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Physics Theory Solution

1 D) 1800
2 A) 0.12J
3 C) Vector and SI units A/m2
4 B) At any point inside the pipe is zero
5 A) diamagnetism
6 B) no current is induced
7 C) 4H
8 C) L and C
9 dE
A) 0ic + 0 0
10 C) Both (i) and (ii) are true
11 C) Same as the wave
12 D) Wavelength is negligibly small
13 B) Entire KE is converted into PE
14 D) Repulsive for distance r< 0.8fm
15 C) Neutral
16 Increasing
17 Decreasing
18 Diffraction
19 Helium
20 Greater
21 The total electric flux through a closed surface is 1/0 times the net charge enclosed by the
closed surface.
→ →

E = E .d S =
22 Point Outside
V 1 + V2 = 0
K x 5 x10 −8 K x 3 x10 −8
− =0
10 + x x
5 x10 −8 3 x10 −8
10 + x x
5x = 30 + 3x
2x = 30
x = 15 cm
a) If = 900, then F=qvB sin 900
F= qvB (maximum )

b) If =00 or 1800, then

F=0 (minimum)

24 Magnetic susceptibility(m).
It is the ratio of the intensity of magnetization M to the magnetizing field intensity H
Thus xm = H
It has no units.
Magnetization (M) .


It is the magnetic moment developed per unit volume of a material when placed in a magnetizing
field. It is a vector quantity.
M= V

25 Principle. Electromagnetic induction.

ε = NBA ω sinωt

26 1. Copper loss
2. Eddy current loss
3. Hysteresis loss
4. Flux leakage
5. Humming loss

27 1) UV-rays are used in the treatment of skin diseases and certain bone diseases.
2) They are used in production of vitamin D.
3) They are used in sterilization of air, water and surgical instruments in hospitals.
4) They are used to detect adulteration of food.
5) They are used to distinguish between real and artificial gems.
6) They are used to detect forged documents.
7) They are used to active rate of chemical reactions.
8) They are used in high resolving power microscopes.

28 It is defined as the tangent of the angle by refracted ray with the principal axis for which a lens
diverges or converges a beam of light falling on it at unit distance from the optical centre.
Where f is the focal length of the lens
: Unit of power of lens is diopter or D

29 Intrinsic Semiconductor Extrinsic Semiconductor

1. These are the pure semiconductors. These are the impure

2. Electron density is equal to the hole Electron density is not equal to the
density hole density.
3. Conductivity is low. Conductivity is high

4. Conductivity depends on the Conductivity depends on the

temperature temperature and also doping level.
5. Ex: Germanium Ex: Doped germanium

30 (i) Lines of force are continuous curves without any breaks.

(ii) No two lines of force can cross each other.
(iii) They start at positive charge and end at negative charge, they cannot form closed loops.
(iv) The relative closeness of the lines of force indicates the strength of electric field at
different points.
(v) They are always normal to the surface of a conductor.
(vi) They have a tendency to contract lengthwise and expand laterally.

31 Consider the electric field due to charge +q located at the origin O. Let A and B be two
adjacent points separated by distance dr. Let V and V + dV be the potentials at the two


The external force required to move the test charge q0 against the electric field E is

F = −q0 E
The work done to move the test charge from A to B is
W = F. dr cosθ = −q0 E.dr ,(θ =180 )
Also, the work is moving the test charge from A to B is
W = Charge x potential difference
= q0 (VB – VA) = q0 dV
- q0E. dr = q0.dV
E= −

32. Ohm's law is applicable when the temperature of the conductor is constant. Resistivity
changes with temperature.
The relation between voltage and current depends on the sign of voltage.
It does not apply to semiconductors, which do not have a direct current-voltage relationship.
33 Galvanometer can be converted into voltmeter by connecting a high resistance in series to it.

Let G = resistance of the galvanometer

Ig = the current with which galvanometer gives full scale deflection .
0 – V = required range of the voltmeter, and R = the
high series resistance which restricts the current to safe
limit Ig
Total resistance in the circuit = R + G
By Ohm’s law,

Ig = Potential difference
Total resisance R +G

R= - G.

34 1. They are feebly attracted by magnets.

2. Acquire feeble magnetization in the direction of the magnetizing field.
3. M is small and positive.
4. Tends to move slowly from weaker to stronger part of the field
5. A freely suspended paramagnetic rod aligns itself parallel to the field .
6. Susceptibility is small and positive 0  m ɛ where ɛ is small number

7. Slightly greater than 1  r 1+ ɛ   0

8. Susceptibility varies inversely as temperature; m  1/T


35 When a magnet is moved towards or away from a coil, the induced current always opposes the
motion of the magnet, as predicted by Lenz’s law.
When the north pole of magnet is brought closer to coil its face towards the magnet develops
north polarity and thus repels North Pole of magnet.

Similarly, when the north pole of the magnet is moved away from the coil, its face towards the
magnet develops south polarity and thus attracts the north pole of the magnet.
Work has to be done in moving the magnet towards or away from the coil. This work appears
as electric energy in the form of induced current.


The Cartesian sign convention used in the mirrors

1. All the distances are measured from the pole along the principal axis.
2. The distances measured in the direction of incident light are taken as positive.
3. The distances measured in the direction opposite to incident light are taken as negative.
4. The upward distances measured perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as positive.
5. The downward distances measured perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as
37 1. Nuclear concept. An atom consists of a small and massive central core, called nucleus
around which electrons revolve. The centripetal force required for their rotation is provided by
the electrostatic attraction between the electrons and the nucleus.

2. Quantum condition. The electrons permitted to circulate only in those orbits in which the
angular momentum of an electron is an integral multiple of ,
mvr = ,
3. Stationary orbits. While revolving in the permissible orbits, an electron does not radiate
energy. The non-radiating orbits are called stationary orbits.

4. Frequency condition If E1 and E2 are the energies associated with these permitted orbits,
then the frequency  of the emitted or absorbed radiation given by
( E2 − E1 )
= .
hv= E2 – E1

38 B.E = m x 931.5 MeV

B.E = 0.11236 x 931.5 MeV
B.E = 104.6 MeV


B.E / Nucleon = = 7.47 MeV
39 a. Polar dielectrics.
A molecule in which the centre of mass of positive charges does not coincide with the centre of
mass of negative charges is called a polar molecule.
Non-polar dielectrics.
A molecule in which the centre of mass of positive charges coincides with the centre of mass
of negative charges is called a non-polar molecule.

b. capacitor consists of two large plane Parallel conducting plates, separated by a small distance
d Let A = area of each plate,
  = uniform surface charge densities on the two plates
 Q =   A = total charge on each pate.
the electric fields due to the two charged plates add up. The net field is
  
E= + =
2 0 2 0  0
P.D. between the plates = Electric field x distance between the
V = Ed =
Capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor is
Q A  A
C = = C= 0
V d /  0 d
40 Consider two cells of emfs1 and 2 and internal resistance r1 and r2 are connected in series
between points A and C as. Shown in figure.
Let I be the current flowing through the series combination.

Let VA, VB, and VC be the potentials at points A, B and C respectively. The potential differences
across the terminals of the two cells will be
VAB = VA− VB = 1−lr1 and
VBC = VB− VC = 2− lr2
Thus the potential difference between the terminals A and C of the series combination is
= (VA−VC) + (VB− VC)
= (1 = Ir1) + (2− Ir2)
VAC = (1 + 2) −I (r1 + r2) ……………(1)
Replace the series combination by a single cell of emfeq and internal resistance req, then
VAC = eq−Ireq ………………….. (2)
Comparing (1) and (2)
eq = 1 + 2 and req = r1 + r2

41 Consider a circular loop of wire of radius ‘a’ and carrying current ‘I’, as shown in Fig.
Let the plane of the loop be perpendicular to the plane of paper.
Consider a point on the axis of the loop at a distance ‘x’ from centre of the loop


From Biot-Savart’s law, the field at point P due to the current element is
 Idl sin 
dB = 0 .
4 s2
→ → 0 Idl
since dl ⊥ s , i.e., =900  dB = .
4 s 2
the magnetic field dB can be resolved into two
rectangular components.

1. dB sin  along the axis,

2. dB cos  perpendicular to the axis

For any two diametrically opposite elements of the loop, the components perpendicular
to the axis of the loop will be equal and opposite and will cancel out.
Their axial components will be in the same direction, i.e., along CP and get added up.
 Total magnetic field at the point P
In the direction CP is
But sin = and
0 Idl sin 
dB = .
4 s2
0 I dl a
 B= . .
4 s2 s
0 Ia 0 Ia 0 Ia 2
B=  dl = .2a =
4s3 4s3 2s 3
  dl = circumfere nce = 2a]
Now s= (r2 + a2)1/2 ……from fig
B =
2(r 2 + a2 )3 / 2
0 NIa2
If the coil consists of N turns,then B= .
2(r 2 + a2 )3 / 2

42 interference of light
The phenomenon of redistribution of light energy due to the superposition of two or more light
Constructive interference:
Path difference
[The path difference between two waves is Δ =(λ/2π)  ]
For maxima,
Where n = 0, 1,2,3,………..
Destructive interference:
Path difference
For minima,
Δ = (2n-1) λ/2 where n = 1,2,3,………..
Uses of Polaroids.
Polaroids have several uses in daily life:
1. In sunglasses and camera filters to reduce the glare of light


2. In the wind screens and head lights of automobiles to reduce the glare of headlights of the
automobile coming from the opposite direction.
3. In the window panes of aeroplanes to control the amount of light coming in.
4. In three-D movies, Polaroid glasses produce the impression of depth or third dimension.
5. In liquid crystal displays or LCDs of watches, calculators and laptops.

43 1 2
Kmax = mvmax = hv − W0 ………..1
Here W0=hvo

1 2
Kmax = mvmax = hv − hv0 = h ( v − v0 ) …2
1) For a given metal, there exists a certain minimum frequency above which the photoelectric
effect takes place which is known as threshold frequency.
(2) Maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons increases as the frequency of the
incident light is increased keeping the number of incident photons to be fixed.
(3) Above threshold frequency, maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons depends only
on the frequency of incident light but is independent of the intensity of incident light.
(4) For a given metal and frequency of incident light, the rate at which the photoelectrons
ejected is directly proportional to the intensity of incident light. An increase in the magnitude
of the incident light increases the magnitude of the photoelectric current.
(5) The time lag between the incidence of photons and radiation of photoelectric effect is very
small, nearly 10−9 second.

44 13. It is a device, which converts a.c into d.c.

The circuit connections are made for full wave rectifier as shown in the circuit diagram.
The circuit contains ac source, step down centre tapped transformer (T), two diodes (D1 and
D2) and a load resistance (RL).

During positive half cycle of input a.c. the point A is positive with respect to the point
B. Then D1 is forward biased and D2 is reverse biased. Thus D1 allows current to flow through
the load RL from M to N.
During negative half cycle of a.c., the point A is negative with respect to the point B. Then D1
is reverse biased and D2 is forward biased. Thus D2 allows current to flow through load RL
from M to N.
Thus, the diodes allows the both positive and negative half cycles of input a.c. through RL in
the same direction (from M to N). Hence the diode acts as full wave rectifier.

45 1 q1
E1 =
4  o r


= 135 x10 4 N / C
1 q2
E2 =
4  o r
= 90 x10 4 N / C
E = E1 + E2
E = 225 x10 4 N / C
F = qE
F = 45 x103 N
46 KVL for ABDA
10I1 + 10Ig – 5I2 = 0  by 5
2I1 + 2Ig – I2 = 0 ------(1)
20(I1 – Ig) – 15 (I2 + Ig) – 10Ig = 0
20I1 – 20Ig – 15I2 – 151g – 102g = 0
20I1 – 45Ig – 15I2 = 0  by 5
4I1 – 9Ig – 3I2 = 0 ----- (2)
(1) x by 3
6I1 + 6Ig – 3I2 = 0
4I1 – 9Ig – 3I2 = 0
2I1 + 15Ig = 0 ------- (3)
10I1 + 20I1 – 20Ig = 10
30I1, 20Ig = 10  by 5
6I1 – 4Ig = 2 ------ (4)
(3) x by 3
6I1 + 45Ig = 0
6I1 – 4Ig = 2
49Ig = - 2
Ig = Ig = = −0.04 A
47 R = 6, L = 25 mH, C = 796 F, V = 250 v, f = 50 HR
XL = wL
= 2fL
= 2 x 3142 x 50 x 25 x 10–3
= 7855 x 10–3
= 7.855 
1 1
Xc = =
wC 2fC
2 x 3.142 x 50 x 796 x10 −6
= 3.99 
z = R 2 + (X c − X c )2
= 62 + (7.855 − 3.99)2
= 36 + 14.93
= 50.93
= 7.13


Power faction = cos 
= 0.84

48 h = 80 x 10–2 m
n = 1.33
sin c
1 1
sin c = =
n 1.33
c = sin (0.7518)
= 48.74
tan c =
r = h x tan c
= 80 x 10–2 x tan (48.7C1)
= 80 x 10–2 x 1.139
= 0.9112 m
= 91.12 cm


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