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Republic Act 7836: Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

A Written Report Presented to the College of Education,

University of the Philippines, Roxas Avenue,
Diliman, Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

EDUC 100: Philippine Educational System

Ison, Dan Alfred R.

December 22, 2023

Republic Act 7836 also known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act

of 1994 is an act approved on December 16, 1994. According to Republic Act 7836

(1994), it aims to enhance the oversight and control of the teaching profession in the

Philippines by implementing rigorous regulations and supervision measures. Additionally,

it establishes a licensure examination for teachers, ensuring a standardized and proficient

teaching workforce. The act is also designed to serve various purposes beyond these

primary objectives. Furthermore, this act is established in accordance with the Monroe

Survey findings and EDCOM 1 suggestions. Considering there has been a lack of

professionally trained teachers as stated in the Monroe Survey, and a need for

strengthening of the teacher education program suggested in EDCOM 1, the Philippines

is in need of professional teachers with proper training and reasonable qualification.

(Magno, 2010) Thus, the promulgation of this act emerges as the answer to both

problems and deficiencies.

RA 7836 is divided into four articles with a total of thirty-four sections stating

different provisions with respect to professionalization of teachers and establishment of a

board tasked with full supervision of this law. The first article is focused on its title and

general outlines, as well as the purpose of the act. Under this article, the act was titled as

the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994. Furthermore, Section 2 gives a

brief statement about the statement policy of the act. The policy statement underscores

that the government acknowledges the crucial contribution of educators to the progress

and development of the nation by fostering a responsible and well-educated citizenry. To

achieve this goal, the government is committed to guaranteeing and enhancing the

standard of education through effective oversight and regulation of licensure

examinations, as well as the professionalization of the teaching profession. Article 1 also

provides essential details about the objectives of the act, which encompass the promotion

of the development and professionalization of teachers and the teaching profession.

Additionally, the article underscores the significance of supervising and regulating

licensure examinations as integral components of achieving these objectives.

Moving on to the second article of this act, there is a notable focus on establishing

the structure, functions, and regulations that govern the Board for Professional Teachers.

This section delves into the organizational framework and operational guidelines for the

board, providing a comprehensive overview of its role in the professionalization of

teachers and the implementation of regulatory measures.

As described by the act, the board for professional teachers is a collegial body

under the general supervision and administrative control of the Professional Regulation

Commission. Moreover, the major responsibilities and functions of the Board in

accordance with the Professional Regulation Commission's charter are outlined in section

6. The Board is tasked with formulating, administering, and enforcing regulations

essential for implementing the provisions of the Act. It has the authority to determine

examination details, appoint necessary personnel, and utilize educational facilities for

exams. The Board can issue, suspend, or revoke teaching profession registration

certificates, prescribe and collect appropriate fees for the exams, and establish ethical

and professional standards for teachers. Additionally, it oversees teacher registration and

licensure, monitors educational institutions' compliance with standards, investigates

violations, and possesses other powers essential for the advancement of the teaching

profession and education in the Philippines.

On the other hand, the composition of the board for professional teachers is clearly

described under Section 5. As stated, the composition of the board is mandated to include

five members, appointed by the President of the Philippines from individuals

recommended by the Commission. From this pool of recommendees, the President is

responsible for appointing both the chairman and the vice-chairman of the Board.

Individuals appointed as members of the Board must meet with the following qualifications

as prescribed in Section 8. These include being a Filipino citizen and resident, at least 35

years old, and of proven integrity without any moral turpitude convictions. Board members

should also hold a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Education, preferably

complemented by a master's or doctorate degree in education from a duly recognized

institution in the Philippines. They must be licensed professional teachers with a valid

certificate and have a minimum of ten years of active teaching experience in elementary

or secondary levels. Importantly, board members should not have affiliations with

educational institutions or review centers for at least three years before their appointment,

ensuring impartiality in their role. Individuals who pass these standards and qualifications

may hold office for a term of three years from the date they assume office as board

members as indicated in section 7. They may also enjoy a compensation similar to the

remuneration received by current regulatory boards under the Professional Regulation

Commission, calculated based on the number of examinees or candidates. However,

board members may risk losing these benefits and their positions if they are found guilty

of neglect of duty, incompetence, unprofessional, unethical, immoral, or dishonorable

conduct, as well as involvement or tolerance of irregularities in examinations. This

decision is made after providing the accused member with the chance to defend

themselves in a thorough administrative investigation.

Republic Act 7836 also encompasses the administration of examinations, as

delineated in its third article. This area intricately details the framework for conducting

examinations and managing registration, establishing explicit guidelines, procedures, and

regulations that govern the entire process for the examination and registration. With that,

Section 13 stipulates that individuals seeking registration as professional teachers must

undergo a written examination. The examination is conducted at least once a year at

locations and dates determined by the Board, subject to Commission approval. This

requirement is essential because practicing as a professional teacher in the Philippines

necessitates holding a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license from

the Commission. These credentials can only be obtained by successfully passing the

licensure examination for teachers.

Since written examination becomes a necessity for practicing professional

teaching, the act also imposed a series of requirements to determine the qualification of

applicants. As stated in section 15, these requirements include being a citizen of the

Philippines or an alien with reciprocal agreements in the teaching profession. Additionally,

the applicant must be at least eighteen years old, in good health, and possess a

commendable reputation characterized by high moral values. Further requirements

dictate that the individual has not been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude

by a court's final judgment. Academic qualifications are also imperative, requiring the

applicant to be a graduate of a government-recognized school, college, or university.

Other than that, specific educational standards are outlined for their corresponding
categories. Such as a bachelor's degree in early childhood education (BECED) or its

equivalent for preschool teachers, a bachelor's degree in elementary education (BSEED)

or its equivalent for teachers in elementary grades, and a bachelor's degree in education

or its equivalent for teachers in secondary grades or those with additional criteria for

specialization in arts and sciences. On the other hand, teachers of vocational and two-

year technical courses are required to hold a bachelor's degree in the relevant field of

specialization or its equivalent, along with a minimum of eighteen units in professional


Moving on to section 14, the act provides and further explains the scope of the

examination. Separate examinations shall be conducted for elementary and secondary

school teachers. The elementary-level teacher examination comprises two parts:

professional education and general education. Meanwhile, the secondary-level teacher

examination consists of three parts: professional education, general education, and field

of specialization. To further explain, the items under general education refer to the

concepts and lessons taught mostly under basic education which comprised of

Mathematics, Language, and Science. Meanwhile, the items under professional

education refer to the concepts, theories, and lessons gained from professional education

subjects and courses. Lastly, the items that fall under field of specialization are the

concepts and lessons with respect to the teacher’s major.

As stipulated in this article by the mandate of this act, successfully passing the

licensure examination for teachers grants an individual a valid certificate of registration

and a valid professional license issued by the Commission. Section 17 clearly describes

and differentiates the certificate of registration from professional license. As stated, the
certificate of registration is a certificate signed by the Commission's chairman and board

members that serves as evidence of the registrant's entitlement to practice the profession

with associated rights and privileges. On the other hand, the professional license is a

license with an expiry or renewability for every 3 years that shall serve as evidence that

the licensee can lawfully practice his profession until the expiration of its validity. Clearly,

section 17 underscored the importance of certificate of registration and professional

license in the conduct of professional teaching in the Philippines. With this, professional

teachers gravely value these documents and actively steer clear of any actions or

situations that could jeopardize the revocation of their certificate and license. Thus, this

act established a set of provisions on revocation of the Certificate of Registration,

suspension from the practice of the teaching profession, and cancellation of temporary or

special permits.

According to section 23, the board for professional teachers is granted the

authority to take disciplinary action against registrants, including the suspension or

revocation of their registration certificate, reprimand, or cancellation of temporary/special

permits, following a notice and hearing process. The specified grounds for such actions

include a registrant's conviction for a criminal offense; engagement in immoral,

unprofessional, or dishonorable conduct; a court declaration of mental unsoundness or

insanity; malpractice, gross incompetence, gross negligence, or serious ignorance in the

teaching profession; fraudulent acquisition of registration certificates or permits; chronic

inebriety or habitual drug use; violation of the Act's provisions, rules, regulations, and

ethical standards; and unjustified or willful failure to attend prescribed seminars,

workshops, conferences, or continuing education programs. Appeals against the Board's

decision can be made to the regional trial court within fifteen days of receiving the decision

or the denial of a motion for reconsideration.

The final section of the act places emphasis on provisions related to the practice

of the teaching profession. It likely outlines specific guidelines, regulations, and standards

that educators must adhere to in the course of their professional activities. These

provisions are designed to ensure the integrity, competence, and ethical conduct of

teachers. The details within this section likely address various aspects of teaching, such

as curriculum delivery, student interactions, assessment practices, and professional

development requirements. By mapping out these provisions, the act aims to maintain

and enhance the quality of education by holding educators to a set of standards that

promote effective teaching and safeguard the interests of students and the broader

educational community.

Ultimately, the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 holds significant

importance in the realm of education as it sets forth explicit criteria for qualifications and

ethical behavior among educators. This legislation plays a crucial role in enhancing the

quality of education as it advocates for ongoing professional growth and provides rewards

for exceptional teachers, necessitating examinations to ensure competency. RA 7836

strives to unify the teaching profession under a national organization, encouraging

teachers to join a much cohesive bond. By setting clear expectations, the act contributes

to public trust in the education system, ensuring that teachers are well-prepared and

capable of providing quality instruction. Moreover, it promotes career development

opportunities for teachers, encourages accountability, and fosters standardization within

the teaching profession. The act not only elevates the status of teachers domestically but
also contributes to international recognition, aligning the Philippine education system with

global standards and facilitating the exchange of educational practices on an international



Magno, C. (2010). A brief history of educational assessment in the Philippines.

Educational Measurement and Evaluation Review, 1.

Republic Act No. 7836. (1994). Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.



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