Features Document

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Features Document

Module Features
Register new user and use I am not a robot feature
Send confirmation email
Resend confirmation email
Send email to user requesting password change
Update user name
Update password
Forget Password
Verify email
Update email
Get user email
Google or facebook or github sign-in
Search for matching users using their username or screen name (or part of them).
Delete/Add a profile banner (restores the default one)
Update a profile picture given the new picture.
Delete a profile picture (restores the default one).
Users Profile Get/Update the profile of a specific user.
Get a list of users that follow the username.
Get a list of users that are followed by the username.
Follow a certain user using their username.
Unfollow a certain user using their username.
Add, delete, get blocks
Un/Mute a certain user using his username.
User Interactions Get a list of muted users.
Add, Delete, Get tweets
Get replies of a certain tweet
Add, Delete retweet
Add, remove likes on tweets
Get list of retweeters
Get list of likers
Get a list of tweets in the home page of the user. (Timeline)
Get a list of tweets in the profile of a user.
Get tweets that the user mentioned in it
Timeline and
Get tweets liked by the user
Get a list of tweets that matches (either fully or partially) the sent string.
Get a list of available trends
Get a list of tweets in a given trend.
Get messages of the user
Add new message
Direct Messages
Get conversations
Get number of unseen conversations
Media Add, get media (in tweets)
Get notifications list, (Push notifications)
Get notifications unseen count

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