Elements of Cartesian Tensor Analysis

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ANY ae Elapticity Notes oF 6: Glewbug Co € Retrencen ! Qepfreyo 4 efpreye (Chaptin.3) , Temple , Mc Connell, Progen, Sekebrikeoff, Chadwick, Sprenen Mobvation : pele im math. physic ¢ conten uum med. Ivelcctal molealion Rich expansion of scolar product ef hve vechoro LEM = U,V, FLL Va i Ugg = Ne = ULV Re ne convertor Abt Low - eave Latin indices Lracriphe ancl eupoeroeripite) ~ untios otherevice eqpecificel— here the nance U,2,3). SB cements, Vg 89 ements , Vig 8227 Lerner ta CU eee of cvcbay* nation convention .Y tr a menomeal the same inclos appecis hvice, summmaleore over this acpuated. imc crbeas euapencled by "ne eum’ b we a ee eae of nek, ; winbuepemless otrercise qualified. re Gxoonphes ancl remarks: Ceeptain) yk nO,


@pece ane index cannal appears merecthom twice. br. femme monemial (LD Free (anvepeciticl) erche. ore either alele of an equat- deter ancel exgquee ton tn indtetal me ox) Both free and dlemmy cube. may be allied crebjerd to regquremerits (a), Cb). Del, Kroncchur delta, the ecb of J member 8, ca dsfned dy dy 70 itd), Ap=4 Ce eum) ree | 2 8,,=3, oui EME > 85 ViRo Vik» 4 7 4d) Vik= Vik > Sy ¥y =Vin » Sy by = v i rn Bel. Adheamal. g_symbole. The 27 mumbeo Bik wre jemecl by Eyer ‘Y (é,p,k) are an coy paumutakion f 42,3) Eyal f (yk) ow on odd pemmubation oP (,2)3) Byker O Sthatwioed ievyp ot Dect te dubs. compete e Eg: Fi2a™ Faas eEgont) Baigent, Sia) 7 E2097 Ena 70 Clearly, 2ret ayy = Spas 2 jhe ebeen Eck; > BYR EGR TS O-® ip seneritations of 3x3 determinants Conaiden E gj LV) WR By Lf. of Byk one haw Va V: Eu j by ¥j Wk = VoWe- Yaa = | wy, a end thuo 2, Uy Lea, Leg Egk 4eVpWh= | Va Va Vo 4.3) 1 Wz We Wa Adopt the molakon Vas Viz Yaa Vaqre a ta = Ewyae | ve wea ea ee G4) Vay Yaa Vsa oes - i We 2 Vip Vig Ver deb tyi= | Vir Vio Vir 4-5) Sik Epgr Viep Vig Vb i 4 frnot, Cleonly U5) holdle fore (ip, 8) = (9,4) = 0,28); elso Uf hwo emmeng indies (bk) o» (pqs) eoinciole 5 ho « aloo Y CE jk) ow Uyyq,e) are comm ow odol. pemuled, vore of (123) (ace prepeitico of delirontnants). Tio whawels alk pororbilikin. ged. Fone U8), U4) anc propution of ditenminanite , clef LY = 8 yk 2Vaj Vak = Eijk Ver VjaVes © par Deb LMI = Eigh Vp Vai Vek = yh YopViq Vr I 1 A vege ‘ tkyaly Look of U.6) by Exgy , woe Engr Spage 2S: CL tos, 4 cet ivis% eyp& :p0q Vip Vig View (7) Relatiane conruding Sy and eyh a Speccabse U.5) by baking [¥]=lvgl- lds] =011. Tro , Bixe . 2 Buk Epgr = Sig 4-8) a oe re Cy pene clctiamimant, ack bap Counrmabon!), and ( use Ud) Cpropetin of Khoncker diftas) te auive ab iC € & Sik Eige * Sig Seem 854 Si4q 4.9) Dibeese shuciae of 1.9). Spavelze 4.9) toc that yk Eye =2oyy > Fyk yk =e (4.10) Qureaed (@) Deduce (9) (b) Unie‘ nearcths :sahabibiheds in the Lecheree bo show thas 7 1 Vig tee We > Hee CMI PFO => eed unup i= Saobivg SURE pqe Vai Vek Wp co) Leb te, £4] be 8x3 mabieo anc Lwl=[vllyvl, he. Wy = LinVaj + Use rneaubhs eobable shel vn» the Jechors bo chew thet debCwl= dbiwideb ty. Commecion with vecow algebra lel Byyswe be vecloro im Bye. Nelobivy: Lew ,,. ecalan aprodecct WAM, 1 Veclow produce MH lO, 6,2, ,897 1. rechengular corks, coord. frame with onginO amd unib hase vichowe &; Si o Fo, cham of oll nabangulan framea © KEY > e,-2,-d; Tyo cleo of ath Nnght-hondecb” rclangular frowmes eh al weFse.-e=8, + vs xy > (e,re)°S,=¢L Let XET ond uz =e, &° thet wn=e,u; ele. lyr cealen compte, of Win KZ. Remark on tlinerons cp commotion comumbions bo produch of veckors ov eb : ‘ Remi muetarlacra. U8) emeb fonilion seolh from veclor algebre c os Ay 7 GAM Epi, 8, UV_ 4 GEA) WHEaRtayn Chas txt cree 2. Use tndecial notation to prove? fa) CAM) w= we(Yaw) (6) (AMIAW = Ce-w)¥- Cow) fe) (eau) = wryP= (e-e)™ Change ef frame! transformation of vieclor comple. € 5 Consider K=$0,2,,e,,93¢F, E's10; 21,8, 21 €F * Reahsckoon In Fob meceleal for fret of U2) = 7 ce ale/ 3 Aue cos (2,8) Oe « Sapand scolar product th ewenck of Ug) in K ” : " n n frye n un xt Apidae Fnq > ApiApi= Sy te ; ‘i Fai G44, det TAy] = (8) 484)-S5 =] “rus TAISDAI le am ertheger-al mahie obeying LAULAT =CATCAI=(L1, LAT SIAN, deblaletd o. vole: RET, We F, > deb [Al ath om which cave LA] io sreper erthogenal Nolati 7 LA]: xX=xX eae : UO, polo =e v= a ) x! N= EpVp > V= Vo Vp Rernarh om nolalion for scalar componente. Det- mulliply fet age by 9) arch wee 18) bo obhaine ' Vos Aip Vee Cte) ‘Nitkuply" 4.46) by Big ) Woe U4), change indices! Vx x Viv = Api Vp G47): Comunale UA) => (18). x x/+ Mie ) M4 ao Let [AI=CAy1, d=] VF], tw=| v2]. & vz : veg! ‘5 Then O46), UAD) in omebirx form become ty’ =(Altul , ty)=CA4T tw] Remark on "lnecteal” definition of vector concept end or tmpending gennabizabor. Def. Leb N20 be are ingen, A (coileston) tensor x of cree N bo a fuumetion defined) smelfemnel © vr thet ee set of 3” neal mumbua V5 ei the components of x m Z, DS VIAT: xx’, Vie x ae k =AwA ig” Aby Y, “pqree® * (4.48) Furthen, Y wond vy ane both, tenoor of -ordew N ond C le a reek member, we adept the definition ) way = UF cae = Vjok vy wer ane fae Gt) WH REY & We sey, et Vp. wh VXEF x iit) WaCV S Wy, tk = OV YymeF on 8a Remorks . Beonky, wun lid), (itt) a temo of ord N. Equodih, meade be be festie tr single X onk ~N=0,% bo a “solar! ¢ we eur V inshead 1 YN=1,¥ & oo victory” 4 (1:18) radecea bo (4.46) Frome 1.44), 148) follows sacily that x deh Vik =Apgi Agp Aok V9 vee (4.19) Conversely , 1.19) > U18). Ack to confine thes. Mentions geroal tenaow concept, the difimition, P wmichy involves eovenkially acbikary emciline Coordinate tansformatene (rather than onerely bamsformations frem one sysleu of erthagena catksten coords, to amdther), See Me Connele. u u oe on A timser v of ordev N22 io eymumeiu (reop- chew-symrmetur) wir, he a pore of tndiae of ib components Uf the componente Pf vo nemeim umn- cllnwah (reap. change ag) under arr mnbarchange of coe tue indrece. Rate fully symone, (fietly chen eymiry) benaone « iste thed ay aun (skew-syann.) recede bo be lest ently tn one frame . Cenbemete prepelic) oh. A tenoor y. of ocbihay orden us tcheple cre ineckpendent of X, fs compte. Vv ak y Nok thal a, sealaw ih an wetionic berrsor of orden on Thar. 47 (a) bel VE» SV HEF. Then Vip ore the compl. of arr Wecliepic siconel- orden lensor Mi and & wi ved (Kronecker beruct ot done torcox) © a € Remarks, v= Reolat (b) Leb Vigh = Byk WV XEF anc replace F vin def of a henooy by F,.Thers Vigk ote the components f anv lechopic hrney y of onder the (athamed vag, noe) | Proof. Clearly eufficce to chow thed Vg and VGR ore the comple. Oo XK of a hreor Curplain) Re (a). By hyp. amel 44) one hao x Kip Ayg V os = Aip Aig Spq = Ain tin Sy = Via geal. Re(b). By hyp. and (144), U.6) one hae Au Aig Ae Mpa v= Aup Aig Any Epar x! =8yp deb (Als Eye Viyk quel. ? Lyxee Wek, Yh would, mot be benece components y del LAl=-d Ena ll, prvkly (pocude-lensar) + % w symm. th (a) Byrne. bree chy. je concept . Mohoatkel by (b) ie Tamed we se henseeforthe replace ¥ by Stn lef of uy cactoian terwers onc Ul & from hee ow hove meaning of S (change of molaken): Cowal bh 4 rack: Ge seeeee Oh Daehn, low oneal “er ore the compte. ov of o beneoe W Yor Oe evden MIN, which colbeel the ovler product cf we anc y. 2 Ciook. By hyp. omcl def. of akon, Y LAl:X>x, yl _ x! el Wij ere bonnet = Dirck Vinnie x x = Aig Akg Yong Ame: Apt Yark eS ae = Aig AngAme' Art Wpngst 7 80 that eonchiwores foblowe Prom hep. of a tenaom. Thnd.3 (Contechon of tenoor). Leb w be a tenor a) ordan N22 .Defime Pirve VEE g ou the components in KX af a bemwow M ef orden N-2, sac to be formect by covitiacksn ef the Einoor Ww. Tre proof of ths theorems Will be Lfb oo an euerets Cease dy hes fe tleweec cca cence aes wv tensor of approprale. positive cre. We now ( ected Poy veres of a mew bneow Ww by ( meane ef out mmuthiliection and. conbackon- 13 obit [ep orb oy | Abe | 4 q ° watery W,= Sup Va 1 4 4 W=KAM wysuyy | 2 | 1 1 Wa Kev Wy =UipVij’| 2 2 2 Wake Wa = yy 4 4 | 2 | W=wey Wyp= Uy Vp 2 1 | 3 Remark on Sliupprenton of frame Lobe (exploire, Y & and y are hors of the seme porhie ey = 4k Vik (immer poroduct) hel= Yee ‘Cmorm) Nala generalization f corrapendy . veckow notin Race woe f benace diviciore » CLac 14 Drrntd (Qustinb mule). Leb 9 real numbers wy Gecufinee EKEF amc euppoe for every uml vector Uy the mumbe = Addimed, 2 VE = wig yy KE ow the componente in xX of a veckow Ms Then Wy ow the components of a sccond-~orde knack w. Proof. By hyp. and (49), TAT: X22), one hae J ang "Midst by Avie oblain z : Api Agia = Wy iy Apt th quae siennce Anidge=Spqs i= Agi Weawe Aa; og Zo A, Aap Wy tig 4) By hyp. oe aoe @) ] = Wpq eq i (), (2) => wz, -A,, Agia =0 for eomy & 9 Iul=: Chooe WD us "= dog with ¢ feck. Thus, ’ x x Wrpo = Api Asp Wi wpeol. Remark ow gurerakizabine of above quotimb mule. ancl. © . eee CO athuw versione (se following. exercise). Qancian B (a) @yove Tana. om conkadkons of lensen’: . CN eee atlasere ec UE cule Boon JUN eubs,, N24) Be defined ¥ KEF andl euppoo: for every choice of N unik vechore Myre Wy 7 Speck ivy Wee yo xey, « here © lo o seal mummber Unaep of XE). Tron C ee of ord Ne Second-order bensove ("hvo-bericore) Remarle on mporband role of two-hnocrs te omedrown (e.g. enetkin tensor ; fi a a en gheos bencove, ete) Nolabion 1 Trroughout Shalt fotdosws UN, ek. sea W)¥, ele. are vechoro, unless othiwwice aqereifid.- pa Recall from 1.18), 49) that if LQ: X>x! i x! eee ae ae Wi ~AipAia pa 2 Wy ApiAgiWra a Leb [WI=CWE 1, LWPS LWy) Toow 00 do equivalent ty) =(AMWIIAT, [w= (ATW IAT os Remark en obvious equivalenee of fiot @ geeonel on Cex} Produch of a two-kneoe amc ce vecherw OMT gp a bworkeucew arel wy a uechen, define © weWe ev, =Wy uy (4.21) Metin dishibulivily of thes multiplication Rifew to Trane t.24.3 oneb sematk on omissions of earns babel. Set ro -[23| d wi-[%4 , Cwl-tW,] a % There U.24) => Ine - tvi=(Witwi Connection bebwemns hvo-hmeors § Lerear vecor fumed ©. Reolh def iis ibore of a binear veclor fonction: (C 17 wb ts a mapping thal W) Lg, +e) =biapthu , vbw =cbuy) - a VY acal meonGer a. poms. Leb W be @ dwo-lemor ancl define a selew value — L thaough xehu=We V we&s.w oe bb @ Lercae eclow fan tian. Commensely, givens a Ei finelion Ly Boo. unique hvo-benser Wa () holds tre. Tonal, Rast adm bo tiviol (repbeiny- convene ae Choose E= 10,2, ,2,,2,36F Lat We be the jth scalar cone. of Ley) in Zl, hence L he Lie) = Wye, Tease Prewe the Lirmorlty of L one har ¥ EES, ve hus) =L(ure,) =u hte) = 2 ZW e, = V2; oe (OO Hence x kX x x =z p= Wek; or Ve = Wy aj v. xGF,V “CE, : xz i Now Thmd4 (quekent rule) acwres thed Wi eae the comple. in X of a hwvo-beneor W. These, by U-ad! v=Wxe ¥ wee, cone Ut) hebele, Unguenses of Wt buical. ged. Remath on coord.-free def. of lwotheneon ae Lv.f, Components there alefineats by (21/) + (eg. se Gitar) Fronapeoe ef a tve-hneor Trivially , if uy ore tthe comple. ine of a hwo-hnoor V XCF, co ae Vyr Up. (explain): Define, V-U @ V,-U, vg Eee Thue LISI) Cheady, Ub sym. oP UU and shew-syrnorn. iff ie We : YU we we huo-lenser ond mw, my cw vecdove, 4 - 2 one bec the "nectprecal nflator : oe Ue) =U) 2 ; (1-28) eince on, Uy n= mj Ujimn = Ujemyre Product ef hwo second, ode ayers YUM ore hvorbensowe , define . W=WMN <> Wy= Uin Vay 4.24) Crary, Weis a hve-benser. Produch mer commutes, TWI<[UMYI — (claborot) WHUM & WEYTU, a6 fottouse from (24), (1-22) (C yf ByY, zB we veelors anol U,V frvo-lenoors , ynMe, 2-Uys 2-We ,W-UNV. Tenoow (dy acée) goroduct of hwe veclove y WY one veeloro, clefine .W=4Oy <> Wy = uy 4.25) heady, Wis a hvo-hmoor anc this procscet boo Bo mon-commutabives ib so dakbulise. (( Fundamental seolar invawants of a 2-biusor ZAM) = Vip = bY = Vi,4 Viet Van ZW) = $0V,.V,,> Vy VY) Ff Coy te v9) = fa Vi 4. | Van Vos 4 | YoY at che va Var Vas . iV. Vis W= $e gnepqxViVig Vie 7 det [Vy] = eb | i : ; ee cealan Cnvavant) chorecter of ECU) tree Soe Prom Thine 12,13. Deserbe invarents in x 7 of. Iv, 4 A hworknsor MW to moneingulon f atWro. UUM ore hvo-heneere , (20), 4-24) f Ceeretoe | = =h(uy) ,tul=ThW), Fan ee dt det 27) axercard (lnvavce ef a@ hvo-kneor)- (0) With the nie of C41) and without peouuee te qmobiz alocbra, show thab P U bs a moncingy hve-leneow, A pe umigue two-bneor Ve=U's a4 U-W=U, * Sew (b) in. Geerceond, (} “1 VU=UV HA- Show further tind = (UW) aac : Vys(h), Baty Pe9 ejns Up Usq U2) (b) Assuming U,V bo be maonoingellor, hive-beneove anc WU, chew by omsome of (128) thet ve = Tt agp et wiy-ansey wv 0 4.29) Note that [Y]=LUT' in (ay, 00 that U-26) supplice a formule tr index mobabare for the inverse of x merverngeliar 3x8 mah. Db. A bwerlencer QS evthogonal f SEL. Q wtheg. > GA=-1, '=@", det Q=ts > ie proper orthogonad if ib t oxthogonel ond deb ard Deb. Leb Yo be @ hvoctenecr. A rol member A= AC) ia ov principal value, of Up Fa vector. B.. 58 Vg eam, Wel o- Vingaare, memend (1.39 Leo, Ww wo @ sere. diteckon vechor of V belonging “ec Ly the p.valuz ® anck (ym) deliemine a principal avis of M Belonging be d. Ronarks. Inbepreh (1.20) geomiburelly vn tims f £ 2 genealed by WV. Raise enalence anal uniquemesd ond @. Leb MW be & hvo-hnoor. Then A be @ p. value SM Uf ib in a nak nook of the cubic equation Fla) = deb (VY -ad)=-84T2-TatT-0, 018 chee Tp =T,(%) one the sealer ao ef Y.ua is @ prvebue of Vj the p.diichion vertows belonging Lot, ater the coliddione fow my of the equations € (Vy -ady) n=O, mrad 4.32) woof. By defjr wo p-valus of oe hofal. Row this ib db mec. ¢ duff, that det [Vj-ady]= det LY-ad=O wy AF anrk bt) io cantly conpiimed bo be equivalnd te 31) with the otc ef (1-7) 7 1.9) 4-40), (4.26) + (8 Chanactiustee tee fy 88 (1) > LE yk Epgr (Vip-> ip) Vign 9 859) View Sie) =O « c C 23 Remark, Dearly, 4.31) has ab hast one wal rcot anc I eh e een ieee at ll aby: Tre t.7. Leb Vi be & aymnmebic hvo-bnoow. Men all three, nocte (Ay,Aa)Aa) bo chareckrabe equation 1.31) are nol. Fab least. thase anutuclly tp. ave PV and. at feast one p. prame Xi £0, 2,25, 43EF. Absa, zx, a 8 i: J / 4.33) tvy d= oe As. f Vez-arrg, wre ewm) : Moreover, the followtng Dassification ws exhaushve t Case. We (Ayyrgjde) ore déstnet Che, all rocks of (at) 0» simple), the da uncque p.arie belonging b aach > the thie p.aveo being mutually 1. Case. Uy soy, MERA A (he: U.84) hes a clowble ancl a simple root), then Fa unique p.auie Bilonging to Ay ancl sums L auic to a pravio blbonging be Ay. Case. Y A,=ry=Agery (Fe. U8!) hao a tuple root), there sory atic la a p. avis Blengeng be Ay anc V=ayd so that Vt icchopic. hemmed. th n?, paw p. diction vickors bilenging be Pa a4 hwo dedhinek op. veluso of 2 symm. huo-knecr, then win? Proof. Lee of? mn)? bdleng be p. value aA Cartas): Thave hee Vil= rio? . +f r By () , (1.28) ancl sence VevV, & Q) a) a) (2) Vin. op? = Vn 2? an 2 = aan @) ca) »Ve =e we) *R i = Cr-d05 2 n= 0% 2. pO gel. Lemma 2. Leb 4 bea pivalus of a cymmetié hue - hoor VY ond wap. disctéors veclow bdlongurg tor.Fow fick k (k=1,2,3) chosce X10; 21,22, 203 EF 3 S,= 2B. hen x pal Vue = Vin =A Sch Proof. Choose and fix k. By hyp-, . x pa Vep,=ASh > Vy Sip=Ardik > Vip = Vac = Seu qe. Proof of Thin s.7. By Thmte, the p.valuee of Yo oe the nok roole of C) U8) oma Y aj ia euch a neck, the amecdatid pp. div 25 vectors ib) ont eblavned by soloing U.32) for oy afl acplacing A by Aj. We show firot that alt Hmex recto of (1.31) are seal yu bo symm. Since I, neal, one real rook,. say Ay, BW aorured.. Let nf be a p. dev. veclow be- Longing'e Ay Roose X'= 10; 2) 2 8 Jeb a ant rik Vy 2 Vy: By Lemme2, e J J ! J Myer 3 Var Var Vis= Ve 2O ca 2 Hinee U.31) becomes © . N-A O ° ! = ! 4 =O ov ht [Vy-adyl=|o Vasa Vas ) I OV se ceva (yp) [22 CVaatt Wan) a+ Vaz Vag~ Vash] =O (6) Tre solchine of Cb) are + TEV TVW 1 Ana) An Aga Eee a Sas Nal (vay Trae ef thee Xp are real. . 26 Leiune2 = f 3 a p. prome ¥’ for Vs sine (Og atectien veelow fom ay , then (1.93) heldle. The stislemen of ob least one auch frame io acuredl by whak fotows. Re Case Lt Ay,Ag,Ay diokimet Hie, by Lemmad, the p.aree ate unique anc Sete tpt: Cumdgue since P enore thar: one diuid” through. © that yl be a given plane &,). F CaoeT! Say Ay# As Agm Aw : oor Xa 6 = 2", Note there are infinitely mony such choices. For sack auch choiew, from le), Vib= Veron Vig Vato wh a2 Now (@) th) > lori , ivyl= ; rn 0 | > Vel=a,e,, Vel-ayes O Ax Tacs Sh omd oy ore beth p. dimcbdr veclors Belong- cng be the cdouble root Ay ancl hence suery axio bela n bs a paris blonging be Ay. Umiquence C Cd i, ants bilenging be A, io thax from. Lemmadt. 27 he Come TD: Aya agm Agr ry : ' Hew, prom (a) id), FX/EF 5 Vy=aAydy. Himee by Tum, aaa Verh (Yb woliopic two-hnson) anc, thus I Vn=ayln=rym VY unik veer Rouy unib wechow io a p. diction verlor belonging fo Ay eony KEF in ap. frame for V./ YY, a yma. hoe-teneor , X =£0; 2),2a2,36F le a p. frome for Vi, and yr5,.) ee cthe come pondong. pp veka 5 fend haw Proms (1-257), (1.26), Perr e, oo Je TOL) = yt at Ag» TM)=AAstrArstr a Aaa See (a) Leb KEF ond Lt V be a twehnoor- sich, that x 720 mz forl Ge) tw l-[2 =| (zi) tyji-{rer| O-26 110 le tad cose find the p. value and alt anceialic yp. deection veclowo. Use (4.34) be check om p. valaee and compere the -p. values by oneene of a sulable nobations of XZ. ( C 28 (b) Up Y te o symm: hwo-kneew amc LT; arc ib seabaw inverants, chow thot V sababies the terror equation, WeEW)=-W4T VOL +T,L-0 o (Coly-Hemitton) Compare (4) with, the charackushe equclion eof Y. HINT: Lloe op. axea of V7. TumA.8 (Ribemun propalics of p-values). Leb WZ Le a symm huocbeneow eitth p.valuco Az anc avoume AZABAg Then x A= onee Vit bey Ag= rode Via (mo sume) Omik qrook. See discussion of stieco beneor. Deb. A eye. hvo-hnoor Wi so posihive definite, if y- (Wy) = WyYiy >O V veckr VO, ef cw to pos. p.¥ XEF. ThmA9 A mec. and suff, condition thal @ eyanm. hvo- tenacr Be poo. def. to that off of tl p.voliue be posikive Proof. lel Wo be x eyenon. hvo-lensor with p.veleuwe Az. By Trm4.7 ap. treme K'eF for Wi oanel Zxex x’ yx zn Wyn a (ye Jt aalve tal yy ) ¥ Bee Tre desineel conLusien ta now tmmedial.. Ueplain. Shaw -eyrmebic hwo-lensors Lit Y Le & ckew-eyonm. hvo-hmeor. Recall thab ther 2 7 MeN > Vien Vy oe _ o Via Vee Tus del Y= 0,20 that EVgl= Vin 0 Vas wouyehuo hyo beer is EVisVar Of singular, Tris auggeate repreambobilily of Mi in terme ofa veclem- we duck <> weteye Va; 4.35) One calbe wo the vechew alicak! of VY. "Muttiply” the second of U.38) by Eieg » Hoe 9), ancl Vi=- Vy to -oblatnw a O-W, +, = Vig = & ep Me ow rya-[% 3 =| U3) kw, w, © YOM & @ shew bwo-tnoor, y= ducl¥ and w oa vecher 5t Qg=Vu = gaawau U.87) sroce By G36), 042), pn Vin a= Vy ey OL Bie May I x € A Remonk: ow efi. of Wy though Vuswiw wee, ou Ducompesiion theoveme fow ereoncd-order bmaons Thre 110. Evewy hwo-lenoow Wi admibs a unique decomposiliin 3 Tv Tr W=U+V ,UsU ,V=-V end this noolihin vs givers by YoomW=s(WIW), Ves chw W-hCW-W) fuse ov Wy 4(Wyt + Wh), Vy 2 k(Wy- We) : » Aesume fireb the deodecl decomposthion Ge) extsla. (3) > W'=U-X w) Adel ¢ eubbact (a), (b) bo ave at U.38). Hence f IU, W=U+Y @w calefying og, thy ae unegue anc giver Ly 38). Converad UM debdech by 0-38) Lely salishy wy. geal. Nobotvory =4(Wj+ Wa) = Wey » Vy =d(W, ~W.)=Wiys (1-39) Ae on prasquisil, for omatten hime of deeemperition of tye beow ewe mgquice the f@owurg eaubb, which was mnentimect eatin 2AM Clalropie leneor of fick ancl arconcd orchx). (2) Uf yy ta anv tochiopic vechow, then y =O (mutt-veclor) 1 0b) YX io on crobopic shew hye-leneor, then V= «) ¥ V ib an inobiopic hvo-benoor, ther Veal, hae wo vo a al mumber. \ Recalé difinikw ef an trotiopie feneor Wy ie + ub. Undependent of X#XEF. Reta) le y bean Bokepic veckrw. and - suppose, = 0, ¢,,2.,2,)¢F. Ork vi = . Crrricbern = K/=£0; 2,8, -8,} «nob. through - about @pax KS {Osh S,,8,4 - nob thaough n/2 about eax By hyp. ome hao yp oTM 7 Ts¥s I “|x =|'V,| => Vas Ves—Ve =O) Vee — MeO LYaJ Lb Ve y, 4 ence V =O, “Pe tb), Leb W be ar toohepic chow bve-hneor . Lel y= dual. thus yw ud botopie By (1.38). Heneew: by Ca). Theefore VeQ by U.36)- B B2 Bele) Leb Vi be an cotopic hvo-bneor. Tere sym coat chw¥ must sac be dcheopic (explain). Hence akwV=Q by tb). So Ya, ie. ¥ & eymmmebie. By TeomAT Ap. frame Xx{0;2,,8,,8,56F for VD a, tv, y= (6 De ° | , VS Ve; » (mo eure) oO Ast ze 40, G2 ,8e,8}. ody R'CF ancb by 1.29), twyt-[o4.8 | L Ths Xa aloo qe. for! ye oO A, Bcirce V to tachopic, Ayeagedg = one hence Veoed ( reroeding be Case i Mrrorene4-7- geek. re ANZ. Goey bve-beneor W acmile a Unique dreornpesition BD W-U+¥ , bU=0, Vis vcchopic w ane this arolukon wo gave hy U=W- ,¥=4 SQwWL ow Uys Ny-Vy > Vi : 4.40) ae S Wik Fj ne ye roof, Aesume first the ceotud cecompovifeore tn) existe. i) anc Thin. tld => UW, Veed, bW-bV=30,V=S(b WL Hence P AU, sabsfyng Gy, they ae uncqus ancl given hy (1-40). Converidly, U,V defeat by U-40) clrorby eatafy (). qeel: cemark, Ore calle U ond VY obeve the devistonic wk the deobopre parts of th inser W tao prelively. Menken umjorkence of Tar. t42 or plesketly and viscokackieh, theory, Dy ee alesse | oeiea ie the (eee ee iad clad Lemme. Let S be a pos. definite symm. hwo-hense There Ba unique ‘pos. defini. symm. tve-lnect L 2 US. One calle U th Mequare root of 8" onde wns U=TS. Proof, By hyp. ancl Minw.47, 19 2 a p. frame XE fow S amneb ic 2 i [Sj] =] 0 220 [2 ALO, HOA eohire x, aw the p. Veluwe 4 S-Neow define o- bwo-lensor U such that eet oe OlELO. [Uy] = ° Dn, ° > TX, >O. Oo 0 qn, Cherrrby, U=S ant U sym. pos. def. (uepl au. Re umiguencse of UsIS (Skphencen): Te see that U ie unique it offices lo shoes thet U symm. pos. dif. => eony p. frame of S=U is ala op. frome of U. Thus sufficient bo chow thet ae SeeUneapn, wal,p>0 Ww) Un aT nt). To sex this ncle that (é) => (CT pt)n, = (Wt TL) U-TeL)n = 4) B a HA) (Utiei)y=-2,Uy=-iey 6) yv- Uy =-Tze yy =-Tpye<0, : which conbadich the pos. clepimitemess of uw. Himce W= OQ ancl thus (ci) follows from (2). / Trees 443 (Pollan decomposttion). Leb W be a, nensengulor two-bensor. Thor Fw neuen, two- tron U DN, evs W=2U =VG 5 @,@ ortheg., U,V symnm.pos. ip and Thee bvo nesobilione are quer by u-Iww,@-W wu uv -lw 7 Q= Ne Wei ces: Further, ve @-@ ,W+Que,u-eve,.. daa) € end @ io proper ortheg enol y bW>o. cast CReiendy', 7 end. @= S veraeby) the Ladt hwo of (0142) de. foun enbyrinislemes’ d tuncgiiarine "ight decor." WHQU. See Ge: fee completions: of proof, Thus arume fret F hve-tincore @,U 5 W-Qu, QQei, U= U'U pos-dep. 4) Let S ~UOQU=-UU=U", S=S8,S poo kf ©) Henee from lemma .and (2), : unis ew (4) ara from Prot fs), =Wu! 16) Conaequemtly if the Piet decomp, evtabe,"b oo amazes cwith Q@ and U gen by G41). ; 4) The -pos. defer Ln ttemeod Fs fottews from thab fu "end the fact that S=L* (uplain) - 2) Nok that U os moninguler since pos. clef. (explain, « a x 3% We show nut that OU debded by (4), s) actually supply the deovrol clecomprition 4): To see thab (4) is oncaninghch (see Lemma) we must show S defined by Q) & symm.) poo. def. Now (2)> S=8". Aloo, by (2) anclhyp. dab S = (deb W)?>0, S vo meneingulor . Show further § & por.def.: choose B42 ¢ Leb yaeWe or yer Wyy Since SEQ 2 dL WHO, ore has y $Q. Abeo, (2),0-23)= eoSe = Syey, 2 4 (W Wx = 2 W" (We) We We ys nn we So S be syman, joo. def. anal thus U symm, jos. ef! 1m sez that @ to evtheg., robe from (5), 4) ¢ U1.29) thet ad = warty ws ww) Ww WOT ww wy w= we ww Hence Q ortheg. Abo, (5) > W= RU. Heneeirnghtbiole- composition euiale , d.uniigua’ ond Us Q aniguer bye net lwo. of (141) A@oa, dbw=dt@ dtu, dei U>0 Cevplain) Trnefore dat @at! (2 proper ovtheg,) if a For armarneer of somo! see Gxerctee Bs © Quarncioe @ - (C> (a) Complele the proof of the polar: clcomp. then. by first feroving the sriolemen emel uniqueness of the Lap. polar decomposition WE, thus ariving ab yatWww", O-'W. Show mat thet U and QU@ hove same p. Valuse. Use this fack amok the Lm igueness of the Left cheemposilion te infer thel Y= QUE, V=2- (b) Nolte frome (e) theb U,V have the same p- Value. Aseume hbW>0 and Lt X= fo, e@ ic S1)2ns S CF be p. for U. Let oy = Ge; Show thab X= 10; of 2,23 EF and 4 a frome for V. Tencow firlelo, diffrenkiaior, of tracw fiebele leh SCE,.A bnoor fill ep onelex N mSbe or Neth orden Emoor vale finckin of position dfnerl on S (2.9. scalar, veelor, ho-bneor fielele) Smoothness ef benroy Pls . Nebakion. Ran region on Ey CR open, dosed, or mith.) Leb vy Re an N-th order limoy field on R. ft s (i) We say Y vw combnuows on R gy cont. yecRy . 3 the fumelinns Vip. ON eubs) an cont. on R YEEF, (i) We vay Y lo M Himes conknucusly difiumbabl on R (Mu. pos. imbegen) and writ, YETMR) ib YETIRD, the partial derivatives elle i . Okeg fig 1+ PXiny eet (coheke iy ane the carkalion coordénciis in X) eviad on R V.XEF andthe coincide with funckane cont. on R. ‘Rmnerke . Recale that R the fender AR, R=RPR Ws a domains. Note that cont. and ddbunbiabiléty muecl be Be verified only bee angle K. 5 Trost. Let Ro be aw demein amch YETIR) & ince fill of ord N. Define °° x koe Be [Vy kw} VEER y VEEF, pecoter: 2. N eubs cwhere He are the corbin coords. in X of pots twR N Trem Wi ke Oe the compenents tn X ef a benoor file w of onda Nid and weEe(R). «

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