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Project Report: Cyberbullying Tweet Classification

1. Introduction

Cyberbullying has become a prevalent issue in online communities, leading to negative impacts on mental
health and well-being. This project aims to develop an AI model for the classification and detection of
cyberbullying tweets, contributing to the creation of a safer online environment.

2. Methodologies

2.1 Data Collection

 Obtained a dataset of cyberbully tweets from various sources, ensuring diversity and
 Manually labeled the dataset to distinguish cyberbullying tweets from non-cyberbullying
2.2 Data Preprocessing
 Cleaned and preprocessed the tweet text by removing stopwords, special characters,
mentions, and URLs.
 Converted the preprocessed text into numerical features using techniques like Bag of Words
or TF-IDF.

2.3 Model Selection and Training

 Selected machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest, Support Vector Machine
(SVM), or deep learning models for tweet classification.
 Trained the selected model on the preprocessed dataset, tuning hyperparameters as needed.
2.4 Evaluation
 Evaluated the trained model's performance using appropriate metrics such as accuracy,
precision, recall, F1-score, and confusion matrix.
 Conducted cross-validation to assess the model's generalization capability.

2.5 Real-Time Detection

 Implemented a function for real-time detection of cyberbullying tweets using the trained
 Tested the real-time detection function with example tweets to validate its effectiveness.

3. Findings

 The trained model achieved promising results in classifying cyberbullying tweets, with
accuracy exceeding X% on the testing dataset.
 Real-time detection demonstrated the model's ability to identify cyberbullying content in new
tweets, providing a proactive approach to addressing online harassment.
4. Challenges

 Data Quality: Ensuring the quality and reliability of the labeled dataset posed challenges
due to the subjective nature of cyberbullying classification.
 Feature Engineering: Selecting and engineering relevant features from tweet text while
preserving contextual information required careful consideration.
 Model Generalization: Ensuring that the trained model generalizes well to unseen data and
different online platforms was a challenge, necessitating robust evaluation techniques.

5. Conclusion

The development of an AI model for cyberbullying tweet classification presents promising opportunities for
fostering a safer online environment. Despite challenges in data quality, feature engineering, and model
generalization, the project demonstrates the feasibility of leveraging machine learning techniques to address
cyberbullying effectively.

6. Future Work

 Enhance the model's performance by exploring advanced feature engineering techniques and deep
learning architectures.
 Incorporate user-level features and contextual information to improve the model's understanding
of cyberbullying dynamics.
 Deploy the trained model as a part of social media platforms' moderation systems to detect and
mitigate cyberbullying in real-time.

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