Jowanna Narrative

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A Narrative Report

Submitted to the Faculty of College of Agriculture and Fisheries

Capiz State University
Pontevedra, Capiz

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirement for the Degree of





Republic of the Philippines

Capiz State University
Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Agriculture and Fisheries

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department


To Whom it May Concern:

This narrative report entitled “Work Immersion Home-based at Bailan,
Pontevedra, Capiz and in campus at Capiz State University – Pontevedra, Capiz”
was prepared by Joanna Marie O. Bicodo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering is hereby
recommended for acceptance.

Student Internship Program Coordinator

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of

Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering with a grade of __________.


BSABE Program Coordinator


College of Agriculture and Fisheries Dean

Republic of the Philippines

Capiz State University
Pontevedra, Capiz

College of Agriculture and Fisheries

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department


To Whom it May Concern:

This is to certify that Joanna Marie O. Bicodo, Bachelor of Science in
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering student, has completed the Industry Immersion
Program at Zoom meeting for four (4) weeks from June 20, 2022 to July 15, 2022, at
Home (Poblacion Swa, President Roxas, Capiz) and at BSABE Department, Capiz State
University Pontevedra Campus, Pontevedra Capiz from September 12, 2022 to January
13, 2023.

Student Internship Program Coordinator

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of

Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.


BSABE Program Coordinator


College of Agriculture and Fisheries Dean



Rationale of the Industry Immersion Program (IIP)/ Student Internship Program


Practical training, sometimes known as "on-the-job" training, is a component of

many different degree programmes. Its purpose is to acquaint students with the

professional world and the potential vocations in that area. The specific method of

instruction known as "hands-on experience" refers to the process through which an

employee gains new skills by actively participating in the tasks that need to be

accomplished. Students can put their theoretical knowledge and computational skills to

use in the real world through "on the job training," which places them in a variety of

settings where they can apply what they've learned in the classroom. This is one way to

help students put what they've learned in the classroom into practise. In addition, students

profit from the opportunity to apply what they study in a real-world environment where it

is expected of them.

OJT is essential not just because it teaches students about their chosen career path

but also because it exposes them to the realities of working in that field. The students will

have first-hand experience working on activities that are directly related to the study

material they are currently enrolled in. It's a terrific method for newcomers to make some

cash while they get their feet wet in the industry. While working in the field of his choice,

the trainee has the opportunity to put what he has learnt in school into action. Helps the

learner improve their skills by providing guidance and support. When a learner possesses

the requisite skills, it is inevitable that he will be successful, and he will. As a


consequence of following these instructions, an individual's degree of professionalism

when interacting with other people will increase.

When it comes to effectively preparing the workforce of the future, on-the-job

training is absolutely necessary. As the students go back to their regular occupations,

every piece of knowledge they picked up during their On-the-Job Training will come in

extremely helpful for them. Academics and life skills will both be taught to the students

during their time at this school. They won't experience any problems with the flow of

their work or the relationships they have with others. In addition, the trainee has the

opportunity to completely submerge himself in the subject matter that most piques his

interest. As a result, he is able to get significant experience and the capacity to build

abilities that are particular to the career path that he hopes to pursue. One can gain first-

hand experience of how things should be done by supporting more experienced

personnel.Aside from work experience, On-the-Job Training allows the trainee to get

acquainted with the real professionals and to meet people having different positions in the

company, either high or low. The trainee will be able to know how to adjust to other

people's personalities and attitudes.

Students majoring in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering can benefit greatly

from participating in an Industrial Immersion Program (IIP) or Student Internship

Program (SIP). Student internships was held at Capiz State University-Pontevedra

Campus due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic in order to ensure the students' safety.

Students are able to hone their work ethic, acquire practical knowledge, practise problem-

solving skills applicable to their chosen ABE career path, and become accustomed to a

wide range of machinery, handling, and activities.


Objectives of the IIP/SIP

Based on the SIP objectives of CapSU Article 2, Section 6 of CMO 104 Series of

2017; Specifically, this student internship program has the following objectives:

1. Enrich the degree programs of CAPSU to respond the needs of the industry;

2. Promote mutually supportive industry academe collaboration/linkages; and

3. Strengthen career guidance. The duration requirement is 240 hours with at least

160 hours actual industry engagement.

Time and Place of the IIP

Prior to the start of the on-the-job training, the terms and conditions of the student

internship programme were communicated via a brief seminar and meeting. As a result of

the threat posed by COVID-19, our IIP, which was initially scheduled to take place over

the summer break of the school year 2021-2022, has been pushed back to September 5,

2022, and will continue until January 13, 2023, a duration of 18 weeks upon the

agreement between the SIP/IIP coordinator and the interns/students. An on-campus face-

to-face meeting on September 7, 2022 was held at Capiz State University Bailan,

Pontevedra, Capiz. The Industry Immersion Programs is divided into two categories

namely; in-campus and home-based activities. in-campus consists of cleanup drive,

landscaping, training and seminars and the Home-based activities includes project plan where the

students designed an agricultural buildings and structures.


Chapter II


This chapter discusses the methods that the trainee utilized in order to obtained

information on all activities, such as home-based immersion, orientation, planning, and

agricultural structure design plan. Participation in immersive activities on campus, pre-

deployment orientation, document gathering, reporting, preparation, and processing for

IIP Coordinator approval.

The In - Campus

Pre - Deployment Orientation

The IIP coordinator, Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo held a face-to-face orientation at

the BSABE Department to brief the trainees on the prerequisites for the IIP/SIP, and
orient the trainees for the rules and important information, such as how to act, who is in
charge of each group, instructions, and other details. In addition, Engr, Arroyo briefed us
on the planned schedules and assignments for the duration of our work immersion that
started on September 7, 2022.

Procurement of Documents

In order to participate in the internship, the IIP coordinator, Engr. Catherine B.

Arroyo, had us all sign a student internship agreement and obtain parental authorization
during the pre-deployment orientation. Internship participants are also expected to keep a
journal detailing their progress, challenges met, and solutions implemented, as well as
any feedback they get from their assigned mentors each week. They must also turn in
their Daily Time Record (DTR), which details when they reported for and left shifts.
Internship students have also been assigned to work in groups under the supervision of
specific instructors to help with the preparation of papers required for level 4

Preparing and Processing for the Approval of the IIP

The IIP Coordinator meticulously went through each intern's requirements and
legal documents to ensure they had met all of the internship's requirements and were in
compliance with all relevant laws. The IIP coordinator performed a comprehensive
quality assurance inspection on each and every one of the aforementioned prerequisites
and supporting documents.

Reporting in the IIP Coordinator

The trainee was required to report to the IIP coordinator at Capiz State
University's Pontevedra Campus every Wednesday of the week throughout the duration
and allotted time of the work from September 7, 2022, to January 13, 2023.

Face to Face Work Immersion Activities

The trainee completed a wide variety of things during the on-campus work

immersion. This includes clean-up drive or beautification of our department, encoding

and scanning documents for accreditation, making reports, and attending seminars and

trainings relevant to our field, as well as a seminar and presentation of various equipment

used in engineering surveying.

In-Campus Work Immersion Activities

Administrative Work

The intern students were instrumental in obtaining the level 4 accreditation. The

interns are divided into four groups of six to seven individuals each, which are then given

to faculty members for assistance with accreditation-related matters. Interns were

required to help their assigned supervisors with the administrative tasks and paperwork

that come with doing their work. They put in extra hours to get everything done and do

menial tasks including typing, compiling, scanning, and printing.

Clean-up Drive

Interns are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the areas surrounding

the Engineering Department for the duration of the first two weeks of the face-to-face

immersion. The interns who are on duty are instructed to clean up the area around

them. The front and back offices of the engineering department are among the spaces that

require a thorough cleaning. In addition to that, the "tambayan" rooms of the interns—the

places where they rest and keep their belongings—need to be cleaned. The engineering

shop where various machines are displayed was also cleaned.

We are also involved in preparing venues for intramural sports events. BSABE

instructor Engr. Marty Delfin had us, interns use mohons to measure and mark off

sections of the school's field. Engineer. To prepare for upcoming tournaments, students

also painted lines on the basketball and volleyball courts.


A two-day workshop was held in FADC Hall at Capiz State University's

Pontevedra Campus on December 15 and 16, 2022, entitled "Paghugpong kag

Pagdihon," and was hosted by the Office of Research and Development of the said

university. As part of our work immersion experience, we were tasked with the

responsibility of attending a training session on prior art and patent research that is also

crucial at that time since we are about to write our thesis and is very important. There will

be seven different people speaking at the plenary session, including Dr. Diego M.

Malones, Dr. Francis Belle D. Lampong, Dr. Kenny John P. Ballera, and Dr. Cleo S.

Villanueva. During the morning session in the plenary talks, Dr. Conception P. Ponce and

Prof. Steve Turita Jr., Project leaders of Nanotechnology Research, UP Visayas, their

insights and knowledge specifically related to their field of interest. They also share some

tips or topics that we can conduct for our thesis. In the afternoon session, the speaker

includes Prof. Kris B. Roxas, Prof. Leah B. Yakit, and Prof. Cleo S. Villanueva. Engr.

Francis Belle D. Lampong, Engr. Kenny John P. Ballera, and Dr. Diego M. Malones,

respectively discuss prior art and patent search methods and information. We were given

an activities to accomplish in the first day of the seminar and we presented it to everyone

at the afternoon of the second day of the seminar.


One of the requirements of the Industry Immersion Program is that you have to

write reports. Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo noted assigning each student intern a different

chapter to read and report during the pre-deployment orientation. She emailed us a file or

documents that contains informations regarding the Industry Immersion program or IIP

and the the topics that are assigned to us individually on September 2, 2022. The topics

that the student interns are expected to report is all about topics related to farm building

construction, environmental control of agricultural buildings, and housing systems. We

were also tasked to turn in a Soft copy of our Word document and a Powerpoint

Presentation of our topic prior to the start of reporting. The reporting commence with Ms.

Champhagne Diaz, where she report the topic about structural lumber and plywood on

October 02, 2023 at the BSABE department of Capiz State University- Pontecvedra

Campus since we were already allowed to conduct a face-to-face class.


Unfortunately, some of us, including me was not able to report since the semester

ended before we can report our topics. We were tasked to compile our files and comply

to Engr. Catherine Arroyo for that matter.


The home-based requirement is a part of the programme to learn about a certain

industry. Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, who is in charge of the IIP, told the interns that they

would do their work immersion at home by designing structures for agriculture. Each

intern got to choose which design of the Agricultural Structures they liked best. Students

must pass architectural plans that have two sections, four elevations, roof framing, a floor

plan, and a foundation plan.


The Home-based Industry Immersion Program is a part of students’ requirement

for the course matter. As part of this, they must be guided and be informed about the

different formats and instruction of the program. Due to this, on September 2, 2022, the

IIP Coordinator, Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, the IIP coordinator conducted a face-to-face

orientation informing the BSABE 4 students about their home-based and in-campus work



The IIP's coordinator, Engr. Catherine B. Arroyo, provided the student interns

with a comprehensive itinerary for their work immersion experience. She instructed us to

complete the following by Week 9 (October 1–November 4, 2022): a floor plan, four (4)

elevations, two (2) sections, a foundation plan, and a roof framing.



At the end, the experiences that we, students had during the industry immersion course

prepared us with crucial abilities that we can apply in the real world to help us become

graduates and professionals who are globally competitive. During the course of the

industry immersion program, The IIP coordinator will assess the our progress in several

areas: work habits; work skills; and social skills.

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