O-Levels Theatre Arts Exemplar

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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


PAPER 1 Multiple Choice
SPECIMEN PAPER 1 hour 15 minutes

Additional materials:
Multiple choice answer sheet
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)
Soft clean eraser

TIME 1 hour 15 minutes


Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so by the invigilator.
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces
provided unless this has already been done for you.

There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four
possible answers, A, B, C, or D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice
in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet.
Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet.


Each correct answer will score one mark.

A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.


This question paper consists of 8 printed pages.

Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, Specimen Paper.

1 Which period in history believed that plays should be as close to life as possible?
A Restoration
B Realism
C Modernism
D Absurdism

2 The Khoisan people of Southern Africa had

A dance dramas about hunting.
B magic and shadow plays.
C masquerades.
D puppet plays.

3 Who founded the Moscow Art Theatre?

A Strindburg
B Chekov
C Brecht
D Stanislavski

4 African theatre is rich and varied just like theatre from other continents and it consists
of these listed below except

A Praise singers.
B Masquerades.
C Kabuki.
D Dance dramas.

5 Which of the following is not part of Chinese theatre?

A Pear garden
B Noh drama
C Zaju
D Beijing opera

6 Which of the following is not one of Aristotle’s six elements of drama?

A Diction
B Plot
C Character
D Music

7 Shakespeare is considered one of the chief dramatists of the ________ period in


A Romantic
B Greek
C Neoclassical
D Realist

8 Zimbabwe has a long tradition of theatre which grows out of the following human
activities except

A children’s plays
B storytelling
C child birth
D labour

9 Which one of the following would be an important responsibility of a director in set


A Purchasing materials for set design.

B Communicating ideas about the visual world of the production.
C Assembling all props to be used during a performance.
D Writing the worksheet of the set design.

10 A struggle between opposing forces that is revealed through a character’s thoughts

and actions is called a

A fight.
B conflict.
C climax.
D suspense

11 Which term means to add dialogue that is not in a script, to cover for a mistake?

A cue
B aside
C monologue
D improvisation

12 Actors who connect their characters’ situation to their own life experiences are

A emotional memory.
B heroic tension.
C internal conflict.
D psychological state.

13 A reading rehearsal is

A the time in which movement and stage business are worked out.
B second rehearsal.
C when interpretation is developed.
D when everything comes together and the actors are ready to perform.


[Turn over

14 Which characteristic is needed for creative expression?

A universalism
B imagination
C power
D humour

15 Which one of the following theatre layouts is best suited for community theatre

A Proscenium
B Black box
C Thrust
D Arena

16 If a director wants you to add stage business during a scene, he/she wants you to

A add extra properties to be used on stage.

B add extra dialogue to be spoken.
C add extra activities for your characters to do on set.
D add extra characters for that scene.

17 What is a protagonist?

A The villain.
B The main character.
C The secondary character.
D The minor character.

18 What is characterisation?

A The development of an actor’s personality through thought and action.

B An art of bringing the elements of theatre together to make a play.
C Means of communication characterised by the use of technology.
D The planning and working out of movements of actors on stage.

19 A rehearsal whereby costume is added into the other technical elements is called a

A first rehearsal.
B rehearsal.
C dress rehearsal.
D technical rehearsal.

20 __________ is not an example of a stereotype character.

A A strict father
B A beautiful good sister
C Dumb joke
D A smart doctor

21 Which one statement below is not a purpose of a dialogue?

A Moving the story forward.

B Revealing information about characters.
C Giving characters depth, insight and purpose.
D Establishing relationships with the audience.

22 Plays written in response to a community crisis situation, function as

A a celebration of tradition.
B a bridge to the future.
C an exercise to change.
D an entertaining experience.

23 You watched a theatre performance and found it difficult to hear what actors were
saying. Which aspect of the actors’ voice needed to be improved to solve this?

A resonance
B pitch
C timbre
D projection

24 Which one of the following questions would best help an actor understand a
character’s subtext?

A What is my character’s relationship to other characters in the play?

B How does my character think differently than I do?
C What feelings does my character leave unspoken?
D Which of my character’s lines should have the most emphasis?

25 Flexible staging is easiest to accomplish in which type of theatre space?

A proscenium
B round
C arena
D promencle

26 What is the primary purpose of using colour in theatrical lighting?

A To establish the period of the play.

B To light the actors.
C To play tricks on the audience.
D To help create a mood on stage.


[Turn over

27 In theatre, who is responsible for stage properties?

A Artistic director
B House manager
C Costume designer
D Stage manager

28 Which one of the answers below describes a proscenium stage?

A The audience sits on all sides of the stage.

B There is an apron.
C There is no backstage.
D It can either be round or square in shape.

29 Stage safety suggests that hard hats are to be worn by the

A audio crew.
B stage manager.
C rigging crew.
D running crew.

30 What is an auditorium?

A Part of the theatre where the audience sits.

B The part where sound is generated from.
C The part where actors change their costume.
D The part used by actors during a performance.

31 How does lighting design enhance a production?

A By changing direction.
B By setting the mood.
C By altering perception.
D By describing an event.

32 A makeup designer is using cream make up three shades lighter than an actor’s
foundation, to draw a straight line down the bridge of the actor’s nose and under its
tip. This technique is used in makeup design to make a nose appear

A elongated.
B flat.
C broken.
D upturned.



33 Audience control before the performance is the responsibility of the

A director.
B box office manager.
C house manager.
D stage manager.

34 The person responsible for minutes writing is called a

A treasurer.
B chairperson.
C Public Relations Officer.
D Secretary.

35 A director can present a play without the need for copyright permission on the plays
which were written on or before which period?

A 1990
B 1900
C 2000
D 2010

36 What is usually not found in an Arts Management Portfolio?

A books of accounts
B records
C minutes
D reference books

37 Your drama director does everything without any input from anyone. Any member
who opposes his/her decision is dismissed from the club. This type of leadership style
is called

A autocratic.
B democratic.
C laissez-faire.
D transactional.

38 Why would a Theatre Company advertise using television?

A It appeals to both literate and illiterate people.

B It has low cost exposure.
C It is suitable for those in the rural areas.
D The advertisement lasts longer.


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39 Which one of the following is the cheapest form of media advertisement?

A radio and television

B Facebook and Whatsapp
C newspapers and magazines
D posters and flyers

40 Why is a seating plan important in a theatre show?

A It encourages people to buy tickets in advance.

B It improves ticket sells at the box office.
C It helps to keep track of the number of tickets sold.
D It convinces management to fund the show.


General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


PAPER 2 Theory


Candidates answer on the question paper.

Additional materials.
Answer paper

TIME 2 hours


Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page.
This paper consists of section A and section B.
Answer all questions in Section A and three questions from Section B.
In Section A write your answers on the spaces provided on the question paper.
Answer any 3 questions in Section B.
Use separate answer sheet for section B.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the
end of each question or part question. SECTION A
You are advised to spend not more than 1 hour on


This question paper consists of 6 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, Specimen paper.

©ZIMSEC Specimen paper. [Turn over


Section A [60 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

1 (a) State any one origin of Theatre within the African communities.

________________________________________________________ [1]

(b) From the origin that you have mentioned above, identify three
elements of theatre.



________________________________________________________ [3]

(c) Outline four possible ways of preserving theatre performances.




________________________________________________________ [4]
[8 marks]

2 (a) A producer is a __________________________________________ [1]

(b) Explain any two responsibilities of a director.




________________________________________________________ [4]

4063/2 Specimen paper


(c) What are the benefits of democratic directing?



________________________________________________________ [3]
[8 marks]

3 (a) What is symbolism?


_________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) The stage is covered with dried grass. There are a few small trees with
flowers growing around the trees. Rocks are scattered around here and
there. There is smoke in the air.

(i) Identify three symbols from the above extract.



__________________________________________________ [3]

(ii) Explain the symbols you have identified above.






__________________________________________________ [3]
[8 marks]

4063/2 Specimen paper

[Turn over

4 (a) What is a stage?

_______________________________________________________ [1]

(b) Draw a clearly labelled proscenium arch layout.


4 (c) How does makeup aid characterisation?




________________________________________________________ [3]
[8 marks]

4063/2 Specimen paper


5 (a) Define the term piracy as it is used in Theatre Arts.


________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) Outline any four disadvantages of piracy to artists.




________________________________________________________ [4]

(c) Suggest any two possible ways of reducing piracy.




________________________________________________________ [2]
[8 marks]

4063/2 Specimen paper

[Turn over
SECTION B (40 Marks)

Answer any three questions from this section.

6 (a) What led to the development of protest theatre in Africa? [12]

(b) State and explain the characteristics of travelling theatre. [8]

7 (a) What are the elements you should consider when adapting a story? [12]

(b) State and explain the given circumstances found in a play. [8]

8 Using examples from different theatre works, discuss how theatrical


(a) inform a society, [6]

(b) entertain, [1]

(c) interpret human experience. [1]

9 What are the functions of the following in a theatre production?

(a) Mixer for sound [8]

(b) Props [12]

10 (a) If a theatre company does not have enough money to use, how will its
production be affected? [8]

(b) How does the study of Theatre Arts enhance enterprise skills? [12]

40632 Specimen paper


40632 Specimen paper


40632 Specimen paper

General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


PAPER 3 Practical

SPECIMEN PAPER 8-10 minutes

TIME: 8-10 minutes


1. This paper should be given to candidates two weeks in advance before the
examination date.

2. The paper consists of five tasks and candidates are to choose any one task and
prepare it for performance during the examination.

3. The performance should be at least five minutes and not more than ten minutes.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

This question paper consists of 5 printed and 3 blank pages.
Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, Specimen paper.

Answer all questions.

1 Using the following monologue prepare a performance between 8 and

10 minutes.

On this day Vigilance is busy at his veranda (stage left) as usual, he is surrounded
by a pile of shoes with different colours and sizes wearing a clean blue overall suit
with a shirt and a formal black pair of shoes. He is sitting with his shoe needle and a
thread in hand, busy trying to penetrate the thread through the needle’s hole.

VIGILANCE: If there is one thing hard to find in life… It is the hole… It is so

difficult to find… but I don’t care. My name is Vigilance, Vi-gi-la-nte, they don’t
call me that for nothing. I am the watchman of this area… I’ve got eyes and ears
every where… Yes I am not only mending their shoes… I also know who does what,
when, with who… They do anything in front of me forgetting that I am watching…
Some when they bring their shoes, they open their chests to me, asking for advice…
If I can, I advise them, If I can’t I keep quiet and carry on with my daily business…
But I (Looking at the audiencwe)… I always make sure that I keep their businesse
safe… So you do the same (Whispering to the audience).

(Looking at his needle again). Now I must find this hole once and for all, and once I
do, I will close all the holes on these shoes. (He picks up one shoe shows it to the
audience). You see, I mend all these holes (He coughs.) but I must find the hole first.
(He kneels down and tries again, he is shaking). Once I close the holes, the shoe
becomes a hero, a protector of the feet from all seasons. (Now focusing on the

Ok, ok where is it? There it is, yes… yes! I got it, (Talking to the thread.) now go
slowly, slowly… keep on going, you getting there, just on keep going…

He gets interrupted by Sweetness who is here to fetch the shoes entering from stage

This extract is from Twist Project (SA) 2015


2. Prepare and present a performance based on the following situation:

“A teacher tells a student that he/she will fail the Science final examination
since he/she has failed in the mid year examination. The student tries to
convince the teacher that he/she will improve and requests the teacher to
put a pass mark on the report instead of the fail.

4063/3 Specimen paper

3. With another candidate of your choice, select and perform a scene from the
play Master Harold and the boys by Athol Fugard (1963). [100]

4 With another candidate of your choice, prepare a ten-minute performance

using the following extract.

Extract is from Choices by Shannan Browne

Mother walks in downstage right with present in hand, taking off a jacket to reveal a
nurse’s outfit underneath. She has just returned from her night shift to make
breakfast for her two daughters and tea for herself. She hangs her coat on the back of
a chair, places the present at one of the table setting areas and starts to put the bowls
and glasses on the table at 2 centre chairs and stage left chair. Whilst she is
preparing the table Angel walks in wearing her nightgown.

Mother: Morning Angel

Angel: (wiping her eyes she goes over to her mon and kisses her on the
cheek) Morning mom. (She sits down and starts to eat breakfast)
How was your shift?

Mother: (sitting down sipping a mug of tea) There were two taxi accidents last
night. All the wards and passageways were full again. Unfortunately
two people died, and four are still in ICU. Oh my child, life is so

Mother: We were lucky to be able to save the other passengers. Promise me

you will only get into the taxis you know are safe. Promise me Angel.

Angel: I promise, mom. 3 Mother: Good. I haven’t spent all my effort to

have one of those drivers take you away from me. Now, why aren’t
you dressed for work? It’s already 6 o’clock!

Angel: Ag mom, I’ll be ready in time, I still have 20 minutes. Why are you
home already?

Mother: Haikona, you children always rush, rush, rush. You should wake up
earlier and then you wouldn’t have only 20 minutes, you would have
30 minutes and get to work early instead of running out of here late to
catch the first taxi you see!

Angel: Yes, mom (Angel smiles), but then we would be old people.
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[Turn over
Mother: Just you wait my girl, one day you will be old too, and then we’ll see
if you still think you’re funny. Where is your sister? I thought she
would be awake already… (sipping tea, she remembers Angel’s
question) I’m home early because I organised with the head nurse to
let me work a double shift on Sunday so I could be here for Thami
when she gets up for her sixteenth birthday today. Where is she?

Angel: You really love that child too much, you always battle when you
work a double shift, and she really doesn’t deserve it.

Mother: Angel, how can you say that about your sister? I love you both more
than anything, you know that. Now where is she?

Angel: I think she’s still sleeping. She was up really late last night talking to
Zee on the phone. I think she only went to bed around 2 am.

Mother: 2 am! Angel, why did you let her stay up so late? It’s a school night!
You know she has to be in bed, or she will sleep all day in class. 4

Angel: Ah mom, I tried. I promise you I tried, but she started throwing a
tantrum and telling me that I’m not her mother and that she is old
enough to do whatever she wants to do. She told me that just because
I’ve finished school I mustn’t think that I’m better than her. I told her
that I wasn’t trying to be her mother, or be better than her. I told her I
want her to do well in school so she can be better than me. She said I
was talking nonsense and I was just jealous because she has a
boyfriend and I don’t. Mom she is so difficult. I can’t talk to her; she
doesn’t listen to anything I say. She doesn’t even listen to what you
say anymore.

Mother: (shaking her head) Oh that one. You are right, she doesn’t listen to
me. She thinks she knows better than both of us.

Angel: Mom, I’m worried about her.

Mother: Don’t you worry Angel. It will sort itself out. All we can do for the
moment is pray for her. Pray that in some way the Lord can bring the
old Thami back to us. That in some way He will show her that there
is more to life than boys and clothes and being on the telephone.

Angel: Oh mom, you have so much faith. Sometimes I worry about you too!

Mother: My child you make me smile. It is not your job to worry about me
either. You just need to worry about deciding what you want to study
next year. You can’t waitress forever.
4063/3 Specimen paper

Angel: I know I can’t, but I’ve given up hoping that I’m going to figure out
what I want to do with my life. There are so many things I want to do.
I don’t even know where to start! Work and study, just work, just
study, do an apprenticeship, do a learnership? And if I can ever
decide that, then what career am I going to do it all in? There’s just
no hope. There are too many decisions to make and they all confuse

5 From any Zimbabwean published anthology, choose and perform a praise

poem of not less than five minutes. [100]

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4063/3 Specimen paper

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