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Card Questions of

Biochemistry :
(Prepared by "&")
paper: (According to
ABC of Biochemistry)

Chapter 01: 02 page

Chapter 02: 04 page
Chapter 03: 04 page
SChapter 04: 05 page
Chapter 05:05 page
Chapter 06: 06 page
Chapter 08: 06 page
SChapter 09: 08 page
Chapter 10: 09 page
Chapter 11: 09 page
Chapter 12: 10 page
SChapter 20: 10 page
Chapter 21: 11 page
Handbook: 13 page

* Biochemistry 2nd
paper: (According to
ABC of Biochemistry)

Chapter 07: 14 page

Chapter 14:14 page
Chapter 15: 15 page
SChapter 16: 17 page
Chapter 17: 18 page
Chapter 18: 20 page
Chapter 19: 20 page
Chapter 21:23 page
BIochemistry 1st paper Biochemistry Card Questions:
(According to ABC of Biochemistry) Chapter 01:
1.pH: Definition(**),
What are the importance of pH, Normal blood pH, Its
What is pH scale,
Tell the change in [(H+]when pH is changed from 6 to 7,
What is the [H+] concentration of blood at pH 7.4,
State the mechanism of action of buffer system,
What is the pH of blood, ECF, different digestive
juices and urine,
Define pk,
What is the relation between pK &buffering capacity of a buffer
system, When pH =pk,
Why phosphate buffer system is more potent than bicarbonate
buffer system?

2.Define colloids and crystalloids.

Name some colloids in our body),
Why crystalloids exert more osmotic pressure than colloids,
What are the propertiesof colloids(**),
Name some crystalloids in the blood,
What is osmotic pressure, colloidal osmotic pressure,
effective osmolarity and tonicity,
Name the substances responsible for colloidal Osmotic pressure.
What are the factors affecting osmotic pressure,
What is blood osmolarity, How it is maintained,
What happens if it is not maintained?

3.What is solution, solute &solvent, Give examples,

Define molal), osmolar), molar), normal), standard solution(**),
What is hypertonic, hypotonic &isotonic
What happens when RBC is suspended in isotonic, hypotonic &
hypertonic solution,
What are the ways by which concentration of a solution can be
4.What is normal saline),
Why it is so called(),
What are the uses of normal saline(*+)?

5.Define buffer(**), What do you mean by buffering capacity, When

buffering capacity will be maximum),
Name the body buffer systems,
Why phosphate buffer system is more potent than bicarbonate
buffer system,
Compare bicarbonate buffer system with phosphate buffer system,
Name the buffer system which is most important in our body and

What is acid and base, Name the bases and acids produced in our
Define strong and weak acids,
Deduce Henderson-Hasselbalch equation & mention its

6.Whatis SI unit(tt),How many ml in dl/ L,

What is its importance(),
How will you convert conventional unit(mg/dl)to SI unit (mmol/L)

7.Define isotope,What are the biomedical

uses of isotopes,
Mention the advantages &disadvantages of radioactive isotopes,

Mention examples of some isotopes with their uses,

What are radioactive isotopes,
Define radioactive decay?
8.What is isoelectric pH?
What is zwitter ion? What is clinical interpretation
of isoelectric pH & zwitter ion?
9.What is dialysis, Give its importance,
Where dialysis occurs in our body, What is half-life of isotopes?

10.What is Gibbs- Donnan equilibrium, Give its importance?

Chapter 02:

1.Carbohydrate: Definition, Isomerism, Chiral Carbon?

2.Classify carbohydrates with example.

What are the differences between liver & muscle glycogen?

2.Classify monosaccharide with example of some important

monosaccharides, What is glycosidic bond?

3.Define disaccharide with examples,

Name the reducingsugar, Why they are so called? Why sucrose is non
reducing sugar?

4.Classify polysaccharides, What is

anomeric carbon,
Which carbon is meric in glucose,
What do you mean by homo &heteropolysaccharides,
Tell the importance of GAGs?

7.Name some isomers of glucose, What

is anomeric carbon, Which carbon is
anomeric in glucose,
Tellthe importance of glucose?

Chapter 03:
1.Define protein(*), peptide),
oligopeptide) &polypeptide),
How peptide bond is formed, How many
How structure of protein is destroyed,
Why albumin is present as an anion in plasma?

2.Tell the functional classification of

protein with examples,
What is zwitterion?

Chapter 04:
1.Define and classify lipid,
What type of lipid cholesterol is,
Name the substances produced from cholesterol, Justify:
"Cholesterol is a lipid",State the advantage &disadvantage of

2.What is eicosanoids,
Why it is called so, How they are formed,
What are the functions of eicosanoids?

3.Name the blood lipid,

How they remain in blood,
Describe the structure of a lipoprotein?

Schapter 05:
1.Mention the differences between active transport and facilitated
diffusion with

2.What are the differences between primary and secondary active

transport(), Give example()?

3.Mention the differences between simple diffusion and facilitated

diffusion with
example (**)?

4.What is emulsion &suspension?

5.Classity transport systems of cellI membrane?
Chapter 06:
1.Enzyme: Definition(**),
IUB classification with example(*),
What are the properties
of enzymes(*),
Name an enzyme which is not protein in nature,
How pH,temperature & substrate concentration affect enzyme
What is Km &Vmax (****),
What is optimum pH for an enzyme?

2.How does enzyme act(),

What are the factors affecting enzyme activity(*),
What is the active site and allosteric site of an enzyme(*),
What is holoenzyme),
What do you mean by energy of activation(),
What is zymogen()?

3.What is isoenzyme(**),
What is functional and nonfunctional plasma enzyme,
What is functional and nonfunctional plasmaenzyme,
Name the different isoenzymes of CK &LDH?

4.What is enzyme, coenzyme &cofactor (****),

Name 2 enzymes involved in oxidation &reduction?

Chapter 08:
1.What is digestion(*),
Name digestive
juices with their chief components,
Name the digestive juice which has no enzymes),
Why foods need to be digested(**),
Tell the composition and function of bile(*).
Mention the composition &
What is extra hepatic circulation of bile salt,
Name the bile acid,functions of saliva
Name the composition of gastric juice with their function,
What is the function of intrinsic factor of castle,

What do you mean by ecbolic type of pancreatic secretion,

Tell the composition of pancreatic juice with their function(),
How proteolytic enzymes of gastric &pancreatic juice are

Name the composition of succus entericus with their function,

Enumerate the local hormones of GIT(),
Why they are called local hormones,
Tell the functions of gastrin &secretin (),

What are the barrier of acid pepsin digestion of gastric mucosa

0, Justify- "Bile is a digestive juice"),
What is absorption?

2.Name the enzymes of carbohydrate

Enumerate the enzymes secreted from pancreas for carbohydrate
Name the end products of carbohydrate digestion,
Why cellulose is a nondigestible carbohydrate,

How glucose is absorbed),

How galactose is absorbed,
How fructose is absorbed?

3.Namethe proteolytic enzymes of GIT,

How protein is digested(***),
Name the end products of protein digestion,
What is exopeptidase & endopeptidase (t**),
How proteolytic enzymes of gastric & pancreatic
juice are activated(**),How amino acidis absorbed(***)?

4.Name different types of lipase of digestive tract, adipose tissue

and blood,
Name pancreatic enzymes for lipid digestion,
Name the dietary lipids with their end products of digestion),

How the end products of fat digestion are absorbed).

Mention the structure of triacylglycerol,
How it is digested and absorbed from GIT, Whatismicelle(**), Tell
its importance,
What do you mean by emulsification of fat, Mention its

Chapter 09:

1.Respiratorychain/ETC: Definition().
Complexes, Inhibitors), Mention the components of electron
transport chain with the sites of ATP synthesis(***)?

2.Define oxidation &biological oxidation(**),

Name the enzymes involved in biological oxidation(),
Enumerate the metabolic pathways of cytosol).
Enumerate the metabolic pathways of mitochondria(****),
Enumerate the metabolic pathways of RBC(**)?

3.What is oxidative phosphorylation(***),

What do you mean by high energy phosphate compound, Name
the high energy phosphate compounds,
Define substrate level phosphorylation with

4.Define metabolism, catabolism & anabolism with examples,

What is amphibolic pathway, Give an example of amphibolic
SChapter 10:

1."Citric acid cycle is an amphibolic

pathway &common metabolic
What is Cori cycle?

2.What is HMP shunt pathway(**),

What is its importance,
What is glycogen storage disease?

3.Define gluconeogenesis,
Name the amino acid senter
the pathway of gluconeogenesis,
Name the hormone that promote gluconeogenesis?

4.What is glycolysis,
What is the rate limiting step of glycolysis,
How to overcome this step for gluconeogenesis?

5.State the glucostatic role of liver,

adipose tissues &skeletal muscles in well fed state &starvation?

6.What is the importance of glycogenolysis and glycogenesis,

Mention the hormones affecting glycogen metabolism?

Chapter 11:

1.What is amino acid pool, What are the

steps of proteincatabolism(**)? 2.What is deamination, Give
Name the enzymne needed for this process,
What is transamination, Give its importance.
Name the enzyme & coenzyme needed for transamination?

3.Where and how urea is synthesized & from where it is excreted

from the body,
Name the other excreting organs of the body?

4. difference between osmotic diuresis and water diuresis?

What is ammonia intoxication,
Why ammonia is toxic inour body,
What are the raw materials for urea synthesis?

1.What is carnitine shuttle mechanis,?
What is the end products of the fatty acids containing odd number
of carbon atom while undergo B oxidation,
How fatty acid is transported from cytoplasm to mitochondria,
How many ATP is formed from Boxidation of 16-C fatty acid?

2.What is ketogenesis, ketolysis &ketosis,

What-do you mean by reverse cholesterol transport,
Mention the sources and fates of ketone bodies?

3.Define lipoprotein,
Tell the metabolism of chylomicrons,
Name the enzymes needed in cholesterol metabolism?

Chapter 20:
1.Name the thyroid hormone, What are
the laboratory finding of a patient of
What is myxedema, thyrotoxicosis and cretinism),
How thyroid function can be assessed?
2.What are the antagonistic hormones of insulin),
How insulin lowers blood glucose level),
What are the effects of insulin on carbohydrate, protein and fat

3.What is tetany,
Why patients of renal insufficiency not develop tetany though total
calcium is low,
Name the hormones that regulate blood calcium level, How vitamin-D
regulates blood calcium level?

4.What is Dwarfism &Acromegaly?

Chapter 21:

1.Name the liver function test,

Differentiate different types of jaundice biochemically,
What are the types of bilirubin, Differentiate between them,
Why jaundice occur in neonates,
How can you assess the synthetic function of liver, Reference value of
ALT, AST, ALP Bilirubin,
Laboratory finding of different types of Jaundice,
What is kernicterus?

2.Name the tests done to assess the renal function with their normal
What is renal tubular acidosis,
Name the tests done to assess the glomerular functions of kidney),
What is diuresis,
Name the substances that are completely reabsorbed by the proximal
bName the tests done to assess the tubular functions of kidney(***),
What is diuresis,
Types of diuresis,
What are the
difference between osmotic diuresis and water diuresis?
3.What type of sugar is detected by Benedict's test, Does always
Benedict's test positive means diabetes mellitus,
What is glycosuria?

4.Proteinuria, How proteinuria can be detected

inthelaboratory, Howurinaryprotein can be detected in bedside of a
What is micro proteinuria? What is its importance?

5.What is nonfunctional plasma enzyme,

Give examples, Name the cardiac markers
with their kinetic behavior following myocardial infarction?

6.Name the components of lipid profile with the reference ranges,

What is dyslipidemia?

7.What is Diabetes Mellitus and

Diabetes Insipidus, How DM and Dlcan
be diagnosed biochemically, Give the diagnostic criteriaof Diabetes

8.What is 0GTT, Enumerate its indication, procedure, and

importance, Tell blood
glucose levels-Fasting, Random, What is Impaired fasting glucose
and impaired glucose tolerance, What is its importance?

9.What is Impaired fasting glucose and

impaired glucose tolerance? What is its importance?

10.What is HbA1C(**), What is its normal value, TellHbA1C value of

value, Tell HbA1C value of Diabetic
subjects, What is the importance of HbA1C test?
SLaboratory Handbook:

1.Enumerate the principle of photometry/


2.What is Beer's law and Lambert's law,

What is the difference between plasma and serum?

3.What is biological hazard, How it can be

prevented, Name the anticoagulant used in the
* Biochemistry 2nd paper Biochemistry Card Questions:
(According to ABC of Biochemistry) Chapter 7:

1.Define nucleosides & nucleotides with

example (**),What are the functions of nucleotides?
Name the nitrogen bases of DNA&RNA

2.What are types of RNAS(0,

What are the functions of t-RNA and m-RNA 0,
Mention functions of different RNAs)?

3.What are the structural differences

between DNA &RNA,
Enumerate the difference between DNA & RNA?

4.What is the end product of purine metabolism,

What is gout,
What are the salvage pathways for purines synthesis?

Schapter 14:
1.What is GFR,
Tell the factors on which GFR is dependend,
How tubular load is calculated,
What is renal clearance,
Name the substances we use to measure plasma clearance,How do
you calculate it?

2.What is obligatory urine volume(**),

What is its importance? Name some metabolic waste that are excreted
from body through urine?

3.How kidney handle the filtered sodium,

How renal excretion of sodium is regulated(**)?
AHO kidaybandle fltorad notaceun
How renal excretionof potassium is regulated?
5.How kidney handle filtered calcium(*). How renal excretion of
calcium is

6.What is the difference between plasma and filtrate, What are the
differences between urine and filtrate?

7.What is water turn over), How it is

calculated), What is its normal value, Why water turnover is more in
children, Why
does a child get quickly dehydrated than adult?

8.Tell the functions of ADH, aldosterone and calcitriol on kidney,

What is the mechanism of action of ADH on kidney?

9.What is plasma clearance, Name the characteristics of substances

that we
use to measure plasma clearance, How do youcalculate it?
10.What is diuresis), Classify it), State the differences between

11.What are the hormones produced from kidney and what are the
hormones act on
the kidney, What type of organ kidney is?

12.What is urine pH,How kidney regulate acid base balance?

13.What is tubular load ofa substance,

What is nephron
, Tell the basic mechanism of urine Formation),
Name the substances that is completely reabsorbed from kidney
1.Name the body fluidcompartments with theirvolume), What is
transcellular fluid),
Name some transcellular fluid, Name the
three major electrolytes in blood with their
reference range, What is the principle of
measurement of volume of body fluid Compartments?

2.What are the differences of ECF and ICF fluid compositions,

What is the distribution cation and anion in ECF and
What are the functions of serum
Tell the commonelectrolyte differences between ECF and ICE
State the route of water input and output with their volume,
How water balance is regulated,
What is normal plasma osmolarity,

How plasma osmolarity is regulated,

What is plasma osmolarity,
What is the effect/consequence of osmotic disequilibrium,
Classify volume disorder(**),
Which volume disorder is common(*),
What are the causes of hypertonic hypovolemia,
What is isotonic volume contraction with its two causes,

What are the effects of hypotonic fluid infusion on plasma osmolarity and
volume, What is osmolar gap,
What are the causes of increased osmolar gap,
What is the consequence of decrease colloidal osmotic pressure in
plasma, How
plasma volume is regulated(**),
Mention the hormonal regulation of Na+ and K+ in ECF,
What is water intoxication,
What are the common causes of water intoxication,
What is the effect of water intoxication on
plasma volume andosmolarity?

3.Tellthe blood sodium level, How

blood sodium level is regulated,What is hypernatremia
&hyponatremia (),
What are the types of hyponatremia
, Tell some important/common causes of hyponatremia(*) and
Describe the pathophysiology of hyponatremia in heart failure?

4.What is plasma/blood potassium level(),

How blood potassium balance is regulated(*),
How normal blood potassium level is maintained,
What are the causes of transcellular efflux and influx of K),
Name the factors that regulate the transmembrane potassium influx
and efflux,
How kidney maintain normal serum concentration of potassium,
What are the causes of hyperkalemia()?

5.Name the forms of calcium present in blood(*),

Which form of calcium is responsible for its function,
Tell the functions of calcium),
Name the hormone which regulate the blood calcium level,
How blood Ca+ level is regulated(),
What are the deficiency features of calcium()?

Chapter 16:
1.Define acidosis() and alkalosis,
classify acidosis & alkalosis, Tell the common
causes of acidosis,
Tell the types of acid base disorders,
What types of acid base disorders occurs in diarrhea and why,
Classify simple acid base disorder with their primary defect(*),

Define metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis with

their primary defect(),
What is respiratory acidosis,
What are the features are found in blood in respiratory acidosis,
What are the causes of respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis(),
metabolic acidosis(*), metabolic alkalosis()?

2.How each type of acid base disorder is compensated(),

How respiratory acidosis and alkalosis is compensated and
corrected ), how acidosis is compensated and corrected,
How metabolic acidosis is compensated,
How metabolic acidosis and alkalosis is compensated and corrected,
How respiratory system Compensates metabolic acidosis & metabolic
Name the acids produce in the body(**),
State the role of kidney in regulation of acid base balance of the body?

3.What is anion gap(**),

What is the importance of anion gap?
Chapter 17:

1.What is central dogma),

Name the process of DNA to mRNA synthesis and mRNA to protein
States eukaryotic DNA organization,
What do you mean by central dogma, Mention
the importance of replication and transcription,
Define genetic code(*), gene and codon(**),
Tell the properties of genetic code/
What are the characteristics of genetic code,
What do you mean by redundancy,
What are the stop codons,
What are the histones involved in DNA organization,Mention their
What is RNAprimer,
What are functions of
RNA polymerase?

2.What is replication, What are requirements of replication,

Why replication is semiconservative,
What do you mean by leading &lagging strands().
What is 0kazaki fragments(),Mention their fates),
How proofreading occur in replication),
What are the direction of DNA synthesis & proof reading, Which
enzyme is responsible for this?

3.Define transcription),
What are the machineries required for transcription).,
Transcription is highly selective explain(*t**),
What are the post transcriptional modifications of eukaryotic mRNA,
What are the post transcriptional modifications of rRNA &tRNA(**)?

4.Define translation, What are the

components required for translation(*),
What are the post translational
Give the examples of gamma carboxylation and hydroxylation?

5.Define mutation, What are the different types of point mutation(**)

with their
effects, Give examples, What do you mean by frame-shift mutation?
SChapter 18:

1.What is PCR(*), What are the steps of

PCR,What are the applications of PCR,
State the important medical uses of it(), What are differences between

2.What is reverse transcriptase?

3.What do you mean by restriction endonucleases, What is restriction


4.What do you mean byrecombinant DNA technology, Mention uses of


5.What is vector, What are the essential properties of vectors?

SChapter 19: - 483
1.What is Food(), Nutrient(), Nutrition, Give example of a food and
nutrient,Name the essential amino acids &essential fatty acids, Why
theycalled essential,Name
63 -
the proximate principles of food(*), Define Diet, Balanced diet0, Name

the criteria of
a balance diet(**),
Tellthe proportion of intake of ->
carbohydrate, protein and fat (*)?

2.How many calories can we get from 1

gm of carbohydrate, protein and fat, Tellthe factors which we consider
calculating the caloric requirement of a persons, What is SDA of food(0,
What the
SDA of Carbohydrate, Protein,fat and Mixed diet (),
Why SDA of protein is more than the SDA of carbohydrate?

3.What are the factors that should be consider to calculate caloric


What is BMR),
What is the standard is
condition to measured BMR,

Tellthe factors affecting BMR(**),

Tell the amount of daily calorie requirement of a sedentary
workers,Pregnant woman and Heavy worker?

4.Name the common nutritional disorders - 44
in our country(), 499
Difference between Marasmus and Kwashiorkor,
How nutritional status of a person can be assessed), 500

What is BMI, What BMIvalue - 300 , SO2

indicate a person is obese, Mention the consequences/adverse
effects of obesity, 501 302

What is obesity, How obesity can be determined? -> BMI


5.Tell the advantage and disadvantage of dietary fibers(**)? - 461
6.Define and classify vitamins).
Tellthe name of vitamins that are synthesized in our body(),
What is the function it,
Differentiate between fat and water-soluble vitamins,
Name the water-soluble vitamins(),

Name the chemical name of fat-soluble vitamins,

Which fat soluble vitamins act as Coenzymes,
Name the antioxidant vitamins,
What are the hematopoietic vitamins,
Name the source of vitamin A, What are the functions of vitamin A),
Name the source of vitamin A0
, Tell the ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency,
Name the deficiency features of vitamin A,
What is the source of vitamin D,
How the active form of vitamin D/ calcitriol is synthesized from the body(0,
Tell the regulation of vitamin D synthesis,
Tell the functions of vitamin D,

What is the source of 7dehydrocholesterol,

Tellthe source,daily requirement and deficiency feature of vitamin C, What
are the features of scurvy,
Tell the function of vitamin K,
Tell the deficiency features of vitamin K),
Why does a premature baby need vitamin k,
Name the active form of water-soluble vitamins),
What is the active form,
deficiency features of thiamin, niacin and riboflavin,
Name the vitamin deficiency causing neuronal disorders,
What is beriberi and pellagra,

Name the sources of folic acid, What is its active form, Tell the functions of
VWhat is a folate trap,
Tell the deficiency features of folic acid,
What are the sources of vitamin B12, How it is absorbed and where it is stored,
Tellthe active form of vitamin B12, Tell
the function ) and deficiency features of vitamin B12(*)?

7.Classify minerals.
Define micromineral(*) &macromineral,
Name 5 microminerals(**),
What is trace elements,
How iron is absorbed, transported and stored in our bodv. What are the

vitamin B12(+)?
7.Classify minerals.
Define micromineral(*) &macromineral,
Name 5 microminerals(**),
What is trace elements,
How iron is absorbed,transported and stored inour body,

What are the features of iron deficiency,

What are the dietary sources of iron &iodine), What is the
function of iron and iodine(*), 497
Mention the daily reqirement of iron,
456 ,

How is iodine metabolized in our body,

What is the
deficiency features of iron () and iodine),-> 496,
What are the functions of iodine, cobalt, copper,selenium,
Tell the deficiency features of zinc, copper, cobalt and

Chapter 21:
1.What are the sources of iron,
What are the dietary sources and functions of iron,
How iron is absorbed(**), transported & stored in our body?
Tell the factors that affects iron absorption?
How much iron is absorbed from diet?

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