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Computers are less error prone than humans

- It's in our nature as humans to make mistakes. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is immune to
human error. Work produced by AI is more precise and of higher quality. AI are more accurate and
rarely make mistakes than human labor. They can create more in a shorter period of time.

AI doesn’t get bored or tired

- Because they are programmed for long hours and can work continually without becoming bored or
distracted. Even if it must work for several hours straight, the machine never gets exhausted. Compared
to humans, who occasionally need a break to be productive, this is a significant advantage.

AI-enabled machines can perform dangerous tasks

- Because they are employed in manufacturing to both make processes more efficient and protect
human employees from injury, That’s the reason why is AI is able to execute dangerous tasks better than

Yes, ICT may result in job losses in some businesses or industries. When a corporation switches from
using human labor to machine labor, jobs are lost. Unemployment occurs when machines are replacing

These are the causes of ICT-related job losses or unemployment, respectively. We require technology to
expedite and simplify our work. But we still require human power. They are crucial, especially to
business owners, as they are the major reason of their success.

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