Descriptive Terminology

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The following terms can be employed when describing artwork.

Flowing / delicate / simple / bold / thick / thin / fine / vertical / horizontal / flowing /
curvaceous / broken / straight / implied / erratic / gestural /


Subtle / contrasting / muted / flat / light / dark / mid (between light and dark) /
dramatic / depth / shadowy / contrasting / monochromatic / uniform / chiaroscuro
(strong light on the subject with dark background) / silhouette / shading / umbra (Latin
for “shadow” – the fully shaded region of a shadow cast by an object. It is the innermost &
darkest part of the cast shadow, where light is completely blocked by the object)

TEXTURE: Rough / fine / smooth / coarse / prickly / scaly / uneven / embossed /

silky / shiny / polished / flat / raised / incised / scratched / soft / hard / glossy /
visible / impasto / gritty / furry / wrinkled / irregular


Organic / curvaceous / circular / geometric / angular / cylinder / triangular / cone /

elongated / irregular / abstracted / simplified / stylized / realistic / sharp / detailed /
blurred / obscured / indistinct / distorted / exaggerated / linear / long / narrow /
hard-edged / soft-edges / biomorphic / anthropomorphic (human like)


Backlit / front lit / side lit / top lit / natural / artificial / cool / dim / faint / gentle /
gloomy / low / minimal / muted / soft / clear / brilliant / bright / glowing / fiery /
harsh / intense / sharp / sparkle / illuminating / refracted / diffused


Swirling / flowing / gentle / rippling / sudden / stillness / rhythm / dynamic /

placement / sensory


Large / life-size / small / intimate / microscopic / miniature / monumental / massive /

grand / vast

Abstract / cityscape / buildings / man-made / urban / industrial / fantasy /

imaginary / invented / mythological / historical / figurative (figures) / portraits /
interiors / domestic / landscape / seascape / still life


Bold / vibrant / vivid / cool / warm / subtle / pale / earthy / natural / naturalistic /
graduated / lively / gaudy / violent / rich / intense / dull / flat / weak / mellow /
contrasting / complementary / harmonious


Dramatic / strong / subtle / minimal / tonal


Arrangement / layout / structure / position / landscape format / portrait format /

square format / circular / triangular / horizontal / vertical / diagonal / angled /
foreground / background / middle ground / centred / asymmetrical / balanced /
unbalanced / lopsided / off-centre / overlapping / cluttered / chaotic / separate /
spacious / empty / fragmented

MOOD/ATMOSPHERE (aesthetic qualities)

Calm / content / peaceful / relaxed / tranquil / cheerful / happy / joyful / romantic /

depressed / gloomy / miserable / sad / sombre / tearful / unhappy / aggressive /
angry / chilling / dark / distressing / frightening / violent / energetic / exciting /
stimulating / thought-provoking / boring / dull / lifeless /


(for many of these terms the prefix ‘use of’ will come into play)

Visible / impasto / blended / smooth / thick / thin / bold / timid / heavy / light / edgy
/ smooth / glazes / washes / scumbling / dry brushing / stippling / hatching /
splatters / layered / flat / precise / refined / regular / straight / quick / sketchy /
uneven / irregular / vigorous / gestural

 saturation- refers to the brightness of color

 geometric - refers to the shapes such as circles, triangles, squares, etc.
 organic - free flowing or rounded
 symmetry - meaning it is equal on both sides
 asymmetrical - unequal proportioned elements
 flat tones - no tonal effect in the color
 negative space - the space around the actual form of art
 depth - the illusion of space
 broken color - dabs or small amounts of color
 focal point - the spot that stands out in the artwork
 distorted - a shape that is changed and no longer looks proportioned

Atmospheric / aesthetically pleasing / absorbing / balanced / daring / dynamic /

delicate / complex / dreamy / eclectic / explosive / fluid / figural / figurative / infused
/ intense / intuitive / mysterious / mystical / playful / potent / stirring / stunning

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