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Los colores

Look at the Spanish words for these colours and use the phonetic spelling to help
you say them out loud. Point to the correct coloured splat as you say each word.

English Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation

blue azul ah-thool

orange naranja nah-rahng-hah

red rojo rroh-hoh

green verde behr-deh

black negro neh-groh

purple violeta byoh-leh-tah

white blanco blahn-coh

yellow amarillo ah-mah-ree-yoh

pink rosa rroh-sah

brown marrón mah-rrohn

grey gris grees

Page 1 of 2 visit

Los colores

Unscramble the anagrams to spell the Spanish colours correctly.

Write the correct spelling on the line and then colour the splat in the correct colour.

arónmr joro olievat luza

marliloa rdeve soar srig

locabn janarna geonr

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Los colores
Colours Answers
arónmr joro olievat luza

marrón rojo violeta azul

marliloa rdeve soar srig

amarillo verde rosa gris

locabn janarna geonr

blanco naranja negro


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