Dabon Reviewer

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(General Eduaction)

1.Professional marketing consultants know their products thoroughly

and ______.
a. study market trends
b. they analyze market trends
c. analyze market trends
d. realize better market trends
Answer: c
2. Approximately 5 years of intensive language study are required for
second language learners. Park Myung-il _____ French for three and a
half years but he will need more training to be more proficient.
a. will be studying
b. has been studying
c. has studied
d. will have been studying
Answer: b
3. Don Agapito del Villar is an absolute ruler who serves his country
well and thinks well about the welfare of his people. He, then, can
sometimes he called as _____.
a. belligerent dictator
b. blatant dictator
c. benevolent dictator
d. beneficial dictator
Answer: c
4. “Nothing that happens in this world ever happens by chance; it is all
part of a grand design.” This statement expresses about a person’s
a. ambition
b. dreams
c. destiny
d. luck
Answer: c
5. What does this passage say about life? “Life is but walking shadow, a
pun player that struts and frets… and is heard no more.”
a. life is just a passing stage
b. life is limited
c. life has its end
d. life is ever changing
Answer: c
6. Almost two thirds of the population today ______ poor.
a. is
b. are
c. has been
d. were
Answer: a
7. Much _____ left unproductive by the flooding.
a. has been
b. is
c. is being
d. have been
Answer: a
8. The _____ that, for various reasons, girls spent less time working with
computers than boys.
a. studies revealing
b. studies reveal
c. studies revealed
d. studies was revealing
Answer: c
9. “He has been absent for three days because he is _____ measles.”
a. affected of
b. afflicted with
c. afflicted of
d. affected with
Answer: b
10. _____ to our appeal for reconsideration, the Board of Discipline will
not give us any extension for filling additional evidence.
a. As regards
b. In regard
c. With regards as
d. With regard
Answer: d
11, Everyone in the field of entertainment _____ to watch the FAMAS
a. was excited
b. were certainly excited
c. is certainly excited
d. are certainly excited
Answer: c
12. During the Independence Day celebrations, the directive is _____.
a. hang your flags on June 12
b. Hanged your flags during June 12
c. hanged you flags on June 12
d. hung your flags on June 12
Answer: a
13. The Vice-Governor said, “I _____ won the election without the
backing of a religious sect.
a. could had
b. should have not
c. shall have not
d. should
Answer: b
14. The measure of choosing well is whether or not man likes what he
a. chose
b. has chosen
c. choose
d. is choosing
Answer: b
15. After 8 unfruitful years, Antonino finally quit his job. He _____
along with his immediate boss a long time before he finally decided to
look for a new job.
a. didn’t get
b. isn’t getting
c. hasn’t been getting
d. hadn’t been getting
Answer: c

( Prof Ed)

1. “Freedom and authority are not antagonistic, moreover, freedom is the

legitimate offspring of authority.” Which of the following situation best
illustrate the above principle?
a. Parents and teachers personifying authority and discipline.
b. Children learn freedom by being inhibited in their conduct.
c. Students are free to do what law allows.
d. Teacher carries a mantle of authority in a domineering manner.
answer: b
2. The relationship between education and culture tends to be cyclical.
This means that __________.
a. the school serves as a channel where individuals learn their culture.
b. it is the school’s primary function to transmit culture and is an agent
of change.
c. the school system transmit culture and the classroom is the agent of
d. The school is shaped by culture and culture is, in turn, influenced by
the school.
answer: c
3. According to J. Dewey, “Education is a continuous process of
experiencing and revising or reorganizing experiences. This means that
education ________________.
a. takes place formally or informally to enable the individual to grow
b. is never completed and goes on throughout life
c. may take place anywhere and anytime the individual desires
d. takes place in school where learner is exposed to specific, self-
contained experiences
answer: c
4. Which of the current classroom practices is influenced by Skinner’s
Operant Conditioning?
a. connection between stimulus and response
b. involuntary response to a stimulus
c. reinforcement of correct practices
d. progression of subordinate learning
answer: c
5. The primary objective of bilingual education is to prepare learners to
be ____________.
a. globally competitive
b. proficient in Filipino and other major dialects
c. proficient in both English and Filipino
d. proficient in Filipino and another foreign language
answer: a
6. The principle of Individual Differences require teachers to
a. give more attention to the gifted students
b. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
c. provide varied learning activities to suit individual needs
d. provide modules for slow learners in the class
answer: c
7. “All learning is bond-connecting.” Which of the following is this
Principle not applicable?
a. attitutes
b. reflexes
c. skills
d. habits
answer: b
8. Which of the following statements regarding professional teachers is
the major difference in the professionalizing of teachers and teaching as
embodied in PD 1006 and R.A. 7836?
a. appointed on full time basis and on permanent status
b. holder of valid professional certificate of registration
c. assigned at the tertiary level in both private and state colleges and
d. assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and
private schools
answer: b
9. How is Values Education offered in the National Secondary
Education Curriculum (NESC)?
a. integrated in all subject areas
b. offered as a separate subject
c. emphasized in MAKABAYAN subjects
d. integrated with T.H.E subjects
answer: b
10. What is the most important principle that a teacher should follow in
initiating a program of positive reinforcement?
a. conduct peer approval and recognition
b. punish negative behaviour and reward positive behaviour
c. provide regular opportunities for socially – acceptable behaviour
d. reward should come immediately after appropriate behaviour
answer: d
11. The history of curriculum development includes the hidden
curriculum approach. What is the context emphasis of this approach?
a. introspection and choice
b. student experiences and activities
c. implicit processes and social norms
d. student needs and interests
answer: d
12. What type of justice implies the duty of one individual to give
another what is due him?
a. distributive justice
b. commutative justice
c. social justice
d. penal justice
answer: c
13. Which thrust on values formation is intended to help the students
identify and be aware of their values?
a. values integration
b. values clarification
c. values enhancement
d. moral development
answer: b
14. Which among these goals for change is espoused by the “Moral
Recovery Program?”
a. sense of justice, sense of national pride and of seriousness
b. sense of national pride, sense of seriousness and sense of common
c. sense of seriousness, of common goal and sense of justice and outrage
over its’ violations
d. sense of national pride, of common good and justice and outrage over
its’ violations
answer: b
15. Which of the following runs counter to the development of honesty
and good governance?
a. transparency in barangay operations and other organizations thru
public reporting
b. vigilance in the use of weights and measures used in the market
c. equal payment of government employees productivity pay
d. payment of just wages to workers and employees
answer: c

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