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Neuroendocrine System
Date: @January 21, 2022
Neuroendocrinology: control of hormone secretions by the brain and effects of
hormones on brain function

Endocrinology: control of hormone secretions by various glands in the body and its
effect of multi tissues.

Hypothalamus and pituitary gland and how the neuroendocrine system can be inhibited
or excited

Endocrine System: collection of cells that produce hormones, communication network

that is slow, not direct because hormones go into the bloodstream and travel to distant
areas in the body, effects can be long-lasting

Control center of endocrine system at base of the brain below the thalamus and above
the pituitary gland

produces hormones that regulate the endocrine system

monitors internal environment (homeostasis) by stimulating or inhibiting many of the

bodys key processes

food and water intake, body temp, sexual behaviour, reproduction

Link between endocrine and nervous system!

Pituitary Gland (hypophysis) - Posterior and Anterior

produces & releases hormones, master gland of the endocrine system
→ secretes many hormones, secretion of its hormones is regulated by the hypothalamus
Hypothalamus produced vasopressin and oxytocin, and it is passed to the posterior. It
secretes these hormones into the blood.

posterior pituitary stores and secretes hormones that are produced by the

Neuroendocrine System 1
posterior pituitary connects to the hypothalamus through terminal nerves from

sends a nerve signal to posterior to release hormones

posterior pituitary hormones targets endocrine organs that will release other

anterior pituitary is connected to the hypothalamus through blood supply (vascular

connection), doesn’t receive neural stimulus and makes its own hormones

hormones produced can only be secreted when receiving hormones from the
hypothalamus that are responsible for their regulation

regulatory hormones produced by hypothalamus can inhibit or stimulate anterior

pituitary hormones

Neuroendocrine System 2
Hormones released by anterior pituitary: FLATPEG

Neurosecretory Cells: cells inside hypothalamus - secrete neurohormones directly to the


secrete neurohormones instead of neurotransmitters, secreted directly to blood

vessels rather than synapse

Neurohormones: any hormone produced and released by neurosecretory cells into the

chemical messengers produced by neurosecretory neurons, released into axon

terminals into the blood vessels, absorbed into blood stream and carried to target

Neuroendocrine Activity
1. Initial stimulation - infant suckling on mothers nipple which depolarizes and
activated afferent nerves that sends synapse to hypothalamus

2. This causes release of oxytocin to pituitary and goes to the bloodstream

3. This arrives at cells of mammary glands and causes contraction to release milk

Neuroendocrine System 3
a. Example of positive feedback (positive stimulus to produce and release more

b. neural input and hormonal output

Negative feedback is important for homeostatic system.

1. Low thyroid levels causes hypothalamus to produce and release TRH which
stimulates anterior pituitary and releases TSH

2. This stimulates thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)
released into the blood, increasing metabolism

3. If thyroid hormone blood level rises, anterior pituitary and hypothalamus are
sensitive and will detect it

4. This causes negative feedback, decrease release of TRH and inhibitory effect on
anterior pituitary to produce TSH leading to decrease of production of thyroid

a. 2 points of inhibition: pituitary and hypothalamus

b. This is called long-loop feedback inhibition

Short-loop feedback inhibition is when higher levels of TSH released by anterior

pituitary will inhibit the hypothalamus

Thyroid is important in stimulating metabolic processes in the body,

but too much for too long can cause overstimulation of metabolic
processes (must maintain homeostasis!). physiological changes

→ Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism

Neuroendocrine Homeostatic Systems

Hypothalamus → Pituitary Gland → End organ / target tissue → Hormone
Cascade of Events
3 Main Axis:

1. Hypothalamic Pituitary Gonadal (HPB axis)

a. interneurons, GnRH released by hypothalamus which stimulates...

b. Anterior Pituitary Gland to produce Gonadotropins like LH, FSH

c. This stimulates sex steroids at gonads (eg. estradiol, testosterone)

Neuroendocrine System 4
2. Hypothalamic Pituitary Thyroidal (HPT axis)

a. interneurons, TRH released by hypothalamus to stimulate...

b. Anterior Pituitary Gland to produce TSH which stimulates...

c. production and secretion of thyroid hormones into the blood at thyroid gland (eg.
T3, T4)

3. Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenocortical (HPA Axis)

a. interneurons, CRH released by hypothalamus to stimulate...

b. Anterior Pituitary Gland producing ACTH which stimulates...

c. release of Glucocorticoids at Adrenal cortex (eg. cortisol)

these represent the long-loop but they all have short-loops as well

Endocrine Disorders - Problem & Hormone Levels

Problem Endocrine Hormone Level Anterior Pituitary Hormone Level

Destruction of Overproduction of this hormone due to

Low levels
Endocrine Gland lack of negative feedback / inhibition

Destruction of Anterior
Low levels Low levels
Pituitary Gland

Endocrine Tumour High levels due to tumour, Low levels due to high negative
(organ) uncontrolled production feedback

Anterior Pituitary
High levels High levels due to tumour
Tumour (organ)

**difficult to measure hormone levels in the hypothalamus, hypothalamus is effected

(hypothalamic hormones are in the brain, hard to have hypothalamic hormones in the

Problem: patient with low levels of thyroid hormones

Is the problem in the thyroid gland or anterior pituitary? Measure the TSH (produced by
High TSH and low T3/T4 = problem in thyroid gland
Low TSH and low T3/T4 = problem in anterior pituitary gland


Neuroendocrine System 5
Techniques in Behavioural Endocrinology


1. Gland that is suspected to the source of the hormone affecting behaviour is

surgically removed

2. Effects on behaviour are observed

3. Hormone is replaced by reimplantation, injection of an extract from the gland, or

injecting a purified hormone

4. Determines whether observed consequences of removal are reversed by the

hormonal replacement therapy, is surgically removed gland the hormonal source?

🐔 Berthold’s Experiment, physiologist, endocrinology

removed both testes (1) , removed both testes and reimplanted one (2),
removed both testes and reimplanted both testes from a different bird (3)
Group 1: smaller than normal rooster, fail to participate in regular behaviours

Group 2: normal, normal male behaviour

Group 3: normal, normal male behaviour

analytical technique used for quantification of a hormone based on the antigen-
antibody reaction
Bioassay: test the effects of the hormone and measure its biological activity on a living

🤰🏻 Pregnancy Tests
Human chorioni gonadotropin (hCG) released when women is pregnant

They used to inject pregnant women’s urine in the animal

present hormone = animal ovaries would enlarge and show follicular

animal killed and size of ovaries examined to tell if the women was
pregnant or not

Antibody is a protein that contains binding site for specific antigen

Neuroendocrine System 6
Antigen can be a hormone or other things and binds to specific antibody (key and
lock mechanism)
injecting hormone of interest to raise antibody against the hormone, antibody is
collected from animal blood and used in analytical techniques such as
human insulin in mouse, mouse will produce antibody towards insulin. This is
collected and now there is an antibody against insulin to be used in the

Radioimmunoassay (RIA): based on principle of competitive binding of an antibody to

its antigen (hormone) that results in change in radioactivity

1. Immune reaction, radiolabeled antigen will bind to the antibody

2. Competitive Displacement, unlabeled antigen from hormone sample is added and

radiolabeled antigen is displaced by it

a. unlabeled antigen binds to antibody, replacing

3. Radioactivity count, measure radioactivity (lower radioactivity corresponds to more

of the unlabeled antigen binding to the antibody)

Limitations → non-linear relationship between analyte and signal, time consuming,

radiolabeling is costly and hazardous

Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) / Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA): antibody

has an enzyme tag, no radioactivity measured (same idea as above though)

1. Antibody in a plate and the antigen that we want to measure is added and it will start
to bind

2. Then we add a secondary antibody that has an enzyme attached (enzyme

conjugate), the antigen will bind to the antibody (if present)

a. A substrate is added that will cause the enzyme to be converted to a product

that has a colour (conversion will happen if the antigen binds to the antibody
with the enzyme conjugate?)
b. measuring intensity of color indicates the concentration (spectophotomitry)

Neuroendocrine System 7
3 Types of ELISA → Direct, Indirect (one described above), Sandwich (most common)


ICC = applied to cells IHC = applied to tissues

both use antibodies to determine the location of a hormone in a specific tissue or cell

1. antigen of interest is in a fixed cell tissue

2. antibodies are added into the tissue

3. secondary antibody added that is conjugated with an enzyme that produces a color
by a substrate

Immunofluorescence → same expect secondary antibody has conjugate that produces

fluorescent, can be captured by microscope

detects specific sequences of DNA or RNA, comparison of ERG expression at RNA and
protein level

marks the gene expression

Radiolabeled hormones are injected into a tissue or animal to determine hormonal
uptake and indicate receptor location

parts of the tissue that bind darken


separate and identify

Neuroendocrine System 8
1. Tissue of interest is homogenized and mixture of proteins is placed in a gel and
subjected to electrophoresis

a. electric current put through the gel, gradient of molecules separating along the
gel based on molecular weight (cathode, anode)

2. Gel is transferred for a membrane and incubated with the antibody against the
protein of interest (antibody bound to specific protein)

a. blocking (prevents unspecific binding)

b. primary antibody incubation

c. secondary antibody incubation (conjugated with enzyme)

→ detect bound antibody by chemiluminescence

use of synthetic chemical agents can alter the action or function of a hormone. 2 major

1. Agonists - mimics hormones - stimulate endocrine function

2. Antagonists - hormones blockers - inhibit endocrine function

Example: Cyproterone acetate binds to testosterone receptor to inactivate it which

lowers testosterone levels

🧠 Brain Imaging
Positron Emission Tomography (PET): injection of radioactive tracers, detects
radioactivity as the compound accumulates in different regions
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): exposes brain to multiple
magnetic fields, spatial and temporal resolution to detect changes in brain
activity during specific tasks or conditions
→ changes in bloodflow (bloodflow and oxygen)

Genetic Manipulations

insertion or removal of a piece of DNA that encodes for a hormone receptor

view changes when seeing lack or addition of the hormone

Neuroendocrine System 9

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