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3000 BCE: Beginning of Minoan and Helladic


1300 BCE: End of Minoan civilization

1000 BCE: End of Mycenaean and Helladic civilization


7th-5th c. BCE: Major expansion of Greeks

through colonization (establishment of cities)
throughout the Mediterranean, and the Black

480 BCE: Greeks defeat the invading Persian

and enter the Classical era.

Athen city in 5th BCE


323 BCE: The death of Alexander the Great marks the beginning of the Hellenistic

Cleopatra and Antony

Oktavian August
( ( (
30 BCE: Octavian (later Augustus) defeats the army of Cleopatra and Antony at
Aktion in western Greece, and establishes Roman control over all the old Hellenistic
kingdoms. This event marks the end of the “Ancient Greece” era.

330 CE: Constantine the Great moves the

capital of the Roman Empire to the city of
Byzantium which her renames
Constantinople, thus marking the
beginning of the Byzantine Empire which
takes a “Greek” character in letters,
administration and commerce.

1453 CE: The fall of Constantinople to the

Ottoman Turks, marks the end of the
Byzantine Empire and the beginning of Ottoman
rule for the Greeks. Greeks play a major administrative and commercial role during
the Ottoman occupation.

1821 CE: The Greek revolution overthrows the Ottoman rulers and marks the
beginning of Modern Greece.

1832 CE: The Treaty of London reconginzes Greece as Independent country

1916 CE: Greece enters World War I on the side of the alies

1923 CE: Forced Christian/Muslim population exchange between Greece and


Greece independence war


1940 CE: Greece enters World War II on the side of the alies (German and Italian
occupation: 1941-1945)

1946 CE: Greek civil war until 1949

1981 CE: Greece joins the European Union as a full member

2001 CE: Greece
becomes a member of
the European Economic
and Monetary Union

Greece joins the European Union


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