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Chapter 22 - Agriculture 5.

Agricultural activity results in

which of the following type of
1. Biological assets are living asset? Biological asset and
animals or living plants and agricultural produce
must disclosed as a separate 6. Agricultural activity includes all of
line item in the statement of the following, except Ocean
financial position. fishing
2. Which statement is true about 7. Agricultural produce is the
biological assets harvested product from
a. Biological assets are biological asset.
measured at fair value less 8. Agricultural produce as it grows
cost of disposal on bearer plants is measure at
b. When fair value cannot be year-end prior to harvest at Fair
determined reliably, the value less cost of disposal.
biological asset shall be 9. Agricultural produce harvested is
measured at cost less measured at fair value less cost
accumulated depreciation of disposal at the point of
and impairment loss harvest.
c. There is a presumption 10. The harvested agricultural
that the fair value of produce is
biological asset can be a. Accounted for as inventory
measured reliably b. Initially recognized at fair
d. All of these statements value less cost of disposal
are true about biological c. Recorded as gain from
assets. change in fair value
3. It is the management by an entity d. All of these are correct
of the biological transformation about harvested
and harvest of biological assets agricultural produce.
for sale or for conversion into
agricultural produce or into 1. A bearer plant is a living plant
additional biological assets. that
Agricultural activity a. Is used in the production
4. Biological transformation results or supply of agricultural
from asset changes through all of produce.
the following, except b. Is used to bear produce for
a. Growth more than one period
b. Degeneration c. Has a remote likelihood of
c. Procreation being sold as agricultural
d. Production of produce, except for
agricultural produce incidental scrap sales.
d. Must possess all of b. The prevailing view is that
these characteristics the fair value of
2. All of the following can be agricultural produce at the
considered a bearer plant, except point of harvest can
grape vine always be measured
3. According to IASB, bearer plants reliably
are accounted for as Property, c. The fair value
Plant, and Equipment measurement of
4. According to IASB bearer plant agricultural produce stops
are accounted for as Biological at the time of harvest
Assets d. All of these statements
5. Animals related to recreational are true regarding
activities are classified as agricultural produce.
Property, Plant, and Equipment 5. Where the fair value of the
biological asset cannot be
1. Generally speaking, biological determined reliably, the biological
assets relating to agricultural asset is measured at cost less
activity shall be measured using accumulated depreciation and
a fair value approach accumulated impairment loss.
2. Which of the following is unlikely 6. Which of the following information
to be used in fair value shall be disclosed in relation to
measurement of biological asset? biological asset and agricultural
External independent valuation produce? The aggregate gain or
3. An entity had a plantation forest loss arising on the initial
that is likely to be harvested and recognition of biological asset
sold in 30 years. The income and agricultural produce and
shall be accounted for in which of from the change in fair value
the following? Income shall be less cost of disposal of
measured annually and biological asset.
reported using a fair value 7. A gain or loss arising on the initial
approach that recognizes and recognition of a biological asset
measures biological growth. and from a change in the fair
4. Which statement is true regarding value less cost of disposal of a
the agricultural produce? biological asset shall be included
a. In all cases, an entity shall in the profit or loss for the
measure agricultural period
produce at fair value less 8. Where there is a long aging or
cost of disposal at the maturation process after harvest,
point of harvest the accounting for such products
shall be dealt with by PAS 2, 4. A constructive obligation is an
Inventories obligation that is derived from an
9. Which of the following criteria entity’s action that an entity will
must not be satisfied before a accept certain responsibilities
because of past practice,
biological asset can be
published policy or current
recognized? An active market
for the asset exists. 5. It is an event that creates a legal or
10. Land that is related to agricultural constructive obligation because the
activity is measured in entity has no other realistic
accordance with PAS 16, alternative but to settle the
Property, Plant, and obligation. Obligating event
Equipment, or PAS 40, 6. An outflow of resources embodying
Investment property. economic benefits is regarded as
“probable” when the probability
1. All would be classified as that the event will occur is greater
than the probability that the event
biological assets, except egg
will not occur.
2. Which would be classified as
7. Where there is a continuous range
agricultural produce? apple of possible outcomes and each point
3. All are classified as agricultural in that range is a likely as any other,
produce, except sugar the range to be used is the Midpoint
4. Which would be classified as a 8. When the provision involves a large
product after harvest? Cheese population of items the estimate of
5. All would be classified as product the amount reflects the weighting
after harvest, except carcass of all possible outcomes by their
associated probabilities.
CHAPTER 23 9. When the provision arises from a
1. Which is the correct definition of a single obligation, the estimate of the
provision? B. A liability of amount is the individual most
uncertain timing or amount likely outcome
2. A provision shall be recognized as 10. Which statement is incorrect where
liability when an entity has a the expenditure required to settle a
present obligation as a result of a provision is expected to be
past event, it is probable that an reimbursed by another party? The
outflow of resources embodying reimbursement shall not be
economic benefits will be treated as separate asset but
required to settle the obligation “netted” against the estimated
3. A legal obligation is an obligation liability for the provision.
that is derived from all of the 11. Which statement is not true in
following except: D legislation, a relation to the measurement of a
contract other operation of law, an provision? Gains from expected
established pattern of past disposal of assets shall be taken
into account in measuring a d. Fundamental
provision. reorganization of an entity
12. Provisions shall be discounted if the that has an immaterial and
effect of the time value of money is insignificant impact on the
material. Which of the following is operations
incorrect regarding the discount 18. Which is a cost of restructuring?
rate? Is a post-tax discount rate Cost of relocating business
13. Which statement is incorrect activities from one location to
concerning recognition of a another
provision? Provisions shall be 19. It is the abusive practice of
recognized for future operating manipulation and creative
losses. accounting by dumping all kinds of
14. It is a contract in which the provisions under the banner of
unavoidable costs of meeting the provision for restructuring Big bath
obligation under the contract exceed provision
the economic benefits to be received 20. For which of the following should a
under the contract. Onerous provision be recognized?
contracts Obligations for plant
15. The unavoidable costs under an decommissioning costs
onerous contract represent the “least 21. Provisions shall be recognized for all
net cost of existing from the of the following, except
contract” which is equal to lower of a. Cleaning-up costs of
the cost of fulfilling the contract contaminated land when an
or the penalty arising from failure oil entity has a published
to fulfill the contract. policy that will undertake to
16. This is defined as a structured clean up all contamination
program that is planned and that it causes.
controlled by the management that b. Restructuring costs after a
materiality changes either the scope binding sale agreement has
of a business of an entity or the been signed.
manner in which that business is c. Rectification costs relating to
conducted. Restructuring defective products already
17. Examples of events that qualify as sold.
restructuring include all of the d. Future refurbishment costs
following except: due to introduction of a
a. Sale or termination of new computer system.
business 22. An entity is closing one of its
b. Closure of business location operating divisions, and the
in a region or relocation of conditions for making restructuring
business from one location to provision have been met. The
another closure will happen in the first
c. Change in management quarter of the next financial year. At
structure such as elimination the current year-end, the entity has
of a layer of management announced the formal plan publicly
and is calculating the restructuring 28. An entity received notification of
provision. Which of the following legal action against the entity. The
costs should be included in the attorneys determined that it is
restructuring provision? probable the entity will lose the suit
Contractually required costs of and the loss can be estimated
retiring staff being made reliably. How should the estimated
redundant from the division-being loss be reported? As a loss in the
closed income statement and a provision
23. An entity operates chemical plants. in the statement of financial
Its published policies include a position.
commitment to making good any 29. A contingent liability is an event
damage cause to the environment which is not recognized because
by the operations. It has always it is not probable that an outflow
honored this commitment. Which of will be required or the amount
the following scenarios would give cannot be reliably estimated.
rise to an environmental provision? 30. The likelihood that the future event
The government has outlined will or will not occur can be
plans for a new law requiring all expressed by a range of outcome.
environmental damage to be Which range means that the future
rectified. event occurring is very slight?
24. An entity has been served a legal Remote
notice at year-end by the 31. Which statement is incorrect
Department of Environment and concerning a contingent liability? A
Natural Resources to fit smoke contingent liability is both
detectors in its factory on or before probable and measurable.
middle of the next year. The cost of 32. Which statement is incorrect
fitting smoke detector can be concerning a contingent asset? A
measured reliably. How should the contingent asset is only disclosed
entity treat this at year-end? Ignore when the occurrence of the future
this for purposes of the financial event is possible or remote.
statements at year-end 33. An entity did not record an accrual
25. A provision is an event which is for a present obligation but disclose
probable and measurable. the nature of the obligation and the
26. Which of the following would not range of the loss. How likely is the
considered a “provision”? Note loss? Reasonably possible
payable 34. A present obligation that is probable
27. In calculating present value in a and for which the amount can be
situation with a range of possible reliably measured should be
outcomes all discounted using the accrued by debiting an expense
same interest rate, the expected account and crediting a liability
present value would be the sum of account
probability-weighted present 35. An entity has a self-insurance plan.
values Each year, the entity appropriated
retained earnings for contingencies
in an amount equal to insurance disclosed but not recognized in
premiums saved less recognized the statement of financial
losses from lawsuits and other position.
claims. As a result of an accident in 42. At the year-end, an entity was suing
the current year, the entity is a a competitor for patent infringement.
defendant in a lawsuit in which it The award from the probable
would probably have to pay favorable outcome can be reliably
measurable amount of damages. measured. The entity’s financial
What are the effects of the lawsuit’s statements should report the
probable outcome on the entity’s expected award as disclosure only.
financial statements for the current 43. Contingent liabilities will or will not
year? An increase in both become actual liabilities depending
expenses and liabilities. on the outcome of the future
36. An appropriation of asset which is event.
imminent and for which the amount 44. A contingent liability shall be
of loss can be reasonably estimated recognized when the amount of the
should be accrued and disclosed. loss can be reliably measured and
37. An entity operates a plant in a it is probable prior to issuance of
foreign country. It is probable that financial statements than a
the plant will be expropriated. liability has been incurred.
However, the foreign government 45. How should a contingent liability be
has indicated that the entity will reported in the financial statements
receive a definite amount of when it is reasonably possible that
compensation for the plant. The the entity will have to pay the liability
amount of compensation is less than at a future date? As a disclosure
the fair value but exceeds the only.
carrying amount of the plant. The 46. Disclosure usually is not required for
contingent asset should be reported contingent losses that are remote
in the notes to the financial and can be reliably measured.
statements. 47. Reporting in the financial statements
38. Reserves for contingencies for is required for loss contingencies
general or unspecified risks should that are probable and can be
not be accrued in the financial reliably measured.
statements and need not be 48. Gain contingencies that are remote
disclosed. and can be reliably measured
39. Contingent assets are usually should not be reported or
recognized when realized. disclosed.
40. Which of the following is the proper 49. A contingent liability has a most
accounting treatment of a contingent probable value of zero but may
asset? A disclosure only require a payment if a given future
41. When the occurrence of a contingent event occurs.
asset is probable and the amount 50. Which of the following should be
can be reliably measured, the disclosed in the financial statements
contingent asset should be as a contingent liability? The entity
is involved in a legal case which it value of the bonds without
may possibly lose. the share warrants
51. What condition is necessary to 5. When bonds are issued with share
recognize an environmental liability warrants, a portion of the proceeds
The entity has an existing legal should be allocated to equity when
obligation and the amount of the the bonds are issued with
liability can be reliably measured. - Both detachable and
52. Which of the following is not nondetachable share
considered when evaluating whether warrants
or not to record a liability for pending 6. The proceeds from an issue of
litigation? The type of litigation bonds with share warrants should
involved. not be allocated between the liability
and equity components when
CHAPTER 24 - The proceeds should be
1. What is the principal accounting for allocated between liability
a compound instrument? and equity under all of
- The issuer shall classify these circumstances
the liability and equity
components of a 1. A bond convertible by the holder into
compound instrument a fixed number of ordinary shares of
separately as liability or the issuer is
equity. - A compound financial
2. How are the proceeds from issuing a instrument
compound instrument allocated 2. Convertible bonds
between the liability and equity - May be exchanged for
components? equity shares
- First, the liability 3. What is the main reason for issuing
component is measured at convertible bond
fair value, and then the - Entities can obtain
remainder of the proceeds financing at lower rate
is allocated to the equity 4. The major difference between
component. convertible bonds and bonds issued
3. When the cash proceeds from bonds with share warrants is that upon
issued with share warrants exceed exercise of the warrants
the fair value of the bonds without - The holder has to pay a
the warrants. The excess should be certain amount to obtain
credited to the shares
- Share premium - share 5. Convertible bonds
warrants - Allow an entity to issue
4. When bonds are issued with share debt financing at lower rate
warrants. The equity component is 6. What is the accounting for issued
equal to convertible bond
- The excess of the
proceeds over the fair
- The instrument should be 3. The “amortized cost” of bonds
recorded as part bond and payable means
part equity - Face amount plus premium
7. Issued convertible bonds are on bonds payable, minus
- Separated into liability and discount on bonds payable
equity components with and minus bond issue cost
the liability component 4. Which statement is true about the
recorded at fair value and fair value option measuring bonds
the residual assigned to payable
the equity component - The fair value of the bond
8. Bondholders exchange their and the principal obligation
convertible bonds for ordinary value must be disclosed
shares. The carrying amount of
these bonds was lower than market 1. Bonds that mature on a single date
value but greater than the par value are called
of the ordinary shares issued, if the - Term bonds
book value method is used, which of 2. Bonds issued with scheduled
the following correctly states an maturities at various dates
effect of the conversion - Serial bonds
- Shareholders’ equity is 3. Costs incurred in connection with the
increased issuance of ten-year bonds which
9. The conversion of bonds payable sold at a slight premium should be
into ordinary shares in commonly - Reported as a deduction
recorded by from bonds payable and
- Book value or carrying amortized over the ten-year
amount method bond term
10. When convertible bond is not 4. Unamortized debt discount should
converted but paid at maturity be reported as
- The carrying amount of the - Direct deduction from the
bond equal to face amount face amount of the debt
is derecognized 5. The issuer of a 10-year term bond
sold at par three years ago with
1. Bonds payable not designated at fair interest payable May 1 and
value through profit loss shall be November 1 each year, shall report
measured initially at at year-end
- Fair value minus bonds - Liability for accrued
issue cost interest
2. After initial recognition, bonds 6. When the interest payment dates of
payable shall be measured at a bond are May 1 and November 1,
- Either amortized cost and a bond issue is sold on June 1,
using the effective interest the amount of cash received by the
method or fair value issuer will be
through profit or loss
- Increased by accrued - The accrued interest is
interest from May 1 to June computed at the effective
1 rate
7. A bond issued on June 1 has - The accrued interest will
interest payment dates of April 1 and be paid to the seller when
October 1. Bond interest expense for the bonds mature
the current year ended december 31 - The accrues interest is
is for a period of extra income to the buyer
- Seven months - ALL OF THE STATEMENTS
8. A ten-year bond was issued at a ARE NOT TRUE
premium with a call provision to 4. Which statement is true about a
retire the bond. When the bond premium on bonds payable
issuer exercised the call provision on - The premium on bonds
an interest date, the call price payable decreases when
exceeded the carrying amount of the amortization entries are
bond. The amount of bond liability made until the balance
removed fromm the accounts should reaches zero at maturity
have equaled the date
- Face amount plus 5. The carrying amount of bond liability
unamortized premium is
9. How would the amortization of - Face amount of the bond
premium on bonds payable affect plus related premium or
each of the following minus related discount
- Carrying amount of bond - 6. The proceeds from the issue of the
decrease bonds payable
- Net income - increase - May be equal, more or less
10. How would the amortization of than the face amount
discount on bonds payable affect depending on market
each of the following interest rate
- Carrying amount of bond - 7. An extinguishment of bonds payable
increase originally issued at a premium is
- Net income - decrease made by purchase of the bonds
between interest dates, which
1. Debentures are statement is true at the time of
- unecured bonds extinguishment
2. When bonds are sold between - Any costs of issuing the
interest dates, any secured interest bonds must be amortized
is credited to up to the purchase date
- INTEREST payable - The premium must be
3. Which statement is true about amortized up to the
accrued interest on bonds sold purchase date
between interest dates? - Interest must be accrued
from the last interest date
to the purchase date
- ALL OF THESE settled deductible temporary
8. When bonds are retired prior to 4. When temporary difference will
maturity with proceeds from a new result in taxable amounts in future
bond issue, any gain or loss from the years a deferred tax liability is
early extinguishment should be recognized in the current year
- Recognized in retained 5. A deferred tax liability shall be
earnings recognized for all taxable
9. An entity neglected to amortize the temporary differences
discount on outstanding bonds 6. It is the deferred tax consequences
payable. What is the effect of the attributable to a deductible
failure to record discount temporary difference and operating
amortization on interest expense income loss carryforward deferred
and bond carrying amount, tax asset
respectively? 7. It is the amount of income tax
- Understated and payable in respect of the taxable
understated profit current tax expense
10. An entity neglected to amortize the 8. It is the aggregate amount included
premium on outstanding bonds in the determination of profit for the
payable. What is the effect of the period in respect of current tax and
failure to record premium deferred tax. tax expense
amortization on interest expense 9. The deferred tax expense is equal to
and bond carrying amount, increase in deferred tax liability
respectively? less the increase in deferred tax
- Overstated and overstated asset

Chapter 25 - Income taxes 1. It is the amount attributable to an

asset or liability for tax purposes Tax
1. Accounting for profit is The profit or base
loss for a period before deducting 2. A deferred tax asset shall be
tax expense recognized for all deductible
2. These are the differences that will temporary differences and operating
result in future taxable amount in loss carryforward when it is
determining taxable profit of future probable that taxable income will
periods when the carrying amount of be available against which the
the asset or liability is recovered or deferred tax asset can be used.
settled taxable temporary 3. In computing deferred tax asset or
differences liability, which tax rate is used?
3. These are differences that results in Enacted future tax rate
future deductible amount in 4. An entity shall offset a deferred tax
determining taxable profit in future asset and deferred tax liability when
periods when the carrying amount of income taxes are levied by the
the asset or liability is recovered or same taxing authority and the
entity has a legal enforceable
right to offset a current tax asset deferred tax expense or benefit
against a current tax liability equal to the
- Sum of the net changes in
1. Justification for the method of deferred tax asset and
determining periodic deferred tax deferred tax liability
expense is based on the concept of 7. Because an entity uses different
- Recognition of asset and methods to depreciate equipment for
liability accounting and income tax
2. Which of the following differences purposes, the entity has temporary
would result in future taxable amount differences that will reverse during
- Expenses or losses that the next year and add to taxable
are deductible before they income. Deferred taxes that are
are recognized in based on these temporary
accounting income differences should be classified in
3. A temporary difference which would the statement of financial position as
result in a deferred tax liability is - Noncurrent liability
- Excess of tax depreciation 8. A deferred tax liability is computed
over accounting using
depreciation - Current tax law unless a
4. A temporary difference which would future enacted tax law is
result in a deferred tax asset is different
- Rent received in advance 9. Which statement is true regarding
included in taxable income reporting deferred income taxes in
at the time of receipt but the financial statements?
deferred for accounting - Deferred tax asset and
purposes liability may only be
5. An entity, cash basis taxpayer, classified as noncurrent
prepared accrual basis financial 10. Which statement is correct about the
statements. In the year-end presentation of deferred tax asset
statement of financial position, the and liability?
deferred income tax liability - Deferred tax asset is netted
increased compared to the prior against deferred tax
year. Which of the following would liability if they relate to the
cause the increase in deferred tax same tax authority
- An increase in prepaid
insurance and increase in TULOY MO LANG YUNG HULI
rent receivable 1. The purpose of intraperiod tax allocation
6. An entity reported deferred tax asset is to
and deferred tax liability at the end - Recognize an asset or liability for
of the prior year and at the end of the tax consequences of
the current year. For the current temporary differences that exist at
year, the entity should report the end of the reporting period.
2. An item that would create a permanent
difference in the pretax financial income and
taxable income would be
- Paying firms for violation of laws
3. Intraperiod tax allocation
- Associates tax effect with
different items in the income
4. All of the following would require
intraperiod tax allocation, except
- Change in accounting estimate
5. Income tax expense should be allowed to
all of the following, except
- Gross profit
6. Which statement is true about intraperiod
tax allocation
- The purpose is to relate the
income tax expense to the items
which affect the amount of tax
7. Recognizing tax benefit in a loss year due
to a loss carryforward requires
- Creating a deferred tax asset
8. Which of the following is the most likely
item to result in a deferred tax asset?
- Unearned revenue
9. A deferred tax liability arising from the
use of an accelerated method of
depreciation for tax purposes and the
straight line method for financial accounting
- A noncurrent liability
10. Taxable income
- Differs from accounting
income due to differences
in interperiod tax allocation

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