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A Research Submitted to the Faculty of:


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Please check the noted written in RED.


MAY 2024


Are you a big fan of eating muffins? Did you know that muffins are popular and
versatile baked treat that comes in a variety of things that flavors, from classic blueberry to
decadent chocolate chip. However, there is always room for innovation, and one emerging
trend in culinary world is the used of unconventional ingredients to create unique and existing

Jackfruit, often hailed as the “king of fruits” is a tropical marvel known for its
enormous size, unique texture, and versatile flavor. It’s the largest fruit that grows on a tree,
with mature fruits weighing up to 80 pounds (36 kg). The exterior of the jackfruit is a sight to
behold, with a thick, green, spiky skin that protects the sweet, golden flesh inside. The
interior is divided into large, fleshy bulbs that encase the seeds.

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit native to South and Southeast Asia, has been gaining
popularity in recent years as a meat substitute due to its texture and ability to absorb flavors.
Its sweet and mild flavor makes it an intriguing addition to the world of baking. The taste of
jackfruit is a delightful blend of tropical flavors, often compared to a mix of banana,
pineapple, and mango. Its texture, especially when cooked, is similar to that of pulled pork,
which makes it a popular meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes.

Additionally, jackfruit is a powerhouse, rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Its natural sweetness means that less additional sugar is needed in the recipe, making it a
healthier alternative to some traditional muffin flavor. Whether it’s used in a savory stir-fry, a
sweet dessert, or enjoy its own, jackfruit is a versatile and nutritious fruit that offers a unique
culinary experience.
According to BAKERpedia (2024), muffin are single-serving quicks breads, which
rise with the help of baking powder and eggs instead of yeast. They tend to be sweet and
somewhat moist, but heavier than a cake or cupcake. Muffin are baked in a pan with cup
sized identations.
A muffin is an individually portioned baked product, however, the term can refer to one of
two distinct items: a part raised flatbread that is baked and then cooked on a griddle, or a
quick-bread that is chemically leavened and then baked in a mold.
A muffin a chemically leavened, batter-based bakery product. Its formulation is somewhere

in between a low-ratio cake and quick bread. Muffin batter is typically deposited or placed
into deep, small cup-shaped pan before baking. This gives the finished product a special
"cupcake" or "mushroom-like" shape.

Characteristics of Muffin
●Moist crumb
●Chewy texture
●Uneven crumb grain with holes or tunnels throughout
●Peaked (ball-type) of flat tops
Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the acceptability of making muffin using jackfruit as a
new flavor.

To achieve the research objectives, the following research questions will be addressed:

1. How do consumers perceive the overall acceptability of jackfruit-flavored muffins?

2. What are the sensory characteristics of jackfruit-Flavored muffins that influence

consumers’ liking or disliking?

3. What are the consumer purchasing intentions and likelihood of repurchasing

jackfruit-flavored muffins?

4. What are the feedbacks and suggestions for improving the formulation and
presentation of jackfruit muffins.

Objectives of the Study (same with the statement of the pronlem pero declarative form po)

 to determine the overall acceptability of jackfruit muffins as a new flavor among

 to assess consumers attitudes and perceptions towards using jackfruit as a new flavor
in muffins.
 to gather feedback and suggestions for improving the formulation and presentation of
jackfruit muffins.

Significance of the study

This research is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it provides insights into the
potential market viability of jackfruit-flavored muffins, guiding bakery businesses and food

manufacturers in developing new and innovative products. Secondly, understanding
consumers preferences for unusual flavors can help diversify product offerings and enhance
customer satisfaction. Lastly, by exploring the acceptability of jackfruit as a new flavor in
muffins, this study contributes to the broader understanding of incorporating unconventional
ingredients into baked goods.

The study was undertaken to provide the consumer an affordable as well as healthy
and nutritious muffin product with jackfruit as a new flavor.

The vital results of this study benefit the various individual as follow:

To the Hospitality Industry. The results of this study will give ideas to the students
to venture into new products recipe using jackfruit that could add up to gain extra income and
that can promote the new develop product to the market.

To the Institution. The result of this study will be a great help to the institute to
encourage the student to prioritize and assist them in promoting a healthy snack to their
students and staff.

To the Community. This study will be great help to the community to realize that
prioritizing the health of the residents is more important specially nowadays.

To the Bakery Owners. This study will help the bakery shop to introduce a new
baked good made of jackfruit, a new flavor of muffins that could enrich their food products in
terms of nutrient content, resulting in high nutritional baked goods and that could be
beneficial to their consumers.

To the Teachers. The outcome of the study will serve as guide on how teachers will
educate and encouraged students to eat healthy baked food products.

To the Students. This will help the students to recognize such as baked products
specially muffins as an alternative to junk food or any unhealthy food products.

To the Researchers. This enable the researchers to guide and navigate them in the
jackfruit flavor in muffin products indeed, this will also develop their skills and gain new
knowledge ideas and reference data in conducting new product-based research

Conceptual framework

The researcher used the Coomb’s System Approach conceptual model in conceptual
framework consisting of three elements: the input, process, and output.

The first frame contains the input variables of the study which is the ingredient
selection, recipe development, and cultural and nutritional consideration.

The second frame is the construction and validation of survey questionnaire checklist,
baking process, sensory evaluation, retrieval of the survey questionnaire, tabulation, analysis
and interpretation of gathered data.

The third frame includes the final product, acceptability and improvement and
innovation also the summary of findings and conclusions. In this stage, the researchers
provide valuable recommendations to enhance the acceptability of making muffins using
jackfruit as a new flavor.

Input Process Output

Figure 1. Research Paradigm.

Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual framework of the study, showing the research
variables involved and the research findings regarding the acceptability of making muffins
using jackfruit as a new flavor.



Please fix the spacing……..

This chapter contains different information of ideas, principles, concepts, facts and
views that are related and helpful to the researchers in expounding and fulfilling the
objectives of the study. The information was adopted and gathered from foreign and local
journals and thesis.

Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heteropghyllus)

According to Prem (2015), jackfruit has been a key source of nutrition for people in
Asia, it is considered an invasive species in the Brazilian rain forest because jackfruit
competes with native trees. The jackfruit is "an underutilized crop" in the tropical -to
subtropical climate where most of the fruits get wasted due to ignorance, lack of post-harvest
technology and gaps in supply chain system. Jackfruit contains more protein, calcium, iron,
vitamins and other essential nutrients when compared to the common fruitd. Jackfruit is that
is widely consumed as a fresh fruit has also been reported the therapeutic qualities since
ancient times. The part of the world facing food insecurity, the jackfruit could be manna from
a tree

Based on the study of Stukin (2016), the jackfruit is a multipurpose species providing
food, timber, fuel, fodder, and medicinal and industrial products. The primary economic
product of jackfruit is the fruit which is used both when mature and immature. The unripe
(green) jackfruit is remarkably similar in texture to chicken, thus jackfruit is an excellent
vegetarian substitute for meat. The canned jack-fruit is sometimes referred to as "vegetable
As the study of Goswani (2016), the jackfruit can be not only used for several culinary
operations but the seed powder also has a lot of potential in food jackfruit can, cosmetics,
pharmaceuticals, paper. bio-nanotechnology industries, especially its uses as thickener and
binding agent.

According to the study of Elevitch & Manner (2014), jackfruit is one of the most significant
trees in home gardens and perhaps the most widespread and useful tree in the genus

Artocarpus. It is a medium-sized amaxanthine tree mostly reaching 8-25 meters in height that
is easily identified through its fruit, the largest among cultivated plants. Its luscious, fragrant
and delicious fruit is eaten or preserved in different ways.

Based on the article of Espino (2017), in the Philippines, agriculture is one of the primary
sources of income. Different kinds of crops, fruits and vegetables are planted by farmers in
rural areas to supply the food production in the urban area and in exchange, they would get a
profit in it. Jackfruit is one of the considered backyard crops by the farmers to plant since it is
harvested all-year round with peak period during April or May
Based on Chowdhury (2016), jackfruit has many uses. It can also be utilized in different
environmental services. It cannot be easily blown by the wind so it is mostly used in making
a fence or hurdle. In the meadow, its fallen fruit can be used as food for the animals. It can
also offer its shade to coffee, pepper, betel nut, and cardamom plants. In gardens, its thick
branches shouldering the dense canopy leaves can provide a visual screen.

According to Gamboa (2014), the Jackfruit tree is easy to grow and is more adaptable than
some of the other common Artocarpus species. It is also not considered an intrusive species.
Jackfruit has also served different functions for humans. Its seed has been reported to contain
high levels of protein, starch, calcium, and thiamine (Burkill, 2014). Humans have relished its
seeds by cooking it boiled, roasted or preserved in a syrup like chestnuts. Its fruit are most
likely eaten fresh or is processed in to numerous delicacies including jam, jelly, and chutney.
The tree has also been considered to acquire medicinal properties. In 2012. Morton reported
that the Chinese considered the fruit's pulp and seeds as a stimulant. She also stated that they
also found the fruit to be useful in overcoming the influence of alcohol in the system. jack
leaf's poultices can be applied hot on bruises, blows,or wounds to reduce inflammation and
help healing (Jackfruit properties). The ash of jackfruit leaves, burned with com and coconut
shelis, is used alone or mixed with coconut oil to heal ulcers. The dried latex yields
artosterone, convertible to artosterone, a compound with marked androgenicaction (having
male hormone activity). Mixed with vinegar, the latex promotes healing of abscesses,
snakebite and glandular swellings (Swami et. al., 2014)

Based on Gamboa (2014), jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) has also been utilized for
industrial purposes. Its branches and trunk are burned for fuel wood, in the province of Cebu,
Philippines, the wood Is highly prized for making guitars, ukuleles, and other musical
Instruments. The heated latex can be used as glue for mending chinaware and pottery and as
caulking for boats and buckets. The latex contains resins that may have use in varnishes. The
latex also has bacteriolytic value comparable to that of papaya latex. Additionally. the sticky
latex is used for trapping birds (birdlime) and for insect traps. The bark contains 3.3% tannin
(Prakash et. al., 2015). Tannin is adye, which is used to give the famous orange-red color to
the robes of Buddhist priests.
According to Morton (2018), jackfruit is considered as a research worthy species because of
its huge potential use in nutrition and because of its potential ability to increase local incomes
specially when grown in agroforestry and home garden systems. It is sometimes of high value
locally and valuable when introduced to other parts of the world where it can be fairly
cultivated in suitable climates,

Based on the study of Wester (2015), several Artocarpus species provide edible and
economically valuable fruits. Jackfruit A. integer Merr.. is eaten fresh and is truly
domesticated and important in Malaysia and Indonesia. There are two other species which are
minor domesticates: A. odoratissimus Blanco from Borneo and selected wild forms from
Indonesia and Malaysia and A. rigidus Blume from the Malesian archipelago (covering
Malaysia, Indonesia and extending to Papua New Guinea), Arange of wild species of
Artocarpus fruits are gathered for fresh consumption such as A. lakoocha Roxb, which are
mainly confined to peninsular India and Nepal.

According to Swami (2016), jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) is an ancient fruit that
is widely consumed as a fresh fruit. The use of jackfruit bulbs and its parts has also been
reported since ancient times for their therapeutic qualities. The beneficial physiological
effectsmay also have preventive application in a variety of pathologies. The health benefits of
jackfruit have been attributed to its wide range of physicochemical applications. This review
presents an overview of the functional, medicinal, and physiological properties of this fruit.

Muffins are comprised of a complicated mixture of ingredients, mostly sugar with

different proportions of fat, meat, eggs, and pastry flour, which results in a spongy,
high volume structure. A soft, tender, and spongy muffin with a specific resistance to
crumble is demand from customers. A stable batter accommodates several small

bubbles of air and a muffin with suitable textural properties, such as hardness,
cohesiveness, and chewiness. (Hossain & alam 2022)

In the Philippines, agriculture is one of the primary sources of income. Different kinds
of crafts, fruits, and vegetables are planted by farmers in rural areas to supply the food
production in the urban area and in exchange, they would get a profit in it. Jackfruit is one of
the considered backyard craft by the farmers to plants sins it is harvested all-year round with
peak period during April or May (Espino, 2017).



This chapter will concrete on the detailed information about the research and design
that will be used in this study. This chapter will include the complete procedures of making
muffin using jackfruit as a new flavor. Lastly, this chapter will present the research
instrument used and also the data gathering together with the documentation of every result
of the experiment.

Research Method

This study approaches the qualitative, quantitative, exploratory, and experimental

research which is about the acceptability of jackfruit muffin. The researcher will conduct an
experiment on how to make jackfruit muffin. Using survey questionnaires free tasting and
key informal interview, the survey was conducted by providing structured questionnaires to a
number of identified respondents from the students/teacher inside the Lubang Vocational
High School Campus. The participants who asked about jackfruit muffin during the survey
randomly selected from identified respondents. The survey was aided using survey
questionnaires. Due to large number of people that may become the possible respondents, the
researchers got at least 20 respondents from the identified research locale. Respondents were
five (5) teachers and 15 students from different year level. The researchers have gathered by
giving away a structured survey questionnaire to those chosen respondents.

Flowchart of the Method

Collection of ripe jackfruits

Preparation of ingredients needed

Process/Method in baking jackfruit muffin

Collection of data/data analysis

Research Participants (sino po participants nyo?) Copy the guide from the thesis na
pinapahiram ko sa inyo.

Data Collection Instruments (Copy the guide from the thesis na pinapahiram ko sa inyo.)

Data Analysis (Copy the guide from the thesis na pinapahiram ko sa inyo.)

Pakigawa na po ang references….

Santos, et al. (2018). _____Harvester machine examples__________. Retrieved February 1,
2024 at https://hfjsdhfjhsdjfhsjh
Reyes & Garcia, (2019). ____________. Retrieved _________ at ___________
Cruz and Dela Cruz, (2020). _________. Retrieved ________ at ____________
Ha & Jang, (2010). _________. Retrieved ________ at ____________
Tresfom & Birch, (2011). _________. Retrieved ________ at ____________

Kotler & Keller, (2009). _________. Retrieved ________ at ____________

Kotler et al., (2010). _________. Retrieved ________ at ____________
Sudari et al., (2019). _________. Retrieved ________ at ____________
Bateson & Hoffman, (2010). _________. Retrieved ________ at ____________


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