Solar Sail Thesis

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Crafting a thesis on the intricate topic of solar sail technology is no easy feat.

It requires a deep
understanding of physics, engineering, and space exploration, along with comprehensive research
and analysis skills. From formulating a clear research question to conducting experiments, gathering
data, and drawing meaningful conclusions, the process demands dedication, perseverance, and

One of the primary challenges of writing a solar sail thesis is the complexity of the subject matter.
Solar sails represent a cutting-edge technology that harnesses the pressure of sunlight for propulsion
in space. Exploring the nuances of this technology, its potential applications, and its implications for
space exploration requires delving into theoretical frameworks, mathematical models, and
experimental data.

Moreover, conducting original research in this field can be daunting due to the limited availability of
resources and the relatively nascent stage of development of solar sail technology. Scholars often face
hurdles in accessing relevant literature, acquiring data, and collaborating with experts in the field.

In addition to these technical challenges, writing a thesis demands exceptional writing and
organizational skills. Effectively communicating complex scientific concepts, presenting research
findings coherently, and adhering to academic standards can be daunting tasks.

Given the multifaceted nature of writing a thesis on solar sails, seeking assistance from professionals
can greatly alleviate the burden. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized support for students and
researchers tackling challenging academic projects like solar sail theses. With a team of experienced
writers and subject matter experts, ⇒ ⇔ provides customized assistance tailored
to individual needs. Whether you require guidance in formulating your research question, conducting
literature reviews, analyzing data, or structuring your thesis, ⇒ ⇔ can offer
invaluable support every step of the way.

By entrusting your solar sail thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time, reduce stress, and
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while showcasing your expertise and original contributions to the field of solar sail technology.
Dividing by c, we get the pressure (in those pesky Systeme International units) 4.5 microPascals.
Now if the light is reflected from the sail, it doubles the momentum transferred then if it is just
absorbed, so we can achieve up to 9 microPascals. Such an environment can also add insight
concerning the lunar history and facilitate careful examination of its composition. This formulation is
relatively easy to implement and the constraints are straightforward to add. For trajectory analysis,
the e?ects of the followings bodies are investigated in this work: Earth, Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter,
and the solar ra- diation pressure acting on a sail-based spacecraft. In addition, cosine tapers are
applied where the data is truncated to avoid numerical challenges. It is a rapid snap-shot of the state-
of-the art of solar sail technology in 2013 across the globe, capturing flight programs, technology
development programs and new technology and application concepts. Thus, visual detection based
on regional imagery may not be e?ective in identifying completely buried craters. 8.4.1 Detection of
Buried Craters GRAIL data have revealed approximately 100 large quasi-circular positive Bouguer
anomalies on the Moon’s surface that closely resemble the anomalies investigated in 136 this work. If
not, what is the formula to determine how much force a certain size sail will generate. Phillip
Hempel Paul Mears Daniel Parcher Taffy Tingley. LightSail Our citizen-funded spacecraft
successfully demonstrated solar sailing for CubeSats. Two video cameras will monitor the sail and
acquire images. The TOF for the sail-based spacecraft to reach the vicinity of the displaced Lagrange
point is 110 about 3.8 years. However, as a result of including additional perturbing bodies, i.e.,
Moon, Venus, Jupiter, the initial epoch is changed to December 31, 2016 04:32:35.1 UT, moving the
departure time ahead by approximately 1.5 hours. In case of a sail-based trajectory, only one ?V is
performed to depart the Earth parking orbit prior to unfurling the sail. A search for an integral of the
motion originates with Equations (2.22) - (2.24). The nonlinear and coupled nature of the Equations
(2.22) - (2.24) increases the complexity associated with the behavior and does not allow a closed-
form solution. The total force acting on the in?nitesimal particle, P3, is evaluated using Newton’s
Law of Gravity. The step size is system dependent to avoid violating the linear approximation. I
Fundamental: The Case of Collinear Libration Points. Thus, the dot symbol (?) represents the
derivative with respect to nondimensional time. To develop an expression for the STM, a baseline
reference arc is ?rst calculated. The cross-correlation technique applied is shown in the second row of
Figure 8.11. The schematic shows that for both free-air and Bouguer cross-correlation maps, the
anomaly is detected in the same region as via the gradiometry technique. Constraints are applied to
?x the departure altitude at 1000 km where application of ?V is allowed in the corrections scheme.
An algorithm based on generalized Newton’s Method is employed that involve constraints and free
variables. Prior to incorporating the solar sail in the trajectory design process, a good initial guess is
desirable. The cross-correlation between the acceleration signal from the spacecraft and the reference
signal helps assess the regions of interest in search of lava tube candidate structures. Lagrange point,
L5’ can monitor the solar weather from a location closer to the Sun than a spacecraft around the
traditional Lagrange point, L5. Executive Summary. Workshop Addresses Following Technology
Areas. It is also assumed that the source of photons is the primary, P1, the Sun. I think we're ready to
build and fly a flight mission. Information related to the topic Do solar sails use solar wind. In this
subsection, the e?ects of the Moon, Venus, Jupiter are taken into consideration along with the
existing ephemerides of Earth, Sun, and the nongravitational acceleration due to the solar radiation
pressure acting on the sail-based spacecraft. In addition, the observation of Co-rotating Interaction
Regions (CIRs) from the vicinity of L1 is not advantageous 2 since the time between observations
and the arrival at Earth is not su?cient to allow preventative measures to minimize the damage.
The uneven surface as well as the density anomalies, both surface and subsurface, result in the two
spacecraft undergoing variations in lunar gravita- 114 tional attraction. Equation (3.15) is then solved
iteratively i ? 1 Li. The Jacobi value for a trajectory is conserved when no additional forces (i.e., ?Vs,
SRP) are taken into consideration. The pit was ?rst discovered in the images taken by Japan’s
SELENE Terrain Camera and Multiband Imager. But if they can prove that a spacecraft fitted with
reflective solar sails can be flown through space by the force of sunlight alone, then they believe that
NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) would finally commit serious money for solar sail
research and space missions. However, non- gravitational forces, such as solar radiation pressure
(SRP), can signi?cantly in?uence the motion of a spacecraft. The elements of the STM matrix are
evaluated by simultaneously numerically integrating 43 the variational vector equation along with
the equations of motion for the system. Solar Sail Mission Applications and Future Advancement.
Information related to the topic Do solar sails use solar wind. The location of the 123 skylight on the
nearside of the Moon within Oceanus Procellarum is marked by a red dot as shown in Figure 8.6.
The Marius Hills region is composed of a large number Figure 8.6. Location of Marius Hills skylight
within Oceanus Procellarum on the lunar nearside. The maps overlay local topography and the color
scale represents the signed magnitude corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the Hessian derived
from the gravitational potential. By investigating the natural dynamics and ?ow that exists within the
context of the CR3BP, a preliminary trajectory is designed to depart the vicinity of the Earth, shift
onto a manifold towards the desired target and enter the orbit in the vicinity of L4,5. I tried doing an
arctan substitution but, nothing seemed to work. In 2012, Sood further explored the solar sail
applications to widen the design space in the vicinity of ar- ti?cially displaced L1 Lagrange points.
Current solar sail spacecraft concepts would rely on sunlight. Note that the orientation angles remain
?xed relative to the rotating frame over the integration time between two patch points. Positive
con?rmation of buried empty lava tubes on the Moon, with possible access for habitation sites, would
o?er scientists, engineers, and astronauts an opportunity to examine the environment and satisfy
crucial exploration goals identi?ed on the roadmap to Mars. The maps represent an average for a
number of spherical harmonics solutions generated by truncating the low degree and order to
suppress signals from large features and high degree and order where the data may be representative
of numerical artifacts. Lava tubes create an interest as possible human habitation sites safe from
cosmic radiation, micrometeorite impacts and temperature extremes. Create a list of potential
sponsors Research each sponsor. To inhibit the excitation of the unstable mode, initial conditions
must be selected such that A1 and A2 are equal to zero. Friedman says that such a sail in 100 days
could reach a speed of 16,000 kph and in a year 58,000 kph. Thus, visual detection based on
regional imagery may not be e?ective in identifying completely buried craters. 8.4.1 Detection of
Buried Craters GRAIL data have revealed approximately 100 large quasi-circular positive Bouguer
anomalies on the Moon’s surface that closely resemble the anomalies investigated in 136 this work.
Note, in contrary to the no sail case, there is no ?V maneuver performed to deliver the spacecraft in a
tra- jectory about the displaced Lagrange point L5’. The missions below are listed in upcoming
chronological order. The deployment mechanism of the CubeSail consists of two main section (see
Figure4). The ?V maneuver results in a change in Jacobi constant. A formulation based on constraints
and free-variables is employed in this analysis. Actually thinking about it that way, its no different
than finding the velocity caused by gravity and I am sure there is probably a much cleaner approach
using Lagrangian. In this formulation, the integration time has been implicitly.
The whole goal in solar sailing is dependant on controlling the orientation of a spacecraft, and it's a
little harder to do that with a spinning sail. Approximate solutions are generated by linearizing the
equations of motion for P3 relative to the Lagrangian points. What advantage does NASA believe
solar sails will offer. In 2005, the Planetary Society’s Cosmos 1, a low-budget solar sail built in
Russia, was launched from a Russian submarine. I’ve personally stood in front of some very bright
spotlights without so much as a wobble. Such conditions can be devastating and prove fatal on the
Martian surface. Microstrip Bandpass Filter Design using EDA Tolol such as keysight ADS and An.
The direction of movement can be changed by changing the angle of the solar sail. We'd use this as a
phased array radio receiver. 4) Make a frenel lens using an interference effect. Leveraging the stable
and unstable eigenvectors, invariant manifold structures exist that grant passage into and away from
the associated orbit, respectively. Although the Three-Body Problem (3BP) lacks a closed-form
solution, the model is extensively utilized to explore the dynamical struc- tures and ?ow-based
networks that originate from the inclusion of two gravitating bodies. The sail-craft was able to
demonstrate the capability to successfully deploy the sail. An iterative process is employed that is
based on information provided by the STM. Thus, all the photons experience perfectly elastic
collisions and “bounce o?” the surface of the solar sail. W., Sprague, G., and Unckenbold,
W.,ODISSEE — A proposal for demonstration of. How to Sail on Starlight Images related to the
topicHow to Sail on Starlight How much do solar sails weigh. Note that only the initial altitude is
constrained and not the initial departure position vector relative to 85 (a) Subset of transfer
trajectories from Earth (b) Departure for subset of transfer trajec- parking orbit to the vicinity of L5
libration point. The ma- jority of the 194 features observed with LROC WAC and SELENE LISM
lie on the lunar nearside with a concentration in the mare region of the Moon. Another possible way
to launch a solar sail would be with microwave or laser beams provided by a satellite or other
spacecraft. Prior to a journey to Mars with the goal of colonizing the planet, it is vital to analyze the
potential of exploiting lava tubes as habitation sites. An alternative interpreta- tion is that these
anomalies are caused by subsurface igneous intrusions. In the CR3BP, the periodic orbits in the
vicinity of the Lagrange points can either be stable or unstable. Rohan’s research has emerged as a
combination of the two ?elds, applying engineering tools to study advanced concepts within multi-
body dynamical systems and investigating scienti?c data to explore celestial bodies. However, the
addition of other exter- nal forces may eliminate the constant, yet it still provides a tool to gauge the
changes in the energy-like quantity due to additional forces. Phillip Hempel Paul Mears Daniel
Parcher Taffy Tingley. SR Globals Profile - Building Vision, Exceeding Expectations. The
discoveries have opened a window for possible missions and scienti?c exploration of the bodies
themselves, as well as the region in the vicinity of the triangular Lagrange points in search of
additional Earth Trojans at both L4 and L5. The Space and Astrophysical Plasmas Group has many
projects, but a few easily defined areas of interest. For preliminary design analysis, a ?nal orbit in the
vicinity of L5 is selected such that the Jacobi constant of the short period orbit is similar to that of the
L1 and L2 Lyapunov orbits. The high resolution gravity data can potentially assist in exploring the
surface and subsurface properties of a particular body.
You don't have to invent a new way of doing things. You may know the JPL from their Cassini-
Huygens spacecraft mission, which was the first spacecraft to explore Saturn's beautiful ring and
moon system from orbit. The Space and Astrophysical Plasmas Group has many projects, but a few
easily defined areas of interest. In a simple targeting 44 scheme, given an available baseline
reference trajectory, the corrections algorithm is applied to iteratively adjust the initial states, based
on the miss di?erence at the ?nal state, until a certain level of tolerance is achieved. Interestingly,
that’s exactly the shape of a certain fictional solar sail—the one used by Count Dooku’s spaceship in
Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones. The ma- jority of the 194 features observed with
LROC WAC and SELENE LISM lie on the lunar nearside with a concentration in the mare region
of the Moon. As evident from the Bouguer gravity map, no other gravitational footprint is as
distinguishable as the Earhart anomaly. That is the goal of frustrated solar sailing advocates around
the world, who have endured years of minimal funding from national space agencies - and more
than their share of bad luck. The discontinuous ring of hills are believed to be Figure 8.15. Flamsteed
P ring with discontinuous ring of hills. The investigation presented in this work utilized gravity
mapping data to explore the lunar subsurface for signatures of buried empty lava tubes and buried
craters. The project will process the images and determine the optical force pushing the sail. The
model for the nondimensional solar sail acceleration in Equation (2.45) is now easily included to
augment the equations of motion in the classical CR3BP. That spacecraft will test key technologies
for a second mission planned for 2016. In ? this scenario, incorporating solar sails in the dynamical
model (SS-CR3BP) assisted in accomplishing trajectory design to an arti?cial Sun-Earth L5 by
harnessing the SRP. 6.4.3 Sail Orientation Angles The magnitude and the direction of the SRP
acceleration generated is governed by the orientation of the sail relative to the Sun-sail line.
Incorporating sail angles in the multiple shooting algorithm results in a modi?ed Jacobian matrix.
The best-known volcanic intrusion on the Moon is the highly volcanic Marius Hills region, which is
marked by a broad topographic swell that rises about 500 m above the surrounding plains and
possesses a quasi-circular positive Bouguer anomaly that ranges up to about 100 mGal. By
introducing an out-of-plane step along z, a variable-time single-step corrections scheme is developed
to determine the symmetric periodic halo orbits. Note that only the initial altitude is constrained and
not the initial departure position vector relative to 85 (a) Subset of transfer trajectories from Earth (b)
Departure for subset of transfer trajec- parking orbit to the vicinity of L5 libration point. The
equations of motion, starting with a two-body problem that leads to the restricted three-body
problem, governing the behavior of spacecraft were explored. A second spacecraft is needed to
launch the solar sail, which would then be deployed in space. Earth departure from a 1000 km
parking orbit 94 is illustrated in Figure 6.9(a). As a result of including a solar sail in the dynamical
model, only one ?V is performed for the transfer trajectory. GRAIL’s Extended Mission began on
August 8, 2011 dur- ing which the altitude of the dual spacecraft was lowered to approximately 23
km and additional gravitational data was collected. This would be equal to a velocity increase after
one day of about 45 metres per second or 160km per hour. Thus, all the photons experience perfectly
elastic collisions and “bounce o?” the surface of the solar sail. I feel equally privileged to have been
given the opportunity to work with Professor Henry J. The gravity signatures of volcanic intrusions
most similar to those reported are found in ?oor-fractured craters, which are believed to form when
igneous intrusions uplift the ?oors of craters ranging between 10 km and 200 km in diameter.
Subsequently, the tools associated with the 3BP are extended to higher-?delity ephemeris model that
simultaneously incorporates the e?ects of multiple gravitational ?elds along with contribution due to
SRP. 2.1 Classical Two-body Problem Reducing the number of bodies to two simpli?es the problem
for which a closed form analytical solution describing the motion exists. Thus, in solar sail design,
thinner and lighter materials are almost always better. Of course, the duration of time spent can be
altered based on the mission requirements. Displacement of Traditional L5 Within the context
of the CR3BP, Lagrange points are the equilibrium locations where the net gravitational forces of the
two primaries completely o?set the cen- tripedal force in the rotating frame. This formulation is
relatively easy to implement and the constraints are straightforward to add.
The concept of solar sailing relies on photons from the Sun to propel the spacecraft through the space
environment by providing the sail-craft with continuous acceleration. Close encounters with the stars
could overheat the probe or put it in the path of high-energy particles. Chapter 4: Numerical Methods
The chapter beings with the introduction to the state transition matrix (STM) that maps the evolution
of a state over time in response to changes in the initial state. To expose such an integral, Equations
(2.22) - (2.24) are multiplied by x?,y. The manifolds associated with the libration point orbits provide
natural ?ow to and from the orbit. Internals include sensors, a camera and printed circuit. Finally,
additional higher ?delity models are investigated for a complete end-to-end trajectory analysis of a
solar sail. 7.2.1 Earth-Sun Ephemeris Prior to incorporating the sail dynamics in the ephemeris
corrections scheme, a good initial guess is desirable. As the spacecraft leaves the vicinity of the
Earth, the gravitational in?uence of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter are more signi?cant than that of the
Earth. The uncollapsed lava tubes can provide protection from micrometeorite impacts and cosmic
radiation. It would take about 1000 years for a solar sail to reach one-tenth the speed of light, even
with continuous light, which, if relying on sunlight, would not be possible. The third step - a
spacecraft of 10 grams per square metre - will require new technologies, Lura says, adding: ’I think
chemistry has a dominant role.’ But of course, the team still need to persuade DLR management to
pay for a solar sail in-orbit demonstration. Joachim Block, an engineer at DLR’s Institute of
composite structures and adaptive systems in Braunschweig, has helped developed potential solar
sail boom systems of carbon fibre reinforced plastics. Thus, the selection of a set of free variables
allows one of the non-zero variables, x0, z0, y?0, to be constrained. In space, a small amount of
pressure goes much further, because other factors such as gravity, air friction, and wind don’t get in
the way. People have talked about laser and microwave assisted sails, but it's not what we call a near-
term technology. Column 5 gives the maneuver requirements in the form of ?Vdearture from the
Earth parking orbit onto the transfer trajectory. The TOF for the sail-based spacecraft is 2.92 years
(magenta dot) and exceeds the case with no sail by only 16 days. Atmospheric drag from the
spacecraft’s low, but unspecified, orbit will prevent the sail from generating thrust, but will allow
engineers to test the sail deployment mechanism and other key systems. One such melt pit lies within
the Sinus Iridum mare region on the nearside of the Moon. Johnson says Kapton degrades too
rapidly: ’I do not recommend Kapton,’ he says. Then it could be directed into an orbit around the
third star in the system, Proxima Centauri. The ?rst column identi?es the case starting with the 102
Table 6.1. Departure ?V optimization results for sail parameter, ?, values compared to no sail case.
Again, the algorithm is repeated to update the design parameters until the constraint vector meets a
certain level of tolerance. 4.3 Multiple Shooting Algorithm For more complex scenarios and the
option of additional types of constraints, the concept of di?erential corrections is further extended to
develop a targeting scheme for a set of n discrete points. Thus, solar sails can potentially deliver a
viable mission concept by harnessing SRP for transfer trajectories and insertion maneuvers around
arti?cial L4 or L5 points. By introducing an out-of-plane step along z, a variable-time single-step
corrections scheme is developed to determine the symmetric periodic halo orbits. In the case of solar
sails, a photon reflecting off a reflective sail delivers a double kick. However, further analysis
encompassing forward modeling techniques revealed that the true size of the two buried craters is
indeed approximately 160 km (Ashoka crater) and 200 km (Earhart crater) in diameter. 150 9.4
Recommendations for Future Work With the increasing interest in cost e?ective space propulsion
technology, solar sailing delivers attractive mission concepts within the context of astrodynamics and
space applications. Though it may visually appear, the two orbits are not mirror images (equal size) of
each other. With L5 as an ideal location for early detection and observation of potentially hazardous
space weather and the discovery of the ?rst Earth Trojan Asteroid, 2010 TK7, in the vicinity of L4,
the Sun-Earth triangular Lagrange points have gained interest as candidates for future space
missions. Density contrast may be due to a completely empty lava tube or a partially collapsed
candidate with ejecta material.
Note that, no insertion ?V is performed to arrive at the ?nal orbit around L5. The goal of this
investigation is to reveal subsurface structures, buried craters and empty lava tubes, by exploiting
GRAIL gravity data. A zoomed-in view for the transfer trajectories departing the Earth parking orbit
appears in Figure 6.2(b). Once again, the departure altitude is constrained to be at 1000 km above the
surface of the Earth. Employing manifolds to locate transfer option opens a window to depart from a
parking orbit onto a manifold of either L1 or L2 Lyapunov orbit and reach the vicinity of L4 and L5
to lower the mission cost. SR Globals Profile - Building Vision, Exceeding Expectations. Such a
transfer trajectory can potentially be used to transfer sample material from the tri- angular points to
the vicinity of the Earth. Employing a solar sail can additionally increase the potential of 109
maintaining the spacecraft in the same general vicinity for a longer period of time, thus, increasing
the feasibility of using a sail. 7.2.3 Solar Sail in Earth-Sun-Moon-Venus-Jupiter Ephemeris Model To
further increase the ?delity of a solar sail end-to-end trajectory design, addi- tional perturbing bodies
are incorporated in the ephemeris model. University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 1999.
The end-to-end solar sail trajectory design process, in a high ?delity ephemeris model, leverages
natural dynamics and ?ow that exists within the context of the circular restricted three-body problem
(CR3BP) while harnessing the solar radiation pres- sure. The degree of the polynomial in Equation
(3.9) suggests that there are three roots to the equation, i.e., three collinear points exist. We paint,
draw, sculpt, blow glass, and move pixels to show galaxies, stars, planets, moons, anywhere that the
imagination can go, but a camera cannot (yet!). Join now. The remaining two noncollinear Lagrangian
points, termed the equilateral points, are apparent via observations of Equation (3.10). The relative
locations of all ?ve Lagrangian points for a given system appears in Figure 3.1. L1, L2 and L3 are
the collinear libration points, whereas, L4 Figure 3.1. Lagrangian points in the circular restricted
three-body problem. I think it would be most efficient to do from orbit, but you'd need a large
power supply, and that's not in our near-term plans. Even so, if a solar sail is going to push a
spacecraft of any significant mass, it must be enormous. The small structures are sought such that the
associated gravity anomalies will posses short spatial wavelengths. The objective is typically
convergence to a path continuous in position and velocity. A sail-based di?erential corrector is
employed to generate a family of transfers to the vicinity of Sun-Earth L4 and L5. 12 The framework
leverages the natural dynamics and ?ow that exists in the CR3BP and the solar radiation pressure
acting on the sail. To accomplish the development of a corrections algorithm, it is important to
understand the sensitivity associated with the states along the trajectory. 4.1 The State Transition
Matrix Prior to assessing the behavior of a particle or body under the in?uence of non- linear forces,
it is critical to investigate the evolution of a state over time in response to changes in the initial state.
Thus, the strategy helps distinguish between the signal due to a physical feature as compared to a
numerical artifact of data processing. 8.3.4 Forward Modeling To further validate the existence of
lava tube structures and reproduce the sig- nal that may represent a buried empty lava tube, forward
modeling is performed. Initially, the spacecraft is stationed in a parking orbit around the Earth.
Detection of buried features is further supported by individually analyzing free-air and Bouguer
gravity maps. The results of the MDL study determined that the EASCO mission concept is very
achievable as a sin- gle observatory carrying 10 science instruments. These particles move slower than
light and create a force that is less than one percent as strong as light pressure. The STM is formu-
lated to supply a linear estimate of the ?nal states as the result of a variation in the initial states and is
then incorporated in a shooting algorithm. The cross-correlation maps in the top row and the bottom-
left of Figure 8.9 yield an averaged map over a few hundred simulations. GRAIL’s Extended Mission
began on August 8, 2011 dur- ing which the altitude of the dual spacecraft was lowered to
approximately 23 km and additional gravitational data was collected. This interpretation is strongly
supported by the forward modeling of the two buried craters. An initial state along the x-axis at a
distance of 200, 000 km from the L1 libration point but opposite to the Earth is selected. The cross-
correlation between the acceleration signal from the spacecraft and the reference signal helps assess
the regions of interest in search of lava tube candidate structures. The spacecraft is modeled and
composited in LightWave 3D.
This corrections scheme can be applied in both ?xed- and variable-time single shooting algorithms.
4.2.1 Fixed-Time Single Shooting As an example of a targeting algorithm, consider a vehicle at a
given location with some velocity. By introducing an out-of-plane step along z, a variable-time
single-step corrections scheme is developed to determine the symmetric periodic halo orbits. The
scope of solar sail trajectory design is widened to assess additional perturbing e?ects that may
dominate the dynamics of the spacecraft as it departs the vicinity of the Earth-Moon system towards
the triangular Lagrange points of the Sun-Earth system. But sunlight would suffice for missions
within the solar system. ’Solar sailing is ideal for interplanetary monitoring stations - observing solar
weather, sitting above the Earth’s pole, looking for near-earth comets and asteroids,’ Friedman says.
’Also for round-trip missions such as sample return missions.’ Going about The basic structure of a
solar sail is as simple as a sailing boat, with three prime components. With the goal of expanding
human presence beyond Earth, sub-surface empty lava tubes on other worlds form ideal can- didates
for creating a permanent habitation environment safe from cosmic radiation, micrometeorite impacts
and temperature extremes. The numbers become far less staggering, especially when compared to
requirements for various space travel destinations. Colin McInnes, research director of the
mechanical engineering department at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and involved in the
GeoSail study, still believes it would be an ideal first orbital demonstration. Utilization of design
tools, such as periodic orbits, invariant manifolds, the Jacobi value analyses, can deliver low-cost
transfers, but they do not guarantee an optimal solution. In addition, cosine tapers are applied where
the data is truncated to avoid numerical challenges. Since we have underestimated the necessary
acceleration, the actual mass loading is even smaller, making this an upper limit. Blue dotted-circle
marks the arrival of a transfer trajectory within the vicinity of L5. Initial investigation aims at better
understanding the behavior of a sail- based spacecraft and leveraging the solar radiation pressure to
deliver the spacecraft to its destination. Thus, solar sails can potentially deliver a viable mission
concept by harnessing SRP for transfer trajectories and insertion maneuvers around arti?cial L4 or L5
points. Project Goal. Background. Constraints. Candidate Solutions. Timeline. Conclusion. Project
Goal. Although, the “ripstop” 151 technology is applicable to help prevent the tear from spreading
by using a network of thin cables, the e?ective area, on which the solar radiation pressure is acting,
will slowly be decreased, especially on a long duration mission. It uses technology to gather
information about planets and suns, and that information is used for furthering human knowledge
and making our lives better on Earth. But the same year, the then President George W Bush vowed
to return Americans to the moon by 2020, and NASA’s limited resources were focused on that goal.
Numerous other solar sail projects are in various stages of planning. As they bounce off the sail, the
photons give it another small push. Even so, a vehicle with a very lightweight solar sail could reach
the orbit of Pluto in about 7 years. (The Pioneer 10 probe, launched in 1972, took 11 years to reach
that point.) Sail On After many years of ground-based and suborbital testing, as well as a few
noteworthy failures, an interplanetary solar sail spacecraft (Japan’s IKAROS probe) was first
successfully deployed in 2010. Once the trajectory has been corrected to deliver perpendicular
crossings with a variable-time scheme, a complete halo orbit is generated by propagating the new 62
initial conditions over precisely twice the integration time that is required for a half orbit. Technical
and scientific literacy is very important. Both free-air and Bouguer eigenvalue maps show a gravity
low in the vicinity of the lunar pit. He knows first-hand that success would take serious effort. ’If
developing solar sails was not so difficult, NASA would have already done it,’ he says. And that
assumes you take a spacecraft moving ballistically. The ?gure on the left re?ects the free-air gravity
anomaly ?eld Figure 8.18. Regional free-air and Bouguer gravity maps for Ashoka. 140 and the
?gure on the right represents Bouguer gravity anomaly ?eld over Ashoka. Early detection of po-
tentially hazardous solar weather will provide advanced warnings to take appropriate measures to
minimize the damage on Earth. 91 Jacobi Analysis The single known integral of motion,
denoted as the Jacobi constant, exists in the classical CR3BP. Incorporating the solar sail in the
CR3BP potentially lowers the ?V requirements by leveraging the solar radiation pressure. For the
purpose of demonstration, the trajectory illustrated in Figure 7.4 maintains a path in the vicinity of
the displaced Lagrange point for the duration of 4 years. To under- stand the behavior of a
spacecraft, casting the problem within the context of the classical Circular Restricted Three-Body
Problem (CR3BP) o?ered the essential fea- tures to study the motion with some mathematical

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