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Past Continuous Game

I was sleeping…

33. I was looking 34. 36.

for my cat this …when I
morning… stepped on 35. Finish
vomit. Start again

32. 31. She was 30. They were

…when a tiger speaking to my going home 29.
attacked me. brother last after school Go back 5
night … yesterday…

26. 27. I was taking 28.

25. …when a dog a shower this …when he had
Go forward 3 bit her. morning… a nightmare.

23. 22. 21. I was

My mother was …when I started walking through
24. cooking dreaming about the forest last
Start again yesterday… a dog. evening…

17. 18. My sister 19. 20. …when a

…when I heard was watching a …when a policeman
a loud noise. movie last crocodile bit arrested me.
night… him.

16. We were 15. 14. … when

talking in the …when the someone 13
classroom accident knocked at the Go forward 3
yesterday… happened. door. spaces

10. The power 11. 12. The phone

went off in my …when I was ringing this
9. building just… caught a cold. morning…
Start again

8. Tom was 7. Paul was 5. While I was

walking in the driving his car 6. having a bath
park… too quickly Go back 3 yesterday…
yesterday… spaces

1. 2. 3. 4. I was riding
…when the …when she fell my bicycle
Start phone rang. asleep. yesterday…

Copyright © Kisito 2006

Past continuous tense Board Game using WHEN & While

Roll the dice and count according to the spaces on the board and advance. If you fall on a pirate sign, you
restart. If you fall on a forward or backward sign, you move in that direction.

The rules here are simple. Practise the past continuous tense by landing on a space and creating the other
half. For example, number 2 “ … when the phone rang.” Student must say something with the past
continuous like this: “ I was eating my dinner last evening when the phone rang.”

If the sentence has a beginning part instead, the students have to make the ending. For example number 4:
“I was riding my bicycle yesterday, when I fell off.”

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