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Insights/Views on RA 6713, known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officers and


RA 6713 known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officers and Employees has always been
considered as the bible of all government officers and employees. It is an Implementing Law anchored to the
Constitutional Provisions, specifically, Article XI Section 1 “Public Office is a public trust, public officers and
employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty,
and efficiency, act with patriotism, and justice, and lead modest lives. It sets forth the standards in delivering public
service and it is supposed to serve as the safety net for the poor and underprivileged transacting with all government
bureaus, instrumentalities, subdivisions, or agencies, the norms and conduct, and the duties, and prohibited acts of
public officers and employees. It reiterates the mandate of public officers and employees to uphold the time-
honoured principle that public office is a public trust.

Nevertheless, a long line of cases filed in the Office of the Ombudsman is an indication of the unsatisfactory
performance of many government officials, with corruption as the root cause, but this is also an implication that the
common people are keeping an eye on government officers and employees, knowing that there is a law they can turn
to, and they can bring suit against erring public officers and employees.

It may be a hard pill to swallow, but Filipino’s battle against corruption seems unending. With Filipinos so much
inclined toward the idea of “utang na loob” and “padrino system” are some of the factors that drive corrupt
practices such as “nepotism.” Despite endeavors to combat the same, it is already embedded in the culture, as they

Another factor is the long-prevailing system in the political spectrum where elites interplay in the political arena
since time immemorial. The framers of our laws are members of the elite class who advance their interests through
the laws and policies they make.

Be that as it may, if I were to assess, although there are loopholes, the law is sufficiently crafted, with all the
supplemental laws and policies such as the creation of Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) and implementation of the
Citizen’s Charter as a tool in ensuring the standards on the delivery of government service to the citizens being
practised by different government agencies and monitored by the implementing units.

However, if we are going to scrutinize, the amendment or revision of the law may be considered. There are some
provisions that should be revisited specifically the provisions on Penalties that need to be strengthened and make the
law more attuned to the present times. For example, the minimum punishment and fine for violations of Sections 7,
8 or 9 of the Act with imprisonment not exceeding five (5) years or a fine not exceeding five thousand pesos
(5,000.00) should be raised to a higher amount and years because of the notion that people naturally are not afraid to
commit wrongdoings, rather, they are afraid with the sanctions imposed and consequences of their actions.

While undeniably there are officers and employees of agencies enticed with percentage on projects conducted by the
government with private entities which prompted them to collude with each other for personal gain, personally, I
have known agencies that provide measures or mechanisms to effect a change to these unconscionable practices.
There are agencies that strictly adhere to no gift-giving policy, and firmly promote fair, honest and competitive
public bidding. Agencies that actively enhance the incentive and rewards system to recognize employees of
outstanding merit on the basis of the standards contemplated in RA 6713.

Further, with the advent of technology, Filipinos are more informed and participative with current events and
political issues. With just one click away, they can express their views, opinions, and sentiments on an issue
concerning public officers and employees, and expose the latter’s unethical practices, thus, making public officers
and employees prone to criticism by the public.

Furthermore, I believe in the power of education to gradually changing the system. Education is the most
empowering force in the world. It creates knowledge, builds confidence, and breaks down barriers to opportunity. In
my own unsolicited opinion, education gives a sense of responsibility and enlightenment. Education provides
everyone with a sense of empowerment. Those with an education tend to be more aware of current political issues
and are more likely critical thinkers. This is based on the history of revolutions around the world, where people who
attained education were the ones who led the uprising against their oppressors, hence, education is power and an

Considering the fact that many people from the lower class of society struggled to acquire education, it will lead to
cognition as people become more aware and enlightened. They will have enough understanding of what is morally

Is it possible to avoid accepting gifts from clients? Yes, it can be avoided if public officers do not deviate from their
Oath in which they will purely serve the interest of the public. It is just a matter of principles and dedication to
public service.

Therefore, the law, RA 6713 is not weak and not a failure, rather it is a challenge for Filipinos, especially the public
officers and employees to be ethical and morally upright as what the title of the law suggests. To uphold public
interest over personal interest. It is likewise a dare for Filipino citizens to be more vigilant in the practice and
performance of our public officers and employees. As long as the citizens recognize their role as a “ watchdog” for
the government, as soon as the citizens realize what is due them in this democratic and republican state, and as soon
the citizens understand that corruption much more places the public, especially poor at the disadvantaged, there is
hope. In that way, slowly but steadily, the evolution of the system through education will take place. The challenge
may not get any easier but it is doable.

“Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex.”

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