Waldemar Henrique - Amazon Songs Translations

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Foi Boto, Sinhá!

It Was Boto, Ma’am!

1) Tajápanema chorou no terreiro

Tajápanema cried in the backyard

2) E a virgem morena fugiu no costeiro.

and the virgin brunette fled in the coastal boat.

3) Foi Boto, Sinhá! Foi Boto, Sinhô!

T´was Boto, ma´am! T´was Boto, Sir!

4) Que vêio tentá e a moça levou

that has come to tempt and the girl has took

5) No tar dansará aquele dotô.

to that ball, that gentleman,

6) Foi Boto, Sinhá! Foi Boto, Sinhô!

t´was Boto, ma´am! T´was Boto, Sir!

Literal translation: Tajapanema cried in the yard, and the virgin brunette fled in a coastal boat. It was
the Boto, ma’am! It was the Boto, sir! He seduced her, and carried her to that ball, that fine
gentleman. It was the Boto, Ma’am! It was the Boto,Sir!

7) Tajápanema se pôs a chorar.

Tajapanema began to cry.

8) Quem tem filha moça é bom vigiar!

Who has daughter virgin is good to watch!

9) O Boto não dorme no fundo do rio!

The Boto doesn’t sleep at the bottom of the river!

10) Seu dom é enorme. Quem quer que o viu

His gifts are enormous. Whoever that him saw

11) Que diga, que informe se lhe resistiu.

may say it, may inform if him resisted.

Literal translation: Tajapanema began to cry. Whoever has a virgin daughter must watch over her!
The Boto never sleeps on the riverbed. His power is tremendous! Whoever has seen him, please
say, please inform if is possible to resist.

Boto is a Portuguese name given to several types of dolphin and river dolphin native to the Amazon
and the Atlantic coastlines of South America. People living in the interior of the state of Amazonas,
throughout the Amazon River Basin, believe that their daughters get pregnant as a result of the
irresistible enchantment of the botos, who have the power to transform into human form and ascend
onto dry land. (Tufano, 1993)

Source of translation, text and phonetics:

Music Doctorate Thesis by Lenine Alves dos Santos
Universidade Estadual Paulista (São Paulo State University)
Web link: http://base.repositorio.unesp.br/handle/11449/104019
Tamba-tajá Tamba-Tajá
Text: Waldemar Henrique (1905 – 1995) Translation: Lenine Santos

Tamba-tajá me faz feliz Tamba-tajá1, make me happy!

Que meu amor me queira bem May my beloved love me back.
Que seu amor seja só meu de mais ninguém May her love be only mine, and nobody else’s.
Que seja meu, todinho meu, de mais ninguém

Tamba-tajá me faz feliz Tamba-tajá, make me happy!

Assim o índio carregou sua macuxi That’s how the Indian has carried his dead
Para o roçado, para a guerra, para a morte loved one
Assim carregue o nosso amor a boa sorte To the plantation, to war and to death.
That’s how I want you to carry my good
Tamba-tajá me faz feliz fortune.
Que mais ninguém possa beijar o que beijei
Que mais ninguém escute aquilo que escutei Tamba-tajá, make me happy!
Nem possa olhar dentro dos olhos que olhei May nobody else kiss who I have kissed!
May nobody else hear what I have heard,
Or look into the eyes into which I have looked.

Plant from the Amazon region which people believe has
magical powers.
Uirapuru Uirapuru
Text: Waldemar Henrique Translation: Marcos Krieger

Certa vez de montaria Once I was travelling in a dugout canoe

Eu descia um "paraná" down a river
O caboclo que remava The man who was rowing
Não parava de falar, ah, ah Did not stop talking, oh, oh
Que caboclo falador! What a talker he was...

Me contou do "lobisomen" He told me about the werewolf,

Da mãe-d'água, do tajá About the Mother of Waters (mermaid), and the
Disse do juratahy magic-plant Tajá
Que se ri pro luar, ah, ah He spoke about the bird Juratahy
Que caboclo falador! That laughs to the moon, oh, oh
What a talker he was...
Que mangava de visagem
Que matou surucurú He made fun of visions
E jurou com pavulagem He said he killed the surucurú snake
Que pegou uirapuru, ah, ah And he swore with bravado
Que caboclo tentadô That he caught the elusive bird Uirapuru, oh, oh
What a temptation he was...
Caboclinho, meu amor
Arranja um pra mim -- Rowing-man, my dear,
Ando roxa pra pegar -- please find such a wren for me
Unzinho assim... -- I am dying to catch one
-- just like that...
O diabo foi-se embora
Não quis me dar The poor devil went away
Vou juntar meu dinheirinho without giving the Uirapuru to me
Pra poder comprar I will save my money
to buy one.
Mas no dia que eu comprar
O caboclo vai sofrer But, whenever I buy one,
Eu vou desassossegar This man will suffer,
O seu bem querer, ah, ah because I shall disturb
Ora deixa ele pra lá... his beloved one.
Well, let's put him aside for now…

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