Emptech DLL Q1 Week 2

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates FEBRUARY 19-23, 2024
Department of Education Quarter QUARTER 1
and Time WEEK 2


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of: ICT in the context of global communication for specific professional track
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period independently compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of
their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts, Tech Voc, Sports, Academic)
C. Learning Competencies/ Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and Apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in
Objectives content to achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges. The use of ICTS as it would relate to their specific professional tracks;
CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-1 CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ia-b-2
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Curriculum Guide (CG) Google
5. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Let us review your knowledge of Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the Begin the lesson by reviewing the Privacy, security, and good
lesson or presenting the the different online platforms and best answer. Write your answer concepts of online safety, security, netizenship are essential words
new lesson their categories. Identify the on a separate sheet of paper. ethics, and etiquette. Recap the that you have to remember when
following online platforms and give 1. Which of the following is a importance of these standards in the you are on the Internet.
communication service provider in the
a short description of them. Write
use of ICTs and discuss any previous  Do you know your limitations
the answer in your notebook. A. Lazada knowledge or experiences the in social media?
B. Smart Telecommunication students may have had in relation to  Do you feel responsible for
C. Social Security System the topic. what you are posting?
D. Twitter  Do you think first before you
2. Which of the following is the operating click?
system of Blackberry phones? Let us find out!
Assess the learner’s mastery of the A. Blackberry OS C. Symbian
B. Candy D. Windows Mobile
previous lesson in this 3. What type of social media website is
activity. It will determine whether Pinterest?
the learners are equipped and A. Blogs & Forums C. Media Sharing
ready to face the task ahead B. Bookmarking site D. Microblogging
4. Which of the following types of social
media websites focuses on short
updates posted by the user?
A. Blogging C. Microblogging
B. Hashtagging D. Social Media
5. What is the online platform where you
can store your files online?
A. Google Drive C. PowerPoint
B. Photoshop D. YouTube
B. Establishing a purpose This lesson introduces varied To engage the students, share a real- Answer Yes, if you agree with the
for the lesson online platforms, sites, and content life scenario or news article related to statement, and No, if you disagree.
used by people in different settings Write your answer on the blank before
online safety, security, ethics, or
in practical and daily living. It also each number.
etiquette. Discuss the potential 1. My computer has an antivirus, so it
discusses different categories of consequences of not following these is okay to open most email
each online platform, their uses, standards and the impact it can have attachments like e-cards and video
and their advantages in connecting files.
on individuals and society as a whole.
with other people. 2. Your friend told you that his college
application was rejected because you
posted a video of him doing crazy
stuff at a party. You posted the video
several years ago but later took it
down to protect your friend's
reputation. Is it possible that the
college found the video?
3. You and your best friend play a lot
of video games. One time, she asks
you for your password so she can
help you level up and get in-game
money. She promises to keep your
password a secret. Is it okay to give
away your password?
4. You received an email stating that
your mother's bank account is going
to be forfeited if you do not respond to
the email. Is it safe to reply?
5. You forgot that your essay for
English class is due tomorrow. While
doing your research, you found a
website offering free essays.
6. There is a danger in posting
information about a future vacation.
7. Letting people know your birthday
is probably a must if you want to get
as many gifts as possible. But having
it in your profile makes you vulnerable
to identity theft.
8. If there is no copyright notice, it's
okay to copy a Web page.
9. Lurking is sometimes considered
impolite. It is the practice of reading
discussions without contributing to
10. Your cousin asked for your
fabulous zucchini cake recipe at the
last family function. While you're
sending it to him, you decide to e-mail
it to all 500 people in your address
book as well. It is an example of email
11. If someone insults and uses
offensive language towards you
online, you should reply in the same
12. If someone uses offensive
language online, always respond and
not worry as no one knows who you
are online.
13. It is ok to constantly give our
friends e-mail or items online which
they do not need.
14. Remember your audience. If you
are putting something on a web page
remember that everyone in the world
will have access to it.
15. You are responsible for your
actions on the internet.
C. Presenting examples/ Below are some sample payment Online Safety Workshop: Divide the
instances of the new transactions made online. Look students into small groups and assign
lesson closely and analyze them, then each group a specific professional
answer the questions below. track (e.g., engineering, business,
healthcare). Instruct the groups to
create a presentation or poster that
highlights the online safety practices
specific to their chosen track. They
should include examples, tips, and
guidelines for staying safe online while
pursuing a career in their chosen field.
Each group will present their findings
to the class.
D. Discussing new concepts 1. Where can you immediately After the presentations, facilitate a In this generation, people are
and practicing new skills send the money to other banks? class discussion on the similarities and dependent on the Internet. Like
#1 2. How much loan was paid differences in online safety practices how people socialize face to face,
through Dragon pay? across different professional tracks. we should follow etiquette at all
3. When was the bill due? Encourage students to identify times as it mirrors our personality.
4. How can you comfortably pay common principles and strategies that Being on different platforms, we
your Meralco bill? apply to all fields. should be aware of our actions
5. Which bank may be used by and protect ourselves at the same
OFWs and OWWA to pay for their time. Remember that once
membership? something has been shared
online, it cannot be deleted.
E. Discussing new concepts Different Types of Online Platforms Let us explore more of social applications Core Rules of Netiquette Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
and practicing new skills and platforms. Netiquette, or network etiquette, is The Internet offers its users many
#2 WEB SEARCH ENGINES concerned with the "proper" manner of benefits; one is the ease in which
It is a software system designed to Social Media communication in the online environment. information can be shared or
search for information on the World Social Media are forms of electronic Whenever you communicate in the virtual accessed, and in fact, this
Wide Web (WWW). The search results communication (as Websites for social world, consider the following "rules," "information sharing" capability is one
are generally presented in a line of networking and microblogging) through adapted from Virginia Shea's Core Rules of the reasons the Internet was
results referred to as Search Engine which users create online communities to of Netiquette. founded. So in the spirit of the
Results Pages (SERPs). share information, ideas, personal Internet's "founding fathers," share
Communication Services messages, and other content (as videos). what you know! When you post a
These are outsourced enterprise Rule 1: Remember the Human question and receive intelligent
communications solutions that can be Social Networking When communicating electronically, answers, share the results with
leased from a single vendor or What is the difference between social whether through email, instant message, others. Are you an expert at
provider. media and social networking? These are discussion post, text, or another method, something? Post resources and
forms of media. Essentially, social media practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others references for your subject matter.
is a platform for broadcasting information, as you would have others do unto you. You have recently expanded your
A Communications Service Provider whereas social networking is a platform for Remember, your written words are read by knowledge about a subject that might
(CSP) is a provider that transports communicating with one another. Social real people, all deserving of respectful be of interest to others? Share that as
information electronically and can media is a communication channel, communication. Before you press "send" well.
encompass public and private whereas, in social networking, or "submit," ask yourself, "Would I be okay
companies in telecom, internet, cable, communication has a two-way nature. with this if someone else had written it?" Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under
satellite, and managed services control
business. Even with the distinction being given, Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of What is meant by "flaming" and
Payment System some nuances can be pointed out. As an behavior online that you follow in real life "flame wars?" "Flaming is what
example of how they differ and yet While it can be argued that standards of people do when they express a
somewhat overlap, Facebook is a social behavior may be different in the virtual strongly held opinion without holding
networking site. You register and post your world, they certainly should not be lower. back any emotion." (Shea, 1994). As
profile, connect with friends, and comment You should do your best to act within the an example, think of the kinds of
on topics in a generally interactive way. laws and ethical manners of society passionate comments you might read
On that same social networking site, whenever you inhabit "cyberspace." Would on a sports blog. While "flaming" is
companies set up a presence and use you behave rudely to someone face-to- not necessarily forbidden in virtual
Facebook as a way to promote their brand face? On most occasions, no. Neither communication, "flame wars," when
It is any system used to settle financial and gain followers. should you behave this way in the virtual two or three people exchange angry
transactions through the transfer of world. posts between one another, must be
monetary value and includes the PLATFORM FOR ADVERTISING controlled, or the camaraderie of the
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace group could be compromised. Don't
institutions, instruments, people, rules, "Netiquette varies from domain to domain."
procedures, standards, and Facebook feed the flames; extinguish them by
(Shea, 1994) Depending on where you are guiding the discussion back to a more
technologies. Facebook advertising is picking up speed in the virtual world, the same written
in the business world. It uses social graph productive direction.
communication can be acceptable in one
and activities to pinpoint those who fall into area, where it might be considered Rule 8: Respect other people's
your buyer demographics, making inappropriate in another. What you text to privacy
Facebook ads incredibly useful. Facebook a friend may not be appropriate in an email Depending on what you are reading in
ads are more likely to bring in strong leads to a classmate or colleague. Can you think the virtual world, be it an online class
that are looking for your services. They of another example? discussion forum, Facebook page, or
help make sure your advertising budget is an email, you may be exposed to
not wasted on those who are not Rule 4: Respect other people's time and some private or personal information
interested in what you are offering. bandwidth that needs to be handled with care.
Advertising Platforms
Facebook makes your product or service Electronic communication takes time: time Perhaps someone is sharing some
It allows users to create and manage
put into the hands of the exact person who to read and time in which to respond. Most medical news about a loved one or
advertising campaigns, generate
wants it. people today lead busy lives, just like you discussing a situation at work. What
reports, and retrieve information about
do, and don't have time to read or respond do you think would happen if this
the ads, campaigns, and organizations
PLATFORM FOR HASHTAGGING to frivolous emails or discussion posts. As information "got into the wrong
associated with an account.
a virtual world communicator, it is your hands?" Embarrassment? Hurt
With the advent of technology, these
Twitter responsibility to make sure that the time feelings? Loss of a job? Just as you
types of payments are now being done
Twitter is a fast-paced, concise, and easy spent reading your words isn't wasted. expect others to respect your privacy,
through online transactions. It has
way to connect with your audience. Make your written communication so should you respect the privacy of
made payments and sending or
With over 310 million registered users meaningful and to the point, without others. Be sure to err on the side of
(and growing), Twitter is a sea of extraneous text or superfluous graphics or caution when deciding to discuss or
money more comfortable, convenient,
information of 140 characters or less attachments that may take forever to not to discuss virtual communication.
less hassle, and not time-consuming
content waiting to be read, clicked,
for people. followed, and re-tweeted. When marketing download. Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Payment transactions are useful in on Twitter, you need to have content that Like in face-to-face situations, there
many ways. These are: is enticing to stop and click through. Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
are people in cyberspace who have
1. Cash (bills and change) People are usually scrolling quickly, to One of the virtual world's best things is the
more "power" than others. They have
It is one of the most useful ways to use take more than just a simple text to stop lack of judgment associated with your
more expertise in technology or have
for any purchase. them in their tracks. Make sure when you physical appearance, the sound of your
years of experience in a particular
2. Personal checks (US check) It is are constructing your tweets, you are voice, or the clothes you wear (unless you
skill or subject matter. Maybe it is you
ordered through one's account. making people want to click through. post a video of yourself singing Karaoke in
who possesses all of this knowledge
3. Debit Card When using this, the a clown outfit.) The quality of your writing
and power! Just remember: knowing
buyer takes the money directly out of PLATFORM FOR GROUPING will judge you, so keep the following tips in
more than others do or having more
his account. mind:
power than others may have does not
LinkedIn Always check for spelling and grammar give you the right to take advantage
LinkedIn is different from the rest of the errors of anyone. Think of Rule 1:
social media outlets because it is specially Remember the human.
designed for businesses and Know what you're talking about and state it
professionals. Users mainly go to LinkedIn clearly Rule 10: Be forgiving of other
to showcase their job experience and people's mistakes
professional thoughts, making it one of the Be pleasant and polite Not everyone has the same amount
most important platforms to use for those of experience working in the virtual
in B2B. world. And not everyone knows the
LinkedIn is a valuable tool not only for rules of Netiquette. At some point,
driving traffic but prospecting, establishing you will see a stupid question, read
thought leadership, as well as recruiting. an unnecessarily long response, or
encounter misspelled words; when
PLATFORM FOR TEACHING this happens, practice kindness and
forgiveness as you would hope
YouTube someone would do if you had
YouTube is the leading video-sharing committed the same offense. If it's a
platform in the world. On your channel, minor "offense," you might want to let
your brand can share and edit videos, it slide. If you feel compelled to
create playlists, and prompt discussions. respond to a mistake, do so in a
private email rather than a public

Pinterest is one of the unique marketing
platforms on this list. Instead of posting
content for your audience to read, on
Pinterest, you will post just a clickable
picture and a short
F. Developing Mastery PINOYS TOP SOCIAL MEDIA USERS, Camus (2007)
(Leads to Formative Filipinos spend more time on social media sites than anyone else in the world, going
Assessment 3) online roughly 4 hours and 17 minutes a day, according to a report released last

US among bottom Half

Brazilians and Argentinians followed closely behind, spending 3 hours and 43
minutes and 3 hours and 32 minutes on social media, respectively, the report said.
The United States, where many of these social media layers were found, is among
the bottom half, with Americans spending an average of just 2 hours and 6 seconds
per day. The least active were the Japanese, who log on an average of just 40
minutes daily. “It’s probably due to the ame cultural dynamics that made us
the text messaging capital of world. said Ramon Isberto, spokesperson for
telecoms giant PLDT and Smart, referring to mobile phone text messaging in
the past decade that is now giving way to Internet-based applications.
“Filipinos like to keep in touch., Isberto said.

Slowest in Asia pacific

The Philippines’ social media usage was in stark contrast to its Internet speed. Fixed
broadband speed here is among the slowest in Asia-Pacific, while
mobile connections are among the fastest, according to the most recent
Akamai report. There appeared to be a relationship between poor
fixedbroadband speed and time spent on social media. The Philippines, Brazil,
and Argentina have an average fixed- line broadband speed of 4.2 megabits per
second (Mbps), 5.5 Mbps and 5 Mbps, respectively. The fastest was South
Korea, with 26.3 Mbps, and its citizens just spend about 1 hour and 11 minutes
a day on social media.
Internet use on the rise

According to the report, the Philippines’ internet and social media users grew by over
25 percent, up 13 million and 12 million over last year, respectively. Mobile was
also a fast-growing platform, accounting for 38 percent of all web traffic in
the country, up almost a third over 2016. The Philippines, so far, had a
social media penetration rate of 58 percent, higher than the average of 47
percent in Southeast Asia. Around the world, internet users grew 10 percent, or an
additional 354 million people, while active social media users jumped 21
percent, or an additional 482 million. Global active netizens using mobile
phones and other devices surged 30 percent or another 581 million people.

Complete the table below based on the data from the selection you have just read.
Social Media Users based on a Study
G. Finding practical With the constant advancement in Refer again to the table for social Real-life Problem: Present the Now it’s time to show your
applications of concepts technology, people can now utilize media users. Make a pie chart to show students with a real-life scenario creativity!
and skills in daily living internet to manage their bills the distribution of the number of hours where they need to apply online
online. Use your researching skills spent on social media sites by the safety, security, ethics, and etiquette Create a poster showing the
in identifying how to pay your different people mentioned in the standards. For example, ask them to Netiquette rules with examples of
Meralco Bill online. Provide the reading text. Describe your pie chart, imagine they are working in a how you can use them in your
step by step procedure. You may then send your work to your teacher’s company and have been asked to daily life, primarily online. The
use a separate sheet of paper for Facebook or Messenger account. create a social media policy that poster should use an interactive
this activity. ensures the safety and security of online tool like Canva, Glogster,
employees while maintaining ethical Piktochart, etc.
standards. Instruct them to work
individually or in pairs to develop a CRITERIA:
comprehensive policy document. Relevance to the topic 30%
Layout and design 40%
Originality 10%
Creativity 20%
Total 100%
H. Making generalizations Congratulations! You have just Abstraction: Introduce the concept of
and abstractions about finished this lesson. But before you online security and ethics. Discuss the
the lesson formally end this journey, kindly importance of protecting personal
collect all of your activities and information, respecting intellectual
create an online or a traditional property rights, and being responsible
portfolio to be submitted to your digital citizens. Provide examples and
teacher. The collection will serve as case studies to illustrate these
the memory of your concepts and encourage critical
comprehensive and enjoyable thinking and analysis.
journey with the subject:
Empowerment Technologies.
I. Evaluating learning Fill in the blanks with the concepts Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the 1.What are the potential risks of sharing Accomplish the items below using
learned to complete the statements best answer. Write your answer on a personal information online? (Answer: what you have learned from the Ten
below. separate sheet of paper. Identity theft, online scams, cyberbullying) Rules of
1.___________are sites that allow you 1.What is the online platform where you 2.True or False: Respecting intellectual Netiquette.
to connect with other people with the can store your files online? property rights means you can use any 1. In cyberspace, it is important to
same interest. A. Google Drive C. PowerPoint online content without permission. remember the ______________. “Do
2.It is an open source called B. Photoshop D. YouTube (Answer: False) unto others as you would have others
which was developed by Google for 2. What platform is used for advertising? 3.Fill in the blank: Online safety practices do unto you.”
free. A. Facebook C. Twitter should include regularly _______ your 2. Why are spelling and grammar
3.The _______ has revolutionized B. Instagram D. YouTube passwords. (Answer: Changing) crucial on the Internet?
connectivity and communication and 3. Which is specially designed for 4.Multiple Choice: Which of the following is 3. Is it okay to read other people's
helped people share their ideas more businesses and professionals? an example of ethical behavior online? files and emails without their
wildly. A. Google drive C. LinkedIn a) Cyberbullying permission? Why?
4.__________has made payments B. Instagram D. Photoshop b) Plagiarism 4. What do you need to be careful
easier and more convenient for 4. Which of the following is the operating c) Respecting others' privacy about if you are in control of a
people. system of Blackberry phones? d) Hacking network?
5.Google Drive, Viber, Facebook are A. Blackberry OS C. Symbian (Answer: c) Respecting others' privacy) 5. What should you do about a
examples of ___________. B. Candy D. Windows Mobile 5.Explain the importance of online newbie who continually makes the
6.The site that allows you to upload 5. Which site allows you to upload and etiquette in professional settings. (Answer: same error on the Internet?
and share media content like images, share media content like images and Online etiquette helps maintain respectful
music is called _________. music? and professional communication, builds
7.Mass media has contributed a lot in A. Facebook C. Twitter positive relationships, and enhances
_____ and _________. B. Pinterest D. YouTube reputation.)
8.________are now also used in smart 6. Which allows users to create and
TV’s like it was used in smartphones manage advertising campaigns, generate
before. reports and retrieve information about the
9. _________is the process by ads, campaigns, and organizations
which people and goods move associated with an account.
easily across borders. A. advertising platforms
10. ______ speed has become B. communication platform
slowest in most places in Asia. C. grouping platform
D. teaching Platform
7. Which electronic communication
platform is used for broadcasting
A. Microblog C. Social network
B. Social media D. YouTube
8. Which platform can be useful for
marketing tangible products?
A. Facebook C. Pinterest
B. Instagram D. Twitter
9. What type of social media website is
A. Blogs and Forums
B. Bookmarking site
C. Media Sharing
D. Microblogging
10. Which of the following is a
communication service provider in the
A. Lazada
B. Smart Telecommunication
C. Social Security System
D. Twitter
J. Additional activities for
application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learner who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared By: Checked By:


Subject Teacher Instructional Supervisor

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