Kingdom, who gave you this piece of advice and consolation. As
you were pious by nature, I wished to wean you away from Tantric worship, from offering
human sacrifice. And now Sri Ramananda, your Guru, is none other than the Tantric Guru
you were associated with in your previous existence as Pellagra.

▪ That very girl who had been offered as a human sacrifice then, while you were a Pellagra, is
the one born to you as your daughter during this life. She has died prematurely at young age
so that you might atone for your grievous sins.

Perhaps now you realise why she was repeatedly uttering : -Why have you laid me in the
temple. Please take me home: And if I have appeared before you, it is for letting you know all
about pre-existence and reincarnation. Subbaraya Sharma trance has been verified to be true.
In addition, he has published books and articles on sacred texts.

2. Mr. Hill

▪ The South American explorer, Mr. Hill - in his report to the Editor of the People - furnishes
an interesting experience.

▪ It was a fact that he was familiar with certain parts of South America. Though uncanny, he
had a recurring dream as an explorer.

▪ He was once suddenly surrounded by a group of dark skinned people and he spoke in their
tongue. Quite shocking though, the leader of the party struck him a blow. That was all and the
rest remained a completely blank. Later he became a steward in the Royal Mail Liners and
went to South America. As things could conspire, he made his way about Rio de Janeiro,
Santos and Buenos Aires.

▪ Then he got a feeling that he had walked there several times before. On a specific voyage
they took an board with a Danish author at Santos. One day he was called for and informed in
plain language -Steward, you are the victim of a remarkable coincidence or something far
stranger ! Then the Danish author showed him a human head taken by him from the head-
hunters of Amazon, and it was a frightening sight since the head had been reduced to half its
normal size, and so preserved by a Secret process. The very appearance of this ghastly head
sent cold shivers down the spine as Mr. Hill looked at it…as he knew that he was looking at
an exact counterpart of his own face.

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3. Felix. F.

▪ One Felix, F. identified himself as a former servant of the family of Dr. Maurier Dellarrey, the
author of the report of the case; and this was possible through the medium of ostensible

▪ The communicator announced the date too of his forthcoming birth into a family the
Dellarreys as a cousin. Further the deformities of that birth were also disclosed as follows - as
having a slightly deformed right ear quite similar to the one he had during his previous life.

▪ An identical occurrence occurred and a birth took place on the same date when a boy was
born to the said family, and indeed with the defect of the right ear as described during the
communication, When Dr. and Mme. Dellarrey paid a visit to the family (their cousins), the
baby behaved very affectionately to them, though hostile to strangers.


( M. Dellarrey : “One Reincarnation Anyone at verifice” Revue Metapsychique, vol 1).

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▪ Skeptics, Atheists and Agonists often raise their eyebrows saying whether Reincarnation is a
reality at all.

▪ The first challenge they put up is. -Then produce scientific proof to vindicate the
phenomenon. Any assertion unaccompanied by scientific verification or laboratory testing is
dismissed as rubbish or bunkum.

▪ All of us experience different kinds of emotion, occasioned by certain situations and


▪ For example, Love and hate are the commonest of them all.

▪ Say, if someone should demand demonstrable proof of how these feelings of hate and love
spring how are you going to set up an experiment in the laboratory to prove it ?

▪ But aren't these things and several others that the human flesh inherit to are living realities ?

▪ Do we dismiss them as non-existent since they cannot be scientifically proved ! as in the

case of material objects of the observed phenomenon ?

Certainly not. Similar is the realm of reincarnation.

▪ There are certain inner realities that bear intimate relationships with one another, but all the
time imperceptible. Memory, through one form or the other carries the 'Weaving thread' 'ad
infinitum.' This is a subtle truth and so defies observable demonstration.

▪ Beyond all visible phenomenon is the 'soul' - 'a Metaphysical reality' could we dismiss this
too because we fail to comprehend it, bound by obvious human limitations ?

▪ Recent efforts to prove reincarnation as a reality through investigations have been primarily
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based upon “memories of the past”- and the reconstruction vouches for absolute authenticity
as far as time and space are concerned - here historical and geographical facts have blended
so well that there seems to be hardly any flaw in such a recalling of previous existence.

▪ From out of this has been built up the theory of reincarnation, the cycle of life and death. of
course, this eludes the purely physical and demonstrable verification, as materialists and
scientists demand right now.

What we should remember is the 'Subtlety 'of the perennial process of reincarnation.

▪ We cannot easily hope to understand its truth applying the physical yardsticks as done in
scientific laboratories.

▪ Tools required in respect of the cycle of reincarnation, for purposes of faith and convincing
proof, are wholly different from those employed in scientific pursuits.

▪ It is unfortunate that scientists do not cross these frontiers in order to appreciate something

▪ If at all proof is necessary to establish the fact of reincarnation, what the scientists ought to
remember is that they do not possess those tools that enable them to understand such things.

▪ But when those endowed with metaphysical imagination, exceptional intuitional faculty and
extraordinarily unsullied memory come out with certain facts, they ought to practice humility
that there are an infinite number of things they have the least knowledge of, and to dismiss
the entire thing is 'useless' is sheer folly.

Memories as Evidence

▪ The Story of reincarnation is the study of evidence available in that regard as investigated in
the earlier chapters.

▪ Memory, be it remembered, is the very fountain of information through remembrances either

by spontaneous or by the induced methods.

▪ However, these memories in most of the cases mentioned earlier in this publication have
proved to be genuine regarding their authenticity.

▪ It is necessary to understand more about memories and their character to examine whether
memories have any definite role in vindicating scientific proof on reincarnation.

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▪ Memory is the means by which the human brain preserves many impressions of an indelible
nature - it records, stores and retrieves information based upon divergent experiences, as
projected through time without break.

▪ It has got three vital functions: the ability to retain impressions, their production when
required in a series and 'recall'.

▪ All such experiences that are associated with strong feelings carry their intensity as well as
their longevity.

▪ A person's memory is invariably taken to mean all such associations and relationships of the
past as well as present.

▪ Several influences impinge upon the human mind during the process of actual experiences,
preservation or retention, and 'recall'.

▪ Actually the relationships between the past and present arise basically out of a profound
transformation in the cycle, (of course, imperceptible) through what is called biographical

▪ As links in a chain they run on undeterred. That is how past, present and future become one
continuum of time.

▪ Memory is one of the most fundamental function operative in Nature's design. In the vast
cosmic laboratory everything is recorded and retained and transmitted. Nothing can obliterate
this activity.

▪ The cycle of time in its purely ephemeral aspects such as past, Present and future is just an
arbitrary human arrangement for convenience.

▪ At the level of cosmic consciousness, the question of time as we understand does not exist.

▪ For that matter to comprehend it completely, past, present and future are all merged into one
ceaseless activity of the 'now' awareness carried on eternally.

▪ As such memory of future is not a misnomer but a valid phenomenon, as real as the past
that is gone by or the living present.

But then the very important question comes up: who are those souls that could
prophesy future events ?

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▪ Yes, they are the emancipated souls or Jivanmuktas. Nothing is mysterious to them much
less misty.

▪ They have the powers to use the Divination as ordained by destiny, Surely they are the ones
qualified to envision all such possibilities legitimately.

▪ However, in general, we notice in all instinctive actions of living beings man, bird and beast
and so on - memory arising out of the past experiences and at the same time dominating the
course of action at that moment.

▪ The manner in which these activities take place is a knowledge that belongs to the subtler
regions of universal or cosmic consciousness and the lawful evolutionary mechanism of all

▪ Man may be considered as the most mysterious phenomenon of all living beings.

▪ Human brain contain within them a treasure house of infinite memory, ordinarily not

▪ Remote things to do imprint upon the memory and the storage of memory may sometimes
get shrunk.

▪ Flashes of experiences of the by - gone periods or intuitional prophetic insights of future

occurrences come from this inexhaustible source, as a compelling influence upon the
conscious mind.

▪ Actually they are the re-enactment of the earlier events, registered so vividly there.
Sometimes the revisiting of this kind of flashback of memory may bring about a change in the
life of an individual.

▪ However, I have endured to reconstruct the past lives of the individuals that I have studied
so far out of this treasure house of memory.

▪ Normally speaking; People by and large hesitate to report some of these things as they flash
across their consciousness.

▪ It is also true that sometimes these experiences seem to be so very abnormal that many
people keep them as a closely - guarded secret.

▪ Where certain recalling becomes very greatly over-whelming and irrepressible, delving into
the previous existence has been possible in all such cases.

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▪ That is how I have recorded the lives of those whom I have studied for purposes of

▪ It is asserted by many that this kind of memory seems to be more dependable than sensate
memory as far as proof, in respect of reincarnation, is concerned.

▪ Needless to emphasise here that these are facts generally based upon reincarnation, if they
are recent enough to be tested accurately historically as well as geographically, the matter
becomes simpler still.

Here it is necessary to consider three kinds of memories

1. Continuous memory – it is an involuntary but ceaseless pouring out of experiences mostly

arising out of the unconscious.
2. Immortal memory – this is a case arising out of the reincarnated immortal self of a person
who happened to experience actually the past life of an individual whose imprint is so well
recorded in the memory in the ― non-dying causal body.

3. Cosmic memory – not ordinary people can hope to possess this gift.

▪ Seers and sages, saints and prophets of extra-ordinary intuition and perception, and those
who could look before and after through their rich range of imaginative faculty alone could
preserve and recall such things of the past as well as future. These memories are what are
called 'Cosmic memories'.

▪ It is very important to remember here that this should not be mistaken for wishful thinking
much less confused for creative imagination', or speculative philosophy, or merely delusive
excursion into the realms of the unknown or aimless conflict between the true and the false.

▪ What matters here is the validity or better still, The authenticity of a memory experience in
the light of its impact on the life of individual in question.

▪ A genuine memory has the subtle quality of re-experiencing the past instead of merely
recollecting something without enough identity.

▪ A significant one will ever endure rather than fade out its effect could be seen on the life of
the individual and his outlook.

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▪ Memory is one constant denominator in respect of all living creatures.

▪ In the case of man, no doubt it has reached the peak. Rather fascinating to know that plants
too have the power of memory, though in an infinitesimal way.

▪ The Unconscious continuous memory is investigated by the source of modern technology

and science as the various scientists worth the name.

▪ Research work undertaken by great horticulturists of the order of Luther Burbank, George
Washington carver and many others reveal the fact that the faculty of memory is not the
monopoly of man alone but plants and flowers too enjoy the gift of memory as endowed by
nature in the same manner as sensory organs, though, of course, in a microscopic manner.

▪ The concept of continuous memory can nowhere be better seen than in the instances of
child –prodigies as discussed in the earlier chapter under the title -Astonishing talents and
abilities - child –prodigies.

▪ Especially the cases of Mozart, Hamilton, Tom, Pascal are the ones that need to be
remembered. They were able to see a continuous recovery of the past life or previous
existence, all such faculties that shone in the illustrious career.

▪ This kind of recovery is quite significantly a case of remembering the previous existence in
terms of re-experiencing all the accumulation or a portion of it as an unbroken chunk of a live

▪ Extraordinarily gifted individuals could be cited as cases of 'continued use' of a faculty

developed long ago in the earlier birth or past existence.

▪ All of us are aware of the fact how some pick up certain skills acquire learning of new things
or possess the ability to execute some jobs with ease, grace and competence.

▪ Whereas others might sweat hard, toil day and night and yet cannot come anywhere near
category mentioned earlier.

▪ Genetic content by itself won't prove the point or the environment.

▪ The only plausible theory is the theory of reincarnation.

▪ Let us think of people who share certain pleasures or discuss things in a like-minded fashion
or consider how some people get so close as friends or turn bitter enemies.

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▪ The force of attraction or the pull of repulsion could be traced back to the previous existence
of the individuals.

▪ Better still, how do some people turn 'addicts' to alcohol or tobacco or drugs or some other

▪ These are definitely the traits and tendencies of the previous life carried on to the present

▪ The force of the past is so strong that no power on earth could dissuade the person from the

▪ It might ruin the life. And yet, the addiction continues unchecked in spite of warning that
comes up from one's own 'conscience'.

▪ Sometimes we notice how some individuals get perturbed by what is called 'compunctions of

▪ What exactly is this? It is nothing but the soul's memory of mistakes made in the past.

▪ Often there may be a forewarning too to avert the catastrophe.

▪ But what happens is ultimately the 'composition of the past'.

▪ Could anyone possibly notice the phenomenon of unconscious continuous memory as such?

▪ The answer to this is clearly 'NO' - because all of us have been busily engaged in
employment that we are hardly aware of its presence, generally speaking.

▪ This is so since this aspect has been part and parcel of our daily existence.

▪ Then how is it that people of diverse nature and temperament and capacity have been cast
for different jobs, professions and careers such as teachers, priests, doctors, engineers,
ministers, business executives and so on?

Again the answer to this is self-explanatory.

▪ Deep inclination in a definite direction springs from the same source of the past in which the
qualities that persisted in previous existence continue to manifest, though in an altered
physical environment, in the same channels of achievement or failure.

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▪ Obviously this is nothing but the tremendous flow of the past memory reshaping itself
towards a particular end as the soul deep inside has charted out.

▪ This can be seen in our everyday existence, though, of course, without the realization of its
impact or the reason for its continued existence in the same path.

▪ Thus this flow of memory, the reshaping of the soul against the background of the past, the
ways and means of the soul's journey in the light of the earlier records of the treasure house
of memory determine the course of the earlier records of the treasure house of memory
determine the course of one’s existence through reincarnation which is in every sense a sort
of revelation when properly understood.

Immortal Memory

▪ At times every one of us will experience 'glimpses of vision' like a stroke of lighting in its
'flash' that helps us gain some meaning out of it.Of course, not all are capable of
comprehending either meaning or its significance.

▪ Its adjustments are suitably made in the wake of 'message flashing out' of the memory much
of the misery in the individual life could be mitigated.

▪ However, it is ideal to pay heed to this vision, and its symbolic value may be related either
for good or for bad depending upon the nature of the memory.

▪ The fact is such a memory may be looked upon as an indicator in one's life. Its influence has
immense possibilities for corrections and adjustments. The way it appears most naturally is
from a feed-back.

▪ One might often wonder whether it is not an obscure memory of visual imagination - yes it is
imagination traceable to the recalling of the past episodes or trends !

▪ At times such signals hoisted up would be able to guide the destiny of individuals. What is
required in this regard is the capacity for a little reflection for reconstruction of details.
Generally speaking, the effect of an immortal memory is often life - giving as well as life

▪ It is not only enduring but the dual aspects or facets of a single universal phenomenon ever
in a state of flux, with the cause and consequence chasing along the roads of destiny.

Akasha is a Sanskrit word, highly pregnant with meaning.

▪ It is fundamentally the very matrix of the universe out of which all that exists has been born.

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▪ In that respect, it is a super-sensuous essence that pervades all space and time.

▪ Its response is spontaneous as well as external, to the vibration of all creation in the

▪ Surprisingly though, is both dense and subtle very much akin to the micro-material recorded
on the tape.

▪ This activity of recording the infinite vibrations unto eternity is God's supreme Grandeur,
collected and compiled in the form of akashic records.

▪ Highly gifted individuals with super-sensory perception would be able to read these records
as occasions offer themselves for such a possibility.

▪ In this sense, Edgar Cayce may be cited as an outstanding example who could read Akashic

▪ A person's life is governed by what he does and by what is modified in the course of his life
through his experiences.

▪ All that which takes place naturally affect the individual either for affliction or for affection, as
determined by the thoughts and acts and consequences.

The Mechanism Of Recalling

▪ This is acquired by constant training of the mind to reproduce certain things at will Recitation
of a poem, the enactment of a role, the reproduction of a scene from a text or any memorable
passage are all possible for those that devote their time and energy to such an exercise.

▪ There is another facet to this from the point of reincarnation. That is, when a person is asked
for a name which he encountered in his past life, he supplies it.

▪ By this we see how the person -re-lives - and when extended to experiences, they reveal a
wealth of detail about lives of the by-gone ages whether of the immediate past or very distant
past this becomes as real as the present.

▪ In all such cases, it is the 'recreating' of the atmosphere in all its salient features and
characteristic qualities, here and now.

▪ In brief, successful recalling is found to be a common occurrence in our daily life.

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▪ This is an act of recognizing the incident place or person or any other thing experienced
earlier during the present life.

Paradoxical Recognition (Déjà vu)

▪ Although a certain event seems to have been recognised by the person in question
paradoxically though, on verification is discovered to have taken place earlier before the
present birth or an occurrence revived after several centuries sometimes.

▪ Such a 'déjà vu' is entirely on account of past life experience or positively because of post
▪ Sensory stimulation couples with the innate capacity - to see provides the material for all
imaginings. This faculty distinguishes man from the beast.

▪ Memory Imagining, of all the other kinds, may be regarded as unique in that it provides a
powerful recalling when we experience a kind a journey back in time.

▪ In fact, this is essentially an illusion especially so when we happen to witness certain things
in our mind's eye as experiences taking place, here and now. Invariably this is a kind of -re-
living the past moments.


▪ While we are able to visualise many things of the past through the help of our memory, it
must be admitted here that there is no mechanism or marvel to make the other person
remember or relive the past by the help of our memory as a substitute in his position.

 Method of getting scientific evidence on Reincarnation.

What is the demand of present scientific world to accept Reincarnation as

Scientific fact? What is Science ?

▪ If the subject has to get a status of science it must fulfill the basic conditions of science like
objectivity, repeatability, consistency and universality in addition to experimentation,
observation and inference.

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▪ The past lives if exhibited by photographic proof may raise the eyebrows of intellectuals. The
following method can be tried out by utilizing the knowledge of photography, Clairvoyance,
Electronics, Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Yoga, Psychology, Psychiatry, Ophthalmology, intuition
and Astrology to produce photograph of the past lives.

▪ In this method the memories of the past lives thoughts can be photographed as

What is Thoughtography

▪ Thoughtography, also called projected thermography, psychic photography, nengraphy or

nenshi is the claimed ability to "burn" images from one's mind onto such surfaces as
photographic film by psychic means.

▪ While the term "thoughtography" has been in the English lexicon since 1913, the more
recent term "projected thermography" is a neologism originating from the 2002 U.S. remake
of The Ring Movie.


▪ Thoughtography (also known as psychic photography) first emerged in the late 19th
century due to the influence of spirit photography.

▪ Thoughtography has no connection with Spiritualism, which distinguishes it from spirit

photography. One of the first books to mention "psychic photography" was the book The New
Photography (1896) by Arthur Brunel Chatwood.

▪ In the book Chatwood described experiments where the "image of objects on the retina of
the human eye might so affect it that a photograph could be produced by looking at a sensitive
plate."The book was criticized in a review in Nature.

▪ The psychical researcher Hereward Carrington in his book Modern Psychical Phenomena
(1919) wrote that many psychic photographs were revealed to be fraudulent produced by
substitution and manipulation of the plates, double-printing, double-exposure and chemical
screens. However, Carrington also stated he believed some of the photographs to be

▪ The term "thoughtography" was first introduced at the beginning of the twentieth century by
Tomokichi Fukurai.

▪ Skeptics and professional photographers consider psychic photographs to be faked or the

result of flaws in the camera or film, exposures, film-processing errors, lens flares, flash
reflections or chemical reactions.
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Tomokichi Fukurai

▪ Around 1910, during a period of interest in Spiritualism in Japan, Tomokichi Fukurai, an

assistant professor of psychology at Tokyo University began pursuing parapsychology
experiments using Chizuko Mifune, Ikuko Nagao, and others as subjects. Fukurai published
results of experiments with Nagao that alleged she was capable of telepathically imprinting
images on photo plates, which he called nensha. When journalists found irregularities, Nato's
credibility was attacked, and there was speculation that her later illness and death was
caused by distress over criticism.

▪ In 1913, Fukurai published Clairvoyance and Thoughtography (an English translation title).
The book was criticized for a lack of scientific approach and his work disparaged by the
university and his colleagues. Fukurai eventually resigned in 1913.

Eva Carrière
▪ Carrière with fake ectoplasm made from the French magazine Le Miroir. In the early 20th
century the psychical researcher Albert von Schrenck-Notzing investigated the medium Eva
Carrière and claimed her ectoplasm "materializations" were the result of "ideoplastic" in which
the medium could form images onto ectoplasm from her mind.

▪ Schrenck-Notzing published the book Phenomena of Materialisation (1923) which included

photographs of the ectoplasm. Critics pointed out the photographs of the ectoplasm revealed
marks of magazine cut-outs, pins and a piece of string. Schrenck-Notzing admitted that on
several occasions Carrière deceptively smuggled pins into the séance room.

▪ The magician Carlos María de Heredia replicated the ectoplasm of Carrière using a comb,
gauze and a handkerchief.

▪ Donald West wrote that the ectoplasm of Carrière was fake and was made of cut-out paper
faces from newspapers and magazines on which fold marks could sometimes be seen from
the photographs.

▪ A photograph of Carrière taken from the back of the ectoplasm face revealed it to be made
from a magazine cut out with the letters "Le Miro". The two-dimensional face had been
clipped from the French magazine Le Miroir.

▪ Back issues of the magazine also matched some of Carrière's ectoplasm faces. Cut out
faces that she used included Woodrow Wilson, King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, French president
Raymond Poincaré and the actress Mona Delza.

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▪ After Schrenck-Notzing discovered Carrière had taken her ectoplasm faces from the
magazine he defended her by claiming she had read the magazine but her memory had
recalled the images and they had materialized into the ectoplasm. Schrenck-Notzing was
described as credulous. Joseph McCabe wrote "In Germany and Austria, Baron von
Schrenck-Notzing is the laughing-stock of his medical colleagues."

Ted Serios
▪ In the 1960s, it was claimed that Chicago resident Ted Serios, a hotel bellhop by trade who
was then in his late forties, used psychokinetic powers to produce images on Polaroid instant

▪ Serios's psychic claims were bolstered by the endorsement of a Denver-based psychiatrist,

Jule Eisenbud (1908–1999), who wrote a book called The World of Ted Serios:
"Thoughtographic" Studies of an Extraordinary Mind (1967) arguing that Serios's purported
psychic abilities were genuine.

▪ However, professional photographers and skeptics have subsequently alleged that Serios
was employing simple sleight of hand.

Masuaki Kiyota

▪ Masuaki Kiyota a Japanese psychic has claimed powers of psychokinesis.

▪ Kiyota was tested by investigators in London by Granada Television and the results were
negative. It was discovered that with tight controls, Kiyota was unable to project mental
images onto film. He could only achieve success when he had the film in his possession
without any control for at least 2 hours.

▪ According to magician and skeptic James Randi "Kiyota's Polaroid photos were apparently
produced by pre exposing the film, since it was noted that he made great efforts to obtain a
film pack and spend time with it in private."[23] In a 1984 television interview, Kiyota
confessed to fraud.

Uri Geller

▪ In 1995, famed psychic Uri Geller began to use a 35mm camera in his performances. The
lens cap left on the camera, Geller would take pictures of his forehead and then have the
pictures developed. Geller claimed that subsequent images had come directly from his mind.
James Randi claimed Geller had performed the trick by using a "handheld optical device" or
by taking photographs on already exposed film.

▪ Thoughtography of the present life memories has already been photographed by Ted
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Serios in the form of buildings, places, persons etc. through the polaroid camera.

▪ Dr. Jule Eisenbud has photographed number of memories of Ted under laboratory
conditions in 1966 and at the same has been published as -The world of Ted serios in Great
Britain in 1968.

Reference : { The world of Ted serios by Jule Eisenbud 1968, “ Thoughto graphic studies of
an extraordinary mind ”. Jonathan Cape Ltd., 30 Bedford Square, London WC1. Bound by
A.W. Bain and Co. Ltd., London. }

▪ The same principle can be implemented to get the past life thoughtography by regressing an
individual to past lives through Hypnotism.

▪ To confirm the validity of thoughtography three stages of thoughtography are suggested

here on selected individuals by Astrological Knowledge.
Stage 1

▪ Put the subject under trance through both hypnosis and mesmerism and a particular person
or places are suggested to remember and the photograph is taken and confirm the trueness
of the photo against the suggested person or place.

▪ This experiment is to be continued for a minimum of three times which confirms the

▪ This stage proves that the thoughts of an individual can be pictured.

Stage 2

▪ Regress the subject under hypnotic and mesmeric sleep to a particular time of this life (say
about 5 or 10 years) and photograph that particular memories as in stage one and repeat
thrice to confirm the trueness of his memory with thoughtography.

▪ This stage proves that memories of past can be photographed of an individual in his present
Stage 3

▪ Regress the subject under hypnotism and mesmeric sleep to any particular time of his past
life and photograph that memories as in stage I and stage II.

▪ Repeat the process thrice and confirm the similarity and trueness.

▪ Further confirmation can also be made by physical verification of such places and persons
photographed. If these thoughtography is produced reincarnation theory becomes a scientific

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validity as it meets the demand of the scientific World.

▪ This is not a challenge to the scientists, but an appeal to our Scientific World to develop
interest in the super science of this era and help the humanity by proving scientifically in
laboratory the theory of Reincarnation which alone can bring world peace and prosperity.

Thoughtography of the present life memories

has already been photographed by Ted Serios
in the form of buildings, places, persons etc.
through the polaroid camera as Shown In image below.

 Human mind has a power to do wonder of wonders as There is a Sleeping

Giant of Mental Power in Every Human Being

Read the article below to confirm The above statement

Professional stunned at his Insight.

▪ Men of medical profession, who often throw up their hands in utter despair, faced with
chronic ailments, have nowadays accepted hypnotherapy as one of the possible means of
diagnostic treatment.

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▪ Dr. William McDougall wrote long ago without reservation that -Hypnotism is undoubtedly
the most Important, the most fruitful and far-reaching method of experimental psychology. It is
neither magic nor witchcraft but a device highly beneficial in hypnotherapy. Today American
physicians use it without labelling it just as McDougall used it in neuralgia cases.

▪ The New York Journal has published a very interesting narrative wherein an eleven year old
boy is credited with X-ray vision. He is the son of Dr. Frank Wallace Brett; a Massachusetts :
physician. His performances in diagnosing diseases are extraordinary.

▪ Mrs. Allen, wife of Dr. Allen, had been a sufferer from gout rheumatism. Dr. Frank boy Leo
was called in. Just looking at the lady he was able to see where the malady lay. He started
describing at once all the symptoms of gouty rheumatism, including in his details chalky
deposits in the joints, the thickening and inflammation of the right sciatic nerve.

▪ How did Leo acquire this power ? Was it a God given gift ? Once Dr Frank hypnotised his
own son for professional reasons. In that state, the boy cried out, - Papa, how is it you have a
crack in your arm,bone ? And further he declared, - oh father, I can see your bones very
well". Greatly surprised at this, Dr. Frank realised that what the son had said was all true to
facts. This was all the more confirmed, when the boy succeeded in coming out with the truth
related to half a dozen fractured cases at the hospital.

▪ Once Dr. Brett introduced Leo to one Mrs. Randall and asked the boy what was the matter
with the lady. Then the boy was hypnotised and asked to examine her. Leo said, after a
minute "I can see a great big sore in her lungs, just where the two are joined together, and it
looks as though it had been bleeding. On confirmation it was literally true. The lady had two
haemorrhages within a week. And very shortly she died of galloping consumption.

▪ Another startling case was presented to Leo. And it was a case of a lady of sixty. A team of
doctors had pronounced her ailment as cancer. As the last resort Leo was called in, by his
father, Dr. Frank. When the boy was asked to report he said, after looking at her steadily for a
while: "Why papa, her liver is much larger than yours. Besides, yours is smooth, while hers is
all covered with bunches like hubby ice. Yours is brown, while hers is brown all streaked with
white, like fancy chocolate cake. The white stuff looks to me like candle vision.

▪ The father was very happy and now he was in full possession of facts, The source of the old
lady's trouble had been shown to him. Plainly, the old lady was suffering from amyloid
degeneration of the liver. No doubt it was dangerous but definitely not a case of cancer.

One more instance is enough to substantiate this boy's abnormal gifts.

▪ A married lady of 35, was alive despite valvular disease of the heart. Dr. Frank wondered, as
usual Leo was called into the consultation room. In a minute he explained that the two valves

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functioned all right, but the third one didn't, properly. It was just the case to set right this

▪ Dr. Frank offers his opinion about his son Leo. - I do not claim the boy's peculiar gifts as
supernatural. I do not believe in the supernatural, But I do say that they are supernormal.—
Yes, if only we care to realise the implications of such possibilities !

▪ Even though no scientific proofs that meet laboratory standards of repeatable exactitude in
favour of Reincarnation are offered at present Reincarnation Research Centre at Bangalore is
conducting a research to give scientific validity to Reincarnation by trying to photograph one's
previous existence in detail such as friends and relatives, building and places, events and
experiences from person claiming remembrance and also from others through

▪ The only type of evidence available at present to show that we were living some days,
months or years or decades before is that of our remembrance (memories) having lived at
that earlier time.

▪ This recalling is coherent, and related to the facts that stand the test of verification. Further
the remembered gets all these details in a mood for having lived at that earlier time, in such
such a place.

▪Add to this there is the reproduction of circumstances in such a regression for having done
certain things then as also for undergoing some experience rather unique in nature, quality
and sequence.

▪ Similarly, there are hundreds of persons that now claim to remember having lived on earth a
life earlier than the present one. Fascinatingly though, on verification of such instance many
persons were able to remember events and identify their kith and kin and others from their
previous lives and tendencies, physical features or scars similar to those of the claimed
previous personality.

▪ Such instances are not only convincing as evidence but offer us, broadly speaking, diverse

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varieties of manifestation wherein we may identify
the primary ones elucidating the doctrine of previous existence.

 Contributions from Reincarnation Research Centre in Bangalore Medical

College and Research Center, Karnataka, India to Resuscitate Humanity and
Establish World Peace

(1) True Education = Music + Literature + Culture.

(2) Right way of Living
(3) Self – Realization = salvation
(4) Research on: The Secret of Mind, The Secret of Mental diseases, The Secret of
Universe, The future of Mankind.
(5) Research on Reincarnation and Survival of the Soul

▪ These are the Five books containing the knowledge of Jana, Vijana, Sujana and Divya
Jnana and also. These are the five VEDAS and UPANISHADS of future Golden age that is

▪ If kumar Vasa sings a song there will be floating flood of lightening in the human body as
though the sacred land of Bharat is dancing with joy in the people’s eyes converting the
present Kali Yuga to Dwapara Yuga. - K.V. Puttappa

▪ If Researcher on Reincarnation writes there will be lightening of the knowledge of self

realisation and salvation with the dawn of universal Brotherhood and World Peace converting
the present Kali Yuga to Sathya Yuga. - D.R C.M Ramaswamy.

|| Copyright ⓒ2016 COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS All Right Reserved || Website

Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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Question: Which of country in the world is suitable for Reincarnation research?

▪ Dr.Stevenson: India is perhaps the best country in the world for research in reincarnation.

Question: What reasons led you to study in this field?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I had become dissatisfied, you see, with the methods that had been
developed in psychiatry for helping people with modern theories of human personality.
Orthodox theory conceives human personality as the product of a person‘s genetic material
inherited from his ancestors through his parents, and the modifying influences of his prenatal
and postnatal environment.

▪ But I found that some cases cannot be satisfactorily explained by genetics, environmental
influences, or a combination of these. I am speaking of such things as early childhood
phobias, about uncanny abilities that seem to develop spontaneously, of children convinced
that they are the wrong sex, congenital deformities, differences between one-egg twins, and
even such matters as irrational food preferences.

▪ By this I mean that I do not believe that genetics alone and genetics combined with
environmental influences can explain all the peculiarities and abnormalities of human
personality that we psychiatrists see.

Question: Do you think you are in a position to explain them better now?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, I think so. I think reincarnation offers a third possibility.
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▪ I don't think it replaces our understanding of genetics or environmental influences, but I think
reincarnation offers a better explanation for some unusual behavior that occurs very early in
the life and often persists throughout life.

▪ This behavior that is unusual in the person's family. He could not imitate it from other
members of the family or inherit it from them. So I think reincarnation is a possible explanation
for such behavior.

Question: For some diseases also?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, possibly. On that point we have much less information, but possibly so.
that the study of these cases might illuminate problems in psychology and medicine.

Question: With regard to sexual disorders?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Well, particularly with regard to what we would call transsexualism in which
people believe that they really are members of the opposite sex. They often dress in the
clothes of the opposite sex and behave as if their body should be really that of the opposite
sex. These persons in the West often request surgical operations, wanting to be changed
anatomically. We have a number of subjects who claim to have remembered a previous life as
members of the opposite sex. They have been discontented with their physical bodies.

Question: What is the percentage of such cases?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: It varies from none at all in certain countries like northwest North America
(tribal cases), Lebanon, and Turkey. People in these regions believe that sex-change is
impossible, and they have no cases of this type.

▪ That is one extreme. And the other extreme would be Thailand where sex change cases
occur in 16 percent of cases and Burma where the incidence is as high as 25 percent, and
then India, where, as in most other countries, it is about 5 percent.

Question: Is this work the only study of its kind in the United States?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, and it‘s unique for the rest of the world. In India, however, scientists
who have worked with me are now beginning to do independent research.

Question: When did you hit on the idea of dealing just with children?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: It evolved in the late Sixties, probably after I went to India.

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▪ Adults would write to me, and I eventually began to see that most of their cases were
worthless. You can‘t really control the subconscious influences to which most adults are
exposed. It's so much easier to be confident about the amount of information a small child
might have learned, especially one living in an Asian village. I saw how fascinating and
valuable these cases were.

▪ Obviously children are too young to have absorbed a great deal of information, especially
about deceased people in some distant town.

▪ In the better cases, they couldn't have known about them. In many of our cases in northwest
North America and Burma, people in the same family or village are involved. So there‘s a
likelihood that some adult or older child has talked about a deceased person and the child has
absorbed the information, as our questioning makes clear.

▪ This is not, however, an issue in most cases I cite in India, many of which involve long
distances, twenty-five to fifty kilometers or more, with no contact between the villages. Often
the child has quite precise details.

Question: You‘ve found children with intense interests in subjects having no relation to
anything in their family background or up-bringing. And you‘ve directly linked the
phobias and addictions of children to traumas that transpired in the lives of people
these children claim to have been. Are you talking about aspects of their personalities
that heredity does not explain?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: That‘s right. It's easy to see environmental influences, say, with such
composers as Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, all of whose fathers were fine musicians. But
what about George Frederic Handel? His family had no discernible interest in music; his father
even sternly discouraged it.

▪ Or take the cases of Elizabeth Fry, the prison reformer, and Florence Nightingale, the
founder of modern nursing. Both had to fight for their chosen callings from childhood onward.
One can find endless examples that are difficult to explain given our current theories. But if
one accepts the possibility of reincarnation, one can entertain the idea that these children are
demonstrating strong likes, dislikes, skills, and even genius that are the logical results of
previous experiences. I have found some children with skills that seem to be carried over from
a previous life.

Question: What about cases of childhood mental illness?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: There again you will find cases of children acting as if they did not belong in
their families. They treat parents and siblings with indifference, even hostility. This
phenomenon is usually thought to have been caused by infantile trauma. Some theorists even

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try to explain it as the result of parents rejecting the child--before it has been born.
Researchers look to the parents for the first cause.

▪ Comparatively little attention is given to the child, even though there is evidence that some
children reject their parents before the parents have a chance to reject them. I suggest that
such behavior could result from unhappy experiences in a previous life.

Question: This way we are led to understand some sort of cultural differences among
the cases suggestive of reincarnation.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: That‘s right. The matter of sex-change between the previous life and the
present life could be one example.

Question: What are the other examples? There might be some other cultural
differences too.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, there are. Another that occurs to me is the freedom in which the
children give details of names. For example, in India the children tend to give many specific
details. They often give 20 or 30 details that usually include proper names. Cases very similar
in general features in Sri Lanka do not have that quality. The children there do not give many
proper names. That is also true of American cases. American children, if they seem to
remember previous lives, have some features similar to Indian cases, but they do not
remember many specific details - especially proper names.

▪ As a result we have in the USA a large number of what we call - unsolved cases. In these
cases we are not able to verify what the child had said; whereas in India we have rather few
(about 20 percent) unsolved cases.

Question: In all, how many cases are there in your files at Virginia?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: We have about 3,000 now.

Question: And how many out of them have you studied so far?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I have probably studied, more or less, maybe one-third of them.

▪ Some, of course, much more thoroughly than others. And then the other two thirds have
been studied by my associates and colleagues.

Question: Well, what is your conclusion so far?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: My conclusion so far is that reincarnation is not the only explanation for

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these cases, but that it is the best explanation we have for the stronger cases, by which I
mean those in which a child makes a considerable number (say 20 or 30) of correct
statements about another person who lives in a family that lives quite remote from his own and
with which his family has had no prior contacts.

▪ When we talk about remoteness, we don't necessarily just mean physical distance. We know
that two families can live only 10 kilometers apart and yet they can be very remote because
they belong to different economic and social classes.

Question: Well, then you are still in search of say an ideal case, a perfect one?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes. I would like to find better cases. However, the ideal or perfect case, I
don't think we will ever find. I don't know if such cases really exist, but we are always trying to
get at the cases sooner and get to them before the two families have met so that we can
make a written record of what the child says before the families meet. We wish to observe the
first meeting ourselves. And we try to find other cases that have stronger evidence.

Question: A past personality's prediction, for example?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Well, a past personality's prediction is of interest but actually it may weaken
some cases by setting up an expectation of that person's return. But that could be an
additional feature in many cases.

Question: What about one's own child? Are there ways to introduce the subject?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I see no harm in asking a child if he remembers a previous life.

▪ I would be particularly interested if a child has a large birthmark or a congenital malformation.

I've reported on a case of a child who claimed to have been his own paternal grandfather and
had two pigmented moles in the same spots on his body that his grandfather did. It's said in
such instances that genetics is responsible. But one wonders why the one grandchild in ten
who had the moles claimed to remember his grandfather's life. Or take congenital

▪ Children born with deformed limbs--or even without fingers, toes, and hands-have claimed to
remember being murdered and state that the murderer had removed these fingers, toes, or
hands during the killing. In such situations the approach would be to ask the child to explain
the birth defect. But I don't approve of pumping children if they don't want to talk.

Question: Do the child's parents often "ruin" a case before you arrive?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: All too often we reach the scene after the subject and his family have met the

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family about whom he's been talking. We sometimes have to pare away a great deal of
extraneous information. I always prefer to record the child's account, but sometimes the boy
or girl is too shy to talk, and I have to fall back on what parents say about his or her
statements. My colleagues and I try to separate what the child said before meeting the other
family from what he said later.

▪ Obviously the latter has much less value. I cannot emphasize too strongly that a child who is
going to remember a previous life has only about three years in which he will talk about it.
Before the age of two or three he lacks the ability. After five, too much else will be happening
in his life, and he will begin to forget.

Question: How frequently do children claim to have memories of a past life?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: We don't yet know the incidence of cases. All we know are those that come
to us. One survey of a township in northern India found one case for every five hundred
persons. This would almost certainly understate the matter, as many cases never go beyond
the immediate family. Even in cultures where reincarnation is accepted, parents sometimes
think such memories are harmful. They are often upset by what the child remembers. Parents
would not be particularly pleased to have a murdered child, not to mention a murderer,
reincarnate in their family.

Question: What would predispose someone to remember a previous life?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Violent death is a factor in our cases. In more than seven hundred cases in
six different cultures, sixty-one percent remembered having died violently. But are these
cases actually representative? Those involving accidents, murders, and suicides are bound to
get more attention than others in which the child remembers a quiet life.

▪ Children also tend to remember the final years or a previous life. Almost seventy five percent
of our children appear to recall the way they died, and if death was violent, they remember it in
vivid detail

Question: You‘ve stated that boys remember more often than girls.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, but boys are presented to us more often than girls A girl may not be
marriageable if she is the notorious subject of a case, so she may be kept in the background.
In a series of one thousand ninety-five cases from around the world, sixty-two percent were
male. I can't explain this, unless men are more likely to die violent deaths

Question: Well, when the subject and his family do not know the past personality at all?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes. That could really be good if the past personality's prediction is totally

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unknown to the subject's family.

Question: And then say, it is combined by having birthmarks, remoteness of time and
placement, etc.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes and other features such as numerous statements.

Question: These would strengthen the case.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: They would, yes, I think so.

Question: Could you tell me about some cases that interested you most?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, they could be those where we had made a written record or somebody
else had.

Question: Like Swarnalatha's case.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Like Swarnalatha's case. Swarnalata Mishra. That's one. Another one...
Jagdish Chandra, Bishan Chand... Yes, those were also two good cases.

▪ Jagdish Chandra's father was a lawyer trained in evidence. He made a written record and
then verified his son's statements. It may be a little weak because it was his son's case, but
still it was very well done. And, Bishan Chand's case.

▪ The case of Kumkum Verma in Bihar was in that group also. One of her aunts made a
written record there. There was also a case in Lebanon - Imad Elawar in which we could
make a written record before verification and we have a few other cases like that.

Question: Why do most Westerners ridicule the idea of reincarnation?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: It's hard to find any single explanation. Some southern European Christians
believed in reincarnation until the Council of Nice banned such beliefs in 553 A.D. In The
Republic, Plato described souls about to be reborn as choosing their future lives.
Schopenhauer took it seriously, and Voltaire's observation that it is no more surprising to be
born twice than once is wellknown. Yet most scientists nowadays do not believe in survival
after death.

▪ I suppose Darwinian ideas contributed to a sort of dethroning of the soul.

▪ Reincarnation may be particularly uncongenial because it's so much identified—mistakenly I

think—with the Hindu and Buddhist ideas of being reborn as an animal.

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Question: What has it been like to swim against the tide?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Invigorating! (Laughs)

Question: What criticism is most frequently leveled at your work?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: That the cases occur most where people already believe in reincarnation. If a
child seems to refer to a previous life, it's argued that his parents encourage him and may
unwittingly feed the child information about a deceased person. I call this the
sociopsychological interpretation of the cases.

▪ It is said that despite all my efforts, I have not eliminated the possibility that the subject of a
case learned everything he knew through normal channels. Once a child comes to believe he
or she was a particular person in a previous life, the argument goes, the other elements follow
naturally. If you believe you had been stabbed to death in a previous life, you might have a
phobia, for example, of knives.

▪ While this is a valid argument for a small number of cases, especially those occurring in the
same family or village, it's inapplicable for long-distance cases where a child shows a detailed
knowledge about a family his parents have never heard of, let alone met.

▪ But my critics say I must have overlooked something, that the child must have learned about
the deceased.

Question: In some cases the past personality might have predicted about his rebirth.
Could you recall some good cases of that type?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, I think the best case of that type was in Alaska among the Tlingit tribe.

Question: Could you give some details?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Well, I recall one in which a man had predicted to his niece that he would
come to her and he pointed out to her two marks on his body. They were scars of operations.
One was on his nose. He had had an operation at the corner of his eye (right) at the upper
part of his nose, and another on his back. I don't know what that was from. Anyway, he said
to his niece: "You will be able to recognize me because I will have these scars reproduced on
my body as marks." So he died and about 18 months later his niece had a baby boy who was
born with birthmarks precisely at these places.

▪ I remember seeing and photographing these birthmarks. This boy was about 8 or 10 years
old when I first saw him. The birthmark on the back was especially clearly seen. It had small
round marks at the sides that looked exactly like the stitch marks of a surgical operation.
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Question: But don't you think such a case becomes somewhat weaker scientifically
since it was in the same family?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: It does, yes, it does become weaker. That is true also of the cases where
prediction is made in a dream. The family expects the person who appeared in the dream. On
the other hand, the birthmarks are often very unusual. And it's quite unusual, I think, for
someone to have two birthmarks at two different places, each corresponding to scars of an
operation on the past personality. So cases like that have both weaknesses and strengths.

Question: Why do all the cases seem to be in Asia? Couldn't critics find any in the

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Oh, absolutely. I am convinced that if child psychologists and psychiatrists,
as well as pediatricians, family doctors, and parents, would listen to children and observe
them with reincarnation in mind, they would make valuable discoveries Children often seem to
express memories of previous lives in their play and sometimes in their drawings.

Question: Scientists usually dismiss reincarnation as some sort of wishful thinking.

Yet William James noted that our desire to believe in survival after death does not
automatically negate its possibility. We do want to believe in it, don't we?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: No, in fact we don‘t. That's a misunderstanding concerning Hindus and
Buddhists. They believe in it, but they don't particularly want to.

▪ Hindus see life in terms of a constant cycle of births in which we are doomed to struggle and
suffer until we have reached perfection and can escape.

▪ Fear of death is almost universal; and some two thousand years ago Patanjali, an Indian
sage, said it was due to our fear of having to undergo a postmortem review of our lives, to be
judged and presumably be found wanting.

Question: Well, with regard to the birthmark cases - couldn't these birthmarks be
caused by the mind of the mother when she was carrying the child in her womb?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, some could be. The mother knew about the wounds on the dead uncle
in the case in Alaska that I mentioned to you. She obviously saw the scars on her uncle. And
in other cases, the mother had gone and seen the dead body of someone who was shot. She
knew where the wounds were on the body and so her thoughts might have influenced the
embryo of her baby. However, we have about 20 cases in which we questioned the mother
and father carefully, and they didn't know anything about the previous personality.

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▪ In some instances they might have known or heard of that person, but didn't have any idea
where the wounds were. So I think in those cases the mother's mind could not have
influenced the baby directly.

Question: What do you think is the importance of the study of these cases or, I should
say, the importance of reincarnation research in the present world?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Well, I think it has several importances. I think it promises to throw light, as I
said earlier, on certain psychological problems. I think it has also some implications for biology
and medicine through the study of birthmarks and birth defects.

▪ Some children, as you know, have some birthmarks, or missing fingers on a hand, or
deformed ears, or other birth defects. And, science still knows very little about the cause of
birth defects. I think reincarnation will shed light on that. Then, of course, it also has a very
wide implication for the whole question of life after death. The meaning of life Why am I here?

Question: On some philosophical questions?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, on the nature of mind, the mind's relationship with the body

Question: On the controversy between spiritualism and materialism?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes.

Question: This could also be better understood if reincarnation could be proved as a


▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, that is true.

Question: Do you think it could have a bearing on the ethical life of human beings?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I thought about that a good deal... once I met an Indian swami of the
Ramakrishna order and he asked me "What are you doing in India?" I explained that I had
come in search of actual cases which could be evidence of reincarnation. That was in 1961.

▪ I remember that after I had spoken, there was a very long silence. He didn't say anything. I
didn't say anything. He sat there, the venerable swami, looking at me. Finally, he said, "Yes it
is true," meaning reincarnation, "but it does not make any difference, because we in India
have all believed in reincarnation and have accepted it as a fact, and yet it has made no
difference. We have as many rogues and villains in India as you have in the West."

Question: Your new book discusses some misconceptions about the idea of

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reincarnation. What is the most common?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: The idea that reincarnation must include what Hindus call Karma, especially
retributive Karma.

Question: Retributive Karma being the idea that whatever bad you do in this life is paid
for in the next by having the same amount of evil done to you?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Stevenson: Something like that. It can be more specific, so that if you put out
someone's eyes, you will be blinded. There is no evidence for the idea of retributive Karma.
The notion of a succession of lives with improvement in each, on the other hand, is precisely
the view of the Druze, a Muslim sect of Lebanon, a people I‘ve worked with a lot.

▪ They believe God sends us into different sorts of lives, perhaps as a fisherman, then a
banker, then maybe a pirate.

▪ But in each life we should do the best we can, if a banker, one should be thoroughly honest
—and rich! Whether pirate or peasant, it's all summed up at the day of judgment. But one life
has nothing to do with the next.

▪ Your conduct could be vicious in one life, and in the next, you might be reborn into elegant

Question: In your new book you speak reprovingly of people easily persuaded by your
evidence. Is your position that reincarnation can never really be demonstrated?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I don't think I rebuke anybody for being convinced by the evidence. All I say
is that maybe they shouldn't believe on the basis of what's in that particular book, because the
detailed case reports are in my other books.

▪ Essentially I say that the idea of reincarnation permits but doesn't compel belief.

▪ All the cases I've investigated so far have shortcomings. Even taken together, they do not
offer anything like proof. But as the body of evidence accumulates, it's more likely that more
and more people will see its relevance.

▪ I'm not much of a missionary. Most of that was drained out of me on my first trip to India. I
did have a certain zeal when I first went there. When I talked to Ramakrishna Swami in
Chandigarh, he asked me what I was doing, and I replied with a certain enthusiasm. After a
long silence he finally said, "We know that reincarnation is true, but it doesn't make any
difference because here in India we have just as many rogues and villains as you have in the
West" End of interview.

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Question: Well, I would rather disagree with him because we Indians only believe
superficially in reincarnation. It hasn't gone very deep into us, at least during these

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, I too. I thought about this remark. I agree that many Indian people
themselves haven't grasped all the implications of reincarnation.

Question: Well. So far as India is concerned, what do you think about its potential for
research in reincarnation?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: India is perhaps the best country in the world for research in reincarnation.
We know that cases are common--we don't know how common-we have done only one
systematic survey-- we know that anywhere we look, particularly in the North, we can find
cases very easily. One of the difficulties has been insufficient funds and insufficient numbers
of qualified people to investigate the cases. Once the idea of reincarnation research is spread
around and more investigations are undertaken, India would be the best country in the world
for conducting them.

Question: Many claims are made for the authenticity of previous lives based on
memories supposedly recovered under hypnosis. You have pointed out why these are
likely to be fraudulent.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: In my experience, nearly all so-called previous personalities evoked through
hypnotism are entirely imaginary and a result of the patient's eagerness to obey the
hypnotist's suggestion. It is no secret that we are all highly suggestible under hypnosis.

▪ This kind of investigation can actually be dangerous. Some people have been terribly
frightened by their supposed memories, and in other cases the previous personality evoked
has refused to go away for a long time.

Question: Yet there are some cases that might argue in its favor. You seem persuaded
by the evidence for Bridey Murphy. [In 1952 a Colorado housewife claimed that under
hypnosis she relived memories of a previous life as an Irish girl, Bridey Murphy, living
in 1806.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, I think it is one of the few. We've discussed cases of children and adults
who have been able to speak a tongue they could not possibly have learned; the term for this
is xenoglossy. Although rare, they do occur. One that I published concerns the wife of a
Methodist minister who, after having been hypnotized by her husband, began to speak
German--not very well, but German nonetheless--and described the life of a teenage girl who
may have lived in Germany in the late nineteenth century.

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▪ So I'm not saying that hypnosis is never a useful tool, but I do deplore the commercial
exploitation and misleading claims that are often made. A large part of what emerges under
hypnosis is pure fantasy. Some of these "previous lives" have been traced back to historical
novels. There is another English case going back to the turn of the century that was studied
by a Cambridge don, in which a young woman seemed to be describing the life of one
Blanche Poynings, a person around the court of Richard II in the fourteenth century.

▪ She gave a lot of detail about the people concerned, including proper names and the sort of
life she lived. The investigators kept on probing, and a little later they began asking her about
sources of information. In her trancelike state the girl herself came out with a reference to a
book, Countess Maud, published in the latter part of the nineteenth century, a classic Victorian
novel all about a countess at the court of Richard II. The subject had modified it a little bit, but
basically it was all in the novel, and it turned out that her aunt had a copy of the book. She
didn't remember reading it, but she remembered turning the pages. So you have that kind of

Question: Have you found evidence of conscious hoax?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: There are a few. In a recent paper on seven cases of deception and self-
deception, my colleagues and I describe hoaxes or informants who had deceived themselves
about the strength of evidence. I may have been hoaxed in other cases without knowing it, but
I think not often. The average villager in Asia and Africa doesn't have time to devise a hoax.
He or she often begrudges us the time it takes to conduct an interview.

▪ There is no money to be made and no particular local renown to be had. Successful fraud
takes the cooperation of numerous witnesses and a child drilled to perfection. It's not a
serious problem for us, although gross self-deception can happen. For instance, I was shown
two Alevi children in Turkey who were said to be the reincarnation of President Kennedy:
These kinds of cases are uncommon and relatively easy to detect.

▪ Cryptomnesia, or source amnesia, is another matter. A child could obtain some information
normally and then forget it. It's a possibility I consider in every case, but it's not a satisfactory
explanation for most long-distance cases, since too much information is needed to put
together a believable set of previous-life memories. Sometimes, though, there may be
amnesia—a mixing up of memories. The Druze, who often have such a strong desire to trace
a deceased person that they may be too anxious to find the child they're looking for, jump to
conclusions on the basis of very slender evidence. You might call it unconscious wish

Question: Do you see in reincarnation a glimpse of a larger purpose?

▪ Stevenson: Well, yes, I do. My idea of God is that He is evolving. I don't believe in the

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watchmaker God, the original creator who built the watch and then lets it tick. I believe in a
"Self-maker God" who is evolving and experimenting; so are we as parts of Him. Bodies wear
out; souls may need periods for rest and reflection. Afterward one may start again with a new

Question: Do you disagree with most bioscientists, who hold that what we call mind or
soul is actually a part of brain activity?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: The assumption that our minds are nothing but our brains appears to receive
support when you consider the effect of injury, surgery, a high fever, or one or two drinks of
whiskey on our mental processes. Some neuroscientists acknowledge that they have only just
begun to show how brain processes account for mental ones. But they claim to know that they
or their successors will work it all out. They are sure there can be no other explanation,
therefore they consider no other.

▪ We are not pledged to follow all the received opinions of neuroscientists, however. Recently,
a small number of psychologists and philosophers have begun to ask whether mind can ever
be fully explained in terms of brain functioning.

Question: You've said that more girls remember boys' lives than the reverse.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: That's right. The overall ratio is two to one. Of one hundred sex-change
cases [cases in which the child recollects having been a different sex in a previous life], sixty-
six will be females remembering previous lives as boys. I've discussed this in some Burmese
cases. It may be culturally more acceptable in Burma to say that you, as a girl, were once a
boy than the reverse.

▪ A boy would be teased mercilessly. It is easier to come up with statistics than to interpret
them. In a culture in which to change one's sex is not acceptable, perhaps such cases are
never reported even when they do occur.

Question: The possibility of sex change puts the question of homosexuality and gender
confusion in a new light, doesn't it?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes. When it was fashionable to ascribe all emotional disorders to the
ineptitude of one's parents, cases of gender-identity confusion were blamed on parents.

▪ A biological explanation, such as Klinefelter's syndrome [a genetic condition in which a male

is born with an extra X, or female, chromosome] can explain some but not all cases.

▪ Western psychiatrists and psychologists do not have a satisfactory explanation for this,
whereas in Southeast Asian cultures, gender-identity confusion is considered one result of

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reincarnation and taken calmly. Reincarnation ought to be considered as a possible
explanation at least some of the time.

Question: Do you have a research staff?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, we have two full-time assistants. So far most overseas cases have been
investigated first by people on the spot. Obviously they have the immediate advantage over
me in that they need no interpreters. On the other hand, not many Asians have been trained
in science. Those who are trained have usually come to think of reincarnation as a
superstition of their childhoods and one they'd rather forget.

▪ But a few Asian scientists have been extremely helpful. In contrast, I remember a Harvard-
trained psychologist in Burma who could barely be polite to me. There he was, sitting up in
Mandalay, surrounded by cases, and he had no interest in them.

Question: What's next for you?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I'm mainly working now on a massive study of birthmarks and birth defects. I
published a few of them in Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation without much special
mention or photographs. I now have about two hundred cases. I hope the first volume of thirty
will be published this year.

▪ This first group contains cases from India, Burma, Turkey, Lebanon, and northwest North
America. They'll all have photographs, and I've been able to match up about fifteen of them
with postmortem reports. It's my most important book, and I've been writing it for about ten

Question: Do birthmarks occur very often?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Some birthmarks are common. But it depends on what you call a birthmark.
The average American has about fifteen. I'm talking about a raised, darkened mole, or what
we call an elevated nevus.

▪ Some marks are simply areas of increased pigmentation; in other cases, the birthmark is
three-dimensional, the area being partly or wholly elevated, depressed, or puckered.

▪ I have examined at least two hundred of this kind, and many of them cannot be
distinguished, at least by me, from the scars of healed wounds. In many cases I've had to rely
on memories of surviving relatives and friends for information about the exact location of
wounds or other marks on the previous personality in question.

▪ This has led to the sensible objection that relatives might have tailored their memories to fit

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the circumstances for a variety of reasons. I have been able to overcome this objection in
about thirty cases by obtaining autopsy or other medical records. Such records provide the
strongest evidence we have so far in favor of reincarnation.

Question: You are also interested in the phenomena of precognition and telepathy,
aren't you?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Precognition is just a clearer idea of a possible future. Imagine a person in a
canoe paddling down a river. Around the corner are rapids he doesn't see. Someone on the
cliff above, seeing the whole river, can see what's likely to happen to that person.

▪ At any point, of course, the canoeist might pull over to the bank. He doesn't have to go over
the rapids. What is interesting about precognition, telepathy, or any other form of paranormal
communication is the number or people who believe they've had at least one experience,
between ten and seventeen percent in the United Slates and Great Britain, according to some

▪ Most can be put down to coincidence, suppressed memories, or any number of plausible
explanations. You can discount ninety five percent of these cases; but for an impressive
number there is no natural explanation. Present understanding of our brains leaves no room
for these phenomena

Question: What prevented Hamlet from committing suicide was the suspicion that
death might not be the end of things. Haven't you cited cases of children who have
committed suicide?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: That's rather rare. We haven't followed them, of course.

▪ Children who remember a previous life that ended in suicide sometimes still have the suicide
habit. If things go wrong, they'll threaten to commit suicide.

That we've had. We've had twenty-three cases involving fear of retribution for suicide in the
previous life; and several had phobias about the instrument of suicide--that is, guns in some
cases, poison in others. One person told me that her memories of suicide had deterred her
from killing herself. The thought that nothing would be over or solved so one might as well
face one's troubles is, in my view, a very effective deterrent.

Question: In Memories, Dreams, and Reflections, Carl Jung wrote that as a boy he
remembered in great detail being a very old man in the eighteenth century.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Children we have studied often act as if they had been transferred without
warning from an adult's body into a baby's. When one of our Turkish children began to speak,

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almost the first thing he said was, "What am I doing here? I was at the port." Later on he
described details in the life of a dockworker who had fallen asleep in the hold of a ship.

▪ A heavy oil drum had fallen on him and killed him instantly. Cases like this remind me or a
woman who had a stroke while playing bridge. When she came around several days later, her
first words were, "What's trumps?"

Question: You briefly mentioned your new studies in chronological discrepancies. Are
you talking about personalities that are reborn into new children before the end or the
previous life?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: There are a few of those. In Twenty Cases there‘s the case of Jasbir, also a
different kind of discrepancy story. He was about two and a half when he appeared to die of
smallpox. When he revived he claimed that he was somebody totally different, a man who had
just died and stumbled into the body. In his new personality Jasbir said that after death he had
met a mahatma, or a sage, who had told him to take over this body.

▪ There was also a case in Thailand in which a monk, Chaokhun Rajsuthajarn, claimed to
have been born a day before the death of Nai Leng, the personality he remembered. These
cases are extremely rare in Buddhist countries; Buddhists tend to regard them as suspect
and even bogus because they do not harmonize with the Buddhist concept of rebirth. I studied
this case with much care but couldn't find an explanation for the discrepancy.

Question: Why do American children have so many less concrete and verifiable
memories than Asian children do?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I have speculations and conjectures. First, Americans are nomadic. A fifth of
all Americans move from one community to another each year, and a quarter move within the
community, changing their neighborhood and environment. Some of the Asian children's
memories are stimulated by their noticing slight environmental differences.

▪ If the difference is great, that stimulus may be missing. Turning the question the other way
around, why do certain Asian cultures have so many cases? To begin with, these cultures
remember their dead more than we do and see them as still being actively involved in life;
they also have stronger family ties. To them there is no such thing as random fate.

▪ Everything happens for a reason, and that reason often has to do with someone who wishes
them well or ill. They also believe, much more than we do in the West, in telepathy, the
paranormal, and that dreams foretell the future.

▪ They are not clock-watchers as we are; they have time to reflect on their lives.

▪ All these factors may have some bearing on this question and perhaps put them in closer
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touch with their past lives

Question: When you're dealing with Asian children, couldn't you be involved with
people whose past lives did not get completed?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: That's right. In dealing with people who died naturally rather than violently,
we can distinguish several broad groups. In the first we might place people who were well one
moment and dead the next, before they or anyone else had a chance to adjust to the idea. In
the second category one might place those who died before the age of twelve of whatever
natural causes; in the third there are those who died with unfinished business--mothers who
left infants or young children, for instance One would also have to include people who had not
been particularly young when they died but left life in the middle of some absorbing project.

▪ Any one of these people might have felt entitled to a longer life than they turned out to have.

Question: Is the average space between death of one personality and that personality's
rebirth in a new child about fifteen months?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, but I think our figure comes mainly from Asian cases because, of our
roughly one hundred Western cases, only fifteen to twenty have been verified, or, as we say,
"solved." In my paper American Children who Claim to Remember Previous Lives" I analyzed
seventy-nine cases.

▪ They are nowhere near as rich in detail as, say, the Indian cases. American children named
few names, for instance, and we could match them up with a deceased person in only sixteen
cases; and the person nearly always turned out to be a family member, thus making the case
not significant for our purposes.

▪ Not a single child claimed to have been famous in a previous lifetime. The majority seemed
to be ordinary, undistinguished people, just like the majority of our Asian children.

Question: Even so, if the interval is fifteen months for each of us, doesn't that argue for
a staggering number of lives relieved?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Well, these cases of children who remember may be exceptional. They may
become cases because they do remember, not because they are reborn. How many others
may be reborn without remembering, or not reborn? The fifteen month average is perhaps
true only for people who are murdered in India.

Question: One of your American cases involved a person who remembered a life in
which she had been scalped, which would argue for an enormous interval.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Yes, since the eighteenth century in that case. Our analyses have not shown
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that longer intervals between lives mean fewer memories. We do have to be prepared for the
possibility that memories can fade in a world or discarnate minds, just as they can in our own.
So we would rarely expect to be able to verify cases in which the interval was greater than
twenty-five years.

▪ For most people it's possible the interval between death and rebirth is much longer than the
cases we've studied so far. With only two thousand cases to go on, I'd hardly dare speculate
about the billions of human beings since the beginning of the human race who have
disappeared without a trace.

Question: Would you speculate on why certain children show up in certain families?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: If they are Muslims, they will say God did it. If they're Hindu or Buddhist,
they'll attribute it to Karma. It might be that the purpose is to live and learn together. Someone
who wants to evolve morally, for instance, should try to be reborn in a saint's family if he can.

▪ The most serious punishment I could imagine for a Mafia murderer would be to be reborn in
a Mafia family, with their limited outlook on life. Why a person appears to be reborn in one
family rather than another interests me passionately. It's a question for the next century.

Question: Do you have children or your own?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Unfortunately not.

Question: Isn't it often a disadvantage to remember a previous life?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Oh. I think so. These children become embroiled in divided loyalties. In many
cases children have rejected their parents, saying they are not their real parents and have
often started down the road toward their so-called real homes. In other cases, they insist on
being reunited with their former husbands, wives, or children. One Indian boy was
passionately attached to the woman he said had been his former mistress and was trying to
get her back, causing himself and her real distress.

Question: Might someone consider where and how one would like to be reborn?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I think an even more important question is. Who would want me as a baby?

Question: Can I ask where and as whom you would like to be reborn?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: No. I think that's too personal.

Question: You must have been somewhat curious about what previous lives you might

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have led, because you consulted eight sensitives, or mediums.

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Consulted is too strong a word. Some gave me these "readings"
spontaneously. It just sort of happened along the way. When I was visiting an Indian swami, I
didn't ask him, he just blurted something out. I've forgotten what it was. I think he said
something about a previous life in India. You could say they were picking up different lives;
some had me in different places at the same time.

▪ I had two talk about eighteenth-century lives in the same period, and they were completely
different. They're all totally unverifiable. There are people who charge money for this, and it's a
ridiculous waste of everybody's time.

Question: What advice do you have for those who have no memories of a previous life?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: Some persons have said it is unfair to be reborn unless you can remember
details of a previous life and profitably remember your mistakes.

▪ They forget that forgetting is essential to successful living in the present. If every time we
walked, we were to remember how we stumbled, we would fall again. I've also had people
envy children who remember previous lives, as if these children had special wisdom.

▪ In fact, it makes more sense to look upon them as suffering from an abnormality, almost a
defect. The memories they have are often more of a handicap than a blessing; and they
nearly all become happier as they grow older and forget their previous lives. To paraphrase
Jesus Christ, sufficient unto one life is the evil thereof.

Question: Has your work influenced your own attitudes toward life and death?

▪ Dr. Stevenson: I think so. I wouldn't claim to be free of the fear of death, but it is probably
less in me than other people. These children sometimes provide reassurances to adults.
We‘ve had two or three incidents of children going to, let's say, a woman who has lost her
husband and is inconsolable and saying, "You shouldn‘t be crying. Death isn‘t the end. Look
at me. I died and I'm here again."

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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Very Small Chapter, ONwe
Here in this chapter REINCARNATION
are going to Show you the images of
Some of the world’s Oldest and latest Magazines Regarding Reincarnation.

▪ Thus is Very Small Chapter, Here in this chapter we are going to Show
you the images of Some of the world’s Oldest and latest Magazines
Regarding Reincarnation.


CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 6 》Change Of Gender In Reincarnation Cases With

Insights On Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Transsexualism, Transgenderism And
Gender Identity Disorders.

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 7 》Personality Traits, Phobias & Fears Which Are Linked
To Our Past Life.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 8 》Love, Relationship And Family Reunions Through


CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 9》 Rebirth According To Desires Of Previous Births

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent Explained
By Reincarnation

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 11 》Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu In

Reincarnation Cases.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 12 》Reincarnation And Suicide - What Will Happen To

The Person Who Commits Suicide, What Will They Suffer In Their Next Life,
Answering Through Critical Analysis Of Reincarnation Case Studies

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CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 13 》Timing Of Rebirth

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 14》Rebirth According To Merits Of Previous Births.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 15 》REANIMATION- Case Studies With Raising Of The

Dead & Walk-In.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 PART:- 16 》SPLIT INCARNATION (Parallel Lives, Twin Souls & Twin
Flames) Unbelievable Medical Mystery Of Soul.


CASE STUDIES (Forensic Supportive Fact Of Reincarnation).



Of Consciousness - What Is Consciousness, Subconscious, Unconscious Mind
Everything In Detail.


Consciousness - Body-Mind Problem, Hard Problem Of Consciousness.


And Srimad Bhagavad Gita Approach To Solve The Mystery Of Consciousness
(Body-Mind Problem And Hard Problem Of Consciousness).


Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Huxley, Whitehead, Popper, Searle
Approach To Solve The Mystery Of Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem And Hard
Problem Of Consciousness).





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▪ Here are the Answers to Questions Asked to us by Atheists, Skeptics, Agonists and
other Research Person Regarding Parapsychology, Near - Death Experience,
Reincarnation, Past Life Regression Therapy etc.

1. What is parapsychology? Is parapsychology PseudoScience? Is

Parapsychology Unscientific? What is not parapsychology? What is a
paradigm? What do parapsychologists study? Why is parapsychology
interesting? Some Implications of Parapsychology Practical applications of
What are the major research approaches? What are major psi experiments
today? and much more

▪ The Answer For All Your Doubts on Parapsychology Refer CHAPTER NO:- 1 》BRIEF

2. What is a near-death experience? How many people have had this

experience? Why doesn't everybody close to death have one? What causes
a near-death experience? This is the nuttiest thing I ever heard. This sure
doesn't sound very scientific. Don't near-death experiences prove that
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there is life after death? Are the people who have near-death experiences
very religious? How do people react when they come back? Does a near-
death experience really change a person's life? I had one of these
experiences, but no one told me I was in danger. Was my doctor lying to
me? When my mother was dying, we thought she was hallucinating, but
what she described sounds like a near-death experience. Could this be
true?and Much more questions.

▪ The Answer For All Your Doubts on Parapsychology Refer CHAPTER NO :- 11 》PART

3. What is Soul, Can We Look Soul, Who invented Concept of Soul, What is
the Scientific Evidence for Soul?

▪ Soul is Nothing But Individual Consciousness, You Can't see Consciousness But you
have to Experience your Consciousness, What Makes You Conscious is You have this
Distinct feeling that, You are separated from others and Objects of Your Experience, We have
Parapsychological Evidences For Existence of Soul Refer CHAPTER NO:- 4 》

▪ To Understand More Concept of Soul and Who invented Concept of soul or History of soul

4. Why Can’t Everyone Remember Their Past lives?

▪ Yes, Everyone Cannot Remember their Past lives, Even with Past Life Regression Therapy,
This is Because, Your Subconscious is not allowing to Access Memory, Only People Who
Died with Fatal Injuries are more likely to Remember Their Past life Either Spontaneously or
through induced Methods.

▪ The person who led peaceful Life and had peaceful death are very less likely to Remember
their Past Life, Compared to person who had violent Death.

5. Does Memory Recollected in Past Life Regression Therapy is Really Past

Life Memory?
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6. Then How I must Verify Memory As Past Life Memory?

▪ Simple, Just Visit the Place, Check whether Person or Family Which you Remembered
During Past Life Regression Therapy Exist or Not, Also During PLRT you may Talk New
Language which you Never Learned or Heard the Languages, Also You might Remember
Fatal Accidents of Your Past life or Any one of the thing which we have mentioned

7. If Reincarnation is Real and Same Souls are Reincarnating, Human

Population Must Remain Constant, then why Human Population is
increasing Day by Day?.

▪ Good Question, If you are Asking this question Means that You believe in Soul.

▪ What we said about soul is Nothing but Individual Consciousness [Which we have discussed
in Chapter No 3, Chapter no 4 and also in other Chapters]. So Any Living thing which as
have Consciousness have Soul, This means Even Animal have Soul (Consciousness),
Plants too, So Human Population is Increasing Day by day, the best Explanation for this is
Transmigration of Soul from Lower Conscious Species (Animals, Plants etc) to Higher
Conscious Species (Human Beings).

▪ Also Read About Research That Even Animals have soul ReferADDITIONAL READING

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8. If Reincarnation is True then Everyone must Remember lessons or
topics etc which they have learned in their previous life, then why to study
in this life?

▪ Another Good Question, Ok Tell me Author of 3rd poem of your Second Standard English
Text Book? Tell me in detail Exactly what you were doing 10 years ago at the same day,
same time as now or at least tell me 2 years before?. Tell me now all Lessons of social
subject of your 3rd standard textbook?.

▪ Cannot be Possible Right?? It is your Memory of this life only, Where did Memory gone?

▪ You Cannot Remember All Memories of this life only then How come you are asking the
above nonsense question to remember all memories of your past life??.

▪ I will Give you Still Good Explanation, Say For Example You had severe fracture of leg 15
years Back, You can still remember it, You can remember year, month, day and even time,
place everything in detail right? You Can Also Remember your Most happiest moment of life
in detail right? But you can't Remember Exactly what you were doing 3 years ago at the same
day, same time as now.

▪ This is Because Only very important Memories of life are stored in Subconscious Eg:- A
very painful Incident of your life or Very happiest situation of your life etc. Rest of all are
temporary memory which are deleted, the same applies to your past life memory also, Only
you are more likely to Remember Some of important memories of past lie (Either it is very
happy or very painful).

9. Trauma to Brain Causes Memory Loss, Loss of Consciousness, If Brain

is Source of Memory and Consciousness then How come Memory and
Consciousness transfers to Another Person After Death in Reincarnation?

▪ Good Question I totally Agree that Consciousness is Dependent on Brain, Medical

Evidences are Trauma to brain loses consciousness, Intoxication alters consciousness etc,
The Currently Accepted Scientific Theory For Origin of Consciousness is Neural Correlates of
Consciousness (NCC) as the Mechanism of Origin of Consciousness But NCC has Lots of
Problems It cannot Explain Lots of Things Like Mind Body interaction, Lucidity at Last
Movements, Advanced Brain and Minimal Brain which we Coined it as Body Mind Problem
and Hard Problem of Consciousness, We have discussed all Problems of NCC in CHAPTER
NO:- 11 》MECHANISM OF REINCARNATION. and its Parts Please go through it.

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▪ We have also Given 52 Evidences to show that Consciousness can Exist Independent From
Go through you will Understand it. [ CHAPTER NO :- 11 》PART :- 7 》PARAPSYCHOLOGY

▪ Also The Possible Explanations To solve Body Mind Problem and Hard Problem of
Consciousness In CHAPTER NO 11.

▪ Even There is Experiment to Demostrate that Part of Memory can even Exists independent

▪ So From All Parts of Chapter no 11 and From Additional Reading Part 9 we can give you
possible Explanation that Part Consciousness and Memories can Exists even after Death.

10. When Soul Incarnates from One person to another, What is its Timing,
And where it Resides During its Delay?

▪ Timing of Rebirth is Different For Different People For the Evidence we have
Refer CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 13 》Timing of Rebirth.

▪ And in Some of Persons Reincarnation happened Even before they Dead (Hard to believe
Right) We call this phenomenon as Split incarnation or Twin souls to Know More About Twin
Souls and Split Incarnation and Evidences for it Refer
CHAPTER NO:- 10 PART:- 16 》SPLIT INCARNATION (Parallel Lives, Twin Souls & Twin
Flames) unbelievable Medical Mystery of Soul.

11. Can Reincarnation Happens in Same Family or Born with Same


▪ Yes There are Documented Cases of Reincarnation in Same Family For More details and
Evidences Refer CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 8 》Love, Relationship and Family Reunions
through Reincarnation.

12. What is The 100% Scientific Proof You Can give for Reincarnation?.

▪ We Never Said we Have 100% Scientific Proof But we Said Supportive parapsychological
Evidences, Sat Example Top 5 Most Authentic Case of Reincarnation Refer CHAPTER NO:-

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▪ Reincarnation investigated by Doctors Refer
INVESTIGATED BY FAMOUS DOCTORS (Memories which are Recollected



also Refer



also Refer

Also Refer Very important All General Principles of Reincarnation in



also Phenomenon such as

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 1》Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to Another.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:-4 》XENOGLOSSY (Change of Language) as a Principle and

Evidence of Reincarnation.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 5 》Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds

on Deceased Persons in their past lives

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 7 》Personality Traits, Phobias & Fears which are linked to
our past life.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent Explained by

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CASE STUDIES (Forensic Supportive Fact Of Reincarnation).

▪ All these Can Be Explained Only by Reincarnation.

also Read



14. I Think There are Other Possible Explanation For Memories Recollected
Spontaneously or by PLRT Other Than Reincarnation?.

▪ Afterlife Hypothesis proposed only After Ruling out all Conditions Like Hallucinations,
Precognition, Retrocognition, ESP, CRYPTOMNESIA, VAGUE RESPONSE etc has been
already Ruled out in authentic Cases of Reincarnation, Refer CHAPTER NO:- 9 》RULING

▪ So Reincarnation is not only alternative Explanation but the best Explanation For the
Authentic Cases of Reincarnation Case Studies.



INVESTIGATED BY FAMOUS DOCTORS (Memories which are Recollected



15. Childrens Might have been telling Lie, You know Peoples Can lie to
become famous, they might have heard stories from Other Person About
the person who they Claim as Previous life?.

▪ If Children Have Heard Stories From Other persons or seen in media etc about the persons
whom them claim, Then How can they Answer Confidential Questions which only they and
their past life parents knows?
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▪ How can they solve Unsolved Murder mystery




INVESTIGATED BY FAMOUS DOCTORS (Memories which are Recollected



And How Come the Below Phenomenon Re possible if they Have Heard Stories from media
or other persons etc.

Phenomenon such as

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 1》Physical Resemblance from One Lifetime to Another.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:-4 》XENOGLOSSY (Change of Language) as a Principle and

Evidence of Reincarnation.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 5 》Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds

on Deceased Persons in their past lives

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 7 》Personality Traits, Phobias & Fears which are linked to
our past life.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent Explained by


CASE STUDIES (Forensic Supportive Fact Of Reincarnation).

▪ If Your question was Right Then The Above things cannot be possible, Even Children
Recovered more memories in subconscious Hypnotherapy, We Don't think so Small
Children Can lie Even in Hypnotherapy??

16. Children like Titu singh as Suresh Varma, Taranjit Singh are born in
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near places of person who they claim as previous birth, so there are more
possible that they might have heard stories?

▪ If above Childrens Are Lying or Heard Stories From Other then How can they have
Birthmarks which exactly Coincides with Previous Life Fatal injuries of person whom they
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 5 》Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds
on Deceased Persons in their past lives

▪ How Can they Solve Murder Mystery and Answer Most Confidential Questions if They heard
stories from Near persons

17. Are they Reincarnation Cases involving taking birth in different


▪ Yes There are Medically Documented Cases where person born in different countries at
different Lives.

▪ CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 3 》Change of Nationality, Race, Ethnic or Political
Affiliation from One Lifetime to Another.

18. Are they Reincarnation Cases involving taking birth in different

countries in different lives?

▪ Yes there are Documented Cases Of Taking birth in Different Countries in different lives
CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 3 》Change of Nationality, Race, Ethnic or Political Affiliation
from One Lifetime to Another.

19. Are they Reincarnation Cases involving Christians and Muslims who
are non believers of Reincarnation, Also is there any Reincarnation cases
of Change of Religion in Different Lives ?

▪ Yes There are Lot of Lot of Documented Cases Even in Christians, Muslims, also in western
Countries, Also There are lot of Documented Cases of Change of Religion like Muslim Born

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as hindu, Christian born as Muslim, Hindu born as christian, Christian born as Hindu etc
For more details and Evidence Refer
CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:-2 》Change of Religion from One Lifetime to Another.

20. What is Mechanism Of Reincarnation How does Soul Transfer From one
Body to Another?

▪ Refer CHAPTER NO:- 11》MECHANISM OF REINCARNATION. (For Parapsychological


This is Spiritual or Philosophical Explanation.

▪ Some eastern philosophies profess that the universe exists in a sea of vital energy, and as
the discoveries earlier mentioned attest, this sea of energy has been uncovered using
scientific equipment such as Milner‘s energy patterns.

▪ In the context of the Ultimate Beings this energy would be their being, and although they
have no consciousness they would have what could be called an unconscious, or
nonconscious mind.

▪ In simple poetic terms they are forever asleep and the universe is their dream within which
we exist, but only we can be aware of the dream.

▪ Their dream is our reality. Within the Ultimate Beings, within their unconscious minds, this
energy is their mind stuff. The transmission of the soul in reincarnation would operate through
this all-pervading energy.

▪ There are three levels of existence: the soul, the subtle body, and the gross body. The
subtle body is inside the physical body like a hand within a glove. At the time of death, the
soul and the subtle body (composed of mind. intelligence, and false ego) leave the gross body
(composed of earth, water, fire, air, and ether, or space). The physical elements that had been
temporarily assembled into a gross body then disassemble.

▪ After leaving the body, the soul, carried by the subtle body, enters a particle of male semen
by which he is placed within the womb of his next mother.

21. What is Law of Neutralisation of Cause and Effect (Karma)?

▪ We Have Discussed little bit About Karma or Action in Chapter no 1, Also We have
Discussed About Karma, Everything in detail in ADDITIONAL READING PART 1.

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22. Why Do We Reincarnate?

▪ Having come to know that belief in reincarnation has existed from ancient and even
prehistoric times, we now come to the important question:

▪ Why do we reincarnate? The reasons for reincarnation are:

▪ To Learn Lessons: Consider the whole earth as one training school. We cannot complete
our training unless we study and graduate from one level, move on to the next level and
continue this process till we attain mastery.

▪ This is the fundamental and most important reason for reincarnation. Most of the other
reasons are offshoots of this reason. Take the example of a school. If we fail in one grade, we
have to repeat the grade till we pass it. So also with our lives on earth.

▪ If we do not learn our lessons properly, we keep returning till we learn all the lessons.
Learning the lessons properly is the key to our spiritual growth and eventual freedom from the
cycle of birth and death. Our spiritual growth depends on how well we learn our lessons.
▪ To Have Fun, To have Different Experience of Creation: We incarnate to have fun. We
incarnate to experience the beauty of creation, and that is fun. We incarnate to express our
creativity, and that too is fun. There is no limit to the beauty of creation.

▪ Even our creative abilities are limitless. There are infinite ways of experiencing the beauty of
creation. There are also infinite ways of expressing our creativity.

▪ Therefore, the experiences possible are far too many to go through in one incarnation and
hence the longing for the soul to reincarnate again and again. Though the experiences of the
soul are equally valid whether we are in incarnation or not, the joy of creation can be
experienced only when we are on this physical plane of existence.

▪ To Teach and Guide the Humanity: After the soul has learnt all the lessons required to be
learnt, it does not have to reincarnate. However, such a soul may choose to reincarnate to
help in the evolution of the other souls who are still caught in the cycle of birth and death.

▪ The main work done by such souls when they reincarnate is teaching. They work for creating
a shift in the consciousness of the people on earth.



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23. When Does Baby Receive Soul?

▪ Can we work out precisely at what moment the baby in the womb would receive his or her
soul ?

▪ Apart from somehow viewing the foetus‘s bio-plasma with an electron microscope to look for
some sort of rapid pattern structuring, perhaps it is an indication that the soul has arrived
when the baby in the womb begins to dream.

▪ There are many psychological and physiological theories for dreams, but we still do not
really know why we dream - this part of our life is still a mystery. From the point of view of
soul-to-brain interaction dreaming could be a meeting ground of soul and everyday self, or
sometimes perhaps a plane of free play of the spirit, or of higher learning, problem solving, or
even precognition.

▪ The psychologist Wilson Van Dusen thought that we could communicate with our higher self
at the edge of sleep, and in our dreams this communication becomes symbolic and can tell us
the truth about our lives.

▪ When we sleep we alternate between dream sleep (called paradoxical sleep because brain
wave emissions are almost the same as those we have while awake) and deep sleep (or
orthodox sleep).

▪ While awake our brain waves are usually in the beta wave. In dreaming they slow to alpha
wave. In deep sleep they slow even more to the deep waves of delta.

▪ Dreaming is less common in deep sleep, although it can occur. Most subjects woken from
deep delta sleep would say they weren‘t dreaming, and some say they were just thinking
about something.

▪ Occult investigator Colin Wilson wasn‘t satisfied by the scientist‘s conviction that we only
dream in the shallow alpha states.

▪ He reasoned that since on the edge of sleep we experience dream-type images, called
hypnagogic visions, it is hard to see why they would just shut off when we fall into deep delta

▪ In his book, Mysteries, Wilson gives examples of dream prophecies, which he suggests
come to the dreamer while in deep delta sleep.

▪ Once in the depths of this state we find extreme consciousness and feeling, we are able to
go anywhere we wanted, to fly, but the most important thing about this state was that we are
in touch with the higher, or even ultimate part of our being, and with the higher being of
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▪ The ‘music’ or feeling of ultimate being was all around us, and we are struck by the power of
our awareness, as if in comparison the normal waking state was a blurry, unfeeling existence.

▪ The lesson of astral travel was that it revealed to us the possibility of higher awareness and
feeling, which we are later able to develop in our normal awake state.

▪ The point being made is that in our sleep, in our dreams, and in our depths of being, we can
make contact with our soul and the larger dream of the Ultimate Beings.

▪ If in the depths of deep sleep we are in contact with our source and our eternal soul, then it
seems reasonable to suppose that when the unborn child shows indications of dreaming,
at about the eighth month the soul has arrived.

24. What is Past Life Regression Therapy? How Does it work? What are the
Benefits of PLRT?

▪ For All your Doubts on PLRT Please Refer CHAPTER NO:- 13 》PART :- 3 》WHAT IS

25. Are There Any Documented Cases Where People Had Remembered
More than One life?

▪ Yes
▪ Arnall Bloxham, a Welsh hypnotherapist who taped over 400 examples of past life
regressions. In the 1970s journalist Jeffrey Iverson undertook a thorough investigation of
Bloxham's cases. He found enough historical validation to conclude that reincarnation is real.
In 1976 he published his seminal book about this, 'More Lives Than One'. Of Bloxham's work
he remarked - that single famous case of regression, Bridey Murphy, was just a tune on an
Irish fiddle compared to (Bloxham's) symphony of voices. Arnall Bloxham tried regression on
Jan Evans a married woman of about 43, in 1939.

She was able to recall her six previous lives :

1. This lady led the life of a nun in Maryland, USA, and died around 1920

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2. As a London sewing girl (1665-1714) during the reign of Queen Anne

3. Attender to Catherine of Aragon, who lived between 1485-1536 4 Servant to Jacques, died
in 1451

5. Life of a Jewess in York, died in 1190

6. Wife of a tutor in Roman Britain, 286 A.D.

There are a few more instances of a very startling nature:

(i) A Welsh housewife was able to describe graphically the massacre of Jews in the 12th
Century York.

(ii) A Press Photographer is said to have watched the execution of Charles I at Whitehall in

(iii) A Swansea man narrates his life aboard a frigate, as a pressed man in Nelson's Navy.

▪ More than 400 ordinary people were examined under Bloxham's hypnosis and all that
material has been preserved and analysed so well that the details related to past lives turn
very convincing as to throw up a lot of evidence in favor of reincarnation, not only as a
possibility but as a certainty.

▪ Reference : Jeffrey Iverson - More lives than one, Pan Books 1977 In recent years, Dr. Brian
Weiss, Dr. Eugene Jussek, Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Michael Newton have opened up
new frontiers by investigating the inter-life period - where people's spirits go and what they do
between their earthly lives.

▪ These researches are now confirming what Plato said all those centuries ago and What
Krishna Said Five thousands of Years ago- that we live again and again.

26. What is Future Life Progression, Is there any Person who had Predicted
Future Life?

▪ Future Life Progression - The basic human tendency is to repeat over again and again the
same past experiences unconsciously. By exploring our own past lives we become aware of
these repetitive, unconscious patterns and we erase our past by resolving those patterns.
Only then, are we free from our past and the whole past is dropped.

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▪ Future progression is going forward in time, and experiencing the future events. It is only
the probable future we see during this progression. We become aware of whatever blue print
or life design we carry from inter-life states during this process. Future progression gives a
direction, clarity of mind and even some healing.

▪ We are creators of our own reality and we can always shape or re-frame or re-program
or re-design our own lives.

▪ It is said in the Sacred Texts of the East that yogis of yore were able to predict what life they
would take in their future existence. Today it is interesting to note how some subjects put to
hypnotic regression would be able to give out details not only about previous existence but
also about future lives.

▪ Many examples are also available from the investigated cases by Dr. Ian Stevenson in his
work, - “Twenty cases suggestive of Reincarnation”.

Here are some concrete cases for study :

1) Maria Januaria de Oliveiro (known as Sinha) predicted her future birth and was born as
Marta Lorenz (Brazil).

2) Emilia Lorenz predicted her future birth and said that she would return as man born as
Paulo Leorenz (Brazil).

3) William George Sr. predicted his future birth and was born as William George Jr. (South-
eastern Alaska).

4) Nirmal had pointed out his future birth and was born as Prakash (Mathura, India) (10) Is
there any palpable influence of the past on the behavioral pattern of the individual during the
present life in the light of certain events taking place ?

▪ Certain happenings taking place elsewhere in a family at present do have some influence on
the reborn person belonging to that family in the previous existence. This may appear rather
strange. But facts as such substantiate the truth of such an assertion.

▪ Here is an example, as investigated by Dr.Satwant. The story runs thus in her thesis, -
Investigated cases of claimed memories of former incarnation.

▪ A child was born on 11-12-1940. When it was hardly 8 days old, it uttered a pathetic cry of
'Ma', and groaned like that for a day. Both the parents were wonder struck at this inscrutable

▪ Again when the child was 4 years old, for no reason whatever at home, it started weeping
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and felt quite dejected in appearance as though a great calamity had befallen and started
crying the whole day saying that my wife has died, my wife has died. Now the parents felt
really helpless and did not know what they should do with the child.

▪ After a few months the child got spontaneous recalling. It revealed that its previous birth had
taken place at Rawalpindi, in Pakistan.

▪ On verification many details tallied to be true and authentic. When the child let go the cry
repeatedly ‘Ma‘ ( When it was hardly 8 days old ) that very day the child‘s mother of the
previous birth had died; Again when it felt hopelessly dejected on a certain day at that time the
age was 4, as mentioned earlier - the wife of the previous birth had passed away.

▪ That shows the happenings in one‘s previous family at present do have influence on the
behavior of an individual simultaneously.

27. Why Reincarnation is Rejected by Western Religion and What did Jesus
Christ Said About Reincarnation?

▪ This was rejected by the main religions, which began to spread across East and West.
According to the laws of reincarnation everyone is responsible for his or her own spiritual
development and salvation and the healing of his or her soul as they pass through their many

▪ Consequently, higher institutions of belief would become unnecessary, and would therefore
be robbed of their power over the people. For this reason, it makes perfect sense why, for
example, the Christian Church of the 13th. Century completely destroyed the Cathars in their
gruesome crusade.

▪ The Cathars believed in reincarnation and had therefore dissociated themselves from the
Papacy. Many theologians have been watching with regret as their followers leap off the slow
train of Church beliefs and switch to the Intercity Express of a new era, in which reincarnation
has become part of the regular décor.

▪ This is why many theologians are asking for a modernization of the Church train, so that this
too can be equipped with the up-to-date décor, which includes reincarnation. Maybe this train
is also in need of a faster engine, in order to keep up with the other trains of today.

▪ In Brazil approximately 80% of the Catholic population believe in reincarnation. For

them their belief in reincarnation does not conflict with their religion. Knowing this, the church
elders are wise enough not to forbid this belief, since they would otherwise have empty
churches. On the contrary, they have been asking the Pope to acknowledge the validity of
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▪ The Pope has responded by claiming that he is unable to do anything in this situation
because more than 50% of his Cardinals still resist accepting reincarnation as a fact.

For More Details Refer


What did Jesus Christ Said About Reincarnation?

▪ Many scriptures are often cited to support the belief in reincarnation during Jesus time on

And as he was passing by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, Rabbi,
who has sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind? Jesus answered,
―Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents, but the works of God were to be made
manifest in him. (John 9:1)

▪ This clearly shows that reincarnation and karma were well known concepts. Although Jesus
does not elaborate on reincarnation in this passage, neither does he condemn the belief or
correct them.

▪ In the following passage, the disciples ask Jesus about Elias, who is long dead.

And the disciples asked him, saying, Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?
But he answered them and said, Elijah indeed is to come and will restore all things. But I say
to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they
wished. So also shall the Son of Man suffer at their hand.‘ Then the disciples understood that
he had spoken of John the Baptist." (Matthew 17:10-13)

▪ This implies that the soul of Elias was reincarnated as John the Baptist!

So what happened to reincarnation in Christianity?

▪ Around 250 AD, a brilliant theologian named Origen understood the teachings of Jesus and
wrote about the pre-existence of the soul.

▪ He taught that the soul's very source was God (the Father) and that the soul was traveling
back to oneness with God via the lessons learned in multiple lives. He taught that Christ
came to show us what we can become on our own, without the need of an organized religion
or church.

▪ These views were precisely those that Jesus had taught, but they soon became a huge
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threat to the Roman Empire, which was desperately trying to use the Christian church to
maintain its political control over the population. If there was no need for the church and its
priests, then the people would be difficult to control and tax.

▪ By 325 AD, the Council of Nicea effectively discouraged belief in reincarnation, but Origen's
writings continued to be popular among those seeking clarification about the nature of Christ,
the destiny of the soul and the manner of the resurrection.

▪ Some of the more educated monks had taken Origen's ideas and were using them in
mystical practices with the aim of becoming one with God. But the mass of ignorant Christians
could not understand these concepts and insisted on interpreting the "final resurrection" as
meaning that one's old and buried body would be re-animated. They claimed Origen's ideas
were heretical and reincarnation was eventually condemned in 545 AD [right] by the actions of
Emperor Justinian and his control over the Fifth General Council of the Church.

28. What is Today Western Religion Belief Regarding Reincarnation?



29. Is Our Past Life is Linked to Today's Life?

▪ Yeah We Think So, All Our Life of Now have links to Our previous Life in One or Another

▪ Say For Example After Passing Second PUC there are Lots of Branches Available eg:-
Medicine, Engineering, Bsc etc, why we choosed medicine and why we doesn't got interest in

▪ There are lots of Example in world where Children had done achievement at very young age
say for eg ‘12 year old boy who cracked IIT-JEE’, ‘15 year old girl who completed MSc’ we
can give Thousands of Example like this, Why only they Achieved while others of same age
couldn't achieve in their age?

▪ Why only Particular Children Born with Severe Congenital Defects?

▪ For all the Above Answers Refer

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 5 》Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds

on Deceased Persons in their past lives

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CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 6 》Change of Gender in Reincarnation Cases with Insights
on Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Transsexualism, Transgenderism and Gender Identity

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 7 》Personality Traits, Phobias & Fears which are linked to
our past life.

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 8 》Love, Relationship and Family Reunions through


CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 9》 Rebirth according to desires of previous births

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 10 》Child Prodigies, Past Life Ability & Talent Explained by

CHAPTER NO:-10 》PART:- 14》Rebirth according to merits of previous births.

29. What is Déjà Vu? Is there any link to Geographical Memories in


▪ Yes There Exist Link

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 11 》Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu in
Reincarnation Cases.

30. Does Suicide has link to Reincarnation? What will happen to Person
who committed Suicide According to Parapsychology?

▪ Yes Suicide has Link

CHAPTER NO:- 10 》PART:- 12 》Reincarnation and Suicide - What will happen to the
person who Commits suicide, What will they suffer in their next life, Answering through
critical Analysis of Reincarnation Case Studies.

31. Who Gives Credence to the idea of Reincarnation?

▪ In much of the civilized world, the idea of reincarnation, or transmigration of the soul, is the
prevailing point of view. More than a third of the world‘s people accept reincarnation as a fact

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of life.

▪ And even in the West, the doctrine of Reincarnation has a long list of distinguished

▪ Pythagoras (Greek philosopher and mathematician, c.582-c.500 BC)

▪ Socrates (Greek philosopher, 469-399 BC)
▪ Plato (Greek philosopher, 427-347 BC)
▪ Plotinus (Greek philosopher, founder of Neoplatonism, 204-270)
▪ Giordano Bruno (Italian philosopher, 1548-1600) ▪ Francois Voltaire (French philosopher,
▪ Benjamin Franklin (US statesman, philosopher and inventor, 1706-1790)
▪ Gotthold Lessing (German philosopher and dramatist, 1729-1781)
▪ John Adams (Second president of the United States, 1735-1826)
▪ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet and dramatist, 1749-1832)
▪ August Wilhelm von Schlegel (German poet, critic and translator, 1767-1845)
▪ William Wordsworth (English poet, 1770-1850)
▪ Ralph Waldo Emerson (US philosopher and writer, 1803-1882)
▪ Robert Browning (English poet, 1812-1889)
▪ Richard Wagner (German composer, 1813-1883)
▪ Henry David Thoreau (US social critic, writer and philosopher, 1817-1862)
▪ Walt Whitman (US poet, 1819-1892)
▪ Thomas Huxley (English biologist and writer, 1825-1895)
▪ Leo Tolstoy (Russian novelist and social critic, 1828-1910)
▪ Mark Twain (US writer, 1835-1910)
▪ Gustav Mahler (German composer, 1860-1911)
▪ Rudolf Steiner (Austrian philosopher, 1861-1925)
▪ David Lloyd George (British Prime Minister, 1863-1945)
▪ Henry Ford (US automobile pioneer, 1863-1947) ▪ Rudyard Kipling (English writer, 1865-
1936) W.
▪ Somerset Maugham (English writer, 1874-1965)
▪ Carl Jung (Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist, 1875-1961)
▪ Sir Hugh Dowding (British Air Marshal during the Battle, 1882-1970)
▪ George S. Patton (US general, 1885-1945)
▪ Robert Graves (English poet, 1895-1985)
▪ Erik Erikson (US psychoanalyst, 1902-1994).

For More Details Refer



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Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Huxley, Whitehead, Popper, Searle approach to solve
the Mystery of Consciousness (Body-Mind Problem and Hard problem of



31. Is there Was Any Scientists who believed in Reincarnation?

▪ Yes. Thomas Huxley, who was responsible for having science introduced into the 19th
century British school system and who was the first scientist to believed that reincarnation
was a very plausible idea.

▪ In his famous book "Evolution and Ethics and other Essays", he says: "In the doctrine of
transmigration, whatever its origin, Brahmanical and Buddhist speculation found, ready to
hand, the means of constructing a plausible vindication of the ways of the Cosmos to
man....yet this plea of justification is not less plausible than others; and none but very hasty
thinkers will reject it on the ground of inherent absurdity. Like the doctrine of evolution itself,
that of transmigration has its roots in the world of reality; and it may claim such support as the
great argument from analogy is capable of supplying".

▪ Then, Professor Gust Stromberg, the famous Swedish astronomer, physicist and friend
of Albert Einstein also found the idea of rebirth appealing.

▪ Opinions differ whether human souls can be reincarnated on the earth or not.

▪ In 1936 a very interesting case was thoroughly investigated and reported by the government
authorities in India. A girl (Shanti Devi from Delhi) could accurately describe her previous life
(at Mathura, five hundred miles from Delhi) which ended about a year before her 'second

▪ She gave the name of her husband and child and described her home and life history. The
investigating commission brought her to her former relatives, who verified all her statements.

▪ Among the people of India reincarnations are regarded as commonplace; the astonishing
thing for them in this case was the great number of facts the girl remembered. This and
similar cases can be regarded as additional evidence for the theory of the indestructibility of
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▪ Professor Julian Huxley, the distinguished British scientist who was Director General of
UNESCO believed that rebirth was quite in harmony with scientific thinking

▪ "There is nothing against a permanently surviving spirit-individuality being in some way

given off at death, as a definite wireless message is given off by a sending apparatus working
in a particular ways.

▪ But it must be remembered that the wireless message only becomes a message again when
it comes in contact with a new, material structure - the receiver. So with our possible spirit
emanation. It would never think or feel unless again "embodied" in some way.

▪ Our personalities are so based on body that it is really impossible to think of survival which
would be in any true sense personal without a body of sorts.

▪ I can think of something being given off which could bear the same relation to men and
women as a wireless message to the transmitting apparatus for mind".

▪ Even very practical and down-to-earth people like the American industrialist Henry Ford
found the idea of rebirth acceptable. Ford was attracted to the idea of rebirth because, unlike
the theistic idea or the materialistic idea,rebirth gives you a second chance to develop

▪ Henry Ford says. "I adopted the theory of Reincarnation when I was twenty six. Religion
offered nothing to the point. Even work could not give me complete satisfaction. Work is futile
if we cannot utilise the experience we collect in one life in the next. When I discovered
Reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan I realised that there was a chance to
work out my ideas. Time was no longer limited. I was no longer a slave to the hands of the
clock. Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of
long experience in many lives. Some are older souls than others, and so they know more. The
discovery of Reincarnation put my mind at ease. If you preserve a record of this conversation,
write it so that it puts men‘s minds at ease. I would like to communicate to others the
calmness that the long view of life gives to us".

▪ So the Buddhist teachings of rebirth does have some scientific evidence to support it. It is
logically consistent and it goes a long way in answering questions what the theistic and the
materialistic theories fail to. It is also very comforting.

▪ What can be worse than a theory of life that gives you no second chance, no opportunity to
amend the mistakes you have made in this life and no time to further develop the skills and
abilities you have nurtured in this life. But according to the Buddha, if you fail to attain Nirvana
in this life, you will have the opportunity to try again next time.
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▪ If you have made mistakes in this life, you will be able to correct yourself in the next life. You
will truly be able to learn from your mistakes. Things you were unable to do or achieve in this
life may well become possible in the next life. What a wonderful teaching!

▪ Reincarnation has already past the thesis of religion and philosophy and is now being
researched by scientists.

▪ Countless scientists are dedicating their research in a wide range of investigations. Past life
therapy, marks from past lives and even resources used by criminal experts like datascope
which prove the same digital fingerprints of people reincarnated with personality and memory
of who they were in past a past life.

▪ In research made by the joint staff of DoctorPsychologist Dr. Ian Stevenson when he was
the director at the University of Virginia, USA of the Psychiatric and Neurology Department,
Dr. Stevenson researched and cataloged more than 3000 cases, 20 of which were published
in a book of 520 pages, entitled 20 Suggestive Cases of Reincarnation.

▪ In this research, one of the cases is about William George, an old fisherman from Alaska.
The following is his history: George told his son and his daughter-in-law that if reincarnation
were true, he would return as their son, meaning as his own grandson.

▪ George gave them his gold watch by asked them to keep it for him. He told them that he
would be recognized by the birthmark that he would have in his new body and he showed
them two signs on his body: one on the shoulder and the other one on the forearm.

▪ George affirmed that they would be the same marks. Some months later he disappeared on
the sea, during a storm.
▪ Sometime later the daughter-in-law, Suzan, became pregnant and had their ninth son who
had the two signs the same and in the same place as the grandfather.

▪ This curious trait was forgotten until the boy reached four years of age. The boy came
across the old gold watch that the grandfather had left and the mother had saved in her
jewelry box. Immediately the boy grabbed it and said, ―look my watch! and wouldn‘t let go of
it. After tears and a scandal, the parents were able to take it from him even though he
continued to affirm that it was his.

▪ Dr. Stevenson registered all of the evidences of reincarnation and observed that from an
early age, the boy had remarkable resemblance of the grandfather. His likes and dislikes,
inclinations and little mannerisms as well as aptitudes were present in the boy.

▪ He demonstrated an inherent knowledge in everything that referred to fishing. He was able

to inform which were the bays that had the most fish. Even the way he walked was similar,
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with his right leg leaning out, exactly the way old George did as he had hurt thigh when he
was young.

▪ If that weren‘t enough, the first time that he saw his grandfather‘s sister he yelled out in
excitement, look there‘s my sister!!!‖ When speaking of his father and uncles he referred to
them as his son‘s and worried when two of them engaged in drinking.

▪ Others researchers, professor Dr. Hemendra Nath Banerjee (University of Jaipur, India) with
a number of cases and the Dr. Hernani Guimarães Andrade (Brazil) also had excellent results
in his investigation related to reincarnation memories and birthmarks.

▪ These spontaneous memories generally occur in children when they are about to speak.
They make references in a very natural way to facts and situations of the last reincarnation as
if the current life were a continuation of the past life. Some show themselves in conformed
with the current situation like the case of a boy born in one of the poorest levels of India and
he said that he was of noble family.

▪ The researchers following the indications given by the boy arrived to that family that was
located thousands of kilometers away. Verifying everything said by the kid, including names of
relatives and people he knew as well as the time and the way in which he died.

▪ The memories are tied with the birthmarks that reflect the way in which he died or traumas
that occurred during in the previous life. The marks and memories occur when the rebirth
occurs shortly after the death of the previous existence.

▪ In 1997 Dr. Stevenson published a book in two volumes, with 2.500 pages, Biology and
Reincarnation, with many documented cases of spontaneous memories related to birthmarks.

▪ Also, the French physician Dr. Patrick Droop has been finding answers for the reincarnation
in the light of the modern physics.

▪ At the same time, in other investigations, we are going to find professionals in health, for
example the Drs. Morris Netherton, Bryan Weiss, Edith Fiore, Denys Kelsey and some others
that are accumulating reincarnate experiences through the past life regression in theirs
medical offices.

32. What is Vibratory Frequency?

▪ Thought and emotion produce what is called, vibration, and its substance reflects what is in
our soul, thus defining its frequency, from the lowest to the highest level our own condition
may generate.

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▪ The writer Francisco Carvalho, on the book Human Energetic Influences, elaborated an
imaginary scale that goes from 0 to a 100 degrees, with the following values: at the degree 0
we have hate, the emotion with the lowest vibratory substance; at 10 the desire of revenge; at
20 envy and jealousy; at 30 resentment, bitterness and so forth, up to the neutral feelings,
which are placed at 50 degrees. At 70 degrees, at the positive zone, we will find hope; at 80
faith; at 90 prayer and joy; and finally, at a 100, it is where love is located, the strongest
positive vibration that exists.

▪ At the scale of negative vibrations, we may add the numerous vicious behaviors, addictions,
cruelty, perversity, and other types of perversion; and the conversations about the topics
related to lower passions and addictions, etc.

▪ On the other hand, in order to elevate the vibration substance, we could add the noble
feelings, the readings and conversations directed at subjects relating to religiousness,
fraternity, and pure love; the healthy joy and meditation about lightening topics, in short,
everything that may connect us and open our channels towards the highest forces of life.

▪ This information is based on scientific research such as the very well known studies which
were carried out by North-American universities, in which a group of people vibrated with
feelings of hate and desire of destruction towards some plants, places in a room, while
another group vibrated with love and affection towards plants located in another room.

▪ The first group of plants suffered all the damning effects of those vibrations: they faded, and
some even died. The other ones, which received the vibration of love, became healthier and
even prettier. Well, if a plant may suffer such influences, what can we say about human

▪ Concerning information about spirits and the spiritual world, there is an extensive
bibliography in the subject, particularly the works psychographic by Chico Xavier, which
include writings and signatures of persons who have lived. When analysed by scientific
experts, these concluded to be indeed the handwriting and signature of the deceased person
who claimed to have dictated (or written by incorporation) the piece of work.

33. If Love is the Greatest Law of Universe How We Forgive Our Enemies
and Love them?

▪ Reincarnation transforms hate into love through covering the faults of the past and
allowing us to learn to live and love each other with new experiences in a new
family. The love that is generated by giving birth and raising a son or daughter neutralizes
and/or dissolves the negative energy that resides in the unconscious.

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▪ During the early years, the newborn grows and learns to live together, according to his new
family environment. As he/she grows, impulses from the unconscious of old disputes may
arise although lessen by the new situation in the family. The intensity of love during the early
stages of life affects the nature of the unconscious and lessens the disputes that reside in the

▪ This explains the intense conflicts and even hate between parents and children, which would
be totally unexplainable without the knowledge of reincarnation. Successive lives with one‘s
enemies provide the means for forgiveness and peace in the minds of those who once hated.

“Forgiveness is most powerful than Revenge, Vengeance begets vengeance, Its

Destructive Cycle, But when you forgive you inspire change in both yourself and the
other. Forgiveness has the power to transform people and create better world for
all” - Sri Krishna.

34. We Think that Cases are Biased Just for the Purpose of Religious
Advantage and Children's, Adults and Doctors are telling lie for the
purpose of their Religious Advantage and Entire Concept of
Parapsychology, Reincarnation, Near Death Experience is just a
pseudoscientific and a big Lie?

▪ Ok Let we Answer Your Question

▪ We Don't Think So that Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr Jim.B.Tucker, Dr. Walter Semkiw, Dr
Antonia Mills and Thousands of Thousand Doctors Spent their Entire Life for Biasing case and
telling people a big lie.

▪ More Ever Parapsychology is not Pseudoscience, Refer Chapter no 1 for Details.

▪ Our Answer To you Regarding Religious Advantage is Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr

Jim.B.Tucker, Dr. Walter Semkiw, Dr Antonia Mills etc and thousands of Doctors are Actually
from Western Tradition, Western Tradition is actually against Reincarnation, What Advantage
they might get going against their tradition? They just got Criticism and Humiliation From their
Society just how Charles Darwin Got, Parapsychologists, Psychologist, Some of Psychiatrist
got believed in Reincarnation based on parapsychological Evidence and not on Religious link.

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a.Western or Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islamic)

▪ Bible (Christians) and Quran (Muslims) are Holy Books.

▪ Reincarnation is Top most lie By Satan.

▪ Satan Tells the Children about stories of Other dead person and makes them to believe
Reincarnation exist. Even Birthmarks are Created by satan.

▪ Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Yoga, Meditation, Vaccination etc are Satanic.

▪ God is Creator of this Universe, Who Created this Universe in six Successive days
about 6000 years ago.

▪ Father Jehovah and his one and only son Jesus lives in Heaven, Heaven is an Eternal
place of Joy.

▪ One day Some of Angels like Lucifer and some other Angels disobeyed God so they were
Pushed down from Heaven. So Angel Lucifer and some of Angels who were pushed from
heaven are satans (Devils) who created hell for satans (Devils) to live.

▪ It all began in 4004 BCE (According to James Ussher Chronology). Father Jehovah
(Yahweh, yohana) Created this Entire Universe in six successive days.

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▪ Father Created heaven and Earth and Father Jehovah lives in heaven.

▪ Father created all Creatures of this earth and all stars of this universe.

▪ On 5th day Father Created First Male Adam (First man on the Earth) from soil and placed
him in Eden’s Garden when God saw that Adam was alone, he created firstFemale Eve
from Adam's rib.

▪ God filled Adam with spirit (Soul) and made him to name all animals on this Earth, He told
Adam that “All creatures (All plants and Animals) that Jehovah Created is given as food for
Human beings”.

▪ Animals Doesn't Have soul You can kill and Eat How much Animal you want there is no
sin, All Animals are given as food for you.

▪ The first sin Done by human being ‘Eve ate apple from Tree of knowledge which was
instructed by god not to eat fruit from that tree’ Because of this sin Adam and Eve lost glorious
body and became human beings. The reason why Eve ate apple is it was a trick by satan who
came in form of snake which talked with eve and tricked eve to ate apple.

▪ The next sin was Cain Murdered Ebel (Children of Adam and Eve). This sin madeGod
very angry.

▪ People starts spreading all over world from Garden of Eden, After few years people started
populating every country but people of this world became unloyal, unfaithful to the Creator
Jehovah, They started worshipping idols, they start worshipping False Gods, They started
indulging in sinful activities. This made the creator Jehovah very angry

▪ So on 2344 BC ( ie 4360 years ago) God made Universal Flood to kill all Human beings and
animals who he created except Noah’s Family who were loyal to the god, So god ordered
Noah to build a boat and to fill boat with every kind of two animals on this earth, so Noah did
the same, God made flood for one year and killed all human beings and other creatures.

▪ After Flood God made Rainbow and Kept Rainbow as a Symbol so that whenever God see
Rainbow God Remembers that God should not kill anyone in future.

▪ So According to Bible, Now all people who are there on this Earth isDescendants from
Noah’s Family.

▪ Nearly 100 years After flood ie on 2244 BCE (ie 4260 years ago) There occurred an Event
called Tower of Babel where people started building a Highest tower to Reach God in
heaven, God God Scary So God came to Earth and Confused people who were building

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tower, God Confused in such a way that the person who were building tower should not
understand Language of others. So from this Point Human got confused with Each other and
different languages began finally they started migrating from tower of babel to different
countries of world.

▪ Generations continued, and there came a good person called abraham, Then generations
continued and came another good person called Moses, Some peoples of some country
started forgetting Creator Jehovah and started worshipping False gods, Idols which are
actually tricks from Satan (Fallen angels from heaven) So God Again got angry, God gave
Moses Ten commandments in two tabs in that one of Commandment says you must not
worship any other god other than Jehovah (Jesus).

▪ Generations Continued Some people followed Ten commandments but Some people of
some countries Forgotten creator Jehovah and his Commandments, they indulged
themselves in worshipping false god and idols and also non believers of God like atheists
began which are actually tricks from satan (Devil, Fallen angels).

▪ Human being sins got increased, God got sad by seeing all these sins of worshipping false
god and idols and also non believers of God like atheists

▪ So Father Jehovah on 7 BCE (2016 years ago) sent his one and only son Jesus Christ to
this Earth who carried all our sins in cross and died for our sins.

▪ And Jesus Said in gospels that He is the Only true God (true son of God) and he is the only
pathway to his father in heaven, He is the only Saviour of our soul after our death, so whoever
won't accept him as saviour will not go to heaven.

▪ BIBLE Says that After Death Soul is Judged on Judgement day and All Believers of
JESUS CHRIST Will be Saved and put to Eternal Heaven and Whoever Doesn’t Accepted
JESUS CHRIST as Saviour will be put to Eternal Torture in Pit of Lake of Fire with
Burning sulphur Up to Infinite Period.

▪ BIBLE also says that JESUS CHRIST is the Only true God, Whoever Worships False God
will not be saved, All Idolaters and Non believers of Jesus Christ like Atheists, Skeptics
(they doubt Bible) Muslims, Hindus and Even Christian’s Like Roman Catholics (Because
they are idolaters) will be put to Hell (Pit of Lake of Fire with Burning sulphur) Up to
infinite period.

▪ According to BIBLE JESUS Died for all of our Sins Whoever won't accept him as
personal Saviour will be sent to hell and not believing Jesus Christ, Idol Worship,
Degrading Holy Spirit, Homosexuality are the Unforgivable sins.

▪ Even in these sins Not Believing Jesus Christ is the Only top most unforgivable sin.
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▪ Birth Defects (Congenital Defects) are due to Curse from God because of worshiping idols
by parents. And Parents sins are transferred to their children through Blood (Source of Life)
which causes Congenital Defects in Children's.

▪ Life on this Earth is a Test from God to check whether we believe in him or not in order to
qualify our soul for heaven it is just like passing competitive Exam to take seat in Colleges.
Like how we have to Read Books in order to Pass Exam in the same way we have to follow
god's commandment in Bible in order to qualify for heaven. Jesus is the only Ticket for

▪ God Doesn’t Care Good deeds of people, In BIBLEGood Deeds of people is compared
to Dirty Cloth, Even you are a Murderer, Rapist etc If you Accept Christ as Saviour You will
be saved and sent to heaven and Even If you are a Very good person in Society, Even if you
have done Very Good deeds like Helping others, Serving sick, helping blind, helping
poor etc But if you doesn't accept Christ as saviour then You will be Sent to Eternal
Torture up to infinite period in Lake of pit of Fire.
So According to BIBLE Good peoples like Swami Vivekananda, APJ Abdul Kalam,
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Mother teresa must be in hell by now, Because they are
good people and are non Believers of Christ and Mother teresa is a Idol worshippers
(Roman Catholic).

▪ All Our Knowledge on this Earth (Loka Gnana) is Waste whether you are Doctor or
Engineer or Scientist or IAS Officer etc is waste Because Knowledge of this world (Loka
Gnana) is Considered as Mad in front of God and Only Knowledge of Heaven in BIBLE
(Paraloka Gnana) will save you and will take you to heaven After Death.

▪ BIble Also Says About Second Coming of Jesus when he came for second time, All
Believers of christ who previously died will come along with him, All Believers grave will be
opened, Dead bodies will be raised from grave, Whoever doesn't believe in christ will not be
saved and are put to hell in eternal torture up to infinite period.

▪ Animals Doesn't Have soul You can kill and Eat How much Animal you want there is no
sin, All Animals are given as food for you.

Bible Geneology in Detail see from image below

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▪ Even Quran Says Same But there JESUS CHRIST is Replaced by ALMIGHTY ALLAH.

This is in Brief Regarding Western Culture.




▪ So REINCARNATION is Considered to be a Top most lie by Satan (Demon) in order to take

people away from Jesus Christ or Allah, So that Satan can take them to Eternal Hell up to
infinite Period.

▪ But Even with these Some of Roman Catholics Believe in Reincarnation and in total
About 25% of Christians in Western Countries Believe in Reincarnation.

▪ Some Muslim minority sects such as those found among Sufis, and some Muslims in
South Asia and Indonesia have retained their pre-Islamic Hindu and Buddhist beliefs in

b. Eastern religions - Santana Samskriti - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism etc

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▪ About 5000 years ago in a battle Called Kurukshetra, Just before beginning of Battle
Pandava prince Arjuna undergoes severe Psychological Disturb and his mind gets filled up
with questions that why i should fight this battle, why i should kill? Doesn't it is sin? and lot of
lot of questions.

▪ Krishna who was charioteer of Arjuna found that Arjuna had undergone severe
psychological disturb, So Entire Bhagavad Gita is a Counselling done
by Krishna to Arjuna to psychologically correct him by answering all the questions of
arjuna regarding questions of life, by telling him the truth of the universe, importance
of duty, importance of Knowledge etc in 18 Chapters in the form of 18 yogas.

▪ Krishna in Bhagavad Gita not only Answered all questions of Arjuna but he also Answered
all questions of Our life, Krishna made us to realize that Everybody life is kurukshetra in one
or other way, Everyone is psychologically disturbed in one or other way, Every
Body Struggles in life in one or other way and Everyone keep on finding path to outcome
from Struggles, The same happened to Arjuna in battle field.

▪ Bhagavad Gita is not just Conversation Between Lord Krishna and Arjuna But It's a type of
Psychiatric Counselling Between Counselor (Krishna) and a patient (Arjuna).

▪ When we Read Bhagavad Gita through psychological point of View, It isnot at all talking
About Clash between Pandavas and kauravas but it is talking about clash that is happening
in our Day today Life in our Mind.

▪ Our Life is a Clash (kurukshetra), In our Life we find kauravas or Adharma (Things which
misleads us - Bad persons and friends, Bad Negative thoughts, Bad habits-smoking,
Drinking,women etc) and Pandavas (Good person, Confidence, Good habits,positive
thoughts in Mind etc)

▪ But in Our life Kauravas are More likely to win Than Pandavas (We are good at attracted
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to Bad things in life Rather than Good things).

▪ In Our life also Pandavas must win, To Achieve that I must Give my life Chariot in the
hands of God who will bring us Victory [Meaning I must follow Good path, Doing Good
things to others, helping poor and sick etc in My life In order to achieve Success and
To do that I must Require Knowledge of Divinity, Can be done only by Understanding
Truth (God) and Self-Realization].



▪ Conversation Between Krishna and Arjuna is the First Psychological case ever
recorded you can read it complete details from below link

▪ According to Sanatana dharma God is not a creator of Universe but he is a manifestator he

himself manifested as universe in the form of Cosmos vibrations. (Sarvam kalvidam idam

▪ COSMOS means the pure vibrations of infinite energy ofcreative force of consciousness.

▪ Scientifically COSMOS meaning All energy of the universe [ENERGY IS CONVERTED OR

MANIFESTED TO MASS - Law of conservation of energy].

▪ God is an infinite Ocean of creative force of consciousness which forms invisible I[nvisible
Cosmos] background for the Visible Cosmos(Matter- Anything that occupies space and
(The Cosmology of Rig veda).

▪ Reincarnation and Law of Cause and Effect (Law of Action or Karma)are the chief and
Central Belief of Eastern Religions.

▪ Karma is a Sanskrit word whose literal meaning is a

' ction'. It refers to the law that states
“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction either immediately or at some point in
the future”.

▪ "As shall you sow, that shall you reap". -

Whatever you do to Universe is what comes back to you in the same form.Each and every
actions in your life has its own result whether it is good or bad actions, it has its own

▪ If you do good deeds to others it I'll come back to you as good.If you do bad deeds to
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others it I'll come back to you as bad, Your Own deeds creates your destiny
Each and every deeds in your life have its own result, A person cannot escapes from the
consequences of his own actions, but he can minimize his consequences, The law of Karma
applies to all Creatures irrespective of religion,age, Gender etc.
For more Details on law of karma Please visit below link

▪ There is no Separate ETERNAL JUDGEMENT Day after Death but “EVERY DAY IS
YOUR JUDGEMENT DAY” and Every Actions of You Counts, Each and every deeds in
your life have its own result,Your own Actions Decides Your Destiny, No Reaction Occurs
in Life without our Actions, Pain and Suffering in Life is Due to Individual Own Bad Actions
and not curse from God.

▪ There is no Eternal Eternal Hell and Heaven. You Can see Heaven and Hell on this Earth
only, All your Happiness, Achievements, Good position in Society, Good Name,
Success, Prosperity etc are Heaven for you and it is Result of your Good actions in this
life (punya phala) and previous life (purva janma punya phala). All your Pain, Sufferings,
Failure, Bad Name, etc is hell for you and it is and it is Result of your Bad actions in this
life (papada phala) and previous life (purva janma papada phala).
FAILURES, SADNESS (HELL- papa phala). Depends Upon whichever you have more in
your Life either punya phala (good karma) or papa phala (Bad karma).



▪ Bhagavad Gita 2:22-27 says that After Death Individual souls are Reincarnated depending
upon its Good and Bad Actions (karma) in previous Birth. Thus there is cycle of Birth, Death
and Reincarnation (Samsara).

SALVATION Doesn't depends upon belief in God or any other thing, BUT SALVATION

▪ Bhagavad Gita explains Different methods of attaining Salvation or Moksha, like Karma
yoga, jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga etc to attain Salvation
One among them is Jnana yoga or Self Realization:- It is the Process of Merging
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individual Consciousness with Cosmic Consciousness, LIKE HOW HEAT FIRE BURN

▪ Unlike Holy Scripts of Western Religion like Quran and Bible , Eastern Religion Holy
Scripts Does Not Criticize any other Religion or Any other God of other Religion as Demonic,
Bhagavad Gita says God is one but with Different pathways, All religion are Different
Pathway to Almighty God. God is Omnisound ("ekam sat viprāḥ bahudhā vadanti") it doesn't
matter though what you call him Ram, Krishna, Ganesha, Shiva, Allah, Buddha, Jesus etc all
refers to almighty god only.

▪ God is one But with Different Pathway (Bhagavad Gita Chapter no 4 shloka 11 “All who in
whatever way surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. All mankind follows My path O
Arjuna, in all respects.”)

▪ It doesn't matter whether you worship animal (cow, snake etc) or water or stone etc,
(GOOD Karma), It Doesn’t matter Whether you are an atheist UNLESS YOU ARE IN
PATHWAY OF HUMANITY AND GOOD DEEDS, God always protects you whether you
believe in God or Not (Bhagavad Gita Chapter no 9 shloka 23 O Arjuna, those who worship
devotedly different demigods, although faithfully; they also worship I only; but in an
unauthorised manner.)

▪ There is No Eternal Satan Or Demon who Control us or Divert us from God, Rather
Than Satan or Demonic or Asura Qualities exist in individual’s own subconscious,
Human Beings are Made up of three types of qualities
1. Sattva is the quality of balance, harmony, goodness, purity, universalizing, holistic,
constructive, creative, building, positive, peaceful, virtuous.
2. Rajas is the quality of passion, activity, neither good nor bad and sometimes either, self-
centeredness, egoistic, individualizing, driven, moving, dynamic.
3. Tamas is the quality of imbalance, disorder, chaos, anxiety, impure, destructive, delusion,
negative, dull or inactive, apathy, inertia or lethargy, violent, vicious, ignorant.
All Human beings have all these three types of characters in their subconscious, But the
Amount of Expression is Different in Different Individuals. And Asuras (satan or demon) are
the person with more rajas and tamas qualities like terrorists, Corrupt people of society
or Any person who cruelly harms other people, society, nature etc.

▪ Bhagavad Gita says that these Asuras can be changed with the Knowledge of
Divinity, Subconscious training which can be obtained by reading Bhagavad Gita. Like
how a Robber, Murderer Valmiki changed himself and wrote Ramayana.
Bhagavad Gita also says that Some of Asuras Cannot be Changed it is because of their
own previous bad karma, They finally meet with their own Destruction. Like how
Ravana, Kamsa, Kauravas meet into their Own Destruction.
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▪ Bhagavad also says that “Whenever there is Decline of Good pathway, Whenever
Adharma predominates Dharma meaning whenever evil things predominates over good
things, and whenever there comes a situation where Good persons of Society faced
severe torture by evil persons and if these situation cannot be solved by human
beings, then God sends his Devatas (angels) as human beings to this Earth as Minor
Incarnation (Sai Baba, Guru Raghavendra Swamy etc are examples). And in very
severe worst Situation if these problems cannot be solved by Human Beings or devatas
(Minor Incarnations) then God Himself incarnate on this Earth as Human being (Major
incarnation :- Parashurama, Sri Rama,Sri Krishna,Buddha etc are examples) to destroy
Evil Pathway and to Re-Establish the Principles of Righteous Pathway.

▪ Bhagavad Gita also Says that Anything which has Consciousness has Soul Because
soul is nothing but Individual Consciousness, So even Animal have soul and Killing
animal is Sinful,
Every living creature that exist has its own purpose of existence and not to kill. We
don't have power to give life in the same way we don’t have rights to take life by killing,
killing innocence is sinful.

For more Details please read below link

▪ Also Bhagavad Gita Says that Food we eat has impact on Person Character and


For more Details please read below link
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For More Details Refer Additional Reading Part 1》Law of Neutralisation of
Causeis in and
Brief Effect
Regarding Western
(Law Culture.
of Karma).


▪ So REINCARNATION is Considered to be Chief, main and Central Belief in Eastern Culture.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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▪ Reincarnation or Metempsychosis is currently studied in Parapsychology.

▪ Parapsychology is a field of study concerned with the investigation ofparanormal and

psychic phenomena which include telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance,
psychokinesis, near-death experiences, Reincarnation, apparitional experiences, and
other paranormal claims.

▪ Galileo Once Said Gravity Acts Equally on Every object on the Earth whether it is a
falling of Leaf or Stone, But it's the air resistance which is responsible delay of falling
leaf, but People Laughed at him, Now as Science advanced, BBC has made an Video
Demonstration the Effect of Gravity in Vacuum, which proved galileo’s Claim.

▪ This is What Happening to Reincarnation when Dr. Ian Stevenson said, DR. IAN


1. There is No Soul, Soul is just our Belief, There is No God, After Death there is
Nothing, it is just Simple Decomposition of your body by bacterias, That is End, there
is no Reincarnation or Eternal torture in hell or Eternal pleasure in Heaven (ATHEISTS).

2. There is Soul, There is a God who is Our Creator who created this universe. And
Belief in JESUS (in case of Christian's) or belief in Allah (in case of Muslims) is the only
pathway to eternal Heaven after death,irrespective of Humanity or Good Deeds, SO ALL

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3. God is not Creator but he is manifestator, God (energy of god) manifested as

Cosmos. There is Soul, Soul is Nothing but Individual Consciousness, After death
Consciousness incarnates on Other person Depending upon law of Cause and Effect.
It's not important to worship God, But it's very important to avoid Bad deeds to this
universe and Following Good pathway and principles of Humanity and Non-Violence




▪ We Believe in Reincarnation rather than heaven and hell, Adam and Eve, So we Find
Most Evidences to Support Our Belief, You Don't Believe in Reincarnation so you Find
some of Evidences against it.


SEEMS TO BE TRUTH FOR THEM, (Srimad Bhagavad Gita).

▪ If you Believe in Eternal hell and heaven, that seems to be truth for you and If you
Believe in Reincarnation that seems to be truth for you.



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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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(A) From Spontaneous Past-Life Flashbacks - Adults.

1. Dr. Frederick Lenz, Lifetimes: True Accounts of Reincarnation ( Ballantine Books, 1979 )

2. Jenny Cockell, Across Time and Death: A Mother's Search for her Past Life Children (New
York: Simon & Schuster, 1993)

(B) Through Very Young Children Speaking of their Most Recent Past Life -

(1) Lafcadio Hearn, Gleanings in Buddha-Fields ( Houghton-Mifflin, 1897).

(2) Dr. Ian Stevenson, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation ( New York: American
Society for Psychical Research, 1967) Ian Stevenson, Cases of the Reincarnation Type.

▪ Vol.1 Ten Cases in India (1975)

▪ Vol.2 Ten Cases in Sri Lanka (1977)

▪ Vol.3 Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey (1980)

▪ Vol.4 Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma (1983)

1. Children Who Remember Previous Lives : A Question of Reincarnation ( 1987)

2. "American children who claim to remember previous lives," J. Nervous and Mental Disease

3. Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect (Westport, CN: Praeger, 1997)

4. European Cases of the Reincarnation Type (Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 2003)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved
5. "Three new cases of the reincarnation type in Sri Lanka with written records made before
verification," Godwin Samararatne, J. Sci. Exploration (1988)

6. "Do cases of the reincarnation type show similar features over many years? A study of
Turkish cases," Jurgen Keil and Ian Stevenson, J. Sci. Exploration (1999).

7. Claims of reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India Satwant K. Pasricha, (New

Delhi, Harman Publishing House, 1990)

8. "Cases of the reincarnation type in northern India with birthmarks and birth defects," J. Sci.
Exploration 12, No. 2 (1998).

9. The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot Bruce and Andrea Leininger, with Ken
Gross, Soul Survivor: (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2009.

(C) Research that Supports Prof. Stevenson's Findings.

1. "A replication study: Three cases of children in northern India who are said to remember a
previous life," Antonia Mills, J. Sci. Exploration 3, No. 2 (1989).

2. "Moslem cases of the reincarnation type in northern India: A test of the hypothesis of
imposed identification, Part I: Analysis of 26 cases," J. Sci. Exploration 4, No. 2 (1990)

3. "Moslem cases of the reincarnation type in northern India: A test of the hypothesis of
imposed identification, Part II: Reports of three cases," J. Sci. Exploration 4, No. 2 (1990)
Reincarnation Research Centre Page 477 Establish World Peace and Resuscitate Humanity

4. "New cases in Burma, Thailand, and Turkey: A limited field study replication of some
aspects of Ian Stevenson's work," Jurgen Keil, J. Sci. Exploration 5, No. 1 (1991)

5. "Children claiming past-life memories: Four cases in Sri Lanka," Erlunder Haraldsson, J.
Sci. Exploration 5, No. 2 (1991) 6. "Cases of the reincarnation type: An evaluation of some
indirect evidence," Jurgen Keil, J. Sci. Exploration 10, No. 4 (1996),

7. Tom Shroder, Old Souls: The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives (Simon & Schuster, 1999)

8. "Three cases of the reincarnation type in The Netherlands," Titus Rivas, J. Sci. Exploration
17 No. 3 (2003),

9. "Children who claim to remember previous lives: Cases with written records made before
the previous personality was identified," H. H. Jurgen Keil, and Jim B. Tucker, J. Sci.
Exploration 19, No. 1 (2005).

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(D) Reviews of Stevenson's Books on Cases of the Reincarnation Type

1. "Review of Vol. 1," by Lester S. King, J. Amer. Med. Assoc. (1975)

2. "Review of Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation", by Roger Lauer, J. Mental and

Nervous Disease (1976)

3. "Review of Vol. 2," by Eugene B. Brody, J. Nervous and Mental Disease (1979)

4. "Review of Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation," by John Beloff, J. Soc. for

Psychical Res. 48 (1975).



1. Past Lives Therapy By Dr. Morris Netherton, (William Morrow, 1978)

2. Reliving Past Lives By Dr. Helen Wambach, (Bantam Books, 1978)

3. You Have Been Here Before By Dr. Edith Fiore, (Ballantine Books, 1978)

4. Americans Who Have Been Reincarnated By Dr. H. N. Bannerjee, (Macmillan, 1980)

5. Past Lives, Future Lives By Dr. Bruce Goldberg, (Ballantine Books, 1982)

6. Life Between Life By Dr. Joel L. Whitton, (Warner Books, 1986)

7. Other Lives, Other Selves By Dr. Roger Woolger, (Bantam Books, 1988)

8. Many Lives, Many Masters By Dr. Brian Weiss, (Simon & Schuster, 1988)

9. Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys By Dr. Raymond Moody, (Bantam
Books, 1991)

10. Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals.

Vol. 1, Past-Life Therapy, and Vol. 2, Special Instances of Altered State Work By Dr.
Winafred Blake Lucas, ed., (Crest Park, CA: Deep Forest Press, 1993)

11. Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life between Lives By Dr. Michael Newton, (St. Paul:
Llewellyn Publications, 1994)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved
12. Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life between Lives By (St. Paul: Llewellyn
Publications, 2000)

13. Lifecycles: Reincarnation and the Web of Life By Dr. Christopher M. Bache, (New York:
Paragon House, 1994)

14. Mission to Millboro By Dr. Marge Rieder, (Nevada City, CA: Blue Dolphin Pub., 1995)
Reincarnation Research Centre Page 478 Establish World Peace and Resuscitate Humanity

15. Return to Millboro: The Reincarnation Drama Continues By Dr. Marge Rieder, (Nevada
City, CA: Blue Dolphin Pub., 1995)

16. Close Encounters of the Possession Kind By Dr. William Baldwin, (Headline Books, Inc.)

17. Looking for Carroll Beckwith: The True Story of a Detective's Search for his Past Life By
Capt. Robert L. Snow, (Emmaus, PA: Daybreak Books, 1999)

18. Children's Past Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect your Child By Carol Bowman, (New
York: Bantam Books, 1997)

19. Return from Heaven: Beloved Relatives Reincarnated within Your Own Family By Carol
Bowman, (New York: HarperCollins, 2001)

20. Hypnotherapy Encyclopedia, By Dr. Ormond McGill, (Palos Verdes, CA: Creativity
Unlimited Press, 2001)

21. Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children's Memories of Previous Lives By Dr.
Jim B. Tucker, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2005)

22. From Birth to Rebirth By Dr. C. V. Tramont, M.D., (Columbus, NC: Swan-Raven & Co.,

23. Bringing Your Soul to Light: Healing Through Past Lives and the Time Between By Dr.
Linda Backman, (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Pubs., 2009)

24. Children‘s Past lives and Return from Heaven By Carol Bowman

25. Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited
(2003), and Born Again: Reincarnation Cases Involving International Celebrities By Dr. Walter

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1. Life After Life by Dr. Raymond Moody, (Bantam Books, 1975)

2. Beyond Death's Door by Dr. Maurice Rawlings, (Bantam Books, 1979)

3. Recollection of Death by Dr. Michael B. Sabom, A Medical Investigation (Harper 1982)

4. Light and Death: One Doctor's Fascinating Account of Near-Death Experiences (Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998)

5. Closer to the Light by Dr. Melvin Morse, (New York: Ivy Books, 1990)

6. After the Light by Dr. Kimberly Clark Sharp, ( William Morrow & Co., 1995)

International Organization for Near-Death Experiences.

1. Promised by Dr. Mary Helen Hensley, ( Ireland: Book Hub Publishing, 2009)

Consistent Evidence: Out-of-Body Experiences.

1. Journeys Out of the Body by Robert A. Monroe, (Garden City, NY: Anchor Press, 1977)

2. Far Journeys (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1985)

3. A Handbook by Dr. Janet Lee Mitchell, Out-of-Body Experiences: (Ballantine Books, 1981)

4. A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond by Dr. Albert Taylor, Soul
Traveler: (Penguin Books, 2000)5.

5. Jesus' Lost Years in India Edward T. Martin, King of Travelers: (Jonah Publishing Co., P.O.
Box 549, Lampasas, TX 76550; 1999).

Bibliography and Journal articles supporting Past-Life Flashbacks through

use of Hypno-Regression :

▪ Past Lives Therapy By Dr. Morris Netherton, (William Morrow, 1978).

▪ Reliving Past Lives By Dr. Helen Wambach, (Bantam Books, 1978).

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved
▪ You Have Been Here Before By Dr. Edith Fiore, (Ballantine Books, 1978)

▪ Americans Who Have Been Reincarnated By Dr. H. N. Bannerjee, (Macmillan, 1980)

▪ Past Lives, Future Lives By Dr. Bruce Goldberg, (Ballantine Books, 1982)

▪ Life Between Life By Dr. Joel L. Whitton, (Warner Books, 1986)

▪ Other Lives, Other Selves By Dr. Roger Woolger, (Bantam Books, 1988)

▪ Many Lives, Many Masters By Dr. Brian Weiss, (Simon & Schuster, 1988)

▪ Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys By Dr. Raymond Moody, (Bantam
Books) Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals.
Vol. 1, Past-Life Therapy, and
Vol. 2, Special Instances of Altered State Work By Dr. Winafred Blake Lucas, ed., (Crest
Park, CA: Deep Forest Press, 1993)

▪ Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life between Lives By Dr. Michael Newton, (St. Paul:
Llewellyn Publications, 1994)

▪ Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life between Lives By (St. Paul: Llewellyn
Publications, 2000)

▪ Lifecycles: Reincarnation and the Web of Life By Dr. Christopher M. Bache, (New York:
Paragon House, 1994)

▪ Mission to Millboro By Dr. Marge Rieder, (Nevada City, CA: Blue Dolphin Pub., 1995)

▪ Return to Millboro: The Reincarnation Drama Continues By Dr. Marge Rieder, (Nevada City,
CA: Blue Dolphin Pub., 1995)

▪ Close Encounters of the Possession Kind By Dr. William Baldwin, (Headline Books, Inc.)
Looking for Carroll Beckwith: The True Story of a Detective's Search for his Past Life By Capt.
Robert L. Snow, (Emmaus, PA: Daybreak Books, 1999)

▪ Children's Past Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect your Child By Carol Bowman, (New
York Bantam Books, 1997)

▪ Return from Heaven: Beloved Relatives Reincarnated within Your Own Family By Carol
Bowman, (New York: HarperCollins, 2001)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved
▪ Hypnotherapy Encyclopedia, By Dr. Ormond McGill, (Palos Verdes, CA: Creativity Unlimited
Press, 2001)

▪ Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children's Memories of Previous Lives By Dr.
Jim B. Tucker, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2005).

▪ From Birth to Rebirth By Dr. C. V. Tramont, M.D., (Columbus, NC: Swan-Raven & Co.,

▪ Bringing Your Soul to Light: Healing Through Past Lives and the Time Between By Dr. Linda
Backman, (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Pubs., 2009)

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▪ This is not Part of Our Book or Part of Our Research,
Additional Reading is only for More information from
some of References from our Chapters.

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▪ Descendents of Sanathana dharma believes in “Law of Karma or Law of Nature”.

“But I want to tell you that it applies to peoples of all religion”.

▪ Karma is a Sanskrit word whose literal meaning is a

' ction'. It refers to the law that states
“Every action has an equal reaction either immediately or at some point in the future”.

▪ Good or virtuous actions, actions in harmony with dharma, will have good reactions or
responses and bad actions, actions against dharma, will have the opposite effect.

▪ In Hinduism karma operates not only in this lifetime but across lifetimes: the results of an
action might only be experienced after the present life in a new life.

▪ Hindus believe that human beings can create good or bad consequences for their
actions and might reap the rewards of action in this life, in a future human rebirth or reap the
rewards of action in a heavenly or hell realm in which the self is reborn for a period of time.

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▪ This process of reincarnation is called samsara, a continuous cycle in which the soul is
reborn over and over again according to the law of action and reaction. At death many Hindus
believe the soul is carried by a subtle body into a new physical body which can be a human or
non-human form (an animal or divine being). The goal of liberation (moksha) is to make us
free from this cycle of action and reaction, and from rebirth.

▪ Karma means Persons physical and mental actions.

▪ Law of karma is equivalent to Newton's third law of motion

“For every action there is equal and opposite reaction”.

▪ If you do good deeds to others it I'll come back to you as good.If you do bad deeds to others
it I'll come back to you as bad.

▪ Your Own deeds creates your destiny

Each and every deeds in your life have its own result.

▪ A person cannot escapes from the consequences of his own actions, but he can minimize
his consequences.

▪ The law of Karma applies to all Creatures irrespective of religion,age,Gender etc.



▪ “…..Believing as I do in the theory of rebirth, I live in the hope that if not in this birth, in some

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other birth I shall be able to hug all humanity in friendly embrace.” – Mohandas K. Gandhi

▪ We have heard a lot about ‘Karma’. ‘Karma’ is a Sanskrit word which means ‘action’. Karma
is the process of cause and effect, which is associated with our thoughts, emotions and
behaviors. Jesus said, “As you sow, so shall you reap”. This single statement contains the
essence of what Karma is.

The Dynamics of Karma

▪ We are all spiritual beings having a human experience and the dynamics of Karma help us
to keep learning and progressing through the actions done by us in each lifetime. Therefore,
Karma is neither good nor bad. Karma operates on universal laws, which create total justice.

▪ Karma is very impersonal and it applies to everyone without exception at all times. Karma
makes us realize that we are all one irrespective of our nationality, religion, race, creed, caste,
sex etc. and thereby teaches us oneness.

▪ Karma teaches us take self-responsibility as it makes us feel responsible for our actions in
every situation. Karma makes us understand the cause and effect of our actions.
Understanding Karma is a major step in our Spiritual Evolution.

Different types of Karma

SANCHITA KARMA :- This is the sum total of the Karma accumulated from all the lifetimes.

PRARABDHA KARMA :- This is the Karma that is ripened. The effects of this type of Karma
will be felt in this lifetime and in current situations.

AGAMI KARMA or KRIYAMANA KARMA :- This is the recently added Karma resulting from
present actions. This kind of Karma, which is added recently, affects the future.

Reincarnation and Karma

▪ Most of us believe that our individual characters are formed from birth in this present life. We
therefore assume that our psychological makeup is molded from parental and social
conditioning as well as our genetic inheritance.

▪ Factors like complexes, patterning, personal myths, scripts and family of origin etc. are
believed to influence our characters. These have been used to explain how our psyche has

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been affected by our childhood experiences and/or our genetic inheritance. Modern
psychology is predominantly based on this model.

▪ What this model fails to provide suitable explanations for are the instances wherein many
people are found to possess special gifts and character traits that cannot be due to their family
history or genetic inheritance.

▪ It also cannot explain why two people with identical family history and genetic inheritance
often have vastly varying and sometimes diametrically opposite character traits and behavior.
This model is therefore incomplete in its understanding of the human psyche. This is the
reason why it has had an insignificant success rate when it comes to treating most
psychological disorders and ailments.

▪ Any search for a fully integrated model, which can provide the answers to all the questions
that remain unanswered using the present model, leads us to the study of reincarnation.

▪ Reincarnation is the missing link, which helps us to complete our understanding. Once we
realize that we are eternal beings who have lived many lifetimes before this one, we can
easily understand that our psyche represents the sum total of all experiences of all our
lifetimes including the present one.

▪ This explains how our character, situations and conditions in the present life have their roots
in our past lives. Past life activities, past life habits, past life patterns, traumatic experiences in
the past lives, emotionally charged events from past lives and many more past life
experiences all together make up our present self and character structure.

▪ The main reason for reincarnating is to learn lessons. Reincarnation and Karma are thus
interrelated. However, this does not apply to those who choose to reincarnate to teach others
and help them to grow spiritually. Before we reincarnate, we choose the circumstances,
parents, social conditions and situations into which we are born so as to give us the ideal
conditions for learning the lessons that we have set out to learn in this lifetime. Hence current
family genetics and psychological environments are not mainly responsible for our
psychological makeup.

▪They are only the vehicles for the expression of the soul and serve to bring about the
interplay of factors required for the natural unfolding of the karmic drama.

Karma is not Punishment :- It is very important for us to understand that Karma is not a
system of punishment put in place by a higher authority. The common misconception is that
the laws of Karma operate in such a manner as to punish us for our so-called ‘wrong doings’.

▪ The punishment is always self-inflicted from the karmic point of view. Strong Identification

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with patterns of guilt leads to a need to punish oneself, and therefore the punishment is
invariably self-inflicted punishment.

“13 important Postulates According to Law of Karma”.


This is the most important Law among all Laws of Nature

This is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect".

"As shall you sow, that shall you reap". -
Whatever you do to Universe is what comes back to you in the same form. Universe
[ refers
to all creations such as Humans,animals,plants etc ].

“If you do good deeds to others it I'll come back to you as good.If you do bad deeds to
others it I'll come back to you as bad”.

If you want is Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship in your life ... Then you should be Happy,
Peaceful, Loving and a True Friend to the Universe.

Each and every actions in your life has its own result whether it is good or bad actions, it has
its own result.

When you are doing a good/bad deeds in your life remember that you are modifying the
vibration of consciousness of Universe either in positive or in negative way which have its own


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We all are one (remember the creation of universe everything came from explosion ofcosmic
egg or Hiranyagarbha, we all were one at the beginning of universe (brahmanda)Bindu or
the point of creation).

We are one with creation of Universe, both from inside as well as outside.

Whatever that surrounds us give clues to our inner conscious state.

Be yourself, and surround yourself Let your smile change the world and never let world to
change your smile.


What you will refuse to accept in your life will continue for you.

What you see in your enemy, or with someone to be negative, then you by yourself are not
focused on a higher level of consciousness.


"Wherever you go in life, then there you are". For us to grow in Spiritually then it is you the
who must adopt to place - and not the people, places or things around you.

The only given in your life is YOURSELF and that the only factor which we have control it.

When you change who and what we are within your heart your life follows suit and changes


If there is something wrong in my life, then there is something wrong in me. -

You mirror what surrounds you - and

what surrounds you mirrors you this is a Universal Truth. -

We must take responsibility what god has given in our life.

Everyone has his own responsibility in his life eg:- a Doctor has to treat his patient, father has
to take care of his wife ,children's and family, Police has to maintain law and order. When you
are not doing your responsibility you are going against law of Karma.


Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done as

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Everything in the Universe is connected.

Each steps that you took in your life will leads to the next step, and so forth and so on.

Everyone must do the initial work to get a job done. Neither first step nor last step is of greater
significance, but both is needed to accomplish the task.
Remember that Past-Present-Future are all interconnected.


You can think of only one thing at a time.

When your focus is on Spiritual Values, then you have to leave your lower conscious thoughts
such as greed or anger.


If you believe that something as true in your life, then sometimes you will be called upon to
demonstrate that particular truth in your life. This is where we put into actual PRACTICE that
what we claim that we have learned.


Your old thoughts, old dreams and old patterns of behavior,Prevents you from having new
one in your life.
So looking backward to examine what you was prevents you from being totally HERE AND


History repeats until you learn the lessons from your previous mistakes.

“ You Don’t Change you to others, You change you into Yourself”.


All Rewards in your life requires patience and persistent.

If something good is happening in your life then it's areward for your good karma (good
deeds) and if something bad is happening in your life then it's a test for you as a result of your
bad karma (bad deeds) to check your Patience.

So if anything is happening in your life means it's either atest or reward depending on your

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The true result of something is a direct result of theenergy, effort and intention that you put
into it.
Each and every personal contribution is a contribution to the Whole.



According to law of food

||“One living entity is food for another. Just to exist you must kill but not for the

Eg:-The cow has to eat grass and fodder

the tiger has to eat flesh
the rosebush gets nourishment from water and the minerals in the earth.
||“According to law of karma food for humans should be made from milk products,
vegetables, grains, and fruits”||

But I want to say you that Hinduism is not exactly principle of n

‘ on-violence’ but it's a
principle of ‘minimal violence’. means



"Killing Anything which has Soul is Sinful".

▪ Every living being has a specific purpose for its existence. The purpose, definitely, is other
than being killed and eaten by others.

▪ In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says sarva–yonishu kaunteya (BG, 14.4): “In every
living being which has Consciousness there is Soul.” That means even in the animals there is
a soul, so we do not have the right to kill or eat flesh.
▪ Like How we Cannot give life in the same way we don't have rights to take any other life.
Just as there are government laws, so there are laws of Nature.

▪ If we kill then that binds us to Karma, and we will get the reaction. The analogy of Karma
means ‘To every action there is an equal opposite reaction’. So either we do good or bad

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karma, we are still binding ourselves more to this material world.

▪ Also just by seeing a meat dish on your plate does not mean everything is ok, there has
been so much violence gone into it before you see the finishing product. (Torturing,
Slaughtering, Killing innocent animal is violent Action).

▪ Lord Krishna says that he is the original father of all living entities (aham bija-pradah
pita – BG, 14.4), so we do not have the right to kill anyone. If we do not have the right to give
life to a living creature we also do not have the right to kill them unnecessarily. A Devotee is
full of compassion and he cannot see anyone suffer, even the animals.

1. What is Soul, Does soul really exists If so then Why I Can't see it??

Answer :- Soul is nothing but Individual Consciousness.

We can't see soul in our eyes because it’s a spiritual entity only you have to experience it,
Just you don’t see doesn’t means that it doesn’t exists.
For example we can't see oxygen and you can't live 5 min without oxygen. If you are not
seeing oxygen doesn’t mean that oxygen doesn’t exists.
the same applies for soul also.
Killing anything which has soul is sinful.

2. What is consciousness and its types??

Answer:- Consciousness means ‘Alertness’.

There are three types of consciousness

1.Simple consciousness it is present in human animals and even in plants.
2.Self consciousness it is present in human being.
3.Cosmic consciousness or Super Consciousness it is the higher level of consciousness it
can be attained in a person with high spiritual divine energy.


Answer: Yes, because they too have Consciousness.

This is only accepted by Sanatana Dharma religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism etc)

Islam and Christianity rejects it (They don't believe that animals and plants have soul).

The reason is they say that

▪ Animals don’t have emotional feelings like us, they are just animals.
▪ They don't undergo depression like us.
▪ Animals will never commit suicide (Suicide means One killing his own Soul‘AATMA

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▪ Animal don’t commit suicide because they don’t have soul.
▪ Since they don't have soul so we can kill and eat any animal in this world (bible and

||“According to Bhagvad Gita and vedas Every living entity which has consciousness
have Soul”||.

So Finally Science has proved that “Animals also have emotional feelings, they also
undergoes depression and Animals also commits suicide”

Click the Link Below to read Scientific Proof of Animal Depression and Animal Sucide.
For More Details Refer Additional Reading》Part
3》Regarding Research on Animal Depression and Animal

So According to science even animals and plants also have consciousness because animals
do feel pain, they too have emotional feelings just like us and plants also responds to sunlight
hence they too have consciousness.



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If so then killing plants must be also Sinful??
How killing plant differs from killing Animal??

Yeah even I too had this doubt before I finally Understood

Read below to understand it.

5.Your Question: I know fat-free, salt-free, cholesterol-free diet —but what’s

a karma-free diet ?

Answer: Word Karma means any action done in your life that reaction and thus it binds us to
the material world.
So a karma-free diet is a sinless diet which produces no material reaction.


6.Question: Are vegetarians are sinless in their eating ?

Answer: Not exactly sinful.

All living things have a soul. So, whether you kill a cow or pick a cauliflower, you’re killing.

But In killing a cauliflower is you are obeying the law of nature.

But killing Animal is against st law of nature and its sinful.
||“Breehimattam yavamattamatho maashamatho tilam Esha vaam bhaago nihito
ratnadheyaaya dantau maa hinsishtam pitaram maataram cha”||. [[Atharvana Veda

Says that

||“One living entity is food for another. Just to exist you must kill but not for the
Food for humans must be Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Milk and its products roots,
nuts and other edible veggie sources.


7.Can you explain me more in detail??

Answer:- Ya sure.
Cow eats grass and fodder and it cannot eat meat in the same way tiger eats flesh and it

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cannot eat grass and fodder.
The rosebush gets nourishment from water and the minerals in the earth.
So these are the lower forms of life they are not committing sin because they are following
law of nature automatically because tiger has to be eat meat and cow has to be eat grass and
fodder only.

Humans killing animals and eating meat makes us merciless and hard hearted.
Because no animals cannot be killed without painful violent action. Torturing and
violent painful killing of animals creates negative vibrations in universe and these
vibrations enters body while you are consuming that.
And these negative vibrations makes you to attain Bad Karma and gives you reaction
in the form of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol in the blood, obesity,
cancer, heart attacks, psychological troubles and so on.
I am not telling you that vegetarians don't get these diseases but chances of getting is
lower when compared to meat eaters who are more prone to get cholesterol, sugar,
Blood pressure.

So if you are a vegetarian then it is much easier for you to understand non-violence
spiritual concepts and spiritual practices.

||“When a soldier kills under the command of a superior officer, he's not to be judged a
criminal. But if a soldier kills on his own account, then he's certainly a criminal and
subject to trial and punishment”||.


Human Beings are Made up of three types of qualities
1. Sattva is the quality of balance, harmony, goodness, purity, universalizing, holistic,
constructive, creative, building, positive, peaceful, virtuous.
2. Rajas is the quality of passion, activity, neither good nor bad and sometimes either, self-
centeredness, egoistic, individualizing, driven, moving, dynamic.
3. Tamas is the quality of imbalance, disorder, chaos, anxiety, impure, destructive, delusion,
negative, dull or inactive, apathy, inertia or lethargy, violent, vicious, ignorant.
All Human beings have all these three types of characters in their subconscious, But the
Amount of Expression is Different in Different Individuals. And Asuras (satan or demon) are
the person with more rajas and tamas qualities like terrorists, Corrupt people of society
or Any person who cruelly harms other people, society, nature etc.

Person Character changes According to what he Eat, Foid has effect on Human Being

Meat is Included under Rajas and Tams Food

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Sattvic foods support sattva; they help the mind become clear and stay focused.
▪ Here is an alphabetic list of sattvic foods:

▪ Alfalfa sprouts, almonds, amaranth, anise, apple, apricot, artichoke, arugula*, asparagus,
banana (ripe), barley, basmati rice, beans (azuki, black, broad, fava, green, lima*, mung,
navy*, pinto, tepary), bean sprouts (all), bee pollen, berberies, blackberries, blueberries,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, buckwheat, butter, buttermilk (fresh), cabbage (cooked),
cantaloupe, cardamom, carob, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, cheese (freshly made),
cherry, coconut, collards, corn (fresh), cornmeal, cranberries, cream (sweet), cucumber,
currant, dates (fresh), fennel, figs (fresh and dried),fruit juices (freshly made), ghee (clarified
butter), grapefruit (sweet), grapes, honey (raw unheated), honeydew melon, kale, kohlrabi,
lentils (black, tan), lettuce, licorice, mango (ripe), maple syrup, Mother’s milk, milk (fresh, raw,
pure), millet, mung dahl, mustard greens, nectarines, nuts (Brazil, cashew, chestnuts,
macadamia, peanuts, pine, pecans, walnuts), oats, oranges (sweet), okra, papaya, paneer
(Indian cheese), parsley, parsnip, peaches, peas (black eye, green), persimmon, pineapple
(sweet), plum, pomegranate, prunes, pumpkin, quinoa, raisins, raspberries, rice, rose hips,
rutabaga, sesame seeds, saffron, sorghum, soy lecithin, spinach, strawberries, sugar cane
(raw), summer squash, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, tangerines (sweet), turnip,
watercress, watermelon, wheat, wild rice, winter squash, yams, yogurt (fresh), zucchini.

▪ Rajasic foods generate more fire, outward motion, creativity, aggression, and
Any canned, sweetened fruit, all fermented food, all bottled fruit juices are rajasic.
Sattvic food can be turned into rajasic when eaten too hot, too cold, or too spicy.

▪ Here is an alphabetic list of other rajasic foods:

▪ Avocado, beans (garbanzo, kidney), black pepper corn, brewer’s yeast, buttermilk (not
freshly made), cabbage (raw), cacao, cheese (hard, cottage), chili, chocolate, coffee, dates
(dried), eggplant, guava, grapefruit (sour), kefir ( not freshly made), lemon, lentils (red), lime,

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malt syrup, mango (unripe), molasses, olives, peanut oil, peanuts (salty), peppers, pickles,
peas (green dried**), pine apple (sour), pistachios (salted), potatoes, radish, red beets,
rhubarb, rice bran syrup, salt (all kinds), sour cream, sugar (white, brown, date, fructose,
jaggery), sugar cane juice, tea (green and black), tomatoes, vinegar, yogurt (not freshly

▪ Tamasic foods increase inner darkness and confusion. They slow us down, depress
us and enhance inertia.
▪ Tamasic foods include all fast food, fried food, frozen food, microwaved food,
processed food, left over night food, alcohol, all drugs, and chemicals. Even sattvic and
rajasic food become tamasic if eaten not fresh.

Here is an alphabetic list of other tamasic foods:

▪ Alcohol, beef, chicken, drugs, eggs (all parts), fish, fowl, garlic, goat, ice cream, lamb, lard,
leeks, margarine, not fresh milk ( homogenized, pasteurized, powdered), mushrooms, onion
(raw, cooked, green), pop corn, pork, rabbit, black radish, shallots, shellfish, soy beans,
turkey, venison.

▪ The basic nature of the mind is creative or sattvic, with just enough rajas and tamas to bring
desires to fruition. That means that the base of our diet should consist of fresh or freshly
prepared grains, vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, milk, ghee and butter in
moderation, cold pressed oils and natural sweeteners. We need just a small amount of rajasic
foods to stimulate creativity and outward motion. Tamasic food can be helpful when an excess
of rajas is present. If the mind is hyper and ungrounded – some tamasic food can be eaten to
promote stability. Freshly made steamed mushrooms or onions although tamasic are a
healthier choice than a frozen steak, which has been fried, re chilled and microwaved.




Majority of religion eats meat and also majority of Hindus also eats meat.

So Our opinion is
▪ If you are not eating any meat (pure vegetarian) then it's very good you continue to be
maintain pure vegetarian, consume sufficient amount of milk and other calcium and vitamin D
related products daily.

▪ If you are consuming meat and if possible for you to leave meat they please leave meat
But if you are very much addicted to meat and you cannot leave eating meat, then select egg
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and fish which are healthier and very rarely select chicken and mutton.

▪ If you have high Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and High Diabetes then Please don’t eat any
kind of meat.

BUT Never eat Red Meat( beef and pork) in your life and even you don’t dream also eating
red meat.

1. Because it is very very strictly prohibited in vedas, Upanishads and also in Bhagavad Gita.
(Bhagavat gita 5:18), (Manu-samhita 5.48-49), Manu-samhita 5.37-38), (Manu-samhita 5.45),
(Manu-samhita 5.54-55), (Rig-veda (10.87.16),(Mahabharata, Anu.115.47).

Killing cow is equal to killing your mother Be Careful.

2. It is highly unhealthy to Human body.

For More
CLICK the linkDetails Refer
below to read Additional
about Reading》Part
Spiritual importance of Cow. 5》Regarding
For MoreofDetails
Benefits Cow and Refer Additionalalso
its Products, Reading》Part
Hazards of 5》Regarding
Killing Cow and
Benefits of Red
Consuming Cowmeat.
and its Products, also Hazards of Killing Cow and
Consuming Red meat.
For More Details Refer Additional Reading》Part 6》Regarding
Meat ANDDetails
Highly Refer
ARE Additional
HIGHLY the BodyReading》Part
-TOMedical 6》Regarding
HEALTH. Hazards of
Red Meat isRed
Consuming Highly
Meat.Toxic to the Body - Medical Hazards of
the link below Meat.
to read Medical Hazards of eating red meat (Beef and Pork).
Finally I want to say you an interesting small story

We all know about the Death of Lord Sri Krishna happened due to shot of poisoned arrow by
the hunter.

If you don't know then

Click the link below to know about death of lord sri krishna.

“So hunter who killed krishna was none other than the great Vaali in his previous birth.
Lord sri krishna is the 8th incarnation of Sri Mahavishnu and Lord Sri Ram is the 7th
incarnation of lord Mahavishnu.
So lord krishna(8th avatar) in his previous birth as Shri Ram (7th avatar), had killed
Vaali from a hidden spot atop a tree.
But Vaali never committed any act against Sri Ram and hence Sri Ram had no reason
to kill him. but Lord Rama killed vali to get vanara sainya and to save sita.
So vaali reborn as hunter and killed lord sri krishna through poisoned arrow”

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So The epic Mahabharatha beautifully brings out the very important fact that

||“Even for the Ruler of this Universe, The Laws of Karma remains true”||
References to this article


Atharvana veda
Bhagavad Gita
Isha Upanishad
Swetha Sara Upanishad

Thank you for Reading

God Bless you



Article by
Nagashree Chaitanya

Contact me on email


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Scientifically and Historically Accepted Timeline of World religion
▪ The timeline of religion is a chronological catalog of important and noteworthy religious
events in pre-historic and modern times. This article reaches extensively into prehistoric
times, as the bulk of the human religious experience is not relegated to written history.

▪ Written history is only, approximately, 5000 years old (the age of formal writing).
A lack of written records results in the fact that most of the knowledge about prehistoric
religion is derived from archaeological records and other indirect sources, and suppositions.
Much prehistoric religion is subject to continued debate.

▪ Homo heidelbergensis deliberately disposing of deceased individuals, usually in funerary

caches. The graves, located throughout Eurasia (e.g. the Pontnewydd Cave (Wales),
Atapuerca Mountains (Spain), Qafzeh, Es Skhul, Krapina (Croatia), are believed to represent
the beginnings of ceremonial rites, although there is some debate about this.

▪ Neanderthals placed their deceased in simple graves with little or no concern for grave
goods or markers; however, their graves occasionally appeared with limestone blocks in or on
them, possibly an archaic form of grave marking.

▪ These practices were possibly the result of empathetic feelings towards fellow tribespeople,
for example: an infant buried in the Dederiyeh Cave after its joints had disarticulated was
placed with concern for the correct anatomical arrangement of its body parts.

98,000 BCE
▪ In the area of present-day France and Belgium, Neanderthals begin defleshing their dead,
possibly after a period of excarnation prior to burial.

50th to 11th millennium BCE

40,000 BCE
▪ One of the earliest anatomically modern humans to be cremated is buried near Lake Mungo.

38,000 BCE
▪ The Aurignacian Löwenmensch figurine, the oldest known zoomorphic (animal-shaped)
sculpture in the world and one of the oldest known sculptures in general, is made. The
sculpture has also been interpreted as anthropomorphic, giving human characteristics to an

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animal, although it may have represented a deity.

▪ All convincing evidence for Neanderthal burials ceases. Roughly coinciding with the time
period of the Homo sapiens introduction to Europe and decline of the Neanderthals, individual
skulls and/or long bones begin appearing heavily stained with red ochre and are separately
buried. This practice may be the origins of sacred relics.

▪ The oldest discovered "Venus figurines" appear in graves. Some are deliberately broken or
repeatedly stabbed. Possibly representing murders of the men they are buried with or some
other unknown social dynamic.

25,000–21,000 BCE
▪ Clear examples of burials are present in Iberia, Wales, and Eastern Europe. All of these,
also, incorporate the heavy use of red ochre. Additionally, various objects are being included
in the graves (i.e. periwinkle shells, weighted clothing, dolls, possible drumsticks, mammoth
ivory beads, fox teeth pendants, panoply of ivory artifacts, "baton" antlers, flint blades, etc.).

13,000–8,000 BCE
▪ Noticeable burial activity resumes. Prior mortuary activity had either taken a less obvious
form or contemporaries retained some of their burial knowledge in the absence of such
activity; dozens of men, women, and children were being buried in the same caves which
were used for burials 10,000 years beforehand. All these graves are delineated by the cave
walls and large limestone blocks.

▪ The burials are very similar to each other and share a number of characteristics—ochre,
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shell and mammoth ivory jewellery—that go back thousands of years. Some burials are
double, comprising an adult male with a juvenile male buried by his side. They are now
appearing to take on the form of modern cemeteries. Old burials are commonly being dug and
moved to make way for the new ones, with the older bones often being gathered and cached
together. Large stones may have acted as grave markers. Pairs of ochred antlers are
sometimes mounted on poles within the cave; this is compared to the modern practice of
leaving flowers at one's grave.

 100th to 34th century BCE.

9831 BCE
▪ The Neolithic Revolution begins and results in a worldwide population explosion. The first
cities, states, kingdoms, and organized religions begin to emerge. The early states were
usually theocracies, in which the political power is justified by religious prestige. Beginning of
First Sangam, Hinduism 'Shiva' period in South India.

9130–7370 BCE
▪ The apparent usage lifespan of Göbekli Tepe, one of the oldest human-made sites of
worship as of yet discovered, similar usage has also been found in a nearby site, Nevalı Çori.

7500–5700 BCE
▪ The settlements of Catalhoyuk develop as a likely spiritual center of Anatolia. Possibly
practicing worship in communal shrines, its inhabitants leave behind numerous clay figurines
and impressions of phallic, feminine, and hunting scenes.

5500–4500 BCE
▪ The Proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE) emerged, probably within the Pontic-Caspian steppe
(though their exact urheimat is debated). The PIE peoples developed a religion focused on
sacrificial ideology, which would influence the religions of the descendent Indo-European
cultures throughout Europe, Anatolia, and the Indian subcontinent.

It is said to be the period of Ramayana in India, Birth of Lord Sri Ram in 5114 BCE who
is Central Figure of Hinduism.

3750 BCE

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▪ The Proto-Semitic people emerged with a generally accepted urheimat in the Arabian
peninsula. The Proto-Semitic people would migrate throughout the Near East into
Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the eastern shore of the Mediterranean. Their religion
would influence their descendant cultures and faiths.

 33rd to 12th century BCE

3300–1300 BCE
▪ Extent and major sites of the Indus Valley Civilization. The shaded area does not include
recent excavations.

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▪ The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilization (3300–1300 BCE; mature
period 2600–1900 BCE) in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, noted for its
cities built of brick, roadside drainage system, and multistoried houses as well as for
containing artifacts which could be linked to pre-vedic religions.

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▪ It is also a period of Mahabharata in India. Birth of Lord Sri Krishna in 3112 BCE who
is an Incarnation of Lord Vishnu of Hindu Trinity.

Also the period in which Hindu Sacred Scripture Bhagavad Gita was written.

3102 BCE
▪ Beginning of Kaliyuga, a new age among the followers of Indian religions.

3100 BCE
▪ The initial form of Stonehenge is completed. The circular bank and ditch enclosure, about
110 metres (360 ft) across, may be complete with a timber circle.
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3100–2900 BCE
▪ Newgrange, the 250,000 ton (226,796.2 tonne) passage tomb aligned to the winter solstice
in Ireland, is built.

3000-3200 BCE

▪ The significance of establishing this date for the drying up of the Sarasvati River is, that it
pushes the date for the composition of the Rig Veda back to approximately 3,000 B.C.E.,
as enunciated by the Vedic tradition itself.
3000 BCE
▪ Sumerian Cuneiform emerges from the proto-literate Uruk period, allowing the codification of
beliefs and creation of detailed historical religious records.

▪ The second phase of Stonehenge is completed and appears to function as the first enclosed
cremation cemetery in the British Isles.

2635–2610 BC
▪ The oldest surviving Egyptian Pyramid is commissioned by pharaoh Djoser.

2600 BCE
▪ Stonehenge begins to take on the form of its final phase. The wooden posts are replaced
with that of bluestone. It begins taking on an increasingly complex setup—including altar,
portal, station stones, etc.—and shows consideration of solar alignments.

2560 BCE

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▪ The approximate time accepted as the completion of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the
oldest pyramid of the Giza Plateau.

2494–2345 BCE

▪ The first of the oldest surviving religious texts, the Pyramid Texts, are composed in
Ancient Egypt.

2200 BCE

▪ Minoan Civilization in Crete develops. Citizens worship a variety of Goddesses.

2150–2000 BCE
▪ The earliest surviving versions of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (originally titled "He who
Saw the Deep" (Sha nakba īmuru) or "Surpassing All Other Kings" (Shūtur eli sharrī)) were

2000–1850 BCE

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▪ The traditionally accepted period in which the Judeo Christian/Islamic patriarchal figure
Abraham lived. Likely born in Ur Kaśdim or Haran and died in Machpelah, Canaan.

1600 BCE
▪ The ancient development of Stonehenge comes to an end.

1500 BCE
▪ The Vedic Age starts in India after the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation

 13th to 9th century BCE

1351 or 1353 BCE

▪ Reign of Akhenaten in Ancient Egypt. Akhenaten is sometimes credited with starting the
earliest known monotheistic religion.

1300–1000 BCE
▪ The "standard" Akkadian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh was edited by Sin-liqe-unninni.

1250–600 BCE

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▪ The Upanishads (Vedic texts) get composed which contain the earliest emergence of
some of the central religious concepts of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

1200 BCE
▪ The Greek Dark Age begins.

1200 BCE
▪ Olmecs build earliest pyramids and temples in Central America.

877–777 BCE

Parshva, 23rd Tirthankar of Jainism.

 8th to 3rd Century BCE

800 BCE
▪ The Greek Dark Age ends.

600–500 BCE
▪ Earliest Confucian writing, Shu Ching incorporates ideas of harmony and heaven.

599–527 BCE

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▪ Mahavira, 24th and last Tirthankar of Jainism.

600–400 BCE

▪ Probable time of existence of Laozi, author of the Tao Te Ching, considered the
founding work of philosophical Taoism.

563 BCE

▪ Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism is born, whom hindus consider him as 9th
incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu.

551 BCE
▪ Confucius, founder of Confucianism, is born.

440 BCE

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▪ Zoroastrianism enters recorded history.

399 BCE
▪ Socrates is tried for impiety.

300 BCE
▪ Theravada Buddhism is introduced to Sri Lanka by the Venerable Mahinda.

250 BCE
▪ The Third Buddhist council was convened.

 2nd century BCE to 4th century CE

150 BCE
Hebrew Bible (old testament)

▪ The oldest surviving Hebrew Bible manuscripts date to about the 2nd century BCE

140 BCE

▪ The earliest grammar of Sanskrit literature gets composed by Pāṇini.

100 BCE–500 CE
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▪ The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali constituting the foundational texts of Yoga are composed.

7 BCE–36 CE

▪ The approximate time-frame for the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the central figure of

▪ Christian Council of Jerusalem is held.

▪ Siege of Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Temple and rise of Rabbinic Judaism.

▪ Manichaean Gnosticism is formed by prophet Mani

▪ Some of the oldest parts of the Ginza Rba, a core text of Mandaean Gnosticism, are written.


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▪ Classic Mayan civilization, Stepped pyramids are constructed.

▪ The oldest known version of the Tao Te Ching is written on bamboo tablets.

▪ The Edict of Milan decrees religious toleration in the Roman empire.

▪ The first Ecumenical Council, the Council of Nicaea, is convened to attain a consensus on
doctrine through an assembly representing all of Christendom. It establishes the original
Nicene Creed, fixes Easter date, confirms primacy of the See of Rome, See of Alexandria,
and See of Antioch, and grants the See of Jerusalem a position of honor.

Greek Bible (New Testament).

▪ The oldest record of the complete biblical texts survives in a Greek translation called
the Septuagint, dating to the (appx. placement here) 4th century CE (Codex Sinaiticus).

▪ Theodosius I declared Nicene Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire.

▪ The second Ecumenical Council, the Council of Constantinople, reaffirms/revises the Nicene
Creed repudiating Arianism and Macedonianism.

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▪ Theodosius proscriptive Paganism within the Roman Empire.

▪ The Synod of Hippo, the first time a council of bishops of early Christianity listed and
approved a
biblical canon.

 Middle Ages (5th to 15th century)

5th to 9th century


▪ St. Jerome completes the Vulgate, the first Latin translation of the Bible.

▪ The Western Roman Empire begins to decline, signaling the onset of the Dark Ages.

▪ The Assyrian Church of the East formally separates from the See of Antioch and the western
Syrian Church

▪ The third Ecumenical Council, the Council of Ephesus, is held as a result of the controversial
teachings of Nestorius, of Constantinople. It repudiates Nestorianism, proclaims the Virgin
Mary as the Theotokos ("Birth-giver to God", "God-bearer", "Mother of God"), repudiates
Pelagianism, and again reaffirmed the Nicene Creed.

▪ The Second Council of Ephesus declares support of Eutyches and attacked his opponents.

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Originally convened as an Ecumenical council, its ecumenicality is rejected and is denounced
as a latrocinium by the Chalcedonian.

▪ The fourth Ecumenical Council, the Council of Chalcedon rejects the Eutychian doctrine of
monophysitism, adopts the Chalcedonian Creed, reinstated those deposed in 449 and
deposed Dioscorus of Alexandria, and elevates of the bishoprics of Constantinople and
Jerusalem to the status of patriarchates.

▪ The Oriental Orthodox Church rejects the christological view put forth by the Council of
Chalcedon and is excommunicated.

▪ The Rule of Saint Benedict is written by Benedict of Nursia, the founder of Western Christian

▪ The fifth Ecumenical Council, Second Council of Constantinople, repudiates the Three
Chapters as Nestorian and condemns Origen of Alexandria.


▪ Life-time of Muhammad ibn 'Abdullāh, the Prophet of Islam.

▪ The Rashidun Caliphate brings Arab conquest of Persia, Egypt, Iraq, bringing Islam into
those regions.


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▪ The verses of the Qur'an are compiled in the form of a book in the era of Uthman,the third
Caliph of Islam.

▪ The Umayyad Caliphate brings Arab conquest of North Africa, Spain, Central Asia. Marking
the greatest extent of the Arab conquests bringing Islam into those regions.

▪ The sixth Ecumenical Council, the Third Council of Constantinople, rejects Monothelitism
and Monergism.
▪ Circa 680 the split between Sunni and Shiites starts to grow.

▪ The Quinisext Council (aka "Council in Trullo"), an amendment to the 5th and 6th
Ecumenical Councils, establishes the Pentarchy.

▪ Kojiki, the oldest Shinto text is written

▪ The beginning of migrations of Zoroastrian communities (Parsi) from Persia to India caused
by Muslim conquest of their lands and persecution.

▪ The latrocinium Council of Hieria supports iconoclasm.

▪ The seventh Ecumenical Council, Second Council of Nicaea, restores the veneration of
icons and denounces iconoclasm.


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▪ Lifetime of Adi Shankara, a Hindu philosopher who consolidated the doctrine of
Advaita Vedānta.


▪ The oldest extant manuscripts of the vocalized Masoretic text upon which modern editions
are based date to the (appx.) 9th century CE.

10th to 15th century

▪ The Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches formally
takes place.

▪ The first Crusade takes place.

▪ Sigurd I of Norway wages the Norwegian Crusade on Muslims in Spain, the Baleares, and in

▪ The Second Crusade is waged in response to the fall of the County of Edessa.

▪ The Third Crusade, European leaders attempt to reconquer what they considered the Holy
Land from Saladin.

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▪ The Fourth Crusade takes place.

▪ Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade sack the Christian Eastern Orthodox city of
Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire.

▪ Delhi Sultanate is established.

▪ The Albigensian Crusade takes place in Occitania, Europe.

▪ The Church attempts the Fifth Crusade.


▪ Nichiren Daishonin the Buddha of True Causes, Latter Day of the Law and founder of
Nichiren Buddhism is born, based at Nichiren Shoshu Head Temple Taisekiji (Japan),

▪ The Sixth Crusade occurs.

▪ The Codex Gigas is completed by Herman the Recluse in the Benedictine monastery of
Podlažice near Chrudim.

▪ Jerusalem is sacked again, instigating the Seventh Crusade.

▪ The Eighth Crusade is organized.
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▪ The Ninth Crusade fails.

▪ Pope John XXII lays the groundwork for the future witch-hunts with the formalization of the
persecution of witchcraft.

▪ The Roman Catholic Church is split during the Western Schism.


▪ The life of Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism.

▪ Pope Innocent VIII marks the beginning of the classical European witch-hunts with his papal
bull Summis desiderantes.


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▪ Chaitanya Mahaprabhu popularised the chanting of the Hare Krishna (mantra) and
composed the Siksastakam (eight devotional prayers) in Sanskrit.

▪ His followers, Gaudiya Vaishnavas, revere him as a spiritual reformer, Hindu revivalist
and a minor incarnation of Krishna (Vishnu).

▪ African religious systems are introduced to the Americas, with the commencement of the
transAtlantic slave trade.


▪ Martin Luther, of the Protestant Reformation, posts the 95 theses.

▪ Based on 95 theses of martin Luther king, People start protesting Roman catholics and
a new sub religion in Christianity Called Protestants begins.
▪ In the Spanish Empire, Catholicism is spread and encouraged through such institutions as
missions and the Inquisition.

▪ Henry VIII separates the English Church from Rome and takes the position of Supreme

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Head of the Church of England.

▪ The Massacre of Vassy sparks the first of a series of French Wars of Religion.
Early modern and Modern era (16th to 20th century)

16th to 18th century


▪ The creation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Sikhism.

▪ Death of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the last Sikh guru, who, before his death, instituted the
Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, as the eternal Guru.


▪ Baron d'Holbach publishes The System of Nature said to be thefirst positive

unambiguous statement of atheism in the West.


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▪ Birth of Ghanshyam later known as Sahajanand Swami/Swaminarayan in Chhapaiya at
the house of Dharmadev and Bhaktimata.

▪ The Dechristianisation of France during the Revolution.

▪ The state confiscated Church properties, bans monastic vows, with the passage of the Civil
Constitution of the Clergy removes the Church from the Roman Pope and subordinates it as a
department of the Government, replaces the traditional Gregorian Calendar, and abolishes
Christian holidays.

▪ Freedom of religion, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, is amended into the constitution of the
United States forming an early and influential secular government.

19th to 20th century

▪ The situation following the French Revolution, France and Pope Pius VII entered into the
Concordat of 1801. While "Catholicism" regains some powers and becomes recognized as
"...the religion of the great majority of the French", it's not reafforded the latitude it had enjoyed
prior to the Revolution. It's not the official state religion, the Church relinquishes all claims to
estate seized after 1790, the clergy is state salaried and must swear allegiance to the State,
and religious freedom is maintained.

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The life of Siyyid 'Alí Muḥammad Shírází (Persian: ‫ )ﺳﻴﺪ ﻋﻠﯽ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺷﯿﺮازی‬Bab (October 20,
1819 – July 9, 1850), the founder of Bábism.


▪ The life of Bahá'u'lláh, founder of the Bahá'í Faith.


▪ The Latter Day Saint movement is founded by Joseph Smith.


▪ Lifetime of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of the messianic Ahmadiyya Movement in


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▪ Lifetime of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, famous saint and mystic of Bengal.


▪ Satguru Ram Singh Ji Ram Singh, Creator of Namdhari Sikhs sect of Sikh religion.


▪ The Theosophical Society formed in New York City by Helena Blavatsky, Henry Steel
Olcott, William Quan Judge and others.

▪ Christian Science was granted its charter in Boston, Massachusetts.

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▪ The establishment of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community


▪ Swami Vivekananda's first speech at The Parliament of World Religions, Chicago that
brought the ancient philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world.

▪ Aradia (aka the Gospel of the Witches), one of the earliest books describing post witchhunt
European religious Witchcraft, is published by Charles Godfrey Leland.

▪ Thelema founded.

▪ In France the law on the Separation of the Churches and the State is passed, officially
establishing it a state secularism and putting an end to the funding of religious groups by the

▪ Becoming a place of pilgrimage for neo-druids and other pagans, the Ancient Order of
Druids organized the first recorded reconstructionist ceremony in Stonehenge.

▪ The establishment of the Khalifatul Masih after Prophethood in the Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community, the Second Manifestation of God's Power.

▪ The October Revolution, in Russia, leads to the annexation of all church properties and
subsequent religious suppression.
the 1917 Constitution of Mexico is written making Mexico a secular state.


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▪ Self Realization Fellowship Church of all Religions with its headquarters in Los Angeles,
CA funded by Paramahansa Yogananda.

▪ Cao Dai founded.

▪ The Cristero War is fought in Mexico between the secular government and religious christian
rebels ends 1929.

▪ Rastafari movement begins.

▪ The Nation of Islam is founded in Detroit, Michigan.


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▪ A neo-Hindu religious movement, the Brahma Kumaris or "Daughters of Brahma" started.
Its origin can be traced to the group "Om Mandali", founded by Lekhraj Kripalani(1884–1969).

▪ The first event of the Holocaust, the Kristallnacht, takes place.

▪ Millions of Jews are relocated and killed by theNazi government during Holocaust.


▪ British India is partitioned on religious lines; into an Islamic country of Pakistan and the
secular nation of India with a Hindu majority.

▪ The Jews return to their ancient biblical homeland and the state of Israel is created.


▪ Scientology is created.

▪ Wicca is publicized by Gerald Gardner.

▪ Various Neopagan and New Age movements gain momentum.

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Unitarian Universalism formed from merger of Unitarianism and Universalism.


▪ The Church of All Worlds, the first American neo-pagan church, is formed by a group
including Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart, and Richard Lance

▪ The Second Vatican Council takes place.


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▪ Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada establishes the International Society for Krishna
Consciousness and introduces translations of the Bhagavad-Gita and Vedic Scriptures
in mass production all over the world.

▪ Anton Szandor LaVey's Satanism begins, with Anton Szandor LaVey's founding of the
Church of Satan.

▪ The Stonehenge free festivals are held.


▪ Germanic Neopaganism (aka Heathenism, Heathenry, Ásatrú, Odinism, Forn Siðr, Vor
Siðr, and Theodism) begins to experience a second wave of revival.

▪ Claude Vorilhon established the Raëlian Movement and changed his name to Raël following
a purported extraterrestrial encounter in December 1973.

▪ The Iranian Revolution results in the establishment of an Islamic Republic in Iran.
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▪ The Stregheria revival continues. "The Book of the Holy Strega" and "The Book of Ways"
Volume I & II are published.

▪ Operation Blue Star occurs at holiest site of the Sikhs, the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
1984 Anti-Sikh riots follow in Delhi and adjoining regions, after the assassination of Prime
minister Indira Gandhi.

▪ The Battle of the Beanfield forces an end to the Stonehenge free festivals.

▪ The revolutions of 1989, the overthrow of many Soviet-style states,allows a resurgence in
open religious practice in many Eastern European countries.


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▪ European pagan reconstructive movements (Celtic, Hellenic, Roman, Slavic, Baltic,
Finnish, etc.) organize.

▪ The European Council convened in Copenhagen, Denmark, agrees to criteria requiring
religious freedom within any and all prospective members of the European Union.


▪ The Strega American Tradition is founded.

 21st century


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▪ The Palestinian Authority creates the Second Intifada in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

▪ Although largely political in nature, the uprising centered on religion and utilized Islamic
extremism to carry out terrorist acts and suicide bombings against Jews and Israeli
civilians in the name of Jihad.


▪ 21 Muslim terrorists from Al-Qaeda kill 2,977 on September 11, 2001 in the name of
Jihad, against the United States of America. Osama Bin Laden claimed responsibility and
praised the attacks.

▪ In England and Wales 390,127 people (almost 0.8%) stated their religion as Jedi on their
2001 Census forms, surpassing Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism, and making it the fourth
largest reported religion in the country. In the 2001 Census, 2.6% of the population of
Brighton claimed to be Jedi.


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▪ Simmering sectarian rivalries explode in Iraq between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, with
both sides targeting each other in terrorist acts and bombings of mosques and shrines.

▪ The only Hindu Kingdom in the world, Nepal, is declared a secular state by its Constituent
Assembly after declaring the state a Republic on 28 May 2008.

▪ The Church of Scientology in France is fined €600,000 and several of its leaders are fined
and sentenced to jail for defrauding new recruits out of their savings.

▪ The state fails to disband the church due to legal changes occurring over the same time


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▪ Civil war breaks out in Syria over domestic political issues, the country soon splits along
sectarian lines between Sunni, Alawite and Shiite lines.

▪ War crimes and acts of genocide are committed by both sides as Islamic religious
leaders condemn the other side as heretics in need of annihilation.

▪ The Syrian civil war soon becomes battleground for regional sectarian unrest, as
fighters join the fight from countries as far away as North America and Europe, as well
as Iran and Arab states.

▪ Islamic Caliphate is established by self proclaimed Islamic State in regions of war torn

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Syria and Iraq, drawing global support from radical Sunni Muslims.

▪ This is a modern-day attempt to re-establish Islamic self-rule in accordance with strict

adherence to the shariah- Islamic religious law.

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▪ In the wake of the Syrian civil war, Islamic extremists target the indigenous Arab
Christian communities. In acts of genocide, numerous and ancient Christian and Yazidi
communities are cleared out and evicted and threatened with death by various Muslim
Shia fighter groups.

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▪ After ISIS terrorist forces infiltrate Iraq from Syria and take over large parts of the
North, many ancient Christian and Yazidi enclaves are destroyed.

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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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Animal Depression ANIMAL
and Animal SUICIDE.

▪ We all thought that only human commits suicide only we have the feeling of intentionally
killing yourself but spent 5 min in reading this article, Your thought will be changed because
We have made an extensive research.

▪ First let us explain about animal depression later let me explain about animal suicide.

Animal Depression

Depression is defined as feeling of tiredness and lack of interest.

Olivier Berton- Assistant Professor of Neuroscience in the University of Pennsylvania with his
colleagues conducted research studies on rodents, primates, fishes etc who lacked interest in

I have just given an example of research done by neurologist

But There are thousands of animal psychologist and scientists have done research
regarding this.
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Does animals get depressed?

Yes, they do gets depressed just as how we do.

but it's very difficult to diagnose as animals can't communicate with us even if they have
depressed feelings.

What signs and symptoms of animal depression??

The classical symptom of animal depression is

Anhedonia- means the loss of interest in food and pleasurable activities by animals
Anhedonia in rodents can be demonstrated by by intracranial self-stimulation and by sucrose
Other signs and symptoms are

Behavioral despair- You can demonstrate this with tests like the forced-swimming test, the
tail suspension test etc.

Changes in appetite- Depression in animals is associated with appetite changes you can
easily measure it by assessing the quantity of food consumption.

Neuroendocrine disturbances- Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA) disturbances are

noticed in major depression in animals. Can be demonstrated by dexamethasone suppression

Neuroanatomical changes- Rodents when exposed to chronic stress or with excess of

glucocorticoids signs of dendritic atrophy and hippocampal loss of neurons.

Sleep disturbances- Electroencephalography(EEG) studies in rodents shows the

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disturbances in the circadian rhythm.

Anxiety- Anxiety is also a symptom of depression with high prevalence. Animals often
showed altered anxiety-related behavior.

What animals seem to exhibit signs and symptoms of depression?

Any animal can gets depressed including rodents

but most commonly seen in Monkeys, Dogs, Cattles, Dolphins, whales etc
Sometimes just by looking their facial expressions and their interests on consuming food and
pleasurable activities etc we can say that animal is depressed or not.

What are the causes of Animal Depression??

we can't exactly tell the single cause it's again multifactorial but the most common cause are

▪ Animals suffering from painful sickness.

▪ Death of partner of the animal or death their children or their siblings or their parents.

▪ If animals are in very close emotional relation with human beings and if any bad happened
(like death) to them or if they beat the animals or refused to serve food etc results in animal

How animals would deal with their depression?

In most of the cases animals them self manage their depression because there
consciousness is not much developed as human beings.
Only in very rare cases Animals commits suicide.

What are the treatments for Animal depression?

As I said before it's very difficult to diagnose animal depression and also most of the cases
human neglect their depression.

But human Antidepressants medications works on monkeys and even on dogs.

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 Animal Suicide

According to Psychology
Suicide means “intentional ending of one’s own life associated with Depression”.
And also to conclude that it is suicide “One must be aware that those actions will leads to
end of life”.
just remember above two sentences

Most of the people's agree with both Animal depression and Animal suicide.

But some of people only agree with Animal depression but they don't agree with Animal

Here i will give you proof of some of documented cases of animal suicide
in the world.

1. Depressed Swan committing Suicide

A Chinese woman by name Hiker Yan Yan Hsiao captured a young swan committing suicide
after the death of its mother.
see the image below

This is the moment in which a young swan drowned itself in water after the death of its

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She said that “I had been taking photographs (at the park lake in Sanmenxia, in Central
China’s Henan province) of the swan without even realising that I am capturing its suicide”.

She said that “I saw the swan which was young and along the side of an older bird that was
already dead”.
She also said that “Duck after flapping its wings, it then stuck its head in the water. but I
thought it had calmed down, Later then I realised that it was keeping its head in the water to
commit suicide”.

Later on examination of spot it was proved that “Duck doesn't had any disease, it was not old
also water was free from chemicals”.
This shows that reason for suicide would be the death of its mother.

There are also numerous cases in the world that ducks drowning themselves after the death
of partner.

2. Depressed Dolphin committed suicide.

In 1960’s The Dolphin trainer by name Richard O'Barry watched a dolphin by name Kathy
who killed herself.

Here is a statement by him "Kathy was really depressed... She swam into my arms and
looked me right into my eyes, then she took a deep breath and didn't take another one. I let
her go and she sank straight down on her belly to the bottom of the tank”.

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You have to know that like how we have voluntary breath in the same way dolphins and
whales also have voluntary breath. Every breath they take is a by their conscious effort. They
can end their life whenever by stop breathing just like us.
Finally this incidence made Richard O'Barry to transform into animal rights activist for the
rest of his life and also he made a role in "The Cove," which was an Oscar-winning

Again there are thousands of documented cases of whales committing suicide by purposely
coming out of water.

3. Newfoundland Dog that Attempted Suicide repeatedly and finally Succeeded.

In 1855, London News reported "Singular Case of Suicide" involving a Newfoundland dog.
The dog had been acting usual from few days and later the dog throw himself and try to to
sink in the water by preserving perfect stillness of the legs and feet."

But the dog was rescued and tied up. Whenever the dog was released he again jumps into
water and tried to sink himself. This occurred several times but finally at last the
Newfoundland dog succeeded in committing suicide.

4. A Bear that Starved to commit suicide in order to Escape from its Captivity

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In 2012, in china a bear refused to eat food for ten days finally starved herself to death.

According to detailed investigations it was proved that About 12,000 bears were kept in
captivity in China and Vietnam in order to obtain their bile (digestive juice stored in gall
bladder) which was used in traditional chinese medicine.

A permanent incision was made in abdomen and gall bladder and by inserting a catheter tube
through incision, the bile was removed from the bear also many times, a permanently
implanted metal tube is used so all these was very painful procedure which was carried out
twice a day. So the bear couldn’t tolerate the pain and finally committed suicide by starving.

Animal rights campaigners of china claimed that they have witnessed many other bears
committing suicide by starving in the last couple of years.

5. Whales that Beached Themselves to commit suicide

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In New Zealand in November 2011, 61 whales beached themselves to commit suicide. The
reason of suicide was not clear, but later on studies it was showed that sick whales heads to
shore to die and the others follow. But in that 18 whales survived.

6. Sheeps that Jumped from a Cliff.

In Turkey in 2005, it was reported that nearly 450 sheep jumped from a cliff. Turkish
shepherds, who had left the herd of 1500 sheeps to graze while they had breakfast they
watched that 450 sheep jumped from cliff and died. But those that jumped later survived
because as the pile got higher it created cushion effect.

7.Cows and Bulls that jumped from Cliff and committed suicide.

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In Alps in August 2009, 28 cows and bulls jumped themselves from cliff in three successive

According to local investigation it has proved that there had been violent thunderstorms in that
area which spooked the animals.

later helicopters were used to remove the bodies in order to prevent the pollution of the local

8. Insects that Sacrifice Themselves to Protect Others from danger.

It has been proved that Acyrthosiphon pisum commonly known as pea aphid a sap-sucking
insect explode itself in order to protect its relatives from predators like ladybug, thereby
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sacrificing its life in order to protect their relatives. And I want you tell that It was the first
convincing proof in the world which supports the host suicide hypothesis.
here i just gave you few examples
I can give you thousands of examples of documented animal suicides.

So if you carefully observed the above examples it is concluded that animals intentionally
ending their life by starving, by drowning, by suffocation, also by jumping from height etc
which are just like one of the methods that human follow.

And if you ask me whether they are aware of that their actions leads to end their life??
Of course Sure they are aware of it, they will be aware of actions which will leads to end their
eg:- If you have a cat in your home then take it to top of building, carefully hold cat in your
hand and from top of building make the cat to see ground and now observe its reaction

Be careful and Please don't make the cat to fall from height.

Now I will give you live examples in my life

In my grandmother's village a old lady who had severe attachment with a cow died
because of illness. After her death Cow was depressed and started starving and finally
died six days after death of old lady.

Mohan husbandry worker experience

In bellur cross (karnataka) In March 2016 a whole family committed suicide. A pet (Dog)
which had a close relation with that family finally died by starving and poisoned himself
by eating a road side poisonous plants.

 Religious views on Animal Suicide

Until now i talked according to Medical Science

but if i want to talk spiritually

Soul is defined as eternal, non-material spiritual entity present within living being.
The symptom of the presence of the soul within a body is consciousness.
Unconscious person have soul but non-conscious person doesn’t have soul (Nonconscious
means irreversible loss of consciousness example as in case of brain death).

This is what some of traditional scientists gave definition regarding soul

Now My question is Animals also have consciousness, they too feel pain, they too have
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emotional disturbances just like us and rarely they too commits suicide.
Their brain development is not as like human brains, but they too have soul if I say spiritually.

I can’t Understand why religions like Islam and christianity doesn’t agrees with presence of
soul in animals??? (Reason which they gave to me was animals don't have feelings, they
don't have emotions and they won't commits suicide hence they don't have soul).

But religions like Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism etc) have told presence
of soul in animals lakhs of years before scientists done research on animal depression and
animal suicide.



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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge

A vast number of statements and materials presented in the

ancient Vedic literatures can be shown to agree with modern
scientific findings and they also reveal a highly developed
scientific content in these literatures. The great cultural
wealth of this knowledge is highly relevant in the modern

Techniques used to show this agreement include:

• Marine Archaeology of underwater sites (such as Dvaraka)

• Satellite imagery of the Indus-Sarasvata River system,

• Carbon and Thermoluminiscence Dating of archaeological


• Scientific Verification of Scriptural statements

• Linguistic analysis of scripts found on archaeological artifacts

• A Study of cultural continuity in all these categories.

 1.Disproving Aryan invasion Theory

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Early indologists wished to control & convert the followers of Vedic Culture,
therefore they widely propagated that the Vedas were simply mythology.
Max Muller, perhaps the most well known early sanskritist and indologist,
although later in life he glorified the Vedas, initially wrote that the"Vedas were
worse than savage" and "India must be conquered again by education... it's
religion is doomed"

Thomas Macaulay, who introduced English education into India wanted to

make the residents into a race that was: "Indian in blood and color, but
English in taste, in opinion, in morals, and in intellect."

However, the German PhilosopherArthur Schopenhauer stated

that theSanskrit understanding of these Indologists was like that of

These early Indologists:

• Devised the Aryan Invasion theory, denying India's Vedic past

• They taught that the English educational system is superior

• They intentionally misinterpreted sanskrit texts to make the Vedas

look primitive.

• And they systematically tried to make Indians ashamed of their own culture

• Thus the actions of these indologists seems to indicate that they were motivated by a racial

Innumerable archaeological findings and their analysis have recently brought the Aryan
Invasion Theory into serious question. This theory is still taught as fact in many educational
systems despite much contrary evidence.

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The Aryan Invasion Theory Defined

• Vedic Aryans entered India between 1,500 and 1,200 B.C.

• They conquered the native Dravidian culture by virtue of their superiority due to their horses
& iron weapons

• They Imported the Vedic culture and it's literatures.

• This Aryan Invasion Theory, however, deprives the inhabitants of India of their Vedic
heritage. The wealth of their culture came from foreign soil.

The Aryan Invasion Theory raises an interesting dilemna called Frawleys Paradox: On the one
hand we have the vast Vedic Literature without any archaeological finds associated with them
and on the other hand, we have 2,500 archaeological sites from the Indus-Sarasvata
civilization without any literature associated with them.

A preponderance of contemporary evidence now seems to indicate that these are one and
the same cultures. This certainly eliminates this paradox and makes perfect sense, to an
unbiased researcher.

Facts which cast serious disproves the Aryan Invasion Theory

• There is no evidence of an Aryan homeland outside of India mentioned anywhere in the

Vedas. On the contrary, the Vedas speak of the mighty Sarasvati River and other places
indigenous to India. To date, no evidence for a foreign intrusion has been found, neither
archaeological, linguistic, cultural nor genetic.

• There are more than 2,500 Archaeological sites, two-thirds of which are along the recently
discovered dried up Sarasvati River bed. These sites show a cultural continuity with the Vedic
literature from the early Harrapan civilization up to the present day India.

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The archaeological sites along the dried up Sarasvati River basin are represented by black

• Several independent studies of the drying up of the Sarasvati River bed, all indicate the
same time period of 1,900 B.C.E.

• The significance of establishing this date for the drying up of the Sarasvati River is, that it
pushes the date for the composition of the Rig Veda back to approximately 3,000 B.C.E., as
enunciated by the Vedic tradition itself.

• The late dating of the Vedic literatures by indologists is based on

speculated dates of 1,500 B.C.E. for the Aryan Invasion and 1,200 B.C.E.
for the Rig Veda, both now disproved by scientific evidence.

Max Muller, the principal architect of the Aryan Invasion

theory, admitted the purely speculative nature of his Vedic
chronology, and in his last work published shortly before
his death, The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy,he wrote:
"Whatever may be the date of the Vedic hymns, whether
15 hundred or 15,000 B.C.E., they have their own unique
place and stand by themselves in the literature of the world."

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The Vedic Culture is indigenous to India

It can be scientifically proven that the Vedic Culture is indigenous, through archaeology, the
study of cultural continuity, by linguistic analysis, and genetic research.

For example, the language and symbolism found on the Harappan seals are very Vedic. We
find the Om symbol, the leaf of the Asvatta or holy banyan tree, as well as the swastika, or
sign of auspiciousness, mentioned throughout the Vedas. Om is mentioned in
theMundaka and Katha Upanisads as well as the Bhagavad Gita.

The Holy Asvatta tree is mentioned in

theAitareya andSatapataBrahmanas as well as
the TaittiriyaSamhita andKatyayanaSmrti.

The pictoral script of these Harappan seals has been deciphered as

consistently Vedic and termed "Proto-brahmi," as a pre-sanskrit

This piece of pottery from the

lowest level of Harappan
excavations with pre-harappan writing is deciphered
as ila vartate vara, referring to the sacred land bounded
by the Sarasvati River, described in the Rig Veda.

Additionally, other archaeological finds are culturally

consistent, such as the dancing girl, whose bracelets
are similar to those worn by women of Northwest India
today as well as

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the three stone Siva Lingas found in Harappa by M. S. Vats in 1940. The worship of the Siva
Linga is mentioned in the Maha Narayana Upanisad of the Yajur Veda and is still ardently
practiced today.

The Vedas were maligned by early indologists because of their disagreement with their
Eurocentric colonialists world view, a view which produced and depended on the Aryan
Invasion Theory. The fact that the Aryan Invasion Theory has been seriously challenged
recently by scholars and indologists, adds credence to the Vedas as viable, accurate and
indigenous sources of information.

Satellite imagery of the Dried Up Sarasvati River Basin

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Using modern scientific methods, such as satellite imagery and dating techniques, it can be
shown that the ancient statements of the Vedas are factual, not mythical as erroneously
propagated. High resolution satellite images have verified descriptions in The Rig Veda of the
descent of the ancient Sarasvati River from it's source in the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea.

"Pure in her course from the mountains to the ocean, alone of streams
Sarasvati hath listened."

The mighty Sarasvati River and it's civilization are referred to in the Rig Veda more than fifty
times, proving that the drying up of the Sarasvati River was subsequent to the origin of the
Rig Veda, pushing this date of origin back into antiquity, casting further doubt on the imaginary
date for the so-called Aryan Invasion.
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The Satellite image (above) clearly shows the Indus-Sarasvata river system extending from
the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea. Here the Indus River is on the left, outlined in blue, while
the Sarasvati River basin is outlined in green. The black dots are the many archeological sites
or previous settlements along the banks of the now dry Sarasvati River.

The drying up of the Sarasvati

River around 1900 B.C.E. is
confirmed archaeologically.
Following major tectonic
movements or plate shifts in the
Earth's crust, the primary cause of
this drying up was due to the
capture of the Sarasvati River's
main tributaries, the Sutlej River and the Drishadvati River by
other rivers.

Although early studies, based on

limited archaeological evidence
produced contradictory conclusions, recent independent studies,
such as that of archaeologist James Shaffer in 1993, showed no
evidence of a foreign invasion in the Indus Sarasvata civilization
and that a cultural continuity could be traced back for millennia.

In other words, Archaeology does not support the Aryan Invasion


 2. Marine Archeology:- Evidence for the Ancient Port City of Dvaraka

Marine archaeology has also been utilized in India off the coast of the ancient port city of
Dvaraka in Gujarat, uncovering further evidence in support of statements in the Vedic
scriptures. An entire submerged city at Dvaraka, the ancient port city of Lord Krishna with its
massive fort walls, piers, warfs and jetty has been found in the ocean as described in
the Mahabharataand other Vedic literatures.

This sanskrit verse from the Mausala Parva of

theMahabharata, describes the disappearance
of the city of Dvaraka into the sea.

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"After all the people had set out, the ocean flooded Dvaraka, which still
teemed with wealth of every kind. Whatever portion of land was passed over,
the ocean immediately flooded over with its waters."

Dr. S. R. Rao, formerly of the Archaeological Survey of India, has

pioneered marine archaeology in India. Marine archaeological findings
seem to corroborate descriptions in theMahabharata of Dvaraka as a
large, well-fortified and prosperous port city, which was built on land
reclaimed from the sea, and later taken back by the sea. This lowering
and raising of the sea level during these same time periods of the
th th
15 and 16 centuries B.C.E. is also documented in historical records of
the country of Bahrain.

Amongst the extensive underwater discoveries were the massive Dvaraka city wall, a large
door-socket and a bastion from the fort wall.

Two rock-cut slipways of varying width, extending from the beach to the intertidal zone, a
natural harbor, as well as a number of olden stone ship anchors were discovered, attesting to
Dvaraka being an ancient port city.

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The three headed motif on this conch-shell seal (above), found in the Dvaraka excavations,
corroborates the reference in the scripture Harivamsa that every citizen of Dvaraka should
carry a mudra or seal of this type.

All these underwater excavations add further credibility to the validity of the historical
statements found in the Vedic literatures.

 3. Thirty-five Archaeological Sites in North India

Apart from Dvaraka, more than thirty-five sites in North India have yielded archaeological
evidence and have been identified as ancient cities described in theMahabharata. Copper
utensils, iron, seals, gold & silver ornaments, terracotta discs and painted grey ware pottery
have all been found in these sites. Scientific dating of these artifacts corresponds to the non-
aryan-invasion model of Indian antiquity.

Furthermore, the Matsya and Vayu Puranas describe great flooding which destroyed the
capital city of Hastinapur, forcing its inhabitants to relocate in Kausambi. The soil of
Hastinapur reveals proof of this flooding. Archaeological evidence of the new capital of
Kausambi has recently been found which has been dated to the time period just after this

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 4.Kurukshetra

Similarly, in Kurukshetra, the scene of the

greatMahabharata war, Iron arrows and
spearheads (according to some sources) have
been excavated and dated by thermoluminence
to 2,800 B.C.E., the approximate date of the war
given within theMahabharata itself.

The Mahabharata also describes three cities

given to the Pandavas, the heroes of
the Mahabharata, after their exile:

Sonaprastha & Indraprastha, which is Delhi's Puranaqila.
These sites have been identified and yielded pottery &
antiquities, which show a cultural consistency & dating
consistent for the Mahabharata period, again verifying
statements recorded in the Vedic literatures.

 5.Renowned Thinkers Who Appreciated the Vedic


Although early indologists, in their missionary zeal, widely vilified the Vedas as primitive
mythology, manyof the worlds greatest thinkers admired the Vedas as great repositories of
advanced knowledge and high thinking

Arthur Schopenhauer, the famed German philosopher and writer, wrote that: I
"...encounter [in the Vedas] deep, original, lofty thoughts... suffused with a high
and holy seriousness."

The well-known early American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson, read

the Vedas daily. Emerson wrote: "I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavat-

Henry David Thoreau said: "In the morning I bathe my intellect in

the stupendous philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita... in comparison
with which... our modern world and its literature seems puny and trivial."

So great were Emerson and Thoreau's appreciation of Vedantic literatures that

they became known as the American transcendentalists. Their writings contain
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many thoughts from Vedic Philosophy.
Other famous personalities who spoke of the greatness of the Vedas were:
Alfred North Whitehead (British mathematician, logician and philosopher), who
stated that: "Vedanta is the most impressive metaphysics the human mind has

Julius Robert Oppenheimer, the principle developer of the atomic

bomb, stated that "The Vedas are the greatest privilege of this century." During
the explosion of the first atomic bomb, Oppenheimer quoted several Bhagavad-
gita verses from the 11th chapter, such as:
"Death I am, cause of destruction of the worlds..."

When Oppenheimer was asked if this is the first nuclear

explosion, he significantly replied: "Yes, in modern times,"
implying that ancient nuclear explosions may have previously

Lin Yutang, Chinese scholar and author, wrote

that: "India was China's teacher in trigonometry, quadratic equations, grammar,
phonetics... " and so forth.

Francois Voltaire stated: "... everything has come down to us from

the banks of the Ganges."
From these statements we see that many renowned intellectuals believed that
the Vedas provided the origin of scientific thought.

 6.The Iron Pillar of Delhi

The Vedic literatures contain descriptions of advanced scientific

techniques, sometimes even more sophisticated than those used in our
modern technological world.

Modern metallurgists have not been able to produce iron of comparable

quality to the 22 foot high Iron Pillar of Delhi, which is the largest hand
forged block of iron from antiquity.

This pillar stands at mute testimony to the highly

advanced scientific knowledge of metallurgy that was
known in ancient India. Cast in approximately the 3rd
century B.C., the six and a half ton pillar, over two
millennia has resisted all rust and even a direct hit by the artillary of the
invading army of Nadir Shah during his sacking of Delhi in 1737.

 7.Vedic Cosmology

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Vedic Cosmology is yet another ancient Vedic science which can
be confirmed by modern scientific findings and this is
acknowledged by well known scientists and authors, such as Carl
Sagan and Count Maurice Maeterlinck, who recognized that the
cosmology of the Vedas closely parallels modern scientific findings.

Carl Sagan stated, "Vedic Cosmology is the only one in which the time scales correspond to
those of modern scientific cosmology."

Nobel laureate Count Maurice Maeterlinck wrote of: "a Cosmogony which no European
conception has ever surpassed."
French astronomer Jean-Claude Bailly corroborated the antiquity and accuracy
of the Vedic astronomical measurements as "more ancient than those of the
Greeks or Egyptians." And that, "the movements of the stars calculated 4,500
years ago, does not differ by a minute from the tables of today."

The ninety foot tall astronomical instrument

known as Samrat Yantra, built by the learned King Suwai
Jai Singh of Jaipur, measures time to within two seconds
per day.
Cosmology and other scientific
accomplishments of ancient India spread to
other countries along with mercantile and
cultural exchanges.There are almost one
hundred references in the Rig Veda alone to the ocean and maritime activity.
This is confirmed by Indian historian R. C. Majumdar, who stated that the people
of the Indus-Sarasvata Civilization engaged in trade with Sooma and centers of culture in
western Asia and Crete.

 8.The Heliodorus Column and Cultural Links to India

An example of these exchanges is found in the inscriptions on the Heliodorus

Column, erected in 113 B.C.E. by Heliodorus, a Greek ambassador to India, and convert to
Vaisnavism, as well as the 2nd century B.C.E. Coins of Agathocles, showing images of
Krishna and Balaram. These artifacts stand testimony that Sanatan Dharma predates

This also confirms the link between India and other ancient civilizations such as Greece and

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shows that there was a continuous exchange of culture, philosophy and scientific knowledge
between India & other countries. Indeed the Greeks learned many wonderful things from

 9.Vedic Mathematics

Voltaire, the famous French writer and philosopher) stated that

"Pythagoras went to the Ganges to learn geometry." Abraham
Seidenberg, author of the authoritative "History of Mathematics,"
credits the Sulba Sutras as inspiring all mathematics of the
ancient world from Babylonia to Egypt to Greece.
As Voltaire & Seidenberg have stated, many highly significant mathematical concepts have
come from the Vedic culture, such as:

The theorem bearing the name of the Greek mathematician Pythagorus is

found in theShatapatha Brahmana as well as theSulba Sutra, the Indian
mathematical treatise, written centuries before Pythagorus was born.

The Decimal system, based on powers of ten, where the

remainder is carried over to the next column, first
mentioned in the Taittiriya Samhita of the Black

The Introduction of zero as both a

numerical value and a place marker.

T he Concept of infinity.

The Binary number system, essential for computers,

was used in Vedic verse meters.

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A hashing technique, similar to that used by
modern search algorithms, such as Googles, was
used in South Indian musicology. From the name
of a raga one can determine the notes of the raga
from this Kathapayadi system. (See Figure at left.)

For further reading we refer you to read our

excellent article on Vedic Mathematics.

 10.Vedic Sound and Mantras

The Vedas however are not as well known for

presenting historical and scientific knowledge as they
are for expounding subtle sciences, such as the
power of mantras. We all recognize the power of
sound itself by it's effects, which can be quite
dramatic. Perhaps we all have seen a high-pitched
frequency shatter an ordinary drinking glass. Such a
demonstration shows that Loud Sounds can produce
substantial reactions

It is commonly believed that mantras can carry hidden power which can in turn produce
certain effects. The ancient Vedic literatures are full of descriptions of weapons being called
by mantra. For example, many weapons were invoked by mantra during the epic Kuruksetra
War, wherein the Bhagavad-gita itself was spoken.

The ancient deployment of Brahmastra

weapons, equivalent to modern day nuclear
weapons are described throughout the Vedic
literatures.Additionally, mantras carry hidden
spiritual power, which can produce significant
benefits when chanted properly. Indeed, the
Vedas themselves are sound vibrations in
literary form and carry a profound message.
Spiritual disciplines recommend meditational
practices such as silent meditation, silent recitation of mantras and also the verbal repetition
of specific mantras out loud.

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A Clinical Test of the Benefits of Mantra
Chanting was performed on three groups of
sixty-two subjects, males and females of
average age 25. They chanted the Hare Krsna
Maha Mantra twenty-five minutes each day
under strict clinical supervision.

Results showed that regular chanting of the

Hare Krsna Maha Mantra reduces Stress and
depression and helps reduce bad habits &
addictions. These results formed a PhD Thesis at Florida State University.

Spiritual practitioners claim many benefits from Mantra Meditation such as increased
realization of spiritual wisdom, inner peace and a strong communion with God and the
spiritual realm. These effects may be experienced by following the designated spiritual path.

 11.Conclusion

Most of the evidence given in this presentation is for the apara vidya or material knowledge of
the Vedic literatures. The Vedas however, are more renowned for their para vidya or spiritual
knowledge. And even superior is the realized knowledge of the Vedic rsis or saints — that
which is beyond the objective knowledge of modern science — knowledge of the eternal
realm ofsat, cit ananda, eternality, blissfullness and full knowledge. But that is another


Amazing Mind-Blowing Facts About Sanskrit

Aryan Invasion Theory Is Fake - No Aryans Invaded India

Archaeological, Astronomical, Historical Evidence Of Ramayana

Hindu History Across The World



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There is so much myth among peoples of world that Hindus worships Animals (cows)

No, We won't worship cow but actually we respect cows.

Sarvam Kalvidam Bramhan [Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1]

Everything in Universe is manifestation of Cosmos (pure consciousness).

God is not Creator of Universe he is manifestator, he himself manifested as


Here are the Reasons why Hindus won't kill cow

1. Spiritual importance of cow as per as Medical Science[Ayurveda].

2. Our Vedas compared cow to Mother, How can we kill our own mother??
Also Our vedas strictly prohibits killing cow

3. It is Inhumanity to kill cows

4. Also as per as Modern Medical Science eating Red meat (beef,pork etc) is highly
hazardous to health.

ok let me explain you all above points in detail.


In this article most of things are my own thoughts and only few of the things have

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been copied from various books and Internet sources. But I thought that I should
highlight these points to make us understand the importance of Cattle population for
the Prosperity of India

6000 yrs ago Shri Krishna also propounded the importance of cows. But these days we
only preach him, not his ideology. Pls read and think for yourself.

Cows also known as 'Kamdhenu' meaning MOTHER.

|| "Matrah Sarva bhutanam gavah sarv sukh prada" ||

Meaning, the cow is mother of all living creaturesgives pleasure to all Creatures.



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▪ It is believed that Cows receives auspicious-rays-energies from heavenly constellations.
▪ Thus Wherever cow is present, there is presence of heavenly energies around it and also
blessings from all gods.
▪ Cow is the only living thing in the Universe which hasSurya Ketu Nadi
▪ Surya Ketu Nadi means a vein connected to sun which passing through Cow backbone.


▪ This is because of interaction of Surya ketu Nadi with solar rays which produces gold salts
in Cow blood.
▪ These golden salts are also present in the cow's milk and other bodily fluids which cures
many diseases.

According to book of Charaka Samhita

▪ Calcium and sulphur present in milk strengthen bones.

▪ Cow Milk is also rich in vitamin D and Vitamin B.
▪ Curd stops diarrhoea, prevents cancer.Ghee increases IQ (Intelligent Quotient)is used to
treat some of eye diseases.
▪ “Milk is said to be strengthener of life” also it has a protein called Casein which helps on
growth and development of infants.


It is made up of nine products namely

▪ Cowdung
▪ Gomutra
▪ Milk
▪ Curd
▪ Jaggery
▪ Ghe
▪ Banana
▪ Tender coconut
▪ Water.

Panchagavya has special and Unique importance in Ayurveda.

|| yatvagasthi gatam papam dehe tishthti mamke prasnat panchgavyasya

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dahasagnirivendhnam ||

Meaning of above shloka diseases in body ie from skin to bones all are cured by


Distilled cow urine is used in treatment of bowel disorders,arthritis, bacterial diseases,

food poisoning, indigestion,Hypertension, Heart Diseases, Hemorrhoids, Prostate
Hypertrophy, Liver diseases,Urinary tract infection, Hyperacidity, Epilepsy,Spleen, Ear,
Sexual Disorders, Nose,, Cough ,Bronchial Asthma Migraine, Headache, Gout, Arthritis

|| gavyam pavitram ca rasayanam ca pathyam ca hrdyam balam buddhi syataaayuh

pradam rakt vikar hari tridosh hridrog vishapaham syata ||

▪ Meaning of above shloka is Cow urine The Micronutrients present in cow urine provides
proper diet , It is Cardioprotective , It balances vata-pitta-kapha and cures diseases also
provides physical and mental strength, purifies blood prologs ageing period and provides long
life. It also have Antibiotic,Anti inflammatory and Antitoxic properties.

▪ Use of any medicine have some residue in our body, Regular Consumption of Gomutra
removes residual Medicines in our body.

▪ Cow urine is Cardioprotective and Neuroprotective. Stress and tension in life affects nervous
system and circulatory system.

▪ Cow urine protects brain and heart ( Medhya & Hridya) which means it protects brain and
heart from stress and tensions in life.

|| “Sarve rogaah hi mandagnau” ||

Meaning of above shloka is

Disease occurs due to low fire in body(Mandagni) that means due to low digestive
Cow Urine increases fire that means increases bowel movements, increases digestive
capacity and thus prevents from diseases.

|| "Gavyam tu samprotkam, jivaniya rasayanam meaning cow urine gives life and is elixir" ||

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Meaning of above shloka is Gomutra is a life saver, Bull Urine is more stronger but however
Medical importance of both is same as they are same species. It is also said that an in fertile
women who have problems in her reproductive tract can become pregnant by smelling Bull's

In scriptures it is mentioned that disease are caused due to our sins, Gangamata ( water) is
said to be the purifier of sins, Cow urine is rich with ganga thus by consuming Gomutra our
sins are cleared and thus prevents diseases.



Nitrogen (N2, NH2): Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant of urinary
tract, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.

Sulphur (S): Supports motion in large intestines. Cleanses blood

Ammonia (NH3): Stabilize bile, mucus and air of body. Stabilizes blood formation.

Copper (Cu):Controls built up of unwanted fats.

Iron (Fe): Maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells & hemoglobin.
Stabilizes working power.

Urea CO(NH2): Affects urine formation and removal. Germicidal.

Uric Acid (C5H4N4O3): Removes heart swelling or inflammation. It is diuretic therefore

destroys toxins.

Phosphate (P): Helps in removing stones from urinary tract.

Sodium (Na): Purifies blood. Antacid.

Potassium (K): Cures hereditary rheumatism. Increases appetite. Removes muscular

weakness and laziness.

Manganese (Mn): Germicidal, stops growth of germs, protects against decay due to gangrene

Carbolic acid (HCOOH): Germicidal, stops growth of germs and decay due to gangrene.

Calcium (Ca): Blood purifier, bone strengthener, germicidal.

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Salt (NaCl): Decreases acidic contents of blood, germicidal.

Vitamins A, B, C, D, E: Vitamin B is active ingredient for energetic life and saves from
nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive ingredient for energetic life and
saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive power.
Other Minerals: Increase immunity.

Lactose (C6H12O6): Gives satisfaction., strengths heart, removes thirst and nervousness.

Enzymes: Make healthy digestive juices, increase immunity.

Water (H2O): It is a life giver. Maintains fluidity of blood, maintains body temperature.

Hippuric acid (CgN kNox): Removes toxins through urine.

Creatinin (C4HgN2O2): Germicide.

Aurum Hydroxide (AuOH): It is germicidal and increases immunity power. AuOH is highly
antibiotic and anti-toxic.


▪ Bovine colostrum consists of all essential Amino acids and essential fatty acids which acts
as building blocks

▪ Bovine colostrum is rich in IGF-1( INSULIN GROWTH FACTOR-1) Which is considered to

be the natural activator of AKT signalling pathway

▪ IGF-1 is a potent stimulator of growth and proliferation of cells and inhibitor of

Apoptosis(Programmed cell death), Thus it has anti ageing properties.

▪ IGF-1 growth factor also helps in Anabolism in body thus it helps to increase Muscle mass
and bone density.

▪ Bovine colostrum also contains oligosaccharides which helps in healing of the skin,reverses
wrinkling of skin and also helps in healing the mucosal lining of the Gastrointestinal tract.

▪ Oligosaccharides also acts as a probiotic which feeds normal microbial flora in the intestine
and helps in the maintenance of health of digestive tract.

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▪ An Enzyme called Lactoperoxidase is found in Milk and Bovine Colostrum which acts as an
antimicrobial agent and thus inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic bacterias.

▪ Bovine Colostrum also helps in maintaining oral health. If we let the colostrum to dissolve
in mouth around teeths it can prevent inflammation of gum beds.

▪ Lactoferrin and hemopexin present in Colostrum binds to excess iron in the body and
remove it from the body. Rusty old iron present in the body for the longer duration damages
the body, women's regularly shed their blood every month during menstruation and thus
excess of rusty iron are removed from their body but this cannot happen in men this might be
the one of suspected cause for short life of men compared to women.

▪ Nutrients present in colostrum and milk enhances the iron absorption in the digestive tract
also helps in the desaturation of fats and makes them easier for digest.

▪ Colostrum also contains Proline rich peptides (PRP's) which act as hormone regulator
which regulates the thymus gland and helps in modulating the immune system.

▪ Proline rich peptides (PRP's) also promotes the better functioning of T-lymphocytes, they
helps in production of cytokines,also stimulates Natural killer cells (NK cells) and modulates
many other immunological functions.

▪ Proline rich peptides (PRP's) increase the blood vessels permeability in the skin which
results in the increased uptake of nutrients into the skin which makes skin healthier and
prevents ageing and wrinkling.


▪ It is said to have Antiseptic-Anti thermal-Anti Radioactive properties.I will tell you a incident
that happened in Bhopal around nineteen eighties an accident gas leak that happened killed
more than twenty one people.But the people who were living in houses in which walls are
coated with cowdung were not affected because of cowdung.

▪ Even today atomic generations present in India and most of countries like russia use cow
dung to shield radiation

▪ One can reduce acid content of water by treating it with cowdung.

▪ Manure prepared from cowdung and cow urine increases the fertility of soil and yeilds
nutritios fruits and vegetables and which helps to maintain healthy life.

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▪ Manures which are prepared from cowdung and cow urine helps us to overcome from the
bad effects of chemical fertilizers which kills even benificial insects and bacterias

▪ It is experimently proved that burning ghee, ghomalas etc in fire during homa and
havana it increases oxygen in atmosphere and thus strengthens the ozone layer and
protects the earth from harmful radiations.

▪ It is proved that Cowdung of one cow fertilises four to six acres of land and cow urine
of one cow protects eight to twelve acres of crop from insects.

▪ According to survey among agriculture's In India most of them depend on cattle based
agriculture.India has about thirty one crore cattle

▪ If we Use cowdung of those thirty one crore to produce biogas, we can save six to seven
crore ton of firewood every year and thus deforestation is also prevented to greater extent.
In survey 2004-2005

▪ Boasting of the largest rail road network of the world, Indian Railways transported 55.7
crore tons of goods in 2004-05.

▪ In the same year, the humble ox carts transported 278.5 crore tons

▪ In that year, trains moved 511.2 crore passengers while ox carts had 2044.8 crore
customers! Oxen have carried up to 14 ton goods non-stop 24 hours, without water and

▪ Most importantly, the carts do not produce air or sound pollution. Goods carried by ox
carts is 4 to 5 times as much as by trains. This saves considerable foreign exchange.

▪ E.g., Transportation worth Rs. 50,000 crore was done by ox carts in 2005. By expanding
cow based industry, cow would have a defining stature in our economy.


▪ Vibhuti is prepared from burning cowdung when we place it on our forehead it

activates Ajna chakra which corresponds to third eye (pineal gland) and thus increases
Concentration power also removes excess of water content in forehead.

▪ In Ayurvedic Medicine Bhasmas are one of the basis in Medicine they were prepared on fire
with the help of cowdungIn early days cow were made to feed in forest they roam freely in
forest and they feed on grass and also some of medicinal plants.

▪ Thus their milk, Cow urine were rich in medicinal qualities. But now due to deforestation

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many of the medicinal plants have been extinct.
▪ In earlier times cows were taken to theforest or GO CHARS
(reserved areas for feeding of cows).

▪ There they roamed freely eating the grass and natural herbs which made their milk nutritious
and added medical qualities to their milk, in turn they made the soil fertile with their dung
which supported and maintained the forests.

▪ But in modern time with non availability of dung, forests get destroyed and with the
destruction of forests, many ayurvedic herbal medicines have also became either extinct or

▪ Unfortunately the poor Indian population is unable to afford to get treated with the costly
Bhasma (oxides of various minerals like Gold, Copper, pearls etc.) and with the
medicines under Allopathic system. Consequently people in poor Indian villages, carry on with
illness for life, without any treatment.

▪ Herbal medicines are the basis of Ayurvedic system of medicines. Similarly, Bhasmas are
also the basis of the system.

▪ These Bhasmas must be prepared on fire lit with the help of dung cakes only.

▪ If coal or electricity is used to make the Bhasmas, then it will be likerunning an automobile
with kerosene instead of petrol.

▪ What happens to an automobile engine if kerosene is used, will also happen to the Bhasmas
and the patients who consume such Bhasmas. Many medicines have to be purified before
their use and such purification can be done only with the help of dung.

▪ India has approximately 30 crore cattle. Using their dung to produce bio gas, we can
save 6.0 crore ton of firewood every year. Biogas has several external benefits: biogas
replaces the unsustainable use of biomass, slows deforestation and reduces
greenhouse gas emissions; emissions of methane (a strong greenhouse gas)
associated with the decomposition of livestock manure are mitigated; the import of
both kerosene and foodstuffs are reduced, thereby improving the trade balance; and
health care costs are decreased through improved indoor air conditions and better
environmental sanitation. Biogas can also be used for Cooking, running tube wells.

▪ Biogas may be used for lighting. Biogas lamps allow households that are off of the
energy grid to light their homes after dark, enabling children to study and family
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members to engage in new forms of business, such as craft-making. Biogas lamps are
brighter than their kerosene counterparts and safer for domestic use. Unlike a
kerosene lamp, a biogas lamp cannot be knocked over, thereby mitigating fire danger
in the home.

▪ Lastly and most importantly this will eradicate poverty from every home. Not only
firewood it will save the hard earned money of the people which goes in purchasing
LPG Cylinders, which are getting expensive day by day. The alleviation of health risks
associated with indoor air pollution may directly result in a reduction in healthcare
costs and as well as an increase in productive days. Cost of milk will considerably
come down as pure milk will be available on cheap price. Milk consumption will
increase , which In turn every section of the society will become Healthy, strong, and
Intelligent. Environment will be protected and saved.

▪ Raising Cows in every home is a part of our culture which is losing its importance; it
is an entire cycle which will make India into a prosperous Country.

▪ Most of the mental retardation and depression are due to eating of beef (Cow Meat) in

Sadly it's already important position is not accepted by our people.



There is another great myth created by Anti-Hindus that VEDAS PROMOTES EATING BEEF


It is very very strictly prohibited in vedas, Upanishads and also in Bhagavad Gita.
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(Bhagavat gita 5:18), (Manu-samhita 5.48-49), Manu-samhita 5.37-38), (Manu-samhita
5.45),(Manu-samhita 5.54-55), (Rig-veda (10.87.16),(Mahabharata, Anu.115.47).


The cow, however, is our MOTHER. Vedic philosophy teaches there are seven mothers:

• the birth mother

• the nurse
• the wife of the brahmin (if she is not the birth mother)
• the wife of the king
• the wife of the spiritual master
• the earth
• and the cow.

You may wonder why the cow is one of the seven mothers. It is because she gives her milk to
nourish us and also because of all spiritual importance which I have explained you above

All mothers should hold a position of respect, and since one does not kill and eat one’s
mother, the cow should not be killed and eaten. Likewise, the bull is our father because he
can plow the earth to produce food grains. One does not kill and eat one’s father and mother
– not even when they are old and less economically useful.

5000 years ago, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appeared on earth
to protect His devotees and to demonstrate His pastimes.

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Among those pastimes was his childhood role as a cowherd boy.The cows were very dear to
Him because of their affectionate and gentle nature as well as their contributions to human
society, and He was kind to them in return and protected them. We should follow His example.

In practice the first principle of cow protection, surprisingly, isOX EMPLOYMENT.

There is a mistake made when only the cow is considered, because typically, her main
usefulness is seen as milk production, and she will not give milk unless she first has a calf.

Half of all calves are bulls who will never produce milk.The expense of feeding the bulls will
be a deficit to the farmer unless he realizes their potential for alternative energy by
employing them in tilling the fields and hauling.

Otherwise, the farmer, in most countries throughout the world, acquires hiseconomic profit
by selling them for meat either directly to the slaughterhouse, the meat industry’s
feedlots, or to the veal industry where he lives a short life crammed into a small crate not
much bigger than him.

The cow is also sold for meat when she cannot produce the required quantity of milk.
Regardless of milk production, the dung and urine of a cow or bull is valuable. Instead of
slaughtering all bovines who do not produce milk, why not utilize their dung and urine in
fertilizers, compost, pest repellent, medicines, cleaning products, pancagavya, and biogas fuel

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to name a few useful and saleable items?

“Now, practically, in India they accept it, and it has been found by chemical examination that
the cow dung contains all antiseptic properties.

That is a fact. One Dr. Goshal, he analyzed in his laboratory, “Why this Vedic injunction is the
stool of cow or cow dung is pure?”So he analyzed, and he found it that the stool of cow, cow
dung, is full of antiseptic properties.”

The modern system of agriculture does not realize the alternative energy potential of
the bull calf nor the variety of useful bovine dung and urine products. Therefore,
slaughtering becomes the only economically viable means of management. Most people,
accustomed to this viewpoint and seeing no alternative, will throw up their hands and agree,
even if they prefer a less violent solution. This is only because they don’t have the facts. They
don’t know that the overall value of the ox is greater when he is utilized for work than when
he’s slaughtered for meat, and even when not productive a cow or ox produces useful urine
and dung.

The present system is full of ironies and very wasteful.Everyone laments the loss of the
small family farm. But economic forces today require quantity control – which is dependent on
expensive tractors, polluting fossil fuels, chemical fertilizers, and heavy mortgages – and the
small farmer is driven out of business.

Yet, beef production is subsidized in countries like USA and India.To produce beef there
is a disproportionate expenditure of the Earth’s resources. In a world with increasing
population and mass starvation, producing one calorie of flesh (beef, pork, or chicken)
requires 11-17 calories of feed. 78 calories of fossil fuel are needed to produce 1 calorie of
protein from beef. Two-thirds of Central America’s rainforest have been destroyed to supply
beef. *

A BETTER SYSTEM would be rearranging the components. First, breed cows not to provide
milk with calves as the by-product, but to provide a team of oxen for every family farm with
milk as the by-product. There will be neither excess milk nor excess calves. The oxen will be
out in the pastures eating simply, and naturally fertilizing the soil, saving the farmer the cost of
the tractor, fuel, and fertilizer.

The oxen will be quite content to use their big muscles in such wholesome work, and the
humans can become healthy vegetarians. As for the government, if it wants to subsidize
something, why not the small family farm instead of the beef industry? The beef industry may
have a powerful lobby, but who wants all that heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, not to
mention all that bad karma from killing innocent animals!

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Don’t we all hanker for a simpler, cleaner, more wholesome, less violent Earth?



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Red meat(beef,pork etc) is highly injurious to health
I have made Seperate article Regarding what does Medical Science say about Red

Refer Additional Reading part 6

Article is given in link below please read it.
Refer Additional Reading part 6


Article by
Nagarjun HV
Dr. Nagashree Chaitanya
Samarth MS
Aparna Nair
Vijeth Hebbur

send your articles to




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Owners:- Dr Nagashree Chaitanya, Nagarjun Nagu, Nikhil Ram

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Hi Friends Spend 5 min in Reading this article and let me know your opinion in the
comment box below

 1. What is RED MEAT??

Answer:- Red meat or dark meat is red when raw and dark in color when cooked.
In nutritional science, red meat is defined as any meat that has more myoglobin.

 2. What are the Meats of Animals which Comes under this Category of Red
Answer:- Beef (cow’s meat), lamb, veal, horse meat, pork(pig meat).

 3. Is Pork Red Meat or White Meat??

Answer:- There is lots of Confusion regarding Pork whether it is White or Red meat.
And the main source of Confusion is WIKIPEDIA Which says pork is White meat which is
good for health.

Ok Let me clarify you what Books says

I always prefer books rather than wikipedia

Pork is classified a Red meat because it contains more myoglobin than chicken or fish.
When fresh pork is cooked, it becomes lighter in color, but it is still a red meat. Pork is
classed as "livestock" along with veal, lamb and beef.
All livestock are considered red meat
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 Is Red Meat is Healthy?
Answer:- Absolutely No, There are so many medical Reasons why you should avoid it

 What are The Medical Reasons To Avoid BEEF[COW MEAT (Red Meat)]?
Answer:- Here are Reasons why you should avoid beef Read one by one.

Reason no 1 : Red Meat Increases Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Red meat consumption is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease include: its impact on
serum cholesterol that red meat contains arachidonic acid,heme iron,homocysteine, and
its high saturated fat content.

Recent Medical studies shows that There is a link between Red meat and Cardiovascular
And the link is not derived from the saturated fats and cholesterol, but the fact thatyour gut
microbes break down a compound found in the meat known as carnitine, which in turn
produces trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). And TMAO has been associated with
atherosclerosis, the fatty buildup in your arteries which in turn may cause a heart attack

Harvard University meta-study in 2010 involving over one million people who ate only
Processed Red meat found that only Processed Red meat had an adverse risk in relation to
coronary heart disease.

The study suggests that the "differences in salt and preservatives, rather than fats, might
explain the higher risk of heart disease seen with processed meats, but not with
unprocessed red meats."

Reason no 2:- Eating Beef you are nearer to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Harvard University meta-study in 2010 involving over another one million people who ate
only Unprocessed Red meat found that only Processed Red meat had an adverse risk in
relation to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Our findings have suggested that the association
may be due to saturated fat, trans fat and dietary cholesterol.

Red meat every week increases the risk of developing diabetes by 50 percent. That’s a pretty
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disheartening statistic.
And you thought it was the cake and ice cream that would get you.

Reason 3: Your Risk of Colon Cancer Goes Up With Your Beef


This is the major Reason Why you should not eat Beef.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health
Organization.Eating Red meat is linked to colorectal cancers.

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and American Institute for Cancer Research
(AICR) classify red meat consumption as carrying an increased risk of contracting bowel

Cooking Beef and smoking produces the carcinogens polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
compounds (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCA).
And also The subgroups of heterocyclic amines compounds are Amino-dimethylimidazo-
Quinoxaline (MelQx), Amino-Dimethylimidazo-Quinoxaline (DiMelQx), and Amino-
methyl-phenylimidazo-pyridine (PhIP), which are mostly formed during cooking beef at high
Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) is another compound found in meat cooked in extremely high
temperatures-this aromatic hydrocarbon is normally found in coal tar, wood burning, or
automobile exhaust fumes.
All these carcinogens are Responsible for Colo-Rectal Cancer

There is suggestive evidence that Red meat intake might increase the risk ofesophageal,
pancreatic, stomach, endometrial, lung, and bladder cancer.

Scientists at the University of California Found The Secret

• Researchers at the University of California found that Red meat triggers a toxic
reaction within the body that weakens the immune system due to a Natural sugar it
contains our bodies can’t digest. Yes, you heard that right – meat actually has a natural
sugar, as small as it may be. Known as Neu5Gc, this sugar is a foreign agent to our
body that is seen as an invader.

• The body launches an immune response as it tries to get rid of it and in the meantime,

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a host of health problems occur, such as cancer (which is largely a disease of a weak
immune system). The unique findings are that other carnivores can eat red meat fine
because their bodies actually contain the natural sugar that digests the meat. Our
bodies don’t – clearly a sign that we’re not meant to eat it.

• Also Our Normal Human Insulin dont acts on Neu5Gc and again thereby increases the
chances of Diabetes Mellitus.

Reason 4: Red Meat Increase Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Proteins called Tau and beta-amyloid accumulate in the brain they either disrupt nerve cells
or kill them and this may be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

A new study from UCLA, though, suggests that iron accumulation is another possible
contributing factor.
Using an unusual MRI technique, researchers found that iron had begun to accumulate in
the brains of 31 Alzheimer's patients.

Specifically, they discovered this build-up in a part of the brain which is generally damaged in
the early stages of the disease.

How does this connect to red meat? Well, Red meat is full of iron, and Red meat diet leads
to iron overload and increases risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Reason no 5: Mad Cow Disease(Bovine spongiform encephalopathy).

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is a Slow viral disease caused by Prions in cattle

characterized by spongiform degeneration of CNS in cattles.

These prions are totally resistant to heat No matter how much you cook Red meat.

And if anyone consumed meat of cattle which was suffering fromBovine spongiform
encephalopathy then it leads to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in Human beings and
this is a fatal degenerative disease of CNS and there is no cure for it.
It kills patient within fourteen months of diagnosis.

Mad cow disease or Bovine spongiform encephalopathy was first discovered in the
United Kingdom in 1986 and after that, it blossomed into a full-scale epidemic, affecting
about 180,000 cattle over the next fifteen years.

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Reason no 6:- Beef increases Risk of Bovine tuberculosis

The word Bovine Tuberculosis itself says that it is a Tuberculosis that spreads from cow

Bovine tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis which is shed in

respiratory secretions, feces, and milk of infected animals.

Note contaminated Red Meat is also another source of Bovine Tuberculosis.


• Most of the bacterias in cow are heat resistant

For example laboratory studies shows that Mycobacterium bovis doesn't die even if
heated at 65°C (149°F)for 30 min.

• When we heat milk(Pasteurisation) temperature reaches 102 °C (milk boils at

101.2°C) and most of bacterias are killed
But Cooking meat doesn't reach enough temperature (may reach 50°C to 60°C)to kill

• You can't cook meat at higher temperature because proteins denaturates

Meat gets spoiled which can't be eaten.

• So if Beef is contaminated with Mycobacterium bovis then even with proper cooking
Bacteria won’t die.

Reason 7: Quality of Red Meat which you eat is not good as you think

▪ The Red meat you ate eat today has been pumped full of hormones to make it grow
faster and lots of powerful antibiotics to treat infection and also to prevent disease.

▪ Although such drugs have all been individually tested and approved by the FDA (Food and
Drug Administration), what has never been tested is whether these drugs may be harmful in
combination. Meaning, in combination with all other chemicals and drugs youunknowingly
absorb, breathe, and drink every day, including those in the air and those in the water.

▪ So whether or not an individual chemical, hormone or antibiotic has been proven to have a
harmful affect or not, no one really knows what a combination of several chemicals, hormones
and antibiotics will do to you.

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▪ Like how we gets disease during lifetime
Cow also gets diseases during its lifetime.
Have you saw Cow syringe how big it is
High doses of antibiotics are used to treat diseases of cow.

▪ So bacterias are already exposed to high doses of Antibiotics and some of them
develops Antibiotic resistance.
When the same bacteria infects human beings Common antibiotics doesn't work
Then doctor has to use high doses of reserved antibiotics to treat such infections
which results in kidney and liver failure.

Reason 8:- Last But not least You may get any one of the following
infections from Red Meat

1. Bacillus Anthracis infection

2. Brucellosis
3. Cryptosporidiosis
4. Q-Fever
5. Ringworm infections
6. Tapeworms(Cestodes), Trematodes and Roundworms(Nematodes) infections.
7. Rabies
8. Listeriosis.
9. Leptospirosis.
10. E Coli infections
11. Giardiasis
12. Salmonellosis
13. Vesicular Stomatitis
14. Pseudocowpox
15. Dermatophilosis

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 Reasons- Why You Should Avoid Pork

No matter how you think about it,pigs are a rather dirty animal.
They are considered the scavengers of the farm (created to eliminate any waste on the farm),
often eating anything they can find.
This includes not only bugs, insects, and whatever leftover scraps they find laying around, but
also their own feces, as well as the dead carcasses of sick animals, including their own
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This in itself can explain why the meat of the pig can be so dirty or at the very least not so
appetizing to consume. And while being ‘grossed out’ may or may not be a valid reason not
to eat something it’s vital to understand a bit more about pork before reaching your own
The moment I Remember Pigs I get Nausea and Vomiting

Know the FactsPig Farm

Pork is one of the most consumed meats in the world. China is the largest producer of
pigs that were first domesticated way back around 7500 B.C.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that more than 100 viruses
come to the United States each year from China through pigs. There are some obvious
concerns about this. Aside from not needing more viruses to fight off, some of these viruses
can prove to be downright dangerous to humans.

Of course, you’re probably familiar with H1N1, better known as ‘the swine flu.” This too is a
virus that has made the leap from pig to human.

But H1N1 is not the only disease to fear from the pig.There are other sicknesses you can get
from eating the meat of the pig.

Pork meat is loaded with toxins, more so than most other meats.

Is Pork Meat Toxic?

There are reasons that the meat of the pig becomesmore saturated with toxins than many
of its counterpart farm animals. The first reason has to do with the digestive system of a

A pig digests whatever it eats rather quickly, in up to about four hours.On the other
hand a cow takes a good twenty-four hours to digest what it’s eaten. During the
digestive process, animals (including humans) get rid of excess toxins as well as other
components of the food eaten that could be dangerous to health.

Since the pig’s digestive system operates rather basically, many of these toxins remain
in their system to be stored in their more than adequate fatty tissues ready for our

Another issue with the pig is that it doesn’t have any sweat glands.Sweat glands are a tool

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the body uses to be rid of toxins. This leaves more toxins in the pig’s body.

I don’t have to tell you that when you consume pork meat, you too are getting all these
toxins that weren’t eliminated from the pig.

None of us need more toxins in our systems. In fact we should all be doing what we can to
eliminate and cut down on toxin exposure. One vital way to do this is by choosing what you
eat carefully.

Trichinellosis, Pork Meat, and Your Health

Did you know that pigs carry a variety of parasites in their bodies and meat?Some of
these parasites are difficult to kill even when cooking. This is the reason there are so many
warnings out there about eating undercooked pork.

One of the biggest concerns with eating pork meat is trichinellosis or trichinosis.

This is an infection that humans get from eating cooked or undercooked pork that contains the
larvae of the trichinella worm.

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This worm parasite is very commonly found in pork. When the worm, most often living in
cysts in the stomach, opens through stomach acids, its larvae are released into the body of
the pig. These new worms make their homes in the muscles of the pig. Next stop? The
unknowing human body who consumes this infected meat flesh.

And while no one particularly wants to consume worms,trichinellosis is a serious illness that
you should do virtually anything to avoid.

Common Symptoms of Trichinellosis:

▪ Nausea
▪ Vomiting
▪ Diarrhea
▪ Headache
▪ Fever
▪ Chills
▪ Cough
▪ Swollen eyes
▪ Muscle pain
▪ Aching joints
▪ Coordination problems
▪ Heart issues
▪ Breathing problems

These symptoms of trichinellosis can really put you out of the game for quite a while.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)these symptoms can
last for weeks and in more serious cases months on end.

The CDC recommends thorough cooking of pork as well as freezing the pork meat prior to
cooking to kill off any worms. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel good about eating
anything that I first have to kill off its worms to eat.

In fact, it’s been theorized that trichinellosis is the exact cause ofMozart’s rather sudden
death at age 35.
An American researcher theorized this after studying all the documents recording the days
before, during, and after Mozart’s death. He found that Mozart suffered many of the above
listed symptoms and he, himself, had recorded in his journal the consumption of pork just
forty-four days before his own death.

(If you want to read more on this intriguing story you can find it in the Archives of Internal
Medicine’s June 2001 issue.)

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But that’s not all….

Pigs carry many viruses and parasites with them. Whether by coming in direct contact with
them through farms or by eating their meat we put ourselves at higher risk of getting one of
these painful, often debilitating diseases (not to mention put our bodies on toxic overload.)

Pigs are primary carriers of:

▪ Taenia solium tapeworm

▪ Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
▪ PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome)
▪ Nipah virus
▪ Menangle virus

Each of these parasites and viruses can lead to serious health problems that can last for
years to come.

What you choose to eat is up to you. The reasons discussed here are just the tip of the
iceberg when it comes to eating pigs and your health.

Do your own research, then make your own educated decision regarding beef and pork and
also about what you choose to feed yourself and your loved ones





Thank you for Reading

Article by
Nagarjun HV
Dr. Nagashree Chaitanya
Nikhil Ram

Send your any articles to us on

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- FIRST BE A HUMAN BEING (being a Human is the Real Meaning of Human Being)

Sri Mad Bhagavad Gita

▪ Bhagavad gita is One of the Holy Book and most widely read book by Hindus

▪ Bhagavad Gita is part Bhishma Parva of Mahabharata which contains 18 yogas

(chapters), with 701 slokas (short poems)

▪ Bhagavad gita is a Conversation between Lord Krishna [considered as 8th incarnation of

Lord Sri Maha Vishnu (Narayana or Govinda)] and Arjuna (the Pandava prince, Nara) in
the battle field (war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the cousins, for control of the

▪ The very first word in Bhagavad Gita is “Dharma” and the last word is “Mama”. “Mama
Dharma” – My duties, responsibilities, rights, ethics, morals, attitude, action, activities and so

 Psychological analysis of the Bhagavad Gita


▪ The majority of learned people in the world and India believe thatSigmund Freud was the

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one who had analyzed and divided the mind into four types

▪ Consciousness,Unconsciousness,Subconsciousness and Inner consciousness.

▪ Even Indians also studied and taught Sigmund Freud's basic discovery.

▪ But before Five Thousand Ago, Lord Krishna had narrated Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna,
which is present in its basic form even today. It is relevant in today's modern world as well. It
is important and acceptable in today's context if we try to find out the secrets of this Git

▪ Bhagavad Gita is not just Conversation Between Lord Krishna and Arjuna But It's a type
of Psychiatric Counselling Between Counselor (Krishna) and a patient (Arjuna).

▪ When I read Bhagavad Gita through psychological point of View, It is not at all talking
About Clash between Pandavas and kauravas but it is talking about clash that is happening in
our Day today Life in our Mind.

▪ Our Life is a Clash (kurukshetra), In our Life we find kauravas or Adharma (Things which
misleads us - Bad persons and friends, Bad Negative thoughts, Bad habits-smoking,
Drinking,women etc) and Pandavas (Good person, Confidence, Good habits,positive
thoughts in Mind etc)

▪ But in Our life Kauravas are More likely to win Than Pandavas (We are good at attracted
to Bad things in life Rather than Good things).

▪ In Our life also Pandavas must win, To Achieve that I must Give my life Chariot in the hands
of God who will bring us Victory [Meaning I must follow Good path, Doing Good things to
others, helping poor and sick etc in My life In order to achieve Success and To do that I must
Require Knowledge of Divinity, Can be done only by Understanding Truth (God) and Self-



 Psychological Analysis of Bhagavad Gita

▪ In Psychiatry Counselling is the Major Part of Treatment

▪ It deals with How Counselor (Doctor) Interact with patient, How Doctor convince Him,
How Doctor Helps him to Neutralize Negative Thoughts and Re-Establish patient Confidence

▪ This is what Doctor Krishna done to his Patient Arjuna.


▪ Doctor or Counselor Name:- Lord Krishna

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▪ Patient name:- Arjuna

▪ Gender:- Male

▪ Date:- 3102 BCE Dwapara Yuga

▪ Age:- Not specified may be 25-55 years

▪ Socio Economic Status:- High.

▪ Occupation :- Pandava Prince.

▪ Informant:- Patient himself

▪ Relation of Doctor to Patient:- Counselor is a relative of the patient

▪ Counselor stays with the patient throughout the crisis

▪ Patient has immense belief in the Counselor and considers him a friend, philosopher
& guide

▪ Single case report – level 5 evidence in the current day terminology. Blind application of
this approach may run the risk of overgeneralization, a commonly found overenthusiastic error
in psychology, too obvious in the history of psychoanalysis.

▪ Personality of Patient:- Pandava prince, no significant neurotic traits, maladjustments or

faulty coping pattern; a great warrior and veteran of many battles, in the recent past he fought
against the same army and won the battle (Uttara Gograhanam). Proactive role in the
preparation for the current war and he drove into the battlefield with great enthusiasm to fight
and win.

▪ Personality of Counselor:- A long-time friend, relative, well wisher of the patient, highly
respected in the community, supposedly with supernatural powers, legendary mediating skills,
mischievous lover boy in his younger days, with tons of common sense and in the
contemporary language a kind of Go-Getter.

▪ Does Patient wishes to get help from Counselor:- Yes

Bhagavad Gita chapter no 2 shloka 7
prcchami tvam dharma-sammudha-cetah
yac chreyah syan niscitam bruhi tan me
shishyas te ’ham sadhi mam tvam prapannam
Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of miserly
weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me for certain what is best for me.
Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me please
guide me.

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Chief Complaints:-

▪ C/O Fear, weakness of limbs, Dryness of mouth, Confusion, Burning of skin, Dizziness from
few days

History of Presenting illness

The patient was apparently alright few days back (until beginning of kurukshetra) Then he
developed the following symptoms from few days
1. Anxiety

a. Bhagavad Gita [Chapter no 1 Sloka 29]

Seedanthi mama gatrani mukham cha parisushyathi vepathus cha sarire me roma-harshas
cha jayate
(Anxeity)Weakness of limbs, Dryness of mouth, Shivering of the body, Goose skin).

b. Bhagavad Gita [Chapter 1 sloka 30]

Gandivam sramsate hastat tvakchaiva paridahyate na cha saknomy avasthatum bhramati va
cha me manah
(Anxeity)(Gandivam slips from the hand, “Burning” of skin, Unable to stand,
“Dizziness”/Confusion of Mind)

2. Depression
a. Negative thoughts:

Bhagavad Gita Chapter no 1 sloka 32

Na kankhse vijayam Krishna na cha rajyam sukhani cha Kim no rajyena Govinda kim
bhogairjivitena va.
(Do not desire victory, Neither kingdom nor pleasures why kingdom, why luxuries, why
this war, wh…..)

b. Guilt:
Bhagavad Gita Chapter no 1 sloka 44
Ahobatha MahatPAPAM karthum vyavasatha vayum Yadrajya sukhaobhena Hanthum
Swajana mudyatham
(Preparing for the SINful act of killing our own kin…)

3. Death wish:(Suicidal Thoughts)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 sloka 45 YadiMaMapratheekaramasastram Sastrapanayah
Dhartarashtra rane hanusthanme KSHEMAtharambhaveth
(Even if I get killed in the war by my enemy it will be good)

Past History:- No History of Similar Complaints in past. But inspite of major psychological
stressors (Aranyavasam, agnathavasam, humiliation in the royal court…) in the preceding
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Family History:- No History of similar complaints in the family.

Personal History:-

Diet:- Pure Vegetarian

Appetite:- Reduced (BG-1:29)
Sleep:- Disturbed (BG- 1:30)
Habit:- No Bad habits
Bowel and Bladder:- Normal and Regular

General Physical Examination:- Here is a male patient by name Arjuna aged about 25-55
years Well built, Well Nourished, Conscious, cooperative well oriented to time, place and
person. (You can tell it by Arjuna was interacting with Lord krishna in Bhagavad Gita)
No Pallor, No Icterus, No Cyanosis, No Clubbing, No Lymphadenopathy and No

Systemic Examinatinon:- Appears to be Normal by Analysing interaction between Arjuna

and Lord Krishnain Bhagvad Gita.

Probable Diagnosis

▪ This attempt to make a retrospective diagnosis based on the current day diagnostic criteria
may sound ludicrous but the limitations are notified.

▪ We can only make a diagnosis of Acute, transient, situational adjustment disorder with
symptoms of anxiety (? single Panic attack), depression with predominant guilt (core
symptom - stain my hands with the blood of gurus and cousins).
The available information does not satisfy criteria for Bipolar disorder, MDD or Anxiety

 Treatment or Therapy

▪ Name of Therapy:- Cognitive / Rational emotive Approach

▪ Type of Therapy:- Single session therapy

▪ Duration of Therapy:- No specified “Time limit of 45 – 60 minutes”

▪ Goal of Therapy:-Removal of guilt and motivate for action.
▪ Procedure of Therapy:-

(From Chapter 2 up to Chapter no 18 shloka 73 is Counselling Part in Bhagavad Gita).

Here I will mention you some of the Very important Psychological Points in Bhagavad gita)

▪ Discussion on the natural inevitability of birth and death of life cycle, immortality of soul,
performance of your own Dharma (duty) otherwise running the risk of shame and public

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Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 Shloka 11 Asochyananvasochastvam Pragna-vadams cha

bhashase gatasun agatasumscha n anusochanti panditah
Translation:- “You worry about events you are not supposed, and speak like a learned
man, Wise people do not worry about things that are perishable, or immortal”

Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 22

Vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhanti naro parani tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany-anyani
samyati navani dehi
Translation:- As you remove torn clothes and wear new ones Soul (consciousness) also
leaves… and occupies new bodies.

Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 23

Nainam chindanti sastrani Nainam dahati pavakah na chainam kledayanty apo na soshayati
Translation:- SOUL CAN NEVER BE torn by arrows (bullets), Burnt by fire, Washed away
by floods (Tsunami) lifted by winds (Typhoon, Hurricane

Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 22

Jatasya hi dhruvo mrtyuh dhruvam janma mrtasya cha tasmaad apariharye rthe na tvam
Translation:- Everything born must die, Everything dead must get born again and you
should not worry about these events.

Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 33

Atha chethva mimam dharmyam sangramam na karishyasi Thatha swadharmam keerthin cha
hitva Papamavasyasi
Your “Dharma” is to participate in war, If not You lose your dharma, fame and COMMIT

Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 34 SambhavitasyaChakeerthi hi Maranadathirichyathe

For a noble man disgrace is worse than death

Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 37 Hathovaprapsyasiswargam jitva va bhokshyase

mahim thasmad utthistha Kaunteya yuddhaya krta-nischayah
If you die you will go not to heaven, but winning will get you kingdom So get up and
decide to fight.

Action and renunciation:-

▪ The one concept in Bhagavad Gita that received exceptional respect and applause from
several great scholars is the emphasis on KARMA (ACTION).

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▪ Intelligent action (Gnana Karma) without performance anxiety and without the greed for the
fruits of the work (Nishkama Karma) and never to have the choice of nonperformance of duty
(Akarma) emerges as a key point in the teaching of Bhagavad Gita.

Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 47

Karmany evadhikaras te
Mma phalesu kaddacana
Ma karma-phala-hetur bhur
Ma te sango’stv akarmani
“You have the right only on Action, Not on the fruits of your work Never own
responsibility to the result, Must never lose interest in work.”

Humanistic school:- Emphasis on the power and capabilities of individual self, and how the
person alone will be responsible for his actions, growth or otherwise. “You are your choices”.
“You are your destiny”


Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 62 dhyayatovisayanpumsah sangas tesupajayate sangat

sanjayate kamah kamat krodho ’bhijayate
"While contemplating(attraction) the objects of the senses, a person develops
attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger

Bhagavad gita Chapter no 2 sloka 63 krodhadbhavatisammohah sammohat smriti-

vibhramah smriti-bhramsad buddhi-nasobuddhi-nasat pranasyati
"From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory.
When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls
down again into the material pool."


▪ The Gita's psychology says that when they are fulfilled then they are not removed but
subside for sometime or become calm, they leave their impressions and as a result they arise
once again. The cycle rotates and does not stop. The Gita says that desire and lusts do not
die if they are fulfilled.

▪ The Gita's psychology says that desires and lust are not destroyed when fulfilled.It says
that as the Sunrays outshine the light of an earthen lamp in the same way the high
thoughts defuse the lust, desires and attractions. Desires are formed from selfish


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▪ The person who is able to fulfill the desire has less problem, but themajority of the people
are unable to fulfill the desires. When the desires are not fulfilled then it leads to anger.

▪ As the River is blocked with a big rock on the way and rises up similarly when the
desires are obstructed with anything anger rises up.

▪ When the person gets angry he has two options - either to express anger or control it. If
he expresses anger then he steps on the next stage of destruction, which is known as


▪ Attachment means deep attachment towards that object. Whoever looses his efforts, they do
not remain distracted and become so attached that they are ready to ruin their efforts for the
sake of attachments.

▪ Attachment destroys memory. Due to this, the person does not find the form as it is, which
is the function of memory, if memory does not work the intelligence does not work because
the whole basis of intelligence is memory

▪ If the person does not have intelligence he will destroy his life.If the wisdom is lost the
person falls down from his path. The path of this destruction moves at great speed. The
person could come out of anger due to his natural nature of freedom. The source of coming
out is disinterest, lack of willingness.

Bhagavad gita chapter 2 sloka 67 indriyanam hi caratam

yan mano 'nuvidhiyate
tad asya harati prajnam
▪ The reason why one who is uncontrolled is devoid of knowledge is now being stated
in this verse. Whichever one of the wandering senses the uncontrolled mind follows,
that sense by itself enslaves the mind and carries away all discrimination making one
restless for the object of desire. As the wind effortlessly snatches away a boat on the
ocean whose helmsman is not in control; similarly the senses of one who is
uncontrolled snatches away even their mundane intelligence.

Bhagvat gita Chapter no 2 verse 9 and 10

▪ The deeper the selfishness, deeper the attraction, deeper the desire and deeper its
influence. That value will keep on haunting our minds. The mind will be disturbed to fulfill that
desire, you will feel uncomfortable and lack of peace of mind. The inner personality will be
influenced with it.

Yagya in Bhagavad Gita

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▪ You should work with this gift of life but remember that nobody can do anything alone, we
are part of the society. Whatever wealth and money remains after social service should be
donated to the society.

▪ The Gita calls this as Yagya. Whatever else we do other than Yagya leads toattachments.
We should sacrifice for our upcoming, but whatever remains should not be considered to be
belonging to us, it should be donated to the society. This is known as Idam
' na mama'.
Whatever was my share, I took it, now the remaining does not belong to me, it belongs to the
society. This is called the unselfish action.

▪ In this way the person leads a lust free,aspiration free and attraction free life. Such type
of person is away from all the negative things despite doing his duties.

▪ A person commits sins when he is under the influence of lust, desire and aspirations.
eg:- A thief commits theft, a liar speaks lies. If a person does not have aspirations, desires and
lust then why will anybody commit theft unnecessarily, why will anybody speak lies.

Calm Down Anxeity

▪ The Gita says that in order to calm down thisanxiety either the person has to lead a
selfless life free of aspirations, lust and attractions or lead a life with some high
aspiration. High aspiration is thinking of God or selfless service of the society. Selfless service
has no aspiration; there is only peace of mind, a gift of life.

Chapter no 6 sloka 5
Uddharedatmana’tmanam atmanam avasadayet atm’aiva hy atmano bandhur atm’aiva ripur
Self-Empowerment, No inferiority, Your “Self” can be your friend or your own enemy

Thought of Subject

▪ The word dhyayata has been used in the Gita but not dhyanat.

▪ The Gita's psychology says that the world consists of subjects, so it is natural for the person
to concentrate towards these subjects.
▪ Dhyayata means engrossment, dedication, full involvement of oneself in subjects and
dhyanat means concentrating on the subjects.

▪ Attention of the mind towards subjects does not harm much because this is natural.It is
according to the nature, but the person keeps the first step on the path of destruction when
he is dedicated, involved, engrossed and immersed in subjects.

▪ When the subjects come into the mind they can also go out and can stop if the person
concentrates on them. If the person looses his concentration then he will go towards
destruction. If anybody sees the subjects, does not walk along with it, then he is able to be
stable and does not deviate from path.
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▪ Sangah means company which means attraction, liking, desire,love, lust, aspiration,
want and company of subjects.

▪ Do not go along with it on seeing the subjects. If you loose concentration then you will step
on the second stage of destruction.

▪ The company increases with concentration. The man was free till he was concentrated. He
was free till he had company, and wil be free if he leaves from the company. He should not
allow the third stage. But being free from this third stage does not happen. Destruction after
company and stage of desire definitely arise.

Emphasis on Work with Renunciation (KARMA YOGA)

▪ karma yoga is the process of achieving perfection in action.

▪ Karma yoga is described as a way of acting, thinking and willing by which one orients
oneself towards realization by acting in accordance with one's duty (dharma) without
consideration of personal self-centered desires, likes or dislikes. One acts without being
attached to the results of one's deeds.

tasmad asaktah satatam karyam karma samacara asakto hy acaran karma param apnoti
Therefore, without being attached to the results of activities, one should act as a matter
of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme.

▪ Therefore, O Arjuna, surrendering all your works unto Me, with full knowledge of Me,
without desires for profit, with no claims to proprietorship, and free from lethargy, fight

bhagavan eva svaniyamya sva-sheSha-bhUtena maya sva-ArAdhana-eka-prayojanAya idam

<name of the karma>
svasmai svaprItyai svayam eva karayati.
This translates to:
The auspicious deity, exerting control on himself, using me (his other part) as an
instrument, himself effects <name of the karma>, with his pleasure/ worship being the
only purpose.

कायेन वाचा मनसिदयैवा ।

बु या मना वा पकृित वभावात् ।
करोिम य त् सकलं पर मै ।
नारायणयेित समपयािम ॥
which translates to:
Whatever I perform with my body, speech, mind, limbs, intellect or my inner self, either
intentionally or unintentionally, I dedicate it to that Supreme Lord Narayana.

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Cognitive Therapy (Jnana yoga)

▪ Jnana is a cognitive event which is recognized when experienced. It is knowledge

inseparable from the total experience of reality, especially a total or divine reality.

▪ Jñāna yoga is the path towards attaining jnana.

▪ In the Bhagavad Gita (13.3) Krishna says that jñāna consists of properly understanding
kshetra (the field of activity, that is, the body) andkshetrajna (the knower of the body, that is,
the soul or Atman). Later in the Gita (13.35) Krishna emphasizes that a transcendentalist must
understand the difference between these two

“Those who see with eyes of knowledge the difference between the body and the
knower of the body, and can also understand the process of liberation from bondage in
material nature, attain to the supreme goal”.

Trust or Bhakti Yoga

▪ It has been defined as a practice of devotion toward God, solely motivated by the
sincere, loving desire to please God, rather than the hope of divine reward or the fear
of divine punishment.

“Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to
Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me. (B-
Gita 9.34)”

“One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by

devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of Me by such devotion, he
can enter into the kingdom of God. (B-Gita 18.55)”

▪ Trust (Bhakthi): Trust (Faith) remains a single most important element in the therapeutic
relationship; not just in psychology but the medical practice in general.

▪ Bhagvat gita also mentions Smart Action without performance anxiety (GNANA
▪ Behavior Therapy - Flooding!– Prolonged, continuous exposure to the anxiety
provoking situation as the therapy was in the battle field itself
▪ Insight Oriented ! (GNANA VIGNANA YOGA)


▪ Is the therapist inducing a state of hypnotic trance at this point!

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Vedanam Samavedosmi… Indriyanam Manasyasmi…. Naranam cha Naradhipam….
I am the best of everything - Omnipotent, Omnipresent….

Pasyame Pardha Rupani Sathasotha Sahashrasu…..

Arjuna, Look at my Hundreds and Thousnds of forms…

Sarvadharman Parithyajya Mamekam Saranam Vraja Aham Thva Sarvapapebhyo

Mokshaishyami Ma Suchah
(Leave everything and Trust me, I will rescue you from all the problems, Do not Worry)

 Result of Treatment or Therapy

Here is a Response From Patient Arjuna

Charpter 18 sloka 73

Nasto mohah Smrtir labdha Tvat Prasadan mayachyuta Sthithosmi gata-Sandehaha Karishye
Vachanam tava
“Clouds” have cleared; my senses are back, all your gift with my doubts vanished,
Ready to act as you direct”

Therapy successful
Battle fought
Victory Achieved

▪ Bhagavad Gita has immense value with enormous intellectual depth that analyses and
explains a variety of life's experiences, and attempts to reach out to everyone with any
kind of intellectual and philosophical background.

▪ The therapeutic model sounds eclectic, as the therapist does not seem to be bound or
restricted by any particular theoretical approach.

▪ The determined focus on the end result – removing the guilt and re- motivating to fight the
battle – and the practical and common sense approach in clearing the blocks is palpable
throughout the dialogue. Emphasis was equal on all – Logic, Action, Renunciation, Power of
Self, Knowledge, Wisdom, Trust, Universality and immortality of human spirit.

▪ This appears to me a “Person-Centered Therapy” (not in the strict sense of Carl Rogers’).
Lord Krishna seem to have succeeded in making Arjuna rediscover his emotional balance and
power as described in the last sloka of Bhagavad Gita.

Charpter 18 sloka 78
Yathra Yougeeswarah krishno Yatra Partho Dhanurdharah Thathra Sri Vijayo bhuthi dhruva

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Where Arjuna stands with his Gandiva [Bow] there certainly will be wealth, victory and
justice – so I believe

“It is not this approach gives power to the person; it never takes it away”

▪ As is the case with any successful model of therapeutic intervention, which needs to be
individualized for maximum benefit, the psychotherapeutic approach practiced in
Bhagavad Gita also will have its place in the repertoire of psychotherapeutic models and
remains a useful tool in the hands of an experienced therapist when applied judiciously for
some patients with specific problems of distress.







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▪ A cognitive bias refers to a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in
judgment, whereby inferences about other people and situations may be drawn in an
illogical fashion.

▪ Individuals create their own "subjective social reality" from their perception of the
input. An individual's construction of social reality, not the objective input, may dictate their
behaviour in the social world.

▪ Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment,
illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality.

▪ Some cognitive biases are presumably adaptive. Cognitive biases may lead to more
effective actions in a given context. Furthermore, cognitive biases enable faster decisions
when timeliness is more valuable than accuracy, as illustrated in heuristics.[8] Other cognitive
biases are a "by-product" of human processing limitations, resulting from a lack of appropriate
mental mechanisms (bounded rationality), or simply from a limited capacity for information

▪ A continually evolving list of cognitive biases has been identified over the last six decades of
research on human judgment and decision-making in cognitive science, social psychology,
and behavioral economics. Kahneman and Tversky (1996) argue that cognitive biases have
efficient practical implications for areas including clinical judgment, entrepreneurship, finance,
and management.

▪ Bias arises from various processes that are sometimes difficult to distinguish. These include
information-processing shortcuts (heuristics)
noisy information processing (distortions in the process of storage in and retrieval from
the brain's limited information processing capacity
emotional and moral motivations
social influence

▪ The notion of cognitive biases was introduced by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman in
1972 and grew out of their experience of people's innumeracy, or inability to reason intuitively
with the greater orders of magnitude.

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▪ Tversky, Kahneman and colleagues demonstrated several replicable ways in which human
judgments and decisions differ from rational choice theory. Tversky and Kahneman explained
human differences in judgement and decision making in terms of heuristics. Heuristics involve
mental shortcuts which provide swift estimates about the possibility of uncertain occurrences
(Baumeister & Bushman, 2010, p. 141).

▪ Heuristics are simple for the brain to compute but sometimes introduce "severe and
systematic errors" (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974, p. 1125).

▪ For example, the representativeness heuristic is defined as the tendency to "judge the
frequency or likelihood" of an occurrence by the extent of which the event "resembles the
typical case" (Baumeister & Bushman, 2010, p. 141). The "Linda Problem" illustrates the
representativeness heuristic (Tversky & Kahneman, 1983)

▪ Participants were given a description of "Linda" that suggests Linda might well be a feminist
(e.g., she is said to be concerned about discrimination and social justice issues). They were
then asked whether they thought Linda was more likely to be a "(a) bank teller" or a "(b) bank
teller and active in the feminist movement". A majority chose answer (b).

▪ This error (mathematically, answer (b) cannot be more likely than answer (a)) is an example
of the "conjunction fallacy"; Tversky and Kahneman argued that respondents chose (b)
because it seemed more "representative" or typical of persons who might fit the description of
Linda. The representativeness heuristic may lead to errors such as activating stereotypes and
inaccurate judgements of others (Haselton et al., 2005, p. 726).

▪ Alternatively, critics of Kahneman and Tversky such as Gerd Gigerenzer argue that
heuristics should not lead us to conceive of human thinking as riddled with irrational cognitive
biases, but rather to conceive rationality as an adaptive tool that is not identical to the rules of
formal logic or the probability calculus.

▪ Nevertheless, experiments such as the "Linda problem" grew into the heuristics and biases
research program which spread beyond academic psychology into other disciplines including
medicine and political science.


Biases can be distinguished on a number of dimensions.

▪ For example, there are biases specific to groups (such as the risky shift) as well as biases at
the individual level.

▪ Some biases affect decision-making, where the desirability of options has to be considered
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(e.g., sunk costs fallacy).

▪ Others such as illusory correlation affect judgment of how likely something is, or of whether
one thing is the cause of another.

▪ A distinctive class of biases affect memory, such as consistency bias (remembering one's
past attitudes and behavior as more similar to one's present attitudes).

▪ Some biases reflect a subject's motivation, for example, the desire for a positive self-image
leading to egocentric bias and the avoidance of unpleasant cognitive dissonance.

▪ Other biases are due to the particular way the brain perceives, forms memories and makes
judgments. This distinction is sometimes described as "hot cognition" versus "cold cognition",
as motivated reasoning can involve a state of arousal.

▪ Among the "cold" biases, some are due to ignoring relevant information (e.g. neglect of
probability) some involve a decision or judgement being affected by irrelevant information (for
example the framing effect where the same problem receives different responses depending
on how it is described; or the distinction bias where choices presented together have different
outcomes than those presented separately)
others give excessive weight to an unimportant but salient feature of the problem (e.g.,

▪ The fact that some biases reflect motivation, and in particular the motivation to have positive
attitudes to oneself accounts for the fact that many biases are self-serving or self-directed
(e.g. illusion of asymmetric insight, self-serving bias). There are also biases in how subjects
evaluate in-groups or out-groups; evaluating in-groups as more diverse and "better" in many
respects, even when those groups are arbitrarily-defined (ingroup bias, outgroup homogeneity

▪ Some cognitive biases belong to the subgroup of attentional biases which refer to the paying
of increased attention to certain stimuli. It has been shown, for example, that people addicted
to alcohol and other drugs pay more attention to drug-related stimuli. Common psychological
tests to measure those biases are the Stroop Task[26][27] and the Dot Probe Task.


▪ The following is a list of the more commonly studied cognitive biases:

▪ Fundamental attribution error (FAE) Also known as the correspondence bias

(Baumeister & Bushman, 2010) is the tendency for people to over-emphasize personality-
based explanations for behaviours observed in others.

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▪ At the same time, individuals under-emphasize the role and power of situational influences
on the same behaviour. Jones and Harris’ (1967)classic study illustrates the FAE. Despite
being made aware that the target’s speech direction (pro-Castro/anti-Castro) was assigned to
the writer, participants ignored the situational pressures and attributed pro-Castro attitudes to
the writer when the speech represented such attitudes

▪ Confirmation bias :- The tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that
confirms one's preconceptions. In addition, individuals may discredit information that does not
support their views.

▪ The confirmation bias is related to the concept of cognitive dissonance. Whereby, individuals
may reduce inconsistency by searching for information which re-confirms their views (Jermias,
2001, p. 146).

▪ Self-serving bias :- The tendency to claim more responsibility for successes than failures. It
may also manifest itself as a tendency for people to evaluate ambiguous information in a way
beneficial to their interests.

▪ Belief bias :- When one's evaluation of the logical strength of an argument is biased by their
belief in the truth or falsity of the conclusion.

▪ Framing:- Using a too-narrow approach and description of the situation or issue.

▪ Hindsight bias:- Sometimes called the "I-knew-it-all-along" effect, is the inclination to see
past events as being predictable.

▪ A 2012 Psychological Bulletin article suggests that at least 8 seemingly unrelated biases can
be produced by the same information-theoretic generative mechanism.

▪ It is shown that noisy deviations in the memory-based information processes that convert
objective evidence (observations) into subjective estimates (decisions) can produce
regressive conservatism, the belief revision (Bayesian conservatism), illusory correlations,
illusory superiority (better-than-average effect) and worse-than-average effect, subadditivity
effect, exaggerated expectation, overconfidence, and the hard–easy effect.

Practical significance

▪ Many social institutions rely on individuals to make rational judgments.

▪ The securities regulation regime largely assumes that all investors act as perfectly, rational
persons. In truth, actual investors face cognitive limitations from biases, heuristics, and
framing effects.

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▪ A fair jury trial, for example, requires that the jury ignore irrelevant features of the case,
weigh the relevant features appropriately, consider different possibilities open-mindedly and
resist fallacies such as appeal to emotion.

▪ The various biases demonstrated in these psychological experiments suggest that people
will frequently fail to do all these things. However, they fail to do so in systematic, directional
ways that are predictable.

▪ Cognitive biases are also related to the persistence of superstition, to large social issues
such as prejudice, and they also work as a hindrance in the acceptance of scientific non-
intuitive knowledge by the public.

▪ However, in some academic disciplines, the study of bias is very popular. For instance, bias
is a wide spread phenomenon and well studied, because most decisions that concern the
minds and hearts of entrepreneurs are computationally intractable.


▪ Similar to Gigerenzer (1996), Haselton et al. (2005) state the content and direction of
cognitive biases are not "arbitrary" (p. 730).

▪ Moreover, cognitive biases can be controlled. Debiasing is a technique which aims to

decrease biases by encouraging individuals to use controlled processing compared to
automatic processing (Baumeister & Bushman, 2010, p. 155).

▪ In relation to reducing the FAE, monetary incentives[36] and informing participants they will
be held accountable for their attributions have been linked to the increase of accurate

▪ Training has also shown to reduce cognitive bias. Morewedge and colleagues (2015) found
that research participants exposed to one-shot training interventions, such as educational
videos and debiasing games that taught mitigating strategies, exhibited significant reductions
in their commission of six cognitive biases immediately and up to 3 months later.

▪ Cognitive bias modification refers to the process of modifying cognitive biases in healthy
people and also refers to a growing area of psychological (non-pharmaceutical) therapies for
anxiety, depression and addiction called cognitive bias modification therapy (CBMT).

▪ CBMT is sub-group of therapies within a growing area of psychological therapies based on

modifying cognitive processes with or without accompanying medication and talk therapy,
sometimes referred to as applied cognitive processing therapies (ACPT).

▪ Although cognitive bias modification can refer to modifying cognitive processes in healthy
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individuals, CBMT is a growing area of evidence-based psychological therapy, in which
cognitive processes are modified to relieve suffering from serious depression, anxiety, and

▪ CBMT techniques are technology assisted therapies that are delivered via a computer with
or without clinician support. CBM combines evidence and theory from the cognitive model of
anxiety,cognitive neuroscience, and attentional models.


▪ There are criticisms against theories of cognitive biases based on the fact that both sides in
a debate often claim each other's thoughts to be in human nature and the result of cognitive
bias, while claiming their own viewpoint as being the correct way to "overcome" cognitive
bias. This is not due simply to debate misconduct but is a more fundamental problem that
stems from psychology's making up of multiple opposed cognitive bias theories that can be
unfalsifiable used to explain away any viewpoint.

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▪ Decapitated Worms Regrow Heads, Keep Old Memories

▪ In French Revolution-style, researchers decapitated flatworms—then did something that

would give even Madam Defarge the creeps.

▪ The scientists let the worms’ heads grow back and found that their memories returned along
with the new noggins, according to a new study in the Journal of Experimental Biology.

▪ Researchers decapitated a flatworm (left), and then allowed its head to regrow (far right).
Photograph courtesy Michael Levin and Tal Shomrat, Tufts University.

▪ Michael Levin and Tal Shomrat, biologists at Tufts University, have been studying how
animals store and process information, whether it’s memories in the brain or the blueprint for
developing organs in the body.

▪ The team turned to flatworms because, despite their relative simplicity, they have many of
the same organs and body organization as people: a brain and nervous system, bilateral
symmetry, and even some of the same behaviors.

▪ Flatworms “also have many of the same neurotransmitters as we do, and have been shown
in older studies to remember complex tasks,” Levin said. (Read more about memory in
National Geographic magazine.)

▪ Yet unlike people, these worms have a remarkable ability to regenerate organs and body
parts, including their brains—making them perfect research subjects.

In the Spotlight

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▪ Planarian flatworms are a hugely diverse array of small non-parasitic worms found in both
freshwater and saltwater environments.

▪ They have primitive eyes that can detect light, which they generally avoid—being in light
makes them more obvious to predators.

▪ To train the worms that lighted areas were safe and contained food, the researchers used a
computerized device to continually track the worm's behavior, providing rewards when a worm
ventured into the bright spots and punishments when it remained in the dark.

▪ “We used this device to get worms used to a dish with a peculiar laser-etched surface. When
they remember this surface, they will rapidly approach a piece of liver to eat it, as opposed to
spending much time circling around the dish to get the lay of the land,” Levin said.

Off With Their Heads

▪ After the team verified that the worms had memorized where to find food, they chopped off
the worms’ heads and let them regrow, which took two weeks.

▪ Then the team showed the worms with the regrown heads where to find food, essentially a
refresher course of their light training before decapitation.

▪ Subsequent experiments showed that the worms remembered where the light spot was, that
it was safe, and that food could be found there. The worms’ memories were just as accurate
as those worms who had never lost their heads. (Test your memory with a National
Geographic game.)

Memory Beyond the Brain

▪ The obvious question remains: How can a worm remember things after losing its head?

▪ “We have no idea,” Levin admitted. “What we do know is that some part of memory can
be stored outside the brain, presumably in other body cells, or in what we call as
Consciousness, So that [memories] can get imprinted onto the new brain as it regenerates.”

▪ Researchers have long confined their investigations of memory and learning to the brain,
Levin said, but these results may encourage them to look elsewhere.

▪ “We’ve established a new model system in which our future work will be able to figure out
how memories get encoded and decoded to and from living tissues.”

▪ And given that we can’t regrow their heads, it’s unlikely that decapitation will ever become

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a serious memory aid for frantic students before exams.

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▪ It took Years For Us to Make Research And
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