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Daily News

June 1/2006.

Armenia wins
and flies away
t was a beautiful round with The greatest step forward was made by
three top matches offering some Czech Republic who cashed 3,5 points again-
spectacular games. st Slovenia. Cuba and India played 2:2, as did
Armenia won again, this time Croatia and Greece. Uzbekistan won again-
against China who dared to ap- st Germany 2,5:1,5. Georgia, Azerbaijan,
proach them on a threatening one point di- Hungary and Netherlands won 3:1 against
stance. However, this match didn’t start well respectively Turkey, Norway, Slovakia and
for the winners. After two hours of play they Indonesia and are again close to the top.
didn’t have any promising position and Ako- Italian teams were rather successfull. «A»
pian seemed to be in trouble. Zhang Zhong team won 3:1 against Kyrgystan, «B» team
went for a mating combination and won a defeated Luxembourg wit 2,5:1,5, only «C»
piece, but was suddenly faced with a chain of suffered a catastrophy against Morocco. It
passed pawns. Surprisingly he lost a thread, was 0:4!
was obliged to give back a piece, then to give The standing on the top is now: Armenia
another one for remaining passed pawn and 29,0, China 27,0, Russia and Czech Republic
finally lost. Other three games ended in a 26,5, France 26,0, USA 25,5, Uzbekistan and
draw, but Aronian was two pawn ahead in Cuba 25,0, Ukraine, India, Israel, Romania,
an endgame with rook and opposite colour Georgia, Hungary, Azerbaijan and Denmark
bishops which he didn’t manage to win. The 24,5 and so on.
odds on their final win are dropping down Top pairings for round 11 are: Armenia-
each day on Betson on line. Tomorrow they Czech Republic, China-France, USA-Rus-
will be under 1,0, I’m sure. sia, Uzbekistan-Cuba, Romania-Georgia,
Azerbaijan-Ukraine, Hungary-Denmark
and India-Israel. Tomorrow we shall wit-
ness another Italian derby. It will be Italy “A”
against Italy “B”, this time.
By women Ukraine and Russia continue
their lonely run for gold increasing the gap
after each round. Now they are already al-

most a whole match ahead of their escort.
Yesterday their victims were Georgia and
Bulgaria. The most interesting result in these
two matches was a win of Stefanova (black)

of GM Viktor Korcnoj
against Kosteniuk. China won 2:1 against
Armenia, and France and USA finished in
the same friendly way as their colleagues
1,5:1,5, as did Croatia and Romania as well.
An important step forward was made by

Greece, they won 2,5:0,5 against Lithuania.
France and USA drew, but French players Two victories with maximum result were rand Master Vik-
missed a lot of chances in this match. The achieved by India and Poland against res- tor Korcnoj infor-
final result could have been even 3,5:0,5. pectively Mongolia and Colombia. Italia «A» ms the public and
Russia finally won convincingly (3:1) an won 2:1 against Tajikistan, but Italia «B» lost especially chess
important match thanks to the quick victory with the same result to Iceland. tourists he lost
of Svidler against Volokitin which put them The situation on the top is now: Ukrai- two games in a row.
in a comfortable position. Ivanchuk and ne 23,0, Russia 22,5, China 20,5, Geor- He tries to explain his bad play by
Kramnik made a quick draw, Grischuk was gia 20,0, Bulgaria, Greece and India 19,5, exaggerated interest of the public to
better against Karjakin but without final Romania,USA, Armenia, France and Slove- his person. He has an opportunity
punch. At the end it was Bareev to sco- nia 19,0 and so on. Top pairings for round to announce that from now on he is
re another full point for Russia after a long 11 are: Bulgaria-Ukraine, Georgia-Russia, not going to give any autographs to
battle in the endgame. It seems now that it China-Greece, India-Romania, USA-Slove- anybody, to give interviews and he
wasn’t just a symbolic gesture when, during nia and France-Armenia. does not allow to take photos of him
the opening ceremony, Ukrainian team gave Do I have to remind You which team won to anybody, including arbiters, who
back the Hamilton-Russell trophy won in all his matches up to now? I think not. often take advantage of their ruling
Calvia. (M.Cebalo) position.
The world of arbiters 83 years ago in Turin

rbiters perform a very important task in all matches and in the 37th chess n 1923 Esteban Canal, born in 29.f4 Nf7 30.g4 and Black has a difficult po-
Olympiad the dedicated services of many senior and experienced arbiters Peru but of Venetian origin, was sition. 29.Qd2 This move is, in my opinion,
have ensured the smooth running of the tournament. living in Turin, where he was a strategic blunder, that was responsible for
In an interview with Dr. Hesham Elgendy, deputy chief arbiter, we got de- considered the leading master in all of Black’s problems in the ending. It was
tails of the arbiters work and responsibility. Piedmont. On 23 March during necessary to accept the complications offe-
“The match arbiters check the results and obtain signature from team captains and all the a tour of Italy, Alexander Alekhine played a red by 29.Ng4. Being without sufficient trai-
results are meticulously checked with score sheets. We ensure that all results are verified and blindfold simul in Turin against four groups ning and tired by the vicissitudes of the day, I
we have an excellent system in place . The results are then given to the Pairing Committee. of strong amateurs, winning all games after wasn’t willing to overload my brain with too
The arbiters organization in Olympiad includes a chief arbiter, Geurt Gijssen, and two deputy four hours of play. many complicated variations. It was already
chief arbiters, myself and Franca Dapiran, deputy arbiter for women’s Olympiad. There is a That evening the great Russian Master clear that this lively game would last longer.
team of about 120 arbiters and I am also in the Arbiters Committee for tournament rules and was opposed to Canal. A large group of ches- 29...Kg8 30.Bxg5 hxg5 31.Re4 Rf4 32.Rfe1
regulations. I started as senior arbiter in Elista Olympiad and at Istanbul I was deputy arbiter. splayers prepared to watch in a special hall, Ref8 33.Nf1 g4 34.Rxf4 Rxf4 35.hxg4 Bxg4
I am happy to say that playing conditions are ideal and we have had the best of equipments near the room where the game was played at 36.Nh2 Of course 36.fxg4 is not possible,
as well. We also need some program to update the players about the rules & regulations and the “Caffè Nazionale”. because with 36...Qh6+ I will have lost the
the latest developments. I have translated 3 times the FIDE rules in Arabic which have been Five past nine in the evening and you can Queen. 36...Bd7 37.Kg1 Rh4 38.Nf1 Bb5
distributed to the Arab world.” hear a pin drop. Alekhine picks up two pawns 39.Kf2 e4 40.fxe4 Rxe4 41.Rxe4 Qxe4
of different colour: master Canal obtains 42.Ne3 Bd3 43.Qd1 Qh4+ 44.Kg1 Be4
White and makes the first move: an Italian 45.Qe2 Qg5 46.Qf2 Bxd5 47.Nxd5 Qxd5
Game. The Pd5 has fallen. I decided to sacrifice the
pawn instead of trying to defend it with c3-
Canal - Alekhine (Turin, 23 and 24 Mar- c4, because my pawns would have been too
ch 1923). Notes by Esteban Canal badly exposed, with an ending very difficult
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.c3 Qe7 to defend. Specially because it would have
5.OO Nf6 Better than 5...d7-d6. 6.d4 Bb6 been impossible to keep the Black queen off
7.Qd3 d6 If 7...d5 8.Bxd5 Nxd5 9.exd5 e4 d4 which would have put me in real trou-
10.Qb5 etc .with a variation that seems ble. 48.Qe2 Qe5 49.Qg4 Qe3+ 50.Kh1 Kh7
better for White. 8.Be3 OO 9.Nbd2 Kh8 51.Qf5+ Kh6 52.Qd7 Qe1+ 53.Kh2 Qe5+
10.Rae1 Ng4 11.Bg5 Here it was possible to 54.Kh1 g5!! If now 55.Qb7 g4 with a lost
play 11.h3 Nxe3 12.fxe3 f5 13.exf5 Bxf5 etc. ending for White. 55.Qc8 Qe1+ 56.Kh2
with an unassuming but balanced variation. Qe7 57.Qg8 57...b5 58.Qh8+ Kg6 59.Qg8+
I preferred to complicate, trying to obtain Kf5 60.Qc8+ Kf4 61.Qh3 Qe3 62.g3+ Ke5
more interesting possibilities. 11...f6 12.Bh4 63.Qh8+ Ke4 64.Qh7+ Kf3 65.Qxb7+
Nd8 13.h3 Nh6 14.Nh2 Ne6 15.Bxe6 Bxe6 Kf2 66.Qg2+ Ke1 67.Qh1+ Ke2 68.Qc6
16.Nc4 Qf7 17.Nxb6 axb6 18.d5 Bd7 19.a3 Qxf3+?? Now the grand master blunders.
Qh5 20.Bg3 f5 Black begins a cautious attack Better was 68...g4 with great possibilities for
on White’s kingside. The push f5-f4 seems to Black. 69.Qxf3 Kxf3 70.c4! bxc4 71.a4 Ke4
promise an interesting block, but without 72.Kh3! But not 72.a5 with a lost ending.
obtaining anything, because it will be easy 72...Ke5! The only way to obtain a draw.

Chess in Czech Rep.

for White to develop his pieces and he will 73.a5 Kd5 74.Kg4 Kc6 75.Kxg5 Kb5 76.Kf4
be absolutely safe on this side of the board, Kxa5 77.Ke4 Kb4 78.g4 c3 79.bxc3+ Kxc3
putting his Rooks on the second rank, with 80.g5 d5+ 81.Ke5?? To explain this illusion
the possibility, certainly with advantage, of it is necessary to remember the conditions
taking the initiative on the Queenside, with the game was played in. The game, begun in

the help of well sustained Rooks, able to the Caffè Nazionale, was adjourned at 2 a.m.
We have lots of chess activity in our country” said Grandmaster David Navara, play a double role in attack and in defence. and was resumed at the Fioramonti Hotel,
top board of the Czech team at the chess Olympiad . 21.f3 Rf6 22.Bf2 Nf7 Black now has some where grand master Alekhine was lodged, at
“The most famous czech open, which attract 2000 chess players, is held in attacking problems: pushing pawns on the 2.45. At 6 a.m. (it was already sunrise) I was
Prague and is the biggest Swiss open chess tournament of the world. We have Kingside against White’s castled King is very already sure that it was impossible to change
many strong juniors and we need higher category tournaments for the elite dangerous. But with his inexhaustible imagi- the result, the game being draw by force, and
players. Mr. Pavel Matocha is my manager and he is working to bring bigger events to nation he tries to conquer the e3 square for I suddenly fell asleep. I played 81.Ke5 being
Czech. He also organized my matches against top players like Karpov, Korchnoi, Alexey his Knight that, after moving his Ra8 to e8 or sure I had played 81.Kxd5. My opponent’s
Shirov andf perhaps with Boris Gelfand in August. There are 19 grandmasters and 61 in- f8, will give him a very good position. 23.Qc4 astonishment brought me back to reality.
ternational masters and 179 rated players: this is quite a good achievement with a popu- fxe4 24.Rxe4 White’s last two moves frustra- Too late: the game now was absolutely lost.
lation of 10 million. Though we are missing some of our top players, we are satisfied with te Black’s plan: to carry through his attack he 81...d4 82.g6 d3 83.g7 d2 84.g8Q d1Q With
our result so far, but the final three rounds are most important and we need a good finish. had to sacrifice his b6 pawn. In any case the about another fifteen moves, that we didn’t
We have many league matches between clubs on 8 boards and they are played in 11 rounds occupation of e4 with the Rook, has stren- sign, and after half an hour’s play against
and played all the year. gthened White’s King’s position, so Black had sleepiness, we reached more than one hun-
We are hoping to attain greater heights in world arena and presently we are 20th in coun- to change his plans. 24...Ng5 25.Rh4 Qg6 dred moves. Then, it being impossible to
try rankings. There is a big chess tradition in the country and in 1982 we were runnerup and 26.Kh1 c5 27.Qe2 Re8 A new charge, me- stop the promotion of the “c” pawn, I was
it was a exceptional result.” nacing a central attack. 28.Be3 h6 If 28...e4 forced to resign this nine hour long game.
Game of the day ded to react after an eventual pawn
grabbing: 16...Nxc3 17.bxc3 Bxa4 ?
Was it 18.Nxf7 his idea? (Or it was
just a rook manoeuvre to g3 with
very strong bishops.] 21.Bxb4 Re8
[21...Bxc4 22.Nxc4 Ned5 23.Bxf8
Rxc4 24.Ba3] 22.Qd2 Qb6 23.Bxe7
Bxc4 24.Rd6 [24.Rde3! was even
good attacking prospects? 18.Rd3 stronger winning material in all lines:
Navara David (2658) gerous: 14.Bxh6 Rc8 15.Bb3 gxh6 ) 18...Bxd1 19.Qxe6 Qc8 20.Ne5+ 24...Rxe7 (24...Nh7 25.Nxc4 Rxc4
Svidler Peter (2743) 16.Qxh6 Nh7 17.Re5 f5 18.Rxe6 Qxe6 21.Bxe6+ Kh7 22.Bf5+ Kg8 26.Bc5) 25.Nxc4 Rxe3 26.Nxb6
Bxe6 19.Bxe6+ Kh8 20.Bxc8 Rf6 23.Be6+ and draw by repetition. ] Rxe1+ 27.Qxe1 axb6] 24...Qc7
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 21.Qh5 Qxc8 22.Re1 Bf8 23.Ne5 17.Rd3 Ne7 with the idea to meet 25.Bxf6 gxf6 26.Rd7 Rcd8 27.Rd1
dxc4 5.a4 e6 One more example of Kg8 24.Qd1 Ng5 25.Qb3+ Kg7 18.Rg3 with Nf5. 18.Bd2 Rc8 Rxd7 28.Nxd7 Kg7 29.Qc3 [Slightly
pychology in chess. Black willingly 26.h4 Nf7 27.Ne2 Nxe5 28.dxe5 more accurate was 29.Qd4 with a
closes Bc8 avoiding Slav systems. Rc6 29.Nf4 Be7 30.Qg3+ Kh7 possibility of check on g4, but it’s
His idea will be clear after the next 31.Qf3 Qe8 32.g3 Qf7 33.e6 Qf6 easy to understand that White wants
move. 6.e3 Most frequently played 34.Qh5+ Kg8 35.Qe8+ Qf8 36.Qg6+ to keep an extra eye on e1: 29...Re6
and probably the best. However, Qg7 37.Qxf5 Rc5 38.Qe4 Nc6 (or 29...Qc6 30.Qg4+ Kh7 31.Nxf6+
White can also push this pawn a bit 39.Nd5 Qxb2 40.Qf5 Rc1 41.Nxe7+ Qxf6 32.Qxc4) 30.Qg4+ (30.Nc5
more [6.e4 Bb4 7.Bg5 c5 So we en- 1–0 Radjabov,T-Svidler,P/Linares Re5 31.b4 Be6) 30...Kh8 31.h3 Bb3
ter the Vienna variation of Queens (Spain) 2006.] 12.Qe2 [12.Rc1 Rc8 (or 31...Be2 with the same answer)
Gambit with an extra tempo for 13.Ba2 Nb4 14.Bb1 Bc6 15.Ne5 g6 32.Qb4 Bxd1 33.Qf8+ Kh7 34.Qxf7+
White, since Black has pushed his 16.h4 Nbd5 17.Qd2 Nxc3 18.Rxc3 Kh8 35.Qxe6 and White should
c pawn to c5 in two moves instead Qd5 19.Rg3 Rfd8 20.Rf3 Be8?? be winning.] 29...Qf4? [More resi-
of one. What’s the point then? Well, Not very surprising blunder for blin- stant was 29...Qc6 e.g: 30.h3 Bd5
this White’s extra move Pa2 to a4 dfold chess. 21.Bxf6 Bxf6 22.Rxf6 (or 30...Rd8 31.Qg3+ Kh8 32.Rd6)
looses the control over b4 square and Black was a piece down in Van 31.Qg3+ Kh8 32.Nxf6 Qxf6 33.Rxd5
which means that it is actually in Wely,L-Kramnik,V/Monte Carlo (blin- Qxb2 34.Rd7 with a clear advanta-
Black’s favour! Now You see how dfold) MNC 2005. (1–0,41 moves).] 19.d5! Suddenly this weak fel- ge to White.] 30.g3 After this sim-
deep this game can be! Here You 12...h6 Now when White declared low got a chance to demonstrate ple move the game is over. Black
have one example of a kind where himself with the queen this move his power. This is exactly a kind looses material. 30...Qg4 31.Qxf6+
Your’s truly was involved, unfortuna- is playable. [12...Re8 13.Rad1 Nd5 of move which Black shouldn’t al- Kg8 32.Qd6 Threatening check to
tely as a loosing side. 8.Bxc4 cxd4 14.Bxd5 exd5 15.Bxe7 Rxe7 16.Ne5 low. 19...exd5 20.Nxd5 Bxd5?! the whole black family! 32...Re6 The
9.Nxd4 Qa5 10.Bxf6 gxf6 11.0–0 Nb4 17.Qd2 ½–½ Ehlvest,J-Moro- [Somewhat better was 20...Nexd5 only move. 33.Qf8+ Kh7 34.Qxf7+
Nc6 12.Ncb5 Bd7 13.Nb3 Qd8 vic Fernandez,I/Mallorca 2004/CBM 21.Bxb4 Re8 (21...Nf4 doesn’t work Kh8 35.Qf8+ Kh7 36.Rc1 Qd4
14.Qh5 a6 15.N5d4 Nxd4 16.Nxd4 104 no vc (17)] 13.Bf4 Nb4 Since because of 22.Bxf7+ Kh7 (22...Kh8 37.Qc5 Offering a hopeless endga-
Qa5 17.Nf5 Qe5 18.Ng7+ Ke7 what we have here is a typical IQP 23.Ng6+) 23.Bg6+ Kg8 24.Qe3 Nxd3 me. 37...Re4 38.Qf5+ Kg7 39.Nf6
19.Nf5+ Ke8 20.Rad1 Refusing to (for non-experts isolated queen’s 25.Nxd3 and White wins back the Re2 40.Rxc4 [40.Rxc4 and Black
repeat the position and take a draw. pawn) position, it’s the right moment exchange with some interests: 25... stopped the clock in view of mate
I used to be really overambitious. to say something about the plans Qd5 26.Nf4) 22.Qd2 Qc7 23.Ba5 in five moves: 40...Qxc4 41.Nh5+
20...Rf8 21.Ng7+ Ke7 22.Qe2 Bxa4 for both sides. An isolated pawn is b6 24.Bc3 Rcd8 25.b3 Bb7 26.Bb2 Kg8 42.Qg6+ Kf8 43.Qg7+ Ke8
23.Rd3 Rg8 24.Nh5 Rad8 25.Ng3 a positional weakness by definition, although even here White has a 44.Nf6+ Kd8 45.Qd7# mate.1–0
Rxd3 26.Bxd3 Rd8 27.Rc1 Bc6 but it contains a certain portion of promising advantage thanks to his (M. Cebalo)
28.Bxa6 Rd2 29.Qc4 Qxb2 30.Nf1 dynamic potential if it’s possible
Rxf2 31.Bxb7 Rxg2+ 32.Kh1 Bd6 to push it forward. Since this was
0–1 Cebalo,M-Arbakov,V/Martigny already threatening in our position,
1993] 6...c5 Again the same move Black hastens with knight manoeu-
and the same idea. Here Black en- vre in order to take under control the
ters in Queen’s Gambit Accepted, square in front of it (d5). Now we un-
again with tempo down and with derstand better the importance of b4
the same motives already explained square as well. 14.Ne5 Another good
in previous comment. 7.Bxc4 Nc6 thing about isolated pawn is that it
8.0–0 cxd4 [8...Be7 gives White a offers two ideal outposts (e5,c5) for
possibility to enter in a slightly bet- other white pieces and especially
ter endgame where Black is obliged knights. 14...Bc6 This allows a the-
to make a douzen of most accurate matical sacrifice on f7 which should
moves to mantain the balance, e.g: be seriously considered. Let’s see:
9.dxc5 Qxd1 10.Rxd1 Bxc5 11.h3 15.Rad1 [15.Nxf7 Rxf7 16.Bxe6 (16.
Bb4 12.Na2 Be7 13.Bd2 0–0 14.b4 Qxe6 Nbd5) 16...Nbd5 17.Be5 Nxc3
a6 15.b5 axb5 16.axb5 Nb8 17.Nc3 this is a concession which improves
Rxa1 18.Rxa1 Nbd7 19.Na4 Ne4 White’s pawn structure, but it is pro-
20.Ba5 Nec5 21.Nxc5 Nxc5 22.Bc7 bably necessary to exchange some
Bd7 23.Ne5 Rc8 24.b6 Be8 25.Nd3 pieces and eliminate the tension.
Nxd3 26.Bxd3 Bd8 27.Bxd8 Rxd8 18.bxc3 Bd5 19.Bxf7+ Bxf7 it is not
28.Be4 Rd6 29.Rb1 Bc6 30.Rc1 easy to assess this position, but it
Be8 31.Rb1 Bc6 32.Rc1 Be8 ½–½ seems that White should be better
Bacrot,E-Izoria,Z/Corsica (Fran- even materially speaking, having Mr. Agostino Scalfi (the last on the right), Fide Executive Bord Officer and a well known
ce) 2005.] 9.exd4 Be7 10.Bg5 0–0 rook and two pawns against two pie- organizer of chess tournaments in Aosta Valley, would like to announce two major events which
11.Re1 Bd7 More cautious than ces.] 15...Nbd5 16.Bc1 Both sides he will organize this autumn.
[11...h6 12.Bf4 Nb4 13.Qd2 Bd7 have completed their development The first one is WORLD SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP (over 60) from September 11 to 22 in
which allowed White to sacrifice and a complicated middlegame be- Arvier (Aosta) and the second one is 14th INTERNATIONAL OPEN Val d’AOSTA which will
on h6 which seems to be very dan- gins. 16...Bb4 [How White inten- take place in Saint-Vincent (Aosta) from September 30 to October 8.


From today it is possible to book at a special
..................................... Official Sponsor

price (€ 19.90) in the “Due Torri” stand the

special edition of the event DVD.
The Turin Olympiad DVD contains film
recordings by the organizing committe
private service, pictures of chessplayers,
olympic village, the city of Turin, interviews,
a selection of the best games with the
comments of Yasser Seirawan, and
a database with all the games of the men and
women tournament.
Men’s section
4 IM Petrik Tomas ½:½ GM Ruck Robert
10.15 45 Indonesia 1-3 8 Netherlands
1 GM Adianto Utut 0:1 GM Sokolov Ivan

Round 10 on 2006/05/31 2
Megaranto Susanto
Irwanto Sadikin
Van Wely Loek
Van Den Doel Erik
4 FM Wahono Awam 0:1 GM L’ami Erwin
10.16 10 Bulgaria 1½ - 2½ 37 Vietnam
10.1 3 Armenia 2½ - 1½ 12 China 1 GM Georgiev Kiril ½:½ GM Dao Thien Hai
1 GM Aronian Levon ½:½ GM Bu Xiangzhi 2 GM Cheparinov Ivan ½:½ GM Nguyen Anh Dung
2 GM Akopian Vladimir 1:0 GM Zhang Zhong 3 GM Delchev Aleksander 0:1 GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son
3 GM Asrian Karen ½:½ GM Wang Yue 4 IM Iotov Valentin ½:½ IM Le Quang Liem
4 GM Sargissian Gabriel ½:½ GM Ni Hua 10.17 19 Belarus 2½ - 1½ 13 England
10.2 5 France 2-2 7 USA 1 GM Aleksandrov Aleksej ½:½ GM Adams Michael
1 GM Bacrot Etienne 1:0 GM Kamsky Gata 2 GM Fedorov Alexei ½:½ GM Short Nigel
2 GM Lautier Joel ½:½ GM Onischuk Alexander 3 GM Azarov Sergei 1:0 GM Gormally Daniel
3 GM Fressinet Laurent ½:½ GM Nakamura Hikaru 4 GM Zhigalko Andrey ½:½ GM Pert Nicholas
4 GM Bauer Christian 0:1 GM Ibragimov Ildar 10.18 26 Brazil 1-3 21 Poland
10.3 4 Ukraine 1-3 1 Russia 1 GM Milos Junior Gilberto 0:1 GM Socko Bartosz
1 GM Ivanchuk Vasyl ½:½ GM Kramnik Vladimir 2 GM Leitao Rafael ½:½ GM Macieja Bartlomiej
2 GM Volokytin Andrei 0:1 GM Svidler Peter 3 GM Sunye Neto Jaime ½:½ GM Bartel Mateusz
3 GM Karjakin Sergey ½:½ GM Grischuk Alexander 4 GM Lima Darcy 0:1 GM Wojtaszek Radoslaw
4 GM Efimenko Zahar 0:1 GM Bareev Evgeny 10.19 11 Spain 3½ - ½ 44 Bangladesh
10.4 20 Czech Republic 3½ - ½ 32 Slovenia 1 GM Shirov Alexei ½:½ GM Rahman Ziaur
1 GM Navara David 1:0 GM Beliavsky Alexander 2 GM Illescas Cordoba Miguel 1:0 IM Mollah Abdullah Al-Rakib
2 GM Babula Vlastimil ½:½ GM Pavasovic Dusko 3 GM San Segundo Carrillo Pablo 1:0 IM Reefat Bin-Sattar
3 GM Kalod Radek 1:0 GM Sermek Drazen 4 GM Narciso Dublan Marc 1:0 FM Abu Sufian Shakil
4 IM Cvek Robert 1:0 IM Borisek Jure 10.20 35 Philippines 3½ - ½ 83 Malaysia
10.5 18 Cuba 2-2 2 India 1 GM Paragua Mark 1:0 IM Mas Hafizulhelmi
1 GM Bruzon Batista Lazaro ½:½ GM Anand Viswanathan 2 GM Torre Eugene ½:½ FM Lim Yee Weng
2 GM Dominguez Perez Leinier ½:½ GM Sasikiran Krishnan 3 GM Antonio Rogelio 1:0 Chuah Jin Hai Jonathan
3 GM Nogueira Santiago Jesus ½:½ GM Harikrishna P 4 FM Dimakiling Oliver 1:0 FM Anas Nazreen Bakri
4 GM Arencibia Rodriguez Walter ½:½ GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar 10.21 33 Serbia & Montenegro 3-1 75 Venezuela
10.6 30 Uzbekistan 2½ - 1½ 14 Germany 1 GM Markus Robert ½:½ IM Iturrizaga Eduardo
1 GM Kasimdzhanov Rustam ½:½ GM Naiditsch Arkadij 2 GM Kosic Dragan 1:0 FM Soto Oliver
2 GM Barsov Aleksey ½:½ GM Gustafsson Jan 3 GM Savic Miodrag R 1:0 FM Hernandez Alexander
3 GM Gareyev Timur 1:0 GM Luther Thomas 4 IM Popovic Dusan ½:½ Semerene Dumit
4 IM Filippov Anton ½:½ GM Lutz Christopher 10.22 41 FYROM 2-2 40 Bosnia Herzegovina
10.7 43 Italy A 3-1 82 Kyrgystan 1 GM Mitkov Nikola ½:½ GM Kurajica Bojan
1 GM Godena Michele ½:½ GM Yurtaev Leonid 2 GM Georgiev Vladimir ½:½ GM Predojevic Borki
2 IM Bellini Fabio 1:0 Shukuraliev Algis 3 GM Nedev Trajko ½:½ IM Saric Ibro
3 IM D’Amore Carlo ½:½ Samakov Nurdin 4 IM Kizov Atanas ½:½ IM Boric Muhamed
4 IM Arlandi Ennio 1:0 FM Tologontegin Semetey 10.23 56 Egypt 0-4 15 Romania
10.8 25 Denmark 2½ - 1½ 23 Moldova 1 GM Adly Ahmed 0:1 GM Nisipeanu Liviu Dieter
1 GM Nielsen Peter Heine ½:½ GM Bologan Viktor 2 IM Ezat Mohamed 0:1 GM Istratescu Andrei
2 GM Hansen Sune Berg 1:0 GM Iordachescu Viorel 3 IM Sarwat Walaa 0:1 GM Nevednichy Vladislav
3 GM Palo Davor ½:½ GM Svetushkin Dmitry 4 IM Frhat Ali 0:1 GM Vajda Levente
4 GM Schandorff Lars ½:½ GM Sanduleac Vasile 10.24 64 Paraguay ½ - 3½ 46 Estonia
10.9 28 Croatia 2-2 22 Greece 1 IM Cubas Jose Fernando 0:1 GM Kulaots Kaido
1 GM Kozul Zdenko 1:0 GM Kotronias Vasilios 2 IM Bachmann Axel ½:½ IM Kanep Meelis
2 GM Palac Mladen ½:½ GM Papaioannou Ioannis 3 Latorre Manuel 0:1 IM Sepp Olav
3 GM Dizdar Goran 0:1 GM Banikas Hristos 4 FM Sosa Harrison Jorge 0:1 IM Seeman Tarvo
4 GM Cvitan Ognjen ½:½ GM Mastrovasilis Dimitrios 10.25 55 Mexico 1½ - 2½ 38 Argentina
10.10 31 Sweden 1½ - 2½ 6 Israel 1 GM Gonzalez Zamora Juan Carlos ½:½ GM Ricardi Pablo
1 GM Agrest Evgenij ½:½ GM Gelfand Boris 2 IM Gonzalez Garcia Jose ½:½ IM Flores Diego
2 GM Hellsten Johan 0:1 GM Smirin Ilia 3 IM Escobedo Tinajero Alberto 0:1 GM Zarnicki Pablo
3 GM Hillarp-Persson Tiger 0:1 GM Sutovsky Emil 4 FM Dominguez Aguilar Guillermo ½:½ IM Valerga Diego
4 IM Carlsson Pontus 1:0 GM Avrukh Boris 10.26 27 Iceland 3-1 73 Kazakhstan
10.11 17 Georgia 3-1 34 Turkey 1 GM Hjartarson Johann ½:½ Kozlov Roman
1 GM Jobava Baadur 1:0 GM Gurevich Mikhail 2 GM Olafsson Helgi ½:½ IM Kuderinov Kirill
2 GM Pantsulaia Levan 1:0 GM Atalik Suat 3 GM Danielsen Henrik 1:0 IM Ismagambetov An
3 GM Kacheishvili Giorgi 1:0 IM Atakisi Umut 4 GM Thorhallsson Throstur 1:0 Issabayev D
4 GM Arutinian David 0:1 IM Esen Baris 10.27 59 Ecuador ½ - 3½ 29 Switzerland
10.12 51 Iran 2½ - 1½ 62 Colombia 1 GM Matamoros Franco Carlos ½:½ GM Pelletier Yannick
1 GM Ghaemmaghami Ehsan 1:0 GM Garcia Gildardo 2 IM Mieles Palau Daniel 0:1 GM Gallagher Joseph
2 IM Mahjoob Zardast Morteza ½:½ IM Cuartas Jaime Alexander 3 Medina Miguel 0:1 GM Jenni Florian
3 GM Moradiabadi Elshan 1:0 IM Escobar Forero Alder 4 Guerra Tulcan Lenin 0:1 IM Forster Richard
4 FM Darbanvaighani Mortaza 0:1 FM Barrientos Sergio 10.28 50 Australia 1½ - 2½ 49 Scotland
10.13 24 Norway 1-3 9 Azerbaijan 1 GM Rogers Ian ½:½ GM Rowson Jonathan
1 GM Carlsen Magnus ½:½ GM Radjabov Teimour 2 IM Zhao Zong-Yuan 0:1 GM McNab Colin
2 GM Agdestein Simen 0:1 GM Gashimov Vugar 3 IM Wohl Aleksandar 1:0 IM Shaw John Kerr
3 GM Johannessen Leif Erlend ½:½ GM Guseinov Gadir 4 Speck Nick 0:1 IM Aagaard Jacob
4 GM Lie Kjetil A. 0:1 GM Mamedov Rauf 10.29 66 Peru 3-1 48 Portugal
10.14 36 Slovakia 1-3 16 Hungary 1 GM Granda Julio 1:0 GM Galego Luis
1 GM Ftacnik Lubomir ½:½ GM Gyimesi Zoltan 2 IM Cordova Emilio 1:0 IM Fernando Diogo
2 GM Stohl Igor 0:1 GM Berkes Ferenc 3 FM Pacheco Marco ½:½ IM Damaso Rui
3 IM Markos Jan 0:1 GM Balogh Csaba 4 FM Cruz Cristhian ½:½ FM Dias Paulo
10.30 39 Lithuania 2½ - 1½ 84 Syria 10.45 94 Yemen ½ - 3½ 88 Dominican Republic
1 GM Rozentalis Eduardas 1:0 Hamad Ahmad 1 Al- Harazi Khaled Saleh Yahya 0:1 IM Mateo Ramon
2 GM Kveinys Aloyzas ½:½ FM Mohamed Samir 2 Algadi Sabri 0:1 FM Munoz Lisandro
3 GM Malisauskas Vidmantas ½:½ IM Hakki Imad 3 FM Mufleh Fuad Ahmed Mohammed ½:½ IM Hernandez Gustavo
4 IM Zagorskis Darius ½:½ FM Omearat Adel 4 FM Al-Hadhrani Hatem Ebrahim Ahmed 0:1 Mazara Adan
10.31 79 New Zealand 1½ - 2½ 54 Ireland 10.46 77 Bolivia 2-2 89 Iraq
1 IM Garbett Paul 0:1 GM Baburin Alexander 1 IM Zambrana Oswaldo 0:1 FM Atia A Jomah
2 FM Nokes Roger 0:1 IM Collins Sam 2 FM Berrocal Jorge ½:½ IM A.jawad Ahmed
3 IM Dive Russell 1:0 FM Daly Colm 3 IM Cueto Jhony 1:0 S. Mohommed Zozik
4 Steadman Michael ½:½ IM Heidenfeld Mark 4 Ferrufino Boris ½:½ Laith Ali
10.32 70 Italy B 2½ - 1½ 63 Luxembourg 10.47 96 Thailand 2½ - 1½ 121 Japan
1 FM Ronchetti Niccolo ½:½ GM David Alberto 1 Thamthawatworn Thaweechai ½:½ Nanjo Ryosuke
2 FM Brunello Sabino 1:0 IM Bakalarz Mieczyslaw 2 Teerapabpaisit Wisuwat 0:1 Kojima Shinya
3 FM Cacco Christian 0:1 IM Berend Fred 3 FM Saeheng Boonsueb 1:0 Iwasaki Yudai
4 FM Genocchio Daniele 1:0 FM Brittner Serge 4 Saelee Uaychai 1:0 Hayashi Kenji
10.33 52 Qatar 2-2 61 Belgium 10.48 85 UAE 1½ - 2½ 95 Nigeria
1 GM Al-Modiahki Mohammed ½:½ GM Winants Luc 1 Saud Mohamed 0:1 Adebayo Adegboyega Joel
2 IM Al Sayed Mohammed ½:½ IM Claesen Pieter 2 FM Abdul Majeed Mohamad ½:½ IM Aikhoje Odion
3 GM Zhu Chen 0:1 FM Gulbas Cemil 3 FM Saleh Jasem 1:0 IM Adu Oladapo
4 Al-Tamimi Hamad 1:0 IM Cekro Ekrem 4 FM Othman A Moussa 0:1 Olape Olubunmi
10.34 91 Algeria 1-3 90 ICSC 10.49 100 Uruguay 3-1 97 Barbados
1 IM Adlane Arab 0:1 IM Collutiis Duilio 1 Carvalho Guillermo 1:0 IM Denny Kevin William Henderson
2 IM Haddouche Mohamed 0:1 IM Georgiev Veselin 2 FM Curi Gabriel 0:1 FM Warner Delisle
3 Khelfallah Omar Badredine 0:1 IM Salov Sergey 3 Arias Jorge 1:0 FM Corbin Philip Arnold
4 Bouhaddad Abdelkrim 1:0 Hoffmann Rainer 4 Genta Alejandro 1:0 Austin Dirk Wilberton
10.35 81 Mongolia 3½ - ½ 92 Wales 10.50 93 El Salvador 2½ - 1½ 103 Puerto Rico
1 FM Batchuluun Cegmed 1:0 Dineley Richard 1 FM Arias Lemnys Antonio ½:½ IM Santa Juan
2 Gundavaa Bayarsaihan ½:½ Kett Tim 2 FM Martinez Orellana Nelson Robert 1:0 Ovalle Ramon
3 Bayarmandah Balgan 1:0 Spice Alan 3 FM Chavez Monterrosa Ricardo Ernes 0:1 Velasco Santiago
4 GM Hatanbaatar Bazar 1:0 Thomas Jac 4 IM Burgos Figueroa Carlos E 1:0 IM Montalvo Alejandro
10.36 68 Singapore 1-3 53 Finland 10.51 67 Andorra 3-1 104 Jamaica
1 GM Wong Meng Kong 0:1 IM Sammalvuo Tapani 1 GM De La Riva Aguado Oscar 1:0 Matthews Shane
2 FM Goh Wei Ming ½:½ IM Nyysti Sampsa 2 IM Oms Pallise Josep 1:0 Pitterson Jomo
3 IM Goh Koon Jong Jason ½:½ IM Mäki-Uuro Miikka 3 FM Simonet Pons Marc ½:½ Porter Russel
4 Tay Li-Jin Jeslin 0:1 GM Westerinen Heikki 4 FM Garcia Paolicchi Raul ½:½ Brown Equitable
10.37 65 Austria 1½ - 2½ 57 Turkmenistan 10.52 128 Libya 1½ - 2½ 129 Zambia
1 IM Neubauer Martin 1:0 IM Annaberdiev Meylis 1 FM Chahrani Ibrahim ½:½ Jere Daniel
2 IM Danner Georg ½:½ GM Odeev Handjar 2 Elarbi Abobker 0:1 Mwali Chitumbo
3 IM Alvir Aco 0:1 Amanov Mesgen 3 FM Asabri Hussien 1:0 Chumfwa Kelvin
4 Kreisl Robert 0:1 IM Simonenko Sergey 4 Madi Emad 0:1 Phiri Richmond
10.38 69 Tunisia ½ - 3½ 47 Canada 10.53 114 Sri Lanka 1-3 123 Pakistan
1 FM Doghri Nabil 0:1 GM Bluvshtein Mark 1 FM Weeramantry Sunil Parackrama Ra ½:½ Gillani Tanveer Mohyuddin
2 Laouini Sami 0:1 IM Zugic Igor 2 Anuruddha Gc 0:1 IM Mahmood Ahmad Lodhi
3 FM Chikhaoui Walid ½:½ IM Krnan Tomas 3 Wijesuriya Godigamuwage Luxman ½:½ Hassan Syed Muhammad Zohaib
4 Njili Kamel 0:1 IM Roussel-Roozmon Thomas 4 Kalugampitiya Rajeendra Senaka 0:1 Karim Amer
10.39 80 Faroe Islands 2-2 42 Latvia 10.54 110 Nepal 2-2 126 Bahrain
1 IM Nilssen John Arni ½:½ GM Miezis Normunds 1 Malla Digesh Shanker 1:0 Bukhalaf Ebrahim
2 Poulsen Martin 0:1 GM Sveshnikov Evgeny 2 Shrestha Keshav 1:0 Mohamed Sheer Mohamed
3 IM Rodgaard John ½:½ GM Meijers Viesturs 3 Shrestha Rajendra Prasad 0:1 Ayyad Maher Abduljalil Saleh Ma
4 Simonsen Hans Kristian 1:0 Samolins Vitalijs 4 Nepali Badri Lal 0:1 Ayyad Husain Abduljalil Saleh M
10.40 74 Morocco 4-0 71 Italy C 10.55 76 IBCA 3½ - ½ 118 Liechtenstein
1 GM Hamdouchi Hichem 1:0 FM Mogranzini Roberto 1 IM Krylov Sergey 1:0 Frick Renato
2 FM Elbilia Jacques 1:0 FM Castaldo Folco 2 IM Dukaczewski Piotr 1:0 Ferster Fabian
3 Karim Ismael 1:0 FM Molina Fabrizio 3 Pribeanu Dacian ½:½ Guller Andras
4 Bohaddoune Oussama 1:0 Pulito Alberto 4 Antonini Franco 1:0 Schadler Martin
10.41 99 Lebanon 1-3 58 Albania 10.56 111 Palestine 3-1 107 Botswana
1 IM Eid Fadi ½:½ GM Dervishi Erald 1 GM Ermenkov Evgenij 1:0 Gaealafshwe Barileng
2 FM Khairallah Faisal 0:1 FM Qendro Llambi 2 Moussa Alaa-Eddine 1:0 Njobvu Ignatious
3 Mouradian Knarik ½:½ Mehmeti Dritan 3 Tamra Attallah 1:0 Pitlagano Tebogo
4 Sakr Nassim 0:1 FM Rama Lorenc 4 Cocogne Ludovic 0:1 Notha Moakofi
10.42 87 Nicaragua 1-3 72 Costa Rica 10.57 132 Sudan ½ - 3½ 86 South Africa
1 IM Davila Carlos 0:1 IM Gonzalez Bernal 1 Samir Mosad Obeid Nadir 0:1 FM Van Der Nat Nicholas
2 IM Canda Danilo 0:1 IM Valdes Leonardo 2 Ali Elobeid Salih Asim 0:1 Cawdery Daniel
3 FM Sirias Danilo ½:½ IM Hernandez Francisco 3 Ahmed Holi Ali Moawia ½:½ Ophoff Jacobus
4 FM Lacayo Rene ½:½ IM Murillo Alexis 4 Gismalla Ali Yousif 0:1 Van Den Heever Donovan
10.43 60 Chile 4-0 105 Trinidad & Tobago 10.58 109 Mauritius 2½ - 1½ 117 Monaco
1 IM Castellanos Renier 1:0 FM Harper Ryan 1 Phillips Roy 1:0 FM Van Hoolandt Patrick
2 IM Rojas Luis 1:0 FM Merritt Mario 2 Li Ying Patrick ½:½ Gentilleau Jean Philippe
3 Arancibia Eduardo 1:0 Singh Ravishen 3 Chinnasamy Deevarajan 0:1 WIM Lebel-Arias Julia
4 Avalos Joao 1:0 Chang Dr Eddison 4 Seegolam Pradeep 1:0 Calabrese Antonino
10.44 106 Tajikistan 1½ - 2½ 101 Guatemala 10.59 102 Brunei Darussalam 1½ - 2½ 142 Afghanistan
1 GM Amonatov Farrukh 1:0 IM Juarez Flores Carlos Armando 1 Pg Md Omar Ak Hafizon ½:½ Fidaeyee Habibullah
2 IM Isaev Jamshed 0:1 FM Juarez Flores Gustavo Enrique 2 Hj Azahari Md Aliuddin 0:1 Hedayat Suliman
3 Khusenkhodzhaev Mukhammad ½:½ Figueroa Figueroa Marco Alexand 3 Hj Emran Ahmad Bukhari 1:0 Hanif Mahmood
4 Yunusov Ilhom 0:1 FM Reyes Najera Carlos Antonio 4 Sabli Mohd Arif Afifi 0:1 Haidary Hameedullah
Women’s section
10.60 112 Malta 3½ - ½ 137 South Korea
1 Sorensen Torben 1:0 Kim Youngsoo
2 Pace Colin 1:0 Lee Sanghoon
Gauci Joe
Cassar Horace
Baek Wongi
Song Jinwoo
Round 10 on 2006/05/31
10.61 134 Guernsey 1-3 115 Hong Kong
1 Rowe Peter 0:1 WGM Corke Anya
2 Kirby Peter 0:1 Dew Brian 10.1 2 Ukraine 2-1 3 Georgia
3 Ozanne Mark 1:0 Chau Sau Ming 1 WGM Zhukova Natalia ½:½ IM Khurtsidze Nino
4 CM Brookfield Toby 0:1 Yu Marco 2 IM Yanovska-Gaponenko Inna 1:0 IM Dzagnidze Nana
10.62 147 Haiti 2-2 116 Uganda 3 WGM Ushenina Anna ½:½ IM Javakhishvili Lela
1 Lebrun Piersont 0:1 Kawuma Steven 10.2 1 Russia 2-1 10 Bulgaria
2 Velery Afriany 0:1 Kantinti Shadrack 1 GM Kosteniuk Alexandra 0:1 GM Stefanova Antoaneta
3 Bazil Joslin 1:0 Munanira Isaac 2 IM Kosintseva Tatiana 1:0 WGM Djingarova Emilia
4 Sanon Mondoly 1:0 Kaamu Joseph 3 IM Kosintseva Nadezhda 1:0 WGM Velcheva Maria
10.63 120 Honduras 2½ - 1½ 119 Namibia 10.3 7 Armenia 1-2 6 China
1 Zamora Roberto 1:0 Eichab Charles Sidney 1 IM Mkrtchian Lilit 0:1 WGM Zhao Xue
2 CM Medina Javier ½:½ Nakapunda Otto Zandell 2 IM Danielian Elina 1:0 WGM Wang Yu
3 FM Montesinos Jorge 1:0 Nitzborn Josef 3 WIM Andriasian Siranush 0:1 WFM Hou Yifan
4 Ochoa Ismael 0:1 Silver Willem August 10.4 15 France 1½ - 1½ 5 USA
10.64 139 Mozambique 1-3 108 Panama 1 IM Skripchenko Almira ½:½ WGM Zatonskih Anna
1 Alice Mateus Felizardo Viageiro ½:½ Baules Jorge 2 WGM Leconte Maria 0:1 WGM Goletiani Rusudan
2 Maia Mariano Tesoura De 0:1 Arosemena J 3 WGM Milliet Sophie 1:0 WGM Baginskaite Camilla
3 Brumo Marques Victor Brigida 0:1 Valdes Rances 10.5 36 Croatia 1½ - 1½ 11 Romania
4 Vilhete Vania Fausto Da T. ½:½ FM Sanchez Jorge 1 WGM Medic Mirjana ½:½ IM Peptan Corina Isabela
10.65 122 Cyprus 2½ - 1½ 130 San Marino 2 WFM Stock Lara 0:1 IM Foisor Cristina Adela
1 Antoniou Antonis ½:½ Righi Egio 3 WIM Macek Vlasta 1:0 WGM Bogza Adina Maria
2 Savva Panikos 1:0 CM Grassi Enrico 10.6 14 Greece 2½ - ½ 13 Lithuania
3 Florentiades Michalis ½:½ Maccapani Massimiliano 1 IM Dembo Yelena 1:0 IM Cmilyte Viktorija
4 Klerides Paris ½:½ Cecchetti Roberto 2 WGM Botsari Anna-Maria ½:½ IM Ciuksyte Dagne
10.66 78 IPCA 1½ - 2½ 98 Angola 3 WGM Makropoulou Marina 1:0 Daulyte Deimante
1 IM Mikheev Stanislav 0:1 IM Pedro Aderito 10.7 21 Italy A 2-1 83 Tajikistan
2 IM Yarmonov Igor 1:0 IM Campos Eugenio 1 IM Sedina Elena 1:0 Nuretdinova Elena
3 Vodyasov Evgeny ½:½ IM Sousa Armindo 2 WGM Zimina Olga 1:0 Umarova Shakhnoza
4 Tocklin Tomi 0:1 Pascoal Eduardo 3 WFM Ambrosi Eleonora 0:1 Antonova Nadezhda
10.67 125 Macau 1-3 113 Surinam 10.8 23 Vietnam 1-2 4 Hungary
1 Silveirinha Jose 0:1 Matoewi Roger 1 WGM Nguyen Thi Thanh An ½:½ IM Hoang Thanh Trang
2 Celis Solomon Bernardino III 0:1 Mungroo Franklin 2 WGM Hoang Thi Bao Tram 0:1 IM Vajda Szidonia
3 Calangi Zachary 1:0 Lautan Shatish 3 WFM Pham Bich Ngoc ½:½ WGM Gara Anita
4 Ho Cheng Fai 0:1 Dos Ramos Ricardo 10.9 29 Mongolia 0-3 9 India
10.68 144 Ethiopia 2½ - 1½ 145 Chinese Taipei 1 WGM Mongontuul Bathuyag 0:1 GM Koneru Humpy
1 Woldeyes Mekitew Molla ½:½ Yueh Wei Po 2 WFM Yanjindulam Dulamsuren 0:1 WGM Harika Dronavalli
2 Belachew Kebadu 1:0 Hicks Robert Paul 3 WFM Bayaraa Zorigt 0:1 WGM Swathi Ghate
3 Gebregziabher Brehane Gebre Mic 1:0 Yeh Tzu-Hao 10.10 17 Slovenia 2½ - ½ 20 Israel
4 Huluka Fikreselassie Alemu 0:1 Liu Yung Hung 1 WGM Muzychuk Anna 1:0 IM Klinova Masha
10.69 148 Malawi 2-2 131 Netherlands Antilles 2 WGM Srebrnic Ana ½:½ WGM Borsuk Angela
1 Chimthere Alfred Charles 0:1 Neumann Henri. W.m. 3 WIM Krivec Jana 1:0 WGM Igla Bella
2 Kamowa James 1:0 Mensing Fabio 10.11 8 Germany 1½ - 1½ 32 Belarus
3 Sharra Leonard Lawrence 0:1 Flanders Cander 1 IM Paehtz Elisabeth 1:0 Azarova Nadezhda
4 Chalemba Joseph 1:0 Vasques Nicolas 2 IM Kachiani-Gersinska Ketino ½:½ WIM Sharevich Anna
10.70 133 Aruba 0-4 127 Kenya 3 WIM Nill Jessica 0:1 WIM Berlin Tatiana
1 Jacobusse Willem Adriaan 0:1 Magana Benjamin Omondi 10.12 46 Colombia 0-3 12 Poland
2 Croes Octavio 0:1 Singe Phillip Mbawala 1 WIM Ortiz Nadya Karolina 0:1 IM Radziewicz Iweta
3 Howell Alvin Alfonso 0:1 Gateri Martin Mwangi 2 WIM Palao Maricela 0:1 WGM Zawadzka Jolanta
4 Tromp Rigoberto 0:1 Wachira William Wachania 3 WFM Franco Beatriz 0:1 WIM Majdan Joanna
10.71 138 Seychelles 3-1 136 Bermuda 10.13 31 Kazakhstan 1-2 40 Sweden
1 Meier Kurt 1:0 Kovacova Zuzana 1 WIM Aketayeva Dana 0:1 WIM Johansson Viktoria
2 Meier Peter ½:½ Faulks Nick 2 WIM Zigangirova Sofya 1:0 Jiretorn Eva
3 Zialor Michel ½:½ Lill Sami 3 Dauletova Gulmira 0:1 Andersson Christin
4 Kimende Ralph 1:0 Ebbin Larry 10.14 34 Estonia 1½ - 1½ 37 Iran
10.72 135 British Virgin Islands 1½ - 2½ 140 Papua New Guinea 1 WIM Bashkite Viktoria ½:½ WIM Pourkashiyan Atousa
1 FM Vantilbury Craig ½:½ Fancy Stuart 2 WFM Gansvind Valeria 0:1 WGM Paridar Shadi
2 Lettsome Maurice ½:½ Press Shaun 3 WIM Piarnpuu Leili 1:0 WIM Ghaderpour Taleghani Shayesteh
3 Christopher Art 0:1 Jones Rupert 10.15 54 IBCA 1½ - 1½ 67 ICSC
4 Potter Simon ½:½ Skehan Craig 1 WIM Zsiltzova-Lisenko Lubov 1:0 WFM Ryvova Anna
10.73 143 Us Virgin Islands 1-3 124 Jersey 2 Stolarczyk Anna 0:1 Rossinskaya Liudmila
1 Wilkinson Sinclair ½:½ Wojciechowski Paul 3 FM Debowska Teresa ½:½ Gonchar Svitlana
2 Allen Darryl 0:1 CM Simmons Matthew Edwin 10.16 25 Latvia 2½ - ½ 24 Spain
3 Jackson Francis 0:1 Hawes Jonathan Richard 1 WGM Reizniece Dana 1:0 WGM Calzetta Ruiz Monica
4 Saleem Zayd ½:½ Boxall Graham Radford 2 WGM Rogule Laura ½:½ WGM Delgado Crespo Mairelys
10.74 141 Fiji 4-0 146 Rwanda 3 WIM Berzina Ilze 1:0 WIM Llaneza Vega Patricia
1 Arora Neel 1:0 Murara Maxence 10.17 26 Cuba 1-2 22 Czech Republic
2 Kumar Manoj 1:0 Kabera Godfrey 1 WGM Pina Vega Sulennis 0:1 IM Jackova Jana
3 Gautam Asheesh 1:0 Ruteremara Thetime 2 WIM Marrero Lopez Yaniet 0:1 WIM Sikorova Olga
4 Prasad Calvin 1:0 Nzamwitar Aciel 3 WGM Arribas Robaina Maritza 1:0 WIM Blazkova Petra
10.18 19 Serbia & Montenegro ½ - 2½ 18 Netherlands 10.37 72 Scotland 1½ - 1½ 69 Wales
1 IM Maric Alisa 0:1 GM Peng Zhao Qin 1 WFM Milligan Helen 0:1 WFM Cast Abigail
2 WGM Chelushkina Irina ½:½ IM Bosboom-Lanchava Tea 2 Giulian Rosemary ½:½ Wilson Julie
3 WGM Benderac Ana 0:1 FM Schuurman Petra 3 Officer Amy 1:0 Blackburn Suzy
10.19 16 Slovakia 2½ - ½ 51 Canada 10.38 78 Bolivia 0-3 59 Denmark
1 WGM Repkova Eva 1:0 WIM Khoudgarian Natalia 1 Luna Rayza 0:1 WIM Vovk Oksana
2 WGM Pokorna Regina ½:½ WIM Starr Nava 2 Ramirez Maria Eugenia 0:1 De Blecourt Dalsberg Sandra
3 WFM Borosova Zuzana 1:0 WFM Smith Hazel 3 Barrenechea Sthepany 0:1 Trine Rasted
10.20 47 Mexico 2-1 44 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10.39 77 Iraq 1-2 82 Ireland
1 WIM Hernandez Guerrero Yadira 0:1 WIM Titova-Boric Elena 1 WIM H. Mohammed Eman 1:0 Connolly Suzanne
2 Carreras Mendiolea Paulina Adria 1:0 WFM Dengler Dijana 2 WIM I. Ibrahim Delbak 0:1 Quinn Deborah
3 Estrada Gaspar Nelly Massiel 1:0 Dedijer Mira 3 M. Muhsin Dhuha 0:1 Menon Poornima
10.21 27 Ecuador 3-0 39 Uzbekistan 10.40 87 Algeria ½ - 2½ 62 Dominican Republic
1 IM Fierro Baguero Martha 1:0 WIM Sabirova Olga 1 WIM Toubal Wissam 0:1 WFM Perez Eneida
2 WIM Moncayo Romero Evelyn 1:0 WFM Hamrakulova Yulduz 2 Boudechiche Maroua 0:1 WFM De La Cruz Mercedes
3 WIM Vasquez Ramirez Rocio 1:0 Khamrakulova Shakhnoza 3 Latreche Sabrina ½:½ Jose Polanco Kenia
10.22 41 Turkey 2½ - ½ 45 Kyrgyzstan 10.41 73 South Africa 2-1 86 Nigeria
1 WGM Atalik-Polovnikova Ekaterina 1:0 Tilenbaeva Janyl 1 WIM Frick Denise 1:0 Amadasun Rosemary
2 WFM Topel Zehra 1:0 WFM Sabirova Sofia 2 WIM Ellappen Jenine ½:½ Edward-Dappa Rachael
3 Ozturk Kubra ½:½ WIM Ostry Irina 3 Moodliar Suvania ½:½ Ikpa-Glewis Pauline Tresa
10.23 28 Argentina 2½ - ½ 33 Switzerland 10.42 74 Puerto Rico 3-0 81 UAE
1 WGM Lujan Carolina 1:0 WIM Heinatz Gundula 1 Basem-Hassan Miriam 1:0 WFM Mansour Mariam
2 WIM Zuriel Marisa 1:0 WIM Seps Monika 2 Martinez Natiska 1:0 WFM Ebtissam Mohamed
3 WIM Sarquis Maria Belen ½:½ WGM Hund Barbara 3 Segarra Tammy 1:0 Kholoud Essa
10.24 65 Albania 0-3 60 Philippines 10.43 89 Japan ½ - 2½ 66 Guatemala
1 Shabanaj Eglantina 0:1 Perena Catherine 1 Nakagawa Emiko 0:1 WIM Martinez Porras Ingrid Lorena
2 Pasku Roela 0:1 Cua Sherily 2 Ishizuka Mirai 0:1 WFM Monterroso Ochoa Karla Vanessa
3 Shabanaj Alda 0:1 WIM Mendoza Beverly 3 Hishii Ayano ½:½ Castillo Melendez Dina Lissette
10.25 63 El Salvador 2½ - ½ 68 Indonesia 10.44 98 Malta ½ - 2½ 88 Botswana
1 WIM Zepeda Cortez Lorena Marisela 1:0 WFM Kharisma Sukandar Irine 1 Pulpan Oana ½:½ Lopang Tshepiso
2 WFM Castaneda Ada 1:0 Lindiawati Evi 2 Aguilar Filipina 0:1 Sabure Ontiretse
3 WFM Melendez Gabriela Maria ½:½ Sinuhaji Tuti Rahayu 3 Aguilar Jessieca 0:1 Mokgacha Keitumetse
10.26 42 Norway 1½ - 1½ 48 FYROM 10.45 101 Panama ½ - 2½ 84 New Zealand
1 WIM Hagesaether Ellen ½:½ WIM Koskoska Gabriela 1 Barria Raisa 0:1 WCM Smith Vivian
2 WIM Sahl Sheila Barth ½:½ Kizova Aleksandra 2 Gonzalez Yaribeth ½:½ WCM Maroroa Sue
3 WFM Bjerke Silje ½:½ Jonoska Katerina 3 Arosemena Bethania 0:1 Fairley Natasha
10.27 38 Australia ½ - 2½ 30 Moldova 10.46 92 Fiji 2½ - ½ 90 Kenya
1 IM Berezina Irina ½:½ IM Petrenko Svetlana 1 WFM Lyons Keiran 1:0 Abur Lyndah Amollo
2 WIM Caoili Arianne 0:1 WGM Smokina Karolina 2 Sukhu Gloria 1:0 Wambugu Jane Wanjiru
3 WIM Phan-Koshnitsky Ngan 0:1 WGM Partac Elena 3 Frentina Andrea ½:½ Gichuru Everlyn Wanjiru
10.28 96 Angola ½ - 2½ 64 IPCA 10.47 97 Chinese Taipei 3-0 108 Yemen
1 Venancio Sandra 0:1 WFM Melnik Galina 1 Chen I -Chen 1:0 Raweh Adeela Abdulwadood
2 Guimaraes Luzia ½:½ WFM Dymshits Galina 2 Yueh Elsa Wei Chung 1:0 Awat Amimah
3 Oliveira Engracia 0:1 Zykina Nadezhda 3 Lin Elaine Yu-Tong 1:0 Abdulsalam Nadhmia
10.29 43 Turkmenistan 1½ - 1½ 50 Finland 10.48 91 Libya 1-2 106 Surinam
1 WGM Geldieva Mahri 0:1 WIM Sammalvuo Niina 1 Elnami Safa 0:1 Naipal Victoria
2 WFM Hallaeva Bahar 1:0 Puuska Heini 2 Wafa Mohamed 0:1 Malgie Wasudha
3 WFM Ovezova Maisa ½:½ Savola Laura 3 Mawadda Rahal 1:0 Sabajo Anuska
10.30 56 Austria 2-1 71 Venezuela 10.49 102 Qatar 2½ - ½ 94 Trinidad & Tobago
1 WIM Mira Helene 0:1 WIM Sanchez Sarai 1 Al-Khelaifi Aisha ½:½ Kennedy Jane
2 Sommer Sonja 1:0 Hernandez Zaida 2 Al-Jefairi Noora 1:0 Blackman Arlene
3 WFM Horvath Maria 1:0 Araujo Yesmar 3 Safar Alshaymaa 1:0 Guiseppi Lyndy-Ann
10.31 35 England 1-2 52 Azerbaijan 10.50 93 Honduras 0-3 85 Costa Rica
1 IM Houska Jovanka 1:0 Isgandarova Khayala 1 Duron Sari 0:1 Da Bosco Carla
2 WFM Gilbert Jessie 0:1 Umudova Nargiz 2 Sevilla Persis 0:1 Garcia Veronica
3 WGM Bellin Jana 0:1 Agasiyeva Fidan 3 Barahona Besy -:+ Ramirez Karla
10.32 57 Bangladesh 1½ - 1½ 53 Portugal 10.51 100 Netherlands Antilles 2½ - ½ 99 Namibia
1 WIM Hamid Rani 0:1 WFM Coimbra Margarida 1 Flanders Uclan 1:0 Swartz Celeste
2 Khan Nazrana 1:0 WFM Pintor Ariana 2 Salim-Moussa Seydi ½:½ Swartz Stephne
3 WFM Parveen Tanima ½:½ Baptista Ana 3 Balentin Nishanti . I 1:0 Valombola Magdalena
10.33 55 Iceland 2-1 70 Italy B
1 WGM Ptacnikova Lenka 1:0 Arnetta Maria Teresa
2 WIM Gretarsdottir Lilja ½:½ Goi Veronika
The free Requirements for the
titles in the Olympiad
3 Fridthjofsdott Sigurlaug Regina ½:½ Brunello Marina
10.34 79 Sri Lanka ½ - 2½ 58 Malaysia facilities
1 Methmali Uluwitike Gamage Yashod 0:1 Wan Khye Theng
All players of Chess Olympiad In the Olympiad, the number of titleholders
2 Wijayawardana Dangampolage M.C. 0:1 WCM Nur Shazwani Zullkafli may use all kind of public tran- is irrilevant to obtain a norm.
3 Senanayaka Pramodya Ruchirani ½:½ Roslina Marmono sport free of charge by pre-
10.35 80 Jamaica 0-3 49 Peru senting the accreditation.
1 Zhu Hui 0:1 WIM Zapata Karen
2 Thomas Vanessa 0:1 WIM Morales Luciana
Each morning there is a pos-
sibility to use the sport centre
3 Casserly Camille 0:1 WFM Aliaga Ingrid
(football) in via Passo Buole
10.36 61 Brazil ½ - 2½ 75 Luxembourg
96, from 9.30 to 11.30. It is
1 WIM Santos Ribeiro Regina Lucia ½:½ WFM Bakalarz Grazyna situated just 300 mt from the
2 WIM Chaves Joara 0:1 Steil-Antoni Fiona end of Olympic Village.
3 Chang Suzana 0:1 Boyarchenko Marie


Hanno collaborato alla realizzazione di Turin moves: Marino Baruffa - Adolivio Capece - Marco Cassinera - Misho Cebalo - Mauro Ciani -
Michele Cordara - Marta Corradi - Ravi Kumar - L J M - Roberto Messa - Andrea Natoli - Alan Nixon - Pierluigi Passerotti - Alexis Pergay - Antonio Rosino -
Massimo Settis - Elisa Tritto.

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