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POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 1

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

 Describe the important parts and components in power system and

explain roles and functions of the parts and components in power
system operation.
 Explain effects of power system to environment.
 Explain, and perform calculations related to various types of
conventional and new energy sources for electricity generation.
 Demonstrate an understanding of power transmission lines design
 Derive and apply suitable equations related to parameters, models
and performances of transmission lines.
POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 2
Learning Outcomes Cont.
Upon completion of this module, students should be
able to:

 Describe configurations and perform calculations for factors

related to power system loads.
 Discuss basic concepts related to energy utilization,
generation planning, tariff, power quality, energy efficiency,
and demand side management.
 Perform component modelling and power system analysis
using per unit system.

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 3

Chapter 1-Introduction
 The history of the electric power system

 Power system structure and components: Generation, Transmission and


 Power system regulation

 Power system interconnection

 Methods of power generation

 Namibia’s power system

 Definition of electric power system

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 4

Introduction to Electrical Power Systems

Introduction to Electrical Power Systems

• One of the most important areas of electrical knowledge is the

study of electrical power systems.

• Complex transmission and distribution systems supply the vast

need of our country for electrical power.

• Due to this tremendous power requirement, we must constantly

be concerned with the efficient operation of our power
distribution and associated systems.

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 5

Characteristics of electricity:

 High grade energy: convenient form that can be readily converted

to other forms for use at high efficiency.
• Cannot be stored: generated, transmitted, distributed and
consumed, at nearly the same instant. Needs transmission and
distribution network for transport.
 Usage is price-insensitive in short-term.

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 6


POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 7


POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 8

Major Milestones:

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 9

 Since then most electric energy has been generated in steam power plants,
combined-cycle power plants and hydropower plants.
 In 1957, nuclear units with 90 MW steam turbine capacity were installed in the
 Starting in 1990s, natural gas has become the favourable choice of fuel for new
power plants mostly employing combined-cycle technology (cleaner, higher
efficiency, lower emission, shorter construction lead-time).
 Global warming has motivated several countries to increase the percentage of
electricity generation using new and renewable energy sources (solar, wind,
geothermal, biomass, nuclear).

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 10

 Various frequencies (25, 50, 60, and 133 Hz) were used in early AC systems. This has
evolved to two standard frequencies of 50 Hz (Africa, Europe, former Soviet republics,
South America except Brazil, and India) and 60 Hz (US, Canada, Japan, Brazil).

 Transmission lines and transformers have smaller reactance at 50 Hz while the sizes of
generators, motors and transformers are smaller for 60 Hz.

 In 1957, nuclear units with 90 MW steam turbine capacity were installed in the US.

 Prior to the 1973-74 oil embargo, the electricity consumption grew at a high rate
(approx. 7% p.a. for the US). Since then the growth rate has significantly declined (3.4%
p.a. from 1972-1980, 2.1% p.a. from1980-2008). The growth rate has been affected
world economy crises from time to time.

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 11

Transmission voltages:

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 12

 The first High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission system at 100 kV was
installed in 1954 in Sweden (between Vastervik and Gotland Island).

 The Caprivi HVDC link was commissioned in 2010 and operates at 350 kV and
spans 950 km.

The technological development of transmission systems occurred in conjunction

with developments in:

 Insulation,

 Protection (high speed relaying systems),

 Communication technologies (power-line carrier, microwave and fibre


 Control (SCADA, PLC’s and Microcontrollers)

POWER SYSTEM I - I375EP By: M.Kanime 13
Power system structure

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 14

Power system regulation

In the early days, and until recently, all electricity utilities were regulated
monopolies responsible for vertically integrated generation, transmission and
distribution of electricity.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 15

Power system regulation

 At present, increasing number of power utilities have been or are being forced
to split up into competing generating companies or retailing companies.

 Transmission and distribution network operators remain monopolized and

regulated due to the uneconomical nature of building duplicated network

 The access to the transmission and distribution services are designed to be

open to the generating companies and retailing companies, this is
demonstrated in the next slide.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 16

Power system regulation

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 17

Power system regulation

 The first step toward restructuring the electricity utility is the introduction of
independent power producers (IPP).

 IPPs are privately owned electricity generation plants that sell their bulk
electricity outputs.

 The IPPs are connected to

transmission grid and sell

their output to the utility

that acts as a purchasing


Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 18

Power system interconnection

 The electric power system has evolved from an isolated power system (micro-
grids) to a large network of power systems that are connected together by high-
voltage transmission lines (up to 400kV in Namibia) to form highly
interconnected and complex systems that span wide areas.

 Transmission lines inter-connecting power systems are known as Tie-Lines.

 This interconnectivity is necessary for economic reasons (cost), reliability,

capacity and environmental concerns.

 Power system interconnection causes the entire system to be much more


 Therefore power systems operation becomes an important subject.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 19

Power system interconnection

 The transmission system of a particular area is known as a grid (i.e. region or

 NamPower, Eskom, ZESCO etc.
 Different grids are interconnected to form regional grids or power pools

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 20

Power system interconnection

Benefits of interconnection:
 Cooperative assistance between power utilities i.e. sharing technical expertise

 More economical operation

 Increase in baseload of the power pool

 Reduce reserve generation capacity in each area

 Increase in spinning reserve

 Increase in security of power supply

 Increase in reliability

 Easy power trading

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 21

Power system interconnection

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 22

Namibia’s Power System

 Namibia’s electricity consumption has been growing on average at 5.6% per


 On the other hand, the country’s electricity generation capacity has increased
very little and has not been able to meet the demand.

 Recently, some 50-60% of the total consumption has had to be imported.

 Most of the locally-generated electricity has been supplied from the Ruacana
hydropower station.

 Namibia has a total installed electricity generation capacity of 513 MW while

the total peak demand is in excess of 600 MW.

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Namibia’s Power System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 24

Namibia’s Power System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 25

Namibia’s Power System

 As the consumption continues to grow and it is anticipated that the electricity

import from the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP) will be less available,
Namibia has to consider other options that will ensure the adequacy and
security of its electricity supply.

 The development of the Kudu gas-fired combined-cycle power station has been
seen as a significant step toward secure and self-sufficient electricity supply for

 Possible future projects for power generation in Namibia are shown on the next

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 26

Namibia’s Power System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 27

Namibia’s Power System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 28

Namibia’s Power System

The Namibia’s
transmission network
has evolved along with
the development of its
generating system and
the need to import the
shortfall from the
Southern African Power
Pool. Transmission
expansion has been
planned to
accommodate future
power plants and
increase in the

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 29

Namibia’s Power System

 At present, Namibia has adopted the monopoly single buyer model. In this
model the Ministry of Mines and Energy is responsible for energy-policy
formulation and direction.

 The Electricity Control Board (ECB) is the industry regulator.

 Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower), apart from owning and operating the
existing generating stations and transmission networks, is the sole wholesale
buyer to purchase power from IPP and SAPP and the sole wholesale supplier to
sell the bulk electricity to municipalities, regional electricity distributors (RED),
and mining and industrial sectors.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 30

Namibia’s Power System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 31

Energy policy

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 32

Namibia’s Power System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 33

Energy policy

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 34

EPS Definition
Electric Power System: An electric power system is a network of components
with the goal to generate and to transmit electric power to the end users
(load). Well, a very broad definition of a power system can be given as a
“system that deals with business of generation, transmission, distribution of
electrical energy”.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 35

Electric Power System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 36

Power System Structure

Basic Structure of a Power System.

Fig. 1.1 A typical power system.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 37

Power System Structure

Basic Structure of a Power System.

• It contains a generating plant, a transmission system, a subtransmission system and a distribution
system. These subsystems are interconnected through transformers T1 , T2 and T3 . Let us consider some
typical voltage levels to understand the funtioning of the power system. The electric power is generated
at a thermal plant with a typical voltage of 22 kV (voltage levels are usually specified line-to-line). This is
boosted up to levels like 400 kV through transformer T1 for power transmission. Transformer T2 steps this
voltage down to 66 kV to supply power through the subtransmission line to industrial loads that require
bulk power at a higher voltage. Most of the major industrial customers have their own transformers to
step down the 66 kV supply to their desired levels. The motivation for these voltage changes is to
minimize transmission line cost for a given power level. Distribution systems are designed to operate for
much lower power levels and are supplied with medium level voltages.

• The power distribution network starts with transformer T3, which steps down the voltage from 66 kV to 11
kV. The distribution system contains loads that are either commercial type (like office buildings, huge
apartment complexes, hotels etc) or residential (domestic) type. Usually the commercial customers are
supplied power at a voltage level of 11 kV whereas the domestic consumers get power supply at 400-440
V. Note that the above figures are given for line-to-line voltages. Since domestic customers get single-
phase supplies, they usually receive 230-250 V at their inlet points. While a domestic customer with a low
power consumption gets a single-phase supply, both industrial and commercial consumers get three-
phase supplies not only because their consumption is high but also because many of them use three-
phase motors. For example, the use of induction motor is very common amongst industrial customers
who run pumps, compressors, rolling mills etc.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 38

Power System Structure

The electric power system is the largest ever man-made system.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 39

Power System Structure

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 40

Power System Structure

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 41

• Self Reading

1. Energy and Power

2. Nuclear energy vs Renewable energy sources

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 42

Energy and power

Energy and power

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 43

Energy and power

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 44

Energy and power

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 45

Energy and power

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Growth rate

Growth rate

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 47

Growth rate

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 48

Growth rate

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 49

Growth rate

Power system planners also need to know how much power will be demanded

We can approximate this curve with the curve whose equation is;

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 50

Growth rate

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Power System Structure

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what does a power system do?

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 53

what does a power system do?


Power System Provides a vital service to the society.

that's one electrical power is somewhat like the air with

breath: We think about it only when it is missing

it should be operated with the goal of achieving:

 Highest reliability standards

 Lowest operation cost

 Minimum environmental impacts

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 54
Power Generation

 Take place in power plants which may be
geographically dispersed.
 A power plant may house more than one generating
 Types of Generating Units:

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 55

Power Generation


 Hydrocarbons (oil, coal, natural gas, etc.)

 Water

 Nuclear

 Solar

 Chemical

 Wind

 Tidal
Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 56
Power Transmission


 Connect generating plants to consumption point –

Use Remote Energy Sources

 Interconnect power pools – Reduce Generation

reserve and cost, increase reliability

 High Voltage AC Transmission

 HVDC Transmission

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 57

Power Transmission

In a large city where it is divided into several areas each of which is served by a
load center (distribution substation), several load centers of the city may be
interconnected by a high-voltage transmission network to form a sub
transmission system. (See diagram next page)

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 58

Power Transmission

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Power Transmission

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Power Transmission

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Distribution System


 Receives electrical energy from the HV/MV levels

 Supplies energy to customers:

at MV/LV Levels

 Single-phase and/or three-phase

The general structure of a distribution system is different from
that of the transmission system. It has more branches DG sources

Consist of primary and secondary distribution

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 62
Distribution System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 63

Distribution System

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Distribution System

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Distribution System

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 66

Power System Operation and Control

Power System Operation and Control

Characteristics Influencing Generation and Transmission

There are three main characteristics of electricity supply that, however obvious, have a
profound effect on how the system is engineered. They are as follows:

• Electricity, unlike gas and water, cannot be stored and the system operator traditionally
has had limited control over the load.

• The electricity sector creates major environmental impacts that increasingly determine
how plant is installed and operated.

• The generating stations are often located away from the load resulting in transmission
over considerable distances.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 67

Power System Operation and Control

Power System Operation and Control

Great Britain
over a summer
week. The base
load is around
25GW with a
se of 15GW.

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Power System Operation and Control

Power System Operation and Control

Table 1.3 Estimated carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation in Great Britain

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Power System Operation and Control

Power System Operation and Control

Table 1.4. Example of costs of electricity generation

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Power System Operation and Control

Power System Operation and Control

System Load Profile

the system load is never constant, it keeps on changing at different times.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 71

Power System Operation and Control

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 72

Power System Operation and Control

From the previous slide, we see that; Late in the night we have very low loads. And
then, as the morning goes up this our working starts, then the loads goes up. And
we will see that during the evening time we have a very large load. This generally
happens mostly with the residential loading. this is what you are seeing as
residential load.

This loading becomes much larger, during the evening when people have switched
on their TV’s. They are doing, they are cooking and all that. So, all light are on and
so on,

whereas if you see industrial load, it will be very high during the day time. So,
industrial loads are high during the day time. Commercial loads again are high
starting around 10 o clock, this will go up and late in the night they go down.

We can see, that the load is changing all the time.

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Power System Operation and Control

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Power System Operation and Control

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 75

Electricity generation cont.…..

The electricity generation system comprises the generating

stations or electric power plants. The operating principle of the
power plant is that firstly the chemical energy in the fuel is
converted to heat energy using e.g. furnaces and boilers. The heat
energy is then converted to mechanical energy in the form of
rotation using some forms of thermodynamic cycles e.g. Rankine
cycle in steam turbines. The mechanical energy is in turn
converted to alternating current electricity at a medium voltage
using synchronous generators.
Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 76
Electricity generation cont.…..

• If other forms of energy are used, mostly they are converted to

rotational mechanical energy first using e.g. wind turbines or hydraulic
turbines. Then synchronous generators are used to convert the
mechanical energy to electricity.

• In solar photovoltaic power plants, the radiation energy is directly

converted to direct current electricity using solar photovoltaic panels. In
order to be able to connect to the power grid, inverters are employed to
convert DC electricity to AC electricity.

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Electricity generation cont.…..

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Electricity generation cont.…..

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 79

In a power system there is a mix of plants, that is, hydro, coal, oil,
renewable, nuclear, and gas turbine.

However The optimum mix gives the most economic operation, but
this is highly dependent on fuel prices which can fluctuate with time
and from region to region.

Table 1.5 shows typical plant and generating costs for the UK. It is
clear some technologies have a high capital cost (for example, nuclear
and wind) but low fuel costs.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 80

Table 1.5 Example of costs of electricity generation

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Generation- Energy Conversion

Based on the energy sources, if we are using hydrocarbons.

That is oil, coal, natural gas, etc. Then the plants are generally called the thermal
power plants. Because, oil and coal is used that is the thermal energy is burnt in a
boiler. And this heat of this as used to makes steams which is use to run steam
turbines. Similarly, natural gas is used to be burnt in gas turbines and produce
electrical energy.

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 82


1. Thermal Generation


Principle: - Rankine Cycle ; η= (30-40%)

Coal energy Kcal/Kg Kwh/Kg

Coal % Ash

Anthrosite - Costlly
1) Bituminious – (20-30%)
2) Lignite - (30-50%)
3) Peat - (50-70%)

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 83


Layout of Thermal Power Plant

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1. Energy Conversion Using Steam

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 89


In coal-fired stations, coal is conveyed to a mill and crushed into fine powder, that
is pulverized. The pulverized fuel is blown into the boiler where it mixes with a
supply of air for combustion. The exhaust steam from the low pressure (L.P.) turbine
is cooled to form condensate by the passage through the condenser of large
quantities of sea- or river-water. Cooling towers are used where the station is
located inland or if there is concern over the environmental effects of raising the
temperature of the sea- or river-water.

Despite continual advances in the design of boilers and in the development of

improved materials, the nature of the steam cycle is such that vast quantities of
heat are lost in the condensate cooling system and to the atmosphere.
Advances in design and materials in the last few years have increased the thermal
efficiencies of new coal stations to approaching 40%. If a use can be found for the
remaining 60% of energy rejected as heat, fairly close to the power station, forming
a Combined Heat and Power (or Co-generation) system then this is clearly

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 90


2. Gas Turbines/ combined-cycle gas-turbine power station

Schematic diagram of a combined-cycle gas-turbine power station

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Solar Energy-Photovoltaic Conversion

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Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 94


1. Blades
2. Rotor
3. Pitch
4. Brake
5. Low-Speed Shaft
6. Gear Box
7. Generator
8. Controller
9. Anemometer
10.Wind vane
12.High-speed shaft
13.Yaw drive
14.Yaw motor
Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 95

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 96


The operation of a wind turbine depends upon the wind speed and is shown in Figure 1.10.

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Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 98


Hydro Power Generation

*Perhaps the oldest form of energy conversion is by the use of water power.
Baynes Hydropower Project
•-capacity of 600 Megawatt
•reservoir would be 57 km2
•- investment of US$1.2 billion

In a hydroelectric station the energy is obtained free of cost. How ever this state of art structure have got a very high capital cost, especially
for civil engineering work.
Furthermore, the geographical conditions necessary for hydro-generation are not commonly found, more especially in developed country,
although we have few available sites in Developing country, e.g Byness (Epupa). But large hydro schemes, particularly those with large
reservoirs, have a significant impact on the environment and the local population.

The difference in height between the upper reservoir and the level of the turbines or outflow is known as the head. The water falling
through this head gains energy which it then imparts to the
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Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 101


Particular types of turbine are associated with the various heights

or heads of water level above the turbines. These are:

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 102


Particular types of turbine are associated with the various

heights or heads of water level above the turbines. These

1. Pelton: This is used for heads of 150–1500m and consists

of a bucket wheel rotor with water jets from adjustable flow
2. Francis: This is used for heads of 50–500m with the water
flow within the turbine following a spiral path.
3. Kaplan: This is used for run-of-river stations with heads of
up to 60 m. This type has an axial-flow rotor with variable
pitch blades.

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Pumped storage plant

Fundamentals of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 104


Pumped storage plant

It is one of the type of hydro plant. Its consisting of two
2.Down stream tank

 During peak load period, water will flow from upstream tank to
the turbine for producing electrical power and this water is
stored in the downstream tank.
 During off-peak load period, water is resending from the down
stream tank to the upstream tank. This water is reutilized for the
next peak load demand.
 Same turbine and generator unit are used as pump and motor for
sending theFundamentals
water from downstream to upstream.
of Power Systems TECE3731 By: M.Kanime 105

Advantages of pumped storage plant:

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Nuclear Power Generation

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