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Idioma Extranjero III v1

Nombre completo: Vazquez Sanabria Guadalupe Maira

Matrícula: 21013379

Nombre del Módulo: Idioma Extranjero III v1

Nombre de la Unidad: Assignment 6 Text

Nombre del asesor: Ana Luz Ruiz Tapia

Fecha de entrega: 24/Enero/2024

HERE ISN`T A COVER PAGE (PORTADA): la portada es la primera hoja de una tarea o trabajo, es la
presentación de este y no lleva nada de la actividad, si lleva los datos, pero ni instrucciones ni la
actividad. Puedes darle una decoración como tú quieras para que se vea más presentable tu
Word document

To be evaluated in this unit it a Word document has to be created (Word/Word pad/Open
Office) with at least 14 sentences, as well as FOUR paragraph original compositions (all of
them using comparisons). This assignment is divided into two parts and to work out these
two, it is necessary to revise both virtual classes from unit 3 English III course.

Part 0 (zero)
First of all, prepare a cover page with UVEG logo and all your data (Municipality, date, career,
student's full name, student's ID number, and subject).

Part 1
Read the stem on the left side in the table then provide a creative answer with a logical
meaning on the right side of the



1.- I'm going to my friend's party if... I do not have to go to work

Lets go to the fair, no es first conditional

2.- If I have time tomorrow, ...
if I have time tomorrow we will dance

3.- My friend Caty won't pass her driving test if... She doesn't take driving lessons

4.- I can enter the platform if... If there is internet at home

__we will prepare dinner if you go to the

5.- We can prepare diner if ... super fas__ go to the super fast
6.- She can get a promotion and a better salary if... If you arrive early every day

7.- The company was almost in bankruptcy, it can continue

If products improve
operating only if...



If they have my size

1.- I'd buy new jeans if...
I bought new jeans to have my size.

2.- if there were good music on the radio tonight, ... I would stay up all night singing

3.- My bedroom would be nicer if... I had more space to make a closet

4.- if my family had more money... we could start a great business

5.- I'd feel happier if... if I could finish my degree

6.- If I saw a car accident, I would have to be in the hospital

yes I wouldn't (didn`t) have so much

7.- I could invite my friends to my home if... homework

I wouldn't have so much homework

Part 2
In this section there are FOUR scenarios you have to respond all FOUR scenarios, you can
combine different conjugations, present future, past, present perfect, etc, however there have
to be at least with at least 5 conditional sentences (affirmative, negative or even interrogative),
in each paragraph you compose there should be no less than 50 words, and
the most important is your creativity and originality to respond to each scenario.

SCENARIO 1 A marketing strategy.-

If you were a Marketing Manager for a National Corporation and if you were given 20,000 USD
for a marketing campaign; consider that would have to use all that money to promote the
product (or service) of the company you work for, please, mention at least three ways to spend
that money. (Do not forget to use auxiliaries would/could/might)

Your paragraph goes here

With the money I can do the following digital marketing trying to position the
corporate in the clients' preference, with which I would have the opportunity to
make myself known at a national level and I c It would also implement promotions
and prizes in order to encourage customers to consume the products or services,
another way would be to pay for advertising on television and radio, promoting
preferential customer cards, these would have benefits such as discounts etc. And
finally, organize events to launch new products that help the company have more
ould position myself the corporation among the most recognized companies in the

SCENARIO 2 Being a congressman / congresswoman

If you were elected congressman / congresswoman in Mexico Republic, what would you do
to...? a) improve economy
b) increase quality of Mexicans life
c) decrease delinquency

Your paragraph goes here

1. It would carry out a plan to promote investment in Mexico, but with the slogan of
offering a good salary to workers, which would gradually improve the quality of life
of citizens, in turn, it would propose laws to establish a decent average salary, for
any company or who wishes to invest in Mexico, and would avoid tax forgiveness
for large companies, as this will allow for a large part of the plans to increase the
quality of life of Mexicans.
2. Encourage academic preparation in the population or, failing that, training in
trades or professions through scholarships and support, these would also be
granted to job-creating entrepreneurs. It would also carry out a thorough review of
the supposed supports for the worker, such as housing loans, which instead of
supporting society and workers put them in debt for a long time due to high interest
3. To reduce crime, as we have already mentioned, it is necessary to support the
economy and create jobs, in addition to the fact that more severe laws could be
established for criminals who commit serious crimes.
SCENARIO 3 Owner of a TV Network
If you were the president of a TV Network for instance (Televisa / CNN / OnceTV / ESPN /
Azteca /...)
a) What would you do to increase Culture in Mexico population?
b) What programs, series, movies or TV commercials would you eliminate in order to diminish

Your paragraph goes here

1. I would create content that seeks to motivate the population to be better

educated and not only in conventional topics, but also in the way of having a more
prosperous country, mainly economically and financially, that generates a better
social culture for all. . and eliminate programs that incite violence and negative
social thoughts, it would only leave the series that in many cases if they preserve
topics that contribute to knowing more about our healthy and thinking culture and
entertainment, they also promote the veracity of the news and information
disclosed. . Provide a free space for relevant information for each state.
2. I would like to eliminate all programs, movies, series and commercials that
generate negative influence on society, such as violent and explicit content, that
teach society that negative actions create power or wealth, creating a false
expectation in society (such as programs where drug trafficking, murders, scams
and robberies are seen as something good or natural), also where rights and
guarantees of people are violated, news programs and programs that disseminate
information without truth or that support political figures in particular.

SCENARIO 4 Being an HR Manager under pressure

If you were the Human Resources Manager at a big company (5,000 employees in Mexico)
and if you were notified that there is an imminent company downsizing, so you have to come
up with a plan for cost reduction. What strategies would you suggest to the executives of the
corporation (you may consider to include a workforce layoff)?

Your paragraph goes here

I would seek strategies with the different departments of the company and
supervise the activities carried out by each area so that we can make the best
decisions for the good of the company and the employees. He would propose to
reduce his travel expenses, cut some benefits and overtime, he would also conduct
a survey to verify those employees with lower job performance to see the reasons
for their low performance and to be able to provide them with training courses.

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