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« 1p 1) 7. Mini wm energy ond vovatonal jeitiiciple tre Lenser slasleclokic + bthoductions Tie principles about to be discussed hnw fumil altemetive charottuizatone of the solubane bo the fumclomental Bdy- value probleme of equi. theory. Apart from ther inbincic thorelizal tnlerwed, thay att the tracts of unporlent approx. methedla f soliton of such probs. ( Rayhegh- Ritz, Qalrkir) Meteors Zl rele tie finde Remind nethads : Deb (Kiviemekcally cabmioible ebete). Leb R be a megular negtory and @R a euboct of @R. We say that the ordnech anoy =lw,o,¢] w hiremahially admesaihle shate on B, commspondsng te the eLackcil, lenoor fild @ amd the surface divploements %& on OR and wet sole, 2, ZIE G(s, &, B,2R)' provided: as © (a) ¢ ects) »& le symmrdatc 4 tye tbh. on B WETXRINT(B) (b) Equations (6.1),(6.2) hole on R () wet) m OR Tam.74 (Prindiple of minimum polunbial ong, Green) Let R he a hounded regular region ¢ Lt OR,AR be imbgrable complemerttary sheets of @R. Suppose: (a) &=Lw,o, 918 Ele £R) (b) Ua MOR, sa$ mR te) © i positive definik, ow R le Gale, Z, ROR) and ht & Le the funcional clfirred on Go by means of 1d} - ULB} - [e-Qav- [Baa ¥fea aR @4) Us =4Jch)Fav, s R Them ' : ${4} = min BF} : $e ancl thes minvineim ia amumed. by BP} only P Fag xa S=7 mB. (r « 10s BAT o. "polntiok enengy” of F Remark. A rough shatment of Tm.7-4 acautea: Ameng all hurmmahiolly admdoille shake acscctatial with, a given onbad boundary-valuc jroblins of Dasloshehis, the acheal solution of the proGlns ia uniquely chains terized — as far ao the chess ancl share ore con conte ~ by the fack that ib rence the polnhat enagy 8 a minimum. Ohsuve that (a) (DO wniquily charackmze 7 and according be Tn. Ge. Taio fack with however, mot be trecl in the subsequent proof. Clearly, $€Gto,8, ROR) and ib suffices bo show BF} = Gi ¥ Tea omel ars} BUT, FEC Fag mB Choose f= 12,3,¢16 and Leb ~ J!=Tul Zt s!3- -f-$ mB’ 2) (2) Then .6.5 (ocddikiore thre. fow the ebiaceenengy denoih) U,t9) = Ute) +U ight Jedav ) 109 (3), 0.4) > BiP}- Sf} = Ui Ie gee dV-[t-w av- [Eu R AR By hyp. ,the def. of @ ancl (2), » i o.9' =o, oy £(u4, pth) = Oy uh, = (Oy), Oy pd 60 thot from (a), ‘eeglev du+iw onR 5) CR) c(R) Thice V+ (8 we) € CIR). Hence (8) Tam 148 (divergence thm) and (1.28) (reeprecal formula) give Je. giaV= {aun moat [fale {= danse way Ro on-u/ R aR But (6),2) > Wed nm GR, 8-5 MOR. Meufore, Jeaave [Sew dA+ (feu! lay ~ er Fin atty, Pap b 23-84} = Us) <4! Ceghegav ) R (8), (2), (ec) => U). ged. 110 Eemonhs. Note genralii: of Thin tt (unhemeg., anvechepic wrecia). Mnkon whknever to miked-mixecl problrw and unbeournrdech regular regione, Lorelbany . Tam. 74 umplico Tam .@4 (uncguenses) provedeal QR, OR in Thm.64 orn resbiikel bo be tnkegrabl.. Proof. Suppore d=lu, e.g] and Tal, FF) Both saliofy the hyp. (a),(b) of Tam.74 Now hele fact Ped and then PaF on B (both f anc T au kine mokiably adrnioibla). Meco, by Trm.7.1, {LT} = Gis}, SU4}= SLT}, cohence B14} = BLT} anc thus g-F, g-E om R. Deb. (Shahicaltly admnitoible alieso fisldl). Let R be oe seguler giv, emcl OcR be a subsel of OR. We say thet gf a slakinlhy admirthle stizo fillel on BR, Cormeponeling be the, ~thaahdcomeplrinmeentannanmfiabelser, om Att the body — force density £ ancl the surface backine § om aR and wrk geat,s, Rep) proviedech Sed onR as (2) FETIRINEB), (b) (6.2') holde on Rte) Pn =F on @! Thm,7.2 (Prtnetjole of omininemne oo polinkat enngy , Castiglione). Leb R,2,2,0R be a0 in Thm. 74 ance suppose hyzctireons (a),(b), (6) of Tum.74 hofel tu, Let HE GALE,E BOR) ond Let W be the funckional de- fred on Q by ameane of Wi8} =U 18} -[8.-LgA¥ Sea,vU, (2) 4 ee). Sav 72 OR R where 2¢ to the Dashe compliance fifo ee te g. ome $=Sn mee. Tun, Wig}= gine WIE} sew and this oncrtimum i assumed Ly WIS} onky if Sag mR. VIgt .."complemmnbay goctinkab enagy” of & 2 Qxcrewwe 24, Prove Mam. A 2 evsela: Aomeng, ott shakicatly admissible, eho fieldle ovrcclata with & gum Probim BIE, the achol ebor file is uniguel, charedkrizedd by the fach that ik anelre the compl omenbeny potential enegy ae minimums Remoak. A rough shalument of Ten Remarks, Mentions atbmoion bo urboundeel sagtone [Gustin Co, ARMA.,§ 4961, wwhiroten bo mixed~ omiceds prob. [ Kinowhe ¢Co., ARMA, 21 (1966)]. Thm. Cumgquenis) 6 abso an bumediah corollary off Tron. 72 Tne duality of the lve foregoing minimum: principles Pope et seer nano p scat : (A), (6.2) 721 (é.3’) ( Rimenks on vatakional prvneeplie ) Mertim specal ecreumelances on which the fundiinal B and V seduce be U. Gebmoion he mixed-mixeel pb. (2) Sheth, oe oP Than. 7.2 tn comnedion with dirneck © © vortakimal methoda. cane (3) Minkiory variational prredples amccinticl with Damne.7.1,7.2 Which aovert, shateom arity - apyre- gerak. functional ab the achal cobsion of Prob, BIT. These no Pong mguce & pos.def (4) Mention, genmalization of damial vertotisnal sprenerples of Wacloshaties CHethinger 1916), Reconar (4980), Hew (1986) , Washizw (1955) ]. Deaciebe (5) Comment om vauwekonal princdpha vn slado- dymarmice, Homiblon! ¢ prrmet pl, Gurkinte variation oe bos ne Refer be Guurhn’ (Ene. ef Phys.)

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