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It hurts me to be human

It hurts me to be human.

My misanthropy does not exclude me:

I despise the humanity I share with those who kill,

even if for surviving

(I don't understand instincts as a reason in a rational being),

or for their wounded dignity,

or for a bizarre sense of duty.

I despise the humanity I share with those who order death,

for another piece of power,

another coin,

another position on the Monopoly board,

another bow to their fragile ego.

I despise the humanity I share with the agents of horror,

those who become monsters

whenever they find themselves in the presence of chaos

or of weakness

or of laws that promote hatred, discrimination, abuse…

It hurts me to be human.

I despise this pathetic attempt to write poetry,

while bodies burn

and the tears cannot put off the fire.


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