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Annual Company-Sponsored Hajj and Umrah Program

Connecting Hearts, Nurturing Faith

Introduction: At [Company Name], we are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive

environment for all our Muslim employees. Our Annual Company-Sponsored Hajj and Umrah Program is
designed to provide a fair and accessible opportunity for eligible employees to embark on this sacred

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Employee Status:

 All confirmed Muslim employees are eligible to participate in the annual ballot for the
Hajj and Umrah program.

Application Process:

1. Balloting System:

 The program operates on a yearly basis through a transparent balloting system.

 Interested employees submit their names, and a random ballot determines the selected

2. Confirmation and Documentation:

 Selected employees will receive confirmation and detailed documentation from the HR

 Ensure that all required documents are submitted within the specified timeframe.

Financial Assistance:

1. All-Expenses Covered:

 [Company Name] will cover all expenses related to travel, accommodation, and
associated costs for the selected employees.

2. Paid Leaves:

 Employees participating in the program will be granted paid leave for the duration of
their pilgrimage.

Loan Assistance:

1. Spouse and Parents Coverage:

 In addition to the selected employees, [Company Name] extends the opportunity to

cover the expenses for the spouse or parents.

 A separate ballot will be conducted for the selected employee's spouse or parents.

2. Loan Terms:
 A loan facility is available to cover the expenses for the spouse or parents.

 The loan amount is limited to three (3) monthly salaries.

 Repayment will be spread over a period of two (2) years, ensuring a manageable
financial commitment.

Application and Repayment:

1. Loan Application:

 Employees interested in the loan facility must submit a separate application to the HR

 The loan application will be subject to approval based on the company's policies.

2. Repayment Terms:

 The loan will be repaid through monthly deductions from the employee's salary.

 The repayment period spans two (2) years.

Employee Responsibilities:

1. Document Submission:

 Selected employees and those availing the loan facility must promptly submit all
required documents.

 Failure to submit documents within the specified timeframe may result in forfeiture of
the opportunity.

2. Financial Responsibility:

 Loan recipients are responsible for managing their finances and ensuring timely

Confidentiality: All information related to the application, selection, and loan processes will be treated
with utmost confidentiality.

Review and Amendments: This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure fairness and relevance. Any
amendments will be communicated to all eligible employees.

Approval: This policy is approved by the HR Department and comes into effect on [Effective Date].

Next Review Date: [Insert Next Review Date]

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